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“He was Tae, plain Tae, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. He was V at school. He was Taehyung on the dotted line. But in my arms he was always Lolita.”

// In which a thirty year old man falls for his 17 year old stepson //


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter Text

Taehyung's mother said the ravenette was a french artist.

She hadn't met him yet, but she figured by his name he was one of men with a "tortured soul".

She told Taehyung to call him Mr.

She wouldn't say his first name. It was "improper", even though she knew Taehyung wouldn't care; he'd find out one way or another.

He'd come to America after striking up some sort of deal, only to realize he'd only had enough money for the flight here.

Housing was apparently more expensive here than in whatever French province he'd come from.

Taehyung's mother, being the 'kind hearted' soul she is, offered to take him in after a friend of her's from her book club called about the situation.

He was originally supposed to stay at her house, but her in-laws were visiting and she had no room.

So of course Taehyung's lonely single mother (said with much sarcasm) jumped at the chance at opening her home to this brooding, handsome French man.

Apparently a difference in nationality made them all the better.

At the time, she wasn't thinking about the safety of her beloved only child, a son at the awkward age of seventeen.

Oh no, she wanted to take advantage of the situation, possibly in hopes of replacing her past love.

Now, Jason was a good man, but he simply wasn't living up to Taehyung's dear mother's expectations.

After two years, she eventually grew bored of him after he stopped taking her on cross-country trips when the bills began to pile up.

So a day after he worked it all off, he was out the door and on his way, never to be heard from again.

But a French artist?

Now this, this was exciting; an enticing idea to his mother.

Taehyung gave it a month before he's out the door, due to some "coincidental" inconvenience. Just like poor old Jason.


Jungkook had arrive at the house around three in the afternoon, and was already regretting taking up on Julie's offer.

On the way here, a dog came charging from a passing house, violently attacking the windows of the cabbie, while his driver leisurely rolled down the street, as if this were for his pleasure instead of his job.

And just after five minutes of actually arriving in the quaint neighborhood of Rockdale, Jungkook was reluctant to approach the house he was assigned to, ready to turn back and head for New York.

Her name was Kim Y/N.

She was about 5'4, chubby cheeked and round waisted. She was a bit pale, large blue eyes that seemed to take everything in at once.

She greeted Jungkook with a toothy smile, lips pasted in a disgustingly vibrant red, eyes heavily doused in makeup.

Jungkook held back the urge to cringe away, and politely smiled back.

"Hello Ms. Kim. I'm Je—"

"Mr. Jeon! Come in! Come in!" She opened her door wide and waved him in, fluttering her hands.

Slowly, he picked up his luggage and entered the house with caution.

Her high pitched voice came again as she disappeared down a hallway to his left.

"Well follow me, dear, I'll give you the grand tour!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes in exasperation and reluctantly followed the sound of her voice.

The house was quite small, the kitchen extending into the living room. Decently used furniture was arranged around the area, pillows with floral print decorated each sofa.

The woman then led him up the stairs, chattering on about who knows what as he politely added "mhm," and "yeah, go on," here and there.

Y/N suddenly stopped at the top of the stairs, turning to Jungkook with another overly friendly smile.

"To the left over here are Tae and I's rooms, so if you ever need anything, you know where to go. Now your room..."

She turned on her heel and trotted toward the opposite end of the hall.

"Your room is over here. "

Jungkook poked his head through the door of a fairly small sized room with about two windows lining the east wall.

A small desk was shoved up against them and a twin bed was pushed into the far left corner.

"Is this okay? I mean it's a bit small, but it's all we have unless you wanna sleep in my r—"

"No, I don't think that's necessary!" Jungkook quickly cut her off, briskly walking into the room and placing his two cases on the bed. "Thank you for the offer, though I think this is quite alright."

"Oh, alright," Y/N seemed a bit disappointed, but he instantly dismissed it.

"Well, um, let me show you the piazza then, and then I'll introduce you to my dear Tae!" She suddenly seemed excited again as she clattered back down the steps, her heels banging against the polished wood.

Jungkook assumed "Tae" was her little colored maid they'd passed on their route throughout the kitchen.

As they walked back to the living room, Y/N opened up a pair of french doors to reveal her backyard and he had to hold back a sarcastic snort. Ha! Piazza?

As if to read Jungkook's mind, Y/N began to ramble on again.

"Well, it's not really a piazza, but I've worked really hard on this area. Come look at my flowers!" She took his hand and guided him out back, stumbling behind her.

As she began to talk on again, Jungkook scanned the area.

It wasn't much but a backyard, filled with greenery up to the worn brown picket fences.

He suddenly pulled his hand away from her and paused all together as something caught his eye.

Under the sprinklers was the most beautiful creature Jungkook had ever seen.

A boy, around the age of seventeen laid under the spray of water as it cooled him down on the heat of the afternoon, engrossed in a laminated magazine.

He had a singlet and shorts on that had thinned out in the water and clung to every delicious curve of his body.

His damp chocolate colored hair were carelessly styled, droplets of water shinning on his head like jewels.

The angelic boy's long legs kicked up in the air, bare feet colored in red nail polish.

"Oh!" Y/N's sudden exclamation woke Jungkook from his reverie, yet he did not take his eyes off the young boy.

He simply couldn't.

"I see you've found my darling Taehyungie."

At the sound of his name, the young brunette looked up for the first time, his crystal blue eyes instantly locking with the ravenette's.

And suddenly Jungkook found himself drowning in the depths of his ocean irises.

The boy gave him a toothy, heartbreaking smile after giving him a quick once over.

"Taehyung!" Y/N called, "Come say hello to Mr. Jeon!"

The boy glanced at his mother and then looked at Jungkook again, innocent eyes filled with curiosity.

And then, with an exasperated shake of his head and a small wave in the man's direction, Taehyung returned to his magazine, suddenly super interested in the pictures and articles.

"Well then," His mother huffed, slightly embarrassed by his son's behaviour, "I'm so sorry for his rudeness. He's always had quite a bit of an.... attitude. How about I show you my lilies!"

Y/N grabbed Jungkook's hand and turned him around swiftly, only to drop his hand and quickly scamper over to her little section of flora.

"Oh I love lilies! They're quite a beauty, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes, they are," Jungkook replied dismissively, looking back to the boy beneath the sprinkler.

He suddenly tuned out Y/N's chatter as images of her dear Taehyungie flashed before his eyes.

Jungkook could see him squirming underneath him in a naked sweat, hair damp against his forehead as he threw his head back and arched in pleasure.

He could hear the brunette's soft pants and whispers that would fall from his childishly plump lips like a sweet sounding symphony.

Jungkook could taste his breath on his tongue, sweet and sharp like spearmint bubblegum.

And at that moment, he realized how crazy he was.

Jungkook realized how truly insane he was.

And all it took was one smile from a rambunctious woman's juvenile son.

At that moment, staring at the most beautiful, most innocent creature as the boy laid in the grass, now twirling a piece of licorice between his fingers, Jungkook realized he wanted Kim Taehyung.