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Learning to be a Father, Better or Worse


Long ago Pegasus J. Crawford lost the love of his life, and most of everything he had done since then was to get her back. But after a very special someone landed on his doorstep, his priorities began to blur and he wondered was his quest was truely a futile one....


Pegasus thought he would have a nice calm, relaxing, do-nothing rainy day, but after an unexpected visitor arrives on his doorstep he understands it will be anything but.

Chapter 1: The Doorstep Prince

Chapter Text

It was a no good miserable cloudy and rainy in the usually sun soaked Bay Area when 7-year old Rain was left on the side of the street with nothing more than his school bag on his back filled with some clothes and a few of his treasured possessions and a enveloped letter in his hand. Upon exiting the car he was given a set of instructions by its driver: 'Open the gates and walk up to the door, knock on it and wait for someone to answer, whoever answered tell them "this is for the owner" then continue to wait until he was invited in'. And with that the driver had driven off leaving Rain alone.

Rain pumped himself up, ready to complete his given task. He placed the letter in his coat pocket to prevent it from getting wet then gripping the straps of his backpack he continued on with his instructions.


Waking up to the sight of rain and all it's accompaniments Pegasus decided he would take a day off, after all he did deserve it after all the especially dulls meeting he had to attend these past few weeks and any business he had today he could push off to another. So Pegasus decided to spend his day at home the best way he knew how: with a book of his favorite comics in hand, a plate of wine and cheese, and a comfy seat right by the fire place. While in the middle of a page Pegasus heard a knock at the door, one of his servants went to answer it and not before long they came over to Pegasus with a letter in hand. Pegasus took the letter and opened it, but before he could get into what was inside a ring had fallen into his lap.

Pegasus picked up the ring and began examining it, the ring was familiar to him; it was comprised of a simple silver band and an opal of expectational craftsmanship was set on it. A few moments later it hit Pegasus like a jolt of lightning, a flash of nerves went over Pegasus before he focused his attention on the inside of band looking for the thing that would confirm his suspensions and soon he found that, in small print next to the embedment read: 'For my C.C.'


A man in a black suit answered the door, Rain took the letter from his pocket and handed it to him, the man responded with a thank you and handed Rain some money before heading back inside. Rain looked at the money in his hand, he couldn't believe he was just handed a whole five bucks, his mind abuzz with all the things he could get with it. However Rain returned to the moment at hand, put the money in his pocket, and began waiting. Rain wasn't sure why the man hadn't invited him in, though he was determined to follow the instructions he was given. Rain tried not to disobey any instructions he was given he'd hated to mess up or get confused or disappoint anyone for doing something wrong, so like his uncle said he would stay put until he was invited in.

Minutes passed as Rain remained out in the wet and cold, he soon got tired of standing and sat down on the stoop. More time passed while Rain slumped and eventually he heard a noise, the door was opening and so he stood up and went to face it. In the doorway stood another man than the one from before; he wore a red suit with white puffed sleeves, his hair was silver, and his eyes....eye were blue, Rain could only see one the other was hidden behind his hair but occasionally he could see flashes of gold behind it.

"Hello, little one." The man spoke. "My name is Pegasus, what's yours?

Rain was nervous around strangers, but knew it would be polite if he answered.


The man walked over to Rain and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you Rain." The man called Pegasus then smiled. "Would you like to come in, it's nice and dry and warm inside?"

Rain responded with a nod and Pegasus led him inside.


Once the two of them entered the house, Pegasus guided him into the living room and Rain sat down on the couch. Once taking his own seat Pegasus looked back over at Rain who looked quite uncomfortable as he wiggled in his seat.

"Would you like to take your coat off, Rain?" Pegasus asked in good faith trying to make the boy feel at home as much as he could.

"No, thank you. I'm good Mr. Pegasus." Rain replied after nodding his head.

While attempting to make small talk with Rain, Pegasus wonder why he seemed so uncomfortable. Was this place too large and open? Had he not been friendly or gentle enough with the boy; he certainly had been trying his best given the situation? Or was it simply that Rain was still trying to get used to his surroundings? Either way Pegasus had thought up a sure fire idea that was guaranteed to make any kid light up like the 4th of July.

"Tell me Rain do you like card games?"

And Rain responded simply: "Sure, I guess."

"Then follow me I'm sure you'll be intrigued with what I got in store for you."

Rain put down the hot chocolate he had been given by Pegasus' servant and followed Pegasus down the hall until they had reach his office. Pegasus sat the boy down in his office chair before grabbing a book off the shelf and placing in front of him, he then opened it up to reveal dozens and hundreds of designs for Duel Monster cards with around 9 covering each page. As Rain was handed the reins of the book his little eyes were bewildered by all of the monster designs.

"Wow these are so cool! Where did you get all these cards?" Rain asked with his eyes quickly returning to the sight of the cards.

"Well Rain I didn't get them from anywhere I made them." Pegasus answered. "These cards are all for a game called 'Duel Monsters' which I created."

"Wow Mr. Pegasus you're pretty cool."

"Why thank you, I suppose am.... cool, if I do say so myself." Pegasus bragged playfully, charmed in the fact tha tif Rain thought a few cards were cool than he'd be absolutely amazed by his Millennium Eye, but of course Pegasus knew that any explanation regarding that or any form of ancient Egyptian magic would be a long, long ways off...

Pegasus watched on as Rain gladly flipped through the binder, looking at each carefully crafted design. After a bit Pegasus could tell Rain was getting heated in his coat and asked him again if he'd like to take it off and gave him reassurance that they would leave it here and they could come pick it up later. Rain now more comfortable than before, accepted his offer and they took off his coat and backpack and placed it by the desk.

Eventually Rain had flipped through the entire binder and closed it, before becoming disappointed he had finished it, but by then Pegasus had come up with another idea.

"You know Rain would you like to see where I made the designs for these cards?"

"Uh sure, but I thought you made them here?" Rain said with a bit of a confused look on his face.

"Oh no, the place I made them is a bit more open."

Rain exclaimed his interest in seeing this place, and Pegasus happy to oblige took him there. Up the stairs and the third door on the left they entered Pegasus' art studio, it was relatively simple for a man of his means; a stool and easel in the center of the room, some art supplies set off to the side and leaning against the wall were several portraits that had cover by white sheets.

"And this my studio, Rain. This is where I drew all the...... well most of the art for my cards."

"Do.... do you think I...I could draw in here too?" Rain asked with a combination of nervousness and excitement.

"Well I'm a bit low on supplies right now." Pegasus said playfully. "But I think scrap together some paper and colored pencils."

Rain jumped with joy while Pegasus gathered up some supplies for him, all the while the covered canvases had peaked the young boy's curiosity. Rain began peeling back the sheets to get a view underneath, making sure to re-cover the way he found it before moving on to the next one. Pegasus had collected all of the necessary supplies when he had turned around and saw Rain lifting the sheet off his very special piece, then suddenly without thinking he rushed over and held Rain's arm down in a hug to stop him from handling it further.

"Please, don't touch that! You mustn't touch that!" Pegasus warned.

Then Rain began to tear up, it utterly tore him apart to know that he had made Pegasus mad at him.

Pegasus realizing what he had done to the young boy attempted to repent, he hugged and comforted and wiped the tears from his eyes, all while repeating 'sorry' over and over again trying to make things right with him. Eventually Rain's sobs began to subside and Pegasus handed him a hanky, Rain proceeded to use it and then handed it back which then Pegasus tossed it aside.

"You all better, Rain?" Pegasus asked and received a yes nod. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, that painting means a lot to me, but that's no excuse for my behavior."

"It's okay, I forgive you." Rain paused and looked down before looking back up. "It's just that...."

"Just what, Rain? What's the matter?"

Rain reached into his pocket, pulled out a folded piece of paper, and unfolded it revealing it was a photo. Pegasus knew who was in the photo, it was the same person he had drawn on the canvas, it was his beloved Cyndia who he had lost so long ago and desired to bring back more than anything. Pegasus held the photo to his heart and trying to hold back his tears, but quickly regathered himself and spoke softly.

"Rain, where did you get this?"

"I-I got it from my aunt.... she said it was a picture of my m-mama...." Rain confided then he looked over at the covered painting. "Why do you have a painting of her?"


And so Pegasus took Rain by the hand and led him to a more comfortable place, to have a long and honest talk with him about a great many difficult to talk about things.....