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The Sex Lives of College Boys


Kon quickly closed and locked the door, before sighing and leaning back against it. He closed his eyes.

What even was The Great Darkness? And why was it horny for Bart?!

(Or: The one where Kon and Bart try to make the most of the end of the summer.)


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

It was a hot, muggy Friday afternoon in Metropolis, and Kon-El and Bart Allen were engaged in an intense marathon of competitive video games on the couch in Kon’s new apartment. Kon had initially been irritated when he came home one day to find that Tim had just decided to purchase him some ‘real’ furniture and set it up in his space without asking, but he had to begrudgingly admit that it was useful. And comfortable. 

“How do you manage to suck at Mario Kart? I thought speed was your thing?” Kon teased as he hit Bart with the most vicious of all blue shells. 

“This input delay is the worst thing I have ever experienced, and I’ve painfully died at least three times! I try to do something and the game is still trying to process what I asked it to do five commands ago!” Bart growled while desperately trying to right his kart again.

“I thought Max taught you to slow down and…I dunno, stuff.”

“Oh you did not just bring Max into this.”

“I feel like Max would give me a better run for my--gahah! Bart!” Kon squealed as his brain caught up to the reality that Bart had discarded the controller and was suddenly sitting on his lap, phasing his hands directly into Kon’s chest. He dropped his own controller and grabbed at Bart, but the problem with intangible things was that you couldn't…touch them. So it was pretty fruitless. “C’mon dude, stop, that feels so weird!”

Bart was wearing that big manic smile that he got when he was really enjoying being a rat. “Not until you apologize.”

“Apologize for wha--ahh! That's my liver!”

“Kidney actually!”


“Take it back! You know Max could never be better than me at video games!”

Kon giggled because he really wasn’t sure how else to react. “Fine! Fine, you're better at video games than Max! Now get out of my guts!”

Bart reluctantly pulled his hands out of Kon, but didn’t get off of his lap. “Better.”

Kon groaned and leaned back. “You’re a demon.”

“No I’m not. I’m a speedster. Much worse. ” Well. Kon couldn’t argue with that.

“...You’re still sitting on me.”


“…Get off?”



“I’m comfortable. I never get to sit on you.”

“What are you talking about, just this morning you were--”

Riding is different from sitting, Kon. Man, is literacy dead or what?”

Kon opened his mouth to say something, but Bart cut him off.

“Though y’know, now that you mention it, I could totally go for another round.”

They’d been fucking for about a week at this point which was still wild to Kon because right up until it happened the first time, he’d assumed that Bart just didn’t care about that sort of thing. Tim and Cassie thought it was hilarious that he’d somehow managed to miss that Bart was one of the most successful perverts alive. He wouldn’t find out until midway through the third time that Bart had never mentioned anything to him because he didn’t want Kon to feel insecure about his own sexual history, which, ouch…but yeah, that was fair. But none of that mattered now, he and Bart were finally on the same wavelength after who knows how many years--seriously does anyone know? Between changes to the timeline, getting caught in other dimensions, neither of them existing for a while, it just got hard to track the flow of their relationship sometimes. Anyway, they were finally on the same page about what they wanted, generally and from each other and had been making up for lost time like there was no tomorrow. Bart’s stamina and appetite were actually a little scary. There was a moment early on where Kon had been afraid to hurt his little buddy, but it quickly became apparent that he was the one in danger.

 Kon cleared his throat. “Already? It’s barely been an hour.”

“Kon. Kon-El. Conner. Mr. Kent. Superboy.” Bart said, cupping Kon’s cheeks and pulling his face closer to his own. “I was ready to go again immediately after we finished the last time. I have been patiently waiting the last three-thousand-nine-hundred-and-sixty-two seconds to rail you like...” He paused, “what’s like…hmm.”

“Rail me like…a rail car?”

“No, that doesn’t really work…”

“Like…a rail worker?”

“Kon, please, you’re killing my erection.”

“Wooow.” Kon’ eyes flicked down to Bart’s groin and he noticed the obscene bulge outlined in his athletic shorts. “Oh. Wow .”

“Look, forget the simile, I’m ready, can we start now?”

“I mean--”

“We’re not going to have time like this when your classes start, and since I’m supposed to be monogamous now that’ll force me to do something I promised myself I’d never do, just to survive!”

Kon opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. “...Wait are you talking about--”

Bart was suddenly standing in front of him, jumping up and down dramatically. “You’re going to make me masturbate, Kon! Masturbate! Me!”

“Bart most people--”

Bart was then standing behind the couch, leaning over Kon and wrapping his arms around his shoulders. He whispered the next bit into Kon’s ear. “I know you’re wondering: ‘Bart, why don’t you just take a little jaunt through time to a moment when I’m free?’ I used to do that all the time, it was great! Have you ever had sex with an emotionally repressed viking warrior who’d never seen a twink before? What about Marlon Brando in the forties? Brainiac 5?!”

“W-wait you--”

Bart was sitting next to Kon again, full-voiced once more. “It was amazing! Unfortunately Max, Jay, Constantine, an alternate version of Zatanna, and inexplicably Lois Lane--”


“Dunno. They all sat me down and told me that I couldn’t keep ‘assaulting the timeline for sexual purposes.’ Something about The Great Darkness getting off on it. So annoying.”

“I…” Kon decided to stop trying to internalize that and circled back to the root of the problem. “Bart, I don’t remember saying that you had to be monogamous.”

Bart stared at him blankly for a moment. “I’m already too intense for you, you couldn’t handle an open kitchen concept.”

“...I hate that you described it like that. But I’m not like, uptight, I wouldn’t--”

“Nope, no, you’re not going to ruin this for the both of us by martyring yourself. I’m fine with just dealing with you, honest, I just don’t want to waste the free time we have right now . So I'm going to ask you again: Are you up for it?”

Kon sighed with a resigned smile. “Fuck it, lets--” they were suddenly both in Kon’s bed, and the clothing they'd had on was just gone. “--go. Huh. Are you like, getting faster--”

“Just excited. Shut up, lay back, legs up.” Bart ordered. Kon did as he was told, watching as Bart’s image flickered and he was suddenly holding a large bottle of lube. “Did you know that this stuff is custom?” Bart asked idly as he started to prep his unexpectedly large tool. Kon really should have expected it by now, he was certainly well acquainted with Bart’s dick at this point…but the fact that it was notably bigger than Kon’s was always a little shocking, especially considering Kon himself had no reason to feel even a sliver of shame when it came to size. How did he manage to hide that thing in his costume?

“It is?” Kon managed, remembering suddenly that Bart was talking to him.

“Yep! Steel makes it for me.”

“He what!?”

She .” Bart corrected.

“You convinced Natasha to make you lube?!”

“It really wasn’t hard. I asked her if she could make a hyper stable, high friction lubricant and she looked at me and went ‘Is this a sex thing?’ and I said ‘yeah’, and she just nodded and got to work.”


“Right? I like her. If she wasn’t a big ole lesbian and I weren’t otherwise engaged--”

“You like girls?”

“Kon, I--hold on.” Bart stopped mid sentence to bury his cock deep inside Kon’s waiting hole. 

“JESUS FUCKING CHRIST BART!” Kon shouted. It didn’t hurt , he was confident Bart wouldn’t have done that if it would have, but lord was that a lot to take in all at once. He was equal parts surprised and overwhelmed. 

“Sorry, I was getting impatient.” Bart said as he started to work up to his standard pace. Which was fast. Obviously. “Anyway, yeah, I don’t really discriminate, anyone can be hot, y’know? Hell even if they aren’t hot, sometimes it can still work out. The gays just tend to be into me, and who am I to deny my people their due?”

Kon could only moan in reply. He’d been a little hesitant to bottom at first, not because he’d never thought about it, but Kon still had those little bits of insecurity about his masculinity creeping around in his skull. Bart could not have cared less, and that was pretty comforting. The way he treated it like it was such an obvious option made it hard for Kon to psyche himself out of it. He probably still preferred topping, but this was fun too, especially because with Bart it was like having a tornado in his ass. “Bart…Bart…” Kon managed to whimper out through the sheer intensity of Bart’s mining expedition, “Slow…slow down…I don’t want finish before--”

“I’ve cum twice already. I can do this all day. We might have to.” Bart deadpanned, managing to sound both ravenous and bored. He didn’t break his pace for a moment--he wasn’t even breathing hard.

“Shit what the fuuuu--oh god!” Kon hissed as Bart decided to start stroking him at a completely different pace than the fucking, his thumb rubbing across Kon’s overstimulated senitive glans. Kon grabbed handfuls of his bedsheets and desperately fought to keep his tactile kinesis from destroying the room. Bart’s almost weapons-grade nonchalance was honestly turning Kon on even more. If it was anyone else it would have made him feel super insecure, but he understood on a fundamental level that Bart cared about him as a person, and so it crossed all the way over from being off putting to being incredibly hot.

Kon was Kryptonian…well mostly. He was Kryptonian enough that his stamina was able to handle Bart's unholy assault for a half hour before he couldn’t hold back anymore and came hard. He’d experienced a lot of really intense sensations in his life--most of them bad--but he still wasn’t able to anticipate how intense his orgasms would be when he let Bart plow into him. It was like he’d just been supercharged by a yellow sun. A sexy yellow sun. It might have been too much actually, because the next thing he knew he was waking up, and Bart was hovering over him, looking mildly concerned.

“Kon? Buddy? You with us?”

Kon fought to focus his vision. “Yeah… hey dude…”

Bart winced and actually seemed a little guilty. “Alright, maybe I got a little ahead of myself…”

“No! No, that was so good...I just need a sec.”

“If you’re lying to me, I’ll throw you into the timestream.”

Kon laughed weakly. “Is…is time travel like a kink for you?”

“What? No. Well. Hmm. I might need to think about that for a bit.” He mused as he slid into bed next to Kon and rested his cheek on one of his pecs. He idly trailed a finger through the impressive and inhumanely warm pool of semen that had collected on Kon’s stomach.

“Bart…that’s kinda gross.” Kon giggled quietly.

“Sex is gross, Konathan. I’d have swallowed it if I wasn’t 50% sure you would have blown my head off.”

“It doesn’t--” Kon giggled again when Bart trailed a finger down his v-line. “That tickles. It doesn’t work like that, if it did I would have shot a hole in the ceiling.”

“Yeah, but I could feel you losing your grip on the TK so I figured I should probably be cautious for once in my life.”

“Ah.” Kon panted a little bit. “How many times did you--”

“I stopped counting at fifteen.” 

“Fuck. And you’re still hard?”

“Like Nth metal.” Bart sighed.

“Jeez. How do you live like this?”

“Lots of running. Lots of running. And cold showers. And punching people is a good distraction. And then yeah, I just get it in when I can.”

“...Wait, are all the Flashes like this?”

“Y’know, I don’t think so. If they are, it's never come up and I’ve never caught them. I have a theory that it has something to do with the fact that I was born with my speed. If I’m right, Wally is going to be in for a bad time once his kids are old enough.”

“Damn.” Kon breathed. “...I don’t think I can fuck you right now.”

“Figured. That’s fine, you don’t have to--”

“I kinda want to try something else though.”

Bart looked up at Kon, his eyebrows raised with curiosity and excitement. “Oh?”

“Yeah. I don’t know if you’ll like it but--”

“The likelihood that I'm already into it is higher than you will ever fully comprehend.”

Kon grinned. “Sweet. Let me clean--ahh!” Kon jumped at the sensation of his stomach getting cleaned off instantly. He blinked a couple times and looked over at Bart who was now sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed. He gently touched the newly clean spot on his stomach, and paused. “...Please tell me you didn’t just lick--”

“So what did you want to try?”

Kon sighed and floated himself out of the bed. “Alright, lay down, spread eagle. Yeah, just like that. Alright, please tell me if this hurts at any point okay?”

Bart looked up at him with big, curious golden eyes, and nodded wordlessly. Kon wanted to take a moment to appreciate how beautiful Bart was all stretched out in front of him like this, but he knew that Bart’s patient curiosity would only last so long. So he landed lightly back on the bed. He stared intently at Bart and Bart stared back in confusion.

“...Kon what are you--hey, wait hold on, why can’t I move?”

“I’ve been practicing the finer control of my TK.” Kon explained. Bart’s eyes lit up with recognition.

“Wait you’re you’re going to…duuuude that’s nuts!”

“Hopefully I don’t crush you by accident.”

“There are worse ways to die.”

Kon laughed. He was maybe the only other person who really got what Bart meant by that. He focused on peppering Bart’s skin with light psychic touches, trying to recreate the sensation of dozens of soft hands gliding over his body. A surprised giggle escaped Bart’s lips and Kon could feel him try to squirm against his hold.

“Haha, hey wait, heh, you’re tickling me, I don’t know if I’m into--actually okay, maybe I am, but can we try that later, I’m not really in the mood for soft BDSM right now.”

Lord. “Sorry, that’s not what I was going for, hold on let me adjust a little…” he changed the pressure and pattern a bit and Bart gasped.

“Ahh, okay, that’s so weird but I kind of love it. Are you not touching my dick on purpose or--”

“Jeez Imp, patience.”

“Don’t you ‘Imp’ me! I’ve been laying here for weeks and weeks just aching with need and--” Bart’s complaining was cut off by a deep guttural moan as Kon's power found his prostate. “Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa--” 

Kon smiled, proud that he finally managed to find a way to get Bart to really react. He leaned in and flicked his tongue across the head of Bart’s dick and was a little surprised when Bart suddenly fired a barrage directly at his face. Kon wasn’t a speedster technically, but he was fast enough to catch a majority of it in his mouth. The first time he'd tasted Bart's lineage, he'd been a little worried that the metallic tang was cause for concern, but Bart assured him that it was a speedforce thing. When Kon had asked him how he knew that he offhandedly mentioned that he’d had a run in with Johnny Quick while he was trying to seduce Brando in the forties and Kon decided that he didn’t want to know anything more.

“S-s-s-sorry,” Bart stuttered, struggling to deal with the fact that Kon hadn’t stopped pressuring his prostate through and after the orgasm. “Too distracted, forgot to warn y--ahh!” His eyes rolled into the back of his head as Kon went back in for a loving and thorough blowjob.

This time, Bart was the one in for a workout.


Kon ran his fingers through Bart’s hair as the smaller man slept soundly next to him, his body glistening with sweat and still a little pink from exertion. Against all expectations, not only had he managed to wear Bart out, he’d gotten him spent to the point that he’d started shooting blanks. He really hadn’t thought that Bart’s metabolism and regeneration would let that happen, but he was damn proud of the achievement. He’d always marveled at how Bart looked like an angel when he slept, considering what the reality was when he was awake. 

He was pulled out of his reverie by a stiff knock at the door. He didn’t recognize the heartbeat immediately and so was a little suspicious as he got up, threw some pants on, and walked to the door. When he opened it, he was greeted by a grungy blond man in his middle age, with a stubbly face, unlit cigarette in his mouth and a well worn but clearly expensive trench coat. Kon didn’t run in the same circles as him normally, so it took him a beat to realize who he was looking at. But then he did.

Oh shit .”

“‘Oh shit’ is right, fucko.” Constantine grinned.

“What…please tell me this isn’t about--”

“Your wild freaky alien-on-crime-against-physics sexcapades?”

Kon groaned.

“Yeah kid, that’s exactly what this is about. This isn’t usually a problem because you people and speedsters have historically been merciful enough to the rest of us to not do what you’re doing.”

“I…I don’t understand--”

“And you don’t need to. Just take these:” The suspicious wizard handed Kon a pair of clearly magical bracelets. “Put these on when you feel like getting weird and you’re golden.”

“Oh. Okay.” Kon accepted them awkwardly. “Thank y--”

“Far be it from me to get in the way of your snogging. Just be sure you use them alright? If you two end up making The Great Darkness horny and help it destroy everything we’re all going to be really disappointed in you. Also? You have jism on your chest.”

Kon looked down in horror and wiped himself off, and when he looked back up, Constantine was already walking down the hall towards the elevator. He quickly closed and locked the door, before sighing and leaning back against it. He closed his eyes.

What even was The Great Darkness? And why was it horny for Bart?!

When he opened his eyes he found Bart standing there draped in one of Kon’s hoodies, his unnatural eyes looking up at him inquisitively. “Constantine?”


“Huh.” Bart scratched his stomach idly. ”Feed me? I’m really hungry for some reason.”

Kon rolled his eyes and smiled before sitting up and walking toward the kitchen. “Sure Imp, let’s see what I got…”


I needed a break from being wholesome in HoG, so this happened. I actually think it still turned out kind of wholesome. Sigh.

Anyway, thanks to Ava for shitposting at me enough that I was inspired to make this.