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Jenn and her group of friends go to France to see the band that brought them together and as luck would have it, they are in the same hotel as them. With one bump from Felix her trip turns into an adventure of fun, pleasure, and heartache finding her true herself, true love, and true family along the way.


Hello, my fellow fanfic readers! This is my very first fanfic literature based on a dream I had before the guys did Lollapalooza in France. After hearing a lazy version of it my STAY book club encouraged me to write it out, soooo, I did and held on to it. With some push and pull, they finally got me to download it on here.

I hope everyone enjoys it as well as I dreamt it.

At the bottom of the chapter, I attached a playlist of all the songs that are throughout in order they appear in the story since there are different versions of songs that played in my mind while I wrote.

Thank you to my betas Rayrayknowsbest421 and Morgannablack! Without their drive and love, this story would still be a dream.

I plan to post a chapter or two weekly; however, knowing me and how I like to throw out treats I most likely will bombard you once they are proofed.

Chapter 1: dreams do come true!

Chapter Text

We finally made it after a long flight and ride to our hotel. We are in Paris, baby! We decided this was gonna be our girl’s weekend trip of the summer by going to see Stray Kids headline at Lollapalooza. We were in our early 20s, single, and hot as fuck so why not right?

We were at the counter checking in all bunched together trying not to laugh at this poor girl trying to speak English with her heavy accent when we heard a deep Nawwwrrr come from behind me. I grab Heather’s arm and my eyes widen. We all stop dead ignoring the clerk. The girls turn just their heads slowly and all their eyes widened, and mouths dropped.

I mouthed “NOOOOOO” as I tried with every fiber in my body not to swing around and lunge. The clerk clears her throat, and we snap back towards her and let her finish up trying not to smell all their scents combining.

We were all checked in and handed our keys when the clerk turns towards me. “Did anyone ever tell you that you have the bluest eyes and a beautiful smile?”

“Only in high school along with the phrase your freckles are sooooo cute too.” I smile back at her. “Thanks for making my day.”

Ria motions for us to head to an area so we catch another glimpse at the guys and be noisy. I go down to grab my bag when the guys push Felix into me. We stumble for a few hot seconds before he wraps his arms around me, and I twist around to balance. I look up to see a milky white face with startled eyes so dark I could almost see my reflection. He immediately begins to apologize but doesn’t release me.

“Um hi?” I say startled that he was holding me.

“Sorry about that.” His voice sounds like heaven.

I.N. pipes up. “Sorry, but we had to know if what the clerk said was true or not and Felix didn’t believe you had more freckles than him.”

“Oh” is all I could say eyes still wide in shock moving my gaze to the group of guys staring at us. Felix pulls us up straight and releases me then looks down all sheepish.

By that time both groups had huddled around me and Felix. To the clerk’s unhappiness was trying to usher us away because we started to bring in a crowd of onlookers with the commotion. So, one of their managers motioned us towards a conference room.

“Hi, we are...” Chan begins to say.

“OHHH, we know who you are!” Heather says. We all giggle as they all look like deer in headlights as we push out our legs in unison. Changbin kneels to see that we all have matching tattoos of eight unique stars swirling around the galaxy above our ankles.

“Holy hell, they marked themselves! Is it real?” He asks touching Lynnette’s tattoo. I swore she went into another dimension when he did that.

“Yup. Got them done before we came here. Well, we got drunk, thought we needed to mark the special occasion of the comeback, decided it needed to be in a place where it could be seen without undressing, and well we fucking love you guys.” Ria told them not taking her eyes off Lee Know.

“No way!” Seungmin said as he went down to touch Renae’s leg.

“Careful sweetness I bite.” She said as she leans down to make eye contact and grins.

I clear my throat, “I apologize for the horniness of everyone. Let me introduce you. This is Heather, Ria, Ray Ray, Renae, Lynnette and I’m Jenn.”

“And we are Stays!” Everyone but me yells doing the Stay hand movement that they do.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. “We all came together awhile back and have bonded hard over you and your music.” I continue.

They were all intrigued to hear all the details, but their managers start to get impatient and tap their wrists. Chan nods and motions for the guys that they had to go, unfortunately.

We shook our heads in acknowledgment and smile back at them.

“I wonder if we could get a group picture at least since this may be our only chance of running into you?” I ask.

They were happy at the request. We took a few with different poses and faces. As we were about to walk towards the door Hyunjin yells. “Wait!”

Of course, we stop dead in our tracks. We weren’t stupid. We didn’t want to leave. We all turn in unison which was met with laughter from the guys.

“Who is everyone’s bias?” he asks which was met with a groan from Chan.

“Do you really want to know Hyunjin?” he asks, “Could be fatal to your ego.”

“Think we all need to know,” Han pipes in as he walks closer to me.

I inhale hard glance around and meet Felix’s eyes. He never took them off of me the whole time we were talking I noticed. I cock my head and mutter, “Ray should go first.” and break eye contact with him.

“Hell, I’ll take all of ya. I’m not scared to say. Every day someone new is wrecking me HARD!”

That made them laugh again. With a little hesitation, everyone opens up and speaks, then it was my turn. I felt like I was ten shades of red.

“Wellllll..” I try to hold out as long as possible. “Chan is my bias and Han and Felix are my wreckers with everyone else pushing for spots every other day,” I said looking around the room.

“More details on how we are pushing for that spot!” demands Changbin doing his little butt wiggle.

My mouth dropped a bit, but I didn’t skip a beat. I was about to say when one of the managers chimes in saying they had to go. Groans came out from the guys. Chan walks up to me, smiles, reaches his hand out palm up, “Phone please.”

I hand him my phone enjoying being that close to him trying not to attack him as my blood rises inside. Holy shit did it rise. I look up at his dimples while he does something to my phone. I didn’t care if he was erasing the damn thing.

He smiles and then frowns. “Love the lock screen pic but can’t get in the phone.”

“Well, you see there’s this thing called face ID,” I grab the phone back, “It’s for protection from perverts like you.” I tease as I open my phone and hand it back.

He grins back. “Perverts aye?” I smile when he says that. “Ahhhh there’s that smile the clerk was talking about. It is as beautiful as she said.” He goes back to doing whatever on my phone.

I glance up looking for anyone to relieve me from my dirty thoughts when I make eye contact with Felix again. His eyes fixated on us. His mouth turned inward a smidge. I tense and Chan senses it. He turns to see where my eyes went to.

He turns back and grins. He leans in almost touching my ear with his lips. He whispers, “He’s just like me. Ready and willing.”

I shoot my eyes to meet his as every hair on my body reaches for the heavens. Shit that was so fucking hot I thought. I come back to reality smile back at him and nod.

“We are too,” I say not knowing what the hell I was saying as he hands me my phone back.

“Good to know,” he says backing up and turning away swinging his arms in delight. He swings around right before he walks out smiling from ear to ear. “Oh, by the way, I put my number in your phone so we can continue this...” as he waves his arm around pointing to all of us. And walks out. The others follow.

I turn to everyone. “What the fuck was that? Did they? Did we? Was he? What the fuck?”

“Holy hell, Jenn, Chan just put his fucking number in your phone and all but jump on you! And Felix wouldn’t take his eyes off you since you both touched in the lobby!” Heather said.

“Uh excuse me but did anyone hear that they all spoke clear English? What happened to their cute cut words?”

"Eh, I think that was kinda hot. Trying to be all flirty as fuck,” Ria said, “I can get use to having them all as my slaves.”

We all groan and then laugh.

“Come on girls, let’s go unpack and get poor Jenn here a hard stiff drink,” Ray Ray says.

“Aaaaaah, don’t say hard and stiff pleeeeeease,” I whine. We start laughing and went to find our rooms and unpack.


Chapter 2: elevator to heaven!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

We decide to go explore Paris a bit, so we know where to go for the concert. We got new outfits on and made our way to the elevator. As we were waiting Heather began to sing Hellavator while we all giggle at her.

“I wonder what floor they are on?” Ria questions waving her hand in the air. “Either way, top or bottom, I’m game.” Again, we all laugh and agree with her.

“Lee Know, I’m telling ya, I could drink him up all day long,” Lynnette sighs licking her lips.

“Down girl, but I will agree, I would strip down and do the worm all over that man!” Ria growls.

I reach on top of my head and realize that I forgot my sunglasses, “Shit I left my sunglasses. I’ll meet everyone in the lobby.” and go back to get them.

We were on the 24th floor and the elevator was old, so it seemed like a whole year for it to go up and down. I got in and it starts going down. After two floors it dings and stops. Doors open and there he is. Felix. He looks up and sees me and like an angel, he glides in. The doors shut and I’m still holding my breath afraid to say anything.

He smiles and leans back on the rail. “Fancy running into you here.”

I go to say something when the elevator jerks throwing me backwards. He reaches for me and pulls me into his arms. He wraps them around tightly and leans in towards my neck. “I got you, baby girl.”

If I wasn’t already burning with desire from just seeing him, I would have blamed it on the drink I was given earlier. I exhale and lean my neck towards him. Needing, wanting him to breathe on it again.

“MMMM,” he said in his deep vibrating voice, “Someone likes her neck touched. I’ll have to remember that. But for now, you’ll have to wait. I want to do something else.”

He pulls back a bit and smiles. His eyes change from angel-like to devilish. I keep eye contact grin back and squeak out, “Do what you want.”

“Ooh, I like where this is going.” He hums and cups my face with both hands. He turns my head slightly and smashes his lips onto mine. The elevator jerks again deepening the kiss. My hands go to his back looking for leverage. It took everything in my body not to come right there.

Our lips franticly move around, parting, exploring, tasting until he pulls back to break the connection. I moan and he chuckles. He looks down at me and comes back for more. This time he wanted in. I open and let him explore as deep as he wants. He seems to want to drink in me. Moaning this time pushing deeper. His hands slid down from my face to my neck. He tilts it up so he can go deeper. I dig into his back grabbing his shirt with my fists. He steps in more putting his whole weight on me pushing me against the wall. I let out a cry of excitement. He slowly pulls back again to come up for air.

“Damn baby girl, “he huffs out of breath stroking my cheek with his thumb.

He slides his thumb over my lips I kiss it gently then open as an invitation. He slides his thumb in, and I latch on. I begin to roll my tongue around it gradually strengthening my sucking. His eyes dilate even more. I could feel him pressing his stiffened shaft into me as I intensified my motions and let him slide it in deeper. I take my hand slide it to his crotch and begin palming him. His head falls back, and a moan made its way out. He pulls his thumb out and licks it. He draws his lips to mine. He pushes my hand away and grinds his hips to mine pushing my legs apart so he could have better access. I arch with excitement and lust. We stay like that until we hear a ding and the elevator jolts again. He pulls away and backs up wiping his lips and adjusting himself. I do the same. The doors open and a crowd of people load in, so he slides behind me. I could still feel that he was hard as he presses into me. His hand slowly wraps around my waist and begins to slip under my shirt. I suck in and rest my head on him. He slides around my stomach while blowing in my ear. I tense again. He knows what he was doing.

He gradually makes his way to my bra. He begins stroking the outside just enough that it was brushing my nipple. I arch back a bit making sure no one would notice. I tilt my neck towards him biting my lip. He licks right under my ear lobe and moves his hand inside to my nipple. He begins to rub gently. I bite down harder to control myself. He senses that my hunger is rising so he starts to roll my nipple between his thumb and index finger. I feel myself building. My eyes fly open and dart around needing to see if anyone was watching. He intensifies the wonderful torture and starts kissing down my neck. I began breathing heavily. He deepens the kisses and begins to suck. I clutch onto the back of his thighs knowing what my body was about to do. He starts to rock me back and forth slowly in a rhythm so I could feel him hard on my back. I start to shake, and he pulls me in deep into his body. He bites down harder while twisting harder and, in an instant, I come right there in an elevator of strangers. I did everything in my power not to make noise.

“Pant baby girl, pant, let it ride over you” he whispers. I do what he says. He turns me to face him, and he kisses me. He straightens me up and grins.

What the hell just happened I thought.

“You do have cute freckles. I’m partial to them you know.”

I muffle a laugh and shake my head.

The elevator opens and we all pile out running right into the group. Mouths drop as we step out seeing our hands are linked. Felix twirls me around to face him dips me plants a deep powerful kiss then twirls me back.

“Good day, ladies. See you real soon and have a wonderful day.” He says as he walks away humming.

“What the fuck just happened in there Jenn?” Renae shrieks with excitement.

“Uhhhh...” was all I could say as I walk outside the hotel.

“Oh, no, not uhhhh. Details bitch DETAILS!” Ray Ray demands as she grabs my arm. “Whoa!!! What is on your neck? Shit, that’s a hickey and a half.”

“A hickey? That is not just a hickey, she has them all down her damn neck in different stages. How long were you in that elevator?” Lynnette questions.

“Well, I was in there, he came in there, we looked at each other, he kissed, I let, more kissing, hard kissing, touching, people, hands, necks, teeth, nipples, motion....” I was sputtering in a trance looking in the distance.

“Jesus, she’s rambling making no sense.” Ray Ray shakes her head grinning.

Ria gasps, “SHE CAME! He made her come with all those people!” They stare at me waiting for an answer.

I look at everyone and just grin. “It was so fucking hot! Like right out of one of our books.” I moan throwing my head back closing my eyes to relive it.

“Well hell Jenn, if Felix can do that to you with clothes ON, I’d hate to see you around Chan! Damnit! Now I’m horny and need an Asian Idol to fuck!” Ray Ray whines.

We all laugh and explore Paris for a few hours. We found a K-pop pop-up shop and blew some money in there. We even found the Korean restaurant that we were told about. We decide to eat there for dinner, but first, we head back to the hotel to change.

We were walking out of the lobby when my phone rings. I pulled it out of my pocket and a picture of Chan appears. I stop dead in my tracks and hold my phone out for all to see.

“How’d he get my number? I thought he gave me his?”

“Who the fuck cares, answer it!” Heather screams.

It buzzes again. I stare at it until Ria hits my arm. “Hello?


Hope you enjoyed it.

If you find anything that needs to be corrected, please let me know!

Chapter 3: kids will play!


The phone call that brings a bag of tricks to the party.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

We all laugh and went to explore Paris for a few hours. We found a K-pop pop-up shop and blew some money in there and found a Korean restaurant that we were told about. We decided to eat there for dinner, but first, we went back to the hotel to change.

We were leaving the lobby when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and a picture of Chan appears. I stopped dead in my tracks and held my phone out for all to see.

“How’d he get my number? I thought he gave me his?”

“Who the fuck cares, answer it!” Heather screams.

It buzzes again. I stare at it until Ria hits my arm. I answer. “Hello?”

“Baby girl thought you would never pick up,” Chan said on the other side.

“It took me a hot minute to figure out how you got my number. Anyways what can I do for you?” I slap my forehead with my hand. Stupid question and so formal.

“I put your number in my phone when I put mine in yourrrrrr phone. So yeah, didn’t want the chance of you not calling. And to answer your second very loaded question. I wanted, nope scratch that, I needed to hear your voice. I also wanted to know if your group had plans for tonight around 11?”

“Uhhh...” I start shaking my head at the girls for guidance. “Nothing that I know of. We are heading out to eat then we are free.”

“Sweet. I’ll send you the address and you can meet us. I will be looking forward to it baby girrrrl.” He whispers in his sexy accent and hangs up.

I put my phone in my back pocket and look at the group.

“We are meeting up with them. TONIGHT! Is this happening? Am I dreaming? Are we about to hang out casually with Stray Kids? The guys we have been swooning over and saying dirty thoughts to each other about?” I ask as we head to eat.

“Well, you did come from one just kissing you, soo yeah, we are going to have some fun tonight. Can’t have them all now.” Ray Ray teases. We all laugh.

The Korean restaurant was phenomenal. So many choices. So many dishes. We found where the guys even signed their names the last time they were there. We were about to leave when my phone buzzes again. Chan sent the address. I show the group and off we went. Foreigners in a place that they can’t speak the language meeting up with a K-pop group that they can’t speak their language. Yup, we were free balling it.

We arrive at this building that looks like an Airbnb. We knock and Seungmin greets us.

“Hi ladies, come on in!” He says stepping out of the way. We step in and follow him up some stairs to the main living area. Music was playing while laughter was heard above it.

“They’re here!” Seungmin yells.

Changbin comes running up and starts hugging us. We all giggle because we can smell on his breath why he was so huggee.

I. N. bounces up to us next grinning. He lowers his head to make his expression more smoldering and winks then dances off. We walk in some more looking around. The guys made their own club.

“Can’t go to one, so we brought one to us.” Lee Know appears from behind us. We spin around. “Want a drink?” We all nod and off he goes.

You could hear two voices in the background singing karaoke. It was Han and Hyunjin. Their voices together could make anyone come. We opted to go over and watch. Lee Know brought us our drinks with Seungmin following with a tray of shots. I look over at Ria then at Ray Ray and then at Lynnette who was in her own world watching Lee Know walk away. Where the hell was Heather and Renae? I wondered. Then I saw them flirting with I.N.

“Good I brought my bag of tricks with me,” Ria whispers to me.

“Oh, good God Ria, really?” I laugh as I take a shot.

When Han and Hyunjin finish singing their duet they wanted to sing we were about four shots and one drink in. I was feeling really relaxed by that point. Pretty much everyone gathered to watch them. Though I did notice that Felix and Chan weren’t around, I didn't think much of it after another shot.

“Anyone want to sing?” Han asks panting.

“Jenn should!” yelled Ray Ray who looked too happy with her drink and sandwiched between I.N. and Hyunjin.

“Uh no, nope, I don’t sing.” I protested.

“Shit you don’t. I heard you in the shower this morning.” Ria points out.

“How did you hear me in the shower if we have different rooms?” Putting my hands on my hips swaying a bit trying to look shocked.

“I walked in the see if you had any toner,” she said as she turns and looks over to the guys, “Need to use toner right guys?” and turns back. “I forgot mine. So, when I heard you singing, I stayed awhile then left.” She gives me an evil grin.

“Wow, Ria boundaries much?” I laugh.

“Jenn, sweety...” Ria said sashaying up to me. She takes a strand of my hair and starts twirling it looking deeply into my eyes getting real close to my ear. “You know there are no boundaries between us girls. Just remember all those conversations we had at night in the group chat...” Then makes a kissy face to me and smiles.

You could hear a pin drop after that. That got the guy's attention real quick. Han starts fanning himself with his hand. “I need a damn drink and a cold shower.”

Heather bounces over to me all smiley. “So, Jenn want are you gonna sing?”

“Oh, I know! Connected. No, S&M by Rihanna. Oh, how about, Blurred Lines?” shouted Ray Ray.

“Jesus Ray Ray, Keep it in your pants.” Lynnette jokes.

“She needs to sing Red Lights,” Ria deadpans.

I whip my head around and mouth NOOOO.

“Why?” I.N. asks.

“That’s what she was singing in the shower. She was doing Hyunjin’s part and doing it all too well if I say so.” Ria teases.

“Sooooo that’s a no,” I said and turn to Han.

But before I could say another word Ray Ray yells, “Everytime We Touch by Cascada!” clapping her hands all giddy.

“Yesssa! She sings both versions but the stripped-down candlelight one with Yanou she does the best and is sexy as fuck.” Ria chimes in again.

“Damn it, Ria, how? What? Witch!” I said exasperated.

“FOUND IT!” Han sings and hands me the mic.

I look around at all the eyes and take another shot of liquid courage. The music starts.

I can still hear your voice
When you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness
But I don’t know why
Without you it’s hard to survive

I sing with passion just like I do when I am alone. Slow and seductive showing the need with the words. I sway back and forth eyes closed after a few bars letting the music wash over me. As it ends, I open my eyes slowly and see everyone with their mouths dropped open staring at me. I turn red.

“Not good I know,” I hand the mic back to Han, who is just a statue.

“Mother fucker!” is all we hear next, and everyone turns towards the door. It was Felix and Chan.

“First, he gets to kiss her and now you all heard her sing without me!” Chan raises his voice. “No, nope. Has anyone dueted with her yet? “

“Chan, that was her first song. Jesus tone it down alpha male.” Changbin jumps in. “Here take a shot.”

“You know I don’t drink,” Chan states waving his hand pushing the drink away.

“Well, I’m sure you will need it once you find out the other song she can sing and how we found out about it.” Changbin grins.

Chan stops and looks around at everyone's expressions, laughs, slaps Felix on the chest, and walks up to Han. “Put it on.”

“Uh, don’t you want to know what it is first?” Hyunjin asks arms crossed smirking.

“Nope. Put it on.”

Han hands the mics to us and we go into the makeshift booth.

“Uh, you sure you don’t want to know the song?” I ask.

Han fumbles loading the song shaking his head the whole time laughing to himself. He pushed a button.

The first note comes on and Chan knows immediately what the song is. He yells at Han, “Stop it!” He steps out grabs two shots and downs them. Shaking off the burning sensation he shakes his head to Han and steps back in. The whole time I’m standing there trying to get it together while looking at his biceps.

The song starts over, and he begins giving it his all. When it was my turn, I did the same. If he was gonna show off, so was I. I knew all the Korean words to a tee from singing it all the time in the shower. I know I was hitting them perfectly because I caused Chan to take a double take at me a few times. Hearing my voice being all sexy and me staring at him while singing starts to turn a switch on in me. If this was my only chance to be this close and sing a song with my bias, shit here we go!

Chan starts singing harder and getting closer the whole time looking into my eyes. I counter and match him. The only thing between us at that point are the mics. I see the intense look in his eyes, so I turn and lean my back up against his chest when my part comes up letting my hand drape over his shoulder and slide down a bit. He falters back regaining his composure. Not to be outdone he drags his hand down the front of me between my breasts to my stomach.

I inhale and go back further into him. I immediately feel his hard cock pressing on my back. I squirm. He grabs and spins me around tossing me to the loveseat in the booth and hovers over me not missing a beat. He brings his head down to my neck while singing the next verse. I arch in reaction. He presses my thighs down with his knee. I give. The song ends and I’m pinned, panting, aching, throbbing.

Chan leans in and whispers, “This is gonna be so fucking fun.” and licks my neck.

Cheers rang out as we got up.

“Fuckin’ A! That was so hot, like borderline porn hot. That should be in the music video. Sorry, Hyunjin.” I.N. said clapping slowly.

“Hey, no worries. I dig this version too.” Hyunjin agrees adjusting himself. “Jenn you did my part perfectly. And don’t sell yourself short. Your pipes are awesome. Definitely tell you are no gg.”

“Uh, thanks Hyunjin.” Still breathing heavily.

I went for another shot, but it was grabbed out of my hand. I look up and Felix is there.

“Water for you. Can’t have you blacking out on us,” he winks.

I smile back.

“If you think her singing is good, you should see her dance. She is so limber it’s crazy.” Ria offers to the guys.

With me giving her I’m gonna tell them all your dirty secrets look mouth dropped open. I flip my hands up to her. “Ria oh my god!”

Felix looks at me from the side. “Really? A dancer you say?”

I look back to him. “Mmm hmm mmm.” Is all I can manage to respond.

“Come on show them how you can just whip that leg of yours all the way up.” She pushes. I shake my head no to her.

“Now, I got to see this,” Han says walking to be beside Felix.

I squeeze my eyes shut whining. I really didn't want to show off all my secrets.

“Oh, come on Jenn. I dare you.” She now has a twinkle in her eye.

My eyes fly open to her remark. “Fine,” I grumble. “But I need another shot first.” I look at Seungmin who has one in his hand. He offers it to me. I down it then I slowly lift my leg straight up with ease to have my knee touch my nose and look over at Ria. “Happy now?” I drop it down as quickly as I could seeing all the eyes fixated knowing what they were thinking.

She looks at all the guys and then back to me smirking. “Quite. Thanks for the show.” I shake my head turning to grab the water bottle Felix had in his hand for me.

“Let’s play a game!” Seungmin shouts.

“Truth or dare sounds good since Ria dared Jenn.” Changbin requests.

“That’s boring.” I.N rolls his eyes bumping shoulders with Heather.

“How about strip truth or dare?” Ria questions still smirking.

Us girls whip our heads around towards her. What is she up to?

“What? I brought my bag of tricks and I want to play with them.”

“OOKKAYYY, we will play that!” Lee Know yells quickly before anyone can object.

So, we gather in a circle if you could call it that since everyone was scattered about. I managed somehow to be sandwiched between Felix and Han with Chan behind me. My Bias and two wreckers. FUCK!

Han leans over to kiss me when he freezes. His eyes shift from Felix to Chan who were staring hard at him and then to me. He grabs my hand and kisses it. “I better get my kiss in while I can. You know since I’m your wrecker and all.”

I giggle and pat his cheek. “You need to stop being so sexy and so damn vulnerable or you will become my bias shadow.” I tease.

We start out by writing things down and putting them in a beany so it would be fair, and the questions couldn’t be changed while asking. The first to go was Lynnette. She chose truth and was asked what her favorite SKZ song was and why. She blew through that answer in no time. We went around a few times laughing at the few dares that were done and hmm-ing at learning everyone's truths. Everyone was having a good time.

When it was Ria’s next turn, she pulls a dare. Lee Know grabs a paper, looks at it, puts it to the side, and asks what’s in the bag of tricks. We all turn towards her knowing what’s in there. Hopefully, the guys won't run away after getting a peek. She gets up grabs the bag from her purse and plops it down making sure she is closer to Lee Know when she sits.

“Okay, this is my sexy toy bag.” She purrs as she begins to open it up. She pulls out the simple handcuffs, lotion, a ball gag, cords, and then other much more detailed kinkier things that make me cover my eyes with my hands groaning.

“What, baby girl? This stuff makes you nervous?” Felix leans over and whispers breathing into my ear.

I shake my head no as a shiver runs down my body. “It’s what comes out next.”

He perks up and draws his attention back to the bag.

“And finally, my magic magnetic whip!” Pulling out four pieces and starts putting them together. It comes with several attachments including a mini vibrator with seven modes and intensities that includes a heating mode, an LED light, and even a remote.

“A magnetic whip?!?!?” Chan asks cocking his head to the side. “How did you get that through the airport security?”

“I have my ways,” Ria says and slaps it down close to Lee Know's thigh. He takes it from her and gently taps Han’s thigh sizing it up. Ria purrs again grabbing it back.

“OOOOKKKKAYYY! So, no one’s naked yet. What kind of dares are there? I see only a few layers off, but not happy here.” Changbin chimes in. We all laugh. He turns to Lynnette, points, and says, “You! I dare you to kiss me.”

“Sure, thing sweetness!” Lynnette jumps up and goes over to where Changbin is. She was about to kiss him when he put his finger to her lips.

“No lips. On my inner thigh,” he points to where he wants it. “So that means something has to come off to get to it right?” He raises his eyebrow to her grinning.

She smirks, unbuttons his jeans real slow hooks his belt loops in her fingers, and slowly makes her way down pulling them with her. Changbin was loving it. She kisses his inner thigh gently at first then digs in a little bit more. Next thing we know she was being thrusted up over his shoulder once his pants were off and up the stairs he went while the whole time she squealed in happiness.

“Well damn, one down,” Seungmin said shaking his head watching them disappear.

“Nope, make that two.” Lee Know says as he and Han stand together. We all look as they both hold their hand out to Ria. She looks at both of them and holds both hands out to help her up. She turns her head winks and sticks her tongue out at us. I shake my head. I knew that was gonna happen when I saw Lee Know and Han digging in her bag.

Heather looks around and sees how Felix is staring at me still and Chan rubbing his hands together. She gets up and whispers something in I.N.’s ear. They get up and leave holding hands.

Seungmin says something about roll play and recording something to Hyunjin and they look over at Renae and Ray Ray and smile at them. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I knew they were up to something. Ray Ray gets up walking over to them. “Boys stop plotting and let’s go. The camera awaits us.”

“Oh no Ray Ray, don’t you and Renae hurt those boys. They have a concert in a day.” I warn and try to get up, but I couldn’t. Felix had his hand firmly on my thigh holding me down.

He leans in and whispers in his deep sexy toned voice. “Let them play and we can continue our ride.”


I promise it will pick up and deep dive into the erotic side of my brain.

Again, if you find any errors, please let me know.

The playlist is at the bottom of the first chapter!

Chapter 4: ready for a ride?


Time for my brain to go wild. Here comes the smut! It's my first full smut scene ever written of many, many, MANY more!!!! Got to start you out PG. LOL Enjoy!

Also: Yes, I lean way over the fence for too many details throughout as you will see later on.

Let me know if you find any errors! Thanks!

Chapter Text

All I could do was swallow hard and stare into his eyes.

“Nicccccceeee Baby Girl. We will have so much fun.” Chan leans in and whispers taking my hair in his hand tugging, so my neck is exposed.

Holy fuck what was I letting them do to me. I feel like a little deer about to be eaten by wolves. I love it. I want more. Fuck, my pussy wants so much more. “Bye, girls! Play nice!” I manage to puff out not taking my eyes off of Chan while feeling Felix work his hand towards my inner thigh.

“Aye Felix, it’s my turn. You got her off in the elevator remember?” Chan slowly pulls me up to my feet looking at me with his deep brown smoldering eyes. He leans his forehead to mine. “You ready for a ride?”

“Youuu....” I start to say until Felix pulls me in the opposite direction wrapping his arm around my waist while Chan still holds on.

“Bruh, we spoke about this. I will let you know when we will need you. My ride, my connection.” he said in a huskier voice.

Chan let go unwillingly and pouts. “But I’m her bias and I want to play with her sooo badly.” swinging his arms all around like a little kid making both of us laugh.

“Ray Ray needs another um friend to play with,” I hesitantly suggest not really wanting him to leave.

“Yah, Jenn. Jennnnieee, baby girl... you really don’t want this?” Chan puts my hand on his very bulged-out crotch.

I go weak in the knees. “Yes, yes I do," I have to take a deep breath in to continue. "But like Felix said we have unfinished business.” Dread was killing me turning him away.

“Chan go play and don’t overthink. I promise you'll get your turn.” I look at Felix curiously about his comment as he leads me up the stairs.

There were about six doors down the hallway. Three on each side and one at the end which was a huge bathroom. Surprisingly for an older house, the rooms were soundproof. I couldn’t hear anything but our footsteps. Felix leads me to the last room on the right, no left, no, oh I didn’t care. I was just watching the back of his head. Watching his blue-tinted hair bounce up and down feeling his hand hold my wrist firmly.

We enter the room; he turns on a small lamp to give us enough light in there. He slowly turns to me and smiles reaching out for me to come to him. I smile and quickly do. He wraps his arms around my waist and starts to sway me back and forth pulling my body to his. He leans in and kisses me ever so gently like he is afraid he will break me. I deepen the kiss and push my tongue for an opening. He welcomes me as I dig into his hips with my hands. He takes my face and tilts my head to guide our lips. I was loving every minute of his taste. We start to grow restless, so Felix intensifies the touching of our lips. I could taste the last drink he had. I could feel myself levitating from all the lust stirring all over.

I moan in response to him pressing closer towards me to get every inch of space gone. I pull at his shirt, but he wouldn’t budge for me to take it off, so I pull at the center towards the sides until I heard the fabric ripping. I yank harder and rip it completely down the center pulling the rest down his arms. He’s got the money to buy a new one I thought. It didn't faze him, it just made him hungrier for me growling at my action.

He pulls back grinning and panting never breaking eye contact. He slowly pulls my shirt up making it so I would whine from the torture. He takes his finger and starts tracing around my collar bone traveling up my neck, pushing it to the side so he could see what he had done earlier. He starts tracing back down while he places his mouth on my marks. I shiver. He sucks harder. I arch. He pulls back and slides my bra straps down exposing my breasts as he places his mouth all over them. Traveling from one side to the other while my hands make their way towards his chest.

I rub over his firm pecks feeling his hard perky nipples. I begin to pinch them softly rubbing back and forth in my fingers. He must like that because he moans hungrily. I become braver trailing my hands down towards his abs when he grabs my wrists and quickly twists me around pulling my back to his chest. With one hand he holds both wrists out and with the other, he sweeps my hair to the side exposing my neck. He lightly sucks behind my ear.

I squeal.

“Baby Girl loves her neck sucked on, doesn’t she?” he grins whispering in my ear so I could feel his warm breath.

I shake my head as the only response I can make.

He presses back to my neck working his tongue all around. Circling and nipping, using his teeth to tease. I let out a cry and press my ass back into him. He pulls my hands down in front of me to pull me forward away from him. I whimper. Using his free hand, he slips it inside my jeans feeling how wet my panties are. I cry out again. My body enjoying the ride. He begins to rub. Cupping me so that any movement would spark sensation. He moves his thumb in a circular motion. I shake with anticipation. He deepens on my neck hitting my favorite spot.

“Come for me Baby Girl.” He whispers.

I scream out in pleasure while my body does what he asks. Waves of desire pour out. He pulls his hand slowly out of my jeans turning me towards him.

Barely recuperating he takes off my bra, unbuttons my jeans pulling them slowly down. He runs his hands up the side of my legs as I step out of them stopping at my panty line. He looks up flashing me his perfect smile before he tugs them down to my ankles.

Before he could touch me with his mouth, I grab his hair and yank his head back. He laughs picking me up from my knees and drops me on the bed. He pulls me down to the edge and spreads my legs open. Wasting no time, he begins tracing his tongue on my inner thigh sucking tenderly every once in a while, sending me into jerking movements of pleasure.

“Baby Girl?”

“Yes.” I pant unable to open my eyes.

“You ready for a ride?”

“Fuck yes!”

And just like a starved man, Felix doesn't wait. He dives in using his tongue to circle my clit. I inhale deeply. He traces down to my opening teasing me by moving it in and out slowly in between blowing cool air watching my body react to every touch. Wanting to give me relief from his torture he inserts two fingers in my dripping pussy. I jump from the welcoming intrusion. He slowly begins moving in and out while using his thumb to rub my clit. My hips start to match his rhythm.

“Felix!” I yell as my body warms all over.

“SHHH baby girl. No talking.” he hushes me.

I grab the bed cover with both hands for control.

He sees and takes that as a hint to increase his speed and pressure. He begins thrusting harder and faster.

I couldn’t hold on any longer, I scream out his name as my body trembles from the sensation of coming all over his fingers.

He slows down letting me ride through my orgasm. He leans over and kisses my stomach as he gently pulls his fingers out. I feel a know in my stomach as watch him lick them clean. He removes his pants and scoots me up in the bed. He climbs on top of me like a pretor about to devour his prey, putting his juicy swollen lips back on mine. Every once in a while, I still would quiver from coming. I could sense that he likes that.

He moves his hand to my breast gently caressing it as we lay there kissing. I could kiss forever this way. Deciding his lips needs to be where his hands are, he scoots down and starts his magic. He goes from one side to the other, tugging, kissing, sucking. My pussy starts screaming again. Moaning, I run my hands in his hair while he devours them. When he was satisfied with his work he comes back up for some sloppy kisses.

Feeling how eager I am, he slowly spreads my legs apart with his knees. I lift my pelvis to letting him know I was so ready. He glances down watching as he fingers me to get them wet to coat his cock. He looks up at me and smiles his gorgeous smile pumping his cock a few times making sure it's good and wet. He lines up and in one thrust he is making his way inside of me. I involutory arch as a moan escapes as he glides in. He pulls back and thrusts a few times watching my reaction. I throw my head back letting the feeling of him finally being inside filling me surface out. I grab at his back trying to get him deeper, but he holds still gazing at me. When I open my eyes to look at him, he continues his motion feeling my heat around him. He rests his head on my neck, kissing it, he slides his hands under my ass to raise it higher to get a deeper angel. I bite down on his neck to muffle my cries. He picks up the pace as I begin to suck on his neck as a response of my pleasure.

“No marks Baby Girl.” He huffs.

I slow to kissing choosing to go towards his shoulders lifting my upper half. That makes him moan loudly pushing deeper inside me. I bite down on his shoulder ever so lightly. When he didn’t say anything, I begin to suck and lick there. I need to suck. I need to lick. I need his scent.

He slows down a bit to let me play around with my tongue. I begin to lick from his shoulder where I left my mark across his collarbone straight up his Adam's apple. His breath catches. I work over towards his ear where I begin to lightly blow. I feel his cock quiver pushing at my walls. I sigh in his ear quietly and draw my lips to his. I reach up to his head with both hands and draw him down to lay fully on me so I can deepen the kiss.

He pulls back looks at me and smiles. A calm look runs across his face as he places my legs on his shoulders and picks up the pace again. He would push so deep he would hit my cervix and pull out leaving his tip just in. He knew doing that would push me over quickly.

My climax came over me faster than I could blink. My body pulsated all over as I gave in. My head falls back, my toes curl, and I scream out. He keeps thrusting making it last as long as possible.

“Good to know Baby Girl likes it this way. That’s three so far for today.” he smirks as he pulls out and flips me over. He pulls me up on my hands and knees exposing everything I have to offer.

He places a kiss on each of my ass cheeks, grips my hips, and thrusts inside my already swollen wet opening having his pelvis bone meet my ass. Not giving me time to react, he pulls out and slams his cock deeper. I can feel his balls hit my clit. I lunge forward, he grips tighter on my hips and pulls me back into him making me feel every inch of him. He starts pounding me fast and hard pushing out airy sounds from me. The sound of our bodies coming together makes a song of their own. I could feel him take all of me. His swollen shaft and my swollen opening were working in unison. I haven’t felt like this in a long time as my body sucks him in with each thrust .

“Good god Baby Girl, you’re tight as fuck. Keep it up am I gonna come.” Felix howls as he keeps probing my pussy over and over.

I want more. I want deeper. I want to be split apart. I slowly start to pull up towards him. He knows what I'm doing and gives in. Eventually, I am sitting on his knees riding him backwards. I would lean back and move feeling his cock rub all around inside. I would lean forward so I could slide him as far as possible. I rock slowly so I can feel the heightened sensation of everything.

Felix grabs my hips and starts moving them the way he wants. He reaches around and starts playing with my nipples. I cry out in ecstasy. I can feel myself building again. So does he. He moves his hand down to my nub and starts rubbing in circles to work me up even more. I start riding faster. He motions faster. I squeeze my thighs tightly together as my orgasm slams into me falling forward. Felix quickly flips me over onto my back and slides right back pumping into me surging my orgasm to continue.

He lifts me so I'm straddling his knees. We start kissing finding our rhythm again. He shifts to get deeper. I break away leaning back exposing myself to him arching my back allowing him to see his cock go and in and out while bouncing up and down. Who knew that would set him off like a firework. He grips harder on my hips quickening the pace squeezing my clit causing me to jolt causing me to squeeze tightly around him coming with a cry. He throws his head moaning back quickly grabbing my hips to stop me from rocking as pushes deeper releasing into me.

We sit like that for a while gazing at each other letting everything ride over us. He lays me down on my back, slowly pulls out, and rolls off of me. We just lay on our sides facing each other letting everything wash over us.

“Baby Girl.” is all he could say.


He smiles and kisses me.

He gets up and gets a box from the dresser full of washcloths and chocolates. He gives me a piece of chocolate as he cleans us up. When he felt like we were good enough we get dressed.

We were walking down the hall holding hands when out of nowhere Ria comes walking out of a room with just bunny ears on. I look at Felix who was laughing silently.

“Um Ria where’s your clothes and why the hell are you walking around naked with just ears on?” I asked shaking my head wanting to hide her from Felix.

“Lee Know has them or maybe Han does. Who knows.”

“Bunny fu fu? Where are you?” We hear Han call out.

“Oops that’s me!” Squeals Ria and goes back in the room.

Still speechless at what we just saw we walk down to the main room in silence holding hands. Sitting there was Changbin and Lynnette half asleep.

“Ready to go? “Lynnette asks tiredly standing. “About damn time.”

“Why?” I asked helping her up.

“Ray Ray and the others left already. Something about locations from Renae. And shit girl ya’ll been up there for like over two hours.” Her words slur.

“Two hours?” I turn to Felix. Couldn’t have been over two hours.

The guy's got us an uber and Felix kisses me promising to call tomorrow and watch out for Ria.

Once we pull away Lynnette smacks my arm.

“Heyyyyyy!” I shirk. “What was that for?”

“Girl we just got screwed by Stray Kid members. Annnd what took you so damn long? I want to know all the details. Was he slow? Hard? Come on with the details.” she was practically hitting her head on the ceiling of the car from bouncing up and down.

“Well, what about you? Wait! How long were you two down there?”

“Like an hour. We got too hungry and binged out on food. Then we were too tired to do anything else, so we cuddled and watched YouTube videos.” Her eyes glaze over with fondness. “He’s a great cuddler. I could see myself falling but not before I dip my toe in all the water if you know what I mean?”

“Yes, yes I do.” I laugh imagining us having all of them.

“Well, who made you come more? Chan? Felix?" Her expression changes. "Wait you came down with just Felix. What happened to Chan?”

“Felix and him apparently made a deal earlier today and Felix wasn’t done with me. He told Chan he would let him know when he is done.” I responded as I look out the window still wondering what that meant.

“When done? Does that mean they are coming back for seconds?” She teases.

“For Felix, try like fifths or sixths I don’t know. I can’t remember, I lost count after three.” I giggle leaning my head on the glass window.

“What the fuck! Jenn no wonder you were up there for so long. Here I thought three huge ones was a lot.” Lynnette sulks leaning back in the seat.

