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Drunken Honesty


Because if they are being honest without the help from a drop or two of alcohol, their guts will never make it out to see the end of day where another possibility aside from losing a best friend you always have feelings for could happen: the said best friend might actually feel the same.

Chapter 1: Cat out of the bag


It feels so good to finally be back on writing my two favorite characters after some time! This one is rather simple, or so I hope, and since I’ve always wanted to try my luck on writing a modern AU, so here it is the story where Law and Robin are best friends who (naturally) have feelings for each other. Hope this is good enough for everyone to enjoy. Have a good time reading this <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



If there is one thing Trafalgar Law has learned to live with throughout his life, it is that he can never say ‘no’ to his best friend, the one he already knows for more than ten years. Whether it's just for the simplest thing like asking him to accompany her to a bookstores, or even for important stuff regarding life decisions. Law can't even begin to remember when exactly that started to happen, but for the life of him, he will never ever try to deny the wish of his best friend once she starts to ask.

But for someone who always admitted defeat in the face of said challenge, he defied himself quite well at the very moment.

“No, Robin, I can't.” He said for the nth time that evening, skimming through his book, trying to cram every single sentence containing all the necessary subjects that are going to appear in tomorrow’s test according to his professor, all while talking to someone on the phone.

Another thing he has learned all throughout his life befriending Nico Robin, his closest acquaintance for years, is that she is not a quitter.

Don't say you can’t, you just don't want to.” She sighed over the phone. He can imagine the girl flicking her hair out of frustration, playing with a pen in one hand impatiently while the other hand holding the phone, looking at the screen with resignation. He knows her enough to be able to foresee all her precise reactions.

“If you know that already, I don't see why I still have to explain myself.” He replied nonchalantly, earning another huff-ed from the girl he knew was very near her edge. Any minute now, if none of them gave up their argument soon, Robin might run from her dorm and banging on his room door until he yielded to her wish. It won't be the first time.

Just because I know your answer doesn't mean I can't change it.” She tsk-ed before whining, “Pleaaaaassseeee, come tomorrow Law.”

“I can't, Robin.” He answered firmly.

You heard me begging right? Is that not enough? ” Robin replied in disbelief.

At that, Law looks up from the book he holds and gives the slightest smirk, “It’s nice, but no.”

What if I said I will pick you up for a week every morning? ” She negotiated.

“My building is five minutes away from the dorm, yours is ten. You picking me up is not making any sense.” He argued.

Buy you breakfast for a week?

“I only drink coffee in the morning.” He still humored her, he knew that she knew he never had breakfast.

Clean your clothes for a week? ” She asked with a little uncertainty.

“Are you sure?”

Law can hear Robin get up in excitement, “ You will come?!

“You are smarter than that.” But he just messes with her, scoffing at the end of his answer.

Please Law, just come. ” She asked in another desperate voice.

Law just took another deep breath before answering, “I still have exams until next week Robin, you know that.”

It’s just for a night, you haven't come to any party this term and it won't kill you to have fun on the last one.” She retorts.

“It sure will. Kid is the host, you know the drill.” He shuddered after he said that. Kid, the party host tomorrow, the one occasion Robin’s been trying to convince him to come since last week, is another friend of his. He was nice, if not a little bit of an asshole. He always tries to get Law drunk at every party they attend together, because Law is always careful and never lets himself slip in too many drinks. He knows instantly if that dude is hosting a party and he comes there, Killer’s first mission of the night will be to get his ass wasted an hour after the party started.

Law can hear Robin exhaling once again, before she finally sounds defeated, “There is really no changing your mind this time then ?”

He tries to hide his triumph, for he rarely wins an argument with Robin. It was a rare occasion and he deserved to sound arrogant if he wanted to, but he doesn't feel it in his heart at the moment to boast about it. He will do it pretty soon when they meet, but not tonight, when she clearly realized she couldn't convince him for once. “No.” He just answered coolly, trying not to sound so cheerful with a sing-a-song voice.

I’ll miss you .” She grumbled under her breath, still loud enough for Law to hear through his speaker phone.

Ignoring the strange hiss in his heart upon hearing it, he replies back with a friendly note. “You’ll call me anyway if you get too drunk.”

I know, but it’s different from having you there with me, and everyone else.” Robin still complained.

Law smiles despite himself, especially entertained by Robin’s unusual whining that night. “Just make sure you don't drink with an empty stomach tomorrow. I’d hate to clean after your mess.”

