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Part 49 of Korean-American Series , Part 15 of SVT KAS Arc , Part 4 of SoonHoon KAS Arc



Soonyoung and Jihoon had always prided themselves in being resilient, able to adapt to anything life threw at them. It was why they were confident that they'd be able to adjust to being parents so well. But when life throws them a curveball, they're really tested for the first time in their lives.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Week 1

Chapter Text

Soonyoung made soft shushing sounds as he carefully dressed Yejun in his going home outfit--a plain onesie with the face of a tiger printed on the front--as the newborn omega slept. "Appa's making sure your carseat is all ready so we can go home." He murmured. "He's not a big fan of driving, so we gotta cheer him on today, okay?" He gently lifted Yejun up from where he was lying on the hospital bed in front of him and pressed a kiss to his nose before cradling him close to his chest.

There was a quiet knock on the door, then it was pushed open by Crystal coming in with a wheelchair, Jihoon right behind her. "Are we all ready to go?"

Nodding excitedly, Soonyoung let Jihoon take Yejun from his arms so Crystal could help him off the bed and into the wheelchair. He winced at the soreness he felt, then, once he was settled in the wheelchair, he held his arms out for his pup once more. "Let's go home, little tiger cub!" Soonyoung exclaimed quietly, pressing a kiss to Yejun's forehead while Jihoon double checked they weren't leaving anything behind in the room. Once he was sure they had everything, Jihoon began wheeling Soonyoung out. "Bye, Crystal! Thanks for everything! You're still my favorite nurse!" Soonyoung made sure to tell her as they left.

As Jihoon wheeled him out of the labor and delivery unit and towards the main entrance, Soonyoung craned his head to try to look at the alpha behind him. "I'm hungry." He said. "I want Sonic for lunch."

"We'll stop by on our way home." Jihoon promised.

After getting Yejun strapped into his carseat and making sure Soonyoung was settled in the backseat next to him, Jihoon hurried to return the wheelchair while the omega pulled his phone out and opened the Sonic app. Jihoon returned as he was finishing adding his own meal to the bag. "What do you want from Sonic?" He asked the alpha.

"Chili cheese coney." Jihoon answered, quickly following it up with, "And you don't need a Redbull Recharger."

"Why do you hate me?" Soonyoung replied without missing a beat. Still, he went to his current bag and edited his meal to change the drink to a cherry limeade, sighing dramatically as he did so. After adding Jihoon's order and checking out, Soonyoung put his phone down and looked towards the alpha. "You sure you're okay to drive?" He asked, sensing his mate's apprehensiveness. Jihoon already wasn't particularly fond of driving in the first place and only had his license out of necessity when he'd moved to Conway since their public transportation was nonexistent at the time--and still wasn't all that accessible in the present--hence why Soonyoung was the main driver of their family, so he could only imagine how the alpha was feeling now that their one day old pup was thrown into the mix.

Jihoon nodded. "I'll be fine." He said, although Soonyoung felt he was mostly reassuring himself. "It's just a 15-minute drive with a brief detour to pick up food." Soonyoung reached up to rub Jihoon's shoulder, sending him a soft smile when their gazes met in the rearview mirror. Jihoon placed his hand on top of Soonyoung's, giving it a tiny squeeze and bringing it to his mouth to press a kiss to the palm before releasing him so he could carefully back out of their parking space.

When they made it to Sonic, Jihoon was stunned by the amount of food the carhop brought out to them. "How much did you order?" He asked incredulously as he stared at the three bags of food along with the drink carrier that held two drinks, a shake, and an ice cream sundae in it.

Soonyoung smiled innocently. "I told you I was hungry."

Upon arriving home, Soonyoung carried one of the food bags and the drink carrier while Jihoon followed closely behind with the other two food bags and Yejun's carseat. "Easy…" Jihoon murmured as Soonyoung slowly and carefully made his way up the porch steps.

Once inside, Soonyoung went straight to their media room and made himself comfortable in the half nest that always reside on the couch. "I demand my little tiger cub." He said once he was settled, holding his arms out.

"You need to eat." Jihoon said as he set Yejun's carseat down next to the couch, dropping the food bags next to Soonyoung.

"Both can occur." Soonyoung retorted, and Jihoon gave in, gently picking the still sleeping newborn omega up from his carseat and placing him in Soonyoung's arms. Soonyoung instantly smiled down at their pup, making sure he was safely and comfortably resting in the crook of his arm, leaving his other hand free to dig through the bags until he procured his garlic butter bacon burger. "See? I got this." He unwrapped the burger and took the biggest bite possible, letting out a loud moan. "God, that's so good." Jihoon smiled endearingly at the sight, unable to keep from leaning down to press a kiss to the tip of Soonyoung's nose. The omega scrunched his nose slightly in response. "You missed." He said before puckering his lips that were already messy with barbecue sauce. Jihoon didn't really care, though, as he happily pressed his lips to the omega's for a few seconds before sitting next to him on the couch.


Jihoon opened the front door to Jeonghan's smiling face. "I come bearing gifts." He held up multiple reusable shopping bags.

"Soonyoung's been waiting for you." Jihoon said, trying to hold back a yawn as he let Jeonghan into the house. "He's in the media room." He pointed in the general direction before heading to the laundry room.

When Jeonghan entered the media room, Soonyoung looked away from the TV where he had Bridgerton playing once again and smiled brightly. "Hannie!" He cheered, throwing his free arm out. "If I didn't currently have a pup attached to my boob, I'd get up and hug you."

"I'm already coming to you." Jeonghan laughed as he walked over to the couch, leaning down to hug the younger omega before sitting next to him. "How are you? I'm surprised you don't look like a zombie."

"Oh, I am dead exhausted." Soonyoung said. "Like, I will probably pass out before you even leave."

"Wouldn't be the first time." Jeonghan snorted, smiling down at Yejun. "He's adorable! And he's not wearing a tiger onesie."

Soonyoung hummed as he gazed happily down at his pup. "That's because they're all in the wash with either spit up or poop on them." Jeonghan didn't even try to hold back his laugh while Soonyoung gently ran a finger over Yejun's cheek. "We've got a little shitter and spitter here. And spitters are quitters."

"My god, why are you like this?" Jeonghan shook his head while sighing in exasperation.

"Hey, he needs to keep his milk down so he can keep growing and stay healthy." Soonyoung said.

"Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what you meant." Jeonghan said with a slight laugh.