“Anything is better than one or none. Right?” I said sleepily watching Paris pass by.

Chapter 5: YouTube lives will never be the same!


Threw in a smidge of smut with some fluff.

Can you imagine playing truth or dare with the guys? Especially strip.... oof I'd cheat. (hehe)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

I don’t remember the rest of the cab ride back or how I managed to undress, shower, and sleep but I did manage to hear my phone buzzing. I pick it up and see I have a few texts coming in for Chan. He said Felix won’t stop smiling and he is jealous. Also, after their meeting, they have the day open and wanted to see if we wanted to hang out. Oh, and that Ria was back at the hotel. I sit my phone down and wonder why they have hotel rooms if they rented a house. I pick my phone back up and text back asking for the time and place. Then roll back over to sleep.

Knock knock.

I roll out of bed stumble to the door and open it. It was a cart full of food. I pull it in and see a note. I pick it up and lean on the door.

Baby Girl

I loved seeing all your freckles last night and the sparkle in your eyes. Eat up. Tonight is gonna be lots more fun.


I close my eyes and flip the card around in my hand a few times thinking about what he met. I was so distracted that I didn’t even notice the girls walk in.

“Earth to Jenn,” Lynnette waves her hands in front of my face.

“Huh? How did you get in here?” I say snapping out of it and zeroing in looking at them eating the food.

“Walked right by you as you were deep in thought. Heard you had a good time. Though someone was very jealous and a pouty man after that.”

Heather said tossing a strawberry in her mouth.

“What?” I muffle with a mouth full of waffles.

“When we got back to the house Felix was singing like crazy, writing a song. I guess the guys talk about their “Endeavors” but Felix wouldn’t share. He kept smiling and singing. That infuriated Chan and he demanded he know because of the pact they made. Felix still didn’t say anything, but Changbin said ya’ll came down after 2 hours or so up there and you had more marks than he could count. Of course, Chan said he didn’t care about that he only cares about...” She stops.

“Heather, what did he care about?” I push.

Sighing she replies, “How many times you came and if feelings were being caught? Apparently, they get to match whoever they have a pact with. Fair game and all. Let the person choose who she wants to be with after their first endeavor. This is a new thing they are trying and Felix kicking Chan out last night instead of sticking to the script made him more headstrong and willing if you know what I mean.”

I sit down on the edge of my bed thinking about what I just heard when I remember. “Ahhhh... I made plans with Chan for all of us this morning and Felix said tonight will be fun on his note. Now I’m wondering what kind of fun they have in store.” I spoke out loud looking up at the girls with a confused as hell look on my face.

“If it’s anything like Ria’s fun then you need to talk to her. By the way, where is she?” Lynnette asks stabbing a piece of waffle like it was moving.
“In her room sleeping it off. She got in about 5 am.” Ray Ray said taking Lynette’s fork away from her taking the waffle and feeding it to her. “Well, whatever they are thinking, we need to air on the cautious side. We don’t need any one of us hurt in any way. I don’t care if it is the Stary Kids. Hos before bros.”

We just finished breakfast when Ria graced us with her presence beaming from ear to ear. She would not tell us any details and I don’t think I want to know after seeing her wearing those ears.

“Do you girls realize we all got dicked one way or another by a Stray Kid or two last night? We came here hoping to get close enough to see them and we are SEEING them as close as possible if you know what I mean.” Renae beams.

Holy shit. She was right. I had one bending me over and another wanting to. This was fucking awesome.

We were almost ready for the day when my phone notification dings. I text the girls that they messaged and had a car waiting for us.

We were greeted by a few of their bodyguards waiting for us. We felt kinda of a big deal especially when people started talking and trying to take our picture as we were walking through the lobby.

We were driven to a park where the guys were waiting for us. They all ran over when the van doors opened. They had a cute picnic set up and yard games waiting for us on the lushiest part of the park.

“So far we are outside in the open public, they can’t ravage us here.” Ray Ray leans over and whispers in my ear.

We all sit down over several blankets they have laid out for all of us. They all were happy and talkative telling us about what they brought, by who, and why continuing with how it’s nice to have a whole day off. It was nice to just enjoy the weather and not think about the burning in our loins. We play lawn Jenga which I.N. was overly excited about. Seungmin steps it up when he brings out five huge super soakers causing some of the guys to go crazy on us trying to soak us all. We run in all directions. Chan catches up to me, lifting me over his shoulder he runs like there’s a fire. He only stops when I yell that I can’t see the park anymore.

He places me down and doubles over to breathe.

“You didn’t have to run all this way. Seungmin can’t outrun a kangaroo.” I tease rubbing his back like it would help.

He sucks in some air and straightens up. He looks at me and smiles flashing me his killer dimples.

“I did this to get you alone.” he winks.

“What? Really? I mean you could have just asked.” I say getting caught up in his dimples.

“Felix would be on us in a hot minute. I want my time, but I don’t want it to start just yet,” he grabs my hand intertwining our fingers.

“Oookkayyyy I think I understand that” I reply looking away from his mouth up to his eyes confused.

He laughs and bends down kissing me on my lips. I always wondered what it would be like to kiss Bang Chan, the leader of Stray Kids, an idol, a god, but this wasn’t like that at all. It was more whole, personal, it was just Chan. Our lips melt into each other like a puzzle piece. His lips cover all of mine just right. He doesn’t push or pull back. It’s the perfect first kiss. When we part, we both let out a breathy sigh feeling the spark wash over us.

We walk holding hands. He would sway them like little kids being playful only stopping when we would stop to look in the windows of the stores. When it starts to get crowded, he puts his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer towards him. I could feel that he was in a protective mode, yet the weight of his arm felt comfortable. He would often kiss on top of my head lingering a bit here and there.

We wander around for about a half hour before his phone buzzes over and over. When he finally looks at it, he makes a grunting noise.
“Felix.” he sighs.

He texts him something which gets a response immediately. He presses his lips tightly while reading it and then looks at me.

“Baby Girl. We need to go back. Felix is livid and it’s time to go to our next spot.”

I shook my head in agreement but first I grab the middle of his t-shirt as he turns stopping him and pull him down to my lips. He wraps his arms around me as if this is what we always do and kisses me like it was our last kiss ever. He lifts his phone and takes a couple of pictures of us kissing and then of just us close together.

We get back as everyone is piling onto the bus. Felix sees us and points down to his wrist. Chan shakes his head in acknowledgment and ushers me up into the bus.

Of course, there were barely enough seats with us now, so I somehow found myself sitting on Felix’s lap with my feet lying across Chan’s lap. God help me.

“So where are we going next Mr. Tour Guides?” Ria asks playing with I.N. ‘s hair making him blush.

Chan’s eyes find mine as he speaks giving my ankles a squeeze. “Well, it’s getting late, so we figured dinner and then see where the night takes us.”

“It can’t be late like last night, right?” Lynnette looks at Han for an answer. “You have the festival and all.”

“Rehearsal isn't until noon. We will be good by then.” Hyunjin said grinning. “We are used to crazy time schedules.”

“God you're so fucking beautiful.” Ray Ray blurts out brushing his lips with her thumb. He nips at it playfully. He doesn’t stop her when she goes in for a kiss. They stop hearing a whine come from Lee Know. She turns her head towards him and sees him frowning. She leans her head back to let him kiss her. Liking this game, she goes to each one and kisses them as well without any objection. When she approaches Chan and Felix she looks at me. I shrug my shoulders. They both look at me in shock.

“Come on, let her have her moment then she can say she kissed all of the Stray Kids idols to her grandchildren one day,” I squirm a little putting my pouty face and puppy dog eyes out for display.

They cave and give in giving her a quick kiss, unlike the others. When she sits back down Lee Know grabs her again saying he had to be the last lips touching hers planting a deep one on her. She falls back into her seat all floaty like she just came back from the moon.

“Ria?” she squeaks all dazed and smiley leaning over to Ria.

Ria hesitates. “Yeaaah...”

“I’m pulling the trading card.”

“Bitch! Uhhh...fine.” huffing at the thought looking at Ray Ray she waves her hand dismissively, “I think I wore them out last night anyways.” They both laugh knowing that Ria was probably right. Han puts his arm around Lee Know and smiles knowing they had a lot of fun.

While watching the interaction between the foursome I could feel Felix getting hard under me. Since I was leaning on his chest, I arch my head back to look at him. He smiles and winks at me. I manage to muffle a moan when Felix brushes against my ear with his lips prompting Chan to start rubbing my thighs. What were they up to I thought.

Felix starts kissing my neck as my eyes fly to Chan. He is watching and smiling while gently squeezing the outer part of my thighs. Felix turns my head towards him to have access to my lips and starts kissing me. Chan decides that his hands need to be touching my inner thighs, He slides his hands between and spreads my legs apart rubbing my inner thighs letting his fingertips brush my core. Seeing Felix keeping me occupied he slowly swings my one leg down to dangle to give him more playing room. I shift causing Felix to moan a bit and pull away.

“Lay your head down Baby Girl and try to be still,” he whispers teasing my lips with his thumb. I do what he says focusing on the thumb peaking in my mouth.

Chan unbuttons my jeans and slips his hand down pushing his fingers across my clit. I inhale and stiffen.

“Relax Baby Girl and enjoy the ride.” Felix croons in my ear while pushing my tongue down with his thumb. “Close your eyes.”

I close my eyes and focus on Chan’s fingers. His fingers are toying with me. Circling, pitching, rubbing. It was a work of art. He slides down further so his fingertips are at my entrance. I start thanking God for giving him long ass fingers. He wiggles them around my entrance toying with me, working me up, and making me even wetter than I am. He shifts his hand again allowing his three fingers to enter me in one thrust. I jerk at the sensation sucking harder on Felix’s thumb to muffle my cry.

Chan quickly starts pumping his fingers in and out pushing as deep as he can go rubbing my clit with his thumb. He feels my walls swelling quickly tightening around his digits and nods to Felix. Felix pulls his thumb out, turns my head, and bites down on my neck. I come so fast and hard it took every fiber in my body not to scream and levitate up off the seat. Felix immediately covers my mouth with his forcing his tongue in as Chan continues to finger the hell out of me until I come down back to earth.

Once he is satisfied that I look beautifully fucked out of my mind, he pulls them out and licks his fingers offering them to Felix. Felix’s eyes roll in the back of his eyes licking his lips to get every little bit when he was done.

Chan smiles, reaches over, and kisses me. I can taste myself on his lips. Felix leans down and buttons up my jeans helping me pull back up into his lap after sliding down from the little escapade. I peeked over the seat some to look at everyone to see if anyone saw or heard, but everyone was in their own world flirting and singing obliviously to what just happened. I turn back around and cuddle up to Felix.

“What a sweet baby girl,” Chan says whipping off his hand with a wipe that appeared from the side compartment.

“Isn’t every Stay your baby girl?” I smirk.

Chan freezes looking me dead in my eyes, but then shakes his head continuing to wipe his hand.

“Don’t get him angry Baby Girl, he will bite and his is harder than mine,” I shiver at the thought with dread of angering him and anticipation of Chan’s teeth breaking my skin.

Note not taken.

The meal was phenomenal. The food was so delicious allowing everyone to eat way too much. We drank close to 9 bottles of champagne. Corny jokes and stories shared around the table with touchy hands, and quick hidden kisses as promises were made during toasts to the new friendship. Everyone was feeling good. Really good. Even Chan drank thanks to my sexy blue eyes and smile that he could not say no to.

By the time we reach their rental, the alcohol had set in. “Truth or dare time!” Changbin slurs a bit more than yells. “We have more left over from yesterday.” We all agree and sit practically in the same spots.

Changbin grabs the beanie lying on the piano and shakes it. “Remember the rules. You will pull either a truth or dare from the beanie. If you won’t or can’t answer or veto the dare, then an article of clothing comes off and when you are naked you are out.” He looks around for everyone to agree.

“Okay let’s go! Han, you go first.”

Han pumps his hand in the air as Ray Ray reaches her hand in pulling a dare for him. It says to give the person who pulled the dare a hickey on the inner side of their left boob or peck. Which he did and damn fast too. I didn’t even see him flip her bra up before dipping her and going to town motorboating as he sucked.

Next was Ria who goes for truth this time. Han pulls out the card laughing after reading it. It asks to choose between Han or Lee Know to give anal. You could see her torn look. After mulling it over being stared at intently by both guys she couldn’t choose she took her top off.

It continues going well for a while until thanks to the champagne from dinner and the new drinks being sipped no one could honestly do any dares without failing or getting through a truth without going off topic resulting in everyone pretty much down to underwear.

The last turn was Chan’s. It was my turn, so I pull the last card in the beanie. I read at it and smile. I walk over to the alcohol on the table and grab the bottle of whisky. I walk over to him and said “Open”.

He shook his head. “I’m done drinking.”

“Oh baby, I know you already have but when you hear this dare you will want to be drunker for legal purposes.” I tease and push the bottle to his lips.

“I don’t like the sound of that,” he says, but downs a few shots anyway keeping his eyes on me the entire time. “What is it?” He hisses feeling the burn.

“Your dare is to do a YouTube live Channie’s Room right now.” I lean forward and plant a deep kiss on his lips.

“Oh, hell nooooo. “He protests giggling a bit giving into his alcohol state of mind.

“Oh, I forgot the other part of the dare. If not done, you lose out on tonight’s fun.” I push the card up to his face to show him the slip of paper.

He yanks it away and reads it aloud to himself not believing me. “Oh fuck no. Like hell, I will.” He presses up against me closing in any space between us. He puts his pointer finger under my chin and tilts my head up so he can look deep into my eyes. “I want that pussy. You are mine tonight.” My mouth dries, and my pussy floods as he stares me down for a minute making sure I knew who was going to have me spread open tonight. I swallow hard as he quickly lets me go turning to look for Hyunjin. “Hyunjin grab the camera!” He yells yanking my arm making me all but topple over when he pulls me to go with him.

“You aren't going to fuck her on camera are you, Chan?” Seungmin questions as everyone gets up to follow like a pack of kittens chasing a laser pointer.

“No, you shit.” He stops suddenly and stares at the ceiling for a moment. Seungmin reacts by grabbing my free arm stopping me from bumping into him. He turns around facing everyone with a devilish grin flicking his tongue back and forth. If I squint really hard, he looks like the Joker.
“Everyone's gonna be in it. It will be SKZ orgy episode. This will be the day we show them that we are sexual men and not those damn furry things they want us to be.”

“Chan you can’t do that. It will ruin you all.” I throw my hands out trying to grab at him to stop him. “I’m tipsy but I know that much.”
“It’s ready,” Hyunjin says looking through the viewfinder.

Chan sits down not realizing he is shirtless and begins. He slurs his first few words and laughs at himself before going into his spiel just rambling on like he would during a normal live. Eventually, he tells the camera to wait a minute he gets up flashing the camera his boxer briefs. We can’t keep up with reading the comments. The Stays are dying.

He comes around the table and starts pulling all the guys up into the camera view to say hi not caring that they are also in their briefs. Being tipsy they were game for anything their leader threw at them. Here we are in the Stayverse where we were watching Stray Kids in their boxers being themselves under the influence of fun and liquid courage. We girls are just giggling and laughing when Chan sees us scrolling on our phones. He stands up and starts pulling us to the center of the chaos as we playfully try to fight back.

Chan dips down right in front of the camera. “Seems some of our friends don’t want to show their faces.” Chan turns towards the guys. “Guys our friends don’t want to say hi to our Stays. Some help please.”

A couple of the guys take off chasing as we dash off all around the first floor giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls. It doesn’t take long for them to catch us flinging us up over their shoulders giving our asses good smacks before depositing us in front of the camera.

Chan grabs my waist and swings me right in front of the camera making my breasts the same height as the camera. Luckily, I’m still in my lacy bra and panties. He sits me down on his lap adjusting to make sure his cock was tucked between my ass checks.

Changbin pumps in hands in the air yelling, “This is a fucking party now!” Han hits his phone turning the music on. We are all having fun chatting and playing around when Chan dips me back and kisses me hard. He pushes my mouth open with his tongue claiming my whole mouth. He deepens the kiss pushing our teeth together. When he pulls away, he takes my bottom lip with him leaving me staring at him with stars in my eyes and a throbbing ache in my pussy.

The YouTube feed suddenly cuts out. No one notices until all the guy’s phones begin to ring at once. We stop laughing and look around confused.

“Ahhhh Guys, I think you need to answer your phone like now. YouTube is down.” Ria says adamantly staring at her phone hitting the screen with her finger.


Duh duh duhhhh.... breaking YouTube! If only.

Think Chan will get his shot and try to outdo Felix?

Thanks for the Kudos!

Chapter 6: one ride isn't good enough?


SMUT warning for the whole chapter!!!

You're welcome. ;)

Enter Christopher...

Chapter Text

They all quickly scatter to find their phones and answer. In unison their faces sober listening to whoever is on the other end expressionless for us to read. They respond in Korean much too quickly for any of us to pick up any of the words hanging up pretty much at the same time. We look at them in horror waiting for the news.

“WE BROKE YOUTUBE!!!!” Han yells pumping his fist up in the air very pleased with himself.

“What?” I question my mind reeling throwing a look to Ray Ray like she would know the answer.

The guys start whooping it up running around the living room like they just won their first award.

I.N. stands on the over-stuffed chair. “Think it’s time to divide and conquer!”

Han and Lee Know give each other a glance and dash to grab Ray Ray’s hand quickly walking her away.

“Good luck girl. I worked them in for you.” Ria shouts watching them head upstairs. “So, Lynnette...”

“We have her tonight!” yells I.N. and Hyunjin raising their hands in the air at the same time causing them to bust out laughing.

Lynnette can’t contain her excited giggle. “Well shit guys, this will be my first threesome, soo please go hard on me.” She pounces into Hyunjin’s arms.

Changbin scoots over to Heather and slyly puts his arm around her. She beams up at him when he leans to whisper in her ear.

Seungmin looks around spotting Renae and Ria and smiles to himself.

Seungmin walks up to them, slings an arm around each of the girls pulling them close, “Please be gentle with me.”

Renae cocks her head looking into his eyes and winks. “Don’t worry about me. Worry about her bag of tricks.” she teases pointing over to Ria who somehow produces her bag like a magic trick and shakes it in the air.

Seungmin’s eyes glow with heat behind them when Ria whispers in his ear. His stance perks up before grabbing their hands allowing them to pull him to wherever they want.

I turn to look at the two men I am left with. Felix steps closer and gently brushes my cheek placing a lost strand of hair behind my ear giving me the gentlest smile before he looks at Chan. He turns and bows to Chan motioning his hands towards me like he is offering me to him. “Remember the time limit and I’m clocking the half hour you were gone.” He turns back towards me, leans in, and gives me a quick kiss. “Have fun Baby Girl. I’ll be around later,” and walks away whistling.

I watch him leave until I feel Chan graze my hand with his fingers. I intertwine mine with his and start to walk towards the steps to go upstairs, but he stays still stopping me.

“Oh no Baby Girl, we aren’t going up there.” Turning, he leads me down the hallway that is on the opposite side of the living room passing the entryway and down a few steps. I start to look around at the room we walk into. It is much bigger than the one Felix took me in with a separate sitting area, deep-colored walls, and dark wood furniture dawned with the same deep colors. It has a massive walk-in closet and an en-suite bathroom. This was the main bedroom. It was giving me the vibe of someone with secrets and dominance.

Looking for any hint of sex or torture toys I slide my fingers over the top of one of the chairs angled towards the small table. “Chan, when did you start umm having fun so to speak?” Why was I feeling shy all of a sudden?

He raises an eyebrow watching me very intently letting me set the pace right now. “You mean sex Baby Girl?” I shake my head meeting his eyes briefly. “I dabbled a bit with oral and fingers as a trainee,” he wiggles his long fingers making me blush. “But my first time having actual sex was about three years ago and no, it wasn’t with a trainee or member. I've kinda gone crazy after that. Dipping it in whomever every chance I feel the need. Though now, it’s long in between due to work and life. You could say I’ve been waiting for someone to get under my skin so to say. Now to answer the other questions running in your head. Now the contract between us guys was put in place in case two of us wanted to be with the same girl. We will let her choose after being with both. As for the room we are in. This is my room. I need the space. Now, your turn to answer your own question?”

I pull my gaze away from him turning it to the label on the bottle of whisky sitting in front of me still holding onto the chair for support. “Must be making up for lost time with missing out on fucking in your teenage years.” I look back up at his blushing dimples catching myself as my knees weaken. “I was sixteen and stupid thinking he was the one. Not much after that. Here and there. Very vanilla. Far and few in between.” I quickly babble gripping the chair as my body screams for his touch.

Chan takes my quick response as his cue. Keeping eye contact he closes the space slowly putting his hands on the side of my shoulders. “Then we both have a lot to make up for then.”

His look changes at that moment. His eyes grow darker seeing the heat seeping to the front.

I swallow hard feeling like this is my first time all over again. “Can I ask you something before, umm all this starts?”

“Anything Baby Girl?” Chan whispers seductively. His breath kissed my inner ear.

“Why do you and Felix call me Baby Girl? I know it just sort of happened to become your key nickname for us Stays, but do you call all your “endeavors” baby girls too?” I ask voice cracking knowing I may have pushed too far.

He draws in a deep sharp breath and backs up dropping his arms. “Does it bother you to be called that?” He asks more harshly than he intended his crescent eyes closing tighter when he squints. “Yes, I do say that to flirt with a camera full of people on the other side that I will never see and it happens that it’s the same name.” You can see him getting worked up. I can sense that I struck a nerve. “It’s like when you call out God or Jesus when being fucked?” He combs his hands through his hair taking a deep breath.

“Yes, Felix and I call you baby girl, but only because when we first saw you, we both said we could see you as being our baby, our girl. Aww shit, okay, for me...” he stares at the ceiling a moment gathering his confession before continuing. “For me, it was when I first heard your laugh in the lobby. It sent shivers all over. It was intoxicating to me. Music to my ears. It was like a beat that was missing in my life. I didn’t know why, but I had to hear it again. Then you turned after we pushed Felix into you, and I saw you. It felt like my world turned upside down. It was like all the notes came together.”

I can’t wait to touch him any longer. I place my hands on his chest. I can feel his heart beating fast. I watch it rise and fall.

He continues, “Then I saw how Felix reacted when you two separated and that’s when I knew we had to do the contract. We both were supposed to be with you last night and then let you choose one of us or none of us. But Felix changed the script and took you from me.” He was working himself up again.

Feeling my heart rate rise, I flick my eyes up. “But you have your baby girl right here. Here now.” I say all girly giving him the most seductive grin.
He locks eyes with me. A smile forms, but it fades into a tight flat line. “Ahhh, so you’re my baby girl now? The one not liking her name until now? Don’t like to share your nickname do you, baby girl?” He heatedly hisses out like a switch was flipped.

“I uh...” is all I could say before he grabs my waist, lifts me over his shoulder, and walks over to the bed. He sits me down at the foot of the bed.

“Stay here. Don’t move,” he orders staring at me for confirmation, his eyes smoldering.

I shake my head not taking my eyes off of him. He opens a drawer and pulls out a few things I can’t see. He walks back to me holding out a blindfold. “Do you trust me?” he questions.

I look down at the blindfold and then revert them to his eyes, “Yes, yes I do.” I breathlessly respond.

“Good Baby Girl. Have you done anything beyond normal sexual positions?”

“Nnnoo.” I shake my head eyes falling back to the silk blindfold feeling nervous again.

“Oookay, then Baby Girl, listen to me.” I nod my head only to have him lift my chin. “Look at my eyes.” He instructs gently. “I won’t hurt you. I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. I won’t push, but I will present it to you. Do you understand?”

“Yyyyesss.” I quiver out wanting to know more.

“Alright Baby Girl, now you need a safe word, so we know when to stop.” He brushes my hair off my neck.

“I... um...stars. I’ll go with stars.” I manage to say leaning into his touch mind already starting to feel fuzzy. Wait did he say we?

“Stars it is. Do you know the color system?” he asks as he brings his lips down and kisses me.

I nod.

“I need verbal confirmation from her on out otherwise we stop. Understand me Baby Girl?”


“Good.” He lifts the blindfold. “I’m going to blindfold you now.”

The light disappears as he wraps the blindfold around me. My hands instinctually reach up to touch the cool silky fabric as he adjusts to his liking.

He whispers, “Ready for your ride Baby Girl?”

“Yes, I am,” I answer a bit too eagerly as my courage starts to come back.

He lets out a small chuckle. “Alright then, buckle up my sweet baby girl. I’m gonna start touching you now.”

I shake my head.

“Did you already want to stop? What did I say?”

“Verbal. You need verbal. I’m agreeing to it.”

“Good girl. Ahhh yes, another this you need to remember is, when you feel the need to call my name out, don’t call me Chan. I want you to call me Chris. I want to hear that or Daddy while you are with me.” He places his hands on my shoulders.

I nod. “Yes, Sir Chris.” I can’t see, but his dick twitches harder when I use that one little extra word.

He places his hands on my shoulders. I jump a little startled. He rubs up and down lightly sliding down my arms and gripping my hands. He brings them to his lips kissing them both together before letting them go. I smile. He leans in and presses his lips to mine. I welcome them by returning the kiss, but he pulls back when he feels me try to deepen the kiss. He moves his kisses to my nose and then to my forehead. I shake as a shiver travels through my body at the tenderness.

He again pulls back bringing his hands to my cheeks tilting my head slightly. He starts to trace his tongue over my lips. I part them for him. He slides his hands down some from my cheeks moving his tongue across my cheek working towards my ear. He sucks on my lobe, and I quiver again. He now knows that I will respond to any sensation he gives, and he likes that.

He begins to work his lips behind my ear. Sucking so gently. I moan as he presses on that one spot. He slowly finds his way down my neck making sure I feel every lick, nibble, and touch. The fire inside my body sparks like a wildfire. Fuck, just by sucking on my neck my mind starts to go fuzzy. I have to fight myself to focus. He gets to my collarbone and bites down softly. My body immediately reacts, and I immediately lean my head to give him more as I whimper with yearning. I go to reach for his body, but he grabs my arms and pulls them away.

I feel him gathering the bottom of my shirt. I hold my arms up to allow him to slowly remove to reveal myself to him. I hear him inhale and groan. What? Why? I wonder. Did Felix mark me that I don’t remember? His mouth crashes above my bra where my breast is being pushed up almost popping out. He latches on with force making me fall back by surprise. He catches me by wrapping his arms around my waist to hold me still. I am trapped by his hold. My head drops back when he moves to the other side to work on marking it. I feel his bulge strengthening as he presses it into me. I moan wanting to feel more. I shift my legs to rub against it. He runs his hands up my back and unfastens my bra. His hands feel huge against my back as he rubs my back in circular motions. The fabric loosens over my breasts when I roll my head to the side. Not wanting to release me, Chan takes one hand slides my bra off, and cups my perky breast in his hand. My body jerks when he brushes my tightened nipple while squeezing it in an upward motion gently pulling his hand away and letting it drop out of his grasp.

“Nmmmmm,” is the only sound my mind will let my mouth make biting down on my lower lip.

He releases my breast with a poptrailing his red puffy wet lips all around my neck. “Baby girl likes that huh? Well then,” he says as he retakes my breast with his hand and does it again. Each time he grabs as much as he can and pulls harder each time. My nipple was the next thing for him to attack. He takes it between his two fingers pinching and pulling making it more swollen than it is. I whip my head up panting from the pleasure of feeling the burning ache in my pussy. He twists it making my mouth open gasping sound of pleasure. He sticks his drooling tongue out and licks all over and around drawing it out even more gasps out. My body trembles when he blows making it even tighter than it could go. He holds up my breast and attacks it with his mouth, taking all that he can fit in. He sucks hard as he pulls away. I try to wiggle loose. He tightens his grip with the arm that is still around me. He reaches around with the arm he was holding my breast with pushing my ass closer lining my body to feel his excitement pushing through the fabric.

Oh, dear God, I was thinking? I am really with him right here right now with his mouth all over me. What is he going to do next? Will I be able to keep up? My mind starts swirling with inner questions.

I was so in my head enjoying his mouth on me that I didn’t notice that the hand that was around my waist traveled down and undid my pants. I snap back to reality feeling the cool air on my wet abused breast feeling my jeans being tugged down. I reach out for the top of his shoulders as he crouches steadying myself as I step out of them. I feel his body stand back up making sure he barely touches me. He leans in to kiss my neck pulling me into him again. We start swaying side to side our hands laced together at our sides. He nestles his face to my neck and sighs. I lean into him and do the same drinking in his scent.

“Baby Girlllll, I could be like this forever. I could drink in your scent every day, every hour.” he hums eyes closed rubbing his nose ever so slightly.

I open my mouth to respond, but before I could he releases my hands wrapping them around my ass. He lifts me with ease and places me on the bed. My feet dangle while I sit there at the foot of the bed waiting for the next touch. I feel him nudge at my knees. Without hesitation, I open feeling him stepping forward. He leans in on me slowly pushing me down to lay flat laying for him.

He starts kissing my neck under my chin taking his time traveling down to my defined dancer’s body to my belly button. I suck in with excitement. He visits each of my mounds tenderly loving each one unlike he was just earlier. I arch knowing where my body will take me. He senses my change of breathing and slides his tongue down my abdomen licking where my panty line sits. Showing that he wasn’t going to stop he reaches under me hooking his fingers and slowly pulls them down over my ass. I arch my hips to make it easier. He tantalizingly works them off slowly. He sucks in hard as I feel them pass my ankles. My levels go up a notch hearing his reaction. Fucking God, I’m gonna come before he touches me.

He slowly opens my legs wanting to see every possible part in slow motion. Once he has admired my full womanhood that is on display for him, he raises my legs to rest on his shoulders kneeling. I dig my head in the bed even more feeling his breath across my lips. I arch up welcoming his face. I hear his breath hitch as his hands glide up and down my inner thighs inching closer each time. I bite down on my lower lip humming in anticipation. He places his hands under my knees and pushes my legs up to expose more of me to him. Moaning with want, he eagerly buries his face inhaling my scent.

He licks from ass to clit and back soaking me with his tongue. I suck in a blissful moan. He repeats. So do I, but louder. Holy fucking shit, his tongue is beyond godlike. He pushes my legs higher spreading them wider, leaning in deeper, he latches onto my clit. My eyes fly open silently asking for more when he starts sucking on it. Suction becoming stronger with each suck, my body begins to tremble at his touch. Wanting more he slides his tongue down to my opening and begins to circle sucking and blowing puffs of air edging my need to orgasm even more with each movement. He knows I am already there but drags it on for his contentment.

Enticingly slow he pushes his tongue digging into my thighs to ground himself. I yelp at the surprise under my breath and raise my hips, so he has more access. He sucks pulling out tasting my juices, then pushes back in even slower if that was even possible making sure I could feel every thrust and flick of his tongue on my walls. I begin to cry out breathlessly as my orgasm charges. He feels my pussy swelling around his tongue driving him to push in even further flicking his tongue even stronger.

My fucking god, my fucking god is all I kept thinking. With the last push to get as much of his tongue in I feel the band of my orgasm snaps releasing all over him. I scream out as my body shakes uncontrollably.

He holds my legs tightly, so they won’t buckle from my tense orgasm sucking my juices like he hasn’t had water in days making delicious slurping-sounding noises. He only stops when he hears my whimper.

Panting very satisfied with himself he leans his head on my inner thigh, “Oh my Baby Girl, you taste so sweet. What are you doing to me?” He kisses my still trembling thigh over and over.

“Chrisssssa,” I moan almost porn-like.

He freezes, slides out from my legs, and hovers over me caging me with his arms.

“Say it again Baby Girl.”

“Chrisssssa,” I repeat turning my head to the side baring my neck.

“Again.” His voice is deeper and more demanding as he turns my face back.

CHRISSSSSSSS.” I moan stronger and more needy.

He claims my mouth hard with lust. He deepens each kiss roughly pushing his tongue into my mouth. I wrap my arms around his neck to plaster his body to mine.

My breasts push up into his chest as I rotate my hips. He pulls back quickly leaving me trailing after him.

“Fuck Baby Girl, I love hearing you say my name.” he howls as he breaks all contact leaving me feeling empty and cold. I whimper.

He pushed me up the bed until all of me was laying on it giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I can hear him walk to the other side of the room and wrestling around with something. It sounds like it was near the dresser I saw near the sitting room if I could remember correctly. Hearing his footsteps walking back towards me my pussy clenches.

A lustful thought runs through my mind- shit, he’s still dressed, and I want him naked and in me anyway I can.

“Umm, question...” I say sitting up trying to figure out where to look with the blindfold still on. “Do I get to reciprocate?”

Chan stops. I hear nothing.

He clears his throat. “Do you want to reciprocate?” I hear something being sat down on the nightstand.

“Yes, I don’t want it to be just one-sided. I don’t know what is in store later, but if this is all the time I have with just you. I want all of you. The domineering Chris can come out later to play.” I reach up sliding off the blindfold turning my head to look around.

I am met with Chan staring at me by the side of the bed. I roll up on my knees and wiggle down to him. He was still just staring trying to register what I said. I slowly untucked his shirt making direct eye contact with him while I slipped it off of him.

Keeping that connection I unbutton his jeans, letting them fall to the ground. I break contact to meet his massive bulging cock being contained by his boxer briefs for a moment then look back up at him with a smile. He brushes my hair out of my face as a smile forms with lust written all over his eyes. I run my finger under the band of his boxers causing him to jolt forward inhaling hard. I shuffle off the bed and stand in front of him.

My hands find their way to his rock-hard abs. I lean in and take his hardened nipple with my mouth. I twirl my tongue around and around flicking it with my tongue. He grabs my hair wrapping it around his hand. I pull towards the other nipple, but he stops me holding tight. I giggle, reach up, remove his hand from my hair, and back up.

I turn him around, so he is now pressing against the bed. With both hands, I push him towards the bed. To his surprise at my sudden act, his knees buckle and fall. I climb up and straddle his torso hovering just high enough that I am not touching him. I lean forward and kiss his lips first then I start making my way to his neck. He moans grabbing my hips. I pull back pausing for a minute to think where to kiss next. I dive to his collarbone and nip at it. Another moan morphs out of him. His fingers dig into my hip bones. I pull back, smirk, run my tongue to his neck right below his ear, and latch on.

He bucks up almost touching my juices. I start sucking raising his skin and moving my tongue around keeping the spot nice and wet. Instead of fighting me off, he turns his head to give me all of his flesh. I move up to his tender ear and pull sucking hard grazing with my teeth. His hands fly up, but before he can react further, I grab them and force them up over his head. He looks at me surprised by the action and moans the sweetest sound to my ears. His eyes glossed over by now he reaches for my hips, but I pull up off the bed. He looks confused.

“Ahhh, now it’s daddy who wants his baby girl...” I tease grabbing his boxer brief band and gliding my index finger just underneath it watching his dick try to flex.

“You’re fucking right I do.” He grunts reaching for me.

I shake my head no, sliding my hands to his hips, I tug his briefs down exposing his red erection springing to life reaching up towards me. My mind goes haywire knowing that that massive bulge is a meaty cock. He lifts up, his eyes begging me to take them off completely. I slowly slide them down, mouth watering as I stand there looking down at Chan in all his nakedness glorying looking at me, with crazed desire. I like that look—a lot.

I kneel in front of his legs and slowly open them wide like he did to me watching his erection twitch and dance for me with drips of precum waiting for me. Not able to wait any longer, I lean in grabbing the base of his shaft putting slight pressure on it. He jerks racking his hand through his hair trying to control himself. Seeing his defined rigid vein, I stick my tongue out saliva already pooling. I slowly lick from the base to the tip, sliding him down my mouth using my tongue to get him nice and wet.

“Ffffffffuuuuckaaaa..” he whimpers.

My head pushes closer to his pubic bone sending him deeper nudging the back of my throat. I suck harder moaning when I catch a whiff of his rousingly musky scent. His hands fly out beside him gripping the bed cover. His hips levitate up when he feels my last push to bury my nose in his groomed black curly hair. I pull up releasing with a pop letting his cock slap his stomach.

I don’t any waist time sliding my mouth back on his weeping cock, sucking him hard and fast deep throating him over and over twisting my tongue here and there for flare. I feel him shift and glance up seeing him sitting up, mouth open panting heavily. So, he wants to watch I think to myself.

I pull off of him and smile. I scoop all my hair pulling it up like a ponytail. Holding it, I lean up grab one of his hands replacing the one holding my hair with his, and go back working to my mouth on his cock.

I let his leaking erection slide back down my throat making a deep vibrating animalistic sounding moan causing him to twitch in my mouth. I began a rhythm making sure he could see my mouth taking him each time. I let him control the pace and pressure. Seeing his eyes roll in the back of his head makes my pussy drip even more. Starting to feel him grinding his hips I know I have to stop. I don’t want him to come yet. I release my suction and pull up to his objection. I stand in front of him letting him drip.

“Can’t have my daddy coming without me,” I climb up on his lap to straddle him. His erection throbbing between us. He lifts me slowly positioning me over his cock. We can feel each other’s wetness. There’s a pregnant pause with his tip kissing my entrance as we both search each other’s face for any uncertainty. And in that moment, I take the lead lowering myself down feeling the mind-blowing stretch. We both moan feeling my walls stretch to welcome him in. I quickly pull up and pause keeping just his tip in. I grab his face smashing my lips to his needing my mouth on his. He grabs my hips and slams me down filling me up I can feel him in my stomach. I pull away spit trailing gasping, my hands wrap around his neck letting him take control of pistoning me up and down, his cock pounding into my cervix. The pleasure and pain felt so good. My eyes roll to the back of my head. Arching my back, I let my head fall back, mouth gaping open feeling the intense desire to come course through my pussy. He increases the friction grinding my hips towards his determined to mold us together.

“Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddyyyyyy!” I scream as my body releases, clenching down, fingers digging into his shoulders.

He slows down wanting to feel me pulsate around him while I ride out my orgasm. He kisses between my breasts a few times before pulling us up off the bed not breaking our connection.

He turns us, and carefully climbs onto the bed gently laying us down. I slide my hands up to his head bringing him down for a kiss. Taking advantage of our mouths busy with each other, he pulls my hands down to my side tucking them under my ass. Asking for permission to enter with his tongue, he grips my legs pushing them up so my knees are on either side of my head, caging me in, spreading as wide as I can go for him. Pressing his body upward, he leans to see how far he can grind up bending me. My grunt from the constriction turns into a hitched moan feeling his cock try to breech my barrier happy knowing how far I am willing to let him go.

He pulls from our kiss and starts to slide out of me. I cry out in protest before I can feel him slowly push back in burying deep into me again. I shudder, throwing my head back, arching my body the best I could, still coming down from my last high. He continues the slow rocking rhythm gripping tighter on the back of my knees penetrating deep rubbing both my cervix and g-spot with each thrust. With no way of moving all I can do is lay there trying to catch my breath as my body welcomes each punch it is given demanding more, hoping he would push hard enough to break through.

I’m going to hell; I’m going to hell. I kept thinking to myself. God, I love this. God, I love this.

I grab the covers as best as I can twisting my wrists for leverage. My body turns into a convulsing moaning monster as I come for the third time. It shakes with happiness swallowing him over and over wanting to milk every drop from him.

He stops dead, looking down at me he begins to laugh. “Damn Baby Girl, I was just getting started. You like my cock all deep in you edging your cervix aye?” Chan teases releasing my legs and sitting up on his heels.

I shake my head agreeing sliding out my arms, still seeing stars from my orgasm from the Gods.

“I want you to come in me this time,” I blurt out chest heaving for air, “I want to feel you explode inside of me. I need to feel you fill me. I want to feel your hot come paint my walls. Don’t stop!”

He jerks back startled by my sudden demand then smiles his famous glorious smile.

Ahh those damn dimples. My body wants to come just by those alone.

“You sure Baby Girl? I have a high endurance and can go awhile if I want to. We still have the whole night to go.”


His eyes widened at hearing his full first name and the tone I used.

“Ahh bloody hell Baby Girl, we are going for a ride.” Chan’s voice is deep almost too giddily for the look he is giving me.

And just like that, he let the Kraken out. He rolls me onto my side placing my arms up over me. Grabbing my ankle, he pushes my leg up as far as it would fold. He did this while his cock stayed buried inside of me. He bares down grinding and thrusting, gripping onto my leg with his hands for support. He would manhandle my body to move me how he wanted to get that spot he wanted.

I raise my leg straight up to gain more of him. My body hums at the penetration from this position. Not staying in any position too long he rotates my legs, twisting me to where I’m on my stomach laying straight face down, not losing his rhythm the whole time.

This was a new feeling for me. My ass cheeks tighten as he slides in and out of my wet swollen needy opening. He slides his one arm under my hips and tilts them up just enough it get in farther to hit my G-spot. I moan at the feeling. He takes his other hand places it on my back for support and drives into me over and over thrusting as hard as he can. I moan loudly face into the bed biting the cover while my hands twist the cover to have something to ground them. My hips buckle, but he holds me down. I come screaming his name over and over into the bed toes curling as tight as they would allow.

He doesn't falter at all. He lifts his hand off my back and pulls me up to my knees so I’m on all fours. He bends down and kisses the swell in my back. My back dips down to arch my hips higher when his lips touch my ass cheek.

“Hold on Baby Girl. Lock those elbows.” He warns edging a bit.

I do what he commands as he grabs a handful of my hair around one hand and wraps his other arm around my waist. He pulls my head back slowly withdrawing from me. I whine as my hole gaps from the emptiness. He waits for me to quiet down then drives right back into my throbbing hole. I jolt forward but my arms and his hold me in place. I try to buck back into him as he repeats this several times making me cry out for more each time.

He pulls completely out making my arms buckle raising my ass even higher. He whines liking what he sees. Unwrapping his hand from my hair, he grabs his soaked shaft and begins rubbing it up and down on my red, swollen, pulsating clit then to my dripping opening marking me with his precum. I bite my lip making every sound I could muster. My legs start to tremble. He feels my weight shift and inches back resting his tip in my hole.

“Say it, Baby Girl! Say it for Daddy,” Chan growls eyes fixated on looking at his and my juices dripping from my hole.

“Fuck me, Daddy.” I breathlessly get my voice to say.

“I can’t hear you, Baby Girl. What do you want me to do?” He slaps his cock against my opening.

“Fffuck me. Daaaddy. Make me COME!” I spit out the words throwing my head back.


He pushes me into wonderland in one thrust sending me over the pleasure threshold silently crying out and squirting all over him. He quickens his speed feeling me grip him over and over, pulsating and quivering, trying to squeeze him with a death grip.

Faster, deeper, pushing as far as his physically fit body would give. Digging into my hips he bucks wildly like a jackhammer keeping my orgasm from ending. Only hearing our bodies slapping together and breathy ahs ahs babbling out of our mouths, I start to feel him swell, rubbing every inch of my slick walls and pushing my orgasm back up to its peak.

I hear his breathing change and feel his hips faltering, so I begin to thrust back each time to intensify each impact to chase our high. My body collapses when the burning of my orgasm explodes muttering sounds as the only way to communicate. My inner muscles still tight from having just come stay gripping down like a vise grip onto his very enlarged erection pushing him over.

I feel him flood my inside stream after stream with his warm liquid throwing his head back, screaming out in pleasure, gripping onto me for dear life. He continues to roll his hips in slow long motions letting me enjoy my ride, eventually just having me cock warm him until he completely softens. Gasping sliding out of me, our juices following he collapses on the bed beside me. He pulls me into him to spoon and kisses the nape of my neck. I can feel his wet skin on mine. It feels blissful.

“You just wrecked me, Baby Girl.” he manages to get out between breaths.

I drift to sleep smiling.

Chapter 7: double the fun double the pleasure!


Welp! If you thought the smut was done in the last chapter, you are mistaken. (evil laugh)

SMUT Warning!

I promise there will be a story to go with it.

Chapter Text

When I woke, I realized I had a blanket on me, and I was cleaned up. I prop up on my elbows to look around. I saw a note on the dresser for me and a plate of food. I get up wrap the blanket around me and walk over.

Baby girl

Eat up and take these to help with the soreness

Need your energy for when the ride continues

Be back soon


I grab the plate and walk back to the bed. I eat every single thing he put on the plate take the painkillers and lay back down. Amazed I’m feeling very content and sore, I close my eyes to rest again.

I was being woken up with a finger moving some of my hair away from my face. I flutter my eyes open and see both of my lovers looking down at me. A smile crawls across my face and try to sit up.

“No, no Baby Girl. You lay there for now until you are fully awake. We won’t rush you.” Chan coos at me petting my head.

“You two are so handsome you know that,” I say as I stretch out under the covers.

They laugh until they see the blanket slide down exposing my breasts as I stretch wide. I sit up noticing their facial expressions and look down to see what their eyes are focused on. "You know it’s only fair if you remove your shirts, so we all are topless,” I suggest looking at them playfully.

They look at each other and grin before yanking their shirts off and tossing them to the side. I stare at the two very toned men in front of me making sure I see every muscle possible. I bite the corner of my lip to contain my excitement.

“Looks like Baby Girl is awake,” Felix says to Chan nodding to the nightstand.

Chan walks a few steps over and picks up the blindfold. “Do you need to pee or anything?” he asks coming back to sit on the edge of the bed.

“No, I’m good.” I look up at Felix. We lock eyes.

“Good. So, Baby Girl, remember what we’ve talked about before. The safe word, light system, and we won’t do anything you don’t want to, right?” Chan states looking at me tenderly.

I look over to meet his eyes. “I do. Just one thing.” I sit up more and the blanket falls off my body more.

“What is it Baby Girl?” Felix asks raising an eyebrow.

“I want you to share me. Work together. Not against each other. I know about the agreement. I want us as a unit, not hunter and prey. If I sense that happening, I will stop and walk away from all of this. I have my own thoughts about how you are outside of the limelight, and I don’t want this to end my reality.” I deadpan making sure my point is heard. “I just don’t do... THIS kind of stuff, so, this is big for me. Yes, I came here hoping to see you and maybe get a selfie or two, but I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be waiting for you to fuck my brains out. This only happens in the fanfics we read. We will leave here in what, a few days and I may never see the group again like this. I want my moment to be memorable.” I look away to the opposite side of the room trying to hold my emotions in.

“Oh, Baby Girl.” Felix sighs sitting down beside Chan. He picks my hand up and gently rubs the top with his thumb. “We aren’t here to conquer you. We didn’t set out to find girls to screw. We didn’t expect any of this. We genuinely want to be with you. We don’t want to hurt you or make you want to leave us.” He looks down at our hands and then at Chan.

Chan puts his hand on his shoulder. “Jenn, we both have fallen for you,” he confesses wholeheartedly.

I whip my head up hearing my actual name.

“Yes, it’s been a little over twenty-four hours, but this is very different for us.” Felix’s voice falters a bit.

I slip my hand away from Felix’s and place it on his cheek. He meets my eyes. I stroke his cheek with my thumb.

Seeing him being vulnerable makes my heart tingle. “New feelings are exciting and freeing. It makes us want to move on with life. Hell, I came here to Paris on a whim. I don’t know what I feel right now but feel I that I want to be here with both of you. Tonight.” I start feeling my face blush. “To tell you the truth, this will be my first threesome and I couldn’t think of a better pair to be with.”

Felix shakes his head up and down and cracks a smile.

I tilt my neck and point showing my marks. “See all these love marks here and here.” I point to the other side of my neck.” I’m well okay with how this feels.”

Then I tap a few times to a spot on my neck and give a little smirk. Felix grins back and leans in to kiss it. I sink into the feeling and just like that we were back on the ride.

Felix pulls away gets off the bed walks to the couch on the other side of the room and sits leaving me looking up to Chan.

Chan picks up the blindfold off his lap. I lean in and kiss him closing my eyes. He slips it back on me.

“Remember everything I said. We won’t do too much this time.” his words hum in my ear.

“This time?” I squeak pulling chuckles from the guys.

He slides me off of the bed and walks me to the middle of the room where Felix is waiting. I feel excited when he releases me. I cock my head trying to listen to where he moves when I feel a hand on my outer thigh. I’m thinking it is Felix’s but, can’t be sure yet.

The hand moves slowly up to my ass and gives a firm squeeze. I jerk at the force before it begins to travel down the back of my leg to my ankle. I feel something wrap around it that isn’t a hand more like leather. It tightens. I feel the same done to my other ankle. I shift my weight finding that I can only spread my legs a certain length.

I look down like I would be able to see. A hand grabs each of mine at the same time flipping them up so my palms are facing up. A gentle kiss lands on each one before my wrists slide into something and hear a click. I am bound with no way to move.

I’m scooped up and carried to the end of the couch. My hands are lifted over my head and a hand pushes my shoulders down, so I’m bent over the arm of the couch, so my ass is facing upwards for them to see me in all my glory. I feel feet spread my legs out as wide as they would go. I hear a crack once they have me how they want making me jump at the sound. Oh shit, Ria would love this I think as my pussy clenches.

I feel several small cold leather straps guide over my back. I bite down on my lip waiting for the pain. It travels slowly down my left ass cheek. The next thing I feel is the slapping of several leather straps coming down right where it left. I suck in my breath. A hand rubs the red-marked area. The same thing happens to the other side. Again, my breath hitches as a hand rubs the sting.

Waiting for it to repeat, I feel the leather go between my thighs heading to my womanhood. I stiffen. I feel a hand replace the leather and pat like it is reassuring me it won’t hurt. Then whip! I jerk up from the sting sensation and cry out. Before I could protest fingers caress my burning area. I try to calm some. While the fingers are caressing me, I feel the whip come down again on my ass harder than the first time. The rubbing on my pussy intensifies, the fingers now just touching my opening. I try to close my legs but, there are feet on the inside of each of mine holding me open. I whimper. The alternating whips continue as my tears start to drip from under the blindfold.

I feel the presence of a hard boner pressing on my thigh as another hand pushes on my back as two fingers push through my wet opening on the last whip. I squeal at the force and depth they go trying to move but, was tightly held down. Just as quickly as they entered, they were pulled from me leaving me feeling empty.

It wasn’t long before the fingers are thrusting back into me. This time though they stay in as far as they could go around to explore every inch of my walls. I throw my head back as far as I could trying to raise my ass higher but was denied by being pushed back down. They flick up and down twisting until they feel my walls tightening and getting wetter. I feel them begin to pull out some but, resting just inside my entrance. All my focus was focused on those magic fingers until I feel cold wet lube being spread around my asshole.

I inhale knowing what they were planning.

I feel the fingers in my pussy move again. Flicking, rolling, working in and out hitting my g-spot bringing me back to the pleasure I was working to before when I suddenly feel the protrusion of a finger pushing the tight resistance of my ass. The fingers go deeper as the finger goes further in. I tense up only to feel hands rubbing down my arms. I look up only to see blackness wanting to see reassuring eyes looking at me.

I feel breathing on my neck. “Relax Baby Girl. You need to relax.”

I know immediately who is talking to me. I try and nod my head, but all I feel are the fingers moving.

I feel the finger shove in as deep as it could go. I whimper and squeeze my eyes tight wishing for the eye contact I so desperately need. I start feeling all the fingers move in unison sliding back and forth pulling on the only thin boundary between my vagina and ass. I start to feel myself build. The switch of breath gave it away.

I feel the couch under me move and a hand lifts my head where I am met with a deep kiss. I kiss back desperately. The kiss deepens allowing the build-up of my orgasm to continue. The hand working quickens its pace. My lips part allowing him to take my mouth welcoming the warm eager tongue.

My body bares down gripping the fingers that are working me into its frenzy. I moan into one of my lover’s mouth. I come slow and long.
Slowly all the fingers pull out after I stop shaking and I feel a hot kiss on my ass from my other lover. He breaks away and presses his weight on me and grabs my wrists pulling me up and breaking my contact with my other’s lips. I hear a cry come out, but it wasn’t mine. I smile knowing he wants more. I am turned around and lowered to sit on the arm I was just bent over. My arms are lowered.

“Baby Girl, you, okay? Need to stretch?”

“Hmmm no, I’m good, though, I want to see what is going on,” I say turning my head from side to side. I’m greeted with a deep kiss before he thrusts up over his shoulder. Yup, Chan.

He lays me down on the bed as I hear a zipper sound and the shuffling of pants hitting the floor. They are stripping down and I’m missing it. Chan has on sweatpants from earlier, so I know he just has to wiggle out of them.

I feel someone climb up on me and straddle over me. I could feel his hard erection bouncing against my body as he raises me towards him to a sitting position. I feel a dip in the bed behind me. I turn my head trying to figure out what is going they are setting me up for. My hands are glided up over my head and are bent around the lover behind me securing them around his neck making me lean back into him. They situate me between his bent knees. I can feel his solid leaking erection pushing into my back. God this is so freaking hot.

I feel my other lover position himself on top of me. I try to spread my legs but forgot I couldn’t. I wiggle in frustration blowing out air in frustration like a child. That brings a chuckle out of both. I’m here sandwiched between two sexy hot as fuck idols and can’t see either one of them.

The lover on top of me begins to kiss my neck deepening the kisses to nibbles. I turn to give him all access to bite, but only nibbles lightly. He brings his lips to mine taking my bottom lip between his teeth and pulls. I want to object, but he shoves his tongue in devouring my mouth making my head go fuzzy. I melt into my naked lover behind me absorbing the interaction.

He pulls away breaking the kiss and slowly raises my legs holding them with one hand sliding his free hand between my legs sliding two fingers across my nub. I jerk from the sudden touch to my aroused clit. He increases the pressure pushing me into a pleasureful whine which is met with a kiss.

He slides his fingers down traveling to my opening thrusting three fingers in one push. I tilt up trying to open my legs wider only to have them pushed higher towards my face exposing more of me feeling his fingers pull out. He pushes my legs down with a thrust bending my knees to spread my pussy for his viewing pleasure.

He ducks between my legs taking a deep sniff before emerging his face into my pussy. He spreads my lips apart blowing around watching them clench before moving his tongue all around my wet sex. I keen and squirm craving more. My other lover grips my hips so I can’t move with his hands shushing me.

“Whatever you do Baby Girl do not squeeze those pretty legs together. You’ll crush him. We need him tomorrow. Okay?!?” I hear from above.

“I’ll try.” I whimper knees quivering already.

“We will stop,” he replies sternly with his deep voice. I try to relax drawing my legs back more. “That’s it Baby Girl, open more for him.”

I feel suction on my opening before a tongue slips in my tunnel licking all around—the need to have him further in overrides any other thought.

“Hold my legs back.” I plead to the one behind me. He does what I ask rolling my ass up, all but folding me in half.

He continues probing deep with his tongue sucking my juices that are seeping with desire. He places his thumb on the hood of my clit and starts twirling it. Being pulled apart by his mouth and his thumb brings my orgasm bursting through with a vengeance making me squirt all over his face. He moans sucking my sweet nectar quickening each suck. In that minute I knew he wasn’t done with me.

He leans back and lifts my legs holding onto the outer sides of my thighs hurrying to position himself at my entrance. He drives his length inside me. I try to arch but I’m held down. I feel a hand go to my nipple. My lover from above starts to play with it making me hum with pleasure. He brings two of his fingers to my mouth pushing for me to open. As he slides them in, I latch on coating them with my tongue before he pulls them out all wet to go back to my nipple. I moan between the pinching and the deep penetrating thrusts.

I can’t help but moan. “Daaaaaaddddyyyyy,“ rolling my head back and forth.

The motion quickens to what I would compare to as a jockey riding to the finishing line after my legs are pushed back further thrusting into my other lover with so much force. I turn my head to the side feeling another wave of an orgasm building. “Kiss. Me. Please.” I beg between thrusts.

Lips come pounding down on mine. They pull up some parting and come down again harder. I bite down on his lip as I quiver in ecstasy. I began shaking uncontrollably from my delight bringing my lover to an abrupt powerful orgasm.

“Holy fucking... myyyyy gwuuaaaaadddd!” he exclaims spraying inside of me. When he is finished, he falls back abruptly pulling out of me huffing out of breath. Felix helps bring my legs as weak as they were down now that they were free to lay. I feel the bed dip as Chan gets up off the bed. A few moments later I feel him wipe me clean while I stay kissing Felix. We could kiss all night and I would be happy.

Felix lifts my arms up and off of him and shifts off the bed. He twists me to have me lying a long way across the bed. He slides me until my head is right at the end almost hanging off. He kisses my abdomen which sends butterflies all over.

“Baby girl. Do you need a drink? A rest?” he hums in my ear.

“I’m good, thank you Sunshine.” I sing out still catching my breath. Another kiss this time on my forehead.

I feel my ankle shaft loosen on one side and my legs spread out as wide as possible now by a bar that is cuffed around my ankles. I try to close once cuffed but can’t. I feel the room’s cool air touch my wetness making my pussy clench.

Someone comes around near my head bending over and lifting my hips as a wedge is placed under me to raise them tilting my head back even more. I hear the dresser drawer open and then a humming sound for a brief moment.

There are footsteps around to my head.

“Baby Girl, you ready?” the deep voice of Felix brushes in my ear.

I nod.

“Good girl,” he whispers as he brushes my hair off my face.

He tugs me a bit more off the bed arching my head back. He stretches my arms out over my head, checks the strap, and leans over my face straddling my upper arms.

“Baby Girl open your mouth.”

I do what he asks.

“I’m going to go slow. Since you can’t talk tap my leg three times, okay and I will stop.”

“Like this?” I ask as I tap.

“Correct,” he assures me.

I slowly open again, and he inserts his tip inside my mouth. I roll my tongue around tasting his precum before slipping my tongue in his slit. He sighs at the touch. He pushes in more and then slides it back up. He continues this slow motion letting me adjust to being in the position I’m in, getting it wetter each time. He leans his hands on the bed on either side of my shoulders and sinks in further into my throat being careful not to gag me right away. I moan and suck down. He grunts back. While Felix is pulling himself out, I feel Chan get on the bed by my side. He begins palming my breast. I try to shift causing me to gag.

“Easy Baby Girl. I’m just going to touch for now,” Chan says as he tries to take my whole breast in his hand.

I suck harder causing Felix to groan louder and push further in. We find a rhythm until I feel Chan pull away and begin working his hands around the top of my mound. I squeeze my eyes under the blindfold wanting to move my legs so badly.

He slides along my lips parting them and blowing puffs of air before sinking down to kiss my clitoris. I tense up once I feel cold lube being squirted on my lips. He rubs it all around continuing lubing all my holes. I grunt trying to keep my focus on not biting down on Felix.

I feel something cold and hard touch my wet nub causing me to open my eyes wide seeing only black. I feel it slide up to the top of my pelvic bone past my clit and down past my asshole. He does that a few times taunting me until I hear a humming sound. My brain finally catches up to what I heard earlier.

He places it on my lips on the pulsing vibration causing me to forcefully raise my hips off the wedge causing Felix to fully deep-throat me. We both moan and I suck grasping onto him to the point he couldn’t pull out from the suction.

He places his hand on my throat and rubs motioning me to release the suction. After fighting him at first, I let him pull out. Chan continues to roll the cold metal tip vibrator around my hot wet sex.

“Felix, more,” I beg. He obeys my request and slips his seeping penis back in letting me work him hard.

Chan decides it’s time to ramp up the fun and slides the toy to my opening. I hum a whimper in anticipation. He pushes it slowly just an inch in hovering right on the inside. I tightened around it. He laughs seeing my pussy muscles tense.

“Alright Baby Girl, if you want it, I’m happy to make your wishes come true.” He says as he thrusts the rest of the way in one push.

The vibrating of the toy rocks my insides. He pulls it back and thrusts again this time pushing the button to turn it on the highest speed. I buck trying to adjust to the surprise, but he holds the bar down embolizing me. I lose the suction I had on Felix feeling the sudden pressure when Chan pushes it up to my cervix. Felix takes that as a cue and pulls out. He bends down and kisses me.

“Your mouth is amazing Baby Girl. Thanks, and enjoy your ride.” He slides off my arms, lifts them, and pushes them down to my stomach then rubs my shoulders to ease the stiffness.

Chan turns the vibrator back to pulsate and leaves it nestled inside of me as he gets off the bed.

“Wait, where are you going? You can’t leave me like this? Please....oh my God!” I beg closing my knees as best as I can.

“Careful, Baby Girl. Just relax and enjoy.” I hear Felix say from across the room. “And make sure you don’t push it out. That wouldn’t be wise.”

I lay there feeling every hum inside of me. Beads of sweat start to form on my upper lip as I try so hard to stay still sucking in the vibrator with my lower half. I can feel myself craving more from the vibration. My fingers start to twitch which happens to be right at the top of my slit.

I move my middle finger over just a tad to touch my very over-heightened happy spot.

Oh God, I hope they aren’t watching. I think to myself.

I try to listen to figure out where they are. I hear them mumbling near the drawer.

I slowly start to move my finger in a circle working faster each rotation pressing down when all of a sudden someone grabs my wrists and jerks them up. I gasp.

“Tsk tsk Baby Girl. That’s a no-no.” Chan scolds me. “Think she needs us, Felix. What do you think?”

I let out a cry of despair and want.

“I think she does. Time to flip over Baby Girl.” Felix responds feeling the vibrator being pulled out in one shot. I whimper at the sensation.

I feel them lift my hips to take away the wedge before lowering me back down. One of my lovers takes hold of my shoulders and slowly sits me up.

“Okay Baby Girl, we are going to place you on your stomach. Raise your arms over your head.” Chan instructs me as they start to roll me.

With my legs spread wide they roll me with ease onto a cooler spot on the bed.

One of my lovers grabs my hips and pulls them back towards him so I’m on my knees looking like I am bowing down. I feel a kiss on one of my ass cheeks as a hand rubs down the side of my opposite leg.

“Baby Girl, can you sit on your knees for me, please?” Chan asks me sweetly kissing my shoulder.

I push up with my hands and rock back onto my knees. I feel him move onto the bed.

I smell his scent as he presses his body to mine our lips meeting before he pulls back. I reach out for him afraid he is leaving me again only to meet his hard cock. I immediately wrap my hand around his shaft. He tenses bringing him back for a harder kiss. We passionately work our lips making them red and swollen.

“I want you to suck me Baby Girl. I want to feel your mouth all over me.” He whispers in his sexy voice. “Okay?”

“Okay.” I breathe back to him.

He lowers himself down waiting for me.

I reach down feeling around for his awaiting erection. He chuckles when my face brightens up when I find it. I lower myself down putting my weight between his legs. I lick my lips and open wide letting myself drool on him. I lean further down taking him using all my upper arm strength. I can sense his anticipation with him tightening his muscles.

I work my way up and down sucking every drop that seeps out of him moaning at his taste. His hands go to my head gripping my hair when I tease his slit with my tongue.

I push myself down deep passing my gag reflex, holding him tightly in my mouth. He thrusts up grabbing my hair tighter when I slowly pull up grazing my teeth lightly across his sensitive skin. He takes a hard breath when I pop off. I go in for more.

He releases his hands from my hair. “Slow it down Baby Girl. I’m not ready yet and your next ride is about to come.”

As he alerts me, I feel hands rub my ass cheeks. They were warm to the touch. Next came kisses. Soft and light traveling all over my cheeks giving me goosebumps. The kisses turn to mild sucks then into nibbles.

I jerk forward almost biting down on Chan.

Felix pulls back and blows over my openings admiring my dripping hole.

“Our baby girl is hungry Channie. She is screaming for fun.” Felix deepens his voice.

“Well then, we can’t have that,” Chan says between breaths.

In an instant, Felix pushes two fingers through my opening going right for my G-spot. I moan at the surprise. He spreads them wide and slides them out rubbing and twisting around wetting me even more with my juices going back in the same way. I squeeze my eyes tight trying to focus on my task at hand.

In. Out. In. Out. My mind is going crazy not knowing what to focus on until I start to feel the burning sensation stir in my belly, Felix does too. He reaches with his other hand and starts stroking my engorged nub.

I arch my ass with it being the only thing I could move. He goes faster nailing my spongy spot over and over.

I steady myself as I come all over his fingers moaning on Chan’s cock.

Satisfied with his accomplishment he pulls his fingers out, tilts my ass up higher, and rubs my come over my tight puckering asshole. He slides a finger gently in letting me adjust. I tighten around when he continues to push.

He rubs my outer thigh with his other hand while he slides his finger back and forth.

I try to focus hard until he slides in a second finger. I whimper over Chan’s erection as Chan shushes me. Felix works his fingers stretching me for a third. I cry out at the painful intrusion as he holds them there for me to adjust. He slowly opens me up through my whimpers only pulling out when he can easily slide them in and out.

Chan places his hand on either side of my cheeks and slowly lifts me off him. He sits up lifting me back so I’m sitting on my heels. He uncuffs my hands, rubs my wrists, and kisses my palms. He lets go of my hands and slowly pulls off the blindfold kissing around my eyes.

I blink several times adjusting to the dimly lit room. I look straight and see Chan smiling at me. I smile back.

“Hi, Baby Girl. I miss seeing those blue eyes of yours.” he complements me flashing those beautiful dimples of his.

I throw my hands up to grab his face leaning towards him causing us to fall back. I smash my mouth on his and part my lips inviting his tongue to devour me. He gives me what I want trying not to laugh and ruin the moment.

Felix laughs as Chan lifts my face off of his.

“Nice to see you.” I breathlessly say as I lift onto my hands twisting my head around to look for Felix.

Our eyes meet bringing huge smiles to our faces. He winks at me making my heart melt.

“Baby Girl,” Chan says bringing my attention back to him. “Ready?”

I shake my head to confirm.

Felix rubs his cock with lube as Chan lowers me back down. Felix positions himself behind me. He starts to circle my asshole with his finger again.

“Just look at me Baby Girl. Lean on me, you’ll be okay. Remember you can use your safe word or the light system anytime. Okay?” Chan says quietly.

“Yes, safe word. Okay.” I reply and lean down more towards him.

Felix slides his finger in again letting me get used to having my ass violated once more. He moves it around quickly adding a second one. He continues moving spreading my inside wider. I bite down on my lip staring at Chan’s eyes. He brushes my hair off my face lovingly.

“You got this,” Chan whispers.

Felix slides a third in. My eyes widen as a cry comes bubbling out. I lean forward from the pain I’m feeling even though he just stretched me out early, but Felix grabs my hips to keep contact between his fingers and my expanding hole.

He widens his fingers stretching me slowly letting me adjust. I start to squirm not knowing the odd sensation I am experiencing. He slowly slides his fingers out replacing them with his tip.

He grips my hips and pushes his hard cock in halfway in a swift movement. I automatically arch putting all my upper weight on Chan’s burying my face in his stomach. I so want to shut my legs.

He continues to push further in covering his whole dick with the warm tight inside of my ass. I cry out into Chan’s stomach.

Felix pulls it back to the opening and then pushes fully in again. Again, I cry out.

He speeds up his rhythm not letting my cries phase him. I shake my head back and forth breathing heavily trying to adjust to his wide cock.

“Baby Girl look at me,” Chan demands.

I look up at him with tears starting to slide down my face.

He leans in kissing my tears away first before kissing down to my lips. I try to focus on his lips. Chan pulls away and leans his forehead to mine.

“Let yourself enjoy it Baby Girl. Don’t fight it. The pain will turn into pleasure soon.” He whispers reaching underneath me and making contact with my lips.

He begins rubbing them up and down, dipping his fingers in between to pinch my clit. I moan at the gesture.

He brings his lips to my neck and starts nibbling looking for my favorite spot. I bit my lip feeling myself relax. I never would have imagined having a threesome let alone with these two.

Felix’s pace quickens. With having me distracted Chan slides two fingers to my opening letting his thumb continue playing with my nub. He teases my opening feeling my wetness seep. He inserts them while sucking on my neck harder. I thrust back from all the motions causing Felix to thrust deep in me causing my eyes to widen in undeniable pleasure.

I groan trying to level my breathing out. I feel myself craving Chan.

“Chan.” I pant. “I need you.” I pant again. “Nnneed you in my mouth.” I manage to spit out.

He pulls his mouth off of my neck and pulls back taking his fingers with a slow drag leaving his tips in.

“You don’t have to Baby Girl,” he says staring deep into my eyes trying to see how far deep in head space I’ve gone.

“Now. My mouth. Your delicious dick. Now. Please, Daddy.” I beg trying to reach for him using Felix’s thrust for help.

He completely pulls his fingers out and lays back giving me access to his marvelous cock.

Wasting no time, I shove my mouth down on it, pulling up with so much suction he yells out in shock. I didn’t think how badly I truly wanted to mouth fuck him and hard at that.

I match Felix’s movements deep-throating Chan as he thrusts into me. When he quickens, I quicken.

I was in some type of euphoria. Like every cell in my body was radiating I could feel myself swelling all over. I curl my toes not having control of my feet. I grip the bed with my hands as tight as I can trying to ground myself. I feel Chan twitching as he starts to buck his hips. I quicken to urgency to suck him, needing for him to come before I did.

I moan so loud causing my mouth to vibrate pushing him to erupt inside my mouth thrusting all his juices down my throat. Several VERY loud moans come out of his mouth while he comes.

Feeling him pulsate on my tongue I slowly pull off making sure to take as much of his come as I could. I look up and see him flat on the bed, hands over his face, chest heaving up and down.

With the sound of Chan coming and the feeling of my quivering body Felix pulls out so quickly that I didn’t register what he was doing. He spreads my knees apart as far as possible and thrusts his penis inside my pussy.

I gasp loudly in pleasure tilting up as much as possible to get him as deep as possible. He thrusts over and over smacking his body into mine. He cries out in his deep sensual voice, “Baby Girl come for me. Let’s come together!”

I push back meeting each thrust doing everything possible to get him deeper. I move my body in every direction in exotic pleasure.

We both wail out in awaited pleasure coming together mixing our juices inside of me.

I collapse on Chan who is still coming down off of his orgasm. Felix falls following me not breaking our contact. We all are panting, letting our bodies come back down to earth.

I kiss Chan’s chest and close my eyes. My god that was earth-shaking feeling my body pulsating each inch in pleasure.

I must have fallen asleep because the next time I open my eyes I am sandwiched between them, cleaned up, the ankle shackles off and a t-shirt on. Chan’s legs are entwined around mine. His hands are wrapped around my waist and his face resting on my side spooning me. My arms were wrapped around Felix’s chest while my head was in his armpit that was wrapped around me.

I feel warm all inside. I close my eyes again and fall back to sleep.

Chapter 8: pass the passes!


Sorry for the short chapter.

Chapter Text

I was being woken up by the smell of food. I open my eyes and sit up to look around the bed. It was empty. I look up to see both of them sitting at the small table smiling my way.

“Morning Baby Girl.” Chan sings.

“Morning?” I ask confused.

“Yes, morning. It’s 9 AM.” Felix responds with a grin.

“Nine? What? I...” I spit out before being cut off.

“Easy Baby Girl. You needed your sleep after last night. Plus, we like watching you sleep. Did you know you smile?” Chan says before popping a strawberry in his mouth.

“Yeah, it’s too damn adorable. If you didn’t wear me down last night, that could have caused a problem this morning.” Felix teases.

“I, uh me? Wear you out?” I canter back wincing when I move feeling my soreness hitting me.

“Here, take these,” Felix says walking to me handing me a cup of water and medicine.

I throw them back and swallow being rewarded with kisses on the top of my head and takes the cup back.

“If you can’t move, I can bring breakfast to you,” Chan replies ready to go and bring me the tray.

“No, I’m good.” I swing off the bed and try to stand. I’m wobbly at first like a baby deer, but wave them off as they start to walk toward me.

I manage to get over to the table and sit down to survey the food choices before I look up in a panic.

“Shit! Fuck! The girls! They are probably pacing in my room wondering where I am!” I start to freak out.

“Awww Baby Girl, it’s okay. They knew last night that you were not going back with them. To tell you the truth I saw Lynnette leaving while we were getting your breakfast. She said if we hurt you, she is casting a spell on us. To think of it, I think Ria may still be here too. I’m a little off this morning thanks to you.” Chan laughs and taps my nose with his finger like you would do to little kids. “I need to go and make some phone calls and get some things done before our rehearsal which is in three hours, so I need to leave you for now.” he bends down and kisses me.

I make a pouty face when he pulls back causing Felix to laugh under his breath.

Chan turns towards him. “Felix, I assume you can behave and make sure a car is called for her? Remember....contract.” He states walking to the door and opening it. He looks back and smiles at me before disappearing, closing the door behind him.

“Contract?” I ask turning to Felix raising my eyebrows.

“Umm, yeah.” He clears his throat. “No more physical contact until you make the advance for it. We have to let you make your choice on who you want to be with without any sway from us. You are the one in control now.” He looks down at his food and pushes it around.

“ if I choose one of you then the other backs off. No questions. Wow, how would that work without feeling resentment? I don’t want to be the cause of a rift between you two.” I look at him still pushing his food.

“Yeeeahhh, we didn’t think this through enough. It never has happened, so we didn't think about feelings being brought in. It’s been a crazy few days, to say the least. Did you know we denied three media interviews to spend the day with all of you yesterday? Well, not just that, it’s also the drunk Channie’s Room. It’s going viral and everyone is all over it. That’s what the meeting we had yesterday was about. Management is fired up so to say.” He chuckles.

“OH MY GOD!! I forgot all about that!! Are you guys okay from that? Shit, the Stays? I bet they are freaking their fucking minds out right now.” I sit back in shock thinking about the shit show that is probably going on through all the socials.

“Uhh, yeah, they hate all of you right now,” he says between laughs. “You are with us, all but naked, drunk, and Chan was making out with you while you sat in his lap squeezing your breast right in front of the camera. Oh, didn't help that Seungmin was yelling in the background about orgies pinching Changbin’s nipples.” He shakes his head grabbing his stomach trying to control his laughter.

“What the? I...uh..what? Seungmin did what? Oh my god! Wait! Chan and I made out on the live?” I spit out confused closing my eyes tightly. “Why don’t I remember that? I just remember you guys talking. When did we? I’m confused” I breathe out exasperated.

Felix holds his hands up to stop me. “Don’t worry. The live went blank once it was tipped off to our management and YouTube didn’t allow it to load for replay anything that is popping up from screen recordings is being taken down every minute and letters have been sent out to those parties that keep trying to upload them on other platforms. It’s all okay Baby Girl. It’s okay, the real world is ready to see us, but the K-pop world isn’t. I did hear that tonight will be crazy because of the live though! Last-minute tickets were skyrocketing.” he beams as he looks at his watch.

“Oh, you need to get dress and we need to get you to your hotel.”

He freezes looking down at my bare legs when we stand up at the same time. I look down to see what he was looking at. I see bruise marks trailing down, especially around my ankles.

“Felix, it’s okay. It doesn’t hurt and I have a reminder.” I say looking back up to him.

He nods and steps in towards me grabbing the bag that was sitting near the table. He hands me the bag and leans in for a kiss, but stops short.

Before he could back up I step in and complete the kiss. Like magnets, we step closer to each other deepening the kiss. He pulls back and smiles.

“It was fair since Chan did kiss me goodbye.” I smile.

He nods and leaves the room for me to change.

Moving around I could feel twinges of pain here and there, but it just made me smile. I hurry to get dressed and head to the main living space. I could hear the guys all talking over each other in Korean. Sounded like they were having fun.

“Hi,” I wave walking into the room.

Applause erupts from everywhere. I jump back startled. They all laugh at me.

“To the woman who shattered our ears last night!” Han yells cuffing his hands around his mouth raising his head to the ceiling.

“Did you know that your voice sounds like an angel when you scream out coming? You were in key.” I.N. chimes in.

“Hey, don’t listen to them. They don’t know what they are talking about. I was more intrigued hearing Chan screaming during his orgasm. Kudos to you on that by the way. Think we need to add that sound to some tracks.” Changbin adds pushing I.N. to the side.

“WHAT???” I exclaim, all the color draining from my face.

Felix slips his arm around my shoulders. “Don’t listen to them.” He says as we turn towards the front door.

I look back at them all grinning then back to him. “We were that loud? I mean upstairs was like soundproof.” I huff out.

“Well, apparently not the main room. Now we know.” He shrugs. “Let’s go Baby Girl.”

He kept his hand on my thigh as I lean my head on his shoulder while we drove back to the hotel. He would steal kisses on top of my head, and I would giggle.

The drive seemed so quick this time, I was kinda sad to have to leave Felix’s warmth.

We pull up to the entrance to see that there was a small crowd standing around the entrance.

“I can’t get out with you, though I want to so badly.” He pouts with a sad voice.

“I know. It’s okay.” I reassure him. I lean over and kiss him until we are interrupted by the driver.

“Umm excuse sir, Mr. Bang asked me to make sure the miss got these.” He said as he hands me a small bag.

I pull open the bag and see six all-access badges. I look up to Felix. He smiles and nods his head.

“Well, what did you think? That we wouldn’t have our best gals up front and center? Actually, these also get you in for the rehearsal and backstage.” He leans to open the door for me.

I scoot towards the door. “Thank you so much, but...” I say in a small voice.

“Baby Girl. It’s not because of last night. We love having all of you around. We all decided this after leaving the lobby the first time we met. You girls made an impression then that’s for sure.” He jokes.

We kiss one more time before I side out and shut the door.

I watch the car drive away and turn to see Ray Ray staring at me with eyes all wide.

“About the fuck time, Jenn. Get your ass upstairs now!” She scowls and grabs my arm.

We both laugh as we shuffle into the lobby.

“Okay, Mommy. I was a bad girl last night.” I tease.

We stay quiet in the elevator making eyes at each other behind all the strangers’ backs. I point down to my ankles, and she throws her hands up to her mouth. She pulls them away and mouths NOOOOO back to me. I nod and we silently giggle.

I was about to open my door for us when we were met with the door flying open and arms grabbing and pulling me into my room. All of us fall forward on the bed laughing.

“Miss, you have some splaining to dooooo...” Ria said in her best Ricky Ricardo accent.

“Okay, but first I need a shower and we all need to get ready,” I said sitting up.

“Why? The concert isn’t until late afternoon.” Heather responds bouncing up and down on the bed like a child.

I pull out the passes holding them up for them to see.

“Not when we have full access passes for rehearsal and backstage.” I giggle swinging the passes from side to side.

“NOOOOO!” Lynnette cooed excitedly jumping up to get a closer look.

“You fucked them into passes? Holy shit Jenn, your vagina must sing or something.” Renae teases.

“Oh, it can sing, especially making all of them scream that’s for sure.” Lynnette laughs as she smirks at me.

“Shut up Lynnie.” I snap back playfully.”

“Oh honey, those of us that stayed ALL heard you,” Ria states jumping back away from my grasp as I try to pinch her.

“Okay, okay, so apparently I make sounds when coming...” I start to say before being interrupted.

“How many times?” Renae asks scooting closer to me.

“Oh! Now we are sharing? Well, let me count since you asked so nicely.” I look up touching my thumb to my fingers when my phone buzzes.

I struggle to pull it out of my back pocket before I look down to see a text.

“Ahh, sorry girlies, saved by the text. Our car will be here in an hour. We got to get our asses in gear. Let’s get going.” I said smiling at them jumping off my bed.

We all scatter like cats chasing a laser pointer. Some of us jumping in the shower, others rushing to do our hair and make-up. All while running in and out of each other’s room, throwing clothes around trying to put together the right outfit. We were speed dressing you could say. Took me a while to try to cover all the hickeys I had showing.

When it was time to head to the lobby, you could not see my room’s floor. It looked like a clothing store threw up all over it.

I feeling I got seeing people turn their heads to look at us when we stepped out of the elevator to walk through the lobby was priceless. Six girls dressed in tight blue jeans with rips in all the right places and tight. Some of us wore some type of white crop top and some wore white, tight tank tops. All the shirts were cut and singed in ways to show our perky bouncy breasts just the right way with enough support to allow them to bounce showing just how much was there. We also made sure to have the SKZ logo strategically placed across to make you look at them.

We walk out like we own the hotel to the car waiting for us as my thigh-high boots click across the marble floor.

We climb in and were greeted with champagne and a car full of flowers. We pop open the bubbly and get to drinking.

Chapter 9: Paris dares begin!


It's festival time! Let's see what they can get into!

Another short chapter. I promise there will be longer ones!

Again- if you find anything that sounds out of place or any errors, please let me know! Thanks!

Chapter Text

Walking up to the festival pavilion was intimidating. The area was so huge! People were surrounding the fencing trying to catch a glimpse of anyone famous.

We were getting a lot of stares as we kept walking to the VIP area. One girl even ran up to us asking for an autograph which Ray Ray and Ria were all too happy to do. We all laughed when the girl ran away yelling at her friends waving her program in the air.

While we were walking closer to the stage, we could see the guys marking through their songs. Han spots us and waves. We wave back as one of their managers who speaks English rushes over towards us.

“Everything alright?” Heather questions.

“Ummm kinda, we were just told they are expanding the time slot for them since they have become quite popular after the umm, the live.” He says turning looking down all flustered. We all give each other a look and grin.

“Well, that’s a good thing, right?” Renea pipes in.

“Yes and no. It’ll just take longer to rehearse with adding a few songs so they can’t chat right now.”

“That’s fine. We understand. We will hang out here.” Ray Ray said patting his shoulder. “We’ll find trouble somewhere.”

“Follow me. I’m going to take you to the side over there closest to the stage. It’s cooler with the fans blowing and there are stairs to get to the drink coolers on the stage in case you need to get a drink. You can go up anytime and get whatever you want.” he points ushering us over that way then taking his leave.

We watch as the guys walk through steps arguing over certain parts while trying to rearrange things. We sing and cackle at them when they pretend to talk to the audience. When they were happy with most of the parts, they came over to the end of the stage blowing kisses and waving then they ran back behind the stage for their wardrobe fitting, leaving us alone to look for trouble.

After about ten minutes of us goofing off standing Ria looks around, grabs my arm, and pulls me towards the stairs. In a domino effect, I grab Ray Ray’s arm and she grabs Heather’s, and she grabs Lynnette’s, and she grabs Renea’s. Renea squeals with excitement as she is being pulled.

We climb up on the stage and start walking around pretending to be the guys talking to the fans. We start laughing and giggling, having fun. I see that the soundboard has a phone cord hanging out of the hookup, so I connect my phone and turn on S Class to play in the queue. Renae and Lynnette jump when it kicks in and starts to play through the speakers. We all run to our destinated spots like how we rehearsed at home. Ray Ray sees their mics on the table, runs over, grabs them, and then excitedly hands them to us.

We start singing and dancing hitting every freaking step we practiced. We have rehearsed it almost every day at home since the comeback in case we ever needed to out-dance someone.

We are doing Changbin’s rap part when the stage lights turn on and start moving to go with our dance. We all look around and hit harder smiling. We were killing it.

We all do fairy endings when the song ends. We are breathing heavily, but high fiving in between the breathes happy with ourselves.

“WE KICKED ASS!” Ria shouts bouncing up and down all over the stage.

“Holy shit! Did we just do that?” Heather twirls around in circles.

“Hell yes, we just did!” I smirk at the girls. I look up across the field and see that a small crowd has gathered. “Another one for our fans.” I nod my head towards them.

“What should we sing?” Heather asks heading to my phone.

“Queencard? Thunderous?” Ray Ray suggests wrapping her arms around Heather rocking her side to side.

“Ray! You trying to kill us? Plus, Binnie isn’t here to dance Queencard with us.” Lynnette squeaks.

“Venom?” I suggest walking to Heather to help free her. We all look at each other and give the same nod.

“VENOM!” We all scream in unison. Heather pulls it up and we run back to the middle of the stage.

The music comes on and we go into beast mode. We are grinding and going all out. The lights start to follow us again and even more people come out to watch. We were about halfway through when their band kicks in. They make us jump not knowing they were going to play, but we don’t miss a beat. We are so into our roles we didn’t even care who was watching. We felt hot and sexy, and we were giving it our all.

The song ends and we all about fall over we are so hot now.

“Why the hell did I wear boots with heels,” I huff seeing someone carrying bottles of water for us.

“Your group is awesome. Are you rising stars?” The guy with the bottles asks as he hands them out.

“Ha ha, no we aren’t but thanks.” Ray Ray speaks up bowing slightly. “We are, umm, friends of the Stray Kids just messing around until they need the stage again. Helping with the sound and lighting and all that jazz, but this girl right here,” She points to me. “She is the singer of the group.”

“Oh no no no! Singing with ya’ll is one thing. By myself is another.” I object throwing my hands up waving them frantically.

“I’m calling in my Paris dare!” Ria points to me grinning her devilish grin of hers.

“Riaaaaa....Really? The Paris dare?” I sigh staring at her hoping she will change her mind.

“Ooooo, I like that. Yes, Paris dare.” Renae claps her hands together beaming from ear to ear.

“What’s the Paris dare? The guy asks her.

“We made a pact that each one of us has to do something in Paris that the group decides without question,” she responds without hesitation as she gives me her side-eye. “If not, then there is a consequence.

“Oh wow!” he says in amazement. “So, everyone had to do something chosen for them. That is putting a lot of trust in each other.”

“Fine, fine, I'll do it. Go pick a song.” I concede throwing my hands up in the air.

“Good luck.” The guy says as he bows and walks back to where he was watching.

Ria runs to my phone waving at the band then turns fiddling with the phone then runs to them.

I walk to the front of the stage waiting for my pending doom of song choice. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

“Hey!” I yell over to Ria. “What song so I can prepare?”

“Connected!” She yells back.


“Shit guys! Well, if I have to sing it, then I want ya’ll dancing with me. I need your bodies. Just follow my lead.” I demand pointing to the stage floor beside me.

“Sure, we can be your bodies. If what I heard is true, I’ll let your hands rub all ooooover me.” Ray Ray teases coming to stand beside me.

“God damn it, Ray, we are in public.” I pretend to throw the mic at her.

She laughs dodging my smack to her butt as the rest of the girls join us.

“Okay, I’m gonna move around all sexy and all, if you can get into it with me, that would be great. Kinda like how we dance at the clubs.” I give them a smoldering look.

“Uh oh girls, our Jenny’s champagne is kicking in.” Ria smirks.

“Hell yeah it is and I’m riding that bitch all the way,” I agree and give the band a nod.

The music starts.

I stare out like I see a packed audience. I hit my cue.

Got so many questions

You seek information

I quickly pivot and walk up to Ray Ray. I roll my body into hers as she grabs my ass kissing me on the cheek. I turn towards where the audience would be and continue singing pushing up on her. I roll around her grab her chin and jerk it to the side. Ria comes up behind me and pulls me away from Ray Ray and bends me down as I flick my head up to look forward. From the corner of my eye, I see the camera they use for the jumbotrons come into view. It comes right in front of me, so I start singing to it.

We’re pulling at each other like magnets

The rules are telling us to ignore them

I sing reaching out to the camera like I was in desperate need of it to watch me. It follows me as I continue to sing walking backwards in between the girls.

Your moves they’re asking me for attention

Oh, I’m losing it, hey

Heather lifts my leg as she runs her hand down from my knee towards my crotch as I lean back.

No turning back once we’re connected

I flip back up and we all gyrate on each other as the beat hits. Swaying side to side in unison all up on each other.

I continue to sing to the camera as I look up to the sky and back to the front. I break away and walk towards the front of the stage to sing the chorus. I keep eye contact with the camera as I lift my leg straight up and hold it while I lean to my side sliding my hand down my body to the floor. I come up slowly, bend my knee, and drop my leg slowly back down going into rolling my hips selectively on the stage.

I was getting so into it that when the part with autotune comes on I go to my knees and give my climax face leaning forward making sure I hit every word.

When the chorus comes on, I roll back and start rolling my hips like I was riding my lover letting my head drop back. The camera stayed front facing showing me grinding the air.

I flip my head back up. jump up on my heels and begin to bounce like we did from the beginning slowly sliding my hand down my body from my collarbone to my inner thigh making it look like I was going for my pussy. God, I was having so much fun.

The girls all come around me and we get into the grove dancing as a group and grinding until the song ends and we hit our ending fairy poses.

People who are watching go crazy! I snap out of it and look around to see tons, I mean tons of people cheering all around. People stopped to watch us when the camera clicked on.

“Holy mother of God. Jenn, you hit that like you wanted to fuck that camera. Who or whom were you thinking of? Hmmmm?” Lynnette teases fanning herself with her hands.

“I, uh...went into trance I guess,” I say catching my breath smiling as wide as I could.

As the crowd thins out and starts to go back to what they were doing we hear clapping and whistling from behind us.

We whip around to see the guys walking towards us. My cheeks flush. I want to hide now.

“Dude! You are so sexy as a group!” I.N. yells picking up Heather and twirling her around in circles.

“Sexy as fuck. Damn, maybe I need to throw myself in the mix since, you know, I am one of your wreckers.” Han teases walking towards me smiling his devilish grin.

He is met with an arm going across his chest stopping him. Chan looks at him and shakes his head no, biting his lip to not say something.

“How did you know we were singing?” Renae asks looking at Hyunjin while he hands her a bottle of water.

“Oh, we could hear the music faintly and thought they were just playing with the sound. It wasn’t until our manager showed us a video of you dancing. We all were about to come out until the monitor came on in the back and Jenn came across it.” He looks between Felix and Chan smirking. “Some of us were glued to the floor and wouldn’t budge.” He laughs. “I think you could hear a pin drop during the whole dance.”

“How did you know the camera was on?” Seungmin asks looking around to see where the camera is now.

“Well, we used our Paris dare and chose this song. The band was all too happy to play for sound check. It was pure coincidence they turned the camera on. I honestly thought it wasn’t on.” Ria responds turning to me. She starts waving her hand all around the front of me. “Now all this, that was her sexy side raging out.” She twirls to Chan and Felix. “Thanks to the champagne in the car ride here and you two. Whatever happened last night is seeping out of her right now. I don’t know how we are going to contain her tonight.” She sticks her tongue out to lick her lips pretending to think. “Though do we want to?”

I shake my head laughing. “Thanks Ria. Always with the words.”

I extend my leg out in front of me a bit to rotate my one ankle that has gotten sore from dancing.

“Shit girl! You danced in those thigh highs too? Respect.” Changbin says giving me a high-five. “Feet sore?”

“Kinda. I mean I don’t always dance like ya and in heels at that.” I say noticing their manager walking towards us. “Ut oh, are we in trouble?”

“Shouldn’t be. Probably time to go.” Lee Know says as he shrugs crossing his arms readying to argue.

“Hey, guys. We need to get going. Girls, you did awesome. Thank you for warming up the band, lighting, sound, camera, and even the festival workers also told me to say thank you for helping with their setups. That helped us to not get behind, but with that said, we do need to go. It’s time to eat and get the finishing touches completed.” Their manager says before bowing then starts walking back.

“Glad to be of service. I’ve been giving so much these past few days that I deserve a cookie.” Heather beams making grabby hands for anyone to grab.

Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Changbin all blush at the same time turning a deep red after they look at each other. The rest of us burst out in laughter.

Chapter 10: pre-duet videos what?


Hi there! Hoping you like the story so far. I promise there is more content coming ahead. Real world came calling and proofing had to stop. Boo!

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter Text

Not long after their rehearsal, we all pile in the three vans waiting for us to take us to the restaurant. I end up sandwiched between Chan and Felix in the backseat as I.N. climbs into the middle seat.

The cold air condition feels nice when we get in, so much so that I close my eyes sighing really loud as I let it blow all over me. It feels so good after being outside. I open my eyes to see the guys staring at me. I blush a little.

I.N. smirks puts in his earbuds, turns around, and yells, “These are noise canceling so I won’t hear you once my music comes on. I’m closing my eyes to rest, and you’ll have about 20 mins until we get to the restaurant!”

The guys and I chuckle.

“I’m not sure about Felix, but I could use a rest,” Chan comments looking over me to Felix.

“Yeah, me too. We need to keep up our energy for tonight.” Felix looks back at him. “But I do know someone that could use a little foot massage.”

He reaches down, unzips my boot closest to him, and slips it off. I sigh in relief.

Chan takes off the other one. I sigh again.

“I don’t know how you guys do this all the time. I’m sweating in places that shouldn’t be and I dance. Mad respect. When we see sweat coming off you at concerts, we see that as sexy as hell, but sheesh, I can see why you carry fans all the time.” I fan myself all dramatic with my hands. Leaning my head back on the headrest closing my eyes. “Rest is good.”

The guys chuckle.

“Baby Girl, I think that champagne has kicked in a while ago. Keep your eyes closed and rest.” Felix says as he grabs the foot closest to Chan and swings both of them towards him. I spin and my head lands on Chan’s lap.

“Weeee, that was fun. But you know what would be better, is if both of you suck on my neck.” I giggle eyes still closed.

The guys shake their heads again laughing at me.

Felix starts rubbing my feet as Chan starts stroking my hair. I nestle my head right beside his bulge.

“A perfect place for my face.” I coo snuggling my nose into it more.

“Uhhhh, Baby Girl, what you are doing is dangerous,” Chan whispers through sucking in air.

“You know I’ve been thinking...” I start then stop. I pop up. I turn towards Chan then to Felix then towards I.N. “I need to see something.”

The guy’s eyes shoot wide open when I swing my feet around and pop up off my seat. I clumsily move in front of I.N. who opens his eyes at the feel of me. I smile putting my hands on his cheeks. He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off slamming my mouth on his. I kiss him deep and hard, slipping my tongue between his lips. He falters for a moment letting his brain catch up, then opens wider welcoming me in. His eyes flutter shut as he tilts his head to deepen this kiss even more retuning the flavor pushing his tongue into my mouth.

He moans chasing my lips as I pull back to look at him. He opens his eyes slowly and turns all shades of red when our eyes meet.
I give him a wink. “Thanks, I.N.”

“I...uh... I...umm..” Is all he could muster watching me leave.

I sit back down between two very shocked guys.

“I had to see if kissing another member would trigger my insides on fire.” I slip one foot back into my boot.

“Annnnd?” Felix gruffs eyes focusing on my stretched-out leg.

“Oh, and no. Nothing. Sorry I.N... I mean it was great, but not like with the both of you.” I emphasize with the last zip of my boot.

When we pull up to the restaurant, I turn to Chan and then to Felix and give each a long deep kiss. I turn back around and climb out after I.N., who's still in shock.

“What’s up with him?” Han asks as he looks over at I.N.’s blushing face.

“Baby Girl kissed him for an experiment,” Chan answers while directing us to follow their bodyguards.

“Jesus, Jenn.” Ray Ray laughs. “He looks more like Mc Toasty right now.”

I shrug my shoulders. “I had to see something, and he was the one there. No offense Baby Bread.” I turn to face him giving him my most honest smile. “You’re still a cutie though.”

“It’s okay. I just know now why the guys clamped their mouths shut when we asked about how the blow jobs were. You are very talented with your mouth.” He answers back when reaching our table.

Half of us stop dead in our tracks dropping our mouths shocked at his response.

Chan starts choking on his spit.

Ray Ray twirls around to me, “What did you do to my baby bread?” She huffs a little too high.

“Nothing. I french kissed him that’s it.” I counter sitting in my seat. “Very PG. Plus girl, you should talk, I only kissed him. You want to do what with him? What was that you said to us?” I tap my finger to my chin pretending to think.

Her eyes widen. “Bitch, have a piece of bread for that mouth.” She tosses a piece of bread my way.

I catch it and laugh. “Thanks, but I just had a piece of baby bread in my mouth.” I pucker my lips making a kissy face. “You can’t be mad at these. You know you love them.” I bat my eyes.

Ray Ray rolls her eyes and sighs. “Okay, I’m over it. Come here so we can make up.”

I get up and scurry over to her. I bend down and kiss her on the lips. They make a kissing sound when I pull back.
“See Ray Ray can’t stay mad at her Jenny Jenn,” Renae says.

“Excuse me, I feel left out. You know kissys are for the group.” Ria pouts looking like someone kicked her puppy.

“Ah, can’t have our Ria left out or any of my girls. Got to keep them happy.” I sing as I go one by one scurrying around kissing each girl not paying any attention to the guys. When I stand up to go back to my seat, I see all eight sets of brown eyes staring at me intently.

“Fucking A! I love this group!” Lee Know bursts out breaking the silence throwing his hands up excitedly.

The whole table busts out laughing.

“Don’t mind us. This is our thing. We don’t stay mad very long and makeup quickly.” Lynnette remarks as she sips her wine.

Chan clears his throat.” Ummm, how often do you makeup?”

“Hmmmm, depends on how much we drink or fight, I guess. Right girls?” Heather replies looking around the table.

“Okay, and that was a makeup for what just now?” He asks back.

“Well, feelings got hurt and we mended them and sometimes we all need a mend or two,” Heather answers back.

“Jesus, if we mended like that, we’d have a hell of a lot more ships.” Han laughs leaning back on his chair. “Stays would blow up social media wanting to see us like that.”

“Okay, last question.” Chan turns to me all too fascinated. “This mending with everyone...”

I put my hand in his face to stop him. “No, we haven’t had an orgy and all that. Making out, yes. More than that, I cannot confirm or deny.” I say looking at the group of girls with a smirk.

The guys are eating this up. They go to probe more, but the food comes at the perfect time and as quickly as it is sat down the questions are forgotten.

Felix leans over and whispers, “Hey Baby Girl.”

“Hey Sunshine,” I whisper back scrunching up my nose all cutesy at him.

I lean over directing my attention to Chan and whisper, “Hey Daddy.”

He smiles back at me, winks, and whispers, “Hey Baby Girl.”

The food disappears between laughing and asking each other questions to get to know more about each other until it was time to head back.

Seungmin pulls out his phone. “Group selfie for the road.” We all huddle together to take a few pictures before we pile back into the vans that were waiting for us.

I started to get antsy on the ride back with the guys on their phones doing their social media messages and taking more pics hyping everyone up for the festival per their manager’s request. I decided to take this time to have a bit of fun.

I lay my hands on each of their thighs. Every time they would record, I would rub my hand down squeezing harder as I would get closer towards their crotch while I casually stared straight ahead. Felix ends up faltering so much that I end up feeling sorry for him and stop.

On the other hand, Chan was purposely making up videos so I would keep doing it. I stop as soon as I catch on making him give me his pouty lip face. I silently laugh at him, lean over, and kiss him letting my lips hover in place. I ever so lightly pull away and place my forehead on his. I move my eyes to the screen that is shining on our faces. I turn my head and see that he was recording us kissing.

“Now I have that memory forever,” he whispers in my ear.

I turn my head back to look at him in the eyes and go back in for a deeper kiss pulling back just enough to bite his lip tugging on it until it slips away from me.

I sit back all too happy watching him push a button to save the video on his phone and look up at me. He winks flashing me those dimples again. I wink back then point back to his phone motioning for him to go back to it.

I turn towards Felix and lean into his neck. I breathe very softly over his skin causing him to shiver. I start kissing a spot on his neck, licking it before I go in for a nibble. He turns his face towards me with a sparkle in his eyes. Our lips touch melting into each other. I place my hand on his cheek. He raises his hand and places it over mine. He rubs his thumb over my knuckles.

I pull back and look into his eyes. I can read what he is thinking. I just hope I can answer it soon. I lower back to my seat leaning my head back and close my eyes.

What the fuck am I gonna do? Hell, Jenn, what kind of rabbit hole have you fallen into? Once in a lifetime just to be with one, but two? Ok, you only have two days left here. Enjoy them. Enjoy yourself. They will go back to being idols and you go back to No harm, no foul. Fuck their brains out. Don’t choose. Let time choose for you. Yes! Time can choose.

I lean my head up opening my eyes. I turn to see Chan frowning with a worried look at me. I grab his hand and kiss it.

“Just having an internal talk with myself. I tend to do those when I have a moment. It’s okay. I promise.” I say as the van pulls into the venue.

The festival is becoming alive all around us. Acts are coming in to warm up and people are packing in every inch you could see of the venue. Thank God we have all access passes.

We weren’t allowed in the dressing room area even with the permission of the guys per their managers because their film crew was there and that we need to lay low. But, to accommodate the guy’s wishes they gave us their extra room and told us that we could walk freely around the main common area. They wouldn't hear of it when we objected and said we would just go out to the festival, making us promise to hang out.

So, what would anyone do with an area full of celebrities? Lynnette really wants to see if she could meet anyone else who is famous, and of course, we want to make her dreams come true so, we choose to snoop around.

“Oh, Paris dare!” Heather calls out clapping her fingertips together.

“Wait, what? Who and what is it?” Renae asks looking around to see if it was her.

“Lynnette. If you meet a celebrity besides a Stray Kid, you have to kiss him or her.” Renae squeals at her choice of dare and the fact it isn’t her.

“Shit Heather, you want me thrown out?” She laughs nervously. “But okay a dare is a dare.”

We start walking around saying hi to a lot of the people who had seen us earlier and were excited to meet us. Most of them thought we were part of JYP’s new trainees. Little do they know we are much older than the allowed trainees, but we let it slide taking the compliment and running with it.

We were just about to turn around to walk back when Ria literally bumps into Bruno Mars as he steps out of a room. He catches her as she stumbles across the hallway. We all just stare at him fussing over her for a moment unable to move.

“Ah, so so sorry. We didn’t see you there.” Ray Ray says as she turns her charm on recognizing who he is. “So, here to enjoy the festival?” Trying to act normal, but I know she is screaming on the inside.

“Sure am. Looking forward to seeing the group, uh they are a K-pop group, um, Stray Kids. Have you heard of them?” He asks flashing his smile.

“I’m thinking of collaborating with them and came to check them out. Heard they brought in a huge crowd.”

We all look back and forth to each other grinning, trying to not scream like I know we all are internally.

“Oh, yeah, we know them pretty well,” Ria smirks quickly changing into a smile batting her eyes up at him. “You couldn’t pick a better group to do a collab with.”

Bruno takes notice of their logo written across her chest. “Well thank you. I’ll take that into consideration.” He looks around when he hears his name. He nods and then points. “Well, nice to meet all of you, but I need to be heading this way.”

“Ok, but one, well two questions and a statement please before you go,” I speak up forcing my brain to stop screaming that you are so close to someone you musically admire.

He looks over just noticing me since I was sort of hiding behind Ray Ray. “Ok, I like how you asked so politely and not in my face.” he flashes his famous smile again.

I was about to speak when a group of young girls rush up to us. “Oh my god, you’re the girls on YouTube!” one of the girls shrieks excitedly hopping up and down.

We look at her then at each other confused then back to the girl. At first, my thoughts go to that drunk night and a little bit of panic starts to creep. I snap my head to Ria and see she read my mind.

“YouTube? I’m sorry, but we aren’t a group. You must have us mixed up with some other group.” Heather replies trying to diffuse any confusion so Bruno could slip by.

“No, here let me pull it up. You were the ones singing the Stray Kids songs Venom and S Class, right?” She vomits out the words quickly bouncing like she has to pee.

“Ssssstray Kids songs?” I whip my head around to Ray Ray, eyes wide matching her look.

“Did you say YouTube video?” Ria whips the phone out of the girl’s hand barely giving the girl time to finish pulling it up.

We all huddle over the phone. Even Bruno who everyone forgot about leans in. The video starts and right away it shows us dancing at rehearsal. Ria fast forwards some and there is us dancing to Venom zoomed in some.

“Holy shit, that is us. We are on YouTube.” Lynnette shrieks.

“Wait, didn’t Hyunjin say someone showed them a video?” Renae gasps.

“Yeah, but that was off their personal phone, not YouTube.” Lynette answers.

Renae hums shaking her head. “Yeah, but they could have downloaded it.”

“We love you.” Another girl says clapping her hands all giddy.

“Uh, thanks. We were just playing around.” I respond watching Ria forward to the end and handing back the phone.

“Girls, I’m impressed. You sing really well for being a non-group and that’s recorded on a phone. The dancing is awesome too.” Bruno jumps in waiting for a reaction from the girls. When all they do is stare, he frowns a little.

“Thanks, uh, Mr. Mars. “Lynnette says shyly to Bruno.

“Please, call me Bruno.” He reaches his hand out to shake hers.

“Okay, Bruno,” She repeats shaking his hand. Blushing, she turns to me. “Jenn, at least Connected isn’t on there.”

The second girl whips her phone out. “Oh yes, she is. She has her own video. It was so freaking hot. It has like over a hundred fifty thousand views already and it’s only been up a couple hours.”

“WHAT!” I scream yanking the phone from her.

Sure, enough there I am being all slutty for the camera as I watch the views and like icons tick up and up. I forcefully hand the phone to Bruno who was the closest to me and throw my hands over my face, my body feeling like it’s going numb all over.

“Oh. My. Fucking. God.” I gasp through my hands still hearing my voice coming from the phone. “Turn it off. I sound....”

“Great! You have a great voice. Not one bad note. Amazing.” Bruno cuts me off handing the phone to its owner who still doesn’t realize who he is. “I would sing with you in a heartbeat. Maybe we should debut too.”

With that comment, I immediately release my hands and tilt my head staring at him like he grew two dicks on his head trying to register what he just said.

“Did you hear that? Holy fuck balls.” Ray Ray catches herself turning to Bruno. “Oh sorry.”

He laughs, “It’s all good, but I must get going. I assume, Jenn right?” He points to me.

I nod.

“Jenn.” He repeats to memory. “The Stray Kids’ manager has your information right?” He asks.

“Uh, think so.”

Do they? They must by now.

“Alright, awesome. Well, see you fine ladies around.” Bruno gives us a small wave as he goes to turns around.

“Ah, Bruno wait!” Heather yells. “Our selfie?”

He smiles pointing to her and we all gather. One of the younger girls still hanging around us takes our photo.

“Hey, make sure you post that. Then I can say I was the first celebrity that knew you before you got big.” Bruno says as we break apart.

“Well, Stray Kids was the first, but you were the first solo artist.” I turn to Lynnette. "Um Lynnie, do you have something to ask?”

She lets out a sigh drooping her shoulders in defeat she shimmies over to him, “We have a Paris dare and I have to complete mine. Would you help me out?” She asks all bashful-like.

“Sure thing sweetness. What is it?” he asks.

Before she loses her nerve, she reaches over and kisses him on the lips. Bruno smiles when she pulls back, then laughs shaking his head.

“I like those dares.” He whistles.

Just at that moment someone pushes their way through our group, nods at Bruno, grabs Lynnette’s arm, and starts pulling her as he walks back the way he came. She protests digging her heels until she sees it is Changbin. Giving her no choice, he lifts her, tosses her over his shoulder, and continues to walk away.

“Uh, I think that’s our cue,” Ria says. “Nice meeting you Bruno. And girls spread out that video of her like wildfire all over socials everywhere!” She throws her hands up being all theatrical.

“Uh, don’t.” I counter-grabbing Ria’s arm and start to drag her away.

She turns her head away from me shaking it up and down mouth something to the girls. They giggle and wave as we walk back to our room.

Chapter 11: performance of a lifetime!


Hi! Hi! A shorter chapter, but hopefully I can get the next one proofed fast for ya! I know it feels like it's going slow, but it will go somewhere I promise.


Chapter Text

“Was that Changbin that took Lynnette?” Heather asks as her brain is trying to play catch up on what just happened.

“Well, if it wasn’t we have a crazy Asian on the loose.” Ray Ray jokes making us laugh as we briskly walk back trying to not bring more attention to us.

Heather goes to pull open the door we saw them disappear into but suddenly stops. She leans her ear to the door and pulls her hand up to her mouth to stop herself from squealing. She backs away eyes about to bulge out of her head waving her other hand in the air.

“What?” Ria leans in to listen to what Heather was hearing. Her head whips around to us with a smirk across her face. “Shit, they’re fucking. Like skin slapping, deep moaning, eye-rolling fucking.”

“Well, that was fucking quick,” Heather smirks.

“Sounds like they are trying to be.” Ria snickers at her own joke.

The rest of us lean in. Sure enough, you can hear everything. We all back away giggling quietly. I feel a hand touch my back making me jump out of my skin. I twirl around to see who it is ready to fight.

Chan is standing there smiling at me. My eyes go wide not expecting it to be him. Reacting immediately, I grab his arm tugging him away down the hall so he wouldn’t hear. He cocks his head eyeing me. Just by reading my face, he knows something is up, especially when I start to nibble my lower lip. Now it’s his turn to grab my hand not giving me any time to ask what he came to see me for and pulls me into the private bathroom that was at the end of the hallway.

He closes the door and locks it. My breath hitches when he slowly turns to face me. “So.... thoughts?” He gives me this look with those dimples that would make any girl get on her knees crossing his arms pleased with himself sensing my inner conflict.

“Many, but what to say, what to say.” Choosing to go towards the brat side of my brain, I respond tapping my finger to my lips looking up at the ceiling.

He undoes his arms, takes a step, and twirls us, placing my back up against the door. He extends both arms out on either side of my face just like you would see in the movies.

I swallow as my mind wants to blank out and my legs want to open. I forgot how sexy he is when he gets all serious. I call his bluff. “You can’t kiss me,” I say tartly.

“Oh, and why not?” he flips back at me.

“My choice. My decision.”

He stares at me for a minute then nods and starts to pull away. I grab his shirt to stop him. “We met Bruno Mars. He is here to hear you guys and we found out that our videos from rehearsal are on YouTube and apparently being viewed like crazy.” I sigh after spewing out part of my confession. “Especially mine. Bruno likes them and wants my info from your manager so we can see about a duet. We Paris dared Lynnette to kiss Bruno. Oh, and Changbin is banging the life out of Lynnette like a rhino in rut in our sitting room.”

He grins. “Is he now?”

“Didn’t you hear anything else I said?” I huff pushing him.

“Yes, Baby Girl, I heard every word, but honestly, all I could do was watch those luscious plump lips move wondering how they taste.” He replies licking his lips.

I pull him towards me and our lips crash together. He slides his arms around me. Our lips hungry for each other’s taste. We deepen the kissing parting to let each other in. He smells so good I could just get high off his scent.

He presses his body harder against mine. I can feel his bulge pressing through his pants. I push him back parting us, our lungs breathing heavily.

“You have a festival and all of this energy needs to go out there.” I wave my hand all around his front wiping my lips with the back of my hand.

“Baby Girl...” he starts.

“No, no Baby Girl. I want fucking Chan, Chris, Channie, and Christopher out there tonight and I’m afraid if we do anything in here it will change out there.” I state as I fix my shirt that rode up a little.

His face turns soft and nods in agreement. “Only for you.” He kisses my nose. “Well, if I’m not getting any I need to pull Changbin off of Lynnette, so he doesn’t get to finish.” He says reaching over to unlock the door. Before he pulls it open, he leans in, lips just touching my ear. “Oh, and Baby Girl, only I duet with you.”

A shiver jolts down my spine. All I could do is nod and murmur, “Uh huh.”

He smiles into my ear. “Good girl.”

We set out down the hall to get Changbin only to see him tucking in his shirt with a huge grin on his face heading to their dressing room. Chan and I look at each other and grin.

“Guess you were too late. He one-upped you.”

“We’ll see about that.”

I drop Chan off at the door and see Felix being prepped by a staff member. I look at Chan then at Felix then to Chan then back to Felix. He follows where I glaze and nods. He comes in for a kiss and pauses and smiles. “See you in the audience in a few. I’ll be the one thrusting all of this around thinking of last night,” he says motioning over his body and darts in towards Felix.

He says something to Felix prompting him to lean over to look past Chan, smiles, and nods. He gets up leaving his prepping team and walks out to me with his million-dollar smile on his face.

“Hey Baby Girl. You wanted to see me?” He says using his deep low voice.

Not able to form words, I grab his hand and walk him to the bathroom Chan and I were just in, knock, wait, then open and pull him in. Once the door closes, I lock it and pull him into me. I close my eyes and lean my head on his chest. I can hear his heart beating fast. We stay like that for a minute. I pull back and look up. He smiles and leans down reading my thoughts. Our lips once again melt into each other. So gentle, so breathtaking. His lips are so soft, like kissing a cloud. I reluctantly pull back and look at him again, but this time with more hunger. Reading my mind again, he puts his hand on the back of my head and takes control pulling me into him.

I part my lips wanting him to enter. Eagerly taking my invitation, he invades my mouth. A mouthy moan escapes me. Almost breaking contact, he tugs my head back only to push our lips harder together. He gulfs my mouth. Tongues sliding over each other, twisting around wanting to explore, teeth scrapping. Just when I think I’m out of air he pulls back with a long sigh.

I stumble back a bit weak in the knees as Felix licks his lips. I grin seeing that they are all puffy and red.

“Sorry Sunshine, you’re gonna have to touch up those powerful lips of yours.” I tease brushing his bottom lip with my thumb.

There’s a knock on the door. Then two more quicker knocks. Chan signaling us that it is time to go sobered us up really quick. Felix opens the door after giving me one more quick kiss on my cheek.

When we step out, they look at each other and do a gentlemen’s nod before we follow Chan back to the dressing room. I have no clue what that was about and I’m not planning on asking either. I figure it has to do with the agreement.

I blow kisses goodbye receiving winks from both before walking over to the girls waiting in the room for me. “Ready?” I pop in trying not to notice the smirks I’m getting from my red swollen lips.

“Not quite yet. We have a toast to make.” Ria boops my nose before grabbing one of the waiting cups of champagne that was poured for us while we were out of our room.

Ray Ray lifts her cup high. “To Paris with love, lust, and luck. Where we finally got to meet the guys and boy do they know how to fuck!” Some of us chuckle while others cheer clinking the cups together and downing our drinks like a shot.

Holy hell that was real bubbly I think to myself. I quickly pour myself another before slipping out behind the girls.

Heading down the hallway to go out to the festival I can’t help but snicker seeing Lynnette shifting a little awkwardly.

“Umm Nettie? Why are you walking funny?” I tease.

“Fuck off Eomma. I got plowed and I’m enjoying the soreness.” She says flicking her middle finger up in the air at me not looking back.

I laugh it off shaking my head. “Love you!” I yell up at her.

“Love you too bitch!” She yells back making kissy sounds.

The reserved area was off to the side a bit from the center near where we watched them during rehearsal. We follow the crew member to the area and thank him as the security push some people back to make sure we had enough space.

I look around and holy crap we are sardined in even with the help of security. There are so many Stays waving their skzoos and light sticks that I couldn’t even tell who was who. Ray Ray starts jumping up and down excitedly waving her hands franticly joining in with the crowd.

We start chanting our chant getting louder and louder. Then the lights go out. The roar of the crowd explodes deafening the music. You most likely could hear us from Space, it is that loud. It’s louder than any concert I’ve been to.

The jumbotron pops on—more screaming. Butterflies swarm inside my stomach. My heart starts to pound.

The music starts. And then....

They appear standing motionless with spotlights on them.

When I say we all scream that would be an understatement. I could feel the vibration sweep through me like a forcefield was hitting me.

They go right into the first two songs with ease while we are fangirling, screaming, and jumping up and down the whole time waving our hands in the air like crazy fans that we are. There is no way not to get hit by the vibe they are throwing at you.

As promised Chan brings the sexy. Hell, they all did. Much, much more than usual. You could see them feasting on the festival’s energy. I was in audio and visual heaven. While watching Hyunjin sashay across the stage near us I caught both Chan and Felix quickly giving each other a look and then look towards me breaking out into goofy mischievous smiles while dancing around.


Han hears her and waves in our direction while walking close to the edge of the stage. The Stays go wild. Then Hyunjin comes bouncing towards the front like he is gonna jump in the crowd, pulls his shirt up, sticks his tongue out, and scrunchies his abs. We go feral. I think Renae came when he did that with the sounds she made.

They go through two more songs before we get Christopher. He comes staggering over, hands just bouncing near his crotch, tongue sticking out the side of his mouth, eyes full of lust, puffing his chest that is barely covered by his white tank top out. He stops at the end of the stage and pulls his shirt up real slow showing us his dripping, rock-hard abs. He lifts his mic and does his mating growls as we like to call it.

My hands automatically grab onto Heather and Renae to ground myself trying not to jump up there and fuck him on the stage. My body screaming to let go and claim him. Ria cat calls him and Ray Ray and Lynnette squeal waving like deranged teenagers.

He winks at me and walks away like it’s another day. Holy fuck that was hot. I want him so badly right now.

Just as I was recovering from the Christopher eye candy, Felix and Lee Know dance their way over. Felix waves to the crowd and spots us. He hits Lee Know’s arm and points to us. Lee Know grins devilishly and with double hands he blows kisses. Ria grabs in the air for them.

Felix walks behind Lee Know and out of the blue bends him over, then Felix lifts his leg and starts grinding on him looking me dead in the eyes. Stays go nuts. My eyes grow wide as my mouth drops open. I break eye contact briefly to look at the girls. They also looked stunned with the same expression as me.

Lee Know pops up quickly with a startled look, laughs, and swats at Felix like they do that all the time at concerts. They bounce away waving. The boys are one hundred percent amped up tonight. If I didn’t know better I would think they had a few bottles of soju before. We watch them do a few more songs with them coming over several times and putting on a show right in front of us. We weren’t definitely not complaining.

It came to the talking part of the performance where they address the crowd when one of their managers appears out of breath in front of us. He was trying to say something, but we couldn’t hear him, so he waves for us to come with him. We step out from our area and follow him up the stairs towards the backstage.

Chapter 12: so that’s what Drive is about?


As promised the next chapter.

Chapter Text

“Is everything okay?” Lynnette asks as we gather away from the crowd of people bustling around.

“We have a bit of a problem with time.” He says looking around like someone was coming after him.

“What do you mean? Are they running behind?” Ria quizzes as she reaches up on her tippy toes trying to see what he is looking for.

“No, no, no, they have too much time. Wires got crossed somewhere and now we need to add two more songs to the set. This is all the higher-up’s fault and now we are having to switch things up right in the middle of a freaking show. That’s why I brought you all here.” He vents as his face changes demeanor becoming more serious now that he seems to find whatever he is looking for.

“What does that have to do with us?” I ask barely hearing myself over the sudden roar of the crowd.

“Okay, well we were going to do this on their next tour, but I was hoping that you could possibly get up on the stage and surprise the guys by singing one of their songs with them. Since you are hot all over socials this would look like it was planned. Then I thought you could get the crowd to sing to the guys with you, kinda like an impromptu combo. I know it sounds crazy, the guys are prepared to throw in two songs, but Lee Know suggested to go to you girls.” he looks down like someone took his puppy away.

“Lee Know suggested us?” Ray Ray questions grabbing my arm. “Jenn, what do you say? You’re the main vocal.” She has a glimmer in her eye.

Everyone’s staring at me waiting to see which way I was gonna lean towards. I look into each of the girl’s eyes and then down to the ground. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to drown out the noise to think, but all I can hear is the crowd singing to the songs.

I look back up and shake my head yes. “For the guys. We always said if we could show them how much Stays love them, then we would do anything. I’ll do it.” I say as I feel panic sweep over me.

“Oh my, great, thank you. Thank you so much. I’ll let Lee Know know.” Their manager eagerly says bowing over and over.

“I assume the Stay song will be Youtiful correct?” I put my arm around Heather for moral support.

“Yes, yes. Youtiful. Okay, let’s get you back to the back and get you all ready.” he says clapping his hands together as he turns to lead us.

We follow him to the back and are ushered into the room we had earlier.

“Hey, what is the song we are going to sing with the guys?” Ria asks the manager as she pours more champagne for us. She knows me all too well.

“Oh, sorry, I forgot to explain that to you. Okay, so Lee Know and Chan were chosen to sing together and that’s when Lee Know popped over to me, told me what he was thinking, and told me to get you and see,” he answers her turning to me pointing. “He asked to see if you would take his part. It would be a surprise to Chan. He said it would be better you than him and he said the crowd would go wild. What do you say?”

“Me? Why just me? What song does he want me to take his part?” I ask confused. My mind starts running through their catalog of songs.

“Um, that would be...”

Renae gasps loudly and grabs my arm real hard shaking it all over the place. “IT’S DRIVE! IT’S DRIVE! That’s the only song they did together. Oh my god, Jenn, Lee Know wants you to take his part to surprise Chan. He wants to stick it to the higher-ups. Ha! He’s a mastermind!”

“DRIVE?!?!?” I yell a bit too high which takes their manager by surprise.

Regaining his composure. “Yes, Drive. You will do Drive. Then the guys will thank everyone and say they have one more song. When they do that, you will exit, and we will spread you out throughout the crowd. We will have pillars for you to stand on, so you are higher than the crowd.” He begins looking around at us to gauge our reactions.

“So, they think they are doing two songs, but I will take Lee Know’s part on one that he only knows I’m doing. Then we are surprising them with the other song? Did I get that right?” I repeat and throw back a cupful of courage. I grab the bottle to pour another. “Sounds planned if I didn’t know better.”

“Correct. Well, not the planned part. The others have no idea what will be happening. You all will go on and Jenn will sing. Then when it’s time for them to sing Youtiful as a surprise to the crowd we will turn their mics down and all of you will sing hopefully prompting a mass sing-along with all the Stays in the crowd to them. Does that make sense? Do you know who will sing what part? Is this too much to ask? Have I lost you?” he asks looking worried that we will change our minds.

“Yes, it makes sense. Yes, we know parts, duh, we have been singing this song since it came out. No, you are not asking too much from us and no, you haven’t lost us. We would do anything for our boys.” Lynnette answers. “If this works it will be incredible.”

He nods and bows. “Okay, you girls get ready and stay here so no one sees you and I’ll get everything ready. It should be about ten minutes from the sound of it. Again, thank you for this.” Their manager says and ducks out shutting the door.

There was silence. None of us could say anything. We all stood there in our own thoughts for a minute. I kept sipping on my new cup of happiness.

Ria comes around and takes the cup from me and throws it away. I go to object, but she comes in, places her hands on my cheeks, and kisses me.

When she pulls back, she taps my nose and says, “We can do this honey. YOU. You can do this. Go get in your zone. You don’t need any more drinky or you will slur your words. Who is my pretty bird?”

“I am?” I question unsure.

“I can’t hear you. Who is my pretty bird” she says firmer shaking my shoulders up and down staring directly into my soul.

“I am. I’m your Jenny Wren!” I say louder letting her massage my shoulders.

“That’s damn right! You can do this. You can go out there and do what you did earlier. Forget about the crowd. Question is will you bring your one lover to his knees tonight in front of a crowd?” She gets right into my face flashing her devilish grin. She changes her tone. “Are you going to make him want to ravish you?’

I look into her eyes. I swear I can see them swirl with colors. “Damn, I see why we do whatever she says.” I breathe in letting my shyness leave me. “I will bring him to wanting me so bad he will tear his clothes off and...”

“Girl, honey, no no, not that far.” She taps my cheek. “We don’t want to hurt their image, but I love your spunk.” She winks leaving me alone to walk to the door.

“Well fuck Ria, you get me all worked up and then tell me not to. Make up your dang mind.” I say watching her, but not moving from my spot.
Heather tosses her cup away like a basketballer. “What are you doing?” She asks as she gets closer to Ria.

“Shhhh, I can hear someone talking.” She hushes and leans on the door.

The door pulls open making Ria stumble forward landing right into Lee Know’s arms. He catches her pushing her into the room and shuts the door, so no one sees us.

“Damn girl, I love when you throw yourself into my arms, but not right now.” he teases steading her.

“You wish. Told you next time you will need to be on your knees begging.” she canters walking back a bit from him.

“Ahem, excuse me we are here.” Heather coughs.

Lee Know looks over her shoulder and smiles at her. He walks around Ria to me and claps his hands together in one loud clap. I jump.

“Are you ready?” he looks down at me and asks, “You okay?”

“Yeah, I think so.” I try to look away from his piercing eyes.

He catches my glance. His demeanor softens. “Hey, it will be my honor for you to sing my part. Plus, it should be more of a couple song and who can get Chan to become himself more than you right now? He has no clue that you are all back here. I made sure the guys never went over to the section where you were. Which was a hard feat by the way. They are all whipped. Right now they are finishing up and probably about to go back out. I need to go so they don’t wonder why it’s taking me so long to change. I will be standing in the front. You can just walk right out and start singing. I’ll get out of your way. Okay?” He heads to the door and throws his fist up. “Fighting.”

“Yup. Oh, hey Lee Know.” I reach out to stop him.

He arches his eyebrows.


He smiles and ducks out.

The guys go back on stage after a quick change and to wipe down. We are ushered to the entrance and a backstage crewman hands me a mic. One of the managers is telling the girls where they can go while I stare at the back of Chan and Felix.

Here we go.

I can do this.

I am his she-wolf.

I close my eyes and take one long, slow, deep breath letting my inner self come out.

The music starts and we are ushered out. Chan is looking out into the crowd, so he doesn’t notice me. The guys see Lee Know turn and smile. They turn to see what he is smiling at and grin. I smile back raising my mic.

I belt out the first chorus. With autotune on it is hard at first to hear it’s me and not Lee Know until I flash up on the jumbotron.

Chan swings around knowing it wasn’t Lee Know immediately singing and sees me walking towards the crowd not making eye contact with him. He looks back at everyone and sees them all smiling in contentment of what they are about to see go down.

His part comes up, he gathers himself and he starts to sing walking closer to me like this is normal. I close the distance and stand facing him smiling. I slowly turn my smile into a devilish grin and lower my eyes giving him my I want you look.

My turn comes again, I turn and back up against him and start to sway rubbing my ass against his groin. Out of reaction he grabs my waist and joins me. He sings his part looking down at me still in shock, but catching up to what is going on as I cock my head to the side exposing my neck to him.

When the chorus comes we sway around so we are facing the crowd. I raise my hand to his cheek and look up twisting my head and we lock eyes. My heart skips a beat. Right now my world is all Chan. My ass feels that he is a little turned on holding me tight. Feeling more in the moment I keep working my magic.

I flip around and grab his lower back, thrusting my hips into his, and move my face in close to his ear. He grabs my ass to hold me so I wouldn’t move. Taking that as a challenge, I then lean back real slow facing the crowd upside down singing my next part, and begin swaying again. I let go bringing my hand to the front of me. I travel my hand from my waist traveling up to my breasts which makes my shirt ride up for his pleasure and slowly let it slide downward to the side of my face and outward reaching for the crowd.

I flip up and see the fire in his eyes and feel a very stiff welcome in his pants. I pull back and start to walk away, but he quickly grabs my hand making me stop in place, and walks around me with his eyes locked on me, hunger seeping out as he sings.

I take his hand and push it to his chest release it and travel around him tracing my hand up and over his one shoulder. I position myself behind him I use that hand and push down on the top of his shoulder making him sink down to where I want him, then I push his neck to the side.

I lean in and grab his neck with my mouth and suck as he sings. He jolts and falls to his knees but keeps singing. I grab his hair and yank his head back making him look at me. I place my thigh high up over his one shoulder so it’s dangling pressing my pussy on the top of his head.

He places his hand on the boot and slides it up and down then he lifts my leg straight out and twists so his face is right at my wetness. I finish lifting my leg straight up in the air, twirl, put my leg down, and start to move toward the crowd moving away from him. With my back to him, I sing my heart out.

He was up and walking after me. I turn my head towards him to sing our part together.

He slides behind me and wraps his one arm around my waist holding me tightly. I lean into him and we sing the chorus again. We grind letting our bodies connect. His now very evident erection rubbing against my ass seeking any hole to tuck into. I slide my free hand between us to rub it every time we dip up and down. He bucks at the touch trying not to be too noticeable. We keep the rhythm up letting the song slowly come to the end.

We stop swaying and stay like that as the crowd goes into a frenzy. I look up and see him heavily breathing. We lock eyes and I can see that I have won my mission. I slowly move forward so he can adjust himself without people seeing.

“Wow! Stays what a performance we just got!” Han yells in his mic walking up to us and putting his arm around me.

“Yes, I want to thank Jenn for taking over for me bringing all that sexiness out of the song. I’m sure Bang Chan liked that he didn’t have to dance with me like that. Please give a big round of applause for our friend!” Lee Know yells coming up on the other side and bows to me.

The crowd roars which causes me to stumble back as I look out at the thousands and thousands of people making the sound but Han catches me. I smile at him and turn to Lee Know with Han’s arm dropping.

“Wow! Didn’t realize how powerful your fans are. My pleasure Lee Know. Anytime.” I say and return the bow. Then bow to Han.

I turn to walk away and quickly turn back twisting my waist and wave to the crowd. I turn around to see Chan still dazed but grins at me. I walk close to pass him, kiss my index finger, and touch his nose.

He smiles even wider, dimples shining, lowers his head and shakes it. He pulls it back up and grabs me into a hug. He sways me back and forth as he leans down to my ear.

“You’re dangerous. This means war you know. Best foreplay ever.” he growls in my ear and releases me.

“Yes, Stays, a huge thank you to my very close friend Jenn and Lee Know for surprising me with that switch. Let’s talk shall we.” Chan says walking to address the crowd as I take a step back and continue to walk to the back only to slow when walking past Felix and lightly brush his hand with mine. He smiles and winks. I blush and look down with a small smile.

I meet all the girl’s eyes who were waiting for me at the back of the stage, stick my tongue out at them and we run back to the room.
“Holy fuck, I think I didn’t see Felix move one inch the whole time. I mean Chan was dry humping you pretty much.” Renae giggles plopping on the sofa.

“And thanks to your little perv show I got felt up from Changbin and oh, this hickey.” Lynnette happily points to her lower neck.

“What the? How did that happen? You know Stays will be all over that.” Ray Ray comes to get a closer look.

“Oh no, he slid us out of sight.” she giggles again touching the mark.

“That man has some raging teenage hormones for you today,” Heather says before downing a cup of bubbly happiness.

“Jenn?” Ria cocks her head to the side seeing that I’m just standing staring into space.

“Hmm?” I say still in my own world.

“You....” she starts until there was a knock on the door interrupting her.

Their manager pops his head in. “Girls, ready? We got to get you in place they are about to sing.”

Chapter 13: from stays with love!


Here's a quickie. This part needed to have its own chapter. You'll also thank me later when the longer chapters start coming.


Chapter Text

He opens the door, and we walk out grabbing microphones from another backstage hand that was waiting for us.

Stepping back into the crowd you could feel that everyone’s all hyped up. Seeing us following the crew starts a flurry of wanting to see what is going on and even trying to talk to us. They spread us throughout the crowd covering the stage from all sides.

A girl tugs on my arm as I take a step to climb up on my podium. I turn and she holds her phone up with a message lit up asking what we are doing. I take her phone and write Youtiful with my finger and hand it back to her. She reads it and lights up. She looks up and I motion to spread it around.

Stays are Stays. By the time they had me positioned, made sure I was secure, and were happy about it, word had spread all around. God, I love our fandom.

Chan just started introducing the song when the lights dim and their mics cut off. Chan tries to speak when he realizes it doesn’t work lifting it up to the equipment workers towards the back with a silent question. The others try testing their mics.

The music starts causing them to look around wondering why when their mics are off.

The spotlight shines on Heather. You see her pop on the jumbotron. She starts to sing.

The guys drop their mics down standing there confused but memorized.

Another spotlight shines on Ria and she sings her part.

The crowd starts to go silent.

My spotlight flicks on me as I start the pre-chorus.

I can’t help but start to sway and the crowd joins in picking up the cue quickly.

Spotlights light beam to show Renae, Lynnette, and Ray Ray swaying too when they join me singing their parts.

When the chorus starts, the crowd pipes up and sings at the top of their lungs. We throw our hands up and start swaying them back and forth. All you see are light sticks moving in unity.

Some of the guys drop down to their knees to soak it all in, while others stand swaying with the crowd. All of them in their own ways have their hands up with us and either mouthing the song or smiling unwilling to let the moment go.

Heather, Ria, and Ray Ray go back and forth singing the next verse.

Then, Lynnette, Renae, and I chime in singing the pre-chorus. I hit Lee Know’s part as loud as I could go.

The lights light up the crowd so the guys could see everyone. The whole venue sings as loud as possible to the chorus. Felix, Han, Changbin, and I.N. start crying. Chan goes over to Felix who is sobbing and puts his arm around him hugging him to calm him down. Hyunjin and Seungmin jump down onto the speakers to be as close as possible to the crowd, blowing kisses and singing along. Lee Know stands there with his hands on his cheeks in awe trying to compose himself.

I was standing there just watching them when all of the lights focus on me. I smile to myself and make sure I sing the hell out of the bridge with every Stay joining in for the last chorus echoing throughout every inch bringing the festival down with the last words: ‘You are youtiful.’

Cheers rang out before you start hearing ‘Stray Kids! Stray Kids!’ chanted over and over from the crowd. It was so loud that I couldn’t hear myself think. The girls and I look at each other around the festival. I blow kisses to each one with them send one right back.

They quickly help us down and usher us to the guy’s dressing room while they finish thanking the Stays and closing up the show. We all trout in all smiles and doped up on endorphins. Levitating towards each other, we put our heads together in a huddle and start hugging in our little circle.

“Love you, minions.” I sing.

“Love you our fearless leader.” The girls sing back.

We can hear the guy’s voices become louder as they walk in.

We go to break up our circle, but we are pushed closer together with the guys all joining in. I look up and all I see are smiling faces. I sigh a happy sigh to myself and let the warmness and contentment swim all over me.

Eventually, the guys move back so we could get some air after hearing some whining about not being able to breathe. I look around, but Chan and Felix are missing. I look over to Han and mouth asking where they are while he is getting hugs from Heather. He shakes his head looking just as lost mouthing back that he doesn’t know.

Chapter 14: no rest in the restroom!


Hello Minions!

Intense SMUT warning.

I didn't realize that reproofing all these chapters still can get me flustered.


Kudos would be greatly welcomed!

Chapter Text

I step out the doorway looking first to the left for them when a hand grabs my arm and starts to pull me. I look up to see it’s Chan.
He leads me quickly to the private bathroom and pulls me in shutting the door behind us. Without a word, he pulls me into the hardest, deepest kiss I have ever gotten. He didn’t wait for me to respond; he thrusts his tongue and devours my mouth.

He cups my cheeks with his hands turning my head so his tongue can slide deeper. I moan so loud; my throat vibrates like an engine starting up. I throw my arms over his shoulders.

His hands immediately travel down to my jeans unbuttoning them while pushing me against the door with his mouth still attacking mine. He slides his fingers past my panties and lunges for my swelling nub.

He rotates his fingers not giving me any time to register the feeling. I tighten my grip around his neck. He pushes down trying to slide his fingers to my opening. My jeans make it too tight for him to maneuver so he quickly pulls out leaving me to whimper. He pulls his whole body away from me leaving me gasping.

“Baby Girl, what you do to me,” He growls in my ear. “These got to go.” He says as he squats down and quickly unzips each boot. I lift my leg so he can slip each one off tossing them behind himself. Without wasting time, he yanks my jeans down in one yank lifting my legs to pull them off. He is whipping everything off in a hurry.

I grab his hair for stability making him look up quickly showing me the want in his eyes. He runs his hands up my legs grabbing my panties yanking them down just like my jeans exposing my sex to him.

Without hesitation, after giving several kisses all over my area he stands up, unzips his pants, and shimmies them down to his ankles releasing his red, dripping, swollen, rock-hard erection. He spits in his hand and rubs it all around mixing it with his precum.

He reaches around, grabs my ass, and lifts me up pushing his body between my legs. I wrap all my limbs around him like a lifeline. He turns me away from the door pushing me up against the cold wall with my hot back causing me to arch into him from the feeling. He doesn’t wait to position himself at my entrance and slides me down onto him. I lean my head back at the stinging feeling of him splitting me open. He lifts me shifting me and slams me down over him again.

I lean my head forward and claim his mouth the best I could being tossed around like a ragdoll. I let myself get lost having him thrust into me like his life depends on it when the door slightly opens breaking my trance. I try to pull away when I see a figure come into view, but Chan holds my head against the wall tongue shoved in my mouth blocking my view.

I hear the sound of a zipper then fabric hits the floor. I sense someone come to my side. I start to panic.

“Hey Baby Girl.” A deep soothing voice enters my ears. Felix.

Chan pulls his lips away when Felix turns my chin with his hand. He leans over and kisses me holding my mouth in place. At first, it’s a soft gentle kiss, then it turns rougher as Chan has slowed to long deep pushes. My tongue searches for Felix’s moaning when I find it, gripping Chan’s shoulders as I feel myself building. I dig my nails deep into Chan’s skin when Chan speeds up to warp speed to push me over while Felix still holds my mouth to his.

I whimper over and over in his mouth coming all over Chan’s erection still thrashing in me. My body trembles over and over from my orgasm I open my eyes searching Felix’s face. I see that he is watching me. He pulls his plump wet lips from mine and steps back. My eyes gaze down to see his angry erection standing at attention leaking for me. Automatically I lick my lips.

Chan stops thrusting and turns us around reversing us, so his back is against the wall. He slides down some so I’m straddling his legs like a chair. I can hear Felix lubing himself up. I look up at Chan with a confused look on my face then try to twist to see Felix to see what he is doing.

“Baby Girl look at me.”

I twist back to look at him. He shifts and his cock deepens. My vagina clenches onto him.

“I’m... I’m too heavy for you to hold me like this.” I pant trying to wrap my head around what is happening. I feel Felix walk up to my back and place his hand in the middle. He rubs in a circle reassuring me before he inserts two fingers in my ass pumping them quickly scissoring messily just to loosen me a bit.

“I can handle you. You aren’t hurting me and you have been a bad baby girl.” Chan grunts pushing deep getting his tip to rub my cervix.

My eyes widen at the sensations, mouth open to object when Felix stops rubbing withdrawing his fingers, and leans in to whisper, “Enjoy your ride Baby Girl,” pushing me forward towards Chan’s chest exposing my semi-stretched hole even more to him.

Felix straddles Chan’s legs and starts rubbing my hole with his lubed fingers getting it all wet. I wait for his fingers to go back in, but I was introduced to his erection instead pushing through my semi-tight hole entrance. I lunge forward deepening Chan into me. I cry out at the intrusion.

“Lean to my lips Baby Girl. You can do this. Kiss me.” Chan demands. I lean in more to reach Chan’s lips giving Felix more access. Felix pulls back slowly and lunges forward again to bottom out. I cry out from the stinging pain around Chan’s mouth. I pull back so I can look at Chan tears falling down my face. “You know your safe word right” I shake my head. “Use it if too much.”

Chan grabs my hips above Felix’s hands and starts rotating them making me ride him. Felix stands still letting the rocking motion do his job. I feel like my ass is ripping apart, but I couldn’t shake off the sensation I was feeling from Chan’s dick rubbing my cervix. The pain was giving away to pleasure. They let me take over the rocking motion.

I start to quicken getting into a rhythm when Felix pushes in deeper. I whimper from the stretch.

Chan tilts a little shifting himself in me. I cry out from the pleasure and pain. I slow down and try to lean back some to get both deeper in me. The pleasure and pain feeling is becoming addictive. Felix guides me back so I’m leaning back on him. I can feel both of them widening me out at this angle. I lean forward slowly again then back again. The sensation is overwhelming making me want more and fast.

“Fuck me!” I whale leaning forward against Chan tightly grabbing his shirt looking deep into his eyes. “Both of you fuck me. Now! Deep and fast. I want it.”

Chan smiles then looks up at Felix and nods. Chan steadies his feet and grabs my waist. He nods again to Felix and in that moment he thrusts hard and fast not relenting forcing my head to lop back silently screaming for more.

A deep sensual moan comes out of me loudly exposing my untouched neck on full display to Chan. Chan bites his lower lip to keep from panting feeling his orgasm rising fast as Felix thrusts deep again. I throw my head onto Chan’s chest and moan again. When Felix pulls back Chan rotates my hips and grinds me back and forth real fast focusing on his own orgasm now. I start panting feeling myself tightening with each move.

Felix feels me and starts bucking into me panting along with little sounds here and there as he feels himself peeking. I jerk my head back over and over squeezing my eyes shut, moaning over and over through all the sensations.

Chan grips tightly to my hips screaming out one loud moan as he comes spraying stream after stream of his hot come into me.

I manage to scream, “I’m coming!” before my body gives into the wave of desired heat shattering over me pushing Felix to go over the top.

Felix lunges forward one more time burrowing in as far as he can get, moaning just as loud in relief that his orgasm finally was released as I feel him explode with his seed with such force filling my back end up.

Felix pulls out immediately after finishing, dashes to the table, where the hand towels are, and grabs some. He wipes himself off then comes over and wipes my leaking hole.

He helps me off of Chan and hands Chan a towel as he starts to wipe me clean while I hold onto his shoulders for support.

My mind is swirling in ecstasy from the tangled encounter.

“Baby Girl, you okay?” Chan laughs watching me sway trying to steady myself like a baby deer. “You with us Sweety?” he leans over and kisses my forehead.

I manage a dazed smile and look around for my underwear. I stumble as I release my grip from Felix.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Baby Girl,” Chan catches me wrapping his arms around me holding me to face Felix.

“Felix, I think our baby girl is worn out. Can you get her clothes so we can dress her?” Chan says as he sways with me burying his nose along my neck.

“I’m okay, I think the combo of champagne, adrenaline, and then the wham bam thank you ma’am threw me off a bit.” I object leaning my head to the side letting Chan have his way with my neck.

“No, Baby Girl, we will dress you. Lift your leg,” Felix commands waiting to put my panties on.

I let him dress me while Chan distracts me by sucking on my neck. Don’t know why, but I found it sexy and I love being in Chan’s hold. When Felix was done he dresses himself and then takes me from Chan so he could dress.

When they are happy with how everything is back in its place and that I can walk on my own like a normal person, we head out to be with everyone else.

We walk into the busy room to be welcomed by clapping, cheering, and some catcalls. I close my eyes, smile, and take a bow making everyone laugh.

“Girl! You go balls to the wall! You sang in front of a crowd of tens of thousands in another language no less and did not falter, then made all three of you come at the same time and very loudly at that. Mad, mad respect,” Han complements me giving me a fist pump.

“Okay, okay, let’s leave her alone for now. We need to get our things and get going.” Chan raises his hands to get everyone’s attention getting back into his leader role patting me on my butt as he walks past me.

Chapter 15: carriage back to a pumpkin.



Chapter Text

Just like that, they all start packing what wasn’t already done like busy beavers. I’m not sure how the girls felt since they were all chatty with the guys, but I was tired as fuck and slowly fading.

When it was time to leave I could feel myself being lifted, placed over someone’s shoulder, carried to the van, and placed in my seat. I feel a warm arm go around me as I lay my head down on a shoulder. I inhale and know right away that it is Felix.

I feel my feet being raised and my shoes coming off again before feeling a hand gently rubbing circles on my thigh. I sigh, grab Chan’s hand and drift off snuggling into Felix.

The next time I open my eyes I am lying down in a bed. I stretch only to hit a warm body. I lift my head and see that I am sandwiched between Chan and Felix who are passed out. I look around to see they must have kept me at their rental. I scoot down to slide out of the bed and wince.

Every body part was sore, especially my ass. I manage to scoot off and look down to see that I was wearing an oversized Stray Kids tee shirt. I go to walk out the room and see a note by a glass of water on the nightstand. I walk over and it’s for me.

Baby Girl

Take these and come back to bed.

Daddy and Sunshine

I take the medicine and water and slip out.

I head to the common living area to go to the kitchen when I run into Changbin.

“Oh hey, Changbin. Did I wake you?” I whisper when he turns to see who it is.

“Oh no, you didn’t wake me. I just like it down here better.” he stretches on the couch. “Plus, I gave Heather and Lynnette my room to sleep in for the night.”

“Aww, that was sweet of you. Where are the other girls?” I ask looking around.

“Where do you think? Upstairs with god knows who tonight. Last time I was up there everyone was running back and forth.” he chuckles quietly and points to some cookies on the coffee table.

“Aww, yeah, it takes the girls a while to settle after being hyped up.” I grab a cookie off the table. Oh god, they are still warm and fresh.

“Speaking of hyped up, you were killing it singing and connecting with the crowd, and don’t get me started on your singing in Korean. Have you ever thought about singing for real?” He asks dipping his cookie in his milk.

“Ah, no, well, yes, I was told I was just average at a young age, so I just sang for fun like karaoke and went into studying dance. It wasn’t until I found you guys and the girls that I really started getting back into singing. And the Korean, well, you listen to it enough, you pick it up. At least for me, that’s what happened. We all just started taking actual in-class lessons a few months ago, then we decided to fly out here spare of the moment.” I nod dipping my cookie in his milk he offers.

“What you have is hard to find. Both in your voice and friendship. I love my group to death. I wouldn’t trade them for anything so I have to ask, have you made a decision between them yet?” Changbin asks softly setting the glass down. I can see the concern written in his eyes.

I take a long sigh. “No, not yet and it’s getting harder. If I could just squish them together that would solve everything, but I can’t. I’m trying really hard not to hurt them or get in the middle of them. I’m trying really hard to not catch feelings knowing it’s only for a short time. I would never want to hurt the group dynamics.” I place my hand on his and look straight into his eyes.

“It’s gonna come to an end and I just want to enjoy what time I have. This has been the greatest moment in my life in a really long time. I don’t want it to end really, but I know that in what, thirty-some hours this carriage turns back into a pumpkin. I didn’t mean for all this to happen let alone having it still going. Binnie, I will not do anything to hurt them on purpose okay? You all mean the world to me. You brought life back into me.”

He stares into my eyes for a minute then nods and gives me a small smile.

"I better get back before they notice I’m gone. Thanks for the cookie.” I softly touch his cheek and walk back to the bedroom.

I slip back into the room and head to the attached bathroom.

I walk up to the sink and flip the switch to turn on the dim overhead light. I turn the facet on then turn it off as I catch my reflection in the mirror. I stand there staring at myself. I look at my hair. It’s all ruffed everywhere. I look at my neck. The hickeys are showing through the melted-away makeup that I used to try to cover them up. I look at my lips. I press my fingers to them feeling the plumpness. I smile as I think of all the kissing we have done in the last few days. I lower my hands to steady myself on the counter so I can lean in to look at the eyes that are staring back at me.

I lock eyes with myself.

Girl. You caught feelings, don’t you?

I hear the click of the latch before the door opens slowly and closes lightly clicking again.

I pull my gaze away from myself and look behind me through the mirror. A warm body leans up on me as arms wrap around my waist. He hugs me as he rests his head on the nook of my shoulder. I can smell his cologne.

I meet his eyes as he nuzzles my neck with his nose still looking at me. I place my one hand on his cheek and rub my thumb up and down.

“I love those freckles that run across your cute little nose. They make your eyes sparkle even more. Did you know that?” he whispers just loud enough for me to hear.

I smile not breaking the intimate moment our eyes are having.

“Ahh, that smile, god that smile. It’s so intoxicating,” he says as he turns me around slowly in his arms.

We lock eyes again. He searches them trying to read what I am thinking. He squats down a bit just enough to lower down to my height.

“Baby Girl, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours? You okay? Did we hurt you?” he asks concerned.

I shake my head no as tears form. I bite my lip wishing them to go back.

He releases me and brings his thumbs to my tears and wipes them away. He kisses my forehead and pulls me in for a hug.

More tears form as I grip onto him squeezing as hard as I can burying my face in his chest letting the silent tears fall.

“Shhhhh Baby Girl, it’s okay. Let them out.” He soothes as he brushes my hair with his one hand while holding me tight with the other.

He holds me there and lets me cry it out. When I’m done, he reaches for the tissues on the counter and hands them to me.

I take the tissues and look up seeing the concern and love all over his face. I blink several times. As if he could read my mind, he doesn’t push me to say anything, he just stands there rubbing my shoulders.

I lean in and kiss him pressing my hand on his chest to steady myself. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck and tilt my head to deepen the kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me against his body.

We stand there pressing our lips together not moving. I pull back for air and open my eyes to look up at him once again. Without saying a word we were on the same page. Our lips meet again. A long slow hot kiss that you would see in the movies.

Looking deep into my eyes, he uses his body to scoot me back so that I’m leaning on the counter. My legs spread to steady myself and to allow him to get closer to me. He comes in for another kiss. It’s stronger and needier. He pushes his body up against mine nonverbally telling me what he wants when I feel his bulge rubbing against my pelvic bone. I use my nose to breathe while his lips work over mine.

I open my legs wider for him. In response, he tilts his bulge up brushing over my clit. I push towards the friction feeling the heat rise inside of me.

His hand slides up under my shirt making its way to my breast. He takes a handful and massages it pulling his lips away from me. My head lobes back welcoming the fuzzy feeling that is starting to course through.

His fingers find my nipple. He pulls gently rubbing my perky pink nub between his fingers. I gasp feeling myself dripping in my panties.

He lifts my shirt off of me, his mouth claiming my breast swirling his tongue all around before sucking down. My mouth falls slack as a silent cry is forced out. I arch my hips up digging into his hard erection. He moans licking my sensitive nipple before moving to my other breast to do the same thing. He pulls off looking down at me with dark eyes. He trails his hand up my sternum to my chin humming in satisfaction watching it rise and fall from my panting before gripping my chin raising my head seeing the desire and need staring back at him through my hazy-filled eyes. He licks his lips seeing me so pliant.

He works his sweatpants off. My eyes focus on his throbbing leaking erection making my mouth go dry before he pulls me off the counter.

He pulls my panties down helping me as I step out of them eagerly.

He tugs me into an embrace and starts kissing me again. Our hands slowly start moving all over each other’s backs. Just holding him is heaven.

He reaches behind me and yanks several towels down from their hooks tossing them down on the ground.

He lowers us down onto the makeshift pile. I let my legs fall wide offering myself to him. I arch my back trailing my hands between my thighs up to my breasts.

He sucks in seeing me all open, wide, and dripping for him. My needy whine makes him smile as he lays on top of me. I wrap my limbs around him and we start kissing again.

He pulls away from my open mouth and starts kissing my neck already knowing where I love to be touched. My hips buck in response when he bites down. He does that again before he pulls up to survey my face.

I am looking back eyes dilated and blown. He knows that he has put me in the space he wants me t to be in. Lifting his hips he positions himself and without looking away he slowly pushes in. I raise my legs higher to give him more access. He pushes deeper. I tangle my legs around him hooking my ankles together.

We watch each other as we move in a slow steady rhythm, feeling every movement, every tingle, hearing every sound that is made, feeling our bodies being one together, being in the moment. He wasn’t going to rush our pleasure.

We both could feel each other’s heat building. We can’t tear away from looking at each other. I inhale deeply, my mouth falling open as I am the first falling off the deep end as the hot molten soars throughout, my body shakes being rocked to its core, my vaginal muscle tightening over and over around milking his throbbing erection. He comes quickly after me panting in quicks breaths not wanting to break his gaze as his cock twitches over and over pumping his hot seeds inside of me.

He claims my lips while we lay there wrapped up together occasionally checking my eyes waiting for them to clear a bit.

I unwrap my legs from his waist when he starts to pull out feeling himself go limp giving me the feeling of being empty inside. He stands reaching his hand out to help me get up. He walks me to the shower turning it on before we step inside and washes me down, kissing my entire body as he goes.

I return the favor and we end up letting the water wash over us as we stand there in our little bubble kissing. We eventually force ourselves out when the water turns cold, dry off, and get dressed kissing in between.

We climb back into bed and he cuddles right up to me wrapping his arms around me. I close my eyes and sigh.

That’s my sunshine.

Chapter 16: no bathroom is safe...


I slipped in posting this chapter early. Enjoy!

Chapter Text

I woke to the bed bouncing. I look over to see Chan having a nightmare. I reach over and shake him. He cries out gripping the sheets. I scramble up real quick, scoot over to him, scoop his upper body up, and pull him into me. I wrap my arms and legs around him and start rocking him back and forth making shushing sounds.

He latches onto me burying his face into my stomach. I start brushing his hair squeezing tighter with my legs. I start humming as I rock.

He loosens his grip and relaxes some. I wiggle down so he is lying on me so I can hug him properly. He snuggles his head in the nook of my neck wrapping around me like a koala.

I keep humming to him making up some kind of song which seems to ease him. He cracks a smile while still having his eyes closed. I lean down and kiss him.

He slowly opens his eyes and kisses me back.

“Morning Baby Girl,” he mumbles in a husky voice.

“Morning Daddy. You okay now?” I ask back all sweet.

He looks up at me confused. “What do you mean Baby Girl?”

“You were having a nightmare. It was pretty scary.”

“A nightmare?” he pulls up to sit. I pull my legs back and wrap my arms around them to give him room. He brushes his hands through his hair looking like he was trying to think back.

“Do you get those often?”

“Not really. I used to have them a lot as a trainee, but the insomnia kind of took over.”

“Oh, Chan.” I sigh grabbing his hand. “Both sound terrible.”

“You get used to it. My creativity comes at night so you sleep when you can.” he flashes a smile.

“Don’t flash that gorgeous smile at me.” I push at his chest.

“Honestly, I don’t remember the nightmare. I just remember feeling the emptiness. Like I lost something or someone. Then I remember feeling happy and content hearing a beautiful song being hummed.” He said looking up at the ceiling thinking about it.

I smile. “That was me soothing you to stop your nightmare.” I lean in towards him.

“Well, that makes sense. It was angel-like.” he leans towards me too. We kiss. “Well, now that I’m awake....”

He grabs my legs and yanks me down and climbs on top of me pushing my legs apart with his knees.

I laugh and wrap them around him.

He comes down for more kisses. He works his way down the front of my neck and across one side of my collarbone. I turn my head to give him access to my neck.

He slowly kisses up to my earlobe and gently sucks on it. I sigh in happiness. He works his way back down my neck pressing his pelvis into mine making me well aware that someone else wants to play too.

I let him lift my shirt off to continue his traveling kisses. He works his lips all around my one breast making my nipple peak stiffer. I suck in my stomach when he reaches it, circling his tongue around my belly button. He looks up and smiles knowing now that it is a ticklish spot.

He comes back to my other breast taking my nipple into his mouth and sucks on it gently. I gasp raising my body up again. He takes more of my breast into his mouth working his tongue like magic. I reach upward quickly grabbing my pillow to ground myself.

He leans up breaking the hold my legs had around his waist. He pulls down my panties and then his sweatpants. I watch him strip getting wetter just by looking at his abs and then my eyes trail to his stiff erection pointing at me.

I wiggle in anticipation. He smiles when I rewrap my legs pulling him closer making him lean back on top of me. He joins his hands on top of the pillow with mine lacing our fingers together and puts his forehead to mine. We lock eyes.

“Baby Girl.” he softly breathes.

“Daddy.” I breathe back.

He pushes into me in one thrust. I arch welcoming him throwing my head back in reaction. He buries his head into my neck and starts rocking back and forth. I match his motion.

He wraps his arms around my upper body holding me as tight as he can trying to mold his body to mine. I do the same. I feel his breath on my neck and moan slightly enjoying the feeling of it tickling my skin.

We connect like magnets. Drawing each other near then pushing back holding on for dear life.

I feel the sweat between our bodies giving us our own body lube. I slide my legs up under his armpits and tighten their grip. I bury my head in his neck to get as close as I can breathing in his musky scent. We both start to breathe heavy ahs and uhs from the closeness.

“More please,” I beg in between panting. “I need more of you.”

“Anything for you Baby Girl,” He responds in between his panting.

He starts picking the pace up brutally thrusting deep. I can hear our bodies slapping so hard together that I know there will be bruising on both of us. I can feel the body heat radiating between us. I can see colors through my closed eyes. I can smell the sex between us. I can taste the desire between gasping for breath. I was in a total mind-blowing sexual bliss.

I feel my breathing start to change as I try to control myself, digging into his skin, but it wasn’t working.

“Baby Girl, look at me.” Chan’s voice is rough and breathy.

I manage to tilt my head and open my eyes to meet his.

I silently gasp for air trying to control myself again. Beads of sweat steadily drip down my brow. I curl my toes as tight as I can willing myself to listen. I clench my inner pelvis muscle as tight as possible around his swollen cock trying to hold out, wanting to keep this feeling going.

Chan is grunting over and over as his body reacts to mine in every way. I can see in his eyes that he is too far gone and losing control. I lean in and lock our lips together giving him all of me. He senses what I am doing and does the same.

We both moan in bliss as we allow ourselves to peak together letting our orgasms wash over us. Our muscles tensing, bodies shaking, blood flowing together. I feel his hot seed fills me as my walls suck everything his cock is giving it.

We lay there tangled together as we come back down to earth just looking at each other in awe. He slides one hand out from under me and wipes a strand of my hair that has fallen and stuck to my sweat off my face and smiles.

I smile back. He gives me a gentle kiss and slides his other hand out from under me pushing up a bit. I release my grip and let my arms fall up over my head. I blink slowly as if I just woke up from a dream. I smile again from the feeling I’m having.

“Baby Girl, I don’t want to pull out. I want to stay like this. I love feeling you around me. Our smell mixed. In this moment forever.” He confesses.

“Me too. Words can’t describe what just happened.” I say softly.

He grins and kisses me again. A bead of sweat drips from him onto me. “Hold on then real tight if you still have any energy left.” He says and I wrap my arms back around him again and tighten my legs.

He lifts me with him and wiggles off the bed. He carries me effortlessly to the shower without leaving inside of me.

I point to the nightstand. “Water?”

Walking past it towards the bathroom. “I got you.”

I reach and turn on the water since he has a hold of me, and we let the water run over our bodies.

I lift my head towards the shower head allowing the water to run down my front. He shifts his hold on me watching the water run over my breasts.

“Can you lower us and get on your knees?” I ask him bringing my head down to look at him.

He grins and kneels resting on his heels.

“Raise up on your knees,” I order.

He lifts us up. Waiting for the command.

I lean back until my shoulders hit the floor arching my back causing my pelvis to push into his hips deeper. I start to wiggle my hips up and down in a wave. I groan when I feel his cock harden pushing against my walls. I roll my hips moving him to hit my G-spot.

He steadies his hips grounding himself once he sees what I’m doing and helps with the support of our bodies so I can continue.

I slide my hands up into my hair and arch higher letting the water pour over me. I bite my lip.

“God Baby Girl, what are you doing to me, fuck.” Chan growls.

I raise my head as far back as I can lifting my shoulders off the shower floor and moan louder feeling him kiss my cervix. I lower back down to my original position and slide a hand down to my throbbing nub. I start rubbing it up and down crying out a little from my touch.

“Shiiiiit,” He huffs watching me playing with myself trying to stay still.

I continue working myself bucking faster. I whimper and bite down again looking up at Chan water cascading down.


I tighten my legs around his waist rolling up on my shoulders rubbing harder and faster giving him a great view.

Chan grips and pushes until his pelvis is flush with mine. “I can’t...” he cries not being able to take his eyes off of what I’m doing.

I cry out as I start to tremble allowing myself to come hard and fast. I throw my hands down to support the jerking of my body. I cry out again feeling my vagina pulsate around his cock.

“Mmmmyyy...” he pants “I’mmmmm ....” he pants again. He starts trembling eyes clouding over. “AHHHH! I’m coming. Fuck! I’m coming!” he cries out loud gripping as tight as he can onto my hips, throwing his head back as he releases hard and fast.

He collapses forward catching himself with his hands pushing my body to the shower floor. He pulls out falling over beside me so the water can run over him.

“What the fuck was that?” He asks rubbing the water away from his eyes. “I never came like that. Watching you. It was like I couldn’t come until your damn pussy told me to.” He says trying to control his breathing.

I roll to my side to face him, “Not sure, mood hit and wanted to see if it would work.” I giggle.

“Well, it worked and I liked the whole damn thing!” he laughs.

I get up ignoring all the come leaking down my thighs, grab the body wash, and lather a luffa. I wash all over his front while he lays there and then hover over him and wash myself giving him a view of my fucked out pussy.

He just lays there resting his head on his arms watching the show I’m giving him smiling.

When I was done I offer him a hand up. He pulls me into an embrace and kisses me.

He nuzzles my neck. “You’re amazing. Thank you.”

I turn the water off as he gets us towels. We dry off and walk out to the bedroom to get dressed.

I go to grab the clothes I wore to the festival when Chan opens the bedroom door and picks up a bag that is sitting in front of it.

“Wait, Baby Girl. We got you something to wear.” He reaches out to give me the bag.

“You got me something?” I gasp reaching out to take it from him.

“Felix and I wanted to do something nice for you for our last full day together. It just happened that you stayed here last night so we didn’t have to have it delivered to you,” he says all smiley.

“Really? You two didn’t have to do that.” I say softly opening the bag and pulling out the boxes.

Inside there was a pair of cute light blue soft cotton shorts, a cream off-the-shoulder lace knit shirt, sunglasses, diamond dangle earrings, two rose gold bangle bracelets with diamonds around them looking like starbursts, and lace-up sandals.

I look up at him in shock. He smiles and I look back down at my presents.

“I can’t accept all these Chan,” I quietly say.

He walks closer to me and lifts my head so he can see my eyes.

“Yes you can, and yes you will. Let us do something nice for the one that means the world to us.”

I smile softly and nod holding back my emotions. I replace the boxes in the bag. “Okay, well let me go get dressed.” I start walking towards the bathroom. I stop and turn around, “Thank you, Chan. I don’t know what to say.” putting my hand to my heart.

He leans against the stuffed chair and flashes me his smile. “Anything for our Baby Girl.”

I walk into the bathroom and shut the door. I pull everything out and look at it all. Everything is designer. I place on the bracelets and start twirling them on my wrist looking at the sixteen diamond bursts. Flashbacks of last night pop up. I look up at myself in the mirror. I put on the earrings. The diamonds match the bracelets. I twist my head to admire them. I reach up and feel them. Flashbacks from this morning pop up.

I inhale holding my breath for a minute before I slowly exhale. Just one more day. One more full day with two men I have fallen for. Shit, have I? Have I fallen for both of them? Fuck! I think I have.

Chapter 17: glowing stars!


Twinkle twinkle little starSSSSSSSSSa…


Chapter Text

I finish getting dressed. Everything fit perfectly. I style my hair the best I can and walk out the door to an empty room. Where did he go? I gather the rest of my things place them in the bag and head out to the common living area. I could smell something good. I place the bag down near the couch and walk to the dining area where everyone is.

“Morning-ish,” I say waving to everyone.

“Jenny Wren there you are,” Ray Ray sings all peppy. She throws her arms up to give me an air hug.

I air hug her back and give Heather a head pat. I lean down to hear her humming not making eyes with me.

“Mmm hmmm...Heather...are you humming?” I grin.

She glances real quick at me then forward. She grins real wide.

“It’s okay my minion, that dark ass hickey tells me all I need to know,” I say poking at it. Her eyes go wide and throws her hand up to cover her neck. “Hope you were a very very dirty girl last night.”

“No comment.” She slowly looks up to me. She mouths yes and we laugh.

I sit down and grab some bacon and eggs and as I am about to put a piece of bacon in my mouth Seungmin walks in waving his tablet in the air. “You got to see this!”

“See what?” Felix asks walking in. We make eye contact and I mouth thank you to him. He nods and blows me a kiss.

“YouTube. People are going crazy about the festival, but even more about the girl’s performances. It’s all over with people wanting to know who they are. What the group’s name is. How they are connected to us. Is JYPE trying to announce something? The video of you two singing has over two million views and it’s only been up for like ten hours.” He responds pointing to me and Chan walking behind Ria.

“It’s insane. Stays are going absolutely nuts. In a good way too. Some want to know if Jenn is the same girl from the live and all, but it’s mostly all about the chemistry between the two of you. And don’t get me started on the sing-along. It made the French news. Oh, and Korean news too of course. How you all got the entire venue to sing to us. You girls are on a global level now even if you didn’t mean to.” he continues.

“What? Really?” Ria grabs for the tablet, but Seungmin raises it away so she can’t reach it. She looks up at him and then down to the one body part at her eye level. We all can see where her eyes went.

“Riaaaa...” Lynnette gets out before Ria grabs his balls. Seungmin leans forward squealing in shock and for the fact that Ria has his family jewels firmly in her hands.

He hands her the tablet, but Ria doesn't let go. She moves her hand around to her delight turning his face red. She finally releases him after a few whimpers sneak their way out of him.

“My good little Seungminie,” she says as she releases him.

He turns real quick red in the face and quickly walks away.

“Hey! You don’t have to leave!” Hyunjin yells after him.

“Oh yes, he does. He got hard in my hand.” Ria laughs looking at the tablet.

Han chokes on his coffee. We burst out in laughter.

“Well, she does have that effect on guys.” Renae giggles. “Well, most.” She looks at Chan and then Felix. We follow her gaze causing Felix to turn like we are looking behind him and Chan to look down at his phone ignoring the comment.

“He’s right though, I have several text messages from upper management wanting to talk tomorrow before we leave. They mentioned it was about the festival and the girls.” Chan lifts his phone to show proof before going back to looking at it.

“Is it bad?” I ask taking a sip of juice.

“They wouldn’t tell me. The last one says to stay close to you today. We have been shaking things up and not following the rules, so they may just want to talk to us and rein us in or snuff some fires because of us skipping out on interviews and being with you all. With them who knows? Let them tell me to stop having sex.” He said still looking at his phone. He smiles and snickers to himself then looks up to see that we all were watching him. “What?”

“Nothing bro. Just listening to you talk.” I.N. laughs.

We all finish our breakfast and gather in the main living room to discuss our plans for the day. I start to walk across the floor to sit with Ria and Heather when Chan grabs my hand to stop me. I jerk around to see him and Felix standing together. I give them a questioning look.

“Ut oh, am I in trouble?” I ask looking between the both of them.

“Oh no Baby Girl. Just looking at your outfit on you.” Chan says as he twirls me around to see every angle.

I giggle and do a few poses getting some catcalls from the group.

“Yeah, nice new outfit Jenn,” Lynnette calls out motioning for Hyunjin to scoot over so she could sit by Heather.

They both smile at me.

“You’re missing one thing to complete the outfit though,” Felix says as he walks over to one of the side tables.

“What? I have all body parts covered. What could I be missing?” I ask looking down at my body trying to figure out what he meant.

Felix grabs a box that was sitting on it and walks back beside Chan.

I look down at the box and squinch up my nose trying to figure out why it looks familiar.

Chan takes the box and opens it up for Felix. I try to look into it, but Felix blocks my view by grabbing my hands.

“Baby Girl, you are missing one key component that will complete your galaxy of stars. Chan and I wanted to make sure you had something from both of us. The bracelets represent the group. Eight diamonds showing like a star for the eight of us. We got you two since there is Chan and I. The earrings represent you girls. Always reaching for your dreams and there are five diamond stars in each for this comeback.” He lets go of my hands and reaches into the box.

My mind starts racing. What are they talking about? What could they have gotten me? I stare at my hands which are where Felix left them.

“Baby Girl,” Chan steps in. “When we saw this, we knew it was meant for you. We got this so when you wear it, you will always know how much you mean to us no matter where you are. Look at me please,” Chan bends down to meet my eyes.

I look up to him feeling my emotions bubbling up to the surface.

Felix pulls out an intricate rose gold necklace.

My mouth drops open in awe when I see it. You hear gasps come from the girls.

I see three diamonds that look like stars dangle down with a bunch of smaller diamonds like stars scattered around them to make them pop out.

I reach out to touch it and get a closer look. I bite my lip to stop me from crying and look up to them. Butterflies go crazy in my stomach.

Chan touches two pieces that were dangling in the back with the clasp. “Back here we had something engraved just for you.” He brings them closer for me to read.

One had Chan’s initials with love in Korean with a heart dangling down and the other had Felix’s with happiness in Korean and a sunshine dangling. I run my fingers over them.

My eyes deceive me and start to tear up. I blink several times and try to breathe them away.

“You guys shouldn’t have. I...I...can’t....” I babble trying to find the words while fighting my tears.

I look up at them looking at me. The tears won. I feverishly wipe them away.

“Ohhhh Baby Girl, come here.” Felix coos grabbing my hand. He pulls me into the dining room with Chan following.

Felix pulls me into an embrace. I latch on for dear life trying to manage to not have a full cry fest. I bury my face in his chest breathing in his scent. He brushes my hair as he lets me be.

“Baby Girl, it’s okay,” Chan reassures me rubbing my back.

I pulled back to look at him, my tears slowly stopping, and went into his embrace.

When I knew I could speak I broke away and cleared my throat.

“Thank you so much. What you have done...” I take a deep breath, “This means a lot to me. Truly. You put so much thought into all of this. I never would have imagined this. The two of you. Us. I’m sorry that I just can’t choose. I honestly can’t and really don’t want to. I have strong feelings for both of you and in such a short amount of time. I thought I could just do this without getting attached. I thought I could fake my way until we had to leave. Then I saw the necklace and realized what the two of you have done and how much thought and it hit me all at once.” I look at each of them lovingly.

“Our sweet baby girl, we too don’t want you to choose. At least not now. We both are fine with how it is going between us. We see that it is better together than without you. We can share for now.” Felix says as he takes the necklace and unclasps it.

He walks around me and gently puts it on me. He kisses the back of my neck where it lays.

Chan adjusts the front. It lays just perfectly on me. “This is meant for you. You look beautiful. We are not going to ask anymore. We are going to show you how you make us feel, okay? We want the hours we have with you to be as special as they can be.” he leans in and kisses my forehead before wiping away the last few tears.

I nod my head in agreement. “No more pressure. I like that. Live in the moment. Perfect. Spend what we can together. I couldn't ask for anything else.”

I grab Chan’s face and kiss him. Then I turn to Felix and kiss him too.

“We’re so fucked up.” That gets them laughing.

We walk back to the group hand in hand who were all staring at the doorway we walked out of. I see the concern on all the girl’s faces. I let go of the guy’s hands, walk over, and wiggle in between Ray Ray and Renae. I place my hands on their thighs.

“Girls, I’m good. We are good. I got emotional, that’s all. Really. The last few days just caught up with me. I am good. Honest.” I say making sure to look at each one.

“Well bloody hell, I want a gift now,” Ria demands looking to the guys who all have had the pleasure of touching her special spots.

They all look back at her in shock not knowing what to do or say.

Lee Know clears his throat looking all too uncomfortable and I laugh.

“Oh stop. Look at them. You’re gonna give them all heart attacks and then we will have a Stay massacre coming at us and after seeing how strong they were in a group setting last night, nope. No, thank you.” I say standing up only to be pulled back down. I huff when my butt hits the ground. I glare at Renae. Correcting myself I look up to the guys. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Well, we all figured since this is our last day together, we would do a scavenger hunt around Paris. We will break up into groups and then meet up this evening for dinner and see who has found what. Then a fun night as a group.” Lee Know explains grabbing the scavenger envelopes they had a staff member make for them.

“Ooohhh that sounds fun.” Ray Ray squeals clapping repeatedly like a little kid who was just told they are getting a new puppy.

He winks at her and continues, “So we will divide into four groups. Two groups of three and two groups of four. We will be dropped off in different areas and have to find the first clue. We have to take a picture and send it to the number inside to get the next one and so forth until there is none left. The fastest group with the most unique pictures wins.” Lee Know says looking around the room.

“Annnnd? The groups boo boo.” Ria questions reaching for his phone that was sticking out of his back pocket. He swats her hand away playfully. He knows she knows what’s on that phone.

I look at her hand reaching then to her face biting down on her lip. I roll my eyes and pull her hand down to her lap. She huffs but gives up.

Lee Know nods to me in thanks and hands an envelope to Chan, Hyunjin, and Changbin and keeps one for himself. We look between them in anticipation as they look down at their envelopes. They look up at each other and smile but say nothing.

“WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY SAY!??!?!?” Seungmin screams. We all jump out of our skin, some of us whipping our heads to look at him, then burst out in laughter seeing him clutching his fist tight.

“DAMN IT SEUNGMIN!” I.N. yells back at him rubbing the back of his head. “I just hit my head on the back of the hard-ass chair.”

“Sorry, they were taking too damn long.” He apologizes giving I.N. a fist pump.

“Ahhh, cute. Now groups please.” Han stands gabbing the envelope from Lee Know. He looks down at the list, grins, and looks over to Ria and then to Ray Ray. “Well girls, looks like it’s you two and us two.” He winks.

The girls look at each other before Ria whispers something to Ray Ray. They look up at them giving the guys that look I saw before.

I roll my head to look over to Heather and we exchange looks. We know what can happen when our two get together and knowing what things the other two can get up to things can get out of hand really quick. There is a reason they have the name “The Chaos Duo" of both groups.

“Ummm...” I say trying to break their gaze by waving my hand in front of their faces. “Hello! Look at me!” I snap my fingers.

I get up to bend down in front of them pointing my finger directly at them. “Excuse me you feening minxes. I know what is running in those pretty heads.” They look at me still grinning trying to look innocent. “As your leader, you may not and can not do what we know you want to do.” I tap Ria’s forehead making her grab my finger.

“What? What do they want to do?” Hyunjin asks leaning over more to hear our conversation.

We ignore him.

“Oh Eomma, you can read our minds so well, but we can’t promise you anything.” Ray Ray says leaning into my face just enough for our noses to touch.

“Oh, now I’m Eomma?”

“Does Eomma want to spank us for thinking dirty naughty thoughts like before?” She taunts me. I narrow my eyes trying to guess her next move.

She kisses me on the lips which causes Hyunjin to grab Seungmin’s arm to keep himself from leaning further off the couch towards us.

I pull back and sigh in frustration. “Girls...” I get stopped by Ria grabbing my chin and pulling me into a stronger kiss. She bites my bottom lip taking it with her when she pulls back. She lets go of my chin and licks my nose.

I stare at her until we hear a crash to the side of us causing me to jump back. We turn to see that Hyunjin fell off the couch from being so intrigued watching us kissing.

We all bust out in laughter.

“Hyunjin, you, okay?” Heather asks as I go to help him up.

He waves me away. “I... uh... need to lay here a minute.” He says face down on the floor.

We all laugh again. I look around at all the guys looking like they are all stuck on the pause button either hunched over or covering themselves, afraid to move. I turn back to the girls. “Look what you did?” I wave my hand around the room. “You gave them all boners.”

“Ah Eomma, we knew what we were doing.” Ria giggles. She runs a hand up the back of my legs under my shorts and grabs my ass cheek.

I gasp in the surprise.

“Eomma, did you know when you bend over your shorts creep up exposing your ass cheeks??” She smirks as she starts to slide her hand towards my front. I swat her hand away glaring at her.

She pulls her hand out lighting up. She knows my secret. We exchange glances. I can’t help but smile back at her. I shake my head in amusement.

I clear my throat. “You are playing dirty.”

“Me?” she looks over to Ray Ray. “Am I playing dirty? My heart breaks at the accusation. If I wanted to play dirty I would...” She turns back to me and wiggles her finger motioning me to come down to her.

I bend back over knowing the guys have a perfect view of my ass.

Ria leans around my side to look at Hyunjin and smiles really wide. I follow her look.

Hyunjin’s eyes are wide staring right up my gapping shirt that is hanging open at the bottom. I’m giving a perfect view of my braless perky breasts from his position on the floor.

I look down and see my shirt gapping open and look up to Ria who is trying to hold back her laughter.

I slowly straighten up unphased and look over to Felix. Shock written on his face, frozen still with his hand covering his cock, I look over to Chan.

He slowly makes eye contact with me. I gesture to Hyunjin.

“Sorry Hyunjin, those are ours.” He states and pulls him by his feet back towards them.

“Chan! That’s not..! Oh, forget it.” I huff. I get on my knees and give Hyunjin a kiss on his forehead. “You’re welcome.” I pat his head and stand up.

I turn pointing my finger at Ria. “You still have a Paris dare young lady. Watch it.”

I walk over to the envelope that Hyunjin dropped and pick it up.” Okay, let’s see who is next.”

I look over the names and look over to Lee Know. I hand the envelope to Seungmin and reach out for the one Changbin is holding. He hands it to me. I look at the names and hand it back.

I walk over the Chan and hold my hand out. He takes hold of it, flips it, and kisses it. I sigh and try to grab it with the other hand. He’s quicker and hands it to Felix. I roll my eyes and turn around.

“Okay, so it seems we have paired up at the requests of our lovers.” I feel Chan’s hand reach around my waist. “Renae, you and Hyunjin and Seungmin are a group.” I jester to the guys looking at her. She beams.

I look over to Heather and Lynnette. “You two are with I.N. and Changbin and I’m with these two.” I jester behind me as Chan pulls me down into his lap.

“So this should be interesting trying to keep our heads in the game,” Heather says standing up.

“Okay. So now we all know the groups. Let’s get ready to go.” Han says picking up his phone. “The cars are here waiting.”

Everyone starts going about to get what they need while Chan holds me down until everyone is out of the room. He kisses my neck. “So no bra.” He moves his hands up my shirt to feel for himself. He widens his legs making me sink further down into his lap.

“Chan, we need to get going. Don’t start please because you know we can never stop.” I whine.

He reluctantly lets go letting me stand in relief. Before I could walk away he slides his hand up the front of my shorts. He moans now finding out what Ria did earlier. I look down at him smile and push his hand out. He licks his fingers.

“Weird O.” I sing walking away.

“Yes, but I’m your weird O,” he says getting up to follow me grabbing onto my back pocket.

Chapter 18: change of plans.



Sorry, it's been a while since the last chapters. I got swept in the real world. The thrill of the ATE comeback has me all over the place. I didn't realize how proofing took so much time. I have to learn to leave what I have alone. LOL


So, for being so late, I'm posting 3 chapters for you!!!

Chapter Text

We divide into two bigger groups of four smaller groups and pile into the two vans waiting for us. Chan does a quick head count and makes sure we all have our envelopes. I love watching him do his leader duties.

Felix leans over to me and kisses my cheek. I blush and in return rub my nose gently over his. He smiles back and kisses my nose. He leans back and sighs grabbing his phone out of his pocket as it chirps. He looks down and frowns.

I notice that Lee Know and Han also grab their phones simultaneously.

I lean up to Ria and Ray Ray who were sitting right in front of us. “Hey, did you see that? They all got a group text. Wonder what’s up. Felix didn’t look too happy when he saw who it was.”

“Hmm, I wonder. Hey, look out there,” Ria nodding out the window to Chan pacing along the sidewalk combing his hand roughly through his hair. “He’s pacing. It can’t be good.”

“Shit. That’s not good. Let me see if I can sneak a peek at one of the guy’s phones.” Ray Ray whispers and leans slowly up.

She sits back down. “Fuck, they are speaking Korean and don’t sound happy, and their heads are together so I couldn’t see anything. We so need more lessons.”

Chan jumps into the van, slams the door, and sits down eyes still glued to his phone. The girls and I jump at his motion. I dare look at Chan who is mumbling to himself. I want to say something but hold back. Felix looks at him and says something quickly in Korean. Chan looks up. They exchange looks and then at me.

“Do you mind switching seats with Lee Know and Han for a minute?” He asks us.

“Sure, no problem,” I say as my voice cracks turning around pushing the girls out of their seat.

“Hey.” He grabs my leg.

I turn nervously.

“I didn’t mean to be short with you. “He rubs my leg.

“It’s okay. I get it. Somethings happening. Do what you need to do.” I try to smile at him but fail seeing their straight faces.

We all climb up to where Lee Know and Han were seated so they all could have privacy. You could hear their voices raise as they start to speak over each other in Korean.

“What the actual fuck is going on?” Ria hisses in a low voice. “I can’t catch one word.”

“Maybe we need to group text. See what’s going on in the other van too.” Ray Ray suggests pulling her phone out before finishing her sentence. We follow pulling ours out.


Ray Ray - What’s going on in your van? WWIII here.

Heather- WTF is going on? They are all yelling in Korean and texting like crazy.

Ray Ray- Can you understand anything?

Lynnette- Really? Like I can understand- wait!

Lynnette-Fuck Fuck FUCK!!!

Renae- Hyunjin just threw his phone!

Renae- REPEAT Hyunjin threw his phone!!!

Ria- HE DID WHAT?!?!

Renae- Seungmin must have read something out loud and Hyunjin threw his phone.

Renae- Ooph he just picked it up apologizing after Seungmin yelled at him. Damn, he won’t look at us. Boy is he red.

Me- Okay. So, I’m thinking this has to do with us. Shit, what if it was that live? Or the festival?

Ria- Fuck- the live! Even though they said it was being taken care of, maybe it wasn’t.

Heather- Oh I.N. is calling someone.

Chan’s phone rings and we freeze. Our thumbs hanging over our keyboards. Chan’s response is short then hangs up.


Ria- It was Chan’s phone he called. Jenn turn around and see what they are doing.

Me- ME? NO! Why me?

Ria- Because- oh wait- I use my camera and do a selfie. He’s getting up! Be back with an update van 2!

We watch Chan move up to the driver and lean to say something to him. The driver nods. Chan turns around and stops when he sees us eyeing him. He breathes a deep sigh and goes back to his seat.

Ria whips her head to us and mouths what the fuck? Both Ray Ray and I shrug. I’ve never seen Chan so upset, then again, it’s only been a few days.

It didn’t take long for the van to pull over to where Chan must have told him to go. Han gets up. Opens the door and jumps out. The others do the same. We just sit there confused whether to follow or not.

Lee Know sticks his head in. “You coming?"

We jump when he spoke so curtly but swiftly climb out of the van.

I take a minute to look around and see we are surrounded by old beautiful stone business buildings. I’m thinking this may be where their management is set up at. I’m torn away from looking at all the details when I hear Han starting to flip out.

“Can someone please explain CALMLY what is going on?” I say grabbing Han’s arm looking around the group. I flip his palm face up and start to rub my index finger slowly on his palm in a circular motion watching his face.

He looks down at what I am doing to his hand.

“Just watch my finger and take a deep breath every time I complete a circle,” I instruct him in a calm voice.

He stares at the motion and does what I say. He looks up and smiles grabbing my hand and gives it a squeeze.

Heather leans over to him and pats his back gently. “Eomma has that calming touch, doesn’t she? She does that to us a lot when we start to spiral.

“She’s Chan, damn it. Chan, she’s you. How can they? We have to...” Seungmin sputtered like a mad man pointing towards me.

Chan places his hand on Seungmin’s shoulder. “We will get this figured out.”

“What will you figure out Chan? And why and where are we?” Renae asks placing her hands on her hips. “Are we in trouble with JYPE?”

“Let’s get out of the street and go in here and we will explain what we know.” Lee Know gestures for all of us to go inside the building.

Everyone starts to follow, but I hang back feeling the nerves start to creep. Did we fuck up somehow? Felix sees me and immediately comes over grabbing my hands in his.

“Baby Girl.”

I’m frozen staring at the door. He sinks down making eye contact with me.

Gently he whispers, “Baby Girl.”

I slide my eyes to meet his. I start to tremble. I feel the tears wanting to form. “My girls. I need to protect them. If we did anything...if I did...” I fall silent.

“No, no, no, Baby Girl. You girls didn’t do anything wrong. Let’s go in and get everything out.” he says waiting for the words to sink in.

The only thing I could do was shake my head and let him lead me to the doors that Chan was holding open for us with a concerned look on his face.

“She thinks she and the girls did something wrong,” Felix says walking by Chan.

“God damn higher management.” He huffs letting the door close behind us.

The girls take a look at me and their faces change. I see worry for me written over their faces when we get to the group. I wave them off with my hand shaking my head for them not to touch me knowing I will cry.

It seems like the guys have been here many times before as they knew where to go, and the employees would bow to them making them bow back. I just looked straight ahead fixated on the back of Hyunjin’s head. Chan would put his hand on my lower back when no one was around. I know that was to reassure me, but I still was too in my head to enjoy his touch.

It seemed like forever walking down hallways and then upstairs and down more hallways. We get to a long starch white hallway and start walking when a flashback appears of me walking down the long white hospital hallway the day my dad passed away. I blink rapidly to make it disappear and dart my eyes to stare up at the ceiling taking a deep breath trying to push it to the back of my head.

Heather turns to look behind her sensing my freak out and quickly turns back around. She leans over to Han and says something to him. He quickly looks back at me, frowns, turns back, and nods to her. She is the only one who has seen me like this before.

We walk up to two huge solid mahogany double doors. I.N. knocks and then opens it up without waiting for a response. I glance at them as they creek open. They look like something out of a Godfather movie.

I follow everyone in to see that is it a huge conference room that could easily seat twenty-plus people. From a quick count, there are about eight management and executives mixed sitting down. I scan their faces and see the one that had us help him at the venue. He smiles and slightly nods at me. I nod back.

I walk over and sit with the girls who have saved me a seat. An empty chair sits between me and Chan. I can see him squeezing his knuckles making them turn white. I want to reach over to comfort but hold myself back.

“Thank you for coming at the last minute. I know this may have been an inconvenience with your plans.” the main gentleman at the head begins.

Several of the guys huff in annoyance under their breaths.

“We made this meeting now since we thought that it may be too rushed tomorrow with flights and we anticipate it may go longer than time would allow.”

He turns towards us girls and bows.

“First, I want to say hello and welcome to JYPE. I’m Mr. Kim Min. Nice to finally meet the girls that have caught the eyes of our Stray Kids. We have some good things to talk about and some not-good things to talk about.” He addresses us in broken English.

Chan opens his mouth, but Mr. Kim raises his hand to stop him.

“Yes, Chan I read every word you sent to us and heard beforehand from your previous phone call yesterday. This needs to happen IF this continues or ends. Either way, it is the Stray Kids brand we are concerned about.”

I look over to Chan. “It’s okay Chan. Let him speak. It’s okay really.” I say softly feeling like I’m about to throw up.

He looks at me with concern then back to Mr. Kim and lowers his head.

Mr. Kim smiles. “We aren’t here to reprimand you for the instances that have already happened. The gentlemen have already been contacted about those circumstances. We just need to make sure they do not let it happen again. That you are aware of what can happen if it does and what will happen to the Stray Kids. We haven’t had this much type of publicity with the umm, the YouTube incident, umm social media, and then with the special surprise appearances at the Festival. It also was brought to my attention about some other, hmm, activities that have been going on within the group.” He clears his throat not going further into the description.

I’m having a hard time listening with Lynnette bouncing her leg up and down. I reach under the table and push on her knee to stop her. I give her side eye and give her a quick shake no.

I look back to see Mr. Kim and the other executives who were watching our interaction.

“I’m sorry. We are a bit nervous not knowing what is going on. It kind of feels like it’s out of a movie.” I clear my throat pushing the nerves down trying to bring up my Eomma persona. “We are not here to hurt the Stray Kids in any way shape or form. We did not come here seeking them out.”

“Well, you did fly across the globe to come see them at a festival, correct?” He asked a bit too harshly. “But yes, yes, I know from their management team that the two groups bumped into each other and that is how it started. What management and the Stray Kids overlooked and did not do before anything escalated was to have you fill out the proper forms. That is why you are here really. We need you to fill our company’s NDAs among other forms to protect them.”

“They don’t need to do that. We trust them with our lives. They are not like others in the past.” Hyunjin blurts out slamming his hand down on the table. “They would never do anything to harm us. Damn it, we all told this already. Why the scare tactic?”

We jump from his outburst and Chan slaps him with a stare. “Hyun..”

“I’m sorry Chan, but that’s how I feel. We are not children anymore. The no-dating ban was lifted years ago and I’m tired of having to hide anymore let alone meet someone and say oh before we talk sign this.” he crosses his arms on the table glaring past the executives.

I flinched at his statement. This sounds like it goes deeper than us.

“That is not what we are...” Mr. Kim sighs. “You know the rules of JYPE and signed contracts and protocol are needed to be followed. It’s simple. Case in point, the YouTube live that Chan did.” He looks to Chan and then the others. “For one you had no management there to supervise, then the drinking, nudity, profanity, the girls... Do I need to continue?” He waits for them to speak up. When no one does he continues. “I didn’t think so. Yes, with a lot of help from management, it was taken care of. This time.’ His face turns into a frown. “I understand that you are getting older, however, you are still idols and cannot do that again, especially on socials where everyone in the world can see. Understand? Your punishment could have been harsher, but we took into consideration that this is your first offense as a group. A huge one at that, but we were lenient.”

He looks around at the very quiet group of men. I feel sorry that we are here for this. I see that Chan is now digging his hands into his thighs.

“As for the extra activities that are happening within the rental and a few out of it. It is required for you all to be tested. With the exchange between several participants, it is now mandatory. I don’t care if you are using precautions that are a requirement via the contracts you have signed several times over. As well as all pictures and videos on all electronics will need to be erased by our IT management team. Cute selfies will be fine to stay, everything else that could cause a problem - gone. And lastly, it has been decided that it would be best if there isn’t any more interaction between the two groups until everyone goes their separate ways. There have already been too many media cancelations we had to delay your flight time for you to complete your obligations.”

“Now wait the fuuu..” Chan starts to yell as he begins to stand objecting with the rest of the guys.

I quickly throw my body to the empty chair between Chan and me and grab his hand interrupting him. He looks down at my hand and then at me, his voice going silent.

I squeeze his hand that is gripping the chair arm hard and pick it up. He wraps his hand around mine not taking his eyes off me. He falls back into his seat as I pull his hand up to my heart. I look at Felix then the other guys who have stopped objecting seeing the huge jester I just made in front of Mr. Kim.

I look back at Chan and focus on his face. Without taking my eyes off of Chan I speak as firmly as I can. “Mr. Kim, we will sign what is needed to protect them with all my heart. We will do what you have asked and will erase what can cause havoc if it ever gets out, however, it will be up to the guys to make the final decision to say if it is considered risky before we allow it. We will take responsibility if anything does happen. We will also allow to be tested. It is a smart decision a young sexually active adult with multiple partners should consider.”

I smile at Chan and turn towards their management team, scanning them all. “As most of their management team knows, we would do anything for them and if you asked us to walk away, it would break us, but we would to protect them. We respect them too much to not put them and their careers as a first priority.” I look at the girls who are wide-eyed eyed gaping at me. “My girls mean everything to me, and I will do anything to protect them too. I have to protect my family and that is why I am agreeing to your terms.”

I twist back to look at the guys. “And knowing the feelings that have developed, it will tear me apart, but I understand that you have to sacrifice for the people you love. Maybe since we are willing to do what you ask, we could work around the seeing each other until we leave, even if it’s just for a few hours to say goodbye.” I reach up to the necklace with my empty hand and twirl it in my fingers.

Chan laces his fingers with mine and I look at Felix who is smiling at me. Yes, yes, I just said I love them in front of everyone.

“Well, that was nicely said, and thank you for being so willing and having a straight head on your shoulders. I can see why they have fallen for you. You are a true leader that is for sure, putting others in front of yourself.” He claps one big clap startling me to turn to him and let go of Chan’s hand. “Okay first things first, if we can get the forms signed then we can discuss the other business. I’ll also take into consideration on allowing the groups to continue to see each other. Gentlemen, you can leave us now. You are not needed anymore. I believe the management team has a few things they need to talk about with the girls.”

No one stands. I look at the guys.

Mr. Kim looks up from his phone that he picked up and sits it down. “Is there something wrong?”

“We want to hear what you have to say to them if it’s okay with the girls. We have that right. We are all in this together.” Seungmin speaks.

“Right. We are all a team. If anything needs to be said to them, it will be in front of us. We know the business and this company better than anyone.” Lee Know looks over the Ria and Ray Ray.

“I’m okay with them staying,” Heather says taking the paperwork from the manager that was behind her.

“Same. We have no secrets.” Lynnette smiles.

“Fine.” Mr. Kim sighs waving his hand in the air still frowning. ”I can see we will be needing more media control in the future with these new attitudes that are not becoming.” He shakes his head and picks up his phone back up ignoring what is happening around him.

We are walked through the twelve pages of forms that are written in both Korean and English and made sure we understand them all before showing us where to sign. Some of the guys hover over the managers making sure nothing is skipped over or interpreted wrong while Chan and the others are in deep conversation with one of the executives hovering over a laptop. When I finish with all my forms and put the location for the testing in my phone I sit back and start to zone out staring out the huge window behind the managers. The same flashback pops up again. I start to repeatedly twist my pinky making it red and swollen going deeper into my head.

I grip my pinky harder unconsciously holding my breath. Renae sees me. She comes and sits beside me wrapping her arms around me.

“What’s going on?” Heather whispers to Ria. Ria shakes her head in confusion and continues to sign her forms.

“Han... could you?” Renae says as she lifts me out of my chair. I look at her blankly not registering what she is saying.

“Yup, on it.” Han pushes his way to us takes me from her and starts walking me out of the room.

“Everything okay?” Mr. Kim asks looking up making Chan stop talking to look up grabbing Felix’s arm.

“Yes, yes. Uh, we just need a little break if possible.” Renae walks to Chan and Felix who are about to run out of the room after me. “Han has her. He knows what to do. I told him what to do. I saw her earlier having a triggering moment and she needs a moment to collect herself. She pushes things down too much and puts others first. Sometimes it pops up unexpectedly. She doesn’t want people to see it affecting her or be a bother. Sound familiar Chan?”

He looks at her taking a step forward but faults. He looks at Felix. “Do we?”

“I think if Renae says Han has her, then we need to let her be for now. She knows best. She will tell us when she is ready. I want to run too, but it may make it worse.” Felix says sitting slowly back down biting his lip feeling slightly unsure of his answer.

“Han said he will keep me updated and if he needs you I will let you know.” She turns to Mr. Kim. “Is that okay Mr. Kim? A little break?” Renae asks walking back to the girls.

“That is quite fine. It has been a lot mentally and I don’t want anyone in the wrong frame of mind for the next part.” He says looking back at his phone. “I’m not the big of a monster they make me out to be.”

Chapter 19: hard memories.


super short chapter...oops

Chapter Text

Han has his arm around my shoulders holding me tightly walking back down the hallway we came when I regained myself from the fogginess.

“Well, damn, if Chan and Felix could see us now. They would shit bricks,” he jokes glancing at me.

I half laugh and swat at his hand that is dangling all too close to my breast.

“What did Renae tell you?”

“Nothing much, just that she saw how you looked and that something was triggering a very bad trauma from the past and that you may need to escape.”

“And she chooses you?”

“She said I’d be perfect for what you need and asked me if we had a music room.” He grins as he leans closer to my ear. “Are we gonna make beautiful music together?”

“Ha, ha, funny.” I sigh giving him my side-eye.

“You don’t have to tell me what triggered you and all, but you did help me come down from my anxiety attack earlier so I would love to help.” He takes his arm off of me when we stop at the elevator and presses the down button.

“Ummm, not sure if I can say it out loud. I’ve only told Renae and that was because I was spiraling one night after watching a movie with her.” I confess as we step into the elevator.

“It’s fine. Tell me as little or as much as you want. You know I may be one of your sexy wreckers, but I can be very homely too.” He does his cute quokka face pressing the basement button.

“Okay. You goof.” I take a huge breath and let it out slowly. “I lost my father when I was young. The last vivid memory I still have of my dad is walking down the long hospital hallway surrounded by a group of people walking to me to my mom who was with my dad. So many strangers talking over me, squeezing me in the middle.”

I close my eyes to picture it clearer. “Feeling sorry for me, but not caring a small child was alone and hearing gory details. I started to feel suffocated and started saying I needed air. No one listened to me as a panic attack started to engulf me. I searched for an opening to push through them, but all I saw was the walls. Walls of bodies no matter where I looked. It wasn’t until I started screaming at the top of my lungs that I needed air that they stopped and parted to get away from me. I felt completely lost. They all just walked off and left me there staring down the hall in the middle of an attack without anyone.”

“You poor thing.”

“I crouched down wrapping my arms around my knees rocking back and forth and for the first time it hit me that my dad who was my best friend was gone,” I whisper as tears swell up.

Han comes to hug me, but I hold my arms out. He stops in his tracks.

“I was his little girl. He believed in me when my mom didn’t. He got me vocal lessons behind her back. He bought me my first guitar and got my piano lessons. He saw something in me that no one else did and he was gone.” I fall back against the wall as the elevator dings passing another floor.

“What did your mom do? She came for you in the hallway, right?” Han asked very much into my story.

“No, she was a mess herself. She never came for me. Just left me in the hallway alone crying for my dad for hours. A neighbor who came to pick us up found me and took me home.”

“That’s terrible.”

“My mom found out about the lessons and stopped them. She told me he was feeding into a fantasy he had so I took up dance since that’s what she wanted me to do.”

“So, you just stopped playing?”

“I stayed with the piano because my grandmother put her foot down and paid for the lessons until I was twenty when she died. She loved to hear me play and would have me play for her senior group all the time. But I never picked up a guitar until I found Stray Kids, and I met the girls. I always had to hide the one I have in the back of my closet so my mother couldn’t see it.”

The elevator jerks to a stop and we step out. Han takes my hand lacing out fingers and tugs me to the end of a short hallway. He opens the door and flips the light on.

I look around and see that it’s a full-band recording studio. It’s set up as a very intimate and relaxing setting. I walk into the middle and spin slowly around looking at every detail and all the instruments. I run my fingers across the keys of the piano.

He fidgets with some nobs on the soundboard before he sits down on one of the couches. “I come here when we are here, and I have writer’s block or just need to get away.”

I walk over to look at the pictures of all the musicians on the wall. I turn and see an acrostic guitar out of the corner of my eye. Just like the one my dad bought me.

“You said you started living again because of us? Why is that?” He asks getting up and sitting his phone on top of the piano.

“I was drifting through life. My mom passed and was left alone. She was my last relative. I love to dance, it was a great outlet, but I was missing something deep down inside myself. I was at the point I didn’t care if I was alive or not. I found your music on Tik Tok and it woke something up inside my core. Something snapped and I started really deep diving and dissecting your songs.” I pick up the guitar.

I run my fingers down the strings making it hum. I smile to myself feeling the vibration. “Um, I then got on a social page and found my girls. We all just clicked like we knew each other forever. I got to choose a new family you could say. Not a lot of people can say they got to that.”

“And they call you Eomma?”

I laugh, “Yeah, they do. I’m the oldest by a hair, but I’m always making sure everyone doesn’t need for anything. Guess it’s a single-child thing. I’m always there even if they don’t need me. I’d give up my life for them.” I look up at him. “They are my everything.”

“Sounds like someone else I know all too well.

I sit down on one of the corner chairs and check the tuning of the guitar. I felt good to hold it. It’s been a while since I played for the girls. I play around just strumming the strings randomly.

“So how did Renae know you needed to come here?”

“Well, when my first manic episode happened, we were at my place. She saw me fidgeting with my fingers whispering sorry Daddy over and over so she tore my place apart until she found my guitar in the back of my closet. It was the first time I strummed it since my dad passed. It felt like a comfort. Like he was there with me and it brought me out of my episode. Though that one was a lot deeper than this one, she knows the signs when one is coming.”

“What about singing? How did that come about?”

I look up to think. “Uhh, well, I always sang like normal people growing up but hindered my voice most of the time. But ummm, I was singing in the shower, no wait that was the first girl group moment. It was after we went out dancing I was showering and singing again like a normal person, Ria jumped in and started singing with me. It ended up with all of us in the shower singing and getting soaked.” I laugh.

“The first time I let my full voice out we were driving somewhere I think we were going out to eat and I started singing along with a song on the radio not realizing I was doing it. They made such a big deal out of it, then the next thing I know they got me drunk and took me to karaoke. I slowly cracked open my shell and saw it was fun to sing again. Then we challenged each other to start singing all your guy’s songs and that’s when I decided to go back for vocal lessons.”

I continue playing around some before I close my eyes and start going into playing Waiting For Us. Han perks up hearing that I went into a song. He gets up and picks up another guitar. He sits and starts to play beside me.

I start to sing and at that moment I let my pain go. Han slides into harmonizing with me. I open my eyes and smile while singing. He comes in here and there, but he lets me sing it out just doing back vocals.

When I song ends, we just sit there quietly for a moment just looking at each other smiling. He turns to the piano. “Did you get all that?”

“What?” I look over to the piano.

He stands up, sits the guitar down, goes to the soundboard flips off a switch then picks his phone up. He puts it to his ear. “Please tell me you all heard that? Mr. Kim too? Yeah. Okay, good. See you in a few.”

“Han, what the fuck dude?” I freak out quickly placing the guitar back. “What did you do?”

“Renae made me promise to keep her updated so I put us on speaker since she kept texting me on the way here so I could focus on you. Then I switched the mics on the board so they could hear in the conference room. Jenn, when you get in your element you can sing girl. I knew when you sang at the rental you were good, hell, we all did. I just gave you a boost. Please don’t be mad at me.” He pouted plopping on the couch again afraid he upset me.

“Hannnnnnn.” I sigh looking at him wanting to be mad. I kick my foot on the floor a few times staring at his chipmunk cheeks and boba eyes. I sigh again. “Oh, I can’t be mad. Thank you. It means a lot coming from a third of 3racha. It’s hard for me to see myself as y’all do. I just hear my mom’s voice in the back of my head all the time.” I sit down with a plop twisting to face him.

“Not just me, all the guys feel the same. You have pipes. With a bit more training, you could wipe any GG off the map. I'd do a duet with you in a heartbeat if Chan would release his grips. Though the two songs I’ve seen you both do would set anything on fire. If babies aren’t made from them then there’s no love in the world.”

I laugh hard. “You’re not the only person who said you wanted to duet with me that’s not Chan. I don't know how that would work with us being on opposite sides of the world, but maybe through technology one day.”

“That sounds good. Wait! Someone else asked you?” he leaned forward eyes all wide like he just learned a dark secret.

“Oh, um, at the festival. A girl showed us the YouTube videos of us, and Bruno Mars was impressed and said he would totally duet with me. He was just being nice though.” I said watching Han jump up off the couch.

“Jenn that’s huge!” he grabs my hand and pulls me up off the couch and out the door before I could register what was happening.

He stops, dips back in the door turns off the lights then wheels around and starts pulling me towards the elevator.

“Han, what the freak! Slow down. I’m gonna trip.” I yell feeling my feet catch on the floor a few times.

He doesn’t stop until we are at the elevator.

“Does Chan and Felix know?”

“I, uhh, I told Chan before the festival started briefly, I don’t think he heard me though. Why are you asking me this and why are we rushing back?”

We get into the elevator. Han turns to face me after he pushes the button he needs. “Just something one of our managers said in passing.”

“That makes no sense to me at all you know?” I throw my hands up.

“Hmm mmm.” He pulls his phone out and taps away.

I give up and watch him text his heart out. His fingers working as fast as his lips rapping.

The elevator’s doors open to the same floor as the conference room. Han looks up. “Are you okay to walk the hallway?”

“Yes, Han. I only got triggered because there were a lot of people and I was in the middle with a lot of nerves like that memory. I’m good. Thank you for helping with that by the way.”

We step out and start walking. Han a bit faster trying to hurry me along. He looks down at his phone. “Umm, Renae just texted that Ria said to ask you what nickname you gave me.” He stops to reread it to make sure he said it right.

I stop cold. “What?”

I grab his phone and read it. I groan and hand it back to him.

“Well, now, I am very curious after that reaction. You have a nickname for me too? So, Chan and Felix aren’t the only ones with them?”

“Chan and Felix well, shit, yes, I gave you a nickname, well two before meeting you. You all have nicknames really.” I slap my hands over my face.
I’m gonna kill them.

Without taking my hands away I reply through the gaps of my fingers. “When you are all cute and sweet like downstairs I call you Hannie and Cheese and when you are putting your sexiness on I call you Han Solo. Don’t ask me why. That’s what came to my mind. Now I’m embarrassed and don’t you dare say anything,”

“Aww, like ham and cheese. I love it. Han Solo, well he was fine back in the day, and man he had the moves and a cool lightsaber and well him and Laia...”

The door pulls open and Chan sticks his head out before Han can finish. He comes rushing out and wraps his arms around me.

“I, uh will give you a moment,” Han says catching the door before it closes and ducking into the room.

Chapter 20: pivotal decision!


another shorter chapter-sorry!

Chapter Text

Chan kisses me over and over.

He holds my head between his hands reading my face. “You okay Baby Girl? I heard everything.”

“I’m good. Thanks to Renae and Han.” I look towards the doors. “We better get in there. Let’s not keep Mr. Kim waiting any longer.” I try to pull away thinking Chan would agree.

“He can wait for one more kiss.” and he gives me one long deep kiss.

“Felix will be jealous seeing our puffy lips.” I tease wiping his lips with my thumb.

“Fuck Felix.”

I raise my eyebrows at him.

“Wait, scratch that. Don’t.”

“Why Mr.Bang, are you getting jealous?” I tease before I open the door giving him no time to answer.

“Ah, Jenn, great to see you are back. Are you doing better?” Mr. Kim says as he stands.

“I’m so sorry for that Mr. Kim. I...”

He cuts me off. “No need to explain. We all heard pretty much the whole conversation.”

I whip to look at Renea who is looking anywhere but me. Chan, Felix, and the guys were okay, but the exclusives knowing my business.

“May I ask how much you heard?” I press sitting back down in the seat I occupied before.

“Oh, well Han had me on speaker at first so I could make sure you were okay, then I told him if you play to record it and well Han must have done something there and it signaled the room that we had access to the sound in the room and, and, umm video too, and then you started to talk and play and well...” Renae answers not looking at me.

“They wanted us to hear you play, and we ended up getting a wonderful show. Both of your voices blend quite well. I’m pleased.” Mr. Kim answers pointing up to the screen that hung behind him.

“They did, did they? Wow.” I give them my death stare.

Renae raises her palms upward and mouths not sorry.

I roll my eyes at her.

“May I ask, what made you play that specific song?” Mr. Kim asks leaning his elbows on the table and clutching his hands together.

“I...uh...” I look at Renae then Chan then to Felix and back to Mr.Kim. “It was what was on my mind.”

“AH, yes, their songs can mean different things to different people. To me, that song is about waiting for their love to come back to them, but when I heard you sing it with the pain and your feelings I went to losing a loved one. Not many people can change a song like that.”

“Well, thank you, sir. I just sang it how I felt it at that moment.” I reply feeling a bit embarrassed.

Han starts bouncing in his seat making Mr. Kim look his way.

“Is everything good with you Han?”

“Did you know that she was asked by a celebrity to duet with her? He asked her at the festival BEFORE they performed. He saw the YouTube videos from earlier that day. I think that is awesome.” he starts to ramble.

I widen my eyes not believing he is bringing it up right now. Before he can say anything else I point to Ray Ray and point to Han. She gets up and goes over to him and whispers something in his ear which makes his eyes bug out and his mouth snap shut. He shakes his head vigorously. She walks back and gives me a thumbs up like we all couldn’t see what just happened.

Mr. Kim chuckles drily watching the interaction. “Yes, I can believe it. We have been in talks with Bruno Mars for months trying to get him on board for a collaboration. He has been on the fence for months. Then after the festival, we suddenly got a call personally from him saying he was interested because of the girls. He even asked for all your management information. He assumed the girls were part of JYPE USA. That is when I had my team start digging and found everything and anything we could about all the girls.” His eyes drift over towards us.

Ria whips her head to Ray Ray as she makes a squeak. We all look back and forth at each other bewildered.

“Umm, do we dare ask what you found out?” Heather pipes up lacing her fingers together and cracking them nervously.

“Oh, we dug everything you can think of such as school information, any driving violations, dance recitals, softball games, previous and recent addresses, names of landlords, previous dating history, sexual history, work history, past and present doctors, family members past and presents, friends, ex-friends, ex-partners, extracurricular activities, aliases, memberships, social media, and so forth.” Mr. Kim looks right at me. “We know all of you inside and out.”

Fuck, he knows, doesn’t he.

I swallow hard wanting to look at the girls, but I hold Mr. Kim’s unreadable gaze.

He continues before there are objections. “One, because we need to know who the guys are having let’s say affairs with and if you are a threat.

Two, the socials are blowing up with you girls and they are associating with Stray Kids. It’s unheard of the numbers you are reaching so fast. Your video of singing Youtiful raised faster than its debut video. And three, I got a personal phone call from Mr. J.Y. Park himself wanting to know who you are. You got caught on his radar. He is very interested in you and how you are attached to Stray Kids. Chan did too I believe. Isn’t that correct?”

He raises his eyebrows waiting for a response.

Chan gives a quick nod in agreement.

I stare at him. Why didn’t he tell me?

“Soooo, what does this all mean?” I quiz bringing my attention back to Mr. Kim.

“It means if you are all serious about furthering to be a group or even if it’s just you being a solo artist, he would like to set up a meeting to discuss. When you started showing up on the Korean news channels people started bringing it to his attention. By the way, I want to say we were blown away by the festival performances. I bit too risqué for JYPE with you and Chan, however, seeing how Stays blew up every social in favor of the performance, it brought us to think about some things.”

“What the fu......!” Ria begins until Lynnette covers her mouth with her hand.

“So, it’s like his A2K show, but we just didn’t have to sing live in front of him. Sweet.” Ray Ray happily states.

“Wow! Um, we have never talked about being a group or thought about singing professionally and all. We do it for the joy of it. I just started taking lessons again. I’m not sure if I, um, we, we could do this. Do we have time to think about it? I would like to talk about it between us girls to see where our heads are at.” I ask nervously fidgeting with my necklace.

“Yes, of course, of course, I can give you twenty-four hours. That should be right before your flight. I will have one of my assistants send you some paperwork for you to read to hopefully answer any questions you may have. We will be in contact.” he says as he stands ending the meeting.
We all stand up after him seeing that the other executives also stand.

“Oh, uh sir, what about us seeing each other?” I.N. asks looking like a child asking for another piece of candy. How could you ever say no to him?

“I’ll allow it. I got to know the girls and I’m pleased with how this meeting went. You thought with the head on your shoulders and not in your pants. Just keep all activities that will require media control in the rental and off your electronics. If out in public remember you are idols. Act it. Stays are your life. In private- that’s private. No one outside of the group and your personal management should know anything. Make sure you keep your appointment tomorrow. No more downloads or posts of any kind on socials.”

We all nod our heads. The guys bow prompting us to bow as well and we head out as fast as we can so he can’t add anything else.

Once the doors shut behind us Heather wheels herself around. “Stop!”

We all stop confused. Some of us knocking into one another.

“We need to separate so Jenn can feel safe. Hun, I don’t want that to happen again.”

“Yes, you go here and you go there and you two up with them,” Han starts maneuvering everyone around like we are dolls.

“Ok, let Hannie and Cheese lead the way, Boo.” He says as he winks at me.

I cover my face to hide my blush of embarrassment.

Felix whips his head to me. “Hannie and Cheese?”

“Boo?” Chan echoes.

“Yeah, you two, you aren’t the only ones that got nicknames from her! Boo-yah.” He shouts a bit too loudly walking the group down the hallway.

“Yeeeeaaaah, please don’t ask,” I beg linking my arms with theirs making us look like we are off to see the wizard.

Chapter 21: chaos duo attacks!


Happy mid-July!

Chapter Text

Walking back down to the vans was uneventful with the typical shove into the wall here and there from the guys when no one was looking and the stepping on the back of the heels from the girls. I just watch in amusement trying to wrap my head around what had just happened upstairs. I just was happy to be between my two guys.

“Um, why didn’t we take the elevator?” I asked huffing a bit after the last set of stairs reaching the lobby. I didn’t think going down a thousand flights of stairs would work up such a sweat.

“The what? There was an elevator in this bitch?” Ria screeches throwing her hands up in disgust.

“Ooph, someone seems hangry.” Ray Ray tries to calm her by patting her head. Ria reaches up to rub noses with her.

“Oooo, yeah, I’m starving too.” Hyunjin agrees pulling his phone out. “What time is it? We should get food.”

“Agree. Must find body fuel.” Seungmin speaks and moves like a robot.

“Okay, well the scavenger hunt is all fucked up now. So, let’s grab lunch and figure out what to do after that.” Lee Know says scowling at his watch.

“I’ll get one of the assistants to push our plans for tonight back to give us some more time,” Chan pulls his phone out and starts texting stepping back from the group a bit.

“So where are we going to eat?” Han already looking at his phone for places.

“Ooo, how about a small café?” I.N. suggests.

“Nah, too small for all of us plus Stays would be all over and asking questions. Plus, higher-ups would kill us. What about an all-you-can-eat?”

Changbin counters looking over Han’s shoulder at his screen.

I look over to Heather and we start laughing thinking the same thing, that it will take forever for them to settle on a place. I step back a few steps as the girls mimic my step. When we are a good distance away I pull them into a huddle.

“Fry Chicken and the Korean place we went to. Have it delivered to the rental. We can do a picnic outside in the backyard.” I throw it out there.

“Oh my god, yes! I still have their app. I’ll order it now and the chicken is right beside it.” Lynnette pulls out her phone and starts punching the screen.

“Make sure you order tons. I’ll get Chan’s card.” I wink pulling away from the huddle.

I start walking back over to the guys who are still in their own world when one of their managers catches my eye by waving the company card at me, so I scoot over to him instead.

“Thanks,” I whisper and shimmy back to the girls grinning.

“Company card courtesy of JYPE.” I flash the card.

Lynnette grabs it and punches in the info. Luckily, she keeps everything on her phone like me and still has the address for the rental from when we went the first night.

“Done. Shit tons of food and money well spent.” She says handing the card back to me.

I slide over stumbling a bit over a crack in the sidewalk and hand back the card getting a laugh out of their manager.

I look at the girls, open the building’s door for them, and point for them to go to the vans.

Standing in the doorway I turn to the guys. “Lunch has been ordered and if you want any then you better follow us,” I say taking a step back and letting the door shut behind me.

The guys look up confused hearing the door lock click in front of me.

“What did she say?” Lee Know asks.

“Think she said something about food.” I.N. answers.

Chan fully turns to watch me backing up on the other side of the glass door. I give a four-finger wave and turn to climb in one of the vans.

“Shit, are they leaving without us? They can’t right? “ Felix says busting ass through the door to the van. “I’m not finding out. Let’s go.”

They all make a beeline to the vans like school-age kids going on a field trip.

Ria, Ray Ray, and I bust out laughing watching Lee Know and Han try to get in at the same time. Chan ends up pushing them, making them fall into the van causing us to laugh even more.

“Chan, really man?” Lee Know whins rubbing the outer right hip bone.

“Aww, come here Baby Cakes,” Ria coos holding her arms open for him. “Do you need a kissy to make it feel better?”

“How about two kissys?” Ray Ray suggests holding her arms open too.

Lee Know launches himself towards them.

“Hey, how about me?” Han pouts.

“Awww, come here our Hannie.” Ray Ray opens her arms.

“Now wait a minute! You all can’t sit in one row. Split and sit.” I point leaning up over the seat.

“Come on Lee Know, we’ll go in the empty seats so Eomma will be happy,” Ria says rolling her eyes while pulling Lee Know to the empty seat.

I sigh. “I’m not trying to Eomma you right now. It’s just being safe.” I say as Felix hops in and slides behind me.

He traces the part of my ass cheek that is peeking out of my shorts. I shiver at his touch. I turn to see him blushing eyes fixated on my skin. I shake my head sitting down at the same time Chan jumps in.

He plops down on my other side and stretches his legs out turning towards me. “So did we hear food was ordered?”

“Yes, you did. You’ll have to wait until it comes to find out what we ordered.” I lean up to give him a kiss. “Don’t worry we took care of making sure our men will be fed properly.”

Felix grabs my ass with both hands and squeezes pushing me into Chan.

Chan wraps his arms around me. “Well if you wanted me so badly.”

“Felix grabs my ass harder making me bite on my lower lip to keep from moaning.”

“Oh really?” He looks to Felix pulling me closer lifting my ass higher. “Hey Felix, did you know she isn’t wearing any underwear?”

“Chris!” I hiss.

He looks down at me tilting his head ever so slightly. “Chris? You know I like it when you call me that.” I can see his eyes darkening.

“Oh really?” Felix says grabbing my ass again. “Maybe I need to see for myself.”

“Our people are right there,” I hiss again to Chan looking towards our gang.

Chan leans us up to where Lee Know and Ria are. They are making out and fondling each other in their own world. Ray Ray and Han with their heads together watching YouTube on her phone sharing earbuds. He looks down at me and smiles. He leans us back.

“Looks like our people are occupied. Felix my man, go for it.” Chan encourages him putting us back in the same position.

I go to object, but Chan brings his lips to mine stopping any sound I was about to make washing away any fight I was going to make.

Felix slides his hands under my shorts. He slides them all around my cheeks until his fingers meet over my crack, and then he moves them down the back of my thighs and towards my inner thighs. He parts my legs to where the one closer to the edge falls off giving him ample room.

He slides his hands a bit deeper, sliding them up to my vagina, lightly grazing it making me push more into Chan’s kiss pushing harder as he drags back. His middle finger dips into his second knuckle wiggling to touch just inside my walls. Felix uses his other hand to move the remaining fabric to the side to allow his fingers room. His finger disappears before it’s drawing circles around my sensitive nub before he drags it back down with pressure before dipping back inside me again.

I suck on Chan’s bottom lip to try to ground myself. He brings his hands to my head sliding them in my hair pulling me towards him to deepen our kiss.

Felix replaces his finger with two pushing them just inside and starts circles my wet opening. I inhale deeply at the feeling. He slowly slides them in further and pulls out quickly widening his fingers to brush down my walls.

Oh, fuck me. God this feels so good.

Felix starts to push again, but this time I also sink down on them pushing them as far as they can go. I break away from Chan and begin to rock back and forth watching Chan’s face the whole time. God, it feels so good.

“I want you inside me too,” I gasp bringing my body up off Felix’s fingers slowly. “I want both of you inside of me, please.” I lean towards him and nip his neck.

“Baby Girl, I...” He whines looking towards the other couples.

“Don’t make me beg. I’m so hot and wet.” I sink my teeth deeper causing his to buck.

Chan leans up quickly, slides his hand under me and entwines his hand with Felix’s. I raise up so Chan can position his fingers like Felix’s.

I lean back on Felix to let Chan position them at my opening. I slide down on their fingers. I suck in feeling their fingers in me. I lean forward making them sink further into me. I lean my head back and start to move up and down letting their fingers fill me. With Chan’s fingers longer than Felix’s, I feel some stuffed.

I quicken my pace as Chan scoots closer to me pressing me more between them. I place my hands on his shoulders to steady. Felix slips his free hand under my shirt and cresses my bare breasts.

I open my mouth slightly to let out all the air I have left. I squeeze my eyes shut as their fingers hit deep grazing my inner walls. I push down even more and rock squeezing as I pull up. I feel my inner muscles swell around them.

I hear Felix whimper in my ear as he feels it too.

I lean back onto Felix. “Lips.” I manage.

He meets my lips and I force my tongue in his mouth. I reach down and grab Chan’s bulging crotch with one of my hands. I start kneading it craving to touch him even more.

My body wants to shake uncontrollably as my body builds even more.

Chan tugs the buttons on my shorts as hard as he can and sinks his free hand inside making contact with my swollen nub. I moan in Felix’s mouth as I buck towards his touch.

Chan pinches it over and over knowing the need I have.

I feel myself seep all down their fingers as I come hard, squeezing their fingers over and over sliding my wetness up and down until my body comes down from the ride.

I sink completely back on Felix trying to catch my breath. Chan pulls his hand from my front smiling at what they just did. They keep their fingers inside of me until I am ready. With a huff, I lean up towards Chan to make it easier to slip out.

They separate their fingers and they both stick them in their mouths one by one making happy moans sucking on them. I laugh and kiss Chan’s cheek while he still has his come-covered fingers in his mouth.

“Taste good Daddy?” I whisper in his ear.

“Fuck yes, Baby Girl.” He says after sucking the last one clean before reaching for a pack of wipes in the door pocket.

I pivot around to kiss Felix’s cheek as he is wiping his lips off with his thumb.

“Yummy?” I sexually whisper to him.

“Delicious Baby Girl. Thank you.” He grins before kissing my nose.

They finish cleaning up as I adjust all my clothing. I look up to see if we had given anyone a show, but it seems everyone was occupied.
“Ten-minute check everyone!” Chan yells leaning up towards the other seats startling me.

Heads pop up and mumbles are heard. I silently laugh and pull my phone out and see I have a miscall and several texts from Heather.









I’m gonna have to grab his phone before they all come too!!!

I reread the texts to make sure I was reading them right. I look out the back window and then whip my head back to my phone.

“What’s wrong?” Felix leans over and places his head on my shoulder.

“I apparently butt-dialed Hyunjin while you two-fingered me. They heard it all pretty much.” I tell him showing him my phone to read for himself blushing.

“What did you just say!?” Ria pops up from over her seat wiping her mouth, eyes glowing with interest.

“You heard me ears. And no comments from the peanut gallery. Your mouth is too swollen and stretched to make any comments.” I shoot back making a face at her.

“I didn’t hear you girl. Damn guys, what did you do to her? She’s a bit testy. Think she needs a good spanking or fucking.” She winks at me.

I wink back. “I’m sorry CD2. I promise to play nice. Need a kiss to make up?”

“CD2?” Chan asks raising his right eyebrow.

“Chaos Duo number 2. That’s her nickname.”

“Yup, that’s me.” She gets up and climbs over Lee Know to get to me. “And no to kissy. Want a grabby.”

“Riaaaaa...” I sigh.

“A grabby?” Felix now is interested.

“I get a choice of a kiss or a handful of boob. She has good boobs to hold you know? I won that choice during a game we played before we came to Paris.” She goes under my shirt and takes a grab.

“Ooooo! Ooooo! I want a grabby too!!” Ray Ray bounces back to us too. She takes hold of my other breast before I can protest.

“Yes, we know she has great ones.” Chan stumbles over his words eyes blown wide watching the girls fondle me without a complaint from me.

“Why am I getting so turned on right now?” Han who scooted to Rias’ seat and now is leaning over to watch remarks.

I look over to Felix who started licking his lips staring at my shirt. “Enjoying this?” I tease.

He only can shake his head up and down quickly.

“Okay girls, that’s enough. You are working them up even more and they are already ready to pounce on me.” I start to go to push their hands away, but Chan catches both my hands mid-air and raises them.

“Please, let them finish.” He begs me. I look at his eyes. They are dilated and dark.

“You like this don’t you?” I whisper. He nods without even having to think of his answer.

“What if her shirt was just up a little bit more?” Ray Ray suggests bunching my shirt up with her one hand to show half of their hands covering my breasts.

“Shit,” Lee Know gasps.

“Felix some help here?” I ask looking at him thinking he would get the girls to stop.

He grabs my shirt and pulls it up exposing the girl’s hands groping me instead.

I look back and forth from Chan and Felix seeing that they are okay with having Han and Lee Know watching. Hell, I don’t think they even realize they are there.

I look at Ria who is smirking at me. I give her a nod and she elbows Ray Ray.

Ray Ray lets go to give Ria room. Ria kneels in between my legs.

“So if I did this?” She takes my nipple in her mouth letting it snap back as she pulls off. “Or this?” She takes a mouth full and makes sucking noises. I bite my lips to hold in the moan I want to release.

“You’d be okay with it right?” Ray Ray asks.


Ria grabs my other breast and massages, lifting my breast up showing my stiff dark pink peek to the guys while taking my other breast over and over in her mouth.

I end up releasing my moan a bit more sensual than I thought would come out. I feel Chan’s hands tighten harder around my wrists.

Ray Ray pulls Ria off and straddles me. She reaches up and takes my hands from Chan. She hands one arm to Chan and one to Felix to hold out.

They hold on for dear life. She grabs my chin and plants a deep kiss pulling back taking my lower lip. She runs her tongue around my lips before pushing my mouth open with her tongue making sure there is enough gap for the guys to watch her tongue tease mine. I moan loudly. I wiggle my arms trying to free them. She rocks her hips grinding down on me.

She pulls back in a swift movement and wipes her lips. She climbs off me and turns to Lee Know and Han who was busy rubbing their hard erections on the seat. “K, I’m good. You good?” She climbs over Han to her seat and sits.

I wiggle my arms free from Chan and Felix who were still in a daze and pull my shirt down grinning at Lee Know and Han. “Chaos Duo, I think we traumatized them,” I say as I hear them whimper with the show ending.

Ria returns and sits on top of Lee Know’s lap. “Oh baby, did you like seeing the show? Like me touching her breasts? Ray Ray kissing her? You like when we play around? Do you want more people with us?”

“RIA!?!?” I scream. “No, not happening!” I lean up to swat at her. “Stop giving him blue balls.”

Chan hooks his arm around my waist, pulls me back, and leans on me making my head fall back onto Felix’s lap. He is pressing into me with his body.

“Baby Girl, what are you doing to us?” he looks up to Felix. “Lix, what is she doing to us? I think she likes teasing us. Putting on a show in front of the other guys. Tsk Tsk”

“You like that huh? Me being touched and you couldn’t do anything about it?” I canter back arching into him rolling my head around Felix’s crotch.
“Fuck, Baby Girl.” Felix sucks in as his erection hardens even more. “Yes, yes we liked it.”

I push Chan back so I can sit up as the van comes to a stop.

“Well, too bad lunch is here and in the words of Changbin- I’m hungry,” I say as I quickly slip away and head out of the van leaving them there stunned and hard and leaking like a broken pipe.

Chapter 22: picnic and a Paris dare.


A day before the ATE comeback!!! You ready?!?!?!?!?!

Chapter Text

I only took a few steps up the outside steps before the second van pulls up and Heather immediately making her way to me.

“Jennnnnnnn!! What the fuck girl?” she yells just as she sees the delivery van pull up.

I walk back down to meet Lynnette who also saw the delivery van.

I lean my head towards Heather. “Heather, usher the guys inside, please. We will all talk when we have food in our hands. Okay.” I say trying not to giggle at her still gawking at me.

We managed to walk the ungodly amount of food around to the backyard and get it set up before the guys discovered us.

“What’s this?” I.N. yells walking out with the rest of the guys following.

“It’s your backyard picnic lunch we did for you,” Renae replies behind him carrying plates and tablecloths.

“A backyard picnic for us?” Seungmin repeats smiling as he surveys the food. “Authentic Korean and fried chicken! My god they really do get us.”

Heather and Lynnette finish setting up places for all of us to sit around the yard. I head inside and up the stairs to grab more blankets when my cell phone buzzes. I grab it and see that it’s the email from JYPE. I pause to open it. I quickly scrolled to see how many pages there were. I stop scrolling after twenty and close my phone, too many to read right now. I slide it back into my pocket and head back down to finish my errand.

I perk up when I see Hyunjin through the main hall tying his shoe.

“Hey, Hyunjin are you heading out?”

“Yeah, in a minute. Do you need something?”

“Uh yeah, I can borrow your laptop, and can you take these out for the girls?” I ask lifting the blankets.

“Sure. Let me go grab it for you. Is everything okay?” he asks as I follow behind him into the dining room.

“Yeah, I want to look at the JYPE email that was just sent real quick before I eat,” I explain as he hands me his laptop.

“Take your time, but I warn you there might not be any fried chicken left. Oh, and everything is in English already. You’re welcome.” He laughs as he bumps my shoulder with his.

I laugh as I stagger from the push. “Thanks for the heads up for both.”

I turn around and walk back into the living room curling up on the oversized chair. I go to the web and email trying really hard not to go to his history for a sneak peek. I pull up the JYP email and begin reading it.

Pretty much it’s the dos and don’ts of being an idol, what is expected as a trainee and artist, blaa, blaa, blaa. I started biting my lower lip skimming as fast as I could.

What seems like forever I don’t see what I was looking for. I rub my eyes, click out of that email, and click on one that is flagged urgent.


Did you review the samples I sent?




Can you throw me a bone?

I know it’s a lot, but...

IF you can do all of this before you get back that would be great. Would love to get them to the higher-ups before the deadline.


And I’ll owe you again!


I sigh. I’ll have to have earbuds to be able to listen to the track that’s attached. I look up from the screen in thought. I wonder if Mr. Kim knows that I’ve done a few songs already and that a huge group is also pursuing my vocals now. My producing alias isn’t hard to find being in the business a bit now, but do they know my secret DJing alias? Even the girls think I just do mixes for a local radio late show here and there.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I open another tab and go to YouTube. I type in MXRGRL and search. About two dozen videos pop up. I click on the first one and there I am DJing with a mask and a lacey skin-tight bodysuit on. Luckily you can’t see my features thanks to the mask. The person who recorded it was also jumping too much to get a good shot at me.

I click a few more and the same. A sensuous outfit, mask, and a bad video from dancing. I scroll down and click on one that has a lot of views.

The first thing you see is my ass bouncing as I’m turned doing my thing. Then you see me turn around when the camera person yells towards me and wink at the camera. The lighting catches everything and you can practically see through my outfit before I turn back around. Then the camera cuts to everyone dancing and repeating after me.

Shit. My voice.

I watch more as it comes up trying to focus on my face as I lick my lips to the camera and flash a smile grinding my body to the beat I made.

“Whoa, whatcha listening to?”

I jump almost dropping Hyunjin’s laptop. I look up and see Chan walking closer to me. I close the laptop and slide between me and the chair arm.

“What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me.” I freak out jumping up like a guilty child caught.

He looks at the laptop and then at me. “What were you watching? You seem real intent on whatever you were looking at.”

“I got the email from JYPE and wanted to read it before my mind turns to mush,” I say wrapping my arm around his and twisting him around to head out back hoping he forgets about the laptop.

“Hmmm mmm. Since when does JYPE add music and from the sound of it EDM style to their emails?”

“An ad popped up for these bandanas when I got out, so I clicked it to see who made them.” I lie hoping he takes the bait as we step outside.

“Well, if you want to wear a blindfold again...”

“Shhhh!” I pinch his side. “Any food left for me?”

He chuckles. “Come on, Baby Girl, let’s feed you.” Chan tugs me towards the food.

I let him pile food on my plate then head over to where everyone else is stuffing their faces.

“So, we have food and I have been patient. Are you going to say anything about what happened in the van?” Heather spits out before I can squat to sit down.

Lee Know and Han both start choking on their food. Renae pats Han’s back looking at him funny. I look at Chan and Felix and sheepishly grin.

I sit down and shove a piece of chicken in my mouth while looking at her.

“Nope. What happens in...” Chan starts.

Ria’s hand goes up in the air. “It was beautiful. I was sucking her nipple, her breasts right out in the open and Ray Ray was biting her lip. The guys just watched as we teased them. Oh, did I mention there was straddling and moaning?” Ria gleefully describes in a rush.

Lee Know starts choking again as Han dramatically falls back into the grass covering his face groaning.

I quickly swallow ready to protest for her to shut up, but Felix beats me to it.

“What the fuck Ria? What does nope mean to you?” He throws a pillow at her, but she dodges it and sticks her tongue out at him.

Heather throws her hands up. “Not that! Wait when did that happen? Was it before or after they fingered you?”

That got me to choke on the water I was drinking immediately looking up to the group.

“WHAT?!?!?” Ria and Ray Ray ask together eyeing me like I had four heads. That brought Han to sit straight up all of a sudden interested in the conversation.

Chan puts his hands out and starts shaking them in front of him to stop the conversation.

“Shit, I’m in the wrong fucking van,” Seungmin states throwing his hands in the air.

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” I.N. yells. “Hyunjin saw her boobs and now Han and Lee Know too? Why are we being left out?”

Chan tries to wave his hands again, but no one seems to care.

“Yeah. I think we should get to see them too.” Changbin pipes in.

Chan gives up and gets up to go grab a soda.

“You are all focused on not seeing her boobs when there was girl-on-girl action?” Seungmin interrupts.

“Wait a damn minute.” Ray Ray says. No one seems to be listening. “HEY!” she screams.

Everyone freezes.

“Okay, let’s backtrack. Heather, you said you heard her getting off?”

“Yes. Jenn apparently butt-dialed while Chan and Felix were fingering her. Our guys wanted to connect via Bluetooth to the van’s radio to hear better.” She says pointing to Hyunjin. He makes a ‘what me’ jester to her.

“Jenn.” Ria points to me squinting her eyes at me. “Explain and now.”

I sigh.

“No, wait. Demonstrate.” Han commands.

Renae pushes him back down.

“What can I say, apparently my phone that was in my back pocket got hit while I rode Chan’s and Felix’s fingers. Pretty much self-explanatory.” I explain like what I said was normal before tossing a piece of food into my mouth.

“How did we not know this?” Lee Know asks looking at Chan.

“Maybe because your dick was in someone’s mouth,” Chan answers.

“Ooph, burn.” I.N. spits out smiling from ear to ear.

“You are telling me nothing happened in the other van at all?” Felix asks looking at the others.

“No, everyone was listening to you three until Heather grabbed Hyunjin’s phone and hung up. Talk about giving us a mental picture of what happens behind closed doors. Talk about blue balls.” Seungmin says rubbing his crotch thinking about it.

“Now that is settled, can we talk about Jenn’s boobs?” I.N. asks grabbing his ankles to stretch his back out.

“Do we have to?” I mumble leaning back on my hands sitting criss-cross staring up at the sky wishing the conversation would end.
“It’s not fair really,” Changbin whines moving his hair out of his eyes.

I look to Chan who raises his eyebrows up to me. “What’s not fair?” Chan pushes winking at me.

“That more than half of us have seen her tits and some haven’t. That is not sharing is caring.” Changbin answers throwing his arm out wide looking like a teddy bear needing a hug.

I lean my head back again and sigh loudly. “Felix let’s do it. Make the kids happy.”

Felix hops up without hesitation and walks behind me hovering a minute before he bends down and kisses my forehead. We make eye contact, and he pulls my shirt up exposing my breasts to everyone. I feel the hot heat from the sun hit them perking my already hardened nipples even more from the sensation.

“Paris dare! Heather...” Lynnette points to her then to me. Heather pops up all too happily and plops in my lap. I lean my head up to look at her startled not expecting her you sit so hard.

“There the twins are. All happy to see everyone.” Heather teases me rocking back and forth.

My elbows give out and I collapse from her weight adjustment as she tries to straddle me. “Heather, what the fuck!” I huff getting the air knocked out of me knocking Felix back a bit.

She starts giggling as her hands fly fondling me to her delight. “My turn to squish them. Squish, squish, squish.”

We both laugh making her bounce on top of me. We hear a loud muffled groan and look towards the sound. Changbin was biting into his fist staring at us. But before we could comment Renae and Lynette piled on top of us flattening me even more into the grass. They all fight to squeeze my breasts, but it turns into a squeeze fest with each other’s while we all giggle and hiss. Arms and legs get entangled, asses popping up and down, laughter filling the air. I start to roll side to side rocking to break free and get them off of me.

“Bloody hell! My dick can’t get any harder.” Lee Know says as he stands showing us his dick print in his jeans. He grabs Ray Ray’s arm and yanks her to her feet. He hoists her over his shoulder and starts walking back to the rental. She looks up at us and waves giggling as they disappear into the rental.

I continue to rock them thrashing my hips causing Changbin to whimper louder. Seungmin and I.N. excuse themselves and dash off inside fighting who will get in the door first. I finally get them to roll off of me and I dramatically gasp for air. Felix leans over, winks, and pulls my shirt down. I glaze down at his hands which have found their place on top of my breasts. He gives a quick firm squeeze and lets go. I look back up to him and shake my head grinning.

“Thanks, Sunshine,” I say working my way up to a sitting position looking like I was tossed around in a dryer. “You girls need to lay off the carbs. Ya’ll are getting heavy.” I hear some scoffs.

“Okay!” Chan suddenly claps his hands making me jolt a bit. “My guys up and walk it off! NOW!” He yells before leaning over to my shoulder and kisses it. He hops up too and drags Felix with him.

The rest of the guys get up all grumbling and mouthing off to Chan about I.N. and Seungmin not being there, but they still follow him as he walks further into the backyard away from us. I swing my head to look at the girls and giggle.

“Does anyone here need a cold shower?” Renae asks fanning herself with her hand.

“What were you thinking? You knew the guys would react. Now Chan has them doing laps.” I say pointing behind me.

“I thought it was hilarious. I’m so proud. You are opening up Eomma. Paris is doing you good or should I say Chan and Felix is doing you good.” Ria says smirking popping a dumpling in her mouth.

“Okay, okay, can we have a nonperverted conversation for once?” I look around at the girls who all roll their eyes at me.

“Sure horny bee, oops I mean horny bee. Sorry honeybee, like what?” Heather hides her laugh behind her hand.

“Did you receive the email from JYPE?” I ask changing the topic real quick before it goes south, well more south.

They nod yes in unison like they rehearsed it.

“I haven’t even opened it yet,” Lynnette grabs for her phone.

“Well, I did a quick read-through. We need to discuss this as soon as possible, but first, you need to read it. They will want an answer tomorrow.” I say looking around for the guys like this is a secret conversation.

“Hey Jenn,” Ria softens her voice and lowers her volume placing her hand softly on my thigh. “Do you think JYPE knows you’re producing?” She raises her eyebrows with concern.

“Hell, they probably know about all our shit,” Lynnette chirps in disgust.

“That is why I went inside to read it on Hyunjin’s laptop. I wanted to see if there is anything hidden in there, but it’s all legal stuff and dos and don’ts. I’m not sure. I guess we will see.” I shrug. “Oh, and on that note, I got another email from Troy. He’s throwing out the promise of producer credits again and they want vocals too.” I rub my forehead.

“Wow! You aren’t gonna do it are you? How many times have you done his job for him and got nothing in return? He’s thrown that line at you so many times and never followed through. Always excuses.” Renae puts her hand on my shoulder and squeezes.

“Yeah, you’re right, but if I or we don’t do this, it’s my only way to get my foot in the door.”

“You could talk to Chan, you know, 3Racha,” Lynnette suggests.

“Noo, noo, noo. I would never. I don’t want them to think I would use them.” I look around to see an empty backyard. “Ummmm.....where did the guys go?” I stand up.

“Not sure, but we do need to see if Ray Ray is good.” Ria pops up and brushes off. “Lee Know and her tend to fight to have rough makeup sex.”

“When did they have time to fight with just meeting them?”

She shrugs. “You want to get inside her mind?” I turn around to walk in and Ria suddenly grabs my arm jerking me back. “Shit girl, you have grass stains all over your back.”

“Meep.” Heather and Lynnette say in shock in unison.

I try to see by pulling my shirt around. “Oh fuck. I got to go change and soak this. If you saw the damn price tag you would flip too.” I huff heading wanting to get the rental quicker now.

“You two go in, we will start cleaning up,” Heather says as she starts picking up the plastic containers while Ria and I head to the rental.
We pause at the doorstop and lean in listening for any sounds that might make us not want to come in. Nothing. We walk in and head to the living room. Still silence.

“I’m going upstairs. The guys must still be outside. I’m sure we would have seen or heard them if they are in here.” Ria says with her voice fading as she walks up the stairs.

I go to the kitchen to peak in, then walk through the dining room looking for anything out of sorts. Wonder where they can be. I walk back through the living room heading to the bedroom when I hear Ria yell, “I found her.” I shake my head to myself. As I shook my head, I notice the laptop is still where I left it and not closed all the way. Did I get out of everything? I quickly grab it and open it. Stupid Hyunjin, he doesn’t have his screen lock on. The YouTube tab was still open. Shit, that was close. I click out of it, sit it down, and head to the bedroom.

I look around the room and realize I don’t have any clothes here, so I go to the walk-in closet. I see that Chan is half-packed while the other half still hanging up. I rummage through what is still hanging and find a white and gold fitted tee. It’s a bit longer than I need but it will do. I walk over to the table in the middle of the closet and see his designer boxer briefs folded all neatly and stacked. Of course, they are. I grab a pair. I pull his clothes up to my nose and smell them. His scent is all over them. Heaven. I look around one more time hoping that maybe Felix’s luggage was there too, but it wasn’t.

I slip into the bathroom, pull off the stained clothes, and survey them. Damn designer clothes. I hope I can get the stains out. I sigh and pile them on the counter in a loose ball of fabric. I look at myself in the mirror and see all the fading love marks showing around my body. I admire them for a bit tracing my fingertips over some. I smile and slip on Chan’s boxer briefs. Not as big as I thought. I do a little twist checking out my ass in them. I could so wear these. I slip the tee on and brush my hair out real quick. I walk out to the bedroom with my stained clothes remembering my jeans and bra were in the bag in the living room. I jog out to the bag and grab them. I look at the oversized chair and see the laptop is gone. I walk into the room and see it sitting on the dining room table. Someone must have moved it so no one would sit on it.

I slide in my jeans and quickly slip my bra on under my shirt and head to the backdoor. Looking out I see the guys made their way back minus Chan. They were helping fold the blankets up. I felt oddly at home seeing everyone around having fun. I lean against the doorframe and just watch everyone. I don’t want this to end. Can I really be a singer? Start a group? If the girls say no, can I do it on my own? Can I get on that plane tomorrow and leave this? Them? Could I give up DJing? My alter persona? Could I bring her to the stage? What about Troy and producing?

I was so deep in thought I didn’t sense anyone behind me until arms wrap around my waist and a chin rests on my shoulder. I place my hands over his hands. I knew immediately who it was from his cologne. The one that is all over my clothes I am wearing.

“My kids and your kids play so well together. Who knew.”

“Mmm hmmm,” I say leaning my head on his chest.

“I think it’s time we talked. Leader to leader.”

I close my eyes and take a deep inhale. “Yeah, I think we do.” I exhale as Chan unwraps his hands.

Chapter 23: Eomma comes clean to Daddy


Good day, my minions! Happy reading.

Chapter Text

He pulls his phone out and texts who I am assuming is Felix since I see him grab his phone from his back pocket. He reads whatever Chan texted looks up to us and texts something back. After reading the response, Chan tucks his phone in his back pocket, entwines his fingers with mine, and pulls me inside.

We get to the living room before Chan speaks again. “Put your shoes on Baby Girl.”

“What? Why do I need my shoes?” I ask confused.

“We aren’t staying here. Too many distractions.” He says grabbing some things from the dining room and putting them into his computer bag.

I put my sandals on and open my arms waiting for him to hug me. He walks right into them when he is done. He lifts me and squeezes me. I wrap my arms tightly around him. He kisses my neck and pulls away. I give him a pouty look when he does.

“Don’t look at me that way. You think I didn’t notice you have my shirt on?”

I look down totally forgetting what I was wearing. I smirk. “That’s not the only thing of yours I’m wearing. I hope you don’t mind?”

“I don’t care what you put on as long as it’s mine and no one else’s. Why did you change anyway?”

“Got grass stains on the back of the outfit. Sorry about that.”

He raises his left eyebrow. I bite my lip. He brings his thumb up to my lip and pulls it away from between my teeth.

“Don’t apologize. It’s your outfit and the girls were rough on you. Had to make the guys do push-ups and squats before the blood went back to the right head. Mine included.” He winks.

I give him a loving smile and a firm head shake. His phone chirps.

“Car’s here.”

We walk out and climb in the back of the black company car that is waiting for us. I click my seatbelt and turn towards him.

“Where are we going?”

Chan ignores me, pulls out his earbuds, and hands me one. I look at him confused but take it. He puts his in and clicks open his phone. I give him a once over and then follow putting the earbud in. I hear clicking like the start of a recording. The sound I know all too well. I look over to Chan, but his eyes are closed. I pull my focus back to what I’m hearing. The music starts low and soft. It starts getting stronger and sultrier. I close my eyes letting the music soak in my ears. My hands start tapping and swaying in the air to the beat. This could be a continuation of Red Lights with some changes. I sway my hand just like I do when I know a beat should kick in. My brain starts breaking down the song on its own.

I open my eyes when the music ends. I turn my head and see that Chan is looking at my hands which are still in the air. I lower them suddenly feeling nervous, like I just got caught doing something I shouldn’t be. He smiles and without taking his eyes off of me he clicks his phone again. This time it’s an upbeat wild-ass song. Again, my eyes close automatically so I can let the music wash over me. I squeeze my fists tight, digging my nails into my palms willing them not to move to the beat. The music was intoxicating. I couldn’t find anywhere to add or delete. It was mind-blowing good. I start to babble to the music like I was adding words in my own language. It would be so easy to come up with fun party lyrics to this.

I jump, my eyes flying open looking down when Chan touches my fist closest to him. He turns my fist over and pries my fingers open exposing the indents they made. He brings my palm to his mouth and kisses it. He lowers my hand back down as I open my mouth to say something. He puts his index finger to my lips and shushes me. I close my mouth and sink into my seat.

We pull up to a stone-covered building with blacked-out glass doors. We get out, walk up and Chan pushes a button that makes an awful loud buzz. The door clicks and Chan pulls the door open stepping to the side for me to walk in. We step into an empty lobby. Chan walks around me grabbing my hand and tugging me behind him. I let him lead me down around the building to where we needed to go. When we get to the right door, he releases my hand, grabs an ID card out of his pocket, and scans in over the scanner to unlock the door. It clicks immediately and he pushes the door stepping aside again for me.

I step in as Chan flicks the lights on. Shit, it’s a recording studio. I look at Chan who already has his bag on the table and was pulling out his laptop. He stops when he sees me still standing in the same spot pulls out the chair next to him and points for me to sit in. I slowly walk over and sit down. Silently still he opens his laptop and clicks around making it come alive. He stands to reach for the cables that are hanging over the TV and plugs them into his laptop. The TV above us lights up too with the mirror image of his screen.

He pushes his laptop to the left side of the table and pulls out another one. I see a sticker that looks familiar. I stare at it trying to register where I saw it. My eyes widen. FUCK! Oh, fuck me! It’s Hyunjin’s. Why does he have his laptop? He rests his one hand over it as he sits back down twisting towards me. I just stare at his hand that is covering the sticker, my mind running a mile a minute.

“Before I open this, have you made a decision about meeting JYP?” he asks looking dead straight at me.

I force my eyes to look at his face. “I, ah, no. I told the girls to read the email and get back to me. We have until tomorrow.” I search his eyes to try to gauge how this may go.

“That’s not what I asked. I asked if you made a decision.” His voice came out tart.

Shit, his tone changed so quickly.

I shake my head no. “Not yet. I want to hear what the girls say first.” I manage to get it.

“Did you read the email?” He says with his hand still on the laptop now tapping his index finger on it. My eyes dart quickly to the motion then back to his face. He noticed.

“Pretty much. I didn’t scan the last bit though. That’s why I had Hyunjin’s laptop. I didn’t want to read it on my phone.”

“Hmmm mmm. So, did you find what you were scanning for? Did it answer all your questions, or do you have any?”

“Ah, mostly. It’s a basic expectation contract. Can I ask why I feel like I’m being interrogated?”

He lifts open the laptop and it comes to life. “I’m not trying to interrogate you, but I am concerned. This is all new to you and I don’t want you to feel pressured or rushed. I think you are amazingly talented, but if it’s not what you want and want to continue what you have been doing, we would understand.” He clicks the internet button, and it pops up. “This life isn’t for everyone, and I know you had another life before we met.”

I swallow hard watching the curser travel over the search bar that would show the history with one click and see it travel up to the first tab which was YouTube. I wince, but he scrolls past and clicks the tab that is beside it.

You are okay Jenn, okay. You got out of everything. I repeat to myself.

“When I walked in on you, you had the most unsettling facial expression just staring into the screen. It worried me. The conflict, the sadness. I thought it was the JYPE email and maybe there was something in it that threw you. Did you know you didn’t log out of your email account?”

I cock my head frowning at him.

“When I made the guys walk it off, I asked Hyunjin why you had his laptop. He told me you wanted to read the JYPE email. So, while they worked off their frustrations, I went to call Mr. Kim and saw this sitting in the chair.”

“You read my emails?” I hiss in a low voice.

“I moved it to the table so no one would sit on it. I did open it to shut it down, but it dinged saying a new email came in and that the tab was still open. I know he always logs off, so I went to do it for him. When I clicked on the tab, I saw you were still logged in and the email from Troy was still open.” He clicks the tab and my email appears.

I sharply inhale staring at the screen. I look to Chan. “Channn.”

“I wasn’t positive what I was reading, so I looked Troy up from the info under his name. And just now watching you in the car dissect the music solidified my assumption. Only someone who knows music would react like that. Your body sold you out immediately. How long have you been producing?” he asked inquisitively putting his hands on both of my armrests.

I search all over his face before I speak. I know I have to answer truthfully.

“Not long and I wouldn’t call it producing per se. I’ve done a few songs for him after we met at K-Con last year. He would throw things my way and whatnot. I’d mix, compose, fix lyrics, and put my two cents in on the ones he needed help on, and he would send them to the higher-ups. The email, this email...” I pause as I point to it. “This one would give me some actual credit for once, well at least that is what he promises, but I would have to go to L.A. from here. The girls think I shouldn’t let him use me the way he does, but I only see it as a step in the doorway.”

“How many songs have you done for him?”

“Umm,” I look up to think for a minute. “For him, about five full songs and about a dozen enhanced or remade ones.”

“Are any out yet?”

“Three are, one will be out when they debut in three months and the other is waiting for their comeback that is coming up sometime in the late fall I believe.”

“Do I know any of the songs that are out?”

I pause nibbling on my bottom lip.

He sighs. “K-pop groups I take it?”


“Who for?”

“Chan, I don’t see why...”

“Who for?” his voice is sharper this time.

“The ones out are for TXT and two for New Jeans.”

“Who is this song for?” He points to the screen, but still keeps his eyes settled on me.

“I can’t say. I haven’t signed anything yet.”

“Jenn, who is the song for?” he now was at his breaking point.

I swallow before I softly answer, “Ateez. They’ve also been pushing hard for my vocals too. That is why I would have to go to L.A.”

“Fucking hell, and if you sign with JYPE you can’t lend your vocals for at least the first three years unless it’s within the company.” he rakes his hands through his hair sinking back in the chair.

“There’s something else,” I whisper just loud enough to range as a voice reaching for the mouse.

He grabs my hand stopping me. I quickly pull back out of his grip.

“I know,” he says softly as he clicks on the search bar and then the YouTube link. “You forgot the history doesn’t clear.”

I bite my lip as my page pulls up. Chan turns his head to me as he scrolls letting the mouse choose which one to pull up and he clicks. He turns back and watches the video of me enjoying myself, getting swept up in the music and moment. I’m dressed in lace again, but this time it’s a bralette and a short skirt just covering half my ass checks. My face has the lace mask on to match. He watches me singing to the phone and flashing a teasing smile, being all flirty to the camera.

Finally, he speaks, “I know this is you.”

“What? How?” my voice trembles as I straighten up a bit.

“The smile. Your eyes. I would know them anywhere. Those are what I see when we make love.” his words felt like a slap in the face. “Your voice is intoxicating. I would know it anywhere.”

“Channnn.” my voice trembles feeling exposed.

“What do the girls think about this?”

“The girls don’t even know. They think I mix for a local night radio show.” I explain while he keeps his eyes on the screen. “I use an alias and....”

“And you love it.” he finished my sentence. “Why not share it with girls? It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Why hide it?” He’s now staring at a frozen image of me.

“They see me as Eomma, who has it all together. When we met, they saw someone who needed to come out of her shell. The normal fun good girl. That girl you see there is all unhinged. She is my release when I need it. I was made to give up music so put my life into dancing to please my mother and didn’t look back. But when I lost her.... when I lost the only family, I had left, I went into a dark place. I had no one and a lot of baggage came bubbling up. I went clubbing one night and ended up meeting some cool people who work there. They taught me a few things, but mostly let me play around and we found out I had a knack for it. I was offered to guest DJ and after that, I was offered a job if I wanted it. The girls never have seen this full side of me. I don’t want her,” I point to my image. “To overtake who I truly am. I’m still trying to figure out who I truly am. This is something I wasn’t ready to share yet.”

“How long have you been doing this?” He finally turns to me.

“Mixing about two years, being a DJ, um, about a year, and working with Troy, six months I guess.”

“The mask?”

“Control. It allows me just enough to lose myself, but not bring her fully out. I can be someone for a few hours and come back to reality when I take it off.” I place my hand on top of his.

“What about the festival? Who was I singing with? You or her?”

I pull back my hand and sit it in my lap with my other one. I look down at them for what seems forever. “I guess a little of both. The alcohol definitely helped her peek out for the audience, but that was me singing to you. With you. Mixing and singing are two different things.”

He half smiles.

“I get it. You don’t owe me a full explanation. I wish at times I could put on a mask and be someone else. I’m sorry if I turned this into a crazy Chan thing. I get like that with the people I love. I needed to know details, so I know how to move forward.” He says swiveling around to the laptop, clicking out of YouTube, and logging me out of my email.

“People you love?” I repeat.

He slaps down Hyunjin’s laptop a bit too hard and swivels around to me again. “Yes.”

“You love...” I start to say still trying to wrap around what I just heard.

He grabs my chair, pulls me closer to him, and leans in before I can finish. “Yessa.”

He lets go and leans back crossing his arms over his head like he just didn’t flip my world upside down. “So, anything else hiding in your closet I need to know about?”

I shake my head.

“A lot to think about and Felix and I aren’t helping, are we?”

“Yes, a lot to figure out in less than...” I look at my watch. “Sixteen hours, but you and Felix are fine.”

He pauses for a minute or two before he nods and smiles. “Well, then to your surprise for being open and honest. Let’s get you in the booth so you can see how it feels to hear your voice on a track.”

Chan twirls around a few times in his chair then grabs his laptop and moves around the room. My Channie was back just like that.

“Oh, we don’t have to. We should probably get back to our kids.” I nervously pick under my nails still feeling a little under the incriminating spotlight.

He silently laughs. “Our kids, I like the sound of that you know, and we have the studio for another hour. They can spare us for that. Felix knows where we are if you are worried.”

“No, I’m not worried.” Now it was my time to take a pause to regroup. “Soooo, I’m gonna actually see CB97, a third of 3racha work his magic. Gotta say I’m kinda fangirling right now.” I take the bottle of water Chan offers me from the mini fridge in the corner of the room.

He doesn’t release the bottle once my hand takes hold of it, but instead, he tugs the bottle to jerk me towards him. “I don’t fuck fans. Still want to fangirl me now?” he says in his lowest sexiest voice.

I swallow hard before I shake my head staring straight into his chocolate-colored eyes. God, why did that sentence just shoot heat through me?

He releases the bottle and winks. “Drink this to lubricate your throat.” He heads to the booth door.

My brain short circuits at his command. “R-right, for singing.” My voice shakes as I twist open the bottle and down the water like I need it for survival darting my eyes anywhere but to Chan trying to get it together. Fuck, why am I so flustered right now?

Chan stops in mid-reach for the doorknob. “What did you think...?” He turns to see me gulping the water, a deep blush covering my face avoiding his eyes. He grins. “You naughty girl, you. Come on, work first.”

“Before you throw me into the booth and throw shit at me, can you pull up the first song you had me listen to on the way here? The one that sounds like a continuation of Red Lights. There’s a part that is really bothering me and I won’t be able to concentrate.”

“You want to produce right now?” He gives a small chuckle but sits down and clicks on his laptop. He slides his laptop towards me then pulls it back. “Now, this is my baby, please don’t pound her keys. Okay?”

It was my time to laugh. “Your baby and no pounding keys. Damn, I thought I was your baby, and you liked pounding me... but...” I grab his laptop away from him muttering, not finishing my sentence. “Headphones?”

“I...That’s...urggg.” He gives up in defeat handing me his headphones.

I put them on and clicked the song. I listen to the music staring at the screen watching the time counter move across the screen. When it was over I lifted the headphones shifting my eyes to his. “Do you have a copy for me to play with? I don’t want to change the master.”

“Shit, you have been doing this for a while. That one you have; you can do whatever you want. Do you need the program to...” he didn’t finish seeing I was opening up what I needed from his screen and downloading the song over to it.

“It’s okay. I use the same one, but thanks.” I say running the song counter to where I need it to be. I hit play and listen again. I pause it, rewind, work my magic, then rewind again, and listen closing my eyes to be able to see what I hear. I go back to a different part and play with that a bit until I’m happy. I take off the headphones and slide the laptop over to Chan pretty proud of myself. I reach over, make sure it’s set for room speakers, and press the play button down for him to hear all while he just watches me.

“I hope it’s okay,” I say releasing my finger to finish the action. The music starts filling the room. I get up and go sit on the couch’s arm behind Chan, so I don’t see his face. I start to bite on my thumbnail in anticipation.

All I see is Chan’s head bopping up and down like I’ve seen in way too many behind-the-scenes videos. I’m dying inside. What if he doesn’t like the change? I start shaking my leg nervously. This is the longest three minutes and forty seconds of my life. The music ends, and he reaches over to stop it and sits still with his back to me, quiet just leaning in his chair. Fuck, he hates it.

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, he swivels around to face me. I stop biting my nails and rub my palms up and down my thighs. His eyes follow my hands which causes me to stop in mid-rub. He rakes his hair with his hands again resting them on top of his head and looks up to the ceiling.

I can’t the silence anymore. “You hate it, don’t you? I missed the mark, didn’t I? I’m so sorry for thinking...”

“You didn’t.” He finally speaks. He slowly brings his head down to look at me. “You found what a trained ear couldn’t. I don’t know how many times we have played it trying to figure out what was missing. You listened to the song one time and found the missing link. You are meant to be in music.”

“Then why the silence?”

“Because I was thinking how you stopped something you loved and was meant to do. It pains me. I’m thinking that I want to give you everything and I can’t seem to figure how to do it yet. I’m thinking that I really want you to come home with us, but I know that is selfish and that your life is in the States and that the girl’s discussions will heavily weigh what you do.” He sighs looking away from me. “Damn it, I didn’t think I would get this shaken. I’m sorry.”

I get up and kneel in front of him placing my hands on his thighs. He looks down at me. “Don’t be sorry for your feelings. Thank you for caring so much. Thank you for validating my ability. Thank you for making me open up. Thank you for not judging me. And importantly thank you for being you and finding me.”

He smiles. I lean up and kiss him.

“Did you just Chan me?” he kisses me again.

“No, you just got Eomma’d. Well, you found out my secret persona and you just saw me change a 3racha song, so you ready to produce me now?” I grin causing him to smile back.

“That I can do.”

I stand up and walk to the booth as he swings around and pulls himself to the table.

“Uh, what am I singing by the way? Please don’t ask me to come up with lyrics to the other sexy ass music on the spot. Plus, I don’t think Changbin and Han would like me getting in the middle of 3racha.”

“Oh, I don’t think they would mind, but that song isn’t a 3racha song. I wrote this the night Felix made me walk away from you. I have the lyrics. I just haven’t laid them down yet.” he says fiddling with his laptop.

“You wrote that night? Before anything happened. I assumed you...”

Chapter 24: studio therapy!


SO SO SORRY!!!! Totally been slacking on here with all the SKZ content going on in the real world!

As promised a very SMUTTY chapter waiting ahead for you!


Chapter Text

“When I saw you walk away from me with him and knew I had to let him touch you again, I needed to release my feelings, and well, I do what I do best. I stayed up and composed.” He explains as he looks over to me, fingers frozen over his keyboard.

“You didn’t write about you, me and Felix, did you?” I frown.

“Nope. It’s all the ways you make me feel and the ways I want to make you feel. What did you say earlier? A continuation to Red Lights?” He cocks a grin flashing his dimples. “Yeah, you could say that.”

I open to speak, but words escape me, so I close my mouth. He wrote me a song. A song about how he wants me. Fuck that is so hot. Fucking Bang Chan wrote a song about wanting to bang me. How many times have the girls, and I talked about having them write a song about us?

“Baby Girl?” he waves his hand up and down. “Baby Girl, helllo? Where did you go?”

My eyes focus back on him. “I...uh...ha, sorry. I was just thinking. Um, do I get to see the lyrics?” I ask after a quick inner shake of my mind.

“Nope. Not until I lay them.”

“Channnie, please...”

“Ha! Nice try Baby Girl, but the answer is still no.” He stands and drags me into the booth.

I just want to wrap my arms around him and forget singing altogether.

He starts giving me instructions. “Ok, so put these on and sing into here...”

I rip the headset from him cutting him off. “I know what to do goober. This isn’t my first time in the hamster hole.”

He laughs. “The what?”

“You know, you’re being watched by everyone waiting for you to mess up and get a laugh out of it or something great and coos. The hamster hole.” I explain while pulling the mic down where I need it for my height.

He smirks. “I never heard that one. Next time Han is in here I’m gonna use that. Okay, Baby Girl, here we go.” He walks out and shuts the door.

“Hey! What song am I singing? You still haven’t told me.” I yell looking through the soundproof window.

I see him hit the talk button. “You don’t have to yell. I can hear you and quite well at that.”

“Well?” I throw my hands up making a face at him.

He gives me an evil grin. Oh shit, I’ve seen that grin one too many times. My body immediately goes hot.

He pushes the button again once. “You will be singing your parts to Drive.” He releases it quickly and looks at his screen.

“What?!?!” I shriek into the microphone generally surprised.

He bursts out laughing showing those damn cute ass dimples again. “You heard me Baby Girl, let’s run through the first part. The lyrics should be showing on the tablet in there.”

“I had liquid courage running through my blood with a mix of adrenaline the first time, plus I was horny on top of that,” I mumble to myself hoping he would hear and change his mind.

When I see that he ignores my last chance to persuade him, I take several deep breaths to focus. Once I think I am good, I give him a thumbs up. The music counter starts, and music plays in my ears. I sing feeling my voice is too tight without a warm-up, but it’s suitable. I’m not happy with it though and frown. He stops it seeing my reaction.

“It’s okay. That’s your first time. Your voice has to warm up. Relax and enjoy. This is for fun.” Chan says as if he is talking to one of his members.
I nod my head to him. Okay, he wants me to relax. Fuck, I need alcohol and lots of it!

“Relax, right, I usually take a few shots to get myself out of my head. You got a freebie with your song.” I say snarky as he lifts his bag and sits it down on the table.

I lean forward to look through the window to see what he is doing when his voice fills the booth. “Come here, I got you Baby Girl.”

I hang the headphones up and walk out of the booth to see Chan setting down a bottle of whisky. I give him a shocked look.

“Umm, you carry whiskey with you?”

He snickers. “I figured you may need a push. I brought it in case.”

“So, you were gonna get me drunk and hope I would talk and sing?”

“No, I will deny this until the day I die, but I take a few shots on recording days.” He raises his eyes to meet mine before he pours.

“Oh my god!” (In Han’s voice) “Secret, Secret, is so amazing.” I jump up and down clapping my hands making fun of him.

He bursts out laughing. “Shut it. Gawad, you girls know way too much content.” He hands me a cup.

My eyes light up taking the cup from him. “Oooo, there’s that accent I find so sexy.” I down the cup in one gulp and tip it towards him for another as my body shakes as the whisky slides down burning everything it hits.

He watches me. I shake the cup again. Shaking his head grinning he grabs the bottle and pours another. I shoot it down. The same thing happens. I sit the cup down a bit too hard. I get closer and bring his cup to his mouth. I tip it up for him to drink it. He starts to sip. I push it up all the way making him take it all. He coughs as it travels down his throat quicker than he anticipated. I lower the cup and slam it down without taking my eyes off his mouth. He wants me to relax then I’m gonna have some fun while I’m at it.

I lean into him and wrap my hands around the back of his head to hold his head while still staring at him. He licks the drips of whisky off his lips. He tries to lean in, but I pull back on his hair holding him still. His eyes widen. I hold us there so close yet not allowing us to touch. I lick my lips slowly and rub them together getting them all wet. I inhale real deep so he could hear me then exhale slowly letting him feel my hot breath.

He whimpers and leans forward placing his hands on my hips. I feel him pushing his hardness up on me while watching his eyes go dark. I lean my head closer opening my mouth as I would to welcome his tongue, but I bite down at him and smile instead causing him to freeze wide-eyed. I release his hair, push away his hands from my hips, and walk backward back to the booth watching him just stand there stunned before shutting the door after me. Yeah...yeah... that should do it for me.

I slip the headphones on and smile at a very confused and frustrated Chan. “Let’s go, Daddy.”

His body jerks hearing his nickname before he slumps in this chair and looks at his laptop. He shoots me a quick glance, shakes his head, looks back down and then the music comes on. I glance at the words real quick on the tablet and sing it again. Chan gives me a thumbs up, but I shake my head no.

“Again.” is all I say. He ques it again. This time I don’t look at the tablet and let the music take me. I sing almost as I did at the festival. I start pulling my t-shirt in and out fanning myself when I was done. Fuck it’s hot in here. The whisky can’t be hitting me this fast.

“Ready for the next part?” Chan’s voice fills the booth. I give him a thumbs up. We run through two more verses before subconsciously hanging up the headphones and raising my shirt to wipe my forehead exposing my bra. I look up after I drop my shirt I see Chan’s face. He has hunger written all over it. Oh...ohhhh, he likes what’s under my shirt, okay good to know.

He quickly lifts his eyes to meet mine knowing all too well I caught him. I tilt my head slightly to the side and give him a sultry smile. I grab the bottom of my shirt and gingerly pull it up. First showing my stomach, then my breasts that are spilling out of my bra and then I slip it up over my head making sure I didn’t break eye contact. I could see his Adam’s apple move up and down as he swallows hard. Damn, I could suck on that.

I toss the tee at the window. “Again,” I say staring at him and slipping the headphones back on, but this time I sing directly to him.

I finish, but the music keeps going. I laugh at his reaction and point towards his laptop. He jumps out of his stupor and stops the music. I walk up to the window and make a heart with my hands in front of my breasts. I don’t think the guys sing this way in the booth.

“Ready for the next part?” I ask him reaching behind my back.

He nods his head slowly too engrossed in what I’m about to do. I unclasp my bra and slide it forward allowing my breast to bounce up and down from being freed. He leans forward rubbing his hands together his eyes fixated on how perky they are. I grab and squish them together. I could see him mouth something but couldn’t make it out. I take my nipples and roll them between my fingers sticking my tongue out the corner of my mouth before squeezing handfuls, then pulling hard while releasing them. I turn around with a smirk on my face and walk to the mic.

I turn my head to him and give him an evil smile. “Next part, now.”

He starts to stand, but I raise my finger shaking it to him. I point to sit back down and he hesitantly listens. I point to his laptop waiting for him to click it. I do my part making sure I didn’t take my focus off of him.

“Damn Baby Girl, you’re killing me.” He whines.

“Say it again,” I demand in my sexy vixen voice. “Say my name.”

“Baby Guurrllll.” He repeats real slow using his thick accent flashing those dimples again.

Holy fuck that is so hot. I close my eyes. “Again,” I beg.

He gives it to me. “Baaaabbbyyy Guuuurrrrlllll, you have me so hot for you.”

I open my eyes hearing his voice. “Good boy. I think you deserve another treat.” I reach for the button on my jeans and pop it forcefully then unzip them. I slowly bend over pushing them down. He has to stand up to see me fully.

I step out of them and toss them towards the window. This is the first time he sees me in his short boxer briefs. I give him a small girly wave of my fingers and point to the button.

“You likey?” I slide my thumb on the inside of the waistband sliding it from hip bone to hip bone.

“Uh huh.” his voice is rigid with lust. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. That’s my new favorite outfit.”

“One more part to go you know.” I sway tugging the one side of the briefs to show my hip bone. “Ready Daddy?”

“Not sure, honestly.” He wipes his forehead.

“Sit down and enjoy me.”

He stumbles to sit as his chair glides back away from the desk. I giggle at how undone he has become.

I watch him squirm in the chair while I sing the choruses as sexy as I can without giving myself an orgasm. I can’t see his hands, so I know he is palming himself to keep from attacking me.

Slipping off the headphones I’m met with a gush of air from the hamster door flying open. Standing there was Christopher. The veins on every exposed body part bulging, breathing heavily.

“Stop!” I bark startling him. Keeping eye contact I walk to him grabbing his shirt slamming his body to mine. I travel a hand down to his erection that’s begging to be played with. I palm him teasingly pulling a groan out of him. He slides his hands up my outer thighs.

I quickly release him and push him up against the wall. His hands fly out to catch himself before he face-plants. I press myself up against his back. I rake my hand through his hair, grabbing a handful and yank. He gives. I tilt his head. A small whimper of excitement escapes him. I bring my mouth to hover over his neck. I lick up from his collarbone to the tip of his ear. I blow slowly traveling back down. He shivers as I internally grin with evil satisfaction.

“Baby Girl...” he cries out just above a whisper.

“Shhh, Daddy. Let your Baby Girl play.” I cut him off. He clamps his mouth shut hearing the change of tone in my voice.

I slide my unoccupied hand up his shirt. I trace my fingertips lightly over his abs up to a nipple. He sucks in. I tug then twist harshly pulling hisses out of him. I slide over to the other and repeat. I travel my hand back over his abs using my nails to trace scribbles leaving red marks of their venture like a treasure map while pressing harder over his clothed cock. He groans at the painful pleasure trying to turn his head to mine. I grab his hair tighter to still him.

“Now Daddy, it’s mine turn to hear you sing.” I release his hair and erection at the same time and flip him around holding him back against the wall with my hand.

“My t-turn?” He studders out of breath.

“Someone told me work first, play later.” I back up seductively then sharply turn and walk out of the booth shutting the door behind me.

“Wait...what...Baby Girl...” Chan spits out confused afraid and too far worked up to move away from the wall. “Aish, what just happened?”

I click the speaker button. “You will now sing me your parts. Plain and simple.” I unclick the button and sit down with a smug look on my face. I point to the headphones and wiggle my finger motioning for him to put them on.

He staggers to the stand and tries to adjust his throbbing erection to a more comfortable position but to no avail. Giving up he puts the headphones on and looks over to me with lust-filled pleading eyes. I push the button. “Do good and I get naked and... go.” I cue the music to play.

He looks so flustered that I’m beginning to enjoy that look on him. He tries to concentrate but stumbles immediately coming in on his queue. I stop the music. He quickly looks at me embarrassed. Fuck, that’s adorable. “Again,” I command and play the music.

He stares at me memorized feeling tingling in his gut seeing and hearing how my demeanor has changed even more from lamb to lion. The music plays and he manages to sing, but the wrong part. I stop the music and stand up. I lean over the table where my breasts bounce. I hit the button.


“I...I...I can’t fucking think. You got me all twisted inside. You’re so damn hot being... Gwaaaad! Fuck!” He rubs his face.

I hit a few buttons and walk back inside the booth. He straightens when he sees me walking to him. I slip off his headphones and then raise his hands over his head. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him. He starts to drop his arms to hug me back and I pull back. He throws them back up. I sink back onto him. I kiss his chest and snuggle my head over his heart.

“You need reinforcement huh?” I just brush over his erection.

“Mmm hmmm.”

“Okay, first this needs to come off.” I slide his shirt off in a thrust. “Now, put the headphones on. Every time you do your parts clean you get rewarded. You mess up and we stop. Nod your head if you understand.”

He nods and puts the headphones I offer him on. I had put the counter on an extended countdown to give us time. I grab the extra set of headphones and slip them on. I lean up against the glass leaning back on my hands for support and to push my breasts out some. “Sing to me Baby,” I say in a low sultry voice.

This time he hits his mark even though he looks like he is about to pass out from gazing at me far too long without blinking. I get up and walk around him letting my hand travel around the top of his jeans. He keeps his eyes pinned on me. When I run over his button and pop it, he almost falters. I quickly look up but look back down and continue to pull his zipper down. He finishes his first part challenge. I trail my hands down his pants leg to his shoe. He lets me slip it off.

His next part comes up and he nails it giving him the reward of the disposal of the other shoe. I travel my hands back up making direct eye contact when I reach his waistband. I bite my lip enjoying him being mine like this. I mouth my part making him fixate on my wet plump lips until his part.

As he opened his mouth, I tug his jeans down and let them fall on their own. He kicks himself out of them not missing a beat. I look down at his restrained erection in the same boxer briefs I am wearing. I step back and again walk around him tracing my fingertips all over his body. I stop behind him after the second circle. His part is over, but I wasn’t paying attention. I squat down and move my hands around his front making contact with his cock. He buckles at my touch. I began rubbing firmly over the fabric. A little moan escapes him. I let my hands climb up to his waistband and slowly pull downward making his erection bend with the fabric. I continue to pull until his cock pops free slapping his stomach. I continue to slowly pull down until they were at his ankles.

I let them go replacing them with his muscular ass cheeks. I knead them leaning in for a nibble. He lunges forward bracing himself against the stand. I start to suck on his meaty flesh. He throws his head back and grips harder. I move closer to the top of his crack leaving a trail of wetness with my tongue. I circle my tongue and kiss that spot scrapping my teeth over it. I trail over to the other cheek and do the same. He tries to sing, but he skips several words. I lick my hand letting drool slip out, reach around, and start to stroke him feeling him pulsate with each stroke. He inhales sharply. I slide in a back-and-forth rhythm enjoying the feeling of my hand not able to wrap fully around his hard, long, fat, leaking cock.

I slowly let go and stand up. I turn him around. I back up a few steps and wiggle out of my briefs. He mouths fuck Baby Girl. I take a few steps back to him and push him against the glass. I take off my headphones and toss them down. I sink to my knees, look up, and reach out for his hand. He gives it to me; I place it on the back of my head and slowly take him until my nose is pressed into his body feeling his balls on my chin and his pubic hair around my face.

He tightly grips a chunk of my hair and moans loudly steadying himself against the wall. I slowly pull back sucking the whole time until I get to his tip then slamming back down. I look up to see if he is watching me. I pull back again to just his tip and start rolling my tongue around and around, slipping it in and out of his slit sucking and moaning turning myself on even more. Soon his precum was leaking all over my tongue making my mind go fuzzy with the want to suck his balls dry.

“Baby Girl.” I hear the change in his voice go to desperation and from want to need.

I go bob faster sucking harder. He grips my head with both hands working my head the way he wants. I feel his hips rock knowing he is about to come. I give him control.

“Baby Girl... b-b-Baby g-Girl...” He pants.

He thrusts fully over and over into my mouth letting his body control him. I moan deeply making my throat contract and vibrate over his cock rewarding me with his hot release shooting down my throat. I stay unmoving giving him a minute to finish. He releases the grip on my head, and I slowly pull off of him sucking him clean before I stand up. I grab his cheeks and pull him into a hard kiss. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me as tight as he can to his body. He forces his tongue in to taste himself in my mouth. I happily welcome it breathing in his scent.

He moans shifting against me. I feel that his erection hasn’t softened. I rub my pelvis over it causing heat to run through me. This time I whimper at the closeness. He lifts me and I wrap my legs around him. He flips us around pressing me up against the glass. I pull back from our mashed lips.

“Fuck me, Christopher. Fuck me until I don’t know who I am. Make me explode.” I cry out as all my urges that are deep inside are about to boil over and combust.

He quickly lifts me a bit higher as I feel his cock slide down my folds before he spreads me and spears into my opening as hard as he could making me scream in pure ecstasy. He does it again and again pushing harder and deeper each time. It feels like he is trying to push through my womb to my stomach. I dig into his shoulder blades wrapping my legs as tight as I can as my first orgasm takes over with each forceful touch of my clit over his pelvic bone. I scream out into space as my body convulses. He doesn’t stop the rhythm. He grips under my ass tighter, lifting my legs higher under my knees, pressing me harder into the wall. He fucks himself into me with more conviction to make me come again. I whimper feeling my body already reacting to the new position as another orgasm builds deep inside. I start panting heavily as I let it wash over me.

“That’s it. Come Baby Girl, let me slide in your wetness. Let go.” he growls loudly. I throw my head back, trying to breathe through it, feeling my inner muscles clamp down over and over on him.

He pulls us away from the wall and lays me down on the cold tile floor. I arch up from the coldness. He rips off his headphones and slides out of me. He thrusts my butt up burying his face in my sopping pussy. He starts sucking like a man deprived of water making me buck wild at the sensitivity.

He inserts his tongue in, swirling it around collecting all he can in one go making sounds of delight and lust. He slides his tongue out and up to my clit, sucking, nipping, and rolling his tongue. I arch in pleasure. I grab his head and push him more into me. His tongue slides back down to my opening. He circles around teasing me.

“Christopher, please I want to come so badly. I want to come in your mouth. I want you to taste me when I come.” I babble pleading with him.

He leans back leaving me empty and helpless. “I want that too Baby Girl. I want to make you come over and over. You’re come is so intoxicating. I can’t get enough of you.”

He blows around my wetness making me gasp gripping the sides of my hips and raising me higher. He forcefully slams his tongue in swirling all around my tender swollen walls. Lewd sounds escape me. He slides out, pauses then goes back in to continue the torture. I push as much as my body will allow me against him. He works his way up to my clit sucking it hard before quickly clamping down a few times then goes right back to eating me out with force. His hands push my thighs lifting my legs higher and wider as I feel every part of my womanhood screaming a need for a release. He dives in further humming making a deep vibration this time pushing me over that edge I needed.

I scream out his name as my body feeds him my sticky sweet nectar. He continues to suck making sweet sounds of horny happiness. He doesn’t wait for me to come down before he flips me over to my hands and knees and impales me. I moan throwing my head back dipping my back down, pushing back against him to get him deeper inside of me. Needing him to fill every inch of me whole.

He grabs under my waist with both arms to hold me still and puts all his weight on my ass pushing down as far as our bodies will allow. I cry out feeling his tip push against the soft spot of my cervix loving how he feels filling me up. I roll my hips causing his tip to rub up and down on it making me pant like I’m an animal in heat wanting to be filled and bred. I use my Kegalle muscles to make me as tight as I can be to please both of us. He lifts me to sit on his thighs. My head lobs back on his shoulder as I work my hips, rolling and grinding them as he holds me down with an arm between my breasts holding the base of my throat. His other hand starts stroking fast circles on my clit. I gasp trying to turn my head to his neck. I feel sweat dripping down between us. I reach up and link my hands around his neck. His lips meet mine. I can taste my sweetness on them as I continue to slowly rock back and forth.

My breathing stops in mid-kiss as my orgasm slams into me without warning making my eyes roll in the back of my head. He holds onto me tightly letting my body quiver over and over. He pulls back to give me some air.

“Wow.” I gasp seeing double of him.

“Wow, indeed, and your ride isn’t over yet.” He pecks a kiss on my neck.

He lifts a leg and swirls me around on his cock to face him. Thank God for a dancer’s body. I wrap my arms around his neck and passionately kiss him. I want every part of him touching me. I want to swallow him whole. I don’t want him out of me. He returns the need. Our mouths engulf each other pressing our bodies tighter like magnets. I can feel his cock twitch inside of me each time he makes a grunt driving me crazy. I can feel the tantalizing tingling sensation coursing through my sensitive nipples as they are being pressed into his chest.

“Couch!” I demand pulling away from those delicious lips. “Couch now!”

Not hesitating he lifts us and carries me to the couch while I kiss and lick his neck inhaling his musky scent. He sits down making his cock do a forceful thrust making me moan at the movement. I place my hand under his chin and lift his head then slide it down gripping his neck to show him who’s in control.

“My turn to make you scream my name.” I hiss seductively as I raise my hips lifting off of him with his tip just outside my opening, my clit rubbing his lower abdomen. I grab his shaft with my empty hand and slowly move him up and down letting his tip rub my clit. I lick my lips and let a moan out. He inhales painfully loud. I continue to slide his cock up and down slightly touching my opening.

He opens his mouth to object, but before he can I let myself fall hard on him as he exhales from the feeling. I do it again thrusting forward until he fills me up. I lean my head back, still holding his neck. I thrust my hips back and forth over and over letting his cock violate the inside of my pussy. I bite my bottom lip gasping at the exhilarating sensation. I keep this pace, pushing down deep letting his tip collide with my cervix with each drawn-out mind-boggling thrust. He grabs the sides of my thighs to ground himself. I keep riding him hard and slow working myself up.

I feel my orgasm pulling from every inch of my body down to my demanding pussy. I tighten my grip on his throat. “I’m about to come and I don’t want you to stop until you release. Promise me you will not stop until you fuck your dick into my womb and show my body who is boss.” I demand while panting.

I release his neck and lean back laying myself flat on his lap arching my hips up and down, squeezing his legs with my thighs. I start playing with my breasts. My body starts to pulsate making my mouth fall open as I gasp for air letting every fiber in my body enjoy the ride of bliss. “Chrisssss,” I moan wildly.

Chan watches with lust in his eyes. He quickly slides his hands to my hips and starts pumping in me with hard grunting thrusts. I stretch my legs out in a wide V allowing Chan to control the rhythm and pressure. I bounce up and down from the motion riding out my orgasm that is not letting go. I scream for more in the pleasure. I let him rip into me over and over.

He grabs my ass and tilts my hips digging deeper into me. I look into his hunger-filled eyes. He’s biting his lip enjoying his pleasure. I bend my legs back and lift to give in to his need. I bring a nipple to his mouth. He latches on hard causing my still pulsing pussy to clench. He moans when I pull away. I lift my breasts and offer more. His fingers turn white as he digs into my skin. He leans in to suck harder, but I pull back. I place his face in between my breasts and let him grind my hips making my pussy soak our thighs as they bounce in his face.

I wrap my arms around his head for dear life bouncing on him like a damn jockey riding down to the finish line as his cock is thrashing into me at the same speed. My scream bounces off all four walls as another orgasm hits. Chan pushes my knees as wide as they will go. He tilts my hips up and starts rolling me in circles pushing himself deep inside me. He starts moaning getting in a rhythm. My mouth goes slack as my eyes roll in the back of my head feeling the shift in our fornicating.

“Look at me please Baby Girl,” he begs. “I want you to watch me come.”

I loosen up my grip to make eye contact. I reach over and move a piece of hair away from his eyes. I feel myself quickly tightening again, but I don’t make a sound. I want to scream to the heavens, but I want to focus only on him. His breathing changes as he ferociously fucks me giving in to his need. I part my lips panting over and over as my orgasm splashes over me. I know he sees it in my eyes before he feels it around his dick. He starts to shutter wrapping his hands around my waist to hold me still as his orgasm rushes through him like a raging bull. He gasps and hisses between grunts and moans while his penis pumps spurts and spurts of his DNA inside of me soaking every inch his come can touch without breaking eye contact with me.

He grabs my head and slams my lips to his taking what he wants over and over. He doesn’t release my lips to breathe until he comes down from his ride.

Holding my face with his hands he looks at me. He brushes a piece of fallen hair away from my dewy face. “You’re fucking amazing.”

I smile at him and then collapse in his arms. He wraps his arms around me and we stay like that even after his cock slides out of me on its own releasing a mix of us along with it, stealing kisses, enjoying our sweaty bodies on each other. I could easily stay like this forever.

His phone alarm beeps angrily on the table. He sighs and slides me off of him to the cushion beside us. He stares into my eyes for a minute before he kisses my forehead.

“We have to get up now.”

He reaches for his bag and pulls out body wipes. He spreads my legs and cleans me up until he is satisfied. Then he cleans himself. He hands me a few more and we wipe each other down real quick. He walks into the booth and grabs our clothes. I look up at the clock on the screen. We are so over the hour mark.

I sit up making my pussy twinge. I smile at myself. My body is still trying to come down and the soreness reminds me of all the pleasure it just had. I look over at Chan walking out of the booth and smile again seeing how dazed he is.

He throws down the pile of clothes and rummages through separating them. He gets to the boxers holds one up, sniffs it, and smiles. He leans towards me and slides them up to my knees. I slowly stand so he can finish pulling them up the rest of the way only stopping to rub over where the new marks were starting to show.

“I can’t believe you just smelled them.”

He laughs and helps me step into my jeans. He likes dressing me as much as undressing me it seems. I let him finish dressing me without another word. While he dresses I walk into the booth place both headphones up and turn off the tablet. I collect the water bottles and glance around real quick. When satisfied I walk out and close the door behind me.

I sit down the full bottle and finish the one I started. Chan was looking at his laptop scratching his head.

“Problem?” I ask leaning over his shoulder.

“Well, it seems we just recorded ourselves having mind-blowing sex.” He turns his head to me grinning real wide.

I cough and laugh at the same time. “Well, I don’t think Mr. Kim would be too happy finding that during his sweep.”

Chan turns back and puts it in a classified locked folder. I know he’ll fight heaven and hell before he deletes that.

“Come here.” He says softly reaching for my hand.

I get up and place my hand in his. He bends my fingers making me point. I give him an odd look as he presses down my index finger over and over on the power button. When satisfied he releases my finger and types something in before he looks over to me happily. I stand there totally confused.

“You now have access to my life.”

“What now?” my eyebrows shoot up.

“I added you as an admin on my laptop. You have full and total access.”

“Uh, why?”

“Because I trust you totally and I want to show you a jester of how much I do. What’s better than sharing you with my other baby?”

“Oh Chan, you didn’t have to,” I say shocked.

“I know. I wanted to, okay?” He asks as he closes down everything and packs his bag. I give him a back hug as my response.

“The air smells like sex,” I say taking another sniff. “I feel bad for the next person that comes in here.”

“That will be me. This is my studio.” he smiles at me.

I link my arm around his and he opens the door for us. We walk out and head to the car that is waiting for us. The sky was a bright blue. I could see the Eifel Tower in the distance. We get settled in the car before he wraps his arm around me tucking me into his side. I rest my head on his shoulder. He kisses my forehead.

“Can I ask you a question?” He asks looking down at me.

I look up. “If it’s ‘are you hungry’ the answer is fuck yes.”

That gets me a chuckle. “No, I was gonna ask who was I with back there?”

I frown searching his face. He is serious.

“I mean that was by far the best sex I ever had hands down. Just wondering if that was Jenn or your persona?”

I turn a little to face him. “I guess a bit of both to be honest. When I was teasing you, it could have been her, but once we connected it was all me. Does that scare you that I can flip like that?”

“Not in the least. I do the same. You know that. Christopher and Chris. I really enjoyed being Chris to you tonight.”

“Thank you for not holding my persona against me,” I say sinking back into his warmth.

“No worries my love, I would love to have both our personas meet one time. That would be one heck of a ride.” He quietly adds.

We are quiet for a moment.

“Chan, I think...” I get cut off with my phone buzzing.

I pull it out and look at the unknown number. I look at Chan and back at it as it buzzes again. I reluctantly hit accept.


“Yes, Hi. Is this JD?” the voice asks.

I sit up. Only a handful ask for JD.

“Sorry to disturb you, my name is Jon and I’m calling you for a famous client of mine. Do you have a minute to talk?”

I glance at Chan who is frowning hard at me.

“Yes, this is. Um, why, uh how did...” I sigh. “How can I help you?”

“My client is needing some assistance with one of his tracks and we were told you were the girl to get the job done.”

“Well, thank you. May I ask who referred me to you?” I run my hand through my hair.

“Troy Biggs. He said it had to be you and no one else.”

“Troy referred me,” I repeat shocked. I hear Chan mumble something under his breath.

“Um, what is your client needing done?” I start biting my nails. Chan slaps it down.

“He needs your ears to listen and tell him what you would change or how you would mix it to make it more relevant. He wants to use it as a cross-over song and we were told you were the it girl for this. You would pull him out of a bind. My client needs to present it to the company within a week. Do you think you have time to help? We will pay you a godly amount of money for being so last minute of course and you will have several credits to claim as well. I can have legal send you all the paperwork within the hour.”

“I...uh...who did you say was your client?”

That brought Chan’s ears to attention even more.

“Yes, my client asks me not to say who he is, but to send you a picture instead only if you agree. Please say you will.”

I look over to Chan who is trying not to show he is eavesdropping.

“Send me the pic and have legal send me the paperwork.”

“Oh, thank you so much. I just sent it to you. I’ll get everything set up. Nice talking to you JD. Good-bye.”

I hear my phone ping in my ear. “Nice talking to you too. Good-bye.” I hang up dropping my phone in my lap.

“What was that all about?” He all but snaps.

“This famous person needs my ears for the track he wrote currently for his cross over and it’s to be presented to their company in a week.”

“Well, who is it?”

“Oh, ah, he said he was told to send a pic if I said yes. That I would know right away.” I grab my phone and click my messages. I click on the unknown number and a picture of the girls and me smiling for the picture pops up. I scan around the picture to the middle and find the person in question.

“No fucking way!” Chan yells grabbing my phone from me. “That’s...”

Series this work belongs to: