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The Owl Chronicles


In this universe, the heroes of Kim Possible, American Dragon, Owl House and Jackie Chan Adventures now live in the same world. Once on their own separate adventures, these heroes will now meet for the first time as an evil plot brings several villains out of the woodwork. Join them as they embark on a whirlwind journey filled with danger, excitement, budding teen romance and...a trip to Bueno Nacho? Hey, in this world, anything can happen and you never know who you'll run into next.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: And So It Begins...

Chapter Text

It was a rainy night in San Francisco. Thunder was roaring and lightning flashed across the sky as the city became drenched. And inside a diner, Valmont, the leader of the crime syndicate, Dark Hand, was staring out the window, menacingly. It’s been 6 months ever since having the demon Shendu released from his body, thanks to help of his nemesis, part time agent of Section 13, Jackie Chan and his family. He was now free to continue on with crime, hoping to bring his team and himself some riches. “Now that I’m free from that pestilent lizard Shendu, the Dark Hand can finally rise again…” Valmont began to say before Ratso interrupted him.

“Hey V?” Ratso asked, pointing to his stack of pancakes that the leader never even touched. “Your pancakes are getting cold.”

Valmont rolled his eyes then gave Ratso the stack. He knew with only three members, pulling off crimes and getting rich is difficult. But he had to do with what he had. After all, they were his Enforcers.

“Speaking of temperature, we shall need to acquire some serious heat if we’re to embark on our epic crime spree,” Valmont continued, grinning evilly as Ratso continued to noisily eat his boss’ pancakes.

“Now you’re talking!” Finn smiled. He’d been wanting to pull a job ever since the mission with freeing Shendu’s brothers and sisters had ended.

“So what’s the plan?” Chow asked.

“You three will break into Section 13 and steal the talismans!” Valmont announced, causing Finn, Ratso, and Chow’s eyes to go wide. They weren’t really fond of that eye. Ever since dealing with Shendu, they actually wanted to stop dealing with magical artifacts.

“Busting into Section 13 is kind of risky,” Chow tried to argue.

“Besides, V, we don’t do flunky work anymore,” Finn said, believing his boss’s plan was doomed to fail.

“Not unless we get paid,” Ratso added.

Valmont stumbled. He wanted to rebuild the Dark Hand to what it used to be, and he couldn’t do it without the help of his Enforcers. But all the running around and opening demon portals has left a strain on his wallet. But again, he needed his team. “True. This demon nonsense has depleted Dark Hand finances, but you know I’m good for it!” Valmont smiled, hoping his false promise would be enough to convince them. Ratso just shrugged, believing his boss had a good point. Finn and Chow agreed silently.

“OK, but you got to make us partners!” Chow demanded. It was clear they wanted more respect, not wanting to be set up as the fall guys or tackling dummies.

“Call yourselves vice presidents of villainy!” Valmont exclaimed. “Just bring me those talismans!” Then the waitress dropped the check. As soon as Valmont took a look at it, he slid towards his Enforcers.

“Hey!” the three pouted, not happy about paying, after what Valmont promised.

“What? I didn’t eat,” Valmont scoffed.

Meanwhile, near the docks, a steamer just started to port itself.

Elsewhere, in a decrepit alley of New York City, a dark ritual was underway.

What remained of the once mighty and fearsome Huntsclan was now reduced to two agents, 88 and 89. To rub more salt in the wound, 88 and 89 happened to be the Huntsclan’s most incompetent members and insult to an organization of magical creature hunters. But if all went according to plan, their fortunes would soon reverse.

“Alright so if the merchant from earlier was telling the truth,” 88 said, pulling a piece of parchment from his pocket, “all we need to do is write ‘Bring back the Huntsclan’ on this piece of the Book of Ages and the Huntsclan will back to the way is it was before Huntsgirl and that stupid dragon wished them out of existence.”

“He was even nice enough to throw in this fancy pen!” 89 spoke up, holding up an ornate feather pen.

“Finally, no more getting beat on by the Tooth Fairy or getting smacked around by brownies! With just one sentence, we’ll be the top dogs of the magical underworld!” 88 proclaimed, a crazed glint appearing in his eyes.

“Well what’re we waiting for? Bring that piece over here!” 89 eagerly bleated. “It’s a bit dark here, let’s see if I can write it out…”

The two bumbling henchmen scribbled out their wish on the piece of the Book of Ages. The duo then proceeded to wait for their dark desire to come true…only for nothing to happen.

“Uh…why isn’t the Huntsclan here and ready to fight magical creatures?” 89 asked.

“I don’t understand, we did everything the merchant told us to do!” said 88 in despair, “I swear on my mama if that dude sold us toilet paper and told us it was magic…”

Just as the two were starting to doubt the Book of Ages, energy started to crackle. It was subtle at first but the crackling grew louder and energy started to burst forth as reality was being rewritten. 88 and 89 stopped their complaining as the saw a glowing vortex swirl about their very eyes, bending time and space to their whims.

With one final flash, a figure emerged from where the vortex was. Standing up straight, the figure revealed himself to be the Huntsman, appearing as he did before his final battle with Jake and Rose. The Huntsman looked around, trying to gather his bearings and taking in his new surroundings.

“What’s going on here? Where am I?” growled the Huntsman.

“Hey it’s the Huntsmaster! But where’s the rest of the Huntsclan?” 89 pondered.

88 looked at the parchment and groaned, “You wrote ‘Huntsman’ instead of ‘Huntsclan’! Good job on bringing back the head honcho without the rest of the honcho!”

“This wouldn’t have happened if we picked a more brightly lit place…” 89 whined, before being cut off by the Huntsman coming face to face with the duo.

“Enough! Explain what’s happening before I gut you both like fish,” the villain threatened them.

“Oh uh Huntsmaster sir! Uh sorry to break the new like this, but uh the American Dragon and Huntsgirl used the Aztec skulls to wish the whole Huntsclan out of existence,” 88 said quickly, fearing his leader’s wrath.

“We tried using a piece of the Book of Ages to bring the whole clan back but we only managed to bring you back. S-Sorry,” 89 feebly spat out.

The Huntsman’s eyes widened at this news. The Huntsclan were wiped out and it was all because of the dragon and the traitor? His body tensed up and he tightened his fists at this perceived injustice. His first instinct was to scorch the earth over the loss of his clan but the dragon slayer instead declared:

“Now is not the time for grieving. If we are ever to get back at those who wished to destroy us, we must rebuild at once! May the magical world tremble in fear as we rise from the ashes, stronger than before!”

Back in San Francisco, near the bus stops, Monkey Fist, the former archaeologist now half human and half monkey, was also on a quest for revenge. He breathed a sigh of relief, happy to be rid of DNAmy’s clutches. He hated the fact that he had to hide from his stalker crush when she gave herself gorilla arms and feet, but now that he was free, he could continue on his quest to become Monkey Master. “Once I steal the Talismans of Shendu, I will have ultimate powers beyond anyone’s control. Powerful enough to become Monkey Master!” Monkey Fist grinned evilly. “And no one will stop me! Not even the cheer squad.” He was of course talking about Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. He hollered with glee, bouncing up and down like a monkey before a splash of rain water from a passing car brought him back to reality. “I do hope Section 13 will be dry.”

Meanwhile, in Chinatown, inside Uncle’s Rare Finds, Uncle Chan was asleep soundly in his bed. But he was soon jolted out of his sleep, having got the willies. He could sense that evil might be near. He then went to the room of his faithful apprentice and shopkeeper, Tohru, and woke him out of a deep sleep. Once the former Dark Enforcer faced Uncle, he could tell something was seriously wrong. “Sensei? What is it?” Tohru asked.

“Uncle has the willies.” Uncle said, his body shaking with terror.

On the streets of San Francisco was a more pleasant sight; two lovers were walking hand in hand, laughing and smiling at each other. This romantic couple was none other than Jake Long and Rose, the former Huntsgirl. After a harrowing adventure that ended with the definitive defeat of the Dark Dragon, one of the greatest threats to the magical and mortal world, a proper vacation was in order for our heroes.

Remembering his promise to give Jake more downtime, Lao Shi arranged for the Longs to stay a couple of days in San Francisco for a proper family vacation. He and Fu Dog would head back to New York in the meantime to make sure everything was under control on the home front. While the rest of the Long clan were visiting the sights of San Francisco, Jake and Rose went off on their own for a bit for some much needed alone time.

“This has been a great day Jake,” Rose said dreamily, “People tend to take the simpler things in life for granted; nothing beats just hanging out on a bright summer day.”

She then turned to face Jake, giving him a loving look, “…Especially if you’re hanging out with someone you really care about.”

“Girl don’t I know it,” Jake replied, returning her warm gaze. “After everything we’ve been through, it’s going to be great getting back on track with each other!”

“Right, back on track…” Rose said, suddenly looking crestfallen. “It’s still so strange…I know we share something special and I know you’re important…but there’s still so many things I can’t remember our time from before.”

Jake frowned in concern for his girlfriend, “I can understand how frustrating it must be for you; I wasn’t sure if I should have tried making you remember at first and I totally would have got it if you decided to stay back with your family.”

“Believe me, I’m glad you decided to jog my memory,” Rose assured Jake, “It’s just hard starting halfway from zero. I’m worried if I’ll ever get all my memories of you back and…and I’m worried if I’ll still be the same girl you fell for…”

Jake clasped his hands into Rose’s and spoke calmly, gazing deeply into her eyes. “Rose, after everything we’ve been through, there’s not a single that could ever change how I feel about you. We’re in this together, you and me from here on out; that’s a promise I swear to keep.”

Rose was stood there, completely enraptured by Jake’s declaration, feeling the love behind his words. Knowing he meant every word of it soothed her troubled emotions, feeling secure in his presence.

“You and me…heh, I’ll be keeping you to that dragon boy,” Rose said, a blush on her cheeks.

“How about we seal it with a kiss?” Jake asked, voice husky with confidence.

Wasting no more words, the couple closed their eyes and started to lean in for a kiss…

“Hate or love it, the underdog’s on top/And I’m gon’ shine, homie, until my heart stop/ Go ‘head envy me, I’m rap’s MVP/And I ain’t going nowhere, so you can get to know me…”

The couple’s eyes shot open, lips centimeters apart from each other. They recognized that as Jake’s ringtone. Moving away from Rose, Jake now blushed, smiling awkwardly, “Lemme just answer this real quick, eh heh heh…”

Jake then moved away from a confused Rose and yanked his phone from his pocket to check who was calling him: the screen read Fu Dog. Jake gave an annoyed grunt and answered the phone.

“Aye yo Fu, I see you’re calling while I’m on vacay. Y’know, even after you and gramps promised you’d lay off while we chillaxed over here in San Fran. Remember that?” Jake said through gritted teeth.

“Kid I wouldn’t be calling you if this wasn’t an emergency and this is definitely an emergency!” Fu Dog replied breathlessly, “We just got word that the Huntsman is back amongst living and is already making his moves!”

Jake’s blood froze when he heard this. “Fu…are you sure it’s THE Huntsman? That doesn’t make sense…Rose’s wish should have wiped him out completely. As in deader than dead.”

“I don’t have all the details yet, but your gramps is thinking the Book of Ages is behind this,” Fu Dog explained hurriedly, “It’s a grimoire that has the power to alter the very fabric of reality; probably the only thing powerful enough to undo a wish from the Aztec Skulls.”

“Ohhhhh man…” Jake moaned, horrified at the thought of one of his deadliest foes coming back into existence. “Alright, no time to panic now. Any word on what he’s doing now.”

“Word on the street is that Huntsman is heading to San Francisco. Couldn’t tell you why he’s heading there but we don’t have any more time to lose. I had to give you a heads up, so you’d be ready on your end.”

The young dragon rubbed his eyes with one hand, not prepared to hear that their worst nightmare was getting closer to them. Fu Dog was right on one thing though; they had no time to lose.

“Fu you and grandpa need to get Trixie and Spud and meet us in San Francisco ASAP. I’ll be keeping an eye out for Huntsgoon in the meantime. He’s not going to get up to anything while I’m around. Til then.”

 Jake hung up the phone and turned back to Rose, a troubled expression on his face. The girl grew worried by this sudden shift in attitude.

“Jake…did something happen?” she asked.

The American Dragon sighed and said, “It’s the Huntsman…I don’t know how exactly but he’s come back and he’s heading over to San Francisco.”

Rose gasped, a hand shooting to her mouth, overcome with the same dread as Jake upon hearing this news. The young dragon felt for her, but time was of the essence, and they couldn’t agonize over the villain’s return forever.

“While the rest of the gang meet us up here, I’m going to keep a lookout around the city in case Huntsman shows up earlier than expected. That fool won’t be getting the drop on anyone.”

Rose’s face hardened and she said, “I’ll help you out. My gear should still be in the hotel, so we just need to make a quick trip back to my room and I help you patrol the area.”

It was Jake’s turn to show concern for his girlfriend, “Rose, hold up…are you sure you want to do this? With everything that went down…I understand if you’d wanna sit this one out.”

“Jake Long, you swore that it was you and me from here on out and I already planned on keeping you to that. Whatever comes for us, we’re facing it as a team.” She shot him a cocky grin, “Don’t tell me you’re going to break a promise to your girlfriend, dragon boy.”

Jake could only smile at her, relieved that she was choosing to face this head on and with him by her side. “That’s my girl.”

Beyond the plane of mortals, in the Demon Realm, on the Boiling Isles, the rebuilding was still happening. Every citizen was pitching in to repair all the damage that Emperor Belos aka Phillip and Unity Day unleashed in the magical dimension. But now that the darkness had passed, Luz Noceda and her girlfriend, Amity Blight, were finishing packing their stuff for their first ever vacation in the Human Realm. It took many months, but finally, they, along with their friends, were able to get the door to the Human Realm fixed. Also, it can also take them to many different places on Earth, not just Luz’s home state of Connecticut. Luz struggled but smiled as she managed to get her suitcase shut and faced her girlfriend. “Ready to go, Sweet Potato?” Luz asked eagerly, making Amity giggle.

“Ready and willing,” Amity smiled as she shut her suitcase. “We just gotta wait for the others. I’m really excited we’re going to be exploring more of the human realm together.”

“I know! Me too!” Luz squealed eagerly. “First, we’re going to San Francisco! It’s the first ever pride city! Next, we’ll be going to Las Vegas. I can’t wait to teach Eda all about gambling. Then, the Dominican Republic so I can show you all my cultural roots! Then…”

“Slow down, honey! We got all the time in the world,” Amity laughed, silencing Luz with a kiss. “But are you sure that we can handle this though? I know Willow and Gus have experience with the human realm since we escaped through the door during Unity Day. And Eda has experience too, but how are we going to explain what King is if anybody asks about him?”

“Oh, Amity, don’t be a sour octopus!” Luz laughed, making her girlfriend giggle again. “As long as we don’t spill that King is a demon and that witches are real, then most humans will think he’s just a cute baby animal.”

Just then, Willow and Gus came rushing in, all packed and ready to travel. “All set and ready to go! My dads couldn’t stop crying though, but I promised to keep in touch with them.” Willow smiled.

“I’m so excited to see more of the human world!” Gus squealed with delight. “I heard of this place called India where they have these places called bazaars!”

Luz chuckled, knowing that her illusionist friend still had to learn more about the human world. “I’ll try to explain more about that to you, Gus. But we’ll all be ready to leave when Eda gets here.” she said.

Then, as if on cue, Eda, the Owl Lady, came in, holding her staff and having a backpack. “Alrighty, kiddies, let’s get this vacation started! Hooty has the Owl House all locked up, so no more worries for the next few months, except having fun!” Eda grinned.

“Wait! Where’s King?” Amity asked. Just then, everyone heard the familiar ticklish giggles of the King of Demons coming from Eda’s backpack.

“Right here on my back. Figured he might be comfy with it, his size and all,” Eda grinned, turning around to show that Eda’s backpack is also a harness, carrying the Titan.

“I’m a carry on!” King laughed. Luz smiled and rolled her eyes amusedly.

“OK, gang, let’s go!” Luz smiled. They then headed to the rebuilt door to the human realm which was inside the Owl House. Once passing in between realms, Luz, Amity, Eda, King, Gus, and Willow were greeted with the rainy streets of San Francisco.

“Oh, how I love human rain!” Gus smiled. “Much safer and cleaner than our rain!”

“Hey Luz?” Amity smirked.

“Yes, Sweet Potato?” Luz asked. She was then met with a splash of a puddle, thanks to her girlfriend. Luz laughed it off. “No fair!”

“Guess I still got a little bad witch inside of me?” Amity giggled. “What are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know. Maybe…THIS!” Luz smirked, jumping into a puddle and getting Amity soaked, but she also laughed it off.

“Luz!” Amity giggled. The two then stared into each other’s eyes, actually finding this moment romantic. Like that scene from ‘The Journal’. Their lips then met briefly for a sweet kiss.

“OK. Let’s get to sightseeing.” Luz smiled after the kiss broke. The rest of Luz’s friends followed her and Amity as they began the tour of San Francisco.

Love was blossoming seemingly everywhere it seemed. A third couple was enjoying a picnic along with their pet naked mole rat; yes, it was none other Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable, with Rufus along as their plus one. In between their world saving adventures, the duo liked to share some quality alone time.

As Rufus poured more sparkling grape juice into their glasses, Kim and Ron held each other in a loving gaze.

“Ah, a warm sunny day with my BFBF, a spanking lunch he prepared all by himself, and of course our MVP, Rufus,” Kim smiled.

The naked mole rat chittered appreciatively, taking a bow.

“I can’t think of a way to make this day any better,” sighed the redhead.

“You’re right KP; this day is the very definition of bon diggity! Makes me glad I’m sharing it with the coolest girl in the world. That being said…” Ron had an impish look on his face. “I can think of one thing that could make this all better. How does, oh I dunno…a little lip lockage sound?”

Kim giggled at her boyfriend, “Ronald Stoppable, you dog you!” Despite her light chastising, she took the initiative and leaned in for a kiss with Ron mirroring her movements. The heroic couple were about to meet lips when a noise interrupted them.

Beep-beep, beep-beep

Kim’s eyes shot open at the familiar sound and pulled away from the kiss. She looked around and studied her surroundings, trying to find the source of the sound.

Beep-beep, beep-beep

There it was again. Kim frantically looked in every direction, wondering what could be making that sound; if Kim didn’t know any better, it sounded a lot like her Kimmunicator. She then laid her eyes on Rufus. Instead of making his usual jubilant mole rat chirps and chitters, Rufus opened his mouth to reveal a different noise…

Beep-beep, beep-beep

Beep-beep, beep-beep

…And just like that Kim reluctantly awoke from her dream, her eyes drearily focusing on her night stand. Sure enough, it was her Kimmunicator going off, signaling a mission was underway. With a groan, Kim reached for the device and answered it; on the Kimmunicator’s screen as usual was Wade, Team Possible’s trusted tech guru and mission control.

“Kim, glad you could pick up because this is urgent business! Er, sorry if this was a bad time…”

“It’s no big Wade, really,” yawned Kim while thinking to herself, ‘There’s always another time for some Ronshine in my dreams.’ “What’s the sitch?”

“According to some witnesses in San Francisco, Monkey Fist was spotted trying to break into a Section 13 owned building…”

“Section 13?” interrupted Kim, not being too familiar with the name.

“An offshoot of Global Justice,” Wade helpfully informed her, “what started as a simple black ops division ended up being converted into GJ’s arm for paranormal research and investigation. Given the reports of Section 13 housing powerful supernatural artifacts in their San Francisco compound…”

“Monkey Fist is planning on breaking in and grabbing some artifacts for whatever mad scheme he has cooked up this time,” Kim finished, catching to her villain’s plan quickly.

“And that can never spell anything good,” Wade replied affirmatively.

“Say no more Wade,” Kim said as she hopped out of bed, “I’ll get Ron and Rufus up while you arrange for transport. We should be there before noon and have Monkey Fist locked up before dinner.”

“Roger that! Wade out,” the young teen genius signed off. Kim attached the device to her wrist and rushed to her closet to get her mission outfit ready. As she got changed, she began mulling over the mission she was given.

 “What is it with Monkey Fist and the supernatural? I never like messing with any of that magic stuff, especially after the whole nearly getting turned into a monkey thing…”

 Kim paused for a moment to shudder at the memory.

“Reservations about magic aside, one deranged monkey man shouldn’t be a problem for Team Possible.”

Now dressed in her signature uniform, Kim headed next door to pick up the rest of her team, completely confident about this new mission.

“Looks like I’ll be getting some quality bonding time with my boyfriend after all…if I can get him up on time. Ron is such a heavy sleeper I sometimes wonder if a tornado could wake him up.”

As the heroes all set out on their paths, near the docks, a steamer just started to port itself. On deck was the evil chi sorcerer Daolon Wong. Once he opened his eyes as the ship docked, there was nothing but evil in them. Not even the roaring thunder was enough to rattle him. He knew he was in San Francisco. And he was in search for one particular item: the Talismans. After his last defeat at the hands of the so called T-Girl and the Chan family, he now believed nothing would be able to stand in the way of him wanting to steal the most powerful and magical objects. “Ah, the darkness shall reign,” Daolon grinned evilly.

Chapter 2: Bad Company


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Within the confines of Section 13, Jackie Chan, martial artist, archaeologist, and unsung hero was up at and about at night…heating up a teacup of water in the microwave. With a ding, he opened the microwave’s door and took his cup, dipping a teabag into it.

“Some herbal tea to lull me to sleep,” sighed Jackie as began taking of his drink. At that very moment, Jackie heard a very familiar voice call out, “Hey Jackie!”

The martial artist sputtered out his tea and swerved around to see his niece, also up and about in her pajamas. Startled, Jackie croaked, “Jade you should be asleep!”

Unfazed, Jade merely smiled and replied, “So should you and I know just the thing to help you unwind! First, we jump on some rollerblades and set up trashcan goalposts, then we’ll slip a few talismans out of the vault, and…”

Not wanting to entertain Jade’s idea for “unwinding”, Jackie gently grabbed her shoulders and started ushering her back to her room. “Just because I can’t sleep doesn’t mean you don’t have to,” he said. Jade could only give a small groan in response.

While the niece and uncle were having their nighttime chat, something ominous was happening in the bowels of Section 13. A red vortex pattern appeared on a brick wall, allowing Daolon Wong to pass forth. Looking his scepter as it glowed brightly, Daolon gave a satisfied smile, “I am near.”

As he casually wandered the halls of the agency’s building, guards caught sight of him from their office and were flabbergasted, shouting, “How’d you get in here!?” Wasting no time, the guards rushed out and drew their weapons, cutting off Daolon’s path. Aiming their guns, one yelled out “Freeze,” thinking it would intimidate the old sorcerer.

Naturally, Daolon was unimpressed, lifting his hand to direct the flow of his magic onto the guards, levitating them upwards. Once pinned to the ceiling, Daolon’s magic caused the tiles to melt and wrap around the agents, incapacitating them non-fatally. As if nothing happened, the wizard continued his merry way.

Once he made his way to the vault, Daolon used his dark magic to blast the steel door away, giving him a clear view of the treasure he so coveted.

“Ah, the Talismans of Shendu,” Daolon said, approaching the container that held the mystical items. With one hand, he melted away the glass casing, his eyes filled with manic glee. “So close, I can feel the twelve powers of the Chinese zodiac!”

As the wizard was working his magic, a second player and his allies were now making their move; busting a vent grate out of the way, Monkey Fist and his troop of monkey ninjas swarmed into the building.

“At last, we’ve reached the proverbial treasure cove!” Monkey Fist shouted triumphantly. “We would have been much sooner if you all boarded the boat with me instead of insisting on taking a plane.”

One of the monkey minions screeched out a series of simian noises in protest to which Monkey Fist merely rolled his eyes. “Oh for heaven’s sake, how long are you lot going to milk that “seasickness” excuse? I had to tough it out in the rain and you don’t see me complaining.”

Scanning the area, the British lord smirked when he noticed there were no guards, unaware they were bound and gagged to the ceiling. “Seems the fools in Section 13 decided to leave the area unguarded. Whether out of confidence or oversight, it’s one mistake they’ll soon regret; monkey ninjas, go forth! We seek the vault and in turn, unlimited power!”

The troop and their human leader then set out in search for their prize, a few monkeys screeching out in excitement. Once the simian squadron left the area, an even more unusual sight came into view; a portal opened on the floor, spitting out the remnants of the Huntsclan. Huntsman managed to stick the landing while 88 and 89 fell flat on their faces.

“That hurt…” 89 groaned, lifting himself off the floor.

“But it was a good test run,” 88 said brightly, dusting himself off and pulling out a small bronze mirror. “Now we know that Japanese ungaikyo portal works for real. Shifty magical merchants rock!”

Huntsman merely studied his surrounding solemnly, “Are you sure we have the right location 89?”

“I sure am Huntsmaster! According to the info I gathered from the magic forums on the Internet, we should be the heart of Section 13, an agency dedicated to collecting all items deemed supernatural. This should be where they’re keeping those talismans you mentioned.”

The dragon slayer’s steeled with determination upon hearing this confirmation. “The Talismans of Shendu were said to hold great power once all twelve were gathered. Once we have them in our possession, the magical world will have no way of stopping us as we build the Huntsclan up. And they’ll certainly be unable to stop us once we exterminate every single beast and sorcerer from this plane of existence!”

Always one to undercut his boss’ grand and dark speeches, 88 spoke up, “So what does happen when we gather all twelve? Does Shendu show up and grant us a wish? If that’s the case, shouldn’t there be seven talismans?”

“You dork, there’s twelve talismans to line up with the zodiac,” 89 shot back, “So there’s a Virgo talisman, a Capricorn talisman, a Taurus talisman…”

“Enough,” the Huntsman growled, having no time for foolishness. “Let’s look for the vault before the guards arrive.”

“Yes Huntsmaster sir!” the two lackeys said in unison and with that, the magic hunters started searching for the vault.

After that trio left, another came onto the scene, this time by taking a rope down an opening in the ceiling. Climbing down there the Dark Enforcers, clad in classic black burglar outfits.

Ratso, ever the oaf, fell on his hindquarters and let out a small cry of pain, leading to his companions shushing him. The Enforcers walked the halls, noticing how surprisingly empty it was.

“Sweet, no guards in sight!” Ratso noted with delight, which earned him another shushing.

The Dark Enforcers then made their way to the vault unaware of just how much competition they had.

As Luz, Amity, and the rest of the Owl House gang continue their nightly stroll on the streets of San Francisco, Amity stopped and her eyes went wide, clearly sensing some trouble. Even though everything was OK back home in the Boiling Isles, the Blight could sense evil might be near them. “Amity, are you OK?” Luz asked with concern. Her girlfriend’s silence made her even more concerned.

“Hey Bossy Boots, what’s up with the silence? You’re freaking everyone out.” Eda spoke up.

“Guys, something’s up. Something…evil.” Amity said.

“Amity! We’ve already defeated Belos!” Willow laughed, believing her friend, then enemy, then friend again was overreacting. “Just relax! We’re on vacation.”

“Guys, trust me. I don’t think whatever I’m sensing is coming from the Boiling Isles, but whatever’s happening, it’s not good.” Amity said. Deciding to trust her girlfriend, Luz nodded.

“OK. Why don’t you lead us to where it might be happening, and we’ll be right by your side, ready to blast the evil away?” Luz smirked, making Amity smile back.

“But what about more of the night life?” Gus asked, a little disappointed they’re cutting their tour short.

“Yeah! I haven’t even got to see the Golden Gate Bridge!” King added.

“King, it’s not really made of gold.” Luz said.

“OK, Bossy Boots. Lead us.” Eda sighed. Amity nodded and began to lead her friends towards the alley and phone booth where Amity sensed the disturbance.

“Uh, Amity, are you sure you ain’t tired or just anxious?” Willow asked, confused as to why Amity led them to a phone booth.

“Guys, believe me! It has to be here!” Amity said. “Luz, didn’t you once tell me about secret bases underground in spy movies?”

“Uh, yeah, but I’m sure this is a simple…” Luz said, also confused.

“I’ll take care of this.” Eda smirked. She then used her staff to blast a hole in the ground, almost shaking up the whole city by the blast.

“EDA!” Luz scolded. “We’re supposed to be on vacation! What did we tell you about using magic like that?!”

Eda just grinned and shrugged. “Hey. Bossy Boots had a theory and I figured I would help to see if she’s right.” she said. Amity and Luz looked down and saw Section 13.

“Wow. There really are underground spy bases. I wonder if James Bond is based on a real person.” Luz smiled in awe, amazed that what she saw in the movies was actually real.

“OK. Let’s dip in and investigate. Eda’s blast might have alerted the bad guys, so they’ll be coming for us. We better hurry.” Amity said. With that, Team Owl House dipped inside and began walking the halls, with Luz still in awe over being in a secret agent base.

“Whoa.” Luz gasped. “I honestly thought there would be agents and guards at every point.”

“Maybe they’ve already clocked out for the night.” Gus shrugged.

“Or maybe the bad guys might have got here first. We have to hurry.” Amity said. With that, Team Owl House traveled through the halls, searching for evil.

Meanwhile, Jade creeped into her uncle’s bedroom, having woken up from the loud noise that shook the underground base. She then rushed to Jackie’s bedside and tried to get him to wake up. “Jackie! Wake up!” Jade said, but Jackie just mumbled and remained asleep. Jade growled to herself. “Jackie! Something’s happening! We gotta go investigate it! Might be the Dark Hand!”

“No no…I haven’t even studied…” Jackie mumbled.

“Wow. You’re a heavy sleeper.” Jade quipped. “Guess I’ll have to do some recon.”

Later, Jade was fully dressed, and had on her roller blades, hockey helmet, elbow and knee pads, and carried a hockey stick. She looked around the lobby, finding it completely empty. “Guards must be on a break.” she shrugged, unaware that above her, the guards were trying to scream for help. The tomboy then skated towards the vault, thinking the Dark Hand were after the Talismans, yet again.

Back outside and in the skies, Jake, in his dragon form, was patrolling the streets, having his eyes out for the Huntsclan, while Rose rode on his back. Rose smiled to herself as she kept her eyes open. Spud, Trixie, Lao Shi, and Fud Dog covered ground patrol. “You know, I can’t believe you didn’t want to put on your old uniform for this.” Jake commented, remembering that Rose had a Huntsgirl outfit.

“I wanted to show you that I’m still on your side.” Rose smiled. “Besides, black is not my color.”

Jake smiled at that. “Huh, no trouble anywhere, so far.” he noticed. “Yo Spud, anything on the ground?”

“Actually yeah. You two gotta come see this.” Spud said. “And it ain’t good.”

Jake and Rose nodded as Jake landed towards the hole that Eda made. Lao, Fu Dog, Trixie, and Spud were already there. They believed that the Huntsclan made that hole. “Looks like the bad guys beat us to the punch.” Fu Dog commented.

“Wow. Looks like some sort of secret agency.” Jake said as he looked inside. “What do you think’s in there, Gramps?”

“No telling what, but this location might hold something the Huntsmaster needs dearly to rebuild his evil empire.” Lao said.

“Then we have to go down there and stop them.” Rose said. With that, Team Dragon dropped in and began searching the halls for any signs of the Huntsclan. Spud got distracted by the high-tech control system.

“Whoa! Secret agent stuff! This is better than Jason Bourne.” Spud smirked, wanting to push a button before Trixie grabbed his hand.

“Spud! There’s no time for fooling around!” Trixie scolded. “Try being a genius for once!”

Spud pouted. “I would if you would have let me push that button.” he mumbled as he and Trixie followed the others.

Back outside and above ground, Kim and Ron have arrived in San Francisco, with Ron yawning loudly, still trying to get up and moving. “Oh man, I hate these late-night missions.” Ron said. “Why couldn’t Monkey Fist have taken time off and be with DNAmy. That way we only had to deal with Drakken, Shego, and Dementor. The big bad three.”

As soon as they reached the entrance to Section 13, they stopped at Eda’s hole. “Oh no. Monkey Fist might have beat us to the punch.” Kim gasped. She then reached for her Kimmunicator. “Wade, we’re here, but so is Monkey Fist, from the size of this hole. Can you hack into the cameras and see when he got here?”

“No problem.” Wade smirked, typing commands into his computer, accessing Section 13’s many cameras. “Huh. Monkey Fist arrived before you guys. But apparently, the hole was made right after he broke in.”

Kim and Ron were confused. Why create a big hole near the entrance if you already broke in? “OK. Weird. But we got a bad guy to stop.” Kim said with a determined grin. “Ready, Ronnie?”

“Oh you know it! Time to smack the monkey!” Ron said with a cocky grin, making Kim smile. They then slipped into Section 13 and walked through the halls, trying to find Monkey Fist.

Jade skated confidently through the halls, ready to take on any bad guy. Her gumption was admirable given that she only had a hockey stick to defend herself with. But it wouldn’t be like Jade Chan to sit out danger.

“Alright Dark Hand, come out, come out from wherever you’re hiding-oof!” Jade fell on her backside after rolling into two strangers. Jade wobbly got back on her feet as she got a good look at who she bumped into; it was two girls, one with purple hair and wearing a beanie cap, better known as Amity and Luz.

“Hey who are you guys?” Jade questioned, gripping her hockey stick tightly.

Luz, caught off guard by this chance meeting, breaking out in a flop sweat as she tried coming up with an excuse. “Well see, we’re actually guards sent here because wow it’s super understaffed here, did you notice there’s no one back there? Our street clothes are for undercover because we don’t want to tip off suspicious people like yourself! That’s it that makes perfect sense!”

Jade stared at the awkward, sweaty girl incredulously, not buying a single word she said and instead marveled at just how bad Luz’s cover story was. ‘I could have come up with something better in even less time,’ Jade thought to herself.

Even Amity could only sigh in exasperation at her girlfriend as she drew a circle in the air. A small magenta spell circle promptly appeared, channeling the young witch’s magic. “Right, I think it’s time for a new plan.”

Luz gasped, “Amity, what are you doing?! Isn’t it a little extreme to be using magic on a stranger…and a kid at that!?”

“Relax, I’d never use magic so irresponsibly,” Amity calmly reassured her, “This is just for a quick distraction.”

With a flick of her finger, Amity launched a fireball the size of a marble and landed it close to Jade’s feet, the impact no greater than a pop firecracker. As the witch planned, Jade was startled by her magic but to Amity’s surprise, the young girl quickly regained her composure.

“You think that would scare me? Puh-leeze,” Jade said, raising her hockey stick in a defensive position. “Do not underestimate me, strange girls, for I am Talisman Hunter Jade, Warrior of Peace!”

Luz’ face perked up when she heard that somewhat familiar line. “Hold the telefono…is that a modified line from The Good Witch Azura?”

Jade lowered her hockey stick, surprised to see someone else recognized the quote even in its altered form. “Uh, yeah actually. You read the Azura books?”

“Read them? Me and Amity have read them cover to cover! I’m also trying to get her caught up on all the movies,” Luz gushed, excited to find a fellow Azura reader.

The Chinese girl completely relaxed her guard, sensing no danger from the excited fangirl. Upon closer inspection, Jade noticed that the girls were only three or four years older than her, making her ease up more. “Hey, anyone who’s into Azura can’t be all bad.”

A voice then came from down the hall shouting, “Amity! Luz!”

Right on cue, the rest of the Owl House gang came jogging in. Jade was surprised by their sudden appearance and picked her guard up, gripping her hockey stick.

“Hey kiddos, next time you decide to wander off without us, could you pick somewhere besides an underground spy base,” Eda scolded them. She then took note of Jade standing in her skates and hockey equipment. “Who’s your little knight friend?”

“I believe her name was Talisman Hunter Jade,” beamed Luz.

“It’s just Jade. Jade Chan,” the younger girl introduced herself.

“Uy, where are my manners?” Luz exclaimed, lightly slapping her forehead. The Dominican girl motioned to her companions and gave them short introductions. “This is my girlfriend Amity, my best friends Gus and Willow and my second family, Eda and King.”

Everyone on Luz’ side greeted Jade warmly as the young Chan kept track of who was who. She was especially focused on King. “Well, aren’t you a cyuuuute little guy? A little funny looking but still cute!”

King’s pride flared up, causing him to puff out his chest as he boasted to Jade, “Hey I’m not cute; as my name would imply, I’m a much bigger deal than my small stature and fuzzy looks let on! I’d prefer it if you treated me with the appropriate level of respect.”

Jade could only stifle a giggle at the little Titan’s prideful display. “So, what’s a big deal like you and the rest of you doing in a top-secret place like Section 13?”

“We know it’s not good to break into private buildings like this but we had good reason to do it!” Luz explained, “As you’ve seen, we’re more magically attuned than your usual gang of kooks. Amity here sensed something really bad in here. We decided to do some investigating to see what was up.”

“That’s actually why I’m here too!” replied Jade. “I heard something from within the building and came to check if any Dark Hand goons were trying to break in.”

“Dark Hand? So, you have an idea on what could be in here?” Amity questioned.

“Yeah, bozos like the Dark Hand are always trying to steal anything magic and powerful,” Jade replied. “If I had to guess, they’re headed towards the vault. Luckily I have an idea where to find it.”

“Hey, maybe we could get Jade to lead us to whatever you sensed Amity,” Willow spoke up, “She clearly knows her way around this area.”

“Plus she seems more knowledgeable about magic than your average human,” Gus said.

Amity turned to Eda. “Your thoughts?”

Eda rubbed her chin for a moment before replying, “Eh, join the club, we got blankets.”

Delighted to hear that she’d be guiding this strange new posse, Jade skated towards the vault, saying “Then follow me!” with the Owl House gang trailing after her.

Little did they know, they passed Kim and Ron, who were taking an alternative route to the vault. “I don’t get it, Wade,” Kim said, talking to Wade through her wrist Kimmuciator. “I know that Monkey Fist likes to collect magical artifacts for his evil plans, but why strike here of all places?”

“Yeah, we’ve been walking for a bit, but I haven’t seen anything of paranormal or magical interest that he’d be interested in,” Ron chimed in.

“Well, I did some digging, and after gaining access to top secret files, with permission by Doctor Director of course, I found that they’re hiding these!” Wade smiled, pushing a button on his laptop, revealing the Talismans. “The 12 Talismans of Shendu.”

“Huh?” Kim and Ron muttered, confused and needing more info.

“You see, 900 years ago, there was this powerful fire demon called Shendu, who ruled a vast empire from within Ancient China,” Wade explained. “But he was removed from power when his subjects rebelled, and the powerful of all of them, Lo Pei, casted a spell, turning him into an immobile statue, and with it, extracted all of his powers, transferring them into talismans, one for each animal of the Chinese Zodiac, then scattered them around the world.”

“So the monkey man is after magic rocks?” Ron raised an eyebrow, almost getting the full picture.

“Seems like it. What kind of powers do these talismans have?” Kim asked. Wade smirked as he retrieved all the info and displayed it onto Kim’s wrist Kimmunicator.

“Dog is immortality, Pig is heat beam eye blast,” Wade explained. Kim and Ron were in awe, amazed that 12 simple talismans could hold such power. “Rat is reanimation-as in bringing inanimate objects to life, Rabbit is super speed, Rooster is levitation, Ox is super strength, sheep is astral projection, Horse is healing, Tiger is balance-as in, it separates your light side from your dark side, Snake is invisibility, Dragon is combustion, and last but not least, Monkey is turning stuff into animals.”

Ron gasped. “Of course! KP, don’t you get it?” he asked his girlfriend. “Monkey Fist wants to use the Monkey Talisman to turn the world’s population into monkeys so he can rule over us easily!”

Rufus, Ron’s naked mole rat, climbed onto his master’s shoulder, and nodded in agreement. “Bad monkey!” he chittered.

Kim stared at her boyfriend with wide eyes. “Uh, I know that sounds crazy Ron, but you do make a somewhat valid point,” she said, not watching where she was going, bumping into Rose, who was also trying to find the vault. After shaking it off, both teenage girls caught gaze of each other and gasped, not expecting to bump into each other.

“What are you doing here?!” both Kim and Rose asked. Ron just stood back and watched as both girls got into fighting stances.

“Are you working for Monkey Fist?” Kim demanded.

“Monkey what?” Rose asked incredulously. “Never mind! Are you working for the Hunstman?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but how did you get past security?” Kim asked.

“That’s NOYB. What you should be concerned about is shielding yourself from me!” Rose smirked.

Kim smirked, finding the blonde-haired girl’s confidence amusing. ‘Too bad she didn’t bring the right fighting clothes. I do love her pink pants though.’ “Oh yeah? Bring…” Kim was about to say before Rose grabbed her leg with one of her old whipping chains, throwing the girl who knew 16 styles of kung fu off. “WHOA!” Kim exclaimed as Rose slammed her into a wall.

“Kim!” Ron exclaimed, rushing to help his girlfriend, but he was pinned to the wall, thanks to Rose’s throwing stars. “Throwing stars?! Aw man! How’s that fair?!”

“Don’t move,” Rose warned, believing he and Kim were part of the Huntsclan.

Kim got up, and after regaining her senses, smirked again at Rose. “Spanking move,” she said.

“Thanks, there’s more where that came…” Rose smirked before she was caught off guard by Kim using Mantis kung fu. Rose did everything to avoid Kim’s attacks, but as she jumped up into the air, Kim delivered a gut kick, sending the former Huntsgirl into a wall.

“You should know I’m skilled in 16 styles of kung fu.” Kim grinned. Rose growled before pulling out her nunchakus.

“Well I’m skilled with these bad boys! And I got over 20 of them!” Rose challenged. Kim then put her cheerleading skills to good use, using backflips to avoid Rose’s nunchakus.

“Well, I don’t care! I’ve been through worst! And right after I take you down, arresting Monkey Fist should be no big!” Kim boasted.

Rose scoffed. “Seriously? You have no idea who I am or what I…” she wanted to say, but she didn’t get very far as she was pinned by her own throwing stars. She was shocked that they were thrown by Rufus, who smirked at her.

“Naked mole rat! Weird enough for ya?” Ron smirked, giving his pet a high five, happy to be free.

Kim smirked. “Where are my manners? This is Ron Stoppable, partner and the cutest BFBF!” she said, but Rose was confused by the acronym. “Best Friend Boy Friend.”

“Well my boyfriend is going to be ticked at you when he sees me trapped,” Rose smirked, hoping to intimidate the two.

“Oh sure! Oh no! I’m scared of the bad lady’s boyfriend!” Ron taunted but Kim saw something and grabbed Ron then pushed him onto the floor. She protected him from the fire breath that came from Jake, in his dragon form. Both Kim and Ron gasped as they laid their eyes on Jake.

“Meet my BF: Jake,” Rose smirked.

“DRAGON!” Ron screamed, then fainted.

“Hey! You’re not going to be messing with my lady after you get a taste of the Am Drag!” Jake boasted.

“OK! Heavily weird. But still, so not the drama!” Kim smirked. Jake then got into a fighting stance, then gasped as he recognized the face, hair, and clothes. He knew they belonged to only one person.

“No way! It’s actually you!” Jake smiled, dropping his fighting stance, and acting more like an excited fanboy, confusing Kim.

“Jake! What are you doing?! Stop her!” Rose demanded.

“Rose! That’s Kim Possible, the world’s most famous teen hero!” Jake explained. Rose gasped as she finally recognized her. Jake had told her so much about Kim Possible and her many adventures.

“No way! It’s Kim Possible!” Rose squealed with delight, confusing Kim even more. “I’m such a big fan! And I love your fashion sense!”

“OK. Extremely weird.” Kim said.

“Sorry about that. But we’re on your side. For real.” Jake said. Kim finally eased up and smiled, now believing these guys weren’t working for Monkey Fist.

“It’s no big. It’s just that I’m used to fighting monkey men and girls with green glowing fists instead of talking dragons,” Kim blushed and smiled, getting Rose free from her throwing stars as Ron woke up.

“You think that’s weird?” Jake grinned. He then transformed back to his human self, shocking Kim and Ron.

“The dragon’s a teenager?” Ron asked with wide eyes before smiling. “BADICAL!”

Kim smiled at Ron’s enthusiasm as Rose got free from the last throwing star. “There you go. Sorry about harshing on you,” Kim said sheepishly.

“It’s cool, really,” Rose smiled reassuringly.

“Jakie! What’s going on?” Trixie called out she and the rest of Team Dragon rushed to them. Trixie’s eyes then went wide when she saw Kim and Ron. “No way! Kim Possible?! Fresh from the web and in the flesh?!”

Kim smiled. “The one and only,” she said.

“Aw man! Where are my manners?” Jake said. “I’m Jake Long, aka the American Dragon. This is my grandfather, Lao Shi, who is also half dragon. That kicking girl you pinned to the wall earlier is my girlfriend, Rose. That’s Spud and Trixie, my two best friends. And that right there is Fu Dog; he works with my grandpa.”

“Hey, if we’re done with the intros, can you find me a toilet I can drink out of?” Fu Dog asked, shocking Ron, yet again.

“A talking dog?! OK, if I see one more freaky thing, I’m probably going to fall into a coma!” Ron said, already having too much overload from all the freaky stuff he’s seen so far.

“OK, moving along, what are you guys doing here?” Jake asked.

“Well, we got intel that our arch foe, Monkey Fist, former archaeologist who turned himself into a monkey hybrid, broke into here to steal these things called the Talismans of Shendu.” Kim explained.

Lao Shi gasped. “It is worse than I feared,” he realized.

“Talismans of Shendu?” Jake asked. “That’s what the Huntsman is after?”

“Huntsman?” Kim asked, still not up to speed.

“Our archfoe,” Rose explained.

“There are 12 talismans, each one for a different animal of the Chinese Zodiac. And each one contains a special powerful magic,” Lao Shi explained. “If the Huntsclan gets them, they’ll unleash chaos more powerful than the Dark Dragon.”

“Then we need to find them before the bad guys get to them first,” Jake said with a determined face.

“Lucky for us, I know where they’re at,” Kim grinned, leading Ron and Team Dragon to the vault.

Speaking of the vault, Daolon was hard at working pilfering the talismans. The sorcerer was about to bag the last talisman, the Monkey, when a British accented voiced rang, “Saving the best for last I see.”

Daolon turned around and saw Monkey Fist standing right behind him, his monkey ninjas on standby.

“Is this some sort of bad comedy act?” scoffed Daolon, “This does not concern you monkey man.”

“Oh but I believe those talismans are very much my concern, old man. I suggest you hand them over before I resort to more extreme measures,” threatened Monkey Fist, taking an attack stance. “You wouldn’t want to break a hip now, would you?”

Daolon merely cackled at the British lord’s brazen display of confidence. “Mere mortals like you have no idea what you’re trifling with.”

With a wave of his hand, the sorcerer cast a blue wave of energy over Monkey Fist and his minions, freezing them where they stood. The simian villain tried moving but his muscles were completely paralyzed; it was if he was turned to stone.

Seeing Monkey Fist try to escape in vain, Daolon cackled again as he summoned a blue fireball, preparing an execution for the lord and his troop. Just before Daolon could land the final blow, he felt a sharp blow connect with the back of his head.

Daolon let out a sharp cry as he knelt down, his vision going blurry and the bag of talismans falling out of his hand. The blow was strong enough to completely disrupt the flow of magic, setting Monkey Fist and crew free.

Standing over the weakened Daolon was the Huntsman, fist clenched in triumph. “You wizards are all alike; wielding all the magic at your fingertips yet neglecting your physical prowess. Without your spells you might as well be another decrepit old man.”

88 and 89 hooted and hollered like the Huntsman’s personal cheerleaders, confusing and aggravating the now freed Monkey Fist. This simple talisman job was now getting far too complex for his tastes.

To finish the complete menagerie of evil unfolding, the Dark Enforcers arrived to the vault, too little too late to nab the talismans.

“What is going on here?” asked a very confused Ratso.

“A complete freak show is what’s happening,” replied an unnerved Chow, “I say we scrub the mission and tell Valmont it went south. I’d rather face him than the drummer from KISS and a Planet of the Apes reject.”

“Now hold on, we can still salvage this,” said Finn, quickly trying to think of something. “What if we let them fight each other and then grab the talismans while no one is looking…”

“Freeze you three!” came a voice. The trio swiveled around and there stood Kim, flanked by Ron and Rose.

“Hey I know two of these kids! They’re those hip super spies I think…Kim Probable and her sidekick Don,” Ratso said.

“Why do I think you got that wrong?” snarked Chow.

“I don’t care if they’re Batman and Robin!” snapped Finn, “We’re not going to let some kids mess this operation up even more! Let’s get ‘em boys!”

The three charged at the teens but unfortunately for the Dark Enforcers these weren’t just “some kids”. Rose pulled out her nunchakus and put up a fight against Finn. The older man threw a series of fast jabs but each strike was stopped with a well-timed block Rose’s weapon. In retaliation, Rose followed up with several blows of her nunchakus to Finn’s arm. The Enforcer, in a surprisingly crafty move, faked a punch and instead went for a kick but Rose’s reflexed were too quick. She managed to catch the man’s leg in the chain of her nunchakus and using leverage, threw the man across the hallway, leaving him out for the count.

Chow was able to keep up with Kim and her 16 styles of kung fu but the cheerleader was just too agile for him. She managed to dodge his punches with grace, weaving back and forth until Chow was hitting air. The man grew irritated and began doubling down on his attacks, growing sloppier and vulnerable. Sensing her opening, Kim landed a solid punch on Chow’s face, laying the man on the floor.

The fight between Ratso and Ron was more comical in comparison to the other skirmishes. The dim thug managed to catch the sidekick in a bear hug. Ron squirmed and wriggled in Ratso’s grasp until he was loosened up enough to give an upper headbutt that connected with the thug’s chin, knocking him out cold.

With that, the Dark Enforcers were defeated, just in time for the rest of Team Dragon to roll in. “Yoooo, did I just miss out on some major beat downs?” said Jake, taking a gander at his friends’ handiwork.

Rose entered the vault and replied, “I think we still have some more beat downs to hand out.” The two teams gathered around her and went wide eyed; they witnessed the Huntsman and Monkey Fist cornering the stunned Daolon while arguing over the talismans.

“I don’t have time for your foolish fairy tales and dribble about mystical creatures,” snarled the angry Monkey Fist at the Huntsman. “Give me the talismans or I’ll…hold on, it appears we have guests.”

Now it was the villain’s turn to be surprised at the sight of their most hated enemies standing before them in the vault. The two sides were at a standstill, each one of them perplexed at what the other was doing here. As if this wasn’t enough to take in, Jade and the Owl House made their grand entrance.

“Finally, we made it to the vault!” Luz said bombastically. “Now let’s see if we made it before-Dios mio what is going on here?”

Luz was surprised when she saw the numerous heroes, including a dragon and a world-famous spy and blanched when she got a good look at the nefarious villains on the opposite side. “Jade, I think we found the evil Amity sensed…and it’s worse than we thought.”

Jade, unable to handle what she was seeing, cried out, “JACKIEEEE!”

At that moment, a certain hero awoke from his sleep, sensing something dangerous was brewing.


Things are certainly heating up aren't they? Please leave a comment below on how you think this crossover is going. And another round of applause to KPfan103 for plotting out and navigating this fic.

Chapter 3: Saturday's Alright For Fighting

Chapter Text

Wasting no time, Jackie rushed down to the lower levels of Section 13 and followed the trail to the vault. “Jade?!” Jackie exclaimed worriedly. Suddenly, he heard Jade’s screams as she was flying with Luz, Amity, and King on her staff.

“WHOA!” Jade screamed as they bumped into Jackie, sending him stumbling backwards, along with them. “OK, love the flying stick, but you should be more careful with who you might bump into.”

“Don’t I know it.” Luz quipped dusting herself off as Jackie got back up and went wide eyed at the appearance of them. Luz smiled sheepishly. “Oh, you must be Jade’s uncle. I’m Luz Noceda, that’s Amity Blight, and that little creature is King Clawthorne.”

Jackie was still wide eyed that these three somehow made their way into Section 13 undetected. “What are you even doing here?!” he exclaimed.

“We can explain later.” Amity said. “There’s more urgent matters.”

“Yeah! They have the talismans!” Jade added.

“Who?! Them?!” Jackie asked, pointing to Amity, Luz, and King, not sure if they can be trusted.

“Not us! Them!” Luz exclaimed, pointing to the Enforcers, who had escaped with the Talismans, and the Huntsman was right on their tail. While the stand off was happening, the trio of thugs recovered from their beating and followed through with Finn’s plan in the end.

“Score!” Finn grinned.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Jackie said, completely deadpanned. He thought the Dark Hand was over right after his adventure with closing the Demon Portals.

“Trust me. This is no joke.” Luz said, taking a fighting stance, brandishing her staff.

“I’ll take care of these clowns!” King said, ready to show off what he can do.

“Stay back, King!” Jade said, not wanting the Titan to get hurt. “Me and Jackie dealt with these guys and we know how to handle them.”

“Oh yeah? Watch this!” King smirked. He then took a deep breath and unleashed his sonic wail, sending the Enforcers backwards, causing Finn to drop the bag of Talismans.

Jackie and Jade were awestruck while Amity and Luz just grinned, like it was nothing. “Whoa. Tiny, cute, and powerful? YOU RULE, KING!” Jade smiled.

“You bet he does.” Luz smirked.

“The talismans!” Amity exclaimed, pointing to the bag on the ground.

“I’ll get them.” Jackie said with a determined face.

“I’ll help you.” Amity added. They both raced but their way was blocked off by the Huntsman.

“I don’t think so! Those are mine!” the Huntsman smirked, making his presence known to the two.

“Who are you?!” Jackie asked. He has never seen this guy with Daolon Wong or the Dark Hand.

“I am the Huntsman, leader of the Huntsclan, enemy of magical creatures…” the masked villain boasted before pulling out a machete. “...and your executioner.”

“I don’t think so.” Amity smirked as the Huntsman threw his machete at the two, but Amity used a circle spell to make it disappear, then traveled back, hitting the Huntsman in the face.

“Whoa! Luz, your girlfriend is the bomb!” Jade smiled, finding this more exciting by the minute. “Where did she learn that?”

“Hexside High.” Luz smirked, to Jade’s confusion. She’s never heard of that school before. “I’ll tell you more later.”

The Huntsman got back up and growled at Jackie and Amity. “I think your magic only made him angrier.” Jackie commented.

“Bratty witch! You're as annoying as the dragon!” the Huntsman exclaimed. Suddenly, Jake dropped down to face the Huntsman, shocking Jackie greatly, believing he could be related to Shendu. “Well, speak of the…”

“DRAGON BREATH!” Jake exclaimed, unleashing his fiery breath on his enemy, but the Huntsman did a backflip to avoid it, but made a mistake as when he tried to stick the landing, he burnt his feet and began weeping from the pain. “Good to see you haven’t changed.”

“I thought we got rid of you along with Shendu and his other demon family!” Jackie exclaimed, finding the situation growing more bizarre by the minute.

“Jackie! Relax! He’s good!” Jade assured before asking, “Aren’t you?”

“Chillax, dawg. The American Dragon would never hurt anyone else.” Jake assured. “By the way, my name’s Jake.”

Jackie relaxed at that but then used his martial arts skills to good use as the Huntsman tried to use his staff to take him out. Jake then used his own fighting skills to the test, and they proved useful against his old enemy.

“Now it’s time for J Girl to join in the fight!” Jade smirked, not wanting to be left out of the fun.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Jade.” Luz gulped.

“Tch! Watch and learn.” Jade scoffed roller skating towards the Huntsman as he’s got Jake cornered. But before the enemy of all magical creatures could deliver the blow to his nemesis, Jade roughly pushed him to the side.

“Looks like Jade’s got skill!” King cheered.

“I’ll say.” Luz smiled.

“Nice moves.” Jake smirked before he and Jade gasped as the Huntsman got back up and pulled out his throwing stars. Jake then grabbed Jade and rushed to the side so they wouldn’t get him by them.

“Very clever, girl. But not clever enough!” the Huntsman smirked, before being dealt a kick to the face by Rose.

“Not as clever as me.” Rose smirked.

“OK, 10 for the smack down, but I’d give you a 4 for the outfit choice.” Jade quipped.

The Huntsman smirked beneath his mask, happy to see his traitorous daughter. “Well, well, well, good to see you’re still healthy, Huntsgirl.” the Huntsman said. Rose gulped as she began to experience a headache as more swarms of bad memories began to flood her brain, causing her to lose focus. “Oh, do you have a headache? This should put you out of your misery then!”

“Rose! Get out of the way!” Jake exclaimed as he swooped in to save Rose from getting her head bashed from the Huntsman staff.

“Young witches and a dragon?” Jackie asked himself, still bewildered by how the night was going. “Can this get any crazier?!” Just then, Monkey Fist pounced in front of him. “I had to ask.

Monkey Fist had thought his plan would have gone well. It was a simple procedure; sneak into Section 13 and steal the talismans. No different from what he had done dozens of times before. It all came tumbling down when the British lord came face to face with the infernal sorcerer and his arcane skills. Things got more complicated with the arrival of the Huntsman and his absurd rhetoric on mystical creatures. And then his nemeses and other ridiculous characters just had to barge in. Combine that with the Enforcers miraculously getting away with the talismans and all mayhem had broken loose. Now he was staring down Jackie Chan; truly it was a night of twists and turns.

Kim and Ron had fled the chaos brewing and came to Jackie’s side, both weary of what the villain would try on Jackie.

“My goodness it has been a long while since we were last aquatinted hasn’t it Mr. Chan?” Monkey Fist said, sizing up his opponent, “Oh wait I’m being too formal. That’s no way to greet an old friend is it…Jackie?”

The archaeologist was thrown off by Monkey Fist’s familiarity with him at first but looking at him closer and listening to his voice, it suddenly came to Jackie; “Montgomery Fiske? Is that you?”

“Wait, Montgomery?” Kim said, having not heard Monkey Fist’s civilian name since their first encounter.

“You know this freak show?” inquired Jade.

“We were friends back when we were running the same archaeologist circles early in our careers. We lost touch when he decided to go into a private sector to study in Asia,” explained Jackie. He then grimaced, “He didn’t have monkey hands when I knew him.”

“Life presented us different paths Jackie and I chose the path ripe with power; it led me right to talismans of Shendu,” Monkey Fist spoke, “I should actually be thanking you Jackie. It was you telling me about Sun Wukong from your homeland that I was inspired to seek the powers of the monkey.”

Jackie gave him a confused look, “Sun Wukong? That was just Chinese folklore I wanted to share with you; I didn’t think you’d go crazy and get monkey hands! I told you I wanted to be an action movie star once, but you don’t see me in Hollywood!”

 “Ah well, the past is in the past. Right now, you and the other so-called heroes are cutting from my rightful path so don’t take what I do next personally.”

The villain snapped his fingers and his monkey ninjas came by his side. Ron tensed up seeing Monty’s minions while Kim gave a cocky smile.

“The usual monkey ninjas? So not the drama,” Kim said to herself.

“Actually, Miss Possible was it?” Jackie whispered to Kim. “I think it’s a good idea for you to go grab the talismans from the Enforcers. We’ll handle Monty and his monkeys.”

“Are you sure about that?” Kim asked, worried for the man and the safety of his niece.

“Relax KP; they got me with them. These talismans seem like a big deal so you need to go ahead and grab them,” Ron said, giving her a thumbs up. As much as monkeys still unnerved him, he was more than willing to put on a brave face for his girlfriend.

Kim nodded to her partner with a smile and turned her attention to the older man, “Alright Mr. Chan, I’ll follow your plan but only because the talismans are that important. Good luck with the monkeys.”

“Thank you and please, call me Jackie.”

With another snap of his fingers, the monkey ninjas pounced, charging straight for the heroes. Kim made it seem like she was going to attack but instead break off and made a bee line for the Dark Enforcers. The monkey ninjas were confused at first but focused their attention on the remaining three.

“I really don’t like monkeys,” groaned Jackie.

“Oh dude, ditto,” Ron muttered in agreement.

While this was unfolding, Team Dragon and the Owl House were contending with Daolon Wong. Having recovered from the Huntsman’s sucker punch, he summoned his Dark Chi Warriors and sicced them on the heroes. All this while fending off the Huntsman’s flurry of attacks

“We’ve got dark magic goons in addition to Huntsfool on our tail,” Jake said in frustration, fending off Chui the hammer wielder’s strikes, “Yo can this get any worse?!”

“Well,” Willow spoke up, trying to get a plant spell going while trying to avoid the Huntsman’s staff blasts, “you could be one of those guys.”

She motioned to 88 and 89, who were beaten up and tied up. When the mass fight broke out, they were the first to be taken off the board, making the bumbling duo’s track record even worse than the Enforcers.

Speaking of which, the Enforcers were making off with the talismans, having successfully used the ruckus as a smokescreen.

“Woo-hoo! This is why I’m in charge of coming up with the schemes gentleman,” Finn said as he shimmied up the rope with his compatriots.

“Right on Finn, you think of everything!” Ratso cheered.

“Stop right there you three!” Kim’s voice called out as she got closer to the Enforcers.

“Well, almost everything…”

As the trio of criminals climbed the ropes faster, Kim thought quickly and whipped out her laser lipstick. Aiming it at Finn’s rope, the teen spy fired the laser with surgical precision and severed the rope, dropping the Enforcer along with the bag of talismans. Standing right under the ropes, Kim stuck out her arms to catch Finn.

Secured in her arms, she set him down, saying, “That’s one bad guy.” She stuck her arms out again and caught the bag of talismans. “And that’s one sack of magical items. Please and thank you!”

Kim then scurried with the goods, leaving the rest of the Enforcers bewildered at what just transpired. Red in the face, Finn yelled to his partners, “Well don’t just stand there, after her!”

Ratso and Chow sighed as they climbed down the ropes, with the latter mumbling “It’s one of those days, isn’t it?”

Reentering the fray, Kim gasped as the Dark Warriors were charging at her, with the Enforcer trio not far behind her. “Jackie! Catch!” Kim yelled, throwing the bag to Jackie, who caught it with ease.

“Retrieve the talismans!” Daolon exclaimed.

“Uh, yeah, what he said!” Finn smirked, but he and his two comrades were roughly tossed to the side by Daolon’s warriors.

“Jackie, throw them to me!” Jade exclaimed. Jackie did just that, and Jade gave her uncle her hockey stick so he could have some sort of weapon. The Dark Chi Warriors then charged at Chan, but he made good use of his martial arts skills and the hockey stick, blocking the Warriors’ attacks. But Gan used his weapon to cut the hockey stick apart.

Luckily, Rose used her nunchakus to keep Gan at bay, impressing Jackie. “No one’s going to get the drop on anyone as long at the good guys are still standing.” Rose smirked.

“Why thank you…uh, what’s your name?” Jackie asked.

“Rose,” she smiled before both she and Jackie ducked at Chui’s hammer as he tried to smash both heroes into dust. “I take it you know these goons?”

“Unfortunately.” Jackie replied.

“You got this, Jackie!” Jade cheered from the sidelines. She then gasped as Monkey Fist’s ninjas moved closer to her.

“Give me the talismans!” Monkey Fist ordered. But Jade smirked.

“Then come and get them you dumb monkeys!” Jade challenged. She then skated away as Monkey Fist’s minions gave chase. “Tch! You think you can catch me, but I have great Jedi moves!”

Rose and Jackie were still trying to dodge the Dark Chi Warriors’ weapons, and Chui’s hammer was close to slicing the both of them, but Kim did a triple backflip and kicked the hammer straight into the wall where the Enforcers were standing. Luckily, Finn, Ratso, and Chao jumped out of the way before being hit. They then saw on the other side of the wall was a giant laser, then they all smirked.

“Thank you both for the save.” Jackie smiled.

“No big.” Rose and Kim smiled in unison before gasping. “Jinx!”

“You owe me a soda!” Rose smirked before they both gasped again as Ren swiped at them with his staff, but they both dodged his attack very easily. “Good think I left the one I used to own behind.”

“Hey red face, get a load of my monkey kung fu!” Ron smirked as he put his Monkey Powers to good use, knocking Red away then depriving him of his weapon. “No one messes with the Ronster and his lady!” Kim managed to smile at that before Daolon growled, getting quite irritated at the group of heroes. It was bad enough to deal with Jackie Chan and his family, but now this?

“Retrieve the talismans!” Daolon exclaimed, pointing at Jade skating away. Gan, Chui, and Ren then leaped forward to try and catch Jade. “And I’ll do away with you four at once!”

All four heroes gasped as Dalon focused his staff on them, ready to deliver the killing blow. But then, Luz stepped in front of them and brandished her staff with her snake shifter palismen. “You have to get through me, you old hag!” Luz glared.

“Do not underestimate, girl! For I am…” Daolon was about to say but then a blast of energy from Luz’s staff sent the dark chi wizard backward, crashing onto his back. All four heroes were in awe as Luz smirked like it was nothing.

“How did you do that?!” Ron asked, amazed at what he had just seen.

“It took years of practice.” Luz smiled. “But to be honest, I’m pretty much surprised that my realm, the Human Realm, actually does have magic. The last thing I was expecting when coming back here was to encounter dragons and dark wizards.”

“You don’t know the half of it.” Jackie quipped, still dumbfounded.

Jade amazingly evaded the monkeys as she continued to skate while carrying the bag of talismans. “Nice try little monkeys! I got the upper hand!” Jade smirked but then skidded to a halt and gasped as the Dark Warriors had her trapped, blocking her exit. But suddenly, Eda stepped in front of the pre-teen girl with a glare.

“Oh no you don’t!” Eda smirked, brandishing an urn, which then magically transported the Warriors into it, trapping them, much to Daolon’s shock.

“My warriors.” Daolon gasped.

“Way to go, Eda! You still got it!” Luz grinned.

“Wow! You put the kibosh on the Dark Warriors!” Jade grinned, impressed by the witch’s skills. “How’d you do that?”

“Well, with this thing I stole on my last day at Hexside before I got expelled.” Eda grinned. “Never leave the demon realm without it.”

“Aiya!” Uncle’s screams were heard as he then used a sword to decapitate Eda’s head, scaring Jade.

“AHHH!” Jade screamed as she held the seemingly lifeless head of the powerful witch from the Boiling Isles.

“OW!” Eda exclaimed, clearly not dead. “Oh, I hate when that happens.”

“AGHHH!” Jade screamed, more terrified after seeing Eda still talking even with her head cut off.

“Jade, get away from her! She might be working for Daolon Wong!” Tohru exclaimed.

“Tohru, Uncle, it’s cool! She’s one of the good guys!” Jade exclaimed, still freaked out by the whole situation. “She got rid of Daolon’s Warriors.”

“Huh?” both Uncle and Tohru asked, shocked that the Dark Warriors were gone so quickly.

“Yeah, Eda trapped them in her urn, leaving Daolon defenseless.” Jade smirked.

“Who’s Eda?” Uncle asked.

“I’m Eda! As in, the witch lady whose head you just cut off!” Eda said, very annoyed.

“AIYA! How could you be in this realm?! Uncle thought witches didn’t exist in the human realm!” Uncle exclaimed.

“I don’t know either, but are you sure you’re OK, Eda?” Jade asked.

“I’m fine. It just happens when you get older.” Eda said, as if it was no big deal.

As the witch reattached her head, the remaining heroes surveyed the outcome of the hectic battle; Monkey Fist and his ninjas were out of commission, the Huntsclan were now licking their wounds and Daolon had been deprived of his warriors. The only ones unaccounted for were Valmont’s Enforcers…

“Surprise!” Finn shouted as the trio were now in possession of the giant laser.

“Time for a new backup plan; blow up this stupid vault and grab the talismans!” Chow yelled in frustration.

“Now would be a good time run away,” Ratso said simply.

As the Enforcers fired up the laser cannon the heroes looked on in shock, unprepared for such a drastic move. Steeling her nerves, Luz stepped up to the plate and raised her staff in defiance. “I think I’ve had just enough of all this villain stuff! I’ve already had people that I cared about pushed around by bad guys, I’m not going to let it happen to my new friends!”

Luz then began charging up her staff with magic energy, mirroring the Enforcers’ own actions. The opposing sides then fired off, creating a superpowered standoff that Luz was visibly struggling against. Thankfully, Jake decided to step in and offer his support.

“Yo, I’m with the witch girl! I’ve had it with you dopes making things harder for us; especially…on…vacay!” Jake then roared fire at the energy beams, pushing back against the Enforcers’ laser.

As the standoff continued and as the heroes tried planning their next move to help their friends, the ever-crafty Daolon used his magic to float the abandoned bag of talismans over to him. Ron was the first to notice this and acted quickly, running over to the levitating satchel.

“Oh, that is it! If the talismans are the reasons for all this mess,” Ron raged, jumping up and kicking the bag, “then we just get rid of the talismans!” The sack was thrown into the path of the energy struggle, its contents disintegrating in a blast.

The blowback pushed Luz and Jake away and caused the laser to go off course. The cannon caused a hole in the ceiling, giving a glimpse of the night sky outside. Property damage was the furthest thing from everyone’s mind however; surrounding everyone were the powers of the talismans, now freed from their physical vessels.

The boy who unleashed this power looked on, aghast at what his actions caused.

“Uh, I did the right thing, didn’t I? D-Didn’t I?”

Chapter 4: Come Together

Chapter Text

The powers of the talismans abuzz, floating above the heroes and villains at dizzying speeds. Before their eyes could properly register what was happening, the mystic energies floated into the night sky through the hole in the ceiling. One of the balls of energy even managed to shoot into Rufus painlessly when no one was looking. With the talisman powers now dissipated completely, the quarreling parties briefly looked at each other in bafflement.

“Ah well…that’s a shame,” blurted Finn awkwardly, “Well we better report this to our boss. Come on boys let’s mosey.” The Enforcers beat a hasty retreat and before anyone else could react, Huntsman and Monkey Fist fled with their minions in tow, shouting “This isn’t over” and “We will meet again” to the heroes. Daolon Wong simply used his magic to vanish from the scene. With that, the heroes groaned, frustrated with the current situation.

“So much for getting the drop on the bad guys,” Jake groused.

“Worse, the talismans are gone forever!” moped Jade, “After all that time we spent looking for them…”

Ron felt awful about his hasty decision and felt even worse when Uncle slapped his fingers against the blonde’s head, yelping, “Ow!”

“Foolish child! Do you understand the gravity of what you have done! This is very bad!” Uncle scolded Ron.

Kim immediately came to her boyfriend’s defense, “Hey stop that! I understand that Ron was a little hasty back there, but he was trying to do good!”

Jackie stepped in to defend the young man, “Uncle you shouldn’t be so hard on him; I would have done the same thing if I were in his position.”

“Y-Yeah…Yeah! I figured with the talismans gone, nobody could use them, especially the bad guys! At least now it’s over” Ron replied confidently. This earned him another thwack from the older man.

“Aiya! Don’t you understand; you only destroyed the vessels of Shendu’s power!” Uncle explained irritably, “No talismans means that vast power has to find new hosts; in this case, animals will have to serve as the hosts!”

Jackie, Kim, and Ron were dumbfounded upon hearing this. Team Dragon and the Owl House were equally surprised by this, trying to follow along with how the talismans worked. Jade had a more contemplative look on her face.

“Who in the world is Shendu?” Luz asked.

“Oh! He’s this really big, scary demon looking dragon who lived a long time ago in Ancient China. He wielded the power of the 12 talismans, one for each animal of the Chinese Zodiac. I’ll explain more on that part later.” Jade happily explained. Jackie sighed, knowing how frustrating it could be when his niece got like this. “He also had 7 other brothers and sisters, each with their own power who each ruled their own section of the Earth. Then, Shendu was beaten by this incredible sorcerer named Lo Pei, and all of his sibling were banished by other sorcerers, and they got sent to the Demon Realm.”

Luz blinked then smiled, finding Jade’s story very fun. “Cool!” she said.

“Wait! That doesn’t make sense! WE’RE from the Demon Realm.” Gus pointed out. That’s when Jade’s eyes went wide. Not with horror but confusion. The Owl House Gang was very friendly to her and there’s no way they could even be demonic based on how they looked; even Eda’s hook hand friendly.

“You…are? But, you’re not evil like Shendu is.” Jade said.

Amity smiled. “Yes, we’re not evil but we ARE from the Demon Realm. Well, except Luz. She practically happened upon our world by accident, but probably the best kind of accident.” she said, making Luz blush under her smile. “We’re witches.” Jade’s smile brightened up at that, and Team Possible and Team Dragon also nodded approvingly, knowing they could trust them. “But anyway, we don’t think this Shendu guy you’re talking about could possibly come from the Demon Realm. He’s not in any of the history books our school gave me.” Amity shrugged.

“Well, no duh!” Eda quipped. “Hexside always wanted to whitewash anything when Belos was in charge of the Boiling Isles. When he and his siblings were banished to the Demon Realm, they unleashed a fury on the Isles. Shendu was pretty ruthless, and 6 of his siblings were pretty bad too, but the worst of them all? Po Kong! She was rude and pretty much ate everything! Oh, sorry. Losing track. Then of course, Belos aka Phillip aka Mr. Genocide came along and pushed them to the far side of the realm. Then he created a barrier to prevent them from coming back in. It was the only thing he did right. Still no excuse for Unity Day of course.”

The Owl House gang was dumbfounded that they didn’t even know that this had happened, not even from their own parents. “Moving along…if what your uncle says is true, you don’t think that the scary dark wizard and the other bad guys might go after these ‘Noble Animals’?” Luz asked Jade.

Jade nodded. “I pretty much know after all my adventures with Jackie to expect anything, even worse case scenarios.” she smirked.

“Uncle…going back to what you said earlier…what do you mean serving as the hosts?” Jackie asked nervously.

“It means Shendu’s power is once again out for anyone to obtain and wield however they wish! And if the forces of darkness get these noble host animals, they’ll have all the powers of demonic sorcerer!” Uncle explained.

“Oh no…this means we’ll have to go looking for the animals just like the talismans,” Jackie moaned in horror. “And here I was thinking it was finally all over!” He then grabbed Ron. “WHY DID YOU DESTROY THEM?!”

“Hey dude! Chillax!” Ron said, lightly pushing Jackie off of him. “If you didn’t want me to destroy them, you should have just said so. I’m not the one who put pictures of animals on rocks anyway!” Jackie then moaned in horror again.

“Hey, no need to be so mopey Uncle Jackie!” Jade said in high spirits. “We’ve been on a talisman hunt before and managed to beat the villains last time. Going after these noble animals will be a piece of cake in comparison!”

Ron stepped in and said, “Uh, since it was my fault the talismans got destroyed to begin with, I want to help you with looking for these noble animal thingies. If that’s alright with you.”

“I’ll help too,” Kim spoke up, “No doubt Monkey Fist will try looking for the animal hosts once he finds out what’s really going down. Since we have the most experience fighting him, we can bring a lot to the table.”

“Me and my crew can help you guys out too,” Jake chimed in, looking to his friends in assurance. “Huntsfool’s probably going after these noble animals and it’s already my job to protect anything magical. It’s all part of the American Dragon package.”

“While we don’t have as much personal stake in this as you all, we want to volunteer to help you with this. Consider it plain old friends helping out other friends,” Luz said, a smile on her face.

Ever the saleswoman, Eda added, “We have a few tips about magic you probably don’t have. It’d be wise to keep us around to even up the score. And I can supply more info on the Demon Realm to be better prepared. When we tell Hexside about this, they’re going to rewrite the books!”

Jade’s eyes lit up when she saw her new comrades offering to join in on their adventures. “A whole team that has our backs, with one of them being the Kim Possible? This is like one of those Azura crossovers I’ve read…no wait, this is even better!”

“Well, yeah! IT’S TEN TIMES BETTER!” Luz happily exclaimed. “This could even beat that god awful Azura crossover fic with Lord of the Rings.”

“Blech!” Amity playfully exclaimed, making Luz giggle. “Don’t get me started on that! After all, Azura and Gandolf becoming a couple…”

“EW!” Luz and Amity exclaimed before giggling.

Jade turned to her uncle and pleaded, “You have to let them come with us! It’s for the mission!”

Jackie hesitated, looking over the ragtag group of young heroes, “I don’t know, they seem awfully young for something like this. I don’t feel right dragging kids into this kind of mess…I can barely get you to stay put Jade.” Seeing the bright-eyed begging look his niece had on her face, Jackie turned to his uncle, “Do you think this is a good idea?”

The elderly man thought it over for a minute and then gave an answer, “It is true that they are a most unusual bunch…but we cannot ignore their ability to fight or their knowledge of magic. They would be most useful allies for this new journey, especially with these new forces of darkness now afoot.”

Jackie couldn’t disagree there; he would have to be blind to notice how well they all handled themselves in fighting and magic, even if they were on the younger side. He didn’t miss their connections to these new villains either, especially the now transformed Monty Fiske. They’d definitely need all the help they could get this time around. Against his nagging judgement, Jackie said, “Alright, you can all join in. But only because you can all protect yourselves and because one of you seems old enough to be a legal guardian.”

Jade cheered and whooped as the others smiled and high fived one another, happy to be of help. Eda was the only exception to joyous occasion, a small frown at Jackie’s comment and its insinuation.

“I’m just going to assume that “old enough” comment referred to the mature and all-knowing wisdom I radiate,” said Eda, sassily flipping her hair.

“You were very clever when doing away with the Dark Chi warriors, but YOU STILL HAVE LOOK OF SNAKE OIL SALESMAN!” Uncle barked.

“HEY! I’ll have you know that snake oil is very valuable where I live! What business do you partake in, billy goat?” Eda smirked back to which Uncle growled at. It’s bad enough to be called a billy goat by Tohru’s mother, but Eda of all people?

“Uh, Sensei, we should probably get started on the first locator spell.” Tohru said, trying to prevent a fight between him and Eda.

“Yeah. Besides, he coulda been talking about me! Heaven knows I’m old enough to be every one’s guardian here and then some!” Fu Dog protested. He then sniffed at King.

“Do you mind?” King asked, very bothered by Fu Dog getting into his personal space.

“Just wanted to see what kind of breed you are.” Fu Dog said. “Never saw a dog with an animal carcass mask before.”

“I AM NOT A DOG!” King protested.

“Alright let’s settle down,” Jackie called to the groups, “I think it’s best that we go to my uncle’s shop to regroup and try to find the first animal in the morning.” The heroes voiced their agreement with Jackie’s suggestion and filed out from the vault.

The battered remains of the Section 13 building were free of evil warriors and heroic do-gooders when Captain Black walked. The main was utterly aghast as he surveyed the state of the vault and its surroundings, having a sneaking suspicion Jackie Chan and his team were behind all this.

“I wonder if Dr. Director ever had to deal with clean up like this…”

Back out onto the streets of San Francisco, Monkey Fist was quietly grumbling to himself over losing the Talismans, thanks of course to Ron Stoppable. “Who does that buffoon think he is?! He should have known better than to blow up one of the most magical artifacts known to mankind!” Monkey Fist ranted. “I swear one day when I become Monkey Master, he’ll bow to me and beg for mercy! Only, THERE’LL BE NO MERCY!”

While ranting and walking, Monkey Fist failed to notice the Huntsman also walking. The two then bumped into each other. When they got a glance at each other’s eyes, they growled, ready to kill. “YOU!” the Huntsman said. “Because of you and your monkeys’ antics, I lost the one thing to grant me control of the magical world!”

“Well, sorry to rain on your parade, Huntsman, but I wasn’t the one who blew up the Talismans in the first place!” Monkey Fist pointed out. “And who are you to question my minions?! Not like your two henchmen were any better!”

The Huntsman growled. “Well, that’s because MY minions are HUMAN! And the Huntsclan believe that magical creatures pose a serious threat to the human world! And I believe thanks to your appearance, you will serve as a new trophy to show my Huntsclan how to properly kill their hunt!”

“I don’t think so! You want to eliminate me? Bring. It. On.” Monkey Fist challenged, already gearing up for a kung fu battle. The Huntsman then took out his staff, ready to kill, but then Daolon Wong jumped in between the two, shocking them both.

“Evil allies, why must we fight?” Daolon smirked. The Huntsman and Monkey Fist both looked at each other, not sure what to make of this. This dark chi wizard was also after the Talismans. Now he wants their help? “I’ve been thinking of what happened earlier, and I see great potential in you two. We all want the same thing: power. So, we must join forces together and reclaim what was taken for us.”

“How can we?! The talismans of Shendu have been destroyed, and with it, their power!” Monkey Fist angrily exclaimed.

“Yes, the talismans were destroyed, BUT their powers were not.” Daolon explained with an evil smirk. “The powers were scattered off in different directions, finding new living vessels to inhabit. With your help, we will track down these 12 Noble Animals. After we have all of the powers, we’ll use them to vanquish our enemies once and for all!”

Monkey Fist smirked back, already loving the idea. But the Huntsman was unmoved. After all, he has a hatred of magical beings and creatures after all. “I don’t believe you, wizard.” the Huntsman sneered. “I would rather be handed over to the authorities and executed for my crimes than team up with a magical being like you!”

The Huntsman turned to walk away, but not before Daolon tried to coax him back. “You must know that sometimes in order to accomplish a goal, people must overcome differences, such as ourselves,” he said. “Do as you please. But it would be devastating to you if the dragon and our enemies find the powers. I bet your reputation as a fierce warrior would be shattered…forever.”

That made the Huntsman turn back and face Daolon. “Very well. But I must warn you, I will not take betrayal likely. And since I must rebuild my Huntsclan from the way up, I wish to have 88 and 89 assist me.”

“Very well.” Daolon smirked as Monkey Fist nodded, signaling he is also on board. “We just need three new recruits.”

Meanwhile, in another part of San Francisco, the Enforcers had met up with Valmont. They hoped he wouldn’t be furious with them over losing the talismans. “Well?” Valmont asked.

The Enforcers were silent for a moment, not really sure how to break the news to their boss. “Uh, well, let’s just say we put up on heck of a fight.” Finn said with a sheepish smile. “And we did some rad damage with a laser!”

“Yeah, but then that cool girl Kim Probable and her sidekick Don blew up the loot.” Ratso bluntly said, again getting the names wrong.

“It’s Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable, Ratso!” Finn exclaimed, accidentally blurting out the truth. Valmont gasped then his stare turned icy cold.

“THE Kim Possible?!” Valmont asked, his fury rising. “It’s bad enough you three couldn’t get rid of Chan and his family, but you were really actually beaten by a 17-YEAR-OLD HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADER?!”

Finn, Chow, and Ratso shuddered. They have never seen Valmont angry like this. “Hey, look, we understand this is a major blow. So, if we can just let this go, we’ll drop the whole idea about making us partners.” Chow suggested, but Valmont was still angry.

“If I were employing you, I would fire you!” Valmont said.

Then, Monkey Fist’s voice rang out as he stood next to the Huntsman. “Why hello there.” Monkey Fist smiled evilly. “If you three are looking for new work, me, the Huntsman, and our new evil boss would very much like your assistance.”

The Enforcers looked at each other then at Valmont. To be honest, teaming up with a monkey man and a guy with a dragon skull mask is better than stealing magical artifacts for Valmont and not getting paid. “So, what’s the gig pay?” Finn asked with a smile.

Both Monkey Fist and the Huntsman stepped aside, letting Daolon’s presence be known. He then brandished his staff and chanted the names of his Dark Chi Warriors before blasting Finn, Ratso, and Chow with a burst of magic energy. They screamed as they were reforged into brand new minions.

“You’re orange.” Ratso pointed out after the transformation was complete.

“You’re bald!” Chow pointed out.

“Freaky.” Finn commented. This was something different than the last two times they served with Valmont.

“Bow before me, Dark Chi Warriors.” Daolon commanded. The three had enough of this. They should be their own masters.

“Finn don’t bow to no one.” he smirked. But then Daolon used his hand and with a wave of dark magic, he managed to make all three Enforcers bow to his feet.

“Very impressive.” the Huntsman smirked under his mask. “I can barely get 88 and 89 to do that, even with magic.”

“You certainly have a way to control mere mortals.” Monkey Fist grinned evilly.

“They are no longer mortal men, but powerful servants, enslaved to do our bidding. And they will greatly assist us in locating the talisman powers.” Daolon explained.

Valmont then approached the villainous trio. Sure, he was a hard-nosed boss, but he did care about his Enforcers enough to make sure no one could enslave them. “Now see here! Finn, Ratso, and Chow are my servants, and I would beg you to let them…”

That’s all that Valmont could get out before Monkey Fist punched him square in the face. Daolon used the opportunity while Valmont was dazed to use his magic, and bury him in the sidewalk.

“Now, when do we start hunting?” the Huntsman asked. He didn’t have to wait long for an answer as Daolon’s staff glowed red.

“Immediately. For one of the talisman powers is near.” Daolon smirked. “Come, my warriors.”

He then used his staff to make himself, Monkey Fist, and Huntsman disappear in a blue wave of dust. “Where’d they go?” Ratso cluelessly asked. But then he and his two fellow Enforcers disappeared in the same blue wave of dust as well, leaving Valmont buried in the sidewalk.

“Wait!” Valmont cried out. “You can’t just leave me here! Release me at once!” A car then drove past him, splashing a rain puddle onto his head. He sure hoped someone would free him by morning.

Morning would come and it would have all four teams gathered around Uncle’s antique shop and talked amongst themselves as Tohru and Uncle were hard at work on the locator spell.

“So…you’re telling me that dragons are in charge of an entire magical world hidden from humans,” Ron said to Jake before he turned to Rose, “And you were part of a group of hunters trying to wipe them out before going turncoat?”

“That’s the gist of it. Believe me, my magic hunting days are long behind me!” Rose replied, embarrassed over her time as Huntsgirl.

Ron let out a long whistle before saying, “And I thought me and KP had problems with the whole saving the world thing. Thanks for helping protect the parts we can’t see, oh, and glad you guys made everything work out!”

“The idea of a magic world hidden among regular humans is fascinating to me,” Amity spoke in amazement. “I’ve only ever known magic being commonplace around the world of demons; there’s so much I need to learn about the mortal realm.” She then noticed Jake staring at her with interest. “Do I have a zit or something?”

“Oh no. You just sound just like my GF, Rose.” Jake explained.

“I do?” Amity asked.

“Yeah. You kind of do.” Rose smiled. “I think we might qualify to be somewhat distant sisters. I just need to learn more about your life.”

“Oh, you’ll know more the more we hang out.” Amity said with a sheepish grin.

“As for teaching you more about magic in the human world, as the American Dragon, I’m more than qualified to be y’all’s tutor,” Jake offered, puffing out his chest a little.

King hopped up and down to get everyone’s attention. “Don’t count us out just yet! We can teach you guys so much about the Demon Realm; for example, I’m a Titan, one of the creatures who help power up the magic in the Boiling Isles. Once I get older, I’ll basically be like a dragon times ten!”

“And he’s ultra adorable!” Willow gushed.

“I AM NOT ADORABLE!” King complained, stamping his feet in protest.

“Awww! And he’s stamping his little feet!” Jade gushed.

“You sure are a cute, cranky little guy, aren’t ya?” Spud playfully teased. King growled before sitting back down and pouting.

“Don’t let teasing get to you. You did show some pretty serious firepower back at the vault,” said Kim, “I think it’s going to be interesting to see what kind of surprises from a surprisingly cute…no, handsome fuzzball like yourself.”

King couldn’t help but beam at Kim’s compliment, quickly warming up to being on one team. Luz was long on board with the idea, taking in the setup with starry eyes.

“Okay it’s one thing to team with a world-famous super spy for a treasure hunt but to find out that there was a world of magic on Earth all this time!? It’s like every urban fantasy and superhero cartoon rolled up in one…we just need aliens for science fiction and that completes the whole set! It’s just…maravilloso, all of it! Never would I have thought I’d live to see this day! My mom would geek out along with me!”

Kim couldn’t help but give a good-hearted chuckle at Luz’ geek out. “I should take her to meet my cousin Larry if I ever get the chance. They’d get along spankingly.”

“Hey! It’s good that you wanna set up your cuz with a new friend. Maybe Luz would be thrilled to know you collect…” Ron started to say but Kim was quick to shut her boyfriend up.

“DON’T SAY CUDDLE BUDDIES!” Kim whispered harshly. “Just because I’m carrying Pandaroo in my backpack doesn’t mean I want people to think I’m a total geek as well!” She then let go of Ron and chuckled sheepishly. “What were we talking about?”

“I’m with Luz here; not only do I get to work with one of my heroes but we have two whole squads of magic users. This time around, the bad guys won’t stand a chance!” Jade said, pumping her fist triumphantly.

Jackie, while nervous, managed a smile at Jade’s enthusiasm as he came back with a tray of snacks and drinks. “Is anyone hungry? You all must be starving after what happened last night.” he happily offered.

“Thank you, Mr. Chan.” Luz smiled as she and Jade took some chips and soda. “But I don’t think my friends would enjoy that.”

“Why not? Do they only eat healthy food?” Ron asked.

“No. They don’t eat human food at all. Since they’re witches, they have to eat anything that comes from the Demon Realm. Like Apple Blood.” Luz explained.

Everyone, minus the Owl House gang, cringed as Luz explained it to them. “You mean apple juice, right?” Jade asked with a nervous smile.

“No.” Luz said sheepishly, making everyone cringe again.

“Luz, it’s fine.” Amity smiled. “Believe it or not, during our last time in this realm, our bodies actually adapted to handle human food. We just found out after we defeated Belos.” Luz was a bit surprised, but smiled as Amity ate some corn chips messily, making Luz giggle.

As the groups chattered and laughed amongst themselves, Eda was looking around the antique shop, nose upturned, completely unimpressed. “I don’t know who would come in and willingly buy this junk,” Eda spat with disdain as she picked up a Fabergé egg, “If we were in the Boiling Isles, I’d make a killing selling everyone dinglehoppers-only the finest dinglehoppers of course.”

“Don’t think I can’t hear you witchy woman!” Uncle called out as he and Tohru entered the shop.

“Looks like the billy goat is jealous over my business acumen,” Eda snickered to the others.

“And what would you have sold that is worth value in the Boiling Isles, witch woman?” Uncle smirked.

Eda grinned as he pulled out her suitcase of human stuff, including a pair of Crocs, fidget spinners, and deodorant. “This is the finest human stuff that beings of the Demon Realm pay top price for!” she said.

There were a few minutes of silence before Uncle laughed harshly. “That stuff wouldn’t buy you a good meal of Chinese food in this realm!” he teased, earning a growl from Eda.

“Oh, and you think people would want to buy something as old as you are?” Eda shot back.

“Could you try acting your age in front of the children snake oil saleswoman?” Uncle growled.

“You always use saleswoman as an insult yet how much merch have you moved?” Eda said, running a finger down a grandfather clock and rubbing around the dust she accumulated. “Ever thought of holding a clearance sale billy goat?”

Uncle was red in the face and was about to let her have it when Tohru stepped in, “Sensei, I would think it would be wise to focus on the locator spell. It’s all prepped and ready to go.”

The older man cooled off and turned to Tohru. “Yes, the locator spell; with it, we should be able to find Daolon before he gets to the first Noble Animal.”

“Whoa, I thought we were looking for animals.” Jake said.

“Each Noble Animal requires a different locator spell. But we do not have time to research them all, not with our enemies on the loose.” Lao Shi explained.

“I see! We track down the bad guys, they’ll lead us to the animals.” Ron smirked.

“Exactly! Now we just need to find a proper conduit…” Uncle explained.

As Uncle looked around, a beep came from Kim’s wrist. Answering her Kimmunicator a holographic projection of Wade appeared, to the surprise of everyone.

“Sorry to interrupt but after everything Kim relayed to me at the vault, I couldn’t help eavesdrop,” the holo-Wade said. “If you want, why don’t you use the Kimmunicator wristband as a conduit. That way we can track the bad guys and this power faster.”

“Mix technology with magic! Child don’t you realize how dangerous that is?” gasped Uncle.

“I’ll admit I don’t know too much about magic, but I built this new Kimmunicator to withstand most scenarios,” Wade explained, “I have a hunch it’ll be able to handle at least one spell.”

Uncle’s face was twisted with worry, a firm believer in only using magic for magical scenarios. Kim sensed his trepidation and said, “Trust Wade on this. Team Possible wouldn’t be where we are without him and I just know he won’t let us down now.”

“Desperate time calls for desperate measures Mr. Uncle,” Ron pointed out, “We don’t have much to lose here.”

Sensing the trust the duo had in the young tech guru, Uncle relented and began chanting an incantation, transferring the spell into the wrist device. The Kimmunicator began to glow before casting a projection onto a wall.

“Whoa! I’m getting more info with that magic spell than with my usual methods!” Wade exclaimed from Kim’s wrist. “Let me try to fine tune it before it fries my hard drive.”

The projection came into focus and soon a clear image showed Monkey Fist, the Huntsman and Daolon Wong on the streets of San Francisco! “Monty and the Huntsman are teaming up with Daolon? This is bad.”

“You’re right about that, Jackie. All we need to do is figure out where they’re going.” Kim smiled, her usual confident self as the spell showed that the three bad guys were heading too…

“A dog show?” Jackie, Kim, Ron, Luz, Jade, and Jake asked.

“Oh great! The one place where my kind is exploited because our owners just want to look good!” Fu Dog groused. “Of course, I didn’t mean you Gramps.” Lao Shi smiled before Uncle gasped as he realized something.

“Daolon has located the power of immortality! They’ve managed to find the noble dog!” Uncle cried out as the image faded away. “It seems you two were right to trust your friend.”

“He sent us the exact coordinates from the spell to boot; he really does rock,” Kim smiled, checking her Kimmunicator. “The dog show isn’t far from here. We haven’t got a moment to lose!”

“I’ll come with you; we need to make sure we get the right dog,” Uncle declared. He then turned to Eda and shouted, “Witchy woman! I’m leaving you in charge of the shop. As Stoppable said, desperate times call for desperate measures.”

“What and miss all the fun?” protested the Owl Lady. “Give me one reason I should sit around and try to sell useless knick-knacks?”

“If you do as I say, I’m willing to pay you,” Uncle replied with gritted teeth, “Don’t be a bigger pain in my behind than you already are.”

Eda was about to say something else but cut her remark short and simply strolled behind the counter with a sigh. “You’re lucky I need human funds old man.”

With that settled, the teams gathered up and were about to set out when Luz grabbed her bag and ran to the back of the shop, yelling “Hold on I need to do something first!” Less than a minute later, Luz rejoined the group, now dressed in her Azura cosplay.

“Luz what are you wearing?” Kim asked with a chuckle.

“I figure since Kim Possible goes around in a mission outfit, Luz Noceda should do the same with a certain twist to it. Now come on, we got a dog show to crash!” the girl hollered as she charged into the streets.

Kim turned to Amity and remarked, “Something tells me she always this hyped.”

“It’s what I love about her,” the witch replied with a grin.

“You heard Luz! Let’s go team!” Jade smirked as all four teams rushed out. King then noticed Jade’s plush Super Moose.

“Soon, Mr. Moose, we shall drink the fear of those who plan to destroy light!” King smiled as he marched out, following the others.

Chapter 5: You Ain't Nothin' But A Hound Dog

Chapter Text

At the dog show in Downtown San Francisco, the dogs and their owners were all lined up perfectly, wanting the city to know which one of these canines was the most noble enough to win. Suddenly, a stray gray and white dog approached one of the show dogs, wanting to get to know the fellow canine, but the owner gasped, not wanting his dog to be dirty with germs like the stray possibly has. “That stray is harassing my Jasper! Security!” the owner called out.

A security guard picked up the scruffy looking dog and tossed him out the emergency exit. “Get out of here.” he said. The stray then looked behind him, and there he saw Daolon, Monkey Fist, and the Huntsman, looking for the Noble Dog that contained the power of immortality. The stray, clearly frightened, ran back inside, wanting to get away from the three bad men. He ran across the stage, much to the guard’s displeasure. “Hey you!” the audience laughed at that as Daolon, Monkey Fist, and Huntsman set their sights on the show dogs. 

“Which of these is the beast we seek?” the Huntsman asked.

“It could be any of them!” Monkey Fist pointed out. “How are we supposed to know which of these dogs is noble?! I don’t suppose you have a way of finding out, do you, wizard?”

Daolon ignored the quip and just smirked evilly. “Do not worry. There is a simple way. If we destroy them, only one will be left standing. The one that holds the power of immortality.” he explained. 

The Huntsman smirked under his helmet. “Perfect. With the power of immortality, nothing will be able to crush us.” he said. 

As they began to plot on how to destroy the dogs, and while the security guard chased the stray, our newly formed mega team entered, hoping to save the Nobel Dog from the bad guys. “OK, guys. The Dog Talisman holds the power of immortality. So the power has to be in one of the dogs.” Kim said, already taking lead. But as soon as they saw all the show dogs, they were baffled.

“But which one?” Jackie asked. 

“Aw man! This might take forever!” Jake said. Just then, the stray then approached King with a smile, hoping the Titan could be a new playmate and keep him safe from the guard. He barked happily as he hopped in front of him.

“Uh, hello?” King waved meekly. The stray barked happily, then King ran, clearly confused by the creature, starting a game of chase. “Please leave me alone! I’m supposed to defeat evil right now!”

Jade then glanced and gasped as she saw Daolon, the Huntsman, and Monkey Fist. “Jackie!” she exclaimed, pointing to them.

“Oh, well, look who decided to show up.” Monkey Fist said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He, Daolon, and the Huntsman then got into fighting stances.

“Let’s switch it up.” Rose smirked. “Jackie, handle the Huntsguy. Me and Kim will take care of the old evil dude, and Luz can handle Monkey Fist.”

“I like the way you think.” Kim grinned as she, Rose, Jackie, and Luz began to fight. Jackie showed incredibly coordination as he ducked the Huntsman’s attacks. As the Huntsman prepared to use his staff, Jackie then grabbed it with his legs and used it as leverage, sending the warrior onto his back as Jackie flipped him.

Kim and Rose worked together to avoid Daolon’s advances, ducking and delivering smooth punches. “You bratty girls are becoming an annoyance to me!” Daolon growled. 

“Good.” Rose and Kim smirked, delivering a gut kick, sending Daolon backward and landing in a giant dog food bowl.

“That’s gotta hurt.” Jade smirked as King was still being chased by the stray. “King, will you stop playing around? You’re going to miss the fun!”

“Does it look like I’m playing around?!” King exclaimed. “I can’t get him off of my tail!”

Even Monkey Fist’s skills were no match for Luz’s magic, as she used circle spells to make ice and fire glyphs, distracting the primate villain. “You’re no match for the future Monkey Master!” Monkey Fist growled after shaking off Luz’s fire spell.

“Do not underestimate me! For I am Luz, human and warrior of peace! NOW EAT THIS SUCKA!” Luz smirked, using his favorite Azura quote, blasting a ray of energy from her staff, sending Monkey Fist flying into a giant toilet bowl.

“Boo yah! Score one for the good guys!” Ron smirked, high fiving Jake. 

“Quick, kid! We better take the dog away from them!” Fu Dog said.

“But WHICH dog?!” Jake asked.

“Were any of you not listening?!” Uncle barked. “The most noble one!”

“We’ll have to take all the dogs then.” Kim said, already figuring out a plan. Jackie sighed as he, Kim, Luz, Ron, and Jake took the dogs’ leashes.

“Sorry! We’ll bring him back!” Jackie exclaimed.

“Emergency, ma’am. We’ll keep her safe.” Kim said.

“Life or death situation. No time to argue!” Luz exclaimed.

King then ran outside as the stray continued to chase him. “QUIT FOLLOWING ME!” King exclaimed. “I’M NOT OF THIS REALM!” Then Daolon growled as he got up, followed by Monkey Fist and the Huntsman.

“Now what?!” Monkey Fist asked.

Daolon then waved his staff, summoning Finn, Ratso, and Chow. The heroes gasped as they saw the Enforcers appear in thin air. “Aren’t those the same guys who we fought last night?” Ron asked.

“Yeah, but something’s different. They didn’t look orange last night.” Kim said, feeling uneasy.

“They got a Dark Chi makeover.” Jade realized as her eyes went wide. 

“Warriors, get them!” Daolon ordered. With that, the heroes ran towards the exit with Jackie walking the dogs.

“Good dogs! Go, go!” Kim said. 

“Get along little doggies!” Jade exclaimed as Tohru, Jake, and Gus closed the doors to the showroom. Then Tohru used a soda machine to block the Enforcers in. But even Jackie knew with their new powers, the bad guys wouldn’t be trapped for long.

“Luz, do you think you can trap the Dark Hand guys in another one of those urns?” Jackie asked.

“Uh, I haven’t really studied much about trapping magical foes in artifacts yet.” Luz smiled sheepishly. “That’s coming up next year. Plus I'm running on what little magic King is giving me so I don't to push it. Eda’s the more experienced one.” She then realized something. “Oh wait. She’s not here.”

Uncle shrugged. “We don’t need owl lady’s urn anyway! It’s full like her ego!” Uncle quipped, making Luz glare at the elderly Chinese shopkeeper. 

“YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!” Luz exclaimed. “Eda is a great witch! And if you would have let her come along, she would have showed you why!”

Kim and Jackie sighed, but luckily the argument didn’t last for long as Chow used his newfound strength to bust down the door and the soda machine. “Whoa. They’re super strong.” Rose commented. 

“I am so buff!” Chow smiled, actually loving his powers so far.  And Ratso and Finn levitated and broke through the roof, then landed right next to Chow. 

“Hey! We can fly!” Ratso realized.

“Groovy!” Finn happily exclaimed.

“That would be so cool, if they weren’t going to hurt us.” Ron said with a nervous smile. The Enforcers then leaped through the air, ready to strike down the new team of heroes.

“RUN!” Jade exclaimed. Jake then stepped in front of his new teammates and smirked.

“I’ll handle these circus clowns!” Jake grinned. “DRAGON UP!” With that, he transformed into his dragon form and used his tail to knock away the Enforcers. With that, the heroes ran with the dogs to the park, hoping they would be safe until they could find the Noble Dog.

“Aw man! That gotta hurt.” Finn said as he got up, still feeling dazed before Jake landed in front of them again. 

“If you thought that hurt, you three will be feeling this in the morning!” Jake smirked, using his dragon breath to burn the Enforcers’ feet. They began jumping up and down in pain as they felt their toes burn. Tohru smiled and gave Jake a thumbs up as Daolon, Monkey Fist, and the Huntsman looked on with disappointment. 

“My minions would have probably handled this better.” Monkey Fist grumbled. Daolon then used his staff and then gave the Enforcers’ the weapons that belonged to Daolon’s warriors. 

“Score!” Finn smirked.

“Uh, we’re probably going to need some hardware of our own.” Jake said, the grin on his face fading as he saw the weapons. 

“Attack!” Daolon ordered. With that, the Enforcers leapt and used their weapons to try and cut Jake and Tohru. But Jake dodged their attacked using his size and Tohru used his strength to pull a stop sign off it’s hinges and used it like a shield to keep the Enforcers at bay. But Finn used his weapon to cut through the sign, making Tohru gulp as he realized they were in trouble. 

Meanwhile, over at the park, people were just chilling and having fun, playing Frisbee and whatnot. Jackie and Kim worked together to walk the dogs into the park, hoping they would be safe from Dalon, Monkey Fist, Chow, and the Enforcers. “Good dogs. Good dogs.” Kim smiled, handling it with ease, impressing Jackie.

“Thank goodness you know how to handle these dogs, Kim.” Jackie smiled.

“Well, I do a lot of dog walking and pet sitting jobs.” Kim said with a smile, trying to remain humble. “I actually always wanted a dog but luckily that encounter with Drakken’s pet poodle changed my mind. At least it’s not like the fetch incident.”

“Fetch incident?” Jackie asked curiously. But before Kim could even answer, one of the show dogs spotted the Frisbee, his eyes going wide and smiling. That caused the other dogs to follow suit, already taking off after the Frisbee, dragging Kim and Jackie along with them.

“Oh no! Not again!” Kim exclaimed as she held on tight to the dogs’ leashes. 

“Bad dogs, bad dogs, bad dogs!” Jackie exclaimed as he too held on tight. Jade and Ron were running up to catch up to them.

“Oh no! It’s a repeat of the fetch incident!” Ron exclaimed, remembering that painful experience. “I still have the burns and scrapes from that time!”

“Kim! Tell them to heel!” Jade called out. 

Kim did in fact hear Jade and did just that. “Heel, dogs!” Kim ordered. The dogs did just that and as soon as they did, the Frisbee players dropped the Frisbee and ran. Kim smiled. “Phew. That went better than I expected.” she said. She then noticed Jackie was on his back, feeling dazed from being dragged around by show dogs. “Jackie?”

“Stay…” Jackie said, still feeling dazed. 

While the other heroes had yet to reach the park, King had entered, still being chased by the stray hound from earlier. The young Titan could take a lot of things, itchy welts, blistering boils, even severely ingrown toe claws, but this dog managed to get under his skin like nothing before.

“Argggggggh! What is it with these human realm creatures!? Not even the nastier demons were ever this annoying! And they’d try to suck your blood!” cried out King as the dog continued sniffing him curiously.

In a huff, King tried scaring off the canine by trying to pull of the most frightening face he could manage…although because it was King, his most frightening face was more comical than anything, his eyes hilariously bugged out of his skull and his tongue flapping about. Naturally the stray wasn’t the least bit intimidated by the Titan and showed his affection by licking King.

The sensation of licked tickled King and he sound found his heart melting for the canine. The dog’s affectionate nature was simply too infectious for King. He could feel the warm, fuzzy feelings radiating off the little four-legged creature.

“D’awwwww. Why are you Earth creatures so hard to hate? I swear it’s like you’re all like Luz!” said King as he pet the stray dog’s head. The canine wagged his tail, appreciative of the young Titan’s gesture.

Their bonding moment was tragically cut short when Luz and the rest of the new team came rushing into the park. “King, haul tail! We don’t know how long Jake and Tohru will hold the bad guys so we have to get the lead out!” Luz yelled. 

Not wasting a moment, King ran with his friends, rushing them towards Jackie, Kim, Jade, and Ron. 

Back at the entrance to the dog show, Chow lifted Tohru up in the air and threw him onto the hood of a Ford. Jake gasped, now knowing the Enforcers could so some serious damage to them but he didn’t even had time to fly after Tohru as Ratso grabbed him by his tail and began to swing him around. “DUDE! NOT COOL!” Jake exclaimed, already getting dizzy before Ratso flung him to where Tohru landed. “AW MAN!” 

Tohru was still shaking off the crash when he saw Jake’s shadow but didn’t have time to move away as the American Dragon landed on Tohru and the car, crushing whatever was left of the vehicle. After getting over the daze, Jake heard the 480 pound Japanese man groan in pain. “Oh, sorry big guy.” Jake chuckled sheepishly. 

“I’ve had worse. Believe me.” Tohru assured through his groans. 

“Face it, dude. You guys are no match for…” Finn boasted before trying to come up with a cool team name to go with their new makeovers. 

“Whatever we are!” Ratso smiled stupidly. 

Once the majority of the heroes have found a quiet place and caught their breaths, Uncle, Gus, and Fu Dog lined up the dogs, ready to discover which one was the noble one.

“Okay so maybe we should have a better guideline on what counts as noble. You just saying, ‘we’ll know it when we see it’ doesn’t exactly help,” Gus said, looking over the dozens of dogs they ushered out.

“Aiya! This should be easy for you kids, especially when you come from the realm of demons,” Uncle sighed, exasperated.

“Say no more, I’ll have our prize dog identified in a jiffy,” Fu Dog declared confidently as he got on all fours. He began sniffing a dog’s hindquarters, much to the disgust of the male witch.

“Oh, that is just nasty!” spat Gus, “I get you’re a dog, but you’re a dog that can talk, have some manners!”

“Hey, I don’t see you coming up with any helpful ideas Glinda! Why dontcha just use your fancy Demon Realm magic to find our pooch?” Fu shot back.

The talking Shar Pei had Gus beat with that remark since the young witch fumbled around his words in search for a response. “Um…well…I mean…there might be some spell that can help us…I think?”

The older magic user was now giving Gus a skeptical look. “Uncle would also like to know how your witchcraft would be of use here.”

Gus frowned and said, “Man…why couldn’t Hexside have taught us useful stuff?”

As the trio argued on how to find their Noble Dog, Jade and Amity watched the whole scene unfold, unamused looks plastering their faces.

“It seems like finding the first Noble Animal might take some time,” Amity said huffily.

“Seems the others found something else to focus,” spoke Jade, motioning to Luz and Rose and what they were looking at. All four pairs of eyes were on King playing fetch with his new dog friend, laughing and whistling each time the canine gave the stick back to King to be thrown again. It brought out the girl’s smiles, even in trying times like these.

The young Titan and his dog ran up to the four, excited to show off the new friend he made. “I cannot believe how cool the creatures on this plane of existence are! This little guy is so full of energy, it’s almost hard to keep up! Why don’t more people bond with this dog animal?”

“Gee, that’s a real mystery King. We should really fix that,” Rose humored him with a good-natured chuckle.

“Do you have a name for him yet? It’s only fair that you get first call on naming after all,” Luz said.

“Huh. You’re right; a special friend of mine deserves a special name!” King looked at the canine, trying to think of a name that would best suit him best. “How about I name you…Scruffy? It fits because you are scruffy in a good way; it adds to your character.”

The dog barked excitedly and wagged his tail, showing enthusiasm for the name Scruffy. King could only beam with joy, happy that his new friend liked his suggestion.

“Scruffy is as good a name as any and it fits just like you said,” Jade commented, walking over to the dog to give him a scratch behind the ears. Scruffy enthusiastically returned the favor by licking her face, showing he considered her a friend as well.

“Isn’t this a lovely little scene? If you snapped a picture it would make for a nice post card.”

The heroes froze, wide eyed, and looked in the direction of that familiar, venomous British accent. Sure enough of it was the trio of villains, now looking more determined and angry than ever before.

“The time for games is long over,” the Huntsman said, raising his spear menacingly at the five, “You will hand over the noble animal rightthisinstant. One of the dogs may be immortal but I can’t say the same for the rest of you.”

“You’re getting that pooch as long as we’re still standing.” Rose smirked, already getting into a fighting stance. 

“Ronald, walk the dogs.” Jackie said, handing the leashes to Ron as he got into a fighting stance as well. As soon as the show dogs saw a cat, they immediately began chasing after it, dragging Ron along with them.

“THIS IS WORSE THAN THE FETCH INCIDENT!” Ron exclaimed as he held on for dear life. 

“You want a piece of me, Freddy Krueger?!” King smirked as he prepared to use his horns to charge against the bad guys.

Daolon chuckled evilly. “Very well. Since you seem one of the most powerful…” Daolon said, brandishing his staff. “’ll be first.” 

Luz gasped as she became worried for the young Titan. Scruffy, sensing his new friend was in danger, ran up to Daolon to give him a piece of his mind. “Scruffy!” Jade exclaimed worriedly.

Scruffy then bit on Daolon’s robe, making the dark chi wizard growl. “Mongrel, begone!” Daolon exclaimed, using his staff to blast Scruffy out of existence, but after the wave of dark magic disappeared, everyone was wide eyed. 

“Whoa.” Jade said, awestruck.

“Get out.” Kim said.

“No way.” Luz said.

“Yes way.” King said, also awestruck for someone of his species.

“What the…?” Daolon asked. Scruffy growled, still alive, still wanting to protect his new friends, showing a fierceness in his eyes. Daolon looked deep into the stray’s eyes and finally knew who was the noble dog. “The immortal!” 

“That is the noble dog we have been looking for?” Jackie asked, shocked as everyone else.

“Why didn’t you sniff his behind?” Gus asked Fu Dog.

“Hey! I don’t sniff strays!” Fu Dog said. “Just because I drink out of a toilet doesn’t mean I don’t have standards too!”

Chapter 6: Dog Days Are Over


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Just as the heroes were getting over the shock of Scruffy’s true nature, the Enforcers came running up from behind, with Jake, battered from the earlier fight, not far from behind.

“You guys watch out; these aren’t the usual goofy henchmen we usually fight!” Jake warned them as the denizens of the park left in a panic.

“Don’t you hate it when the bad guys actually get decent upgrades?” groaned Kim.

“Jade, shoo.” Jackie said, casually pushing Jade away so she wouldn’t get hurt.

“Awww…” Jade groaned.

“Quick, we need to deal with the Enforcers while taking care of Scruffy! We can’t let Daolon get his hands on a single Noble Animal!” Luz said urgently. She then noticed Jackie’s stern glare while glancing towards Jade. “Oh, and we have to make sure Jade’s safe as well.”

Jackie quickly thought of a plan and told everyone, “Rose and Kim, you’re with me; we’ll help Jake take on the Enforcers. Luz, Amity, Willow, King and Ron will run defense for the Noble Dog to keep him AND Jade safe. Are we clear?”

“Got it Jackie; let’s move people!” Kim affirmed as everyone got into their respective conditions. Jackie, Kim and Rose took their combat positions as they faced off with the newly empowered Dark Enforcers.

“We won’t make it easy for you and your cheerleaders this time Chan!” Finn shouted at the trio, “You’re dealing with powers beyond your wildest imagination!”

“Yadda yadda yadda; once a henchman always a henchman,” Kim dismissively said. With words exchanged, the fight was on; Jackie took on Chow while Kim squared off with Finn. This left Ratso lumbering after Rose. Before he could even raise his weapon, the young dragon dive bombed the giant mook.

“Remember me big boy? Round two, let’s go!” Jake shouted as he wrapped his serpentine body around Ratso, putting the Enforcer into a tight squeeze. With the large demon man now immobilized, Rose was now free to get a kick, punch, and another kick in.

On the battlefield, Jackie and Kim were slugging it out with Chow and Finn, the villains enjoying their newfound power as they swung their weapons with reckless glee.

“Hard to keep up huh? That’s the new and improved Finn you’re dealing with Chan, gifted from a great and powerful sorcerer! Oh, I bet you’re oozing with jealousy ain’t cha?” taunted the Enforcer as he spun his blade.

Jackie, unimpressed, merely caught the blade with both his hands and remarked, “You talk too much.” He then managed to clock Finn with a well-timed high kick, still holding the weapon in his hands.

Kim got a laugh out of that. “Like I said, once a henchman…” The teenage super spy was cut off as she dodged a strike from Chow’s staff. She then backflipped toward the slide but her legs were soon caught by Chow’s chains. Chow was about to drag her, but Kim flipped onto the swing and swung at Chow, knocking him out of the game for a while. “...always a henchman.” Kim smirked at the last line as she got free from the chain.

Rose then backflipped onto the slide to get away from Ratso, but Ratso grabbed her legs once she reached the top. “Going down?” Kim smirked as she hopped onto the slide and kicked Ratso all the way down.

“Thanks for the save,” Rose smiled.

“So not the drama,” Kim smiled back before both of them gasped as Finn approached them with his blade.

“Possible…Thorn,” Finn glared menacingly as the three duked it out with Kim and Rose doing black flips and hero pose landings to avoid Finn’s attacks. The two then jumped onto the monkey bars and climbed in opposite directions as Finn’s blade sliced through the structure. But when the structure collapsed, Finn went down with it and Kim and Rose got onto their feet and joined Jackie and Jake.

“Wait, how did he learn my last name?” Rose asked.

“My best guess, the Huntsman filled him in on the deets,” Jake said.

“Of course,” Rose groaned, getting back into a fighting stance.

Meanwhile, Jade hid behind the bushes, watching all the action with a huge smile on her face, wishing she could join it. “This is the epic start of the new Mega J Team!” Jade happily exclaimed before her eyes went wide as Ron approached her, clothes torn and scraped from the dogs dragging him around. “What happened to you?”

“Dogs chased cat…” Ron panted. “Had to calm them down…with doggy treats…” Ron pulled out a bag of doggy treats with Rufus inside it, chomping down on the rest. “So, did you find the Noble Dog yet?”

Jade then gasped as she saw Daolon holding Scruffy menacingly with the Huntsman and Monkey Fist by his side. “Scruffy!” Jade exclaimed.

Daolon grinned evilly as he opened up his free hand, waiting to drain Scruffy of his power of immortality. “Surrender your power to the forces of…” Daolon started to say before he felt a sharp pain in his knees, causing him to let go of Scruffy.

The pain was caused by King who rammed his horns into Daolon’s legs. “Hey! No one sucks the magic out of my friends!” King growled, pulling his horns out, causing even more pain to Daolon. After getting over the pain, he growled and produced his staff, wanting to take out King, but Luz, holding her staff and Stringbean, stepped in front of the Titan and her adoptive little brother.

“You heard the Titan, pops!” Luz smirked, producing a fire glyph, sending a blast of flames that knocked down Daolon, the Huntsman, and Monkey Fist.

“Oh yeah! I have got to learn how she does that!” Ron smirked as Scruffy ran to Jade.

“Scruffy, here boy!” Jade happily exclaimed as she hugged him.

“Is he OK?” Luz asked as she and King approached Jade.

“Fine as ever,” Jade smiled.

“Are you sure he’s the Noble Dog? He doesn’t look fancy and smells like garbage.” Ron commented, earning glares from Luz, Jade, and King.

“Aww…how cute,” Ratso smirked, holding out his weapon. “Too bad the little girl has to hand him over.” Jade gasped with terror.

Kim and Rose took on Finn and Chow, dodging their attacks with incredible gymnastic-like skill. “Wow! How do you do that so easily?” Rose asked as they were both dodging Chow’s staff.

“Years of cheerleading. Squad captain actually,” Kim smiled as she delivered a kick to Chow’s gut.

“You’re so lucky! I was self-taught,” Rose smirked before the Huntsman landed near the two.

“Correction: you were taught by the best! By best, I mean, ME!” the Huntsman growled, swiping his staff at the two. Luckily, they both backflipped to safety. After they landed, Rose started to groan as her head started to hurt. More painful memories began to rush through her mind. Kim was immediately concerned, as was Jackie as he approached the two after knocking Finn down with a single punch.

“Are you OK?” Kim asked as Rose groaned louder.

“It’s too much…It hurts so bad…They’re coming back!” Rose cried out, shuddering with fear while her head throbbed with pain.

“We should get you to the hospital,” Jackie suggested.

“We don’t have time for that,” Kim reminded him as her eyes glanced towards Ratso chasing after Jade with his hammer while she was holding Scruffy.

“JACKIE!” Jade exclaimed as she kept trying to avoid the now buff former Dark Hand employee.

“Hey, we’re still not through here!” Jake shouted as he rushed into Ratso, with Willow right by his side. In a flash, the young dragon subdued the demon man’s hammer by binding his hands with his tail. Willow followed this up by using her plant magic to make the grass grow, then making it grab Ratso’s hammer.

“Wow! Great skills!” Jake smiled.

“Thanks. Plant magic has always been my area of expertise.” Willow smiled before commanding the grass to throw Ratso’s hammer at Finn.

“My hammer!” Ratso screamed, breaking one of his hands free from Jake’s tail. As Finn braced when Ratso’s hammer was nearly to his face, the hammer stopped and went back to Ratso’s free hand. Jake was so shocked that he let go of the new Dark Chi Warrior.

“You can summon back your weapons like Thor’s hammer!” Ron realized with a smile before again realizing. “And that would be so cool if it wasn’t going to hurt us.”

Ratso heard this and smiled. “Guys, check it out!” he happily exclaimed. Finn and Chao smiled before trying the same thing with their weapons. And just like Ratso’s hammer, their weapons magically came back to them. They then had their sights on Jackie, Luz, and King.

“Remote controlled,” Chow smirked evilly as the three programmed their weapons onto Jackie, Luz, and King, and they flew them towards the three heroes, ready to take them out.

“Hop on!” Luz ordered. With that, King and Jackie hopped onto Luz’s staff then they took off, trying to avoid the Dark Enforcer’s weapons.

“WHOA!” Jackie screamed while holding on for dear life. “Wouldn’t your mother not approve of you using a flying magic stick?!

“No, she does approve!” Luz smiled. “As long as I don’t cause damage in the real world.”

“HOW CAN YOUR MOTHER BE OK WITH THIS?!” Jackie exclaimed, beginning to feel sick.

“Long story,” Luz smiled sheepishly.

“We’ll tell you later though!” King exclaimed, his eyes wide as the weapons were still on their tail.

Ratso chuckled as he and his buddies were having fun with magically controlling their weapons. “It’s like playing a video game,” he smiled.

Meanwhile, Kim was comforting Rose near a big tree, as Rose’s headache began to subside. “Are you feeling OK now?” Kim asked.

“Yeah.” Rose smiled, still feeling a little bit shaky. “I’m sorry. It’s been happening very recently. Only when the Huntsman says something that’s important to him.”

“Hey, no big. You’ve probably been through a lot anyway,” Kim smiled sweetly, not noticing the Huntsman sneaking up behind her. “Now we have to make sure Jade and Scruffy stay safe.”

“I think not,” the Huntsman growled as he grabbed Kim and wrapped her in a powerful vice, trapping her, and Kim struggled to break free. “I’m going to crush you like the pest Monkey Fist says you are!”

“YOU!” Rose growled, ready to take the Huntsman down but she was caught by surprise when Monkey Fist grabbed her by the arm and held her down, twisting it so she would remain in place.

“Don’t even think of helping the cheerleader, Huntsgirl!” Monkey Fist smirked evilly as she gave Rose’s arm another twist, making Rose groan in pain.

Both Ron and Jake gasped as they heard their girlfriends groan in pain.

“Rose!” Jake exclaimed worriedly.

“KIM!” Ron exclaimed worriedly.

“OK, this is…kind of the drama,” Kim groaned as the Huntsman tightened his grip.

“GET AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND!” Ron yelled, using his football skills to rush towards the Huntsman, and then, Ron charged into the magical creature's hunter, sending him to the ground, allowing Kim to break free. “You OK, KP?”

“Never better. How’d you do that?” Kim smiled sweetly while also impressed with Ron’s takedown on the Huntsman.

“Just something I learned on the football field. Turns out I can be more than just a running back,” Ron smiled.

The Huntsman growled angrily as he got up, ready to strike back against the teen hero couple with his staff. Just then, Amity stepped in front of them, holding a jar of a slimy, purple substance. “Get a load of this, unicorn killer!” Amity smirked, opening the jar, allowing the Abomination goo to flow free, then transform into a giant monster towering over the Huntsman who stopped dead in his tracks. The Abomination then stepped onto the Huntsman, crushing him and taking him out of the game.

“Wow! Spanking! What stuff was in that jar?” Kim asked with an impressed smile.

“Just a little something from my home world,” Amity smiled.

Rose groaned, feeling even more pain as Monkey Fist continued to twist her arm, almost breaking it before the half primate villain was grabbed by Jake’s tail and lifted into the air, freeing Rose. “Hey monkey man, guess what? You’re not the only one with a tail!” Jake smirked, throwing Monkey Fist headfirst into a tree.

“Thank goodness you saved me,” Rose smiled sweetly. “You’re my knight in dragon form.” Jake blushed before Monkey Fist got up and screeched as he ran towards the couple, wanting to take them down before Gus stepped in his way.

“Get out of my way, foolish child before I claw at your face!” Monkey Fist warned.

“You want them? You’re going to have to get through me.” Gus smirked.

“And me too,” another Gus said, popping up from behind Monkey Fist. The British villain turned around and gasped at the sudden appearance of another Gus. That allowed Gus to deliver a punch to Monkey Fist’s face, knocking him out cold. Gus then winked at his duplicate before making him vanish.

“Whoa! You can make duplicates of yourself?” Jake asked with an impressed smile.

“Takes years when you’re studying illusion magic,” Gus smiled.

Meanwhile, Luz was still flying her staff with Jackie and King hanging on for dear life, still trying to avoid the Enforcers’ weapons. Luz then smirked as she thought of an idea. “Hang on! Time for some hotdogging!” Luz grinned as she had her eyes glued onto a tree.

“Hotdogging?” King asked, confused by the term.

“Oh no,” Jackie gulped, knowing exactly what Luz was planning to do because it’s actually something Jade would do. “AHHHHH!” Jackie screamed as Luz flew towards the tree, and right before they were about to crash, Luz flew up and turned around, allowing the weapons to turn around as Luz flew back towards the Enforcers. Then Luz ducked, but the weapons were still coming back to the Enforcers’ hands.

“Oh no,” Finn gulped, realizing what was going to happen. The weapons then hit the new Dark Chi Warriors, allowing them to disappear in a trace of dark magic dust.

“OK. Now we know how we can get rid of those goons,” Rose grinned.

“One strong hit, and they go poof,” Kim smiled.

Daolon growled, furious that his new evil alliance has already failed him. “This has gone on for far too long!” yelled Daolon, channeling his dark energy and expelling it, knocking down our heroes. The wizard then levitated Jade and Scruffy from off the ground, leaving them helpless in midair. “I’ll be taking the dog by force while the girl will be a blood token for all my troubles!”

Just then, a very familiar chant was heard. “Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao, Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao…” then, Daolon was also levitated into the air. Uncle, Lao Shi, and Tohru appeared with Uncle chanting the spell to make sure Daolon was immobilized.

“You will not get those powers as long as we’re still standing.” Lao Shi warned before the Huntsman got back up and knocked Lao Shi, Uncle, and Tohru with his staff, allowing Dalon to break from Uncle’s magic. Jade gasped with terror as Dalon grinned evilly again.

“Oh no! Gramps!” Jake exclaimed worriedly.

“We got to stop Daolon!” Luz said with a fierce determination.

“Luz, that guy is way more powerful than Belos was! And let’s not forget that Belos KILLED you!” Amity warned as Kim and Rose got up.

“I don’t care if that goon has magical powers! We can take him,” Kim said, also with determination.

“How?” Ron asked.

“We need a distraction,” Rose said.

Daolon then levitated Jade and Scruffy closer to him, ready to suck the power of immortality from Scruffy. “Any last words before I put your pooch to sleep?” Daolon asked before being tapped on the shoulder.

“I do,” a familiar voice smirked. “SLEEP ON THIS!” Eda smirked as she wacked Daolon with her staff, freeing Jade and Scruffy. Jade smiled at Eda, who grinned back. “I may be an old witch, but I’m always learning new tricks.”

Daolon growled as he got up and was cornered by Kim, Ron, Rose, Jake, and Luz. “Well, looks like you're out of tricks yourself,” Kim smirked.

“You may have won, but this is actually the beginning!” Daolon promised as the Huntsman and Monkey Fist stood by him, and with one wave of his staff, the trio of villains disappeared.

“Glad to have you join the fight, Eda,” Luz smiled.

“Anything’s better than hanging out in the billy goat’s junk shop,” Eda grinned.

“ANTIQUE SHOP! And why did you leave the shop?!” Uncle barked. “You were supposed to be watching it!”

“Hey! Luz and King are my family! And I have a duty to protect them just like you do with yours!” Eda barked back. “I already closed it up for the day anyway! Now pay up!”

Uncle growled, wanting to give the Owl Lady a piece of his mind, but Tohru put a hand on his shoulder. “Sensei, please. She saved us,” he said.

“And you did promise to pay her,” Luz smirked.

“Fine,” Uncle huffed, handing the Owl Lady a large stack of twenty-dollar bills, and Eda grinned.

“Wait! What did the creepy old magic dude mean by, ‘This is just the beginning’?” Jake asked.

“Hello! Didn’t you read up on those magic rocks?” Ron asked. “The dog was just one of the animals on those talismans.”

“Right. And there are eleven more Noble Animals out there, each one with a special power originally contained inside the talismans.” Lao Shi explained before the group of heroes smiled as King and Scruffy played chase some more.

Scruffy then happily bounced on King and licked his face, making King laugh. “Oh Scruffy! Your tongue tickles!” King laughed, making everyone fawn over the cuteness that was happening right now.

“Looks like King made a new friend,” Eda grinned.

“Yep. But now how do we keep the little guy safe?” Kim asked with a small smile as Scruffy ran into Jade’s arms.

“He can live with us at Section 13! He’ll be safe there!” Jade smiled before begging, “Can we keep him, Jackie? Please?”

“Uh…” Jackie mumbled. He was not sure about Jade having a dog, let alone a magical one.

“Of course we’re keeping him,” Uncle said.

“YAY!” Jade cheered.

“OH GOODY! More play time!” King happily bounced up and down, making Luz and Kim smile. King is powerful, but he’s also adorable, even if he doesn’t want to admit it.

“Not to ruin a good moment but I’m kind of beat after that adventure,” Ron said sheepishly, “I’m ready to head back with the Scruffster.”

“If we’re going back to headquarters, we should go back and celebrate,” Jake replied. “It was our first mission as a team and we all did great! We should treat ourselves after all that hustle out there.”

“Our young dragon friend makes an excellent point; these kids deserve a reward after all their hard work,” Eda agreed, “This calls for a feast of your finest Earth dish!”

Jackie mulled over this idea and responded with, “How about we pick up pizza on the way back to Section 13?”

This proposal was met with thunderous applause from the heroes and each asking for a specific topping.

“Make mine a cheese pizza, with four different cheeses!” Ron requested.

“I’ll take beef, bacon and sausage. I need the protein!” declared Jade.

“Cherries, anchovies and chocolate sauce for me,” ordered Spud.

“I’d love to try that pineapple topping Luz told me about,” Amity said innocently. This earned her odd looks and even a few glares from the others.

“How about we get half and half for each pie? That way everyone gets what they want,” Kim suggested diplomatically.

“Some places even do it in quarters for four different toppings. Imagine the variety!” exclaimed Luz joyously.

Jackie could only chuckle at his charges. These children proved themselves capable of handling great power and could take on daunting tasks that would make a normal man quiver in fear. Yet it was moments like these that showed just how young and innocent they were. Truly there were many sides to these unique heroes.

“We can get all those sorted out once we leave this park,” Jackie said to them warmly, “Come on, let’s head home, the sun’s almost down.” Jackie along with Eda shepherded the team back to the base, with the youngsters still buzzing in excitement over beating the bad guys, saving the first Noble Animal, and the possibility of getting wings to go with their pizza.

As promised, the heroes were rewarded with a feast of the finest deep dish and thin crust San Francisco in the safety of Section 13. Scruffy and King were running around base as everyone else chowed down on their slices. With the Noble Dog now out of the grasp of the evil sorcerer, the atmosphere was much more carefree and casual. Among all the mingling and joking around was Captain Black and Dr. Director surveying the results of their first mission with the other adults.

“Very impressive job, Mr. Chan,” Dr. Director said with a smile. “I’m not going to lie though; when Captain Black first told me about your adventures with magical artifacts and demons, I honestly was willing to recommend him to an insane asylum. But after seeing your team with Team Possible, and these magical kids, you have turned me around for the better.”

“Thank you very much, Dr. Director.” Jackie smiled politely before realizing something, “But one thing though: Section 13 won’t be safe for long. Daolon, Monkey Fist, and the Huntsman have already penetrated our security once.”

“That’s nothing to worry about,” Eda smirked before drawing a circle in the air with her finger. “A basic protection spell should keep the bad guys out. Baldy here told me to look it up anyway when we came back.”

Jackie stared at Captain Black dumbfounded that his old friend and head of Section 13 already trusted Eda to keep them safe. “Hey, like your uncle said: magic defeats magic,” Black smiled.

“Actual evidence of paranormal phenomena, from mystical animals to witches from another world,” Director observed and then turned to Jackie and Uncle, “This is definitely something beyond Global Justice or even Team Impossible’s scope. It’s a good thing we have our Section 13 division and its stalwart agents on top of all this.”

“And thanks to Dr. Director, we won’t have to worry about my superiors snooping in on my phone calls whenever I mention magic,” Black smiled.

“And this is just the beginning!” Uncle interjected. “We still have to make sure we gather up the remaining 11 Noble Animals before Daolon and his associates do!”

“Then what?” Ron asked after finishing his slice.

“Then we’ll have to figure out how to make new Talismans to hold each animal's power,” Fu Dog explained.

“Noted, which is why I’m making the following proposal,” Captain Black was now facing the teen team, “Dr. Director and I concurred that would be in our best interest if we deputized those interested in the joining the hunt for the rest of the Noble Animals. Section 13 would be offering our resources for this larger scale mission; Jackie would be the one to oversee everyone and keep everything in order.”

There were gasps from everyone, surprised that they were being officially recognized into a real super team. Excited murmurs arose, wondering what exactly this entailed. “You really mean what you said about deputizing us? We’re going to be like junior agents for Section 13?” Ron asked.

“No fair! You get to deputize them and not me?” Jade pouted. “No offense guys. You guys rocked back there, but I’m the brains of the J Team!”

Jackie sighed and rolled his eyes. “Don’t fret. From how you handled those goons, we’ll be needing your brains, I assume,” Luz smiled, making Jade smile back.

“Normally I’d never even consider asking people your age to join in such a dangerous operation, but you’ve proven that you all are no ordinary kids,” Black explained, “We’re even willing to lend our base for your use, complete with living accommodations.”

“Only take our offer after careful consideration; this is completely optional, and we don’t want any feeling pressured into this decision,” Dr. Director followed up. “And since you’re all still minors, we need explicit consent from your parents or guardians if you do decide to join the team. We want to keep everything on the up and up.”

This got the heroes talking again, even more excited and curious about this next step in their lives. Breaking the news to their parents would be a tough hill to climb, however.

“My dad already knows about the whole dragon business so I can probably convince them to let me stay here in San Francisco,” Jake said, “Though Hayley and Grandpa might need to cover for me back home.”

“Hopefully my parents understand the situation. I hate to separate from them again, but I can’t let the Huntsman run free like this,” Rose stated resolutely. Jake nodded, backing her decision.

“Hey Trix, how are we going to convince our parents to let us join something like this?” pondered Spud, the question barely hitting him.

“Relax boy, we got this,” Trixie replied, “We just need to figure out a way to…pitch the idea creatively. Yeah, creatively…”

In between all the conversations, Amity asked Kim, “So are you two going to be joining the team full time? We could really use your help with this stuff; I’ve never seen anyone move the way you do.”

“It’s a tempting offer but Team Possible is needed all over the world; we have to make sure our focus is everywhere else in addition to the supernatural stuff. So, we can’t stay on permanently,” Kim told her. Noticing the small frown on Amity’s face, Kim added, “Don’t worry, we’re still going to help with the Noble Animal sitch. The moment trouble pops up, we’re just a quick beep and a call away.”

“I’m personally looking forward to dropping in to hang out with you guys more. You showed me that witches and dragons rock!” Ron exclaimed to Amity’s delight.

Eda, who had kept quiet and observed the conversations, stepped up to speak, “Well that’s fine and dandy for the humans but as the technical guardian of three witches, I need to know we have your protection on this world. We’re still new here and we don’t want any trouble popping up now that we have a magical hunter and a human spellcaster on the loose.”

Captain Black reassured the witch, “Your crew is under Section 13 protection and accommodations even if you don’t join. After all your help, we’re happy to look out for our allies. I speak on behalf of the human realm when I welcome witches aboard.”

“Woo! You hear that kids; we got the official green card to be here!” cheered Eda, happy that there was one less thing to worry about.

“Looks like we’re going to be roommates!” Luz squealed, making Jade smile.

“Section 13 has been pivotal in helping maintain the magical world’s secrecy,” Lao Shi spoke up, “Even the Dragon Council has allowed them to operate within their own boundaries. You’re all in good hands here.”

When it seemed like everything was settled, Jade declared, “Alright, with our team coming together, we’re going to need a name to make it really official. Watch as the forces of darkness tremble before…the Mega J Team!”

The room fell silent for a moment before everyone let out a collective “Huh!?” Trixie in particular responded further, “We really going with Mega J Team? I mean it’s not the worst, but I feel that’s something we should all agree on.”

“Does the J stand for justice or for Jade?” Gus questioned Jade with his eyebrow raised.

“I mean…can’t it stand for both?” the young girl smiled sheepishly.

“If we’re throwing out names, we need something that makes our goal clear,” Ron said. “Since we’re defending the Noble Animals from Daolon and Monkey Fist, how about we call ourselves the Defenders?”

“I don’t know Ron. I’m pretty sure “The Defenders” is taken for some other team,” Luz responded.

“Well how about something cool and mysterious, like the Outsiders?” Willow suggested. “It works because we’re working “outside” problems normal humans can’t deal with; outside in this case meaning magic and such.”

“Hm…no, that name’s taken too,” Spud said.

Kim then spoke, “Well no matter what we decide to call ourselves, one thing’s for sure: the bad guys aren’t going to know what hit them!”

That made everyone around her smile. “OK then. Let’s get searching,” Jackie smiled as the search for the other 11 Noble Animals began. And this was truly the start of a new, exciting adventure with plenty of twist abound for the newly formed teams of heroes.


This chapter took a little longer than usual but we have completed the first arc of the Owl Chronicles. Now with our teen avengers assembled, the story will continue taking different twists and turns from here on out. Keep an eye out for new chapters and leave a review if you'd please.

Chapter 7: What's The Story, Morning Glory?

Chapter Text

Inside her bedroom in Section 13, Jade was awoken to the sounds of her Super Moose alarm clock. It was already 6:15 am. She would have to get up and get ready for school eventually. After shutting off her alarm clock, Jade yawned and rolled over to her left side where the smiling face of Luz Noceda greeted her as Jade continued to get woken up. “Good morning, roomie,” Luz eagerly greeted, startling Jade.

“AHHHHH!” Jade yelled, grabbing a pillow and throwing it into Luz’s face, but the 15-year-old Latina human witch laughed it off like it was nothing.

“Geez, Jade! It’s only 6:15 am on a school day, and you’re trying to start a pillow fight?” Luz asked with a playful smile. “Why not save it for later tonight?”

Jade blushed and smiled sheepishly, now remembering that she was sharing her room with Luz, Amity, and King as they, Willow, Gus, Eda, Lao Shi, Fu Dog, Jake, Rose, Spud, and Trixie were all living with her and Jackie inside Section 13 during their quest to hunt down the 11 remaining Nobel Animals. After getting the OK from all their parents, the Hexsquad and Team Dragon have made themselves at home in the underground base. And to make sure they would keep up with their studies, both human realm and magic wise, Team Dragon and the Hexsquad would be doing remote learning so they wouldn’t have to miss school and kick back at home when they were done learning in record time.

“Sorry. I’m just not used to sharing my own room,” Jade smiled as she finally shook off the sleepiness. She was actually loving the newly formed Mega J Team, and she had so many questions to ask Team Dragon and the Hexsquad. Even though Uncle would never allow her to learn chi spells, he and Jackie didn’t say anything about Jade learning them from Luz and her friends!

“I get how you feel,” Luz smiled as she stretched in bed. “But you gotta admit that us having so much fun while in the same bedroom sort of makes us like sisters!”

Jade smiled at Luz’s eagerness. From their first encounter, Jade already formed a friendship with the Latina girl. During their first night, they talked about everything from Azura and Super Moose to the Boiling Isles and chi magic. “Yeah, it kind of does,” Jade smiled before a curious thought hit her mind. “You’re an only child, right?”

“Uh, yeah. Before I stumbled my way into the Boiling Isles, it was just me and my mom in Gravesfield,” Luz smiled before she gulped as the very sad memory of losing her dad began to flash in her brain. As it began to make its way back, more very traumatic memories during their final battle with Belos also began to storm through her brain. She then shook her head to push them all aside and faced Jade with a nervous smile. “But anyway, after meeting Eda and King, learning about magic and the Demon Realm, enrolling in Hexside, and defeating Belos once and for all, my mom allowed me to stay in the Isles every school year, then I go back to the realm every summer.”

“Wow and I thought living with Jackie was cool,” Jade replied, still soaking in everything Luz had experienced. The Chinese girl felt a sense of surrealness over hanging out with people with their own fantastic adventures; it made her wonder how many of them were out there, waiting for their stories to be shared.

“It’s been harrowing for sure but a lot of good came from Luz coming to the Isles,” Amity piped up from her bed, combing her hair while using her magic to levitate a small mirror. “It’s thanks to her that my relationship with my family is a lot better. And it’s because our relationship is going a lot better that I can stay and hang with the J Team.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your family like Amity,” asked a curious Jade.

The witch stopped combing her hair and pondered Jade’s inquiry. “Well, there’s my dad who’s an inventor, my older twin siblings Emira and Edric, and my mom who worked with Belos…”

Amity’s face darkened when she mentioned her mother. “The family isn’t on speaking terms with her.”

Jade winced when she heard this, not expecting the relationship with her mom to be so acrimonious. It became apparent that the two witches still harbored pain from their past, especially concerning their families. It made the girl think back to her own parents; while she was separated from them for long periods of time, at least she could talk to them when she needed it and she knew both of them loved her.

Sensing the change in mood, King, with Super Moose tucked under his arm, spoke up, “I’m just happy that I get to hang out with a family I get to choose. It’s great hanging with Luz and Amity like this and I get to make friends here, like Jade, Scruffy…”

The young Titan then held up Super Moose. “…And this guy! So far Earth has been even better than Eda or Luz described it!”

The three girls smiled at King, feeling his optimism. No matter what happened, they now had each other to count on.

“Right on, we think in the now,” a reenergized Amity said as she gently set her mirror down, “Let’s seize the day ladies and King!” 

“At what better way to seize than with the most important meal of the day,” chirped Luz, “Let’s get ready and head downstairs before all the good stuff is gone!”

“Ooooh, I hope they have waffles!” Jade said, with King adding, “I want bananas on my waffles!”

At the dining table in Section 13’s mess hall, Jackie was reading a newspaper, while Rose, Spud and Jake happily dug into the variety of breakfast foods.

“Yo Mr. Chan my compliments to the chef! Section 13 has a better spread than I would have imagined,” Jake happily commented in between chewing on scrambled eggs.

“Glad you enjoy it, and please, you can all call me Jackie,” the older man happily said as he returned to his paper. Inwardly however, Jackie was in turmoil; he still couldn’t get over the fact that one of his old archeology buddies was now a maniacal monkey madman.

Jackie set his paper down, unable to concentrate on it as his mind thought back to the past; while somewhat aloof and distant, Montgomery Fiske was still cordial to his fellow archeologists, becoming fast friends with Jackie in particular. Monty had a genuine love for all things monkey and history even back then, genuinely wanting to learn the history of Asia from those who lived there. It was this enthusiasm that led to Jackie sharing the story of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, unwittingly sending Monty down the path of Monkey Fist.

‘There has to be someone to change him back…then again how can you save someone with actual monkey hands and feet?’ Jackie thought to himself grimly. He distracted himself from his morbid thoughts by trying to strike up a conversation with the kids.

“So how have you three been liking it here so far?”

Rose responded with pep, “It’s hard to even remember it’s an agency building; it’s so accommodating on the upper floors. And we could always explore San Francisco if we ever get bored or cooped up.”

The former Huntsgirl sipped her juice and got a little more serious on her next subject, “It was a little hard to convince my parents to stay stateside, but they came around when I told them Jake’s grandpa would be chaperoning the whole time.”

Spud took a sip of his orange juice and sighed happily before saying, “And the fact that we’re doing school all online without having walking all the way to the bus stop is going to make our freshman year a snap!” He then put his feet up on the table, making Jackie and Jake smile amusedly at Spud.

“Believe it or not, Spud very gifted, even though he likes to slack off during class.” Jake whispered, making Jackie giggle before noticing Eda passing by the table, wearing a robe and slippers, carrying a mug filled with coffee, looking very tired.

“Good morning, Eda.” Jackie smiled and waved, but Eda snorted, clearly not in the mood.

“How could you even tell it’s a good morning? Is it sunny? Dreary?” Eda snarked. “Oh, wait. That’s right. You can’t because we’re underground!” Jackie was baffled by her attitude. “Sorry. My head’s been acting up. I need my apple blood.”

Rose then spoke up as the owl lady left the mess hall. “She’s not the only one who’s dealing with headaches.” Rose said, feeling another headache as more bad memories involving her former life as a Huntsgirl came rushing in. She groaned before taking another sip of her juice, alleviating some of the pain.

“Are you sure you’re OK, Rose?” Jackie asked, not wanting to seem like he’s butting into her personal life, but since he’s a legal guardian of Jade because he’s her uncle, he has the mindset of a concerned parent right now.

Jake then gulped, also feeling concerned for his girlfriend as well, but Rose then smiled and took a bite of her eggs before speaking. “Please don’t worry about me, Mr.-I mean, Jackie. I’m sure with time as I regain all my memories, the pain will stop.” Rose blushed and giggled, allowing a smile to form on Jackie and Jake’s faces. “After all, it was Jake who found me and helped discover my past life before. And let me say, I couldn’t ask for the most perfect boyfriend in the world.”

Rose kissed Jake’s cheek, making him blush a shade of red that rivaled his dragon form, and Jackie giggled. Just then, Jade, Amity, Luz, and King arrived, carrying trays of their breakfast, and Jade eagerly listened to Luz’s adventures of her time on the Boiling Isles. “No way! You mean to tell me that giraffes were actually part of the Boiling Isles, but they got banished into the Human Realm?” Jade asked with an excited smile as Amity helped King into his highchair.

Luz chuckled. “Yeah. I couldn’t believe it either.” She smiled, loving Jade’s enthusiasm before asking, “Say Amity, you never did tell me, how did your, Willow, Vee, and Gus’s encounter with that giraffe go?”

Amity gulped as Luz was talking about when she, Willow, Gus, and Hunter were trapped in the Human Realm with Luz and tried to find answers to build a door to the Demon Realm. They even went to the zoo, thinking that the giraffes had some answer, since they were originally part of the Boiling Isles. But then Willow took a picture… “Let’s just say that I’m glad my ancestors banished those freaks.” Amity chuckled nervously, but Jade’s awe-struck face never faded.

“You know I always thought the legend of the qilin was just people not knowing what a giraffe was, but I think they might have been on to something…” Jackie commented.

“Oh, we have all sorts of crazy adventures we need to tell you about! There’s the time we had to take care of a monster during a rainstorm, when me, Eda and King swapped bodies, oh and there was that one time we had to save Eda’s familiar from the Bat Queen!” Luz excitedly rattled off her past adventures on the Boiling Isles.

Jade was all ears, eagerly listening to what Luz had to say. Jackie on the other hand was getting worried that his niece was getting overstimulated with all these wild tales and spoke up, “Not to be rude Luz but perhaps you can tell us more about the more laid-back adventures you had. Something like you and King writing a poem together maybe?”

“Jackie…” Jade let out an annoyed grunt.

“Actually, I can see where your uncle is coming from Jade,” Luz said, getting uncharacteristically serious. “Sure, the lighter stuff is fun to tell other people but there were times there was serious danger that I wasn’t always prepared for, times I wish I could live without. Did I ever tell you about Belos?”

“Belos? I think you and Amity might have mentioned him a couple of times…right?” Jade replied uncertainly.

“Let me give you a more detailed lowdown; Belos was in reality a human man named Philip Wittebane who was trapped in the Boiling Isles. Through treachery and deception, Philip managed to rule over the witches as their emperor while secretly plotting to destroy them all,” Luz explained, her tone grave, “He revealed his plan and identity on the Day of Unity, an event he created that almost exterminated the Boiling Isles had we not caught on.”

“Whoa,” was all Jade could muster. Hearing more about the kind of person the Hex Squad had to face really put into perspective the troubles they went through. It even made her look back at the kinds of villains her family fought; while Valmont and the Enforcers were more along the lines of evil she could handle, forces like Daolon Wong and Shendu could easily give Belos a run for his money if left unchecked. It was scary to think about.

To Luz’s side, Amity became slightly downcast at the mention of the Day of Unity; it still hurt to know that her own mother was complicit in Belos’ scheme and was willing to wipe out the other witches for a slice of power. It just reaffirmed her choice to cut Odalia Blight out of her life.

“Thankfully, Belos is gone and can’t hurt anyone anymore,” Luz perked up a bit, “It was one of the most horrifying parts of living in a dimension with demons, but I’m glad everyone can live peacefully knowing he can’t influence anything anymore.”

Jake and Rose looked contemplative while listening to Luz talk about Belos; the man’s anti witch rhetoric rang familiar to them in the worst possible way.

“You know, this Phillip Wittebane and his obsession with wiping out witches sounds a lot like the Huntsclan’s goal of exterminating anything magical,” Rose said, “I wonder if it’s not a coincidence…”

With that thought in her head, Rose stood up and walked away from the dining table, hurriedly saying, “Sorry to cut breakfast early but I need to think about some things.”

Noticing Rose’s quick exit, Jackie asked Jake, “Is she going to be alright?”

“Yeah, just something she has to work out by herself,” Jake replied empathetically, “And if we’re on the same wavelength, I can guess what it is.”

Her confidence not completely shaken, Jade spoke to brighten the mood, “Hey, this just means that when you put all our experience together, the Mega J Team can do anything we put our minds. If we have a whole squad who took down Belos, what hope does Monkey Fist or Daolon Wong have?”

“Hey “Mega J Team” is only temporary. We still workshopping a proper team name over here,” Trixie pointed out.

“I’m personally fond of the name “Legion of Super-Heroes”. We have enough people here for a legion and they’re all pretty super and heroic,” Spud mused.

Trixie frowned at his suggestion and replied, “Boy, I can name several reasons why that name will not work here.”

Shifting the attention back to Jade, Amity smiled, “I think I speak for Luz and me when I say that we’re honored to stand with fellow teen adventurers. With our might and magic, we’ll easily get the Noble Animals and stop any evil plan. It’s just like the books we used to read!”

“Ho yeah, this little mama is ready to do some good for the world!” Luz exclaimed, now properly pumped up.

“Hey, I’m the American Dragon; doing good is practically second nature for me,” Jake claimed audaciously.

Jade was now grinning from ear to ear, her troop now rallied. “Man, I just love it when a team comes together. Comic books have nothing on this!”

As Jade and her new friends were now enjoying themselves, Jackie couldn’t help crack an uneasy smile: ‘Just what exactly do these kids have in store for me?’ the man wearily thought.

Meanwhile, in the darkest corners of the city, inside Daolon Wong’s hideout, the old dark chi wizard was mumbling to himself, still upset over losing the Noble Dog to Jackie Chan and his new team. And luckily, he wasn’t alone in his disappointment and rage. “Oh, how this burns!” Daolon growled, “It was irksome to deal with the old chi wizard and his family, but now I must try to defeat a team of witches, a Titan, two good dragons, a female ninja, and two average adolescents?!”

Suddenly, someone threw a vase near Daolon’s head, but he didn’t even flinch. “Believe me, those two are no mere average teenagers,” Monkey Fist seethed, emerging from the shadows. “Take it from someone who has many close encounters with Kim Possible and her meddlesome sidekick, Ron Stoppable. Even though I have come close to defeating them, their meddling is not to be underestimated. Especially with Stoppable’s Mystical Monkey Powers.”

“You think you have it bad?!” the Huntsman growled, throwing another vase near Daolon’s head, yet the dark chi wizard still didn’t flinch. He then faced Monkey Fist with a deadly glare. “At least your enemies don’t have powers and can be killed easily! But now the only things stopping me from rebuilding my clan are a teenaged dragon and my traitorous niece who destroyed my plans!”

Right behind the Huntsman, 88 and 89 were shuddering in fear, yet in awe over the Huntsman’s new determination. “Gee, never seen him this hyped up. Except with the Skulls,” 88 commented.

“That’s good though. He’s spending so much time focusing his anger on the American Dragon and the traitor, he won’t focus on us if we mess up,” 89 smirked, but their relief was short lived when a vase was thrown at their feet.

“I can hear you,” The Huntsman warned, “And don’t think that you can use the fact that you two brought me back into existence to escape your duties as henchmen!”

Just then, Finn stepped up to the magical creature hunter. He wasn’t really keen on working with a dark chi wizard, a hunter of unicorns and dragons, and a half human half monkey hybrid, but he, Ratso, and Chow loved their new powers and weapons. “Hey man, chillax! We’re all on the same team.” He grinned, but there was no sign of even a smirk under the Huntsman’s helmet.

“Yeah, besides, we still got 11 more Noble Animals to find. Chances are we can Chan and his hero team 11 to 1!” Chow smirked as he stood next to Monkey Fist, but the former archaeologist also wasn’t losing his glare as well.

“Yeah! And it could be a whole lot worse. We could be dealing with aliens,” Ratso smiled stupidly. Daolon growled at that. And the Enforcers smiled nervously as they backed away from the three villain leaders.

Dalon then sighed. “Despite my warriors’ futile efforts to bring us joy, they do have a valid point,” he said, smirking evilly as he continued, “Even though the enemies have gotten one animal, they’ll be naïve to think that they can protect the remaining 11.”

“Yes, and with those powers at our disposal, we will be unstoppable,” the Huntsman smirked, “But we must remain cautious because those young witches and the Titan will prove a challenge to get rid of.”

Daolon then looked straight into the Huntsman’s eyes with growing curiosity. “You know, I must admit, I’m growing more curious about these young witches and a Titan as you call them. Surely you must know more and if you do, please share it with us,” he requested.

“I don’t know, Big D. That creature with the horns may look like a Titan, or whatever you want to call it, but there’s no way those kids were witches,” Finn said.

“Yeah! Aren’t witches supposed to be really old and have very long noses?” Ratso asked stupidly.

“Those witches are not the ones as many humans were led to believe by reading folklore,” the Huntsman said. “Beyond this realm lies the Demon Realm where every myth that we humans know are actually from. And the place where they’re born? The Boiling Isles.”

“You don’t say,” Chow said awestruck.

“It’s a place that’s been studied for years by the Huntsclan, but we have always thought it would be unreachable to humans. But now, it seems that more humans have managed to find it,” the Huntsman said.

“Oh yeah, I remember this in the Huntsman training course,” 89 interrupted. “One of the first one to ever find it was a guy named Philip Wittebane; only a few of his findings were ever recovered. I wonder why those two things are so important though.”

“Did they teach you nothing of substance in that course!?” growled the Huntsman ferociously, making his lackey shrink back in mortal terror. Composing himself, the Huntsman began to explain, “Phillip Wittebane wasn’t just “a guy”; he’s the very founder of the Huntsclan itself and should be treated the respect that entails.”

“Whoa hold up…” Finn made a T symbol with his two hands, “You mean to say that your founder was one of the first to ever visit a straight up demonic realm? Can this get any trippier?”

“I speak the truth,” the Huntsman continued, “The Huntsclan originally started as a witch hunter group based here in the mortal realm during the era of colonial trials, headed by Caleb and Phillip Wittebane. Suddenly the brothers vanished; the nascent Huntsclan searched everyone for them but only found excerpts from Phillip’s journal.”

The Huntsman’s look hardened as he continued telling his tale, confident that he knew the whole story of the Wittebanes, “It was here that not only were witches indeed real but a whole host of demons and other magical creatures existed. With the two brothers thought to have been killed by these monsters, the Huntsclan were emboldened and sought revenge for their leaders. For centuries the Huntsclan amassed power and knowledge in all things mystical, with the goal of destroying these magical vermin before they have a chance of destroying the mortal realm.”

“I never knew the Huntsclan history went that deep; if you think about it, we’re the real heroes fighting off the magic menace,” 88 beamed, the irony unknowingly lost to him.

“I certainly am one for history but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s all history,” Monkey Fist pointed out, “The Wittebanes aren’t relevant to our quest or the rebuilding of your clan.”

“Oh, but it is indeed very relevant Mr. Fiske!” the Huntsman shouted, now in high spirits. “Resurrecting the clan was always top priority but these new developments have brought about brand-new opportunities!”

“What kind of opportunities Mr. Huntsman?” Ratso asked, a bit scared by the anti-magic rhetoric the villain was shouting.”

The Huntsman tented his fingers, going over the ideas rushing through his head now that the Titans and the Boiling Isles were brought up. “According to Phillip Whittebane, Titan blood is so seeped with magic that it was rumored to open a portal between the human and demon realm. More importantly, it’s potent enough to kill dragons, no matter how big or strong they are; with a resurrected Huntsclan, we can pick up right where we left off with the Aztec Skulls.”

Now it was Daolon’s turn to get new ideas; indeed there were brand new opportunities now that a Titan was on the board and that’s without forgetting that the Noble Animals were still theirs for the taking. It was times like these where Sun Tzu’s teachings were helpful.

“Comrades, gather around,” the sorcerer grinned evilly, “I think I might have a plan that could benefit all of us.”

Meanwhile, over in Middleton, Kim and Ron were stepping into Kim’s bedroom, having just got done with school for the day and ready to relax. “Whew. I am so glad we’re home,” Kim sighed, exhausted, “These past few weeks have been mentally ferocious.”

“Tell me about it, KP. Barkin’s been driving me crazy by doing those crab walks,” Ron commented, massaging his feet as he flopped down onto his girlfriend’s bed. “I’ve been working hard for the team and he hasn’t shown me one smidge of gratitude!”

Kim smirked in agreement. “Totally. Who cares about the quarter back? In my eyes, Ronnie, you’re my Tom Brady,” she smiled. That allowed Ron to smile back before giving his girlfriend a kiss on the cheek, making her giggle. Just then, the Kimmunicator rang. Kim immediately answered it, “Hey Wade. What’s the sitch?”

“Nothing much. I was actually going through some of the info Luz and her friends gave me about the Boiling Isles. And I gotta say, it’s like if Tim Burton wrote for Middle Earth,” Wade smirked.

“Totally! I bet that King can conquer a Basilisk way more easily than Azura the Good Witch could!” Ron smiled, letting his geek come out. Kim rolled her eyes amusedly.

“Well, Luz and her friends did step up when we first met them. And Amity sure did wow me with that Abomination goo,” Kim grinned.

“And check this out: apparently giraffes were native to the Boiling Isles but got banished,” Wade added, much to Kim’s confusion.

“Wait. Giraffes were not from this realm?” Kim asked, completely weirded out. “I was shocked over the fact that witches, dragons, and wizards existed, but that almost broke the weirdness scale.”

Ron’s eyes widened. “Hey! I just thought of something!” he smiled. “If giraffes were not from this realm, do you think monkeys weren’t too?”

Kim sighed to herself. She loved Ron dearly but his theories were a bit too outlandish. Some were true of course, but others were too farfetched. “I don’t know. I could ask around,” Wade commented but then an alarm sounded on his computer. “Guys, big hit! It looks like Monkey Fist and his new crew have been spotted in Oakland, about to break into a museum!”

“Oakland? What do you think they want there? I don’t think they’ll allow animals in their museum.” Ron commented.

“Probably looking for an artifact to help them track down the 11 remaining Noble Animals. We’re on it,” Kim smiled. “And contact Jackie, Wade. We could probably use his help as well.”

“Already on it,” Wade smirked before hanging up while Kim and Ron got suited up to take on the bad guys.


Welcome to a collaboration in the truest sense; this was an idea thought up by my co-writer, KPfan1013 who was gracious enough to invite me on board. From there, we traded ideas and wrote the story round robin style to bring you this fic. Born out of a mutual love for cartoons past and present, we hope you enjoy this fan fic.

P.S. Can anyone guess Jake's ring tone?