
Work Header

Love Grows Here


Katara is one of Jiang's regular customers. The women have been smitten with each other for quite awhile.


Based on a Flower Shop AU Prompt!πŸ’πŸŒΈπŸŒ·


Person B asks A what their favorite flower is

Person B proceeds to buy a bouquet of the flower

Person B promptly hands it to A and leaves the store





(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

It was a typical day for Jiang.

She took inventory, watered the plants, and helped customers by phone or in person with their floral arrangements.

Her little flower shop also sold LGBTA+ flags, a bi flag swaying gently in the breeze outside. She also sold plush animals, mini stick balloons, chocolates, soaps, and teas to create gift baskets.

Her teas were locally sourced by The Jasmine Dragon, Iroh was more than happy to help a small business.

He would purchase new flowers for his tea shop, his house, or for his nephew and his friends. Sokka ordered gift baskets for his girlfriend, Suki, every two weeks.

Aang purchased a bouquet, a braille greeting card with a small heart-shaped box of chocolates, and a plush badger mole.

"She's blind but she loves certain smells of flowers!" He explained as he paid for the items.

Out of all the customers she received, there was one that stood out in her mind...

The bell above the door chimed as a customer walked in.

"Hey, Jiang!"

She smiled radiantly at her and she returned it with a dimpled smile. "Good afternoon, Katara!"

Spirits, she is cute.

Her hair was styled in a high ponytail. Her eyeshadow and lipstick matched the color of her blue dress. Her heels gave the short woman some height. She was even wearing lace ruffled socks today.

It all started last month when Sokka and Hakoda came into the shop to retrieve a gift basket they ordered for her 21st birthday.

A day later, Katara came by. She loved the arrangements so much that she wanted to browse the store. The two women struck up small talk. But from that day on, Jiang has gotten to learn a lot about her.

Katara frequently volunteers for queer youth organizations. She often came to her shop to request for Jiang can to arrange the corsages or flower crowns in the colors of LGBTQIA+ flags for events.

She trained little girls how to waterbend. If one of the girls were sick, she would get them a gift basket. Whenever she was in her shop, she is always super friendly and told her funny stories that happened in her class.

She and Iroh would both come to her and spill the tea (ba dum tss) about gossip around the neighborhood.

On one particularly cloudly day, she had brought her brownies from a bakery and chatted with her as she swept.

When Jiang had forgotten her umbrella on a rainy day, Katara bent an arch to shield them from the downpour as she closed the shop.

She always admired her but wondered if it was a simple fondness for a customer or more...

But when Katara snort laughed at one of her jokes, it only confirmed her feelings.

Her presence was always the highlight of her day.

She's utterly adorable. She's kind, caring, and compassionate. Her laugh and smile were contagious, she became infected with them every time.

Only a fool wouldn't fall in love with her.

Maybe it was her projecting her feelings onto her. But sometimes she thought she felt Katara stealing glances at her when she wasn't looking.

How her eyes glinted whenever they talked. Or moments where she would open her mouth to say something but pursed her lips before speaking.

Jiang snapped out of it before she stared too long. "What can I help you with?"

"I don't know what flowers to get. Can you help me?"

"Sure! No problem!" She set aside the broom and dustpan. "What type are you looking for?"

Katara glanced away and moved a non-existent strand of hair behind her ear. "Um...I'm not sure. I was hoping you can tell me your favorites?"

"Crimson Pirate, aster, baby's breath, and lilies."

She nodded. "Great. I'll have those, please."

Jiang flashed her a friendly smile. She gathered the flowers, humming as she cut the stems.

"Who are these for?" She asked as she arranged the flowers.

"Oh!" Katara cleared her throat and quickly looked to the right. "It's for a special someone. They seem sweet and cool. I've been wanting to ask them for weeks but I was too nervous to ask."

"That's wonderful" Jiang smiled at her.Β "It can be nerve-wracking but it's always good to tell them your feelings than keep it bottled up."

She tied a bow around the bouquet and handed it to here. "Good luck, Katara!"

Katara smiled shyly at her and curtly nodded. She gingerly took the flowers, inhaling deeply then exhaling through her nose, before returning the flowers.

"I think you're funny, charming, sweet and extremely attractive and I'd love to spend more time with you. Will you go out on a date with me?"

Jiang stared at the flowers. She laughed in shock, her cheeks hurt from how wide she was smiling. " Of course, I would! I love to!"

Katara accidentally let a squeal slip out of her. She quickly covered her mouth. The women chuckled. "Seriously?! That's awesome!" She bubbled.

"I'm hosting a trans pride party at the community center. Do you want to help with the decorations?"

"That sounds really fun. I would love to join." She smiled eagerly.


Thank you for reading!

Jiangkotara is one of my favorite Katara ships. They deserve more fics and I hope I can provide that in the futureπŸ’šπŸ’™

Comments are appreciated!πŸ’™