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make you wet between your thighs


taehyung likes to be watched and jeongguk likes to make taehyung happy. jimin is slightly terrified, but mostly aroused.

(prompts: geek/jock au + exhibitionism)


please lower your expectations because this is really rushed and also unbeta'd rip ;;

*title from d'angelo's "untitled (how does it feel)"

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it hasn't even started yet but regret's already churning in jimin's stomach.


he knows he should've been suspicious the moment jeongguk asked him for a "favor." captain of the football team, straight-A student and all-around overachieving asshole jeon jeongguk doesn't ask anyone for favors; people usually have to beg him for his help and if they're lucky, prince jeongguk might deign to give them a moment of his attention.


jimin's not close enough to him to know his little quirks so he wouldn't really know. okay, well, he's just not close to him period. they run in completely different social circles, and if there was a pecking order in high school, no doubt jeon jeongguk would be the predator sitting on top of the food chain and jimin would be one of the measly little prey scurrying out of his way out of fear of being devoured or stepped on. 


so naturally, when jeongguk cornered him after ap calculus yesterday and asked him if he could do something for him in the weekend, he couldn't really say no. not if he wants the rest of his high school life to go smoothly and survive until university.


of course, there might also be another reason why he'd agreed so easily because when jeongguk had asked for a favor, he'd specifically mentioned that it was for him and his boyfriend, kim taehyung.


like jeongguk, taehyung has all the basic requirements of the typical popular kid—rich, atheletic, charismatic and drop-dead gorgeous. unlike jeongguk, however, taehyung considers him a friend and acknowledges this friendship in public (months later and he's still in awe that he's actually on nickname basis with one of the popular kids).


he'd naturally assumed that taehyung was either a snob, just like most of the snooty trust fund kids, or a bully like most of the jocks. but after sharing classes with him for several months, he'd discovered that taehyung, who dresses like a hobo and laughs with his entire body, isn't at all like he'd thought he was.


of course, he might just be a little biased since he's a little bit in love with the guy, but there's a 5 foot 10 brick wall of a guy who would be more than eager to remind jimin just how off-limits kim taehyung is.


if it wasn't for taehyung, he doubts he'd even register in jeongguk's radar. 


there's no question that jeongguk and taehyung are crazy for each other. in a school where traditional values are upheld religiously, it's the worst kept secret among the students and maybe even some of the teachers. it's not like jeongguk's even a little bit subtle about his feelings for taehyung anyway—not when he can't keep his hands off the guy for longer than two seconds when they're in the room together. honestly, not even a blind person can miss jeongguk eyefucking taehyung when he's in the vicinity. taehyung's more subtle about it, but only because he's got a grade-A pokerface and a practiced, dazzling smile ready to throw off anyone who accuses him of anything remotely untoward.


taehyung, who, jimin surmises, is the real reason why he's here in jeongguk's room right now nervously clutching a camcorder with sweaty hands.


"can you run that by me one last time?" jimin asks, nervously licking his lips.


he's sitting on the couch beside jeongguk's massive bed, still holding the videocamera that had been thrust into his hands earlier, confused as hell. he didn't know what jeongguk had wanted him to do when he'd asked him to come over yesterday so he'd dressed simply in a snapback, black hoodie and ripped jeans. when he'd arrived about 15 minutes ago, jeongguk's only wearing a sleeveless black shirt and red basketball shorts so he figured it must not be anything serious or difficult.


but he'd never expected this.


"just tell me if you're willing to do it or not. taehyung's going to be here any minute," jeongguk says. jimin can tell he's gradually losing his patience, but honestly, can jeongguk really blame him for failing to comprehend what he's asking for here?


jeongguk's intimidatingly large bedroom, with its impossibly high ceiling and luxurious everything, isn't helping in calming him down long enough to think. nor is the way jeongguk's looming over him with his arms crossed against his broad chest.


"so to summarize," jimin clears his throat, meeting jeongguk's gaze for the first time since he mentioned the fine print of this favor he's asking of him, "you want me to film you and taehyung having sex?"


it sounds so simple being put like that, but there's a churning in jimin's stomach that says otherwise.




jimin sighs. so he didn't hear it wrong the first three times.


"you're not homophobic, are you? because if you are--"


"what the fuck?" jimin blurts out, a bit offended. "of course not! i'm bisexual for fuck's sake."


jeongguk just shrugs, unfazed by his outburst, "just asking."


jimin doesn't have the guts to glare at him so he just directs his anger at jeongguk's carpeted floor.


it's dark gray, just like jeongguk's soul. 


he takes off his snapback for a moment to card his fingers through his hair, considering his situation. he then squints up at jeongguk, gauging his reaction. "and you're okay with this? me watching you and tae having sex?"


honestly, he's having such a hard time understanding why jeongguk, of all people, would want him to do this when he's the most possessive fucker when it comes to his boyfriend. he's just subtle enough about it that most people don't really notice, but jimin's spent a lot of time with taehyung over the past few months and witnessed firsthand just how much of taehyung's time jeongguk occupies. 


(he wouldn't call it unhealthy, or at least not yet, since jeongguk doesn't stop taehyung from socializing as much as he wants, but he wouldn't put it past him to assign bodyguards to look after his boyfriend whenever he's busy in the future.)


for a second, jimin thinks jeongguk is going to say no, i don't want you to watch, but he just shrugs off the question. "i wouldn't be asking if i wasn't okay with it, would i?" he says, raising a brow at jimin. "if you don't want to do it, it's fine. but you'll need to leave before taehyung gets here or you'll have to explain why you're here."


jimin catches his lower lip between his teeth, worrying it as he thinks. of course he wants to do it. the number of times he's imagined what jeongguk and taehyung look naked is embarrassing—there's no question he's attracted to them. and it's not like he doesn't watch porn just like most guys his age. watching the hottest couple he knows—both of whom he's jerked off to many times—getting it on in the flesh would be like christmas and his birthday coming early.


and getting to see what taehyung looks like when he comes—fuck, he can feel his pants getting tight just from the prospect.


there's still one big problem though. "what about taehyung? does he know about this? is he comfortable with this?" jimin asks what he's been worried about since jeongguk told him.


jeongguk looks offended by his question. "do you really think that you would even be sitting here right now if taehyung didn't want this? if he didn't specifically mention you?" he rolls his eyes when jimin only gapes at him, shocked. "trust me, you weren't one of the people i had in mind when tae and i talked about this. but for some unfathomable reason, he trusts you over the others."


jeongguk turns his back on him for a moment to grab his phone sitting on top of his nightstand when it vibrates, ignoring jimin in favor of reading his messages. "if you want to hear it from taehyung himself, you can ask him. he's almost here," he continues, "so what'll it be?"


jimin had an inkling taehyung was behind this all along, since there's no way jeon jeongguk would have asked him to do this if he had the opportunity to choose literally anyone else.


but then, why didn't taehyung just ask him himself?


he voices out the question. this time jeongguk sighs, running a hand through his hair.


"he's been thinking of asking you for weeks, but he's scared it's going to ruin your friendship and you won't see him the same way after," jeongguk mutters, sounding like he doesn't really understand the way his boyfriend's mind works about these things, before side-eyeing jimin. "you're not going to be an asshole to him over this, are you?" he adds, tone making it obvious what kind of consequences a wrong answer will get him.


"do you think i'm an idiot? of course not," he replies. he doesn't know about other people, but honestly, the thought hadn't even crossed his mind this whole time. he's pretty sure everyone's into some sort of kinky shit, even him, so it'd be pretty hypocritical of him, of anyone, to start pointing fingers at someone else.


"well, maybe you are a a bit stupid but i didn't think you were that big of an idiot, else i wouldn't have suggested this to you," jeongguk says, shrugging. 


god, he wants to punch that attractive face. "hey, you're asking me for a favor here, don't insult me," he returns, irritated.


jeongguk quirks an eyebrow, smirking. "a favor? who's doing who a favor here really?" he says, and there's something about his tone that sends shivers down jimin's spine. "you really think i don't know about your little crush on my boyfriend?"


he doesn't sound menacing or even the least bit angry, but jimin still feels cold sweat breaking out in awkward places in his body, fear rendering him speechless.


holy fuck, he's dead. he's so dead.


is it too late to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness and promise jeongguk he'll never so much as look at taehyung again if he spares his life?


"—relax. god, you look like you're about to shit your pants," jeongguk's huff of laughter interrupts his increasingly morbid train of thought. "i'm not going to kill you for thinking my boyfriend's hot. it's fine, i don't mind."


jimin's eyes widen, jaw dropping in surprise. "holy shit, really? so you're not gonna have me shot and dump my body in the han river?" he blurts out, immediately regretting it when jeongguk looks at him like he's just said the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard.


okay, fear really does make people stupid.


"why would i kill you?" he says, sweet smile on his face that jimin wants to kiss— "it's not like taehyung's ever going to give you the time of day anyway."


—or maybe not. okay, maybe he still wants to kiss him, but the urge to kick him right in the dick is growing by the second.


jimin groans, just barely resisting the urge to throw the camcorder in his hands at jeongguk's evil smiling face.


"tae's here, by the way. you still undecided?" jeongguk prompts, ignoring his seething looks, bringing their conversation back to the original topic. 


fuck, he's going to do this, isn't he? his heart and body are telling yes, but his mind is screaming a definite no, this is a fucking bad idea.


"if i do this," jimin swallows nervously, stealing glances at the door, expecting taehyung to burst inside any moment, before meeting jeongguk's gaze. "do i just film you two? that's it? because i can't guarantee i won't have a, uhm, reaction while watching."


jeongguk's gaze narrows at him dangerously, and oh fuck, jimin feels like he's about to pee his pants, heart rate through the roof when the taller boy approaches him. "i mean, not that i want to join you guys! definitely not!" he blurts out. "not that you're both not really fucking hot, because you are, but i mean—"


jeongguk looms over him, one hand planted on the sofa next to jimin's shoulder. "if you're doing this, and i'm going to assume you are since you haven't left the moment i proposed this," he says, voice dangerously low and absolutely, undeniably threatening, "you don't talk, don't interrupt us, do not even think of touching taehyung and if he wants you to leave at any moment, you leave the camera on the couch and get out of the room asap, understand?"


jimin nods frantically. "gotcha. i promise."


jeongguk's eyes go half-lidded when he leans in, and in normal circumstances, jimin would probably combust from how hot he looks, but the cold sweat breaking out in his entire body isn't from arousal. "and i don't think i have to tell you what i'll do to you if you tell somebody later on, do i?"


jimin's already shaking his head before jeongguk's even done with this threat. even if he hadn't heard that rumor that jeongguk's family has ties with the mafia, he still knows not to fuck with him. "nope, definitely not. i got it, i won't even think about it."


jeongguk doesn't respond, just continues observing him with narrowed eyes, and he's so close he can probably hear how crazy his heart rate is right now.


"jeon jeongguk!" taehyung's voice comes out of nowhere and interrupts their intense glaring match (well, more like jeongguk was glaring and jimin was too scared to blink the whole time), the boy himself bursting through the door moments later.


jeongguk sighs in resignation, already expecting the tirade he's about to be hit with, moving towards the doorway.




"you asshole, how could you!" taehyung berates, sounding absolutely betrayed. he's glaring at his boyfriend, something jimin's never seen him do. jimin's also never seen jeon jeongguk looking sheepish, looking more nervous by the second under taehyung's accusing stare.


"i'm sorry, baby, just let me explain—" jeongguk tries to wrap his arms around taehyung, but the other boy shrugs him off, leaving jeongguk looking positively bereft.


holy shit, this is better than reality television. 


"why'd you tell jimin?" taehyung continues, brushing off jeongguk's attempts at touching him. "i told you i'd tell him. what if he—what if jimin—" and for the first time since he entered the room, taehyung meets his gaze, and what jimin sees in there makes his heart clench.


jeongguk gently cradles taehyung's face between his hands, stroking his cheeks with his thumbs, trying to meet his boyfriend's gaze, "baby, it's okay. talk to him, he's fine with it, i promise," he reassures him, voice so soft and gentle the way it only ever is around taehyung, "i swear i wouldn't tell him if i wasn't a hundred percent sure, i would never do anything to hurt you."


this time, taehyung lets jeongguk hold him and stroke his head, but he doesn't tear his eyes away from jimin who's still glued to the couch.


taehyung's cheeks are red with what he assumes is embarrassment, and his eyes are wide and glassy, like he's about to cry. he looks terrified, but why—oh.


he suddenly remembers what jeongguk said, about taehyung being scared of losing jimin's friendship and respect.


"tae," his voice comes out soft and gentle as he attempts to smile encouragingly at his friend, "it's okay. i don't mind at all. you should've just told me, dude, it's not that big of a deal."


well, it actually is a pretty big deal, but his attempt to make taehyung feel better works because he looks much more hopeful and relieved than he did a minute ago.


"really?" taehyung says, voice small, exchanging a brief look with jeongguk, who just smiles and nods encouragingly. "you don't think it's too...weird?"


"not at all," jimin answers truthfully, shaking his head. 


"no really, you sure?" taehyung prods, looking like he's having trouble believing jimin, eyes still wide with worry. 


"dude, i'm sure," he says, sounding much more convincing than he did a few seconds before. "i mean, i get why you don't go around telling people, but i'm pretty immune to these things by now. i've seen a lot of shit on the internet, man, yours isn't even that kinky."


he's totally bluffing on that last one, but taehyung doesn't need to know that. he doesn't even feel remotely bad about lying when taehyung lets out a bark of laughter, "you talk big shit for a virgin, park."


"fuck you, kim, i'm not a virgin," jimin retorts, easily falling into their usual random banter.


jeongguk, who's been silent this time, letting jimin reassure taehyung, guides his boyfriend to the bed, "come on tae, let's sit down and talk about this."


"i'm still mad at you, you jerk. what if this didn't work out," taehyung grumbles, but goes easily when jeongguk sits him on the bed, in front of jimin.


"i'll make it up to you, i promise," the other boy says, taking one of taehyung's hands and pressing a kiss on the back of it, "better for me to ask forgiveness than for you to worry about this until graduation."


taehyung visibly softens at the words, and jimin would tease him for it, but he's maybe also kind of trying not to coo at how jeongguk's looking at his pal. it's a novel experience seeing jeongguk so gentle and careful and contrite—if he'd known he would be witnessing this miracle, he would have said yes right away if only to see that expression on jeongguk's face and hear that tone of voice from him. it almost makes him like the guy.


"—and if jimin really is a true friend, he wouldn't judge you over this and start ignoring you...right?" he directs the last word at jimin, his agree-with-me-or-you're-dead smile bright and intimidating.




for a second there, he almost forgot how much of an irredeemable asshole jeon jeongguk is.


"you know, you'd sound a lot more convincing if you didn't have your killer smile on, jeonggukie," taehyung says fondly, shaking his head before taking his boyfriend's face between his hands and pressing a brief kiss on his lips. he turns to jimin, frowning disapprovingly, "and jiminie, i told you not to let him bully you. he's all bark, i promise."


jimin chuckles at the unimpressed look on jeongguk's face when taehyung pats him on the head like a child, then sobers up just as quickly when he finds himself on the receiving end of a death glare.


"to you maybe, but trust me when i say most of the school's population would disagree." he's proud of himself for managing to say that to jeongguk's face, but he knows he'll probably regret it later when taehyung isn't in the vicinity.


taehyung rears back a little from jeongguk to observe his face, narrowing his eyes at his boyfriend. "you look too cute to be a bully so why—wait, did you push another kid for touching your iron man action figure?"


"we were six and i already apologized to yugyeom. are you never going to let that go?" jeongguk groans, pulling the other boy into his lap. taehyung lets himself be manhandled, placing his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders as he straddles his hips.


