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a new beginning


The new bodyguard was quite interesting.

The way he was following around his middle brother like a lost puppy, not so much.

- x -

AU where Big, upon becoming a bodyguard, was placed with Khun instead of Kinn.


Guess who is back with more KhunBig?

Yes, it would be me. This work does contain very lightly hinted at future KhunBigArmPol (if Kinn can have multiple hook ups, big brother Khun can have multiple partners) but this work in particular focuses on KhunBig.


(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Khun Noo seemed intrigued.

This wasn't all that unusual if you asked Arm - he even found it cute, the way he found Pol's messy bedhead when he woke up in the mornings adorable - but what made it odd was that this intrigue was seemingly solely focused on one of the new guys, his name was Big if he remembered right. Why was it odd, you may ask?

The former heir rarely showed that much interest in others, even his guards (him and Pol being exceptions to the norm) so to see him so curious about Big made Arm interested as well. Que his and and Pol's surprised, though, the next morning when they woke up and got ready to spend another day guarding the oldest son, only to find that the otherwise empty room - Khun liked to sleep in a bit in the mornings - was already occupied by none other than Big, the new recruit.

"Big, right?"

"Ah... Arm, correct?" the younger man stood up, dusting off non-existent dust of his uniform. It was flawless and well taken care of, much like all the suits worn by the bodyguards of Khun Noo, as they didn't go out into the field all that often unless Khun Kinn or Kim needed their expertise for something. "I don't understand why I'm here? Khun Korn said that I would be a bodyguard for Khun Kinn..."

"Yes." it didn't escape his notice how Big seemed to almost softly pronounce Kinn's name and already pitied him. The middle son wasn't mean with his guards by any means, but he did have a bit of a... reputation... when it came to the finer things in life and just by looks alone, it definitely didn't feel like Big was his type. He wasn't going to tell him that, of course, especially if his feeling about what his boss was trying to do was true. "And yes, you were meant to be with Khun Kinn's detail - however, you caught Khun Noo's attention so he convinced his father to give you to him instead. Don't worry, Boss treats his bodyguards well, you won't want for anything."

He watched as the younger man's face soured, schooling into a more neutral expression as a yawning Pol stumbled in behind Arm, mumbling about something before a weirdly enthusiast Khun Noo waltzed in from his bedroom area, greeting the three guards with such a spark that Arm hasn't seen since he began working here. As he watched the oldest son fuss over Big and whatever his hair was or wasn't combed correctly ('You must look proper Big!''Y-Yes, Khun Noo!'), the computer man couldn't help but wonder just where the future would take them.

Or just how wild it would be.


I dont know how old Big was when he became a bodyguard but for the sake of this story, lets say he is older than 20. I also have no idea if Pete joined before or after Big so for the sake of this story, he hasn't yet there wont appear. This one will be sweet and kinda short and such, the next one? Well, lets just say it wont be half as sweet as this and lets leave it at that (I want it to be a bit of a surprise for all the people who read my KhunBig fics, fair warning Im planning to make it angsty)

Thank you for reading.