
Work Header

Crown of Love


Sasuke and Naruto have been inseparable since Naruto cut Sasuke's hair in kindergarten. They were the married couple that didn't realize they were married or even together.

Sasuke starts working at City Hall to get closer to Naruto (seriously, how much closer can they get?) where Omegas are deemed influential due to being rare.


It's an Omegas world, Alphas & Betas just live in it.




Helllooo everyone!

I am FINALLY reposting this story. I originally deleted it because I wasn't happy with it, but I think now it's better! I hated deleting it, but it had to be done. This story has been re-written like 2 times, so I hope this time it's better!

If you remember how this story went - just delete it from your brain 😅

The first few chapters are technically ready, but I still want to go over them and add stuff to them.

Enough talking! I hope you enjoy 💛

Chapter 1: Our City is Boring

Chapter Text

Omegas were rare.


Omegas were treasured and protected.


They were said to rule the world.


The citizens of Konoha preferred to have omegas on the city council. Some alphas and betas were voted in too, but they weren’t as common. They weren’t seen as unique. The public wanted people who had their best interests at heart. People who would fight for what is right while making sure the people were provided for.


It was another Monday morning in City Hall, an ungodly hour of 8 AM when the meeting room door busted open.


“Good morning, babes!” Sakura, City Attorney, and Ino, Planning Director (and badass omegas), chirped to everyone. They were the epitome of boss babes, without the scheming and toxic hustle mentality. They’d woken up at 5 am, met up to do yoga and Pilates, got green smoothies, and already had their week scheduled. They were fucking ready for the damn week.


“Why are you both so loud?” Shikamaru, Finance Director (a lazy but intelligent beta), was barely awake at this time. As soon as he sat in his chair, his head smacked the table, and everyone knew at this point not to wake him up until the meeting actually started.


“Because it’s the start of another week, duh.” Sakura took a sip of her green tea and removed her signature red jacket.


“She became this beast when she married Lee.” Gaara, Fire Chief, and beta, mumbled as he threw himself on a comfortable chair. He always dressed like he never got over his emo phase, but he somehow still made it look stylish. His red and white Fire Department jacket matched perfectly with the ripped jeans accessorized with chains and combat boots. From a young age, Gaara had loved fire, and he’d been given two choices in life. Either become an arsonist or work for the fire department. He’d decided on the fire department because he didn’t think an orange jumpsuit would suit him, and he didn’t want to take any chances.


Lee was a good friend of his. He was a great guy. But he was way too optimistic for Gaara, and the moment Sakura started dating Lee, she became an optimistic beast too. The next thing they knew, the staff were being signed up for charity runs. Runs. Their wedding was almost turned into a Ninja Warrior event.


The City Manager, Tsunade, had worked hard on making the meeting and break rooms extremely comfortable to keep them ‘motivated’, but they knew it was for her to have comfy hourly naps. She tended to rely on her grandson Naruto, Assistant City Manager (a sweet, charming omega with a temper from hell) for everything. The public adored the blonde and wanted him to run for city manager once Tsunade retired, but Naruto would just give them a sheepish smile and say he enjoyed his current position.


Said blonde was walking into the room with the Recreational Director, Deidara (also an omega with a temper from hell, handsome but not so sweet). They were both snickering and watching something on Deidara’s phone.


“What are you two giggling about?” Ino made her way over and peeked over their shoulders with a bit of difficulty without her platform heels. She’d opted out of wearing them when her calf muscles screamed for a break. The three of them weren’t very tall; omegas tended to be slimmer and a bit shorter than alphas and betas. 


There, on screen, was a video of Public Works Director, Neji, getting shit-faced with Sakura’s assistant Karin (a cool but a little crazy beta) and Ino’s own assistant Suigetsu (a social and very crazy beta).


Neji was often teased because of his surly personality. From a young age, he’d been the first one to learn his ABCs and make fun of everyone else who couldn’t. They would say the alpha was accidentally arrogant with a permanent resting bitch face.


“You took a video of me?” Neji came in with a fierce scowl, wearing aviator shades and long brown hair in a messy bun. “What would the citizens say? This is going to ruin my image.”


A playful grin grew on Naruto’s handsome face, “Neji, you’re in charge of public works. You literally have the shittiest job. No one cares.”


Fair. Neji knew that being in charge of Public Works would make him the butt (no pun intended) of every joke, but one day, issues with the sewer would come, and he would be deemed a king. Everyone enjoyed being able to flush but one day…


“Oh shit, here comes the bad bitch.” Deidara whistled at Mikoto, the Police Chief, wearing a plum silk top and tight black slacks.


Most of the Uchiha worked in the police department, but the head bitch in charge was the only omega in the family. The staff constantly gossiped that she probably carried her husband’s balls in her Chanel purse. Fugaku was a serious and stern man, but he adored the shit out of his wife.


The man was often seen carrying her bags and doing her bidding, unable to resist her every wish. Most Uchiha men cowered under her, even the great Madara Uchiha, who to this day proudly told everyone that he could lift more weights than them despite his old age.


Sasuke’s gruff voice drawled behind her, “Do not call my mother a bad bitch.” The tall alpha was holding a large coffee cup, blinking away his sleepiness.


“Why are you here?” Naruto gaped at Sasuke with thrilled wide eyes.


Naruto and Sasuke had an interesting history that went back to kindergarten. It started when an adorable chubby cheeked Naruto decided to give the alpha a haircut during nap time, which he still insists was done out of kindness. From there on, they were always in the same sports and clubs, competing against each other while simultaneously always doing things together.


No one really understood…them. If you asked their parents, they were a married couple that didn’t realize they were married or together.


Sasuke placed his coffee cup on the table, “Sakura has agreed to train me for when she steps down.”


He sat next to his mother and smirked at the surprised (beautiful) blonde. He subtly ran his eyes through Naruto’s outfit as the omega ran to take a seat next to him. Only the omega could pull off a dark orange cashmere sweater so nicely. The blonde softly pushed his shoulder against the alpha’s in silent greeting.


Gaara regarded Sakura with a frown, “You’re stepping down?”


“Not yet, but I will eventually when I get pregnant,” Sakura held manicured fingers crossed.


She really wanted to have kids and was ready to live out the yoga pants wearing mom dream. She’d already achieved so much career-wise; she was prepared for this next step in her life, which involved yoga pants, a large SUV, kids, and the occasional shopping. She refused to cut her hair in a bob though.


“Ah yes, Sakura and Lee have decided to start a family and bless the city with energetic spawns,” Neji muttered from his seat as he pulled out his manly (not beauty) kit from his Prada backpack to try and make himself presentable. His under eyes were dark and puffy, and his hair was slightly tangled.


“Wow, Neji, you look like shit.” Sasuke’s dry comment sent Naruto into a fit of giggles. The alpha preened at the knowledge that he could make the blonde laugh and feel good. He fought the urge to grab Naruto’s hand and squeeze it.


Neji ignored the comment and focused on brushing his hair. He couldn’t argue today. Tomorrow, yes, when he didn’t feel so damn hungover. He sent Hinata, his cousin, and assistant, a text message asking her to please bring him painkillers.


The members quieted down when they heard heels coming down the hallway and quickly took their seats as Tsunade sat at the head of the wooden rectangular table. She was intently focused on the screen, giving the impression that she was reading important emails when in reality, she was trying to beat the next level of Candy Crush.


Once she succeeded, she looked up from her phone, “Where’s Haku?”


Mikoto paused her conversation with Sasuke, “He’s not he – “


They were all startled when the pretty omega answered, “Here!” His flawless face held a soft smile as he set his book down. Haku was the Economic Developer, and his sweet quiet nature gave him many admirers. Every week he received flowers from different alphas asking for a chance, but he had yet to take any of their offers.   


Once Ino caught her breath, she walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Haku, I’m going to get you a bell!” His steps and presence were so inaudible that they often thought he wasn’t in the room when he actually was.


“Can we please get to it so I can go to my office?” Neji groaned in frustration. He was over the entire meeting already, and Hinata would be there soon with his painkillers. What he wanted was to lay down on his office couch, in the dark, and with gentle orchestra music playing.


A murmured “Same,” came from Shikamaru.


Tsunade clapped her hands, “Alright, everyone shut up. Naruto, what’s the most pressing matter today?”


Naruto pulled out his thick leather agenda and looked at the meeting circled in red, “Sai and Sasori both want to meet with Deidara about the new park art installation he’s looking for.”


Deidara grunted and ran his hand through his face, “Fucking great. They’re art gallery rivals and so fucking annoying.” Their rivalry started in middle school, where they both placed first in the Land of Fire’s art competition. From there on out, they took the fun out of anything art-related. They both had opened galleries across from each other and submitted ideas for art installations every month. Deidara had to admit they were good, and he’d chosen some in the past, but there were many more (less chaotic) artists out there.


“How’s that the most pressing matter?” Sasuke leaned close, looking at the blonde’s agenda. Naruto unconsciously leaned towards him, the alpha’s scent pulling him closer.


The blonde rolled his eyes, “Sasuke, we live in a small town. Last month, the biggest issue we had was the old people getting angry at Nagato for opening a tattoo shop.”


“My god, our city is boring.” Sasuke was currently rethinking if he really wanted to be trained as the future city attorney, but one glance at Naruto and the constant butterflies that never fucking died answered a hard yes. He was looking forward to being around Naruto more, well more than usual, and despite the city being the epitome of elevator music, he knew he was making the right choice.


Sakura took a sip of her green tea and shrugged, “But the draaaama makes up for it.”


Mikoto gasped, her onyx eyes sparkling in delight, “I love drama; what drama?”


Apparently, Kiba and Suigetsu are interested in Hinata,” Ino answered nonchalantly as she checked her makeup in the mirror.


She supposed she could see the appeal. Hinata might have been born a Hyuuga, but she definitely didn’t act like it. She was practically an e-girl, with colored strands of hair and edgy outfits. She liked to stream when she was out of work and had a small but loyal following.


It took a couple of moments, and once the comment was processed, it got Neji’s attention, “What?”


“Yep,” Naruto answered. Kiba was Naruto’s moronic alpha assistant, who Neji absolutely despised. Neji hated many people (it came with being a Hyuuga), but Kiba was at the very top of the list.


Haku placed his chin on the palm of his hand and giggled, “Oh shit, we’re gonna have an alpha vs. beta dick measuring contest.”


Gaara gazed into the fire flickering from his blood red and gold zippo lighter, “Who lets us run this town?”


The redhead asked this question in every single meeting when idiotic shit was said in this room. Actually, in all of City Hall. He always wondered if this is how it was in other cities. Then again, other cities probably wouldn’t have made him Fire Chief if they knew about his fascination with fire.


Sakura gave Gaara the same response she always did, “The citizens. They love us.” She leaned forward, trying to take away Gaara’s lighter. The redhead swiftly moved and kicked her chair away.


Tsunade clicked her tongue in annoyance and stood up, grabbing her purse, “Is that it? I have a hectic day today.”


Ino snorted, “No, you don’t.”


Tsunade ignored her as her gaze returned to her phone, strolling out of the room.  


That was their cue to leave, and they all made their way to their separate offices.


As Naruto watched from behind, Sakura drew Sasuke’s attention and started explaining the morning procedure. They were headed to the back of the building where both their offices were. Sakura and Naruto’s offices were across from each other with large glass windows that viewed the center area where the assistants worked. Naruto loved to stand in front of his window with a stern look to scare the assistants.


“Sasuke is very excited to be here.” Mikoto walked in step with the blonde, observing his tender gaze towards her youngest son. They were both so ridiculously cute.


Sapphire eyes never left Sasuke’s form, “Probably so he can annoy me.”


She dismissed the comment with a wave of her hand, “I think he just wants to keep you safe.” 


Nope. Annoy me.”


“He’s taken care of you for years,” Mikoto rolled her eyes.


Naruto blushed at the truth in that statement. He and Sasuke…were close. They just knew each other so well, and maybe others saw them as mates, but they’d never talked about being in a relationship. It was known that they were everything to each other, and he felt that naturally, one day it would just…come together. Effortlessly. That’s what they were. Except Naruto sometimes wondered when that day would be.


By the time he realized he had never responded, Mikoto was drawn into a conversation by Gaara. They were talking about a case of a serial arsonist from the Land of Wind (that Gaara did not admire), and she was curious about Gaara’s thoughts on the arsonist’s methods. For research purposes, of course. Mikoto loved talking about everything crime related and was often asked not to bring famous crime scene photos to dinner parties.


As the blonde walked into the office area, he saw a new desk in front of Sakura’s window with a direct view into his office. That meant that Sasuke was going to be in plain view of him.


They were currently going over paperwork in Sakura’s office, so he was able to sneak by and shut himself in his office. He drew the curtains and sat on the cozy teal couch near his desk, trying to calm his heart. Having Sasuke around constantly was going to be exciting. He’d occasionally stopped by for lunch, and they texted frequently, but this was different because they would be steps away from each other for hours on end. Fuck, how will I get work done now?


If you asked Sasuke, he was more excited than Naruto. He glanced up as Naruto was entering his office, his neck red.


He’d been in love with Naruto for a long time, and he was sure Naruto felt the same way. Yet neither took the next step. They’d held hands. Been on friendship dates. Cuddled. Shared light kisses. And recently –


But they never labeled their strange relationship. He wasn’t very good at showing his emotions, but he was eager to learn. For Naruto, he would try. He wanted them to take the next step into actually naming the feelings they shared and officially being together as a couple.


They just didn’t think it was going to happen like that…



Chapter 2: Because of Science


I'm so happy you guys are into this story! It's been a while since I've written SasuNaru, so I'm hoping this gives me motivation to write the angst that's coming in What is...happiness?

Enjoy! 💛

Chapter Text


A few weeks later, Naruto and Sakura had lunch at the quaint diner down the street from City Hall. The place was almost 50 years old and not in the best shape, but the food still drew citizens in. The waitress set their plates down and went to deal with another customer. Sakura took a bite and groaned at the delicious taste; she’d been waiting days to eat this burger. She made it a habit to eat healthily and only indulge in fattening foods once every two weeks, and today was finally that day.


Naruto looked at Sakura eating with disgust, “Wow, you’re really enjoying that burger.” Lately, everything was making him nauseous. He gulped his cup of green tea, trying to calm his stomach.


“Shut up.” She took another bite and waved a fry around, “Now catch me up.”


Naruto leaned back, trying to cover his nose from the greasy smell. It was making his stomach turn, “With what?”


“Kiba and Hinata. I heard there’s juicy gossip there.”


The blonde tapped his chin, “I wouldn’t say juicy, more like hilarious. Neji chased Kiba down the hallways when he caught them sharing a kiss.”


Sakura swallowed her food and snorted, “Did Kiba cry?”


“He did when Neji caught him and put him in a chokehold.”


In between bites, she asked, “How do you think Neji feels about Hinata streaming and having simps?”


Naruto looked out the window, shifting his face to get away from the scent. He needed her to hurry up and finish eating, “It probably bothers him, but since it's all online, it’s probably not as big of an issue?”


She nodded, “Eh, true. Do you think Neji will ever date?”


“You know what would be funny?” Naruto snickered, “If he and Gaara started dating. A beta fucking an alpha would make every member of the Hyuuga family cringe.”


Sakura choked around her fry, tears falling as she coughed. Naruto handed her some of his water until she managed to compose herself. “Don’t scare me like that!”


Naruto cackled, “But can you imagine? ‘Neji, you have dishonored this family by taking a dic – ’”


She interrupted, “No. That’s why it’s so ridiculous. Gaara would dominate Neji. There’s no way Neji would allow a beta to fuck him.”


“You never know,” Naruto shrugged.


The waitress came over and picked up Sakura’s finished plate. Naruto could finally look at Sakura and not worry about his poor stomach, “Soooo, how’s the baby-making going?”


“Well, we barely started actively trying, but I want to be a mom so bad Naru.” Sakura pouted and pulled out her phone.


“I’m sure you’re already pregnant. I feel like Lee’s sperm is as ecstatic as him.”


“I hope so! I already started on the nursery.” She held her phone out so Naruto could see the pictures.


“How? You don’t even know if it’d be a boy or girl?”


“I can start with some stuff!” She defended as she scrolled to another picture, “Like the crib and diapers.”


Naruto had to admit that the crib was really nice. It was all cherry wood and glossy, and he guessed…sturdy? Babies didn’t weigh much, so he wasn’t sure how strong they had to be. “Don’t people gift that?”


“Probably, but I didn’t want to wait.”


“What if you have twins?” His eyes widened in horror, “Or worse, triplets.”  


“I get your point, you dork,” Sakura rolled her eyes, “I don’t know. I think my body could take it, but I don’t know about my brain. I’d be super sleep deprived.”


He waved her off, “You have all of us to help, though.”


“That’s true. You’re the best, Naru.”


“I know,” Naruto gave her a wink to cover up his blush at the compliment.


He saw the twinkle in her eye, “One day, you and Sasuke are going to be married, and you won’t even know it.”


Naruto slid forward in his seat, “How?”


“Your families will probably scheme it.” 


His jaw dropped, “That’s so believable, wow. They really would.”


Sakura played with her manicured nails, nonchalantly asking, “Didn’t you sleep together a few weeks ago?”


Naruto gaped and waved his hands around, “It was one time, and we were drunk! You know I’m an emotional drunk. Either way, it doesn’t count because we don’t even remember it much.”


“You two are so fucking weird.” There was never room for them to be interested in other people because all they talked about was each other. Anyone that was ever interested in one of them quickly got over it when all they heard was, ‘Sasuke is so annoying, do you think he –‘ and ‘Naruto is such a moron, there was one time – ’. Not to mention that everyone in town thought they were already married.


“At least I can’t be pregnant easily as a male omega,” Naruto proudly nodded.


The comment made Sakura’s mind flatline, “I’m sorry, what? You didn’t use protection?”


“Apparently not. But it’s okay because I wasn’t in heat, so I can’t get pregnant.” Naruto gave the girl a large grin. 


Sakura’s face turned incredulous, “Who the fuck told you that?”


Naruto looked at her like she was an idiot, “Science?”


“You can get pregnant. The chances aren’t as high, but you can.” Sakura was so ready to smack him in the head.


“What?!” The blonde gaped. Nah. No way. There was no way he was pregnant.


“Oh my god…Naruto, you’ve been nauseous!!”


The blonde shook his head, “I’m not pregnant.” Pfft. There was no way.


Sakura opened her mouth to argue when she got a text from Ino. Her eyebrows shot up, and she tugged on Naruto’s sweater, “We have to go.”


The duo quickly headed back to the city hall building and met up with an irritated Ino as they entered the hallway. The omega tapped her foot in annoyance as she peered at her phone with a heavy frown.


Sakura worriedly asked, “What’s going on?”


“There’s a protest at the omega heat center about why alphas and betas can’t be let in.”


Sakura twisted her lips, “It’s a center for heats; alphas and betas don’t have heats.”


Ino held her phone out and pointed to someone holding a sign in the middle of yelling, “Apparently, it’s a ‘luxurious spa’.”


“It’s practically a combination of a hospital and hotel.” With tightened lips, Sakura gazed at the screen, “I wish it were a damn spa.”


“How do they not realize it’s for omegas safety and well-being, not a magical getaway?” Ino pinched her nose, she knew arguing with those morons would lead nowhere, but they were still beyond infuriating.


Tsunade had worked for the past 20 years defending omega rights. She argued that ruts and alpha characteristics couldn’t be used as a defense for sexual assault. Alphas made up a higher percentage of rapes and domestic violence than other secondary genders. In the past, many alphas were given a slap on the wrist. Their arguments were always ‘they asked for it’ because omegas went into heat and that their scents were addictive.


