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Few of us can even begin to imagine the horror of Regina Mills – with all that destruction sketched into her temporal lobe. It must be like the highest level of hell. A funhouse of fire and twisted glass. A condemnation. That she walks through every single night in her sleep. And then when she wakes, carries around her neck like a hangman's knot. While we just stand there, greedily immersing ourselves in everything that is behind the mirrors. This is a story about breaking. About the feeling of fragmentation as it runs through her. Where out of the cracks comes pure anguish, and then nothing at all. No queen, no mayor, not even a woman. The cracks were all she ever was. An arabesque of broken glass that was painful to look at. But she isn’t the only one wandering off-balance on the brink of some chasm. Everyone is. It's this place. It has a way with people – its way with people. With its very own intentions. And with Emma fast approaching — like a storm — with that something in her eye. A mystery sprinkled with hesitation and some other unidentified emotion. For some reason that Regina can’t explain, looking into those eyes makes her feel like she's ready to drown. Little does she know, death really is only the beginning.
Bookmark Notes:
The Regina parable - 🦢👑 (breaking the 4th wall, humour, angst, etc.)
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Ch 5
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on 3nd ch