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Rewriting The Stars

Chapter 1: The time I went to the other side


Sorry it's a little short but a song isn't really something that you can include in a fanfic in my opinion. Trust me. I've tried. I just had to write this. There is more coming soon, I promise!

Chapter Text

"Mr. Carlyle! You produced this play?"

Ugh great. Another unsatisfied audience member. They do know that I didn't write it, right?

"Yes I did indeed. Refunds are available at the front box office."

The man chuckles and reaches out his hand with a smile. "P.T. Barnum."

I look up from the absent-minded task of fiddling with my hands. "From the circus?"

The man still is reaching his hand out. "Yes. You've been?"

I smile and shake his hand. "God no! But I have seen the crowds. People leave your shows a great deal happier than when they came in." I scoff "Which is much more than I can say for my play."

"Yet you have no trouble selling tickets."

"That's because I'm selling virtue."

Barnum smiles, "Can I buy you a drink?"

What is this man so happy about? Why does he keep smiling at me?

As we walk over to the bar across the street from us, Barnum says, "I wanna go after the carriage trade! Present Legitimate acts! Expand our appeal, go after the snobs!"

Is this guy for real?

I scoff. "If only you knew how suffocating they are."

"So come join the circus! You clearly have a flair for show business."

Yep! He's crazy! I quickly look at him but say nothing

"Teach me how to appeal to the highbrows!"

We each take a shot. "Are you serious?"

He pulls that grin again. "M-hm!"

I look at him in pure shock. What is this guy on? "Mr. Barnum I can't just run off and join the circus!"

"Why not? Sounds thrilling doesn't it?"

Yep! I'm done. "Let's just say that I find it much more comfortable...admiring your 'show' from afar"

He laughs. "Comfort. The enemy of progress." He tosses up a peanut in the air and catches it in his mouth.

"Mr. Barnum, you do realize that just associating with you could cost me my inheritance?"

"Oh it could cost you more than that! You'd be risking everything..."

Isn't he trying to get me to join the circus? Because it's not working!

"...But on the other hand well, you might just find yourself a free man."

As Barnum drags me along the streets I think, This guy is...a piece of work He somehow succeeded in convincing me to join the circus. I have no idea how. I've always been a very practical man. Until tonight.

I don't really know if this is a good idea. Out of context it sounds like a terrible idea but Barnum just has this certain charm about him that was so compelling. I suppose that's what makes him such a "showman". The building that he brings me to looks like any other museum in New York. He brings me to the back door which reveals what I presume to be the backstage. There are two women breathing fire, an elephant, and people doing all kinds of tricks. He takes me up the stairs. We tip our hats to a bearded lady. I never thought that I would be able to say something like that. It's all so surreal. He pulls a curtain back and there she is. She's wearing a pink wig and appears to be a trapeze artist. I had never seen a woman so beautiful as her. We lock eyes just before she swings back down. I continue to stare at the tricks she does. 

"Who is that?" 


After Barnum is done showing me the rest of the museum, we walk back down several flights of stairs. "Hey hey! No one's buying hats back here. Get out front, go!"

He hollers to the woman I saw earlier and a man who I think must be her co-star "W.D., Anne! I wanna introduce you to my newest hire, Mr. Phillip Carlyle." He pulls me up next to him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." W.D. says as he puts his hand out. He and I shake. Though, it was mostly him as he practically tore my arm out of it's socket. "Yeah, pleasure."
I look towards the girl. "And what is your act Mr. Carlyle?" She says, unting the cloth on her wrists. 

I stare at her for longer than a few moments and the breathily say, "I-I don't act."

She laughs. "Everyone's got an act." She gives me a faint smile and walks away.
An Irish man walks up to P.T. "Mr. Barnum! You'd better come see this!"

"Phillip, keep up!" I start to follow barnum but I'm stopped by W.D.. He looks down at me and glares. I raise my eyebrows and follow Barnum.