"you were arguing with him over that thing last week, so probably never." taehyung giggles into jeongguk's mouth.


"don't test me, babe," jeongguk smirks, wrapping muscular arms around taehyung, "your parents still haven't heard of the great condom incident of '02, right?"


"you're such a dick, jeon, why bring that up now? i swear to god—"


but the rest of taehyung's words get swallowed by jeongguk's mouth, the latter trapping him within the circle of his arms as they kiss and banter, all but completely forgetting jimin.


it's the first time he's seen them kiss—probably because they're both always so careful in school and everywhere else—and it's as hot as he's always imagined it to be.


he's known since freshman year that they're dating, but it's a different experience witnessing an intimate moment between them and realizing just how utterly comfortable and in tune they are with each other.


he feels like he's seeing something he shouldn't be seeing, so he averts his eyes, observing the large TV mounted on the opposite wall instead.


jimin coughs nervously when he hears more suckling noises than murmured conversation, and does it again when he doesn't succeed in drawing their attention the first time.


"uhm, tae? guys?"


they both look a little dazed when they turn to jimin, confirming that they did indeed forget his existence.


"jiminie?" taehyung asks, hands still stroking jeongguk's neck.


"so we doing this?" he reminds them, holding up the videocamera in his hands.


"oh," taehyung turns to jeongguk, who raises his brows. for a few seconds, they seem to be having some sort of weird, silent conversation using only their eyes and eyebrows, and it looks as bizarre as it is entertaining to watch.


"but what if—" he hears taehyung murmur worriedly.


jeongguk strokes taehyung's side and presses a kiss to his jaw. "if you don't want to"


"no, no, i wanna do it, but let's go slow?"


"okay, let's go as slow or as fast as you want, alright?" jeongguk says.


taehyung turns to jimin, brown eyes wide and imploring, "jiminie, if you're one hundred percent okay with this—"


"dude, i'm a hundred and fifty percent okay with this, i promise," jimin assures him, fussing with the camera. "just give me a signal if you start feeling uncomfortable with me here, alright?"


taehyung nods, smiling. "okay."


jimin finally manages to turn on the camera, his shaking fingers making the progress harder than it should've been. he doesn't know if he's nervous or excited, but either way, he hopes he doesn't embarrass himself.







maybe it's because he doesn't know the guy very well but it's easy for jeongguk to forget jimin altogether and pretend like it's just him and taehyung as usual in his room.


taehyung, on the other hand, keeps sneaking worried glances at jimin.


it doesn't sit well with him at all, even knowing taehyung doesn't feel anything for the other boy beyond friendship, partly because he knows park jimin is interested in his boyfriend. 


"do you want me and park jimin to exchange places?" he teases, mouthing at taehyung's jaw.


taehyung frowns at him, pinching his cheek in retaliation. "it's not like that," he murmurs, soft enough so only he can hear. "it's just, this is more nerve-wrecking than i thought it would be."


"you getting shy on me, tae?" he whispers, grinning when he notices the pink blooming on taehyung's cheeks.


"a little bit," he admits, carding his fingers through jeongguk's hair before leaning down to nibble on his lower lip. taehyung smiles against his lips, his baritone voice low and sultry when he whispers into the space between their mouths, "i was right though. it really is hot, being watched like this. having someone watching me when i make you come your brains out later."


jeongguk tightens his grip on taehyung's hips, groaning when his boyfriend lightly rocks against his lap, "s'long as you're happy," he says, and it's true.


while exhibitionism isn't really his thing (anything that involves sharing taehyung in any way isn't his thing), he's more than willing to try anything taehyung wants to explore. he and taehyung had opened up about things they liked, kinks and preferences they learned about through porn and research (taehyung is an especially dedicated researcher), and neither of them are into anything that crazy. jeongguk likes restraining taehyung and having him at his mercy, and his boyfriend likes rough sex and being watched. 


taehyung had let him bind his wrists a few times these past few months, and in one especially memorable occasion, he'd even restrained both his wrists and ankles at the same time, fucking and eating taehyung out through three orgasms until his boyfriend had started crying from overstimulation. (fuck, he really wants to do that again. maybe in the summer when they have time...)


he'd wanted to do the same for his boyfriend for months now, but taehyung's was a little tricky since it required a third person whom they were both comfortable with.


fortunately, park jimin isn't stupid enough to turn him down. jeongguk had really only agreed to letting him watch because he knew the guy was harmless and cared enough about to taehyung to keep his secret. and he's relatively a stranger for him, so he's more comfortable doing this in front of him than say, yoongi or namjoon. hoseok would probably jump at the chance, but he'd also probably ask them to let him join them in bed and that's the last thing jeongguk wants.


he cups taehyung's soft cheek carefully and slants his lips over his, doing his best to make his boyfriend comfortable and less nervous. taehyung quickly returns the kiss, licking into his mouth with an eagerness that never ceases to arouse and amazed jeongguk. god, he could kiss him forever.


"we can stop anytime you want," jeongguk reminds him a little later when they pull apart briefly, "just say your safeword and we'll call this off."


the small, subtle smile that spreads on taehyung's perfect lips is impossibly adoring, and jeongguk forgets all his previous jealousy and annoyance. 


"i love you," taehyung mouths against his cheek, catching him by surprise. they rarely say the words out loud, both of them more inclined to show rather than tell when it comes to their emotions, but whenever taehyung catches him off-guard with those three words they find difficult to say, he can't help the way his heart swells to three times its size, his chest going tight from all the love he feels for this gorgeous boy.


jeongguk slips a hand under taehyung's shirt and writes the words on the smooth skin of his back. taehyung shudders at his touch, sensitive as always, then leans in to capture his mouth in a hot, wet kiss.


he lets taehyung push him gently, moving when his boyfriend urges him to the middle of the bed.


jeongguk brushes taehyung's bangs away from his face, "how do you want it today?"


it only takes taehyung two seconds to decide, licking his lips in anticipation. "fuck me, babe," he says, his filthy, beautiful mouth hot against ear as he starts grinding his hips down. "let's give jimin a show, hm?"


"and give him blueballs? thought you liked the guy," jeongguk smirks as taehyung starts unbuttoning his checkered red shirt, hands stroking either of his boyfriend's thighs.


taehyung returns his smirk knowingly, "like you weren't already planning on it."


jeongguk tightens his grip on taehyung's hips, watching his boyfriend's little striptease unblinkingly. "trust me, when i make you come until you're crying, it won't be for his sake."






by the time, jeongguk and taehyung had shed all their clothes and dumped them on the floor next to the bed, jimin's put one of the throw pillows over his lap, covering the embarrassing evidence of his arousal.


he doesn't even know if he's recording anything or if he has the camera pointed properly at the pair on the bed because he's unable to tear his eyes away from the mesmerizing sight of taehyung and jeongguk together long enough to check.


all his fantasies he'd thought up while jerking off can't even compare to reality.


as expected, jeongguk is all rock-hard muscle, from his broad shoulders, his toned chest, the prominent ridges of his abs, his firm ass, down to the big, thick cock standing proudly between his strong thighs—the guy is a work of art from head to toe.


taehyung, on the other hand, is a different sort of perfection with his smooth sunkissed skin, lean and lightly muscled body, jutting hipbones, his pretty pink dick, long slender legs and perfectly shaped ass that jimin would give anything to be able to put his mouth on. (hey, a guy can dream alright.)


and together, naked and entwined like this, they look so fucking beautiful it hurts to look at them.


(no really, it literally hurts, what with how tight jimin's pants have gotten with the tent forming in his boxers.)


jeongguk is sucking bruises into the soft skin of taehyung's neck as the latter spreads his legs, welcoming his boyfriend between his thighs.


one of taehyung's hands is in jeongguk's hair, the other sliding down to wrap around his boyfriend's cock. the groan that leaves jeongguk's lips the moment taehyung has him in his grasp is fucking filthy, and only serving to remind jimin of how much he wants to fist his own erection.


if he had permission, he'd probably have unzipped his pants the moment the two took their clothes off but jeongguk would probably kill him for rubbing one off on his obviously expensive couch with his boyfriend in the same room.


but then taehyung is pleading, "babe, i wanna suck you off first," and urging jeongguk to stand up, and jimin doesn't know how much more he can stand of this and they've barely even started.


jeongguk stands next to bed, which means he's right in front of jimin, and taehyung kneels in front of him, giving jimin a quick, reassuring smile before looking up at his boyfriend. he's obviously overcome whatever shyness or hesitation he'd felt before because there's no tentativeness in the way he wraps those beautiful fingers around jeongguk's thick cock and gives it a few slow pumps.


"draw x for stop, alright?" jeongguk murmurs, stroking taehyung's cheek, the other boy smiling and nodding in response.


jeongguk's next words are muttered curses under his breath when taehyung licks a long stripe on the underside of his cock, teasing him by swirling his tongue on his slit. he uses his long, pretty fingers to play with jeongguk's balls as he continues unhurriedly giving him kittenish licks.


"you're going to regret teasing me later, tae," jeongguk groans, one hand finding purchase in taehyung's silky dark hair. he doesn't push taehyung forward no matter how much he obviously wants those lips on his dick, just lets his fingers stroke the back of his boyfriend's head, waiting with the kind of patience jimin knows he himself wouldn't be capable of.


"looking forward to it," taehyung replies cheekily, winking up at jeongguk before engulfing most of his cock in his mouth. his talented, perfectly-shaped, hot mouth.


jesus christ.


"fuck, taehyung," jeongguk mutters, voice strained and gravelly, as taehyung works his lips around his cock slowly and teasingly, never going down more than a few inches, one hand wrapped around the base of jeongguk's dick, unmoving. he keeps his eyes on jeongguk the whole time, gaze shining with amusement and mirth.


"you're really asking for it, aren't you?" jeongguk groans, bottom lip caught between his teeth, and it's obviously taking all his strength to hold still and let taehyung do as he wants.


taehyung gives him a few more teasing licks before finally taking pity on his boyfriend and giving him what he wants.


"holy shit," jimin whispers in awe, mindful of jeongguk's rule to remain silent, but unable to stop himself from cursing when taehyung takes all of jeongguk's cock in his mouth. and by all of it, he means taehyung's got his nose pressed into the dark curls on jeongguk's groin, and his boyfriend's (really fucking huge) dick is probably hitting the back of his throat.


holy fucking shit.


it's a good thing jeongguk didn't seem to hear him—well, he doubts jeongguk's hearing anything but the filthy, slurping noises from the obviously stellar blowjob he's getting from his gorgeous, talented boyfriend.


jimin can only imagine how many blowjobs taehyung has to have given to be so good at it. (and it's important to note that he's already confirmed from all parties involved that taehyung's never had sex with anyone who isn't jeongguk so his boyfriend must be the recipient of all the blowjobs he's ever given.


jeon jeongguk must have died saving a country in a past life to get so fucking lucky.)


the worst thing about this is that taehyung looks so eager to please, so determined to make jeongguk come as he takes all of him in his mouth each time he goes down, sucking and slurping and using his tongue in all the right ways.


"so fucking good, baby," jeongguk praises, voice rough and eyes lidded with arousal. "god, wanna fuck your mouth, make you choke on my dick."


jimin thinks he's going to gradually lose his mind the longer he stays here because he just heard jeon fucking jeongguk talking like a sex god from a porno, and he wants to make taehyung—lovely, gentle and pretty taehyung—choke on his monster dick. fuck his fucking life.


god, if taehyung actually does let him—


oh fuck no.


"jesus," he ends up whispering, utterly slack-jawed when taehyung opens his mouth a little wider and lets jeongguk thrust his dick inside. jeongguk does it shallowly and tentatively at first, but he quickly builds up the pace, ramming deeper and deeper until he finally plunges all of his length into that hot mouth.


jimin desperately wants to unzip his jeans and fist his own dick, but he's forced instead to watch with a mixture of nervous fascination and intense arousal as jeongguk's cock continues disappearing into taehyung's mouth, the jock's biceps bulging, entire body taut with pleasure as his grunts fill the room.


for his part, taehyung looks perfectly willing to let jeongguk hold his face still while he fucks his mouth relentlessly, hands grasping his boyfriend's thighs to hold himself up.


"fuck, i'm comingbaby, i'm coming," jeongguk groans several long seconds later, cupping taehyung's head as his thrusts get more erratic and forceful. taehyung hollows his cheeks and tightens his lips around his cock, then jeongguk's cursing and coming down his boyfriend's throat, body straining against the force of his orgasm. jimin is amazed he even lasted this long with taehyung sucking his dick like a pro.


and jesus fuck, taehyung is swallowing it all down like he's fucking parched for jeongguk's come, milking his boyfriend's orgasm and then licking his lips after finally pulling off, like he's just gotten his meal for the day. his lips are red and swollen, and jimin can't help but remember that time a few weeks ago when he saw taehyung's mouth looking the exact same way after his "lunch date" with jeongguk.


he'd assumed taehyung just had a long, hot makeout session with his boyfriend, but now he's going to know what his friend's been up to whenever he comes to class looking like that.


god, these two are going to fucking kill him.


jeongguk helps taehyung up and guides them both back to the bed, peppering his boyfriend's face with kisses.


"i feel like we just broke a new record," taehyung says, chuckling as he settles himself on the pillows, jeongguk immediately covering him with his body. "that was the fastest you've ever come with me going down on you."


jeongguk plants his arms on either side of taehyung's head, frowning down at his boyfriend disapprovingly, "don't you dare time us again while we're fucking."


"well, i need empirical data about our stamina, how else would i know we've been improving? especially after our first time when you came super—"


"i swear to god, if you finish that sentence i'm going to fucking wreck your ass."


"—quick. oops," taehyung says, no trace of apology in his tone, eyes shining with playfulness that looks innocent despite his messy hair and swollen, come-stained lips.


jimin attempts to smother his laughter into his pillow, entire body shaking with mirth, but his attempt doesn't seem to be successful because the look jeongguk throws him clearly says 'keep laughing and i'll rearrange your face.'


while jimin quickly sobers, taehyung is still giggling when he grabs jeongguk's face and pulls him down for a kiss.


"it's a good thing, jeonggukie," he tells his scowling boyfriend, wrapping his arms around shoulders as he presses butterfly kisses on jeongguk's lips, cheeks and nose, "that means you're still hot for me even though we've been dating for years."


"that's lovely, babe," jeongguk retorts mockingly, returning taehyung's kisses, "but i'm still gonna make sure you'll be limping for days after this."


taehyung doesn't seem to be all that concerned with his boyfriend's threat, just pushes jeongguk away a little so he can get on his knees and search for something under the pillows.


"ah hah!" he yells triumphantly when he finds the lube, throwing it to jeongguk who catches it mid-air. he grins at his boyfriend over his shoulder as he settles his head against the pillows, ass in the air as he sways his hips teasingly, "do your worst, jeon."


jimin's never seen this side of taehyung before—and he doubts anyone but jeongguk ever has—and it's fucking glorious. he'd assumed that jeongguk took control of everything they do in the bedroom, with his personality and all, but he should have known that the fact that taehyung's got a leash around his loyal guard dog of a boyfriend's neck would apply during sex as well.


and sure enough, taehyung's teasing has jeongguk spreading his boyfriend's ass apart with his hands and flattening his tongue against his hole.


he doesn't know how many times he's thought this since this whole thing started but he could swear on his mother's cooking that it's the hottest fucking thing jimin's ever seen in his life.


"oh god," taehyung gasps, clutching at the pillow he's lying on, verbally expressing what jimin wants to say at this moment. "god, yes."


"don't move your hips or i'll stop," jeongguk orders, before he licking a stripe up taehyung's crack and giving his balls a good suck.


"okay, i w—oh my god, jeongguk," taehyung moans lustily, spreading his legs apart to give his boyfriend easier access.


jeongguk eats him out like he could do this forever, alternating between sucking and swiping his tongue over taehyung's pretty hole as his boyfriend writhes beneath him, moaning and grappling the pillow and bed covers as he does his absolute best to keep still.


jeongguk stops rimming him just long enough to grab the bottle of lube and cover his fingers with the slick, rubbing the lube first between his palms to warm it.


"relax, tae," he says, pressing a kiss on taehyung's back as he strokes his boyfriend's side, one of his fingers teasing his hole.


he puts tongue on taehyung's hole once more, the filthy sounds of him licking and sucking and slurping filling the room and going straight to jimin's cock.


jimin doesn't have to wonder how good taehyung's feeling because his expression says it all, his eyes completely shut, mouth slack with pleasure—god, he's so fucking gorgeous it's unreal.


jeongguk slowly inserts his finger the moment taehyung's body relaxes, his boyfriend groaning at the intrusion.


"fuck, you're even more tight than usual," jeongguk grunts, attention focused solely on taehyung's greedy little hole. "it's gonna hurt if you're this tight, tae."


"i can—ah jeongguk—i can take it," taehyung says through harsh pants, "come on, gimme more."


jeongguk inserts two next, scissoring his fingers while he reaches down to fist taehyung's neglected cock with his other hand.


jeongguk's ridiculously thorough when it comes to prepping taehyung, that much is obvious, because it seems to take forever before he's slicking up his cock with a liberal amount of lube and pouring more of it on taehyung's hole. he doesn't think jeongguk's lost his hard-on this whole time, not the least bit satisfied even after orgasming once.


jeongguk lines up his cock against taehyung's hole, stroking his boyfriend's back and urging him to relax. it seems taehyung's gotten tired of waiting for the other boy to get this show on the road because then he's kneeling up and pulling jeongguk down the bed until he's the one flat on his back.


"you always take too long, jeonggukie," taehyung admonishes as he straddles his boyfriend's hips.


"i don't care, i just don't want you to get hurt," jeongguk replies, hands finding taehyung's hips as the latter arranges him to the position he wants.


"a little pain can be good too, babe, as you well know," he returns, giving him a sly little smirk, then taehyung's wrapping a hand around his boyfriend's length, guiding the tip to his hole before sheathing himself on jeongguk's cock.


"fuck, taehyung," jeongguk curses the moment his cock's engulfed in that tight, wet heat, face scrunched up in overwhelming pleasure, his grip on taehyung's hips going from tight to bruising. "jesus christ."


taehyung gives himself only a few moments to adjust to his boyfriend's intimidating length before he starts bouncing on jeongguk's dick, bottom lip caught between his teeth. his own hard cock is bouncing against his stomach with every movement of his hips, his sunkissed skin glistening with sweat.


"you're so fucking—oh god," jeongguk looks like he's losing his mind, trying not to buck up and thrust into taehyung's welcoming heat. "slow down, baby, gonna hurt yourself."


his boyfriend looks severely unimpressed by his lack of participation and just grinds his hips down harder and deeper, making jeongguk groan in response. "thought you were going to wreck my ass, jeon," taehyung taunts as he leans down to capture jeongguk's lips in an open-mouthed kiss, relentlessly fucking himself on his boyfriend's cock. "or was all that just talk?"


"at this rate, i'm gonna make you come again before you—" but the rest of taehyung's words come out in a yelp of surprise when jeongguk suddenly changes their position, manhandling taehyung back on his hands and knees.


jimin doesn't know why but there's something immensely satisfying when jeongguk finally plunges his cock hard into taehyung all the way to the hilt, taehyung gasping then grinning triumphantly at having successfully riled up his boyfriend.


"fuck yes," taehyung moans, head thrown back, mouth slack with bliss as jeongguk starts pounding him earnestly.


"you're so fucking tight, tae," jeongguk groans, hands tight around his boyfriend's waist as he pulls taehyung's body back to meet every hard thrust. "you love being watched that much, huh?"


taehyung doesn't say his reply, but every dirty moan that accompanies the jackhammering of jeongguk's hips is telling enough. and when jeongguk grasps taehyung's hair with one hand and pulls, jimin finally breaks, transferring the camera to his left hand before unbuttoning his jeans and freeing his hard, weeping cock using his right, his boxers already wet and filthy with precome. 


jimin almost comes the moment he gets his hand around his dick—he's been painfully hard for the past half hour and the relief he feels when he finally gets some friction almost makes him cry.


"look at jimin, tae," jeongguk says, voice rough as he leans down to nibble at taehyung's shoulder, hips grinding slow but deep. "he's so fucking hard watching you getting fucked in all your holes. that what you want babe? you like him watching, seeing just how much of a needy slut you are for my cock?"


taehyung shudders in arousal, whimpering when jeongguk bites down his shoulder, and jmin takes it back—that's the fucking hottest thing he's ever heard in his life. and jeongguk talking like a grade-A porn star in that low and gravelly voice is a very, very close second.


and taehyung's face right now—his wide, doe eyes glassy with unshed tears, cheeks flushed, pink mouth open and panting—he wants to sear it in his mind forever.


"bet he wants to be in my place and pound your tight little ass, feel how good you are at taking cock, feel you tighten around him because you're so hungry for it you want a dick plugging your hole all the time. that turn you on, baby boy?" jeongguk continues, hips still moving at a leisurely pace, catching jimin's gaze for a moment, and that's it, jimin's coming all over his hand, making a mess of his boxers and jeans.


it's mortifying that jimin's almost dizzy and disoriented with the force of his orgasm, his lower lip aching from how hard he'd bit down to muffle the groan he'd almost let out. he doesn't think he's ever come that hard before even in the few times he'd actually gotten laid. (he can't even deny any of the filth jeongguk was spewing because its all true. god, it's so true that he's so fucking desperate, it's actually pitiful.)


"he's creaming himself just watching you on your hands and knees like this, taking it like a good bitch. turns you on that he knows just how desperate you are for my dick and how good i make you feel when i fuck you just like this," jeongguk says, punctuating the last few words with sharp, pointed thrusts hard enough to make taehyung move up the bed.


"jeong—ah! ah, fuck, pleasepleaseplease," taehyung pleads, and jeongguk seems to finally take pity on his tease of a boyfriend. 


jeongguk presses him down on the bed so most of his upper half is flat against the mattress, leaving his ass up in the air, before he starts pounding him hard, fast and judging by taehyung's moans, he's hitting his prostate dead-on.


jimin's own harsh breathing is drowned out by the sounds of wet skin slapping against skin, jeongguk's grunts and taehyung's beautiful whimpers, and he takes extra care to capture this moment on the camera, of jeongguk and taehyung both so desperate and close to the edge.


then taehyung's screaming, "j-jeongguk, ah, ah, i'm coming, jeongguk!" as he comes untouched, gorgeous face contorted with pleasure as he dirties his boyfriend's pristine black duvet. jeongguk comes with a loud groan soon after, thrusting deep into taehyung when he releases. 


silence stretches between the three of them, all of them trying to catch their breaths, while taehyung immediately flops onto the bed, breathing hard and obviously exhausted.


"oh my god, that was awesome," he says, panting, smilling sleepily at his boyfriend who rearranges him gently so he's lying on his back.


"are you okay?" jeongguk asks, pressing a kiss on taehyung's forehead, overprotective-boyfriend mode back on, his dirty-talking-pornstar alterego already forgotten. the abruptness of his change in personality leaves jimin dizzy and mildly impressed. "i'm gonna clean you up first, alright? want some water?"


taehyung pulls him down, interrupting his mother-henning in favor of nuzzling his boyfriend's face. "let's clean up later later, it's cuddle time."


"but baby—"


"cuddle. time."


yep, there goes the sound of a metaphorical whip hitting jeon jeongguk's ass.


jimin feels the awkwardness seep in again the moment the fucking is over, painfully aware of the come drying in his boxers since he'd had nothing to clean himself up with before tucking himself back in. he might also be a little (okay, a lot) terrified of taehyung's and jeongguk's reactions to him jacking himself off; taehyung, because him getting off from watching his friend being fucked might have made things a little weird between them and jeongguk, because he probably broke one of his rules and he knows the consequences are gong to be painful. he's hoping jeongguk's too hopped up on endorphins or whatever it is that makes people happy after orgasms to give him an actual beating right now, but he can't count on his luck for long.


he sets down the camera on the couch and moves as silently as he can, hoping he can slip out of the room without disturbing them.


but his luck's apparently ran out (if he ever had any) when taehyung calls him while he's approaching the door. "jiminie?"


"y-yeah, tae?" he says, turning around but doing his absolute best to avoid jeongguk's penetrating gaze as well as trying  not to openly stare at his and jeongguk's naked bodies.


"we're good, right?" taehyung asks, sounding so hopeful that all he can really do is smile and nod in response.


"more than good, pal," he replies, his smile growing fond when taehyung grins happily. they probably have things to talk about in the near future, but for now, he's just glad he could do this little thing to make him happy. their little moment is soon broken however, and he finds himself backtracking immediately when he meets jeongguk's threatening gaze and notices the way he's holding taehyung tight against his body. "i mean, not good like you guys kind of 'good,' but like, we're cool and know what i mean!"


taehyung chuckles, not catching jeongguk's dark look. "yeah, i know what you mean, dude," he says, as he muffles a yawn behind his hand. "thanks, jiminie." 


"anytime, taetae," he says, torn between smiling at his best friend and running for his life. he opts for the more practical option at the moment, adding, "so, uhm, i'll see you later, okay? i'm gonna go ahead—"


"wait, jimin-ah!" taehyung stops him, before turning to his boyfriend. "babe, can he use the guest room for a bit? jiminie might want to shower first."


jimin doesn't know if taehyung's just sleepy or he doesn't really notice jeongguk's expression growing darker every time he says 'jiminie,' but he knows jeongguk's going to make one or both of them regret it later. unlike in taehyung's case, however, for jimin that won't mean sexy times and mutual orgasms.


"sure. jiminie can go use it. it's right at the end of the hallway," jeongguk says sweetly, though his face is telling him more like, 'get the fuck out.'


barely resisting the urge to squeak in fear, jimin quickly slips through the door without looking back, his legs moving fast despite being still weak from earlier when he hears jeongguk mention something about handcuffsspanking and teaching taehyung a lesson.



and jimin knows he's a fucking goner when the first thing that comes to mind is how he can convince them to let him sit in for that "lesson."

Series this work belongs to: