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The Secret History, by spqr (podfic)


Joe drinks himself to death in Malta and then drinks himself to death in Athens and then sucks it up and gets on a plane to Vietnam. In the end, he’ll always love Nicky more than he’s afraid of anything.


Podfic creators don't often get comments. I don't create podfic to get hits or comments, of course - I do it because it's fun, and I like the story, and I want to be able to listen to it.

With that in mind, I am continuing my project of creating podfics for each of the lovely people that have left me comments on my podfics. I hope dana_norram, and you, enjoy.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

The Secret History

Download mp3 from SendSpace
Also available on Google Drive here

Archived at the Audiofic Archive here

Stream from the Audiofic Archive:


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Thank you to spqr for giving blanket permission to podfic this work!

If you would like to share this on Tumblr, here is the original post