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Paws of the Past

Chapter 2: Prologue -- The Four

Chapter Text

In the beginning, there were four.

Nobody knew where they came from, nor what they were there for, but nobody bothered to ask.

Four sets of paws reached out, shaping the land and the skies and carving their names into everything they touched, for they were creation itself and all they knew was to make.

Bird, the leader, was the first. Everywhere he stepped, new life sprouted out beneath his paws and took over the forest. Every sprout, every feather, every scrap of fur, was all his doing.

Breeze was the second. Her winds swept through the land and carved out each river, each mountain, each ridge, and her voice echoed throughout it all to show that she was there and this was hers.

Specter came next, his claws cutting through the skies themselves and carrying life up to the stars when each reached their end. He was the afterlife, he was death, he was all.

Soul was the last, and he was life. The very culmination of his being brought forth more, every piece of his spirit branching off so that the four would never be alone. Every pawstep he made left behind two more.

The four, the founders, the beginning. They were all, they were everything.


"Do you ever think there's something more?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Think about it, Specter. There has to be more than just... Making. Don't get me wrong, I love what we do, but it gets tiring."

"Are you saying you don't want to make anymore?"

"No, no, never! I just... Want to do something else. We do all this stuff for others, but I want to do something for myself. Is that selfish?"

"No, Soul, you're not selfish for wanting that! Do you know what it is you want to do?"

"I think... I think I'd like to settle down. Find someone I'm into, maybe consider kits."

"Kits? But you're..."

"Yeah, I know. I think I like toms."

"Oh. Uh. Me too."

"That's nice! Maybe you'll find a nice tom you can settle down with!"

"But... I want you..."


"Sorry, nothing."


Please treat this story well! Updates may take a while, as this is a story I've wanted to tell for years.

Series this work belongs to: