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Sim's Christmas Pie 2022: OPEN ON CHRISTMAS


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.


All fics are under 1k (with one exception oops), and I challenged myself to only write one line of dialogue in them. They're cute, tho 😌

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Caitlin & Cisco

Chapter Text

For the first time in years, Team Star Labs was not spending Christmas together.

Barry and Iris were busy with the twins, Joe, Cecile and baby Jenna were visiting her older sister, Allegra and Chester scored some cheap tickets to Disneyland, Caitlin was visiting her mother.

So Cisco agreed to spend Christmas with his parents. It was okay, their relationship was a little bit better recently, and either way, his mom’s cooking beat spending Christmas alone, drinking on the couch.

But a few hours before he was set to leave, Caitlin called. Her mom got Covid, apparently, and Caitlin asked very nicely if they could spend Christmas together. When he invited her to his parents, she wanted to refuse, but Cisco wouldn’t have it.

So Caitlin was going to come with him to his parents house, for Christmas. Which was lovely, and made Cisco very happy, but there was an issue. The gift he got for Caitlin was amazing, awesome, incredible and super secret superhero stuff, so he couldn't give it to her with his parents there.

Thus, Cisco had a huge problem: he had no Christmas gift for Caitlin, and nowhere to buy one.


It didn’t have to be something super big, it just had to be something small and nice, so that she’d have a surprise under the Christmas tree.

The only stores that were open in town were some restaurants, useless, and Jitters, also useless, because he had gotten Caitlin coffee for her birthday. But there was a Walmart on the other side of town.

With a groan, Cisco got dressed and breached himself there.


He spent two hours in the Walmart, walking around, finding something, thinking about it, putting it back. Finding something else, thinking about it, putting it back.

Eventually, one of the workers took pity on him. She was a young woman with a big smile, but she politely asked if she could help. And when Cisco told her his predicament, she only laughed for a little while before she started thinking out loud.

No, no perfumes, Cisco had no idea what she liked. No, no make-up either, she already had loads of that. No, no electronics. No, no puzzles or boardgames. No, no home decorations.

And then her eyes lit up, saying they should go simple. She led him to the clothing part of the store, where there was a display with ugly Christmas sweaters, but some of them were, in fact, quite cute. And the young woman told Cisco that they were good quality, super soft, she had three.

So after looking around for a bit, he settled on a red sweater, classic in its design of snowflakes and candy canes on the arms, but on the chest, there was a very cute Santa on a sledge that was pulled by a unicorn.

It was adorable and super fluffy. Caitlin wasn’t going to love it, but she will be wearing it around the house, probably.


Cisco was surprised by how good of a time they were having. There were no tears, no screams, no rude comments. A Christmas miracle, right there. And Caitlin fit right in.

He could tell she was enjoying herself. The food was good, the mulled wine was sweet, when she wasn’t eating she was smiling.

Caitlin sat by his side throughout the very long lunch/dinner, and more often than not, she was touching him somehow: a knee pressed to his, a hand on his thighs, an arm on the back of his chair.

It was a little unusual, but it wasn’t unwelcomed. Of course it wasn’t, considering how long Cisco had been in love with Caitlin.


Caitlin cooed when she saw the sweater, loud and cute. She immediately put it on, over the red dress she was wearing. She looked insane, but she was grinning widely and she kissed Cisco’s cheek in thanks.

Cisco did well.


At the end of the night, Cisco breached Caitlin home, but she didn’t let him leave.

‘This sweater is lovely, but I’m very warm. Help me take it off?’

Cisco’s jaw dropped. He laughed, praising Caitlin for the incredibly bad pickup line she used, but he stopped laughing when she raised an eyebrow and took a step forward, pressing their chests together.

Apparently, she wasn’t kidding. Another Christmas miracle, right there, which Cisco eagerly embraced, as he embraced Caitlin. 

Chapter 2: Lucy & Tim


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.


*written before 5x9 heh

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Working the Christmas shift was never pretty. Most of the calls were about drunk people wrecking havoc at family dinners. A very boring day, but a very tiring one.

Tim took one for the team. He was a Sergeant now, he could get out of patrol, but he didn’t, that day. He didn’t have a wife or kids to spend Christmas with at home, so he took a shift.

Lucy was waiting for him by the shop in the morning, grinning widely. He didn’t tell her he got a shift, but she knew him, so she got a shift too.

Tim’s first thought was that damn, he didn’t get her a Christmas gift. His second thought was that her lip gloss was brighter than usual. His third thought was that it was going to be a long day, but she’ll make things easier.


Barely three hours into the shift and they had already answered five home disturbances. Tim was dreaming about his couch. He was grumpy, no doubt about it, but Lucy kept things lighter. She pointed out cute dogs on the street, pretty lights, nice storefront decorations.

She didn’t have any plans for that evening, she kept saying, and Tim figured out she was fishing for an invite to spend Christmas night together. But he ignored it, or tried to, at least.

The truth was that he wanted nothing more than that, to have Lucy over, spend the night on the couch with her and Kojo. But it would mean something, and that made him hesitate.

Ever since they went undercover together, ever since they kissed and almost did more than that, their relationship shifted. It went from harness flirting for a laugh when no one was looking, to the possibility of something happening. It was a very thin line they haven’t crossed yet.

He was single, she had been single for a few months, Chris moving out of state for a better job offer. They weren’t working together anymore as often as before. They could do it, even if it would involve a lot of paperwork and a very uncomfortable conversation with Grey.

They could do it, but Tim was afraid of it. Because he knew it would change everything for them. For the better, probably, but not surely.

It didn’t stop him from caring about her. 


The last call of the day was at an apartment shared by two college girls who had gotten into a massive screaming match over a boy.

Wordlessly, Lucy took one of them to the living room and Tim took the other one to her bedroom.

The talk was annoying and it made him want to strangle the chick, but he managed to calm her down and she promised to apologize. Before he left, though, he had to ask about all the dog plushies she had in her room. There were tens of them, small, maybe 4 inches tall, and they all looked like different breeds.

Apparently, the chick sold them on etsy. They were 5 bucks each, anti allergenic and extra fluffy. Tim saw a pit bull. It didn’t look like Kujo, exactly, the colors were a little bit off, but he still pulled out his wallet and got the dog for Lucy. She was going to love it and be obnoxiously loud about it. 

And Tim was going to act annoyed, but he will secretly love it.


At the end of shift, Lucy was waiting for him by his car. She tried once more, going as far as inviting him over for a beer and a homemade veggie burger with chili fries.

Tim caved, embarrassingly quickly, but he did negotiate for a real burger, at his place, and that Lucy was going to walk Kojo. Of course, she agreed.


He waited until after dinner. After the dishes were washed, after they both had a fresh beer in hand, after they argued about what movie to watch.

Tim gave Lucy the plush dog, without saying anything. He was right, she loved it immensely, and she cooed, obnoxiously loud, and she hugged Tim. More like, she threw herself across the couch and stopped just short of sitting in his lap.

He acted annoyed, but not for long. He couldn’t keep it up, not with her body pressed to his, thanking him sweetly over and over again.

Lucy was the one who pulled back first, but not for long. She got more comfortable on the couch, sitting close to him, still hugging him somewhat.

She had her thinking face on, like she was solving some sort of mystery. He had a feeling he was the mystery. And for the first time in months, Tim didn’t fight it. Not what he was feeling, not what she was feeling, not what was about to happen.

Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and smiled, just a little shakily.

‘I didn’t get you anything’, Lucy whispered, ‘but if you stop being a stubborn idiot, then I could give you something.’

It took a few moments, of Tim’s heart fighting his brain, but eventually, he kissed Lucy. For the first time, it was a real kiss, it was him, not a character he was playing. And it was… pretty damn amazing.

Chapter 3: Makkari & Druig


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

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Druig was in London, had been for about a week. Cersei had called upon his help in dealing with a powered human who could control minds and was wreaking havoc in the high up circles of the London social clubs.

He helped, of course, and only realized it was Christmas when he got a text from Makkari, asking him to meet her at their favorite hotel in New York, followed by a Santa emoji.

Druig was going to go, of course, he will get on the next plane to New York without a second thought. The problem was that he didn’t expect to see her for Christmas, considering last he checked, she was in the Amazon on a mission to find some long lost artifact. She said that she expected to be there until March.

So Druig had no gift for Makkari and little to no chance of finding her something appropriate in the Heathrow duty free.

But that didn’t stop him from buying that plane ticket.


Of course, there was nothing in the airport that Druig thought appropriate. Sure, she’d enjoy some expensive chocolate, she’d even like some alcohol, but it didn’t feel like enough, not for Makkari.

It made Druig feel a little angry. He loved Makkari desperately, and nothing would ever be good enough for her. It was stupid, he knew it, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He couldn’t change his feelings, and he didn’t want to either.

Loving her made him a better person. So it was disappointing to show up without a Christmas gift, but it was better than showing up with something meaningless.


Druig was, pretty much, exhausted by the time he landed in New York. He didn’t manage to sleep a lot on the plane and by the time his ass landed in a cab, he was ready to take a nap there and then.

The cab driver was blasting rock christmas carols, though, so Druig didn’t sleep. Which was a good thing, because on his way to the hotel, he saw an antique store. It was tiny, filled to the brim with stuff, and miraculously opened on Christmas Eve. And, even more serendipitous, there was a free parking space right in front of it.

Inside the antique shop, there was chaos. It was a tiny thing, just two rooms, filled to the brim with shelves. There was stuff overflowing it, everywhere the eyes could see. It was a overwhelming, for Druig.

Once again, he didn’t think he was going to find some long lost hidden treasure in a tiny antique shop in New York, but he did think he could find a nice trinket for Makkari. He just had to look for it, and that was making me feel very overwhelmed.

The was an old lady minding the shop. She was very old, Druig could tell that she was a lot older than she seemed. But he didn’t ask. Instead, he briefly explained his predicament and asked for her help.

The woman smiled gently at him, and directed him to the very back of the store, where there was a desk. She said it in babylonian, but Druig didn’t ask.

There were several pieces of jewelry in the drawers of that desk. Some were from Babylon, some from Greece, some from Ireland, a few Asian, all of them were ancient.

One of them stood out. A gold ring, simple in nature. It had a gold, flat circle and on it was the imprint of a pair of winged sandals, the symbol of Hermes, the messenger Greek god. The fastest of the gods.

It was fitting, considering there were times, in Ancient Greece, where people did mistake Makkari for Hermes. Without a second thought, Druig brought the ring. It wasn’t as expensive as he expected, and the old lady wished him a good celebration.


Makkari opened the door to the room wearing the hotel bathrobe and the biggest grin on her face. She was very quick in grabbing Druig’s bag and flashing it inside the room, and before he realized she did that, Makkari hugged him tightly, wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing her cheek to his.

Druig was still exhausted, he was so close to passing out right there, in the hallway, but as soon as Makkari’s scent hit his senses, and as soon as she touched him, nothing mattered anymore.

They ordered room service as Makkari told him about her adventure in the Amazon, and Druig told her about his adventure in London, with Cersei.

Then, he gave her the ring. He explained, briefly, about where he found it and how it was a last minute gift, and all the while, Makkari smiled at him. Very softly, very gently, very lovingly. As usual.

Makkari put the ring on herself, giggling about Hermes and his ridiculous sandals, but he could tell that she liked it. Then, Makkari grabbed Druig’s hand, looked him in the eyes as she signed yes .

Druig frowned, pointing out that he hadn’t asked her anything.

She smirked, letting go of his hand in order to smile. Yes, you did. Not the normal question that comes with a ring on your lover’s finger, but you still asked a question.

They weren’t lovers, in the definition of the word, but there was love between them, a lot of it. And Makkari, she had answered a question that Druig had always been too scared to ask.

He couldn’t think of any words that were appropriate right then, not in English, Babylonian or Ancient Greek. So Druig did the only thing he could possibly think of, he kissed Makkari.

Druig was not gentle, because he had been earning for her for so many centuries, and he was not gentle because he had finally got real confirmation that she felt the same.

So Druig kissed her hard, and he kissed her good, and Makkari chuckled against his lips but kissed him back just as ardently.

Chapter 4: Nico & Will


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

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Christmas was not something Nico should have cared about, especially that year. He was the son of a Greek God, they had no business celebrating Christmas. And he was the only one left at Camp, it was just him and Chiron, and the centaur was going to spend Christmas with the Party Ponies.

Or so it was supposed to be. Will had called Chiron, saying that his mother’s schedule changed and that he will be spending a day or two at Camp. 

Which made Nico panic instantly, because he hadn’t gotten any gift for Will, and he was convinced that Will would, somehow, come with something for him.

Chiron took one look at him and started laughing, but he also told him that there was still a Christmas market open in New York.

Nico remembered to thank him on his way to the shadows.


Chiron was either incredibly misinformed, or he was making fun of Nico in the worst way possible. There was no Christmas market open. Not where Chiron said it was, not a street down, not a street up, nowhere in the neighborhood.

In fact, as Nico walked around, there was nothing open. Not one store, restaurant, convenience store, nothing.

Nico was beyond desperate, but he saw some flashing lights down the street. He picked up the pace, only to see it was a pharmacy.

He started laughing, having a mental breakdown. It was funny, kind of, but it sure sucked to be him right then.

After he calmed down, Nico went inside. He wanted to warm up a little, and he figured he'd buy Will some sunscreen, as a gag gift. The son of Apollo never got a sunburn.

He didn't even have to look around the store to find something else. Right in front of the door, there was a display of face masks.

They all had funky, colorful patterns, so much so that it hurt Nico's eyes. Will would love them, clearly, and he'd get use out of them in the Infirmary.

Nico didn't take long to choose a few: bright red koi fishes, sunflowers, flamingos, dogs and, he couldn't help himself, a black one with cute white skulls.

The woman behind the counter looked at him weirdly, but made no comment, thankfully.


Will barged into Cabin 13 singing that tis the season Christmas song. Well, singing wasn’t accurate. He was screaming it at the top of his lungs, scaring every animal in a ten mile radius.

Nico was just mildly surprised, slightly annoyed and very happy to see him. Instead of addressing any of these feelings, he just grabbed the bag that had the face masks and threw them in Will’s direction.

He caught them and got all excited, truly like a child on Christmas, all but ripping into the bag. And when he saw the masks inside, Will cooed out loud, saying how much he loved each and every one of them.

Will annoyed Nico on most days, but he liked Will on any and all days. It was becoming a problem for Nico to keep it hidden, especially when Will was smiling widely, talking excitedly, and looking at Nico like there was nobody more important in the world.

The skull mask was last, and after Will laughed, he told Nico to wait.

He didn’t come back empty handed, but with a giant teddy bear, so big that Will was dragging its legs. It was a light tan color, but it was wearing a black tshirt, a leather jacket and a skull belt.

Nico would have laughed, if he hadn’t realized that the bear was his Christmas present.

‘This cabin is so big and empty.’, Will smiled. ‘I figured he could keep you company! And, look!’ He put the bear on the empty bed, grabbed the skull face mask and gently placed it over its face.

Nico was a strong person. He had been through a lot, endured a lot of things, and overcame even more. But in that moment, he was weak, and he couldn’t keep the way he felt hidden anymore.

So with bravery, like in every quest, Nico marched to Will and grabbed his shirt, pulling him until he could press their lips together. It was clumsy, because he almost missed, and a little awkward, because Will was so surprised he almost fell over. But after a breath or two, they both got their footing, calmed down, and shared a proper kiss that was sweet and nice and everything Nico didn’t think he deserved.

He had a feeling Will would convince him otherwise.

Chapter 5: Bucky & Steve


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

Christmas Eve found Bucky in the Target closest to the apartment, glaring at the art display, mentally cursing Steve Rogers.

They lived together, had been living together ever since the blip happened three years ago, but they haven’t seen each other for two months.

Steve had left for a long outreach mission in Africa, and at the end of October, before he left, they both agreed a Christmas together was not in the cards this year. Which was fine, for both of them. They agreed on no gifts, and promised each other to eat some ice cream together when Steve came back, which was supposed to be sometime in February.

But 10 minutes ago Steve had called, happy as hell, saying that things changed and that he was coming home in the morning. Not only that, but he also got the perfect Christmas gift for Bucky.

Which pissed Bucky off immensely, because they agreed they wouldn’t do that! But he still made his way to Target, the only store around that was still open on Christmas Eve, knowing fully well he wouldn’t find an appropriate gift for Steve.

If he thought about it, there was absolutely no way he would find an appropriate gift for Steve, even if he had all the time in the world.

What Christmas present can you get Captain America? What gift can you get someone who you’ve known since the 1920s? What present can you get someone who saved you from Hydra mind control? 

What can you give to the one person on Earth who you actually have a shared life experience with?

What Christmas gift do you give to the roommate you’ve been in love with for 100 years, give or take?

Yeah, Bucky was doomed, there was nothing on Earth that would be appropriate.


An employee was approaching him, Bucky heard him whispering with another worker in the past 10 minutes. The kid finally got the courage to approach him, address him with his rank and ask if he needed help. His voice broke twice with those sentences, but Bucky was going to give him a break, considering he was a kid barely in his 20s, working on Christmas Eve.

So Bucky told him that he knew nothing about art, he had to buy a gift for someone who knew a lot about art, but didn’t have much in terms of supplies, just a notebook with thick papers and a couple of crayons.

The kid, whose name was Jack, was actually helpful. He talked too much, told Bucky the story of how he was actually studying art even if his parents wanted him to be an accountant, but he never once made fun of Bucky’s last minute gift shopping.

20 minutes later, he was at the counter with four notebooks with different sorts of paper, a pack of gray crayons and a colored one, and a watercolor kit. As a last minute decision, he got a pack of smokes.

When they were young and dumb, they always said they’d start smoking once they were rich. A snap and a few lifetimes later, neither of them smoked, but Bucky guessed it was as good of a time as any to try.


Steve got home at 4:45 in the morning. He opened the front door and screamed with all his might that he was home. It woke Bucky up, of course, the scream would have woken anybody up from the dead. 

Grumpily, he made his way to the living room. Steve was standing in the middle of it, grinning widely, one hand holding a Starbucks cup, which he quickly extended to Bucky.

He drank half of it in one go, which woke him up enough to hug Steve. It was a long hug by their standards, but he didn’t care. At all. And when Steve said that he missed him, Bucky kind of wanted to stay there forever.

He couldn’t do that, so he ran to his bedroom and got the Target haul. Steve was surprised, but his eyes lit up in excitement as he went through the stuff in the bag.

Bucky made the right call, apparently, because Steve was evidently pleased with the art supplies. Not so much with the cigarettes, but he laughed, clearly remembering the joke from 100 years ago.

And then Steve took out something from his pocket, which turned out to be a key ring, proudly presenting it to Bucky.

There was a tiny gun on the ring, bright silver and clearly a toy. Even though Bucky was still holding on to it, it was Steve that pulled the trigger, making an even tinier flag appear instead of the bullet, a flag that said BANG! in bright red letters.

Bucky started laughing, pretty hysterically. It was such a shitty gift, but he loved it immensely.

‘I know we agreed on not getting each other presents this year’, Steve said, ‘so I didn’t expect you to go out and actually buy me something substantial. But I gotta say, Buck, I kinda love the fact that even after everything, we still know each other.’

Yeah, he was right about that. Cause Bucky was still laughing because of a shitty toy gun, and Steve was still holding on to a crayon.

And Steve was proved to be right once more that day. He asked Bucky to sit for a quick sketch, which he did but complained non stop. Afterwards, Steve kissed Bucky because he knew he wanted it and because, well, they weren’t going to start smoking but they could sure start doing something else.

Chapter 6: Carol & Daryl


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

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Christmas was not a thing you should have in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But the Commonwealth had a lot of children, and a lot more resources than they were used to.

So Daryl was surprised to see Christmas trees around, fairy lights, wrapped gifts, gingerbread and mulled wine. He was surprised, but he was glad for the kids. Sure, he had to think about what he was going to get his kids, but Carol was a big help with that. They got Judith and RJ joint gifts and were done quickly.

He didn’t plan on getting any other gifts. The adults were well aware that Christmas was not a thing they should be wasting resources on, and Daryl’s friend group agreed it was not needed. They were going to have dinner together, and that was that.

But a week before that, Daryl was sent on a supply run. It took him two and a half days to get to the abandoned small town, but once he got there he was pleasantly surprised by the stock he found. He raided the Urgent Care, cause that was the mission, and packed the cart he had with supplies.

Just before he left town, he saw a house that had a poster outside. It was barely readable, but Daryl figured it was some sort of painting after-school thing. He went in, figuring he’d find some paints for the Commonwealth school.

He didn’t find much, just a couple of canvases and a box of crayons, but it was something. And in the bedroom bathroom, thrown in the bathtub, he found a jacket. It was a jeans jacket, a dark gray wash, fairly average. But on the back of it, there were wings sewn on. It looked like some sort of embroidery, maybe, clearly hand made. It was beautiful, though. The wings were large, done in white, gray and black, with a little bit of teal every now and then. And they were shaped like his.

The jacket would fit Carol, that was his first thought. His second thought was that he really loved Carol.

It was a thought he had often, these days. Ever since they took over the Commonwealth, ever since Daryl and Judith decided that he wasn’t going to be leaving in search of Rick and Michonne, not yet, ever since they shared a house with the kids, Carol and Daryl had gotten closer. He didn’t really think it was possible, but they did.

And he wasn’t an idiot, he realized a long time ago what his feelings were, and over the past months, he realized that Carol shared those feelings. He was just an idiot for not saying anything about it.

He still wasn’t going to do that, in fear of screwing it all up, but he took the jacket. The least he could do was get her something nice for Christmas.


He got back to the Commonwealth just in time to take a shower before the family dinner. It was a really nice time. They were all relaxed, there was good food and a bottle of wine. 

At the back of his mind, Daryl felt bad for being so relaxed, but he was with his family, and with his kids, and they were allowed to have nice things every now and then.

Carol, who sat by his side at the table, tapped her fingers on his thigh and told him to stop thinking. Daryl nodded and did as asked.


After the food was done, the dishes were washed and their friends left, Carol said she’d put the kids to sleep. Daryl let her, but asked her to come to his room before bed. Of course, that prompted her to smirk and say something flirty. Daryl just rolled his eyes and didn’t answer.


She didn’t knock before coming into his room, which was fine, cause he was waiting for her.

Carol was already dressed in pajamas, hair braided down her back, and she was grinning mischievously as she closed the door behind her. She opened her mouth, and Daryl knew she was going to say something ridiculously flirty and borderline kinky, so he stopped her by giving her the bag.

She raised an eyebrow, stating that they agreed to not get each other Christmas gifts. Daryl shrugged, saying that he wasn’t going to do that, but he found it on his last run.

Carol accepted it, so she got out the jacket. It was facing her, so it was not much, but she did thank him and said that it would fit.

He couldn’t help but smirk a little, as he told her to turn it around.

As soon as Carol’s eyes landed on the wings, they grew wide. She didn’t say anything for a long time, she just kept the jacket up, blinking slowly at the wings.

Eventually, Carol carefully folded the jacket and put it back in the bag. Then, she hugged him very tightly. Usually, Daryl would let her have at it for a few seconds before pulling away. But this time, he didn’t do that. This time, Daryl hugged her back, he pushed his cheek to hers and gently grabbed the back of her blouse.

‘Pookie’, Carol whispered, ‘it’s really ridiculous that we’re wasting resources by having separate rooms.’

Daryl hesitated for only a moment, but he did nod. And when he did, Carol turned her head and kissed his cheek, keeping her lips there for a while. He has no idea who moved first after that, if it was him or her, but then they were kissing, a soft kiss that had been in the works for years. 

It was, by far, the best Christmas Daryl ever had.

Chapter 7: Stiles & Derek


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

Christmas with the pack had been planned since early November. Carefully planned, everything to the tiniest detail, like who was going to bring the eggnog. And then Derek decided to surprise everyone by actually being in town.

Everyone was ecstatic, of course. They haven’t seen Derek in a few long months, and skyping every other weekend wasn’t really cutting it anymore.

Stiles was the most excited about it, because the last time they saw each other, they got really really close to starting something. Something of a romantic nature, not a bantering match like everyone would assume. It didn’t actually happen, but they were very close and since then, they’ve been talking non stop.

But now, Derek didn’t tell him anything. He just sent a video to the group chat on Christmas morning, grinning wildly, standing in front of the Beacon Hills High School, asking where the party was happening.

They were all ecstatic, but they had arranged a Secret Santa, and, of course, Derek got left out of it.

Stiles planned to get him a gift, but it was Christmas morning and there were absolutely no shops open in town.

So here he was, 30 minutes before he was supposed to be at the McCall’s for the Christmas pack dinner, in the 7/11 at the edge of town, groaning internally on his way to the alcohol section.

The only idea he had that wasn’t horrible was to get Derek a bottle of whiskey, which he knew he liked, and a small bag of wolfsbane from Stiles’ dad stash. Theoretically, he could combine them and get drunk, if one were to believe Derek’s stories from his teenage years.

At the counter, the miserable teenager working the Christmas morning shift tried to make fun of Stiles.

‘You’re single, eh?’

Stiles didn’t answer, just glared as he mildly violently also put a pack of condoms on the counter. He didn’t need them, most likely, but the dude didn’t need to know that.


He made it to Scott’s house just in time. Derek was already there and the hug he gave Stiles was extra long, and the smile was extra bright. It didn’t make Stiles blush, no matter what Melissa said. 

The rest of the pack got there shortly, so they sat down for what was sure to be a very long dinner, and the chaos started.

It was great, because they only got to do this once or twice a year. Most of them were scattered around the country for college, so holidays like these were the only times they were all in the same place.

Pair that with delicious food, too loud yelling, stupid jokes and loads of unsaid love, the McCall living room was filled with chaos and it was amazing.

Stiles was happy as hell, and it was even better because throughout dinner, Derek sat by his side, pressing their legs together, leaning his arm on the back of Stiles’s chair, being comfortable and, Stiles could tell, Derek was happy too.


Eventually, late into the night, after the leftovers were put away and the dishes were washed, the adults left with their gifts from the pack in toe, leaving them alone.

The Secret Santa gift exchange was still chaotic and loud, and Derek was still by Stiles’s side through it all.

Derek’s gift was last, and it surprised everyone, including him. There was the tiniest bit of excitement sparking in his eyes, and really, Stiles was very proud because of it. The gift itself was pretty shitty, evidently unplanned and cropped together, but that small bit of excitement? Yeah, Stiles was happy he got to do that.

When Derek took out the whisky bottle, he pulled a face. He rolled his eyes and used his entire body to express his disdain, which made the bag rattle. So Derek realized there was something more in the gift bag, and he pulled out the wolfsbane baggy, which had a little Santa hat sticker on it.

It took a moment of Derek just staring at it, but he did eventually laugh, which was music to Stiles’s ears.

Then Scott blasted the music up, Liam got out some beers, and the party started.


Three hours later, Stiles had danced nonstop and needed a break, so he grabbed a beer and went on the back porch. Less than a minute later, Derek came out, whiskey bottle in hand.

He wordlessly grabbed the beer from Stiles, drank it all in one go, and then he smiled at Stiles, in a very soft (and cute) way.

‘Wanna come over and help me with this?’, he raised the bottle.

Stiles narrowed his eyes, because Derek knew very well that he didn’t like whiskey, not after getting drunk all alone in the woods that one time.

But Derek’s smile grew wider, and flirtier, and he went as far as winking.

When Stiles didn’t really process it, just kept staring at him, Derek went a step ahead and grabbed his hand, slotting their fingers together.

Finally, Stiles understood what was happening, so he nodded vigorously and started moving towards the cars, dragging Derek along with him. 

Derek was chuckling, but looking at him, Stiles could see that spark of excitement in his eyes, and that made him incredibly happy.


Turns out, Stiles did need those condoms. And he did tell Derek why he bought them, making him laugh loudly.

Chapter 8: Adam & Ronan


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.


A little after the Epilogue in Greywaren, so beware of spoilers.

Chapter Text

Ronan had gotten used to the spontaneous trips that came with Adam having the job he did. Usually, he’d get a text that said something along the lines of meet me in two days and a plane ticket in his email.

But Adam had really outdid himself this time, texting Ronan to say that he will be driving to DC for Christmas and that he was three hours out.

Ronan was an idiot, because some things never did change, and he didn’t have a Christmas gift for Adam. Not yet, anyway. He was planning on dreaming him a superenhanced satellite phone that would work with no batteries, no cell plan and wherever he was in the world. But Ronan was having some difficulties with it, meaning it kept showing only pictures of Ronan instead of actual phone apps and, for reasons completely unknown, kept turning up pink.

So Ronan didn’t have a Christmas gift for Adam. Declan and Jordan made a lot of fun of him, but she was nice enough to offer to drive him somewhere. He declined, taking Matthew with him instead.


The only store open on Christmas Eve in DC was Target. Ronan hated it, hated going inside, hated the thought of buying Adam something so impersonalized, but it was his only option.

Matthew was, of course, super excited to go to Target. It’s the only reason why Ronan actually went through with it. And his little brother was the only reason why Ronan didn’t leave the store after 5 minutes… Every 5 minutes.

There was nothing here for Adam, nothing in Target that Ronan could actually give the love of his fucking life for Christmas. But with Matthew by his side, talking along and convincing Ronan that the phone he’ll eventually dream will be the real gift, he just had to find something as a little bonus, Ronan’s eyes did fall on something.

It was stupid, it was so stupid. It was a pajama set with a very stupid looking Santa drawing, patterned on the pants and printed once, big, on the shirt. The Santa looked deranged, on drugs, dumb. It was kind of great, it made Matthew roll his eyes and laugh loudly.

Ronan got it, knowing fully well that Adam would only end up wearing the pants, and he’ll end up wearing the shirt, knowing that it’ll make Adam chuckle a little, and knowing that they’ll most likely not wear them, that first night in DC.


They were spending Christmas Eve at Declan’s place. Matthew had a bedroom there, but Ronan had rented an airbnb close by for Adam and himself.

Still, Adam came straight to Declan’s. He looked tired, he just had a backpack on him, but a bag filled with gifts. He shook Declan’s hand, kissed Jordan’s cheek, hugged Matthew and gave Ronan a searing kiss, which was uncommon when they were in public.

Adam didn’t explain, when Ronan asked what that was for, he just said that he’d missed him. Ronan didn’t insist right then, instead kissed him again, going as far as grabbing his ass, making the rest of his family groan in embarrassment. 


When it was time to open gifts, Adam pulled a hilariously disappointed face when Ronan handed him a target bag. Matthew explained to him that Ronan was still working on dreaming his real gift and that this was a bonus.

Adam, of course, graciously stated that there was no need to go through any trouble for him (which prompted Ronan to kick at his shins), and then very meticulously took out the pajamas from the bag.

His first reaction was a horrified look, truly like he’d seen his worst nightmare come to life. Then he laughed, a full belly laugh, borderline unhinged, that was music to Ronan’s ears. He grinned widely, getting another kiss in return, this one much more gentle and sweet.


Later that night, Ronan was wearing boxers and the demented Santa pajama shirt, Adam only had the pants on.

He leveled Ronan with a strong look, hands on his hips, glaring down at where he was laying down in bed.

‘Please don’t dream my Christmas gift tonight, we have four more nights together. And, for the love of god, I can’t wait to take these off.’

Ronan grinned, evilly so, and yanked Adam’s pants off before pulling him to the bed. It was a merry Christmas indeed, even if demented Santa was staring at them from the bedroom floor.

Chapter 9: Kate & Clint


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

Christmas was shit. It usually was, for Clint, because he somehow always ended up with one problem or another around that time, in one dumpster or another, followed by one tracksuit mobster or another.

This year, it was no different.

He had actually gone to a Christmas party, which was as shocking for Clint as it was for everyone attending. Sure, it was just beer and pizza with fellow Avengers, but it was fun.

And afterwards, here Hawkeye was. In a puffy jacket because Christmas in New York meant a hella lot of snow, with no weapons on him because it was Christmas for god’s sake, on the other side of the bridge because Steve insisted on living in Brooklyn.

He had an hour-long subway ride in his immediate future, taking him back home to take Lucky out on a walk. It was slightly depressing, but Clint didn’t mind it. He actually thought it was going to be better than Christmases past.

And then the tracksuit mafia appeared, before he got on the subway.

Cursing wildly, Clint started running. Thankfully, he had some propper boots on, which did well on the snow. But the bros appeared to have some too, because Clint didn’t seem to be able to lose them.


Clint ran for a long, long while. He fell on ice, he got up. He tried to get up on roofs, slipped on ice, went back down. He tried to lose them through alleyways, but the snow wasn’t at all cleaned up, so he went back down bigger streets.

He ran, and ran and ran and ran.

Eventually, he managed to lose the bros but he was bleeding in three places, had a sprained ankle and probably a dozen bruises.

The only good thing was that he was close to Kate’s street.


It was Christmas Eve and Clint cared too much about Kate to show up bleeding on her doorstep without a gift. Sure, he had a proper present for her, but it was at his apartment, where she was supposed to come in the morning.

This was not the plan, but Clint was able to adapt. He took a long way round and passed a small Asian shop that was, thankfully, still open.

The old man behind the counter was startled by his appearance, but Clint explained what happened, and the man agreed to let him shop without calling the police.

Clint got some first aid supplies, first, and then headed to the sweets aisle. He had no idea what half of the things he got were, but he got them. He also got a bottle of sake.

After paying a slightly ridiculous amount of money, and ignoring the way the man behind the counter snickered at him, Clint took his three bags and made his way to Kate’s place.


She answered the door quickly enough. Kate was in pajamas, hair a mess on top of her head, incredibly fluffy slippers on her feet.

As soon as she laid eyes on him, though, Kate glared.

Clint smiled as innocently as possible, as he greeted her. And he made sure to mention the sweets and drink he got.

As a response, Kate groaned, rolling her eyes and throwing her head back.

‘God damn it, Clint, why the fuck do I love you so much? You’re a mess!’

Well, she was right, he was a mess, but the other thing she said felt more important, at that moment, and it made him pause, blinking slowly and somewhat incredulously at her.

Once again, it made Kate roll her eyes. But she also grabbed the front of his very dirty puffy jacket, pulled him inside, and kissed him so hard that Clint dropped the bags he was holding.

Thankfully, the sake bottle didn’t break but honestly, they didn’t really care that much about it.

Chapter 10: Geralt & Jaskier


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

The Continent was vast, and in every corner of every town, people had traditions. Made by their ancestors, continued by their heirs, on and on and on, losing their meaning over the centuries.

Jaskier asked twenty different people about where this particular tradition came from, but he got thirty different answers, and none of them made much sense. But the bottom line was that on the Winter Solstice, people exchanged gifts. Small or big, that meant something or meant nothing, that you needed or didn’t need, people exchanged gifts with their loved ones.

And, well, Jaskier was traveling with Geralt. It wasn’t an issue of adhering to the customs of where they were, it wasn’t a discussion about decades of friendship, it wasn’t a quantification of fights they had versus moments of care, it was just the fact that Jaskier cared about Geralt deeply. In terms of loved ones, the surly witcher was the only one in Jaskier’s heart. Even if Geralt had no idea.


There weren’t many options of gifts around, because the town they were in was small. The tavern was the inn, it had two rooms, and one of them didn’t have a bed.

In terms of shops, there was a very small forge and leather workshop, a produce market (that was closed) and an apothecary (that was also closed).

Sighing deeply, Jaskier went to the workshop, where he found a very young man, overly excited to have a customer. Of course, there was no time to have something made for Geralt, but the man had a few already made options.

Geralt didn’t need a knife, he had his sword. He didn’t need a sword either, he had once twice as large. Arrow heads? No, he didn’t use a bow. A belt? No, he had several. A bag? No, they were too small to hold all his potions.

But there was a coin bag that caught Jaskier’s attention. It was the only dark leather on the table, so dark it was almost black. It was made out of a hard leather, which was unusual for coin bags, but it looked almost elegant. More important than that, it was very practical, well made, made to last, and Jaskier thought that there was a chance Geralt would like it.

So he brought it and prayed to every god he knew of that Geralt wasn’t in a pissy mood.


The tavern was empty, everybody celebrating with their loved ones at home. The innkeeper left them a barrel of ale and a big dinner, and took his leave, asking them to lock up before they turned in for the night.

Geralt and Jaskier spent a few hours by the fireplace, eating, drinking, drinking some more, actually talking. It wasn’t the best day they spent together, but it came very close.

After they cleaned up, before they went upstairs to their room, Jaskier gave Geralt his present. He talked a lot, quickly and enthusiastically, explaining to him the custom.

The witcher didn’t really react. He grabbed the bag, held onto it and kept blinking down at it as Jaskier ranted. He wasn’t sure Geralt was even listening, so Jaskier finished his speech with a flourish and a bad joke.

A few moments of silence passed before Geralt looked up and thanked Jaskier. It was… two simple words, but they were true and heartfelt and it left Jaskier feeling breathless.

Then Geralt took a few steps forward, getting close to Jaskier. So close, it gave him a little trouble breathing. And then, in the most shocking turn of events of the century, the witcher gently grabbed the back of Jaskier’s head and kissed his forehead. Just for a moment of two, just a quick press of lips, but gentle and… sweet.

In true Geralt fashion, he turned around and left without saying another word, but he stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

When he turned, he smirked at Jaskier, something very playful in his eyes.

‘Are you coming, bard? Or am I supposed to spend tonight alone?’

Of course, he didn’t wait for Jaskier’s answer. A good thing, too, because there was no possible way he could come up with an answer, he just stood there gawking.

He may have been shocked, but Jaskier wasn’t an idiot. He took a deep breath and hurried after Geralt, so much so that he tripped on his way up the stairs. But Geralt caught him, and he didn’t let go of his hand for quite awhile.

Chapter 11: Molly & Sherlock


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

Sherlock forgot about Christmas. There was no roundabout way to go around it, he just completely forgot of the existence of the stupid holiday. He forgot about it when he invited Molly over for dinner that night.

It was just supposed to be another Tuesday night. They do that sometimes, order takeout, have dinner in front of the TV, argue over what to watch, eventually end up on a game show or another.

He didn’t realize it was Christmas and there were a lot more implications to dinner.

John wasn’t at all helpful. At first, he made fun of him, then he teased him about finally doing something about Molly.

Which was… fair. Sherlock had realized long ago what his feelings for Molly meant, and over the past months, he had worked on accepting them. Most days, he wanted to do something about it, tell Molly, even kiss her. But some days, he wanted nothing to do with it and he wanted nothing to change between them.

But Sherlock never went back on his word. So he will be having Molly over for dinner later tonight and, despite John’s laughs, he was going to get her a Christmas present.

And he was going to tell her how he felt. Maybe.



Desperation came in the form of Google Maps showing closed on all the shops Sherlock thought of. 

The only shops open in all of London were foreign shops, Asian, Turkish, Arabic. Nothing helpful.

Sherlock found a bookshop open. He didn’t bother checking what sort of bookshop it was, he just grabbed his coat and rushed to it.

Upon arrival, he figured out it was a second hand bookshop. Which was good, because it meant he could find a lot of genres, but it was not so good, because he couldn’t ask for specific books.

Still, Sherlock had no other choices, so he made his way inside, where he was greeted by an old Asian man who offered his assistance. Sherlock refused, but he did let him know that he will be browsing for a last minute gift.

For half an hour, Sherlock found nothing. Sure, he could get her some fictional story about star crossed lovers, but he wanted something more substantial.

Just as he was about to leave the store and admit defeat, a bright purple and white cover caught his attention. Dealing with a Sociopath by Donna Andersen seemed to be a legitimate book written from a psychological point of view. And it felt, to Sherlock, like the best gift to give someone at the start of a relationship.


Molly didn’t come with her halls decked. She came in comfortable clothes, but a Christmas sweater, and she brought no gifts, but a bottle of wine that she will drink most of.

Sherlock treated it as a normal Tuesday, but he did wish her a Merry Boring Christmas, which made her laugh. He also let her choose what takeout to order and what to watch. She didn’t comment on it, but she kept giggling.

After a few episodes of a game show that Sherlock enjoyed destroying, he gave her the present. Admitted that he had completely forgotten about Christmas and had scrambled to find her something. Of course, Molly insisted that he didn’t need to get her anything, but she nevertheless opened the gift, excitement creeping through.

Upon reading the title of the book, she scoffed, pointing out that she had been dealing with a sociopath for years, she could have written the hand book herself.

‘Well, yes’, Sherlock agreed, ‘but I was thinking that you might want to deal with this certain sociopath in a different capacity.’

Molly frowned, not understanding, and Sherlock did something foolish: he kissed her to get his point across. It was as shocking to him as it was to her. She was the first to recover, first checking his pulse, then his forehead for temperature, then she made him follow her finger with his eyes.

He was perfectly fine, of course, and he was ridiculously, stupidly in love with her. It will take some time for Molly to trust that, which was understandable, but for starters, a funny book and a sweet kiss was enough.

Well. A series of sweet kisses, on Christmas night, shared on his couch throughout stupid game show episodes.

Chapter 12: Katy & Shang-Chi


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

Shawn had left three months ago. Katy was sad and lonely, but she couldn’t do anything to stop him, nor did she want to. He was at Kamar-Taj, training hard in becoming the superhero he was meant to be.

Who was she to try to stop him? Even if she missed him something horrible, loved him very much and was ridiculously in love with him, she didn’t want to stop him from going.

He wasn’t going to come home for Christmas, he said so time and time again. Wong was being very strict and uptight about it, and there was nothing Shawn could do, though he tried. Nobody was willing to open up a portal for him, they were too afraid of Wong.

So for the first time in 10 years, since they’ve known each other, Katy and Shawn were spending Christmas apart.

Or so she thought.

He called late on Christmas Eve, all but screaming in excitement, that Wong was going to let him leave for a couple of hours. Katy assumed he was going to visit his sister, but no, Shawn wanted to visit her and her family.

She didn’t start crying tears of joy, but it was close. And then she panicked, because she hadn’t gotten Shawn anything for Christmas!


The only thing opened in her part of San Francisco on Christmas Eve was a Target. And she had to rush there, because it was closing in an hour.

She ran through the store, brain going a mile a minute. Shampoo? No, it smelled too sweet. Pajamas? No, he didn’t use them. Socks? No, too boring. A mug? No, someone was bound to steal it in Kamar-Taj. Ugly Christmas sweater? Didn’t have his size. Alcohol? No, Wong was going to steal it for sure. 

Her desperation grew, there was a voice in the speaker saying the store was closing in 10 minutes, and then Katy stumbled upon the Funko Pop section.

She thought she could buy him a Captain America one, to remind him of his goal to be a good superhero. But then she saw him.

Shang-Chi had a Funko Pop.

Katy had no idea how that happened, why that happened, when it happened, but it did. And the toy was surprisingly realistic. The suit was on point, the rings were glowing yellow and hell, it was so cute.

So cute.

Katy didn’t hesitate in buying one for Shawn. She hesitated with grabbing one for herself, but in the end she did it, because it was so cute and it was going to look very good next to the ridiculous prom picture of them that she had on her vanity.


Shawn hugged her for ten minutes straight, outside of the apartment, telling her, in a whisper, how cool Kamar-Taj was, how much hard work he was doing, how it was paying off, how crazy Wong was, and how much he missed her.

It was shaping up to be an amazing Christmas.


Mrs. Chen was not a fan of Christmas, but with two kids raised in America, she relented. There was no Christmas tree in the apartment, but there were presents piled on the couch, even if they were usually pajamas and socks.

Opening them was a quick affair, except for Shawn. Clearly, he was surprised he was getting anything. He saw the top of it first, and he got excited. But once he got the box out of the bag and saw who it was, Shawn’s smile slipped. He looked unsure and mildly shocked.

Katy was guessing he was 10 again, in his father’s training room, trying his damn hardest to become strong. Or maybe he was on that mountain, fighting his father. Or maybe he was fighting aliens in New York last month.

Shawn shook his head, and his expression changed again, into something incredulous and disbelieving. Without looking up, he asked Katy where she found it. Target was not the answer he expected, so he said he’ll ask Wong about it.

He thanked Katy in a near whisper, and very carefully put the Funko back in the bag. Then he spared a look towards her family, her mom and dad, Waipo and Ruihua, and he took a deep breath.

Shawn got up from his seat, took the few steps needed to get to Katy’s, and without saying a word, he bent down, grabbed Katy’s neck and kissed her. A simple kiss, a short kiss, just a press of lips.

He didn’t go far when he stopped the kiss, still holding onto her as he looked into her eyes. There was a lot of insecurity there, which was ridiculous. So Katy kissed him too, curling her fist in his shirt and very much not keeping it short.

‘Are we eating?’, her mom said in a straight voice. ‘Or are we forced to keep watching this?’

They stopped the kiss, and even if Shawn’s cheeks were red, he apologized to Mrs. Chen and said that he was very hungry. But he grabbed Katy’s hand, and barely let go of it for the rest of the evening.

Chapter 13: Steve & Eddie


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

Steve would have never thought, in a billion years, that he would ever work in a record store. But, to be fair, in the past years, he had done a lot of things he never thought he’d be capable of.

And he actually liked working in the record store. He’d been there for almost a year, even if it was a rough start. Jimmy, the guy who owned the store, a fat rocker with tattoos up his neck, he actually started laughing when Steve asked about the job opening.

He gave him a chance, though, saying that he wasn’t going to last a week, but in that week, Steve helped a lot of teenage girls find Madonna and Blondie albums, and he once spent an hour with a friend of Jimmy’s, learning about Iron Maiden albums.

So a year later, Steve’s musical culture was immensely varied, and he actually liked working in the record store, learning about new music and listening to a new record every day. Plus, there were less annoying moms coming in than at the video store.

And, the best thing ever, he got a discount and early access to new tapes. Even if, with that, came the annoying downside of all of his friends taking advantage of this.

Eddie did it the most often. Obviously, considering he was in the store three or four times a week.

It took Steve a few months to acknowledge and accept the fact that Eddie didn’t really come in for the tapes and records, but for Steve himself.

Which brought Steve to his current problem. What the hell do you get for Christmas for someone like Eddie? Someone who annoyingly bothered Steve for months, stubbornly becoming his friend? Someone who Steve fell for, surprisingly enough?


Steve kept asking Jimmy since late October, if he knew of any cool releases happening in December. It took Jimmy three days to figure out Steve was actually shopping for Eddie. Still, nothing came up.

Which brought Steve to the point of desperation. He was prepared to give Eddie a voucher for all the early releases he had access to in the next year. Maybe pair that with a ‘Do you want to be my boyfriend?’ card.

He was extremely desperate, but thankfully, Jimmy came through.

On the 23rd of December, late in the evening, the last time they were open until the New Year, Jimmy let Steve leave early. He also gave him a tape, cover side down .

Steve frowned down at it, but he took it and turned it around. It was a Megadeath album called So Far, So Good... So What! Steve didn’t know much about the band, but he knew of them, from Eddie and Jimmy.

He didn’t know this album, though, which he pointed out. Jimmy then explained that this was their new album, to be released in January, that he had a friend who worked at Capitol Records and scored him two pieces: one for him and one for Steve, his lovesick employee who was going to gift it to his boyfriend.

Steve kept blinking slowly at him. And then Jimmy asked if he knew who Dave Mustaine was. He did, he was the guy who left Metallica. Apparently, he was now with Megadeath.

That was… going to get Eddie very excited. Steve was in Jimmy’s debt, but the man just laughed and begged him to sort his love life already, he was annoyed with all the tension.


There was somewhat of a party happening in Mike’s basement. It was fun and innocent, and the older gang left early, left the kids alone, and moved the party over to Eddie’s trailer. And after a few hours, the rest of the gang left, and Steve stayed behind. 

Eddie was surprised, but he didn’t mind it.

And then Steve got out his gift, neatly wrapped in old newspapers and Eddie freaked, yelling about how they all agreed on not getting gifts. Steve yelled right back, that he should shut up and open it.

The way Eddie’s eyes grew wide was kind of glorious. He shut up, mouth hanging open in shock and handling the tape like it was something very breakable.

He read the song titles on the back of the tape, then he, still very gently, put it down on the closest table.

Then Eddie all but marched to Steve, barely stopping before a collision.

‘I didn’t get you a Christmas present, but I can pay you back.’

Steve frowned and started saying how much he didn’t need to do that, but Eddie wouldn’t have it. He didn’t let Steve talk, grabbing his shirt and pulling, until their lips were pressed together and all the air was out of Steve’s lungs.

Of course, he kissed Eddie back immediately and quickly forgot about Megadeth.


A few hours later, Steve realized that he really did not like Megadeath. After a short negotiation, he listened to the album all the way through, but got kisses in return.

Chapter 14: Felicity & Oliver


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

They weren’t supposed to see each other on Christmas. But there was a guy threatening to detonate a bomb downtown, so Oliver was forced to call Felicity.

She came, of course, saying that he wasn’t interrupting anything, just a night of Netflix and cheap mulled wine.

But on the way to the Foundry, Oliver drove by a 7-11. The least he could do was get Felicity something. Even if it was something shitty.


There were three people in the store, and all of them were in the alcohol section. Oliver avoided that, even if it was a decent enough idea. Felicity liked her alcohol, but he hoped he’d find something better.

He thought of getting her some chocolate flavored coffee, or some sweet tea. But next to those, there was a giant Kinder display.

There were a lot of types of chocolates on display, but Oliver’s eyes went to some plush animals. They were small, clearly for kids, but they were soft and they also came with a bag of various Kinder chocolates. Oliver settled on a reindeer, because it was the cutest.


Felicity came down to the Foundry wearing sweatpants, a Christmas sweater with a drunk Santa on it, and with her hair messily piled on top of her head. She looked adorable, but Oliver didn’t tell her that.

Instead, he got her up to date on the situation, and she was quick to get into her ‘Catch the bad guy’ mindset.


It took the better part of three hours to find the guy, but Felicity did it. Oliver was running out the Foundry before she even finished yelling the address.

Thankfully, he got there before the guy set off the bomb, and in less than 10 minutes, the guy was unconscious, he found the bomb, and the cops were there, bomb squad on the way.

When he got there, Lance threw him a look. Then he sighed, wished him a Merry Christmas, and ordered him to get out of there.

Despite himself, Oliver grinned at Lance before leaving. There was a cute reindeer in the back of his bike, and he had a feeling Felicity was still waiting for him at the Foundry.


She was waiting, her computers shut off, and she seemed to be watching old Christmas SNL skits on her phone.

Still in his suit, Oliver got close to her, hands behind his back. Felicity grinned up at him as she turned off her phone. She asked if he was okay, and after his affirmative, she suggested they’d both go home to enjoy whatever was left of Christmas.

Perfect timing, Oliver pulled his hands out from behind his back and presented Felicity with the reindeer and chocolate.

She cooed out loud, quickly grabbing it. She took the plushy out of the packaging and hugged it tightly to her chest, pushing her cheek against it. Clearly, Felicity liked it.

Oliver grinned at her, he couldn’t help himself. Felicity thanked him sweetly, shoved the chocolates in her bag and started walking towards the exit, reindeer still held lovingly.

At the top of the stairs, though, Felicity stopped and turned around, smiling shyly down at him.

‘If you wanna come over and share uh, share some of this chocolate, my door’s always open.’

Felicity winked and left without waiting for an answer from Oliver. In his defense, he waited for two minutes before rushing out of his suit. He ran up the stairs, quickly put up the alarm system and was going to run to his bike, but Felicity’s car was still there. She had the lights on, and she was clearly waiting for him, considering how big she was grinning.

Oliver hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he figured they both deserved a nice Christmas. So he got into Felicity’s car and held onto the fluffy reindeer until they got to her place.

Chapter 15: Beth and Rick


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.


This was has 1500 words because I FELL IN A HOLE right after I watched the series finale. Sorry, not sorry. Better late than never, right? 😅

Chapter Text

Eight months had passed since the junk yard fight, and a lot had happened since. From Rick getting a job and a small apartment all for himself, to Cameron becoming a part of the JSA. 

It was the day before Christmas and come noon, the two of them met up at the Pit Stop and trained. That’s the only thing the two of them did together, one on one. They hardly spoke, they weren’t friends, but Rick knew he could trust Icicle to have his back. And this, sparing, fighting without their powers, training, they were good at this.

So it was very surprising when, at the end of their session, Cam asked him about Beth. Confused, Rick reminded him that Beth was away with her parents for Christmas and she’d come back before New Years.

Cam insisted, with a small smile on his face, saying that he was actually asking about why Rick never made a move on Beth.

His first instinct was to get angry, but he was trying not to do that these days. So Rick took a deep breath and he was ready to verbally push Cameron as far away as possible, but the other man interrupted him, saying that Rick didn’t have to tell him everything, he was just genuinely curious about what was holding him back.

Cam was being kind, right then, and Rick could tell his curiosity was genuine. So he sighed and sat down on the mats, wordlessly inviting the other man to do the same.

The thing with Beth was complicated. Rick couldn’t pinpoint an exact moment it started, but he knew it happened around the JSA. They spent years sharing a lunch table in silence, and that wasn’t important.

But since Courtney came into their life, and everything she brought with her, Beth had become Rick’s best friend. That was not complicated, that was, by far, the easiest thing in his life. Being friends was easy, driving her around, offering a shoulder to cry on when needed, accepting her help when he needed it, going out for milkshakes, watching bad movies, helping her cook on the weekends and texting goodnight every night.

What was complicated was that sometime along the way, Rick fell in love with her. Completely, ridiculously, strongly, desperately in love with her. And he knew she felt the same, it was as obvious to him as it was to her.

They were afraid, though. At least, Rick was. He was terrified of screwing things up. Because if either of them would screw them up, it would be him. The JSA couldn’t afford that, and he couldn’t handle that. Beth was his best friend, first. That was the most important thing. The love he felt for her was secondary.

Cam called him an idiot and for the next half an hour, he spoke continuously of why all the reasons Rick had said were bullshit and stupid. Pat came around too, at some point, and offered some grown up insight.

Just as Rick couldn’t take it anymore and was about to curse at them and run out of there, his phone rang, a very excited Beth saying that her parents couldn’t stand her moping anymore and agreed to let her come back home for Christmas, if she stayed with one of the girls. 

After he hung up, Cam was smirking at him and Pat was full on grinning. He didn’t run out, but he walked quickly, and he didn’t curse at them, he just thanked them in the most sarcastic way he could.


Rick had gotten Beth a perfect Christmas present, a handmade pair of earrings with Dr. Mid-Nite’s logo, but they haven’t arrived yet. It shouldn’t have been a problem, if Beth would have stuck to her schedule.

He didn’t want to have an awkward moment at the JSA Christmas dinner, where she wouldn’t get a gift from him and she’d get sad and he’d have to explain in front of everyone.

So that brought him to the only store open on the day before Christmas, the general convenience store that was, somehow, functioning since the 1930s. Of course, he wasn’t going to find any appropriate gift for Beth there. But he hoped he’ll find something decent, and he’ll explain the rest.

It took some time, but he did find something in the very back of the store. It was a jewelry box, small enough to hold a few necklaces, a ring or two, and the earrings Rick got her. It was an elegant box, made out of dark wood, with some intricate, elaborate flower carvings on it.

The store clerk was shocked when Rick brought it over. He said that they’ve had that thing in store since the 50s, and it was a running joke. Nobody ever brought it, but they kept it out for the fun of it. Rick offered to not buy it, but the clerk insisted he should, he just asked to take a picture to send to his boss. Rick agreed and he paid a grand total of 2,50$. 

He actually felt bad about it, but the guy’s boss called. He was incredibly happy the box found a home, his grandmother had one that had been passed down through generations, and he wished Rick good luck with his lady friend. Weird, considering he had never met the guy, but fitting nonetheless.

Rick had no idea if he was ever going to say anything to Beth. But today’s torturous discussion with the guys made him realize that he wasn’t so opposed to the idea as he used to be.


Beth was the one to open the door to Courtney’s house, and she jumped in Rick’s arms, hugging him tightly and not letting go for a long time, so much so that Pat passed through the hallway and shut the door, leaving them on the porch.

Yeah, he really wasn’t as opposed to the idea as he used to be.


Christmas at the Dougan’s was even more chaotic than Rick thought it would be. The food was great, though, and after they were done with it, they moved to the living room to open up presents, and that was when the chaos really started.

It was a very good time, though. It was the best time the JSA ever had and Rick would never admit it, but he felt a little teary eyed throughout the night.

Beth was always by his side, and that helped with the happiness he was feeling.


It was getting late, and Rick was preparing for Barb and Pat to send them home, but instead they helped them move the drinks and snacks to The Pit and told them to please, get some sleep eventually.

For the next hour, Rick was hyper aware of Beth by his side on the couch, and of the fact that they weren’t alone. Eventually, though, she got up to get a drink refill, and Rick was quick to follow her, ignoring the sleek look Cam sent his way.

Once at the drinks table, he told her that he needed to explain his Christmas gift a little more and though she frowned, Beth also suggested they head outside for a bit of fresh air.

Everyone stared as they gathered their coats, but Beth reassured them they were going to be right back. This time, Rick punched Cam in the stomach, albeit gently.

Once outside, Rick told her the story, told her what her real gift was and the unusual story of the jewelry box. Beth listened to it all with big wide eyes, a lot of emotions passing through them.

She didn’t say anything for a long time after Rick was done talking, so much so that it made him think he did something wrong.

But then Beth took his hand, and it was a shock to Rick’s system. It was something they haven’t done before. They were comfortable around each other, but this was something else. And the way she was looking at him, it was different too. Filled with… love. Care. Adoration.

Did she always look at him like that? No, no she didn’t. This was just a little bit more than usual.

And it was the little bit more that Rick needed, apparently, because in that moment, he couldn’t stop himself. He squeezed her hand and bent down, kissing her quickly, before he could overthink it.

When he pulled away, he wasn’t breathing and his heartbeat was through the roof. If Beth would have worn her goggles, she would have insisted on taking him to the hospital.

But she wasn’t wearing them, and her eyes were still closed and Beth wasn’t moving. Rick’s fear hit him tenfold in that silent moment, he was terrified he had screwed everything up.

He moved to take his hand away from her hold, but Beth didn’t let him. She squeezed his fingers and she opened her eyes. There was still adoration there, and a lot more excitement than a few moments ago.

Slowly but surely, Beth grinned.

‘The jewelry box is lovely’, she said in a whisper, ‘and I’m sure the earrings are great, but this? This is the best Christmas gift ever!’, her voice shrieked at the end there.

It was incredibly endearing, and once again, Rick didn’t stop himself. He kissed Beth again and this time, she kissed him back.

Chapter 16: Castiel & Dean


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

Dean didn’t give two shits about Christmas. Most years, he and Sam would take the night off, give each other alcohol and dirty mags, eat some takeout together, and drink themselves to sleep.

This year, though, Cas was with them. In the backseat of the Impala, asking about what song was playing. By Sam, researching through the Men of Letters books, as Sam looked online. In the kitchen next to Dean, learning how to make burgers and fries. By their side, fighting monsters and healing their wounds after.

Dean still didn’t give two shits about Christmas, but he did give a shit about Cas. So he got in the car and drove to the closest town, knowing fully well he wasn’t going to find anything appropriate for Cas.

What could you possibly get for Christmas for the angel you’re stupidly in love with?


There was only one thing open in town, which was understandable considering it was Christmas Eve. As Dean stepped into the gas station store, he groaned at himself. He should have thought of this sooner.

Still, he got a bottle of whisky and some mags for Sam, thinking that he could get the same thing for Cas. But he didn’t, feeling he should at least get something different for the angel.

He absently went to the sweets aisle, thinking he’d get Cas something he at least knew he’d enjoy: chocolate. Dean’s eyes fell on something fluffy, though. There were a couple of Kinder gifts that had a couple of small chocolates and a fluffy headband, with reindeer ears and horns on it. It was made for kids, it was cute and they matched the color of Cas’ trench coat.

Dean laughed as he grabbed it, he laughed as he got a couple of other chocolates and he laughed at the checkout, where the gas station clerk was giving him a very judgmental look for his purchases. He couldn’t care less, really.


They ate burgers and pie around the table in the library, drank some eggnog and mulled wine. Sam had somehow procured a tiny Christmas tree that stood in the middle of the table, and Dean couldn’t remember the last time a Christmas actually felt like a Christmas.

When it was time for gifts, Cas wrinkled his nose when he saw that the brothers gave each other the same ones, but they just grinned at each other. Sam had gotten Cas a couple of books, fictional ones, the classics, which the angel was grateful for, and mildly excited.

He was more excited about the chocolate Dean got him, though. His eyes grew very wide and he grinned, spreading all the chocolate out on the table in front of him. When he got to the fluffy horns, Cas frowned for a few moments, before he snorted.

Cas put on the headband, grinned widely, and thanked Dean sincerely. Sam lost it, started laughing, and the other two men were quick to follow.


In the morning, Dean woke up with a mild hangover, which was to be expected. He also woke up with Cas in his bed, which was really unexpected.

For a second, he thought he got way too drunk and did something he couldn’t remember, but Dean realized that was not the case, considering the angel was still wearing clothes.

He was also wearing the reindeer horns and smiling softly at Dean.

‘When you’re ready to stop being an idiot', Cas said gently, 'I am right here, you know. Right here.’

It took less than a moment for Dean to realize what Cas was talking about, but it took a few moments for him to believe it. But in the end, it was Cas, and Cas never lied.

So Dean let himself have a Christmas miracle: an angel in his arms, kissing away his hangover.

Chapter 17: Kara & Winn


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

By their calculations, Winn had been gone for two years, in Metropolis time. In reality, he had spent five years with The Legion. And it was time to go back home.

A lot of things had happened in those five years, and a lot of things happened in Metropolis in those two years. But Winn had given a lot of thought to it, and he wanted to go back home, to Earth in his timeline, to his friends. To Kara.

It’s been five years, and he was still stupidly in love with Kara. Some things never changed, no matter the multiverse or timeline you were in.

So he was going home, not because he had any chance with Kara, he knew he didn’t, but because he missed her, and the rest of their friends.


There was a problem, though. The only moment the Legion ship could get him back home was on Christmas Eve. And Winn had been raised right, so he had to find a gift for Kara.

The 31st century wasn’t as different as the 21st when it came to gift giving. There wasn’t anything Winn could think of that Kara would like. Clothes, makeup, perfumes, while they were more interesting in the future, they weren’t wearable in Kara’s present.

Plus, there was also the fact that because of his final mission going wrong, he only had 20 minutes to get her something. In the end, Winn went to a superstore and got Kara a giant bag filled with candy, chocolates, snacks, all things that didn’t exist in the 21st century.

Kind of shitty, really, but he knew Kara would enjoy it.


It was 23:55 when he got to Kara’s front door. He expected her apartment to be filled with their friends, maybe playing boardgames, maybe still having dinner, like they usually did on Christmas Eve.

But when Kara opened the door, she was all alone. And she was shocked, to say the least. For a minute, she froze, standing there in front of him, blinking slowly at Winn with wide eyes.

He said hi, lamely so, and that snapped her out of it. First, she pinched herself. Then, she took his pulse. Then, she asked what the first movie they saw together in a theater was.

Clearly, she didn’t believe he was actually Winn. It was understandable, so Winn put up with her antics and answered every question.

At the end of the interrogation, Kara took a deep breath and started crying. He was quick to get inside the apartments, put down the bags he was carrying, shut the door behind him. And then Winn hugged Kara, for the first time in five years.

She was crying, but she was holding onto him tightly, so tightly it almost hurt. But Winn held on, didn’t even think of letting go of her. He started crying too, but it was in happiness.

This was the happiest he had been in five years, and he never wanted to let go.


They did stop the hug, eventually, after Kara had calmed down.

Winn asked about where everyone else was (the Christmas party was postponed for the next day because that’s when Clark and Jimmy could make it), Kara asked about what he was doing there (she started crying again when Winn told her he was here to stay), she asked if he was hungry (he was, they ordered pizza), then Kara offered him the couch (which Winn accepted gladly, until he figured out the rest of his life).

It was 4 AM by the time they had caught up with the most important things, and Kara’s eyes were drooping badly. Winn wordlessly got up and grabbed a pillow and a blanket for himself, making Kara smile, saying that it was cute that he still remembered where everything was.

Winn gave her the Christmas gift then. Kara didn’t scream, but it was close. Suddenly, she wasn’t sleepy anymore, and she took the bag to her kitchen island and got all the candy out, meticulously arranging them on the island.

When she was done, she started crying again and Winn was quick to gather her in his arms. This time, Kara wasn’t sobbing, but gently sniffling against his chest. He kissed her forehead and pressed his cheek to the top of her head until she calmed down.

After her last sniffles, Kara pulled away and wiped her face with the back of her hand, but then she came back, pressing her chest to Winn and wrapping her arms around his neck.

‘I am so happy you’re here.’, Kara said in a whisper. Then she kissed him, short and sweet, and after pressing her cheek to his, said ‘We’ll talk later.’

Winn was in complete shock, but… he was happy, back on Earth in his timeline, with Kara in his arms and his lips tingling from her touch. He knew he would be happy back here, but it was shaping up to be the best Christmas ever.

Chapter 18: Tina & Newt


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

Christmas time found Tina in the middle of a crisis. She was very deep in a three month long case, where Grindelwald followers were wreaking havoc in wizarding and non-wizarding households in New York.

She was exhausted, she was depressed, she was frustrated, she was at the very end of her strength, and she was nowhere near catching them, or catching Grindelwald.

When she got the letter, she wanted to cry, both in happiness and anger. Newt was coming to visit on Christmas day, which was tomorrow. She was happy, because she hadn’t seen him in so long and she needed a damn break, but she was angry because he only told her a day before! It was Christmas Eve, there was no time to prepare, buy some proper food, a Christmas gift… Tina didn’t cry, but it was a close call.


Her first idea was to call her sister for help, but Queenie and Jacob were out of town, visiting his uncle. So Tina had to figure it out by herself.

The only shop she found open on Christmas Eve was a tiny convenience store. She managed to find something she could cook, even if it wasn’t going to be a Christmas feast, far from. But she didn’t really find any that could even resemble a gift for Newt.

She went to pay for her purchases, and there was a very old lady behind the counter. If Tina didn’t know any better, she’d think she was some sort of seer, because the lady took one look at her and asked if she was looking for a gift for a friend or something more than that.

Tina didn’t answer, but the lady figured it out anyway and directed her to the very back of the store. There was a display there, of tin cans. Tina didn’t understand how she was going to find anything that could be given as a gift, but she still looked around.

Her eyes landed on a metal tin, about the size of a milk bottle, but a little bit thicker. It was dark blue and it had a drawing of an owl done on it, in light gold, thin brush strokes. It was kind of cute, kind of elegant, and she was sure Newt would like it. Upon further inspection, it had black tea in it, which Newt would definitely like.

The lady behind the counter looked smug when she wished Tina a Merry Christmas. 


Newt came smelling like the ocean and grinning widely. They spent the first three hours together eating mediocre food and talking, Newt about his recent adventures and Tina about the case that was running her into an early grave.

After they were done with food, Tina offered a cup of coffee, knowing fully well that Newt didn’t drink it and that he would ask for tea. She made herself sound as apologetic as possible as she told him she didn’t have any, but then she grabbed the bag and gave it to him.

Of course, Newt immediately became flustered and apologetic, saying that he didn’t get her anything, this trip wasn’t planned, but Tina just laughed and explained it’s barely a gift and that he should open it.

Newt smiled widely when he saw what it was, gently running his fingers over the owl. After he figured out it had tea in it, he very politely asked Tina to boil some water.

In the kitchen, she was preparing her coffee and next to her, Newt was making his tea and their hands accidentally brushed. But then Newt, not at all accidentally, grabbed her hand and held it very gently.

Tina didn’t pull her hand away. Instead, she smiled at Newt, knowing she looked like a love sick dummy.

Newt smiled right back, before straightening his back, taking a deep breath and changing his expression into a very determined one. Tina wanted to ask what was wrong, but Newt didn’t let her. Faster than she could comprehend, Newt kissed her.

It was sweet, clumsy, absolutely lovely and over too soon.

Looking at her with wide eyes, Newt wet his lips.

‘I apologize if that was… unwanted.’

Tina chuckled, she couldn’t help herself. Newt knew her so well, but he was very blind when it came to this. He frowned at her reaction, so in order to calm him, Tina kissed him, sweeter, less clumsy and not at all short.


What started off as an awful Christmas turned out to be the best Christmas of her life, and all it took was her favorite magizoologist and a cheap tin full with tea.

Chapter 19: Crowley & Aziraphale


This Christmas, our favorite pairings find themselves in an apocalyptical predicament: it's Christmas Eve and they don't have a gift for their favorite person.

Chapter Text

Christmas, as you know it, was not a thing neither Crowley nor Aziraphale were interested in. Crowley, for obvious reasons. Aziraphale because of the degeneration of the holy holiday that happened in the past millennia.

So why was Crowley in the middle of a Christmas market, thinking about his angel? Right, because he was calling Aziraphale his angel.


The two of them have always been too close. Ever since Crowley approached Aziraphale in the Garden of Eden, they have been a lot closer than a demon and angel should be. But Crowley had accepted that a long time ago.

They bantered, they fought, they helped each other, they saved each other, they schemed, they saved the world, they had dinners and breakfasts, they spent time together.

Together. For years and years and years and years.

Crowley had accepted a long time ago that if he ever were to call someone a friend, Aziraphale was it. But ever since they saved the world together a few months back, Crowley managed to accept the fact that he wanted to call Aziraphale something else. 

He was a demon, wanting things he shouldn’t have came with the job description. But the feelings? That was a surprise, but he did, eventually, accept it.


It was Christmas Eve, but Crowley didn’t realize it when he called Aziraphale and asked him to dinner. He didn’t even realize it when Aziraphale said he’d cook.

On his way to the angel’s apartment, though, Crowley realized his mistake and figured he should show up with something resembling a gift. Thankfully, he passed a Christmas market that was still open.

Of course, he couldn’t buy any of the things there for Aziraphale. Nothing fit, not the angel, not the demon that was gifting it, not the way their relationship was.

He was going to forget all about it, but on his way out, there was a stall that was selling ceramic figurines, and Crowley’s eyes fell on an angel, of course. It was as tall as a thumb, chubby, dressed in white, with blonde curly hair and rosy cheeks.

The figurine looked exactly like Aziraphale and Crowley didn’t hesitate in buying it.

He had half a mind to keep it to himself, because he was a demon, but it was for Aziraphale, his angel, so he wasn’t going to.


Aziraphale had gone all out with dinner. Appetizers, three course meal, desert, wine (Crowley’s favorite). It was unusual, but not unwelcome.

It took four hours to eat, and then they talked for another hour, and Crowley wasn’t one for feeling happiness, but it was as close to it as he ever came. Which is why he interrupted Aziraphale mid sentence by grabbing his wrist, and putting the ceramic angel in his open hand.

Aziraphale shut up quickly, blinking slowly down at the angel. Without taking his eyes off the thing, he used his free hand to take Crowley’s hand off of him. He didn’t take it away all the way, leaving it on the table between them.

The angel handled the figurine very gently, turning it around and looking at it, bringing it closer to his face. Slowly, Aziraphale smiled, ending up grinning like an idiot.

When Aziraphale looked up at him, Crowley would have blushed if a demon could. Instead, he smirked.

‘Demon’, Aziraphale said gently, ‘you insist on demonstrating the care you are capable of. For me.’

Crowley hummed, didn’t find it in himself to deny it. For the first time ever in 6000 years, because it wasn’t the first time Aziraphale said things like this, but it was the first time Crowley didn’t deny it.

It made Aziraphale’s smile grow even wider, and then the angel boldly asked Crowley to snap the lights off. He did, because he was a demon, and he very much wanted to finally get his angel.


Merry Christmas, my dears! Happy holidays, my lovelies! I hope you have a festive time and, my lord, I hope y'all get some rest. Hugs and kisses 💜, your sometimes active Sim.
PS: I'm sorry for the spam your email is getting today 🥺

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