Wise-ass .” She mocked.

His smile turns to a light laugh, greeting her with another friendly tone before he turns off their phone call because he really needs to focus on his study again if he wants to ace tomorrow’s test, “Have a good time there, Robin.”


Donning herself in a simple but pretty mid-length sleeveless red dress, Robin entered the building where the end of term party was held hand in hand with her roommate, Nami. They arrived quite late that night because Nami was fussing her hair for hours, trying a lot of different styles that can go well with her own red dress that perfectly fit her body, only to just let it be with a simple blow after all the trial and error. It’s a good thing Robin has a lot of patience whenever she faces her friend’s antics.

When they enter the party scene it already looks like a red sea of people, for the host of this one has instructed a red dress code to match his own hair natural color, hence the choice for both Robin and Nami dresses. Loud music blasted from the speaker and everyone was dancing and jumping along to the tune, celebrating the end of another term which doesn't really signify anything. There is always a party with anything to celebrate, the end of term is just another excuse to have one. Robin herself is not a regular at parties that was always held almost every week by her peers, but since her last term exam is done the other week, she finds no reason why she shouldn't enjoy this one.

“Do you want to grab a drink first?” Robin half shouted to Nami, trying to make her voice be heard amidst the loud music.

The ginger still can't hear her very clearly though, all she did was read Robin’s lips and once she understood what she was asking, Nami shook her head while giving her reply, also shouting,  “I think I’m going to find Sanji first.” 

Robin nodded at that and let go of Nami’s hand, letting her roommate get lost in the sea of people dressed in red to find her on and off boyfriend. 

She marvels at her friend’s one of a kind relationship. Nami was always popular since she is very outgoing and outspoken, not to mention a pretty and smart ginger as well, she used to change boyfriends almost every month until she got together with the blonde cook last year. So far he is the only guy that managed to get her friend for more than six months, even though their relationship almost always comes to an end every month. The guy still managed to ask Nami out again every week after that, Robin started to think that maybe he is really the one for her friend.

That kinda reminds Robin of her own non-existent relationship. Not because nobody found her attractive or vice versa, she just doesn't feel the special kind of attraction with them. And at times like this, she can't help but feel a little bothered. Although content as her own person, she found herself thinking that it might be nice to actually have that special someone by your side. Like what Nami currently has with Sanji, always being the first person the other looks for in any occasion. How sweet that can be?

She let out a weary sigh, something she seems to unconsciously do a lot lately, and started to walk to a nearby bar, ordering a drink from the bartender. Robin fetched her phone from the silver clutch she brought and checked for notification. She only found one from her father, Saul, telling her to be careful at parties and not do drugs (as if), and also to come straight home after that. While the rest of her notifications are the one from her class group, announcing a last minute notice for their upcoming internship.

There is nothing from Law yet, which makes her frown a little. She sent a mirror selfie of herself in her dress an hour and half ago, but he still hasn't even read them. Law is not a quick replier, but Robin also knows that Law never took this long to reply to her text. He must still be asleep then, she muses to herself. She knew that guy stayed up all night yesterday because of his test today, the one that actually kept him from coming to this party despite her already asking him to come all week.

“What’s up with the long face?”

A guy’s voice from her left makes her look up from her phone, but Robin is not surprised. She kinda expected Zoro, another friend of hers and Nami, to sit somewhere closest to where he can get unlimited access to alcohol. The only thing she is not expecting is how absorbed she was to her phone until she didn't realize that she is walking near where the guy is. If she was more aware, she would have greeted him first.

“Am I now?” Robin’s ask, accepting a glass of beverage that she ordered from the bartender. She opened her phone camera to check herself.

“You did before when you looked at your phone. Not anymore now.” Zoro drowned his drink in one gulp and then called the bartender to ask for a refill. He either knows the bartender or he must be there for some time already, as the bartender is not surprised anymore at the sight of his fast drinking habit. Most people who saw Zoro’s drinking for the first time are always surprised at how many drinks he could take, it even takes a while for Robin to get used to that.

Robin sipped her cocktail while replying coolly, “I didn't realize that.”

“Why? Your boyfriend hasn't answered you?”

“What boyfriend?” She looks puzzled.

Zoro looked at her from the corner of his eyes, one eyebrow raised, “The doctor?”

And that got her choked while she sipped her drink again. “Do you mean Law? He is not my boyfriend!” Robin turns her whole body to Zoro, suddenly losing her cool as she denies his accusation flusteredly.

“Oh, he is not? I thought he was. Sorry.” Zoro answered coolly, carelessly focusing on his own drink again, turning a blind eye to the woman beside her that was blushing so hard she almost looked as red as her dress.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? Well, Robin is not really close with him even though they always meet with the same group of people. She rarely spends time alone with Zoro because she sometimes thinks they don't really have the same interest and it can be tough for her to start a conversation. Zoro is also just as reserved as her, and he doesn't seem to mind his surroundings a lot. But it doesn't mean that he can be that careless that he doesn't know a friend of his friend, right? Him suddenly called Law her boyfriend is so out of blue, she is so bewildered.

“How can he think so, really? Is he dumb?” She fussed out loud to herself but not loud enough since Robin is sure the music is still blasting louder in this damn party.

But somehow, the guy beside him can still hear her. Either he has a really good ear or he is actually not that careless or Robin is actually fussing quite loud for him to catch what she said. Zoro still responds to that, “Because you two are almost always together, and well yeah I’m not that bright but that’s what it seems to everyone, not just me if you haven't known.” He explained.

“Ugh, sorry if you heard me, especially the last bit. No offense,” Robin apologized, still a little surprised Zoro still managed to start a clear conversation after god-knows how many drinks, “And what do you mean by everyone?”

“None taken,” Zoro shrugged to her apology, “And everyone means everyone. Luffy, me, Curly-brow, Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Brook, even Jinbei.”

“And you guys think so because I was always together with Law?” Robin asks in disbelief, pointing at herself to emphasize it.

Zoro looks at her strangely, with both eyebrows raised, as if he thought Robin is the stupid one for keep asking him the same thing, not the other way. “Um, yeah?”

If she didn't think about being rude, Robin feels like she wants to facepalm or just smack the guy some sense. Zoro, and the rest of the guys he mentioned, are her and Nami's other friends. They know each other since their freshman days despite the differences but this is the first time Robin ever heard the guys opinion about her and Law's relationship. She always knew those guys, no matter how lovely they are as her friends, are a little bit dense because of their very limited emotional range, and this is an entirely new information to take that their understanding about human relationship is actually below zero.

Her and Law? Pfft.

She took a deep breath and chose to be the bigger person. Robin turns her body to the bar again, perhaps for the best instead of trying to explain herself to Zoro and tell him in a resigned tone, “Well, tell the guys they couldn't be more wrong for me.” She said while sipping her cocktail again.

“Fine.” Zoro gulped down his drink once again. 

They are quiet for some time, absorbing their own beverage in their hands and Robin thinks that's pretty much their conversation for the rest of the night. Maybe she will find Nami or her other friends after she finish her-

“But you do like him, right?”

And she choked for the second time that night. 

Robin turned her head so fast at Zoro, still gulping his drink, bewildered at his accusation. How…

“How can I know?” Zoro put his glass down, calling the bartender again for another refill, and finally take a look at his bewildered friends. He smirks proudly at her, “I’m not bright, but I’m not that dumb either.” He claimed.

Robin’s expression changes from surprise to suspicion, “There’s no way you figure it out yourself.”

Zoro barked out a laugh, “Oh fine, it's easy to figure out, I guess. Jinbei and Brook are the first to notice and they brought it up one time but no one believes it. I’m just taking my chance to mess with you tonight. Who knows those two are really smart.” He continued with amusement.

She didn't know how to respond to that because it's definitely a lot to process. She was actually used to people accusing her and Law being in a relationship, it's nothing new. Although they study in different majors now, they are still around each other almost everyday, unless they are too busy with exams or their own business. Whether to just have lunch or grab a quick coffee, drive each other around whenever needed, get home together since their house is close, basically know everything about each other, it's easy to mistake them as a couple.

But not everyday and everyone notices what she feels whenever she is around the surgeon-to-be. Everyone always notices how they are always together and how Robin has never been with anybody else despite being desirable by a lot of guys, but not everyone manages to point out the reason.

The yearning and longing she wrongly harbored for the one person she is not supposed to feel that kind of feeling with, for they are no more than friends despite being the best one. 

She can feel the temperature around the bar getting up and she can feel herself getting hotter, so she follows in her friend's footsteps and chugs her drink at once. Zoro just chuckled.

“Don't tell anyone.” She said immediately once she finishes her drink.

“As you wish.” Zoro grabbed his newly refilled drink. “How long has it been?”

Robin groaned quietly. She is very wrong to think that Zoro is careless, he is definitely as nosy as every other guy. Maybe it's still fair though, since they are not really not close even though not as close as well. But she is already in a foul mood to respond to him kindly, “I forget.”

It was during her twelfth birthday. She was sad because it’s her first birthday after her mother’s passed away. But she can't show it to her father, her only living family, because she knows he is more devastated than her and he already tried his best to prepare her birthday celebration in the morning. The celebration was short and heartfelt inside their house with just the two of them. But right after she pretends to go to school, she runs immediately to cry in a nearby park. 

She didn't tell anyone, but Law knows. The boy didn't say a lot, but he never left her side at all that day. Even when she skipped the day, he didn't protest and just followed her. They were going to the arcade and playing and laughing together all day. And when he takes her home in the afternoon, he hugs her quietly and tells her that he will never let her feel alone.

Maybe because the chemistry in her brain is already altered during her twelfth birthday, or simply because she finally realizes that she is a girl and her best friend is pretty much a boy and therefore they are different and somehow it makes the guy stand out, she never manages to see him the same ever again. From that day onwards, not a day passed by without her praying that Law will see her the same way.

And for the life of her, she can't ever forget that. But Zoro, or anybody else, need not know about it at all.

That brings back her initial sigh about her zero experience in relationships. Some part of it truly because she cant feel anything to anyone and that of course because her heart is already given to Law so the sole purpose of her aloneness is entirely on him. She loves blaming him for this kind of misery.

Which reminds her of her chat to him again. Still no response. This guy is not dead yet right?

“I was also right then. The long face is because he hasn't replied?” Zoro butted in again in playful mockery.

“Oh shut up, Zoro. You are such a shitty friend.” She cursed at the moss-haired boy.

It only resulted in him being more delighted, “You can actually curse!” He laughed again.

What a crappy way to start the night. Robin actually thought the party can give her ease after a stressful last term project and exam and that's why she is so eager to come. But nooo, she was instead reminded of her one-side feeling by her friends to the only person she actually wants to accompany her right now and the said person is being MIA on her. 

She retorts to the last option she ever took whenever have to face her own feelings like this, especially during parties. She called the bartender and asked for more booze and stronger one, feeling her reckless impulse kicking in.

Being the good friend that he is, Zoro let her be. At least until Nami joins them some time later now hand in hand with Sanji, finding Robin in a concerning state.

“What happened to her!?” She exclaimed, not used to finding Robin that hungover so early. She looked at Zoro accusingly, “Did you do something to her?”

“Nah, she brought it upon herself.” He answered calmly.

Sanji smacked his head, following Nami in blaming him for the state Robin is in, “And you should stop her from drinking too much, Mosshead! What if a strange guy took advantage of our sweet-drunk Robin?!”

“Stop hitting me, Curly-brow! I was with her all the time anyway!” Zoro said, standing up and getting himself ready to hit Sanji back before he saw Nami’s scary face. The girl might be smaller than him, but all of her friends know how scary Nami could be once she gets mad. He sighed and gave up. “I tried to tell her to stop drinking, but she didn't listen.” He even gave up an answer before she ask or accusing him again, all simply because she look so mad Zoro knows already he can't escape her wrath anyway.

That finally earn Nami’s resigned sigh, “You are so hopeless.”


He was just finished taking a bath and taking his takeout when the call came in. Law was already expecting this but he thought the call would not come for another two hours. He thought at least he would get a time to have his dinner and wind down while watching a new documentary about coin before the call came to pick up Robin.

He’s been her designated driver ever since they started drinking. That was part of the reason why he never let himself drink too much in any party, in case she called him to pick her up. And that's also why today right after he was back to his dorm he immediately took a nap. He hasn't gotten any sleep last night and it will definitely be dangerous if he is driving.

It took him fifteen minutes to come to the party that Kid's hosting, the one that Robin’s attending. He prays he doesn't bump into him or anyone he knows so he doesn't have to stay too long there and can just get Robin and drive her home. But in case he has to stay for a little chat, he wears his only red shirt, as Robin already told him the dress code for the party is red.

He walks to the bar directly, knowing where she is from Nami, Robin’s roommate who texts him to pick her up. All her friends already know he is the one to look for whenever Robin gets too drunk and they can't take her themself. It has happen a few times ever since their freshman year.

