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Still walking the Earth, with Heart


Three promising students normally made their lives as thieves. So take a look where their lives were slightly more fortunate. Even still, they face trials from inner demons of man. So still, a Shifu enlightens them.

AU where Lei, Hong, and Yun had a place in China's nobility. But eventually will find their true characters with the Earthen Master.


Man, I remember your bombshell twist from your fic, SoImKinda. A side project, as I couldn't hold it any longer. This is for you, as much is for me.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: Rivers still Shift, but Flows the Same

Chapter Text

Imperial China. A large government among the grand land. Historically, it saw eras of greatness between the Dynasties. Often credited the first to invent items used by other countries, such as tea and gunpowder to name a few. With blossoming citizens, each life was able to make a name for themselves one way or the other. One in particular is a Shifu, meaning Master in Martial Arts. China respected Kung-Fu, as the body is trained, mind is knowledgeable, and spirit is enriched. All his life, he lived humbly by protecting his village.

But he feels like time is catching up to him. "I pray that I'll find a worthy successor to my art." For now, he goes around chatting with the locals for the news.

"Ah! Shifu Roshi, so glad you honor me with your presence." The restaurant owner waves at him. "Today is a big day. A renowned General is coming. I must prepare for a feast!"

One of his employees rolled her eyes. "Who cares? Soldiers are nothing but brutes. Now, if a politician comes here... Well, I'm sure he can give me the smoothest silk."

"Eh, I don't really care. But I saw a pretty but also handsome girl in the woods. I called out to her, but she ran away. What a shame, she looked like a princess warrior with that scar." The other employee swooned over that sight. Ever since she read the Ballad of Hua Mulan, it awaken attraction to women in her.

Shifu ponders. "Seems this area is being graced by the nobility. Perhaps I'll keep that in mind. I'm looking for a successor, and Sun Tzu Wang refused me. I pray that he can change his mind." The Tiger King was a bandit. He made the error of picking the fight with the Earthen Heart Master. Though rough, Roshi asked if he can teach him his art. In stubborn pride, Sun refused. "It's never too late for a second chance."

"Infantryman Hakka! Get your ass over here!" Hong Hakka ran as fast as he can. "Heh, still impressed that you can run with that belly." But was picked on for his body...

Remember. We all have problems. It hurts, but Hong never wants to get even. None should know his pain. "The General wants to speak with you, Officer." He delivers the food the superior asked and the letter from his orders.

"Your dad wants me?" Hong's father is the General. Hong himself wanted to be a dancer, but that dream is foolish with how people treated him. So he decided to join the Imperial Army, if only so he can make something of his heavy set body. "After we eat in the restaurant, we are to march to suppress a rebellion."

"Why's that?" Battle is a messy ordeal. "I'm afraid that innocents will be caught in the crossfire."

"We do what must be done, my son." Mr. Hakka appears. "Rumors has it that a power struggle is in within the government. For now, the Jous issue this command before the fire spreads. Hong, this will be your first taste of battle. Are you prepared?"

Uneasy, he knows that it has to end before it gets worse. "Yes, sir!"

"Good. You, let the rest of the battalion know. It may be our final meal." A stotic man, Hong's father is. He was a veteran from a previous war, so his heart became harden.

"Oh... Mom." Hong misses the warm smile he had when Hong's mother was alive. She always cheered them up. "Watch over us." As he looks on the heavens she rested.


"Grandfather, why did my parents issue that order?" Yun Jou is a young man rising the ranks in politics. Fitting, as his family served the Emperor's interests. But that ruler isn't always the best to keep in mind. "We need unity!"

"If only it were so easy." Grandpa Jou seen too much in his long life. "Listen, Yun. I heard that a noble incited the anger of the rebellion. And considering how many Dynasties I read from the scrolls, I fear this is yet another grab for power."

"And father is suppose to allow that?! I know mother is already there, slitting the throats of the poor people that leads that suicide mission!" Mr. Jou is yet another heir line in House Jou, but his wife dabbles in illegal arts. Women don't have that much say in China, so Mrs. Jou exerts the influence in another way. "Isn't that why you all taught me?!"

"You have a kind soul, Yun." To say the least, the young man attempt to propose ideas that can help the people of China. "But know that men won't easily share that power." Most of it was rejected for being too 'naive'.

"Change won't happen, unless I have the courage to speak!" It's then he decided go hands on. "We're going to convince General Hakka not to do this!"

"Yun! Think of what you're saying! You know that your father only sees you as an object!" The unfortunate truth is that Yun's grandparents are more nurturing than his actual parents.

"Grandma left, as she was sick of them. But those soldiers are feasting around that area. We can say that we're paying a visit, come on!" He drags his grandfather to hopefully minimize bloodshed.


"So, Kugo finally returned." A snotty woman stops Princess Lei from entering a dojo. "Still gallivanting around the woods like a rat?"

"I don't need this shit." Lei Kugo is a royal bastard. Born from the affair of the Empress and a commoner. Her brown hair is what's left of her father. "This place gives me the creeps!" The Emperor's daughters are sent to the dojo, so the Master can produce a strong heir from them. "Odi Wan Lee looks like he's one step away from a bad day!"

"He is a distinguished Shifu of the Indomitable Fist. The chancellor suggest his Kung-Fu may be what the military needs to finally grasp control of China."

"I couldn't give a damn about that!" All her life, she was bullied by the nobility due to her birth. She didn't ask to be born like this. What's worse, concubines made attempts on her life. A scar in her cheek reminds her anger. "Frankly, I hope that rebellion kills you all!"

The daughter of a concubine slaps her. "Treasonous harpy! I would wish you still stay in the woods where you wear rags, but you have an example to follow!"

"YOU BITCH!" Lei was going to punch her but,

"My, if all else fails, perhaps you could be a student here." Lee stopped her. "Three sisters are some of my best. I care not for the stifling traditions of this land. So, would you keep me in mind?"

Lei saw nothing in his eyes. "I-I'm good." Her mother tells her to be kind. She loved the commoner more than the Emperor she was arranged to. "Sides, I get more personal experience in the wilderness."

"Indeed. Tigers are but beasts living on survival. Unlike the parasites that leaves nothing." He glares at the two women, as if he sees something beyond them.

"W-which is why House Jou is handling it. Not to worr-"

"I wasn't speaking to you." The snotty woman backs off in fear. "Regardless, I am to meet with a General to discuss training exercises. You are to come with me, Lady Kugo." Odi Wan Lee isn't asking. Lei accepts not to provoke him. "Excellent! Rest now, for that day you'll feast as your title implies." And leaves.

Dragons why?! "I rather be a bandit than this..." Lei hopes that day is short, so she can go home and never see that freak again!

In the dead of night, Lee was mediating. O Child of Cruelty. How is your progress? And a demonic voice calls to him.

"All going to plan. The government wants my favor. You were right, send honeyed lies to the insects, and they crave for power not caring the cost." The rebellion is Lee's doing. A student suggested something to a corrupt noble, and that push sends the towers down. "Soon, China will be ruled by those with might!"

Good. But be warned of pathetic humans. The Child of Fury is battling one as such and the Child of Pride was already defeated by another. The latter you share in the art of fighting, still fell by blind luck!"

"The past is being written, while the future is done already. You warn me of an opponent."

An Elder seeks to pass his art. I would like to see if he can go far. A gunslinger that the Child of Vengeance will soon face, is aged with experience as well. But the Shifu must learn that futures are taken. Snuff out any flame he may try to nurture. And see if you can fare better.

"Very well. I shall keep that in mind." His eyes glow red. "For Hatred is seconded to none." Odi Wan Lee laughs as he fulfills the Duty of Odio, the King of Demons! Soon, there will be a clash in China!

Chapter 2: Rocks unbending, yet Breaks apart


Here we are. The three meets up. And they'll speak their mind. And Roshi knocks some heads. I thought of the Ip Man movies for a moment, cause I grow up with Kung-Fu. Jackie Chan was the best.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The village becomes the liveliest it ever seen. Food and drinks feasted, dancers entertaining the people, fireworks set to amaze. "Ah. Like old times, Shifu?"

Roshi only drank his water. "When you knocked on my door, so I may spar with the travelers?"

The restaurant owner sheepishly bows. "You were good for business. Speaking of which, there's the General!"

"Evening. I am General Hakka. Are you the Shifu I am to meet?" The Earthen Heart Master raised an eyebrow. "Seems I was mistaken."

"Who is the Master you are to meet?"

The General only gave a cold answer. "Classified. Hong, order seats for us."

"Right, sir!" Hong places money to the owner. "Hey, can I have extras for me?"

"What? You look like you're full!" Hong looks down upon the owner's words.

"He can have my buns. I'm a bit full myself." But Shifu gave him his food. "I hope that the people can count on you, Sir?"

"Hong! Hong Hakka! And yes, that man was my father. But don't treat me any different!" Hong thanks the kind old man. "I have to go. General found the man we're suppose to meet."


"Yun, Hakka is a man of stone. It will not be easy." Yun's grandmother was able to guide him and Grandpa Jou to where he is. "And your age will only make him dismiss you."

"We came all this way for three days. I won't let it go to waste." Yun marches to where the military is. "Hey, General. I need to-"

A sword was drawn at him. "Stupid boy. Don't think your fancy clothes allows you to interrupt!" A woman looks at Yun with murder.

"I-I..." The poor guy is frozen with fear...

"Lin! Quit screwing around and help! Some waitress is bothering the Princess!" Lin sheathes her sword and leaves.

"Yun! Are you okay?" Grandpa Jou hugs his grandson for support. "Who were they?"

"The Magus Sisters. You met Lin and heard Chan." A politician comes up. "My, Yun. Does your parents know you're here?"

Grandma Jou bites back. "Shut it! They're here to visit me. Bark that back to your masters!"

"Grandma, it's okay." Yun pulls himself together. "I need to speak with the General."

The man offers some pity. "Good luck. Personally, I don't know what they're thinking making a deal with Odi Wan Lee." He shivers as he leaves.


"Wait! Let her go!" Xian was crushing the waitress with her weight. "I COMMAND YOU, DAMMIT!"

"You heard Lei. That girl is already at your mercy." With Lee's command, Xian releases the waitress.

"*Cough* I knew it. You're that lady I saw the other day!" Shaken, she brushes it off. "You are more beautiful in that royal attire."

"Save it. Know your place!" Chan kicks the waitress away! "Weaklings should serve the strong!"

Lei had enough of this and throws her drink at Chan! "Oops. Silly me."

And the naginata woman sees red. "WHY YOU!"

"Ahem." The Imperial Army arrived. "I do hope you keep this game until after this."

"Forgive Chan, sir. We in the Indomitable Fist purse power." Lee makes a smirk. "For sentiment is the enemy of strength."

Hong gulps. "Sir, is he really the guy we're to train under?" Other soldiers look uneasy as well.

"I see some of your men are skeptical. Allow me to put on a demonstration." With a snap of his fingers, Odi Wan Lee's dojo sets a spar for all.

All the students fought with brutality. Some are even... "Dead? What madness is this!?" Shifu was horrified by this blatant cruelty.

"Controversial, I know. But in the end, only the alive can claim victory. What good is honor, when one can stab you in the back! That is why under my teachings, you are always sharp. None will escape your sight!" Lee's authority commended cheers and boos in mixed reception. "I care not for your opinions. Only that you have the choice to learn. General?"

The man in question stayed silent. "Very well. The army will learn your art."

"No!" Hong speaks out. "Dad, please! Mom would want us to be better!"

"You idiot! What are you doing?" The Officer from before express concern from this.

"He's right! Is this the China that you want to leave a legacy for!?" Yun steps in. "When the army is marching to suppress a rebellion!?"

"Yun, no!" Grandma Jou tired to take him back, but her husband restrains her as the crowd takes in the young man's words...

Lin draws her sword. "I'll shut him up." But Lei grabs her and sucker punches her!

"General. By my order, you will not learn from that bastard!" The crowd gasped! Princess Lei is at odds with the army!

But the cruel master was unimpressed. "You are all still children. Is there any other Kung-Fu you wish to learn instead?"

"There is." Roshi takes the stage. "How pathetic must you be to deny your own humanity."

Lee had an idea who he is. "You are the Earthen Heart Shifu." The Elder himself. "The locals say that you are their watchful hero."

"Care for a demonstration? Allow me to show that True Strength, Flows from the Heart!"


Let us see his worth. "Xis, Kill him!" With Lee's command, a group of brothers attacks Shifu!

"Allow me to show that a Wise Fox is never outnumbered!" With Wise Fox's Grace, he stuns the Xi brothers with spiritual energy! "And one must respect the Lion!" And Lion's Dismissal pushes Yi to Er! "And a twins Dragon and Tiger in harmony!" Rebuke defeats San and Su!

"Woah!" Hong was amazed.

Tong, Nan, Sha, and Pei are pissed. "That's what happens when you send in boys. With me, brothers!" The Chas are next!

But Shifu keeps his distance. "A Chipmunk comes and goes like a mischievous thief!" Flying back and forth with a kick, Chipmunk's Delight bounces between all four of them! "Now for the Monkey must go." Shifu defeats them with Monkey's Withdrawal for a quick retreat.

For he knew that the Magus Sisters came after that attack! "Once I'm finish with you, Kugo will pay!" Chan throws her spear after her failed lunge.

"Look out!" Lei closed her eyes.

Roshi grabs the spear. "Eye for an eye, miss." And sends Unseen Arrow at her! While she's blinded, he smacks her with the blunt end.

"Got you!" Xian swings her metal ball chains.

"I think not." Shifu blocks it with the Naginata. "I always think about the day I made my first step." And stuns her with Traveler's First Step. "For any can become great!" And subdues her as well.

"You did it. You beat them all!" Yun cheered for this Elder. He was the last one standing!

"Ah. What did I miss?" Lin wakes up.

"A grandpa kick some ass. Not bad." Yi Pei Kou would like to fight. "But you've seen enough, Master Lee?"

He is good. "I see that I still have much to learn. But this isn't over. One day, I will crush you myself. Rest now, until I end your life." Lee motions General Hakka to leave.

"Wait!" Hong comes up with an offer. "Sir! I know we have business with Odi Wan Lee. But permission to learn the Earthen Heart's art!"

"Hong." A soldier wants to learn from Roshi?

"My son, he is but one man. And we're in a schedule."

"General, please! The Shifu didn't kill any of Lee's elite." Yun feels that bravery again. "If anything, wouldn't you like to minimize bloodshed?"

Lin glares at Yun. "That wasn't for the public to know you brat! The Emperor will hear this-" Lei knocks her out again.

"Humor that Gramps. He's a better alternative than that savagery you saw!"

"You wretch! Just cause you're the child of the Empress, doesn't mean shit. Like your pathetic father-" The politician from earlier gets decked by Yun's grandmother.

"She is of royalty! You will respect her!"

Hong's father takes a deep breath. "I see you all wish for a better way. How about this. If any can learn the Earthen Heart, I'll consider Master?"

"Roshi. I see your eyes are in pain. But never forget that you take arms to protect others. So they may not have the burden of doing so themselves." It's a choice to fight, not a privilege.

"Just like Mulan!" The waitress squees. She was so noble protecting the men in her family.

"We have a deal. Master Lee?"

Snuff out any flames he may nurture. "Very well. I accept. Competition is healthy. In the meantime, I'll send some of my elite to monitor the rebellion with some of your troops. And Kou will report Master Roshi's progress. Agree?"

The General nods. A deal is made. "Hong, you have my blessing along with any other that may learn. For now, I must write to the Emperor. Men, await your orders from Officer-"

While that's happening, Lei playfully punches Hong. "Big guy for a soldier, huh?"

"I never met a princess. Nice to meet you, your highness."

Lei tells him to drop the formalities. "Thank the Viper's Fangs. I hate being formal. I am Yun Jou, I heard of you, but you make the stories seem more ridiculous."

"Jou? Oh Crane's Flight, I feel small." Hong remembers that family from the briefings. "I promise to protect you all!"

"Then you must take that first step." The Shifu motions him to come. "This way, so you can learn my art."


The Shifu's home has seen better days. "Man, and the taxes are going in the drain..." Lei cringes on the rotting wood.

"Hong, are you prepared?" The soldier says yes. "Very well. First-"

"Wait!" Yun steps forward. "Shifu, let me learn too!"

That's a surprising development. "I don't think kicking would help with paperwork."

Yun explains. "The Jous are one of the most powerful families of China. Even my mother dabbles in the underworld to maintain that reputation. If I can learn how to fight so I can protect China's people, that will grant me purpose. So please, let me learn too!" Yun bows.

Roshi smiles. "Would you like to learn too, Lei?"

"W-what? Just cause a budding scroll-writer like Yun wants too?" Crap, she's blushing from embarrassment. "You know it's not easy for a lady like me too-"

"I care not for what you are. Only who is within that heart." The Shifu pointed out her defiance against Lin. "And Lee had an arrangement with you and your sisters. I doubt you'll be heading home anytime soon."

"You told me to drop the formalities. Why not learn how to defend yourself?" Hong points to her scar. "Somehow, a princess shouldn't carry that..."

Lei never wanted this life. But here. "I could be free." She gives a cocky smile. "I'm in! But don't get the wrong idea. I ain't your student!"

"Whatever you say, Lei." Roshi chuckles. "Three disciples. All from China's nobility! Haha, I wouldn't mind if you were all thieves instead. Least your parents won't try to ruin me."

Yun didn't think it was funny. "Father would do that unironically. Please don't tempt that!"

Lei scoffs. "He can try! Just a punk I can kick in the balls at the end of the day!"

Hong sighs. "My dad wasn't all like that. Ever since my mom died, he lost a part."

"I promise you, that I will guide you to be wonderful people. For now, let us exercise. Tomorrow, we'll truly begin in training" The four does stretches as a warm up. How kind for fate to allow this meeting.

But dark forces lie in wait. "People would miss them. I'll have to find another way." Odi Wan Lee was watching silently. Simply murdering the three is rash. "But still, their love ones are infected by a Seed of Dark. Lin, you are to seek Lady Jou."

"It will be done. I hope she can see our way."

"Xian, report me the General's movements."

"All is fair in War."

"And Chan."

"Kugo's mother. How cruel her husband executed Lei's father. And I heard of the tragedy of Princess Alethea. Hahahahahahaha!" The sisters went their way.

Wretch. That was the worst moment of my life.

"You mean Oersted's. How would you like them to die?" Odio cares not. Only the Shifu he's interested in. "Patience my king. I am a Lord of your Dark. Your will shall be done."

Make it so. Child of the Void is betrayed by a kin. Any mercy to the students I give, is that they'll be together in death!

"With the fool following alongside them. I must prepare with Kou." Lee takes his leave. The war of Heart and Hate is just beginning!


I was tempted to name that waitress Kim, lol. Anyway, setting up the drama part of the tags. You see that their families are a bit messed up. Since Lee can't just kill without taking attention, he'll have to break them first. His elite will cause trouble, so watch out!

Chapter 3: Mind of Compassion, and Fear of Submissiveness


One by one, we'll explore the students and their family. First is Lei and the Empress, showing the not so glamorous life as a royal.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Rise and shine, my students. Today begins." The Shifu brought the three to Mount Aspiration. "The air is thick. Hence your stamina will improve." But his pupils are already short of breath.

"So many stairs. I done enough drills for jogging." Hong fell down in exhaustion. His stomach grumbles. "Come on..."

"Oh Jade Emperor. I knew I should have humored mother's training." Yun's outfit is covered in sweat.

"God damn it. Need to ditch these robes..." Lei's royal attire was restricting her movement. She sported bruises from falling over.

Roshi knew that two of his successors needed fitting clothes. "Then take this. It used to belong to friends from my days." With it, Lei and Yun received Martial Artist wear. "Outdated, but it will serve."

"Ladies first." Yun gestures Lei to a boulder to change.

After a while, the princess appears dressed in red. "I'm surprised none of you wanted to take a peak." She quips.

As Yun goes for his turn, Hong covers his eyes. "Please, you are entitled to your own comfort. I could never live with myself if I disrespected you."

Yun is finished, coming in orange with a purple bandana. "Do you trust us so little? You sound like you were on edge."

Lei felt guilty. "I was joking. I don't care about if you saw me bare. I learned to focus on surviving instead..." She tells them all of the attempts made on her life.

"No person should live their time here in fear. I'm truly sorry, Lei." Shifu only offered his condolences. "But you imply that you trust us with your life."

"All of you wanted peace. During my time with Lee, he was brutal. Always encouraging violence over other solutions. He doesn't care that a daughter of the royal family is given to him..." Odi Wan Lee regularly insulted them. Only Lei was spared from that due to her defiance. "I think he wants to spread his philosophy."

"You are fierce, Lei. But never allow that rage to burn away your kindness. It is fortunate that you are learning my art. Away from such toxicity. Hong, Yun, know that she can protect you as much as you can to her."

Hong salutes. "Yes, sir!" Silence. "Sorry, old habits." They begin learning some moves from Earthen Heart. First, they must take that First Step as a Traveler.

"Your Grace. I bring news about your daughter." A retainer gives the Empress a letter from General Hakka. "Your husband read a copy already."

"Thank you. You may go." The woman reads the letter for info about her daughter. "Lei... Feisty like your father." In it, she defied Odi Wan Lee. It's because of Hakka's son and the prodigy of House Jou, that the army is considering another option.

"Are you alright? Bastard shouldn't slap your ass like that!" The Empress disguised herself as a maid one day to leave her cage. Her former life was a minor noble, beautiful for all to see. So when the Emperor lusted for her, her family sealed her fate.

"I'm fine. It was nothing." All those nights being a toy to the Emperor and bullying from his harem. She grew numb from her gilded cage.

"That sure wasn't nothing! He wasn't even drunk!" Seeking to drown her sorrows, she went to a bar. One patron was touchy with her. Forcing a kind but rash man to intervene. "Look, I'll walk you home. I'm sure your parents miss you."

"As if they would." While recalling that meeting. "AS IF THEY WOULD!" For the first time, she lashed out. "I'm sorry..."

"...No. I should apologize. I assumed." The man leaves her alone. But deep inside, she felt a longing she never had.

"Hello? May I come in?" A feminine voice was heard. The Empress allows. "Hello. I am Chan, a pupil of Odi Wan Lee."


At first, the Empress wanted to call the guards. But the woman offered sympathies to her. "Look at me. I am a woman as well. Yet I made a name for myself." She tells her that Lee allows all to learn. "Wouldn't Mr. Kugo agree?"

"- Kugo. That is my name." Seeking that man, the Empress found him one afternoon in the maid attire. The man recognized her as the woman he protected. "I'm flattered that you would want me." And flirts when learning she sought him out.

"He was always headstrong, yet free." The following days, they met with each other. Acquaintances turned to friendship. Friendship to love. "A simple caretaker of Tigers, he made a decent living putting on shows for China."

"Thus, Lei was born." When the Empress was pregnant, all of the nobility broke loose. "I recall the Emperor being away, looking damning to your honor." It was then the Empress realize that she could no longer see her true love. For they will connect him to her. "Shame he made a simple mistake."

"It's you! Why are you dressed like that?" Before Kugo can inspect he was tackled by the royal guards!

"Please, no!" "The image of his beating still burned in my memory." He was taken in. "I plead to let him go. The Emperor was indifferent, as it was my affair."

But a concubine sees an opportunity. "But if you give him a slap to the wrist, that would question your rule. Best you nip this in the bud." Afraid, he relents. A story was made that he cheated on his lover with the Empress. Making it punishable by death.

"So that's the truth. The public was outraged that he order the death of an innocent man." It was a lose-lose for the royal family. Mostly for the Emperor and Empress, as their enemies were pleased. Lei was spared to prevent further controversy.

"I never asked for this. Being entangled in games of petty nobles!" She clenches her hands. "My sweet girl doesn't deserve this pain!"

Then it is best you break free. The Empress looks around. Do not worry. I empathize with you. O sweet child, do you yearn for real freedom?

"If I were you, I listen to that voice. I hear it not, but my Shifu does." Chan gives a viscous smile. "For real control, comes with those with might!"

You tell her to be kind. But you know that your daughter will suffer. Would you wish that hell to her?

"No." Her eyes turn red...

"Got the hang of this." Though everyone learned Traveler's first step, Lei made a move of her own. "Starlight's Strike!" In a focus mind, she casts a sparkling blade!

"Well done! It's good for you to find your own style as well."

Yun was in the progress of learning magic. "Fire came from my legs! I can't believe it."

"Wow, you must have tons of spirit." Hong refined Pork's Second Cooking. All over, he utilized his former dream to combat. "I can't believe this is mine!"

"Your body is a gift, Hong. Never deny it's worth." Roshi turns to Yi Pei Kou. "Impressed?"

"Eh, they know how to hit people now." Kou leaves to report to Lee. "I do hope age won't take us yet. I wish to fight you." Kou learned from Lee, as he is hungry for battle. "Best you try to kill me. I won't back down."

Lei glares at that old man. "How can that dojo even be legit? Bet half of them are actual criminals!" She asks her Shifu this. "Can I stay with you? Like hell I'm going to go back to them!"

"I'll let Lee know then. Next time, we'll be going to the woods for speed."

Hong cringes. "I'm not that fast. Do you have something light to wear?" In response, Roshi gives him blue clothes. "Wow, thanks!"

"Lei, I'm sure your mother would be proud of you taking charge of your life." Yun bows to her highness.

"Yeah, she's the only one I love from the palace. Oh, maybe I can teach her this stuff too!" She does a happy backflip. "Ah-hah! I'd never learn this from the woods!" For the first time in her life, Lei felt happy!


For the first time in her life, the Empress felt anger! "Ah, Your Grace. How may I help a dear sister?" The concubine that pushed the nobility to kill Lei's father taunted her. "Heard your brat stood up to General Hakka. Tsk, Tsk."

"She gets that from her father. But enough of that, tea?" She presents a cup for her.

"Heh, I remember your story gallivanting in the city as a maid. Still in denial over what happened?" The Empress ignores that and insists the concubine drinks it. "Like I want any of your piss. Leave-"

All of a sudden, the Empress force-feeds her sister! "You should have done it the easy way. A cup's worth will ensure a painful end."

"What?" The concubine spits blood. "P-poison? *Cough* You fool! You signed your death warrant!"

"I'm afraid not." Chan brings a beaten noble. "How hypocritical. An affair yourself!" And puts the drink in his mouth to shallow while laughing! "Your Grace, would you like too?"

The Empress' eyes turn red. "The story is that man wished for you to elope with him, but you refused. Enraged, he plans a murder-suicide with you. Consider this poetic, as you took my true love away!"

The dying woman looks in fear. "Please, n-no. I don't want to die. You know the Emperor was horrible in bed! Please-" But she succumbed to the toxin and falls over.

Yes. Just as the Child of Cruelty plans. Your daughter is seeking to learn from an Elder. But she must learn the folly of placing faith in others!

"Seems I must discipline her. I must take my leave then." She closes her eyes. "Chan, tell my husband that I'm going to meet with General Hakka. I do hope to meet with Lady Jou."

"It will be done. Welcome to the Indomitable Fist, Your Grace. Soon, your hate will be the only thing needed to rule all of China." Chan carries the bodies to make the story.

"Of course. My dear Kugo. I will avenge you, when this land burns." And calmly walks away.


"In every heart the seed of dark abides. The makings of a lord when watered well... With hate. Sweet hate. She springs eternal. Sings... All-tempting draught. We'll drink of her again." Looks like Odi Wan Lee will get his own set of successors. Uh-Oh...

Chapter 4: Body of Earnestly, and Weapon of Rage


War is hell for the Hakkas. And considering soldiers fight for powerful people that won't risk their necks, revolution will happen.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Earthen Heart students are now training to become fast. Much to Hong's trouble. "Come on. Almost!" He reached for a bun, but Lei instantly snags it.

"Sorry. Blame Gramps for this." The exercise is a race to see which pupil steals most of the food. The princess is naturally winning. "I had fun around like this. Too easy."

Hong tries to run for another, but Yun steals it. "I'm getting better! Oh, you should try climbing that tree. A basket is there." The young politician points to where a prize is in kindness.

Stomach growling, the soldier feels a surge of adrenaline! "Now or never!" Using Chipmunk's Delight from training, Hong climbs the tree with ease from bouncing kicks. "Got it!" And is rewarded for his efforts!

"Excellent Hong! Proper motivation will allow men to move the mountains itself!" Roshi wanted Hong to see value in himself. So he bought food for his disciples. "Now, see if any of you can reach the desert at that tall tree."

A Mooncake was hanging there. "Too easy!" Lei rushes off. She jumps and grabs each branch, but one broke apart. "Woah! Oof."

Yun sees the trick. "One must not exert himself." He makes his turn, carefully not to add pressure on the branches. "Yah-AHH!" But using too little effort made him miss a jump.

"If those two couldn't do it." What chance does Hong have?

"Hong. Why did you join the army?" Hong answers how it's the only way to get a job, with a body people makes fun of. "You still could've found another job, rather than one that puts risk to your life."

"But that would require other skills! I'm not that experienced on other areas like painting or bargaining. So simply learning to swing a sword is sufficient for me." His mother was the best at abilities that required thinking.

Roshi sees. "But you didn't want nepotism from your father." Hong respected how strong he was. He asked the General to give him a spot, but from the bottom so he can climb up with his own hands. "You have understanding to others." Though the soldiers give him a hard time, they often forget Hong is the son of their leader due to how passive he is.

"We all want to put food on the table. When I thought of Dine and Dashing, that's when I decided to join the military. My parents didn't raise an ingrate." The fondest memories is were they were together.

"No, they raised an earnest man. I know you can do this. Just believe in yourself. You are as capable as Lei and Yun in agility." Roshi bows to Hong. "I know you can achieve this."

"Shifu..." The master never belittled Hong for his appetite. Only encouraging him to do his best. "Yes, I must! Lei is thankful that you shelter her from Lee, now I must prove to dad that your art is worthy!" Hong begins his ascent.

"The princess and Jou are learning from him?" The General can't believe those words. "Unthinkable. I don't want no part in that mess back in the city." He can think of all the nobles throwing a hissy fit of two powerful heirs learning to punch people!

"And what of your son? You have to admit his body is big bone." The courier snaps back at General Hakka. "The army has standards. And you know it's because of him and those spoiled brats we're halting the orders we received!"

"Hong didn't do anything to you! I know he keeps his tongue, as he wants tranquilly. But he works hard, while half of you laze around like pigs!" The General words have a sharp edge on them. "Right now, we need support. The rebellion is gaining help. Soon, morale will be destroyed one way or the other."

"From killing civilians or being beaten by them. I suppose that's why Earthen Heart is humored then." The courier scoffs. "You ask me, we need to send examples on them. Tear the weeds out before they infest the garden!"

Hakka punches his soldier. "Only a fool would pour oil to fire! Leave my sight!" The terrified man does. "Curses... I wish you were here, beloved..."

"My mighty bear. Hong has your eyes." Mrs. Hakka was the kindest woman in all of China. When Hakka was a Lieutenant, he was nervous. While stationed in a village, he met his eventual wife.

"Look dad! I'm a warrior, just like you!" Hong was the best gift to the couple. "I'll protect you and mom!"

"And he has your smile, my phoenix." His wife showed enteral gratitude as the army drove away bandits. "I wish I can stay. But I received orders to head out." She understands. A militia was set up when they had to leave. But already, he was thinking of taking his lover to the city for the best lifestyle.

"Aw, how cute." A heavy set woman appears. "Hello again, General."


Hakka got his answer when he saw the broken bodies of his men outside. "If they're dead, Xian."

"Well, they shouldn't insulted me." Xian kicks the bruised courier. "I can accept my gender. BUT NEVER MAKE FUN OF MY BODY!!!"

Hakka had to admit, this display is why he humored Odi Wan Lee. "Everyone. Raise your hands." They all did. "Thank you for not ending them."

"You need soldiers for the fight." Hakka said that the rebellion will be subdue. "Actually, I was thinking more of a bigger target."

Alarm bells set off on the General. "Treason! I knew you all had a hand in that!" A scout said that Odi Wan Lee was sighted in the area before the rebellion.

"Is it treason though? When the government betrayed your trust?" Xian throws a bag. "Remember your wife?"

"What is the meaning of this!?" Hakka saw the village in flames. "We had their trust!"

"Orders stated that enemies of China resided there." A war broke out. And the Imperial Army lost half their forces. "You seen how much they taken from us firsthand."

"You don't understand. There was death all around before."

Xian points to the sky. "And how many angels were made that day?"

"Hong! Beloved!" Hakka brave through the flames to find them. Nearby, he heard crying. "NO!" "She died protecting him. He never knew the truth, as he was asleep the whole time." "Wake up! Please my phoenix!"

"My mighty bear. I'm sorry I have to leave you..."All of Mrs. Hakka's tears dried up. Her last face, was one of pain.

Loyal you were. And still they think nothing of your service! Hakka blinks. And she wasn't the only victim. O sweet child, do wish for vengeance?

"Open the bag." Hakka hesitantly does so. "Hong was lucky, unlike them."

It was the toys of neighbors' children. Hong's first friends from that former life. Ones that never cared about his appearance. Yet his life is filled with ridicule afterwards. He lacks the spine to stand up. Do you?

Hakka's eyes turn red. "I'm a General. I didn't earn this by licking my legs!"

"I did it. I did!" Hong reached the top! Climbing back down, he is met with praise.

Even from Kou. "By Monkey's Guile. There might be something to Earthen Heart after all." The old man sees a fire in the students. "All the more sweeter when we crush you."

"How dull. True victory comes with success together. All that would be left is beasts with nothing to show for, with a mentality like that."

"It's the only way to leave an impact. By the end of the day, they remember how you die." Kou takes his leave. "And I won't go in a whimper."

Hong shivers. "But what about how you live? I swear, mom wouldn't want this for China." It's then he places the cake. "Come on, guys. Let's eat."

Lei was surprised. "Really? We all have our own prizes. You sure?" Hong nods.

"We all compete, but never mean to each other. Here's some of my food." Yun shares as well.

Lei joins out of guilt. "I'm glad you all seen the true purpose of this test."

Hong understands Shifu. "By the end of it all, we have to stick together. We may earn, but sharing is what keeps unity." He always does the chores, so the day can go by smoothly.

"A man can't shoulder all the burden. One must find companionship in others." Yun agrees after pointing out the coups from his lessons.

"Guess I'll have to show dad this. I know mom would be proud of us!" Hong is ready to prove his worth!


"My phoenix, know that I was proud to be yours." The General was ready to cross that line. "Pleased you made it here, Commander."

"I still remember how much of a runt you were." Back in the war, he was the General. "Heard Hong joined. Showed any favors to him?"

Hakka said no. "He takes the high road for his efforts. A road that reaches heaven."

"Pointless. You and I know that roads lead to hell with such good intentions."

"Indeed." With a snap of his fingers, Hakka's men fires arrows on the Commander's forces! "Let us burn together then!" The General punches his former superior.

"What is the meaning of this!? YOU WOULD THROW YOUR HONOR AWAY!?"

"Says the one that issued the command." Xian appears with a group of people. "Recognize them?"

The Commander's eyes widen. "Survivors of the fire. To think all this time, you were a lapdog to a noble that wanted to hide his actions of treason!" Hakka throws a journal of trafficking Opium. "Selling it to the enemy. And burning all the traces!"

"You don't understand! They fill their pockets with our blood and sweat! I just wanted to retire peacefully!"

"Then you can die in horror." The Empress arrived with the corrupt noble in question. "A gift to you, General Hakka."

"Thank you, Your Grace."

"No! Someone help-" Hakka chokes the life out of him.

"As for the rest of you. Let rage grant you liberation!" The survivors drags the Commander for his demise, as the man is screaming for mercy!

Xian giggles at the display. "All that's left is Lin and Lady Jou. Thankfully where our stage is set. General?"

Time to grant real justice. Your son will have to understand! That power must be demonstrated!

"I was a fool to let Lei command me like that." Hakka throws his helmet down. "We march to aid the rebellion! CHINA WILL EXPERIENCE A NEW DYNASTY!" Any men that refused, were left for dead behind.

"Hong..." The Officer that teased him is limping to warn him. "You need to stop him..."


Only one more seed of dark... And she already walked on shadow's edge...

Chapter 5: Spirit of Courage, and Sinful Calculations


I alluded that Yun's parents aren't the best. Like what you see in a thriller. Makes sense, as chess games are played. Odio wants hatred simple however...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Thank you for your purchase!" The students are buying supplies for their next step in training. This time, Shifu was going to spar at them! "An extra for you, Yun. I owe the Jous for this business."

Who did they ruin for you. "Don't mention it..." Yun has seen their true colors since birth. Though it's thanks to them that he is perceptive, he aches whenever he must turn a blind eye. "Please don't..."

Lei sees him down. "They ain't here, Yun. Plus, your grandma is around." The Princess reminds the young politician that he has people that see his character.

"Lei, it's not that simple." Hong carries extra weight with his strength. "Dad told me that the nobles would do whatever it takes to get what they want. Wars broke out because of it." As the Jous wants to shut down the rebellion.

"He's right. My family serves the government, but will uphold their laws even by using chaos." Yun holds the crest of his family. "Father is a but one of a long line of ambitious men. Able to blackmail mother for his purposes."

His friends stops on their tracks. "Blackmail?"

"Mother is a notorious fixer. Espionage, sabotage, murder, theft, ransom, among other crimes. She is the shadow of House Jou." Yun tells the tale how one day, she was hired by Lord Jou to ruin a rival. "She did it with flying colors..."

"But that bastard set her up!" Lei's mother warned her about the Lady Jou. Rumors has it that she was an outlaw that was caught with defying the nobility. Lord Jou offered protection, if she served him and China in atonement. "Two birds with one stone. The poor guy is out, while the girl is in!" They both sire a child, so that he can follow in their footsteps.

"But you're different, Yun! You and your grandpa!" Hong gives faith to his brother in arms. "You want to work with the people. You give an Open Palm than a Closed Fist for reforms!"

"Everyone..." The two see him as Yun, not a Jou. "Thank you!"

"Ain't that sweet. Course, you brats will have to give up your belongings." The Tiger King and his goons appeared. "Well?"

Yun would normally be scared. "Lei, Hong. Let's show them Shifu's art!" But Earthen Heart grants him courage!

"It is done. Tell Lord Jou that the rebellion lacks any leaders." Lady Jou gives a message to a courier. "Next time, tell him to send more plants for my toxins!" House Jou ordered the army to suppress the rebellion, but Lady Jou was tasked to weaken it inside.

"You've done more with less. Now await General Hakka. Men of House Jou will watch you." The courier leaves to deliver the news.

Still, I am but a slave! The former fixer never asked for this. She took advantage the nobility's petty egos for a living back then. "Why did I accept that job before!"

"There! As I said she would." Lord Jou catches his prey in the act. "To ruin this fine House, is an attack to China!" All the weapons are drawn.

"Yun... You needed better than this." She doesn't love her son. But doesn't hate him either. "As we are but tools to him."

"I pity you. My husband won my love fair and square. I'd hope the new Lord Jou followed his example, but the man I brought in this world is all the same as the rest." Grandma Jou left the family in disgust, much to Grandpa Jou's and Yun's sadness.

"I don't need pity. I MADE A NAME BEFORE THIS!" She tosses her glass at the wall.

"And who were you before?" Lin appears. "Just a spoiled rich woman if you asked me!"


Lady Jou relies on pragmatic stealth, for in combat she is average. "A good try." So Lin was able to catch the knife thrown at her! "Need to branch out."

And she throws it at Lady Jou's hair! "You want something from me." The fixer knows how easily this martial artist could've killed her. "Lin Magus. You and your sisters were public menaces. Causing anarchy for fun."

"Well, color me surprised. You are that fixer!" Lin pours a drink for Lady Jou. "I guess the criminal underworld still remembers me."

Lady Jou was going to slip the poison in Lin's drink, but the woman snags the toxin and shallows it! "Are you mad!?" She saw her intentions, yet she takes it whole...

"Ah... I needed that after walking for so long." Lin uses that as a makeshift painkiller! "Odi Wan Lee can make you strong. All you have to do, is aid the rebellion."

"Perhaps I made that too strong. Why would I do that after my efforts to stop it?"

"Yours or his?"

"Look at me. You are mine to command." Lord Jou has his future wife in chains. "China allowed me to redeem you. For the Emperor and House Jou, you are to pledge your allegiance to me and China!" The city watch frees her. "Are we clear?"

"Why does it matter? I do what I'm paid for." The fixer knew that she must bend the knee to survive.

But don't you have ambitions of your own? Lady Jou looks at her cup to see if she poisoned herself. You were able to make stupid men your income with guile. Yet one thinks he is entitled to your talents for himself! O sweet child, why not rule above the monarchy?

Lin finishes her cup. "Yun wanted the army to spare the rebellion. But you both know that Lord Jou's word is law."

"A boy. Good. I hate to waste more time playing with a commoner like you." A nanny holds Yun when he was born. "A girl would have no place in power. Just look at that pathetic Empress. She was a nobody till the Emperor took her. You should be thanking me."

"Thanking you?" Lady Jou crushes her cup. "All anyone now sees me, is your dog!"

"How have the mighty fallen. Guess I have to pay Lord Jou for a favor now." To that day, that supplier thanks House Jou after the fixer eliminated the competition.

Your name once held respect and admiration. But one simple mistake has damned you forever! Even your own son pities you. But where is your pride?

Lady Jou grabs one of Lin's swords. "Here." And leaves the room to do what she always wanted to do.

"Hey, what with the red eyes-" *SLASH* "ARGH!!!" As a servant of House Jou screams and falls outside.

"Yield!" Yun was able to defeat Sun Tzu Wang by himself. "Lei, Hong. You done?" His allies mop up the rest of the gang. "It's over, sir."

The bandit growls. "Just like that old man from before! Damn you!" He throws a punch, but Yun intercepts it.

"Please. You're still suffering." Yun gives Sun some food. "Next time, I will turn you in, if you continue like this. So seek to find a better way." And releases him.

"What is this? Are you mocking me!" Sun doesn't care if these three are nobles. "What makes you think I want your pity!"

"Because we are all still trying to survive." Yun tells all the stories that he and his friends been through. "Privileged we may be, still we have our own trials. Sometimes, we just have to make the most of what we have."

"Really... An assassination attempt? Thought the Princess had that scar from falling down the stairs." One of the goons looks horrified on knowing the truth.

Lei only sighs. "That too. A sister was jealous a man looked my way." She rubs her arm as it was fractured from it before.

"You know, I can put in a good word for you in the army." Hong helps a guy up. "A big guy like me can still put in the work."

"Yeah... pretty good with that slam there." The goon smiles on Hong's Pork Bun's Temptation.

"My students!" Master Roshi and Kou finds them. "There you are!"

The Tiger King makes his exit. "Of course. Next time..." Sun was going to rant but thought better. "Nevermind."

Kou clapped. "Seems you three are ready to actually fight. I don't need to see that spar anymore." The old man leaves. "See you all soon."

Yun notes the tone. "Shifu, he and Lee will probably attack us."

"Let him try! I'm itching to beat some ass!" Lei throws a fist at Kou's direction.

Hong tries to calm her down. "Wait Lei. We can't be rash. If any of us can learn Earthen to the fullest, then there's no need for violence." He reminds everyone the promise.

"Right! Shifu, let's go!" Yun leads the way back to the dojo. "China is counting on us! We must be there to change it!"


"I will be there to change China." All of House Jou's forces are being slaughtered by Lady Jou and Lin! "Archers!" Under the fixer's command, the rebellion fires from their positions away from the melee combat.

A fleeing guard sees a force entering the area. "GENERAL! THANK THE DRAGONS! LADY JOU IS MAD-" But is met with Hakka's knife to the body!

"Sorry for the wait, Lady Jou." Hakka orders the men to aid the rebellion. "I had to wake up."

"I understand, General. Your Grace." The fixer bows to the Empress. "Honored to meet you."

"Enough of that. You and I both know that these titles are nothing but brands to our being." The Empress throws the courier from earlier. "A gift, my true sister. We found him on the way."

"I KNEW IT! IT WAS A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE YOU BARE YOUR CLAWS AT HOUSE JOU! I-" Lady Jou gags the man, leaving him to scream muffled in terror.

"Changed my mind. You're going to tell that snake, I will be there to drag him and all of those fools down from their glass houses. Straight to hell!" She makes a mark at his arm for the message. "GO!" The courier runs like hell to warn the government.

"About time you two show up." Lin reunites with Chan and Xian. "I didn't get a horse ride!"

"Quit whining. We have work to do." Lady Jou gets on a steed. "Right, Odio?"

O Scions of Rage. With the Child of Cruelty, your pain will grant you strength. FOR HATRED IS THE TRUE DESIGN FOR ALL!!!"

"Let us away then." Lady Jou rides to lead the rebellion. To bring a bloody revolution to China!

Indeed. Your son will no longer pity you. He will respect you!

"Master Roshi. Earthen Heart's teacher." Lady Jou smirks. "Thank you for looking after the boy. But you were pointless in the end." A fixer knows their enemies closer than all...


All the students are explored. Now the stage is set against Heart vs Hate. Till then.

Chapter 6: Heavenly Peaks, and Hate Descents


Now where reached we normally Lee makes his move. But now, he has his own shadowed reflections of the three.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Over the past week, the three students learned the Earthen Heart art. With mind's eye, Lei was able to be quick on her feet and wit. With a strong body, Hong's attacks bypass any defense in an unpredictable manner. And open spirit, allows Yun to use magic from within to keep up with his classmates. To bring fruit of their efforts, they spar at Odi Wan Lee's students and won!

Seeing as they are all ready, Shifu decided now is the time. "My students. Everyone around here were impressed with your display. You have all grown so well." He tells them that it is time to learn Heavenly Peaks Descent.

"Wow! Way to go Hong!" The soldiers that were on standby cheered for Hakka's son. "I really didn't like that Lee."

"Tell me about it! Lei, you did good for a mixed blood." The other daughters of the Emperor begrudgingly give thanks. "I'm... I'm sorry that my mother tried to..."

"And this is what I wanted to see." Yun's grandparents thanks Roshi for giving hope to the people. "Yun, if you want to leave House Jou. Then you have my blessing, so you may succeed the Shifu."

Everyone was at the dojo to see the torch given to three bright futures. "First, we must-"

"H-hong." The Officer appears all bloody and bruised. "Your father... he..." And fell down.

"Sir!" Hong goes to him in an attempt to help. "What happen!?"

The Officer said his warning. "Revolution..." And breathed his last.

Lei's eyes widen. "The rebellion?! But the army was to keep them on standby!"

"Did General Hakka do this?" Yun repeats the last words given. "I doubt he would allow a high ranking man to come this way alone like that."

"Shifu!" The restaurant owner appears! "Oh lord, so it is true!" And sees the body. "Forgive me, but you need to help! For war is here!"


In the village, rebels harass the people for supplies. "That's right! We take what we need! Lest you want to be put on the sword!" One snags food from the waitress. "Maybe some fun too."

She doesn't like that look. "Shifu will kick your asses! Better stop!" She tries to run, but fails as he grabs her arm. "Please, no!"

"Let her go!" Lei comes in with Heavenly Horse's Trample on him! "You okay, miss?" She says after sticking the landing from that kick and flip.

The waitress blushes. "I love you." Oh, it's that same one that has a crush on Lei. "That outfit makes you look so cool!"

"What are you doing!" Hong recognizes the rebels as former comrades! "We're suppose to uphold the peace!" And subdues a group with Manchu-Han's Imperial Feast. "Yah!" The attack send out visions to sap their energy to him via stomping the ground!

"You! Always were a fatass-" That thug gets cut off by Yun's Whirlwind's Dismay. "AHH!"

"He is my friend! Show him respect!" He casts all the spirit he has for Tempest's Torment! "TAKE THIS!" The energy sends a flurry of strikes into one ball of magic!

The three cleans up all rebels together. After a while, they succeeded on protecting the village.

"Talk!" Lei interrogates one of the rebels. "Why did you do this!?" The bastard keeps quiet. "WHY YOU!"

"Lei!" Shifu comes in. "We can't stoop to their level." Roshi steps forward to question. "You had a decent pay in the army. What angered you so to rebel?"

That tactic payed off. "We are nothing but weapons to the nobility! They profit from our efforts, while they laze around in the palace! No more, the Scions of Rage will bring a new Dynasty where might is ruled!"

"That's sound like Lee's ideal!" Yun marches to confront him.

"Hold it, Yun!" But Shifu stops him. "You may be walking to a trap. I'm afraid you can't go."

"But Shifu! If they're here to steal, that means the rebellion is going to wage a siege! We have to stop them!" Hong gathers all the loyal soldiers to his side. "Listen up! We need to end this. It won't be easy facing former friends and civilians manipulated to fight. But we can't let this fire spread!"

"So, let's go and stop those Scions." Lei commands authority. "You deal with Lee, Gramps. And we'll dose the fires of war!"

Shifu sees the resolve as bright as day. "Then you'll need to imprint this on your heart." With all his power, Shifu unleashes his greatest art. "Heavenly Peaks Descent!" In a barrage of attacks, Roshi appears all over towards a single possible target! "For this is your moment to lead a new future!" And finishes it off with a devastating blow of aura!

"Wow! Yun, I think that's be your bread and butter." Hong knows he doesn't have that much spirit.

"You two can still put in the effort." Grandma Jou gives Hong a scroll of Martial Secrets. "That will help to tap in your inner spirit."

"We'll help to repair the damages, Lei. We have a responsibility to nurture China as much as father and our brothers do." The princesses volunteer to help around the village. With their missions at hand, the teacher and students set off to save China.


"Lee!" Shifu led an assault to the Indomitable Fist dojo, with a group of volunteered soldiers to confront them. "Where are you?!"

And a man notes that he's missing. "He left the scraps to you!" Lee is not here!

"Seems the cat is out of the bag." Yi Pei Kou steps out of the pillar. "Now we can get serious!" The old men runs with the speed of a cheetah to dispatch the soldiers! "Come Shifu! Let us go out in glory!"

"Where is your Master?" Roshi doesn't have time to play games with him.

"Simply allowing families to be reunited." And Kou makes his first move! Shifu dodges and counters, but Kou blocks it! "For you must learn that futures are taken!"

Oh dragons! "So the rebellion is the trap!"

In the city, all hell is breaking loose! "There!" The students navigated through the chaos. What the rebellion lack in numbers, made up in strategy. "You guys go and help contain this! Hong, Yun, I see the Magnus Sisters up top!" The soldiers received their orders from Her Highness and leaves.

While the three marches on top. "You three! Surrender!" Yun takes a stance. "Shifu defeated you once, so we can too!"

"I think not." Chan raises her weapon. "You three are going to die!"

"You first!" Hong wastes no time. "Pork's Second Cooking!" And moves erratically!

"The hell?" Lin was hit by Hong in surprise.

"Damn!" Xian tries to block, but he tackles her in another direction!

"No!" Chan steps away, but Hong gets her in that direction! "HOW!?"

"Like this!" As the sisters are in the ground, Lei takes them all out with Wise Fox's Grace! "This way!"


The three enters the palace. "Lee!" And sees the man himself.

"Honored children. Welcome to the birth of a new age. I'd hope to influence my teachings from within, but you brats had to force my hand." He's sitting on the throne where the Emperor sits. "Thankfully, you lead me to my own set of pupils."

"Lei. You're here." The Empress appears with the Emperor. "I'm so glad. Now we can be free!" And drives her knife in his chest.

"MOTHER!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" That can't her. Lei remembers her warm smile, not this malice!

"Doing what should've been done." Hakka comes too. "You never known the truth about what happened to your mother, Hong." And tosses his son the journal of the Opium trafficking.

"...I don't care! This isn't what she wanted!" Hong tosses it away. He feels hurt that the promise is broken...

"Fools never know what they want. One must adapt." Lady Jou makes way with her husband. "Right, my dear?"

"Mother, he will answer for his crimes. But killing him will grant you nothing!" Yun doesn't want to debate with this! This violence brings sorrow!

"Killing? Foolish boy, this is a fate far worse than death! The Jous always wanted stay on top. But now."

Lord Jou loses all his composure. "YOU WOULD SEE ME A SLAVE TO SERVE! JUST FINISH ME, YOU DEMON! I STILL HAVE MY PRIDE!" He struggles, but the fixer has him breathe sleep powder to knock him out. A rebel takes him away to be locked up.

"As you can see. They hold hate due to forces out of their control. Just like a certain Knight from the Middle Ages. My true master wishes for Roshi." Odi Wan Lee gets up from the chair however. "But he wants to teach the Elder a lesson." His eyes turn red as his Scions. "That it is pointless to leave a legacy! Either you join your bloodlines or fall with that senile fool!" The Child of Cruelty isn't asking.

"So, you intend to murder us with our own kin." Yun makes ready for battle. "Lei, Hong... thank you for being the brother and sister I always wanted."

"Yeah. We found our true family! Now all we have to do is free our blood!" Lei cracks her joints in anticipation! "I'LL PUT YOU IN THE GRAVE, LEE!"

"Shifu! This one's for you!" Hong steps forward. "We'll prove to all that Earthen Heart is your greatest gift!"

Lee glares. "Such foolishness. Cherish your last moments. YOU LIVE NO MORE!" The families rush out with a battle cry. The fate of this era is on the hands of the Successors.


Two more chapters. The ending and epilogue.

Chapter 7: Thicker Than Blood, Bonds in Choice


Was busy with life. Oh well, time to conclude this story. (Wikias are crap. Had to load a save with Oersted for Lee's moves)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A group of soldiers enters the dojo. After Roshi's command of being on standby till hours passed, it was time for Plan B! "Shifu!" There, they found the Earthen Heart Master standing over Kou's body.

"Well done... *cough* But you are too late!" Lee's elderly pupil expires, all leaving a viscous smile...

"My children..." Shifu gathers what's left of his energy to save his students. "You! Take me to the city!"


A race against time, as the Scions of Rage attacks! "Lei, if you don't stop. I will!" The Empress attacks her daughter with Venom's Scars! The hate filled shuriken cuts at the Princess' scar! "SURRENDER!"

"Curses! I don't want to hurt you!" Lei heals with Roaring Tiger's Boon. "Please!" And sends Serpent's Strike to stun her mother! "You're better than this!"

But Hakka comes in with Inferno's Roar! "SPOILED BRAT! YOU ARE WEAK!" The flames burn Lei even more! "KNOW YOUR PLACE!"

"Lei!" Hong counters with Pepper and Pork's Stir Fry! "Enough, dad!" The spinning motion interrupts the spell!

But Lady Jou kicks him with Mad Dragon's Vengeance! "Hong Hakka. Infantryman who wanted to be a dancer. Should've tried that instead of being a martial artist!" She sends Rabid Wolf's Rage to overwhelm him.

But Yun takes the brunt! "You won't hurt them! Gonna have to go through me first!" Quiet Repose heals any wounds he has. "Whirlwind's Dismay!" And sends his invisible chi to rush at his mother!

"Heavenly Strike!" Lee body slams Yun with his elbow! "My pupils. It seems they wish to die." Lee absorbs all the hate he can muster. "They made their choice, what of you?"

The Empress only sighs. "Lei... If you insist on fighting for these ingrates. Then I must put you down."

Hakka cracks his joints. "Hong. You are hereby relived of your duty. Now!"

And Lady Jou smiles. "You had the misfortune of being born, Yun. Shame you won't see the glorious China we have in mind!"

The three are also shrouded in Demonic Power. This time, they will hold nothing back! "This power... I can't believe it!" Yun stood still in absolute fear. Nothing could've prepared him for this. "Run! I'll hold them off!" But pushes that fear aside for his friends.

But Hong stays. "No! I was trained for this. If anyone's gonna die, then it's me!" The man steps forward to meet his destiny.

But Lei stops him. "No, it should be me! You all are kinder people than me. Besides, least I have no qualms about killing Lee!" And charges up Shifu's greatest gift! "Mother, this is Heavenly Peaks Descent!" And pelts the Empress with the barrage of punches and kicks!

"I've got you!" Hakka manifested a sword to attempt to take Lei's head.

"No!" Hong then uses Heavenly Peaks Descent at his father! "This is what you denied! SHIFU'S GREATEST GIFT!"

"Does that mean you too, Yun?" Lady Jou throws a knife at her son's shoulder. "Farewell!" And fires Spikes at him!

"Yun!" Lei and Hong quickly shield Yun from that attack! "ARGH!" The two are barely standing!

"No! Mother, THIS ENDS NOW!!!" Completely enraged, Yun unleashes his Heavenly Peaks Descent! "For your crimes against the people, you will stand down!" And the Spirit he has utterly defeats her!

As the three catches their breath, Odi Wan Lee approaches. "They served their purpose very well. Now to crush you!" Lee finally charges his attack. One used by his Master's previous life. "Death Trail!"

As the three closes their eyes for their end, a ghostly woman blocks it to protect them. "No... Never again. Not like my mother!" And sends magic at Lee! "O innocent children. As one within the nobility, you walked a better path than I."

"Who are you!?" Lei thinks she's dreaming. The lady introduces herself as Princess Alethea. She said that the King of Demons murdered her mother to squash any hope for a better tomorrow. "Like us succeeding Shifu Roshi..."

"You... Odio will punish you for your insolence!" Lee sends darkness to Alethea! "Return!"

The woman only smiled. "I served my purpose well enough. Till we meet again." With the last of her magic, she heals the students before disappearing.

Hong takes command. "Everyone! Let's finish this!" With each page from the Martial Arts Scroll, the three uses the ultimate attack once again! "THIS TIME, SHOW NO MERCY!"

The Child of Cruelty is pelted with three attacks all over the place! With the intent to kill! "Goodbye! And may you never harm another again!" Yun delivers the final blow, by sending Lee across the room!

Right out the palace! "No! This can't be!" And fell to his death.

"Lei! Hong! Yun!" Shifu enters the palace. "Oh thank the gods!" And hugs his children. "The rebellion was the trap, so I thought..."

Lei ruffles the man's hair. "But nothing! We kicked Lee's ass so hard!" And tells Roshi their victory.

And the three parents opened their eyes. "Hey, they're waking up now!" Hong helps his father stand. "Sir?"

"After what I done, I won't be a sir anymore." Hakka only looks down in shame. "Hong... You deserved to be a leader more than I..."

"Lei... what have I done?" The Empress confessed to all her crimes. "Your father would never have wanted this. I failed you both." But Lei hugs her. As long as she's back to normal, that's all the princess cares.

But Lady Jou only growls at those sights. "So this is how it ends. Best kill me, Yun." Unlike them, the Fixer embraced the Darkness. Driven by the need to control, unlike their retributions. "I rather die free than live as a slave."

But Yun only gives her a Panda Charm. "None should tell you what to do. You will answer for your crimes, but perhaps as a second chance." Yun tells her the ideas for his reforms. "If anything, we make the most of this."

Shifu was thankful to see his students, all grown to masters. "I am blessed to meet you all. I can rest easy, knowing you can all lead people with my teachings." And fell to the ground. "My time has come... Hong, you have value to show and give... Lei, your kindness gives you strength... Yun, you will change life with your courage." And closes his eyes.

The three checks his body. "Shifu?" And tears start forming when they realized what has happened. "SHIFU!!!"


Over the next months, a new Dynasty will be made. The three Scions of Rage are all exiled for their crimes. Thanks to Yun's bargaining, they were given supplies to survive and maybe atone in another land. "Farewell, mother."

Lady Jou only smiles. "Farewell, Shifu Jou." Long has it been since she felt anything to Yun. That sensation is Pride now.

"Mom... I'll try to visit you!" Lei savors her last embrace for the time. She knows the Empress had to answer, but it still hurts.

"Lei, my little Kugo. I promise to live as someone you can be proud of!" The mother sends a kiss to her daughter's cheek. That scar will no longer show hate, but love.

"I'll be sure to visit mom, dad." Hong bows to his father one last time. For the soldier is now a Shifu of Earthen Heart.

"Of course. I hope my redemption will make up all the pain I caused." Hakka hugs his son. Now it's time for the Mighty Bear to walk a path of healing.

Each of the three, waves goodbye to each other. Where they can move forward with a new mission. "There you guys are! We have new students!" Sun Tzu Wang was able to learn Earthen Heart after hearing how the art saved China. "They need their Shifus!"

"Then let us away then." The three walk back to their humble dojo. Where their art can still be taught for all of China. If a former thief like Sun can be enlighten, then all are welcome to be enriched. Body and Mind, so the Spirit still remains.


Double post, like always with the end.

Chapter 8: Live A Live, or Die Trying


You know what happens now!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Already a full year, and Earthen Heart has many pupils. Lei, Hong, and Yun all had their work cut out for them. "I swear, that waitress joined to see me again." As each has their own fans.

"Blame Mulan. You are inspirational as her!" Hong finished serving tea to his brother and sister. "Hey, Yun. How's the grandparents?"

Yun drinks and smiles. "Still helping at the orphanage. Gotta say, how kind of Lee to leave that place behind." The elder Jous transformed the building for the less unfortunate. "There's this redhead that wants to learn from there." Yun has his suspicions that she may not be human. But Meiling had that drive to keep learning.

"The same one, where she clutched to your leg after you protected her from bullies?" Yun tried to tell the girl she's plenty of strong. Which Lei thought was adorable. "She was right though. You are a Sammo, Hong."

"Like an actor? Well, I did want to dance." Hong was able to teach Pork's Second Cooking to tons of students. "Can't let your dreams be dreams!" And the three laughs over this fateful family they found with each other.

"O Foolish Children. To Elder's will, your lives are bound." The three Masters all stop talking to look around. "Whose faith in men endures despite their sins..."

Yun gets up. "Who are you! We're not afraid of you!" And looks around to find the voice.

"I wanted that senile man. Yet despite the Child of Cruelty's Efforts, you all live." The three's bodies are surrounded in magic!

"What is this!?" Hong tried to get rid of that, but to no avail!

"O children, now come and see... Their true design." In seconds their bodies disappeared! "As Odio will finish what I should've done by my hand!"

"Odio!? You- you're the bastard that Lee talked about-" But Lei was cut off as the three Masters are taken to a forgotten place of hell!

"Ugh... What is this place?" The three wakes up and finds a grave. "Hasshe... Oh dragons." Yun finds a sword buried there. "Guys, what do we do?"

Lei takes in her surroundings. "Only one way down."

However, Hong sees person. "Wait! We have company!" And takes a stance.

A man in a poncho comes up. "Huh... I'd rather go alone, but you kids need help." And tips his hat to introduce himself as the Sundown Kid. A wanderer from the Wild West. "Let me guess, some jackass spout nonsense about sins and crap and sent y'all here. Right?"

Lei was not amused. "You could be working for him!" And leaps to attack with Chipmunk's Delight! "Take this!"

But the man dodges and fires his gun. *Bang* "Careful. I bite back too." His shot broke the gravestone behind her! "And I'm quicker than most."

Yun decides to play peacemaker. "Forgive us! We know who that really is!" And tells the man their stories. "As those who were nearly killed for succeeding Shifu Roshi, I fear this is the true battle..."

Sundown's eye twitches upon hearing the rebellion. "War is hell. Seems Imma go shove my foot on his ass!" And reloads his gun. "Y'all coming?"

Hong bows to the gunslinger. "Of course! You miss your home, just as us!" Hong takes the sword to carry with them.

Over the next courses of action, the team finds five other individuals for aid. From a caveman, Pogo. To the robot, Cube. These heroes throughout time prevailed over Odio's forces. Now they must fight and defeat the King of Demons.

"But that's a story for another time." Akira said. As the Earthen Heart Masters asked about Steel Titan's origins. "We got bigger things to worry about!" As Masaru Takahara applies that medicine box he got from Oboro. "That cat really hates us!"

"You ran a hundred times! Now I claim you!" The Death Prophet bites Sundown!

"No! Everyone, with me!" So the Shifus protect their ally by rushing the cat with Heavenly Peaks Descent!

"I love you." Masaru fell in love with Lei as well. "Teach me to do that, Shifus!" And bows his head.

Lei only sighs. "Dad, can you take it from here?" But everyone stayed in silence. "What?"

"You called Sundown dad, Lei." Yun repeats her words.

"You see him as a father figure?" Hong inquires.

Before the princess can say he's a bother figure, Sundown buries his head with his hat. "I ain't that old!" He's touchy with his age. But that's a story for another time.


That's it! Glad I got this outta of the way. Take care, and thank you SoImkindaWeird!


I just remember all the lessons of Literature and History about this type of conflict. Next time, a fateful meeting. Between the successors and their teacher, and their bitter enemy.