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Of Operators and Mercs

Chapter 13: -NOTICE-

Chapter Text

As you readers know, this fic is not mine. I was just sharing it in hopes to attract anyone who is willing to continue with this cliffhanger. While I am still waiting for updates from the other site, I was contemplating on continuing this on my own. However, the Arknights lore is too much for me to keep up, unlike that of Team Fortress 2, so if anyone is willing to help me continue with this forgotten fic then maybe you go to my first discord server

Lost Fics Corner

Username: novad4127


To be clear, I'm not aiming for fame, I'm aiming for someone to help me keep potentially dropped fan-fics alive for everyone's entertainment.


Credis to the OG author of this fanfic, and if I kinda left this in a cliffhanger then maybe it's the latest chapter in

It's up to you as to what kind of continuation would you like it to go