He can see her from a few meters away, head bobbing down and smiling wide until her eyes become a thin line, a hand circling a glass of champagne. He notices the short dress she is wearing and curses himself because he forgot to take his coat from the car. She sat between her two guy friends, the blonde and the green-haired one, with no Nami in sight.

The blonde saw him first and he greeted him instantly, “Oy, Torao!”

Law holds his tongue from snapping. The nickname was given by their other friend, the cheerful one who always wears a strawhats for no reason, and it sticks to them ever since. Even Robin teased him with the nickname for some time until he was tired of it before she gave up and start to call him Law again.

Robin got up instantly when she heard Sanji and looked around. When she found him her smile grew wider and she almost screamed, “My best friend!” with two hands open wide as if to hug him.

That makes her wobbly and she almost falls to the front. Law fastened his step and caught her immediately even before the other two guys could react. “Geez, Robin. How many drinks do you take?” He asks once Robin is secure in his embrace. The addressed woman just smiled innocently, definitely too drunk to stand up straight or even to answer his simple question.

“Blame the Mosshead. He didn't stop her from drinking that much.” Sanji said while pointing at Zoro, who looked annoyed in an instant.

“It’s actually because of him that she drinks so much tonight, so stop blaming me.” Zoro defended himself. Law feels like he was talking as if Robin was drinking because of him, but how can it be? He is not even there to watch her. He chooses to ignore those two since he knows they are always on each other's throats and will fight each other for anything anyway. This is just another excuse.

Besides, the most important thing is Robin was still okay despite being so drunk and he was prepared to pick her up. “I’ll just take her.” He told the two.

“You dont wanna drink something first?” Sanji offered him a glass.

Law turned down the offer, “Not tonight. Her father asked me to take her straight home, not the dorm.” He said, “Tell Nami I already took her.”

“Will do so. She is in the toilet right now.” Sanji nodded, “Take care of her, Torao.”

Law nodded as he left. He put one hand on Robin's waist while the other took her hand to his shoulder so she could walk while leaning on him. She is not heavy and he can actually lift her, but since her dress is too short and he forgot his coat to cover her leg, he didn't think it was a good idea.

Good thing that he can find somewhere to park nearby because Robin is already shivering in the cold night air, she also starts humming in her drunken state. He can hear faintly that Robin is singing the theme song of Midsommar, the movie they watch together a week before their exam starts.

“You are really one of a kind, Nico Robin.” He said to himself, the side of his mouth is up in a faint amused smile.

Law put her in the front passenger seat, took his coat from behind and draped it around her before putting on the seatbelt. After that he get to the driver's seat while turning on the heater. 

“Law?” Robin called right before he started driving. Law glanced at her, but she just smiled that wide drunken smile of hers sweetly, “Hi, Torao!” She said while waving her hand at him.

Law sighed in disbelief. She is cute like that and it stirs something in him again. He took a real good look at her and stroked her hair fondly, “Hi. Just sleep now Robin, I’ll take you home.”  He said as he started to drive. Her father already texted him too before, telling him to take Robin home after the party as tomorrow is weekend and she is done with her exam already. She just has to prepare for her internship next week.

Both of them actually still live in the same city as their campus. But since it was thirty minutes away from home and could be a hassle to drive everyday, they chose to stay at the dorm. Especially because both of their studies require them to stay late until night most of the time, their family agrees to just let them live close to campus and they just need to go home every weekend. 

Law was driving in silence for a few minutes, thinking that Robin was already asleep in the passenger seat. But he took a glance once to find her watching him driving intently. “Why aren't you sleeping?” he asked.

“What do you think we’ll become if we are not friends?” She returns, ignoring his question.

“What?” He took another quick glance at her, “Why did you ask?”

Robin just blinks repeatedly, “I dont know.” She said with a blank face.

She definitely is drunk. Which made Law start to think that it’s kind of weird. Robin was never a heavy drinker and quite responsible with her drink. Of course she always asks Law to pick her up whenever she drinks because it’s dangerous anyway to drive alone or even calling an Uber, but she actually never drinks that much. She usually can still walk straight and her mind was never in this level of haziness. Is that friends of her (Was it Zoro?) really make her drink too much like what Sanji said?

“Robin, why are you drinking so-”

“Will you look at me the same?” She cut his words before he could even finish.

“What? Seriously, Robin. Why are you-”

“Just answer me.” She sigh, her eyelids half close, “Humor me.”

Law really doesn't get what is going on in her drunken mind, but he guess it won’t hurt to just respond to her question. He doubts that she will remember it when she wakes up anyway, “Okay, fine. I guess even if we are not friends, I’ll still see you as Robin.” He said.

“Who is Robin?”

He looks at her again since the traffic is clear and not too dangerous for him to drive without always looking at the front. He thought she was too drunk to ask that question, but she looked at him straight seriously, despite looking like it was a hard work for her to stay awake.

“Robin is… Robin.” He still humored her, although vaguely. He doesn't really understand her question. “Robin is you.”

Robin was still looking at him with that hazy but serious eyes, he almost felt absorbed by that gaze. Until she finally asks again, “Who is that Robin to you?”

Heck, what a difficult question. Even when she is drunk she can still be this philosophical? That’s the only thought that passes his mind.

Because in the life where Robin is not his friend, will she even exist at all? Not even once he ever thinks that Robin is not in his life. What kind of life would it have been? Must be a boring one, he don't even want to think about that.

“Probably still the same as you are right now to me.” He replied simply.

Robin dropped her gaze, “Still a friend then.” she whispered before turning her body to another side.

Thinking that she is finally asleep, he continues the drive in silence. Law knew that Robin was a light sleeper and easily awake, so he didnt turn on the radio or music at all.

The drive was fast since there is no traffic at all. They arrived safely and Law opened Robin’s house door first before he got to the car again and took her out, letting her walk while leaning on him once again.

Robin only lived with her father, a profiler in his fifties who will retire in just a few years, ever since her mother passed away. But the house is empty that night because he has late night work, although he will be back in the morning just like he told Law. So Law opens the door with a spare key he got from him for cases like this.

She woke up once Law took her out from the car and back to her hazy drunken state instead of the serious mode she was when in the car before. She laughs and sing-a-song, calling Law and Torao out loud while telling him that he is her best friend.

He just responded with a tired, “Yes-yes, Robin, I know. Yay for that too.” since he has to take her upstairs because her room is there and it’s starting to get a little harder for him. Perhaps it will be easier if he just lifts her up instead of making her lean on him like this, because she really moves a lot.

When they got inside her room, a tidy place that was filled with books and flower arrangement and thus smelled like roses, she turn around and took his hand to whirl him around. 

“Stop Robin, you’ll get dizzy and you’ll throw up and I will have to clean it and your father will be angry,” He complained while Robin whirl him, laughing heartily. That reminds him so much of her loud friend. Who knew it only took her a dozen drinks until she got into that state? And here he thought she will never get to their level of loudness.

And he was right. Because she seems to get dizzy and stumble on her own feet and almost fall if Law didnt catch her again. This time he put both of his hands on her waist while she clung to his shoulder, one of her hand was on his neck. 

That's the moment when something feels like hitting him.

Because for the first time that night, he is nervous. For the first time he ever spent with Robin actually. He doesn't know what seems to be different from this night and other night, but he feel like something is shifting between them.

Because for the first time, they are close.

Of course they are always close, the closest even, but not this close. Not in this proximity where he can actually see and count all the little freckles around her eyes, reminding him of her younger self. 

They are always close, but never physically close like this. With his hand in her waist feeling the curve and the heat of her body. Whilst her hand on his neck is rubbing him unconsciously, the other that was on his shoulder slowly gets to his chest, where he was sure she can feel his heart beat like they were on a run.

They are close, but not as close as the way they see and touch each other right now.

Because they are close, but they are friends. And it’s always been like that.

The hand she put on his neck moved to cupped his face. She caressed him softly and he just let her, feeling all her fingers tracing his jawline. While her eyes (brown around her iris, darker on the inside), somberly look at him, holding him in place and making him feel like he is in trance. He didn't have any drink at all that night but he was drunk at her gaze.

“If you are not my friend, I will have more guts,” She whispered sadly, then she added, “I like you so much, Law.” before planting the softest kiss on his lips.

He should have taken that drink Sanji’s offering to him before.





How was it????? Tbh I’m pretty nervous with this one because it’s been a while since I wrote Lawbin and although I already prepared this one to be a series, butttt the first chapter really escalated to 5000 words. Hope I didn't bore you with this one :D This one is greatly inspired from the One Piece colorspread in chapter 1108. Robin is so pretty (but drunk) there.

Anyway, thank you so much for getting this far guys. I’ll try to update this one regularly while getting my other ideas out of the dungeon since the holiday has started for me!

Have a great day everyone <3

Note: I gave a minor edit for some typo, but not a lot is changing!