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Nervous young inhumans


Sonic thinks about the things that happened as he developed feelings for Shadow.

Titled after the song "Nervous young inhumans" by Car Seat Headrest


This was edited heavily with google docs so let me know if something is not an actual word

I'm also not that good at writing in english btw

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Sonic can’t quite remember when he started being so… fond of Shadow, but he remembers journaling about it.

He started doing it after seeing it on a youtube video and thinking that maybe it might be a good idea, he dropped it after a couple months, but he remembers writing about it so much.

He can remember having dreams where he was really happy being friends and doing mundane things with Shadow, playing video games or just laying in the same bed as he had done it with Knuckles or Tails before. Waking up was a rather unpleasant experience.

He wrote about it all the time, he remembered the smell of when they turned into their super forms a bit too well, which was creepy, it was so intensely creepy, it was like burning wood, a bit more intense maybe, he smelled something similar when it was just him but the memory was now just about Shadow.

He remembered how Shadow had called him the ultimate lifeform too, he remembered it from time to time and was giddy about it. He felt weird when he remembered it, he hugged his pillow and giggled, felt like a schoolgirl with a crush.

“I think I've discovered what the Ultimate Life Form is, it might be you!" He could hear Shadow say that clear as day, and then he would kick his feet and squeak like he was still alive.

Which made a weird thing for him when Shadow turned out uh… Alive. The realization of having grieved for someone who had been there, somewhere, the whole time was certainly a thing. He could have gone looking for him, he was somewhere, in one of Eggman's bases, which he had been to countless times and somehow just missed. He could have gotten Shadow out of there so much sooner. He couldn't dwell on it too much, he was just happy Shadow was alive after all.

That’s when the real issue arises, Shadow was kind of real nice after leaving the ark and now just seemed to intensely… Dislike him, to put it lightly.

He would later tell him why.

“When I looked at you I felt something really strong and I didn’t know what it was” They were both looking at the glow in the dark stars Shadow had stuck in the ceiling of the room he had in Rouge’s apartment, which Shadow refused to call the Team Dark apartment, mostly because no one but Rouge paid for it. “I asked Rouge and Omega about it to see if it led me somewhere”

“And you landed in hate?” He was struggling not to laugh about it.

“Yes, stop laughing, I can hear you” Sonic just laughed harder at it and received a punch in the arm for it.

But when he sat down and read how much he had cried about it, he felt a bit ashamed of it. Some pages had legit wet spots from him crying, which was a real humbling experience. He did have a whole paragraph of when Shadow called him the Ultimate Lifeform, something that Shadow couldn’t remember now.

After defeating Black Doom he felt like he fell in love all over again, Shadow was however a little bit more of an… Asshole, would only really hang out with Rouge and Omega, Sonic felt like a little bitch because he wanted Shadow to hang out with him.

So he started to instigate him, find him just to annoy him or start a fight, it evolved to knocking on his window at the dead of the night to ask him to go out on a run or spar. Ok Sonic why don’t you just kneel down and ask him to marry you. And it was enjoyable.

And he was really fond of Shadow, he really loved him a lot. Why did he have to fall in love with such an idiot, it was insane.

Right now he had his face against Shadow’s chest fur and was having a hard time breathing but it was an enjoyable experience, he knew Shadow’s tail was wagging but if he pointed it out he would forcefully stop it, and he enjoys seeing the other being happy.

How did they end like that? Well that’s a real fucking good question, Sonic did not actually know, they had been dating officially for a couple months, two at best, but they started kissing and holding hands and being exclusive with each other probably a year before clearing things up.

He could remember stopping fighting with Shadow to talk about something, they ended up not talking about that, but they talked about deep stuff they would only ever talk with other people, Sonic had told some of his fears to Knuckles and he was sure Shadow’s person was Rouge, because he couldn’t imagine anyone ever truly opening up to Omega, but he might be wrong, he doesn’t really understand the dynamics within the team that much.

Sonic was talking about how he was afraid of Eggman outliving him, that ultimately old age gets to him before he gets to Eggman, he doesn’t wanna kill the dude but he is afraid of that happening, which is probably the tip of the iceberg when discussing all those fears. Shadow was different, he struggled with the fact that as far as he knew he would live forever if every part of his body wasn’t destroyed completely, the idea of having to live with many of his mistakes forever frightened him.

And then quietly stayed there feeling the breeze of the night, looking at the stars. Sonic was a braver man than he thought he was, he looked at Shadow’s hand for a little bit and decided to put his hand on top of it. Maybe it had been a mix of how sleep deprived and tired he was and the fact that he felt a little drunk on how fucking good Shadow looked against the moonlight, Shadow shook his hand a bit to free it from Sonic’s and then took it back to interlock their fingers.

And that’s actually how Sonic the Hedgehog died. He could feel his inner 15 year old self hugging his pillow and kicking his feet and giggling.

Shadow kissed him the next night after Sonic told him “You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid”


This is posted a couple months after i was struck with the AO3 writers curse and laid it off for some time (i got an allergic skin infection and the anti allergy meds got me high for like 3 days it was a good high tho)

this idea came to me in a dream and because im playing sonic adventure 2 and failing at it miserably

but hey you can follow me on tumblr and read the fancomic im doing about dadow here

Series this work belongs to: