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Enmu’s Juicy Cheeks


basically u fuck enmu and his huge ass


my first time writing smut 😜 itll get better soon prolly :3

Chapter 1: Idk chaoter 1

Chapter Text

When you chose to move houses you d idn’t think you’d be in a train fucking some femboy, but life’s full of surprises. 

But that's skipping too far ahead, let’s go a few hours earlier. :3


Panting, you finally reached the train station. Your stupid alarm didn’t wake you up so you got up 30 minutes before the train was to arrive. But that problem had been resolved, all you had to do now was sit on a train for 7 hours!


The train hadn’t even arrived yet, and here you thought you were going to be late. Still struggling to catch your breath, you triple-checked your pockets for your train ticket, phone, and wallet. 


Okay, all here. You thought, Now I just have to wait for that damn train.


You wanted something to do, feeling bored. Using up your battery might not be a good idea. You thought about grabbing your sketchbook to draw, but it was already in your suitcase so it would be a hassle to take it out then pack it back in. So your last option was to look around the station.


The train station looked pretty clean, there weren't many people since the ride was at 4:00 AM. You checked the time and it said 3:57. 


M’kay, three minutes of waiting, You thought boredly. 


Looking around once more, you saw a train in the distance. It looked like one of those choo-choo trains, not a subway train like you were used to. It had dark colors. They looked nice. 


Soon, the chugging train stopped in front of the station. Passengers started piling into the train, one by one. You were one of the last to get in since darker skinned people naturally go to the backs of things.


The interior of the train was comfortable, especially with the dim lighting. The floor was made of dark wood, with dark green seats that didn’t look all that comfortable. You sat down and put your luggage on the seat across from you, hoping it’ll stop people from sitting there. Thankfully, it worked.


After all the passengers were seated, the train started moving again. Starting off slowly, then speeding up a bit. Looking around the train cart, there weren’t many people– only about 5. 


The door at the end of the train cart opened and out came a disheveled, tired-looking man in uniform.


Man, this job must have him working a lot , you thought while scanning over his face. His cheeks were sunken, he had pale skin and his eyes looked dead.


He started walking up to passengers, asking for their tickets. You pulled your ticket out to be prepared for your turn. 


Eventually, he reached you.


“Ticket, please.“ He asked. Even his voice was monotone.


You handed him the ticket silently. He punched said ticket and moved on to the next passenger. 


You started considering ways to pass the time. While pondering, a sudden wave of sleepiness washed over you.


Oh, sleep! That’s a good way to pass the time. With that thought, you scooted around a bit, trying to get comfortable. 


Sleep came fast. You had absolutely no trouble slipping into a very deep sleep, no noise or light could wake you.


Aside from how good the nap was feeling, the dream was 10x better. 


Your biggest goal, or dream in this instance, was to fuck a femboy. It’s just something about those thighs and that ASS. So big and squishy.


So.. your biggest dream was to fuck a femboy . Can you guess what dream you had on the train? 


In this magical dream, you were BALLS DEEP IN A FEMBOY. You couldn’t see his face because you were behind him but you could hear him. Very well. It wasn’t anybody in particular, just a femboy made up in your mind. He was moaning and whimpering loudly and you were incredibly hard. 


You could hear your hips slapping against his juicy ass. You were getting close, and by the sound of it, he was too. You wanted nothing more than to cum inside him but just as you were about to finish, you woke up.


The lights looked even less bright than before and all the passengers were asleep. Something felt different, but it wasn’t anything in the cart. It was in your pants. 


That dream had been so good that you woke up hard. Frantically, you took off your jacket and draped it across your lap in an attempt to cover it up. 


Once your erection had been properly concealed, you leaned  your head on the back of the seat. 


Hopefully, this’ll be gone by the time I have to get off.. You thought.


Your thoughts were cut off by the sound of the door at the other end opening. The door that was behind you. You closed your eyes and made your body look relaxed, hoping whoever walked in didn’t look too closely and notice your flushed cheeks.




The cheeks are shown.


mwahhshwuajei im still workin on it but like i hope its ok 😜

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The footsteps sounded light, not from somebody too big. Maybe a woman. But the giggles you heard disproved your point. They sounded more like a man’s voice than a woman’s.

“I know one of you had a very interesting dream!“ The boy exclaimed cheerfully. “Come on out, don’t be shy! I won’t judge you for your tastes!!“

Despite his “reassurance“, there was no way you’d come out and expose yourself like that. 

“Come onnn!! I want to show you something since I’m sure that dream has you excited!“ 

A moment passed with no response. He let out a defeated whimper. 

“How boring.. or maybe they’re in another cart..“ He thought out loud.

You heard him walking past you so you opened your left eye slightly. Walking away from you was a man with black hair with the tips being red, and the longer parts being blue. You couldn’t see the exact details of his outfit but you could see his ass jiggling AGGRESIVELY with every step he took.

With that sight and the dream combined, you’ve become almost painfully hard. Almost tempted to rip off your pants and jerk off right then and there. 

You opened both your eyes fully to savor the sight while it lasted, but that ended up being a mistake. As soon as you had your eyes open, the man turned around to check the passengers one last time. Shutting your eyes tightly, you begged that he didn’t see your awakened state.
Your breath quickened as you heard those light footsteps over the sounds of the train running on the tracks. Soon, the footsteps stopped right in front of you. 

“So it was you having that dream. wasn’t it?“ He spoke and you fully expected him to start reprimanding you. Then you started wondering how he knew you had that dream in the first place but those thoughts got cut off. Instead of hearing him lecture you, you felt his soft lips meet yours.

This was a welcome surprise. His hand found its way into your hair while your cock tried to find its way out of your pants. That monster caused a huge tent which did not go unnoticed by the man. His hand slid down from your hair and started to press on your erection through your sweatpants.

He pulled away from the kiss and spoke, panting from the kiss. “Are you okay with this? I may be a demon but I won't do anyth-”

“Yes, just do it.“ You interrupt. The fact that he was a demon didn’t bother you. Demon or not, he had cake and you were determined to get some.

You grabbed his hand to put it back on your lap but you felt something strange on the back. You lifted it up to your face and saw a whole ass hand. It had teeth, a tongue and everything. It was weird BUT it could come in handy and he knew that.

To your surprise, he pulls his hand away and starts pulling down his pants. Under those striped pants, he was wearing a fucking thong. A THONG. It would have caused a better reaction but you saw his tiny, miniature, microscopic dick. Any other cock compared to yours looked small but his would have looked like an ant compared to a blue whale.

Your jaw was DROPPED. It was about the length of a fingernail, he didn’t care though. The demon just turned around to show you his ass and DAMN. IT WAS HUGE. It was plump, juicy, ROUND. It looked like he had two of those big bouncy balls from Walmart stuck on his ass. His huge booty made up for the lack of length in his dick.

You reached out and grabbed a handful of his juicy cheeks as he bent over. His thumbs hooked on the sides of his thong and started pulling down.


his dick is small and i cannot be convinced otherwise sowwy if that dissapointed u XP

Chapter 3


uhh idk :P


sowwy it took so long to post >.<

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You wasted no time getting that stringy piece of clothing off him and onto the floor. But only then you realized what you were doing. 


I shouldn’t be doing an ass this juicy on a train.. What if one of the passengers wakes up?


The demon seemed to notice your hesitation so he tried calming you down, “Don’t worry, my blood demon art makes sure they’re all asleep. Even if they do happen to wake up, I can just eat them.”


Just like how I’ll be eating this huge ass.’


“Oh okay, I just didn’t want to get in trouble.” You replied, he nodded and pushed his ass backwards even more. 


You didn’t hesitate taking them fully off this time as you couldn’t wait any longer. Your mouth was salivating as the thong fell off and revealed his pink wittwe bootyhowe. You dove straight between those beautiful cheeks and started to DEVOUR his ass. Licking every crevice you could reach and his petite little chocolate donut hole â¤ï¸.  From up ahead, you could hear the very kawaii moans coming from the demon. 


The very un-kawaii thing though is that he seemed to have forgotten to wipe his wittle booty after taking a little poop. It was evident from the little poop flakes on his bootyhole. He didn’t seem to notice though so you secretly ate it as a little snack. He did however notice the feeling of your teeth on his cheeks but he just assumed you were biting them. The feeling was so good to him that he started twerking. ON. YOUR. FACE.


You were already hard enough and now that he had his HUGE ass bouncing in your face you couldn’t hold back anymore. All Enmu heard after that was “AUUGHH AAAHHH OHUHUHHGG” for 30 second straight. (not very straight though)


He turned back to see what had happened and saw that your sweatpants now had a huge wet spot on the front. But he felt a moment of panic when that literal circus tent in your pants started to fade. His solution to this big problem was to start violently twerking onto your face. The demon backed his ass up onto it and started shaking so hard it felt like a massage chair on your face. You couldn’t help but notice the very VERY slight stink coming from his little bootyhowe but it was fine because his ass is huge. 


The demon looked back again to check if his problem had been solved and to his relief, it had. He could once again see that the monster, the absolute BEAST, in your pants was once again trying to get out. And this time, you couldn’t hold back the alpha daddy in you. You grabbed your pants and literally ripped them off your body. Next was your underwear which also didn’t stand a chance against your alpha strength and once they were off, your huge, gargantuan, colossal, monumental, massive, cosmic cock popped out and smacked right up against his juicy ass. As he felt it, he stopped the jiggling.


The demon turned fearfully, feeling the rock hard object on his cheeks.


sowwy for the stink 😜 anyways im like kinda running out of ideas cuz idk so be ready to wait for like @93938 months