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Ishimaru Kiyotaka: Ultimate Time Looper


Still, Taka feverishly thought, it would have been nice if Monokuma really had a time machine...

It’s the first day in the Killing Game again, and this time he will get everything right. He knows what motivated Maizono, Enoshima, Kuwata, Mondo, and what their classmates’ potential is! So it would be as simple as talking to them, right?

After being killed by a dozen of spears, Taka woke up on the first day for the fifth time. And realized that it would not be so easy to save them all, but then again… life is all about making effort after effort!

Current arch: To survive.


Hi!! Welcome to my first fic ever, lol.
This concept didn’t want to leave me alone, love the fact that depressed Taka wanted so bad a time travel solution, so here we are.
This time loop fic is more like Re:Zero which, if you haven’t seen it, means that it will restart in certain updated points. That way we don’t have to read/write the beginning twenty times (even if it feels like it) and Taka doesn’t lose his sanity so soon. It also means that some things he can’t fix and will bite his ass later (figuratively! The explicit rating is for graphic violence).
Now, I will put things like content warnings at the beginning of each chapter, but only if they are something not related to death (spoilers ahoy otherwise) and have a sufficient impact on the chapter. More on that later. For now, just assume that every chapter will have graphic violence, panic attacks and death (suicide, homicide, executions, etc.) which will be referred to as “normal warning apply”
My ramblings will be at the bottom normally, so if you want, this is the last thing you see out of me jsjss. Just know that this is an ishimondo endgame kind of fic and I will add tags as we progress.
This is unbetad (by native speakers), so if you see a mistake of any kind please tell me. Also, I only have played Danganronpa THH, and read the character’s pages, so if something is too OOC let me know to work on it. BTW, I use He/Him pronouns for Chihiro, but everyone’s interpretations are valid yadda yadda.
The fanfic is a work in process, but I think I got everything under control. Hopefully.
I will update every other week, on Friday’s evenings (I’m in South America, mind you).
With all that, please enjoy. Love you all!

Chapter 1: Desiderium

Chapter Text

As Ishimaru Kiyotaka lied on a puddle of his own cursed blood, his attacker’s footsteps slowly walking away, he wondered if anyone would mourn him. A sharp pain in his head was the only answer to that selfish question.


For the last days, he tried to ignore the persistent thought, but even mere seconds after witnessing the spinning wheel at the trial settle in Mondo he realized,


It didn’t make sense to cling to life.


Taka would not delude himself further, the act did not have a point anymore or maybe it never had one. He was a burden to everyone, whether he was catatonic or trying to keep going thinking that maybe that was Mondo would want.


The only person that was happy to see him nowadays was not even one, and even then, it left. Furthermore, Alter Ego had survived its creator’s death, so what would it ‘think’ at the passing of someone as monopolizing and desperate as Taka. A person who asked the machine time and time again that…




If his classmates would describe Taka it would surely be as loud, obnoxious, and somewhat of an idiot at guessing social cues. Nevertheless, even someone like him could guess what real intention a note promising a ‘secret exit’ has.


He wished his trial was not trouble on the others though. Naegi was something of a friend, and he appreciated Hagakure’s efforts the days after… After Mondo’s death.


And remembering that hurt.


It hurt more than his skull being broken. Maybe it was the adrenaline in his system talking, but the open wound in his hearth was so much worse.


Ishimaru Kiyotaka cried, for the first time in days, weeks, eons, after his kyoudai’s execution. He missed his friend desperately, more than words could ever express. The first days he could not eat. Either the fear of his food being tainted by Monokuma or the revolting image of his first friend ever being turned into that, made him puke even on an empty stomach… Or maybe it was the unfairness of it all.


Mondo didn’t deserve that kind of death.


The gang leader didn’t mind that Taka was loud, rigid, and didn’t really get what a ‘normal conversation’ was. In fact, even when Taka was imposing his ideals or going longer than necessary, Mondo just laughed in a not-mean manner and supported him in a way no one had ever done before.


Mondo was not the person he expected, and when Taka get to know him, really know him, he discovered a man with a nobler hearth than all of the people he knew. The biker loved animals, was respectful of women, had a good sense of humor, and wanted to become a carpenter to create things instead of destroying them… To better himself!


And Mondo had gifted him with his presence and affection. Taka had fun with him in a manner he thought forgotten, buried between the happy memories before his grandparent’s scandal, before his mom left.


It was quite easy to imagine what could have been. Having studying sessions with Mondo, participating in the school’s festivals together… maybe even celebrating each other’s birthdays.


Ishimaru Kiyotaka felt cold.


If this was a normal school, they could have been friends for all of it – and Mondo could have built him the house he talked about. They would have shared.


If only Taka could have been a better friend, a supportive one. If he had watched his kyoudai’s back, as well as he had done for Taka… Maybe Mondo could have trusted him with his secret, and both Chihiro and he would still be here.


Life did not give seconds chances though, and Taka, in a manner similar to Toronosuke, had failed after tasting glory briefly.


Still, Taka feverishly thought, it would have been nice if Monokuma really had a time machine




“I think…”. Mondo’s gaze did not move of the windows, the fire casting shadows in his face. “That as long as we have each other, we can try our best at being fine”


He gripped Taka’s hand tighter. For whose comfort was never clear.


Something inside Kiyotaka’s mind was almost imperceptibly unraveling.


It hurts.








He… He should probably stop trying to think for once in his life.


Ishimaru Kiyotaka’s last wish, as his consciousness slowly faded away, was that wherever he ended upon was next to Mondo.






To survive: Loop 1


Taka woke up.


Oh, he lived.


At least his head hurt a lot less than before, although he didn’t know enough of brain injuries to question whether that was good or bad. Trying to be mindful of it, he slowly raised and opened his eyes.


His pulse accelerated as he stared at the familiar classroom walls, instead of the physics room.


Why would his (attempted) killer move him?!


And it would only be them, right? If Togami somehow tried to mess around with a ‘dead’ body again… Taka would not be adverse to punch the heir square in the face or worse; it surely is what Mondo would want.


He needed to find the others before the person who wrote him the note found him first… If someone were as deranged as to kill for money, casting their morals aside, then what would they do if things did not go to plan?


Taka quickly walked to the main hall after his attempt at entering the dormitories area was blocked off. Hopefully, someone would notice him missing at the breakfast table and they would search, at least to make sure there were no new murders.


Placing himself at the sealed off entrance Taka waited. His watch pointed it was only five minutes before seven and as the needle went past it, the ticking never stopping, the morning announcement did not come.


He felt exhausted, but even if Taka was careful of his injury (why did it not hurt?) sleeping outside of the bedrooms was prohibited.


His injury…


Taka – well, there were no mirrors around – reached behind his head and slowly patted around waiting for the pain to come.


When he looked at his hands they were clean, not even a single speck of dried blood in them.




The squeaking of a shoe warned him that he was not alone anymore.


He turned around, aware of his hearth pounding in his chest, and preparing himself for the worst.




The relief that flooded him as he saw that Kirigiri was the one entering the hall was indescribable. Even if he didn’t like how secretive the girl was or the way she mentally dissected all of their classmates, including him, he knew that Kirigiri was firmly placed on the no-killing side.


“Kirigiri-kun! Thank you for coming!”, Taka quickly went towards her, “Someone tried to kill me. Are you and the others okay?!”


Kirigiri’s eyes widened and she took a step back.


Maybe she thought he was dead? Or was someone else hurt?!


This could not happen again - Why it was happening again?


His chest was tightening up, and this was not good and maybe she didn’t hear him so he needed to ask again and everything would be fine surely -


“Kirigiri-kun, are the others alive? Are they okay?!”


The girl planted herself at the entrance, and snapped, “How do you know my name?”


Did he hear her well?


“E-excuse me?”


“How. Do. You. Know. My name?” Her lavender eyes - so different to Mondo’s – flashed with clear annoyance. “Who are you? And what is this place?”


“I- I’m Ishimaru Kiyotaka, and this is Hope’s Peak - Were you hit in the head as well?! – We have been here for weeks –“


“Hope’s Peak?” Kirigiri paled. “Then –“


The girl started to pat her head as well, but as Taka saw, there was no blood either.


“Ehm, excuse me -” Both turned to the new voice, Yamada’s. “Did you perhaps awoke here without your recollection?”


“Yamada-kun!” It was weird being thankful of his ‘rival’s’ presence but right now he could hug him. “Kirigiri-kun doesn’t remember us or where we are – have you seen the others?”


Yamada starts to quiver. “What?! – I don’t remember either!”


This was bad! Why would two of their classmates don’t remember? Or was this another trick of Monokuma? Are they acting? Do they want to kill Taka of confusion or prank him or? – Why? Why? Why why why -


“Hello?” A melodious voice cut his thoughts. “Hi! Did you woke up h-”


Time seemed to move in slow motion.


His knees touched the ground before his brain finished processing what he was currently seeing. His stomach wanted to hurl at the sight.


Right there, at the entrance, behind Yamada and some of the others was…




Blood all over Naegi’s bathroom.  A rotten corpse of a girl.




It – He didn’t look human.  No one does after.




The first person he saw die.










“- know, he just passed out-”




Kiyotaka was underwater; his chest did hurt like it.


“- nurse nearby?”


He could not think.


Why why why why -


“-se breathe with me” Kirigiri sounded far away. “Inhale for five seconds”


He can’t do it – He simply can’t –


“Inhale. Five seconds.”


He struggles but he does so - and breathing did not normally require effort so why -


“Hold it for seven – one, two, three –“


He imitates her, not letting himself hesitate through the tears.


“Exhale. 8 seconds.”


He feels a hand rubbing his back, and he uncurls - when did he even - trying to ignore the faces of his classmates.


“Again. Inhale for five -”


Right there in the back a long leather jacket mocks him. He refuses to see the wearer – he can’t –


He continues to do the breathing exercises, and when Kirigiri asks him to describe what he sees, feels, hear, etc. he does it looking pointedly on some other direction.


Away from the victims.


Away from the blackeneds.


Away from him, that was both.


But as Kirigiri keeps bringing him to reality and Sayaka slowly helps him up, warm hands grabbing his own warm arm, Taka starts to think that this is too elaborate for a dream, nightmare, or some kind of trick.


“Hey! Are you feeling better?” Asahina asks.


“Y-yes”, responds Taka, “Sorry, but –”


He looks at them, at the walls, at them again.


Is this some kind of afterlife perhaps?


“- Do you know why you are here?”


“Ehm – I thought you knew” Yamada admits, “Or at least where we are?”


“This is Hope’s Academy, right?” Chihiro shyly asks, grabbing his skirt. “I saw some brochures, but it did not have –”. The programmer cringes looking at the ceiling.


“The machine guns?” Kuwata laughs nervously, “Yeah – Did not saw this coming at my first day here, that’s for sure”


“First day?!” This was -! “Then you don’t know who Monokuma is or the graduation clause?!”


Taka only sees confusion and some apprehension in their classmates’ faces, some of them even shaking their head.


Was he back to the beginning somehow?


They were alive. Alive!


Mondo was alive - and he would hug his friend, feel him breathe against him, and never let go as soon as possible – but now Kiyotaka needed to make sure he would stay that way.


For the first time in days, Kiyotaka’s determination and fighting spirit was back.


“Then we must try to escape at once!” He ordered, “Please, Oogami-kun and Mondo try to break the entrance! Someone, a mastermind, kidnapped us and they are going to make us try to kill each other –”


“Are you going cray-cray?” Enoshima interrupted him, “How someone would kidnaps us? I think we should let him rest –”


“Stop.” Togami demands of the nervous model, then turns to look at Taka with disgust, “What kind of proof do you have? Why should we believe you?”


“Maybe because the fucking windows are fuckin’ bolted, you jackass -”


Everyone starts to argue. This is not helping at all!


“PLEASE! LISTEN TO ME!” Taka is grateful of having strong vocal chords even though all of them flinch. “I have lived this before! We need to join forces and find an exit before the Killing Game starts or you -”


He can see Naegi arrive at his eye corner, but at this moment he only has eyes for them, and he points at Chihiro, Kuwata, Maizono, Enoshima and Mondo.


“YOU WILL DIE!! I have seen it and –”


Ishimaru Kiyotaka’s body moved on it’s own, dancing to the rhythm of RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT, before crashing to the ground face first.


His body is burning.


His mouth fills itself with liquid metal.


His classmates start screaming on a painful cacophony.


He could only guess that the sharp stings – Is this what dying feels like? Why does it feels familiar? – were the bullets of the machine guns. Otherwise, why is he lying on a pool of blood?


The last thing he hears besides that despair-filled echo?


“- a killjoy. We can’t have spoilers, can we?”


Monokuma’s voice.






To survive: Loop 2


Taka woke up in the same classroom.


He raised so quickly that he almost fell upon the table.


He could feel the pounding of his hearth on his chest – on his hears – everywhere - as he looked at himself.


There was no blood on his uniform. Despite being shot multiple times - even if he still felt some phantom stings of the bullets - all his muscle mass was still there. Intact.


He was alive when that should have killed him.


He dug around his hair - pulled it without precautions – but there was no sign of the expected pain after a blow to the head with a hammer. His shaking hands were clean of blood too.


The blow - the bullets - It should have killed him - It should.


In fact, and that realization made his stomach clench in pain, it did kill him.




How was this even possible?!




Did Monokuma said the truth about the time machine?! But how would it work? Why him?


… It would be too kind of that damned bear. Surely not.


But then again, this was exactly the same classroom where he woke up the first time. The orientation guide was identical too! And how didn’t he notice that this uniform was the same he used for his first day? The one for especial occasions?


There was no other explanation of the others being alive - when they saw the bodies – even inspected them! - And witnessed the executions. It would be impossible to fake them, especially Enoshima’s punishment.


They even entered the main hall in the same order, for goodness’s sake!


This was unnatural.




Did it matter how he got here again as long as he had a chance to make it all right?


This time he could make sure no one would die.


He would save Mondo.




Taka glared at the sealed main entrance, trying to ignore the way his legs shake over the machine guns.


To find a way to escape before Monokuma appeared was his priority, but no matter how hard he looked, it really seemed impenetrable.


“What are you doing?”


Even if he expected it, he jumped at Kirigiri’s voice.


“OH! Hello!” Taka stammered, “I was inspecting this device; it doesn’t quite fit this school environment!”


The girl seemed to dissect him with her gaze for some interminable seconds. “…I agree.”, was all she replied before starting to scrutinize the left side of the door.


Yes! With both of them this might work.


When Yamada and the others started to enter, Taka caught them up to speed. Soon enough Sakura was helping them trying to force a way out.


Even if some of them didn’t believe there was danger, hoping for the best like Enoshima and Hagakure, introductions were quickly made. It was bittersweet seeing Kuwata trying to make Maizono laugh, or Chihiro trying to keep them all in sight. Still, it was nothing compared to…


“Oowada Mondo, Ultimate Gang Leader”, his kyoudai smirked, self-assured and alive.


To think that in Taka’s first life he immediately started to berate his kyoudai’s place at the school, of course Mondo hated him then. 


“I’m Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Ultimate Moral Compass. It’s nice to meet you, M- Oowada”


They stared at each other. The biker glowered at him, almost daring him to say something - Until someone else came and the tension was gone along with Mondo.


Taka left the breath he was holding; his muscles strained by his will of… not hugging his kyoudai, making sure there was flesh and blood and heat in Mondo’s body instead of that.


Before Mondo happened, Taka had never made a real friend, or at least not in the way the two of them just seemed to understand each other. They really were true kyoudais. But how could he show that to Mondo when only recently Taka learned what was a ‘normal conversation’? His lack of education was really showing!


The worse thing is that his usual study methods had not helped him at all previously! It was not until he was talking to Naegi, the friendliest of his classmates, that Taka had even begun to know about this glaringly obvious gap… To make a friend the normal way, he really needed lessons of an expert on that topic, but where to -?




It was obvious! Taka would just need to ask Professor Naegi Makoto for advice.


Almost as summoned, the lucky student appeared at the door and quickly introduced himself to Taka and the others.


It was a wistful feeling hearing them talk about what a strange orientation they were having, about weird pranks, when in any minute now -


*Ding dong, bing bong*


That would happen.


“Ahem! Ahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one two! This is a test of the school broadcast system! Am I on? Can everyone hear me? Okay, well then...!” Monokuma’s voice came through the TV.


That damn teddy bear was already calling them to the gymnasium, talking about beginning the entrance ceremony. Togami left without looking behind, some of the others following him quickly. Taka would have gone as well but he did not really want to face the sadistic headmaster so soon; it was also a plus if he maintained Mondo in his eyesight going there.


Naegi led their group through the corridors, until they finally arrived to the gym. Hagakure had only finished talking about normal ceremony stuff when Monokuma started his show.


“Hey there, howdy, hello! Is everyone here? Good! Then let's get things rolling!”


The first words before starting this madness.


Seeing his classmates bicker with Monokuma and his teddy bear status, without knowing the monster they were talking with was nerve wrecking to say the least. (Inhale. Five seconds).


“Everyone stand at attention and bow! And... Good morning!”, Monokuma beamed.


You could hear a pin drop.


“Huh? Weird, I thought at least some of you would have respect for your headmaster. Especially when I’m about to tell what your school life here will be like…”


Monokuma told them in no uncertain terms about their life here, and being cut off the world. The worst thing is that it was all true; the police had never come in despite all the time Taka had been here – there?


What could he even do?


No matter how much Kirigiri and him looked at the sealed entrance they only discovered that it had a remote system, (controlled by the mastermind no doubt!), but not a way to escape.


So how could they even find an exit? Especially when the rest of the school was still off limits? The worst thing is that - and the realization almost made him gag - the only way so far he knew to open new floors and rooms was if…


“… one person were to murder another”


“M-Murder!?”, Makoto cried.


The others started to mutter among themselves, and he thought he heard some sniffles as Monokuma explained his disgusting ‘ideology’. Of course, the ‘headmaster’ did not talk about the motives, of them being coerced to act in his and the mastermind’s whims. The bear just told them to “go ahead, go on a kill-kill-killing spree!”


“Alright, come on...” Hagakure interrupted, “How long are you gonna keep this up?”


“Eh?” The bear just stared at the fortune teller, so did Taka.


“You got us, okay? You scared the hell out of us. So you can go ahead and reveal the trick now”


“Reveal the trick...?” Monokuma was stumped.


“Yeah, cuz I mean... Y'know, this is all some kinda trick and all, right? So uh, like...” Hagakure was still in denial?


“Dude, shut the hell up and get outta my way”. Mondo shoved Hagakure and planted himself in front of Monokuma.


What was his kyoudai going to-?


“Listen up, asshole!” Mondo roared, “This shit's gone way too far! What the hell kinda joke IS this!?”


Monokuma quickly replied, “Joke? What, you mean like your hair?”


Oh no.


“FFFUUUUUUUUUUUU--!” Mondo launched himself into the air and flew at Monokuma, grabbing the bear in a chokehold. “Gotcha, you little piece of shit! I dunno whatever the hell you are! But I'm gonna rip you to fuckin' shreds!”


“Mon- Oowada-kun! Stop!” Taka ran towards the stage, he can’t lose Mondo to this! “Don’t provoke -”


“Waah! Violence against the headmaster is in violation of school regulations!”


No no no no, Taka’s head sung, almost tripping on the stairs.


“Shut the fuck up!” Mondo barked at Monokuma, “Let me outta here, or I swear to Christ...”


The bear started to beep. Taka’s hearth beating on rhythm with it.


“Oowada-kun! Throw that away!” He was face to face to the biker now. Surely, Mondo would –


“Hell no! I’m gonna give this bastard what he deserves for this shit!”, Mondo snarled, “What?! You on his side or somethin’?!”


The beeping was going faster.




“Hurry up and throw it!” Kirigiri yelled stumping both into silence. Without another word Mondo threw Monokuma and as soon as he did -




Taka lost his balance; his ears pulsated even after the painful ringing was gone. The smell of gunpowder on the air was as putrid as he remembered.


“The hell!?” Mondo staggered next to him. “Th-That sure as shit wasn't a joke. It blew the hell up...”


“This means that the teddy bear's been destroyed, right?” Chihiro asked.


If only.


Monokuma’s replacement appeared as nonchalant as ever. As if the bear didn’t just try to kill his friend! If Taka did not knew what the consequences would be, he would have try and destroy that damn machine.


“You son of a bitch!” Mondo was fuming. “You seriously tried to kill me just now!”


“Well, yes. I was serious about trying to kill you. You did violate one of the school regulations, after all”, Monokuma said, as if that bastard had told anyone what they were instead of just letting them stumble headfirst!


The bear continued, “I'll let you off with a warning this time, but you'd better be careful from now on. Any naughty boy or girl who violates my rules won't get off with just a little swat on the butt”


Enoshima’s pierced body flashed through his mind.


“How the hell are we supposed to know the rules if you don’t say them yet?”, Kiyotaka snapped.




“Puhuhu! What a naughty boy you are, Ishimaru-kun! Saying some big boy’s words right now! I ought to punish you!” Monokuma looked exhilarated.


Taka’s face was hotter than in the sauna now. How shamefully uncharacteristic of him! He – He didn’t want to be a bad example for the others, especially when he knew what Monokuma’s retaliations were like. Taka should be punished, really!


“No matter! Even if I am so bear-y hurt, you reminded me that I did have a little something prepared” The bear carried on, “To commemorate your joyous entry into our school... Our official student handbook!”


Monokuma started to hand them out, explaining what the handbooks and how indestructible they are (as if-!). He also pointed out that the cameras would be watching them. Honestly, Kiyotaka sometimes went to the sauna not only to remember his kyoudai and talk to Alter Ego, but to escape the wrongness of being surveyed as well.


The so-called headmaster left after that lecture and soon enough Taka’s classmates started to despair. Fukawa and Kuwata were the first to breakdown, then Chihiro and Yamada, at the realization of the Graduation Clause. Before he even thought of what to say to them, besides empty platitudes, Kirigiri beat him to the punch.


“We need to just calm down. First, let's just take a second to summarize everything we just heard.” The girl was as efficient as ever. “Based on what Monokuma said, we essentially have two choices. Choice number one is that we each stay here, living a "communal life" together until the day we die. And the other choice is...


Celeste completed the phrase, “If we want to get out of here alive, we have to kill someone. Right?”


The silence hung heavy above their heads. When he first came to the Killing School, it seemed impossible after all - after a life of rules, laws, and morals declaring murder as anathema - now it was almost mandated. Sure, no one was considering it right now, as it was the first day, but soon enough, the motives would be introduced and so would murder as a feasible option.


“What matters the most is not what we choose” Togami sentenced with cold precision, “But if there is anyone here who's seriously considering all this...?”


The atmosphere, if it was cold before, now it was freezing over. His classmates looked at each other with suspicion at Togami’s words. Thankfully, now Taka was prepared.


“I seriously doubt that”, said Taka with confidence, hopefully no one would notice the sweat clinging to his forehead, “We are fifteen against that bear so, as long as we work together, we can find a way out!”


“Y-yeah! We need to be a team!” Asahina cheerfully added.


“A team-up… But what is the mission, exactly?”, Yamada asked.


“To find a way out, idiot!” Kuwata rudely gestured towards the doujinshi creator. Enoshima suggested finding the person controlling the bear and beating them. But Chihiro, like the first time, was the one to bring attention to the handbooks again.


Kiyotaka saw everybody turning on their device, and he did the same as well. Once the characters of his name had disappeared, the familiar rules were there as imposing as ever.


Don’t even try to escape. Don’t hurt Monokuma. Kill if you want to graduate. That was the essence behind them all.


Mondo (and of course his rule-adverse friend would be it) was the first to react.


“This is bullshit! What the hell kinda rules are these!? I'm not gonna let them control ME!”


If Taka had not seen the handbook after the sauna, he may have thought it was indestructible by how hard the biker was gripping it.


“Well then, why don't you wander around the school without a care in the world and see what happens? Personally, I would love to see what happens when someone breaks one of the rules”, Celeste smiled politely, as if she didn’t ask his friend to risk his life.


“But if he got punished like what we saw before, I don't think there'd be a respawn waiting for him...”


Mondo’s stormy expression changed to one of shock. “I... Ever since I was a kid, I grew up with my older brother pounding this into my head... When a man makes a promise, he has to keep it, even if it kills him”


Oh, Mondo.


Taka started to inch closer almost absentmindedly. A hug was not appropriate since his kyoudai did not know him yet, but maybe a hand of comfort in his shoulder would calm his tactile friend. Hopefully.


“So what…?” Enoshima asked, with a sneer in her face.


“I've made a ton of promises that I still have to keep, that's "so what"!”, Mondo growled, “So I can't afford to die in here!”


You won’t.


Taka would cover his back, metaphorically and literally if it was needed.


“Hey, um...I have a question. For regulation number six...what do you think it means exactly?” Maizono asked. Was she already planning her attempt?


He ought to be mindful of her, especially once the first motive was out. Would Maizono try to escape again? She didn’t even know about the trials! It was only explained after she was… gone.


“You're talking about the second half, right? Where it says "unless they are discovered"? I was wondering about that myself” Even though Naegi was a fellow normal student, he really was curious about everything. A nice quality to have on investigations.


“It's saying that if you want to graduate, you have to kill someone without anyone finding out it was you.” Togami gripped.


Kiyotaka would dissuade any ideas before they started. “Well – I doubt it would be as easy as that. Does it means only to not be seen? Or to h-hide a body? Alternatively, maybe there is some kind of investigation… I mean, we don’t know” He cringed. That last part sounded disingenuous even to him.


“…Speculation will lead us nowhere now.” The heir declared. “Just worry about following the rules as they've been explained to us.”


“Well for now, let's forget all that silly junk about murderers or whatever” Asahina suggested with a determined look on her face. “Now that we know the rules, let's start exploring the school!”


“… I’ll be going alone”


“What!? Why? That's a pretty stupid idea, don't you think?” Enoshima seemed baffled and offended at Togami’s words.


“Someone here might already have started thinking about murdering one of us” Togami said with a glare. Even to Kiyotaka, who was not the best at deciphering what others really wanted to say, it was obvious that the heir’s pointed comment was meant to him. The blonde continued, “Are you saying we should stand around with them in our midst and make it that much easier for them?


“W-Wait, hold on a second. That would never--!” Maizono cried, before being interrupted by the heir.


“Don't bother saying it couldn't happen. You can't deny the possibility. That's why you all seized up with fear when that graduation rule was made clear to you.” Togami dismissed the singer, “So, I'm simply acting in accordance with what I think is best for me”


“Hold on! Like hell I'm gonna let you run off and do whatever you want!” Mondo blocked the heir’s path, planting himself in front of the gym’s entrance. A noble sentiment, but - 


“Out of my way, plankton” Togami’s glare matched Mondo’s own, and the biker scowled harder in response.


“Wh--!? The fuck's that supposed to mean!?”


“One tiny bit of plankton, drifting across the sea. So minuscule, so insignificant, they couldn't possibly have any kind of influence on the boundless ocean…” Togami quickly fired. How dare he -!


“I'm gonna kick your fucking ass!”


Taka found himself torn, on one hand, violence was not an efficient way to resolve problems, on the other, a punch would not hurt Togami too badly. Maybe it would deflate the heir’s ego or dissuade him of playing with corpses.


“S-Stop it! We shouldn't fight!” Naegi’s trembling voice interrupted his thoughts. Oh – Taka now remembered why letting this happen was a bad idea.


“The fuck you just say? You some kinda goody-goody little bitch?” Mondo changed targets quickly. “Who do you think you are, talkin' to me like that? You think you're my fuckin' dad or something!?”


“Hold on! Mo – Oowada-kun! Don’t take it on Naegi-”


“Fuck YOU!” Mondo roared as he swung his arm.


His sharp elbow connecting with Taka’s face.




Maybe it was the fact that he had died two times already, that he recently experienced time travel, or maybe just seeing his best friend alive again, either way Taka had forsaken his place.




He was crashing to the ground.




“- hated each other we could see our great qualities, for example, your leadership’s skills or -”


It was a nice day at Hope’s Peak.


The majority of students had left already for the weekend, be it for their talents or homesickness. The two of them decided to have a picnic on campus instead.


Mondo’s gang could care for each other, especially under Takemichi’s orders, and Kiyotaka’s dad had a big case that could make or break his reinstated detective job.


So, here they were. Next to the school’s centenary tree.


“– Well, excluding that accident with Makoto the first week”


“C’mon, I said sorry like right after” Mondo lightly punched his shoulder; still embarrassed of the way he had lost control at Naegi. Poor Makoto had flown across the hall from the punch originally meant for Togami. “Y’know, he ain’t that lucky in retrospect”


Mondo smirked at him and Kiyotaka could not help but snort, giddy with happiness. It was no wonder though, he treasured every moment he shared with his -


When did this happen?




For a brief moment when he woke up, he expected the cold floor of the laboratory to greet him, expecting everything to be a delusion of his dying mind. Thankfully, his comfortable bed greeted him instead.


He wondered who carried him here. Last time Oogami was the one who brought Makoto to his room. Taka had shamefully spend his time yelling at Mondo and arranging with the others what sections of the school they would investigate.


Oh! The others! 


He jumped of his bed and staggered a little. His face hurt, a lot. Thankfully, his nose was intact and so were his teeth, despite the fact that Mondo was a great fighter and had used part of his elbow. He quickly concluded that the biker probably didn’t mean to do it, just a reflex of sorts.


A trip to the bathroom revealed his red and swollen face; it was going to leave a bruise. He could take a shower, considering that he slept for – three hours already?! No!


His watch seldom was wrong though. Therefore, he decided to put that task aside for later. He was not going to spend his time resting when Monokuma could still be trying to seal the school and making mistakes. He might also need a bag of frozen peas or similar to deal with his disgraceful appearance.


He opened his door, and was greeted by two familiar faces.


“Oh! Hello - We were going to see if you were awake” Maizono smiled gently at him, “It’s time for lunch”


It was a worrying amount of time since he usually did not fall that easily. Maybe it was a side effect of time travelling. Still, how many things could he have accomplished if he was not here sleeping?


“I -” Naegi looked abashed, “I’m sorry that you were hit, if I didn’t get between them this would not have happened”


“Don’t worry, Naegi-kun. I was the one who needed to intervene. If – If I had stopped that from the start -”


Did his inaction condone his kyoudai’s anger problems? Just because Kiyotaka found Togami aggravating?


He couldn’t help tearing up. “I ought to be punished, really”


“Don’t say that!” Maizono scolded. Taka and Naegi jumped at her tone, and the girl widened her eyes, surprised as well. She chuckled at her own fierceness. “That’s a bit much. I mean, you saved Makoto from being punched in the end, didn’t you?”


The lucky student was quickly turning into an alarming shade of red. “Makoto?” He sputtered.


“Oh! Sorry, I should have asked first”, giggled Maizono, “We are friends since middle school, in a way. Aren’t we?”


“O-Okay – I mean y-yeah”


It was heartwarming seeing them interact. That fact explained why they talked so much when everyone was introducing themselves.


“And call me Sayaka, I’m your assistant after all”, the singer said to Naegi, “You too, Ishimaru-kun”


Huh? It didn’t make sense. She was his assistant too?


The girl giggled harder and clarified, “You can call me Sayaka too. After all, you saved one of my friends”. Did the girl read his mind?! “I can’t read your mind; I just have a good intuition!


Then how did she know about what he was thinking?


Never mind, it was only polite to respond in return. “Then both of you shall call me Taka, it’s only fair”


It was very caring of his classmates to wake him up, and the best way to repay them was not neglecting his duties any longer. “Now, what have you discovered in the meantime? Because -”


They conversed and walked to the dining hall after Maizan Sayaka convinced him to investigate there. Makoto mumbled something about having lunch too. Nevertheless, both of them told him where the others had disappeared and the hour they all agreed to meet again.


The dining hall was bursting with energy when they arrived.


Some of his classmates had ate already (Mondo, Kirigiri, Togami) or were leaving (Yamada, Fukawa); but others were just arriving, like them, or eating still. Asahina, part of the latter group, quickly waved them over and offered them what she and Oogami had cooked.


After taking a spoonful of rice (no butter used, he asked), Taka was surprised at both the pleasant flavor and that his appetite had come back with a vengeance, and so he ate until nothing was left in his plate.


The singer reassured the others that food would be restocked daily, according to Monokuma. Apparently, Sayaka and Makoto had already investigated the kitchen and the bear made an appearance there.


Asahina, Oogami and Mondo decided to searched for a way to communicate with the outside instead, but neither the sealed entrance nor the gated off stairs budged in any way. In short, they have not discovered anything he didn’t already know.


While he thought of himself as someone intelligent, or at least book-smart, Taka knew that he could help best on something other than a school investigation. That’s why after placating Sayaka and Makoto, plus being invited to work out sometime with Oogami and Asahina, Kiyotaka was now scrubbing the cutlery, plates and pots they have used.


He firmly ignored the knives hanging on the wall. While it was tempting to throw them all into the furnace, they also needed to cook. Still, he could try hiding them once the first motive was revealed as a precaution.


The alone time helped him think of the next steps.


When they entered the Killing Game they had three days were nothing relevant happened, and then the videos were shown. The next day to Sayaka’s death was of investigation, and the morning after Monokuma decided to open up the second floor, the warehouse and the bathrooms.


The bathrooms…


Now, don’t get Taka wrong, he really liked Mondo’s competiveness and if an endurance challenge was required to be kyoudais again he was more than ready to win. Nevertheless, he hoped to become friends again as soon as possible. It would be weird to pretend he didn’t know Mondo otherwise. But how to approach him?


Taka looked at his watch and noted that there were only two hours until the meeting, enough time to go back to his room and take care of his wrinkled and dusty uniform from the gym fall. Maybe he could even fit a short study session.


He left the last dishes on their assigned spots preparing to leave… And locked eyes with Mondo.








This day was definitely the weirdest Mondo’s ever had and somehow barely made it on the top five of worst days in his life… gets to show how Mondo’s life sucks in general.


Really, if it wasn’t for that bizarre teddy bear trying to kill him, and the way his ears rang after the explosion, he would still think this was some stupid fucking prank.


The worst thing is that even with that strong chick and the smart one they couldn’t open the sealed door nor the welded windows, so they were sitting ducks until his gang rescued him, calling him a fucking damsel, or the police arrived first. Now, Mondo hates both options and he would obviously prefer to get the hell out of here on his own, but even the damn pigs would notice if the newest class of Hope’s Peak got up and disappeared.




The thing is he needs to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. He got promises to fulfill, especially Daiya’s.


Not to mention that if Monokuma told the truth, and they were all trapped until they died of old age or otherwise, it meant that he would have to share space with those fuckin’ assholes.


Sure, Asahina, Fujisaki and Oogami were nice enough - and he didn’t get to know the others yet to really form an opinion - but just sharing more than five minutes in a room with that rich bastard, that creepy chick or that fat pervert made him want to punch something.


Mondo cringed as he remembered. He kinda already did.


Maybe it was the adrenaline of almost being blown to fucking pieces or how that motherfucker Togami got off on being so superior – talking shit, calling him insignificant, like he knew what Mondo was and what he has done and why he is here and how he shouldn’t be instead of Daiya - and everyone was looking at him thinking he was weak weak weak


The thing was that once that pipsqueak Naegi thought himself tougher than Mondo, preaching peace and stuff, he exploded.


He threw the punch straight to the wimpy student, and as he noticed a shadow coming to his flank he struck out, reflexes honed on his street fights working perfectly. He advanced towards the so-called lucky student, his original target, to shake him up a little, to show him and Togami who they were dealing with.


It was only after Oogami gripped his arm, making it hurt like a bitch, that Mondo came back to reality… and realized that he knocked out Ishimaru.


His stomach twisted in knots upon seeing the white-clad figure lying motionless on the floor.


He didn’t even know why.


It was the first time he met the guy after all.




Maybe because the Moral Compass – and what kind of Ultimate was that? – tried to save him from being killed in the first place. Shit. If it wasn’t for the smart chick and him Mondo would have been toast. And he repaid him hitting him straight on the fucking face.


Mondo owed Ishimaru, and fuck did he hate bind indebted to that kind of rich guy. Probably thought himself better than then Ultimate Gang Leader, who was as dumb as to pick a bomb without noticing. Or got himself off thinking that bikers like him could not have principles and shit. Well, fuck him!


Mondo was a man of his word. With a code, the Crazy Diamond’s.


Daiya’s code.


His code.


So, yeah, once that guy wakes up – and Naegi better tell Mondo, as he nicely asked of the ‘lucky student’ – Mondo has the perfect plan. In fact, it’s a genius one.


Step 1: (After he is done showering) Go to the kitchen and grab an ice pack.


Step 2: Go to Ishimaru’s dorm – was he seriously his neighbor? The fuck?! – and knock until he responds.


Step 3: ???


Step 4: Life debt repaid!




The third step will depend on what Ishimaru says and how he says it. He better not expect an apology or something like that for the punch, when he was stupid enough to approach a gang leader by his blind spot. And if he pulls a Togami… Let’s just say that Mondo can get creative on ‘repaying’ things.


With that in mind, he approached the kitchen for step one…


And went all the way to the third.


Ishimaru’s ridiculous eyebrows went all the way to his hairline as he saw him enter the kitchen, but Mondo was the one more surprised seeing him. The guy’s cheek had swollen up and was currently a bright red. He hoped it hurt less than it seemed, Ishimaru was very pale after all, and his red eyes only made the beginning of the bruise pop more.


After a beat in which they just looked at each other – and why did he had two staring contests with this guy in just one day? – It was clear that Ishimaru was not going to say anything. Quick, Mondo, think of something.


“So, dishes, huh?”


Bravo, Mondo. Bravo.


Ishimaru’s face did some weird spams, finally settling on a shit-eating grin. “Right! I did them”


Mondo’s eye twitched involuntarily. He saw that, that’s why he said it. Did Ishimaru want a prize or something?


He hummed, a nervous habit?, and continued, “Oowada-kun, Oogami-kun and Asahina-kun told me you were trying to find a way out?” 


Weird, he didn’t peg Ishimaru as a small talker. Mondo found the fridge was at the left of the kitchen, between himself and the guy. Fuck!


“Yeah, and we didn’t find shit”, he answered, walking as casual as ever to the appliance. Step 1 was on its way.


“Language!” The Moral Compass scowled.


“My bad, we did not find shit, Ishimaru-san” And if Mondo put a little more bit than usual was just because the guy was being an asshole right now!


Ishimaru’s red eyes flashed with annoyance. “You know that’s not what I was talking about! Not because this isn’t a normal school you should go against proper behavior”


Holy shit! He honestly thought that the guy did not have balls, just another spineless rich bastard like Togami. Still, something didn’t settle right in Mondo’s stomach… the so-called Ultimate Moral Compass’s priorities were kinda fucked.


“Proper behavior? I’m so sorry, Ishimaru-sama, spare me from my bad manners - when we are fucking kidnapped!”


Ishimaru glared at him, seeming to be preparing another tirade, then coughed…


And gave him a fake-ass smile, like they didn’t just yell at each other. “Y-you may have a point, Oowada-kun, but if we are going to be in this situation together we may as well do things the right way - and get along”


So not only Ishimaru wants to push Mondo around, a ‘my way or the high way’ kind of guy, he also has the sheer fucking gall to laugh in his face and came as the better person. Well, fuck him.


Mondo had dealt with this before in his gang, people who simply didn’t get what their place was or faked until the next backstabbing opportunity… but everyone had learned to respect him sooner or later. That’s why he was the top dog there – and now here.


This would be fun.


Mondo advanced until he was right next to Ishimaru. A simple yet effective tactic that would make a lesser man start to piss himself just imagining where Mondo would start hitting them or until when. A tactic –


That this guy did not even flinch about! - Or move from the kitchen sink.


Instead, he stood his ground and looked at Mondo like he was the one acting strange.


Maybe the bastard needed more clues.


“We may as well stay the hell away out of each other’s business, Ishimaru… Unless you want another shiner” Mondo punched his open palm as a demonstration. At that, Ishimaru’s face turned blue. Good!


“Y-you don’t mean that”, he stuttered, almost tearing up. Seems like the prissy little prince was not used to getting his shit rocked in whatever private school he came from. No wonder he had no common sense to fear Mondo.


“Sure as hell I do” Mondo smirked at his classmate that was finally getting it.  “So, what’s gonna be?”


“I -” The guy seemed at a lost. He stared at Mondo but for some reason, he got the feeling he wasn’t really looking at him.


It was the same look Daiya sometimes got when Mondo laughed too laud, or beat someone too hard. They simply were seeing someone else. It pissed him the hell off.


But just when he was about to tear him a new asshole… Ishimaru started to cry.


“Oowada-kun, it would be - be impossible to – to ignore”, he chocked that word, “- each other when we are all confined”.


And normally Mondo would mock a guy sobbing like that after challenging him, his gang behind him laughing, but now… He got the sinking feeling that maybe he got too far.


Ishimaru was at least trying to get along with him, in his own prissy kinda way, and Mondo made the weaker man be in tears when he was going to repay him. Shit. Was Mondo really just itching for a fight?


What would the others think of Mondo if he made the Moral Compass wept? And this sadness was not fake as the other’s smiles, this right here was real, unless the kid was actually the Ultimate Actor.


“Shit - I mean fuck, SHIT, whatever, just stop -!” He pleaded. He was the worst with crying people. “I - I thought you – you would be happy, dammit, I mean - I’m pretty sure you can’t stand my face anymore I can’t yours”, Mondo chuckled awkwardly.


Ishimaru, tears still falling on his face, for the first time in this weird day looked at him. His intense blood-red eyes searched Mondo’s face for something. He felt clammy despite not being nervous at all, yeah, sure, and got the impression he was now really being seen, no matter how weird that sounded even in his head.


Ki- Ishimaru dried his tears with the back of his hand, and gave him a watery smile. A little calmer than before, he rasped, “I’m sorry, Oowada-kun, I always blow things out of proportion”, he took a deep breath, “I’m being serious about getting along, and I understand if you can’t - wouldn’t like to be friend-ly now, but -”


And the small genuine smile he gave Mondo was nice-r… Y’know, comparing to the fakes ones earlier.


“- If you give me a chance, I will not stop until I make it worth it”


Was he for real earlier?


Why was he being so forgiving?


Did he not want to fight for the top spot like Mondo assumed?


Mondo had escaped left his responsibilities, his gang, to get away from those alarms every time someone said something. To stop getting angry over every perceived threat. To quit destroying things and lives.


If Daiya were here, what would he say?


“Maybe you should worry about other things first”, he mumbled, “like your face”


“My face?”


Mondo could not take it anymore. He went towards his initial target and found what he was looking for thankfully quickly. He put the ice bag on the kitchen island. Touching the back of his neck, not looking at Ishimaru, he tried to make it as casual as possible, “Let’s see ‘bout the friendly thing, okay? N-now I’m going to look for a way out of here”


Once Mondo was by the door, he remembered something important and called out over his shoulder, “And, see ya later – for the meeting n’ stuff”


Ishimaru was friendly right now, but once he realized who Mondo actually was he would change his mind. He felt a pang of something in his stomach at that thought. Whatever.


He needed to find a way out, not worry about someone who may have been only trying to save his hide.


Mondo was better off alone.


He always was.








Ishimaru Kiyotaka felt like floating, giddy with happiness. Was any wonder that people really like having friends?


He thought he had somehow ruined his chances once he imposed his ideals on Mondo, telling him to control his mouth in an education setting. Or maybe the ship had sailed when putting himself between Mondo and Makoto, not stopping him sooner. After the shameful display of his once the gang leader told him that he didn’t want to stay in each other’s ‘businesses’, Taka had resigned himself to be only his annoying classmate.


Then Mondo had gifted him an ice bag, a silent apology but one nonetheless. Actions always mattered more than words; they were the demonstrations of everyone’s true natures. And this – this showed that his kyoudai regretted hitting him, perhaps even cared despite not being friends yet.


Maybe Mondo was not convinced right now, but once Taka’s effort and study under the friendliest of his classmates produced results… Surely, he would like to be soul brothers again, confidants…


For now though, after a shower and a new change of uniform, he simply waited in the dining hall for the others. He was pleasantly surprised no one had arrived before him. Good! He did an absolute bad impression earlier, just falling sleep; but this would show his commitment to his classmates.


The clock ticked slowly, but soon enough everyone was coming. They shared the same information of the first time, he noticed. Even the petty fights between Fukawa and Enoshima, and Yamada with Kuwata, were the exact same. Kirigiri showed up late, as always, and despite his prodding, the girl would not tell him where she found the map of Hope’s Peak.


Then Celeste made her suggestion of restricting going outside at nighttime, which gave him an opportunity to correct one of his mistakes.


“I agree, but I would also like to do a suggestion as well”, he would make them come together as soon as possible, at least to make them hesitate when the motives were presented, “After the – nighttime ends, we should eat breakfast together here. Not only does it bring us closer, but -”  


“It would also allow us to see if anyone has died”, Celeste added, “I agree with that too”


A little too morbid, but it was unfortunately true. It even made the point even clearer to the others who, despite not being morning people, agreed finally to both self-imposed rules. Although they had argued for a little leeway on the time. So, like the last time, every breakfast meeting would be held at 8 am.


Nighttime soon enough came and everyone retreated to their rooms.








Tomorrow would be the day he asked Makoto to help him win Mondo over.


Despite his anxiety, his exhaustion won over.


Dying was a surprisingly tiring event.

Chapter 2: Lessons on friendship


Normal warnings apply (death, panic attacks, graphic violence).
Blink and you miss it mention of animal death.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Day 1


“Good morning, everyone! I hope you all slept well, for today we can try to find an exit or some clues about our situation. Let’s do our best!”


He can’t help the smile out of his face. Despite the grim expressions of some of his classmates, everyone was in the dining hall! Even latecomers like Kirigiri, Kuwata and Togami were here. Albeit a little closer to snapping than he would like, if the heir’s glare were anything to come by.


“Yeah! I’m so pumped-”. Asahina cheery reply was damped by her yawn.


That same yawn quickly spread among the not-really energized students. In fact, Makoto was almost falling sleep on his bowl of cereal, only being saved by Sayaka moving it further away. Taka didn’t understand everyone’s attitudes though, Mokuma’s morning announcement would have woke them up eventually.


A whiny tone cuts straight to the chase. “So, like, did anyone find anything at all?”


The scrapping of bowls, the rustling of food wraps, the chewing sounds… they all still at Enoshima’s question. The only sounds in a dining hall filled with fifteen students being their breathing - and her long nails tapping rhythmically on the table.


Hagakure laughs, startling them out of the weird ambiance that had formed. “C’mon, guys! Everything is gonna work itself out. Don’t sweat it”


Chihiro seems relieved at the older boy’s words. “Maybe… If it really is morning… We have been here just for a day”


“Yeah! And I promised my brother that I would call”, says Hina. The swimmer looks resolved when she adds, “Our families are probably calling us and wondering where we are, and once they report it, help will arrive!”


“Huh? H-Help?”


“No way! – No way you are putting your faith on the police?!” Monokuma appears suddenly, causing them to shout in response. “Those losers only exist to make the bad guys look cool when they destroy them. What do they teach kids nowadays? They are no ‘help’”


“What are you doing here?!”


“Just making sure that you kids know that the only way out of here is by killing, no exceptions or loopholes of any kind!” Then, as an afterthought, the bear adds, “Well, unless the loopholes are over someone’s neck, upupupu”


It’s disturbing how every word, every syllable, falling out of Monokuma is perfectly selected to inflict the most of despair as possible. He can see the uncertainty creep on his classmates’ faces, and despite himself knowing what the bear intends, he can’t help the way his mind immediately thinks that maybe someone will take the offer.


Monokuma seems to think of something, or more accurately, the mastermind controlling him makes it look like it is. Are they watching the live feed right now?


“Now, now, if all of you make things interesting in the next days, we will go along just fine… Maybe I will spare you of my little surprise”


“‘S-surprise’? W-what do you-”


Fukawa doesn’t even get to finish the sentence, before Monokuma disingenuously says, “Oopss! That was a spoiler! See ya~”, and takes off.


Hagakure unsuccessfully tries to cheer them up, but it’s in vain. Breakfast is finished shortly. Some of his classmates decide to investigate on their own and others in groups but he was sure that, alone or not, they were probably thinking something along the lines of ‘if this is already a nightmare, what can Monokuma do to make everything worse?”


And he could not even tell them! After all, how could he reassure them and not reveal anything to the mastermind? His leg bounces, as he tries to think of some solution. He could do it in the bathrooms if they opened again, but even then how many of his classmates would believe him? Especially on his word alone.


A certain pompadour-wearing biker flashes through his mind.


Now it seems an appropriate time to talk to Makoto… who just left with Sayaka?!


This was - !


Should he follow them? Wouldn’t that just be imposing himself on them? But – but – but - !


To approach Mondo without consulting the expert of friendship himself… It would be akin to doing a mid-term math exam just knowing half-heartily the formula and never practicing! This threw his whole plan off!


“Hey, Ishimaru-kun! Are you busy right now?”, Asahina asks him.


“Not really. A fact most unbecoming…” He whispers the last part to himself.


Maybe he should wait for Makoto to be free. In the meantime, he could study, especially when the next days were going to be erratic. The school did mail him some books before coming. Weird in retrospect, if they hijacked Hope’s Peak before the new term.


“Earth to Ishimaru-kun~” The swimmer teases him.


“I’m so sorry, Asahina-kun! I was lost in my thoughts” Then he adds, “- Not that that was an excuse! Ignoring your conversation is impolite, please respond to this slight as you deem fit!” He bows to her, awaiting judgement.


“Huh? Don’t worry about it! I kinda get lost in my own head too sometimes” The swimmer chuckled. “And call me Hina! We are classmates after all, aren’t we?”


“Of course! Then you shall call me ‘Taka’”


“Nice! I did write your name on my hand three times, but I totally forgot your nickname”


His father had always said that nicknames not only showed familiarity, but also presenting oneself with one displayed openness. It was necessary if one wanted to build rapport with a witness. Kiyotaka suspected something similar occurred with friendships, and adapted his introductions accordingly. Not that anyone before Hope’s Peak used his chosen nickname, but that was beside the point.


“I wanted to ask if you wanted to join us”, Hina said, “With Sakura-chan and Fukawa-chan, we’re trying to find a way out of here”


His first instinct was to refuse. He knew that they were just going to waste time; the window of opportunity had closed yesterday. However, two things stops him.


First, while Hina and Sakura certainly could not understand the manly bonds between Taka and Mondo, they had a strong-enough friendship to resemble it. In fact, didn’t they have a sleepover just after knowing each other? That was a friendship milestone! They could have something valuable to teach him.


The second thing was…




“Yeah… Yesterday we kinda left her out, so we invited her” Hina shrugs. It was noble of them, even if the athletes were the total opposites of the writer.


Fukawa Toko. Genocyder Syo.


He needs to keep an eye on them.


“I’ll accept. Thank you for inviting me!”




They explore the ‘school’ part of Hope’s Peak, inspecting every crevice for clues and finding only weird coins instead. No matter what Oogami did, no welded-shut windows or barred stairs budget even a little bit.


Wasted efforts aside, it was actually fascinating the way Hina and Oogami bounced their ideas on each other while they talked about shows and training regimes. Before Makoto’s lection on his first life, he may have asserted everything outside of studies and politics was idle chitchat, but they clearly were growing closer!


It was a completely normal conversation! And a practical way of learning, so to speak.


“So, Taka and Fukawa-chan, what is your favorite music?”, Hina asks them, “No, no, wait, what animal would you like to have as a pet? Or -”


“Hina, slow down, let them answer”, Oogami puts her hand on the shoulder of the shorter girl, and smiles gently. When the fighter does that, she looks slightly less terrifying.


After a beat, in which both the writer and he just waited for the other to start, he decides to answer.


“I like school songs, as every student should - and the national anthem, of course!”


He doesn’t know the right answer to the second question. Animals. When people in his hometown get angry… ‘Are those plushies, dad?’… He shakes his head, trying to get those thoughts away. “Where I live I can’t have pets, so that’s a moot point”


“Aww, that’s sad! I get it though”, Hina says, “I love aquatic animals, but they really need space”


“Hmm, I’m partial to… bunnies” Oogami admits, surprising him. He tries to conceal his expression, when she looks at him. “I like traditional songs as well, Ishimaru-kun. Enka to be specific”


He feels hot shame settle in. He has misjudged her not once, but two times already. Why was Oogami called an ‘Ogre’ when she clearly has a gentle soul? He owes her so many apologies. If the martial artist ever needs anything, he would stand by her side.


Maybe those shattered misconceptions of the girl makes him have hope in his hearth. So, he turns around and asks, “What about you, Fukawa-kun?”


“W-why do you want m-me to answer?” The aforementioned writer’s face fills with contempt. Did she too not understand what a normal conversation was? That would certainly explain some of her behaviors.


“Fukawa-kun, if we are all going to grow closer knowing the answer to these questions is crucial!”


“‘Closer’? You think I'm s-stupid?” Fukawa hisses, “I’ve been th-through this b-before... And I'm not gonna b-be hurt again...! E-even less by s-some m-muscles for brains”


She runs off, her footsteps filling the halls.


“Fukawa-kun! No running!” He warns her before even processing the situation, reflexes from his hall monitor duties not failing him. He kicks himself mentally, that admonishment would only made more harm than good on this situation.  


“I can't believe she just ran off! You think we should go after her?” Hina seems prepared to go after the writer if needed.


“We shouldn't pressure her any further”, Oogami replies on a soft voice, and the swimmer quickly concedes.


“I – Did I say something wrong?”, he blurts out, “I should apologize to her, shouldn’t I?”


He doesn’t expect the writer to accept it in any case. If anything, as experience showed, Fukawa could be as devastating with her words as Genocider Syo was with her scissors. Still, it was the correct thing to do.


“Don’t worry, Taka! She probably is not used to have friends and stuff”, Hina tries to cheer him up, “Y’know, when I’m feeling down I like to run some laps. So let’s get to the gym and do a training session! What do you say?”


Before he has a chance to gather his thoughts, Oogami looks at him and adds, “We might add some self-defense training as well. To prevent any further… accidents”


He can’t help but feel a little defensive, there were extenuating circumstances - and it’s not like the bruise hurts anymore! However, if he wants to keep them all safe, this would be the most productive option, right? He lets himself be dragged along for a rewarding evening.




When he returns to his room, body still aching after the useful techniques Oogami had showed them through, he feels exhausted yet invigorated. The discipline of martial arts is familiar and comforting at the same time. That’s why, after the fighter asks them about previous experiences and he answers honestly, he accepts her invitation for a future kendo match with Hina as the referee.


Today was fun – and productive! – But he can’t help thinking that if Mondo was with them, they could have make the most out of it.


He takes a needed shower and reads enough to allow himself a free day tomorrow. It’s simple. If Makoto won’t go to him, then Taka must come to Makoto, and at seven am if it is required.


Kiyotaka, a total normal person who just happened to have this new chance (and intends to use it wisely), doesn’t know that while he studies in his room, two celebrities are sharing tea in the dining hall.


Even if he knew, he may have thought that with friendship binding them it would only make it more difficult to kill each other.








The Ultimate Pop sensation smiles softly at the Ultimate Baseball Player, warming her hands on her cup of tea. She grips it harder when he laughs, telling her that the music industry is glamorous, that he is changing a dream for another like he is not going to be swept away once that happens.


Was he simply not aware that the world outside was forgetting him with every second spent in this place?


She wonders what it would be… Being like him… Carefree.  


Not worrying about the future, just thinking that the world was going to fall on his lap. Instead of knowing that the only way to the top is fighting for it.


Still, something compels her to listen to him nonetheless.


The voice inside her, the one that saves her and points her towards the right direction always, is telling her to be next to him – to allow this relaxing moment between them.


She is accustomed to following that voice - her intuition – always. And right now, it’s saying that Kuwata IS could become important.


He could help her.


She just needs to find out why.




Day 3


The jarring sound of the MonoMono machine was something Makoto would never get used to, but it was worth it. Especially when he opened the capsule and…


*GOT AN ITEM: Civet Coffee.*


That looked expensive!


Togami would probably like it or maybe Kirigiri would. They both seemed mysterious and unfriendly, but seeing that there was simply nothing to do in this weird school, he wonders if they would like to spend time together.


“That’s where you get your gifts?!”


Taka looked like his whole world was burning and being rebuild at the same time. Although, as he had realized of the hall monitor, that was pretty normal for him. He just was always fired up.


He didn’t expect to be cornered this morning by the Ultimate Moral Compass, but after explaining that he needed to go to the school store before they spent time together, they were now here.


Apparently, Taka had found some of the Monocoins yesterday but didn’t know what they were meant for. So, as Makoto explained how to work the MonoMono Machine, a new capsule opened.


*GOT AN ITEM: Rose in Vitro.*


This was it! She would probably like this, wouldn’t she?


He leaves the rose on the top of the pile, and turns to look at Taka. “So, what is the problem you wanted my help for?”


It was hard to imagine what a normal student could do that an Ultimate couldn’t. Makoto had just won a lottery, while all the others were especially searched for.


 “‘Where there is unity, there is always victory’, you agree, right? Right!” Taka didn’t even wait for a response, as he continued, “Recently I’ve become aware of one of my flaws regarding… social relationships. That’s why I humbly request your teachings, Professor Makoto!”


“Huh?! Professor!?”


That sounds super awkward! Why would Taka even -? Did he miss school that much -?


Kiyotaka seems embarrassed too, but he explains, “You have become fast friends with Sayaka-kun - Clearly you have knowledge about the topic!”


“Ah, that - Sorry, I am not an expert either”, Makoto sighted. “It’s just that Sayaka and I went to the same school, and she is pretty friendly… I only do normal conversation stuff.”


Taka’s stern expression did not falter. “Still! Normal conversation ‘stuff’ is precisely what I’m missing! I only study on my spare time, so I haven’t dabbled into entertainment media enough”


Then, the other student’s face changed.


He seemed nervous.


“Waiting in these… strange circumstances, would be dangerous. Don’t you think so?


Right, the Killing Game.


Even if Makoto enjoyed getting to know the Ultimates, it was impossible to forget that they were trapped here and until who knows when. But, no one would kill just to escape, right? He couldn’t even imagine it. He just hoped that someone out there was trying to rescue them, like Hina said.


“I think I see your point”


Taka smiles brightly at him. “It’s better if we all got along – We just need to be a united front to confront Monokuma, as soon as possible! That’s why I’m seeking advice”


He thinks of the next words he wants to say carefully, in a way that the honor student could understand.


“Well, when I want to be friends with someone I listen to them, and see if we have things in common, like family, pets or favorite food. As long as you are honest about it, it should be fine” Then, as he saw some stray coins next to the machine, he added, “A gift that they’ll like doesn’t hurt either”


Kiyotaka appears to think about his words… Only to end up looking dejected. “That sounds awfully simplistic”, he points out.


It really was!


“Still, thank you for your valuable advice and listening to me”


Thankfully, he had a leftover from yesterday’s gift-hunting session. He thrusts the red scarf towards the taller student.


“Wow, very impressive! I should thank you for this! So...thanks!” Taka’s eyes opened wide at the realization. “You surely are a great teacher, Professor Makoto”


“Th-That's gonna make things super awkward...!”


But, on a second thought, he didn’t entirely hate it.


He carefully took his rewards, placing the rose on the top. Saying goodbye to Taka, he prepares himself mentally to balance his prizes all the way to his room, when the hall monitor alerts him.


“Makoto, you forgot these!”


He was pointing to the coins he had left next to the MonoMono machine. Hmm, considering how many they were and his luck, his prizes would probably repeat. Maybe it’s the Ultimate Moral Compass’s influence, but he thinks this is the right to do. “Keep them, Taka. You can give me the ones you found later”


Kiyotaka explodes in tears, thanking him over and over again. It’s not like Makoto saved his life or anything, but he resigns himself. He will need to get used to it, if they are going to hang out.


Then, suddenly, Taka’s whole expression changed. It was as if he was remembering something. “Makoto -”


He can’t help, but feel nervous. “Yeah?”


“Don’t exchange rooms with anyone…”  Taka warns him. A shivers run through Makoto’s back. Why is he saying that? Does he think someone would -?


“It would be against the rules. Right? So don’t”


With that stern suggestion, Taka turns around and starts to twist the machine’s knob.  


Makoto just decides to leave.


He really wants to spend this evening with a certain freckled model.


Enoshima was really fun.








Where could Mondo have gone?


Thanks to Makoto’s guidance, the machine was not hard to operate, and with some fresh bindings as a result, he was more than prepared to initiate a normal conversation with Mondo. He repeated Makoto’s advice on his head as he began his search. Ask him about shows, pets, and listen to him, gift him something he would like.


He ignored the voice telling him that maybe that only would work with normal people. That it was impossible to rekindle or ignite the flames of friendship with his kyoudai by meaningless chatter, that a bond so strong only came once a lifetime.


If they came together even for a second before the motives he would be satisfied. He knew that he could count on Mondo, he just needed to show the biker that he could do the same.


As he approached the gym, he heard the rustling of metal being hit over and over again at the end of the hall. He tenses himself on preparation, lessons with Oogami running through his mind… Only to be greeted by Mondo wrestling with the caged stairs.


"What are you doing?"


He barely has a second to react, before he is sidestepping Mondo’s fist. An adequate rest, careful kept distance, muscle memory, or all three helping him now. Why did Mondo-?!


"GODAMMIT, ISHIMARU! You trying to scare me or somethin'?!” Mondo glares at him, gaze flickering towards his bruised jaw. “I almost hit you again, shit…”


“I am not! Trying to scare you, I mean!” He wouldn’t describe himself as someone quiet, but maybe the metallic sound had covered his footsteps, which reminds him, “– What are you exactly doing, Oowada-kun?”


Besides taking his frustration on the school’s infrastructure, it didn’t seem exactly logical of him to risk Monokuma’s attention - even if destroying the doors wasn’t technically prohibited.


“Windows and entrance are a bust, but if we go up we can find a way outta here -” Mondo explained, kicking the stairs for a last time. They rattle. “- Or we may find the asshole controlling the damn bear, and beat the shit outta him!”




That was a great idea!!!


As expected of his kyoudai.


After that… trial… they had went up to the third floor. Even in his… ‘condition’… he could notice that there still some caged off stairs left. If the mastermind were in this building, keeping watch on them and their attempts at escape, it would make sense if they stayed on the top floors of the school.


Could he persuade them to open the stairs somehow?


Maybe the mastermind’s boredom could work on their favor.


At his (not intentional) silence, Mondo blurts out "'Sides, I gotta get rid of this energy, man. I NEED to get out! Run around, riding my hog! Shit… Ya’ probably don't know, but there is nothing better than some one-to-one"


“What if I help you?” The words slips from his lips before he even thinks about them.


“W-What?! What the hell do you mean by that?!” Mondo’s eyes widen, as he looks at him.


He quickly clarifies, “Not a real fight, but sparing!”


He could almost imagine both of them having a friendly competition. Makoto probably wouldn’t mind being a witness. And at the end of the spar, no matter who won or lost as long as they put their whole fighting spirit, Mondo would say… ‘Do you want to be kyoudais?’


“I am not that kind of asshole” Mondo’s tone is flat, but his face getting redder by every second that passes.


“Excuse me?”


“I don’t get off on beating people who can’t fight back! Ya understand?!” Mondo snarls, “And I’m not gonna murder anyone or shit, so don’t fuckin’ act like you’re sacrificing yourself”


“I can’t understand what you are saying! I-” Did he think that he was acting this way because he was scared of Mondo?  That explained the biker’s attitude at the kitchen. It was pity. He feels his eyebrows burrow against each other, as he speaks slowly, “I don’t fear you, Oowada-kun… In fact, I’m tougher than you think!”


“Sure, and I’m the Ultimate Princess” And the way Taka’s blood boils over those dismissive words is familiar. He wants to show Mondo what he really is made of. “I ain’t gonna have bareknuckle brawl with someone like you, Ishimaru”


“Then, if you don’t want to fight me, you leave me no option! - I propose to you something else to burn this energy!”


Mondo chokes.


Taka’s grin extends ear to ear when he announces the words he dearly carries on his hearth:


“I challenge you, Oowada Mondo, to an endurance test!”




“The rules are simple -”


Hagakure’s voice resounds against the gym’s walls. The Ultimate Clairvoyant acting as an announcer and referee of sorts. He was the first person they found, and so they were stuck with him.


Both Taka and Mondo stand on the school’s logo, in front of each other, waiting for the fortuneteller’s signal. The circuit is prepared already, vaulting box and cones in each side to make the running laps more interesting.


“- Three rounds of different competitions, but only one winner!”


Mondo glares at him, stretching his arms. Taka stretches his legs to prove a point. While they finally had agreed to each challenge, the order would be entirely randomized as to make it as fair as possible. He can feel his hearth pound in his chest, waiting.


“And of course, the prize of…” Hagakure changes to his normal voice, “Er- What were you betting on again?”


“Betting is strictly prohibited in a school environment!”


“If it was I wouldn’t be here, would I?”, Celeste says.


She may had a point, but considering that Hope’s Peak was not exactly a normal school even if they excluded the whole Killing Game of the equation, he still stood by what he said.


The Ultimate Gambler was standing close to them and Hagakure on the halls so, when they announced the competition, she declared both Mondo and Taka ‘amusing enough’, following them here, and sitting on the bleachers.


“Who cares? Move it!”


Hagakure seems pained but puts on the announcer voice again, “The prize of… bragging rights! Now – will you give them an applause?”


The polite claps of Celeste echoes through the gym. Mondo had asked her whom she was betting on, but Taka just heard her telling that ‘it was a secret’.


“Thank you, thank you… Now, be prepared for…” The older boy starts to ruffle through some cards that he was carrying around, is he serious?! “- The running circuit! NOW!”


His feet leave the ground as soon as the clairvoyant’s mouths the words. Adrenaline quickly helping him to advance over Mondo and have enough impulse to jump the vaulting box without problem. He touches the gym wall and as he turns, he catches a glimpse of his kyoudai’s trying to catch up. Taka just zigzags the too-close cones with as much velocity and concentration as possible.


While he is secure in his victory that does not means he will allow himself to falter. He touches the platform and turns around, prepared to do this until one of them completes the ten laps as fast as possible or until they make a mistake.


It’s not even the seventh lap when Mondo accidentally kicks the cones, earing him a “Disqualified!” of Hagakure. The older boy cowards at the biker’s face and shaking fist, and escapes to the bleachers.


He grins at Mondo, euphoria rushing through his veins. He is satisfied on his victory, knowing that despite Mondo’s blunder, Taka would have won too. 


“That was your challenge, Ishimaru”, Mondo snaps, “Now, I’m gonna kick your ass on the others!”


“Bring it on, Oowada”


They position themselves on the center of the school logo. They know the rules. The first one that gets out of the boundaries loses. Everything goes. He puts his hand out, and Mondo shakes it once before turning around and going to the corner. He does the same, and as they start to circle each other, Mondo speaks.


“Y’know, you don’t have to act all big, man, when you’re already red”, Mondo smirks, disregarding that he is sweating *too*. “If you throw the towel now - I ain’t gotta talk shit too much”


The condescension drips from his lips, and he even has a hand on his jacket still. Refusing to take it off. Not that Taka had changed of his uniform, not having the time nor boldness to do it on front of Celeste.  


“I’m totally good to go!”, he announces. They can’t circle each other forever, so he takes the initiative, “And you should be too… Unless you are all talk?”


Mondo strikes, his right arm coming fast and hard towards him - Haven’t his kyoudai learnt by now that this is predictable?  - Taka moves to the side, and extends his arms to push the biker out of the boundary, before they are grabbed and, in a blink, he is on the ground with Mondo standing victorious on top of him.


The reason is clear. The biker had made a faint! How dishonest! Then again, it was an ‘everything goes’ and wasn’t this on Taka for underestimating him?


“Ready to give up now?” Mondo offers him his hand trying to helping him up. He looks cocky, infuriating. Taka takes the hand, and when they are close, he breathes, “In your dreams”


Mondo releases his grip and Taka almost tumbles to the ground. He can’t help but frown at that, and the biker grins harder.


They stand face to face, lavender eyes and red eyes connecting and making it clear that this, the third challenge, will be the thing to break or make their visions of each other. They prepare themselves for the fortuneteller’s signal to start, which… does not happen at all!


Said clairvoyant is on the bleachers talking to a barely-containing-her-anger Celeste.




“- as long as we have this crystal ball no murder will happen - So, how much will you pay for it?”, he grins. Her father is a noble Frenchman, right? She can totally buy this and allow him to keep his organs and retirement fund in peace.


“Hagakure”. Celeste smiles gently at him. Hook, line and sinker! “Are you such a loser that you can’t do a simple job?”


Why is she saying that? Did she figure him out? Wait – wait – Don’t gamblers have ties with the yakuza?!


He doesn’t want to die!


She points an armored finger to the center of the gym. Ahh, did they already beat each other? He thought it would take longer and be more cinematic.


“So cold!” He admonishes her. He is the senior here!


Still, this gig as an announcer is fun. When the school stops with this stupid and elaborate prank, they should consider him for the radio club. That would give him a lot of ad space.


“Now, do pushups until you are tired! Go! Go! GO!”



Taka drops to the floor, and starts doing pushups on the proper form. There is no reason to tire himself out prematurely. They both had actually suggested this competition, so if he wants to make it clear to Mondo that he is his equal he needs to win this.


He glances at the biker, trying to gauge what his strategy is, and he finds him staring right back - and doing pushups with one hand?!


“Figured out we could use a handicap”, Mondo grins, and when his body is up, his pomp moves to the side revealing his eyes full of mirth. “That’d be fair”


So cocky!


As if Taka needed a handicap, just to stay toe to toe with Mondo. And wasn’t this the reason why the biker kept his jacket on the sauna and now here? Taka will not allow his kyoudai to underestimate him… An idea comes to mind.


“I applaud you, Oowada-kun”. Taking impulse, he leaves the ground for a moment, claps his hands on the air and lands on a proper pushup form. He does it again for a good measure and - taking care of not falling over - he looks up to Mondo.


The biker’s face reveals his astonishment, his movements faltering for a moment, but he quickly scoffs. “So, that’s how you are going to play it?”


He grins at Mondo, and quickly imitates him, putting an arm behind his back and changing it every repetition. He tries to not sound breathless when he says, “I want to make it fair too”


“You son of a bitch!”, Mondo snarls. The gang leader quickly upping the speed and changing his arms too. His breaths are heavy, but his friend manages to yell, “HAGAKURE! Come here!”


What is his kyoudai going to do?!


Mondo asking the fortuneteller to stand on his back comes immediately to his mind, and he tries to dismiss the idea, but it stays… It’s something so ridiculous, but he isn’t sure that Mondo wouldn’t ask that on the name of competiveness.


Hagakure comes to them, “What’s up? Someone wants to stop -?”


His chest is burning, and his arms are getting tired, but Taka will sooner collapse than admit that. He knows that Mondo feels the same way, so why did he call for -


“Take the fuckin’ vaulting box and drop it on my back”


“What?! C’mon, man!”


“Mo- Oowada, what are you thinking?!”


He drops his arm behind his back, he needs to slow down to see if his friend is jesting, but when he looks at him, the biker’s sweaty face is serious. His lavender eyes are burning.


“I’m gonna – gonna show ya what real strength is, asshole!” Mondo pants the words, and he has dropped his other arm too, but his demeanor is resolute. “Bring the fucking thing on!”


“Oowada-chi -”


He is not losing now! They are equals!


“No! Hagakure-kun, drop the vaulting box on me!”


“Ishimaru-chi -!”


“Ha! Don’t make me laugh! Like you could take it”


And is his idea or are Mondo’s arms wobbling under him? The biker shifts his stance.


“I can take that and more!” His forehead is sweating, and his hearth is trying to escape his chest, but this will be over soon. His arms are trembling too, but they will suffice. “In fact, I want two!”




“WHAT?!” They scream in unison.


“Those things are like two hundred pounds” Hagakure sounds pained, and as he gets closer to Taka, offering him a hand, he says, “What if you just chill? Let it be a tie”


“There are no such things like ties! - I’M GOING TO WIN!”




If the fortuneteller will not help them, then Taka has no other option. He jumps to the nearest vaulting box and attempts to lift it with his sore arms. He struggles more than he likes, and when he looks up he sees why - Mondo is at the other extreme of the vault box and currently trying to take it from him.


“Why -”, he can’t help but ask, “- are you – making this so difficult?”


Mondo fires back, “Why – are you?”


Sudden claps fill the gym.


They stop, confused, and they turn to where they came from.


“It’s a forfeit”, Celeste says. He hears with dull focus the groan of Hagakure, rambling about gambling, predictions and aliens.


The competition is over.


He lets himself fall, using the vaulting box as a backrest, and Mondo slides next to him. They are both breathing hard, and the rush of joy-euphoria-exhilaration that goes through him is something familiar.


After a few moments, in which they try to recover from the physical exertion, he hears Mondo talk, “Hey, Ishimaru -”


He turns to look at him, and sees that Mondo is smiling too, “Yes, M- Oowada?”


“When we get outta here, let’s have a real competition” And the way the light shines on Mondo’s face, the glint in his eyes or the curve of his smile, makes him believe that it is possible - that they can escape together.


He feels the tears at the corners of his eyes, blurring Mondo’s suddenly worried face. That care is unneeded though. It’s just that Taka never knew that it was possible to cry with happiness.


“It’s that a promise?”, he asks.


Mondo’s uneasy expression fades, and a content one appears instead. “Sure, let’s make it one”


When they make their way to the rooms, Mondo’s arm resting on his shoulders and Taka’s arm doing the same with his, filling the hole in his chest, he understands that normal conversations don’t exactly work on his kyoudai. They simply have another language, only theirs.


Still, he can’t say he wasted his time trying to learn about the other methods. When he gives the fresh bindings to Mondo, the strength of the biker’s hug follows him all the way to his room and so does his promise.


Overall, he is resolute. There will be no murders as long as he lives.


Day 4


The dining hall’s clock seems to mock him, he thinks, for every second that passes and Monokuma still doesn’t show up.


Breakfast tastes like ash in his mouth.


He hears Enoshima and Celeste discuss about their survival here, and he half musters a smile when Mondo talks about getting out and keeping his promises. Still, he is a little more close to snapping than he would like when Chihiro suggest that Genocider Syo, of all people, could be keeping them here.


He wonders if despair is something Monokuma - in it’s advanced machinery - can smell, or if the mastermind seeing Fukawa’s pained expression makes them want for more. 


The bear tells them of their desires for despair and amusement...


And offers the first motive.


“Watching the videos, isn’t that what the mastermind wants?”, he hears himself say in response to everyone’s curiosity. It’s strange how the words feel like they came from someone else’s mouth, but ever since waking up and noticing the date he is… detached.


“You raise a fair point.” Kirigiri says, “But if we want to pursuit the truth behind their motivations, denying this knowledge will only affect us”


He can’t think of anything to say in response, so he doesn’t.


When Sayaka comes back, leaving Makoto behind with the DVDs, he wonders if they should have all gone together. The walk to the audio/video room seems eternal, and he wonders if the school itself is on the plan as the hallways stretch and twist.


He never understood Chihiro’s fascination whether it was *really* day or not until now. This moment doesn’t feel like it should happen on daylight.


He grabs his video and sits down. He doesn’t put it on. He just waits for them to watch it, his warnings ignored. 


“Th-This can't be real, right? It has to be fake, right!?” He hears Hina say. Has she seen the brother she talked about? Her family?


“Yeah, no way it's real. way.” Kuwata was one of the realists, the ones that wanted to get out of here, so why does he pretend that this is a prank? Whom is he seeing on the video?


“I can't t-take it anymore...”, Fukawa breaks down, “Let me out of h-here!”


And he sees their fear and confusion, from Chihiro to Mondo, from Hina to Sakura. This is the surprise Monokuma had for them.


His legs tremble without his permission - pure fury surging through his veins. He wants to destroy that bear and the mastermind. Who are they to dare to do this to them?


Some of his classmates are genius, he is sure of it, but that doesn’t mean that this should happen. To them. To their loved ones, alive or dead.


It’s simply unfair that they should suffer to the hands of this pure unaltered evil. 


Kirigiri is collected when she talks, “I see... So this is what he meant by motive. He wants to fuel our desire to leave so that we're more likely to start killing each other.”


“We won’t kill each other”, he declares, “This changes nothing – We just need to keep working together and -”


“’Working together’?” Togami’s disgust seeps through his tone. “What have you accomplished with that notion? Have you found an exit or who is behind this?”


“No, but that doesn’t mean that we stop trusting each other!” And he knows he won’t convince Togami, but he needs to keep everyone’s hope up -


“You can say that”, spits Kuwata, “- but maybe you're thinking that once everyone drops their guard, you can just...”


“I would never”


“This is exactly what Monokuma, or whoever's behind this, wants. They *want* us to fight. Don't you see?”, Oogami’s puts herself between them.


“Yeah, you're right. We all need to calm down...”, Chihiro tries to dry his tears.


“Okay, then. Maybe we should start by all just...talking”, Enoshima suggests, “Maybe if we all just talk about what we saw, that'll help get everything out of our system. - Besides, I think we're all super curious, right?”


He is thankful for the model’s suggestion, and before he opens his mouth, telling them about his secret video, as he should have done in the first place, Makoto talks first.


“Hey, Sayaka, what was in your video?”


The idol is unresponsive. She hugs herself.


Her eyes… They are empty.


“Hurry up and t-tell us”, Fukawa demands.


“Sayaka…?” He sees Makoto trying to grasp her shoulder, before she pushes him and runs out of the room. The lucky student quickly follows her – and before he knows, they are all spilling and going their separate ways.


He can’t fail now. He simply can’t allow this. So, he goes to find them.


But they are not in the entrance hall, just Mondo, Oogami and Hina trying to break the sealed door. Sayaka and Makoto are not in the gym either. He knows objectively that they would have not go to the school store on a moment like this… but he enters stills and - just as expected - they are not there.


He ignores the court elevator. He is not going to enter it in this life; he will make sure of it.


Once he enters the classrooms, he notices the disturbed chairs and realizes that he had missed them. Failure’s bitter taste is familiar as always, but he doesn’t falter.


He is halfway through the dorms when, suddenly,


“I’m very disappointed in you, Mr. Honor Student!”


Monokuma appears!


“What do you mean?”, he half-asks and half-shrieks. He didn’t expect to see the bear so soon or at least he hoped so.


“What do you mean ‘what do I mean’? I mean it!” Monokuma huffs, “I put all my production skills on those videos and you don’t even see yours? It’s disappointing – This whole school is filled with lacking students!”


“Is that all what you wanted to say?”


He has better things to do than hear the bear’s rambles.


“Huh? Not interested in talking with the headmaster?”, Monokuma sadly sights, “And here I was going to give you an important task”


“A task…?”


He feels foolish. He had forgotten this crucial part of his plan.


“I can see you are interested! Too bad! It was a one-time offer only”. The bear seems ready to leave.


He tries to conceal his desperation, but he still begs, “P-please, Monokuma, sir. I would be honored to accept this responsibility!”


The bear stops, and for a moment he is sure that he is going to leave without giving Taka what he wants. Then, he turns around, “Alrighty then! You better do a good job or is off with your head”






Later, when he has thrown the majority of the kitchen knives to the incinerator and hid the rest in his dorm, he wonders if Monokuma had imagined something like this would happen after giving him the trash room’s key.


After the chance encounter, Makoto had found him. The boy informing everybody that Sayaka was fine and resting…


However, a part of Taka refuses to believe that.


As he locks up the trash room, he decides that he should go and talk with her while he stills has a chance. Sayaka is intelligent. If Makoto somehow casted aside his warning, she will still hesitate if she sees him.


* Ding dong, bing bong*


“Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite...”


No matter.


He will stay up all night if it’s required… Especially when they haven’t switched rooms yet, if the nameplates are correct.




He stands next to his door. Leaving enough of an opening that the soundproofing doesn’t conceal what is happening on the corridors. He hears Hina and Sakura passing by, talking about the sleepover they are going to have. He wonders if that is something Mondo would be interested in.


The hands on his clock seem to move abnormally slow. Nothing happens for a whole thirty minutes in which he only hears the tickling, his breath, and the pounding of his hearth.


Has he missed the door opening?


Is someone dying on the next dorm over?


He knows he has to have faith on his classmates, but just remembering Sayaka’s expression… He needs to make sure nothing happens.


There is no sign of life on the halls when he leaves his dorm.


The lights are not strong enough, and the hallway is still buried with shadows when he opens his door completely… He simply cannot see the nameplates from where he is standing. He needs to get closer.


He can only hear his breathing, and he tries to get it under control so he can listen on any stray sounds, but is useless. His boots are loud too.


He walks to Makoto’s door, and when he notices that Sayaka’s shining photo is what greets him - he doesn’t falter.


He switches the nameplates where they should be.


After all, he is a believer in bold simplicity.


He is so disappointed on them - but the scolding can come later, on the morning, when everyone is alive and this nightmare will end for a little while.




He freezes at Sayaka’s voice.


“What are you doing?


He turns around, and he sees her standing on the hallway. He can’t see her face, but she would surely hesitate. They are going to laugh about this in the morning.


“I -” An unbidden idea comes through his mind, and he holds onto it. “I owed Makoto some coins – I came to return them, but I saw that your nameplates were switched and – and I will gave whoever did this prank a detention!”


He laughs awkwardly, but he has never been a good actor.


When Sayaka steps closer, he steps back.


She stops at his reaction.


“Ki– Taka”, she says. He can hear the smile on her voice, and happy people don’t kill others. They are going to laugh about this once they have escaped. “Do you have a dream?”


“Do you have a dream, Ishimaru-kun?”


He doesn’t have to think of the answer. “Of course”


“I do too”, Sayaka replies, and with the red light shining on them, he can see that she is smiling when she steps closer, “And you work for it, right?”


“Effort is everything! If you don’t try, you can’t succeed”


“S-So someone here understands me”, Sayaka cries, “I thought -”


“It’s nice having a friend that knows-”


She flies to his arms, almost pushing him over, and he hugs her back – albeit awkwardly. No wonder she fell so easily to despair, if she thought of them as geniuses, surely she felt alone.


“I’m so sorry for this”


He doesn’t comprehend what she is saying at first, but as Sayaka steps back and he sees the bloodied knife, he realizes what she has done.


He looks down, and once he notices the gaping wound, the fresh blood, it burns.


“Please, forgive me”, she sobs, “It's me or you – you get it, don’t you?”


“– what a dream really is”




I told Makoto to not switch the rooms. I got rid of the knives. I am friends with Mondo, so why is this happening?


Why me?


Sayaka's face is transformed; her eyes are filled with despair and tears. "I - I need to see them – They are my family”


He needs to get away now.  


His room is so close.


They - They will laugh about this in the morning.


This time he knows how a piercing knife feels as it enters him again – and again – and again. Until he has no option but fall to the cold ground.


She stops suddenly, and for a moment, he wonders if she is regretting this. Maybe she can help him go to Mondo’s room and ask for the fresh bindings back. His kyoudai wouldn’t mind, would he?


“Maizono-chan, what are you -?”


He can’t turn around, not when she is distracted and he can crawl to his room unnoticed. But he knows that it’s Kuwata who interrupts them.


He hears them fighting through the halls, but he can’t afford to think about who is going to win.


His legs are unresponsive, so he drags himself to his room, with his still sore arms from yesterday’s competition.


He wonders if Mondo is going to miss him. He can’t do this to his kyoudai. He can’t leave him alone.


I don’t want to die.


But he feels cold, and he is so accustomed to his crying that he notices when his vision falling him is not because of his tears.


No matter what he tries, he is not going to be alive on the morning.


He doesn’t fight it. Instead, he rests his back on Kirigiri’s door and in a manner so similar to the first victim, he writes her name. Mondo’s portrait being his last sight being only a bonus.


Please. Survive, kyoudai. Even if I don’t.


He has wasted his chance.








In the morning, when the announcement wakes them up and everyone gets ready for the annoying meeting, they will discover the ghastly sight…


Not for long though -


The corpse will be covered by a biker’s jacket.


Please, don't hate me. I swear every death and scene has a purpose and - in fact - will come to play sooner or later ;)
Also, I may or may not have teared up a little writting the final scene.
BTW, the reason why this is a series is that I would like to write oneshots about what happens after Taka's death. I don't promise any dates though. Especially, when I can't decide whether Sayaka or Leon would die. What do you think?
I hope it isn't obvious, but I couldn't get to editing this chapter as much as I liked, but that's because uni is kicking my ass... But I'm kicking their ass back and harder.
[In fact, I noticed after posting this that I misspelled Sayaka's last name? I want to kick myself, especially since I really like her!, but I will correct that soon]

Anyways, I want to thank you all for the support! Kudos, comments, hits. They were all truly appreciated, and I may have squealed a little for each one.

Take care! And see ya <3

Chapter 3: DISTRUST


Normal warnings apply (death, panic attacks, and graphic violence).
Self-worth issues.
Victim blaming (of the murder kind).
Mentions of bullying.
Unintentional misgendering.

Should I tag this as enemies to friends to lovers when only Mondo hates Taka?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Do you have a dream, Ishimaru-kun?”


He shushes her.


They are in the library, and while exams are far away, he would hate to interrupt someone else’s study session.


She chuckles, and points to the wall. The clock reveals that the denominated ‘silent hours’ have passed.


“My apologies, Maizono-kun”


He should have expected this; after all, the idol is one of his most responsible and studious classmates. She wouldn’t do anything in detriment of their education.


He could offer amends to this clear offense, ask for punishment, but she has told him that he shouldn’t do that, at least not with her. The best way to apologize would be answering sincerely, not that he wouldn’t do it in any case.


“Of course I have a dream. That’s why I’m here”


That’s why he accepted the school’s invitation, even when he knew that it would be full of geniuses, his enemies. If he stays here and proves that a normal person can stand and beat the ‘talented’ with effort alone, it will be all worth it.


“Do you work for it?”, she asks.


He doesn’t have to think about it.


“Everyday! If one wants to succeed, they have to put effort on their dreams. Trying is necessary for success!”


“I’m glad. I believe that too”


And Sayaka’s beaming face is genuine. They had enough study sessions by now that he thinks he can distinguish when her smile is more forced than not. At least, he hopes so.


“I hate laziness”, he blurts out.


Thankfully, he doesn’t accidentally add anything like ‘I believe that Kuwata should be expelled’. The musician every day is getting her to laugh more and more.


Still, he thinks she deserves a more elaborated answer.


“Talent alone is not enough to secure a dream. Only people who work hard every day can achieve them”


She giggles, and he can feel himself frowning. Was his answer amusing?


“It’s nice having a friend that knows-”


Are they friends? He – he never thought that -


“– what a dream really is”


This did not happen.





To survive: Loop 3


Taka wakes up gasping for air.


I don’t want to die I don’t want todie I don’t wanttodie I don’t wanna – Don’tdon’tnodon’t. Please, let me get out of here. I. want. to. get. out.


Please – Just please.


It’s strange.


As he punches the sealed windows, yelling, blooding his knuckles to the rhythm of his heartbeat –a war song going thumpthumpthump – crying, and feeling the deep betrayal like a knife – it was a knife, remember? It was it was it was - didn’t do a good job you died you diedhis body is telling him that he is alive. ‘I’m back’, he realizes while watching himself break from above.


He punches the window for a last measure, and despite his fingers’ broken skin, he claws at his chest trying to stop the way it heaves, trying to escape his foreign body. It’s useless though.


He is alive again, which he knows is good, really good, but it doesn't feel like it. Instead, it’s difficult to think anything with his head pounding and feeling like he is dying over and over again. Will – Will his next death be for a heart attack?


He collapses to the ground, shaking, and he tries to calm down, he really tries. But his body is still reacting to the threat, even if it already ended him that - he gags - she didn’t hesitate.


Why did he thought they were friends?


His hands feel foreign as he tries to dry his tears coming unbidden.


He needs to calm down.


What – what was the thing Kirigiri said? Inhale for five?


Holding his breath for seven and exhaling for eight is difficult… painful and difficult, but he tries, and repeats it, even if trying didn’t help with her – with any of them. As he does that, he remembers that Kirigiri said in that life something about things that he could see, hear, taste and touch, right?


So, he observes his white not red uniform, the classrooms walls of the first day and, even if he has to name things that he sees, he can’t help but examine his not-broken-in abdomen. His heart beats loudly through his ears.


He presses down where he thought *it* was, but pressure is useless when applied to an already-gone / never-existing wound.


Inhale for one, two…


The only injuries he has are on his hands, and when touching one of his knuckles makes him hiss, he is still feeling somewhat detached, somewhat numb, but closer to normal than before.


Hold, and exhale…


“I’m alive”


Those words are difficult to say, but hearing them aloud makes it clearer.


He is alive, isn’t he?


His hands hurt, his throat is dry and his head is hurting from dehydration, so this is real.




His legs shake as he stands up. There is no sense of dwelling when there are things to be done and so little time - when his attempts at stopping Saya - Maizono weren’t enough.


She never said they were friends.




Thump, thump, thump.


Maybe his friendship with Mondo, Makoto, even the tentative one between Hina, Oogami and he, blinded him to the truth. The thing he realized after dozens, hundreds, of jeering laughs and bruised knees, after his secret… Did he seriously expect someone, with a nice smile and charismatic demeanor, would like to befriend him?


Why did he feel believe otherwise?


How foolish.


Inhale. Exhale. Wait. Inhale, hold, and exhale.


It’s his fault in any case.


He could have been more proactive, right?


He could have asked for the incinerator key earlier. Take note of the kitchen knives and their number, or staying there until nighttime. Could have been stricter on not seeing the videos, of not exchanging rooms. Could assume that no one would take this seriously unless they were pushed to it.


The light was bad in the hallways, but he could have tried to force his eyesight further and not decide to get closer. Could have brought something to defend himself. Could have stopped Kuwata instead of Maizono.


Could have could have could have could have could have


In any case, he can cry and scream later. Think about how he failed, if he has more chances, and how to keep everyone safe. Right now, there is simply no time. That’s what the classroom’s clock and his remind him. He needs to go to the main entrance.


With that in mind, Taka is able to move his foreign body.


Still, his breath shortens and he sweats cold, as he enters the hall and locks eyes with Maizono.


He –


He can deal with this later.


His voice is coarse when he introduces himself to the others, and when he tells them that this situation is suspicious, that they should look for an exit, his classmates laugh about it and tells him to wait.


No one really listens to him.


They don’t listen to Monokuma either once they are called to the gym, arguing that this is a weird prank, a lie, a joke. He doesn’t know whether to be angry or not at this waste of time, especially since he once believed what they think now.


It’s illogical. What kind of prank would make them all pass out at arrival? What would be the reason to fortify a school?


Monokuma tells them that with time, they will see the truth, but he knows that only the motives or Enoshima’s death will make it clear. Some of them still harbored some hope in their hearts of this being an experiment… a total illegal and unethical one, but a test of character to see if they were worthy of being here. Maybe that made the bear act.


“Taking that hope and seeing it get murdered creates a darkened shadow of despair”


This is why they were chosen, wasn’t it?


No matter how unfair this is, how innocent they are or not, destroy Hope’s Peak and you have guaranteed despair. He knows that the mastermind installed all those cameras to watch the game from afar, but for the first time he wonders if they have another reason.


Are they waiting for them to kill each other and upload the videos once they are done?


The bear proudly announces the Graduation Clause to his astonished and distressed classmates… Except for one fortuneteller, who laughs instead.


“You got us, okay? You scared the hell out of us. So you can go ahead and reveal the trick now”


“Reveal the trick…?”


He puts himself in front of Monokuma, and calmly – his voice still hoarse – speaks. “This is simply hard to believe. What kind of proof do you have that all *this* is real? Not some… experiment or test”


He can hear some mutters behind him, agreements and not.


“Proof? Is youth so distrustful that they can’t even wait for some days to know the truth? What has the world come to?~” The bear sings, and the next part chills them. “I’ll show you some proof!”


With a speed difficult to process, Monokuma brings his metallic claws straight to the wooden podium and cuts it in half, then thirds and quarters until nothing is left of it. 


“Is that enough? Or do we have to do it until you believe me? Maybe with one of you?~”


He hears some yells behind him and, when he turns around, he sees why.


They - They are surrounded.


Oogami and Mondo try to stand in front of their classmates, but they are simply not enough for the dozens of Monokumas that are slowly coming closer, baring their claws.


“Now, now. I’m a compassionate headmaster, but a strict one as well. This -”. The original bear gestures to the podium. “- is a little warning if you try to violate one of my school regulations. You'd better be careful from now on. Any naughty boy or girl who violates my rules won't get off with just a little swat on the butt”


“And don’t forget the surveillance cameras installed everywhere, because if you’re caught breaking any rules, well… those are only some of the Monokumas that have been placed all throughout the school”


The bears laugh and, as quick as they came, his copies disappear.


“Now then, lastly... To commemorate your joyous entry into our school, I have a little something for you...”


The relief floods him. He stopped the explosion. That knowledge is enough to make his head clearer than before. Enough to feel his growing anger cut through the numbness at Monokuma’s words.


“Rules restrict, yes, but they also protect. Society, for example, would be utter chaos without laws.”


If anyone asked him if he believed in that statement or not before this school, they would have received a complete agreement. He entered the Public Morals Committee to enforce discipline after all.


Now, though?


If he didn’t know it would lead to certain death, he would ignore them all, break them, only to see the mastermind wept at their plans being ruined. He wonders if Mondo would have been proud at this new outlook. Not that he can do it, unless he wants to die again.


Exactly how many tries does he have?


Togami’s voice makes him stop the spiraling thoughts.


“Is there anyone here who's seriously considering all this...?”


Before everyone started to look at each other, gauging for reactions, increasing the suspicions, he spoke.


“Resorting to murder would be ridiculous when we have yet to discover a way out or if we have supplies. We need to work together -”.


There is indignation on Togami’s face and relief on some of the others, which makes him hate doing this to them, but it’s necessary for their continuous survival.


“- Not that that means we should fully trust in everybody. We need to apply caution”


He stares at Makoto, who startles at his sight, and glances towards Maizono. Don’t trust her.


They quickly agree to look for a way out, and he allows Chihiro to make the suggestion to look at the rules. It would be best to raise his confidence before the second motive, right?


That way Chihiro could stand on his own feet. Not needing any help, more than his own internal strength. Maybe, he could implement some training sessions together.


They are investigating the handbooks, Mondo and Celeste arguing about the merits of obeying the rules or not, when she talks.


 “Hey, um...I have a question. For regulation number six...what do you think it means exactly?”


And her tone is unsure, but last night she was smiling when she approached and he believed her. She was the one who quick-started the game. Why did he think that she would hesitate?


“Why are you asking this?” The words are bitter on his tongue and by the look on Maizono’s face they were heard that way too. “It would be best if we never discover what it means” 


“It is simple in any case”, Togami says, “It's saying that if you want to graduate, you have to kill someone without anyone finding out it was you”


“I hardly believe that it would be as easy as that”, he mumbles, but there is no sense in stopping here. “- But, for now, we should go explore the school. See if we can find a way out, through the stairs or otherwise!”


“Okay, then let's all start looking around!”, suggests Kuwata.


The others agree, and Hina is already gravitating towards Oogami, when Togami interjects. “...I'll be going alone”


“What!? Why? That's a pretty stupid idea, don't you think?”


“Someone here might already have started thinking about murdering one of us. This is my way to apply caution”


“W-Wait, hold on a second. That would never--!”


“Maizono, Ishimaru has a point”


Those words are the ones that bring him fully back from that numb state. Oh, no. If Togami of all people is agreeing with him… He is already messing up, isn't he?


The heir smugly continues, “That’s why you were asking, am I wrong?”  


“She would never!”, Makoto yells, even if he was going to be framed.


“Yeah, leave Maizono-chan alone! Let’s just go search for an exit already”, Kuwata scowls, when he was going to be her target.


“I – I wouldn’t do that… I just wanted to know”


She looks ashamed, almost tearing up, but he already trusted her once. The only thing he knows about her is that she will not hesitate pursuing her dream. Strange how something he would normally approve fills him with dread now.


“Listen here, you shitheads!”, Mondo shouts, “If you two want to get off on bullying a chick, you’ll have to fuckin’ fight me first!”


And when Mondo looks at him, fist raised in both Togami’s and his direction, his eyes are filled with contempt.


Of course, his chivalrous friend believes that he is harassing the idol without reason. He doesn't know that, on some days, she will break under the first motive unless he stops them.


Still… Maizono hasn't done anything yet.


He thinks that she at least cared for Makoto the first few days.


Phantoms pains aside. Remaining fear aside.


Can he really judge her now?


For the actions of someone who shares her name, but isn't her right now?


“I’m not bullying her, Oowada-kun! It’s simply… best to not speculate - If it comes across that way, I apologize and I’ll accept my due punishment!”


“Bullshit! What kind of shit apology is that?!”


The biker approaches him until they are just a hit away from each other. He prepares himself to dodge, even if he feels hollow.


Mondo, why don’t you believe me? We weren’t kyoudai yesterday, but we were friends.


“It’s a sincere one!”


He would like to yell more, ask Mondo to trust him, but his throat is closing on him.


Togami clicks his tongue, catching their attention. “Brainless idiots… I’ll be going now”


The heir had just finished saying that when Mondo quickly grabbed his suit. This would always repeat, wouldn’t it? 


“Hold on, asshole two! I’m gonna enjoy kicking your ass!”


“Oowada, stop”


Even if he doesn’t want Mondo to despise him, Taka already had indulged him in his anger towards Togami in their past life. Now, he has to keep the peace no matter who is at the receiving end. 


They glare at each other.


The biker throws Togami to the ground, who yells something at them. Taka doesn't hear him though, he has more important things to give attention to.


Mondo gets close to him, so close that he can feel his warm breath on his face.


“Make. Me.”


He really wants to erase that arrogant expression on his face.


“S-Stop it! We shouldn't fight!”


He has not even begun to turn around when the sound of Makoto’s body hitting the ground gets through his ears. Maizono runs towards the now unconscious student, and Kuwata follows behind her.


“Do you realize what you just did?”


He can’t help the indignation in his tone.


Seriously? Will one day Mondo punch someone who actually deserves it? He is exasperating!


Mondo’s face falls for a moment before biting back, “Shut it! You started this shit!”


“Enough!” Oogami’s voice is a rumble in the gym. She continues, calmer, “Please, let’s calm down”


The rest are either trying to help Maizono and Kuwata with Makoto or are busy observing the scene.


“My apologies, everyone! This is simply unforgivable -”


Because of Taka, Makoto was hit again.


It doesn’t matter how much he wants to get away from the idol, she is… different right now. Maizono from day one being a separate person from the one of day four, no matter if they sound and smile the same.


“I swear I’ll -”


“Do you ever shut up?!”




He thought he was accustomed to those words. How peculiar that two lives made him believe that he would never hear them coming through Mondo’s lips again.


Mondo continues, as if yesterday did not happen (it didn’t), speaking to all of them, “Let’s go do something, instead of fuckin’ around… I’ll look for an exit, follow me if you can keep up”


The biker leaves, his jacket billowing behind him.


“Maizono-chan and I will carry Naegi-kun. I think I saw something about a hotel next to the entrance”. Kuwata leaves, so does the rest eventually.  


Only Celeste, Fukawa, and Yamada remained in the gym.


That… certainly could have gone better.


“I’m going to look for supplies”. He sighs. Then he remembers Hina’s words, about a certain writer being left out. “Do any of you want to come?” 


“Running around the school like a gaggle of junior detectives…” Celeste looks upwards, and then smiles. “That doesn’t appeal to me at all”


“I’ll have to agree with Miss Celestia”, Yamada said, “But I’ll cheer you up from here!”


He waits for Fukawa’s response.


“D-do you t-think I’m stupid? Y-you are just t-trying to get me alone and – and k-kill me!”


There is so much wrong about that conclusion. Nevertheless, he has seen the others trying to reason with her before, and there is simply no time to waste right now. So after reassuring her, and failing, he wishes them a good time and leaves for the dining hall.




The kitchen is deserted when he arrives, which makes him wonder if anyone came across this first. At least he hopes to have something useful to contribute to the next meeting. This truly makes his past lives stand out more… He didn’t put as much effort as possible on stopping everything. 


Not to mention that in this life he already has made a mess of things, even when he knew what would happen. There is simply no excuse.


Accusing Maizono before anything happens is plain idiocy, isn’t it? What if this pushes her further? No extra motive required.


But these self-punishing thoughts could wait for later, as he notices what is waiting at the end of the kitchen.


The knives shine beautifully on the wall.


When he looks closer to them, he notices his pale reflection on them.


Yesterday, did he somehow forgot one of them? Was she faster? Did Monokuma replace them?


And which – which one was it?


The one knife that killed -


“Already planning?”


He jumps at Mookuma’s voice, hitting some of plates. One of them crashes to the ground.


“What?! No!”


“C’mon! You don’t have to lie to the Headmaster!” The bear seems content, “Honor student through and through, isn’t it? You heard the word Graduation and leapt to it, right? Upupupu”


“That’s not it!”


Monokuma sighs. “So, are you deciding to stay here? With all your goals unfinished outside? I didn’t think you were the quitter type, but you do you” 


He is grateful for getting used to the bear’s tactics. While the goading is awful, and could have planted a seed of despair in someone else, he just wants to hit the damn bear. He doesn’t, for obvious reasons.


“Anyways, let me teach you something about this kitchen. So you can tell the other students later!”


“First of all, as my favorite option, we have the kitchen knives”. Monokuma poses. “Although, if you are more of a fan of the unconventional, you can use a broken plate. Don’t get so used to it though! There’s so many times I can replace things!”


He is not telling them anything about this. “What about food?”


“Huh? You can poison it, use your classmates’ allergies, I don’t care! Be careful using the stove though – Burns don’t kill people so quickly” 


“I meant – Food will be restocked, right?”


“Yeah, sure! Every single day of your miserable and peaceful lives… Until the very end, which could be today or in eighty years more… See ya!”




“C’mon, I’m a very busy Headmaster!”


“Will we have to take the thrash or will you have to do it?”


“Good point, good point… I’ll let you know. Now, don’t call me unless it’s to show me someone’s death”


With that, Monokuma left. Seems like the incinerator key will have to wait, but if he nips the thing on the bud it won’t be necessary.








She is –


Kirigiri Kyoko is –


Her Ultimate -


It’s important.


She knows it’s important to know why she was called here, after all, Hope’s Peak shines through her blurry memories. However, like the odd feelings she has when looking at one or another classmate, she can compartmentalize it and decipher it later.


‘There’s no advantage showing others what you feel’, a thought sounding like a rough voice tells her, ‘-dence is fleeing. You have to be precise and prioritize. Use your instincts honed by - ’


Honed by – by –


What matters it’s that following those ‘instincts’ – methodology – lead her to discover this map. Is it planted or carelessness?


Those signatures, the style of paper, reveal its seemingly official nature. This appears to be Hope’s Peak, construction wise at least.


She has to be careful to assume the truth just yet, especially when she has noted some unusual renovations already on the dormitory area. She found shelter, now she needs to find the source of water and food.


The dining hall is bigger than expected for fifteen students. They did not build this with them in mind, another reason to suspect that this is the original Hope’s Peak or at least one of the buildings. Clearly, the greatest academy of the world would have something more befitting of their status.


Frustration grips her. Another fact without knowing where it came from.


It’s like her mind is a palace of sorts, composed from different locations and timeframes, but where a door should be there are gaps instead. Fragmented knowledge in islands without bridges, coming forwards sometimes.


She came to find someone in Hope’s Peak. That, she knows, is the truth. Now, deciphering the tangled emotions swirling at the word ‘Headmaster’, will be something she can do in private.   


After she inspects the bulletproof windows – how does she know that? Compartmentalize it – and the dining hall, she enters the kitchen and notices him going through the counters.


Ishimaru Kiyotaka, the Ultimate Moral Compass.


It’s obvious how much he knows about this situation. It’s not evident from what he speaks, but his visible emotions when he talks. There is a reason why he told them to find an exit before anything happened.


Not to mention that his ‘ultimate’ did not make sense. Their other classmates had clearly quantifiable, defined and noticeable talents. Why was he invited to Hope’s Peak then?


Was Ishimaru an ally, a foe or a neutral party?


Moreover, if he were an ally, would he tell them what he knew?


She calls to him, and when he turns around his disappointment is visible. Did he expect someone else to come here?


“Kirigiri-kun. It’s nice to see you before the meeting time”


Meetings. That would certainly lead to cooperation between everyone. Trust would be difficult to obtain and maintain in these circumstances, but with enough, she could peacefully obtain clues.


“What hour did you decide?”


“At -” He went silent, and then continued, “I’m sorry, it just seemed like a logical conclusion. About seven pm would be a good time… Be punctual, please! I have to go and let everyone else know”


He left.


She will interrogate him later. Even if he lies, a foolish endeavor, his emotions could lead her to the right direction.


His anger and subtle fear at Maizono reveals something at play here. She would examine him at this meeting.


Now, it would be useful to discover things overlooked by the organization or person that trapped them here.




“I wanted to try and find some clue as to who's responsible for imprisoning us here... But unfortunately, I made no such discoveries. That's all from me...”

Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, began and ended his observation.


Incredible, just three phrases and she already deduced that this meeting would lead to no new clues. A cheery voice laughs in her head, ‘When you say that you sound just like your -’


“Ishimaru-kun, did you discover anything?”


Maizono’s voice is still hesitant when talking to the Ultimate Moral Compass, no doubt caused by their ‘discussion’. While she could understand his suspicion, knowing the rules and their reach was something that could help them understand better the motives behind their kidnapping.


Truth was everything.


“I spent some time looking around the kitchen, and I made a discovery of outmost importance! There’s enough food to last us weeks, even if Monokuma lied”


“‘If Monokuma lied?’”, asked Naegi.


Another one of her more transparent classmates here, albeit an ordinary student. He seemed to be okay despite the punch, which gave her a peculiar feeling of relief along with some curiosity. Head injuries were serious, and being unconscious for so long should have an effect. Not to mention that he didn’t have a bruise. Did the title of Ultimate Lucky Student have more merit than a mere lottery?


“I was inspecting the kitchen when Monokuma appeared”, Ishimaru said, “He explained that food gets restocked automatically each day.”


Ishimaru thoughtfully added, “I would also like to add that if any… implements are missing, you should report it! That’s all for my investigation!”


His implication was obvious to her, but was it to the others?


“Now, about…” Maizono continued explaining to Naegi where everyone had ended up exploring, which only led to conclusions she already knew.


Conflict between them would be something to watch out for. Especially when everyone had a strong character, as required of their positions at the top of the field.


“You're all spending an awful lot of time yelling and carrying on. Do you really think you can afford to do so? Have none of you accepted the reality of the situation?”


“Kirigiri-kun”. She turned to Ishimaru. “Did you perhaps find something of note in your investigations?”


She left it on the table.


“Huh? What's this...?”


“It appears to be a map of Hope's Peak Academy”, she answered Naegi’s question. There was no certainty yet, especially when this was only the first floor.


“Will you be opposed to making copies of it?” Ishimaru asked.


He already had his notepad out and a pencil. Someone always prepared or someone who knew about this already? Either way, it would be convenient to let him do as he pleased.


“Never mind that. What's it mean?”


Enoshima raised a fair question. Therefore, she explained the difference between the original construction and the strange renovations she had found. Everyone started to speculate without more evidence. She controlled the urge to sigh.


Suddenly, Celestia Ludenberg - what was her real name? – laughed. At being questioned, Celeste stated the undeniable truth, “It is perfectly obvious that we have been imprisoned in some secret location, with no way out”


She wondered if the girl’s instincts as a gambler made her announce that, to examine everyone’s baseline reactions to a high stress environment. An acceptable strategy that would serve Kyoko as well.


Fukawa, the Ultimate Writer, seemed on the verge of a meltdown. Unstable, approach with – her head hurt – with caution.


“It's very simple. If you want to leave, you just have to kill -”


Togami. Dangerous - he enjoys -


“Don't even joke about that!”


Enoshima? What ultimate -?


Compartmentalize it.


Inhale for five. Hold for seven. Exhale for eight. We can think later about those random pains, that you feel that you know them, that you don’t know why you are here. That you are scared.


‘Don’t let your emotions blind you, you are a Kirigiri’


“Going out at nighttime should be prohibited altogether. The school regulations do not actually tell us not to go out at night. I would like to make it official”, Celeste smiled.


As the gambler explained why, she felt calmer. Preventive measures would work best. It made sense. If they followed them, of course.


“I agree with that measure, but I would like to add a suggestion myself as well”, Ishimaru said, “If anyone is going to disregard this rule and share time with someone else after nighttime - which they shouldn’t do! - They must inform a third party. Not only that, but after nighttime ends we should meet to eat breakfast together…”


“Why though?” Oowada Mondo, one of her most emotional sort of classmates, groaned, “Seems motheruckin’ dumb to add more rules”


“Well, we need to exchange information and… see if anyone is dead - I hope that not, at least for now… Does anyone have something to add?”


At his ominous statement, no one had something to say.


“Alright then, let’s call an end to today’s meeting and reconvene at eight am tomorrow! Dismissed!”


With that, he left. Everyone followed behind slowly.


The clock was nearing the nighttime.


His interjections seemed almost planned.


His suggestions while being framed as helpful were actually making their classmates more nervous.


She had to determine where he stood. 








Day 2


Last night, after allowing himself to indulge in his regrets for a while, he went to work on his new project.


It took him more time than he thought it should take, but after making sure they were accurate, he started the meeting by handing out the maps.


“Good morning everyone! I hope you all slept well!”


His sleep was dreamless, which was a relief.


“I made copies of the map! They will prevent us from getting lost”


He applauded himself mentally. This way, exchanged nameplates or not, they would all be certain in which room was which. 


“There’s only one floor though. Can’t see how we are going to be lost”, complained Kuwata, of all people.


“Why should we even, like, bother with this? We are going to leave, right?” Enoshima said, “Did anyone find anything at all?”


“C’mon, guys! Everything is…”


The same conversation ensued as before, Monokuma interjecting and causing everyone to leave in groups or alone. Only some of them took their maps, the others still on the table intact or crumbled.


This was… disappointing.


Maybe his two lives had deceived him, but he expected at least a single appreciative reaction. Then again, he made enemies on his first day with not only Mondo but Maizono and Makoto as well, just because he couldn’t control his stupid reactions.


It didn’t matter that he already apologized to the idol and the lucky student, who awkwardly told him that it wasn’t his fault nor Togami’s. The effect was clear in everyone’s stilled reactions around him.


He hoped that a trip to the Monomono machine would help him, but even if it didn’t, it wasn’t like indifference was something new. After all, no one in his previous high school talked to him unless it was necessary and the attention he received in middle school made him wish he were ignored.


Even then, despite hatred or indifference, he dedicated himself to the committee, to create an environment where everyone had an opportunity to give everything they got, to realize their potential. Why should he stop now? 


It didn’t matter that some of the crumpled maps were in front of Kuwata’s and Mondo’s seats.


It didn’t matter as long as they were alive, right?


Maybe the whole ‘Kiyondo’ stuff depleted his capacity to lie to himself, because he hopes against hope that tomorrow will be it. That they have a new competition and Mondo realizes that he is nothing like Togami.


Have his kyoudai / friend support again. And once they are in the sauna without cameras tell him everything. How Taka died, how much he missed him.


If Mondo is still angry while they spar, he could allow some hits. It’s not like he doesn’t deserve them.


Frustration only grows after operating the machine and receiving prizes that he doubts Mondo would like.


As he goes back to his room with his acquisitions, consisting in a strangely elegant fountain pen, a t-shirt and some really odd underwear, he passes Hina and Oogami through the corridors.


They aren’t with Fukawa, which makes him remember that he never apologized, did he? Another failure.


“Have you seen Fukawa-kun?”


“Not really”, says Hina shrugging, “Only at breakfast. I think she went to her room… Wait! Do you think something happened to her?!”


The swimmer seems nervous, but after placating both her and Oogami’s inquiries, he leaves them alone. They already have water bottles with them, he doesn't need to interrupt their workout session any further.


Not to mention that he really needs to talk to Fukawa, so it doesn’t matter what he wants.


He cannot ignore her if he is going to be proactive.


It’s not just that Genocyder Syo could become a problem if she woke up before they knew about her, but the fact that the writer admitted her secret to Togami.


If she could reveal something of that magnitude to the others, be persuaded to do it, maybe Mondo and Chihiro would be inspired to take her as an example.


He knocks at her door, and after a few seconds, she finally opens. They stare at each other for a while.


“Wh-What?! You have a question or s-something?”


“I -”


He didn’t prepare a speech for this, what thing should he ask her first? About pets? Family? They are too specific for a long conversation!


“Do you want to spend time together?”


Fukawa mumbles something, and gets out of her room. “… Sure, I- I guess”


“What do you do in your spare time?”, he asks. That would certainly be a safe question to begin with. Hurrah!


“I just w-write. I'm serialized, so I'm a-always really busy...! And when I'm not writing, I'm s-studying…”, she looks at him, “G-guess that y-you know about that, huh? You don’t look like you do something else”


“It’s true”, he admits, “When I have time to spare I like to study on my own. We are *students* after all!”


“You s-sound like a f-friendless loser”, she concludes, fed up with this conversation already.


While the statement hurts, it’s accurate, at least in this life. He nods, astonishing her.


“... I – I can relate… W-wait!” Fukawa suddenly points at him on accusation, furious. “H-how can I be s-sure of that? Are you making f-fun of me?!”


“What?! No! I wouldn’t!”


“P-prove it!”


She is smug, probably thinking that she catched him with a perceived lie.


What could he say? It’s not that he didn’t experience anything, it’s more like nothing stands out more than his secret. The patio, the laughs, ‘Now, say thank you’.


“I – I used to photocopy my notes, because when I used to lend the originals they were never returned or they wrote obscene things on them… Not that it matters! I always preferred helping”


“T-that’s just plain s-stupid!”, she argues, “They used to throw my n-notebooks in the trash…  A-and I didn’t let them d-do it again!”


That certainly explained her behavior.


He used to wonder sometimes if he should have given up, assume that everyone who approached him had bad intentions and act accordingly to scare them away. However, that would go against everything he believes in!


As long as he was an example that everyone should always help despite the circumstances, people could change their perception of him and his last name. It worked with Mondo on his first life, after all.


“Agh, d-dammit...! I had to go and open my b-big mouth again... You must hate me for s-sure now, right?”


“No, I don’t!”


Differences of opinions aside, this was enjoyable.


Fukawa had a top-notch way to dress, understood the importance of studying, and didn’t have experience in friendship… They simply had more in common than he realized. Makoto’s advice was as useful as always.


Despite his ulterior motives – which sounds awful, now that he thinks about it - he wouldn’t mind being her friend.


He takes the pen and offers it to her. “Do you believe me?”


She pales in response, “N-No, you're just trying to trick me! I’ll take it, but get away!”


With that, Fukawa took her gift and ran straight to her room.


He felt that he understood her a little more and, at the same time, not.


He could use a study session now that she reminded him about it. It was calming to dedicate himself to something else. However, as he went to his room, someone approached him.


“Ishimaru-dono, perfect timing! I’ve brought *it*!”


Yamada sounds oddly proud, and as he dug around in his clothes, Taka couldn’t help but ask what he meant.


“The perfect map, of course! While I can stand amateur work, what I can’t stand is laziness!” The otaku reproached him and quickly handed him his map back.


“Laziness?! What even gave you that impression?!”


He used his ruler to make the straight lines and everything as close to the original as possible. This was clearly a map. So why?


“I’m a geek. A.K.A. an expert! Especially one well versed on manga, media in general, and derivative works!”, Yamada explained, “You used Kirigiri’s map as a reference, yet you didn’t put any passion on your rendition of it!”


“I am sorry?”


He didn’t know he had to be creative. It was a map.


“You should be! See my rendition of it”. Yamada handed him a colorful paper. “And if you don’t understand what it means, I’ll extend you an invite to be cultured in the A/V room”


He never got around to studying more shows and games. It was certainly lazy of him. Clearly, an expert with passion on their craft could have some valuable insights on what everyone would like. This could help him connect with the others!


“Thank you for your invitation!”


The map Yamada gave him was strange, with drawings of some characters that he thought he recognized on confiscated magazines. Of course! If the maps were personalized, they could have been more reluctant to throw them away. He appreciated the other’s hindsight.


He would try again tomorrow, making clear that it was of utmost importance to their continuous survival that everyone had one.



