Work Text:
The pale purple Rageon with dark purple hair rubbed her palms.
She packed up some basic supplies into her satchel, and she was ready to go.
She rented herself a vehicle that would shorten her distance to the Troll settlements, perhaps a speedy motorcycle.
She can’t contain her urge to catch some unarmed Trolls into her giant hands, if that was what Velvet has done.
She wants to be with- no, not just that.
She wants to embody Velvet.
Violet sniffs around the abandoned golf course, after sneaking in from the back side to avoid the creepy clown head. It’s quiet and filled with a looming dead air. Apparently, this is where a tribe of isolated Trolls dwell in as their haven.
Given how isolated they seem to be, they presumably won’t stand a chance against her. She smirks at this thought.
She then attentively examines the almost empty proximity. The quietness quickly emboldens her gusto and complacency on capturing a potential Troll.
And look who’s gonna be an easy prey! One lone fuzzy haired Troll in a lousy romper wandering around unguarded!
With one impulsive swipe, Violet snatches the startled Troll, believing that she has secured victory in her grasp. Watching the frustrated Troll squirming in her clutch is amusing. One Troll is sufficient for imitating Velvet’s secret recipe to success, even if it means committing fraud-
“AHHHHHH!!!!” She yelps, momentarily after being chomped in the thumb by the same captured Troll’s fangs. Her pain leads to her letting go of the feisty Troll inadvertently, unknowingly alerting more Trolls to come to aid their affected brethren.
And those aren’t ordinary Pop Trolls; they are instead the Putt Putt subtribe that had been previously separated from the main Pop tribe for decades, having honed their battle prowess to an unprecedented summit to defend themselves against Bergens. Any intruding Rageon is no exception to their retaliation.
Not before long, the purple Rageon is unable to flee from her butts getting munched on by several other Putt Putt Trolls, who are keen on rightfully defending their kin and themselves. Almost immediately, they also pin her on her back with their sturdy sticky hands, not giving her any chance to fight back, despite her far taller height and larger size.
“GET THESE TINY MONSTROUS ABOMINATIONS OFF MY BEAUTIFUL SKIN!!!” She shrieks like a banshee, ignoring how her flailing has been futile against the Putt Putt Trolls who have considerably outnumbered her.
In spite of being ambushed already, Violet is still wanting to bite off more than she can chew. “YOU!!!! You’re the one who often comes to Rageous for tax crap!!!” She still bothers to name-call Clay, who swiftly rolls away to make her embarrass herself; he’s not going to let himself be a sitting duck.
Time becomes a blur to the kidnapper, until John is right next to her, who has been maintaining a distance from her with Rhonda being his guard, said, “Jeez, do you young people ever learn?!”
This is followed by hurried pairs of footsteps of two Rageons, and then… both of them kneel to meet Violet’s eye level.
She recognises the one with green hair and blue eyes, who is reassuring the defensive golf ball looking Trolls and with a magenta haired Troll on his shoulder, as well as him calmly saying, “Everybody stop, I’ll handle the intruder.”
He then scrutinises her as if she’s a criminal -which she has ousted herself as with her blatant kidnapping just now-, and then exclaims, “Holy Rageous, you’re the girl who took a selfie with Vel!”
She then notices the other male Rageon next to the one who just exclaimed in her face with her own disgust. It’s the prince Gloss, and the one who just recognised her is indubitably…
Veneer, former popstar and ex-convict, as well as the one who ruined Velvet as the ‘traitor brother’.
“You are unqualified to snide on me, fraudulent prince-licker!” Violet thinks she’s being tongue-in-cheek and witty, but Veneer can easily perceive how scared she is with having so many miniscule attackers surrounding her.
“Miss, take some deep breaths. I’m here to kindly inform you that Trolls usually won’t attack others unsolicited, unless they feel threatened,” He has the patience to toil by explaining to her.
She only gets defensive again, as well as being annoyed by his sincerity, “Are you serious?! You’re the one framing your sister as a fraud, and leading the regal prince to leave the high life behind! You’re just a serial liar!”
“I’m not!” Veneer surprisingly is still retaining some level of composure, despite her groundless slander, “I’m only able to come to a conclusion, owing to my past interactions with different Trolls. I owe them big time after so long! You only get to understand a foreign group when you live amongst them, Miss. Maybe let your ego go, and give yourself a chance.”
He is sadly being let down by her disdainful scoffing, “Why do you even live with these trolls? You dishonoured your species by leaving Mount Rageous! You won’t get a warm welcome if you come back for any reason!”
“I don’t care,” He remains assertive, much to her repulsion and surprise, “Even if the majority shun me, I still have the minority, which is my found family, the royalty and my only brother Marv. Your slander won’t change the slightest bit of who I will gladly protect with all my life.”
But in advance, she scorns him to block any of his chances to change her heart, “You wanna know why I’ve been preparing to catch these wimpy, pint-sized Trolls? Because I LOVE your sister, not you, like, never. You’re such a fool for believing that I’m going to listen to your spiels, just because you were her sidekick.”
“Wh-what…? Velvet is your entire… orbit?” Veneer’s heart sinks, as Gloss pats his shoulder to calm the former down. While Floyd’s face darkens, knowing that this female Rageon is going cuckoo.
“Yeah, and I’m shameless about this fact.” Violet continues on her prideful tangent, “Can you fathom how eager I am to repay what your sister has given to me? The purpose of my life revolving around her? Of course NOT, because you’re just a foolish little snitch, who prefers dishing out your reputation like splurged cash.”
“Trust me, as her brother, I know she has had issues ever since she and I were born and grew up together as twins…” Veneer remains earnest, even if his advice will fall on deaf ears, “She isn’t the type to accept her vulnerabilities. She’s highly insecure. She needs to elevate herself with superfluous pride. In conclusion, she’s far from being a role model, your loyalty for her will fail you in the end.”
But her sharp scowl says otherwise about her obstinance. “Don’t you think revenge is best served on those who have taken away your spiritual pillar? I hate everything about you. Unlike Velvet. She has made me feel complete! Buying merchandise to fill up the empty spaces in my barren apartment has been WORTHWHILE! Do you know how hallowed I was before I found light within Velvet?! I don’t wanna go back to the dark place where I came from!”
She continues on being delusional, “Becoming Velvet is such a self-fulfilment, and I’m ravishing in it!”
“And I’m strongly disagreeing with you,” Veneer finally speaks up, his tone unwavering, “Your self worth must never be constructed through idolisation of another person. This is what I've learned from living with Velvet.”
And OH BOY. Her being indignant is an understatement.
“WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, BASTARD!?” Violet screeches, ready to grab Floyd as secondhand revenge on Veneer defying her vehement beliefs. Good news is, Veneer has Floyd’s hair whip and Gloss’s arms to thrust into her gesticulating limbs, Griselda the Grinchilla scratching her face, and the other Trolls egging him on with “That’s our Rageon boy you’re messing with, bitch!” while rightfully assaulting her. Even Rhonda lunges forward to deliver a heavy bite on Violet’s butts.
Crimp has just arrived for whatever reasons, and immediately she is faced with desperate Trolls trying to separate the deranged and violent Violet, while Floyd is shouting, “GET A PAIR OF HANDCUFFS, CRIMP!!!”
While Gloss adds, “Call Marv and Cerise! We know you have their contacts on your spare phone!!!”
Fortunately, with Veneer’s tenure of being trained by the Trolls on physical combat (gotta thank the Putt Putts here), he is able to defend himself with his dexterous pair of sticky hands to lasso Violet as much as possible. That is enough to stall as much time as possible for himself to remain safe from being suffocated by the violent fangirl, even by the time Marvel and Cerise arrive to detain the purple coloured criminal.
Marvel is on the verge of panic, squishing Veneer’s cheeks after knowing Ven is ok, “Oh my goodness, lil bro! Are you alright?” To which Ven reassures him with a chuckle, “I’m okay, it’s just… this lady you just caught isn’t… doing too well with the bombshells.”
“Yeah, what a chore she is,” Crimp complains, “Seriously, ex-boss, what’s with you being a magnet to all these lunatics coming after all of us? It’s getting annoying!”
Choosing to deliberately ignore Crimp (because it’s gonna be a waste of his time if he retorts her), Veneer still has his sympathies for Violet, “Frauds and life in prison won't be fun for you, if you take the wrong path. Please, reconsider your decisions. We’re still young, it’s still not too late.”
“I have no purpose without Velvet! I would rather be with, no, BECOME, Velvet rather than listening to your tangents, scammer!!!!” Violet still screeches like a dethroned tyrant and fruitlessly struggles, even when being escorted into the vehicle’s backseat by the young Rageon couple.
“What a miserable b*.” Floyd shakes his own head as he climbs back onto Ven’s shoulders.
“Yeah… look at what idol culture has done to fellow Rageons…” Ven concurs, and holds onto Gloss’s hand tightly. Griselda nuzzles at his leg, purring to make him happy.
The green-haired Rageon’s blue eyes never leave the driving vehicle. He doesn’t know if she’s eventually going to comprehend his earnestness in hoping for her to change.
But if she refuses, that’s a HER problem.
He turns around to rejoin his present loved ones on doing whatever they have in mind. Maybe he can help pluck the weeds that have been plaguing the golf course recently…
Sometime later, at the Mount Rageous prison.
Velvet is still in vexation and disbelief that she has the closest thing to having a neighbour, and said neighbour has to be a crazed fangirl.
“You also tried to get a troll, huh?” Vel has no energy to be excited at all. The moment she learned that this neighbour was the same fan who begged her for a selfie she didn’t even want to take, she resigned to defeat.
“YEAH! I was almost there, until your stupid traitor brother intervened!” Violet is nodding incessantly like a broken cuckoo clock, “How shitty is that?!”
Velvet can only bemoan in long drawls of resignation.
There’s no way she’ll be sleeping a wink with this chatterbox of a loud and noisy neighbour who will pester her to no end, isn’t it?
OwlHouseF4n Fri 12 Apr 2024 03:23PM UTC
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imadumdumjewel Fri 12 Apr 2024 09:55PM UTC
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OwlHouseF4n Fri 12 Apr 2024 10:07PM UTC
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