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Two Blonds, A Redhead, And a Furball


A dying wish.

She throws her wish, her plea, into the universe as she faintly hears Kurama screaming her name,

Please Kami, let me meet Mom and Dad now…if they ever wanted me

,who knows. Maybe even her parents didn’t want her. Believed her to be a monster just like everyone else in the village…

A flash of light bursts in the dim lit street. Consuming the small girl until nothing remains.


Or, 5 year old Naruto is teleported upon her dying wish to a world where her parents are alive. What will become of them? Could they ever truly be a family?

Chapter 1: A Granted Wish


This is just an excuse to write a combo of fem! Naruto and Naruto getting a family with a smidge of dimension hopping/time travel and a large ass helping of fluff

oh yeah and a good bond between Kurama and Naru cause I love that shit

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

She lies in a pool of her own blood on the ground. Forgotten and discarded like yesterday’s trash.

Bruises litter her small body that lays prone on the street. Her eyes are half lidded as her consciousness begins to slip away from the steady increase in blood loss.

A large gash stretches from the left side of her hip to her right shoulder. Inflicted by a drunken villager chasing her calling her the usual names.

Demon. Monster. Filth.

Naruto licks her lips tasting the flecks of her own blood on them. She coughs weakly, chest aching, and tastes more blood. She’s bleeding internally.

She groans lowly from the pain. She can feel Kurama tugging on her chakra. Insisting she enters their shared mindscape. But Naruto fears if she passes out now she may never wake up…

Shakily the five year old lifts her hand to poke gingerly at the gash. As soon as she touches it it viciously stings. She pulls her hand away, shoving it in front of her face to inspect it. Her fingers and palm are coated in a thick layer of warm blood. Crimson staining her skin.

She laughs weakly at the sight. It reminds her of the prank she played last week painting Hokage Rock with her handprints.

And to think all she got was a scolding from jiji! They didn’t even consider how hard it was to get up there and with all that paint too!

Naruto continues to giggle until she can’t, blood filling her mouth and spilling from the side of her lips.

She’s sure her blonde pig tails are stained with blood as well. It’s like she’s taken a bath in it. Drowning in her own blood.

Her eyes grow heavy as she feels the Kyubi’s chakra fight to heal her intensive wounds. But the seal is too strong to let enough of the demon’s chakra through. It won’t be enough.

Naruto whispers to Kurama in her mind, I’m going to die Kura.

The stars above Konoha sparkle before her. Perhaps the last thing she’ll ever see.

Kurama growls in response, No! I won’t let you die again!

Naruto squints at the sky as she tries to process her friend’s words, Again?

Kurama hums as he considers his next words carefully, Yes. This is not our first lifetime together.

Huh, Naruto thinks as her mind begins to grow fuzzy and thoughts begin to become hard to formulate into full coherent sentences.

She feels Kurama lash out against the seal on her stomach, fruitlessly. It is too strong.

The beast lets loose a string of curses.

Kurama’s growing outrage makes it dawn on her. She’s right. She really is going to die here. Bleeding out on the ground.

She distantly wonders what’s the use of her shadow friends if they never interfere. Kurama mutters something about useless ANBU agents.

As everything grows heavier and heavier and Kurama’s voice and burning chakra grow evermore distant Naruto lets her mind settle on one thought.

Or perhaps, more of a dying wish.

She throws her wish, her plea, into the universe as she faintly hears Kurama screaming her name,

Please Kami, let me meet Mom and Dad now…if they ever wanted me

,who knows. Maybe even her parents didn’t want her. Believed her to be a monster just like everyone else in the village…

A flash of light bursts in the dim lit street. Consuming the small girl until nothing remains.


Minato groans as he bustles through the empty streets of Konoha far past dusk.

He rubs his temples as he can already hear his wife’s yelling. Kushina is gonna kill him!

They came to an agreement this morning that he would make it home for dinner today. The first time this entire month. With them being three weeks into the month…

And honestly Minato had every intention of honoring that promise! But the elders of course had to have their meetings last egregiously long for absolutely no good reason.

Minato’s lip twitches irritably. Being Hokage has been his dream since his academy days. He yearned for it. To be recognized by the village in such a way. And he thought he could handle it. After all, he’s kind of a prodigy. He graduated the Academy at age ten. He scored the highest scores ever recorded on the Chunin written exams. And he’s known as the Yellow Flash. Given a flee on sight order for enemy shinobi during the Third War.

So yeah, he figured he could handle running a village. He assumed he was decently suited for the politics of it. Easily able to read people and their true intentions. But hell, the pure amount of pompous that goes into it is beginning to give him a headache!

Minato freezes as he rounds a corner, almost to his shared home with Kushina.

He senses chakra he’s never encountered before. How strange…

Minato walks forward cautiously getting the impression the person whose chakra this belongs to is currently unconscious.

And low and behold moments later Minato’s eyes widen to the size of the overhead full moon as he stares at the body before him on the ground.

It’s a child. A very tiny child dressed in attire much too flimsy for the cool night air.

Minato kneels down to jostle the child. In doing so he gets a better look at them. He quickly deduces this must be a girl due to the long blonde hair arranged in pigtails. Her eyes are closed, hidden from view. Her breathing is slightly shallow but she doesn’t appear to have any visible injuries.

She’s completely knocked out though. No matter how hard Minato jostles her and pokes at her cheek she refuses to wake.

Minato bites the inside of his cheek as he considers his options. The girl is small in his arms. She must be no older than four or so. What would a four year old be doing out alone at this hour?

Where in the world are her parents?

Quickly Minato comes to the conclusion the main likelihood is for her to have escaped from the orphanage staff. It would explain the lack of parents out looking for her. He doesn’t sense anyone else nearby. Practically everyone in the Hidden Leaf Village is fast asleep.

And well, after the war the orphanages have been facing a bit of a crisis. Staff not able to keep up with the demand.

He could bring her to the orphanage and wake up a considerable amount of people in the process. Or, he stares down at her contemplatively, he could bring her home. Let her rest in the spare bedroom and then bring her back to the orphanage in the morning.

A part of Minato is drawn to the child. Endlessly curious on how naturally he picked up her chakra without meaning to. And something about her feels strangely familiar even though he’s positive he’s never set eyes on this little girl before…

Minato comes to a decision, easily rising with the girl curled snuggly in his arms resting against his chest sound asleep.

Well, maybe Kushina will be a little nicer to him if he’s holding a child in his arms? Not outright murder him on sight?

A hokage can hope.

Minato walks up the steps to home muttering a prayer under his breath.

He opens the door gently with a cheery smile plastered on his face as he shouts out, “I’m home!”

He’s just closing the door behind him when he hears her. The foot stomps shake their entire house. Her voice is raised so loudly he’s sure even the dead can hear her.

She’s not even in the room yet and Minato can clearly make out every word she’s spewing at him a mile a minute.

“Namikaze Minato you are late! Hours late! Eons late! And you fucking promised today would be different!”

Minato gulps nervously and glances down at the little girl in his arms wondering if he made the right decision.

Kushina’s voice only raises in volume, tone snapping, as she gets closer and closer to the front door, “Is my cooking not good enough for you anymore now that you’re Hokage? Am I not good enough for you anymore!”

Finally her stomps enter the room. As he expected Kushina’s vibrant red hair is floating behind her reminiscent of the nine tails. Her lips are down turned and her eyes are screaming absolute fury. But Minato can just as clearly see the true sadness and disappointment painted in them.

Kushina opens her mouth to go on a tirade on how Minato should not be letting his duty as Hokage consistently take over his role as her husband. And promptly freezes as she takes in the sight before her.

Minato winces while waving with the smile still remaining weakly on his lips, “Hi, honey.”

Kushina’s eyes narrow at him. She straightens her stance and crosses her arms. Notably to Minato’s relief her hair falls flat against her back.

She points at the child in his arms while speaking evenly and at a much quieter volume, “Who is that?”

Minato feels hope rise in his chest as he senses he may avoid demise just yet.

He holds the young girl firmly in his arms yet gently as he explains to his wife the situation, “I was heading home and found her lying down in the middle of the street, abandoned.”

Kushina frowns, stalking closer to the duo. She looks down at the child. Eyes raking over her features.

She questions lowly, “Orphan?”

Minato nods, “That’s what I suspect. I figured she could stay with us for the night and I’ll return her to the orphanage in the morning.

He beams at Kushina innocently.

Kushina makes a huffing sound as she gives under his sparkling hopeful gaze, “Fine.”

She pokes him roughly in the shoulder with her index finger as he goes to take his first step to the guest bedroom, “But this conversation is not over!”

Minato bows his head and quickly sidesteps her causing Kushina to grumble as she follows closely behind him on the path to the guest bedroom.

Truly Minato knows Kushina is just worried. Worried he’s not taking care of himself. Not eating enough. Not getting enough rest. And in all honesty he can’t blame her for the concern. But he’s only been Hokage for a month. He’ll get the hang of it! Eventually…

Minato lets thoughts of his role as Hokage fade away as he gingerly sets the girl down onto the bed in the center of the guest room. She looks so tiny in it, swallowed by the sheets around her, it makes a bead of worry settle in Minato. He worries her exhaustion has more to it than it appears.

Kushina stands next to Minato staring down at the little girl who lays motionless on the bed.

She reaches forward brushing bangs away from the child’s closed eyes, “Her clothes are filthy, go fetch me one of my shirts.”

She’s sure her shirt will be large enough to cover the child appropriately. It just doesn’t sit right with her to let the girl sleep in clothes covered in dirt.

As Minato exits the room to do as she said Kushina begins to lift the girl’s shirt to remove it and promptly freezes four inches into lifting it.

She stares in complete shock at….at a seal on the child’s stomach. And not just any seal. Her eyes rove over it taking in every line. Every pathway. Every stroke.

A jinchuriki’s seal.

Kushina scrambles away from the child like she’s been burned. Her hands slam against the hard wood floor as she catches herself before she can completely fall against the floor. The sound echoes around the house but the child does not stir.

Kushina breathes harshly as the seal is burned into her eyes.

Her mind rushes a mile a minute. A jinchuriki. At…at such a young age? Younger than probably six? That’s practically unheard of!

And Minato just found her on the streets of Konoha laying in the dirt?

Konoha only has one jinchuriki. She should know seeing as she is that jinchuriki.

Kushina doesn’t even process her husband’s return until he’s pulling her up to rest by the bed calmly asking her what’s wrong.

Kushina lifts a shaky finger and points to the girl, “Her stomach…” her voice shakes, “…look at her stomach.”

Minato blinks owlishly at his wife’s response but decides to comply.

He lifts the child’s shirt and gasps. He lifts it until the seal is fully revealed.

The couple stare at it in a combination of wonder and horror.

Minato’s hands gently trace the lines, inspecting the seal.

He presses against the seal and pushes the faintest hint of his chakra into it.

Instantly his body tenses.

Kushina immediately picks up on his reaction.

“What is it?” she demands a little harsher than necessary.

Minato shakes his head as his hand rests over the seal, “It has our chakra in it…”

Minato purses his lips as he stares down at the seal trying to fit jagged pieces into a puzzle he wasn’t aware of, “This is certainly my handiwork but I don’t recall creating this…”

The insanity of it causes him to laugh brokenly, “and by the looks of it doing so would’ve guaranteed my death and unless we’re experiencing a joint hallucination I’m currently alive.”

Kushina can’t rip her eyes away from the seal even at her husband’s words. She takes in every detail of it. Picking it apart. Analyzing it. It’s a strong seal. But clearly not fresh. It’s been in place for several years which only raises more outlandish questions.

The seal holds…

She finally glances at Minato. Their eyes meet as they both grimace

…the Kyubi.

How…how is that possible?

How it is possible that this child holds a seal with both of their chakra in it and contains the Nine Tailed Demon which there should exist only one being currently sealed away in Kushina?

Minato suspects this is a trap from one of the other villages. A way to get back at them after the war. It has to be some sort of trickery, doesn’t it?

While Kushina comes to the only conclusion she can. An absolute insane conclusion. But in a world where chakra beasts can be sealed into humans is it truly that insane?

Kushina voices her suspicion with awe tinging her voice, “Minato, just…look at her.”

Minato eyes Kushina somewhat warily, unsure what she’s getting at.

Kushina’s hands curl into fists into her lap as she stares down at the little girl. A shaky smile paints her lips, “She may have your coloring but everything else is all me.”

Incredibly carefully Kushina raises a hand, forcing herself to uncurl her fist where her nails are digging into her palm threatening to break skin.

With a feather light touch she traces the child’s closed eyes, “The shape of her eyes,” her finger moves to gently boop the small little nose, “her nose,” and her finger continues tracing downward, “even her lips. Mine.”

To his credit Minato doesn’t stare at her like she’s gone utterly insane, “Are you saying she’s ours?”

Kushina bites at her lip as she responds breathily, “Maybe.”

How else can they explain it? Another kyubi? The entire seal itself? What other explanation but time travel?

And it’s undeniable. The girl looks just like her but with Minato’s blond hair. The moment she set eyes on the girl her maternal instincts flared in a way they never have before.

It’s all…plausible.

Minato finally lifts his hand away from the seal lowering the child’s shirt once again, “She’d be from the future then.”

Kushina snorts at that remark, “I don’t recall giving birth so yeah, you know.”

She knows she’s close to failing at holding back the tears threatening to form in her eyes.

Minato appears close to breaking down, tears already forming in his bright blue eyes. He looks moments away from full out sobbing and hysterical laughter.

He whispers quietly, “She’s so young and the seal is not fresh…why would we ever seal the Kyubi into our own daughter?”

Anger flares in Kushina. It prickles from her fingers to her toes.

She grits her teeth as she grinds out, “I don’t know.”

She glares at him fiercely, “I bet it was your doing! I’d never wish my child to be a jinchuriki!”

Her chest heaves after she shouts the accusing words. She means every bit of them. After all the pain she’s suffered from being the demon’s holding cell. The kidnappings. The poor treatment from the village. And of course, the Kyubi itself. All the pain and hatred it’s directed at her over the years. She’d never wish that upon her child!

Minato frowns deeply as he agrees with her assessment. It must’ve been his idea but clearly she agreed to it seeing as the seal contains her chakra as well, “I’m sure I must’ve had a good reason.”

Kushina blinks the tears out of her eyes and looks away from him making an irritated noise.

Minato sighs tiredly exhaustion weighing heavy on him, “Well it sounds insane but we can bring her to the hospital in the morning and run a blood test.”

Kushina side eyes him like he’s lost it, “And how would we explain the results if my ‘insane’ theory is true?”

Minato blinks. Once. Twice.

“Oh…” he mutters.

It pulls out a laugh from Kushina. She smirks at him, “Being Hokage is definitely taking a toll on your Prodigy status. What happened to my smart guy, hm?”

Minato easily ignores the taunting and focuses his attention on the problem at hand. Assuming this child is their time traveling child from the future, how are they going to explain that? How will they gain claim over her without throwing the village into chaos?

Kushina’s voice cuts through his thoughts, “I’d only want the best for my child, call in Lady Tsunade.”

Minato’s mouth drops opens slightly as he eyes his wife like she’s grown another head, “But Lady Tsunade hasn’t been spotted since she abandoned the village during the war!”

Kushina shrugs, unbothered, “You’ll figure something out.”

That jab does drawl out a smile from Minato. She’s right. He can pull it off.

His mind begins to formulate a plan. He’ll enlist Jiraiya’s help. He can trust his sensei with such sensitive information. And he has the strong feeling the temptation of the pure insanity of the news if it’s true may drive Tsunade back.

Minato hums thoughtfully, “We should change her clothes and then head for bed.”

Kushina huffs and swiftly gets to work changing the child’s clothing for clean fabric.

As she finishes with her work she finally responds, “You go, I’ll stay here.”

Her voice is firm, unwavering, as her shoulders are raised around her neck, tensed, “I just have the strongest feeling this little girl has suffered a lot. And what’ll happen if she wakes up all alone and confused?”

A soft smile graces Minato’s face. He nudges her gently, leaning against her, “If you are her mother, I can already tell you’ll be a great one.”

Kushina grins earnestly at the compliment. She then finds her eyes drawn to the little girl once again, “I know this whole thing sounds crazy but my gut says otherwise.”

Minato hums sagely, “I’ve never known your gut to be wrong.”

Kushina beams with pride at the statement.

Minato pokes her side playfully, “Though it is a glutton for ramen.”

Kushina swats at him indignantly, “Hey! It’s not my fault you’re incapable of appreciating the salty goodness!”

Minato grins with pearly white teeth on display, “You know that’s not true. Anything you make, I love.”

Kushina grumbles half heartedly reminded of their earlier scuffle, “Yet you couldn’t make it home for dinner.”

Minato sighs lowly, eyes heavy, “The third has been incredibly helpful in the transition but admittedly it is still…a learning curve.”

Kushina leans against him, uninterested in continuing on that tiring topic when a much more intriguing one presents itself to her, “Do you think she has my eyes or yours?”

A part of Minato is surprised how readily Kushina is embracing the idea of being the girl’s mother. Yet he can’t completely deny her reasoning. Not with the seal, the resemblance, and the natural protective pull he feels to the child.

“Yours of course, dear.”

Kushina huffs with a smile dancing on her lips, “Don’t dear me.”

She stares intensely at the girl as if she can will the child to open her eyes and reveal the answer.

A deep tiredness pulls at Kushina’s mind. She yawns, mumbling, “I bet she has your blue.”

They fall asleep leaning against each other kneeling guard over the little girl who has mysteriously and abruptly entered their lives.


Don’t ask me for the technicalities of the time travel/dimension hopping

just know the focus is family

welp, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!

Series this work belongs to: