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Splash (A Joyful Uproar)


They're stuck in a different world, no one seems to know the way out, and there's a general consensus that things couldn't possibly get any worse.
So of course, Pierrot creates a group chat.

(Or, all of my and bewilderedmoth's AU blorbos gather for some chaotic birthday wishes 💝)


Hello! As I said in the summary, this is my birthday gift for the amazingest writer to ever grace this archive, my friend bewilderedmoth 💞💞💞 I hope you have a lovely day and you get some worthier presents than this clusterfuck of imbeciles I now offer you LMAO
I don't know how in character all of their texting styles are, okay? I tried my BEST. If you find any section that makes you think "he would not fucking say that", know that a) you're probably right b) it was made with love all the same c) they need to commit to the bit, too asfksajkhhdal timeline-wise, obviously this is NOT canon to the AUs in question, but I'd say that for my kids it slots between the Camelot moment and the final sections of Two Stars, making them all between 14 and 17 yo. The mess is mine and fake/real folks, they' some point of their story *gestures vaguely in their general direction*. The still pending AUs are just vibing here, ngl.
That's all I have to say! Enjoy your read! Lots of love and affection 💗💗💗💗💗

Work Text:

the group “into the pinocchioverse” was created


pierrot has added 7 people to the group


Lampwick: Wait, what? 

twinkle: pierrot in the name of christ what did you do

pierrot: made a groupchat!!!

pierrot: it'll be easier to communicate while we're stuck in this place together :))))) 

lampwick: and you put two of me first thing first

lampwick: bitch

pierrot: I put two of pinocchio as well I'm not discriminating

pierrot: and I don't see either of them complaining

August: Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out what's going on here. 

pinocchio: And I don't care! I want to find out more too 😊

Lampwick: oh that CAN'T be August as a kid, he's too sweet

August: You didn't know me long enough as a kid to judge, Lampwick. 

pierrot: yeah fr leave my brother alone


pierrot has changed Lampwick's name to the inferior lampwick


lampwick: HA

lampwick: suck my dick old man

the inferior lampwick: one, it should be the other way around

the inferior lampwick: two, I'm THIRTY FOUR

pierrot: old

lampwick: old

twinkle: old as balls

eugene: Actually, I think the other Lampwick is even older. 

eugene: The one with the weird accent. 

eugene: I've done my calculations and he should be about 60 at least. 

lampwick: HOW

pierrot: [Image description: the black scientist meme, but it has been edited to say “Finally…DILF Lampwick“]

pierrot: mignon is gonna have a field day with this

lampwick: dont you fucking dare

pierrot: oh I will

pierrot: anyway gene try to get the old man to join us too

pierrot: I need that energy in here

eugene: He doesn't have a phone, dumbass, he came straight from the Enchanted Forest. 

eugene: I'll try to explain the purpose of using one to him, though. 

pinocchio: [Image description: a picture of young Eugene inside Granny's, showing something on his phone screen to the fake/real version of Lampwick. He's holding the phone up to facilitate this, but the man is still bent slightly to look closer, a puzzled frown on his face.]

He really is trying bless him

the inferior lampwick: Stop that looks too much like me 

the inferior lampwick: r u SURE he's in his sixties? 

pierrot: yeah can't you see he's doing the boomer phone squint

twinkle: that might just be because he's like two feet taller than eugene

twinkle: anyway look, technically all of us are pushing 50 by now

twinkle: curses be cursing

the inferior lampwick: ur not wrong kid

the inferior lampwick: except for August I guess

pinocchio: I'm still trying to figure out why that is tbh

August: Don't worry about it. 

August: It's not something that can happen to you, I promise. 

twinkle: well that's not ominous in the slightest

Eliana: It's August, what do you expect? He only speaks in code. Ask Emma. 

twinkle: WHOMST

lampwick: the fuck are u

pierrot: oh it's a nice lady I met while doing the rounds! 🤗

pierrot: she's an august's older sister btw

pierrot: instant kin

August: What? 

pinocchio: Pierrot if you're messing with us…….

Eliana: No he's not. 

Eliana: Hi, I'm Eliana, and yes, August is my younger brother. Not this one, obviously. I lost track of mine two hours ago. 

Eliana: But you can all be my adoptive brothers if you want I suppose? 

pinocchio: Oh my God

eugene: You're going to make him cry. 

eugene: I can see him from here. 

Eliana: Oh honey no, it's okay! 

pinocchio: I'm not CRYING

pinocchio: But I want to meet you! I've never had a sister, I want to know what you're like

Eliana: You know what? I'll call you. Let's see if I can find you in this weird Storybrooke. 

pierrot: I'm being replaced and I can't rven be mad

twinkle: if she's pinocchio's sister she's yours too dumbass

pierrot: OH FUCK YES


fraulein: twinkle

fraulein: twingle

fraulein: twinkle

you: mignon

fraulein: need you

fraulein: komm round the back of the park

you: what's wrong????????? 

fraulein: nothing

fraulein: need a witness and grace washed her hands off this

fraulein: please this is the funnies

fraulein: thing

fraulein: please

you: you're scaring me but alright

you: 5 minutes

fraulein: yes!!!!!!!!! 


into the pinocchioverse


twinkle: [Image description: a shot of an unknown walled backyard seen from the outside. Mignon is sitting at the very top of the fence, grinning from ear to ear with a cigarette between her fingers. Just below, mess is mine Lampwick is staring up at her, looking outraged. August can be seen nearby, but only from the back.]

twinkle: reporting live from the scene of a crime

pierrot: what, and I can't stress this enough, the fuck

twinkle: mignon stole his cigarettes and he's big mad

lampwick: welcome to the fucking club

the inferior lampwick: NEITHER of u should be smoking

the inferior lampwick: ur too young and it's bad for ur lungs

lampwick: gotta roll myself the biggest blunt if my life soon as i get home

August: Out of spite? 

lampwick: duh

August: Yes, that seems to be a shared trait.

the inferior lampwick: Not. Helping. 

August: Anyway, we're open to suggestions. 

August: Obviously the best scenario would be her climbing down but I don't see that happening anytime soon. 

August: Her? Him? 

twinkle: [Video description: same scene as before, but now sound can be heard. From behind the camera Twinkle shouts “They're trying to be respectful, ‘Gnon. What are your pronouns?”, to which Mignon replies “I can't pronounce anything, I'm German.”. The camera begins to shake as Twinkle laughs, then the video cuts off.]

twinkle: gender: bratwurst

the inferior lampwick: Brat, for sure

pierrot: everyday I try my best to be diplomatic and every day mignon shits on my efforts

eugene: What have you done in the name of diplomacy, exactly? 

pierrot: made this group chat

pierrot: gave that lampwick a balloon sword

pierrot: am hustling here gene

eugene: Of course you are. 

twinkle: how come you never make ME balloon art? 

pierrot: lies and slander I made you a heart on your birthday

pierrot: it's not my fault your dad sat on it

twinkle: everything is your fault pierrot you know that

pierrot: alas, the poet is disrespected once again

Eliana: I don't know what I missed, but I can assure you, diplomatic relations are at an all time high here

pinocchio: [Image description: a selfie of teenage Pinocchio and Eliana. Both are smiling brightly and Eliana has an arm wrapped around Pinocchio’s shoulders from where she's standing slightly behind him.]


pierrot: this is too sweet I'm gonna puke

eugene: Can't you be normal for five minutes? 

pierrot: thought you'd given up on that already

pierrot: kinda related tho

pierrot: look who I tracked down


pierrot has added August (1) to the group


pierrot: see I told you that your sister was already here

August (1): What are you doing, Lia? 

Eliana: Substituting you with someone who doesn't tower over me. 

Eliana: Yet. 

August (1): It's not the kid's fault you stopped growing

August (1): Don't make it his problem

Eliana: And here I thought I could invite you to get a milkshake with us. My mistake. I see now that you don't deserve it. 

pierrot: can I come instead

Eliana: Of course. You are very nice and are not named August. 


pierrot: as a favor to my new favorite sister I shall also make this conversation less troublesome to understand


pierrot has changed August's name to only child pinocchio


pierrot has changed August (1)’s name to baby brother pinocchio 


pierrot has changed pinocchio's name to best pinocchio


twinkle: no because this isn't biased at all uh

best pinocchio: You're back! How's it going over there? 

twinkle: idk mignon saw the sheriff coming and yelled SCATTER so I dipped

twinkle: shame bc the long guy was just trying to climb up to her and I wanted to see that

lampwick: which sheriff

twinkle: not ours

twinkle: didn't stay long enough to ask tho

the inferior lampwick: Yeah not all of us were so lucky. 

the inferior lampwick: You guys are so dead when I catch you. 

lampwick: cranky cause she got your smokes aint you

lampwick: been there

lampwick: come round you can have one of mine

lampwick: got em from her backpack

the inferior lampwick: I GIVE UP


Lia: [Image description: two Pinocchios, the teenager and a small puppet, plus Pierrot and a child Lampwick, are all sitting on the edge of a sidewalk with a milkshake cup in their hands. The two younger children are focused on their drinks, while Pinocchio is smiling softly at the camera and Pierrot is saluting it with his cup.]

Lia: Look at what you're missing out on. 

you: Where do you keep finding more kids? 

Lia: Around. 

you: You can't take them home with you, Lia

you: Some of them aren't even me

you: They probably have their own families to go back to

Lia: Look, the small skinny one said his mom is that Bo Peep lady from the butcher’s shop. 

Lia: I bet I would be a lot better than her. 

you: You can't just drop that kind of information on me to end a discussion

you: It's not fair

Lia: One of my new baby brothers told me to text you, and I quote:

Lia: “Cope.”


into the pinocchioverse


twinkle: there is

twinkle: no joke

twinkle: a little girl with blue hair playing magical tag with the mother superior

twinkle: should I intervene or

pierrot: what you SHOULD be doing is film it for me to see

best pinocchio: Wait, what do you mean magical tag

twinkle: the mother superior keeps telling her to stop and behave but whenever she gets near this girl poofs away like the nightcrawler

twinkle: I think I want to be her in the next life

the inferior lampwick: So ur just watching this kid harass a nun? 

twinkle: yeah p much

the inferior lampwick: Alright. 

the inferior lampwick: Carry on. 

eugene: Finally, one of you says something that makes sense. 

the inferior lampwick: Now what the fuck do u mean by that

lampwick: he means one of US old geezer

lampwick: try to keep up

pierrot: [Audio description: a voice note that begins with simple background chatter, until Pierrot asks: “Twinkle says someone is out bullying your mom, is that a problem or…”. He trails off as Eliana can be heard exclaiming: “Without me?” right before the note ends.]

pierrot: so yeah we have a verdict

only child pinocchio: That is what you're most worried about? 

the inferior lampwick: Yeah what??????? 

pierrot: and I oop-

Eliana: For fuck's sake. 

Eliana: No less than four different lands and not one of my brothers can communicate clearly. 

Eliana: Yes my mother is the Blue Fairy. No that doesn't mean she had sex with August's father. I hope that clears things up. 

only child pinocchio: Actually, now I have more questions. 

lampwick: ask them later i don wanna hear anything else abt this

pierrot: damn right marco isn't banging her mother

pierrot: he's banging mine :) 

best pinocchio: Unfortunately

the inferior lampwick: What

eugene: How did you think they became brothers exactly? 

the inferior lampwick: You might be surprised kid but I have better things to worry about rn

pierrot: see you should be careful about saying that to gene

pierrot: he notices everything WHILE worrying all the time

best pinocchio: And it's the reason why we've survived to this day

pierrot: god yes

pierrot: eugene we love you

lampwick: i dont

twinkle: shut up don't ruin the moment you ass

lampwick: brat

lampwick: the guy aint even online anymore

eugene: I AM online. 

eugene: This other Lampwick however has some choice stories to tell about traveling in a submarine and I want to hear them without your bullshit distracting me. 

twinkle: they got submarines and not phones there? 

eugene: That's what I'm trying to process. 

the inferior lampwick: @only child pinocchio how come we never got to do that

only child pinocchio: You can't afford to fix the boat you already have and you think we should get on a submarine? 

lampwick: BOAT?????????????????????? 

twinkle: oh shit you've activated the sleeper agent


the inferior lampwick: we didn't really get the time with ur friend throwing us under the bus

lampwick: forget mignon shes a cunt

lampwick: show me the boat

best pinocchio: The translation from Lampwick-speech is probably “I'm on Mignon's side because she's my close friend, but I'm willing to make amends if you send me a picture of the boat, please”

lampwick: didnt ask for ur help

best pinocchio: I edit all your essays, I'm not putting anyone else through that struggle if I can help it

pierrot: the gentlest fuck you in this chat yet

the inferior lampwick: yeah and he had me convinced

the inferior lampwick: [Image description: a picture of Lampwick's boat from back home. Leroy can be seen moving on the bridge, slightly blurry.]

baby brother pinocchio: Why is Leroy always involved in this kind of situation? 

pierrot: he's like…….furniture

pierrot: can't have a dock without him

lampwick: shes a beauty

lampwick: im so fucking jealous

the inferior lampwick: u an expert kid? 

lampwick: damn right i am

best pinocchio: He sure is! 

best pinocchio: [Image description: a picture of TP!Lampwick from a few years prior to these events, so about 12 or 13. He's lathering paint on the wall of Leroy's boat cabin, scowling in concentration with his tongue poking out of his mouth.]

lampwick: where the fuckd u get that

best pinocchio: Nova :) 

pierrot: nova queen ❤❤❤❤❤ we love nova

twinkle: [Image description: the Wonder Woman “A baby!” gif.]

lampwick: gonna burn all ur fucking houses down

pierrot: violence won't fix how adorable you used to be mon ami

pierrot: it's like one of those cat pics that go viral

Eliana: Oh, I have that! 

twinkle: you have what

Eliana: [Image description: a picture of a big cat with dark, bushy fur sitting on someone's feet. Its expression appears frankly displeased.]

Eliana: Cat

twinkle: ANGRY BABY

pierrot: I'd take a picture of how all these guys are looking over her shoulder at this fucking cat but honestly I'm hypnotized

pierrot: what a creature

Eliana: It's my little lady Tosca :D

the inferior lampwick: she looks like she wants to murder me

baby brother pinocchio: She probably does. 

baby brother pinocchio: She bites. 

baby brother pinocchio: Just like her owner. 

Eliana: Only if you're acting like a little shit. 

Eliana: Neither of us have ever bitten Henry, for instance. 

eugene: Who's Henry? 

twinkle: that and also

twinkle: you got no room to judge biters

twinkle: I'm a biter and our you still dated me 


the inferior lampwick: FYI August just choked on his own spit here

best pinocchio: And Eliana looks ecstatic

best pinocchio: Did you really have to drop the news like this, Twinkle? 

twinkle: yeah duh????? 

twinkle: maximum damage option

Eliana: I must thank you, little girl, he's NEVER going to live this down. 

Eliana: Also, Henry is Emma's son. 

pierrot: SAY SIKE RN


kleine stern: mignon why aren’t you in the group chat I’m tired of having to push three (3) more buttons to talk to you

you: i told pierrot if he added me id cut all his lute strings 

you: also grace was stressed out

you: y tho

kleine stern: I bring shocking news

you: what

kleine stern: the sheriff had a son with a man in like

kleine stern: every other universe


kleine stern: I wish

kleine stern: a healthy little boy

you: u fucking scalawag

you: im gonna lose so much money if people at home hear of this

you: so shes not riding the mayor there???? 

kleine stern: apparently not

kleine stern: robin hood won in the long run

you: i mean maybe he planted the seed there too

kleine stern: shut up I'll kill you

kleine stern: but hey you know what else I learned?

kleine stern: the mother superior had a child too in one of these places

kleine stern: a bio one

you: … 

you: so gold CAN still get it up

kleine stern: MIGNON NO


into the pinocchioverse


pierrot: so 

pierrot: any idea of when we can all get home

the inferior lampwick: It’s never gonna be soon enough

the inferior lampwick: Tired of ur bullshit already

pierrot: rude

pierrot: see if I make you another balloon thing now

only child pinocchio: He’s not showing it, but he’s devastated

the inferior lampwick: whose side r YOU on?

only child pinocchio: I’ve been made aware that there is some sort of family alliance I should be part of

only child pinocchio: So unfortunately, not yours.

baby brother pinocchio: This is Lia’s fault, isn’t it?

Eliana: I’m collecting them all like baseball cards :)

baby brother pinocchio: Baseball cards or voodoo dolls?

Eliana: As if any of your kind need ME to poke needles in them.

Eliana: Anyway, turns out the blue haired girl also had a little Pinocchio with her looking for his August, so we’re currently forming a search party.

Eliana: Feel free to join us, if you ever decide to become useful.

pierrot: [Image description: the Berlusconi counting meme.]

pierrot: something’s not right here

twinkle: yeah how are there two of them in the same place

Eliana: I see one of those big oafs! I’ll go ask if he’s the right one and explain later.

eugene: See, this is why I have no doubt you’re all related to each other.

eugene: The theatrics and suspenseful pauses are unmistakable.

best pinocchio: :(

eugene: This is not about you.

eugene: You have standards.

best pinocchio: :) 

best pinocchio: Anyway, we have good news and bad news

best pinocchio: The bad news is that we found the wrong August so we’re still looking

best pinocchio: [Image description: A picture of Eliana hugging an August/Pinocchio in Enchanted Forest clothes, taken from a few feet’s distance. The man is clearly taller than her but curled down with his face hidden in her shoulder, and she seems to be patting his head.]

best pinocchio: The good news is that he probably needed this as much as I did this morning

eugene: Wait, I recognize this one. 

eugene: He's with the submarine Lampwick. 

eugene: Married? Divorced? I think I lost track. 

twinkle: my god these bitches gay…good for them! 

lampwick: u joking bc ur about to cry too aint u

twinkle: YES

pierrot: not a dry eye around here fyi

pierrot: except the little lampwick guy he looks bored as shit bless him

pierrot: [Image description: a little girl with blue braids, in the arms of what seems to be teenage Pinocchio.]

pierrot: and her too

twinkle: the adoption drive is getting contagious I see

best pinocchio: I just miss Fabian ok

best pinocchio: Roland too but he likes Lampwick more

eugene: Why didn't you say so? Fabian is begging me every other day to invite you over to play Mario Kart with him. 

eugene: I didn't only because I thought you'd be annoyed. 

best pinocchio: Why? I love playing with Fabian

best pinocchio: He likes me

twinkle: we all like you dumbass 

twinkle: even the suspiciously blue haired girlie it seems

baby brother pinocchio: From her presence I gather you took her from the Mother Superior? 

pierrot: yeah whatever universe she belongs to

baby brother pinocchio: And what did my sister do when she met the Mother Superior? 

the inferior lampwick: I'm guessing she's pleasant company everywhere else too? 

lampwick: if i could kick her teeth in i would but nova said id get tried like an adult for it now

the inferior lampwick: Sometimes you kids are really weird

pierrot: you didn't say you disagreed tho

pierrot: anyway we're not sure if she did ANYTHING?????? 

pierrot: she just

pierrot: when she started talking to the mother superior it got all windy and the trees were rustling and shit

pierrot: spooky

baby brother pinocchio: Yes, that would be Lia. 

the inferior lampwick: So your sisters magic and you didn't tell anyone? 

baby brother pinocchio: She's not exactly magic

baby brother pinocchio: More like…in touch with nature. 

baby brother pinocchio: You don't have to worry about it unless you try to hurt her, which I doubt anyone of you wants to do. 

the inferior lampwick: Why, what's the worst she could do

baby brother pinocchio: Do you want the one I have solid proof for or the unbelievable one? 

the inferior lampwick: Both

baby brother pinocchio: Emma says she bit a chunk off a villain once. 

twinkle: and the other? 

baby brother pinocchio: I think she set Pleasure Island on fire before the dark curse. 

pierrot: bro what the fuck


private pinocchio chat


Little Me has added 2 people to the group


Little Me: I'm sorry I know this is super weird and you guys are probably tired of all of these group chats by now

Little Me: But I need to ask you something

Other Me: What is it? 

Little Me: Everyone keeps talking about all the things that are different between our worlds

Little Me: And they're not wrong okay 

Little Me: You don't know who Twinkle is and all those Lampwicks look like they wouldn't give me the time of day

Little Me: But we also did so much of the same stuff and

Little Me: And it's mostly BAD stuff

Little Me: Like Pleasure Island and the hanging thing

Little Me: And we all died! That's not something I should have in common with people! 

Little Me: So I guess I was just wondering

Little Me: Does it get any better, from now on? 

Little Me: Does all the loud stuff in our head go away? 

Little Me: You're grown up and alive, which is already better than what everyone said I would do but… I want to know if that's enough for us

you: That's a lot of questions, kid

Little Me: I know I'm sorry

you: You don't have to apologize

you: Actually, first of all, breathe

you: Secondly… I'll be honest, I think my fellow August here will agree that you're already doing a lot better than we did at your age

Other Me: Yes, absolutely. 

Other Me: I wasn't lying when I said that there are things you will never experience

you: Thankfully. 

Other Me: And look, maybe there will be other things for you to worry about in your future, but there are people who'll help you with them, too. 

you: But you have to tell them how you feel, alright? Don't make the same mistake as us. Don't stay cooped up in your own head. Everything sounds so much louder in there. 

Other Me: From my experience, tell your father first. 

you: And from my experience, your brother is also a good choice

you: It still sounds weird to think Papa might have fallen in love with someone, but I'm sure it'll do everyone good to have a bigger family

Other Me: Weirder than talking to two copies of yourself? 

you: For some reason, yes

Little Me: Oh I bet your guys would like Leona though

Little Me: She makes him happy

Little Me: And me and Pierrot get to do all the family stuff together now

Other Me: Well, if we happen to swing by your world at some point, we'll make sure to visit. 

Other Me: How are you feeling now, kid? 

Little Me: Better

Little Me: Thank you

Little Me: Sorry if that was too much

you: Are you still with Eliana by any chance? 

Little Me: Yeah, why? 

you: Try and tell her you've apologized three times in the last ten minutes. 

Little Me: HEY

Other Me: What did she do? 

Little Me: She smacked me over the head

Little Me: I get the point but hey

Other Me: Did you know she would do that? 

you: I had a hunch. 

Other Me: Why, how often does she do it to you?

you: That's between me and her

Little Me: I'm asking Eliana

you: Hey

Other Me: Good thing someone is taking the initiative here. 

you: Shut up. 


into the pinocchioverse


pierrot: boooooored

lampwick: suck it up or were leaving u behind when we go

pierrot: but I shall DIE if I don't get entertained, can't you see

lampwick: finally

lampwick: peace n quiet

twinkle: all of you are insufferable

twinkle: can I switch universes? like, just to get a break? 

pierrot: come on you know you'd miss us if you did

twinkle: wrong

twinkle: I'd miss eugene and my dad and my baba

twinkle: certainly not you


twinkle: hey @only child pinocchio is gay marriage legal where you come from? 

only child pinocchio: Why shouldn't it be? 

twinkle: so why aren't you guys married? 

twinkle: you're uh you know

twinkle: old

twinkle: you've got to claim the tax benefits before you hit retirement age

the inferior lampwick: Do u enjoy making people uncomfortable kid

best pinocchio: Look, there's a good chance she's genuinely concerned about your economical status

best pinocchio: Or she could be messing with you! You should keep all your options open

pierrot: you should fight her to test the strength of her opinion

only child pinocchio: Don't fight the little girl, Lampwick. 

twinkle: I'm sorry, who asked YOU? 

twinkle: fight me beanpole man

pierrot: fight fight fight fight fight

the inferior lampwick: I don't even know where you are!!! 

the inferior lampwick: You kids went everywhere

eugene: Come to Granny's, then. 

eugene: All of you. 

eugene: Granny's easy to find and there is something brewing I think you'd like to see. 

lampwick: wait what

eugene: [Image description: Granny's interior again. fake/real!Lampwick is now sitting at one of the tables, Mignon next to him, showing him what seems to be a deck of cards. He looks perplexed. She looks enthusiastic.]

best pinocchio: Are those Uno cards

the inferior lampwick: Where did she find fucking Uno cards? 

pierrot: look mignon works by cartoon logic

pierrot: don't ask

pierrot: she's like bugs bunny

only child pinocchio: That explains nothing, but it's not what I'm worried about right now anyway. 

only child pinocchio: Does every Lampwick have a thing about cards? 

lampwick: hey i dont give a shit abt cards

lampwick: and that aint a lampwick am not claiming em 

twinkle: I think he meant the big guy you imbecile

lampwick: i aint claiming him either he looks like a bitch

twinkle: fair enough

the inferior lampwick: Seriously

lampwick: if it looks like a bitch and it barks like a bitch

pierrot: it's a donkey

the inferior lampwick: For fuck's sake


the inferior lampwick has left the chat


pierrot has added Lampwick to the chat


pierrot has changed Lampwick's name to coward lampwick


pierrot: you can't leave old man this is the bad place

pierrot: actually I've got an idea

pierrot: let's get to granny's like gene said

pierrot: uno battle royale no holding back

pierrot: winner claims best universe title and gets control of the group chat

pierrot: who's with me

only child pinocchio: Not me. 

Eliana: Yes, you. 

Eliana: @only child pinocchio @baby brother pinocchio @pierrot @best pinocchio I expect our alliance to be solid and devoid of any treason, or else… 

pierrot: ominous

coward lampwick: If I win will that shut you up

pierrot: no but you'll be legally allowed to try and MAKE me shut up

coward lampwick: I'll take my chances. 

pierrot: then onwards, my brethren! we ride forth to our worthy challenge

pierrot: and may the luckiest bitch win :) 


clown: mignon I'm on my way there

clown: if you mark all the +4 cards and tell me what the trick is I’ll pay you 

clown: I'll explain when I see you

you: i dont know what ur planning piero but it already looks funny

you: ready when u r

clown: YES