Chapter Text
In this world, two types of beings were created. One type was born on Earth, their origin either being supernatural, or a product of humanity's mistakes. These were known as Kaiju, animals or even objects mutated by an exterior source, whether it be radiation or something spiritual. The second type did not come from our world, and were instead the craftsmanship of a twisted, alien mind. The handiwork of Alien Yapool, gave rise to the second beings known as Choju, creatures genetically superior to their earthbound counterparts, though their outward appearances were something left to be desired. More often than not, they were two different pieces of flesh stuck together, resulting in a very Frankenstein like creation. Some even had weapons fused to their bodies, all with varying degrees of success. However, there was only one Choju who stood out among the rest, especially in Yapool's eyes, and that was the Full Moon Choju, and the subject of our tale, Lunatyx.
Lunatyx didn't look like the other Choju. She was very blatantly a rabbit, rather than a mix of two different things. Sure, most rabbits couldn't launch their eyes at opponents, nor did they eat magma or breathe fire, but if someone were to look at her, they would be able to tell that she was a rabbit. Lunatyx was Yapool's first Choju, creating her using existing DNA from the rabbits on Earth, and mutating it through his own technology. He placed her on the then lush and beautiful moon, where she ate the magma under the ground, slowly growing overtime.
During her time on the moon, Lunatyx began to see Yapool as a sort of father figure as he raised and kept tabs on her. She would often try to get him to play, but he was too interested in her development as a bio weapon than a pet. In the end, Lunatyx's heart was broken when she reached adulthood, and was ripped away from her home on the moon, unceremoniously dropped onto the Earth with orders to destroy it. Yapool cared not for the Choju's heartbreak, and instead forced her to attack this new and beautiful looking world. She was just a kit when Yapool put her on the moon, and she didn't know she was destroying the moon by eating the magma beneath the surface, while also drawing the ire of the moon princess, Minami.
Now that she was on Earth, she soon fell in love with the scenery, as well as the animals and even the people. Angered by her refusal to cooperate, Yapool sent another Choju to attack and kill Lunatyx, though this second Choju was instantly destroyed. Lunatyx only struggled when Yapool himself showed up and tried to kill her. However, a small group of humans with strange powers, as well a being from the Land of Light, arrived on the scene, and came to Lunatyx's aide, having heard her betrayal of Yapool. After a long battle, Yapool's reign of terror came to an end when the humans combined attacks with the silver giant named Ace, and destroyed Yapool once and for all. With the battle over, Lunatyx thanked her new allies, including Ace, the one she was supposed to kill.
Ace praised the Choju for her brave actions, and allowed her to live out the rest of her days on Earth, so long as she didn't eat too much of the planet's magma. Lunatyx promised, and bid Ace farewell as he returned home, saying goodbye to the strange humans who also helped in Yapool's defeat. Lunatyx was now a citizen of Earth, and a proud one too, but part of her still longed to see her home the moon. She knew she wouldn't be welcomed there by Minami, even if Ace put in the good word for her, but a Choju can dream can't she?
Lunatyx dug out a huge cave for herself and furnished it, making good use of her growing and shrinking abilities. However, her stay was far from peaceful, as Kaiju would regularly encroach onto her territory. Granted some did it on accident, and were peacefully redirected, while others were less than cooperative. One such Kaiju was the blue salmon Kaiju Muruchi. He lived in a lake several miles from Lunatyx's home, but that never stopped him from frequently invading Lunatyx's territory on several occasions. Another Kaiju who bothered the Choju was Salamandora. He was a little less confident at fighting Lunatyx, unlike Muruchi, who went out of his way to constantly antagonize the Choju, so Salamandora rarely tangled with Lunatyx.
Tonight was yet another night where Lunatyx and Muruchi were fighting, though it was clear that Lunatyx had the upper hand, having already bitten into the salmon Kaiju's left shoulder, which freely bled onto the ground. Muruchi's angry, blood curdling scream mingled with Lunatyx's aggressive roars as the two monsters charged at each other, tearing at each other with sharp claws. Muruchi even got a little revenge for his shoulder by biting into Lunatyx's left shoulder with his powerful hooked jaws, though the fur that surrounded Lunatyx's neck and shoulders, as well as her brick like skin, cushioned some of the bite. Muruchi still drew blood, a testament to how strong a Kaiju could be, even when facing a Choju.
Lunatyx wasn't amused by Muruchi biting her, and she promptly jabbed him in the face with her right hand, grabbing hold of the fins on Muruchi's head and effortlessly hoisting him overhead, sending the Kaiju crashing to the ground.
"Don't you ever get tired of losing?" Lunatyx asked. Muruchi wiped his face with his left fin.
"You should know by now that it ain't that simple. I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to get rid of you!" he shouted before standing up and firing his Heat Ray at Lunatyx, but it did nothing to the Choju, not even leaving so much as a burn.
"You've got a Heat Ray now? That's new, but it's also worthless. Fire resistant remember?" Lunatyx said, pointing to herself.
"You dirty no good cheat!" Muruchi yelled.
"Now now, don't you go blaming me for your mistakes, however, if you really wanna play with fire, well, you know how the rest of the saying goes." Lunatyx said. She took in a deep breath and suddenly exhaled a huge stream of flames from her mouth, which struck Muruchi in a direct hit. The salmon Kaiju screamed in agony as he rolled on the ground and over several trees, until he finally put himself out.
"The hell was that for!?" Muruchi shouted.
"What do you mean? You got a crappy heat ray, and I wanted to show you a better one." Lunatyx said. Muruchi stumbled to his feet, charred skin flaking off of him.
"I'll be back. Mark my words, this territory will be mine, just you wait!" Muruchi shouted.
"Yeah yeah, I know. You've only said that like, a thousand times. When you do come back though, I'll be ready." Lunatyx said. Muruchi hissed at her before sulking off into the night, grumbling to himself as he went. Lunatyx dusted herself off and gave a satisfactory nod. Another battle won. She then walked away, heading back towards her cave. She knew she would have to dress her wound on her shoulder once she got home, but that was just par for the course. A Choju's job is never done when it comes to fighting, and Lunatyx was living proof of that. Still, there were days where she wished that wasn't the case. Lunatyx noticed that she could see her shadow despite it being nighttime, and when she looked up, she saw that the moon was out.
It was as full as can be, shining down onto the Earth. Lunatyx's ears slowly lifted up, until they were almost sticking straight up. She wanted so badly to return to the moon, but she knew that such a thing was impossible. With both the humans, and the moon people being highly untrustworthy of the Choju, cooperation with them was a no go. She was stuck on Earth, and as far as she was concerned, it would stay that way.
Lunatyx sighed and continued on her way, not wishing to pull up any negativity by reminiscing. She followed the path she had carved through the landscape until she finally arrived at the entrance to her cave, looking up at the moon one last time before going in. However, before she could step inside, Lunatyx's ears picked up a feint whimpering coming from behind her, and a small hint of vanilla filled her nose.
"The hell?" the Choju mumbled. She looked around, noting that the land surrounding her cave was looking a little worse for wear. What happened here? Suddenly, Lunatyx heard another whimper, and deduced that it was coming from a nearby rock pile. Curious but still cautious, Lunatyx approached the rocks and looked down at them. She put her left ear up to the pile, and sure enough, she heard another whimper. The Choju gasped. Someone was trapped under the rocks!
Quickly, Lunatyx began to carefully dig away at the rocks, making sure not to kill the person beneath the rubble. After clearing away the last of the rocks, Lunatyx looked back at the pile to see who she had dug up, but she was completely surprised by what she saw. Lying on his left side, curled up into a ball and hugging himself, was an unconscious man, at least, he looked like one. He had blue skin and blonde hair, and he wore a purple skin tight suit that was ripped up, as well as heavily damaged armor.
Almost instantly, Lunatyx identified the man as a Brenchin, but how did he end up on Earth? Lunatyx shrunk herself down to human level to get a better look at the him, however, it was clear that he wasn't doing too well. He was covered in bruises and cuts which were still bleeding purple blood, and he was shivering as small whimpers left him. Lunatyx could see visible tear streaks under his eyes thanks to the eyeliner the Brenchin was wearing.
"Poor guy!" Lunatyx said.
Without a second wasted, she gently picked him up bridal style, taking care not to hurt him with the sudden movement. She then carried him into her cave, heading straight to her bedroom. Lunatyx layed him down on her bed and raced into her bathroom, grabbing all of the medical supplies she had in her medicine cabinet and running back to her room. Lunatyx carefully began to dress the Brenchin's wounds, cleaning up the blood and the cuts themselves, and placing bandages where they were needed.
After that was done, she covered him in three of her warmest blankets, hoping they would be enough to warm him up. Once she was sure he was comfortable, and once the adrenaline left her system, Lunatyx exited her room and sat down on her couch in the living room, She let out an exhausted sigh, her ears drooping all the way down. It had been quite a while since she had been stressed out like that. The only other time she was stressed was when she thought Yapool was going to kill her. Even so, she still had so many questions in regards to the Brenchin now recovering in her bed. Plenty of Seijins came to Earth in the past, but this was different somehow.
He was so beat up, like he had been in some kind of fight. At first Lunatyx thought that the Brenchin had been unlucky enough to encounter Muruchi, but none of the Brenchin's injuries lined up with anything Muruchi was capable of. Whatever happened to him, he was lucky Lunatyx had found him, otherwise he would've frozen to death. Brenchin's were unable to withstand cold weather, as Planet Brench had a primarily warm climate. Lunatyx unfortunately had Yapool to thank for this knowledge, as the Seijin would often lament to himself about his past experiences with other Seijin while working on his next Choju. Yet another reason to ignore his first Choju.
Lunatyx was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt something dripping down her left arm. She looked over and saw that her shoulder was still bleeding after her fight with Muruchi. She had forgotten about it in her rush to help the Brenchin. Lunatyx stood up from her couch and walked back into her bedroom, retrieving the medical supplies and returning them to the medicine cabinet. She stared at herself blankly in the mirror as she dressed her own wound, still trying to wrap her head around the night she was having. As if Muruchi wasn't enough. She moved her shoulder in all directions, checking to see if it had been dislocated, and it wasn't. Lunatyx placed a bandage on her bite wound and stepped out of the bathroom. She went into her kitchen and looked to see what she could eat.
She had been on a magma diet as part of the promise she made to Ace. She had acquired regular food thanks to an uneasy alliance with a nearby town. All she did was keep Muruchi from destroying the place, nothing special. She went there to do her shopping, and plenty of looks were thrown her way, but she had gotten used to it by now. Lunatyx looked through all of her cabinets and the fridge, but when nothing caught her eye, she gave up and decided to go back into her room in order to keep an eye on her guest/patient. Grabbing a cook book from the bookshelf, Lunatyx returned to her room, making sure to be quiet when she entered, and sat on the floor next to her bed. She opened up the cook book and began reading the chapters involving all of the different types of lemon sweets, the best kind.
Baking was the Choju's favorite pass time, next to drawing and singing. As long as she had clear instructions in front of her, there was nothing Lunatyx couldn't bake. As she read her book, she suddenly smelled vanilla again, finding that it was coming from behind her. Lunatyx looked back behind her, and soon realized that the vanilla smell was coming from the injured Brenchin, though she had no clue why. Whatever the case, it was a pleasant smell at least. Lunatyx looked back at her book and continued reading, becoming a little morbidly curious about the many ways humans prepared rabbit meat. Good thing she wasn't a regular rabbit, oh boy.
However, Lunatyx's reading was again interrupted when she heard a groan coming from behind her. She looked back and saw that the Brenchin was beginning to wake up. Not wanting to scare him or draw attention to herself, Lunatyx quickly turned around and began fake reading, pretending to be occupied. Slowly but surely, the Brenchin woke up, sitting up in bed, and the first thing he saw was that he was somewhere other than under a pile of rubble. The Choju heard him gasp and pull up one of the blankets, presumably to hide behind.
"What's going on!? What is zis place!?" the Brenchin shouted. He had a French accent when he spoke. Lunatyx looked back at him and did her best to appear as friendly as possible.
"You're in my cave. I found you buried under some rocks, so I picked you up and brought you in here." Lunatyx replied. The Brenchin's amber eyes went wide when he saw her.
