
Work Header

One Small Thing


Emu found herself to be a people person, often engaging in conversation with everyone she meets and always open to making new friends.

Though, at this current moment, all she wanted was to get away from people.

At a show after party, Emu gets overstimulated and Rui comforts her!!

TW: Overstimulation/Panic Attacks


a few notes before the fic so please read!!

1. this fic is just me projecting from my personal experiences and even though the characters may be written as autistic, I AM NOT DIAGNOSED AS AUTISTIC!! My mom and I suspect it due to varying reasons but I am not medically diagnosed by a professional!!! Just thought that would be important to mention!!
2. this can be seen as platonic or romantic!! any ship!! this is up to interpretation !! :D
3. TRIGGER WARNINGS: Overstimulation/Panic Attacks

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Emu found herself to be a people person, often engaging in conversation with everyone she meets and always open to making new friends.

Though, at this current moment, all she wanted was to get away from people.

WonderlandsxShowtime was at an after party for the most recent production they were in. As freelancers, they often hopped from theater to theater, meeting new people and learning new things. This particular cast had more people than they were used to, for it was a bigger production.

Normally, Emu would be fine with the amount of people.

Except this time she wasn’t.

Emu could feel her muscles clenching and unclenching in uncomfort. She was tired,her brain felt foggy, it was hot in the room of the venue, there were people everywhere, and they seemed to be louder than usual. She was hungry, but wasn’t really in the mood to eat. She felt gross, and wished she was taking a nice, hot, shower at home instead of here at this party.

Emu covered her ears with her hands, trying to block out the volume of the party. She scanned the crowd, eyes pricking, looking for one of her troupemates. Where are they?!? She thought, becoming desperate. Then a purple bob of head caught her eye. Rui-kun! She found a gap in the crowd and quickly weaved through people to get to him, trying not to run into anyone.


Rui was scowling at the slim pickings at the snack table when he felt a weight snake around his right arm very tightly. He looked over to see Emu, the side of her head pressed against his arm with her shoulders bunched up. She was squirming uncomfortably, obviously upset.

“Emu-kun? What’s the matter? ” Rui asked. Emu’s response was leaning even more on his arm with a small whimper. Rui guessed that she had probably gotten overstimulated, and decided the best course of action was to get her somewhere quieter so she could calm down.

Abandoning his mission of trying to find a snack, he found a path through the crowd of people and led Emu to the door and into the hall of the venue. When they reached the hall, The pair paused as Rui glanced around for another room, deciding that a big, cavernous hallway wouldn’t be very helpful. During this pause, Emu unlatched herself from Rui’s arm and started clenching and unclenching her fists. By the time Rui’s eyes had found a door to a stairwell, Emu had taken off her hoodie and was holding it tight to her chest. Rui brought Emu to the stairwell and closed the door behind them.

Emu went to sit in the corner under the stairs, placing her hoodie on the floor next to her, and bringing her knees to her chest. As she started to wring her hands about, Rui joined herunder the steps but gave her a few feet of space.

“Emu-kun?” Rui asked, “Do you need anything?”

Emu didn’t respond, just bunched up her shoulders a few times, as if shrugging.

Emu felt shivers go up her spine and shook her arms out. She then patted the sides of her head when a group of people passed by the stairwell.

She then looked at Rui questionably as he slid his bluetooth noise-canceling headphones across the floor.

“Tell me if you want music, okay?” Rui told her.

Emu nodded and put the headphones on, continuing to shake out the impulses going throughout her body by starting to kick her legs out and shaking her arms out. She did that for a few seconds and then brought her knees and arms up to her chest, forming her hands into tense claw shapes. She repeated the process until she felt all of her stress was shaken out.

She then scooted closer to Rui and tapped on his knee to get his attention. When he looked at her to show he was listening, she tapped on the side of the headphones to motion she was OK with music now. He nodded and pulled out his phone, unlocking it, pulled up spotify and gave the phone to Emu. Emu quickly found “EMU AND RUI’S SUPER WONDERHOY PLAYLIST!!! (((O(≧∇≦)O)))♡”(their shared playlist) and pressed play. She also pulled a fidget out of her pocket to play with and started bobbing her head to the music.

After a few songs, she felt comfortable enough to sit closer to Rui so she sat next to him, pressed up close against his side. Rui pulled up the notes app on his phone, typed something, and then showed the phone to Emu.

Can i touch you? it read.

Emu smiled and nodded, resting her head on Rui’s shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her torso.


They sat there in silence for a while, until Rui got a message on his phone.

Nene: Where are you guys? Tsukasa and I noticed you vanished.
Rui: No worries! Emu just got a little overstimulated and we are somewhere quiet! :3
Nene: Ah, okay. Is she alright now?
Rui: I think so. She’s nonverbal atm but I’ll ask her if she’s ok with you guys joining us.

Rui showed Emu the conversation and she gave him a thumbs up, telling him it was okay with her.

Rui: She says it’s alright!

Then he heard Emu’s stomach growl, reminding him of how hungry he was.

Rui: oh, and bring snacks.
Nene: Got it. Where are you now?
Rui: a stairwell.
Nene: 👍

Soon, Nene opened the door to the stairwell and walked in, followed by Tsukasa, who was holding a plate, gave them a small wave. Emu and Rui waved back. Tsukasa and Nene joined the pair on the floor, Emu turning down the volume on her music and peeking at what food they had brought. She picked up a chocolate cookie and took a bite, humming contentedly.

That seemed to break the ice, and soon the rest of the troupe was grabbing food from the plate, and talking about how the show went. Emu looked at her friends and smiled, thankful they were there with her. Once she was comfortable with speaking again, she turned to Rui.

“Thank you, Rui-kun.” She whispered, headbutting his shoulder like a cat would.

He smiled, “Anytime, Emu-kun,” He whispered back.


Thank you for reading !! I've had this idea for a quick minute sooo I wanted to write it but it took longer than I thought

something about being able to have more aggressive stims infront of someone and that amount of trust felt really sweet to me eueueeueue

this fic is kind of fast paced ish and probably ooc but I didn't know what to write bc its hard to put thoughts into words also the fact that I forgot half of my ideas augh!! this is what happens when you wait a week!!

marzzz not writing a ruikasa fic whatttt 😱😱😱😱😱

also YES the title is the title of a mlp song what about it

oh and originally emu was supposed to eat a piece of raw broccoli but I gave her a cookie instead <33
ALSO! HELLO BEAUTIFUL!! i hope you are having a good day/night/afternoon/whatever!! Remember to eat something and drink water!! ily all! MWAH! <333