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Kitten Skins


Manson tries to relate to Hank by telling him about his own daughter....


Hello there!
I really like the Manson scenes in Californication and this is just a silly idea I've had in my head for awhile. I'm also trying something different by having it be in a screenplay format. Hope you guys enjoy!

Work Text:

Manson: Hank Listen, I know exactly where you're coming from. I mean, I have a little girl of my own, and if she got into this stuff I would be scared too.

Karen: You have a daughter?

Manson: Wanna see pictures?

(Everybody gathers around Manson as he pulls out his phone and goes to his photos, selecting a folder titled "Lily White". However, instead of a human child, he scrolls through several pictures of a white cat)

Becca: Aww she's cute.

Atticus: How old is she now?

Manson: She's about nine now. Oh, here's one of her baby pictures

Hank: It's a cat....

Manson: And your point is?

(End Scene)