When Mikoto became Police Chief, there was an intense crackdown on those cases. There was a harsh policy put in place, which resulted in the number of cases in those situations going down now that they were actually being prosecuted.


With the help of fellow council members, they were able to open a center for omegas to spend their heats, whether mated or not. It was a mixture of a hotel/hospital and was structured to handle heats and be offered as a sanctuary for safety. It was far from a luxurious spa or retreat.


There were times that alpha and beta citizens would cause an uproar. Some argued that they were giving luxuries to omegas, but they didn’t fully understand the security that was being provided to omegas. It wasn’t about being exclusive; it was literally a health thing. Omegas were roughly 15% of the population in Konoha. It wasn’t the end of the world for them to have a safe place and not worry about being taken advantage of.


“How long do you think it’ll last?” Naruto grimaced as he checked his emails.


Sakura let out an exasperated sigh, “Probably a few hours. As long as no one is hurt, we can’t do very much. Nothing they’re doing is technically illegal.”


“That’s true,” Naruto mumbled. They just had to wait for it to pass. He checked the clock and mentally crossed his fingers, hoping the protesters would get bored and move on quickly.


The trio spotted Kiba powerwalking towards them, calling Naruto’s name. His shirt was wrinkled, and he looked like he was ready to pull out his hair.


The blonde omega frowned, “What happened?”


The shaggy-haired guy was frantic, “You have a phone call at the office. They won’t. stop. calling. I’ve been chained to my desk!”


Naruto started to head back to his office, Kiba quickly following in step, “Do you know who it is?”


“They won’t say. Only that it’s important and they want to talk to you. They’ve called over 100 times.”


“Jeez, okay.” Naruto stepped into his office and closed the door.


Before he answered the phone, he recalled his conversation with Sakura. He rested his chin on his hand. She had no idea what she was talking about. It was a science thing that male omegas couldn’t get pregnant outside of heats. Their bodies were different than female omegas. Not by much, but still different. He got an A in health class! He knew what he was talking about.


He nodded to himself. He wasn’t worried. Nope. Not at all.



Sasuke strolled to Karin’s desk at a quarter to five, “Where’s Naruto?” He hadn’t seen the omega since noon, which was unusual. Naruto liked to walk around the building and visit everyone. His office door was usually open, or at the very least, the shades open.


Karin glanced up from her phone and paused her furious typing, voice dripping with boredom, “He’s in his office trying to cool down. He got into an argument with someone.” She went back to typing, and Sasuke briefly wondered what she actually did for work.


The alpha nodded in acknowledgment, not that she noticed, and went into the blonde’s office. The room was dimly lit, with a pomegranate-scented candle flickering in the corner and depressing music playing, “Hey.”


Naruto glanced up, shoulders heavy and his voice barely above a whisper, “Huh?”


“What happened?” The blonde looked worn out as he sluggishly typed away on the computer. That, combined with the state of his office, he figured Naruto wasn’t having the best of days.


The omega blinked in confusion, “With what?” His brain was barely functioning at this point. He didn’t want to hear another phone ring for at least the next month.


Sasuke took a seat on the couch and crossed his arms, “Dobe, you’re upset. What happened?”


“Nothing,” Naruto mumbled, averting his gaze.


Sasuke narrowed his eyes, “Naruto.” He hated when the omega tried hiding his emotions from him. It never worked. They knew each other too well. He didn’t want the omega to think he couldn’t trust Sasuke with his problems. He wanted to know everything about Naruto. The good and the bad.


The blonde regarded the brunette and saw the concern on his face. He glanced down at the papers on his desk, morosely answering, “It was just a reporter arguing about why omegas aren’t fit to run. The usual.”


“The fuck?” The alpha felt his anger flare. He fucking hated people who still held such antiquated beliefs. He wanted to find those fuckers and beat the ancient beliefs out of them, but the need to soothe the blonde overpowered the anger. Everyone else could wait, Naruto came first. Always.


Naruto shrugged, defeated, “Either way, now I’m going to have to stay late to catch up on shit that I missed while dealing with it.”


The alpha thought for a few moments before an idea crossed his mind, “What do you want for dinner?” He made a list of all of Naruto’s favorite places, their distance, and closing times as he waited for the omega’s reply.


The blonde gave him a puzzled look, “Huh? I just said I’m staying late. I can’t go out.”


“Yes, moron, and I’m staying here with you. Now, what do you want for dinner?” He pulled out his phone, getting ready to make an order.


“I don’t need you to – “


The words died in his mouth when he realized Sasuke was trying to make him feel better. After hearing the words from Mikoto that Sasuke was always taking care of him, every little thing now stood out to him. It was true. He always kept him fed, gave him his umbrella during rainy days (which led to Sasuke getting sick a few times), had given him his clothes when his got ruined –


The alpha pressed, “Do you want free food?”


He warmly smiled, “Yes.”


Sasuke nodded, opening the food delivery app, “Ramen, I’m guessing?”


Naruto felt a wave of nausea hit him, “No! Uh – something healthy.”


His eyebrows shot up, “Healthy?” He never thought he would hear those words come out of the omega’s mouth. Ever. Had he officially lost his mind?


“Yeah, my stomach isn’t feeling good.” That was an understatement, but he didn’t want to worry Sasuke even more. The alpha would take him to the hospital if he knew he was craving a salad.


Sasuke’s immediately questioned, “What? What’s wrong?”


Naruto quickly tried to appease him, “It’s probably from lunchtime. I went to get a burger with Sakura.” It was a white lie since he technically didn’t eat, but he knew Sasuke was going to start –


“Do you think it's food poisoning?” Sasuke opened a new tab, searching for health symptoms. What if it was more than just food poisoning?


He groaned, “No Sas. Can you please just order the food?”


The alpha pursed his lips but dropped the subject. He ordered the food, and while they waited for it, he grabbed his laptop and started answering emails.


They worked well past closing, the building empty except for the custodians and them. Naruto read through the paperwork on his desk as he watched Sasuke work on his share of papers. He couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face when he saw that Sasuke stayed with him.


Sasuke arched an eyebrow, “Why are you staring at me?”


“I’m not. I’m just glancing in your vicinity.” Naruto stubbornly looked away with a light blush.   


The alpha bit back an affectionate smile, “Have you finished your paperwork?”


“Not all of it,” he rubbed his eyes.


Sasuke stood and leaned over the shoulder, looking at the papers, “What do you have left?”


The blonde couldn’t help the breath he took when he smelled Sasuke’s scent. He was so close, and he smelled so good and – “Just these,” he whispered.   


Sasuke turned his head, their faces inches apart. His eyes darted down to Naruto’s plump lips and back to his sapphire eyes, “Ah, you’re almost done.”


“Yeah…” If I’m pregnant, which I’m definitely not, because of science, the baby will come out really cute. Would he be blonde? That would be


A few seconds later, Sasuke leaned back, smirking as he went to sit back down, “You’re awfully distracted.”


“Am not.” Naruto stuck his tongue out.


Sasuke scoffed, “I’m not falling for that game. Get back to work.”



Chapter 3: 15 Chopsticks


Hellllo my babes! I know this came late, but I had to restructure the fic a little bit, and you know me - always the overthinker 😭

I hope you enjoy this one!


Chapter Text


The following two days were difficult for Naruto. His mind kept wandering off when he thought about or even looked at Sasuke. He’d started falling behind on paperwork and was a thin line away from doodling Sasuke with a heart on his paperwork (he hadn’t done it since middle school, and he was not going to go back to those times!). He constantly gazed at Sasuke through the glass in his office, watching the frown on his face as he angrily read paperwork or answered the phone with a scowl.


He wondered if their baby would be born with a scowl.


Not that he was pregnant. Because he was not.


Though if he were, the baby would totally not be born with a scowl because it would be born with his incredibly friendly genes. He refused for his baby to be born identical to Sasuke. It would be the ultimate betrayal from his body.


Like the betrayal it was already giving him with this nausea that wouldn’t go away. The more time that passed he wondered if maybe the science in his brain was wrong, and he really was pregnant. He didn’t want to ask his mom, because his mom would call Mikoto, and then Sasuke would know in 15 minutes. His dad would probably tell him to talk to his mom which brought him back to the first point.


The omega typed on the search bar of his phone browser: can omegas get pregnant outside of heat?


Science jargon. Science jargon. Yes.


He changed the question: can male omegas get pregnant outside of heat?


Science jargon. Science jargon. Science jargon. Yes, though less common than female omegas, male omegas can still become pregnant outside of their heats.


Oh. Oh damn. Okay.


Well, he would have to figure out where he got his science facts from because it seemed he was so not right. He supposed it was a good thing he didn’t follow his kindergarten dream of becoming a doctor. He mainly wanted to because they seemed to always have lollipops but that was beside the point. Maybe this is why he barely passed his biology classes. He was realizing many things at once and forgetting the most important thing – he would need to get a pregnancy test.



Naruto yelped in surprise an hour later when Sasuke suddenly burst through his office and clicked the lock. His hair was in disarray and his dark purple tie was askew.


The alpha leaned back on the door trying to gather his breath while Naruto sat baffled at his desk, “What the hell asshole! You scared me!”


“Shhh,” Sasuke held a finger to his lips, trying to get the omega to lower his voice.


“You’re in my office,” Naruto argued.


“Keep quiet, dobe!” He knew it was a losing battle. Naruto didn’t really know how to whisper, which got them in trouble all through school.  


Naruto whisper-yelled, “You’re yelling too!”


He saw Sasuke pull the blinds down as he heard Neji barreling down the hallway, hollering in anger. They could hear Neji demand to know where Sasuke was. Karin might not have been the best secretary, but she was great at one thing; ignoring people's questions.


She glanced up at the fuming brunette and rolled her eyes, “I’m busy.”


“You’re live on social media,” Neji exclaimed. The redhead had her phone propped up on a stand with a ring light. He wasn't sure what exactly she was going live for. 


Karin looked at him like he was an idiot, “Exactly.” She glanced back down to the screen, reading over the latest comments. 



RakaShita - is that the little bitch Hyuuga? 

Magiie69 - does he really stink? LOL

alwaysinpein - yo FUUCK that guy, he came to my tattoo shop and didn't tip

Sofe-ane420 - @alwaysinpein that stinky whore!!


“There me where the fuck he is!”


Karin pretended to think it over, “Let me ask my viewers. Should I tell him where Sasuke Uchiha – oh look at that. 69 no’s. Too bad.”


Naruto’s lips quivered, trying to hold back a laugh as they overheard the conversation, “What did you do?”


“Neji was being annoying, so I brought up that one time he tried to convince everyone he had green eyes and got a massive eye infection because he refused to take the contacts off.”


“You didn’t!” Everyone from their school knew that speaking about Neji’s abominable pink eyes was a no-no.


When he deemed Neji left, Sasuke let out a sigh of relief and eyed the blonde’s hands, “Naruto…what are you holding?”


Shit. The omega had forgotten he was still holding the sticks in his hands and panicked, putting them under his thighs, “Chopsticks.”


“Thick chopsticks that look a lot like pregnancy sticks?”


“What? No. No one’s pregnant. I’m not pregnant. We’re definitely not having a baby from a drunk night after the Valentine’s day party.”


Sasuke felt the color drain from his face. Pregnant? Naruto was pregnant. Pregnant with his child and they weren’t even officially together. They only had…that weird, subtle unsaid thing between them. Where they acted like a married couple and did everything together but were not together yet refused to date anyone else.


“Holy shit.” Sasuke unfashionably plopped on the floor and looked at Naruto with wide eyes, “You’re pregnant?” He loosened his tie, suddenly finding it way too constricting.


The omega meekly nodded but reasoned, “Maybe the tests are faulty.”


The alpha really fucking doubted it but okay – “How many did you take?”


“Like 15.”


15 tests? And they all came out positive?” Sasuke felt his heart burst through his chest. He was elated. He was terrified. He felt different waves of emotions all at once.


Naruto pouted, “Yeah, but it could be a lie, right?”


Sasuke’s eye twitched, “I don’t think 15 tests can be wrong.”


“You’re right.” Naruto sat quietly as the situation slowly dawned on him. He loved Sasuke, and he knew that the alpha would be a great father. He just really didn’t think their relationship would start backwards. He started feeling his eyes water, and Sasuke quickly made his way over when he saw the unshed tears.


“What’s wrong?” His voice was gentle, and it made Naruto’s mouth quiver even more.


“I’m going to get fat.”


“What? Everyone gains weight – “


Naruto threw him a fierce glare.


Sasuke brushed it off and cupped the blonde’s face, “There’s no one else I’d rather get fat with my baby.”


“That seriously did not help.” The blonde placed his hands over Sasuke’s and let out a breathless chuckle. They took their time scenting each other, just staring at each other for a few minutes. Sasuke knew every inch of Naruto’s face, having stared at it for the majority of his life. But at this moment it was different. Because now Naruto had a faint blush on his cheeks. The light dusting of freckles was more pronounced on his nose and his eyes shimmered with contentment. He was absolutely beautiful and everything Sasuke could ever want in his life.


They knew that no matter how their relationship started, they were going to be okay. They were in love, even if it was never said out loud, and they undoubtedly trusted each other to death.


Naruto leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Sasuke’s lips, which alpha immediately deepened. He cupped Naruto’s cheek with one hand and placed the other on the back of his neck. It wasn’t a kiss made to bring out desire, though it certainly did; it was a kiss full of pure raw feelings. Of them finally being together and naming what they have had all along. They eventually broke apart, taking a moment to gather their breath and smile at each other.


Sasuke spoke first, “When will we tell our families?”


The omega placed his head on the alpha’s shoulder and mumbled, “Maybe we can keep it hidden until after it’s born. Maybe when it turns 18.”


He ran a hand through the soft blonde locks, “They’ll probably find out by the end of the weekend.”


“Sakura did say she thought I was pregnant.”


Sasuke felt his heart drop to his stomach, “Oh no. No no no no.”


Naruto’s pulse quickened at the look of sheer panic on the alpha’s face, “What?”


“If Sakura thinks so, then Ino will know, and then…”


“Oh fuck.”

You can find me on all these socials 💛🥺!

Chapter 4: Loser, we will be married


Hello loves!

I'm so sorry that this is so late 😓 for the past few months I've been dealing with a really really bad depressive episode. I'm getting my groove back so I hope this isn't that bad 😓

Chapter Text


Sasuke scratched Naruto’s scalp as the blonde tucked his head under the alpha’s chin. After the knowledge that Naruto had both failed to understand biology and that they were having a baby, they decided to hide out in Sasuke’s apartment for the rest of the night and put their phones away.  


“We’re having a baby.” Naruto played with Sasuke’s fingertips as he spoke.


The alpha cracked a smile at the tone of awe in Naruto’s voice, “We are.”


A few minutes later Naruto frowned, “But Sas, we’re not even together.”


Sasuke let out a deep huff, making the omega pout, “Why are you laughing, asshole?”


The brunette leaned over and spoke against the blonde’s forehead, “We’ve been together.”


“Nope!” Naruto leaned back and firmly poked the alpha’s chest, “You have to ask me out!”




The omega crossed his arms and huffed, “I asked you to marry me in first grade, and you said no.”


“Because I wanted to ask you.” The alpha squeezed the bridge of his nose and then pointed out, “Which I did, with the valentine’s card.”


The blonde scratched the back of his head, “What card?”


“The one with the fox?”


Naruto argued back, “I thought it was a joke!” He did, but now that he thought about it –




–  Sasuke had a really dry way of speaking, “It said Loser, we will be married.”


“Ah yeah...” He saw Sasuke’s cheeks color light pink, which Naruto had to kiss because it was so cute.


Naruto tucked his head under Sasuke’s chin again and got the alpha to wrap his arms around him, “What are we going to do now?”


The alpha’s voice lowered, “We take it step by step.” Technically their steps were all over the place and definitely not linear, but it was the thought that counted.


“You’re not nervous?”


“Not too much.” He really wasn’t.


The blonde placed Sasuke’s hand on his head, urging the brunette to go back to massaging his scalp, “Why? How?”


“Because it’s with you. You’re going to be an incredible parent.”


Sasuke saw Naruto’s eyes start to water again; he’d been overly emotional (and nauseous), and it made sense now. He kissed Naruto’s pink lips, overjoyed that he could finally do it and not feel (secretly) shy. Now that they were having a baby, it felt like all the small gestures and subtle glances were gone. There was no reservation. He could finally be open with his affection and not have the anxiety that he might be overstepping his boundaries.


Naruto felt a wave of thoughts hit him, the first to spill was, “Where are we going to live?” They couldn’t live in either one of their places. They would need way more space than neither of them had.


“Anywhere you want. We can buy a house or large townhome.”


“A house?” The blonde thought of all the potential homes they could live in. Single story? Two? Yard? How big of a yard? Will they have a pool? A garden?


Sasuke smoothed out the frown on the tan face, “Don’t overthink it.” He rested his hand on his lower back, “We’ll talk to Itachi’s realtor friend after we go to the doctor.”


“M’kay.” Naruto sleepily mumbled; his eyelids were feeling heavy, and he was so warm and safe, cocooned in Sasuke’s scent. Everything would be okay as long as he stayed in Sasuke’s arms.



In order to reduce Naruto’s stress, Sasuke insisted he take the following workday off, and he would go deal with everyone’s questions at the Hall. Their phones had constantly been ringing, so Sasuke wasn’t looking forward to it. He just wanted to go in, make a quick announcement, and get the fuck out.


After, he would come to pick up Naruto, and they would go to the doctor’s appointment. To see their baby. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around that word.


He took a deep breath and walked through the door, feeling numerous sets of eyes land on him.


“Sasuke!” Mikoto grabbed his arm and smacked her youngest son on the back of the head, “How dare you take so long to answer me! It’s about my grandchild.” She then kissed his head which gave Sasuke a few mixed messages.


“And our work baby!” Ino added from her chair as she applied lip gloss, her hair up in a messy bun, and a purple tracksuit.


“It will not be a work baby.”


Sakura waved him off and shot Ino a conspirational grin, “It’s fine; we can convince Naruto.”


“I doubt it, but sure,” Sasuke rolled his eyes.


Kiba spoke up from his spot by the window, “Where’s Naruto?”


“Home. We’re going to the doctor, and I don’t need you all annoying and stressing him out.”


He groaned at Sasuke’s pointed response, “Aww man, we just wanted to give our congratulations!”


Sakura nudged Ino and slyly asked, “So, are you finally together? Like officially?”


Itachi rolled his eyes at the ridiculous answer; they’ve been together since kindergarten if you asked him, “They obviously are, and they’re expecting a baby.”


Ino shrugged at Itachi, “I don’t know; they’re weird.”


Sasuke cleared his throat, “I’ll make this easy. We’re officially together, having a baby, and moving in together. Don’t stress him out.” He finished it with a glare. At the glare, they all quieted down and nodded at the warning. Naruto and their baby’s health was the most important thing.


Itachi wrapped Sasuke in a tight hug, “Congratulations little brother. Seriously.” You would think Sasuke would be used to Itachi’s affection, being on the receiving end from the moment he was probably born, but it still flustered him to this day. Sasuke tightened his hold and smiled into his brother’s shoulder.


“Thanks, Nii.”


His mother grabbed both their hands and kissed the back of them, “Our family is growing.”


“I want to join in on the moment!” Suigetsu tried to break into their area, but he was pushed back with three “No.”


“So mean,” he sniffed and leaned back against the large table.


Once their little Uchiha circle separated, Sasuke pulled out his phone and checked the time. “I have to go.” He quickly left before anyone could pull him to the side. He couldn’t lie; his stomach was turning with anticipation. During the drive, he kept thinking about what the future held. His mind was gone for so long that he didn’t realize he had pulled up to get Naruto until the blonde hopped in.


“Hey!” Naruto leaned in and kissed his cheek. “How did it go?”


“They were annoying, but they listened not to stress you out.”


The blonde snickered, “Did you glare them to death?”


“I wish I could.” He unconsciously grabbed Naruto’s hand and held it while driving to the doctor’s office.


Naruto looked out the window, watching the rain lightly fall. It was his favorite type of day. Rainy. He adored storms, and it was something he and Sasuke shared. A lot of their favorite moments happened during storms and rainy days. It was the perfect day to see their baby and hear their heartbeat for the first time.  


The time between check-in and getting into the room turned into a haze for the couple. If you asked them what happened, they had no idea. Yet, they would never forget looking at that fuzzy black and white screen and hearing the first heartbeats sound through the room — the gloved finger pointing at the screen to the little floating ball. Naruto’s eyes met Sasuke’s, overflowing with tears and a watery smile on his face.


The doctor snapped her gloves off and gave them a dazzling smile, “Your baby is perfectly healthy.” She handed them multiple copies of the ultrasounds and started speaking about something, but Naruto’s attention went back to the pictures. He couldn’t take his eyes off it. Sasuke could catch him up on the details later; this was more important.


The alpha grabbed his hand and led a distracted Naruto to the car. Sasuke wasn’t 100% sure what he talked about with the doctor, his mind wandering to Naruto and the soft smile that wouldn’t leave his gorgeous face. Thankfully the doctor had also given them papers explaining what they talked about. The alpha figured it was probably a very common occurrence for her patients.


After they slid into their seats, Sasuke leaned over and looked at the pictures with Naruto. He tried to wipe the tears off his face, but hearing Naruto’s laugh only overwhelmed him more. This was really happening. They decided to spend the rest of the day curled up in Sasuke’s apartment, looking at the storm from the large window.


Naruto still felt nauseous, but now that Sasuke had bought some items the doctor recommended, he was starting to feel way better than he had in a while. He relaxed into Sasuke’s embrace, enjoying the feeling of Sasuke cupping his stomach and kissing the back of his head. He was starting to feel goosebumps spread through his skin when he felt the alpha’s breath on the back of his ears.


Now that the shock had worn off, the emotions started affecting a different part of his body. They hadn’t slept together since the drunken night (and they’d never had before), but now that the emotions had settled in, he was starting to feel aroused. He wanted Sasuke. And he wanted him so bad.


He felt Sasuke stiffen behind him, smelling the changing scent in the air. The response was instantaneous, Naruto felt the hardening dick pressing on his back, and he let out a soft moan at the feeling. He knew he wouldn’t have to say anything; their best form of communication was through actions and body language. He was sure Sasuke would understand what he wanted.


The blonde held his neck out, knowing the action would kick the alpha instincts into overdrive. He heard Sasuke sharply inhale before pressing an open-mouthed kiss on his neck. The sensation spread through his body, and he felt his nipples harden. The alpha’s hand slowly made its way up, under his shirt, and went through every curve of his body. Sasuke was being so gentle, and the omega loved being doted upon like this. He moved to his back, urging Sasuke to cage him under his body. He wanted to feel possessed.


Sasuke’s hand returned to his body and started playing with his nipples. They’d been feeling overly sensitive, and now, with Sasuke playing with them, the sensations made him moan. He felt Sasuke place a nipple in his mouth and softly start sucking on them. Naruto was eager for Sasuke to hurry the fuck up and just take him already, but this also felt so – oh


The alpha lewdly cupped his erection, ripping a groan from Naruto’s throat from the opposing actions. He smirked into Naruto’s throat and licked a trail from his clavicle to his ear lobe.


He was making Naruto feel so good and –


Sapphire eyes opened and pushed a startled alpha back, “Who have you been with?”




Naruto’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, “You’re oddly good at what you’re doing.”


The alpha raised an eyebrow in surprise, “I am?”


Naruto was taken aback by Sasuke’s question but continued, “Yes? Who have you fucked?”


“No one. I have no fucking clue what I’m doing.” 




Yes.” Now it was his turn to ask suspiciously, “Have you been with anyone else?”


Naruto scoffed and grabbed Sasuke, “And risk saying your name? Hell no.”


The alpha let out a laugh, and Naruto joined him in a fit of snickers. As if there would be anyone else. The horny moment passed and for the rest of the night the couple traded ideas on what areas would be the best to check out for homes.


Chapter 5: Stinky Flowers


Hello babes! 🥺💛

It has been a while since I updated this story. I don't know if you guys can tell, but I've been updating many 🤣

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter Text

It was his first day back since the ultrasound, and he could already feel his good mood dwindling. Naruto was nauseous again, and he couldn’t have his usual 4 cups of coffee. He kept having people come into the office to congratulate him or give little quips about his relationship with Sasuke, and he had so much work backed up and – 


“Hi, my dear.” Mikoto waltzed in, wearing an Alexander McQueen navy power suit with sides covered in lace, and carrying a container with soup. “I brought this for nausea. The flavors aren’t overpowering, and it's nutritious.” 


“Oh my god!” Naruto groaned in appreciation and grabbed the soup from her hands, “Thank you.” He was absolutely starving from not being able to keep anything down.


She leaned over and helped Naruto set up his food, “Your mom and I are so excited.”


He huffed with a pout, “I know, she calls me every few hours with information.”  


“Information?” She handed him a napkin and a drink of ginger ale. 


“Yeah on names, what I can and can’t eat. What sex positions I shouldn’t do. Sasuke already bought us four books.” He took a sip and hummed at the taste and the fact that his nausea didn’t act up. “I just want everyone to shut up.”


Mikoto giggled, “Wait until the baby shower. That’s when – “. Her phone started going off, and she frowned when her eyes read the screen, “Sorry sweetheart, it’s the station.” 


“No, go ahead. Thank you for feeding me!” He waved Mikoto goodbye and started devouring the soup the moment she was out of eyesight. The soup and the ginger ale did wonders, and he felt great for the first time in forever. He checked his emails as he lit his favorite soothing candle. His inbox was filled with potential listings sent from their realtor, and he decided to focus on that instead. It sounded way more exciting than dealing with stuffy, rude, and nosy people.  


A few weeks later


Naruto threw the last empty box into the recycling bin in the yard and wiped the sweat running down his neck. They’d finally finished moving in. Well technically, taking things out of boxes. They still had yet to put everything away. Naruto wasn’t really looking forward to that and hoped he could pull the ‘I’m pregnant’ card so he wouldn’t have to.


He was surprised at how quickly they closed on the house, but the previous owners were desperate to get rid of it and start enjoying their retirement. The house was exceptionally well taken care of and thankfully didn’t need too much work. It wasn’t luxurious by any means, it was a simple medium-sized one story and perfect for them. 4 bedrooms and an office. 


It was the second house they had looked at, and after the walkthrough, they just knew. It was all high ceilings and open. There was a beautiful garden perfect for gardening, though Naruto would first have to learn how to garden, and a pool that they’d have to eventually put a gate around.


After a shower, the blonde threw the last load of laundry into the dryer and flung himself on the newly purchased couch. As he was about to turn on the TV, Sasuke slipped through the garage door and entered their home. Home.


“I don’t want to move from this spot.” The omega playfully groaned, drawing a chuckle from the alpha.


Sasuke sat next to the blonde on the couch and tapped his thigh, signaling Naruto to hand his foot over. Sasuke had been insufferable. He worried about the omega’s nutrition, that his stress levels were as low as possible, and that he was taking his vitamins.


But the alpha also massaged his body, drew him baths, and doted on him.


Naruto melted into the soothing touches, and Sasuke chuckled, “Finished up with the unboxing?” 


“Yep.” He grinned.


Sasuke got engrossed in a documentary, and Naruto lovingly gazed at the alpha’s profile. The chiseled jawline, black-rimmed glasses, and thick lashes. His alpha was so fucking handsome and attractive, and their baby was going to be so damn cute –


They hadn’t had sex since the night Squishy was made. They’d spent their time making out and slowly getting to know each other’s bodies, but neither had made the step to go further.


He knew he was shy, and maybe Sasuke was too, but what if he didn’t feel attracted to Naruto? Was he starting to get bloated? He looked down at his body and compared it to the alpha's. He only had the smallest of bumps. He wasn’t as fit as the alpha but that had always been the case. He couldn’t think of any major changes that would make him unattractive.


Did Sasuke regret having sex with him? 


What if – 


The alpha’s face leaned close to his, marred with concern, “Hey hey. What’s happening?” 


Naruto gazed into the dark eyes with a frown, he felt Sasuke wipe his face, and he realized he was crying. He huffed and slightly pushed Sasuke away, “Nothing.” 


The alpha pressed on and whispered, “It’s obviously something. Is it the baby?” 


He played with the brunette’s hands, “No, Squishy is okay.” 


Sasuke slowly repeated, “Squishy?”  




Sasuke decided not to argue with him on the nickname; the blonde was obviously upset about something. He wordlessly grabbed Naruto’s hand and led him to the bedroom. He changed Naruto into his nightclothes, tucked him in and headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed.


Once he was done, he climbed in and opened his arms, signaling for the blonde to rest in his arms. He laid his head on Sasuke’s bare chest, and he felt the thumps of his heart. Listening to Sasuke’s heartbeat was starting to become a nightly ritual. It calmed him also instantly.


“Want to tell me what’s wrong?”


The blonde refused to make eye contact, “You’re going to think it’s stupid.”


Sasuke snorted, “I already think you’re stupid.”


Naruto laughed, “Shut up.”


Sasuke ran his fingers through the blonde locks, “Come on.”


After a minute, Naruto finally spoke, “Do you not think I’m attractive?”


The alpha frowned, “What? Of course, I fucking do.”


The blonde argued, “But we haven’t had sex!”


“You’ve been nauseous.”


Yeah – but still.”


The alpha cupped Naruto’s stomach and tucked his face into the blonde’s neck. He ran his nose down the tan neck to his scent gland and took a deep sniff. The moment the omega’s raw scent washed over him, he felt high. “I jerk off constantly to the thought of you.”


The omega let out a breath, “Yeah?” Naruto felt his face flush and his body tingle in arousal.


“Constantly.” The alpha let the blonde feel his fully hardened dick. The air started thickening with the mix of their scents full of arousal.


The omega moaned, “What do you think about?”


“Your supple skin.” Sasuke slipped his hand under his nightshirt and trailed his fingers on the slight swell, “How you’re carrying my child.”


He moved to his rosy nipples, “How I constantly want to suck these.” He lightly played with one as he mouthed Naruto’s jaw. He moved his other hand down his curvy hip to his ass, “And this fucking ass.” Sasuke groaned, “It drives me fucking crazy.”


The omega was panting, “Sas – please.” He pulled Sasuke’s pajama pants down and freed the alpha’s thick erection.


“What do you want Naru?” He rutted against the omega’s ass, “Fuck.” Slick trailed between Naruto’s cheeks and coated the omega’s pajama shorts.


“I need to feel you inside me.” He nudged Sasuke to get above him, wanting to be trapped under the alpha’s hard body.


The alpha ripped their clothes off and gripped his hips, “You’re so fucking perfect for me.” He sucked the blonde’s neck, covering him with marks. The omega spread his legs, impatiently urging him to get inside him.


Sasuke chuckled at the blonde’s pout and slowly slipped inside. He groaned at the tightness squeezing his thick cock as he let the blonde adjust, “Nnngggg – fuck!” Once he bottomed out, Naruto didn’t give him any warning and started thrusting back. Sasuke searched for his lips, biting them the moment they met. 


The loud moans urged the alpha into a frenzy. The need to claim his omega fueled his blood. “You’re so – nngh – fucking sexy.”


He wanted to hear more of those wet sounds and sped up, angling to hit the spot that made sapphire eyes roll to the back of his head. The blonde was moaning so fucking loud, saying “S’ke s’ke oh god yes yes yes” over and over. It made the alpha preen with how good he was making his mate feel. The blonde’s chest was flushed, covered in hickies and a thin layer of sweat.


Sasuke ran his hands down the caramel skin, reveling in the heavy mixture of their scents. It made his mouth water. He felt his knot starting to tug, and Naruto was so loud he was so fucking glad they moved to a house where they could be as vulgar as they wanted.


“You’re taking my cock so well; you were made for me.” He pumped Naruto’s precum-slicked cock. The blonde fisted the brunette’s hair, drawing him close and panting against his lips as his orgasm overwhelmed him.


The alpha growled as he pumped his mate over and over with his cum. Naruto felt so full and so fucking sated.


Sasuke shifted them, cradling the blonde in his arms as they waited for his knot to deflate.


“I meant every word. You’re my soulmate.”


Naruto preened from the alpha’s adoring words, “I love you.” He wrapped Sasuke’s arms tighter around him.


Sasuke grinned, “I fucking love you and our baby.” His hand trailed down Naruto’s glistening sides and squeezed a plump ass cheek.


They fell asleep within seconds.


It was a stormy Friday morning, and the team was gossiping about the latest happenings in City Hall. Gaara watched his fellow friends and co-workers through the lens of his camera. He loved capturing idiotic candid moments and using them as blackmail.


Deidara sat in his usual spot, hands on his forehead and whining, “Both Sai and Sasori are fucking insufferable.” 


Ino frowned as she braided the blonde’s hair, “What did they do now?” 


“They started sending me art postcards and flowers, trying to convince me to pick one of them. Every day. One of them sent me stargazer lilies, and they smell terrible.” 


Ino nodded, “Ah yeah. Those can smell harsh.” 


The suffering blonde perked up, “Do you want them?” 


“Nah, I’m good.” She shrugged.


He groaned, “But you love flowers. Your family owns a flower shop.” 


“Doesn’t mean I want to take your stinky flowers Dei.” She rolled her eyes. 


Gaara asked, “Did you end up deciding who to pick?”


“I’m leaning towards Sai because he’s sent me nature-inspired ones, which would be perfect for the park.” 


Ino nodded along, “That does sound pretty.” 


“At least you’re not getting sent singers.” Gaara lifted his camera, hoping for a good reaction.


Deidara scowled in horror, “Who the fuck sent singers?” 


Gaara took a picture of said scowl, “Some guy named Zabuza sent them to Haku.” 


“Ah, he sends something different every week. I guess this week it's singers?” 


“Yep. Opera, folk musicians, and I don’t know what else.” 


Naruto strolled in, holding a bottle of ginger ale, and threw himself onto one of the chairs. His face was pale. 


The redhead took a picture, “Nauseous?” 


“Not as much anymore, but this morning sucked.” 


Deidara spun in his chair once he finished checking out Ino’s handiwork, “Think Sakura will be worse when she’s pregnant?” 


The pregnant blonde pouted, “If she doesn’t get any symptoms, I’m gonna be so mad.” 


Suddenly the shrill of the fire alarm blared, and the occupants shot up, startled.


They saw people running down the hallways in panic, and an out-of-breath Suigetsu ran into the room.


“There’s a fire!”

You can find me on here! 🥺

Chapter 6: "Accidental" Fire


Hello babes!

I completely forgot I had this chapter ready to post. Life has been... a lot. But I feel really happy that I've been writing a lot again.

Hope you enjoy!

xx Val

Chapter Text

The City Hall employees stood under the awning and stared at the charred remains of a patio table, the pungent smell of burnt plastic and cigarettes permeating the air.


As Chief of the Fire Department, Gaara was busy speaking to the Battalion Chief, Kakashi, about the situation. They’d already cleared the area and had firefighters check everything out. 


Suigetsu flipped some of the charred plastic with his loafer and glanced around, “What the fuck happened?” He’d been busy with his important job of annoying Karin when he heard the fire alarm going off. At first, he thought it was bullshit until he saw people rushing outside.


Shikamaru sighed; he had already explained everything to Gaara and Kakashi. “I was minding my own business, smoking a cig during my well-deserved break – “


Deidara snorted, “Well deserved? You’re a lazy fuck.” Though he couldn’t deny that he did his job well. Asshole.


Chocolate eyes narrowed at the blonde, “Anyway. I was minding my own business when Neji threw a fucking stapler through the window and knocked the table over.” 


Neji snarled, “I was aiming for Ki – “


“Nuh-uh.” Tsunade hissed and pointed a finger at Neji, “You don’t get to talk.” 


The Hyuuga crossed his arms but didn’t dare open his mouth. Tsunade was terrifying and he was not about to get yelled at in front of everyone. It would be beyond embarrassing.


Kiba’s enigmatic smile didn’t help, as Neji was ready to attack the rowdy brunette nonverbally. Would it still count if he attacked Kiba away from City Hall? Tsunade couldn’t yell at him there, right?


Car tires screeched through the parking lot, and an alarmed Sasuke ran out of his (still running) car, “Naruto!” He frantically searched for his omega through the throng of employees. He pushed a bickering Neji and Kiba out of the way and found Naruto on the phone with his mom, insisting that he was perfectly fine


Sasuke wrapped an arm around his waist and held him snugly. He kissed his forehead, relief spreading through him when he saw that he and the baby were safe and sound. 


The blonde finally hung up the phone and pouted at the alpha, “Before you ask too, I’m fine.” 


“I know.” Sasuke cupped his cheek and pressed a kiss on the pouty rosy lips. He nudged his chin, “I don’t think Neji and Kiba are.” 


An amused Gaara now stood between the scowling men, enjoying the chaos. From what they could hear, everything started because Neji heard that Kiba and his ‘pure innocent’ cousin had slept together. Hinata stood with Tsunade, looking like she was about to pass out from embarrassment any second. She didn’t understand how he found out!


Naruto’s eyes crinkled, “At least we get to leave early for the weekend. The hallways stink.” 


The alpha hummed and tucked a lock of golden hair behind Naruto’s ear, “What do you want to do tonight?” 


The omega fought back a yawn, “Right now, Squishy and I need a nap.” Now that the entire incident had passed, he felt exhausted. As much as he found the drama between Neji and Kiba entertaining, he didn’t want to be there anymore.


Sasuke smirked and held Naruto’s hand as they headed to the car. They waved goodbye to the rest of the employees, knowing they’d be caught up in the drama on Monday. Sasuke didn’t particularly care about the situation between Kiba and the Hyuuga, but he loved seeing Neji riled up.  


The omega wasn’t kidding when he said he needed a nap; the moment his head hit the headrest, he knocked out. Sasuke drove in content silence as he shifted lanes through the misting rain. He supposed he should silently thank the morons that they got to start the weekend early. 


Naruto stirred when they pulled into the garage and heard the metal door click closed. He slowly blinked his eyes as his brain tried to wake up too.


Sasuke gently tapped the blonde’s thigh, “Come on.” Naruto mumbled about fussy bastards when Sasuke helped him get out of the car, but deep down, he found it endearing how attentive the alpha had been lately. 


During Naruto’s nap, the alpha decided to clean up around the house and make some dinner. His thoughts returned to Squishy and what kind of baby they would be. He wondered how they would look, what type of personality and interest they would have.


His thoughts lately centered around that, and he didn’t want to tell Naruto yet, but the idea of Naruto carrying his child did something to his brain and body. Naruto was already a caring person. He loved taking care of animals and plants. He talked to them and doted on them. The idea of Naruto beaming and talking to their baby made his heart feel fuzzy.


Maybe he could even convince Naruto to have three more kids… 


The delicious smell drew Naruto’s attention from the depths of sleep, and he hopped on the kitchen island. Soon, he wouldn’t be able to get away with it since the alpha hated when he put himself in ‘dangerous’ situations. Though by then, he probably wouldn’t be able to anyway because of how heavy he would be.


The time Naruto mentioned he wanted to go biking with Sakura, and the alpha fussed over him about the possibility of him falling and getting hurt. At least the fussy asshole let him do yoga and light workouts. 


Sasuke stirred the food on the stove and regarded the blonde, “Good nap?” 


The blonde nodded, letting out a deep yawn. His eyes still felt heavy, but he was ready to eat. He checked the alpha’s body out, trailing across the black joggers hanging low on his hips and his back muscles through the tight white t-shirt as he moved around the kitchen. 


His alpha was so fucking hot. 


“Want me to make you fresh orange juice?” 


And fucking amazing. 


The blonde’s mouth started watering; he’d been obsessed with fresh orange juice for the past few weeks, “Will you marry me?” 


Sasuke snorted and fondly shook his head, “We’re already married.” 


Naruto grinned, “The others don’t know that yet.” 


“Let’s see how long it takes them to figure it out.”


The fact that they had already been legally married still shocked them


After announcing the pregnancy to their families, their mothers revealed a secret they didn’t expect. They were already legally married. Once the shock wore off, their first question was how


Kushina and Mikoto had bashfully reminded them of an April fool’s prank they had done a few years back, where they each signed a (what they thought was fake) marriage certificate thinking it was part of an elaborate prank. The prank was never used, and both thought the prank had been scrapped entirely. 


Turns out, it was an authentic and valid marriage certificate. When they’d asked why they did it, Kushina had scoffed and told them she knew one day they’d get the balls to finally get together. She and Mikoto were just speeding things up for them. 


The couple wanted to be mad—they really did—but the situation was so ridiculous and so like them that they just laughed and accepted it. They really were stupid. 


It wasn’t necessarily a secret that they had a wedding ceremony later. Their families were present, and even though they’d been slightly disappointed that Naruto hadn’t wanted a grand wedding, they understood where he was coming from. They worked with a lot of people, and he didn’t want to deal with worrying about a wedding and a pregnancy. Even if he had help with the planning, having to answer everyone’s questions and constantly talk about it would stress him.


After the food had gone down, Naruto had pounced on Sasuke. Seeing the alpha take such good care of him and Squishy had heat spreading through his body, and he was more than ready to have Sasuke inside him. 


He straddled the alpha on the couch and wrapped his arms around his neck.


Sasuke’s lips quivered, fighting back a cool smile, “Yes?” 


Naruto massaged his scalp and shrugged, “We just love you so much.” 


He raised an eyebrow, “We?” 


“Squishy and me, duh.” 


“Oh really?” The alpha rubbed the blonde’s sides, “How do you know that?” 


“Because you’re amazing.” 


Sasuke fought the blush spreading on his cheeks. Stupid dobe, saying things like that so effortlessly. 


“I love you both.” He cupped the blonde’s stomach, wishing the baby was big enough to feel. 


Naruto bent forward and kissed him, sucking on the lower lip. He took it between his teeth and nibbled at it. The brunette grabbed his face and deepened the kiss. 


They separated, and Sasuke eyed the omega’s cherry-red lips, a groan spilling from his lips. He looked absolutely ravishing. His hands wandered down, ready to peel his clothes off when Naruto gently smacked his hands away. 


The blonde leaned over and spoke against the supple pale skin of his neck, “Let me take care of you.” He took in the alpha’s pure musk and felt his mouth water. 


Well, in that case…


Sasuke rested against the couch, watching Naruto through heated eyes. He reveled in the way Naruto sucked against his skin, trailing down and removing his shirt. He continued worshiping his body, kissing every inch, and eventually shoved their pants down. 


He easily slid down Sasuke’s cock, his slick making it effortless. The alpha moaned deep in his throat as he watched Naruto throw his head back in pleasure. The blonde was pure sin and only his.


Naruto rolled his hips and took Sasuke’s cock deeper into him. He was in the middle of thrusting down when a thought split through the haze of arousal, “Do you think we’re boring, Sas?” 


Huh?” Sasuke frowned, willing his brain to understand the words coming through Naruto’s lips. 


He asked again, “Do you think we’re boring?” 


“You’re the least boring person in the world, Naruto. We can’t be boring.” The alpha ran his fingers through Naruto’s hair, pulling him forward. 


“Do you remember – “ 


Sasuke shut the blonde up, mumbling a later on his lips, and Naruto agreed when Sasuke started playing with his sensitive nipples. Even though their bodies were aflame with pleasure, they didn't rush. Naruto was in charge; he did say he was going to take care of Sasuke.



Five months pregnant 


Sasuke sat at the computer, a soft smile on his face as he gazed at Squishy’s latest ultrasound. They finally found out they were having a boy, yet Naruto’s nickname had stuck, and now his brain couldn’t process any other name. Not yet anyway; he refused to call his son Squishy legally. 


His eyes shifted between the picture and Naruto through his office window. He was pacing while on the phone, arguing with someone. He was starting to show, and he loved showing his belly off, like with the tight cashmere sweater he had on. Even as the blonde snarled at the phone, his other hand gently rubbed his belly. 


Their son was now kicking up a storm, and the alpha basked in every movement. His morning ritual now included kissing and speaking to Squishy. Naruto found it adorable in the way the baby boy loved hearing his dad’s voice and scratched the alpha’s scalp when his face was pressed on the blonde’s stomach. 


On nights that Squishy felt particularly energetic, Sasuke had dusted off his cello and started playing for them. It'd been a long time since Naruto had heard Sasuke play. He would go to every single recital and cheer the alpha on excessively. He hoped their son would develop the same passion and that they could bond. 


Karin loudly smacking Suigetsu drew his attention back to the present. He'd wanted to do something special for Naruto for a while. The omega had given him the gift of a son, and he deserved to be pampered. He twirled his pen, thinking of ideas on what to do. He didn’t know much about romance but would try for the blonde. 


His first thought was to give Naruto ramen, but to his horror, he hadn’t been craving it at all. It was a scary sight to see omega devouring vegetables. Plus, ramen wasn’t necessarily a grand romantic gesture. To him anyway. The blonde would have considered it grand any other time.


The idea came to him later on in the day when he looked at Suigetsu’s computer screensaver. A cabin with snowy mountains in the background and a glowing full moon. 


When they were younger, their parents would take them to a cabin near a grand lake on the outskirts of Konoha. He hadn’t thought about it until now, and he was sure Naruto would love it. Growing up he had always said it was his favorite place to visit.


He got to work at setting up everything. 



Ino walked into the room with a bundle of balloons and flowers, “Sakura’s pregnant bitches!” She paused when she noticed Sakura was already there. She'd expected Sakura to show up later or even take the rest of the day off like Naruto and Sasuke did. 


“We know.” Deidara pointed with his chin to a stunned Sakura. Her pink locks were pulled up in a messy ponytail, her eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes distant. She didn't look upset, just stunned. 


The blonde set the flowers down on Sakura's table and cocked her head, “What happened babe?”  She walked behind Sakura and undid her bun. She massaged her scalp, smoothed her hair, and then braided it. Usually that got Sakura to relax but it didn’t help at all.


Deidara answered for Sakura, “She and Lee wanted to surprise everyone with the ultrasound and found out she’s having triplets. She’s been like this for the past hour.” 


Her jaw dropped, no wonder, “Holy fuck! I know we were joking about it, but wow.” She wrapped her arms around Sakura’s body and gave her a comforting hug. “How do you feel?”


Sakura broke out of her daze with a groan as she ran a hand down her face, “Three little Lee’s. Can you imagine?” Ino tried to soothe her by massaging her shoulders. No, she could not imagine. That sounded like a nightmare. Adorable nightmares.


Gaara and Naruto stood near the entrance, unsure of what to say about Sakura’s comment. The blonde patted his swollen stomach, beyond grateful that only one baby was in there. The redhead didn’t know the first thing about pregnancy; he couldn’t get pregnant as a beta, but pregnancy sounded like a gamble in his eyes. One baby? Two? Four? He’d heard of people having more than that. How stressful. 


“I’m so sorry…?” Gaara leaned toward Naruto and whispered, “I can’t tell if I should say congratulations or tell them my condolences.”


The blonde murmured back, “I don’t know either.” They watched Ino try to soothe Sakura for a couple more minutes. 


Gaara raised an eyebrow, “How’s your pregnancy going?” He spoke softly, not wanting to startle Sakura with more pregnancy talk.


“Great!” Naruto beamed as he whisper-yelled, “He’s so big and moves around a lot.” 


The redhead smiled, “That’s good.” 


Sasuke strolled into the room and paused, “Why does Sakura look like – “ 


“Hey, babe!” Naruto quickly covered Sasuke’s mouth and ushered him from the entrance to a corner, with Gaara following along. They huddled close together. 


The alpha’s dark eyes shifted around the room, “What’s going on?”


Naruto whispered, “She’s having triplets.” 


Sasuke's eyebrows shot up, “Oh shit. Is she... excited? Sad?” 


Gaara shrugged, “That was my question too.”  


They stood to the side, waiting for some type of hint. 


Ino handed Sakura a tissue and patted her back. 


“I’m – “ Sakura sniffed. “ – I’m so happy but overwhelmed. Three. Three babies.” Another round of tears fell.


Well, that answered that question.


Ino asked gently, “What did Lee say?” 


“He didn’t say anything. He almost fainted.” 


Sasuke couldn’t blame him; his heart would’ve flat-lined if they were having triplets. 



Sasuke slipped into bed and gazed at the omega engrossed in the true-crime documentary. The blanket was tucked under his chin with his sapphire eyes wide. The moment the blonde realized the alpha had gotten into bed with him, he snuggled closer, making the alpha wrap his arms around him. Sasuke placed his hand on his stomach and felt their son nudge his hand. 


He rubbed the blonde’s belly, drawing more kicks from the excited baby boy, “Why do you watch these if you get scared?” 


The omega gasped, “I don’t get scared!” 


“Oh really?” Sasuke raised an eyebrow, “So if I decide to sleep in the guest room – “


The blonde squawked in horror, “Why would you sleep in the guest room?!” 


“I’m just saying.” He shrugged. 


Naruto pouted and playfully pushed the alpha’s face away, “Shut up. You’re mean. I’m not scared of anything.” 


He teased, “You were scared of scarecrows when we were little.” 


“Okay, that’s normal! There are even horror movies about it.” A lot of them too!


“You were scared of the silly ones with the smiley faces too.” 


Yeah, because of what they represented! They were trying to make the scary ones look cute. They didn’t fool anyone.” 


He decided to tell Naruto about the cabin, just to see his not scared reaction.


“I was thinking we could go to the cabin we used to go to for the weekend.” 


“So we can get murdered?”


Sasuke rolled his eyes, “No. So we can enjoy the cabin. You loved going years ago. We could do all the things we used to do. Go to the lake, enjoy the town, make smores.” Though he hated smores. He would give Naruto and Itachi his.


Naruto looked at him warily, then turned to the TV, “But that’s where serial killers live.” 


“Serial killers live everywhere Naruto.” 


He looked down and played with the blanket, “Now I don’t want to leave the house.” 


The alpha poked the blonde’s forehead, “Stupid; I’ll always protect you both.” 


“I know.” Naruto grinned, and his eyes lit up, “I did love the cabin.” 


“So yes?” 


Yes. When are we going?” 


“Next weekend.” 


Naruto cheekily smiled, “You know what we can do at the cabin that we never got to?” 


Now it was Sasuke’s turn to eye him warily, “What?” 


The omega ran his fingers down Sasuke’s neck, “Have sex.” 


The alpha’s eyes darkened, and he spoke against his lips, “Hm, can’t wait.” He caged the blonde under his arms and started kissing his neck, “Let’s have a preview.” 

You can find me here

Chapter 7: Can't Help My Strength


Hello! I'm very excited to be updating many of my stories slowly. I decided to cut this chapter, since the next one is a little longer. It's not much but I figured since this story isn't as popular, it would go unnoticed 🥸

xx Val

Chapter Text

Word had spread throughout the whole building about Sakura’s pregnancy. She was constantly asked about it, to the point that she was annoyed. She didn’t want to keep answering the same questions over and over again. So she decided to shift everyone’s attention from her babies to pestering Sasuke about when he was going to propose. The distraction worked because it was now the gossip of the whole building. 


They all decided to eat at a barbecue place to unwind after work and they all shared knowing looks. They were holding their breaths, waiting for the moment someone brought up the juicy question. After most of the dinner passed and nothing came from it, Sakura decided to go for it. 


“When’s the big wedding?” Her emerald eyes glinted with mischief. All eyes turned to the couple as they waited with bated breath. 


Naruto had been distracted, peeling his orange, and spoke without thinking, “We’re already married.” The comment slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it, and he worriedly glanced at Sasuke, wondering if Sasuke would be irritated that he said something. The alpha shrugged and kissed his forehead. 


The table was quiet as the words settled in, and then they shouted. 


Ino's voice carried the loudest, “What?! What do you mean you’re already married?!” 


Sasuke smirked, enjoying the bewildered looks. “We had a ceremony a few months back.” 


Deidara placed his hand over his chest, “And we didn’t get invited?”


The alpha answered unbothered, “It was small.” He didn’t care if they got upset or annoyed about it. It was the greatest decision they’d made. They worked with a lot of people and he didn’t want to deal with pestering for invitations. Naruto definitely didn't need to be guilted into inviting every single person in the building. 


Suigetsu asked, “No one else knew about it? No one else went?” 


“I went.” All eyes turned to Gaara, who blankly stared back. They waited for him to say something else but they should have known better.


Sakura’s eyebrow twitched, “Why Gaara?” 


Naruto licked his fingers, “He’s my best friend.” Sasuke noticed the gesture and spread his legs. Not here


Kiba grinned, “Remember that one time Kankuro hit on Naruto, and Sasuke held a grudge throughout all of middle school.” 


Ino clapped with glee, “Oh my god, yes! He’d make sure to accidentally hit him during gym class with every ball possible.” 


Sasuke’s eyebrow twitched, “That’s not true.” It was a tiny bit embarrassing how much he fixated on the revenge when he knew Naruto would never date Kankuro.


“Oh really, so all the basketballs aimed at him and not the hoops were coincidences.” 




“And the brutal force during dodgeball?” 


Sasuke shrugged, “I can’t help my strength.” 


Gaara added, “Kankuro deserved it.” It was common knowledge that Gaara didn’t like his brother. The man was strange and used to try to pick on Gaara since he was the youngest. He stopped once Gaara burned all his puppets and clothes at the age of 4. The memory of Kankuro’s horrified face still made Gaara's heart flutter.  


It was another reason why Sasuke cherished Gaara too. They both disliked Kankuro and loved making his life hell. 


“You went to every school event together and held hands each time.” Ino pointed out and took a sip of her sake. 


Naruto frowned, “Why would I want to go with anyone else?” Because really, the idea was unfathomable. It was Sasuke


Kiba held out a hand, “Wait, so you two really never dated anyone else?” 


Naruto glanced at Sasuke, and they both shook their heads. 


“And, this is why everyone through you were together all these years.” 


Sasuke kissed Naruto’s hand, “Doesn’t matter now.” Despite going all this time without being together, in a way, they were all along. He didn't want to keep thinking of all the would've, could've, should've. 


Deidara pointed to their fingers, "I can't believe we never noticed the rings!"


Gaara smirked, “That’s because you’re all blind.” 


Kiba huffed and crossed his arms, “Damn Gaara, don’t rub salt on the wound.”  


"There's nothing else I'd rather do." 



Itachi swiveled in the chair, snacking on chocolate chip cookies. He was dressed in all-black tactical pants and boots, his shirt stretching over his muscles, and his police badge clipped on his pants. Naruto had given up on trying to braid his hair when the alpha wouldn't stop moving. 


Sasuke raised an eyebrow as he regarded the intimidating alpha, “You’re like a child.” 


Itachi shrugged and passed a cookie over to Naruto, “I have to stay young forever.” 


The blonde joked before he ate the gooey treat, “Now you just sound like those flyers Sasori posts all over town for his art shows.”


“Remember when you didn’t let me play with Naruto?” Itachi’s eyes shimmered with mirth.


Naruto cocked his head to the side, “Huh?” This was the first time he’d ever heard about this.


"I once asked if you wanted to come over and play. He told me to stay away. At first, I thought it was because he didn’t want to share me, then I realized he didn’t want to share you.” 


Sasuke looked away with a scowl, his ears turning red, “Because I didn’t want him to trade me for you.” 


A shit-eating grin spread on Naruto’s face, “Aw Sas. You’re so cute.” 


Shut up.” 


 “And now you’re having my nephew. So really, I still won.” 


Sasuke pinched his nose, “That literally doesn’t make sense.” 


Itachi chuckled and set his elbows on the counter "I heard people finally noticed you two are married." 


Sasuke scoffed as he grabbed a paper towel to clean up Itachi’s mess, "It took them a while." 


"Thankfully, they're good at their jobs because they're not the brightest. The whole city would burn down." He cleaned the crumbs off his hands to annoy Sasuke and continued, “Onto the real reason I’m here – “


Naruto playfully nudged him, “Oh, you’re not here just to annoy us?”


“As much as I love to, not today.” He pulled out his phone, “We busted a drug ring earlier this week, and during the seizure, I found something interesting.”


He handed them the phone, and the couple’s eyes widened. On the wall, there were signs and documents about an election, urging voters to vote for -


“Danzo is planning on running for mayor?”


Itachi pursed his lips and nodded, “He is. I think he was planning on keeping it close to the chest until the official announcement came out.” There wasn’t a way to tie the drug seizure to Danzo, but he knew there had to be some sort of connection. Danzo always seemed to be involved somehow in these things.


Naruto murmured, “Who else knows?” Danzo was very vocal about how much he despised Tsunade. How much he hated omegas and thought it was ridiculous for them to have so much ‘power’.


“Only mom and dad. I’m the only one who saw the flyers. It was in a hidden backroom.”


Sasuke sighed, “All these anti-omega groups are backing Danzo.”


“Once news gets out, it’s going to be bad.” Naruto’s stomach squirmed with worry. Danzo could do some serious damage to their city. To people. The most violent people seemed to love him.


“I’ll keep tracking it. We know he’s involved in a lot of crimes but it’s hard to pin him to them. He’s smart at covering his tracks and keeping people quiet.


Naruto looked at the floor and nodded. Itachi hated to ruin their mood but it was important that they knew. He needed to keep his family safe. He squeezed Naruto’s shoulder. “I promise everything will be okay.” He shared a look with Sasuke, an unspoken agreement between them.


Itachi pointed to the packed bags Naruto had zipped up, “So, where are you going?” 


“The cabin.”


Itachi grinned, “I’d say don’t get pregnant but – oops, too late.” 


“You’re so annoying Nii.” 


Itachi raised an eyebrow, “That’s you.”  


“Sasuke isn’t annoying; he’s bratty.” 


The alpha’s eyes narrowed. The betrayal. 


The omega laughed and poked his tongue at Sasuke, who mumbled a childish as he finished packing snacks for the blonde. 


“Thanks for the snacks babe.”


Sasuke’s eyebrows raised, “They’re not for you. They’re for my son, who happens to be in you.”


Naruto placed a hand on his chest and feigned a hurt gasp, which earned him an eye roll from the alpha. They finished grabbing their stuff and led Itachi to the front door.


Itachi placed a hand on each of their shoulders, “Enjoy your trip to the cabin. I promise I’ll keep in touch.”


“Thanks, Nii.”


After they locked the door and set the alarm, the alpha gently patted Naruto’s butt, “Let’s go.”