"M-Mon dieu! Who are you!? Wh-What are you!?" he shouted, his voice trembling. So, he could speak French as well, interesting.
"It's alright, you're okay. My name's Lunatyx." Lunatyx replied.
"L-Lunatyx?" the Brenchin stuttered.
"Yeah, you got it! Lunatyx. Do you have a name?" Lunatyx asked, smiling warmly. The Brenchin hesitated, cowering away from her a little. He was clearly scared, not knowing what was going on, or what this terrifying looking rabbit wanted with him. Lunatyx knew this, and she tried to make him feel a little more comfortable talking with her.
"Easy there, I know this is all really confusing and scary, but it's okay. I promise, I'm not looking to cause trouble, I just want to get to know you a little better, that's all." Lunatyx said softly. The Brenchin didn't reply for a little bit as he nervously looked at the Choju, but he soon gave Lunatyx his name, much to her surprise.
"S-Salza." he mumbled.
"Say again?" Lunatyx said.
"M-My name is Salza." Salza replied, a little louder.
"Salza huh? Interesting name." Lunatyx said, still smiling.
"I suppose so." Salza said, looking at anything but Lunatyx. The rabbit Choju set her book down and sat up on the bed, but she scared Salza by accident, as he flinched and let go of a squeak.
"It's alright, I'm just sitting down." Lunatyx reassured.
"Ne me fais pas de mal!" Salza whimpered, hiding behind the blanket he had a hold of.
"Aww, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." Lunatyx said, feeling a bit guilty for scaring him.
"Y-You understood me? How?" Salza asked, a little shocked.
"Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I know a lot of foreign languages, French included." Lunatyx said.
"Y-You do?" Salza asked. Lunatyx nodded, a proud look on her face.
"Uh-huh! I sure do." she said.
"I-Incredible." Salza said.
"It's not that impressive, but it does have its uses." Lunatyx said. She could tell that Salza was starting to relax a little, as he slowly lowered his blanket shield, which was a good start.
"Tell me, wh-what time is it?" Salza asked. Lunatyx looked up at the clock in her room.
"It's quarter past nine, why?" she replied.
"I just...wanted to know." Salza muttered. He then noticed that he had bandages on him.
"Did you do zis?" he asked.
"Yeah, and I made sure to clean your cuts too, just to be safe." Lunatyx replied. Salza didn't reply for a second, processing what she had said, but he finally seemed to realize that the Choju wasn't a threat to him, as he fully lowered his blanket, finally feeling comfortable enough to look at Lunatyx.
"M-Merci mademoiselle. I'm grateful for your help." Salza said sheepishly.
"You're welcome. I'm glad I was able to help." Lunatyx said cheerfully. However, she could see that Salza looked upset about something, like he was lost in his own mind.
"You okay?" she asked. This seemed to snap the Brenchin out of it.
"I'm fine mademoiselle." Salza replied, looking down at his hands.
"Are you sure?" Lunatyx asked.
"Oui, I'm sure." Salza said. He was still shivering, Lunatyx noticed, though it was obvious he was trying to suppress that he was, his grip on the blankets tightening as his shoulders twitched every so often.
"Are you cold?" Lunatyx asked. Salza looked off to the side nervously before he nodded shakily.
"I'm freezing." he replied, no longer suppressing it now that he had been caught.
"I'd imagine so. It's pretty cold out there." Lunatyx said.
"I know. I can't stand zhe cold." Salza muttered through chattering teeth. Lunatyx grabbed another blanket and put it around his shoulders, which made him flinch, but he soon grabbed the blanket and fully wrapped it around himself.
"Merci." he said.
"No problem." Lunatyx said. She stood up from the bed and stretched out.
"Hey listen, I've got a few things I need to do around the house, but if you need anything, call for me okay? If you get hungry, or if you need any more blankets, just let me know." Lunatyx said.
"Okay, I-I will." Salza replied. Lunatyx gave a satisfactory nod.
"Alright, you get some rest, and I'll come check on you once my chores are done. See you in a bit." Lunatyx said.
"Oui, a bientot." Salza replied. Lunatyx chuckled and walked out of the room.