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Gut Feeling.


Foolish went out with some high school friends and is almost an hour late getting home, Sapnap has a gut feeling something is wrong and is horrifyingly right.


I had a LOT of fun writing this story!! all of the inspiration comes from the long paragraph I was left in my last writing comments from B3Li3VE and it was such a good concept!!
thank you so much for requesting this I really appreciate it!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Foolish was extremely excited, he was finally meeting up with some of his IRL friends he hadn't been able to connect with since late high school because of streaming and their work lives. They all met up at a restaurant/lounge-type place and ordered some light dinner while they all caught up, midway his friend that drove him from Sapnaps house to here had to leave, announcing that there was a family emergency and that it was something that had to be immediately taken care of.

At first it didn't seem bad, he and his friends continued to socialize and finish up their food until everyone was realizing it was late and they had work in the morning. It was only then that Foolish realized that he didn't have a ride anymore, too shy to ask anyone or accept a ride from one of them, and in his mind, the lounge didn't seem that far away from the house. But when he was walking down the street and realized how dark it was, the idea of walking home seemed to become scary.

He did turn around to see if any of his friends were there but everyone had already left, leaving him to walk home, alone, in the dark... Foolish looked down at his hands, watching them tremble slightly before he started to pick up the pace and walk. The area was safe-ish and it was still sort of early, he should be fine for the next 20 minutes or so, right? Usually, when he would take walks like this he wouldn't be completely alone, Sapnap would always accompany him to make sure he was safe and now he realized how much he was missing him. Maybe going out wasn't a good idea after all.

Since his mind was already racing with scary thoughts, the trees cast scary shadows onto the ground beneath him, the people passing by occasionally smelt like alcohol and were incredibly loud and the occasional not working street light made him feel like crossing the street to stay in the light. Foolishes mind was racing about so much that he didn't realize his thumb coming into his mouth until he let in a deep breath and realized the pressure on his tongue, his thumb, or a pacifier was a common comfort for him so it wasn't a big surprise that he had done that subconsciously. Plus the little mindset coming on was grateful for the pressure too.

Meanwhile back at the house, Sapnap was worrying. He and Punz were playing some video games but when it was nearing the time that Foolishes ride was supposed to drop him back off and he wasn't arriving his worries started to raise. If Foolish wanted more time with his friends he should have gotten a call, a text message, or hell even an email he would've just been glad to know that his baby was okay but nothing came and now it was incredibly late. Sapnap held his stomach while staring out of the window, his stomach was churning in all different directions and making him feel like he was about to be sick.

"Maybe he is just super caught up, you know Foolish hasn't seen these people in like years.." Punz's voice was low, trying not to anger Sapnap in any way.

"Punz, I don't think you understand. But Foolish and I have set agreements and if you know him well, you know he wouldn't just do something without being silent." Sapnap sighed before shaking his head, "I feel like something is wrong, I'm getting sick... Like that one time little Foolish ran away to the back garden and didn't tell me? It feels like that."

Punz approached Sapnap, placing a hand on his shoulder to try and give him some reassurance. The hand was shaken off and Sapnap got up from the windowsill, taking his phone from his pocket and searching through his apps.
"What are you doing?" Punz watched with curiosity.

"I'm tracking his location, it's been almost an hour since he agreed he'd be home and I can't be patient anymore." Sapnap scrolled through the app until he got onto some map with a locator icon on it, showing exactly where Foolish was. There was a moment of silence and then Sapnap was rushing to the door to grab the keys that were hanging up, gently tossing them at Punz to make sure he caught them.
"Cmon, we're going to go get him."

Back on the street, Foolish was moving as quickly as his quivering legs could carry him. The walk was going sort of okay until some people he didn't know were following him, one of them threw a can of some juice or energy drink at him while the others cursed him out and threw insults his way. Foolish was a pretty big guy, of course after getting a lot of care from his caregiver his muscles went down a bit and he took care of himself better. But these guys were huge, he could tell by the weight of their steps that these guys were tall and their mass was more than his.

The insults didn't stop, things like 'going back to mommy?' and 'does someone need a pacifier' or 'is someone super scwared? gonna go and-and cry?'
It was hard to keep his emotions in, it was true, tears were brimming his eyes, and yes he did need a pacifier and he needed his Dada. Hearing their steps quicken and someone grab him from behind startled him, trying to fight back their pushing as he was pushed into a dark alleyway.

Now, Foolish could finally see them. Three men stood all around him, one of the three pinned him against the brick wall while the other two patted him down and took things from his pockets. He cried while they did it, their touching felt violating and those were his things! Why did he even go out, why couldn't he just have stayed home and cuddled with his Dada today? A hand from one of the three men came to cover his mouth, silencing his cries and his complaints of his things being stolen from him.

All four of them looked to the opening of the alleyway when the screeching of tires and a car door opened quickly. The three unknown men seemed to be ready to run if it was a cop, ready to run for their lives with their cash prize of whatever Foolish kept in his wallet. But when Sapnap emerged and was not a cop, they all looked at each other with menacing looks.
Foolish was dragged on his knees and to the center of the alleyway, one of the guys approached where Sapnap was standing while the other two held Foolish down onto the ground and gripped his hair tightly.

"Leave him alone, what the hell did he do?! Let him go before I call the cops." Sapnap glared at the man in front of him, crossing his arms and parting his legs slightly to try and make himself seem more menacing and dominant but the man in front of him was not taking anything. He stood aside, making a quick hand gesture to one of his friends before approaching. Foolish stared up in fear at the man standing above him, expecting some more mean words or maybe to be thrown at Sapnap but the hard feeling of knuckles came in contact with his cheek and his face was forcibly whipped to the side the same time the hand in his hair tugged painfully at his roots.

Nothing came out of his mouth but cries, Foolishes eyes filled with tears and he couldn't see anything. Why couldn't he just go home, why did they choose him over everyone walking around at this time of night?
Sapnap was furious, they had the audacity to lay a hand on his baby? To make him cry and panic like he was? Sapnap stepped forward, pointing at each of the men. "Leave him alone or you're going to regret even waking up this morning." He growled, about to pounce and kick their asses when a familiar hand came to rest on his shoulder.

Punz stood behind Sapnap, making himself known by clearing his throat. "You better run the hell away right now, or else you've got not one but two beatings coming for you." Punz also growled after his words, immediately making himself more dominant and the three men finally started to cower. Punz was taller and more built, plus in the dark, he managed to look scary while in the light he seemed nice and soft.

Another step forward from Punz and the three guys to turned and ran out of the alleyway from the back. They ran as fast as they could, clearly terrified by both guys threatening them. But someone was more terrified.

It took a single beat before Sapnap was kneeling and taking Foolish into his arms, allowing the little to curl himself in and cry as much as he needed. "I've got you, baby, I've got you." Sapnap rested his chin on top of Foolishes head, rubbing circles on his back with one hand while the other held him as close as he could.
While they cuddled on the ground, Sapnap watched as Punz made his round to the end of the alleyway and back to them. "They're gone, out of sight." He knelt beside them, allowing Foolish to look at his hand before he combed it through the ends of Foolishes hair that gathered near his neck.

The feeling of hands through his hair felt good from Punz, unlike the pulling sensation that had just happened from those strangers. Everything was in pain, his body and hair felt disgusting from their hands holding and touching him as they did. Never had he thought something like this would happen, he thought he was safe.
Foolish cried more, hiding his face in the crook of Sapnaps neck to try and not see any of his surroundings. The brick wall only reminded him of being pushed against it and the gravel beneath them reminded him of the pain in his knees from being harshly dragged against it.

Punz helped Sapnap stand up, making sure Foolish looked alright from the outside and didn't have any immediate medical injuries before they made their way to the car. Sapnap sat in the backseat, holding Foolish on his lap and close to his chest while Punz got into the driver's seat and drove off back in the direction of Sapnaps home.
"It's just us honey, calm down. Nothing can harm you now." Sapnap whispered praises similar to those in Foolishes ear, trying to calm the hysterical boy in his arms. At this point, even if Foolish had made it home on foot he'd be okay. He'd be pretty upset but would eventually get over it, this situation was incredibly out of hand and will probably leave harm on Foolishes mental state for a while.

Sapnap knew they made it home when the car parked and Punz turned his body to look at them, "Make sure to update me later tonight or tomorrow, if Foolish is okay with it I'll come over and try to cheer him up."

Both of the mentally older men nodded at one another, agreeing on the plans that Punz had. "I'll sort out the details with you tomorrow, thanks a lot Punz. I appreciate you so much." Sapnap gave a sad smile, opening the car door and getting out to the best of his abilities as Foolish was clinging to his torso.
A few minutes and Sapnap made it inside, Punz only rolling out of the driveway when the door had shut.

Now it left them both alone. Sapnap knelt, trying to put Foolish down on the ground but he was met with a loud cry. The cry was almost one of pain and maybe it came from a place of pain, Foolish was truly suffering, the tears were not stopping and his whole body felt numb but in scorching pain at the same time and the last thing he wanted was for Sapnaps warm and musky atmosphere to go away from him.

"Okay, sweetheart, baby boy, you have to try and work with me here. I know you want to cuddle but we need to clean this dirt off you." Sapnap rocked the hysterical little, carrying him to the bathroom where he started a bubble bath.
Foolish only got worse, now dry heaving from how much he cried and panicking more over the fact he was about to be sick. Sapnap had to make quick work of taking his clothes off and setting him into the bath before Foolish ended up going to bed dirty, scrubbing his sore body carefully with a soft loofa and giving his head a massage when it needed to be shampooed.

Foolish seemed to be better when he was wrapped in a fluffy towel and back into the comfort of his caregiver's arms, being rocked and reminded that someone was there really helped to ease his nerves. Foolish was laid down on Sapnaps bed, briefs being clothed on him but left without a hoodie. Sapnap had a hoodie laid out for Foolish to be dressed in but seemed to have other ideas.
He tilted his head up, watching Sapnap kissing each part of his body.

First was his ankles, then his red knees, his thighs and hip bone, all around his tummy where a few raspberries were blown in an attempt to make him laugh, his arms, and then finally his face. Kisses were peppered over his nose and eyelids and then as gentle as possible over the already bruising mark of where he was punched.
Sapnap moved away, looking down at his baby with a serious expression on his face. "I want you to know you're safe, this is not your fault at all... I love you so much, I'm just happy you're safe.." A sigh came from him before he was dressing Foolish in the large hoodie that smelt exactly like him.

"Let's cuddle little one, I just want you to calm down now."
The Texan laid down beside the little, hoisting him up carefully to lay down on his chest. He carefully combed his fingers through the black hair and tried to massage his scalp from any pain he was still having from the hair pulling.

"Fank yous f-for' hweping me.." Foolish finally spoke, his words were hardly noticeable from his voice being destroyed from all the crying he did.

"No. No honey do not thank me, I did what I needed to do for you. That was a very serious situation and I am so glad I got there in time, my baby... Never thank me for that again, we'll get through this."

They both held each other, Foolish had stopped crying but was still shaking while Sapnap couldn't tear his eyes away from the sad boy. He was going to do everything in his power to catch those freaks and make sure they got what they deserved, they deserved every single thing they got for hurting such an innocent person like Foolish. Someone who wasn't 100% in charge of their actions and wasn't good at communicating their emotions while in a state like this.

Sapnap continued to watch over Foolish until he fell asleep, stroking his hair and whispering praises under his breath to make sure he was fully asleep. Never again would Foolish be put in a situation like this, there are now some things that need to be gone over to make sure he was safe whenever going out.


this request was so very appreciated !! thank you for requesting <3

all requests are very appreciated !

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