First of all, I want to apologize for not updating on friday.
While I'm *supossed* to be on winter vacations, my uni's law practice doesn't let me breath. Well, more like the court doesn't like me to be happy jsdsd. I don't even like the judicial area!
This one was suppossed to be a monster of a chapter, but it was either updating today until the middle of it or letting you wait for a week more.
Also, as always, I noticed mistakes after updating the second chapter. For example, I never changed the title of chapter 2! It's actually called "Lessons on friendship" lmao
It will be fixed inmmediatly. Hopefully this will never happen again. T.T

Now, those things aside, I hope you liked it!
I really believe that Toko, Sayaka and Taka were study buddies.
Oh, and I wrote a oneshot for ishimondo week. Kinda 'dark', but has a romantic ending in my opinion :3

Also, I want to thank you all for the kudos, hits, comments, they honestly made my day everytime I noticed them. They really fulfill me and my desire to write, even if it's on the public transport or while waiting for a hearing lol.
Just, I never expected so much support.
So thanks to all of you, from all my heart.

Chapter 4: Loved ones


A/N: Normal warnings apply (Emphasis in the graphic violence).
Unintentional misgendering -> Actually, let’s add this to the normal warnings until Chihiro’s secret is revealed.
Self-destructive behavior.
Spoilers for Danganronpa Kirigiri (at the end of her POV).
PTSD symptoms.

Should I tag suicide ideation when you know you are going to live?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Day 3








He strikes the cage once more, the only thing he can do in this damn place to burn some damn energy. The rattling sound that follows just pisses him off more. Makes him grind his teeth together.




Why the fuck the gym doesn’t have a punching bag or something?! Some weights?! Isn’t his supposed to be Hope’s ‘Heaven in Earth’ Peak?!


He wants to punch something, someone, whatever as hard as he can, but despite the rage bubbling in his chest, he is not seeing red anytime soon. He has to take care of this the slow way.


Mondo knows it would be plain stupid to punch a wall. At best, he’d have bloody marks on his knuckles. At worst, he could fuck up his hand. But, the sting that follows would feel so good right now. Distract himself from the absolute shit situation they are in.


The worst thing is that he forgot that for a moment today, even when he wanted to come back here later.


It’s just that –


Breakfast was good.


Sure, when he woke up with a crick on his neck and already loathing going to a too-early meeting, he wanted nothing more than some damn silence while they ate. To say he was happy to find a shouting war when he entered the dining hall would be a fucking lie.


Apparently, Kuwata told him, Fukawa and Yamada were trying to convince Ishimaru whether obscure or mainstream shit was better, and then they roped the others to choose a side?


To be honest he didn’t understand half of what Kuwata said, between the punk making his own opinions clear to the rest and Mondo’s own bewilderment. It was too early for this shit.


But, as he ate his own breakfast, and the others stopped trying to rip themselves apart and just talked about life and shit, it was… more comfortable than he expected.


No matter how awful their taste was, hearing them joke around felt familiar. They didn’t feel like strangers.


Maybe because they were all in this trap together?


That sounded childish even in his head. Something out of the shows Daiya and he used to watch when they were kids. But…


He wouldn’t mind keeping in touch with some of them after they’d got out, if they wanted to.


Of course, that warmth inside him stilled once he gave him this thing.


Seriously? Again?


“What does yours says?”, Kuwata asked him, as he looked over Mondo’s shoulder. He batted him away in reflex, while he opened up the handout if only to verify.


He thought that he had made it crystal clear what Ishimaru’s worthless map amounted for, crumpling the shit out of it yesterday. It was an insult. A slap to the fucking face.


Mondo, even if he didn’t have precious grades or went to a top private school or whatever, was not






You don’t get to be the leader of Japan’s biggest gang if you can’t ride without knowing all the major streets, shortcuts and recite in alphabetical order all your territory. So, yeah, not a fucking idiot.


Still, what Kuwata said made him pause.


Did Ishimaru put a lecture in it or something?


… It wasn’t that.


The map part was the same as yesterday, down to the fucking millimeter, but the difference on all the other things were striking. At the top of the sheet was Mondo’s name and, what drew his attention, were some doodles at the margins.


The corner of his mouth lifted as he saw an attempt of a dog, looking more like a cloud with eyes than anything else. It was cute. Nostalgia hurt like a bitch. Goddammit! He really missed Chuck! Maybe that’s why he thought it reminded a Maltese.


There were some other doodles too, like an impressive and precise drawing of the Crazy Diamond’s logo, and a crude bicycle? – No way was this thing a hog -, but what caught his attention besides the dog were the words written above it.


‘You are great’


Why would Ishimaru write that?


It didn’t make sense.


“Why did you get so many drawings?”, Kuwata complained, “He just put baseball stuff in mine”


He ripped the map out of his hands, to the baseball player’s annoyance. He ignored how many arrows were pointing to Naegi’s room, and just compared the maps.


Sure enough, in every corner, there were some bats and balls, but the words on his map were better.


‘You are quite humorous’

‘You have a unique sense of style’

‘Don’t lose this, my talented classmate’


The last thing made him pause.


Fuck. It was so obvious.


What a shitty manipulator.


Of course, no one would want to throw away the useless maps if they got nice stuff written or drawn on them. It wasn’t even like Ishimaru knew him, which suddenly made him weary of the cloud-dog and the phrase above it.


He was mocking him, wasn’t he?


Sure didn’t put any ‘talented’ stuff with Mondo. Probably didn’t want to copy over and over the Diamond’s logo, that’s why he put random stuff that Mondo liked just by chance. What a joke.


Daiya worked hard on the logo, although not in the name, embroidering it over and over the first members’ jackets, over all of Mondo’s coats. It’s what separates them of other gangs, of other people.


He needs to get out of here, not make nice with others.


And once he brings down this cage thing and finds the fucking exit on the upper floors, he’s going to show Ishimaru what doing something useful is.


Not like almost getting them all killed via Monokumas, not like getting them all nervous with talks about murders and making a shitty situation worse with more and more fucking rules.  


Why the fuck is this thing so strong?!


He kicks the stairs again. Then, once more, but it’s never fucking enough.


Between the echoes of the rattles, he hears his heavy footsteps.


Speaking of the devil.


There is only one person who could be looking for him so soon.


“Oowada-kun, what are you doing?”


Ishimaru was firmly planted, all self-righteous, a distance away. Probably anticipating what a biker could do if startled. But Mondo was expecting this approach. The almost smile on the other’s eyes, goading him, is confirmation enough of his hunch.


He digs his nails on his palms to stop himself from pounding Ishimaru’s face in, no matter how much he wanted to after another slap to the face. He knew what the other ultimate’s plan was. The reasons behind him treating them like dense idiots.


He knew the type.


The ones that spoke politely and sweetly apologized when they were discovered with their hands in the jar. Not that they meant it. Ishimaru couldn’t even look at Maizono’s eyes after his ‘oh, so sincere apology’.


The kind of hypocrite assholes that thought Mondo was trash at the bottom of their shoes and treated him like it, just so when he went to teach them a lesson, they called the cops on him. Not that it worked the way they wanted, but fighting them was still a pain in the ass.


“None of your goddamn business! That’s what I’m doin'”


Ishimaru stops fidgeting, and looks at him with his unnerving red eyes square in the face. Who did he thought himself to be, huh?


He talks slowly, as if he is going to spook Mondo, “I was merely wondering if you wanted to do something productive with all this energy -”


Mondo can see the beginning of shit-eating grin on him.


“- I would suggest some friendly sparring, if you are interested”


“Ha, hahaha!”


Of fucking course, and once Mondo hands his ass back to him, the Ultimate Moral Compass – as if - is going to cry to all the others about how Mondo is a murderer waiting to happen. He misses Daiya.


The other frowns at his laughter, making his eyebrows look even more ridiculous.


“I was not aware that I made a joke”


“Let me tell ya somethin’, Ishimaru”


He spits the name with as much venom he can put in it, and advances towards the fuming guy. He grips the front of his uniform, so he can’t look anywhere but Mondo’s abso–fuckin’–lutely resolute face.


“I’d sooner spent time with fuckin’ Monokuma over your shady ass”


Ishimaru’s pissed off expression, present since Mondo started to wrinkle his clean uniform, falls for a moment.


“‘Shady?’ I don’t know what you mean -”


“C’mon! Be a man and admit it!”


And, as Mondo goes to slam him to the wall, show him that he is not playing, goddammit! The fucker shoves him away, keeping a distance just barely out of kick range.


Adrenaline is familiar and comforting as it rushes through Mondo’s veins.  


He can hand it to him. He honestly expected the ultimate to back down, but apparently, he has more guts than he thought. It’ll be fun to hand them back after.


They circle each other in the narrow hallways. Ishimaru’s intense eyes following Mondo’s every move.


“Everything I have suggested is to prevent murders!” He shouts. His face is getting redder and redder by the second. “I can’t see how being cautious is ‘shady’!”


“So, you ganging up on a chick the first day was ‘cautious’? Or almost gettin’ us killed was it?!” Mondo taunts him.


Will Ishimaru throw the first punch?


He has bruised knuckles. He saw them in the first day.


Mondo wants to see him do that, needs to feel it, and then beat the shit out of him. To hell whatever the others think! If anything, he is doing them a favor for stopping Ishimaru’s attitude right the fuck now.


“‘Oh, I know!’ Let’s go and talk ‘bout murder and shit to make us- them nervous! SEEMS LIKE A MOTHERFUCKING GENIUS IDEA!”




Ishimaru lets a strangled out sound, and stops his prowling. His face turning into a sickly blue, and looking like Mondo just told him that the world has ended, which is pretty fuckin’ weird considering everything.




No way.




“… Did ya actually think that?”


He can’t help how baffled he sounds, because honestly, wasn’t this guy supposed to be a top student of a top school? Don’t they teach common sense there?




How naïve can you be to think that remembering everyone that they could die at any moment could help?


Mondo’s frustration and shock won over his anger.


“… You are right, Oowada”, Ishimaru strangles out, barely looking at him. “I was – I ought to know better -”


Wait… Is he crying?


“- I need to do better”, the Ultimate Moral Compass finished, before turning around and leaving.




After he stopped hearing the echo of Ishimaru’s boots in the halls, Mondo just kept going at the stairs.


He didn’t think of sparring nor good intentions.


Results mattered.




The creased dog still looked cute.








How many tries does Taka have?


This idea, this terrible idea for preventing tomorrow’s motive, has some merit. It will also destroy every chance of winning them over if Monokuma tips them off.


He knows that he could never convince them to not watch the videos. He lacks charisma. That’s a fact.


People only joined his committee’s activities for his reasonable programs and pragmatic agenda, which he always thought enough.


He never wanted to be anything like corrupt politicians, only winning because of their appeal to the masses, to the popular vote, and not their actual policies. Cult of personality was something reserved for another Ishimaru.


Then again, leadership is a skill. One that needed constant practicing and improvement. Even if he used to lead his committee, even if he convinced them to eat breakfast together, he doubts that he could persuade them to not see the videos. Nobody would support him now.


After all, in his first life, even when he was tolerated more than now, he didn’t convince them to reveal the secrets. Why would they listen to him now?


Sure, Fukawa and Yamada seemed amenable, which gave him a sliver of hope. But, at breakfast, after a confusing and mortifying interrogation, they kept getting others to join in their conversation until everything was… livelier.


It was nice seeing them happy and chatty. And if he wasn’t there, he doubts that it would have changed.


Maybe they could have been happier.


That’s the same reason why, in his first life, he stopped going to the meetings after everything. It was beneficial to everyone. 


… Mondo is right.


Taka only has unnerved them since waking up. In their perspective, he almost got them torn to pieces in their first day, and now is trying to shift the blame.


No wonder Makoto, the friendliest of his classmates, didn’t do anything besides exchanging pleasantries, even when they took turns on the Monomono machine in the morning.


An Everlasting Bracelet is useless when there is no one to put it on.


Why should he put the onus on them?


Let them be happy. Let them be carefree. Let them talk about shows, games, pets and everything.


As long as they were alive, it was enough.


It was Taka’s duty to protect them, to keep them united. That’s the reason why he was given these chances, he likes to think so. 


He has to do what is necessary to save them. After all, they are his -




- classmates.    




If this horrible plan of his works, they will be safe from the truth. Maybe Monokuma will find their despair at not having answers entertaining enough.


If not…  


Toronosuke, among his many lessons, had taught him about the importance of a common enemy. An antagonist.


It will hurt him to play that role - it already is - but it’s too late.


Why did he have to react so violently to Maizono? He was alive, wasn’t he? Why did he have to ruin everything?


- How many tries does he have?








Day 4


Ishimaru arrived late.


Interesting, considering his frankly concerning obsession with punctuality. Kyoko added this new development in her mental profile of him.


A deviation of an individual’s base attitude could indicate a new development, evidence she had overlooked – improbable – or perhaps a recent determination. For example, ‘Graduation’. 


Of course, she wouldn’t assume either for now, she ought to remain neutral, but it was worth noting.


Enoshima’s behavior was unusual as well. The model seemed strangely preoccupied with the clock, disregarding the food in front of her.  


Could those events be related?


“Okay, so...nobody has any clues?”


Kuwata’s voice interrupted her musings.


“One thing I can tell you is who's behind all this. Something who's totally weird and messed up. Why else would we be trapped in here in the first place?” Asserted Asahina.


While a fair description, it didn’t explain the motives behind their situation. Was only a person behind this or an organized group? What could be their reasons to orchestrate a ‘killing game’ in Hope’s Peak?


Ideology. Money. Personal grudge. Experiment. Those were just a sample of why *they* could have been chosen. Only one clue in the right direction could help them. 


Fujisaki, after being subdued to intense prodding from Naegi and Enoshima both, reveals some information similar to how teeth are pulled.


Someone specific could be behind this, a murderous fiend. A serial killer. 


Something inside her prods at those words, in triumph. Compartmentalize it.


Togami smugly describes the killer’s methodology. Someone who murdered people in ‘bizarre fashion’ and used the victim’s blood to write the words ‘bloodlust’ at each crime scene. Apparently, people called ‘him’ – did they have enough evidence to presume that? – Genocider Syo.


Curious indeed. However, what was described, didn’t seem relevant at the moment.


“It doesn’t make sense”, declares Ishimaru. Echoing her thoughts, he continues, “The modus operandi of Genocider Syo is different to the situation we are in… I highly doubt that sh-they would do this”


The programmer shrinks in herself at his refusal, which makes the other ultimate cringe in response.


“Although, even discarding an option is useful. Thank you, Fujisaki-kun!”


The petite girl gives them a wobbly smile, unwashed tears still at the corners of her eyes. “… That’s fine. I – I wasn’t certain. It was just a thought…”


“What is ‘just a thought’?” A shrill voice says next to her.


She forces herself to unclench every muscle that Monokuma’s startling appearance tensed. The robot bear appearing at high velocities still perplexes her, as well as his complex machinery and programming.


There is someone controlling what words come from his mouth, she can be almost certain of it.


Still, she suspects Fujisaki’s involvement. Albeit not in a conscious way.


While the programmer is obvious in her isolation, she doubts that is for anything besides self-worth issues. In any case, Fujisaki is another person to keep an eye on.


“I have a little video I'd like you all to see”, says Monokuma after taunting them, “Oh, but don't worry. It's not some pervy ‘adult’ video or anything. Seriously, it's nothing like that! It's a special video for each of you showing what's going on outside the school”


“Outside the school...? What are you talking about?”


A reasonable inquiry considering all the possible meanings that phrase could imply. It could range from the school gates being flooded with police officers to something of a more personal nature.


The bear’s high spirits as he mocks them gives her the perfect opportunity to ask what have plagued her for days. “What are you? Why would you do something like this? What do you want from us?”


Monokuma looks curious, as much as a machine can. “What do I want from you...? Well, if you must know... Despair. That's all.”


Ideology then.


“If you want to know more than that, you'll have to figure it out for yourselves. Do whatever you need to uncover the mystery hidden within this school. I won't try and stop you”


No intentions of standing in their way, on the pursuit of truth. An express permission even. This would be interesting. 


“Cuz to be honest, it's entertaining as heck watching you guys search so desperately for answer! So I guess I want amusement from you, too”


Entertainment as well. A high chance that whoever was involved in this was a sadist.


The profile of the mastermind was quickly filling itself. A room, an island, a folder of new information that didn’t hurt when trying to retrieve it from her mind’s confines.


After Oogami manifested her curiosity at the videos, Ishimaru made a reasonable suggestion. They all agreed to investigate the videos together.


As they walked in the corridors, she could see the emotions present each of her classmate’s faces like a kaleidoscope. Confusion, fear, anger, and blanks expressions, they were warnings to watch out for.


Once they arrive to the A/V room they quickly notice the obvious difference. A simply cardboard box, that wasn’t there yesterday.


Naegi is the first one to approach it, once he sees the content, he gasps.


“What’s wrong, Naegi-kun?” Maizono goes towards him, and once she sees what’s inside too, her mouth falls open.


Negation is a waste of time. Everyone must accept this development. Even herself.


She takes everything out of the box, every single fragment of what used to be DVDs. Even if they matched each piece, guiding themselves by the names that were written in the disks, the result would still be the same.


Any chance of new information is gone.


Inhaling for five it’s difficult with a clenched jaw and flaring nostrils. Compartmentalize it.


“What the hell?!”




“T-they are j-just t-toying w-with us!”


Their complaints rapidly rise in volume and scorn towards the unhinged mastermind, until the noise is as irritating as the miserable puzzle of what used to be her DVD.


“Oh my! What an unfair situation you are in!”


Monokuma comes through the door with a cheerful demeanor, ignoring the other’s demands.


“While I appreciate any turn of events, seeing your videos is a bear-y personal decision! It’s my duty as your headmaster to ensure your choices are respected… Not to mention I worked hard on them


Of course, they would have copies. Relief floods her. This could only help them in the long term.


“Now! Who wants to see them?”


They stop for a moment, gauging the other’s reactions, until they came to their decision. Almost everyone raises their hands, Ishimaru being the sole exception.


“Then, let’s get things rolling!”


He left. Simultaneously, the projector turned on. This will be public.


What could be in her video?


'3. 2. 1.'


The screen showed an indoor pool, Olympic-size, with people either training inside it or next to it doing warmups. The murmur of conversation must have been deafening, considering the speakers distortion.


On the right side of the pool stood a tanned and smiling family, clad in swimsuits and dripping wet. Presumably a father, a mother and their son. Their resemblance was startling.


There was no doubt that they were related to the Ultimate Swimming Pro.


“No, no, no, no!”


The voices coming through the speakers drowned Asahina’s cries. Words of encouragement and love, ‘miss you’ peppered in almost all the sentences. Her brother gets close to the camera, talking about Hope’s Peak request of happy videos while they settled in. ‘I knew you would get accepted!’


The others shift uncomfortably, not only at this violation of privacy but also at what it could meant. 


It would be heartwarming to receive a video like that if this was a normal boarding school, but the implications are obvious in this context. With a buzz, the image changed making it even clearer.


The ceiling was almost gone, covered in flames and smoke. No one stood next to a pool or swum in it. A dark red and gelatinous liquid filled it. It could only be blood.


Kyoko observed the human remains on the bleachers, amplified by the large screen. Was that ribcage an Asahina or somebody doing jumping jacks next to them? What was this loss of life?


It certainly was despair filling.


The speakers cut thorough the silence once more.


‘Asahina Aoi, accepted into Hope's Peak Academy. And her family, who supported such an energetic girl... But it seems like...something's happened to this family's well-being! Oh boy, this is bad! What could have possibly happened to this family's well-being!?’


“This is fake - This is all fake!”


At the corner of her eye, she could see Oogami trying to comfort her wailing friend.


The others waited for their turn in shocked silence, tearful acceptance, or firm negation as their videos were projected.


Fujisaki’s and Hagakure’s video included their family as well. Fukawa’s had her pet bug and Enoshima’s her manager. Still, independent of who or what was there, their reactions were full of pain.


This is what he meant by motive. One of them, or more, could be temped to kill in these circumstances She could almost hear death’s steps stalking them.


‘Kirigiri Kyoko’


The gruff voice came from the speakers.


They skipped over Ishimaru. It was her turn now.  


The camera recording was adjusted, and a kind-faced man appeared on the screen, seated in an office. ‘You know well what my opinion on your decisions are’, he sighted.


Her heart accelerated. She recognized him. Shaky bridges between islands, restoring doors that appeared and disappeared where she knew they were. He was part of her, and she of his.


He thankfully trained her to not let tears fall in front of others.


‘Still, I believe that in the same way everyone on our field have different motives, methodologies’  


The next part was cut off. She dug her nails on her gloves, praying for more information as it fast-forwarded, until the video jumped to the end of him speaking. ‘It’s important to always upheld the truth’


A buzz. The office was destroyed. Details were noted in the sidelines, even if her mind was somewhere else. Another thing he taught her.


‘Kirigiri Kyoko, accepted into Hope's Peak Academy…’


How foolish of the mastermind to give her such an important connection to who she is. Then again, although it’s more likely that they are the responsible for her memory issues, maybe they don’t know.


Or perhaps they are more daring than she thought.


There is a reason why her grandfather’s voice was so present. That her last name had such importance on her mind. This man was related to her talent and, establishing that connection so quickly, gives her hope.


Compartmentalize this victory. Gauge the other’s reactions.


Family, pets, friend groups. It didn’t matter who was projected on the screen, the fear and confusion reigned over them as a heavy miasma of despair.


A prisoner’s dilemma, Celeste called it, her face disfiguring itself once someone mumbled that a cat was ‘nothing’. Ishimaru tried to kept the situation from escalating, and reminded everyone to be careful.


Maizono ran away. Naegi followed her. Everyone started to disperse.


It would be best to restart her investigation.




After noting everyone’s location or anything disrupted on the school part of Hope’s Peak, she moved on to the other section.


She approached the kitchen silently, which allowed her to hear them. She concealed herself from their view.


“- leave you alone… What date is it?”


Monokuma’s usually singsong voice was serious.


From where she was standing, she could see Ishimaru’s wide-eyed expression. His shaky hand and curling fingers betrayed him. After a beat, he answered correctly.


“Are you reaaaaalllyyy sure?”


Monokuma brought his claws out, and advanced towards her classmate.


Time to intervene.


“Shouldn’t a headmaster know when the school year begins?”


Ishimaru jolted at her interruption and Monokuma stopped his movements. The bear turned to look at her.


“… A good one must interrogate his students - Of course, you don’t know anything about it, Miss Kirigiri. Upupupu!"


Even after Monokuma left, his ominous laugh resounded in the walls.  


“Kirigiri-kun, thank you for interfering!” Ishimaru’s relief was genuine. “I’m preparing some calming tea. Would you be interested?”  


He pointed to the kettle settled on the kitchen stove. It didn’t boil yet.


In any case, the triumph earlier made her desire for answers even stronger. This theory had more weight when contrasted with others, and this strange conversation with Monokuma only solidifies it. Using a feint to secure or destroy this conjecture is worth the risk.


“I know you destroyed the DVDs.”  


He opened his mouth, but when no words came out of it, he closed it. He didn’t even have to talk, his trembling legs and sweaty pale face was enough to press on her interrogation.


“What information do you have that we don’t?”


“… I don’t know what you are talking about”, Ishimaru said, glancing towards the kitchen’s camera.




The mastermind’s antagonism made her more likely to consider him as a neutral party or an ally. Not that she had arrived to a conclusion yet, there was still more clues to find.


He destroyed the videos, which she wouldn’t have forgiven if not for Monokuma’s intervention, but Kyoko could acknowledge his reasoning behind it even if it was flawed.


She hesitated to give him the same advice she gave to Naegi, but if he were an ally, it would benefit them to keep him alive. She could share part of it.


“… There's no advantage to be gained from letting others see how you feel. Especially if you are hiding something from an enemy.”


He stared at her wide-eyed. She glanced towards the camera, and then back at him. His shock transformed into plain gratitude. 


She controlled the urge to sight. It was pointless. Most of her classmates were foolishly open.


“I’ll kept that in mind. Thank you!”


After she finished her investigation in this section, she left him to guard the kitchen. It was a reasonable idea, considering all the implements at their disposition, not that he explained his reasons aloud. He could learn quickly. Good.


She could trust that he didn’t want any murder to happen. Maybe his preventive measures could stop the intentional ones at least.


However, people often at their most emotional slipped. Her burned hands itched at that thought.


Death was the sound of a frigid breeze and slowed breaths.


She used to have a sister, didn’t she?


Islands shook and walls bleed inside her mind.


If she recovered her grandfather, she could remember her too. After all, the girl with glasses molded her and her talent. Whatever it is.








*Ding dong, bing bong*


“Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited…”


It was time.


His original plan didn’t work. Destroying the disks only made them want to watch them more, which leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. It was their decision after all. Still, watching the loved ones of his classmates being threatened on screen, made him want to spare them of this suffering even more. 


There’s a reason why he didn’t want to watch his video. Knowing that, in the moment he saw his father, he would break. It was necessary to remain rational today. No matter how much he wanted to see a friendly face, someone to talk to.


It’s dangerous though.


His uncharacteristic behavior almost led him to being killed by Monokuma once again, but acting paranoid and Kirigiri’s intervention saved his life.


He needs to remember the dates, even though weeks or more has passed since his first life. He needs to remember the bullets. He needs to be better and control his emotions.  

He has to heed Mondo’s and Kirigiri’s advice.


Even though it’s late… How many tries does he have?


At least his surveillance spot at the kitchen was not wasted.


Maizono had arrived sooner than he expected, but as soon as the idol processed that he was standing in front of the knives, she froze.


He could hear his heartbeat quicken. Felt his chest tighten up and his legs preparing themselves to run. But he has to hide his fear in front of her. There was no advantage otherwise, right?


But he is no Kirigiri, he can’t put on a blank face when it will fall apart as soon as he is surprised. So, imitating the best actress that he knows, he gives her a wide grin and offers Maizono a cup of tea.


She smiles in return, and the corners of her lips are tightened up just like that night, and once she steps closer she will bring the knife and -


Maizono left.


He still stood guard in the kitchen. Private videos being shown to the others - an unforeseen mistake, but one nonetheless – could make others act... Or she could return.    


But wow that it was nighttime, the knives were out of the option. Not that it meant they were safe.


As he left the dining hall, Hina and Oogami approached him. He almost forgot why he was being told they were going to have a sleepover, until he remembered his own rule. He wished them well, and said goodbye, content in that at least he made a difference on this.


Reasonable rules, made with good intentions, did in fact protect.  


He waited for them to go, and entered his room, grabbing his kendo sword with sweaty hands. He was not going to use it if it wasn’t necessary, but as he was to observe the situation from outside the dormitories, he was not going to be defenseless again.


He couldn’t risk his soundproof room to hide her light footsteps again. His racing heart and his tickling clock already made things harder for him.


Once he saw the door of Makoto’s room open, he hid himself further on the corner next to his room. Crouching down and leaving his bamboo sword next to his feet, he observed the time at which Maizono exchanged the plates.


She probably found another weapon. That’s why she disappeared at the end of the corridor, leaving a note no doubt. Once she retreated to her friend’s room, he acted. 


He exchanged the plates as quickly and silent as he could. He had little time. Even if dragging himself through the halls leaving a bloody trail felt like years, there were few minutes between this and Kuwata’s appearance.


Not because he selfishly wanted another try, it meant that he could risk it. Maizono quick-started the game, but the baseball player was the first blackened. 


He returned to the corner and, hunched down, he looked out.


Once he saw Kuwata approaching, lights only casting shadows in his face and whatever he was gripping on his hands, he steeled himself. 


He stopped at the partition of Maizono’s and Makoto’s room.


Relief flooded him once he noticed that it was not a toolkit what the baseball player brought, but some familiar papers. The maps worked.


Please, leave now.


Kuwata turned around with a scowl on his face, but instead of retreating, he advanced towards Kiyotaka’s room. He quickly hid himself further, and retrieved his sword. Why was he -?


He hears him knocking against his door, then kicking it and rattling the frame.


“C’mon! Open up, you idiot!”


There is no murder on Kuwata’s voice, only annoyance, but at this hour everything is deceiving. Maybe if he waits enough he is going to tire himself out.


A door opening up moves him to act. 


“Kuwata-kun, what are you doing at this hour?!”


The redhead jumps at his voice, hand still gripping his door knob.


“Dammit, Ishimaru! Why are *you* hiding like a creep? You -” Kuwata’s indignant expression turned into one of shock and fear. “- You are not going to kill me, right?”


“Of course not!”


“So the sword -?”




Taka leaves it next to his room, as a signal of good faith. "I was standing guard when I heard you - Why were you knocking?”


“Cuz’ I received your little test.” Kuwata glares at him. “And I don’t care what *you* think of me, but dragging Maizono-chan is low!”


“Test? W-what are you talking about?”   


“Y’know, the note!” Kuwata gestures with the paper on hand. After some light prodding, he gives it to him complaining all the while.


It’s a map, although not one he made. The handwriting is different, and Maizono and Makoto’s rooms are switched. When he turns it around, he sees the words.


‘There's something I want to talk to you about, just us two. In five minutes, come see me in my room. I already told someone about this, so don’t worry.

Check the nameplates to make sure you don't get the wrong room, okay? I’ll lend you my map.



He has a chance to discredit her. Tell Kuwata that he didn’t wrote this, that maybe she was planning to kill him, that they should tell the others in the morning... But he won’t. They are not friends, but isolating her would only do more harm.


“… You should go to your room. I’ll confiscate this”


Kuwata rips the paper out of his hands.


“Hell no! Not even a ‘sorry’? - It’s messed up, man!”


He is so tired. There is no sense trying to convince someone who won’t listen. 


“You are right, it’s ‘messed up’. That’s why you should go to your room”


The baseball player looks puzzled at his exhaustion, when something flash through his face. “Wait”


He takes another paper from his clothes, presumably Taka’s map, and contrast it with the idol’s. If he was smart enough to think that, why didn’t he do it sooner? Why didn’t Kuwata think about what someone would want at this hour- when there is no hesitation? Why?


“Maizono-chan wrote this… The letter is different.” Kuwata smiles softly, like a lovesick genius, as someone stupid, stupid, stupid! “Nice”


“What do you mean by ‘nice’?! Not only is this suspicious! Even if the meaning was real it’s simply unwholesome!”


“C’mon, man, we are just going to talk about music. She is the pure-hearted type”


Kuwata knocks at Maizono’s original room, with it’s original plate. He rang the doorbell over and over again. But no one answered.


“Maybe someone else played a prank on you? – It’s dangerous to stand here!”, he pleads.


“No way - Not listening!”


Kuwata took his scrunched paper to look at it, and then knocked on Makoto’s original room. She was going to be here soon -


Taka grabs him without thinking, and pushes him behind him to Kuwata's complaints. They have to begin their retreat - Take refuge in his room -!


Maizono opened the door. “Kuwata-kun?”


The idol turned her head around, and froze at seeing them both. Taka standing in front of their classmate's fallen form.


“Ishimaru-kun? What -?”


“Hey, Maizono-chan!” Kuwata’s casual voice was fake even to his standards. “He caught me, haha - Are you still up for a talk?”


The girl, after a beat, smiles and her hands are behind her back and he doesn’t know what weapon does she have -


The corners of her lips are tight, as she replies. “Of course! Can you -”


A second door opens next to them. Unnoticed.


“- wait for me in my room? I have -”


“Don’t! – This is highly –!”


“C’mon! Can’t you leave her alone -?!”


“- something to talk with Ishimaru-kun”


“- Inappropriate!”


“- for a moment?!


“What is going on?!”


Makoto's sudden appearance makes them stop. He stands next to them, with his hair ruffled and a confused expression on his face.


“Naegi-kun”, Maizono breathes.


Maybe realizing that she is outnumbered, that she can’t win, it's what stops her. Or maybe seeing Makoto it’s the thing that finally makes her hesitate. 


“I can’t do this…”


She falls to the ground crying, her knees giving up under her. She covers her face and whatever she was holding makes a loud clang. She dropped her weapon. His classmates doesn't seem to hear it though, as they rush to comfort her. 


“I – I just want to see my family”


Stopping her it's what makes him breathe freely for the first time in days. 


It's awkward seeing them crouched down, whispering encouregment to her, and giving her back rubs. It's uncomfortable, but in this situation it was a necessary evil, wasn’t it? She seems to be calming down.


He could give them all detention in the morning for PDA, since they were going to be all alive and well. He wasn’t sure how it could work in these strange circumstances, but he craved a hint of normalcy and order. They still had some time to figure it out and what to do until the second motive. Maybe everything could go well.


He was debating whether to return to his room, to get some sleep, when he heard Makoto’s voice.


“Maizono-san. Is – is that my sword?”


Her weapon, a replica sword in it’s gold coating, laid behind her.


Kuwata noticed it too, and stared incredulously at her.


“I – I wanted to leave”, she explains. Her eyes are full of tears, but despair is just one of the emotions there, not all of them. “I needed to see them... I’m so sorry!”


“… You wanted to kill me – What the hell is wrong with you?!”


Kuwata gets to his feet, towering over her, and Makoto throws himself in front of her in response.


“Please, calm down! She was scared!” he pleads, trying to cover her. “It’s Monokuma’s fault- !”


“Monokuma sure as fuck didn’t write the note, she did!”


Maizono whimpers. And her being revealed isn’t satisfying. Even if they aren’t - weren’t friends, denouncing her for actions made in despair would be hypocrisy.


Killers in this game often were more than that, no matter who they killed or how it hurt them. Sometimes they were simply good kyoudais people being pushed by Monokuma.


“Kuwata-kun, Maizono-kun made a mistake… Let’s reconvene in the morning”


“Now you are in her side?! She tried to kill me! Like you said!”


“And you left your room knowing that emotions were high! Do you have a death wish?! Or what you imagined was so appealing that -”


“You did not just go there!” Kuwata hissed, “I’m done! Fucking done! With this school and with you three!”


He stormed off. 


Maizono kept sniffling.


At Makoto’s worried stare, they carried the exhausted girl to her room, and put her under her bedcovers. He left them enough space to whisper, standing next to the door. Once the lucky student was leaving, they locked the door. 


“... Thank you for defending her.” The other boy struggled with his next words. “Maizono-san told me a while ago that she talked with you – about the changed rooms?”


He shook his head. Makoto seemed to expect that.


“I should have trusted you too, Ishimaru-kun”


Day 5


*Ding dong, bing bong*


“Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!”


Monokuma’s voice comes through the speakers, waking him up from the uneasy sleep. The screen doesn’t turn off.


“Now that everyone is waking up, and in light of recent events, all students must gather in the gymnasium. Immediately! Thank you!~”


At least, they are going to delay the morning meeting. Kuwata is probably waiting to talk to everyone about what had transpired last night.


In any case, Monokuma can be so unpredictable that maybe *he* wants to deliver the news. Or talk about Taka breaking the disks. Maybe he wants to do radio exercises, which would be useful seeing that he didn’t follow his routine.


It didn’t matter what was about to happen.


Taka stopped them and it was enough.  


Monokuma was already settled on a new podium when they arrived to the gym. No one looked particularly in the mood for his usual antics.


“The mixed feelings of a headmaster who wants students both to graduate and to stay with him forever cut off from the world”. The bear spoke with nostalgia, and cried, “Students like you will never understand”


At being questioned for summoning them here, Monokuma continued. “It’s simple! Yesterday we almost had a graduation -”


His classmates looked at each other in fear and suspicion. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Maizono and Naegi staring at Kuwata, who ignored them in return.


“- Keyword being almost”, Monokuma sighed, “One has to be determined to succeed in life! Not a wussy at doing bad things. Own it! - That’s why today I'm gonna give to you a boon... I’ll tell you what rule six really refers to”


He was going to reveal it, without a murder?


“The ‘unless you are discovered?’” Togami confidently asked.


“Bingo! It's not enough to just kill someone. You have to actually get away with it! Which naturally means you need a system in place to assess whether or not it's been gotten away with!”


The bear explained the investigation, the trial method, and the punishment. “Execution personalized by yours truly!”


The handbook chimed, as the new rule was added to it. He didn’t understand why Monokuma would decide this. If anything this would discourage future murder plans. So why?


“W-Wait, hold on a second! You're freaking insane, you know that!?” Enoshima yelled out. “A class trial? What the hell is that!? I don't want anything to do with it!”


“Why not?” 


“Whaddya mean why not!? Why do I have to waste my time trying to figure out who murdered someone!?”


“I’ll have you punished for such insolence! I could throw you into a dark and scary prison!”


Monokuma ran towards the girl. And, in a flash, she was standing over the bear. This was bad, really bad! Trampling over the others was necessary to get close to them.  


“A-Are you enjoying yourself now?!” Enoshima’s voice wavered.


In any moment now, the bear was going to start his beeping. After all, he didn’t gave the first warning. Taka needs to stand in the sidelines and be prepared to throw the bomb away.


“Are you?”




“Violence against Headmaster Monokuma is not allowed. You've violated a school regulation... I invoke the mighty summon spell! Help! -"


Before his mind had finished processing those familiar words, he is pushing her away.


“- To me, godly spear Gungnir!”


Being pinned into place by dozens of spears is akin to being stabbed. In the sense that it's familar. So are the gaping wounds and the sound of dripping blood on the floor.


The broken bones are new, but either he is getting used to sharp and throbbing pain or adrenaline is taking care of the worst. Not that it matters, he is not going to feel anything soon.


Blood tastes like iron and victory on his tongue. He stopped three deaths. 


He smiles at everyone's horrified faces.


“… saved you”


Even if he didn’t had another chance, he was satisfied. At last, him dying was useful.


Everything went dark, and he welcomed the cold.








As people cried and screamed at Monokuma’s actions, having flashbacks, throwing up or whatever, a certain model groaned. Not only did she fail at killing her sister but murdered an unexpected source of entertainment?


They truly were disappointing twins.









To survive: Loop 4


Taka woke up in the classroom of his first day, and sighed of relief.


Sorry for the late update, life happened.
And since it's unfortunately going to keep happening, I'll move the schedule to every other weekend. Hopefully I will update at friday's evenings, if not, maybe saturday through sunday.

Also, I wanted to put something from Mondo's pov at the impailing but I didn't know how to fit it in. Probably will leave it for the one-shots someday (in the far future) I'll write.
Basically, if you put yourself in Mondo's shoes, this guy you kept taunting about doing something useful just died pushing someone out of the way. Your survivor's guilt would just shoot through the roof. Not to mention Sayaka's. Uff.
(I also don't want to sound presumptuous, but if anyone wants to write something related to this "AU", do it by all means)

Thank you to all of you for all the support!! <3
It makes me take accountability to keep writting lol
With that, take care. Hope you'll like the next one.
We've arrived at the final first day after all B)

Chapter 5: The importance of first impressions


Normal warnings apply -> Let's add bullying to that category.
Spiraling thoughts (Toko's pov)
Brief mention of incest (Leon's pov)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Everyone stand at attention and bow! And... Good morning!”


“Good morning!!!”


He salutes the bear with a grin in his face, recognizing the might of Hope’s Peak headmaster. Outwardly, at least.


“Y-You don't have to s-say it back...”


He ignores Fukawa’s comment. Sadly, he *has to* if he wants to survive.


Maybe it’s because he thought that the mastermind knew their secrets because they bought the information, but seeing all the people captured and how many times Monokuma had remarked that he was not ‘acting like himself’ made him arrive to this revolting conclusion.


Before coming here, they were spied on.


It’s disgusting to think about it, especially about how long the surveillance must have been until the mastermind knew them enough and decided to act.


“- ceremony is even finished, you've already decided you want to leave?”


He didn’t understand why Monokuma would ask him about dates though. Maybe another test of personality? Or were they unconscious longer than some hours? In any case, he shouldn’t forget that no matter for how long he is here. 


Starting anew, having an opportunity to make the others trust him was a blessing. Not that he should rely on this, even if these chances didn’t have a limit, not trying his hardest every time and expecting the world to reward him nonetheless - That would be what a genius would expect! 


“- Give it your all to achieve the best outcome in the worst way possible”


Kirigiri’s intervention in the kitchen, her perception and advice made it clear. No matter how difficult controlling his emotions can be, or the fact that he never has been able to stop showing them on his face, shamefully displaying them to Monokuma and the mastermind could only affect them in the long term. He needs to practice, put effort in his acting.


That’s why, after waking up and verifying that his organs were still inside him, he decided to pretend that this was his first day at this demented school. Of course, with his previous experiences, he knows that not only he needs a proper plan but also have enough influence to convince the others on not giving into despair.


It was time to return to his original source in sociability. The expert in friendship himself. Professor Mako- 


“- you can go ahead and reveal the trick now”


… Stopping the explosion didn’t make a difference towards Enoshima’s punishment.


“Dude, shut the hell up and get outta my way”


It’s the same reason why he didn’t suggest to look for an exit. That’s not what Ishimaru Kiyotaka on his first day at the academy would do. 


“- Joke? What, you mean like your hair?”


He knows that his kyoudai will not come to harm.


“Waah! Violence against the headmaster is in violation of school regulations!”


Still, he shouts faster and louder than Kirigiri when it’s time to throw the bomb away.


After it is disposed from, the screech still ringing in his ears, Monokuma gives them the handbooks. He can’t help but ask his classmates after, a little hysterically, “So, guys... How would you define what we just experienced?”


Once Togami suggest that someone may be considering graduation, he refutes the idea and reassures them that working together to confront Monokuma would be the best option.


They read the rules, and once Maizono makes a comment about the ‘unless they are discovered’, he criticizes the ambiguity of the school regulations and proposed that Monokuma was waiting for them to settle down. He encourages them to look for supplies. Then, he prepares himself.


“- so insignificant, they couldn't possibly have any kind of influence on the boundless ocean”


This was necessary. Proper posture, impulse, sharpening his reflexes. So, once Makoto interferes,


“S-Stop it! We shouldn't fight!”


He is at the right place.




Withstanding the worst of Mondo’s punch pushes him back for a moment, and his boots squeak on the gym’s floor, but at the next second, he is firmly planting his feet underneath him.


Catching a gang leader’s fist as it swung rapidly towards an innocent party is what he should have done in the first day. Not faltering. Just taking a step forward and facing things head on!


Mondo’s wide-eyed expression at this development quickly turned into a scowl. “The fuck?”


Taka lets go of the warm fist he was holding, and glaring at his ‘rival’ - this is what he would do if this were the first day, right? – He speaks calmly, despite the electrifying rush surging through his veins.


“Turning to violence to solve our problems? - What if we go searching for a way out first, Oowada-kun?”


The biker bares his teeth at his combative response, his lavender eyes burning with fury. Mondo strikes his fist on his own hand, as a warning or anticipation it doesn’t matter. Whatever he does once he gets closer, Taka will be there. He will never be afraid of Mondo. Bring it, kyoudai!


“You son of a motherfuc-!”




Oogami’s voice shocks them enough to stop their battle of wills. When he turns around, and notices his gawking classmates, he realizes that they had forgotten themselves. It’s so easy to loss common sense when locked down in a competition with Mondo. 


“Please, let’s all calm down”


His kyoud- ‘rival’ – he can’t be overfriendly with him, that’s not what he would do in his first day here – looks at the martial artist and scoffs. “Whatever – I’m getting the fuck outta here”


Mondo is leaving when Taka hears him.


“… Can’t even fight their own fuckin’ battles”


He tries to not let those words hurt him, but in the same way he can try to justify Maizono’s actions, it’s easier to think about it than change how he really feels. He blinks the tears away.


It doesn’t matter that his kyoudai will always assume the worst of him. It just meant that, when the time comes, he‘d show Mondo how wrong he was. It doesn’t matter that he is the only one who remembers.




Makoto’s stammered out gratefulness brings him out of that strange mood. He refuses it out of principle, asserting that it was his duty to protect his classmates.


Benefiting from the spotlight, he suggests to everyone that they should reconvene later to share their respective discoveries. They agree. After making sure that Oogami and Hina will inform Mondo about it, he dismisses them.   


Of course, Celeste, Yamada and Fukawa stay behind in the gym. Even if he knows that they will say no to his invitation, approaching them and asking is the best course of action. 


“I will try my luck here. Thank you”


She smiles, as expected of Celeste.


“Wh-while I greatly appreciate the opportunity I – I must protect Miss Celestia… If you excuse me…”


Expected of Yamada?


The Ultimate Dojin Author scrambles towards the bleachers.


He turns to look at the writer, if only to verify that she didn’t change her opinion.






She stares at him. Her face paling quickly. Then she screams.


“… I- I’M NOT l-letting you-!”


She runs off before he can understand what she is yelling about. Neither Yamada nor Celeste are helpful in clarifying her attitude. He can try again tomorrow, right?


He hopes that he hasn’t alienated the only ones who were friendly with him in his previous life.


Sure, he didn’t understand their references, and their questions about getting ‘riled up’ about the smell of rice or how much ‘development’ characters should have was really - something, but they attempted to get close to him in their own way, right? 


In any case, he ought to go to the kitchen. Talking to Monokuma is necessary if he wants to spare anyone from that despair full and taunting conversation.




Once the clock strikes seven pm, he starts the meeting.


Their discoveries never vary. Still, he feigns surprise at the ‘new’ information and, when Kirigiri shows them the map, he interrogates her on where did she find it even if he knows she will not tell them. 


When Celeste is finishing her proposal, he quickly suggests both the ‘inform a third party’ rule and the morning meetings.


Mondo laughs.


He is about to explain about how necessary these measures are when his kyoudai speaks, sneering all the same. “Who put you in charge?”


“- Excuse me?”


This has never happened before.


“You go ‘bout rules and rules - Like a motherfuckin’ Monokuma junior or some shit like -”


“Don’t. You. Ever. Call me that.”


He almost snarls those words to Mondo’s face. His kyoudai’s expression falls, and he coughs, trying to stop the repulsion of being compared to that depraved bear show in his voice.


Still - He needs to pretend this is his first day, so he hisses what he says next. “I’m trying to protect you all. Do *you* have any better suggestions?” 


“I can give you one right the *fuck* now”


Mondo starts to raise from the opposite side of the table, and Taka prepares himself in response. Try it.


“JEEZ! Can you get a room or something?!”


They stop of pure bafflement.


What is Enoshima talking about?


He already has a room. Everyone has it. He turns to Mondo inquisitively, to see if he has an idea, but the biker is just opening and closing his mouth with no words coming out. 


“… The breakfast meetings could help us to see who is alive”, Kirigiri concludes. He nods at her statement, but he can only process that with dull focus.


“I can agree with that”, Celeste states, “Good. Then, if you will excuse me...”


With pure elegance, she gets up and leaves.


‘Get a room’. He has hear it before but the context there and now here isn’t the same. Why then?


“So, Mr. Chairman...what next? One person already left”


He ends the meeting at Enoshima’s request. They start to disperse, going back to their rooms. But what the model previously said persists in his mind. 


It’s not possible that she meant it that way – It probably has an alternative meaning, like ‘keep private things out of public spaces’. That would be the only explanation on why their situation was comparable to couples kissing in the halls.


Anyways, he needs to –


A yawn escapes him.


- Needs to prepare the maps.


After they are ready, he can sleep.


Day 2


Morning greetings are such an energizing way to start the day. That and a strong tea will revitalize even the most exhausted soul.


When they start to speculate about who slipped the maps in everyone’s rooms, he just sips the warm beverage to hide his smile. Sometimes what matters is not *who* created something, but that a useful it exists at all. He applauds himself mentally, since no one else will.


Once they talk about how help will arrive soon, Monokuma quickly appears to dispel those notions. Breakfast ends shortly thereafter, some of them leaving immediately like Maizono and Makoto.


Taka starts to wonder what he should do next.


He could spend time with Fukawa and talk about books or do a study session. Or maybe he should talk with Yamada, ask him about what shows were most likely to appeal to their classmates. Either option was productive and a way to get closer to them. How satisfying!


Maybe it’s best to approach the writer, her behavior yesterday was mystifying. Then, he could spend time with the media expert.  


“… N-no!”


Fukawa ran off.


Asking Yamada, whom he found standing in the dormitories’ hallways, produced a negative response too. Apparently, he was quite preoccupied on being an upstanding citizen? 


The doujin artist entered his room, and didn’t come out.


Well – Maybe he changed something unknowingly and they were now suddenly busy. That could happen, right?


… In any case, he didn’t have anything to gift them so it’s probably best to go to the Monomono machine. Ha. It was shortsighted to just approach them.


When he is walking past the laundry room an unbidden thought comes through his mind. Maybe he should leave that trip for tomorrow, that way he can talk with Makoto and be productive.


It's strange how spending time before the motives is what has him stumped now. The first motive and Enoshima’s punishment are something inamovible, but his classmates’ behaviours always change.


Imposing his presence on Oogami and Hina could be an option, unless they told him to go away too. Or he could study. Structure, discipline, that's what he needs.


He stands between the kitchen and the laundry room. The corridor to go to the school’s section in one side, while the dormitories’ area directly opposes it.


“Are you at a crossroads? With nowhere to go?”


A voice’s comes from- somewhere, quite theatrically sounding. He can’t quite place it. Still, he must correct it.         


“It can’t be a crossroad if there is nowhere to go – It would be an oxymoron!”


“I didn’t meant it literally…” The voice coughs. “Uncertainty has been known to defeat even the strongest of empires – Do you know how others have survived it?”


“With hard work and proper planning?”


“With this!” Hagakure jumps out of the laundry room, startling him. “This is the end of all your worries, the prevention of aging lines, the one and only… solution!”


The fortuneteller shows him what it’s on his hands with a flourish. A crystal ball. How - How could it help?


“I’ve seen that look before. You are a sceptic, aren’t ya, Ishimaru-chi?” Hagakure tsk, and points accusingly to him. “What if I told ya’ that I’ve seen the future? It has mystery! Romance! Action!”


The Ultimate Clairvoyant existence demonstrates two things. One, that maturity is not directly linked with age. Two, that the scouting team in Hope’s Peak wasn’t necessarily selective.


Nonetheless, there is no reason to be rude to his well-meaning classmate, so he expresses his gratitude at the offer and politely refuses it.


The older man sighs. “Okay… If ya don’t wanna hear about the *unlikely friendships* in our future, it’s your decision”






He turns around, with a smirk on his face. “So, wanna buy it?”


Taka hopes that Hagakure accepts Monocoins as a valid currency. What would it be it's conversion rate?


“It can be all yours! With the cheap prize of five thousand bucks!”


“W-WHAT?! That’s too expensive!”


“C’mon, dude! You are loaded, aren’t ya? I normally ask for ten big ones, but I’m giving you a friend and family’s discount!”


Despite Hagakure’s nagging, Taka manages to return to his room. He can study there. It would be productive. It's the best option, considering that they don’t have classes and he knows what will happen in the next days without ‘future vision’. 


Still, he hopes that tomorrow comes quickly.










Maybe he should have let him hold the crystal ball, or appeal to their shared connection. The spirits murmured something about baby birds or stuff like that - Or his marriage proposal being rejected?! Poor guy!


Well, he knows Ishimaru will come back. They are *going to* have a business partnership. There are many riches waiting for them in the future.


Now, he is off to find a new vict- customer… Will Naegi be interested on a reading?


He really needs to reach that quota. 








Day 3


The sound of the MonoMono machine will always irritate him. Makoto’s grimace show that he is not fond on it either.


They watch the capsule with anticipation - Only to find out once it's opened that it’s a camera without film in it. How disappointing.


“What did you want to talk about?”


Right, the reason for seeking Makoto’s help it’s not only to trade items, but to understand how to improve his social skills. Although, giving yesterday’s interactions, he would like to solve some concerns first.


“… Am I approachable?”


The lucky student just stares at him. Oh. Is he imposing himself on Makoto?


They don't have that kind of trust in this life. It's hard to remember that sometimes. Not to mention that maybe Makoto wanted to spend a good time with someone else instead, instead of answering Taka's self-centered questions.


“I’m sorry… Please, forget about it! Forget! Forget beam-!”


“N-no!” Makoto yelps, “Don’t worry. I was just thinking about how to respond”


That certainly explains it. An elaborate answer is so much better than a rushed one. He waits.


“… You can be a little… intimidating”


“Wh-what?! How?!”


Makoto jolts, but he quickly recovers. “It’s just that you are very fired up. Like this-”


The lucky student takes air, plants himself firmly in the floor – admirable posture! – and makes a mighty scowl. Then he shouts:


“Are you interested in spending time together?!”


Oh. He may understand now.


“I- I see… I used to think that small talk was all that was necessary, but that was simply arrogant! If there was a hole here, I’d totally go and hide in it”


“N-No, Taka. Think of this as a… lesson! You have gone from a beginner course to intermediate"


That made a lot of sense!


Conversations with Makoto are a gift in itself. They should schedule more of these outings. Adjusting his approach certainly would help them all. Like everything in life, this simply requires more effort.


With prizes on hand, they say goodbye to each other.


Taka moves to the gym’s opposite direction. Being friends with Mondo would have to wait. Sadly, in his first life, he wouldn’t spend time willingly with the biker. How foolish he was.


He hopes that Monokuma, if he decided to explain the trials according to schedule, also opens the second floor and the bathrooms.


Then he can push Mondo's metaphorical buttons until they are in a competition again, baring their souls to each other. Being kyoudais again.


For now, going to his room to leave the prizes would be the best.








Please, please, please! Work you stupid machine!


The day in which she was to be killed, Fukawa Toko stood impatiently in the laundry room waiting for her clothes to dry. If she knew how long it would take, she could have resigned herself to being murdered in another occasion! Not here!


Once she arrived to this school and saw that tall blonde CEO with a dark past (probably) - Someone who could be the light of her life, the fire to her … - she believed that she was living in her preferred genre. But they didn’t even exchange words! Then that teddy bear showed up and revealed what it really was.


Why it couldn’t be a dark romance? Did it have to descend into horror?


Her classmates are probably waiting for her outside the room, to fire a dart to her skull or throw pig b-blood on her! If the only condition to leave this school is killing someone, then they would probably start with the freak no one could stand first.


They are probably talking about how disgusting she was, the operating dryer just obscuring the murmurs in the distance. They wanted her gone. Gone now. To be seen nevermore.


Why did she even open her big damn mouth the first day?! 


Now that maniac – what kind of psycho used all white? Probably had a fetish for cleanliness! – was offering to spend time together as if he didn’t want to kill her. He could do it easily, twisting her neck would be nothing compared to confronting that brute. He must be furious for telling him to shut up and for her repugnant smell.


Not as anyone understood why she didn’t shower. At least Syo could manage that. The only thing she was useful for.


Besides she misses Kameko and her lovely fragrance. There is no way she is going to throw her friendsect’s memory away.


So, she was not going to take a shower. What if she was going to be skinned alive for the pleasant smell under the stench? No. Washing one or two outfits will be enough to make them doubt their barely-there brains.


The dryer stops and she quickly grabs her warm clothes. She needs to run now to her room and never stop -!


Until she crashes into a sturdy figure and her garments escape - flying everywhere!


Toko would like to say that she is not going down without a fight, but she can’t see. Where are her glasses?!


"W-what did just-? Fukawa-kun?"


Her attempted murderer, the damned juggernaut, stands above her. Pleading has lead her nowhere before, but it’s the only option now!


“Pl-Please don’t kill m-me! I-I was washing my cl-clothes, so y-you can’t do th-that!”


Why can’t her last moments be gazing upon a cute boy? Her legs could be crushed for all she cares if she had the opportunity to talk with Togami. Maybe they can meet in another life? Reincarnation was a thing in some romance novels!


"Kill you?! What are you even talking about?!”


Now he was playing stupid? 


“D-don’t laugh at me! You are obsessed with th-those things, aren’t y-you?”


Maybe if she is fast enough she can pick all her clothes and escape.


“I- I could never kill anyone! I’m sorry that I caused such impression!”


His ridiculous brows are all the way up, even with the blurriness she can tell. Admirable acting, but it will not fool her. He continues his yapping. “I’ts just that – I believe that getting close with our classmates could help us fool Monokuma’s plans!”


Sure, getting close. Then he will entomb her in the academy’s walls.


If she dies, because of Syo, she will fall to the seven circle of hell, but flatterers and frauds will be steeped in excrement in a lower one!


Of course, what she stammers out it’s a simple ‘I don’t believe you’.


“I’m not lying-!” He lied. “I- I’d like to be friends, but honestly I’m still learning how it works. I don’t have a vast experience in that area”


“I - I don’t either”, she answers without thinking.


Oh, no.


No, no, no. He’s baiting her, and everyone will came out of hiding once they know that no one will miss her - not even her publisher - and stone her to death, even if it isn’t fair!


Or – Or maybe he’s talking out of pity! That’s right! The Ultimate Moral Compass is probably thinking how pathetic she is. That's why he is offering her unwanted help.


He talks before she can drive him away. “Before I came to Hope’s Peak… The last time I thought I made a friend – I lost a tooth”


The pain strained in his voice it's something she has hear before, when talking with Kameko about her day. Her friendsect chirping with understanding. Was he too-?




Toko doubts that his problems are as serious as hers! Does he have a violent alter? No!


Probably they tricked him, and he lost it doing something stupid like falling out of a jungle gym.


They are nothing alike!


“... Once th-they tried to drown me in th-the toilets”


Not to mention her first love letter displayed on the school bulletin board. What is your response to that?!


“That’s horrible!” Ishimaru proclaims, while grabbing something from the ground. Right, she needs to pick up her clothes and herself up. To go away.


“They never quite managed that in my middle school”. He laughs, “They did tie me to a pole though!”


“Th-that was the worst”


She didn’t expect to see a loser almost at her level at this school.


Ishimaru gives her glasses back. He smiles at her, like a freak. At least she is sure that Syo is not going to kill him, he's not their type.


Wh-Whatever. Friendless trash spending time with friendless trash until someone better comes along. She can deal with that. It has happened before.


Of course, there are limits, so once he offers to do a study session with all the others she flees.








That went better than he expected!


Especially considering that she thought he was about to kill her. Did Yamada expect something similar?


Makoto called him intimidating, but he didn't expect that kind of misconception. He hopes the others don't believe the same, otherwise his speech for tomorrow's motive could fall in deaf ears.


To pretend to see the video or doing the real thing…


He could use some encouragement, no matter how painful the package is.


Day 4


This is what Ishimaru Kiyotaka in his first life did.


So, he needs to do it.


He takes a deep breath, and with shaky hands, he puts the disk in the media player. Aware that all his classmates are doing the same with their own.


His father looks at the camera. Is he even alive?


The last time they saw each other was in the train station. Moving to Hope's Peak alone was preferable to spending money in additional tickets for his father. Their debt didn't allow such luxuries.


They hugged, albeit not too hard, making sure that his uniform wasn't creased. Then he said -




Right. The video.


He wonders which coworker did his father ask for the office. It looks messy. Papers and binders everywhere, with multiple mugs adorning the table.


‘I’m so proud of you. I - I know that I don't say it often. Probably busy with work-!’ He laughs self deprecatingly.


He never understood why his father always reproached himself for working late hours. It was necessary if they wanted to cover the monthly payments.


‘- But don't doubt it. Never. You got scouted by Hope's Peak Academy for your accomplishments - For your character’


His father sighs.


‘I know you hate geniuses, that you see them as enemies. But maybe you'll find people like you at the school…’ He smirks subtlety, and takes a sip from the mug closer to him. ‘And if not - I know you can kept them in line. Punish the wicked, as they say. Ha!’


‘Just… Show the world what Ishimaru Kiyotaka has to offer! And I-’


His father looks down at the desk. His voice is strained as he says the last words.


‘... I - Take care”


The record stops there. The real one. The one that matters.


The next image shows the demolished building. The video doesn't stop there, maybe to make it clear that despite all his training his father couldn't escape, it shows him bound and laying on the ground in a unknown building.


Monokuma’s voice taunt him through the speakers, with the same speech applied to families. At least he is desensitized to that.


The words ‘look for the answer after graduation’ flash in the screen.


His classmates start to despair. He can't afford to do the same when he knows the consequences. It's time.


“Everyone! This is a difficult situation, but we shouldn't fall into Monokuma's trap. - Think of your loved ones! Would they approve of you turning against others?”


Despite doubt still plaguing them, if he can reach some of them it will be all worth it. Makoto's words inspire him to take this approach.


“Please, let's stay united against the real villain here. If we all stand together - Then we may find a way out of here”


“He’s right”, Oogami asserts, “Monokuma, or whoever's behind this, *want* us to fight. Don't you see?”


“Yeah, you're right”. Chihiro sniffles. “We all need to calm down”


“Okay, then. Maybe we should start by all just… talking. Maybe that'll help us get everything out of our system”


Enoshima’s suggestion would be useful, if not for Makoto’s immediate reaction. “Hey, Sayaka. What was in your video?”


Like always, she runs away after some prodding.


He wonders. Some people were more affected than others with the videos. Some loathed their secrets being revealed, while others didn't care. If they really were spied on, maybe the mastermind knew who would attempt to graduate with each motive.


Although that's too farfetched. Better to not speculate when he has more important things to do, like guarding the kitchen or coordinating with the others their escape plans. It won't produce results, but he hopes that working to find a way out can distract them of their situation. 


They disperse. Suspicion still lingering on some of their faces. Their unity could be better. It could also be worse.


They leave. To their rooms, like Fukawa. To break a way out, like Mondo and Oogami.


To prevent today's murder.


(Outwardly, he's just stress-preparing some tea).


If this plan works the way he intended no one will know of his intervention. If not, Kuwata proved himself to be reasonable - to not kill him. Not anything else.


Honestly, what did the baseball player even expect? Kiss Maizono? Or maybe something as debauched as - he shudders at the thought - ‘making out’.


Well, even if they weren't about to be killed or executed, he opposes this unwholesome event!


Monokuma appearing shouldn't startle him after so many times, but he jumps nonetheless.


The incinerator key is useless right now. That's why, once Oogami and Hina come to the kitchen, he gives it to them. Maybe they can make the most out of it, until it's his turn in the cleaning schedule.


They accept the tea too. As they say, small victories.








Kuwata Leon’s nightmare in this stupid stupid place was slowly turning into a dream. How else someone could explain that THE Maizono Sayaka invited him to her room. 


It was pretty real for a minute, not gonna lie there. Trying to find a way out and thinking he was about to be jumped in any moment was really disturbing. He kept hoping that this was a shitty school event.


Honestly, starting to miss baseball or meeting The Ultimate Pop Sensation and telling her about his supercool dream of his should have clued him in.


It was all a dream. A nightmare. That's what he realized when he saw Kanon unconscious in someone's apartment. Because there was no way this was real. It had to be fake.


Leon might not return her disgusting feelings, but she was still his little cousin, the closest thing he had to a sister. So, either she was in danger or this wasn't real. The last option was it, obviously.


Singing-screaming in his room didn't make him feel better. He was about to sleep, hoping that that would woke him up, when he saw it. The Golden Ticket to stardom.


Yeah, Leon *is* a international celebrity - millions of fans are totally wondering where he is right now - but Maizono?


Oh, man.


It's just - she's so cute, beautiful, gorgeous, all the good stuff. Her smile too. Damn. She makes the music industry look so glamorous compared to the mud and sweat of the field.


Also, there's no excuse to not know a famous musician's name, like the typical ‘I’m not into sports - you are a nobody!’... He's still pissed about the hair saloon girl.


Well, if this is a dream, he can make the most of it, like asking her for tips and stuff. Maybe an autograph!


She probably wants to be distracted of this shitty situation - nightmare, wait, dream -




Lying to himself was like super lame anyways.


He has to be present in the moment with her, listening, and not falling asleep like baseball practice and classes. But he doubts that she is boring. If anything, some fun is what they are going to have.


In the ‘talking music' way, not the ‘sleazy' way. She must be like super scared, so he is not going to make his moves or attempt to seduce her. He's not that type of jackass. Now, if *she* wants to, well -


Time to get going. The five minutes are up!


The air in the corridors is heavier than usual, or maybe it's his imagination. The lights dimming at ‘nighttime’ makes everything look creepier. Not that someone’s first choice to kill would be a pro athlete!


Unless they are desperate, he thinks while turning the corner.


N-Nah, he is probably paranoid. He needs to keep his cool for her. Needs to take off the sweat on his face. Right. That's not attractive. Needs to -


He kicks something, and screams.


What the fuck did he kick? A head? A body? No, fuck, no! What the hell is this?!


A door slams open. “Who’s there?!”




Ishimaru was the one who opened the door, and now stands ahead of him, looking like Leon was the one who scared him and not the other way around.


Ishimaru scowls and points at him. “Are you breaking the nighttime rule?!”


Yeah, he kinda guessed that Maizono told someone else. Probably to avoid this lecture. No way he's going to tell The Ultimate Moral Compass where he was headed, unless he wants his ears to ring for days.


“I was going for a walk”.


Ishimaru, the petty asshole, shooks his head in response.


“Well, what are *you* doing up, huh?”


Ishimaru looks to the side, his face all concerned. “I heard screaming, and thought that someone was -”


Oh, right. The whole killing thing. That's - That's getting on his nerves too, but admitting that he was yelling about nothing it's not cool.


What did he even kick? A nameplate? What kind of idiot left this here?


Ishimaru's scolding voice seems far away as he notices who's portrait is this.




The letter said to check the nameplates, and it was on the floor. The paper also showed a completely different room as hers than his original map. With that information Leon comes to a conclusion…


Someone is trying to kill him! Fuck this!


He scrambles towards Ishimaru's room - the light inside looking like salvation - passing the other teen. He closes the door, resting his body on it.


Fuck, his heart and breathing is going crazy.


Once he calms down, quickly despite the thousand knocks outside, he notices the room. It's tidy, which reminds him, that fuck he should open -


“- the door! RIGHT NOW!”


“Shut up!”


Leon ushers him inside, and they lock the door. It doesn't matter to look cool when someone is going to murder him once he returns to his room.


He doesn't mention any names as he explains that he received a letter - “No, it wasn't signed” - telling him to go outside.


There's no reason to reveal it had Maizono's name. Ishimaru would tell the others and they would get the wrong idea. There’s simply no way she did this, when she's the pure-hearted type. They totally pretended to be her, so his guard was down.


Now, could he stay here, pretty please?


Ishimaru gives up after THE Kuwata Leon is reduced to begging, and allows him to stay here. He angrily mutters something about a sleepover, but he's so thankful that he could withstand his yapping all night.


The Ultimate Moral Compass takes the place next to the door, determined to sleep on his ironing board. Leon let him, considering that while he is fit, Ishimaru got balls of steel.


Like, seriously, confronting Oowada the first day. Holy shit! The biker was bitching about it for hours while they tried to break the sealed entrance. It was hilarious.


Not that Ishimaru is cooler than Leon, it would be impossible to be, especially with his dream. Better to make that clear in the morning, before they go to the lame ass meeting, since Ishimaru fell asleep.


In any case, Kanon is badass when she wants to, so they won't be able to hold her down. He can't count on his teammates to do shit for them.


Ishimaru's light snoring reminds him that he could also use some sleep too.


It's better than worrying about things he can't control.



In another room an idol weeps


Ufff. A road trip sounds fun until it isn't. Blame any mistakes on the road bumps.

I want to thank you all, like 99 kudos and lovely comments?! I'm organizing our spring weeding as we speak. Love each one of them, and each one of you that takes the time to read this silly fic.

I got too much fun writing Toko's pov. First one to spot all the literary references gets - a virtual hug? A one shot request? Who knows? Not me certainly!

Also, for Kiyotaka week, I posted an angsty fic of his relationship with Toronosuke and I will currently post fluffy drabbles for each day of the week.

Anyways, thank you for reading, and I hope you like the next chapter!
Love you all!! <3

Chapter 6: Rules, punishments, and new developments


Normal warnings apply (Discussions of death, and suicide being treated lightly)

Referenced sexual coercion (of minor characters). From "Yuko had been silent since they started to talk about her leaving" to "Why did she accept to enter that school of despair?"

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



There is no need to remind her when they are around, but she somehow grins harder until the corner of her lips hurt from being stretched out so much. 


After a quick series of flashes, not potent enough to brace herself against them, the cute redheaded waiter hands Satomi’s phone back to her. 


A beep from Sayaka’s own phone alerts her that she received the photos, the last thing she will have of all of them together… She is going to miss them so much-! 


An applause right next to her ear startles her out of that mood.   


“C’mon! Quit moping!” Ayaka laughs. “If you don’t want to go, tell them I’ll take your place!”


Her hoodie-wearing friend moves her arms in a mockery of a dance. The only thing preventing her from getting up would be the unwanted attention it would bring. They are supposed to be incognito after all, from both fans and their managers.  


“Imagine getting rhythm advice from the Ultimate Musician, or the latest fashions tips from the Ultimate Fashionista!” Minami squeals, while digging in her dessert, a cherry cake.


She is still munching, as she continues. “Or singing lyrics from the Ultimate Writing Prodigy! I loved her poem in ‘So Lingers the Ocean’! – No, wait! Eating pastries from the Ultimate Cook! You really need to bring us some! – And -!”


While Minami lists all the ‘ultimates’ she wants to meet, a word that is losing its meaning with each one of them she mentions, ‘Ayakatsu’ makes her case about why she should be the Ultimate Pop Sensation. Apparently, she is going to stand on front of Hope's Peak's gates until they let her in. 


"It doesn't work like that!"


As Satomi quickly starts to lecture Ayaka, getting both of them distracted, Minami seizes the moment and steals their deserts with a flourish. They are playing up their antics for her, she knows that, and Sayaka doesn't want to take her eyes off them. 


They would see each other occasionally for concerts and events, that was the plan, but this was the last time they would relax together for a long time.


She thanks her intuition for guiding her to that agency, to that audition, until she found them. People like her that dreamed about spreading warmth where there was loneliness. This was her true family, and they would stay together forever no matter the distance.  


Graduating from Hope’s Peak Academy meant securing your future and dreams, that reason was enough to accept the invitation despite how she wanted to stay with them.


Still, she wonders if one hundred letters more could have convinced the committee of Hope's Peak to invite her friends too. However, not even after pleading, calling and writing to them constantly, their response remained the same. Apparently, it didn’t matter how hard her bandmates worked, the Steering Committee insisted that *she* had a talent worth researching. 


“Sayaka -”


Yuko had been silent since they started to talk about her leaving, just playing with her long hair and looking down at the table. She almost whispers the next words, “- Will you be okay?” 


She immediately knows what Yuko is thinking about, and her legs shiver in instinct. However, she doubts that Hope’s Peak allows that, and if they did… The cost will be acceptable as long as they can keep performing together forever. What about them though? 


Popularity was fickle and if concerts didn’t sell well, her friends would be closer to *those* producer meetings than her. Hopefully, they would only want photographs. No matter how disgusting and permanent they were, the public loved gravure idols. Being that was preferable to quicker and more painful options within the industry.


They would always crueler to pretty girls like them, especially when they had messed up before. Minami was just starting to grow her hair back to the original length.


Not to mention Yuko’s tear-filled punishments, despite how she explained again and again that her original bandmates lied about her having a boyfriend. Of course, that group didn’t expect to be lied about right back. But what if they found out and told the public?


Would the industry decide that her group was disposable without Sayaka there? Where would they all go? In separate and lonely paths?


Paths without money to support Ayaka’s family. Without reason to keep Minami’s photos out of the light of the day. Without an alternative to Satomi’s ‘acting’. Yuko not having a reason to keep going. Sayaka being alone again.


And it was all her fault.


Why did she accept to enter that school of despair? Even if they couldn’t sing and dance forever, they could at least always have each other. Did they disband because of her?


Were they even alive anymore?


A hand grabs her shoulder.


Yuko smiles at her, despite the circumstances, like a proper idol. Like always. There is hope in her voice as she says, “This is not a goodbye, just a ‘see you soon’” 


“… But he didn’t came” 


And there was more than one table in this cafeteria, and the waiter didn’t have a goatee, and they ate cake filled with blueberries instead of cherry.


Why can’t she stay with them forever in this dream? 


No matter how much she wants to keep her eyes on their ethereal faces, she is going to wake up eventually. Then, at breakfast, Kuwata will tell the others what she attempted to do.


Even if she tries to lie, her classmates will be afraid of her or try to kill her. They all have talents and dreams. Will they fight as hard as she to protect them?


Sayaka is going to be by herself, against everyone.


Her friends are slowly dissolving in the dream and so is the cafeteria. A despair-full sign of waking up. And they had not talked that much and they are disappearing and she needs them-!


“What do I do?”


Even with blurry faces, she can tell that they are looking at her.


“… Are you sure that you are alone?” Satomi asks. “Someone promised to be by your side”


“Now, go and get me an autograph from the Ultimate Lucky Student, okay?” 


“We’ll keep rocking on”


Yuko’s smile fills her with enough hope to wake up. 


Day 5


The place behind her eyes is pounding; her throat is dry and raw from screaming last night for someone to come, please. However, despite the way her body aches after dozing off while curled up on the floor, she somehow feels calmer. Numbness is a relief, or maybe that dream was what she needed. 


She gets up with shaky legs, and examines the dirty room. The floor is covered on gold, and so is some of the furniture since she threw the dull sword to a corner last night. Without despair-filled lenses, memories come back to her blurry. Still, did she really expect to get away with the murder plan? 


Her hands and clothes are tinted gold too. Maybe there is still time to clean up Makoto’s room though. The morning announcement didn’t wake her up, after all.  


‘Are they okay? Are they alive? Did they leave her alone?’ Those were all questions that plagued her yesterday, and they still do, but even if she could rescue them and her remaining classmates, her friends wouldn’t approve. 


Minami wanted an autograph of the Ultimate Baseball Star.


She chuckles at that thought, while passing the lint roller through the floor. The tears slowly help her clean it. She can’t dry them, unless she wants a gold face too.  


Her intuition failed last night while choosing targets, but maybe it was for the best. Even with her physical training and experience from routines with batons, Kuwata could have still tried to kill her.


She lets out a deep breath. He might still try to get her killed, showing the others her letter. Any chances to bid for her escape are gone now, since she would be discovered immediately.


What will Makoto do when she is revealed as the horrible person that she is? Was his promise true? Would he always stand by her side?


At first, deceiving him was easy. Telling him that she always wanted to talk with him, it was akin to telling a fan in her ‘meet and greets’ that she remembered them. Sayaka always had a good memory, and it was necessary to ensure her safety, she told herself. Yet…


In the trophy room, while hanging out, and in that classroom, Makoto and she truly had grown closer. He tried to make her feel better every time, and she tried to repay that by framing him. Real friendship wasn’t like that.


The bonds she and her bandmates had was built in mutual trust and honesty, since they too understood having a persona in and out of the spotlight. Would someone who described himself as 'normal' be friends with her?


The Ultimate Pop Sensation, someone who was all smiles, was easy to befriend. Just Sayaka wasn't. 


Maizono Sayaka, whose father preferred working to spending time with her. Sayaka, who is so afraid of being alone, that she lies to avoid it. The one who tried to kill someone for being slightly obnoxious. 


Still, if Makoto’s promise was true, he could try to defend her in that meeting even if it wasn’t worth it. Would he too be antagonized or be treated as an accomplice? How did she not think of that before?! Did despair consume all her common sense?


It’s not fair for him.


Admitting the truth to him, before anyone else, could be her parting gift. A last ‘thank you’. That way it will be Makoto’s choice if he stands beside her or not. Maybe, if he doesn’t fully reject her, she can ask him to check on her group if something happens to her. 


To think that she is back to being alone.


The lights in the corridor are dim and reddish when she steps outside, but they are slowly growing stronger and brighter. The morning announcement is mere minutes away. 


Something twist in her stomach as she notices how the nameplates are in the correct place. How? Why-?


No. She can't hesitate. 


Some gold falls from her hands as she knocks. The Ultimate Lucky Student opens the door a moment after, still half-sleep. He blinks slowly, and mumbling, he greets her.


She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Exhaling, she gives him a weak yet honest smile. Even in the direst situations, she can always muster the energy to smile to a friend.


“… Makoto, I want to tell you something”


After he nods, and slowly moves to the side, she enters the room.








Stretching out, a refreshing morning shower, and fresh-ironed clothes. Those things were better than any kind of coffee or energetic drink to start the day. Especially the vapor and feeling of cleanliness.


It's a shame that water isn’t available during ‘nighttime’, otherwise he would have started his routine sooner. Although, he is not sure that waking up earlier would give him a satisfactory answer. After all, in four days he has not arrived to a conclusion.


Don’t get him wrong, he is more than ready to intervene today’s murder! But what would Monokuma do after it? That’s what has him stumped.


The bear had ran towards Enoshima, probably trying to get her to attack him in her irrationality. They didn’t even glance at him while trying to get her to calm down in his previous life, and he doubts that he can talk her out of it without revealing he knows what will happen. 


Monokuma would surely be displeased if Taka stopped her murder, but the bear can be so unpredictable that maybe he will just leave them alone! That could happen, right?


… In any case, he is prepared to fight for their lives.


Now, with teeth brushed and everything in order, Taka is ready to confront this day and the many that will follow without a single murder. That certainly rises his spirits!


With a grin on his face, he confidently steps out of the bathroom, and immediately something is thrown to his face-! He parries it with ease, and it lands with a thump on the floor. Another pillow?! Seriously?! 


“C’mon! Stop hogging the bathroom, damn"


Kuwata has been impossible to reason with, since the moment he started screaming in the hallways yesterday - a clear disregard of noise regulations! – To today. According to his classmate, setting up an alarm before the morning announcement was an example of ‘true despair’.


Instead of accepting Taka’s invitation to kindly return to his own room, the baseball player decided to practice his throwing abilities from the bed… At least the pillows pelting him, while he stretched and ironed his clothes, helped him sharpen his reflexes.


“I would greatly appreciate if you refrained the swearing, at least in *my* room, Kuwata-kun"


It may not be a school environment, thus not necessary that they should be proper in their language, but it’s the principle of the matter!


His classmate, despite being frankly irritating by knocking insistently while he was in the bathroom, takes his time getting out of bed and stretching. Kuwata scoffs. “Well, I would’ve liked to sleep more, but here we are”


“Good news then! It’s daytime!” He tries to sound positive, even as he grits his teeth, wishing for his brief peace to be back. “After you clean yourself in *your* room, and we talk with the others; maybe you will feel better!”


He can’t recommend slacking off or sleeping the day away. That would be just irresponsible. However, considering that they have such a crucial day ahead of them, he can reserve all admonishments for later.


Kuwata stares at him, with a plastered smile on his sweaty face. “You are hilarious, Ishimaru - Do you want me to get killed?!"


He gestures rudely towards him.


Saving him was the right thing to do. All lives are precious. His classmate is a gift. Oh! At least his ability to lie to himself is back!


Kuwata groans, and glances towards the ceiling. “Just let me borrow a shirt, man. I’ll clean it for you or whatever”


Someone using part of his uniform? It - it feels quite strange.


However, thinking more thoroughly, this could be the first step to show Kuwata a respectable way of dressing! Then, after this event has passed, they could cut that dyed hair, throw away those piercings, and teach him the inherent value of studying! Make a model student out of him! Inspire the rest with his example!


With that exciting idea in mind, he offers his best dress shirt.


“Nah, I’ll pass. Just - What about that one?”


Following Kuwata’s gaze towards the desk reveals his pile of prizes, which he really should categorize better. At his confused nod, the baseball player takes a garment out of the pile, and gasps. Taka doesn’t understand why though, it’s the same shirt he won a lifetime ago and here too. Although, Makoto did say something about a ‘punk legend’.


“No fucking way! You have a Jimmy Decay shirt?! What is your favorite song?”


“… The national anthem?”


Kuwata’s bright expression falls. He sighs, and mumbles something about ‘talking with an alien’. Maybe he should monitor Hagakure’s conversations with others more closely or this brand of interactions could become commonplace.


“Look, can I keep it or not?”


He doubts that such a crude shirt with a frankly irritating texture would be the taste of someone else, no matter how ‘hip’ it can be. Not to mention that they had wasted enough time with this back and forth.


“You may keep it”


Kuwata rolls his eyes at that statement, but thanks him nonetheless in his way to the bathroom.


To imagine he would lose his first sleepover to someone of the likes of him. What will Mondo think when they become kyoudais again and Taka tells him that he has spent the night together with Kuwata before? How shameful! Not reserving all his firsts to his first friend ever is pure betrayal, especially being somewhat ‘amiable’ to-!




Talking about common interests and a gift… Has he become closer with a genius-type?


No. NO. NO!


Surely not. Absolutely not!




“Huh? Cool shirt”


It’s the first thing Mondo says to Kuwata when they all meet in the gymnasium, and Taka wants to die. Metaphorically speaking. Even if he had a reset waiting for him, it would be wasteful to use it; there must be thousands of those shirts.


“Thanks, man! Hey, you won’t believe where -”


In any case, he needs to move towards the front since everyone is arriving. Securing his position is crucial for this event.


Anticipation is brewing in the air, and the murmurs of his classmates speculating what is going to happen next or talking about how they slept after the motives, makes his skin crawl. A beat after beat of his heart count the seconds until despair itself arrives.


Almost as summoned, the bear quickly appears behind the podium and climbs it. Standing over it, Monokuma clears his throat, but his classmates keep whispering even after his arrival. Someone’s chuckles echoes in the gymnasium.


“Ahem! Attention, please! Your headmaster is speaking now!”


Normally, he would ask everyone to be silent with an authority figure present, but honestly, he doubts that Monokuma is certified to teach any subject, less of all administer a school. He has as much respect to the bear and the mastermind as the number of classes they have in this academy: zero.




The mic inside the robot distorts heavily for a moment, and the earsplitting discomfort is enough to make them shudder and quiet down.


Monokuma continues, dramatically sighing. “Such unruly students, and useless ones too! Honestly, I don’t even know why I bother. Buuut seeing that yesterday someone did *try* to graduate… I’m gonna give you a boon! I’ll tell you what rule six really refers to”


Everything goes the same.


To everyone’s disbelief, the bear explains the trials and how the outcome would be decided by popular vote. With every handbook chiming, announcing the new rules, his palms sweat. He must wait for her intervention.


“A class trial? What the hell is that!? I don't want anything to do with it!”


Even if he is closer when he pleads for her to calm down, Enoshima only looks at him for a second before she continues her verbal battle with Monokuma. It doesn’t matter if the trial or investigation is hypothetical, she refuses to participate.


“I’ll have you punished for such insolence! I’ll throw you into a dark and scary prison!”


After saying that, the bear charges towards Enoshima with his claws out. In a flash, before Taka can grab her or push her away, she steps over Monokuma in the same spot of lives previous. Proudly, she mocks him, “Are you enjoying yourself now?!”


Plausible deniability is the only thing stopping him from interfering now. To think that in his first life he was paralyzed in fear of being next – well, not anymore!


While his classmates have retreated for their own safety, he takes distance in preparation instead. As he flexes his calves, and tries to dry his sweaty palms on his uniform, he takes a deep breath. Focus is required, and so is a clear path towards them.  


Just those words, he needs everyone to hear them, so he could -


“Violence against Headmaster Monokuma is not allowed. You've violated a school regulation… I invoke -”


- Start running towards them.


“- the mighty summon spell! Help! To me, godly spear Gungnir-!”


Enoshima has only briefly turned towards him when he jumps over Monokuma and grasps her. She cries out in surprise, but despite how firmly she stands, the impulse is enough to get them away from that place.


Even while they crash on the ground, evading their would-be murder weapons, the sound of metal piercing the floor is distinct over anything they have heard before.


Enoshima pushes him away immediately once they stop rolling, forcing a huff out of him at her unexpected strength. “Why the hell did you -?”


She stops, as if paralyzed on the ground, finally noticing the dozen of spears stabbing the same spot where she once stood. All color drains of her face. “… This isn’t happening”


Monokuma gets up, with his eyes lighting up in fury, and screeches. “Excuse me? Are you evading the school regulations and punishments right now? As the headmaster of this fine establishment, I am not pleased with you!” 


The bear struggles to grasp the closest metal road, still attached to the ground, yet Enoshima doesn’t take the opportunity to run. She is just staring at Monokuma, her arms and legs trembling.


Despite how his knees and palms ache at the forceful landing, he gets up and stands in front of her. He may have a retry, but she doesn’t. Planting himself firmly, he opposes him.


“You are not a headmaster! You are just corrupt! Attacking her first is unforgivable!”


Monokuma finally grabs the spear, and some of them start to scream in indignation. Makoto, with the same courage he uses in trials, shouts, “You keep provoking us to do this stuff!”


Without losing a moment, Maizono projects her steady voice in the gymnasium, “She was only trying to defend herself!”


Tension is still high with their intervention, but her voice appears to reach inside their classmates, and more of them join in, either pleading or chastising Monokuma.


Mondo and Oogami gets closer, the latter helping Enoshima to stand, while the former looks at him and solemnly nods. Defying the mastermind without knowing what will happen is nerve wrecking, but with them besides him, they can overcome every storm, every glimpse of despair!


Just changing her stance and energy, Oogami’s gentleness disappears and the Ultimate Martial Artist rumbles in front of Monokuma. “If you want to continue such useless violence…”


“ENOUGH!” With that shout, he throws the spear next to their feet, making them flinch. As it’s metallic sound echoes, the bear rants. “If you keep trying to defy me I will punish you all! I will shoot you, explode you, or bury you alive if you keep provoking me, etcetera”


Bringing his claws out, he points towards Enoshima and him. “And I will start with the Ultimate Disappointment and the Ultimate Stick-in-his-ass as an example!”


This would always happen, wouldn’t it? Monokuma never plays fair. But what else can he do? It’s impossible to reason with madness, and in the grand scheme of things, it’s better that they die rather than Mondo and Oogami… He hopes it doesn’t hurt.


A steady voice breaks the tense silence.


“Why would you need to kill them? You said you had a prison”


“Maybe I changed my mind”. Monokuma’s every syllable is dripping with malice as he answers Kirigiri’s question. The bear twitches. “Maybe I think that you need to be taught a lesson about obeying the school’s regulations”


“… I believe you been waiting to kill someone this entire time, and you have created an excuse to do it”


“That’s unfortunate”, follows Celeste. The gambler is playing with her hair while she shares her contemplations. “After all, if they knew that deflecting an attack was the same as an act of violence, this situation wouldn’t have happened. It’s… difficult to comply this way. There is no incentives”


She smiles, unconcerned. “Alas, we shall miss them”


Despite her flippant attitude towards them dying, Celeste had a good point. And shouldn’t every student know their school rules like the back of their hand?


“In the handbook, there is no rule about interrupting other’s punishments nor restraining you!”


Monokuma groans at this statement, while balancing himself on his toes. The bear appears to be torn, or pretends to be, as he furiously retracted and brought out his claws.


Please, let this be the last chance.


Suddenly, the bear snapped or maybe the mastermind did.


“Bear-y well! If everyone wants to play rules lawyer then so be it”, Monokuma shouts, “Don’t test my patience though, or I will put ‘You are not allowed to breathe’ next!”


Their handbooks chimed in unison, and the sound was of victory. He quickly took it out of his pocket, and out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the others do the same.





“Now, I was going to tell you more about the investigations and what not, but seeing that you are unbearable students who know it all, I will go. Let the door kick you in your way out!” Monokuma takes the despair as he leaves.


They are safe until the next motive.


Sighing in relief, he turns towards Enoshima fully intending to accept his due punishment. It’s only fair considering that he shamefully grabbed her without her permission earlier.


However, she is not there anymore.


“Enoshima-san left”, Kirigiri informs them, while getting closer. He ought to thank her and Celeste properly afterwards. First, he needs to make sure that his classmate is fine and not despairing, wherever she is.


Kirigiri’s intense eyes fall on him for a moment, before she addresses the rest. Her tone is serious. “We are lucky that Monokuma was hoist by his own sense of rules… Defying him should only be reserved for dire situations. For now, we shouldn’t take any unnecessary risks, like she did”


“We have to go after her”, argues Makoto, already moving towards the entrance. Next to him, Maizono nods with determination. “She is probably not okay”


“Stop”. Standing in the way of the duo, Togami glares at them. “I know better than expect a glimpse of intelligence from commoners like you, but are you seriously ignoring what Monokuma said?”


“What do you mean…?”


“Someone *tried* to graduate”. Togami smirks, while answering Yamada’s question.


“Either Enoshima or someone in this room has already decided to betray us. Any sentimentalism is frankly useless when an attempted murderer is in our midst”


That fact, ignored by all what had transpired, settles in the. The spirit of cooperation slowly vacating the premises.


Looking at Kuwata reveals his equally conflicted face, and Taka can’t do anything except wait for his intervention. After all, he is not supposed to know the responsible of the letter nor its content.


“Maybe Monokuma was lying”. Hina’s voice wavers as she says that, but she persist firmer. “’Cause everyone would say if they were attacked!”


“… Yeah, about that, I kinda had something to tell you, guys”, Kuwata admits, defeated.


The others knowing about this incident was not originally in his plans, and his classmates’ responses at this are not something he can predict. However, he hopes that nothing in this next meeting will stop them from supporting each other.


Suspicion is not the heavy cloud that once hung above them. After all, they have driven despair away for a moment. All off them, together. Maybe, in the future, can they all become friends-?


“I want to eat first though”


Inhale for five. Hold for seven. Exhale for eight.


Kuwata is his dear classmate. Kuwata is his dear classmate. Kuwata is his dear classmate.








Despite what Komaru says, eavesdropping on people is not something Makoto likes to do. But it’s kind of necessary if they want to be prepared at the meeting so, following behind those three, he listens in.


“- s-stupid meathead? Or did s-spending time with someone as ugly as m-me made you suicidal?!”


“Fukawa-kun, we are neither of those things!”, Taka reproaches her. Then, with a lighter voice, he continues, “In any case, becoming a meat skewer was not something I intended to do - It would hardly be delicious. Hahaha!”


“What the fuck?”


“Language, Kuwata-kun!”


“Do you guys even realize what you say?” The aspiring musician sounds baffled while they walk through the halls, and honestly, Makoto is disturbed too.


“The idiot has a point”, Fukawa acknowledges, while they pass outside the classrooms. “Food-based descriptions are th-the worst”


“… I was going to ask if you two have problems, but the question should be how many”


Even though the conversation happening in front of him is concerning, he can’t help but feel relief. They have not talked about what happened yesterday yet. So, he safely returns to her side.


Sayaka stands strong, walking next to him towards the dining hall, not once revealing the heavy weight that she carries. The one he wouldn’t have noticed if she had not confessed to him earlier, about what she tried to do.


‘Are you serious, Makoto? You’ll accept me even when you know the truth? Even if I’m not that good as a person?’


Outside of movies and games, killing someone was difficult to think about. A murder attempt was something he would never have associated with the Ultimate Pop Sensation, not to mention framing him.


Pressure towards talented people like her, like the others, was something Makoto had never experienced and would never understand. Why was a dream so important? Why did she thought of something so awful?


Why was she admitting it now?


‘I don’t want you to suffer because of my mistakes’, she said, with tears in her eyes. ‘I – I understand if you don’t want to remain friends. Thank you for being there anyways’


As he thought what to do, Kirigiri’s words from yesterday came to his mind. Without the motives, fulfilling them with the desire to leave, no one would have done something just to see if their families were okay.  


It was Monokuma’s fault that they were driven to despair.


Makoto before Hope’s Peak, before yesterday even, would have never hugged the Ultimate Pop Sensation without asking. However, he was not comforting an idol.


‘I want the real you to trust me, to count on me. Y-you may be my assistant, but you are my friend first’


‘Then I have no option but to be honest’


And her smile was smaller than an international idol’s heart-fluttering ones, but he preferred the ones of Maizono Sayaka, his friend, over any public figures.


He would stand by her side no matter what they say in the meeting. Leaving someone alone to wallow in despair is something he will never risk again, even if nothing happened. That’s part of the reason why, after this ends, they are going to check on Junko. Seeing the normally confidant model shaken up affecting him more than he thought.


Once they have prepared their plates, they sit down at the table next to each other. Sayaka trembles almost imperceptibly at his side, but tapping her shoulder with his own stops her for a moment. She gives him a weak smile.


“Let’s begin the meeting!” Taka announces on the other side of the table. Next to the hall monitor, Leon is eating what remains of his food. “Kuwata-kun, you may speak”


“M-yeah”. The musician swallows his last bite, and starts to talk. “So last night someone slipped a letter to my dorm, asking me to go outside, ‘cause they wanted to talk with me”


“And you went outside? Fucking moron”. Oowada shakes his head in disappointment, and some of them echo the sentiment muttering in agreement.


Leon glowers at the biker, and turns towards Taka. “Hey! Aren’t you supposed to go off at him for ‘language!’?”


“… It should have been rephrased better, Oowada-kun”, the Ultimate Moral Compass sighs. “Please, continue”


“Jackass”, Leon mutters, as he rolls his eyes. “Well, I was stuffed in my room too. I’m not an idiot, okay?! I can totally defend myself and I… was curious”


“Do you have the letter…?”


“Nah, sorry, Fujisaki-chan. I kinda lost it when they tried to make me trip or something”


That doesn’t sound like what Sayaka said, and looking at her reveals her astonishment too. He presses on, “What do you mean by *making you trip*?”


“They left a trap, trying to distract me. Of course, they probably got scared once they saw me”, Leon proudly declares at the end.


At Kirigiri’s prodding, the punk elaborates, “It was a nameplate - Well, I think it was that. It’s kinda dark in the hallways at night, and it was on the floor. So, if anyone saw something out of place, it was probably me. Sorry!”


Leon laughs nervously, ending his testimony there to everyone’s surprise. Sayaka told him that she signed the letter, that she changed the doors’ nameplates although someone exchanged them back. So why? Is Leon protecting her?


“Can anyone corroborate Kuwata’s story?” Togami sounds pained as he asks that. Their classmates shake their heads in response.


“Well, Ishimaru heard me passing by”


The Ultimate Moral Compass nods, and bringing a fist to his jaw, he elaborates. “That’s right. Last night, I left my door slightly open if something happened. When I heard Kuwata-kun scream -”


“Telling the killer to fight me!” The punk quickly adds.


“Why are you-?” Leon turns a sharp elbow to Taka’s side, making him jump in surprise. He clears his throat. “After that, Ku- we decided to take refuge in my room. I can confirm his story”


“Did you see something?”


Taka, across the table, stares directly at Sayaka, the one who made the question. “No”, he firmly answers.


It doesn’t make sense.


“S-so someone here wants to k-kill us all”, Fukawa accuses, staring intensely at everyone as if daring them to attack her.  


“The trial rules were not explained until today”, Kirigiri remarks. “They probably thought that they only had to kill one person to escape, not everyone”  


“They won’t attack again”, Sayaka declares. “No one will try, now that we know that”


“Either way, we should keep upholding our preventive measures”. Celeste’s face is expressionless as she talks. “Even if natural selection didn’t act this time, wagering all of our lives for a ‘talk’ is not worth it”


Before Leon has a chance to defend himself, Taka calls an end to the meeting reminding everyone to be careful and obey their self-imposed rules.


The hall monitor talks something with the punk and writer closest to him, before going towards the kitchen. Togami, Kirigiri and Celeste leave the dining hall next, everyone trickling down after them.


They –


“They didn’t say anything”, Sayaka beats him first and her voice is hopeful. “Thank you, Makoto… Maybe you really are lucky!”


If he was, he doubts that he would have ended up in this school of despair. However, if he was not here, maybe she would – No, he can’t think that, not when they are safe. When they have hope.  


“Maybe I *am* lucky, just like you are psychic”


She giggles softly at his joke. “Of course, I am! Now, we should go visit Enoshima. She probably wants to see you”


Would she really like that? Wait -


“How did you-?”


“I’m kidding! Didn’t I told you that I was just perceptive?” Glancing at the kitchen’s entrance, she adds, “If you want to talk with her privately, you should hurry up”


“Thank you”


“Thanks to you”. Sayaka smiles, and after returning it, he leaves to see Junko.




However, no matter how much he knocks, the model doesn’t answer.


After a while, Sayaka and Taka arrive carrying a tray with tea and breakfast intended for her. They all spent time together outside her room, talking about classes for some reason, yet –


She doesn’t come out. At least, she has the rations that he gifted her some days ago.


His friends suggest writing a letter, and as he does,  they drink the tea and chat with others passing by. Once it is ready, promising to be there for her if she wants to talk, he slips the note under her door.


They leave.


Makoto can only hope that she doesn’t do anything drastic. 








Day 6


Nighttime has been settled for some hours already when a cage rises up, leaving the stairs to the second floor uncovered.


Then the third and the fourth.


A figure slowly makes her way up, announcing her funeral procession. There is no sound while she advances through the hallways buried in shadows, not even the whisper of the wind.


There are only unfamiliar rooms in the third and fourth floors, and sharp corners in her way to the mastermind’s control room. Yet, in the second floor, the smell of chlorine caressing her nose is unmistakable. 


Requesting this will cost her, but ever since accepting Monokuma’s proposition, from the moment her duties to her family were threatened, she knew that this path was hers alone.


The blue light of the data room blinds her for a moment when she enters. And the thought of breaking that red door, oozing despair, passes through her mind. It’s impossible though, she already has tried and failed. Her body feels foreign, weaker.


While the cameras’ surveillance allows her to get a glimpse of the blocked off areas, it’s seeing the inside of their dorms what makes her steel her resolve. Rescuing them is not possible, but she can try to make their lives here more comfortable.


She asks Monokuma to hear her demand.


“… As long as you make things interesting, I suppose you could ask for the sky even! – Now, if I decide to give it or not, depends… I was so bear-y hurt when you *tried* to stop me in the morning”


The bear fakes a sigh, and looks at her. “What? Do you want a last meal or something? Because if so, you can go and do it yourself, missy. Y’know? Or don’t you know how to cook or something? Upupupu-!”


Even if he laughs at her, restraining or attacking him will do nothing. Digging her nails on her fists, she states what she wants. The trial and its consequences were not covered when she agreed to this deal, she explains. It would only be equal compensation.


“I don’t know about equal, but you *do* raise a fair point. Surprising for the fabled missing link”


Monokuma hums while ‘thinking’. Despite how he intends to provoke her, she can’t help but shift her stance anxiously awaiting his response.


“Having enough space could make things more difficult for all of you… So, your request, actually, it’s no biggie at all! - Be sure to play your part well, okay? Otherwise, kaboom!” 


Strange how being trapped here for almost a week has reduced her to this – this weakness. It doesn’t make sense to lose muscle at such an accelerated rate. Have they done something to their bodies?


Or maybe she always had no merit to use Kenshiro’s tittle, and being overpowered at arrival was the thing that made it obvious. If he could saw her, what would he say? Would he understand that she is doing it for them? What would he think of her accepting her death-?


“BTW, do you take requests for your target? – Jeez! Don’t look at me like that! Have you ever heard of a joke before?”


After explaining that she needs to make things hard for her peers if she wants the dojo to be safe, Monokuma dismisses her. The ‘thank you’ that escapes her is repugnant, and it settles on her tongue.


While she makes her way down, cage after cage closing after her almost imperceptibly, she wonders how to make the most of her last days on the planet. Swimming should be obvious. 


For a moment, the cage to the second floor stays open.


Then it closes.




Mornings were just prime material for reaaaaaallyyyy despair-full events, after all.


My dear readers, please accept my most humble apologies! *Does Ichiban Level 3 apology*
Such an specific set of circunstances happenned that I would be doxxing myself if I told everything. Just know that I'm okay (even if stress is turning my hair white), that a couple days ago I got a year older (yay?), and that this will be completed (Don't worry!)
Writing fanfics is the only thing keeping me sane lol. (/jk)
Dramatically changing the subject, I get so much thoughts about Sayaka and her relationship with Makoto. For example, I think that by the end she really cared about Makoto (like Kyoko said!), but at the beginning she was exaggerating how much she wanted to talk with him before. That doesn't make her a 'snake' though. At least that's what I think.
Anyways, thank you *so much* for waiting and for your support. You don't know how much I appreciate hearing your thougths <3
I hope you'll like the next chapter! Some areas will finally be unlocked after all. *winks*
(In three weeks more, sadly. But then I'll get with the regular schedule, if life permits it)
Thank you! And see ya~

Chapter 7: The others are in the second floor vibing


No warnings

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Okay! Are you ready, people? Then, one and two! Let’s see you all streeetch ouuut!”


The radio and its catchy music is new, not to mention having three more classmates in the gym with him, still he rapidly follows Monokuma’s routine as he did in his first life.


“C’mon, faster! Circle those arms, put rhythm in it!” The bear motions his commandment, and Taka complies while bouncing on his heels. Both of them ignoring his classmates’ grumbles about doing exercise so early in the morning.


It’s impossible to stop grinning from ear to ear if Monokuma calling them here means what he thinks it does. That the hope he carries in his heart will become true. 


‘You’re crying for my sake?’


No one had ever done that, not until Mondo. And, as they sweated out their differences in that sauna, they recognized in each other a fellow soul. 


Talking about their hardships, about Mondo’s gang resting over his shoulders and Taka’s family name pending over his head, came so naturally. It was almost as if they have done it before.


The bear coughs, dispelling his daydreaming. “Now, bend waay down and touch your toes!”


Looking at the side while he stretches reveals that most of his classmates have already given up. They are either complaining or stoically waiting for this to stop, sometimes mixing both, like Enoshima. 


While her usual boisterous personality is quieter than usual, she just laughed off their concerns when they met her here. At least she admitted that confronting Monokuma was a mistake so, having learnt her lesson, the model should be fine.


All of this means that in the next two days nothing will happen! Not without a motive present to divide them. Ample time to win Fukawa’s and Mondo’s trust and, if everything goes to plan, everyone will confess their secrets at end of the eight day.


Of course, then he’ll have to confront his killer when they lure him to the physics labs. After that… Maybe everyone will find an exit. In any case, there is no reason to worry about it now, right?


“To finish, run in place! Let’s add a little speed to those young bodies of yours! Imagine there are protestors gunning for you or something!”


Although his classmates are sighing in relief, he increases the pace wanting to get rid of this excess of energy. It’s just hard to stay still when everything he wants is just some meters away.


‘I don’t really have many, but… We’re friends, aren’t we…?’


Either hearing Mondo saying those words, when no one had say them before, or standing up in the sauna so much caused him to finally collapse. Nevertheless, his friend didn’t accept Taka’s defeat. In fact, he argued that he was the one who lost, as he was wrong about his first impression of him.


“Ahh, doesn't this feel just great!? Being stuck inside like this, you gotta make sure to stay healthy!” Monokuma cheerfully finishes the routine, and stops the catchy music.


“… You're the o-one keeping us ‘stuck inside’”. Fuwaka points out.


Despite Oogami’s, Yamada’s and her protests regarding the bear calling everyone here, Monokuma dexterously talks circles around his classmates’ questions. If this wouldn’t be uncharacteristic of him, he would have left by now. Just to make sure that everything is ready for them.


Finally, Makoto is the one who presses the bear enough. 


“Fine! I'd like to make an announcement!” Standing on top of the scenery, Monokuma pronounces the awaited words. “Every time we introduce a new motive here at Hope's Peak and someone at least *tries* to act on it, a whole new world will open up to you!”


A trial is not required to progress! 


While his classmates might be apprehensive, worrying about what those new motives could be, their response is unfounded. In fact, couldn’t they open more floors if they faked an attempt? How smart of him to think that! 


“A whole new world?”


“It'd really suck if you had to live here forever with nothing new to stimulate you, right?” The bear seems unconcerned as he answers Hagakure’s question. “This way I can keep you motivated!”


Of course, the mastermind won’t leave without at least inflicting some despair. That’s why Monokuma lowers his voice until they are straining to hear it.


“…And having more space will make your chances of graduation skyrocket, don’t you think? Upupupu!”


Even if his laugh is still echoing in their ears, there’s simply no point in standing here and giving him what he wants. Turning around to look at his classmates, he cuts through their speculations and states what they need to do. 


“Okay, let's split up and start investigating! When we're done, everyone meet back up at the dining hall and we'll share what we found!”


Togami sneers at him, and he already knows what he is going to say. “You're basically a one-trick pony, you know that?”


There’s no need to fix what it is not broken.


“More like a staple food source! Now let's get moving!” Then, as an explanation on where he’s going, he adds. “I’ll double-check the areas we already know about, just in case!”


Before they are done nodding, he’s already moving towards the gym’s door.


While spending time with Fukawa and Makoto has been enjoyable, something is different about doing the same with Mondo. There’s no fear that his words could be misunderstood, no reason to tone down his intensiveness.


Not to mention that the way his heart beats when the biker smiles at him doesn’t happen with the other two. That must be the difference between normal friends and kyoudais. Now, it’s just a matter of making Mondo suggest being that again.


Leaving the gym in direction towards the bathrooms, for the first time in each one of his lives,


Taka almost runs in the halls.








Watching Ishimaru powerwalk to the dorms, while almost everyone is going to the second floor, makes Leon sigh. “He’s going to get himself killed”


He really was wrong about Ishimaru. The guy doesn’t have balls of steel, if anything it’s more like a death wish mixed with stupidity. Honestly, confronting Oowada, leaving his door open, or throwing himself through some spears should have given Leon a clue.


“P-probably”, mumbles Fukawa. Standing outside the trophy room, it looks like she doesn't know where to go either. “I doubt he’ll notice it th-though, not with his barely-there b-brain”


It’s hard to decide whether the writer's attitude or her acidic smell is more nasty, but sadly he can't be picky on who to talk to. Apparently, Hope’s Peak turned him into an outcast – and it doesn't even make sense!


Like, hello? He’s THE Leon, superstar of the century right here, so why is everyone blaming him for almost getting killed? If he could write music, he could have made a song about this. It's fucking unfair! 


Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Enoshima get out of the gym and walk towards the same direction where Oowada and Ishimaru disappeared. Now, Leon could go and make sure that they won’t kill each other, but everyone is already upstairs. It's safer there.


“So, aren't you going to follow him?”


Fukawa stares at him, as if he asked her to take a bath. Then, she points straight him and starts to yell, “What?! D-do you want me to d-die too?!”


He rolls his eyes. Never mind, straight up ignoring her is probably for the best. She’s hopeless, like everything else in this school. Why did Leon even came here? He would have turned super famous with or without Hope’s Peak help.


A melodious chuckle goes through his ears. Oh. Maybe that.


“You guys are fighting like siblings!” Sayaka chuckles while getting closer, and is almost as if she brightens the hall only with her presence. Huh, that sounds like a good pickup line to try on her.


Focusing in anything except her is hard, so much that he doesn’t give much thought to Naegi going upstairs or Fukawa arguing with her.  


“Hey, Maizono-chan”. Play it cool, Leon. Passing a hand through his hair, he ups his charm, and adds a wink to seal the deal. “How are you doing?”


“Good, thank you”, she simply replies. Oh, man, even her serious face is beautiful!


Sayaka’s eyes suddenly widen without a reason. Then, after a beat, she points towards the dorms. “Umm… Are you two going that way?"


"Yeah, that's right! Want some company?"


Balancing his voice to have enough interest yet not sound desperate is an art that only someone super cool like him can master. No wonder almost every girl falls for him.


“H-hopeless”, Fukawa jabs at him. Honestly, if it wasn’t for her smell he wouldn’t had noticed she was still here. “Enjoy g-getting killed”


For a romance author, she doesn’t appear to recognize attraction in real life. Whatever. He can’t stay pissed off when she finally left, leaving the two of them alone. Hanging out while they search for anything new should be fun.


They go for the nurse’s office first, but it doesn’t budge no matter how much they try to force it open. Guess they’ll have to keep walking side by side.  


“Kuwata-kun -”


Her voice is hesitant, and he immediately knows what to do to relax her. Turning around, he looks at her and smirks. “Call me Leon”


But doesn’t that sound way too creepy? Play it cool!


“If you want to”. He laughs it off, and hides a sweaty hand behind his neck.  “I mean, we’ll be future colleagues, right?”


A wink and the situation is saved! Kuwata Leon scores a homerun! The gallery goes crazy wondering what he’s going to do next. Dammit! This school is messing his brain up more than he thought.  


Sayaka stops walking next to him and, for a brief moment, he wonders if she wants to try opening the red doors at the end of the corridor. Maybe it’s the lighting, but they give him the same bad mojo that he felt the other night. It’s like his feet don’t want to go anywhere near there.


“I wanted to ask… Have you been practicing?”


He cringes at the hesitation in her voice. There’s no way he is telling her the super lame truth. That, even if he has tried to play the guitar, he can barely do covers. Music to him might be fun, but it’s not as effortless as baseball or how it must come to her.


“Kinda, but it’s hard without a songwriter or a guitarist”, he admits. One could have thought that he could find someone in Hope’s Peak to fit the bill, but nothing.


“I see…” She sounds as bummed out as him and, once they enter the dorm area, he says goodbye to any possibility that they will keep investigating together. Why did he had to ruin the mood? Stupid!


“Leon”. Well, at least there’s that. His name sounds like music coming from her, even when she’s going to tell him to get lost and leave her alone. “Have you thought about asking Fukawa-chan and Ishimaru-kun to be in your band?”


He burst out laughing at the lamest image of all time. It would be straight out of a middle school talent show. Holy shit! She’s hilarious. Perfect girl right there.


“I’m serious”, she says, but her chuckles betray her. Good, a laughing Sayaka is the best. “It’s just that… Forming a band with your friends can be something so special”


That wishful tone gives him pause. Then it hits him. If they kidnapped Kanon because of him, then maybe her group - “Is your band okay?”


“… I hope that they are”. After whispering that, she hugs herself. And, when he goes to put a hand on her upper arm, she gives him a watery smile. “Leon, about the letter the other day…”


She takes a deep breath and releases it. “I - I’m so sorry that happened”


He can’t help but smile softly at her. Telling the truth has bitten him more in the ass than he likes, but it beats everyone getting paranoid or not knowing about the danger. Those assholes should be thanking him.


“Hey, it’s not your fault”. Then, he remembers ‘who’ signed the letter. Admitting this will be so uncool, but if she is to be safe…


“They told me it was you”. Her eyes widen, and he already imagines what she is thinking about, so he continues. “I kinda thought we were gonna hang out, like now, but -”


He shrugs, playing it cool. It’s better than admitting that he jumps every time someone approaches him from nowhere, or that seeing shadows around the corners makes him grit his teeth. “- that happened. Anyways, just telling you to be careful”


And hey, a coach told him once that one misses all the shots that they don’t take, so he winks at her. “And if you ever get bored to be Naegi’s assistant, I’m here to talk about music and stuff”


She chokes a laugh.


"You reminded me that I'm on duty”. At his hopeful face, she adds, “Just me, sorry… But I'll keep your offer in mind”


Part of the fun is the challenge, and this conversation is already something. He’s fine waiting for her to realize what they could have.


Guess that he should go and find something before they meet in the dining hall though, at least to keep the others from bitching again. Just from here, he can see that the bathrooms’ construction tape was thrown away. 


Not ten steps later, Sayaka turns around. “And Leon, think about the band too - At least for practice, okay?” 


“Sure, will do!”, he replies and gives her a wink, receiving a small but so much cuter smile in return. If he impresses her enough, would she like to-?


Time to plan the most embarrassing debut of all time, at least no one outside will know about this. Maybe he will make Fukawa and Ishimaru look cool by association… It would have been easier if Sayaka wanted him to be an actor.  


Whatever, it’s not like he is doomed. 




“So, do you play the guitar?”


Ishimaru’s unimpressed face tells him everything. Dammit!


“The bass? Drums? Piano? It’s for a good cause!”




“The castanets or the recorder, are you joking? - Sure, it’s not like I care about my image or anything… C’mon, man! Help me out!”


When Ishimaru asks why he even wants to form a band, Leon can’t help but brag a little. “Yeah, Maizono-chan kinda gave me the idea. Y’know, for practice and stuff”




“What do you mean by ‘you should study in your spare time instead’? With what, huh?!”


The Ultimate Stuck-up meltdowns when Leon tells him that he forgot to pack his books, hell, it’s not like they were necessary considering all this. Then, he starts to ramble about bringing the matter up with Monokuma (is he crazy?), letting him borrow copies from his notes (no way), or that they could search for more books in the library.


“- Wait, we got a library? Since when?”


After mumbling incoherently for a while, Ishimaru gets back to what they were talking about.




“Playing solo…?”


That’s way too much work, kinda why he decided to be the vocalist and nothing else. But… Could it impress Sayaka even more? After all, who knows for how long they are going to stay next to each other.


“Guess I’ll have to try”, he caves in.


It’s not like there is anything else to do while being stuck here and, once they are rescued, he can talk about this super unique approach in interviews. Of course, turning into a famous musician means that he won’t have to try too hard later.


After Ishimaru praises his new outlook, talking about the importance of effort or something lame like that, he promises to look for books with guitar lessons in the school store. Maybe, if Leon thinks positively enough, the guy will only find pamphlets or comics about it.


… What is he going to do about the lyrics though?








Is in the warehouse that Sayaka finds whom she was looking for. Another person who almost died because of her and doesn’t know it. She is searching through the crates with her back turned to Sayaka. However, she still notices her.


“When I told Naegi that I wanted to go alone, I didn't meant it only for him, Maizono-san"


Her brusque tone makes Sayaka take a step back without thinking. Her intuition is shouting at her to run away right now and hide. However, before she can retreat, the blonde sighs and turns around.  


Enoshima gives her a peace sign and smiles, with all her teeth visible. “Like I said, I’m fine! Kinda trying my hand at counterculture now, so, don’t worry about it, gurl!”


Despite her nonchalant attitude and her singsong voice, Sayaka knows what her eyes hold. It’s the same emotion, or lack of it, that she felt the other night. The one that leads to mistakes.


Thankfully, having Makoto’s friendship gives her enough hope to try to melt other’s loneliness again, even if they are trapped here or especially because they are here. She owes Enoshima for yesterday's incident, since Monokuma explained the rules because of her.


“Don't worry, you can be honest”. She does her best to sound cheerful and look approachable as she says it.


Enoshima’s careless expression fades away, leaving only shock. Then, she glances to the ground, and starts to play with her hair. “… Another psychic thing?”


“More or less”, she chuckles. Telling the model that she has puffy eyes or that she forgot to apply foundation this morning would be cruel. “And I wanted to talk to you for a while” 


Before Enoshima replies, their handbooks chime in unison. After they look at the new rule, the other girl mutters, “Why do you even care?”


And the answer is simply ‘because no one should be alone in despair’. Maybe one day she will have enough courage to reveal the whole truth to Leon, Enoshima, and Ishimaru. They deserve a full explanation and, if her intuition is correct, a ‘thank you’ as well. 


The camera next to them moves startling her and, when she looks at the model again, she has gone back to her carefree self. “Y’know that if you, like, fell for me or something, I’ll tell Naegi on you, right?”


While she is pretty, Sayaka doesn’t have the time nor wants to be fired from her position. After all, being an Ultimate Assistant includes being a matchmaker as well. And Enoshima only softens when talking with Makoto. 








In the dining hall, Ishimaru starts the meeting as always. “Okay, everyone! How'd it go? Did anyone discover something new?”


“There's a library!”, says Yamada, as if books were going to help them get their asses out of here.


“And a pool! A freakin' pool!” The swimmer seems out of her mind with happiness. “And locker rooms filled with exercise equipment!”


Having that or a cig would have helped him some days ago, but now he just wants those assholes to go to the point. Recognize the absolute shit situation they are in. That, since the goddamn pigs have not found them yet, they are by themselves to find a way out.


“There was not, however, anything resembling an escape route”, Oogami is finally who fucking says it. There is no goddamn exit in the second floor or in the main hall. The metal hatch by the entrance hasn’t moved an inch no matter how much he has tried to break it open.


“Well, there's no reason to get all sulky! Wait till you hear about my amazing discovery!”


Of course, perfect Ishimaru is going to save the day as always. Knowing what to say or how to react every single motherfucking time. Flaunting how much smarter and stronger he is than the rest, casting shadows on each one of them.  


“The warehouse and bathhouse on the first floor of the dorms are now open!”, he proudly announces. 


Besides an exit, Mondo wants nothing else but take him down a notch.


I love the colors, the composition, and both designs so much! I LOVE IT!!!
Please, if you liked it, see the beautiful art they made for Kiyotaka week (and more, of course!!)

While writing the Mukuro and Sayaka interaction I looked up inspo from the Ultimate Talent Development Plan and... call me a shipper now. Sadly, we'll respect the barely held with tape outline in this fic.
Now, I'm so sorry for the short chapter! Thematically it made sense to cut it here, since in the next one we'll see, perhaps, a certain scene™? ;)

And also sorry about being late, both my grandma and my dog almost died (unrelated events), but they are fine-ish now! (Honestly, I thought that the ao3 curse was just a joke, about life happening, but this gives me pause tbh)
Thank you so much for waiting and being so kind!!! I can't say how happy I am that you are liking it ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
Like always, I'd love to hear your thoughts, but since I become my worst nightmare (fanfic writer that goes in tangents with minor characters, even if it will become relevant later) I'll understand if you want to wait until the next chapter lol.

Series this work belongs to: