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Ruby Knife..


Humans are dangerous.
Kaveh knew this ever since he was just a small guppy in the vast open ocean.

But when he got caught up by fishermen and brought to a restaurant to probably be slaughtered, he was reminded Of that fact..

Though, the tired lead chef seemed awfully merciful…

(Not original idea, based on this tiktok :) all credits go to this creator softsinnamonart on TikTok!)


I hope i did the tiktok justice! And if anyone wants any other chapters then let me know!


Tw: fear of death, mentions of slaughter/mutilation, dark thoughts.

Chapter 1: Trapped in a Bright Kitchen.

Chapter Text

Tears flooded the mermaid's stunning ruby eyes.

His facial expression turned sullen as his gaze wandered around the small kitchen he was shipped to just hours prior.


Kaveh’s arms covering his chest even if he had no need to.

He just felt so exposed and vulnerable here..


It was bright in the kitchen where his tank was set up, making his eyes wincing a bit every time he ever so much as glanced up at the water’s reflection above him only for it to reflect bright light back into his sensitive eyes only meant for the darkness of the deepest waters in the oceans of the world..


His body wasn’t made to be kept here.

In a small tank where he barely could swim a few feet to every side of him.

And the fishermen who caught him and took him here must’ve known that…


They weren’t planning to keep him alive for much longer..

He knew that..

He knew that with a heavy heart and eyes that flooded with tears even in the cold water his tank was filled with.

He had heard of tales where mermaids had been captured by humans, only then to be sold whole, or dissected for parts..


Their tails were used for meat.. 

fins, used for accessories or made into medicine from the humans thinking that it had some unknown medical benefits.


And scales… sold for just their beauty..


Every part of him would be used. He knew that.

And the mermaid didn’t know if the shiver that went down his spine was stemming his dark thoughts, or from how freezing the water he was kept in.


Usually, a mermaid with his gills in the right environment would filter through much warmer waters, his kind even known to hang around underwater volcanoes in search of their warmth on their cold scales.


But… here he was now, in a tank waiting… just waiting to be killed or sold at an auction for his beauty only then to either be sold again or used for parts.


Just one single one of his beautiful mermaid scales could go up to a hundred dollars at a market or store…


He truly tried to stop sniffling, tried to stop his body from shivering and shaking in the bitter cold water that he was forced to breathe in.


He was going to die…

He… was going to die…


And no one was able to save him, no one in his pod, no one even in the ocean, and definitely not any humans up here..


He really was just destined to die wasn’t he?

In a cold tank alone, and even if he tried not to be scared.. he was absolutely terrified..


His tears just wouldn’t stop pouring from his gorgeous, rare ruby eyes..


He didn’t want to die like this..

Kaveh couldn’t die like this..


He didn’t want to die like this..


Not like this..

Not trapped in a damn glass box, sobbing his eyes out in the same damn kitchen that he will probably be butchered in.






He was about to fall asleep in the dark tank before he immediately perked back up upon hearing a door open, a bell ringing to signal that someone had entered the building.


Oh no… should he play dead?? Try to break the tank?? No- that would make him suffocate.

Maybe try to splash enough so that water could get over the edge of the open tank and drench the newcomer??


Maybe that could disorient them enough to where he could escape-

But… how would he escape…?






He teared up more.. watching his tears bubble up and float.

And closed his eyes…


His gorgeous… red ruby eyes that were probably going to be discarded…





Hearing the sharp clacks of boot heels moving against the shiny tiled floor of the kitchen as he sniffled.

This was it…

He wasn’t going to survive today..








Al-Haitham came into his work already in his chef attire, not noticing the big tank that had just been shipped over from the great oceans and moved to instead wash his hands for the start of dinner service.


The man sighed, drying off his hands with a small handkerchief that was draped over from his pocket, mumbling to himself about how ridiculous it was that he was the only one during dinner rush this hour.


“It’s rather deplorable that I can’t get any help around here.” He muttered, moving from the sink and across the room to get out vegetables from the fridge before freezing in place.


His eyes locking onto a brilliant red that immediately captured his eyes and made him turn his head fully.



How- why???-


A mermaid… a merman??? A Siren perhaps??-

Was in his kitchen, HIS kitchen!




The Chef tried his best not to show his absolute shock, being slightly successful as he only reacted by a slight widening of his eyes.

How had he not noticed the mermaid before…?


Al-Haitham walked closer to the human and apparently merman sized tank, keeping his steps as slow and as calm as he could.


He didn’t know how violent mermaids were or even could be after all.

That would be a very good area to study on in the future perhaps-


His thoughts were quickly interrupted though by seeing something that honestly shocked him.

The mermaid was crying..

The mermaid was scared.. there was no doubt about it. Their body practically trembling as he stepped closer to examine their features.


The man tried his best not to spook them of course, he didn’t want to get possibly bitten or anything that involved an injury.


Why did he feel sympathy for the creature…?

Could they even comprehend everything he could…?


He pressed his hand to the glass of the tank, watching their reaction closely.


He then looked up at their tank, it was certainly not well kept, muggy and dark, cold water probably, and then… there it was.

A sign taped to the front that simply read in bold letters.



“So you were sold here…” he mumbled, looking up at the mermaid's face which was still flooded with tears before a shaky red scaled hand reached out with claws and put it against his which was still on the other side of the tank.


He immediately bit the corner of his bottom lip.

Dear Archons- why was he getting attached???


“Do you.. understand me?” He tried again, looking at the mermaid once more, seeing their tail swaying anxiously from side to side.


The nod he received was enough for him.

He was probably going to lose his job for this-

Though- right now he couldn’t really find it in him to care-


He grabbed a tiny step ladder, went up it so that he could safely remove the lid of the tank and took the mermaid into his arms, drenching himself and his clothes with water in the process.

But did he really give two shits?-

Not really.


The merman was definitely surprised by this action though, making a rather loud chirp that sounded like it was mixed with a cry before their nails clung onto Al-Haitham’s shirt.


Which- was even more drenched now-


What the actual hell are you doing Al-Haitham??-


And started running.

Chapter 2: Well aint this a shitty day-

Chapter Text

Al-Haitham swore underneath his breath as he ran, propping the mermaid against his chest and holding onto their back, his eyes only focusing ahead of him.


This goddamn mermaid was definitely the reason why he hadn’t been getting as much money as usual in his paychecks-

Probably instead using his cash to pay for this- thing in his arms right at this moment!


He sighed, it couldn’t be helped anyhow.

That’s right Al-Haitham, all you can do now, is get rid of this creature and then your life will return to normal.




His grip tightened on the creature in his arms, biting his tongue as it squirmed and protested loudly with thrashing limbs and loud squawks.

This thing was going to drive him to his limits- he just knew it-


It was almost repulsive how this thing could just- arrive at his workplace and cause his paycheck to run dry.


All he wanted was to live comfortably in a house, maybe move out of Sumeru so that he could get away from the people who only wanted to get rich and make it harder for everyone else below them.


Maybe then he could live in a small house, hell, even an apartment would be better than this shit wreck.

Then, if he was even more lucky, which he doubted.

Life was too cruel to give him that.


Then maybe, just maybe he could scrape up enough money to go back to school, finish his degree like his grandmother would have wanted for him.


He looked down at the mermaid in his arms, thinking of a sickening yet… a very possibly genius idea..

They had already sold the mermaid’s earrings and various jewelry they first found on him.


But the mermaid himself..

That , would be so valuable that he could probably buy himself a whole goddamn mansion and not care about worries over money for the whole rest of his life…

Yes… maybe he could do that…


Now… just what should he do with this creature now that he literally had him in his arms?

Al-Haitham wondered.


Selling him off would be… difficult.

Getting him around alone would be difficult and possibly dangerous.


The Chef was honestly surprised that he hadn’t been bitten yet by the mermaids teeth-


Then again, they didn’t really seem violent..

In fact, they seemed to be quite the contrary, peaceful if you could believe it.


Al-Haitham certainly wouldn’t have been able to believe it before he literally bridal style carried the creature out of a whole goddamn restaurant that he was supposed to be closing up by now-


Meanwhile, the beast in his hands could only look at him with wonder as Kaveh would have thought that he was going to be cooked right now, but as they passed the stove and cutting board, that now didn’t seem to be the case.


“Where are we-“ the merman spoke, sounding breathless as he stayed clung into the other man’s shoulders, ignoring the irritated look he received back.


“So you can speak English.” The Chef practically spat, “and here I thought that you might have only the consciousness of a fish.”


And with that, you could’ve thought he had slapped the mermaid in the face with that comment, their face contorting into a look of disdain mixed with a bit of full blown rage-

“You thought what??? You really thought that I was just some mindless fish that was caught??” Kaveh scoffed, twisting his body around as if to try and flop down onto the floor, but only succeeded in causing Al-Haitham to stumble and almost slip on water that had been dripping from Kaveh’s body.


“Will you quit that?? Hold on! I’m trying to help you!”


“Let go! Just let go of!-“


They both winced as Al-Haitham lost his footing, slipping on some spilled water on the floor and crashing down heavily, wincing as his head slammed down against the hard kitchen tile.




His vision swam as his body tried to stay conscious, he couldn’t even know how bad he had hit the floor, knowing it had to be pretty bad if he was immediately losing consciousness because of it.


“Hey! Haitham! You Alright in there???”


Shit- must be one of the janitors who was working late too-

If he got caught like this, on the floor with the creature-

The goddamn Beast he had been trying to show the slightest bit of mercy to, then his job would be over.


Hell- his whole CAREER would go down the drain-


He tried to talk, tried to say that he was alright and that he had just slipped.

Who in their right mind would believe that though-


But all that came out of his mouth was a slight groan, his awareness fading before he heard a shout of-


“Someone help!! The mermaid jumped out of the tank and attacked Al-Haitham!!”






And that’s when everything went black-

Chapter 3: That Damn Fish-


Tw: injuries

Chapter Text

The next time Al-Haitham awoke he was still on the kitchen floor..

His kitchen floor-


Only instead of being alone, instead he was with what seemed like dozens of medics above him, asking him various questions which he honestly couldn’t understand what in Archon’s name they were even asking through the pain that radiated through his skull.


God his ears rang-

Could all the people just get out and let him recuperate by himself?? It was only a little fall-


Could they just leave him be to do his job??


Honestly- people drove him up the wall most of the time-


His vision being blurred wasn’t helping any either-

Al-Haitham attempting to move but was unable to..


Shit- was he paralyzed??

Did he land wrong onto his spine???

Shit shit shit!-


Panic rose into his chest, causing his heart to pound faster and faster until he could hear nothing except for his heart just trying desperately to keep him alive.


Then… he felt cold.. why did he feel cold?? He didn’t get it! It had only been a simple slip on some water! Nothing more! So why was he-


“Haitham! Haitham! Hey! Calm down! You need to calm yourself down for them to examine you properly!”

One of the people around him said, feeling their hands on his upper body as they propped him up against one of  the counters.


And he tried- oh how he tried to calm down but how the fuck did they expect him to calm down when he could only think of what he had injured during that fall?!


It was all that damn fish’s fault!!

If he hadn’t got it in his head that they looked so goddamn pitiful then he wouldn’t be in this mess!-


“Someone get the stretcher! He can’t move!”


Were the only next words that he could even understand-

Every other one all muffled and strung together without common sense.


Fuck… and now I’m going to have a hospital bill on top of my missing paychecks..


Was it pathetic that he could almost cry right now over money?



But this was his livelihood he was thinking about!

In fact it was the only thing he had been thinking about ever since his grandmother’s passing.


He didn’t really have time to think about much else-


The next thing knew after that was being lifted up by three men and gently put on a stretcher, the paramedics being careful enough as to not jostle any unseeable injuries that he might have.


Before sleepiness set into his mind once again..

The last thing he was able to hear was the panicked voices of the janitor crew trying to figure out what they should do with the mermaid that had “attacked him”.


Al-Haitham could only sigh at that.

He would have to set the record straight one of these days after he got out of the hospital..


The Chef didn’t know why but… he hoped that his crew wouldn’t get rid of the beautiful creature…

After all.. they could talk just like humans can..

They could cry.. show emotion…


And they were quite… beautiful to look at..


He would definitely have to give that damned mermaid a piece of his mind when he next saw them though-


But that could wait.. he did feel rather tired..













The Chef practically jumped the next time he awoke in a hospital room, Cyno, one of his longtime friends practically shouted his name-


Could he ever just catch a break???


Al-Haitham groaned at the other man practically hovering above him, using the hospital bed blanket to cover his face in a rather sad attempt to hide.


He was not awake enough for this nor was he in the mood for this conversation that he could sense was coming.


Probably all revolving around questions like:


“Al-Haitham, what happened?? You're never usually this clumsy during work on all subjects.”




“Why were you found on the floor with a fucking mermaid that had just been in your arms???”


Could this day get any worse??

Actually don’t answer that-

Because it probably definitely could-


He sighed at his misfortunes but at least his vision wasn’t blurry now, looking over at his friend who stood rather anxiously at his bedside.


The man, who was known to be cold and distant just like Al-Haitham seemed to be unusually panicked, in fact, it was the most panicked The Chef had seen him since the day Cyno had ran around his house thinking that he had misplaced his Genius Invokation TCG cards.  Calling Al-Haitham over that day since Cyno knew of his friends rather perspective eyes and asked him for help.


The Chef having found the “missing deck” in under five minutes stuck in between one of two drawers of Cyno’s dresser-


Sometimes Al-Haitham was surprised by how blind Cyno could be-


But- he was one of his very small group of friends who he actually affiliates himself with after his highschool days..


All the other friends he had made being turned off eventually by his sometimes “rude and snappy” attitude. Which he would definitely disagree with-

The only reason he had been rude and snappy in the first place was that he didn’t like it when people stomped all over his boundaries.


And guess what his ex friends did-


Enough about that.


He focused on the present once more, feeling Cyno hug his arm slightly- respecting his boundaries of limitations on touch.


Because sometimes he did not like touch at all and he definitely thought that to be a very simple thing to respect.


“You can hug me fully right now. I know that you might have gotten worried about me going to the hospital.”

The Chef gave a light, almost teasing smile, seeing Cyno nod and quickly taking the opportunity to hug him fully while he sat himself up onto the hospital bed.. Mentally thanking all the lords he could think of when discovering that he could move his limbs again.


Must’ve been just shock that made him unable to move after the initial spill then..


“The hospital called me to come here after you were admitted, they told me you had a bad fall?? What happened??”

Cyno asked, now moving away from the hug and crossing his arms with a face that definitely read: Don’t you even think about lying to me. I know where you live-


And of course, Al-Haitham sighed, simply nodding.


“Yes, it was simply a bad fall from there being water on the floor, nothing more, nothing less.”


“Oh really?” Cyno interjected, eyebrow raised with his arms still crossed.

“Because when they called me it was through your emergency contact list, which you should really put more people on- and said to come immediately since you cracked your head open on the hard tile of the kitchen of your workplace. You literally just unintentionally gave me a heart attack before I even rushed over.” 


Huh- it was odd for his friend to not even crack a single joke while scolding him-


Guess it really was serious then huh?


He sighed, “alright alright, I suppose that I’m sorry for making you worry. Now.. did you happen to see anything about a… person with red scales and what they did with him..?”


“A person with what?-“

Chapter 4: Green Scales..


Tw: blood, accidental self harm

Chapter Text

Kaveh snapped and growled as a group of people picked him back up once that Chef had left in the ambulance headed to the hospital, leaving him on the floor where people poked and prodded him-


Of course he didn’t let this just happen with no consequences though, almost biting a couple Janitors as they tried their best to grab him by his tail.


How rude!

Do humans not have any manners or respect???


Honestly- you could probably give a human every single thing that they wanted and needed and they would still crave for more.

Selfish. That’s what they were..

Selfish creatures..


Only able to squirm and hiss as he felt the multiple pairs of cold, firm hands picking him up, roughly almost throwing him back into the small tank in the restaurant and before he could even begin to retort, started to screw the lid shut.


Blocking his every chance of escaping..



He slammed his body against the glass tank, tearing up more as he desperately tried to at least crack the glass.

But nothing..

He could only tear up more in anger and frustration at the whole world, wincing as another slam definitely earned him a bruised fin or two.


But… anything was better than being caged in here waiting to be cut up like some fish in a convenient store!

Another slam against the tank and people had started to notice what he was trying to do..




Another slam, and people were swarming around his glass cage, probably to watch the terrified creature with amusement as it tried to escape with its life.


Were these sick people entertained by his fear?!!


Another harsh slam of his body against the glass..

This wasn’t working..


He teared up, his eyes looking out through the glass to see people gasping and looking back at him.


Don’t speak to humans.

His past pod members would always say…

His mom making sure that he got that message through his head.


“Humans will take everything you have because they are greedy creatures.. It is in their nature..”


And now.. he could finally see where that idea stemmed off from..






It wasn’t long after that when everyone finally left him alone, his body curled up almost in a fetal position as he buried his head down into his arms.


Was this really how his life was going to end..?

Trapped in a fucking tank waiting to be chopped up into little pieces???


He didn’t know..

And that’s what scared him the most..












“A person with what??”


Al-Haitham was quickly brought back into the moment by the words that his friend asked, Cyno’s face showing absolute confusion over his words.


Oh fuck- he should not have said that-



But, instead of showing his inner panic, he took a deep breath and made sure to keep his face from shifting into something other than his usual cold expression.


Though- it wasn’t quite that easy. 

Cyno may act like he doesn’t know as many things as he does, but he certainly was perceptive, though not quite on par with Al-Haitham’s perceptiveness.


“You look off. What’s the matter? Did you hit your head too hard?” Cyno asked, already halfway up from his seat.

“You want me to go call a nurse over?”


At the question, Al-Haitham quickly shook his head to decline the offer, sighing softly at his predicament.


“No no, I’m alright. But if I could have some alone time that would be nice. I just need some quiet time to think by myself.”


“Alright, are you sure you don’t want me to get a nurse in here for you? You know, just to watch you to make sure that nothing’s wrong? You’re not in pain right?”


“No, just go and get some air. I know you were probably pacing back and forth for hours.” Al-Haitham teased slightly, waving his hand dismissively.

“I’ll be fine. Really.”


“If you say so, but please use your phone to call me if you need something.” His friend requested in his cold but soft voice, committing to standing up fully before finally walking out of the door, leaving Al-Haitham to finally just comprehend by himself what the hell had gone on today..










Cyno took the time now to walk along the hospital grounds, which coincidentally was connected to the ocean’s shoreline where fishermen usually resided.


Today though, the area was mostly vacant.

Sure, a few fishermen had set up their poles in a few good places here and there, but compared to earlier, it was nothing.


He wondered why..

Eh, it was probably just because it was getting late into the day.


God Al-Haitham took a while to wake up after that so called “bad fall”-

He hoped that nothing too serious was wrong.


That only brought his thoughts into new territory though..

The thing his friend said earlier.. what was it again..?


Asking him if he had seen anyone with bright red… scales..?

What did he mean by that-

Was it some kind of new fashion trend?


Maybe Al-Haitham was just a bit woozy from the fall though, that could be why.

Maybe he just actually saw someone who wore red pants and that’s where he got it from.



Cyno had heard of stories people spoke and gossiped about regarding mermaids.. 

Some stand sellers even convincing customers that they had fresh mermaid scales for sale.


But that couldn’t be a thing right?

It was probably just some overpriced lizard scale…………..?-


What was that..?


His eyes narrowed as he picked up his walking pace when he saw a fisher's net unoccupied, but thrashing around a bit.


Why would someone just leave a catch just- laying there to suffocate on the-


As he walked up to examine the “fish” closer, his eyes widened..

Scales of forest green staring back at him..


And the “fish” wasn’t a fish at all..

Nor was it even human..


The creature.. the mermaid.. staring back at him with horror as its tail was horribly snagged in the fishing net, and in the fishing net seemed to be small thorns of metal that made sure that whatever was caught in the net..


Was caught for good…


And the mermaid.. the terrified creature had snagged themselves onto the net in all angles, blood pooling out from underneath them as the small metal thorns dugged and clung onto them without mercy..


And Cyno’s heart couldn’t help but hurt as the creatures pained whimpers only grew louder as they looked up at him with the terror that only a cornered bunny would feel..


Looks like Al-Haitham would have more alone time than expected-


“Hey, hey stay still..”

As Cyno quickly grabbed a pocket knife from his jeans and quickly started to make work of the horrifying net..


Who the hell set this up…?

And who had just left it here for him to find…?

Chapter 5: Who are you..?


Tw: blood, fear of death

Chapter Text

It didn’t take too much time for the mermaid to be free, Cyno’s heaving breaths being evidence of the adrenaline he felt as soon as he saw the creature captured in such a cruel way..


His hands being cut up a bit by the metal thorns attached to the material of the net itself.

Who would do this?

Why would someone do this?

Were they expecting to capture a mermaid?


No.. they couldn’t have known.

Who could’ve even guessed that there would be mermaids here??

He certainly wouldn’t have guessed!

So… how..?


Nevermind that, just help this mermaid out, forget that this ever happened and walk away.


But they did seem really injured badly..

This was hopeless!- 


He bit the inside of his cheek in sympathy once he got the majority of the sharp net out of their skin and scales, watching blood pour from the jagged cuts and near slices to their skin.


Sure, they weren’t human but who the fuck thought of this idea??

He hadn’t even seen fish be treated this way! No less an actual thinking being!


Was this what Al-Haitham had seen..? A mermaid but with red scales..?


He was going to have to apologize to Al-Haitham when he got back-

That was going to have to wait though..


Oh how his heart felt like bleeding as he heard the mermaids whimpers and whines of pain..

Those people must be so disgusting to think that this was okay..


Why catch something this rare, and then just leave it to flail and die a painful death on land??

He had never come across someone so cruel.


With one more sigh, Cyno carefully torn through the rest of the net with his knife, freeing the creature before picking up the remaining pieces of sharp net and making sure to throw all of the remaining pieces into the trash.


No more animals needed to be caught in that horrible contraption..


Before looking back over at the creature whose breaths came in heaving gasps.


Their eyes still wide open in their panicked state as they looked up at him with such terror that it made the man’s chest clench..

In a part of his mind, he couldn’t help but think that he didn’t want them to fear him..


Not for a second..

So, he went back over to the terrified mermaid, having them stay still before he started lightly dabbing their wounds with a handkerchief he always kept in his pocket.


“Don’t move.” He whispered, though he honestly didn’t even know if they could even understand him..

“I’m going to try and help with your wounds, but you have to trust me, alright?”


With that, the mermaid looked at him with their brown eyes that were an ombre to green, making him think for a moment that maybe they did understand him..

At least a bit-


And… they smiled at him…

But why did that make his heart feel lighter..?

It should have frightened him-

After all, the mermaid did seem to possess sharp teeth.. 

They almost reminded him of a shark’s teeth…


Why did they look so human..

But have so many nonhuman qualities..?


And why… did they look so beautiful..?











Tighnari didn’t understand..

He didn’t understand why or how he had even managed to snag himself up into a fisherman’s net where he thrashed and pulled helplessly as the sharp thread dug and cut into his meaty flesh and hard scales.


A normal net didn’t do that!

A normal net couldn’t do that!!

So how was this net any different and why was the thread shiny instead of brown like the usual rope??


All that he knew was-


“Hey guys! I got one!!”


“Pull it up! Dottore wants it for some reason!”


An orange haired boy along with a black haired man were calling out to each other..

The boy having his hands firmly gripped onto the net as he pulled it along the shore, dragging Tighnari’s snagged body with it..


Who felt like he was going to pass out..

God… watching your blood being smeared on the sand beneath you was surprisingly beautiful by how the sun reflected the light off the now darkened sand..


He had felt like he was floating away..

The pain being no more than a dull ache in his whole body now..

Especially in his tail region..


What were these people going to do to him..?

What could they possibly do with him?


Tighnari would be lucky if they were going to kill him first..

But he still didn’t want to die like this..

Painfully in a net made to dig and tear into his body..


Leaving him whimpering as he tried to claw desperately at the sand, trying to get away from the boy who dragged him away helplessly..


“N-no..! Don’t! Don’t!!”


Suddenly though.. the boy stopped to look back at him.. staring right into his terrified eyes..

And… in the next moment, dropped the net he had been dragging him in.


“Actually guys.. I think it’s just a really big fish!” The boy laughed, “I really haven’t slept well these past few days!”


That was the moment he passed out..

Only to wake up and see a tanned man looking down at him.. a pocket knife held tightly in his hands..

Chapter 6: Planning escape-


Tw: fear of death, thoughts of death, descriptions of injuries

Chapter Text

After the poor mermaid was free from the terrible barbed net, the human couldn’t help himself but to stare in wonder..


The mermaid was beautiful..

Shiny forest green scales that shined a bright teal in the right lighting adorning their cheek bones and tail as well as patches up their torso.


But the man’s daze was quickly snapped by the sight of blood pooling from gashes and various cuts on the poor creature, mostly on their tail.

One of their fins down to where their belly button would be seemingly shredded, missing almost completely.


This poor creature..

Cyno couldn’t help but feel sympathy for them..

So, he put his knife back into the holder on his belt, making sure to walk slowly, turned to his side to look smaller like how one would approach a wild dog.


How could people even think to hurt such a beautiful creature..?


He sighed before offering a hand to them, watching as their ears which reminded him of those on sea bunnies folded down in what he could only imagine as fear.


Cyno could only frown in response to such action..


“It’s alright.. you’re okay now..” he said, tone unusually soft for how you would imagine it being.

“I won’t hurt you.”


The human then smiled at the mermaid, completely forgetting the fact that there was a very good chance that the creature didn’t even know what the fuck he was saying-


Oh my Archons- he was probably speaking gibberish to them-

Now that was an embarrassing thought-


Oh dear- what was he going to do with them now?? He couldn’t just leave them out here to dry out! But- putting them back into the water with such injuries to their body could make them easier prey for sharks!


And he did not know the first thing that comes to bandaging a mermaids wounds-

Wouldn’t the gauze just suck up all the moisture from their body and dry them out even faster??


Maybe those gel pads would work with covering the wounds until they healed on their own-


Oh what does he know??? He’s not an expert in this!-


Cyno gulped, looking around the beach in both directions to see if anyone was coming before suddenly picking up the mermaid, stumbling just a bit from the water on the creature made them feel more heavy then you would expect.


They were rather thin…

And that brought up even more concerns-


Should he bring them to a sort of wildlife rehabilitation facility???

Was there something like that even around here???


Before he could be swallowed up by his thoughts anymore than he already was, he winced in sympathy as the mermaid in his arms shifted around a bit to make themselves more comfortable, only to then let out a sharp squeak of pain that reminded him of a sound that a dolphin would make.


Well this certainly wasn’t helping them in the slightest-

Think Cyno! Think! 


Could he sneak him out to his house..? Put him into the bath tub or something until he could contact a rehabilitation program that would take mermaids??


Was there even a place like that??


Cyno could only groan to himself.


It was his best option at this point..


“Hold onto me, okay? I’m going to need to be fast.” He warned the mermaid who seemed to understand before Cyno ran like hell back to his home…










“What do you mean I can’t sign myself out of the hospital??? I can walk! I’m fine! I can’t stay here any longer.”

Al-Haitham raised an eyebrow, almost practically glaring at the receptionist lady who had caught him right before he had left the hospital by the front door.


“I’m sorry sir, but we have to keep you here for observation. You have high risk of having gotten a concussion and if you go home now and later fall asleep then you may go into a coma. Please, sit back down in your room and I’ll send the Doctor back in shortly.” The woman smiled, practically pleading Al-Haitham to sit back down as the man groaned.


Where had Cyno gone??

He thought he would’ve been just pacing around the hallway in front of his hospital room door to give him the privacy he wanted, but nope-

It was like he disappeared-


Al-Haitham sighed to himself but allowed one of the nurses to walk him back down to his hospital room, even helping him into bed despite him being perfectly able to pull the covers back over himself and fluff his own pillow-


He could already tell that this day was going to be absolutely dreadful for him, laying in bed doing nothing but upping his hospital bill when he should be preparing meals for guests at the restaurant he worked at.


Though it was nice not having to deal with a night of stress while being yelled at by his boss the Chef proposed.


Yet he couldn’t help but wonder what they had done with the mermaid he had tried to save out of the surprising kindness in his heart.


Was the mermaid going to be killed? Locked up in some aquarium like a wild animal?


That just wouldn’t do..

He didn’t quite understand why he was so determined on saving the creature..

Maybe it was because they showed humanity, or maybe even because they showed emotion..

He wanted to save them.


But, he had to find a way out of this hospital first…








Kaveh’s tired eyes opened hours later, his body still shivering from the cold water that his gills were forced to filter.


They had screwed the lid to his “tank” fully shut, not even allowing him an inch of airflow through the water.

But at least he was left alone right now..

That was one mercy he had been granted today.


It was probably the last mercy that the mermaid would be granted, period.


His red eyes looking through the tank out into the kitchen where he was still set in, able to see the janitor’s leaving for the day and turning off all the lights for the night.


That Chef had been gone for a long time..

The Mermaid wondered why.

He couldn’t have fallen that hard-

Kaveh hadn’t even meant to make the man fall, The Chef fell by himself-

It wasn’t his fault.


Another sigh left his lips, curling up his body as much as he could.


Maybe… this truly is the end for you..

Chapter 7: How you like those rocks???

Chapter Text

That’s it!

Al-Haitham has officially declared to himself that he would not stay in this Hospital any longer.

It wasn’t helping him, hell, it was probably making his mental health worse than it already was-


So, he swiftly walked back to his hospital room, grabbed his headphones that the Doctors must have taken off to bandage his head properly off of the side table by the bed, put them on and absolutely blasted music through them.


Technically if he couldn’t hear the Doctors and Nurses instructions to stay, then he didn’t have to-


So, he then swiftly walked out of the hospital, ignoring the shouting of nurses trying to warn him-


They eventually just let him pass though, he was an adult after all and they couldn’t make him stay even if they wanted to.


He also did not need to pay anymore money on the extra hospital treatments they would probably put him through.


Sure- he might worry Cyno if the man comes back to the Hospital only to discover that he’s not where he was supposed to be, but he was planning on calling him later to tell him his whereabouts.


Now… back to his workplace he went…

The Chef was certainly going to make his boss regret tampering with his rightful paycheck...














Oh shit Cyno! Oh shit!

Shit shit shit!-


What the in the fuck were you thinking when coming up with the idea of bringing a whole ass fucking MERMAID- home in the first place??


You might as well just paint a whole ass target on your back because this was one hell of a way to get people to pay attention to you and your whereabouts.


But the mermaid was injured badly. 

So what did you expect him to do?? Just lay there flopping around until he either bled out or dried up??


His conscience definitely wouldn’t have allowed that-


So here the man was, gently placing the mermaid who- was quite beautiful may he add- into the bathtub.


“Are you more- is your species- do you-“ he struggled though with his words, not wanting to sound rude but he didn’t really know what could be offensive to… these… new creatures he thought had to have been just in a children’s book until now-


Cyno sighed before trying again to speak, “are you-“


“Are you asking if I prefer cold or warm water?” The mermaid asked, chirping softly after their sentence.

Or was that their way of snickering at him for his mistake??


The human may never know-


And before Cyno could even begin to say the affirming ‘yes’ to their question, they swiftly interrupted him.


“My species is known to hang around warm waters. It’s more healthy for our scales and even makes our tails appear more vibrant in color. But of course… This also makes our scales much more desirable during this time of year. I know that you helped me out, but I’m sorry to say that I just don’t trust you fully yet.”


Now that was something Cyno could definitely understand, the human nodding his head quickly while he turned the faucet to the warm setting and let the water drench the mermaid once more.


“I can understand that perfectly. Especially since humans have the tendency to hurt those who are different. Though I never quite understood it.”


After the bath tub had been filled enough to where Tighnari’s tail was completely submerged, he turned the water off. 


Okay… now he could relax..

The mermaid is fine, they won’t dry out and no one seemed to witness you taking them to your house.

Everything’s fine, and now, all he would have to do is go back to the hospital, pick up Al-Haitham and question him more on the stranger with red scales.


And mentally apologize for thinking that his friend had been a bit crazy-

After that, everything would be good, everything would be fine..













Tartaglia grunted softly as he used his strength to pull up the nets they had put out in sea up and back into the boat, fish who were captured in the barred hooks and wires of the enhanced net flopping helplessly onto the deck.


He was alone on sailing today, the other Harbingers staying back to work on tracking down more mermaids in the area.


The group had practically hunted this area dry after all…

And the creatures were smarter than previously predicted, diving deeper and migrating to unusually cool waters than what they should be adapted to.


He wondered if they fully understood his group’s intentions..


They had to of..

That’s why the creatures are sparse now, that’s why barely anyone believed in their existence.


The harbinger sighed before suddenly gasping sharply in surprise as he tried to pull in another net, only to feel that it was weighed down so heavily that he was almost dragged overboard by the sudden weight.


What??? There wasn’t that much fish here to weigh it down this much! What the hell???


He winced, feeling the end threads of the net that he had tried to pull up the net with digging into his palms, quickly digging his heel into the floorboards, and with a final burst of sudden adrenaline, pulled up the net out of the water completely.


Only to discover that it had been completely filled with rocks…


Something in the water was tampering with the nets…


And it was smart enough to understand what he was trying to do…

Chapter 8: I’m getting you out of here..

Chapter Text

Okay- why the hell were there so many rocks in the nets that he had JUST set into the water??
The nets didn’t even reach the depth necessary to be at the bottom to snag any rocks.

So how and why had the nets been tampered with??

Was his group just teasing him and filled a couple of the nets with rocks before he headed out??
Those guys never seemed to get off his back! Ever since he was the lowest ranked members to join!

Tch- he’ll show them! He’ll show them all what he’s capable of!
Even if he has to work twice as hard than all of them combined!
Yeah! That’ll show them!

Though he couldn’t help but wince when he pulled up the next net that was also completely filled with rocks, the sharp wire of the net digging into his palms and leaving sharp cuts in his palm. Not too deep but deep enough that he felt a strong sting from it.

“Ow, fuck-“ he hissed, stopping after he got the second net up and went to go bandage his palms.

But didn’t notice that something had started to climb up the edge of the boat.. getting onto the dock..
“Hey boss!” Al-Haitham called out as soon as he made his way into the restaurant, it now being early morning since the day he had been emitted to the hospital.

Which means that the man should be here preparing food for service later into the day, and that mermaid should also be here..
So, he walked through the door, not bothering to even knock to see if he could come in.

“We’re closed until!-“ his boss had started to say, thinking that he had been just a regular person wanting to eat there before finally recognizing him moments later.

“Al-Haitham??? Shit man! What are you doing out of the hospital?? Are you sure you should even be in here?? What did the doctors say? I-”

The tired Chef interrupted his Boss with a simple raise of a hand, his free hand rubbing the bridge of his nose while a splitting headache resurfaced in his skull.

“I wasn’t really planning to come into work today, but it seems like I have some things I need to clear up.”
With a simple step forward he leaned against one of the kitchen counters, his hands pressing up against the cold marble countertops.

“Alright, what is it?” His Boss asked, a look of confusion but also concern flashing over his eyes.
“You aren’t too badly injured right? Not concussed or anything of that nature, are you?”

Al-Haitham had to bite his tongue slightly to remind himself to not be snarky-
Now was not the time for such matters.

“No, at least I don’t believe so.” He crossed his arms, his gaze averting to the ground slightly while he continued speaking.
“I was actually coming here to discuss the sudden drop in my pay these last few months.”

When his Boss groaned at the sudden mention of that topic, Al-Haitham could barely keep himself together enough to not glare at the man.
“I’ve spoken with you about this topic before a week ago, you said that it was just some minor expenses that everyone has been made to pay. I then recall you saying something to the likes of ‘be patient and the expenses would clear up in a week or two.’ Well, it’s been three. And I’m not sure if I believe that you told me the full truth or not. So, is my pay always going to be docked by some mysterious circumstances or not? Be honest because I’m frankly not pleased.”

At the end of his words, his Boss looked defeated. Sighing before nodding his head, “very well then.. we don’t want to lose you so, how about I compensate your loss with your next paycheck and-“

“Is that mermaid still here?”

“Yes…? Though it was just about to be shipped off to another restaurant since I thought it would be too dangerous now with how it attacked you and all-“

“Consider him as part of my compensation package as well.”

At those words, his Boss looked shocked, turning around to face him.
“What did you just say? You want the creature who physically attacked you?? Why?-“

Al-Haitham could only put on a fake smirk, “I’ve heard they sell for a lot of money…”
Kaveh couldn’t help but whimper and thrash around in his tank as he saw hands pushing his tank in different directions onto a… what the humans apparently called a truck-

Was he getting out of the restaurant??
Was he really not going to be eaten??

Oh thank the Ocean Gods and Goddesses!!

He teared up with a smile, swishing his tail happily before the happiness was suddenly cut off with surprise instead as he suddenly heard a yell.

Huh- he wondered why the humans were yelling-
Should he even look?-
Eh- why not-

He pressed his face against the glass that faced to the outside of the truck, watching as the- wait… it’s that man!! The man who tried to take him out from the tank!

“Hey!!!” He tried to yell loud enough so that the man could hear him, but huffed as his voice was muffled by the water, “you!! I’m here!!! Get me out of here!!! Hey!!”

He slammed his body against the glass wall of the tank, smiling brightly in succession as that made the man who had been currently negotiating with “the truck people” (Kaveh would refer to them as-) look over at him, and promptly go over to his tank.

Not knowing that he was technically The Chef’s now..

The man now walking towards the tank, placing his hand on the glass as a familiar movement of the one he had done when he first saw the creature.
“I’m getting you out of here.”

The red finned mermaid looked confused, tilting his head as if he was a confused puppy.

Chapter 9: A Curious Human..


Tw: Blood, injuries, thoughts of death

Chapter Text

Kaveh chirped happily as the Chef said those words, smiling brightly as his tail swished happily, creating little air bubbles underneath him.


“Human human human!!” The mermaid trilled, suddenly the human who he had been terrified of just a sunset ago was going to be his savior???


What luck!!

Luck didn’t come by that often for him-


Which means that he should definitely celebrate these small wins whenever they arise!


He couldn’t help himself from twirling around happily once the human got out a rather large tool that he didn’t know the name of, starting to pry off one nail at a time from the top of the lid where he had been boxed in.


His gaze not able to stop moving to stare at the man’s arms while he wiggled the tool back and forth, nails dropping with a small tink!- As they were pried off from the lid.


Ohhh he was so happy!!


It took a few minutes for the lid to be fully taken off but eventually Kaveh could stick his head out of the top again, breathing in the air.


Sure, he had gills so that he could breathe through water but he also had a pair of lungs that were rather human like that he needed to fill at least every three to four hours, or else he would simply sink and suffocate down below…


He then couldn’t help but let out a loud chirp which was more of a shriek in surprise as the human took him out of the tank once more in just mere seconds of seeing him again.


“Stop scaring me like that!! You have no manners do you???” He complained, though still wrapped his arms securely around the man’s neck, keeping himself close to make sure that they both wouldn’t go tumbling to the floor again if The Chef were to slip.


“I would apologize if you hadn’t made me almost crack my head open in my own kitchen-“


“Oh please! You’re the one who grabbed me without warning or telling me what you were going to do! You’re lucky that I didn’t claw your eyes out instead!”


“It’s not my problem if you would have become sushi because of such actions against me, you should know that you shouldn’t even be here and yet you probably went snooping around humans and got caught.”


“Why you..!!-“


Al-Haitham interrupted the mermaid with a deep sigh, carrying him out bridal style away from the parking lot of the restaurant and started instead heading towards his house.


Well- that was the case before his phone started to ring and vibrate from his pants pocket, startling them both.


Al-Haitham from the sudden noise.


And the mermaid by not knowing what the fuck the small device actually was- or how it even worked-


“It’s about time he called me to say where he was-“ Al-Haitham couldn’t help but mumble underneath his breath before answering the call, pretending not to notice the look of shock on the mermaids face as Kaveh examined what he was doing with the random device he just pulled out of his pocket.


“Hey, where did you go? You weren’t in the hallway waiting for-“


“I found another mermaid.” Cyno’s voice interrupted, stunning his friend silent and allowing him the chance to speak more.


“They were captured in this- weird- torturous net that just- it had like- a thin thread material instead of rope and- it just- gives me bad feelings about this whole thing. I mean- the mermaid was bleeding out on the shoreline and couldn’t get out! I’ve never seen a net like that before! How do you think-“


“I’m heading over now.” The Chef spoke bluntly before hanging up seconds later, turning swiftly on his heels to head the opposite direction towards Cyno’s house instead..


What was going on here..?












“Who the hell would put these rocks in here and how???” Ajax grunted as he used his now sore palms to lift up the rest of the nets, looking down over the dock to see if he could find anything off putting..


Damn- it was getting too dark already to see anything-



He sighed before going up to bring the last net up from the ocean, hoping that there would be at least a few good catches in this batch.


“One… two.. three..!!-“ he winced, clenching his teeth as he lifted the last weighted down net.


But… before he could get it up all the way to even see how many rocks this one had in it, a shine reflected off from the moon to a sudden clawed hand, outstretched from the water and gripping tightly onto the edge of the net.


What the fuck was that????-

He didn’t even have enough time to process who the hell must’ve been in the water before the net was yanked harshly the opposite direction, making him bite back a yelp as the sharp thread cut into his palms even more.


But he still didn’t let go..

And that was his mistake..

And it definitely was a fatal one…


Another sharp yank from the clawed hand had him tear up in pain slightly before he suddenly felt his balance slipping, and…


He fell over the edge of the ship…

Down into the painfully cold water below…


“What a curious little human~…”

The last thing that Childe felt, was the soft touch of claws against his cheek..

Chapter 10: Humans are so weird-


Tw: a bit of wounds and blood

Chapter Text

Childe’s body couldn’t help but thrash and spasm the moment he came in contact with the freezing cold water that soon surrounded his body completely, only making him panic and thrash more once his head was pulled under as well.


What was happening..?

Where was he being taken to…?

Was he.. really going to die here? Drowning due to being dragged down into the deepest depths of the ocean?


Would anyone else notice tonight that he would be gone?

No… they would.


And that was the thought that caused adrenaline to burst through his system, his hands grabbing onto whatever was dragging him down and dug his nails into whatever soft tissue he was closest to, hearing a soft gasp from the clawed creature who let go of him.


And that was the moment he stopped, panicked and still thrashing as he swam desperately back to the surface, gasping in precious air.


What the hell had grabbed him??

What was down here and how was it smart enough to know how to use the momentum of the net to yank him off the ship??


Stop thinking about that now.

His mind immediately snapped back into focus after the panic, grabbing a hold of a rope attached to the boat.


You need to get out of the water before the creature grabs you again.


Childe didn’t even notice how badly his wounds on his palm from the sharp net stung from the salt water of the sea, pulling himself up desperately using the rope.

Not even noticing the sound of the creature moving towards him again from the overwhelming sound of his helpless splashing and heavy pants.


Scrambling forward, Tartaglia used his adrenaline to pull himself back onto the dock, ignoring how he heard the scratching of claws against wood below him as the creature tried to grab him again.


He really had to quit his job-









“Cyno!” Al-Haitham called as he walked through the man’s door without the care for knocking, arms still holding the dripping mermaid gently while their red eyes flickered around at various items in the home.


Maybe he was confused or intrigued..


Al-Haitham was now somewhat interested to learn more about what he thought was a fairy tale creature..

How they lived.

What they ate.

Where they lived.


Did they live in groups like fish? Did they have their own pods?

Could they reproduce?

Oh he would so have to write a report about that later-


If they were even willing to give him such personal information about their lives-


Probably not- but one could hope-


When he got no answer from his friend though, he got a bit worried, shifting the mermaid’s weight around a bit in his arms which made them squirm before he started looking through the house.


“Cyno?? Where the hell are you??”


If he couldn’t find him soon then this mermaid in his arms would dry out! Shit!


The Chef groaned before finally perking up once he heard noise coming from the house’s bathroom, quickly heading over there and knocking on the door.


And try as he might- the knocking on the door sounded just as urgent as his thoughts made it out to be-


But to his relief, the door opened a few moments later to show Cyno whose eyes immediately widened in shock upon seeing the red scaled mermaid that was no doubt the one that his friend had been talking about.


“Is that the mermaid with red scales you were talking about?? Get in here!” He then moved to the side, holding open the door for Al-Haitham who did just that only to almost fall over as the mermaid in his arms suddenly thrashed the hardest they ever had.


“What the!-“

The man winced, looking at Kaveh and following his gaze, finally understanding what he was so desperate to get to.


“So that’s the other mermaid you talked about on the phone?”


“Yes, he was horribly caught in a net and I’ve been trying to see what would treat his wounds.”


The Chef nodded in acknowledgment before walking up to the bathtub, placing Kaveh down beside the green scaled mermaid who chirped insistently upon the other’s arrival.


He wondered if they had known each other from before their discovery…


Before he could even ask about that though, the two mermaids clung to each other, chirping rapidly as if chatting like old friends. Their tails coiling around each other to keep themselves from being split up, even if they wouldn’t be. 


It was pretty cute-


You know that it’s cute when Al-Haitham is smiling- 


“So, what are we going to do with these two? Just- set them back into the ocean together once the one you got heals up a bit?”


Cyno sighed at the question, honestly having no idea what to do from here.

“It might be risky, especially since they are probably being so heavily hunted. Then we have to consider the healing time and how exactly they heal best, fishes heal pretty fast but people? People can take six weeks to heal from these types of injuries and never be the same so…”


“We’ll have to play it by ear then.” Al-Haitham nodded before crouching down beside the tub, using a hand to absentmindedly stroke the red tailed mermaid's blonde hair, chuckling as they seemed to blush.


“It’ll be difficult hiding these guys though, and with them here you can’t really use your tub-“


Cyno waved the Chef’s words off, “it’s fine. I can just borrow yours.“





“What are these humans talking about??” the green mermaid chirped softly into his previous pod member's ear, gaining a confused chirp back.


“I don’t know, one minute I was captured in a tank, the next minute I saw you. Humans are weird.”


“So weird-“

Chapter 11: You found one??


Tw: a bit of blood and injuries

Chapter Text

Pantalone sighed, rolling his eyes which he then closed when he heard his phone start to ring insistently.

It had only been an hour or two after Ajax had gone off by himself to pull up the nets onto their ship.


Pantalone having told the young man that he should wait until one of them was available to aid him with the task.


That boy did get on his nerves sometimes.

But if Lady Tsaritsa truly trusted this man as her sword and personal weapon whenever she was in their presence, then he supposed that he would just have to deal with it.


Oh well.


The man’s black gloved hands found themselves fidgeting around with his collar, straightening it up to look more professional and neat before doing anything else.

He did wonder though why Tartaglia had been out so long, as it usually only took about fifteen minutes or so for the man.


So why was he out so late this time around..?

It was strange.


Maybe the boy needed some help? 

Though he had never asked for any before- so maybe it was best to just let him be.


At that thought, Pantalone shrugged to themselves, adjusting the rings over their gloves for a moment before continuing their previous task of counting the money that they had collected during this week of selling various Mermaid scales and fins they had collected thus far.


One thousand.


Two thousand.


Four thousand.


A pretty good chunk of cash so far but not nearly as much as if they were to catch a fully intact Mermaid.


Dear Archon, those things were hard to capture-

Their bodies slippery from their wet scales and almost slimy to the touch.


Not to mention the fact that they had some type of consciousness, their minds able to comprehend what the fishermen were trying to accomplish and slipping out of their traps almost every time.


It would be much easier if they were to find a younger one..

One that hadn’t learned the dangers of humans yet..



Though that would certainly only make the mermaids even more protective and cautious, which was not the ideal scenario that Pantalone had in mind..


If that were to happen, business for them in the future would only go downhill from there and that wasn’t allowed to happen.

Their way of business couldn’t just be derailed in mere moments just like that.


The Regrator wouldn’t allow it..











The man whose name was called jumped a bit in surprise, sighing exasperatedly as the sudden arrival of the ginger haired Harbinger had caused him to drop the bag of Mora coins he had been counting, therefore messing up his complete count of them.


Sure, he was a bit frustrated but he was not a person who would shout in rage though, only rolling his eyes with a slight glance over at Tartaglia.


Only for his eyes to open up and widen in surprise..


Though he tried to hide his small amount of concern in his voice, propping up his left elbow against the table he had just been sitting at moments ago just counting coins.

“My my Ajax, I know you often make an entrance whenever you come back from a mission but-“


“I found one.” Childe interrupted, clothes and hair soaking wet.

And that was the only thing he had to say for Pantalone to stand up.


“You found a whole mermaid..?”













“Alright- I think these antibacterial patches will stick to his wounds on his tail and help them heal, they say that they are waterproof but I’m not really sure they will stay for long if they are fully submerged underwater for full time.” Al-Haitham hummed, having just arrived back from the store and walked back into the bathroom with a bag in his hands, pulling out from it the various sizes and shapes of the patches so that they could find which one felt the most comfortable.


“It might not be the best thing for long term but it’s all we got for now.”


At his friend’s words, Cyno nodded in understanding, starting to unpack the various kinds of patches and medical supplies while the green tailed mermaid looked at him with interest, their tail flicking back and forth patiently if not anxiously.


God the mermaid's eyes were so cool looking-


“Human?” Kaveh, the blonde mermaid with crimson red scales spoke, interrupting both of the human’s thought processes.


“Yes?” The Chef inquired, crouching down and balancing on his toes next to the tub, giving his full attention to the mermaid.


And that honestly surprised Cyno-

He hadn’t seen his friend interact with anyone like this except for him before..


Huh- maybe this mermaid and him had already become friends-


It was kind of cute-

He had never seen his friend so.. animated.


“Here- let me-“ Cyno moved to gently move the green tailed mermaid closer, using a gentle hand to run over the smooth scales and wipe away any more dried blood while Al-Haitham talked with the other mermaid.


This seemingly caused him to quickly become distracted however, his brown eyes that held an orange hue becoming quite memorized by the sharp green and turquoise scales.


They were just so beautiful..

Definitely not like the ones sold out on the market..

The ones who are already stolen from their owner..


These ones were lively.. almost glowing as he, with permission of a simple nod, took the end of their tail into his hands, looking at the wounds left over from the sharp spikes of the net Tighnari had been trapped in.


It had left a good amount of damage, so he started carefully putting the bandages over the deepest of the wounds, apologizing every so often for when the mermaid would squeak in pain.


Tighnari’s claws tightening slightly on Kaveh’s arm as he winced.









It sure took a lot of time to bandage the wounds for the wounds, especially when the mermaid kept thrashing around a bit..


But… eventually every wound on the mermaid’s beautiful tail was covered with patches and bandages.


It felt so much better.. that Tighnari actually fell asleep after he was treated, the blonde mermaid staying by his side with their tails still coiled together as if to comfort him through his dreams.


The two humans smiling as they looked at the two beautiful creatures in the bathroom…

Not knowing that someone was already on their trail and ready to hunt..


Chapter 12: Take The Dive

Chapter Text

“What did you do to him??!? You humans! I knew that I shouldn’t have trusted you!- I!-“


Kaveh was furious and fearful, that was certain.

His eyes wide open as his crimson red pupils stared in shock as he saw the other fellow mermaid fall asleep, no doubt thinking that he had perhaps died due to the treatment.


But with a simple shake of a head from Al-Haitham, he seemed to settle down, glaring at them while heaving through the remains of his anger.


“What did you do to him then?? And what is this- skin you put on him??” The worried mermaid then made a move to grab at the patches practically covering half of his friends whole tail, but was quickly stopped by Al-Haitham before he had actually managed to pull one off.


The man responding to the mermaid’s attempt with a stern, “Quit that. Those are on his tail to help him.”


Of course though, Kaveh couldn’t believe such a thing, letting out an angry hiss whilst pressing his body closer to the other mermaid, claws at the ready just in case The Chef was going to just randomly attack him for some reason.


Did he really look like the type that just had the urge to go and actually attack a mermaid??

Honestly- they give him too much credit if they think that he could even care enough to try to kill them-


Though, he guessed that he could see where the mermaid was coming from.

They were captured against their will and put into a tank ready to be made into food or sold off again at a higher price only to be cut into little pieces.


It was reasonable to fear any and all interactions with humans after that, even if they were trying to help.

Hell, he would even say that it was logical.


“Alright.” Cyno spoke after a few moments, backing away from the bath tub with his hands raised in the air as a mock surrender, trying not to give any more reason for the once thought to be mythical creatures to stress out.


“Your friend is going to be okay, I just bandaged up his wounds. Do you know what that means?-“


“I am not a naive guppy.” Kaveh quickly interrupted, tail uncoiling from Tighnari’s to now whip back and forth in agitation, splashing water occasionally out of the tub and onto the tiled floor.

“You do not need to speak to me like one. Now what I want to know is why he passed out right after you “treated his wounds.” 


Another angry splash and Kaveh was almost about ready to tackle either Al-Haithsm or Cyno to the floor- a murderous rage in his eyes.


“You know nothing. About my kind do you?? Not what we eat, not how to treat our wounds, not how we even communicate! You don’t know anything!”


And after that outburst.. the two humans couldn’t help but be silent..


Because no.. they didn’t know..

And they couldn’t know..













“Stand straight before you dive. Not having correct posture will wear you down over time and cause issues.”


“Yes Father..”


Freminet quickly did as he was told, standing up as straight as he could, looking down into the ocean water from the boarding docks.


The boy then snapping back to attention as Arlecchino guided his arms up straight, making sure that each move he made was perfect.


Her stern demeanor and almost black eyes looking straight into his, maintaining his gaze.

This made him shiver, making his blue eyes avert away and land on the wooden boards of the dock, his facial expression turning cold.


“…am I ready to dive now, Father?”


Arlecchino simply hummed, watching Freminet momentarily jolt at the subtle noise that came from her throat.


It almost made her… sad..

And yet she didn’t know why.


“…yes, be sure not to land into the water flat. You could hurt yourself doing that and that wouldn’t be a good thing now would it?”


“No Father..” Freminet simply answered with a nod, straightening up his black body suit before returning his arms back into the position needed.


“Good.. be sure to not underestimate anything beneath the water. And if you find a mermaid, immediately come back here as soon as possible and report it back to me.”


Again, the boy nodded, before something unusual and unexpected occurred..


Father reached over and put a hand on his shoulder before giving it a light squeeze, as if to encourage him or maybe even.. reassure herself..


“Stay safe. If you feel like you are in any danger that you can not get out of, swim back immediately.”


Her tone was different from any of the previous interactions Freminet had ever had with her..

Sounding almost.. 



It was a particular reaction from her.

Definitely something rare.


Only ever heard around his older brother Lyney, who he had suspected was her favorite of the three of them since he showed potential in being her successor.


Freminet secretly hoped that Lyney wouldn’t go down that path..

He wouldn’t be able to stand seeing his brother react that coldly towards others..


But… that wasn’t his decision..


“Are you ready?” Arlecchino asked simply, her voice going back to its cold tone while she pulled up a couple of the nets from the dock, making it so that they were out of the boy’s way so that the boy wouldn’t accidentally get caught in them.


“Then, take the dive. And remember, be smart, and be careful.”

Chapter 13: A Tune..

Chapter Text

“What do you mean by ‘you found one?’” Pantalone asked the eleventh member, clasping his hands together before giving his full attention to the boy.


“And why are you soaking wet?? You’re ruining the wooden floors and carpet with your drenched clothes.” He groaned in exasperation, now sighing as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with a gloved hand.


“You can’t possibly get me to believe that a mermaid tried to drag you down into the water while you were in the boat, mermaids aren’t exactly known for climbing up and onto the docks of ships-“


“It did..! And I have proof!” Childe declared, though only gained a skeptical look from the older man in front of him who was probably fighting back on the impulses of kicking him out of the room to get his soaked clothes and boots off of the newly cleaned wooden floor.


Pantalone was known to be quite a bit of a neat freak when it came to it-

And the man definitely did not like stepping in random puddles of water only to walk away leaving wet footprints everywhere-


Now that was a bitch to deal with.

But, Pantalone supposed that he could ignore that for now.


Ajax would be cleaning his floors later- that was not an option-


And listen to what the boy had to stay, his body staying stiff but his face relaxed enough as to not show his inner irritation.


“So… you say that you have proof?”


At the change back to their previous topic, Childe nodded quickly, taking off his coat.


Which.. got even more water on the damn wooden floors-

God dammit Tartaglia-


The older man sighed, taking off his glasses for a moment to rub at his eyes before putting them back on and adjusting them.

Giving Childe his full attention..


Even though he was definitely not in the mood today-


At the given attention, Ajax quickly took advantage of it, while trying not to get water everywhere-


“Okay- so, I was in the boat. Pulling up the nets in preparation for going back to shore when suddenly, a hand- a um- a clawed hand grabbed one of the nets at the end and pulled it out of my hands-“


When the boy held out his hands to show for his efforts, Pantalone’s eyes widening slightly as a reaction.


As the boy's hands… they were all cut up and currently starting to bruise as to show evidence of getting cut up by the net material.


Dammit- Pantalone had told Dottore that those damned nets were much too dangerous to handle- 

Especially when pulling them up with the added weight of fish and potentially mermaids.



Now The Regrator was starting to believe this boy a lot more.


But there was still one question he wanted to ask..

“Did you capture it? The mermaid? Or did it get away from you?”


And that question was the one that made Childe’s heart sink to the pits of his stomach, his eyes averting themselves to the floor. His legs practically trembling because of his soaked through clothes but also because of the crushing weight of Pantalone’s sharp gaze on him.


Everyone knows that when Pantalone’s eyes are open, that man meant business-


It wasn’t a rare sight by any means-

But that look Pantalone gave Tartaglia was one that he could dare to say that could even make Doctor Dottore shake in his boots-


And that man was too mentally unstable to be scared by anything-


“I- wasn’t able to catch it. It sabotaged the nets by filling them completely with rocks and when I pulled up one of the nets, it grabbed ahold of it and pulled me down with it.”


Now that was even more surprising to Pantalone who looked over Childe for any more marks that were evidence of a struggle.


These things really are more intelligent than they gave them credit for..














Eventually, both of the humans fell asleep, Cyno in his respective bed and Al-Haitham on the couch-


The man seeming to not want to leave Cyno’s place after dropping off the mermaid who, still was acting quite moody after their small outburst.


Did humans really not know anything about these creatures?


Sure, he hadn’t because his life had always been filled by something.

First school, then… the death of his grandmother.. and then worries about money.


But had no one really cared enough to figure out just how these creatures acted?


That was honestly surprising.. 

but oh well, he couldn’t think about that now..

He should be sleeping-

He knew that.


But it didn’t seem possible at this moment in time, whether it be because he gozzled down a whole pot of coffee this morning-


Or it was because he was still anxious and stressed out about what had happened today.


Either way, he was awake, and NOT happy about it-


He couldn’t help but groan, sitting up from the couch before sluggishly standing.

He was so done with everything at this point!-


He was about to just lay back down on the couch and stay there until something happened-


Well… that was the plan until he heard something..

A soft tune..

A gentle, almost silent whisper.


It was coming from the bathroom..


Could it possibly be something that the mermaids were singing..?


“Palaces of silver and gold cannot be designed overnight~….”

Al-Haitham couldn’t help but creep closer to the bathroom door, pressing the side of his head to it..


“It’s like the saying I've often been told~! No matter the cost, do things right..”


It sounded like… what you would imagine the voice a Siren would possess..


And Oh…

Oh it was so beautiful..

Chapter 14: An Answer..


Tw: references to being butchered-

Chapter Text

The mermaids singing was so.. hypnotizing so- beautiful..

He had never known of the sweet songs of these mythical creatures..


Hell, all he knew of them was from fairy tales that told of them simply being a person with a fish tail.

And of course, that they were NOT real.


And that was definitely a lie now that he was able to see two in real life.

At the exact same time.


He was tempted to go in there, see the mermaid while they sang their beautiful song.

But of course, he didn’t want to bother them.


Besides, if he did then there was no way of knowing if they were going to attempt to attack him out of fear of surprise.


He would definitely look like a creep peeking into the bathroom like that through a crack in the door-


But.. he felt almost.. drawn to it.


That was weird.. wasn’t it?

He hadn’t known this mermaid for even two archon forsaken days- 

And yet.. he felt.. different around them.


He wondered if it was the overwhelming feeling of their magic that was throwing him for a loop.

They had to have magic right?-


It wouldn’t make sense for such an intelligent and beautiful creature that looked like they just came out of a story book not have some, right???


Okay Al-Haitham- what the hell are you doing?

You have been standing at the bathroom door listening to one of the mermaids singing for at least a good solid five minutes now-


Get a grip.

Go back to the couch and sleep.


He took one deep breather before doing just that, laying back on the couch annddddd-


Did everything, but sleep-

Damn that pot of coffee-


An exhausted groan was the only thing that he was able to let out of his lips to avoid him from swearing loud enough for Cyno to hear him.

This was not a good night.


Another sigh, and the man was up once again.


His hopefully not too loud footsteps going back to the bathroom door, not even knowing why his half conscious body lead him back to where the mermaids now temporarily (hopefully-) resided.


The singing having stopped by now and replaced it with a tranquil silence.

Which would have been perfect.

If he had been planning on sleeping.


But now, with that idea out of the window-

He took a deep breath before knocking on the door, the singing inside immediately going silent.


Oh shit-

Was he not supposed to be hearing anything?-

Deep breath Al-Haitham- Deep breath-


If one of mermaids asks a question like:

“What do you want?”




“What is it??”


Just answer their question calmly without freaking out- and go from there-



Why are you so nervous right now??


After his knock, everything seemed to fall silent.. that was until one of the mermaids inside the bathroom spoke, The Chef recognizing the voice being that who belonged to the red tailed mermaid.


The one who he had saved from being butchered in his own kitchen.


“Who is it?” They asked, they asked in a quiet almost inaudible voice compared to the one they used while arguing with him.


He wondered if that was because he had spooked them somewhat..


But he still answered.

“It’s Al-Haitham. The one who-“


“The Chef?” Their soft voice interrupted, surprising the human a bit and taking him off guard.


“Yes. Can I come in?”

Now at that question, the mermaid seemed to hesitate. A moment of silence hanging over the air until finally, with a very quiet sound of water splashing, the mermaid spoke once more.


“If you must..” though it sounded like they weren’t very excited to have him come into the bathroom.


Which- he honestly understood.

They were probably overwhelmed with being in a new place after all, especially in just a cramped bathtub with another mermaid beside them.


Al-Haitham still wondered if the two knew each other before they were captured, had they been friends during their time in the actual ocean?


Enough questions though, he thought as he opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible to see that yes, it had been the red tailed mermaid that had answered him before.


Their matching pair of crimson eyes flickering over to his own, tail still partially coiled around the other one of their kind who was surprisingly still asleep through all of this.


They must’ve been really exhausted from the pain they had gone through today..


“So.. how are you two doing?” He asked awkwardly, and god only knows how terrible he was at making small talk-


The human knew that just by how the mermaids face changed to give him a look that very clearly said ‘you can’t be serious right now-‘

That beautiful red tail moving to splash him with water, solidifying his previous thoughts of them being perhaps angry with him.


And yes, they did succeed in soaking the front of his shirt with water-

And he absolutely despised the feeling of his wet clothes touching his skin-

But- to be honest he had expected it.


So instead of retaliating and perhaps yelling at them, he simply sat down on the bathroom floor tile, next to the tub to give the mermaid his full attention..


His orange and yellow pupils simply looking into their eyes.

“I know that I may not understand your kind. You said that much before when you got emotional.”


“You call that emotional??-“


“I meant.. agitated.” Al-Haitham reiterated, knowing that he had driven many people away from him with his often very blunt statements.


You really have to work on that-


His hands couldn’t seem to help but move as he spoke, trying his best to convey an emotional understanding that he was never able to fully convey with physical words.


“I… want to learn.” That simple sentence alone seemed to surprise the mermaid, looking at him as if he was a mad man.


Which he wasn’t- thank you-

At least not in his opinion.


“And… the first thing I would like to learn from you is.. your name..”


Sure, to a human giving out your name to another human is considered normal, ordinary..

But to mermaid.. giving out their name and family name was… practically a right of passage.


After all.. would you just give out your name to someone who would potentially hurt you?


You wouldn’t..


And yet even though Kaveh had only known this man for a day- not even that-

He felt… compelled..

Maybe it was the sincerity the man showed?

Maybe it was just pure ignorance.


And yet..


“Kaveh… my name.. is Kaveh.”


He answered.

Chapter 15: A Yellow Fin..

Chapter Text




Al-Haitham wasn’t sure what kind of name he had been expecting but it certainly wasn’t that.


He was expecting something more… fish related he supposed.

Certainly not just-… Kaveh-

But not that he was complaining.


Kaveh was a name that was easy to remember, and could roll off your tongue with little to no effort.


Though he still didn’t know what he had been expecting.


“Kaveh. Did I say that correctly? Is there another pronunciation that your kind uses or-“


“No. You said it correctly I suppose.” Kaveh shrugged, shifting slightly which caused the tub of water he was laying in to splash and shift from each movement.


“So, why are you in here without your little companion?” Was honestly the one question that the Chef hadn’t been expecting, knowing that after his answer they would probably ask why he was awake in the first place.


And he honestly would have no answer for that.


Because he didn’t even know if the mermaid would see that as an opportunity to try something.

He didn’t know what-

But the mermaid might!


“He is still sleeping.” But he still answered for some odd reason..

The human didn’t know why though.


“Oh? Are you humans not nocturnal?”


“No.” The Chef answered, his interest piquing at that specific question.

“Are you? I mean- is your kind? And if you are, what specific purpose does that serve?- are the things you hunt usually only up during that timeframe or-”


“Usually during the night-“ Kaveh interrupted, leaning forward with his elbows on the edge of the tub, resting his head in his hands.

“All our prey is asleep and vulnerable, slow to move even if they wake up.”


Al-Haitham nodded, he would definitely have to write that down for future reference..

He wondered if there was anyone in the past who had ever written a detailed report and had ever even had close contact with a mermaid.


Or was all of it just guesses and fairy tales..?


He couldn’t help it but to look back at the mermaid with… would you call it admiration or… was it something else..?


With his beautiful blonde hair cascading down his back..

His red scales practically glittering in the reflection of the bathroom light up ahead, his matching pair of ruby eyes staring at the Chef with an almost curious glint.


“A Chef.. that is what that gray haired man called you, what is that? What does that mean for you humans?”


And that only made Al-Haitham more confused-

The first question in his mind surprisingly being who the mermaid was even talking about.


The gray haired man..?

Who was the last gray haired man that spoke to him-


He thought for a little while before finally starting to let out a rare chuckle.

“You mean my boss?”


“A boss?” The mermaid’s head tilted, head still resting against their hands.

“What is a boss and what do they do? He sounded mean. And you didn’t like listening to him. Was he always rude? Or are you the rude one? I can see it going both ways, you have a rude face-“


“Excuse me?-“

Al-Haitham scoffed softly, before hearing the mermaid starting to chirp loudly as if snickering at him.


Oh that little-


He couldn’t help himself from laughing as well though, feeling the happiest he had in awhile..

It had been awhile since he felt that warmth in his heart..

He never realized quite how much he had missed it..


With a smile, Al-Haitham sighed, resting his elbow against the kitchen counter..










“So this is where you saw the creature?” Pantalone asked, pointing to the ocean right around where Ajax had been pulling up the nets the night before, having gone out shipping with the other member in the morning just to see if they could tell what had caused such odd patterns. Only earning a nod from the boy.


After that nod, Pantalone hummed before pulling up another one of the nets that Childe hadn’t been in charge of, grunting in the effort of just pulling up what should’ve been one of the smaller nets.


But this one was almost just as heavy as the ones Childe had described picking up!

How the hell had the mermaid tampered with the ones that had only been on the ship for a few minutes???

Was it here with them???

Was it on the bottom of the damn ship?!


When he finally managed to pull it all the way up, it was all the same thing..


And he now also had matching wounds from the net material cutting into his palms.


Damn that hurt!


He raced quickly to look off the edge of the wooden boat, the familiar sight of blue water greeting him as he looked down, but that image soon vanished as a dark shape moved through the water’s surface..


A sharp yellow fin parting through the waters and casting the tides aside..


And the two fishermen didn’t know why then..

But they knew that just by the way the atmosphere changed..

That there was something much more dangerous in these waters that they certainly weren’t going to be able to handle…

Chapter 16: Uh oh…

Chapter Text

The next thing Pantalone knew, was that sharp claws started ripping through the bottom of the boat, tearing through the wood and metal as if it was simple paper mâché..


And that was what made it even more terrifying.. that, and the sheer size of the claws used to create the damage..


“That’s it!! That’s the one that attacked the ship when I was pulling up the nets!!” Childe yelped in surprise, only falling down moments later as the ship rocked backwards violently while the claws moved to start climbing..


The creature, looking up at them from the waters below, finally poked their head out, horns decorating their temples while sharp teeth made an appearance in their mouth.


They weren’t human..

And yet they didn’t even seem to be fully mermaid either..

They were something else..

Something that could destroy them, destroy all humanity if it truly wanted..

But maybe also something that could help it..


If it wasn’t trying to kill them-


Another clawed hand clung onto the ship, making it shake once more and disturbing the fish in the water underneath them, the two humans gripping onto the edge of the deck for dear life as the ship threatened to capsize.


How was one small mermaid this fucking strong????

Weren’t they only about the size of humans????!

How could they hold this much strengAAAAA!!-


Pantalone shouted in surprise as the mermaids body slammed against the boat, rocking the boat strongly towards them and throwing Pantalone over the side, the man just barely having enough time to grab the edge of the ship again.




Instantly adrenaline shot through the man’s system, arms shaking as they threatened to let go of his weight but by some miracle his hands stayed clenched around the edge of the deck.


“Tart-“ he gasped breathlessly, pulling himself up to lay halfway back over the dock with his legs still hanging down towards the cold water below.


Before suddenly he felt something grabbing his ankle, making him shout in surprise once more as his grip tightened desperately to the deck’s wooden railing.




At that final shout, Childe was finally able to run across the Deck towards Pantalone, almost falling down several times from the ship continuously rocking back and forth from the creature below.


Eventually though, Childe reached the man, grabbing one of his hands and yanking back the hardest he could, which was pretty damn hard-

Slamming them both into the small staircase that leads up to the forecastle deck.


But before either of them could ask if the other man was alright, a loud noise of snapping wood sounded out.


And they both seemed to know what that meant…






That monster was climbing onboard..

And neither of them knew or even wanted to know what it was going to do.

Nor what it even wanted.














The sight of Al-Haitham smiling was a rarity in that of itself..

But the sight of him smiling at someone was never seen before, not even by Cyno.

That was new, and yet Kaveh didn’t seem to even pay it any mind, after all, he had only seen this human on and off for about a day and a half, so how could he know??


But here they were now, the Chef smiling as he chuckled.


But then, Kaveh’s stomach growled.

It growled LOUDLY-


How embarrassing-

Kaveh gulped before blushing just a tad bit, covering his stomach with his arms while Al-Haitham quickly stood up straight again.


“You need any food?”

The Chef asked, tone not even slightly questioning even if it was technically a question.


And Kaveh could only sigh, letting out a rather irritated chirp.

“Maybe-“ he went to answer but quickly changed it once the Chef raised an eyebrow at him, coercing him to tell the truth.

“Fine-“ Kaveh sighed with a swish of his tail, accidentally spraying more water onto the bathroom tiles.

“Yes, I am quite hungry. But I can wait. It’s still dark outside isn’t it?”


“It is.” Al-Haitham agreed, “but I could still find you something to eat. You guys eat fish or-“


Kaveh suddenly laughed, even snorting a bit while Al-Haitham could only stand there in utter confusion as his mind tried its best to process such an unusual reaction.


“Is something I said funny?-“


At his confusion, Kaveh only seemed to laugh harder, loud enough for his fellow mermaid to stir from his slumber as well, looking confused before snuggling back into Kaveh’s chest with a soft smile. His ears folding down as if attempting to block out any other noises that might come from the two talking.


This only confused the poor human more, who was now standing up straight while leaning back against the bathroom counter.


“I’m just going to guess that maybe you guys don’t eat fish…? I mean- I get it if they’re like- your pets or something-“


If they were, he would definitely have to write that down somewhere-


“No no! Just don’t mention eating fish around Tighnari here.” Kaveh quickly reassured while pointing to the mermaid who was currently resting on his chest, making Al-Haitham even more confused.


Oh, so that one's name is Tighnari.. he would have to remember that and tell Cyno about this..


“So he can’t eat fish?”


“His species of Mermaid is strictly vegetarian.”



That could’ve been bad-


At the way Al-Haitham visibly cringed at those words, Kaveh only started laughing again.


And he couldn’t help but feel a little bit embarrassed-













Freminet took deep and leveled breaths as he swam deeper beneath the surface of the water..

Watching as the air bubbles let out from his scuba mask drifted up to the surface, giving him a good sense of direction.


That was one of the first things Father taught him..

If he were to ever somehow get spun around and flipped, unable to move, look up and let out an air bubble to see which way is up.


Because sometimes the water was so dark that you wouldn’t even be able to see the sun’s reflection.. 


Get back onto the mission.


Another deep breath and he started swimming again, smiling softly as he saw all the various ocean life and colorful coral.


He needed to catch fish, that was what Father had asked of him and he would not fail this mission.

He couldn’t fail this mission..


So, he got out his small hand held spear, trying his best to capture as many fish as he could.


But… he couldn’t know how far he had truly swam in..

Not before he found himself suddenly in a dark cave, his eyes widening as he looked around in the darkness..


And who owns this cave?

Well that would be Wriothesley..

The one mermaid who vowed to keep his kind safe from passerby’s who might cause harm to the ecosystem and people in it..


And he, was certainly not pleased by the intrusion of a human in his territory..

Chapter 17: Be hoppy!

Chapter Text

“…a human.. down here?” The mermaid hummed, seemingly confused and frankly surprised by Freminet’s sudden appearance, the boy’s face turning pale as he faced what could just be what would kill him down here.


The boy not being able to even swim back a few feet before a sharp rock was pointed at his gut.. the gray eyes of the mermaid staring back at him as if he was nothing more than a helpless sardine.


Freminet wondered if the man could only see him for what he was, as those gray eyes seemed heavily clouded, a scar running right across them and the bridge of their nose.


The human could only guess that it had been from a very old injury, years before him..

He also wondered if he was in this mermaid’s home..

Though for some reason he highly doubted that option.


“I- um, hi?”


Great job- surely the mermaid won’t slaughter you if you just said hi to it-


Father raised you better than this.

Are you really going to stand being that weak in your fathers image??



“What is your reason for being down here?” The mermaid spoke, directing the topic quickly as the creature's arms crossed.


A particular sternness hardened their gaze..


They truly did not seem particularly pleased with his appearance down here.

And the human couldn’t even blame them for thinking that really.

A random person showing up out of the blue to where you reside one day with a spear coated with blood, staring at you, yeah- he would be pretty freaked out too.


So- he tried his hardest to speak clearly, without stuttering and making a complete fool out of himself.


“I got lost-“ was the first excuse he could come up with, his heart pounding relentlessly in his chest against his ribcage while he watched the creature swim closer, their clawed hand grabbing a pair of metal gloves that glowed even in the darkness of the water.


Were they about to fight him???


Freminet moved back quickly, hands and arms raised to show an attempt of surrender, dropping the spear to the ground immediately and watching as it fell to the sandy ocean floor..


Meanwhile the mermaid just got closer and closer to him..

Almost in arms length before suddenly-


“Wriothesley?” A new voice joined the encounter from outside of the cave, a polite soft knock being the only sound Freminet could pay attention to.


And just that seemed to be enough to snap the other mermaid out of it as they hurriedly removed the gloves they had put on.


“Oh! I’ll be right there, Monsieur Neuvillette.”













The next moment Tighnari awoke, his eyes winced from the sharpness of the lights above him, reflecting into eyes that were simply not made for witnessing such light.

But… he felt better..


Which wasn’t really that hard considering last night he was writhing in pain- 

But it was the thought that counts.


Were those humans really the ones who had helped him?


What were these white patches they put all over his tail? It reminded him of the white patches mermaids would get from Ich.


And yes, it was called simply that.

He had treated many mermaids before him that had such splotches of white across their usually shiny and pigmented scales.


But these couldn’t be from that disease.

He hadn’t been near anyone who had it recently, and unless it was caused by immense amounts of stress, then he didn’t know how he could have even gotten such a disease.


That made him curious..

So curious that he reached down with a hesitant clawed hand and picked at it.


Only to be then interrupted by the white haired human busting into the room-

And yes, they tried their hardest not to jump-


It didn’t work.


That was proven when, despite wanting to act calm, they made a startled squeak noise that was loud enough to wake Kaveh back up, both of them now alert and anticipating an attack of some kind before Kaveh realized that there was truly nothing wrong.


“What’s wrong? I don’t see anything dangerous.”


And with Kaveh’s confused expression and Tighnari’s face turning bright red from embarrassment, Cyno chuckled softly.


Trying to keep his amusement to himself but it didn’t really work out-


And to Tighnari’s ever more growing embarrassment, Cyno finally seemed to notice his long ears-

The human’s face growing a rather sly grin.

Or was that just mischief?


You could never tell with these confusing creatures known as humans-


Spoiler alert, it was definitely the latter.


The human moving closer as if to simply admire the two mysterious creatures from afar.

Almost nervously..


That nervousness was kind of cute-

What are you thinking??-


“So- would you like some carrots for breakfast?”


Now at the question given to him, Tighnari was certainly confused. Tail splashing lightly against the water in effort to not get anymore water out of the tub and onto the floor.


He didn’t want to make a mess after all, that would be a shame.


“Um, not particularly. Why might you ask?”


And oh dear-

That mischievous smile on the humans face only seemed to widen-

Did he say something wrong-

He sensed that he did.


“You know. Since bunnies like carrots, wouldn’t sea bunnies like the same?”


Oh my sea archons what the hell-


At the loud groan that unconsciously came from Tighnari’s mouth, Cyno’s giggles filled the bathroom.


“What? Don’t be mad, be hoppy!-“


The groans only increased that morning-

Chapter 18: I didn’t expect you

Chapter Text

Be… hoppy..?

Be hoppy..?

What in god's name did that even mean??

He wasn’t a land creature.


He couldn’t hop or jump unless the human meant diving into water like a dolphin.


Yeah, he didn’t get it.

But by Kaveh’s amused expression right next to him, he knew that he probably was supposed to understand it-


But- eh-

All he could do was look blankly at the human as they giggled, putting his elbows up on the edge of the tub before resting his head on top of his hands.


“What do you mean by that, human?” Tighnari asked with a curious trill in his voice, tail lightly splashing water from underneath him and helping it circulate through his gills on the sides of his ribcage.


But just as the human cleared his throat in preparation to even begin to explain such odd words, the other gray haired human came into the kitchen again, this time with another shopping bag.


Tighnari had to hold back a gag just from the smell of meat that was emitting from the bag, though he was curious to see what all was contained inside the plastic.


Even if plastic was a very wasteful product and detrimental for the corals and fish of the ocean.


He supposed that he could forgive such waste this time since it was for him and his companions' benefit.

They wouldn’t want to starve now, would they?


“Oh hey Al-Haitham! Back already?” Cyno smiled, interrupting the mermaid's thoughts and made the two mermaids watch as the white haired man wrapped an arm over the Chef’s shoulders in a warm side hug.


And unlike most of the other times, The Chef allowed such touch, not leaning into it or returning it but accepting it nonetheless with a very slight smile and nod of acknowledgment.


“Yes. It seems that the only shops open today were the convenience ones though, so it may not be as fresh as I would like.” He said while looking over to the two mermaids before crouching down to the tubs level, cringing a bit inside as the knees of his pants got soaked from the water that had managed to splash over the sides but oh well.


It was pretty cute how the mermaid's eyes immediately locked onto him like hungry puppies just waiting for food from an owner-

Their eyes even dilating as his hands went into the bag to pull out the food he had gotten for them.


A packaged steak along with shrimp and salmon for Kaveh.


And some lettuce with some seaweed he found near the ocean shore for- what was the other one’s name again?-

Oh right, Tighnari.

He hoped that he wouldn’t forget that-


At the sight of the food options, happy trills filled the room, needy clawed hands grabbing at the items as they began to eat.


Making an absolute mess in the bathtub but- oh well, it can always be recleaned.


He was actually starting to like the idea of getting closer to these mermaids..














Childe couldn’t help but grab onto Pantalone almost as if he was a child clinging onto the nearest adult that could hold him.

Isn’t that just pathetic..?


He thought it was.

His hand gripping the dagger that was on his belt so hard that his hand shook.


If this thing wanted a fight, that was the only thing he had on him at this very moment.

And that was even more pathetic.


He should have been prepared for something like this to happen, especially in this line of work, but this had supposed to have been a quick check over the nets for Pantalone to see what he had been talking about.


Not get full on being attacked by someone- no, something else that was clearly strong.


The things claws just now gripping harshly onto the Dock, scratching the surface of the wood and leaving clear marks behind.


This wasn’t a normal mermaid that they all had faced before.

Normal mermaids couldn’t just almost capsize a whole ass ship with a simple slam of their body against the edge of it!!-


So what the hell was this thing!?

And what did it want so badly that it was climbing onto a ship for??


“Get back!” Ajax tried to order, sharpening his tone even as the mermaid now looked at him with brown eyes that seemed to glow somewhat yellow..

Its hair a long brown that draped over his shoulders and back loosely while scales covered its body in patches, mostly on its chest and arms.


And of course, a long tail that even rivaled the sizes of small sharks, whipping around almost agitatedly as if to gather momentum to eventually lift themselves up fully into the ship.


Which they accomplished shortly after-


“Should I try to radio the Doctor??” Childe asked in a hushed tone to the one whose face paled a bit.


“No. Not him, get the Knave.” Pantalone answered, his smile forever gone from his face for now before suddenly the ship rocked forward once more, both of the crew members yelping in surprise as they just barely managed to grab onto a stable piece of railing.


The mermaid humming as their eyes stared coldly at the humans in front of them..


Before suddenly, the creature spoke with a soft smile.

The ship moving back down into a stable position.


“Ah, I was expecting more hostile opponents. Well then, I just wanted to speak with you about not fishing out here anymore. If you are not currently busy.”


Through the two men’s heavy panting, the humans gave a look of very obvious confusion to the mermaid.



Chapter 19: Oh Dear-


Tw: blood and killing mention

Chapter Text





Tartaglia gulped as he raised the small dagger that he had attached to his belt at the creature who looked at him with a simple look of…understanding..?


“I know, I know that you mortals are scared of us.” The mermaid- no.. this was a different thing- the creature spoke, its tail nonchalantly thumping against the bottom wooden boards of the Deck in thought of his next words.


“It is only part of your nature after all, a bit of a shame though-“


“S-stop talking about that all nonchalantly!” Childe growled through clenched teeth, interrupting as he stood up now and put Pantalone behind him even if he was the younger one of the two.


“Instead tell me why you attacked me and just now tried to kill us!”


At that, the mermaid simply hummed, not even acknowledging the fact that a rather sharp blade was pointed towards them, and instead came even closer, his sharp eyes quickly noticing how the blade trembled the slightest bit with each one of his movements.


The boy didn’t want to kill him, or.. were they just in too much shock to process how dangerous he might be?


That was a good question..

And he certainly would enjoy getting an answer to it.

Did humans truly have mercy for his species?

Or were they just trying to get him away because they saw him as “dangerous?”


That was a good question..


“It’s simple.” The mermaid hummed, flopping his tail fully out in front of him to keep balance.

“You hunters have been hurting and killing my people, as well as the creatures in this ecosystem. And that to me is utter ignorance.”


“Why would we stop just by you asking?? You almost knocked the boat over for Archon’s sake!”

Pantalone finally snapped after regaining his composure, now moving to stand beside Tartaglia.


“If you ask me, that’s even more of a reason for why we should be hunting your species. Can they all use such power like you? Or are you just special??”


At those nasty words though, the mermaid- no… the God could only start to laugh…


“Such ignorant words.. Well I suppose I can forgive you for them somewhat. It is a rather strange thing to have powers even if your species usually does not possess such abilities..”


Suddenly the air seemed to grow colder, drawing a chill from even Pantalone’s spine which caused the man to take a step back.


The clack of his boot heel being followed up with only silence from Zhongli..

His partner beside him seeming to breathe heavier under the weight that suddenly surrounded them.


Was it coming from this creature?? How could one simple creature cause the air to grow so heavy that they had to catch their breaths??




“Like I said.. I can forgive a lot about what you two have done here to kill my people..” the mermaid spoke again, but with a much more noticeable edge to his voice this time..

“What I cannot forgive, is you Pantalone.” 




Pantalone was about to speak. To retort. To ask why he was not worthy of forgiveness.

He hadn’t done anything.

Only worse thing he did was kill some mermaids to make a profit. That’s nothing compared to other murderers and-


“For manipulating this boy to join you into such crimes..” 


Just like that, the question was answered, only for a second later, Childe’s ankle was grabbed tightly by a clawed hand, and with incredible strength yanked him back and slamming him to the ground..


Attempting to drag him off the Dock of the Ship, and into the cold, icy waters below..


“Pantalone..!!” The young man shouted, hand outstretched as he kicked and thrashed, all while the Black haired Harbinger stood there… Frozen in place..
















Monsieur Neuvillette..?

Who could that possibly be…?


Freminet gulped as the only thing the teen could think about doing was staying in place, stiff as a board until either the two mermaids left together or, the worst option of the two, he would be discovered by yet another mermaid who might just kill him if they found him to be a threat.


Come on Freminet think!!

What would Father say to do in these situations???

Right.. right.

Stay calm, breathe evenly in and out.


Reserve your oxygen tank..

That keeps you alive down here and is the most important thing.



Hide, or fight if there’s nowhere to-


“Who is this?” 


Freminet couldn’t help but almost leap four feet up as he heard a new voice from behind him.

Was this who was Neuvillette??

Was he safe…?


The boy could only gulp as he turned around on his heels to fully see the blue tailed mermaid who had the same shining glittering scales falling along their cheekbones, defining them even more.


It was embarrassing that he almost squeaked in surprise at his sudden appearance.

Pull yourself together.


“A human. I don’t know why or how they came here honestly, but they are holding a bag of dead fish that they had skewered alive. I request staying away from him until I have the situation corrected..”


Freminet gulped again, trying to speak without sending too much of a red signal to himself as well as keeping his breathing to a calm minimum.


“I-I was just on a mission to get some fish. That’s all, really, I can get going now, um goodbye-“


Come on!!- you can lie better than that, can't you??

What is the matter with y-


The human boy almost let out a shriek as he was suddenly grabbed roughly from behind, his small bony wrist clenched in the claws of the black tailed mermaid who gave him a stern look.


“I want you to answer some questions before you go… If you don’t mind..”


Oh dear-

Chapter 20: Where is he?


Tw: fear and thoughts of death

Chapter Text

“What.. kind of questions would you like me to answer..?”


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!-

You really shouldn’t have asked Father to put you in more dangerous missions to prove yourself worthy of Father’s praises-


Why did he have to have the need for love from someone who probably only wants to make them part of the Fatui..??


This is why you don’t just randomly follow fish into a cave, Freminet!!-


“Well first…” the black tailed mermaid spoke, seemingly deep in thought with a sharp talon to their chin.

“I want to know where you came from.”


Where I… came from..?

Why would they specifically want to know that??


The teen gulped before nodding quickly.


He could just lie-

And pray that he wouldn’t be caught.

He could just lie and everything would be fine-

Father wouldn’t be disappointed, and his siblings wouldn’t be in the line of danger if this mermaid had any ulterior motives.

It was going to be fine.


So, he cleared his throat softly, trying his best to look as non threatening as possible.

Even bending his knees slightly to appear a little smaller.


Even though he was pretty short already-

Lyney had made sure to joke about that a few times but, would always follow it up with a compliment like:


“It makes you able to make less noise during important missions!”




“It makes you less likely to be noticed by the enemy if we were to be attacked!”


But that latter definitely did not seem to apply here-

Dammit Freminet!-


“Umm..” he stammered, laughing awkwardly as the stern mermaid’s eyebrow raised, their arms staying crossed over their chest.


Stay polite.


“May I ask why you are asking such personal questions..?”


Great job Freminet- how long did it take you to come up with that one?

God, he could imagine Father rolling her eyes at his ignorance-


The Mermaid opening their mouth to respond before suddenly being curiously interrupted by the blue tailed Mermaid next to them, their voice quite cold but… kind.

He could tell all that just by a small click the Mermaid made with their tongue to halt the dark Mermaid’s questions.


If you could believe it-

Freminet certainly couldn’t-


The teen almost had enough time to think about bolting it-

But of course, just when the idea came to mind the blue tailed Mermaid cleared his throat.


And Freminet tried so damn hard to not think about the sharp teeth lining the Creature’s mouth..

Not to mention the claws that seemed to be almost three inches long and pointed..


Heavily pointed, may the teen add.

He had no doubt that the creature could flay him without a second’s notice and leave him to die without his siblings or Father ever knowing what had happened..


But the true question was, would these creatures really be that cruel..?

He didn’t quite know why.. but… he doubted it.


“We just wanted to make sure that you would have a safe travel back to your human village.”

The one known as Neuvillette didn’t seem to smile or show any real emotion but, for some reason the teen could sense that this Mermaid was trying to be kind to him, which honestly surprised Freminet who was certainly still confused.


So… they weren’t going to kill me for killing fish around their area?

And… they still believe that humans live in villages together..?


Well technically that could be true for lots of people on earth still, he certainly wouldn’t count where the orphanage was a village.


More like… a town.


“O-oh! Um, no thank you.” He said with a rather awkward smile, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

“I can head back home on my own, thanks for your concern though, I-“


“And your purpose for getting all those fish?” 


Freminet was of course interrupted again by the stern looking mermaid, who earned a momentary glance from their apparent friend.

The blue scaled Mermaid seemed to try and calm the dark tailed mermaid down a bit by coiling the bottom of their tails together.


Could that be their version of holding hands?-

That was… kind of cute-


The simple action seemed to work, the dark tailed Mermaid sighing before offering a sharp toothed smile.

“I suppose that I have been on edge for.. what all has been happening here. Do you know anything about it?”


Oh no-

They were talking about the growing disappearances of Mermaids weren’t they-

Oh shit-


“I- um-“ Freminet’s voice went quiet. So quiet that the Mermaids heads tilted slightly in an attempt to hear anything said.


Freminet was not good at lying, he knew that-

So… he would have to tell the truth.. wouldn’t he..?
















The Knave’s sharp tipped fingers tapped lightly against the railing of the Orphanage’s second floor overhang, looking forward toward the front door, almost impatiently..


It had been two hours since she had sent Freminet out on that mission.

And he should’ve been back by now with time to spare..


But… he wasn’t..

And she didn’t quite know or even understand why she felt so tense.


It was a feeling that had clawed its way into her heart for what felt like years now..


Years since these children had been put into her watch.

Years since she had killed that disgusting man who had dared to look at little girls like prey and saved who she now knew as Lynette.


She despised men like that..

And they only seemed to get more and more common as the days passed.


She should know..

You never do get quite accustomed to blood being on your hands..


At that thought, her continuous tapping against the wooden railing ceased, visibly almost perking up as she heard the front door open, but instead of Freminet being the one coming through, it was Tartaglia and Pantalone..


Curiously drenched head to toe in water..

Chapter 21: Am I Going To Die Here?


Tw: near death, fear of death

Chapter Text

Arlecchino raised an eyebrow at the two men who had just walked into the Orphanage while dragging their soaked boots on the floor, almost looking like ashamed puppies who got caught doing something that they weren’t supposed to-


Her heels clacking mercilessly on the floor as she moved to stand right in front of the two who rather abruptly ended her worrying.

Her dark eyes scanning the two pathetic looking men, not even being able to take pleasure in noticing that the young adult- was his name Tartaglia?- shivered slightly under her gaze.


“What happened to have you two soaking wet and dragging mud behind you like disobedient pets?” She practically hissed, mostly at Pantalone who only offered his usual cold smile with shut eyes.


But was that a slight falter in his lips that she noticed..?

How curious..


“We simply slipped while cleaning up the ship's dock, soapy water does that to you.” And despite Arlecchino’s observation, the man answered without a single stumble.


Were they really telling the truth?-

No, couldn’t be. The scent of pure salt was piercing her senses the second the two walked in here together-


The Knave could only sigh in exasperation.


“And yet you two smell nothing like soap or any cleaning products that I know of. Care to elaborate how exactly you two were cleaning the deck and got absolutely soaked?”







When she got no answers from the humiliated men, she sighed.

“Just go- change your clothes or something. I’m heading out.”


And with one sharp click of her heel, she grabbed her black cloak, draping it over her form and headed out in search for the child who she had sent on a mission..














Cyno calmly walked through town, it had already been a couple days since the Mermaids had taken up residence in his bath tub and he had just gone out to get them some more food to eat.


Sure, he didn’t really know what they ate.

He had gotten a list of foods Al-Haitham wrote down after observing the Mermaids eating habits. So he knew at least that the green tailed Mermaid- Tighnari respectively, only ate fruits and vegetables. Kaveh on the other hand was more of a mystery.


The red tailed Mermaid ate meat.

Salmon, Herring, Steak.

But also like Tighnari, the other Mermaid seemed to LOVE fruits and vegetables.


It was rather intriguing.

An omnivore like humans.

But so different..

He would be asking more questions about it if he knew how to make them sound less…. Creepy…?

But alas, Al-Haitham and Cyno had something in common.


And that was their blunt tone of voice-

Though at least Cyno could understand jokes and sarcasm-

Al-Haitham- ehh- not so much.


The Chef did like to tease people sometimes though-

And that was pretty funny watching people’s faces turn to surprise whenever they hear the “quiet one” speak up against their bullshit-


Cyno couldn’t help but smile at that thought before stopping in his tracks in confusion.. 

Normally people didn’t go diving into the ocean side anymore.

Too many suspicious sightings of brightly colored fins of “Sharks and Giant Fish” driving everyone away from the waters except for fishermen who still went out, but always in their boats.


Only Cyno and Al-Haitham seemed to know the truth about these creatures though.

And they definitely weren’t just your normal everyday fish.


But a woman.. taller than him, white haircut sharply at an angle with black accents was heading straight towards the water.

Wearing a black latex suit that probably would improve a person’s mobility in the water.


She could be just a normal diver.

They were rare but they showed up sometimes.

And yet… he could sense something different..

Something more.. Sinister..

And he didn’t know why..


But just as the woman dived into the water, he sensed that something was about to go wrong..

Very… very wrong..















Freminet answered with a shaky voice, unable to stop himself from almost appearing as if he was physically shaking.

This Mermaid could kill you so easily if they wanted to..

If you gave them an answer that they weren’t looking for, you would be done.

Father has already taught you that..


Do you really want to test your luck?


He felt seconds away from passing out, his face pale and his legs turning limp from paralyzing fear as the black tailed Mermaid circled around him, as if examining him to see if he would suddenly attack them.


He wouldn’t.

Freminet knew that he wouldn’t even try to attack these creatures even if they attacked him first.


That’s why Father gets so upset with you in training.

You can’t hurt anything.

At least not well.

Sure, you have a sword, but you left that behind per Father’s warning.


“It is much too heavy to be brought with you. It will slow you down and perhaps in serious cases cause you to drown. Leave it.”


And so he did.


He did. And now, he was in danger.


“You’re very tense, kid. Something wrong?” 


Freminet almost jumped again by the rough voice of the creature who had now stopped circling him and stared straight into his eyes with a cold glare.


The teen gulped, “no, nothing’s wrong-“ he hurriedly said before adding a “sir” to that response.

“And, back to the topic from before I… do know.”


“What exactly do you know?”




“Wriothesley please .” The blue tailed Mermaid sighed in exasperation, pressing their face against one of their clawed hands.

“I know that you’re very tense after the disappearance cases that are increasing for our kind but- this human is a child.”


Freminet almost fell over as soon as the Mermaid that was now apparently on his side approached him, their clawed hand going towards his helmet and-


“W-wait!-“ he inhaled sharply before they removed his scuba helmet, covering his nose and mouth and trying to breathe normally so that he wouldn’t drown as quickly.


But with his lungs suddenly working overtime in a panic, alarm sirens rang through his head loudly as his lung filled with water in no time..


His sight.. slowly going blurry as he thrashed and flung himself backwards, getting only a couple feet out of the underwater cave before he was suddenly grabbed again by his arm.




He thrashed harder, his body starting to seize before the moment he began to pass out… he felt a gentle tug on his arm.

A blur of blue scales that shined a glorious rainbow of colors flashing across his vision before he was suddenly pulled upwards and allowed his head to breach the water's surface once more..








He gasped sharply, coughing up water as tears suddenly started streaming down his face.


What just-


“Breathe… you’re alright.” Neuvillette spoke, his claws still holding onto Freminet’s arm but not tightly like the other Mermaid did.


The teen couldn’t even speak, still weeping out of pure relief mixed with the remnants of pure panic he had just gone through.


But he was alive…

And he wasn’t going to die..

He knew that as soon as the blue Mermaid started taking his exhausted body back to the Orphanage…

Chapter 22: We’ll get you back home..


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Freminet continued gasping in air long after the Mermaid took him into their arms, his hands instinctively clinging onto their arm which was also spattered with scales that went up to their shoulders.


He absentmindedly wondered if he was going insane, or if they really were starting to glow with power.


“You are alright now.” The Mermaid- what was their name again?- oh right. Neuvillette spoke to him again, adjusting their hold on him.


“I apologize. I must have forgotten that your species cannot breathe in water without certain… accommodations. I will fully take responsibility for your distress.”


That was when Freminet was finally able to calm himself down, his body going lax as he leaned partially back against the grown Mermaid’s chest, body shivering from leftover adrenaline and cold sea water.


Dear Archons- it’s going to be so embarrassing waddling back into the Orphanage in this state..!

He couldn’t even really imagine Father’s reaction.


She would probably be irritated that he would get the wooden floors soaking wet though- 

Ordering him to get a towel and clean up the floor only after he had taken a clean shower and dried proficiently .


It will definitely be an embarrassing night for him.

As he shivered more, The Mermaid seemed confused.


A very odd chirp noise sounding from their throat as their head tilted.


“You are freezing and yet you chose to go into the deep waters, child? I don’t really understand what would possess you to do so if you were just going to end up like this.

It’s almost sad-“


It really was wasn’t it-


Though all he could answer with was a simple word through his chattering teeth.




Wow- what a great answer-

Father would be so proud-


He would be lucky if Father didn’t ground him and force him to stay in his room for a month without any company.



Would Father be that cruel..?

He… honestly didn’t know.


But enough of that thinking now.

Your siblings were probably worried about him..

Just yet another reason for Father to be angry with him..


“I see..” Neuvillette nodded, looking at the small human shaking in his arms, the water below him seeming to move with his body as he breathed in.

He then used his sharp eyes to look ahead, perhaps as though he was trying to figure out where the human had even come from.


An Orphanage.

Where would an Orphanage be.. hmm..


He would go back down and ask Wriothesley if he knew anything about the whereabouts of an Orphanage but with the kid basically almost passed out in his arms, that wasn’t going to be a solution-


“You need me for anything?-“


“Dear Gods!-“ Neuvillette jumped at the man he was just thinking about appearing-

Placing a clawed hand over his chest as if to feign a heart attack.


Before giving a stern look to the other Mermaid who seemed all too amused by his sudden scare.


“And you say that I’m the anxious one. But anyway-“ the Mermaid shrugged his shoulders, “I saw that you guys had been staying up here in one place for awhile, you need help or something?”


“T-the House of Hearth..” Freminet whispered, tired from the panic and barely able to keep his eyes open as Wriothesley hummed before giving him a soft sharp toothed grin, ruffling his hair with a clawed hand.


“Yeah kid.. we’ll get you there.. we’ll get you there..”






He wondered why Wriothesley’s tone was now so gentle..










“Annnnnnd…. Tada!!” Lyney smiled brightly as he took off his Magician hat to reveal the small kitten poking their head out, sniffing the air curiously before going back to falling asleep.


“Why must you perform magic tricks when you have no audience right now? We have another show in just a few more days, why don’t you wait until then?” Lynette with her monotone voice replied, sighing as her ear flicked.


“It’s for practice my dear sister!” Lyney only laughed at his sister’s words, smiling even bigger.

“Who would want a Magician who doesn’t know exactly how his tricks would go?? Besides, Rosseland loves being part of the show!”


With a gentle hand, Lyney reached into his hat to pull the kitten out, chuckling softly at the small mew of disapproval that he earned before letting the kitten rest on his shoulder.


The two twins had been outside sparring with each other since early morning, just now coming back inside the Orphanage only to see a soaking wet Pantalone and a somewhat dry Tartaglia.


And that sight almost made Lyney burst into laughter-

The man barely keeping it together but as Pantalone glared at him, he couldn’t seem to help himself-


“W-what happened to you two??” He wheezed, almost falling to the floor as he held his stomach, it wasn’t helping really-


And the two men certainly weren’t amused- 

Lyney would DEFINITELY have to tell Aether about this later-




It was just way too good to keep it to himself.


Would yall judge me if I ship Lyney with Aether- 👀👀

Chapter 23: Found you

Chapter Text

The Knave’s claws practically cut through the tide as she swam swiftly through the cold waters, just beneath the surface to make sure she had enough light from the reflective sunlight that was soon to be completely consumed by the moon’s light..


She didn’t really care for how cold the water felt against her skin, against her bones. She didn’t care about how it could probably take only about twenty minutes in these waters for the coldness to eventually sink all the way into her skin and cause her muscles to lock up.

Therefore drowning her in mere moments..


One of the children in her Orphanage hadn’t returned..

And she was going to find out why.








It didn’t take long before she noticed a very familiar blonde haired boy just barely above the surface of the water, it was to be expected that Freminet would remember how to keep himself up float on his back in case of emergencies..


What she hadn’t predicted previously however, were the clawed hands on the child’s back.. also aiding in his floating.


Her hand reflexively going towards her belt she had put on quickly before she had left, her belt that had a knife holder attached to it that would be in case of emergency..


“What are you doing with him???” Her words were sharp and dangerous as her eyes glared up at those eyes of the creature that seemed to glow an hypnotic blue..

She didn’t show fear at this moment.

She couldn’t afford to.


Why hadn’t Freminet had just listened and signaled to her that he was in danger???! He had a tracking device on him that all he would have to do was press a button and she would know! So what the hell was stopping him?!-


Her body stiffened as the creature looked down at her with an almost… confused glance.

Their claws loosening a bit on the boy they had been holding.

That’s good.. maybe he would let go fully and she could scoop him up quickly.


“Oh, might you know this boy?” The Mermaid spoke, his face as cold as his piercing eyes.

But.. there was no sense of malice in his tone that The Knave could pick up on..

At least not at this moment.


What was this Mermaid aiming towards..?

Was he planning to hurt Freminet to get back at humans?

No.. that couldn’t be it.

Why else would the Mermaid be taking the boy to the shore without causing any physical harm to him..?

It didn’t quite make sense.


And yet her thoughts went wild with possibilities..

Though, she didn’t show it.

Keeping a cold stone look on her face.

One that Freminet had grown used to..

Fond of, even…


It didn’t make sense that this Mermaid was kind..

“And what if I do?” She chose to question, holding herself back from just pulling Freminet away from him and into her arms.

“Are you going to stop me from taking him?”


“Well…” the Mermaid hummed, arms seemingly going protectively over the boy now.

“I would rather know that he is going somewhere where he wants to be. Where he has been living. So, I would rather know truly if you know this boy..”


Were they really about to start a fight over this right now??-


“Well, how can I prove it then?” She instead decided that it was better to go along with it, her sharp gaze quickly picking up on the fact that the boy was starting to gain consciousness once more.


Why had he been passed out..?


“Freminet.” She let out a firm, yet worried hiss..

Watching as the boy practically jumped in the Mermaid’s hold, his head immediately snapping to attention. “Father..? You’re here..?”


That hadn’t been the reaction that she had been expecting..

It almost made her disappointed..

And yet she didn’t quite know why..


She looked at the Mermaid again now who smiled softly at Freminet, asking a question to the boy that she couldn’t quite pick up on, watching the boy nod.


The Knave was a bit surprised however by the Mermaid seemingly changing their mind quite suddenly, those clawed hands gently moving as if to offer the child to Arlecchino who quickly took Freminet into her arms.


“I-…am glad that we could reach an understanding.” She said, instead of what she had been thinking of saying.


Which would show that she had been mentally panicking-


And she still didn’t know why..

Why did she care so deeply now for this boy, even though she was supposed to be training him as a soldier?

She didn’t know..

And she honestly didn’t care to find out.






It was morning again when Al-Haitham and Cyno started moving around again, this time their arms carrying the two Mermaids that they had been keeping inside their home for a good while now, carrying them quickly to the edge of the shore and praying that no one would see them.


Their current mission being to hopefully tell if Tighnari, the green tailed Mermaid, has healed enough to swim and therefore survive in the water without much additional assistance.

Sure, it hadn’t been too long since he had been initially injured and rescued but it was always good to see progress if any has been made.


Cyno’s grip on the Mermaid was gentle yet firm, Tighnari smiling softly as his brown eyes laced with green looked up at the human who smiled back.


Meanwhile hearing the argument behind them that was between Kaveh and Al-Haitham-


“Ow! You’re holding me too tight! Will you quit that??”


“It’s not like I’m the one almost falling onto the ground.”


The Mermaid scoffing as a reply- “well I wouldn’t be moving if it didn’t feel like you were trying to hurt me! I am very soft sCALED!-“ the blonde Mermaids words ended with a yelp as the human dumped him in the water, laughing as the Mermaid glared at him.


“What?- you’re a Mermaid but don’t like water??-“ and that was the moment that Kaveh smirked- wrapping his tail around the man’s leg and yanking him forward and causing the Chef to practically face plant into the salty water- 

“I win!” The Mermaid cheered and Al-Haitham couldn’t help but notice himself smiling..


“I suppose I could let you have that win..”

Chapter 24: What is this Warmth in my Heart..?

Chapter Text

Arlecchino just didn’t get it..

She didn’t understand.

She was supposed to be training Freminet and his siblings to the bone, to make sure that they would have no hesitation about giving up their lives for the cause.

For the Fatui’s purposes..


And yet, as she carried the boy back home while the fragile teen slept she.. hesitated.

His body exhausted from having swam out that far to gather fish..

She hadn’t yelled at him.

Hadn’t snapped or shown any form of aggression.

Even if she had been.. no… she couldn’t have been worried back there was she??


She wasn’t supposed to be feeling that for the children, she should instead be angry, be strict and wake Freminet up before yelling at him for being so stupid!-

But she didn’t.

The Knave’s heart couldn’t allow it..

And she didn’t understand why..


It wasn’t a feeling that she should be feeling.

It was soft, warm.

Not like her usual tough and almost sharp personality.

She should not be feeling this.

She was feeling something that she shouldn’t be feeling for her best charges.


And that feeling was.. Maternal love..


She realized that just as soon as she made it back to the shore, not even noticing the awkward squeak her black bodysuit made whenever she walked, eyes only looking down at the blonde boy who shivered and trembled in her arms.


I need to get him warmed up..

The boy was small enough that his body could go into shock if it stayed this cold for too long and that would be a whole other problem.


So, with that thought she hurriedly ran into the Orphanage, not even paying much attention to Lyney who was laughing hysterically upon seeing Pantalone soaking wet.


But she did notice his attention immediately turned to her and his adoptive brother in her arms, as did Lynette whose ears pinned back slightly as a sign of worry.


And as Arlecchino went quickly up the stairs to one of the bathrooms, the worried siblings followed, leaving the two soaking Fatui Harbingers in a state of confusion.






“Did something happen?? What’s wrong with Fremmie??” Lyney was the first to ask, using the endearing nickname he had given Freminet the first day they had met the younger boy..


“He’s fine.” Though with his worry, Arlecchino only responded coldly..

“He just spent too much time in the ocean despite my warnings. There is no time to waste, get me something to dry him.”


Her order was quickly met by two kids running back downstairs to grab a blanket or towel, meanwhile she used quick movements of her hands to take off the boys soaking wet clothes, starting a warm bath as quickly as possible.


“This is why I told you that you weren’t ready for missions that went that far out into the ocean.” She mumbled under her breath, heel tapping against the floor anxiously as she waited for the tub to fill before gently placing the still shuddering boy into the warm water.

Having to fight back against smiling softly as Freminet’s body relaxed as soon as the heat touched the boy’s skin, a light smile on the boy’s face now.


She caught herself as soon as her lips started to curl upward though, snapping back into attention as the two other siblings ran back up the stairs and right to her, practically shoving at least five towels and a couple blankets in her arms.


For some reason, despite her own thoughts of it being rather rude.

She didn’t say anything to correct them..


They were just worried about him, why would she snap at them for that??

Because they aren’t supposed to be worried about each other.

You especially should know that.

And she did, but right now, she couldn’t care less..


“You two-“ 

As soon as she said that, the two children straightened up their backs and gave her their undivided attention.



Just like the soldiers that you wanted…

But.. What if she didn’t want that..?


She toyed with the inside of her lip between her teeth for a few moments before nodding.


“I’ll take it from here.. you two go to bed.”


“What’s the reason for going to bed two hours early, Father?” Lynette’s soft voice spoke, sounding a little confused. Her tail flickering as if it was trying to anticipate something..


“Are we going to be working harder tomorrow than usual?-“


“No.” Arlecchino interrupted, now only gaining Lyney’s attention, the boy tilting his head like a curious cat.


The Knave having noticed that about him..

Sure, Lyney didn’t share his Twin’s animalistic features, but he showed very similar characteristics to one.


It was… intriguing..


“Father..? Are you alright..?”

Lyney seemed a bit worried.

The boy- no, he was a man now even if he didn’t seem like it..

Lyney moved closer to her, as if to tap her shoulder but she quickly gained back control. Pulling herself together with a stern look.


“Just do what I say. Get to bed. Now. .


Without another word of protest.. the two twins nodded and hurried to their bedroom..


While The Knave’s eyes softened at Freminet in the bath.. picking the boy up, drying him, wrapping him in a towel and carrying him also to bed..


Maybe she should give them all a day off tomorrow..

The Archons know that they need it..









Tighnari chuckled and laughed as Cyno tried his best to impersonate how Mermaids were supposed to swim-

Rolling his eyes playfully as he couldn’t help but to find himself liking the man’s antics..


But he was a Mermaid..

And Cyno was a human.

That certainly couldn’t change. 

Not in a thousand years.

But maybe they could just spend just a little more time laughing together..


And maybe then.. it could turn into something more..


Maybe not if Kaveh kept trying to trip that other human with his tail-

Godddd..! Kaveh was going to get them kicked out for good-

Chapter 25: A off day???? Sweet!!

Chapter Text

“I-I’m so so sorry Father I-“ 


Were the first words out of Freminet’s mouth as soon as he gained enough control over his consciousness to look up at Arlecchino once more, eyes tearing up as The Knave was silent..

Her hands gently helping him into pajamas as he sat on the bed, shivering from fear instead of the temperature..


Fuck… he was so scared of what she would want to do to him..

Was he always this afraid of her and she just hadn’t noticed before?

How hadn’t she paid attention to just how terrified one of the children were of just her??

She hadn’t even said anything and yet Freminet was acting like a scared guppy in the presence of a shark..




“It’s nothing. Just get to bed.” The Knave whispered, trying to keep the coldness that was naturally in her voice at bay.

He didn’t need that kind of energy right now…


But of course, her voice, even without the cold icy tone, seemed to scare Freminet.

“I-I was trying to get home- I swear..! I remember everything you taught me! B-but there were Mermaids and they..!”


Her eyes widened just a fraction, her head jerking up.

“They threatened you…?”


Before Freminet could even answer her question, she stood.

Leaving the boy in complete confusion and worry as she made her way back to the door.


“Go to sleep now.. I’ll take care of this..”










Tighnari stuck his tongue out as he tried his best to concentrate on swimming again, you wouldn’t probably believe it but not swimming for a couple weeks makes it much more difficult to swim again afterwards.


God that bath tub had been cramped-

His fins practically all folded down partially because of how squished he had been.


But, Mermaids were known to sleep very close together in their respective pods, coiling their tails together so as to not lose each other in the vast ocean.


So it was understandable that the two would want to stick together.


“Kaveh..! Be nice, they are helping us.” Tighnari chose to scold the blonde, swimming up to him and pulling him back with a handful of his blonde hair, causing Kaveh to whine.


“Hey! Ow ow ow!- quit that! I was just joking..! You can let go now!”


With a huff, Tighnari let go of his friend, looking back at Al-Haitham with a slight apologetic glance which was only met with a shrug from the Chef who was currently drenched head to toe in water.


“It’s fine.” He spoke, though cringed at the feeling of water soaking through his clothes and onto his skin.

“I’ll just have to change and-“ he cut himself off before looking at something in the distance. “… Wait.. who is that..?”


“Who is who?” His friend asked, looking off to where he thought his friend was looking before he gulped.


“Is that the Fatui’s ship????”








Lyney smiled softly as he awoke in the morning, only for his heart to skip a beat as his thoughts from last night poured back in, causing him to hop out of the bed and rush towards his little brother’s room.


Only to stop in his tracks with mild surprise at seeing that Father was sitting on the edge of Freminet’s bed, one of her blackened clawed hands pressed against the teen’s forehead as if checking for a temperature.


Her eyes unusually soft as her other hand gently pressed a thermometer into Freminet’s lips.


Lyney took a soft breath in before putting on a smile, gently knocking on the door before cracking it open to peek his head in.




The Knave did not raise her head to face him, she didn’t even move before she answered him.

“Yes Lyney? What is it.”


The man gulped before cracking the door open more, going into the room fully now.

“Is Frem alright..? He’s not too sick is he?- he’s not in danger?-“


“He is fine.” Arlecchino interrupted, pausing for a moment as she noticed her tone was sharp again.

“Just a mild fever for right now.”


“Oh thank the Archons..” Lyney breathed, smiling a bit brighter.

“Don’t worry Father, I’ll take on his work for today as well as my own so that he can get some rest. If- that would be allowed-“


“You aren’t going to be working today.” Father interrupted yet again, she seemed to be getting a habit of doing that.. and yet she didn’t quite know why.


“I’ll allow you and your siblings the day off, do as you please. Just come back to The Orphanage for dinner.”


She bit the inside of her lip as she saw Lyney’s shock in his eyes, the boy standing completely still as if he was processing what the hell she had just told him-


Had she really not given them any off days recently??


“Are you sure Father..? I mean- you don’t need any help or anything?? We can just… do what we want for today?? Really??”


The Knave raised an eyebrow, “that is what I said, is it not?”


And just like that, Lyney was out the door-

Only a yell of “Thank you Father!!” Being heard as the boy ran out of the Orphanage and to somewhere else she couldn’t know…


Maybe he was going out to meet someone..


Hell, he hadn’t even bothered to dress into his usual outfit-

Still in his pajamas.

That was kind of amusing..











“Hey..! Aether!!”


Chapter 26: Mermaid Hunt..


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Aether looked ahead quickly, a slight smile on their face as they saw Lyney running towards them, almost tripping on a rock in his hurry which made The Traveler chuckle, walking over to the overly excited magician who had caught himself just in time.


That wasn’t before Lyney had practically fallen into Aether’s arms though-


But The Traveler didn’t seem to mind, laughing as they helped Lyney stand up straight once more.


The Magician almost wished that he had his hat on him to hide the slight blush that appeared on his face for that embarrassing moment-


Lyney’s hands gripping onto Aether’s forearms to regain his footing only to laugh awkwardly.


“My my, it seems that this Magician is rather clumsy today- I apologize.”


He quickly stood back up completely straight before wiping his clothes off as well as Aether’s, which again made them chuckle.


“There’s no need for all that, I’m used to getting a bit dirty now and again.” And with the Traveler’s smile Lyney could just barely hold back from blushing even more, looking into the Traveler’s eyes.


“I still do apologize- anywayyy-“ The Magician tried to change the topic, turning his head to the side.

“My Father let me have an off day today! So, we can do whatever we want if you want to- you know- hang out-“


Dear Archon’s he sounded so stupid and flustered!-

Stop that!


“Really?” But with another one of Aether’s smiles, he couldn’t help himself from turning bright red at the cheeks-


“Y-yes! Really! My ami…”


He sounded a bit disappointed while saying that..

Much rather wanting to say mon amour..


But thankfully the other didn’t seem to notice his tone shift, just keeping on their regular smile as they both walked together.


“Well then let's go fishing? Paimon’s back at the motel sleeping so we got some time to kill.”


“Are you sure you don’t mean the Emergency Food?”


Aether then proceeded to practically wheeze as they laughed, “I suppose that I did say that didn’t I??”












Fuck fuck fuck!!-


Al-Haitham internally swore to himself before quickly gathering the red tailed mermaid into his arms, Kaveh definitely not retorting this time as his claws dug into Al-Haitham’s shoulders.


Meanwhile Cyno did the same thing with Tighnari, being extra careful with his hands so that he didn’t accidentally touch some of the Mermaid's still healing wounds.


It was dark outside..

They had made sure that it was well into the night before they came outside with the two “Forbidden Creatures” so that they wouldn’t be seen.


Well.. at least properly-

But that made it all too easy for the two humans to fumble and almost fall over sliding sand and all too pointy rocks.




They barely had enough time to hide behind the rock wall that surrounded the shore, the humans covering their mouth as they heard the ship breach the sands edge..


“Tch, another failed search.” A woman’s voice spoke, cold as ice but for an odd reason Al-Haitham could practically feel heat pouring off of her.


“Be patient La Signora…” another voice, this time male purred in response to the woman’s irritation.

“You can’t rush The Hunt…”


Cyno could practically see the smirk on the man’s face as he said that, subconsciously holding his breath as the two strangers walked across the shore, only about fifteen meters away from where the four were hiding..


“Hmm.. I suppose you’re right Doctor Dottore..”











The Knave hummed softly as she started absentmindedly picking up things in Freminet’s room, tidying it up while the teen slept still, Arlecchino checking his temperature every so often to make sure that it hadn’t changed drastically.


Which thankfully it hadn’t so far, still staying up at a slight fever but she knew that the boy seemed to be getting better.

His body had stopped trembling so heavily from the cold.


Though they also just might be from her having used her own Visions help in that regard..


She would never admit that though..

She would never admit to the other children or fellow Fatui members that just an hour ago she was frantically trying to help raise Freminet’s temperature that in just that short amount of time dropped into dangerous territory..



She would not let a word of that come from her lips.

She was not supposed to care, she was not supposed to act all Motherly to children soldiers.


But she was cracking..

Even she mentally admitted it..

And she almost dared to even accept that fact.


She sighed..

What was going to do now that she thought these things..?




Her body immediately stiffened before she quickly turned on her heels to see Freminet now looking at her with his blue eyes, one hand daring to reach out for her..


In the past..

Freminet had reached out for her..

But she would always discipline him swiftly.


How dare he think that she would show such weakness to him??


Now though.. she gritted her teeth and went to him without complaint.


Her blackened clawed hands suddenly wrapping themselves around the boy whose eyes widened..


And when Freminet finally got the courage to wrap his frail arms around her..


She officially broke.


If i were to write a vampire Kavetham story, what storyline sounds interesting? 🤔

Chapter 27: Freminet..!!

Chapter Text

Tartaglia hummed in thought as he sat on the ships dock..

Absentmindedly kicking his feet back and forth as he looked up at the clouds in the beautiful blue sky.

It was a nice day out today.


Nice enough that he could imagine his brothers and sisters happily running outside back at home, laughing and giggling at their own antics.


Yes.. it was a nice day out today.


The Knave had kicked him and Pantalone out of the orphanage after they had been fully dried off, leaving them to go wherever for the night to rest which led Childe to now.


And for some odd reason.. he couldn’t stop thinking of that day that Mermaid- that- Monster had tried to drag him into the waters below..

All while he struggled and thrashed.. Kicking and screaming while Pantalone stared at him with wide eyes before the man had snapped out of it and grabbed a broom that would have been used to clean around the ship.


Before launching himself at the creature and hitting and yanking Childe free from the Mermaids claws.


Only for them both to fall into the salty ocean and get soaked-

Yeah- definitely not a great day-


But it was odd..

Why had the creature been so determined to drag him into the water..?


Did it want to kill him?

Would it keep coming back until it finally finished that goal?

Did it need him for something..?

What could it possibly-


“You humans are very intriguing..”


Oh my Archons-


Tartaglia gulped before hesitantly looking down into the water below, seeing the all too familiar pair of brown orangey eyes staring back up at him..


The creature was on its back, calmly floating on the surface of the ocean while their tail swished softly in efforts to keep them afloat.


He could imagine that Mermaids, since their tail is the part of their body with the most muscle mass condensed into one area, that they were probably a bit more heavy than humans.


Or, at the very least, much stronger and body abled than just your average human person.


“What do you mean by that..?” He found himself asking after a few minutes of shock, his body immediately getting chills running all the way through it.


But then he chose to ask a different question..

“Why did you try to drag me into the water with you? Were you trying to drown me or something!?” He dared to snap at the creature, quickly standing up to instead glare down at them with anger.


“No.. I was actually trying to save you. Maybe even your partner if I could’ve gotten ahold of him.. but of course, you know what happened with that.”


Tartaglia couldn’t help but laugh at that response, scoffing.

“You were trying to drown us! Capsize our boat and kill us! How would you have-“


“You two have been just above a very dangerous area for humans.” The Mermaid interrupted, moving themself to use their arms to pull themselves up onto the dock, sitting down a couple feet from the man.

“Unless you want to get eaten alive by Sirens.”


Tartaglia’s eyes were wide at that..

“What do you mean…?”
















The Knave held back a soft smile the best that she could, her grip tightening just a bit on the boy who let out a soft squeak of surprise.


God- she really needed to give these kids more attention didn’t she-


And maybe- some more affection-

If she didn’t get caught-


This would be a bitch to explain to the other Fatui members-


But she could focus on that later..

Right now, she could only pay attention to hugging Freminet who, in his shock, stiffened a bit at her attempts to show affection.


“Father…? Am I not in trouble for not-“


“Hush.” She interrupted the childs words yet again.

Why did she keep having to do that??

Why does she keep having to repeat this??

Why DOES she repeat herself without consequences?


She didn’t know, and yet she couldn’t find it in herself to care.


“I will forgive your lack of communication regarding what you have gone through.” Her voice oddly softened, using a single claw to lift the boy’s chin up to look at her red X pupils.


The Knave tried her best to ignore the boy’s minor flinch at the “threatening” touch.


“But next time..” she breathed, her eyes oddly seeming to soften as the boy looked at her.

“You can not. I repeat, can not afford to wait in signaling me for any reason. Unless, the Mermaid you met was threatening your life and you were put in danger. Do I make myself clear?”


“Y-yes.. Father.”

Those innocent blue eyes seemed to gloss up and god dammit!!- why was she feeling bad????



She could barely get the single word out of her lips before the boy suddenly stood up, trying to hurry out of the room with purpose.


Oh shit- she forgot to tell him to take the day off to rest-



Which led her to hurriedly chase after the boy who had tried to make it to the water before she could have caught up.


Almost as if he was trying to escape her sights before he broke down..



The teen’s shoulders jumped slightly before looking back at her.

A couple of tears running down his freckled cheeks..


Just from that alone, Arlecchino knew that this was going to be a tough day-

Chapter 28: Sleep well… my dear Lyney..

Chapter Text

Al-Haitham covered his own mouth quickly as sweat gathered at his brow, his body growing rigid as his senses increased.

The sound of footsteps moving across sand filling his hearing until that was all he could hear.


Well that and the racing of his heart..

His free hand instinctively searching before gripping tightly onto Cyno’s, which squeezed back as a response.


The two Mermaids in their arms being dead silent now as they waited..

Waited for the small bouts of laughter from the two strangers to pass them.

Waited for the heat wafting from that woman to die down into the cold night air once more.


And finally, it did.

The two strangers wander off into the darkness and are unable to be seen by a naked eye.

Leaving the two humans breathless as they took in air, looking back at each other for a moment before running back home with the two Mermaid’s.


Praying that they hadn’t been noticed by the two strangers who definitely looked like bad news..










Lynette yawned softly as she awoke later into the day, sitting up to stretch before her ears quickly stood up in surprise. Her eyes having wandered to her alarm clock to see that it was already well past the usual time Father would have gotten her up for work.


What would Father say if she noticed that she hadn’t gotten up automatically at the right time??


She sprang up quickly out of bed, grabbing clean clothes to put on haphazardly before running out of her and Lyney’s shared room, only to run into The Knave who had been carrying a tray holding a variety of breakfast foods.


Lynette wasn’t usually the type to even think about saying bad words but- shit!-


“I’m very sorry Father-“ her words automatically stumbled out, not even noticing that during the clash she had begun to fall, only to then feel one clawed hand of The Knave wrapping itself around her shoulders, stabilizing her as well as keeping the tray of food untouched in her other hand.


The girl expected The Knave to scold her, to snap at her for being so reckless.

Her ears were already pinned back with her tail twitching sporadically in anticipation for such a reaction but… none came.


Why was Father not angry..?


“It is fine. Just slow down, there is nothing important going on today.” Arlecchino spoke again with a cold tone, but it was oddly soft.


Was she really not angry?-

No, she must be- she must be just acting like she isn’t as a sign to make Lynette apologize again.


That must be it-


“I’m still sorry for running into you Father, I must’ve made you almost drop the food you’re carrying.” Her ears folded down more as she bowed her head, stabilizing her feet to stand straight again.


When nothing followed her apology though, she was confused.

Keeping her head bowed before almost jolting back as one of Arlecchino’s hands gently pressed onto her head, as if to comfort her..


What was going on here-


“There is no need for that. Here.” She was then handed the tray of food Father had been carrying.

“Make sure that this is brought to Freminet. Then, you will come downstairs to breakfast with the other children to eat. You will not be working today.”


And as if that hadn’t been the most shocking sentence that Lynette had ever heard, The Knave simply just- walked past her to go to her own room-













“So Lyney..”

Aether hummed, their hands lightly grasping a fishing rod in their hands as they looked out into the small pond.

“You never really told me anything about your father, what’s he like? He seems really strict.”


Oh shit-


Lyney’s face almost dropped in seconds but he kept a smile.

“I-… suppose you could say that. Sh- He doesn’t really let us go out much unless it’s to do little- things around the yard. You know, cutting the grass and getting out sticks so that my other siblings don’t hurt themselves while playing.”


Aether frowned at that, “it must be hard to have all that pressure on you as an older sibling.” Their eyes looked over to him, “Have you ever talked to your Father about it? To lay off some pressure? If you ever need some help I bet that I can come over with Paimon sometimes, her flying really could help-“


“No no!-“ Lyney laughed awkwardly, waving his hands about nervously. “It’s fine! Us older siblings got to help the younger ones out! Me and Lynette usually clean the yard in only about twenty minutes anyway. It’s no big deal.”


“Lyney..” The Traveler sighed, “if you don’t tell your father that he’s working you too hard it will never change. I’m not usually one to give advice but- your eyes- they have really dark circles around them.. have you been okay?”


“I’m fine-“ Lyney smiled bigger.


As if that would fix everything in his life-


“Really, just a little sleepy. I’m okay.. This Magician can last through anything the world throws at him!” Lyney said proudly, pressing a fist to his chest while looking up at the sky like a superhero, and this made The Traveler laugh.


It was a pretty amusing sight While Lyney was still only in his pajamas-


“Alright… if you say so.” Aether shrugged, their eyes moving to stare ahead once more.

“But why don’t you take a small nap then? You’re exhausted and I can deal with fishing alone.” The Traveler cracked a teasing smile, their amber eyes glinting back at The Magician.


“You sure that’s okay?”


They smiled, nodding as they pulled Lyney closer, having him land on the log they had been sitting on with a small ‘oof!-‘ 


And soon enough, The Magician had fallen asleep.

His head slumping over onto their shoulder…


Not even having enough energy to blush as he heard Aether laugh softly before brushing hair out of his face.


“Sleep well…”

Chapter 29: Mon Amour.. (My Love..)


Tw for some steamy thoughts coming from Lyney- he’s definitely going through it- but at least he’s progressing his relationship with Aether-

Chapter Text

Arlecchino sighed as she went to her room after bumping into Lynette, sitting down on her bed to process what had happened in the short amount of time.


Before Lynette had woken up she witnessed Freminet on the brink of tears at the edge of the ocean.



Why would he pick that spot specifically to begin to cry?

And… is that why he always ran away from her whenever she scolded him harshly?

Was he hiding his tears by being underwater??


Well that certainly wasn’t healthy-


She sighed again before standing back up, looking at the mirror attached to her dresser to look at her messed up hair.


She was a mess..

She had tried her best to not show it though, getting Freminet back inside and eating breakfast to maybe make him feel better through this time.


The Knave wondered if the children knew of her mentality cracking..

It seemed so obvious to her..

But maybe her cold glares every once in a while would make it so that she wasn’t seeming to be at war with herself.


So, she took a deep breath, looked coldly into her mirror and left her room, heading off to the kitchen.


Her heart secretly hammering inside her chest as she watched a couple the older kids of the orphanage cooking food and trying their best to not burn it-


They were technically not the oldest in the whole orphanage, Lyney and Lynette took that place, but they were older than Freminet nonetheless.


“You four, I can take it from here.”


At her words the kids stiffened before smiling softly, all saying their good mornings to her as they rushed to prepare the dining table, Freminet being the first one sitting at a chair with a penguin plushie in his arms, the boy holding it to his chest.


Arlecchino could still remember Lyney and Lynette saving their combined cash that whole year to get Freminet that plushie along with some extra gifts for his birthday years ago..


And she could also still remember the boy's smile that day when he saw such gifts..

It made her slightly wish that she had gotten him something for his birthday that year as well…


“Freminet.” She called, having the boy perk his head up to attention.


“Yes Father..?” 


Without another word, The Knave walked over with a steamy bowl in her hands, placing down the freshly made meal of Poisson Seafood Soup onto the table in front of the teen whose eyes widened.


“Wha- Father, it isn’t lunch time yet and-“


“It is your favorite, is it not?” She interrupted yet again. “Besides, you’re still sick, a warm soup helps with that and you cannot do anything while you are in such a condition.” She spoke almost warmly before returning to the kitchen, turned away from the dining table but was able to catch a glimpse of the smile the boy had from the corner of her eye..


Unable to stop a smile herself as she plated the rest of the breakfast food and put it down at the table.

“Now. Let us eat.”












Lyney yawned as he awoke slowly after about an hour or two, blinking slowly for a few moments before rubbing at his eyes.


And that was when he remembered where he was-

Holy s-


His body immediately straightened up as he looked over at Aether who laughed softly at his sudden reaction, their hands still holding onto the fishing pole that they had been holding when Lyney was awake.


Another yawn from the Magician and Aether smiled softly, a bucket by the Traveler's feet showing that they did in fact catch quite a bit of fish while Lyney had been sleeping.


Lyney did wonder how exactly he hadn’t woken up during any of the catches though, fishing can be stressful-


“How long was I out for?” 


“Eh, not long.” The Traveler shrugged, “you did keep making an odd noise from your throat though, are you sick?”


Now that question made Lyney’s cheeks extra red.

Why didn’t you bring your hat, Lyney??

You could have hidden your face if you had!-


“Oh um- that?- well, you know how my sister has the cat ears and tail from genetics right?-“


Aether nodded, putting the fishing pole down to instead give The Magician all of his attention, his hands moving to rest down on his lap.

“Go on.”


The blush on his face only intensified at the increased attention-

“Well- I may not have the physical attributes that she has but- I can still act like I do sometimes. And that includes…-“


“Were you purring?? ” Aether asked, connecting the dots quicker than Lyney had anticipated and only increased the amount of embarrassment that The Magician felt.


“Probably…? I-its complicated!”


The Adventurer laughed hardly, practically crying as Lyney thought about throwing himself into a ditch and never coming back out into the open air again until a millennia passed-


But just as he was about to scurry away as fast as he could, Aether grabbed his hand, pulling him back down and even closer than before.


Oh dear Archon’s he was so close to sitting on Aether’s lap that he could feel their breath..!!!-


His whole body stiffening up in anticipation for something to happen.


Would it finally happen???


“A-Aether..? Why did you pull me so close and what are we-“


The Traveler suddenly blushed, a hand moving to gently cup Lyney’s cheek.

“May I… do something that I actually want to do except for all these missions and tasks?”


Lyney almost lost all his breath at this moment, feeling the Traveler’s gentle hand run its thumb over The Magician’s soft cheek, their other arm wrapped around Lyney’s back to keep him from falling backwards and off the log.


“Yes..” Lyney breathed before finally soft lips pressed against his, his entire body relaxing and leaning into the kiss with everything he had.


Mon Amour..

Chapter 30: A Sample..


Tw: more steamy thoughts from Lyney as well as a reference to killing and dissection(?)

Chapter Text

The one simple kiss turned into two soon enough, then three, four, five. Until they were just unable to keep count anymore.

Lyney had wanted this so badly..

Hell, he even dreamt about it before.. But now that it was actually happening was shocking.


He pulled himself closer, hands clenched in Aether’s shirt fabric as the two enjoyed each other.

Not stopping until the both of them panted for sweet air, both of their lips mildly swollen from how much they had kissed.


Lyney’s purple eyes even tearing up a bit just from the thought of finally having the one that he had flirted with all this time return his affection.


The Magician looking downright smitten as he panted with his cheeks being slightly flushed, his hands not knowing what to do with themselves as they kept hold of the back of Aether’s shirt, The Traveler only smiling at him more.


Their amber eyes being more than enough to make the ole Magician feel faint-


Is it hot in here??


“Are you alright Lyney?” Aether chuckled, their eyes sparkling up at The Magician who could only smile like an giddy idiot back-


“Y-Yeah..! Of course I am, I-eee..!!” He squealed as Aether’s warm hands grabbed his thighs gently, pulling him forward so as to make sure that he didn’t go tumbling backwards, but of course at the sudden noise, Aether looked a bit concerned.


“I’m sorry- I should have asked before touching you there I-“


The Traveler was then interrupted by Lyney’s laughter, the man only responding by wrapping his arms even tighter around Aether’s shoulders who smiled and adjusted the Magician who was happy to stay in his lap.


The two staring longingly into each other’s eyes as they both smiled, “I love you.. Mon Amour..”


Aether smiled just a bit brighter, “I love you too.. Do you wanna maybe come back to the hotel room with me?”


Lyney’s face couldn’t help but become even more red at the slight implication that he was getting from The Traveler, but despite that, he nodded.

“I would love to..”











Arlecchino couldn’t help but smile as she watched the Orphanage children eating their meals, Freminet with his seafood soup while the others happily shared pancakes and syrup.


She didn’t even try to scold them about how messy they made the table-

And she didn’t quite know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.


The youngest children being as chatty as children their age should be, engaging her with conversation that she usually did not entertain them with, but for some reason.. this time she did.

Answering their curious chatter and nonsense, not even displaying a hint of annoyance at such… ignorant questions.


They were children..

They were.. all just… children..

Her own heart softened even more as she silently ate her own food, noting how Lynette had finally come down stairs to join the meal, her ears still slightly downturned as if anticipating something from her.

From Father.

But the Knave did not speak..

Simply motioning with a blackened hand to a seat at the grand table which..

Lynette took despite her obvious unease.


Arlecchino noticing just how her tail twitched sporadically to show her unease..


“Lynette, are you alright?” The Knave asked, not even believing that she was letting herself show a bit of concern in this situation.


Did she forget that she had to be cold towards the children??

What if the other members of The Fatui find out that you’re spoiling these children??


She took a breath to calm her thoughts before she noticed the girl gulp and turn her head down to stare at her plate.


“I am fine, Father. There is no need to worry about me, I apologize again for bumping into you back in the hall. It was rude of me to not think about the possibility of someone also going through the hall at the same time.”


Arlecchino could almost groan-


“Cease your apologies. I already said that it was alright now. Didn’t I?”


Lynette gulped, her ear twitching.

“Yes Father.. you did.”


Another sigh came from the woman’s lips.

How was she going to make sure that the children understood that she wasn’t going to be.. like how she always was in the past..?








“What are you doing, Dottore?” Pantalone tiredly asked, as if he hadn’t slept for days on end.

His eyes closed to keep them from witnessing The Doctor’s crazed grin as he worked on his continuous experiments..


“Ah, Pantalone, what a joy to see you here.” Dottore smirked, as if he had been waiting for the other Harbinger who only rolled his eyes once he finally opened them, backing away slightly and showing a bit of unease just from the Doctor’s pure utter joy.


“What are you even doing in here?” He covered his nose but to no success.


The random slab of meat on the Doctor’s table really didn’t seem to help his case.


“And what is that horrendous smell? It smells like something has died in here.”


Doctor Dottore only chuckled, oddly twisting his body as if trying to dance around in excitement.

“It’s nothing..! I’m just trying to extract a few stubborn scales from the latest specimen that you found! Nothing big.”


This Doctor was going to drive him up the walls-

Chapter 31: Mon Amour~…



Chapter Text

The day soon became a untangle of limbs for the two men as The Traveler led The Magician back to their hotel room, both of them never leaving each other’s lips for long as both their minds fogged.


Hands freely exploring one another’s body as they kicked off their shoes, and yet with each touch left even more longing despite not being apart for long.


Lyney’s mind unable to fully grasp what was about to happen if they continued and yet, he found that he didn’t exactly care.

He wanted more of whatever it was..


Only being brought back into the moment fully when his back made contact with the bed sheets now underneath him, cradling his delicate body as the mattress sank.


This was really happening..

Wasn’t it..?


The Magician had heard from many that this may be a source of fear for other people, a source of nervousness that wouldn’t go away until they began.


And yet he felt no such fear.

He felt no such shame or worry.

Just pure utter joy and excitement..


His body unintentionally squirming a bit as The Traveler kissed along his neck, leaving the tender skin practically tingling from the attention.


The Magician now looking up at Aether with lust, eyes half lidded as he held himself back from begging for more.


“W-what about Paimon? Will she hear us?”


Of course that was what Lyney was worried about.

They should have considered that possibility sooner..

Aether thought, moving back for a moment before shaking their head.


“She usually sleeps like a rock and I have to physically shake her to even attempt to get her up. We have time…” They practically purred, leaning down to say those words directly into Lyney’s ears, which like his twins, were very sensitive to touch.


And if he wasn’t already lying down flat onto the mattress, he could bet that his knees would have given out from underneath him in mere seconds.


Dear Archons this was better than he had ever imagined..


Lyney couldn’t help but let out a slight whine from his throat, needy and pleading with the Traveler above him to keep speaking those sultry words..


It practically consumed his thoughts..


“Mon amour please.. ” his hands quickly went to caress Aether’s face, The Traveler smiling and leaning into the Magician’s touch.


“Alright.. Only because you’re so polite-“ they teased before kissing him mercilessly all over his face, making Lyney giggle and squirm.


“I suppose this Magician has just learned that he’ll get what he wants if he’s polite enough.” He teased back, earning another soft kiss on his nose.

And that of course made him blush even harder, a few moments later feeling Aether’s hand sneak up his torso from underneath his shirt, which caused him to shiver.


The reply made Aether chuckle softly, “I suppose that’s true, you are very polite when you need to be.” 

Another moment passed and Lyney’s pajama shirt was discarded quickly onto the floor, The Traveler now kissing along The Magician’s collar bone which only caused the man to squirm more, whispering “Mon amour..!” over and over again, each getting breathier and harder to hear.


But that was how Aether knew that the Magician was enjoying himself, a smirk appearing on their face as their hands continued to wander, one going very slowly down to Lyney’s lower abdomen..


This caused Lyney to gasp, covering his mouth quickly as his hips unintentionally thrusted forward, begging for attention that the other wanted to give him so easily..

They could take their time on another day, but today, Aether wanted to give Lyney what he had been missing all along, and what exactly he has been longing for…


“May I-“


“Dear Archons yes!” Lyney interrupted, insisting that Aether ravaged him right here and now before anything else might happen.


He needed this.

He wanted this.

He craved this so badly..


So when The Traveler took off his pants with steady hands, he couldn’t help but to tear up happily in anticipation.

But of course, along with his tears Aether immediately stopped to look at him with a slight look of surprise, almost as if he was startled.


“Are you alright? Am I going too fast? Oh dear- I didn’t even ask if you wanted to be the one on top or bottom- I apologize-“


Their lips were quickly silenced though by Lyney’s, The Magician pressing his whole chest against theirs as his hands went to tangle themselves into Aether’s long hair which had been completely undone by now from its usual nice braid.


The kiss only breaking when Lyney pulled away to breathe.

“Just do whatever you want to me… please, Mon Amour… ” he gasped before gaining a small smile from his love.


“Then just relax…”

















Arlecchino raised an eyebrow as she saw a familiar face on her Orphanage’s doorstep as soon as they finished their breakfast.


Actually, make that two familiar faces.


“Doctor Dottore… I did not receive the word that you were going to be coming here.. what do you want.” That last part wasn’t a question, if you knew the Knave well enough then you would know that the second her tone shifted to sound as cold and as sharp as icicles..


The Doctor giving a sharp and dangerous grin back..

“I don’t know… I just heard rumors that your children have come into contact with Mermaid’s recently… Don’t worry…. I’ll be nice~…”


Arlecchino doubted that, but sighed .


“Fine. But only three questions. And only you shall be entering, Pantalone will stay outside.”


Dottore giggled, “Perfect then…”

Chapter 32: Three Questions..


Tw: death threats

Chapter Text

Three questions..

Arlecchino thought as she crossed her arms, a pointer finger tapping rather anxiously against her skin in impatience.


She had a smile on though..

A wide smile.. 

a smile showing that nothing was wrong.

She was a perfect actor..

Pretending as if she did not seem to care that Dottore, a man known for causing pain and agony wandered through her territory without regard..


He was only trying to push her nerves.

She knew that.

Yet she couldn’t help but feel aggravated when The Doctor gave an all too familiar smirk as he turned towards the children.


His red eyes being covered by that useless mask that he wore-


Why did he even wear that ugly thing??

To appear even less human??


Whatever the reason was for it she could guess that she wouldn’t like it, her arms crossed as she stared daggers from across the room where Dottore now stood in front of Freminet, arms behind his back.


What the hell was he thinking about asking..?

Arlecchino could only guess..


Though as a few minutes passed with no questions or even movement from The Doctor, The Knave grew impatient. Watching as Freminet’s eyes widened at Dottore’s attention and quickly looked down at the floor.


“Are you trying to intimidate the child or are you going to speak already?” Arlecchino snapped, “I am not in the mood for your games Dottore.”


That only caused Dottore to let out a sick chuckle though, “calm down Arlecchino.. I know how hard you work to make sure our little soldiers are nice and healthy~…” the man bent down to pinch Freminet’s cheek playfully, only fueling The Knave’s rage more as the boy shivered at the attention, hugging the penguin plushy in his arms ever the more tightly.


This also seemed to infuriate Lynette as well.. 

The girl quickly getting up and in between her brother and the Doctor, wrapping a protective arm around the teen’s shoulders.


“I don’t think he wants to talk right now, please respect that.” Her cold yet soft voice uttered, but Arlecchino could distinguish a certain aspect of it that was like her own..


Had she picked it up from how Arlecchino spoke?  

The Knave didn’t know whether to be proud or disappointed in such facts..


Despite Lynette’s change in voice though, Dottore only smirked, reaching over to pet Lynette’s head as if he was some affectionate father-


And that was the moment Arlecchino had snapped.

A blade flying right in between the two and past Dottore’s face by mere inches.

Startling the two children who immediately fell backwards, Lynette’s arm covering Freminet’s head to keep him down low instinctively while The Knave’s eyes only glared at Dottore..


The man’s grin only widening across his face.

“My my Arlecchino… you sure haven’t given up on your training with knives have you..?”


“I said three questions.” And just like that that cool headed mask of Arlecchino’s was back on, her hands holding two more blades.

“I did not say that you could touch any of my- the children.” 


The Doctor merely laughed at her embarrassing slip up of words, removing his mask to stare right back into her red pupils.

“So that’s what’s going on in here… And I thought that you said that the children were mere puppets for our cause.. unless I misunderstood-“


Shut it. Don’t think that I don’t know what you’ve been doing in that lab of yours.. The Cryo Archon definitely would not be pleased if she heard of all the torturous things that you do there to creatures and not to mention people..”


“I suppose we both have our secrets then…”


All the children quickly ran to Arlecchino’s side, hiding behind her with fearful eyes as Dottore stood back up… his grin staying plastered to his face.


“Don’t challenge me again.. Arlecchino..”












“Fuck!” Cyno swore as his hands relentlessly pulled at his hair as stress filled his mind.

“What if they saw us??? They were talking about hunting mermaids right?? And judging by their tone I wouldn’t be surprised if they are looking to exterminate the species entirely!”


“We don’t know that.” Al-Haitham breathed, having put the Mermaid’s back into the bathtub of freshly warmed water as the two shivered and hugged themselves tightly together as if to comfort each other…


“How do we not know that??? You heard them better than me! They are looking for Mermaids! You heard their tone!”


The Chef only sighed at his friend's words.

It was true after all, why else would they have been on a ship hunting down Mermaids?? And the damn boat they had gotten off of had those same damn nets that Tighnari had gotten painfully snagged in.


And that definitely did not give the group a good feeling about these new guests near the beach.

Hell, they hadn’t even been able to see where the pair went off to.


“We need a plan..”


“A plan to do what exactly??”


“A plan to get these Mermaids back home safely before we are on the fishermen’s targets..”

Chapter 33: A afternoon to remember..



Chapter Text

Lyney smiled breathlessly as he lifted his head, exposing it for the kisses that Aether gave him as his hands clung onto The Traveler’s back.


“O-Oui Mon Amour! Oui..!” He was so lost that he didn’t even realize the fact he had started speaking in full French, squirming a bit in place from where he was underneath the Traveler.


He loved it..

He loved everything about this.

He didn’t quite know why he had been so nervous before, feeling Aether’s hands gently interlacing their hands together which were then pressed so gently into the silk sheets.


Lyney’s eyes tearing up happily as he lifted his head up to kiss Aether’s neck and shoulders, trying to give them the pleasure that he felt right now..


“S'il te plait mon amour.. do be gentle with this Magician..” he chuckled, laughing softly as Aether smiled and kissed his cheek.


“Wouldn’t want to disappoint a Magician who has been waiting for this now do I?”


The Traveler then moved back and off Lyney, chuckling softly as that simple movement caused The Magician to whine in disappointment, but that was quickly changed by a harsh blush later by silence as Aether reached to their shirt, lifting it above their head and tossing it aside.


The curious glowing core, right in the middle of their chest horizontal to their belly button, stayed as bright as it was before, the core’s color being oddly white instead of blue.


But Lyney didn’t question it.

Hell, he didn’t even have enough of a mind to even worry about it once he felt Aether’s hands back on him, warm kisses now going down his now bare chest.


O-Oh fuck-


He never thought that he would get this kind of attention from his crush, never thought that the person who he had been “jokingly” (that was a lie-) giving flowers to- 

Rainbow Roses nonetheless, would ever be giving him such attention and bliss.


“Do..” Aether pauses for a moment, making Lyney look up in confusion.



The Traveler then seemed to fidget with their hands a bit as a blush dusted their cheeks.

“Do you want me to wear a condom or- just- go in..?”






Now that was a question that Lyney didn’t quite know how to answer.

All he could think to do in his scrambled mind was make vague gestures to Aether to put the condom that he had just gotten out of the dresser drawer beside the bed, down for now.


“Are you sure that you don’t want it-“


“I want to feel you, Mon Amour…” 

The Magician shifted himself to lay down flatter on the bed, hands still holding onto Aether’s with a determination to not let go.


“Please don’t deny this Magician the honor to feel everything you can give. Please don’t deny me the gift of seeing you fully..”


If Lyney could bear to let his hands leave the company of The Traveler’s they would definitely move to their pants to pull them down, but it seems that he wouldn’t have to as Aether took their hands away for a moment to pull down the rest of their clothes, boxers included.


And let's just say that Lyney’s mouth watered.

Oh fuck-


Lyney would not be surprised if he couldn’t walk in a few hours but it certainly would be worth it-


Though- he probably did stare a bit too long at Aether’s manhood-

The Traveler started to laugh softly before grabbing a bottle of lube from somewhere not immediately apparent to Lyney.


The Magician was much too interested in… other things-


“I’m going to prepare you.. if I may.”


“Oh my gods just- please.. I can’t take any more teasing.” Lyney smiled sheepishly, gaining a soft smile of sympathy from Aether.


“I won’t take too long. Then I can give you anything you wish..”


And that was the moment Lyney bit down on his lip to stifle a moan, not even realizing that The Traveler had taken off his gloves.

Their hands then moving to gently grab Lyney’s two legs, lifting them up and letting them rest on Aether’s shoulders for better access.


Oh f-fuck-


“D-do be careful with this Magician-“ he couldn’t help but stumble out with a nervous smile, “I do not know how much I can take- I-“


Aether quickly silenced him with a gentle kiss, only to then roll their hips against Lyney’s which drew out another moan from the man, this one needier than the last as his hands now moved to grab helplessly at Aether’s back, his nails slightly digging into the soft skin.


And when a cold, yet slippery finger slid into Lyney’s desperate and pleading entrance, he couldn’t resist any further..

Only able to let out a desperate moan as he completely relaxed, letting out continuous whimpers as he watched Aether’s skilled fingers work on the tight muscles of his entrance.


Had The Traveler done this before or were they just this skilled right off the bat???


The feeling was… unusual to say the least.

Lyney had never even touched himself there before, so of course the initial stretch was uncomfortable.

But as he was about to ask Aether to slow down, praise started pouring from their lips, right into his ear as their fingers continued working on him.


“I know how this might feel odd and uncomfortable, but you can handle it can’t you..? Such a good Magician…”


The Magician in question let out a soft whine, holding on so tightly to the other person above him that he swore that he drew blood on Aethers back from his nails.


“Breathe for me Lyney.. you’re alright, you’re good.”


Lyney took that advice quickly, taking deep breaths as he winced and squirmed, feeling his entrance now needingly clenching around the now three fingers inside of him.


Tears welling up in his eyes in a mix of sweet bliss and discomfort, the discomfort only getting smaller and smaller by the second as he felt the fingers searching for something that-



They found shortly after.

Aether’s smile increasing as they had found the spot they had been looking for.


“There we go..”


Oh fuck-


Lyney’s hand immediately smacked itself over his mouth, his own body trembling as it tried to prepare itself for a night that it would probably never forget.

And on top of that, he would have to be quiet so as not to wake Paimon up.


This was going to be… Difficult.


“May I..?”


Lyney gulped at the words but quickly gave an answer.

“Yes… Mor amour…”







It only took a few seconds for the real thing to begin…

Aether being able to fill The Magician completely in just a few moments as his senses were overloaded with information that he didn’t quite know how to handle.


A choked cry exiting Lyney’s lips as Aether set a fast rhythm, practically matching the pace of The Magician’s racing heart to a tee as sweat built up on his forehead and muscles, holding onto Aether for dear life.


It still wasn’t scary.

Not as scary as others had told him.

In fact, it was exhilarating for his mind to be allowed to empty, his cries only met with soft kisses and whispers of praises from The Traveler above him.


Aether had done everything he had asked them to do in the beginning.

They were gentle and cautious.

Their mouth never seemed to stop moving, either giving praise or to ask Lyney if he was okay.


Of course Lyney was okay-

The Magician would roll his eyes at that statement if he could, but right now he was just a moaning mess.


Even just the pure aroma of Aether’s skin made Lyney feel weak in the knees now, his eyes trying to stay focused on The Traveler but couldn’t help but start to roll back, his hands only grabbing ahold of Aether tighter as he could sense that something was coming.

The swirls and heat in his stomach made that fact.


And yet he didn’t quite know what it was.

Father had never told him about feeling this.

And no one else really would have gotten the chance to. 

Was this normal?

God- he wanted it to be-

It felt so good..


“A-Aether!! Aether!!”


So good that he had started to yell The Traveler’s name on accident, tears that he hadn’t even felt before now pouring down his face in bliss as his body trembled.


His lips were then captured once again in a deep kiss by Aether, whose hand reached in between Lyney’s thighs, stroking the tip of his length which immediately caused Lyney to moan into The Traveler’s mouth before cumming..


Both of the men panting with Aethers head resting on the crook of Lyney’s neck, his hot breath causing Lyney to shiver slightly as they both kept silent for a few moments afterwards, Lyney in his afterglow and Aether in exhaustion.















“Can we do that again one day..?”



A small chuckle was heard.

“Only if you want to..”





“Of course I want to..”

















“Good night..”





“It’s technically still afternoon but.. good night..”


With those final words, Lyney’s head slumped over slightly, Aether pulling the man over to lay against their chest.


They just hoped that he could clean them both up without waking up The Magician from his rest-

Chapter 34: Just A Little Bit Longer..

Chapter Text

“Maybe if you didn’t act like a creep whose only purpose is to intimidate young children in a Orphanage then I wouldn’t threaten you.” Arlecchino hissed back, gaining a harsh laugh from the Doctor as he moved closer to her.


“At least I am not one to give false hope to soldiers… If you want to treat them all like the family you could never have, fine with me.. but let’s face it, Knave… they are only mere assets to us that have been given to you to raise and manipulate for our cause..” Dottore’s grin only widened as Arlecchino’s cold facial expression changed to become uneased..


“And don’t forget that they are due to be taken in just a few months for more… advanced training.”


“I still have to improve this plan..” The Knave growled, keeping the children behind her who shivered and hid, hands on her shirt and pant leg to stay close to her.


She hated seeing them this scared at this moment..

And the fact that Lyney was not back yet caused a pang of anxiety to run through her mind..


“You act like you are the leader of all of this and yet The Tsaritsa is the one who has the say.. step off your high horse and ask your questions or leave. Now.”


And at the moment that Doctor Dottore seemed to bite down on his lip in frustration, Arlecchino smirked.


She still had the upper hand in this..


“So, what will you choose? Doctor Dottore..”

Her blackened hands expertly twirled the two extra throwing daggers, keeping them at the ready just in case she needed to defend herself or her- the children.


And after her words, there was a cold silence that went through the entire Orphanage.

The only sounds being from the slight whimper or two from a child behind The Knave.


Before finally, The Doctor shrugged.

“Very well then… I would like to ask my questions.”


And Arlecchino scoffed, almost rolling her eyes at his tone.

“Finally choosing the wise decision?”


“Don’t try to anger me more, Arlecchino..” Dottore hissed before looking at Freminet with a sharp gaze, Lynette still keeping the young teen behind her as her ears partially pinned back against her head while her tail poofed up as if to intimidate.


All the while a menacing grin morphed into The Doctor’s face as he bent down..

“Now… what all did you find out about the Mermaid's location…?”












Lyney groaned softly as he woke up an hour or two later, wincing just a tad bit as the lower part of his body felt like one big bruise.


Letting out a small whine as he turned himself onto his side to look over at Aether only to almost jump as it seemed like they had woken up before him, staring at him with a soft gaze.


“Are you alright?” They asked as they brought one of their hands up to Lyney’s hair, which had been messed up completely during their time together as his braid had been unraveled partially.


That didn’t really matter to Lyney though, smiling as he leaned into the soft hand that stroked his light brown locks of hair. Almost as if to comfort him from the slight pain that was the cause of last night’s decisions-


It didn’t really matter to The Magician though, last night had been worth it.

Opening his eyes fully to look up at The Traveler who smiled back at him and put a soft kiss on his cheek right on top of his tattoo that was in the shape of a teardrop.


He should’ve probably put foundation on it earlier-

Just in case Aether wouldn’t have liked someone who had such markings on their body, but he had forgotten all about it.


“Yes, Mon Amour..” he answered with a whisper, gaining a small chuckle from the Traveler as they helped him sit up, looking quite concerned as he winced the moment his bottom made contact with the mattress.


“I was too rough wasn’t I? I’m sorry for that.” 


And before Lyney could get the words out to reassure that nothing was wrong and that it wasn’t their fault, he gasped as The Traveler lifted him up and off the bed, carrying him securely in their strong arms.


The Magician was surprised by this to say the least.

Sure, he knew Aether was strong, that was a given by their muscles that bulged slightly on their shoulders and the fact that they possessed abs. What he couldn’t believe though was that they carried him only with one arm, letting him latch around their neck for stability while laying his head on their chest, listening to their heart beat while his own fluttered against his chest.


“You startled me..!” He let out in a breathless laugh, gaining an apologetic smile from Aether who carried him away to the bathroom.

Which definitely piqued Lyney’s interest.


His heart fluttering as he thought about the potential chance of The Traveler helping his pain with a warm bath, maybe some candles and breakfast if he wasn’t being too greedy.


And as soon as Aether turned on the water to fill up the tub, Lyney knew that his wishes were coming true.

Letting out a happy hum as he pressed his face closer to their neck and body as they both waited for the tub to fill.


Aether always did seem to smell so intoxicating..

It was easy to get himself lost in it..


“Thank you Mon Amour..”

He closed his eyes, not even thinking about the fact that it was probably about dinner time right now and that he should be back at the Orphanage..


Father wouldn’t mind if he just took a little bit more time off..


Chapter 35: Perfect…


Aftercare!! Yippee!-

Chapter Text

“So what’s our plan then?? Is there even a plan??” Kaveh asked, voice borderline on a scoff.

“Those people if they are truly after the entirety of Mermaid kind then they will probably go door to door searching for us..! We need to be fast and careful..”


Al-Haitham nodded, a hand to his chin in thought as he paced back and forth in Cyno’s living room.


He was definitely going to wear a visible path into the floor boards at this point-


“If- it was an emergency and you two had to leave right at this very moment. If me and Cyno could get you to the water in time do you think that you can escape while carrying Tighnari?”


And at the question, Kaveh seemed nervous.

The Mermaid had never been too physically strong in his life, but you did have to put the boost of adrenaline into play…


“I-… yes. Yes I can.”


Both of the humans sighed in relief at that.

Tighnari sighing softly as he thought about that plan.

“I am fine, really. I can swim if needed.”


“Then… let’s just keep a low profile for now.. just buy time until Tighnari is healed enough to not be sore while swimming.” Cyno offered, gaining nods all around the room.


“I think that will be for the best.”










Lyney couldn’t help but giggle softly as The Traveler gently placed him into the warm bath water, their arms still keeping a secure grip on him just in case he couldn’t sit up properly from… you know-


And he could-



“Lyney..!” The Traveler practically yelped as their hands flew to The Magician’s shoulders as soon as the man was just about to tip to the side, sighing in relief as they helped Lyney sit back up again.


This made him jolt a bit and look over at Aether with a loving gaze before chuckling.

“Oh- sorry for that Mon Amour… it seems that I got a bit too ahead of myself. I think I can steady myself now..”


And dear Archons did that smile on Lyney’s face make Aether’s heart flutter-


The Traveler smiling softly back before standing up, rummaging through the bathroom cabinets and quickly finding what they wanted.


Candles and soap scented like roses.


They had quickly figured out The Magician’s favorite scent by simply watching the man throughout the days that they had seen each other.

Lyney always seemed to have at least one rose on him at all times, whether it be fake or real.


He would also seem to twirl the stem around his fingers whenever he got anxious or irritated about something.


Aether had discovered that whenever Lyney had started talking to them-

It was pretty adorable how anxious he was just talking to The Traveler.


It was also cute how Lyney’s eyes lit up upon seeing the scent that the body wash was, earning a small chuckle from Aether’s throat as they set the bottle as well as the candle down onto the bathtub ledge.


“All this for little old me?” The Magician teased, watching Aether jokingly roll their eyes before they squirted some of the body wash onto their hands.


“Turn around, I want to wash your back for you.”


At those words, Lyney giggled.

“Oh?? This Magician is being pampered today~?”


“You be quiet.” Aether teased, pulling their gloves off and set them aside before rubbing the soap between their hands to make it suds up.


“Is your back sore anywhere? Any place in particular that you don’t want me to touch?”


“I’m fine with anything you want to do, Mon Amour.” Lyney smiled, closing his eyes in comfort as The Traveler's hands gently placed themselves on his back, starting a gentle rubbing motion with their thumbs, causing a slight groan of comfort to come from Lyney’s throat.


The man then unintentionally leaning back towards the wonderful hands of his new lover, gaining a small chuckle.


“Are you sure that you don’t need to get back home soon? Your Father might get worried, it’s been a few hours.” Aether smiled, enjoying the slight grunts and hums they got from their hands rubbing the most tender joints in the Magician’s body right now.


“I think it’ll be fine.. sh- he said that I could be gone until dinner. I still have time.”


The Traveler smiled, “alright. If you say so. You wanna cuddle after this? Paimon must have been exhausted from all the flying she did yesterday. Those Hilichurls are no joke.”


“Hah. Sure, I would love some cuddles right now if you wouldn’t mind..”










Freminet’s body was as stiff as a board as they fearfully stared at Dottore’s face, trying to show as much respect as possible so as to not anger the man.


Their sister was trying her best to protect them..

It made him feel so useless as he hugged his penguin stuffed animal closer, an audible squeak coming from the toys voice box.


They didn’t want to answer the man’s questions..

But with the way Father was in between them and facing off with the man… they knew that if they didn’t answer, then Father may be hurt..


Father was strong..

He knew that.

Father could hold her own in a fight.

But against one of the top Harbingers when she isn’t in the top three that are considered to have the strength of gods? No..


“Tick tock child..” The Doctor reminded, causing a horrible feeling to claw at Freminet’s throat.

But regardless, they spoke.

Albeit with an obvious tremor, but they gave an answer..


“I-I was only twenty minutes out from the front of The O-Orphanage.. I-I can’t think of how to tell how deep d-down i was.. t-they were in a cave-“


They….? ” The Doctor smirked, “there was multiple?”


A strong clawed grip clawed at Freminet’s heart for an unknown reason..

“Yes… t-two. From what I saw-“



Chapter 36: Get Out.


Tw: threats of death/violence

Chapter Text

“Are you done?” Arlecchino hissed, gaining another sly chuckle from The Doctor as he stood back up, clasping his hands behind him.


“I suppose that will be the only question I need answered for right now.. yes.”


“Splendid.” Father smiled fakely- still twirling the knives in her hands in attempts to calm herself down.


Her whole body was seemingly boiling with anger..


“Now get out. I will not have you in here for another moment intimidating the children.. they have…. Important training to get to.”


It was the only excuse that came to her mind at the moment. But it did seem to get Dottore to back off slightly from the children.


Which she counted as a win-


But before she knew it, The Doctor only retorted with, “Oh I know… playing family must be extremely exhausting for them..” 


And simply walked out of the Orphanage..

Leaving The Knave fuming..


How dare he…?

How dare that man think that he can just walk in here, threaten everyone in the building with their lives, take information, and then walk out???


Oh she wished that she could slam her heel right onto his ass and-


“F-Father..? Are you alright? You’re shaking..” Freminet whispered, his purple eyes looking up at her with hesitation but above all… concern..

He was concerned for her…

And yet she couldn’t understand why..


All the other children looked at her as well, fear, confusion, and surprisingly anger filling their eyes with what had just happened..


One of them, a young boy no older than eight, stomped his feet with a scoff.


“How dare he talk to Father like that!!”


And before she could even retort.

Before she could even get them to calm down and get back to what she had planned for them today, all of the children started retorting.


Defending her of all things..

Saying that “she should have yelled at the man.”

That “she should have ordered him out of the Orphanage. Out of her property and presence.”


It was almost laughable.

These children had more ambition than she thought..


They didn’t simply hold back their anger, their rage..

Not like she had.

The Knave could even feel the sore spot on her tongue from where she had bitten down to stop herself from yelling and cursing at Dottore.


It had been a close call-

She had been half tempted to use her nails to claw over his face-

Maybe that would have gotten him to leave sooner..


But, oh well.

She sighed softly before looking down at half the children who had grabbed the wooden swords that she had gotten them for the purpose of training them for real weapons.

The kids then pretending to stab the air as if it was The Doctor who was in front of them.


Small cries and cheers consisting of, “I got you now!!” And “how dare you make Father mad!!” Filling the room pretty quickly after that.


It was honestly amusing-


So much so that one of her clawed hands covered her lips before she began to chuckle, looking down at Freminet and Lynette who had chosen to stay by her sides, the boy daring to hug her side with his head gently flopped over onto her shoulder.


Oh god..

Her resolve was breaking even more by the day..

Instead of doing something about it though, her hand moved from her lips to the Blonde boy’s head, her free hand doing the same with Lynette.


“We are okay now..”













Pantalone was completely silent as he followed The Doctor back to their ship.

His eyes still closed, though his smile had been long gone..


“Did you happen to get the location out of one of the Orphan Children?”


And the answer was quite simple, “Of course I did..” 

“Did you really think that I would have left without gaining the answer? How ignorant do you believe me to be?”


“I didn’t say that you were ignorant. I know that you are actually quite the opposite..” Pantalone reasoned, “but.. arrogant is one word I would use..”


“Arrogant?” The Doctor stopped in his tracks.

His shoes making quick turns in the sand.

“You think that I am arrogant?”


At those words, Pantalone didn’t really know how to respond.

Opening his eyes to stare at The Doctor coldly before clearing his throat softly.


“I believe that you can get into these types of situations too quickly. Challenging The Knave was reckless and could seriously derail the Fatui’s plans if she were to have retorted. Do you have no thought process of not getting into trouble??”


“Oh please, I was just having a bit of fun with it!” Dottore smirked, “besides, you don’t care for anything except for money and profit. Don’t tell me that you’re going soft for children too..”


“I would have no need for tenderness around children. That is The Knave’s job.” Pantalone grumbled before starting to walk again, this time passing the Doctor.


“Alright… if you say so..” Dottore only smirked again before continuing on.

“But if you get soft on me then I will have no hesitation towards killing you..”


“…As I thought..”


“Great, so we are on the same page..”


“Stop talking and focus on the plan.”


“Fine fine… you have no humor.”

Chapter 37: Oh Fuck…

Chapter Text

Lyney giggled and leaned his head farther back towards Aether’s hands, feeling them gently working shampoo into his scalp.


“My my Mon Amour~ you seem well… equipped with your hands my dear..” The Magician smiled brightly, gaining a soft hearted look back.


“Well, fighting against monsters does make you pretty skilled with both hands.”


“I suppose so.” Lyney hummed, closing his eyes to feel how Aether’s hands moved to take out the hair band that kept the braided parts of his hair in place, which from the moment they had in the bedroom had become quite messy and unraveled.


The Magician even seeming to shiver as his shoulder length hair flopped down against his neck, the cold chill of newly dampened hair sending tremors through his spine.


“Are you alright, Lyney?”


“I’m just fine.” He smiled, waving off their slight concern.

“Just a bit chilly.”


“Ah, then I should wrap you up in a warm towel soon, hm?” Aether smiled, finishing up with rinsing Lyney’s hair before picking him back up into their arms.

Being careful about not dropping the man who right now seemed completely content with lending all of his trust to the Traveler, as his hands had not gone up to hold around their neck like before.


“Thank you for being so gentle with me, Mon Amour..”

Lyney couldn’t help but smile lovingly up at the blonde haired Traveler, gaining yet another smile back as well as a kiss on the forehead.


“There is no need to thank me.. lets get your hair dried and braided before getting you dressed in new clothes, hm? So you don’t get them soaked.”


“I suppose that would be the most logical way to do it- but I must thank you again for-“


But alas, The Magician was interrupted by a soft yawn coming from somewhere further into the hotel room, only to see a drowsy Paimon gently floating towards them.


Oh fuck!-


Aether gulped, their hands reflexively moving to grab a towel and almost threw it around Lyney who adjusted it to cover himself just in time before Paimon rubbed her eyes and looked up at them.


“Oh! Lyneyyy!!! I didn’t know that you would come visit us!! Why didn’t you wake me up????”













“Wait wait wait!” Tartaglia breathed, waving his hands out in front of him. “So you mean to tell me that-… our ship… when me and Pantalone were out there together investigating… that we were right above somewhere where Siren’s lived???”


“Live.” Zhongli corrected, “and go on. I assume that you have inquiries? I would be very surprised if you didn’t.”


“I’m getting to that..!- okay. First question I can think of is how are you supposed to be different from Siren’s??” The human seemed skeptical, raising an eyebrow and even puffing out his chest a bit as if trying to look more serious.


“I am not a Siren.” 


“How could I know that?? You could be a Siren and I wouldn’t even know the difference!”


The golden tailed Mermaid sighed, pressing a hand to his forehead.

“You humans have really lost your knowledge on our kind haven’t you? It’s quite a shame.”


Childe sighed, sitting back down onto the wooden dock with his legs dangling down, almost touching the water with the tip of his shoes.


Why did he have to be the one to get himself into these messes??


“Well, all the books around your kind have either all been destroyed or misinterpreted.” The human shrugged, “so even if someone wanted to, they would either get books that have the wrong information or go on the hunt for something already destroyed.”


“I see..” the Mermaid sighed, looking up at the sky with his hands holding the back of his head.

“What a shame..” he then repeated, his tail swaying slowly as it hung off the boat dock.


The human and mermaid pair then seemed to stay silent for a good while, looking up at the sky before Tartaglia chose to interrupt the quiet.


“So what exactly are the differences between you guys and Sirens? Are they as intelligent as you guys?”


“Oh quite. In fact some can be even more so. They need the intelligence in order to get their meals. Which, as you probably know, are usually humans..”


Just as Zhongli guessed, Tartaglia didn’t seem surprised in the slightest by his words. Instead the man simply asked yet another question.


“Do they usually target certain people..?”




“And those people are?-“


“People they once knew when they themselves were… human.”


The human's blue eyes widened in shock.












Arlecchino sighed as she watched the clock about the fireplace tick down endlessly.


It was almost dinner time and yet Lyney seemed to be nowhere in sight.


Could something have happened to him?

Did he somehow stumble across Dottore while walking back home and got into some trouble??


She sighed once more, standing up from where she had been sitting on the sofa.

All of the kids have either gone to their rooms or played for a few last minutes.



Almost everyone.


Everyone except for Freminet and Lynette that is.

The two siblings preparing the dinner table as she watched.


She had learned to keep a very close eye on the two.

Who knows what trouble the children could get themselves into-




Arlecchino was snapped out of her thoughts though by Lynette’s cold voice, tail having gone still now.


“Speak, Lynette. What is it?” The Knave asked, crossing her legs.


“I was just asking if you knew where Lyney had gone, Father… you see.. me and Freminet are getting quite worried..”


It was quite reasonable to be worried by a sibling being gone for almost the whole day..

So Arlecchino couldn’t blame the girl for that.


The woman sighing as she stood, her blackened hands wiping off her clothes.


“It has been a while hasn’t it? Well then I will go out and-“


When the doors to the Orphanage suddenly opened up to reveal a rather… disheveled Lyney, she couldn’t help but sigh a bit in relief.


Well that was before a new stern expression took over her face once more, her arms crossed.

Her eyes watching as the boy whose hair seemed oddly dampened despite it having not rained in several days, hurriedly put himself in front of her.

“And where have you been?”


“I apologize, Father. I lost track of time and I couldn’t get back until now. It won’t happen again.”



Lyney wasn’t usually one to make such excuses..

What was going on-


“Lyney! You forgot your!-“


And suddenly a blonde haired traveler came running after Lyney to stand behind him..

Holding up what he forgot, which seemed to be his gloves…


Lyney’s face turning pale from seeing Aether’s expression change once they looked at his strict “Father”…

Chapter 38: A Lover’s Quarrel..

Chapter Text

“Wriothesley?” Neuvillette hummed in thought, sensing something odd about their surroundings..


“Yes Monsieur?”

The other Mermaid hummed, turning to face the Chief Justice with clouded eyes.

“Is something wrong?”


“Do you also feel that something is off..? Forgive me but I don’t quite feel like we are safe here at the moment. How long have we been hiding here again..?”


The black tailed Mermaid sighed softly, looking up at the cave’s ceiling in thought.


“Ever since the Siren Outbreak? Dear Archons… that had to be at least twenty years ago now, right?”


“Right..” Neuvillette sighed, “are you sure that no human knows where our location is? I just- dear me- I have this terrible habit of thinking that we will be caught some day… either by humans or… those things.. I just.. can’t imagine what that would be like..”


Wriothesley sighed, his tail coiling around the other’s as he pulled him closer, offering a soft hearted grin full of sharp teeth.


“Hey.. even if one of them finds us, we’ll be fine. I have seen you go ballistic before when seeing one of the Melusine’s get hurt- remember?” He laughed, gaining a slight swat of a blue tail.


“I was not that scary. I simply, and very politely told the mermaids off for teasing her-“


“Uh huh.. sure.”


“I wasn’t!-“











“A-Aether…?” Lyney gulped, his eyes wide and frightened as he reached out to grab his lover’s- were they even lovers anymore…?

Were the two even lovers to begin with..?


“A-Aether please- I-“


“T-The K-Knave!?” Paimon’s voice cracked like a small child’s as she flew in from right behind Aether, hiding behind them as if she was about to be eaten alive by the woman that stood before them…


Arlecchino’s cold eyes watching as the three in front of her, one her child, and two her supposed enemies all stood there in varying degrees of horror and surprise.


And with Lyney…


Sorrow and pure regret for not saying anything sooner..

For not letting Aether know before this that he had been part of this whole thing all along.


The young man had known the consequences of joining and participating in the Fatui…

He had known everything before he had even gotten to truly know Father.. 

He knew just how much pain she had and will cause.

He knew just how much blood has been on her hands, the dead bodies of so many people weighing heavily on her shoulders and consciousness.


And yet when she offered him and his twin sister to join the House of Hearth..

To have a Family again..

He hadn’t hesitated.


But if he had known this…

If he had known that joining the Fatui Harbingers would ruin his chances of ever winning over the one he loved…

Would he have still accepted it so easily…?-


“What are you doing here??” Aether suddenly growled, “what did you do to Lyney’s Father???”


And at those words, Lyney’s heart couldn’t help but stop as he looked over at The Traveler.


Had they not noticed that this was an Orphanage..?

Did they think that the Knave was here to hurt his father even when he had none to begin with EXCEPT for Arlecchino???



Oh no..


Before Arlecchino could even get a word out of her lips though, a sword was pulled free from the Traveler’s belt, immediately being pointed towards her.


“Stay back!”


“Wait!! Aether!!”

Lyney could only yelp before getting roughly pulled back, behind Aether as if being offered protection that he didn’t need nor ask for.




“Aether please listen to me!- I know what this looks like but she isn’t!-“


“Let him and his siblings go. Now.” Aether hissed, seemingly in their own world as they shifted their weight forward in preparation for if The Knave so happened to retaliate.




“Hush!!” Paimon pressed a small hand to her own mouth, “The Traveler is trying to protect you..! Don’t you want to be protected???-“


Lyney couldn’t help but be frustrated, grabbing onto Aether’s shoulder to turn them around but before he could, The Knave.. his… Father spoke with an oddly… soft tone.


“That is enough.. Lyney. Let them do as they please. It’s not like I cannot handle myself, correct?”


“How do you even know his name!-“


Lyney moved quickly, now staring down the blade that Aether held..

His eyes slightly glossed over as guilt filled him.


“Aether… this.. is.. My… Father..”














Silence filled the room after that..

A look of anger.. betrayal… sadness.. and anger again flashed before The Traveler’s eyes as their sword shook..


They must have figured out that he definitely worked with the Fatui right after that sentence…

As they breathed heavily as if to calm themselves down.


But that was before their gaze hardened..

“Get out of my way, Lyney…”


“What…?” Paimon gasped, her small hands gripped tightly onto the Traveler’s sleeve.

“A-Aether.. y-you can’t be serious about this. P-Paimon knows that he’s p-protecting a valuable l-leader of The Fatui but-“


“Get. Out. Of. The. Way.” Aether growled again, shoving Paimon off lightly before facing his horrified lover again..


“Before I make you..”

Chapter 39: Sit down… relax…


Tw: blades, near cutting

Chapter Text

Lyney couldn’t breathe..

He physically felt like he couldn’t breathe as his eyes flickered between the blade that his lover held firmly, the tip barely brushing against his chest. And those light brown, almost yellow eyes glared at him..



He couldn’t believe that he was in this situation..

A situation where he was having to betray his lover’s trust and faith in him to instead protect the one family he had been given.


Why had life chosen this fate for him..?


“Aether please!” He practically begged, eyes tearing up as he took a deep breath and leaned forward, allowing the sword’s tip to lightly press against his chest.

“Please believe me when I say that I did not want to have you think that I would ever betray you… I’m not that type of man..”


He continued, his hands shaking as he grabbed the swords handle, holding right on top of Aethers hands as he pressed the sword closer to his chest, the sword's blade almost cutting the skin..


“So.. cut me down if you must. Take my blood and soul as my apology and leave my words behind with my carcass.. Do what you must to think that I would and will never have the wish to betray you again..”


As soon as Aether’s eyes widened at his words, he knew that he had broken through the Traveler’s mind, the sword in their hand shaking as emotion began to take over their hate.




“Lyney. Enough.” Arlecchino’s cold voice finally snapped the young man out from his daze, feeling The Knave’s hand grip onto his wrist before yanking him back to be behind her body instead as she faced the still shaken Traveler.


Their floating companion trying her best to snap them out of the same daze by yanking back on their sleeve with all the might her tiny body could muster.


“T-Traveler..!! C-Come on!! We can’t fight her right now!!”

And after just a few minutes of her straining, Aether relented, shakily putting their sword back onto the holder on their belt..


Their eyes then looking up to lock onto the one they call “Father”.. 


It was completely silent after that for a full ten minutes..

All of the kids still hiding behind Arlecchino as she tried her best to act like the cold Father she once was.


And to Aether, it looked natural.

Which is what she was aiming for-

But to Lyney, the face was odd..

Very unnatural considering how just twenty minutes ago she was laughing and smiling at the children under her care..


And now she was practically slapping on a fake yet controlled smile on her face, as if nothing was wrong.


He wondered just how she managed to do that..


 “No, let The Traveler stay..” she decided, sitting back down calmly as if nothing happened and crossing one leg over the other.

“Please, have a seat.”


At this sudden tone shift, Aether’s body stiffened as they looked from the table, to Arlecchino’s face, and to Lyney for a few moments before Paimon suddenly interrupted, resuming her old attempts to drag The Traveler away by their shirt sleeve.


“Hah hah… I don’t think The Traveler and Paimon would like to stay much longer.. See we have lots of things to do and-“


“Paimon.” Aether sighed before sitting down at the seat Arlecchino had offered, keeping their gaze off of Lyney who had started to quickly escape to his room, all the while holding back his tears.


“I would like to hear.. what The Knave has to say for herself..”


“Okay..” Paimon responded with a quiet gulp, “b-but are you sure that it’s safe..?”


“As long as no weapons are brought out onto the dining table I will not retort.” Arlecchino interrupted coldly, eyes following closely to Lyney’s two other siblings who also started to sneak upstairs quietly.


“Alright. Shall we begin speaking now like proper adults?”


“…Yes.” Aether whispered..














The mentioned man jumped as a familiar sight of a ginger haired man bursted into his room, clothes absolutely a mess and orange hair disheveled.


“What?!” Pantalone snapped back, not in the mood for any of Childe’s jokes or bantering today.

“What could be so important that you look like you got run over by a train and kicked my door in??”


“T-that!!- that Mermaid!- h-He!!- they!!-“


“For every Archon's sake just spit it out!-“


Tartaglia inhaled deeply, “he told me some much needed information and how we both could have died if he hadn’t scared us off the boat and- and!-“


That only succeeded in making Pantalone all the more impatient, about to snap at Childe for wasting his time before-


“Sirens were below the boat!!- like- right below!! And they could have killed us!- or at least offered a good sparring duel-“



Chapter 40: Awkwarrrrrddddd-


Tw: references to inappropriate touching by the Doctor (hes a creep)

Chapter Text

“I know right???” Childe huffed out a laugh mixed with disbelief, The young man moving to lean against Pantalone’s desk, facing up towards the ceiling before sighing.

“Should we… really be doing this..? Getting into this mission with the Doc if there’s a chance that we could all possibly just- die right here?? I mean- you don’t seem all too concerned about helping Doctor Dottore out either- he acts so… strangely around you too. Why don’t you leave?”


“You know that I can not do such things when this mission is concerning The Tsaritsa’s location.. she has been gone for years, even though she is still sending letters for us to listen to and obey, this is one of the only leads we have on finding where she has disappeared..”


The ginger sighed, playing with a piece of his hair to move it out of his face.

“Are you sure that it’s worth it though..? The Doc- he’s… definitely not a good dude.. he just- when he’s around you specifically he acts so… gross. Have you noticed that? He either tries to touch your shoulder or back and-“


“I am aware.” Pantalone coldly snapped, “and it is not any of your business. He is just trying to.. be annoying and-“


“Manipulate you to do what he wants? Yeah.” Tartaglia interrupted, biting on the inside of his cheek for a second.

“Yeah. I can definitely see that. And I have seen how much you try to avoid him when he is in that… mood.”


“I don't need your help nor do I want it.”


“I never offered my help. All I’m saying is that maybe you should… refuse to work with him sometimes. Working closely with the Doctor can… Change a person.”


The Regrator sighed, “you don’t think I have tried that?-“


“Then keep me in the room when you’re around him.” 


Pantalone’s eyes could not help but widen at the sudden kind offer he was being given so… easily…?


“…I don’t see how that could help.”


And Tartaglia seemed to laugh at those words, wrapping an arm around the other man’s shoulder and leaning in, almost pressing their cheeks together as if they were the bestest of friends.


“Look! I may not be too scary or highly ranked but I’m sure that I could at least break a finger or two- maybe one of his ankles too! You just give a signal of a nod if he’s getting too pushy and there you go!”


And The 9th Harbinger couldn’t really understand..

This- Kid was offering to basically go feral on a potentially dangerous Doctor if the man got in the wrong mood and he was offering that… to him..?


He sighed but shrugged, knowing that he couldn’t really stop it anyway.

“Sure. If you want.”


“Yes!! Finally a sparring match worthy of me!!”


Was that what this was about..?

Pantalone couldn’t help but chuckle as Tartaglia fist pumped and smiled at him.


“Anyway, us low ranks gotta stick together right??”



The Regrator was surprised but offered back a soft smile.. a real smile..

“I suppose that would be helpful, yes..”













Minutes ticked on silently as The Knave began oddly preparing tea for the table..


Paimon nervously floating up and trying to be as discreet as possible while also making sure that the Knave wasn’t trying to poison The Traveler in anyway.


“W-what tea are you making?” She asked, flittering about nervously while practically being over Arlecchino’s left shoulder.


“Just a simple Earl Gray.. it fights thoughts of anxiety which I hope will keep all of us calm and…” The Knave hummed, trying to think of a word least likely to offend The Traveler and their flying… pet-


“Rational.” She decided, finishing up quickly before putting the tea pot along with sugar cubes onto the table before sitting back down across from Aether.


“Now.. we shall talk.” Her face stone cold yet again.. slipping back into her once comfortable mask.

“Why don’t you have some tea first?”


At that, Aether nodded.. their gaze going over to Paimon who nodded nervously, signaling that the tea was in fact safe, allowing the Traveler to quietly take the tea pot’s handle and pour it into their provided cup.


“…Why do you own this Orphanage? You do own it correct?? And.. the children, they help-“


“They do what I ask of them, yes.” Arlecchino interrupted gently, taking the tea pot after them and pouring her own cup.

“But they are still their own people. I do not control that.”


“So… Lyney and Lynette.. his siblings- how did they join this place..?”


“I think that they would be the ones to answer that better.”


“You’re avoiding the question.” Aether glared at her, “and how would I know that they would be telling the truth and not be some puppet that you control?”


“Hmm.. so that’s what you think I am.” Arlecchino nodded in understanding, “it is true that The Knave before me controlled them exactly that way… But she is not here now. And instead I offered the children a place here. As a Family of sorts.”


“Where is the previous Knave? Did you kill her to get your place here??”


“That’s not an important question. All you need to know is that I am not her, and she is certainly not me. That, and Lyney is not controlled in anyway for his feelings towards you.”


Paimon blinked in confusion, looking over to her companion with a look of surprise as they seemed a bit flustered and almost embarrassed by that remark.


“Traveler..? Paimon doesn’t get what that means.” She then looked to the Knave. “We barely even see Lyney, sure he’s a friend but-“


“Paimon.” Aether whispered, hushing her quickly before their gaze locked onto the Knave.

“How did you know about that? Do you have a camera on him??? A microphone??” They stood up, the chair screeching harshly as it was slid across the floor.

“Are you threatening him???”


“I did nothing of the sort. And yes, all the children have a radio on them, though it was not turned on at any time during your two’s…. Interaction-“


“Then how!-“


“You should really be more careful about not leaving obvious signs on his neck.”



Aether quickly stopped their accusations before awkwardly sitting back down, their face completely red.

“I see-“


They would certainly have to apologize to Lyney later after all this information given-

Chapter 41: I love you… so much..


Another Ruby Knife chapter because my writers block had gotten me on the Doctor’s fic- which ill hopefully upload another chapter of soon- hopefully-

Chapter Text

Lyney couldn’t help but cry into a pillow once he had made an escape to his bedroom.


God.. he was a mess.

He didn’t deserve Aether.

Not like this..

Not while he was part of the Fatui..


He couldn’t let The Traveler go through with having a relationship with him if he was still doing this..


And yet..

He had gone and done it anyway, so eager to find someone who was exciting- who was new.  


But now.. he was deeply regretting it.

His lover- were they even that anymore..?

Was downstairs, talking with Father about- something-


Was Father going to hurt them..?

What if it turned into a full fight..?


He would have to stop that from happening..

But he didn’t know how he would even do that.


Maybe he could-




The man was quickly brought out from his thoughts from his twin sisters sad yet still dull and steady tone.

She probably knew what he was thinking about after all..

The intuition that twins could have of each other’s emotions can be a real hindrance sometimes…


But she had also been the one to help him get rid of his anxieties about confessing to Aether..


Even going so far as to helping him pick out flowers for him if…

If they ever were to.. go on a date sometime in Fountaine..


Well that was ruined now, wasn’t it…?


“Y-yeah..?” His voice couldn’t help but crack as he lifted his head to face her, gaining a sympathetic sigh from Lynette who then moved to sit on his bed beside him.


“You want to talk?”


“I-I am fine dear sis- this Magician is just-“


“Cut the crap.” A new voice suddenly snapped, and surprisingly it was Freminet who had spoke, the twins having never heard the teen even remotely close to swearing before-


The blonde silently moving to now be in front of the two, offering his prized Penguin plush to his older brother with an almost embarrassed blush on his face.


“…Pers always helps me when I’m upset… s-so maybe he could help you too if you just- give him a squeeze.”

Freminet then demonstrated by squeezing the penguin plush himself, making it let out a small squeak from its voice box before gently setting it into Lyneys arms, the older brother letting out a small sniffle before hugging the toy.


“I-I guess it really does help.. heh… t-thanks Fremmie.. but I don’t think P-Pers will be able to fix this M-Magician’s broken heart on his own..”


The two siblings sighed as they looked at Lyney, about to move towards him to attempt to comfort him more before another interrupted them.


“Maybe… a certain Traveler will be able to fix your broken heart?”


And as Lyney’s head immediately snapped up to stare at the doorway, he smiled with glossy eyes.

As there in the doorway was Father, Aether, and Paimon all smiling just for him.


But the boy only had eyes for Aether it seemed..

Laughing happily with tears of relief rolling down his cheeks, unable to even really react as Aether quickly went up to him and picked him up, their hands securely on the back of his thighs.


“I heard everything… I am sorry…”


And Lyney couldn’t even react before the other’s lips were against his..

His body completely relaxing…















“Kaveh.” Al-Haitham hummed, looking over the red glistening scales over The Mermaid’s body with a vague sense of fascination and wonder.

This gained Kaveh’s attention, raising an eyebrow at the Chef.

“Yes? What is it?”


“Do you really know if there is a magical property in your scales? I have always wondered since we have found you if any of the stories humans have are true..”


And at this question, Kaveh took the liberty to think for a moment.

A clawed finger tip placed on his chin as he thought and thought.


“I suppose that could be said for some Mermaids.”


The information then caused both of Al-Haitham’s eyebrows to raise in surprise.

“Really? Why only some?”


“Because.” Kaveh spoke nonchalantly, as if it was completely normal for scales to have magical fucking powers-

“For a Mermaid Scale to reach its full potential in power, it has to be taken by a human that the Mermaid trusts wholeheartedly. Body and Soul.”


“And this magic property given by the scale does what??” As more and more information poured out, Al-Haitham couldn’t help but to ask more and more questions.


The once burnt out mind of a talented young Scholar being swarmed with new information and ideas.


Could it be powers to protect the human??

To protect the mermaid who gave the scale in the first place??

Does any other human know this information??

Was he the first one???

If so, why him????-


“It can give all sorts of powers.” Kaveh answered, shrugging slightly, finally having a bit of room alone in the bathtub by himself while Tighnari and Cyno had gone out to help The green tailed mermaid with swimming again since they had been laying down low for a few weeks now.


The only thing having bothered them in their hideout having been Al-Haitham’s boss insistently pestering him about when he would be coming back to work-




Obviously he didn’t say that, but he had wanted to act stern with him.


But Cyno said that he should probably play nicely for now.

And he would have been nice either way- just maybe with a slight remark or two-


God- this sucks-

Chapter 42: I promise..


Tw: referencing to lynettes kidnapping

Sorry if i made Lyney explain it wrong, I don’t remember the correct wording he used 😅

Chapter Text

Lyney laughed happily while tears rolling down his face, pressing himself closer to his apparently still Lover with all the strength he could muster for the moment while still shaking.


His head laying down gently onto Aether’s shoulder, who offered a small smile before kissing his forehead.


“Oh Lyneyyy!!!” Paimon whined in sympathy, fluttering around as she took in the now disheveled appearance of the well known Magician.


“Paimon was worried about you when you ran off! Paimon is sorry that she didn’t follow but-“


“I-it’s fine Paimon..” Lyney smiled softly, looking up at her, placing a hand on top of her head as if to comfort her.

“You were just trying to keep the Traveler from fighting Father.. you’re okay.”


But those words did not seem to do anything to ease her, Paimon flittering around momentarily before finding what she had apparently been looking for which is a handkerchief that had been kept inside Lyney’s dresser, flying back towards The Magician before gently wiping at his face.


The man smiling softly while leaning into the touch, “you’re much too kind, Paimon. I am fine now.” He looked up to Arlecchino, who nodded in acknowledgment to his gaze.


“I really am fine now..” 


With another squeeze from Aether, he was gently set back down, though his legs threatened to wobble slightly from the past emotions that still seemed to affect him.


“I believe that we should give them some time to talk.” The Knave hummed, motioning for the two siblings and Paimon to follow her before closing the door behind them, but not before giving Lyney another nod.


Oh dear Archons-

She knew- oh she sooooo knew!!!-

Lyney couldn’t stop his face from turning bright red, gaining a light laugh from The Traveler who cupped his face, running their thumbs gently over his cheeks.


“Are you alright? Your eyes are all puffy and red.” Aether then frowned in sympathy, sitting Lyney down onto his bed before they took a seat next to him.


“Y-Yes, this Magician is alright now that a prince in armor has come to see him.” Lyney laughed while wiping at his eyes, momentarily grounding himself before looking back over at them.


“I… have so many things that I want to explain to you but-… I… don’t know if you have the willingness to hear them.”


“I have time. I always do..” was their simple response as their eyes never looked away from him, “though I must admit that I am still a bit… upset… maybe even angry that you did not tell me about this sooner..”


“I know.. and I am very remorseful over that..” Lyney understood, adjusting his shirt in a way to make himself not stress even more about this.

“I just.. didn’t know how you would take it. I… Father probably already told you everything about me, yes? How I joined this whole thing to begin with? How… all the kids-“


“No.” Aether shook their head, momentarily shocking Lyney who had thought that all of his secrets would have been out and dissected by now.


Did Arlecchino purposefully let him have the opportunity to tell the whole story instead..?


“O-Oh.. then.. I am guessing that you want to hear the truth from me.”


“I do… But the Knave warned me that you may feel uncomfortable sharing it with me. Is that correct?”


The Magician paused for a few moments, back stiffening slightly at just the mention of his past. Of- him and his sisters past..


Would Aether forgive him if he were to tell him about it?

Would it truly make a difference?


He didn’t know..

But he had to take that risk…


So, he took a deep breath and nodded.

“You do deserve that truth..”


And when their hand squeezed his as if to agree, he began.


“Lynette and I… were orphaned from a when we were just young teenagers.. I don’t quite remember how our parents died, nor do I recall how we eventually ended up on the streets but..”

He squeezed Aether’s hand.

“We did..”


“And I’m guessing that Father…. The Knave found you there?”


All it took was a full minute of silence for Aether to know that their assumption was wrong, bringing them back to attention, this time with more curiosity.

“So.. she came into the picture later?-“


“I was doing some magic tricks on the road that I learned from watching another man for some extra cash. His name was Cesar.” Lyney interrupted, his gaze for some reason hardening.


“And while I was… earning money, a noble man found me and my sister and.. offered us jobs. A house. Food. But… one day, when I was going back… Lynette wasn’t in the same carriage as me.”


Aether’s eyes widened a bit in surprise, already seeing where this was about to go..

“You can’t mean that-“


“The man.” Lyney practically hissed out, “when I discovered that not only was my sister not in the same carriage, that she didn’t even come back to that man’s house after the performance.. I went back to him and demanded to know where my sister was.. and he told me… without a single care.. that he had given her away as a gift… that our client had taken an interest in her…”


More silence fell into the room as those words hung in the air, Lyney not even taking the opportunity to adjust himself on the bed before Aether did that for him, moving their body to lay down before pulling him down with them. Trying their best to calm him down from his obviously agitated state.


What would they have done if their own sister had been put into that situation…?


“And… I’m guessing you got her back?”


“I went.” Lyney nodded his head, pressing further against Aether’s shirt. “But the Knave was already there…”


Aether’s eyes widened once more, “and she killed the man?”


With a simple nod, Lyney then looked up at them once more, “I still need to do so much to make it up to her.. She… saved my sister… along with a dozen other girls. She bloodied her hands for us… so I will bloody my hands for her in return..”


The Traveler took a deep breath at those words before nodding.

“Alright.. I forgive you.. I forgive everything that you did to keep your family safe.” They smiled, “but please.. don’t lie to me again.”


“I won’t.” Lyney said automatically with a quick nod, “never. As long as I live.” He added before giggling when Aether rewarded him with soft kisses on his forehead and lips, pulling The Traveler impossibly closer to him.


“I’ll never lie again.. not to you… Mon Amour..”

Chapter 43: Fight or Flee..


Tw: inappropriate touches by the Doctor as means of manipulation, mentions of blood and death

Chapter Text

Pantalone hummed, silently working at his desk while The Doctor was working on something else..

Something else that seemed to cause The Doctor to giggle ominously while he worked, almost driving Pantalone up the wall, but of course… as usual he let the Doctor get away with it.


It was not worth the… conversation that they would have afterwards.

He knew..

And he would much rather avoid it.


“Are you working on something different today?”


Though he did stupidly ask Dottore a question about his.. work.

Gaining a giggle as the crazed man flipped around and was behind Pantalone so fast that The Regrator had not even seen the man move.


Holy Fuck-


“Oh Pantalone… you usually aren’t ever interested in my work..” Dottore smirked, looking sickeningly excited.


The man moving to be almost breathing against his neck, sending unnecessary chills down his spine.


Don’t give him a reaction.

Whatever you do, just DO NOT give him a reaction. 


He forced a familiar smile onto his face, looking over at him with the fake expression.

“I was just wondering what… nonsense you are working on..”


“Nonsense?” The Doctor laughed, of course latching onto the word the Pantalone hadn’t meant to even say.



“I do not think of my work to be nonsense.. those are some bold words from you Pantalone..” a hand snaked its way up said man’s chest, Pantalone holding back slight shivers that threatened to come down his spine.


Clenching his teeth, he let out a hiss.

“I told you before. I do not like to be touched in that matter.” And slapped his hand away, gaining a laugh.


“Aww, come now. You know that I don’t mean anything by it..” 


Pantalone couldn’t hold back a scoff from those words, feeling that disgusting touch gliding down from his chest to his abdomen and-


“Hey Doc!” Tartaglia suddenly spoke, practically hopping into the room and making Dottore almost jump in surprise, leading Pantalone to sag in relief as those hands repelled themselves from his body.

Oh thank the archon’s-












There once was a time where The Primordial Sea was small in scale..


A time where the waters inside were contained within the land below, the seal keeping it from the oceans waters..


But one day..

The seal was shattered by an unknown force, flooding the nearby oceans and rivers with such water, and with it… came the Sirens.


The Sirens were beautiful..

Enchanting people with their songs and beauty..

Such beauty was not found in humans.


And that was the reason why the humans should have stayed far away from the creatures that came out of nowhere one day…


As with them, came the Outbreak.

And with the Outbreak, came carnage.. and misery for all Mermaid kind.


A once beautiful land named Fountaine with its bountiful resources and beautiful waters.. was destroyed and turned into a food less wasteland in only a few years time..

The Mermaids were scattered from their homes.

Their Archon went missing.

And the Iudex.. with no other choice, fled with a guard and as many others as possible..


The Sirens.. known for their red eyes and sharp teeth still searching through the wasteland that they left behind… for something… something that they HAD to find..











Kaveh winced slightly as a headache began to form across his brows, his red eyes closing as he put a clawed hand to his head.



It had been too long..

Much too long after his last fulfilling meal.


All this dead fish and red meat was not helping the fact that he needed something different..

Something… much more.. alive..


And yet, he had never felt this way before..

What was going on with him?? Why was he thinking about such things??


Maybe he just needed some alive fish- yes, yes maybe that’s what is wrong.


Maybe it just- wasn’t giving him the same nutrients that he needed.

Yes, that had to be it.

It had to be.


“Al-Haitham.” He spoke, looking over to The Chef who walked in from the living room to see him.


“Yes? What is it? You done with your nap and want to actually do something?” He teased almost snarkily, crouching down beside the tub and just out of Kaveh’s reach-


“No, I don’t need to do something. I’m fine. Just, come closer if you would. I… need you for something.”


Those choices of words together were.. odd.

Even Al-Haitham with his rather socially awkward mind picked up on that. As well as the tone.


The Mermaid’s voice sounded obviously strained, maybe he was just hungry? 

He would have to go pick up some more fish soon if that was the case, Kaveh seemed to be getting more and more hungry by the day and-


A startled, almost pained noise came from the back of Al-Haitham’s throat as Kaveh suddenly leapt at him.. 


Sharp teeth, sinking into his neck with an almost small pop noise as the fangs dug into his skin accompanying it.


“Agh!” He yelled, falling backwards and slamming his head against the bathroom sink, The now known Siren on top of him continuing his meal…


There were only two choices now in Al-Haitham’s mind..

Try to flee out from underneath the creature..

Or fight for his survival…

Chapter 44: Fuck!-


Tw: more steamy thoughts from lyney- he's just too in love for his own good-
And thoughts of bleeding out from Al-Haitham

Chapter Text

Fuck fuck fuck!!

Was there even anything for him to fight with that he could grab from the bathroom???


As soon as that coherent thought entered his mind though, Kaveh’s teeth sank deeper into his neck, causing him to let out a tiny pained gasp.


That would make moving out of the question..

If Kaveh kept getting his teeth deeper into his skin while Al-Haitham struggled then he could accidentally hit a vital vessel. 


Causing him to bleed to death on the bathroom floor with no one else to hear him..




“K-Kaveh..!” He yelled, trying to act as though he hadn’t lost composure.


But with a creature on top of you that got stronger each time he took in the smallest bit of blood..

Kaveh didn’t budge.


Fleeing was out of the question it seemed..


The Mermaid’s-… no, no he knew now that Kaveh wasn’t one of those peaceful creatures…


The Siren’s tail wrapped around his legs and hips as if it was a serpent painfully constricting its meal, causing a pained groan to come from the human once more as he thrashed and pulled.


The tail’s strong muscles only tightening more as thousands of bones just in the Siren’s tail alone kept him from being able to free himself.


“Kaveh!!” He tried again, shouting as his hand desperately reached out to grab something on the floor in a blind panic.


A plunger maybe??

A toilet brush???



Suddenly though, before he could even attempt to grab something again, Kaveh’s head was slammed down with the force of a…. chair….???


The sharp teeth that had been sinking deeper and deeper into his nape suddenly being released and yanked away, his mind unable to even comprehend what had just occurred from just how much adrenaline flooded his system at the moment.


“Haitham!! Are you alright???” All he knew was that Cyno sounded unreasonably panicked and scared for him.


He was fine.

It was unlikely that Kaveh had popped a hole in a valuable vessel in just that short amount of time.

He was fine.

He didn’t quite know why Cyno was freaking out about that when he had literally slammed a chair against the Siren’s skull-


The Chef couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for Kaveh about that-


“Are you even listening to me?!!” Cyno suddenly snapped, bringing his friend back to attention.

“You could have died right now Al-Haitham! If I hadn’t walked in here the moment I did after I heard Tigh saying something about hearing something off then you could have bled there on the floor. Do you even-“


“Enough Cyno.” The younger man winced, sitting up while Cyno forgo his argument to help his friend stand, supporting his wobbly body with his own, which albeit shorter, was pretty strong and sturdy.


The green tailed Mermaid letting out a short and quick gulp of nervousness as he watched Cyno sit Al-Haitham down before helping Tighnari lift Kaveh into the tub again so that he wouldn’t dry out.


But still… There were so many questions that rang through the group's heads at the moment about their crimson scled friend…













“Lyney.” Aether smiled, brushing his hair with one of their hands while The Magician buried his face further into their neck, taking in their warm scent.


The scent that had intoxicated them ever since they had met.

His nose slightly tickling The Traveler’s neck who chuckled softly before adjusting their position to be more on their side, Lyney reflexively curling up beside them.


“Mhh… Mon Amour..”

Lyney whispered, gaining a doting expression from his lover and yet another kiss on his forehead.


“Are you really falling asleep again? We had already taken one after our…”


“Afternoon together?” Lyney giggled, finishing the other’s sentence for them.

“I know, but you sure did tire this Magician out..!” 


Now Lyney was back up to his teasing tone, sitting up and stretching his arms up above his head while Aether was the one to let out a soft groan this time.


“And yet you’re the first one leaving the bed-“


“Why yes, sure this Magician is pretty tired out, but he has important things left to do today.” He spoke as he stood up, adjusting his hair once again as well as getting out his usual clothes.


“Oh? Is that so?” Aether seemingly teased, propping their body up with an elbow but turned away as soon as The Magician began to change.


They weren’t that disrespectful of a person to watch their lover change his clothes without permission, how ridiculous that thought was!


But their efforts seemed to be only met by amusement.

The Magician looking behind him for a moment to look for his hat before noticing just how purposefully they had been trying to look away. 


A small laugh coming from him before he unbuttoned his pajama shirt, though a large blush seemed to cover his face.


How cute..


“You can watch, I don’t mind. It’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before.”



Aether also blushed, but turned their head Lyney’s way. Dear Archons, he was so perfect..


Their golden eyes watching as Lyney first put on his shorts, then, his white undershirt before-


“Hey, Aether? Can you help me with this?”


“Oh yeah, what do you need?” As soon as Aether stood, they walked over to Lyney who acted like he was struggling with tightening his corset, looking at The Traveler for help.


“I just can’t seem to get it tight enough.. Can you help me out here? I just feel so embarrassed-“ he laughed, a much more noticeable blush covering his face. “You know what- never mind- I was just joking-“


A sharp gasp suddenly interrupted the Magician’s words though as hands went to place themselves gently onto the man’s hips, steadying him gently.


“I believe I can help with that. If you want?” Aether couldn’t help but tease, resting their chin against the man’s shoulder as they looked into the mirror in front of them.


“O-Oh! Alright..!” Lyney giggled breathlessly before melting into The Traveler's hands…

His face nuzzling itself back into his lover's neck.


If he could fall asleep standing, this would definitely be the moment he would…


A soft rumble emitting from the man’s throat as he subconsciously purred..


Chapter 45: You Lied…


Mentions of blood and puking.

Chapter Text

Aether almost physically melted as they heard the lovely sound of Lyney purring in their arms.

The Magician’s body was warm and soft as it leaned back to be against their chest, his head snuggled in underneath their chin, seemingly trying to smell their scent.


Though he almost seemed to stumble in his tiredness, the Traveler quickly wrapping their arms around their love to keep him safe from falling as they both looked into each other’s eyes.


“Are you sure that you do not want to continue sleeping?”


Lyney only laughing softly at his lover’s concern before kissing his cheek.

“I really am fine. Besides, I have to go thank Father for letting you stay over. She could have said to leave but instead she let you stay and even gave us privacy. I think that deserves a thank you.”


Aether sighed before smiling lovingly at Lyney, gently pulling on the back laces on his corset to tighten it as he wanted. Gaining a kiss on their lower jaw from the help they gave.


“Then I should thank her as well.. I may not agree with.. everything That the Knave has done but.. she did let me meet you..”


“Awww!!” Lyney laughed, putting his hat on and covering his eyes with it as well as part of his blushing face.

“You really do flatter this Magician too much, but-“ he then twirled his hat, and suddenly it was on Aether’s head instead.


He then took a knee, looking up at Aether with such adoration that it looked as if he was about to cry as he took their hand and kissed their battered knuckles while locking eyes with them.

“I too can play that game… Mon Amour~”


“Is this your way of asking for a round two?” Aether teased, though was met with surprise as Lyney looked up with a smirk at them.


“Bring it on~”















“What is it, Tartaglia..?” The Doctor smiled sweetly, as if he hadn’t been doing anything strange with his assistant who discreetly inched himself closer to Tartaglia, who he gave a slight nod to.


That was the only signal that The Low Ranked Harbinger needed..


“Oh! Did I interrupt something? Sorry for my intrusion but I just received a letter from The Tsaritsa that she would like everyone to be working separately for now. I don’t know why. But it’s her orders, soooo-“


“And where is this letter you speak of?” Was a quick reply, a practical hiss.

“I have heard of no letter since the one we just got last week. May I see it?”


“Sure.” Childe shrugged, not even reacting to the Regrator’s face as the other man knew that there hadn’t been such a letter.


Even so, Tartaglia pulled one out, handing it over to Dottore who began to read.


“How the hell did you get that letter??” A hushed whisper from Pantalone to Tartaglia came out.


“Relax. I did say that we lower ranks would have each other’s backs correct?”


“I can not relax!- how did you manage to-“


“Annnnd now do you believe me now Doc?” Tartaglia spoke up once more, seeing how Dottore had taken off his mask to read the letter carefully with his crimson red eyes.

“It says it right there in the letter. Her handwriting and everything along with the Cryo Archon signature on the bottom!”


Pantalone could not keep getting ignored- as the man was certainly about to explode-


But it only took a few moments before Dottore let out a hum… a disapproving hum may he add…


Was he disappointed with the fact that Pantalone wouldn’t be around to play with for a while?

That he wouldn’t be his psychological toy to play with just for the hell of it??


“I see… I suppose this means that Pantalone will be back in his own space now to work?”


“Exactly.” Childe nodded, adjusting his Harbinger coat.

“Now if you’ll please excuse us, I have to talk to him about the expenses of a… project I want to work on.”


“By all means..” The Doctor smiled.. 

Pantalone knew that it wasn’t a real one.. As did Tartaglia..


But even so… The deranged man held open the door for them as they left.. and as they made it down the hall, Pantalone finally let out a gasping breath as his hand went to his throat, Childe wincing in sympathy as the man doubled over to vomit.


“Ehh… the stress really got to you didn’t it?” 

Tartaglia sighed before rubbing the other’s back, the other much too occupied with being sick on the tiled floor than to answer him.


“Get it out pal… Get it out.”


“If you ever call me that again then I will slap you senseless-“


Finally, a laugh came from Childe after the stressful situation, which as unexpected as it was, was welcomed.


“Sure sure, whatever you say. Let’s just get you cleaned up then I’ll go take you to that Mermaid to get you up to date on information as well. Alright?”


“Do not talk about it as if it is some normal thing, and do keep it down.. We do not want Dottore to hear…









“W-what happened..?” Kaveh winced as he finally awoke again.. though as he did, his heart dropped when he tasted the all too familiar taste of metallic blood…



He hadn’t..

He couldn’t have..

He hadn’t taken in any blood ever since he was still a free Mermaid out in the ocean..! At his home!!-


How did he.. WHERE did he get it then???

Did he… really hurt someone..?


“Hey.” The familiar cold voice of Cyno interrupted his thoughts swiftly..

His red eyes looking up to see the human who seemed to be fighting the urge to glare at him…


“Tell me why you lied…”


Chapter 46: A New Discovery…

Chapter Text

“L-Lied…? Whatever do you mean by that..? I haven’t lied..!-“ Kaveh protested, only to be silenced by the human in only a few moments.


“Then tell me why you never chose to admit that you were a creature that attacks people!” Cyno snapped for the first time Kaveh had seen, making his eyes widen as he watched Cyno pace back and forth in the bathroom.


“I-… thought that it wasn’t necessary because I could control myself.. I-… I apologize.”


“Well, you hurt Al-Haitham because you didn’t tell us sooner and now he’s back in the hospital to make sure that you didn’t give him a fucking!- whatever virus you could be carrying!-“


“Cyno.” A new voice interrupted, even having a little snap to it. 

It was surprisingly Tighnari who had chosen to speak up..


“We.. do not need to talk about this right now.. Yes, I understand that you are upset and perhaps a little scared but… Siren’s are known to lose control over themselves whenever they are hungry.”


At those words, Cyno sighed, taking a deep breath.

“…fine. But I still want an explanation.”


“And you will get that in due time.” The green tailed Mermaid nodded, “but for now, please.. Leave us alone for a little while to talk.”

















“Father.” Lyney greeted with a soft smile as soon as he made his way down the stairs from his bedroom.

The man stopping in place as soon as he saw that The Knave was cleaning up the kitchen in preparation for dinner.


It seemed like he and Aether had woken up from their cuddle session at the perfect time.


She in fact seemed so focused on her cleaning that she did not hear him the first time, causing The Magician to gently tap her shoulder which finally had her turn only her head towards him before turning it back to her work on cleaning the kitchen counter.

“Ah, Lyney.. I trust that everything between you and… that Traveler are doing alright now?”


And at that, he smiled before nodding.

“Yes Father.. it is…” he blushed, “it is going quite well now, I just wanted to thank you for not kicking them out. You are very generous to us, Father.”


“Ah, so that is the reason you seemed a bit worried. I see now. Well, you will have to keep your visits with.. them to a moderation.” Her mask.. her cold mask was back, though it was.. quite… different…

“We do not want the word to get around that the House of Hearth has been found out by a well known Traveler… Do we?”


“Of course not, Father.” Lyney agreed, that would make things even more complicated…

“I’ll keep quiet about this all. You know how well I can keep my promises.. right, Father?”


“I do.” She finally turned to look at him, and he couldn’t help but notice that she has had her back towards him this whole time, still cleaning without worry as a matter of fact..

Just how much did she trust that The Children of the House wouldn’t betray her..? 

Of course it was true that he wouldn’t.

He wouldn’t dare to do such a thing to the woman who had given him all that he has now.

But… that trust.. 

That could be a dangerous thing to play around with.

He should know. The Knave was the one who had taught him such things in the first place.


“I’m glad.. May I ask where the other children and my siblings have run off to?”


“They are merely playing outside. Along with… the creature that calls herself Paimon.”


“I see.” Lyney had to hold back a small laugh at those words directed towards the Flying Companion, “May me and Aether join them then? Or do you need help cooking, Father?”


Arlecchino promptly raised her eyebrow at that last bit, “Do not forget that I remember how you burned the last meal you ever cooked for yourself so badly that you were sick for a week after eating it. No, I do not need your help. You are free to go outside with your siblings.”


Earning an awkward laugh from Lyney who nodded, “alright Father, I shall go then.”


“Do be sure not to get caught having… personal time with The Traveler outside, I do not want to spend time at the moment explaining it to the littlest of your siblings.”


“O-Of course, Father.” Lyney blushed before bowing his head, only then to jump as he felt Aether’s hand gently rest on his shoulder, holding in their own fair share of giggles.


The Knave looking at the both of them before offering a soft smile and a very, VERY slight nod.

“I trust that you know what will happen if you were to break his heart.. yes?”


And Aether responded, nodding back.



“Good…” was her final word before she went silent, watching as the two lovers happily went outside now, both of their faces red with a complete blush.


And in The Knave’s heart.. she couldn’t help but be glad that now someone else would be looking out for the safety and happiness of what was once one of her mere children..

And now, Lyney had certainly turned out to be a fine young man.


All she could hope now was that The Doctor didn’t find out about The Traveler…


As their patches of almost completely hidden scales that shined gold on their ankles, the rest barely hidden by their clothes already told her exactly everything she needed to know..

That Traveler was a Mermaid…

And they somehow got the ability to walk on land like a human…

How curious..

How… extraordinary..


She would have to keep close watch over them…

Chapter 47: A New Hunger..


Tw: references to inappropriate touch, man eating hunger, blood/injury

Chapter Text

“I’m telling you that there’s something odd going on..” Neuvillette sighed as he swam around with Wriosthesley, not too far from the cave but not too close either.


“Something doesn’t feel right about the waters..”


“Could it be the Sirens finding this location?” The Guard asked, showing a look of slight worry.

“We should evacuate the hideout immediately. If so, we can find a new area to live in.”


“I don’t think it’s about to come to that.. Just… the waters are..”


“Look.” Wriosthesley sighed, “I know that you can sense Primordial water somehow before it comes. I don’t know if it’s because of a crazy scent thing it has or the taste but you were the one who was able to evacuate so many of our people before we even knew what was going on. If you’re sensing something strange, then I think we should go.”


There was no room to argue, not that Neuvillette even wanted to as the Black tailed Mermaid hurriedly swam back to their connection of caves..

Where just under a thousand of the Fountainian People had been able to last…


Their Archon was gone..

Scattered across the ocean along with the rest of their people…


The Sovereign Dragon absentmindedly wondered how she was holding up after all this time..


Unless she dissolved or got attacked by a Siren as soon as this whole thing began as she tried to help her people escape.


That wasn’t a nice thought.


“Alright.. I’ll go gather up the Melusines as you evacuate the people.. You always were the one who was more of a… People person.”


“Very well then, call for me if some Melusines are too stubborn for their own good.” The other Mermaid teased, flashing his fangs before swimming away quickly to do as he said.


But… Neuvillette’s eyes widened as that sickening thought of immediate danger clawed at his chest, turning around quickly but unable to dodge the thing that was shot at him.


He let out a loud shriek, before… everything went black…


“Neuv..? Are you alright- NEUVILLETTE!!!-“















Tartaglia smiled softly in pity as he helped the man beside him with walking straight after emptying his whole breakfast onto the floor, taking him back to the streets to talk with him privately before they would just jump into asking the Mermaid they met earlier (that scared the absolute hell out of them-) questions about this whole thing.


“You okay? Want me to get you some water or something? You know, to wash the nasty taste out of your mouth?”


It took a few moments for an answer, the man finally giving the slightest nod after a long while of thinking and trying to concentrate on walking rather than their previous encounter with the Doctor.


The Ninth Harbinger keeping his mouth shut as he watched Tartaglia run to a nearby store, putting Mora down onto the cashier’s table in seconds before grabbing a water bottle and running out with it.

He couldn’t even take amusement at the way the cashier jumped at Childe’s sudden appearance before his shaky hands clung onto the water bottle for dear life, tilting his head back and chugging it.


“Woah woah! Easy there man! Are you trying to choke??”


But of course Tartaglia interrupted him, patting his back which surprised him and made him choke anyway.


How great-


Tartaglia sighed, patting his back as he coughed, wincing in sympathy.

“Sorry- you need to sit down yeah? Let’s just sit down.” 


Without even waiting a second for an answer he led Pantalone to a small bench, helping the man sit who hasn’t even spoken for a good while now.


But Childe didn’t seem to really mind, looking off into the distance to watch all the people on the streets interacting.

“Look.. you don’t have to tell me anything. You don’t have to tell me why out of everyone he specifically targets you. But… Why do you just.. freeze there..? I’m not trying to put blame on you or anything, the Celestial Realm knows that, but..”


“…The Doctor..” Pantalone’s voice was rough and strained, interrupting Childe in seconds but The Ginger didn’t seem to mind, looking at him attentively.


So Pantalone continued, taking another slow sip of water.

“The Doctor does not care about what he has to do to get information. It was by mere fate that one day he noticed how.. uneased I was by touch. He wants to know things about me, about where I came from, my abilities, my past..”


“But.. that’s no reason for him to go so extreme to get that information!” Childe scoffed, throwing a hand out in frustration.

“The Tsaritsa would put him to death if she ever found out what he does around you!”


“I don’t doubt that..” Pantalone sighed, pulling out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and lighting it, breathing in a long drag before turning away to breathe out.

Almost laughing as Childe started coughing and waving his hands to get rid of the smoke in his face.


“But.. The Tsaritsa is not here at the moment.. so we cannot say it to her face.”


“Even so!” Childe scoffed, recovering. “I don’t understand why that information is important for him to know.”


“…well.. in the past, I may have given him my blood to use in one of his little tests.. Experiments..


Another long drag of his cigarette and his eyes wandered to the look of shock Childe had on his face.

“Well- why would you do that??? You know how much he’s crazy for his experiments and-“


“He.. tested its genetics as well..” Pantalone continued, talking as if it was no big deal…

“And in my blood line… there appears to be hundreds of Sirens..”


“Sirens?? Like- the human eating kind???” Tartaglia was a bit freaked out, earning another chuckle from Pantalone as he scooched himself further from him on the bench.


“Crazy right..? All of them Sirens… but my parents.. they were the only ones that were humans.. But I still don’t know what exactly that makes me..” The older man sighed, finishing up his cigarette and crushing it underneath his heel.


“Well…” Childe started, gulping. “Do you have like- a man eating urge?”


Pantalone merely chuckled at that, “not that I believe.”


The fellow Harbinger next to him smiled at that, “then- I don’t really see the issue! I mean- you could only be part Siren. Especially with those creepy eyes of yours-“ he teased, Pantalone finally opening his eyes back up fully to look at him.


“I suppose that could be true..”


But no one could see just how brightly his eyes shined in that moment of being in the presence of a delicious… human…


Chapter 48: A Dinner with Father..


Tw: talks about blood and death

Chapter Text

Wait.. why was he thinking like that…?

He shouldn’t be..

The man beside him was basically a coworker, maybe even a friend..!


Why would you think about his skin and blood in such a manner when looking at him specifically???


He closed his eyes quickly before turning his face away.

Maybe another cigarette would work to calm his nerves..


When had he last eaten..?

The fact that he previously emptied his stomach earlier certainly didn’t help his hunger either.




“I think that I am ready to continue going now.” He spoke pretty fast, standing up abruptly after the moment of silence he and Tartaglia had, even startling the younger man somewhat.


“Really? You sure? Well, if you say so.” Childe then shrugged, standing up as well and gave a familiar grin.


“You’re not that bad of a man ‘Lone. I’m surprised.” He then teased, gaining a roll of Pantalone’s eyes.


“Yeah yeah, I suppose you’re not too bad yourself.”










“Ughh..” Al-Haitham winced as he finally made it home after his visit back to the hospital, being quickly greeted by Cyno who practically dragged him to the couch to sit down.


His neck had been bandaged almost completely, the holes pierced into his neck from Kaveh still stinging. Maybe even more so now from the Doctors having cleaned it hurriedly with alcohol wipes and ointment.


He couldn’t blame their rush though. Human bites.. even if not quite from a human could be nasty and kill someone if they were to be ignored.

And a bite so close to his heart and brain?

Forget about it-


But, he still kept his head up high, and tried hard to not stumble, nor falter in each step he took.


Not like he was taking that many steps at the moment-

Cyno really seemed to want him sitting back down to rest for a while, which made him let out a long sigh.


“I am fine, Cyno. How’s Kaveh?”


“Why ask about him when you were the one injured?” Cyno could practically roll his eyes at his friend's concern for the Siren, but didn’t, and instead offered his own look of concern when his friend simply did not answer.


“Look, I do not want you to get hurt again if these… creatures stay here any longer. What if he attacks again if he gets hungry and accidentally punctures a vein or artery?? What then??”


“I don’t know.” Al-Haitham finally answered with a sigh before standing up. “I will admit that much. But if we let them go right now then who knows what will happen to us if we are found out to have been keeping seemingly mythical creatures under hiding for weeks now. There is no turning back from this, Cyno. I knew this the moment I saved Kaveh. But… it is still your choice to back out of this while you can and honestly… I would take it.”


Cyno let out his own sigh before staring up at Al-Haitham right in the eyes.


“I don’t care what I have to go through.. but I also joined this knowing the consequences, you bastard-“

He teased, Al-Haitham knew that.

Letting out a soft chuckle.


“Then let’s help these creatures out, shall we?”


















Lyney laughed as he ran outside, his hands interlaced with his partner’s fingers who smiled back at him as they tried to keep up with his pace.


He was the happiest he had ever been..


Holding onto his lover’s hands as they went out to see what his other siblings were doing.

“So.. I… remember hearing that you also have a sister.. a twin just like me, right..?” Lyney asked, trying his best not to step onto distressing territory for his lover who nodded with a soft frown.


“I do.. but, she is somewhere that I can not go to unless I explore this world to its fullest.. that is what she said to me.”


“Wait, so you did meet her again?? When??” Lyney looked shocked, “and- you didn’t follow her??”


“I tried.” Aether sighed, “but she disappeared into the ocean too quickly.. I could not follow her.”


“Oh..” The Magician frowned in turn, tightening his grip slightly onto their hands, rubbing them with his thumbs as if to offer some sort of comfort.

“I hope that you will see her when you do explore this world more then.” But then he smiled, tilting Aether’s head up gently to face him, The Traveler’s eyes no doubt holding back tears.


“And.. when you do.. This Magician would love the opportunity to meet the amazing sister that has her sibling traveling all around the world for her.” 


“You flatter too much.” Aether teased, but now had a big smile on their face despite the tears rolling down their cheeks.

“And you’re much too cute.” 


“Why of course I am!” Lyney boasted, though Aether knew by how red The Magician’s face had gotten that he had been surprised and flattered by such a compliment.


“Magician’s must look their best for their audience while on stage, that’s a fact.”


“Yeah yeah,” The Traveler teased before putting a soft kiss on Lyney’s lips. “I don’t doubt it.”


“Aetherrr..!!” Lyney whined, covering his face with his hat as he became a flustered mess. “You know what Father warned us about..! What if the littler kids see?? They don’t understand yet..!”


“Fine fine, I’ll behave.” Aether chuckled before perking up a bit along with Lyney when they heard The Knave calling them inside for dinner.


Lyney turning to face Aether again with an almost smug grin.

“Are you ready for dinner to properly meet my ‘Father’??”


And Aether laughed in turn, “I think I can handle it, yes.” Grabbing Lyney’s hand gently before walking back inside.


But wasn’t able to ignore the singing that was calling out to them from the ocean…

Chapter 49: A Maybe Warm Welcome..?


Tw: bit of blood and mentioned gore

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lyney smiled as he took a seat right beside Aether, just across from his siblings who both gave him an all knowing smile-


Though the youngest of the siblings still stayed clueless, which was a relief, their mouths were much too busy chewing food and chatting amongst themselves to question why Aether, underneath the table, had a hand gently set down on Lyney’s knee.


Dear Archon’s it was going to be so hard to make it through this dinner without blushing-


The Knave stepping back out of the kitchen holding a huge plate that contained a whole platter of pasta, which.. the kids hardly ever got to partake in since Father would usually say to lay off the carbs for their training…


Today would be a cheat day it seems.

Maybe even a.. reward if you could call it that.


“What might be the occasion for such a meal, Father?” Lynette was the one to ask, her voice quiet enough that Arlecchino had barely even caught it over the other children excitedly babbling away.

“Is it carb free?”


“Lets not worry about that tonight.” The woman hushed the young girl quietly, biting her tongue slightly to keep her tone calm.

Snapping at the children for doing something so simple as asking a question was not a good move.


So she took a small breath before looking at Lynette once more, who, despite her wishes, had gone almost completely stiff once more.


So, she corrected herself, looking at Lynette with a much… calmer expression.


“I merely wanted to make the dish since everyone seemed to like it and I didn’t want to make more than one dish.”


“Oh..” Lynette nodded, “that makes sense, Father. Thank you.”


The Knave nodded at that before looking back over at Lyney and his… lover, Paimon, the flying companion still floating around above Aether as if to keep an eye on her and them at the same time.


She did not mind of course, it was an honorable thing to show worry and protectiveness over friends.


So, she stood, gaining the attention from all of her children at the table by lightly tapping her glass with a claw.


“Let us all welcome this blonde Traveler to our table.. and let their visit be without judgment.”

















Neuvillette let out a harsh gasp, inhaling water deeply into his lungs as whatever pierced his flesh dug further into his body without prompting.


What was it??

What was it?????


Everything in his sights was blacking out, his body twisting and curling in pain as the thing!- the… the…


Was it a tracker..?

Was that what was burrowing itself deeply into the back of his neck..?

The only part of him that didn’t have patches of light blue shimmering scales covering it???






He could hear something, was that Wriothesley calling out his name over the insistent beeping of The Tracker now attached to his neck..?


No, no Wriothesley shouldn’t be here.

If he was then, he too could get shot by such a painful device and bring danger to their hideout..


But there was nothing that he could do about it really, the device implanting itself deeply into his nape, sucking in blood from his body for an unknown reason…


“Ah, did this device work the way that I planned?”


A voice..

A cruel, awful, and twisted voice emitted from the tracker, making Neuvillette’s eyes widen before he finally fully blacked out..




Wriothesley did not take kindly to that however…

The sharp toothed Mermaid letting out a high pitched call, warning of danger to everyone in the hideout before he suddenly lunged at the direction the device was shot out from..


Making direct contact with the Doctor who had been holding what almost appeared to be a gun of sorts…

Claws meeting flesh and bone, tearing through almost completely.

The blood littering the water as the human, the filthy, disgusting human tried to get away from him and pull the gun’s trigger again.

But with no help from The Doctor’s eyes, there was no way that he could aim properly without knowing where the hell the target was.





And if Wriothesley had it his way, then this Doctor would not make it out of the water alive…












“Huh..” Childe frowned softly in confusion, going back to the boat dock once more only to see that The Mermaid that had been hanging around the area was not there, in fact there were no traces of him having been there for at least a few hours.


“Is there something wrong?” Pantalone hummed, looking at Tartaglia with a shared look of confusion.


“He’s usually right here.. I don’t get it.” 


Despite Childe’s bothered attitude though, Pantalone did not share the same thoughts, merely shrugging and turning back to head over to the Harbingers headquarters once more.

“Maybe he’s just hunting or doing something important, there’s nothing to worry about.”


“I suppose.” Childe agreed, following his lead and even laughing softly as Pantalone held open the door for him.

“My what a gentleman!”


His word’s only earned amusement however, “Ew. Be quiet.” 


“You know I’m just teasing! You really gotta loosen up ‘Lone, maybe we can go to a bar sometime soon.”


“I suppose that could be a good way to get out more..”


Why am I beginning to like Pantalone and Childe together- HUGGHHH-

Chapter 50: Failed Test.


Tw: near death, blood and gore

Chapter Text

The sounds..

Oh the sounds of flesh tearing away from bone, stripped off meat and tendons as Wriosthesley’s protective personality took over.


He had been made a guard..

A Royal guard..

Only for the highest of ranks…


He knew what to do.


This man brought a gun to a teeth and claw match.

And it wasn’t going to be enough..

As the Mermaid didn’t waste a second before he pounced.


Teeth and jaws opened and just waited for just a single morsel of flesh.

Just one simple taste to send him spiraling into more of an outrage.

That was easy enough to conjure up… wasn’t it?

His claws grabbing the man’s wrist, no doubt in efforts to tear it away from the aggressor's face so that he could finish the job swiftly.


If the Guard wants someone dead.. then that someone shall die…


By his hand.


He wasn’t a fan of making living beings suffer..

And this one was no different.

Even if this was a cruel Human.

Just get the job done.

Kill him and go aid Neuvillette with getting whatever that was the hell out of his skin no matter the cost.

Do not waste time getting the one you have protected for many decades help.


But just before he got the chance to end this man’s miserable life, a beam of light, seemingly from a flashlight the Doctor had on him, flashed painfully bright into The Mermaid’s very sensitive eyes that were only made for the dark, causing him to let go with a soft cry.








The Doctor escaped with his life intact..

But his body in shreds.


Tch… he would have to transfer his consciousness into yet another clone after all this.


What a hassle these creatures turned out to be..

It was a surprise that his arms were still attached to his torso, even if just by bone.

And yet he had not screamed.

He had not shed a tear of pain.

Pain was a temporary concept, developed by one’s own actions.

It was a mere consequence.

He would heal.

This body may not, but his mind would.

It would remember to not attack the enemy head on…


Yes.. yes….

He needed a more…

Logical Approach.

Or maybe he just hadn’t used ENOUGH force.

No no, this was a good plan.

A fantastic plan even.


He knew exactly where their hideout was.

At least one of them.

There were surely more, but… he would have to save that for another day.

Truly What… a Wonderful Day…
















Once upon a time..

There was a Queen…


A Queen of ice and snow..


No one knew of her true name.

But the title of The Tsaritsa was given regardless to the beautiful goddess.


She was beautiful..

Possessing scales of silver that shined a rainbow of colors from any light that they seemed to capture.

A white shimmering veil covering the woman’s face, shielding it from anyone’s gaze.


She was… a perfect ruler..

A perfect goddess..


But that was before the Siren Outbreak took place.












It was.. a very hectic day to say the least.

The Queen’s kingdom being one of the closest places to the biggest sea of Primordial Water…


She had known the moment that the sea had overflowed just by how the water around her reacted.


There had been no time for an evacuation.

No, not like Fountaine..

So, in one desperate attempt to save her and all of her people, she froze her whole kingdom in a perfect solid sphere.


With no exits, nor entrances.


But her mind still completely intact.

No one knew of this.

Not even the Harbinger’s who claimed to know her so well.

Nor do they know how she still even gives them letters of what to do.

She had cursed herself single handedly to stay inside her own prison..


For Eternity onwards.













Tartaglia giggled softly as he twirled into the headquarters while Pantalone held open the door for him.

The older man sighing and shaking his head in disappointment.


But the younger man knew by just how a smile cracked its way onto Pantalone’s face that he was definitely at least amused a little bit.


“What are you doing now?”


“Oh come onnn..!” Childe laughed, putting a hand on his hip.

“I am just enjoying life! Seems like you’re too old to understand~~!” He sang before laughing more at the look of disbelief he gained.


“Excuse you, I am only in my forties. And you are what- sixteen?”


Now that sentence seemed to oddly offend Childe more than anything else he could’ve said-

The young adult acting as if he was a Medieval wife about to faint.

“I am in my mid twenties, excuse you! I could fight you on this right now but I don’t think that you deserve the honor to.”


“Is that so?” Pantalone teased, looking around before grabbing a book off of a shelf and sitting down with it.

“Well I believe that reading would be a better way to spend my time anyway.”


“Oh so grandpa is going to read me a book?” Childe shot back, watching Pantalone roll his eyes before adjusting his glasses.


“Keep talking like that and I might just have to do something about that.”


“Ohhhh????” Tartaglia was certainly interested now, even having a hop in his step as he quickly sat next to the older man.

“And what would you do?? Finally show me your moves???”


“No.” Pantalone replied, flipping a page before a small amused smile appeared on his face. “I would just simply have to cut the ties to the financial contributions towards your sparring classes you take.”


“You wouldn’t dare!-“


“Try me.”


Chapter 51: Haha… Sorry?-


Tw: mentions of blood/gore and cutting

Chapter Text

Tartaglia hummed at the challenge, weighing the pros and cons in his mind before eventually sighing and laying back onto the couch in the room.

“Fiiinnne- you win I suppose. But, I still want a fight from you.”

The Regrator rolled his eyes with an amused smile.
“Maybe you’ll get one, maybe not. But for now we should just-“

As the door to the Harbinger Headquarters opened to reveal a VERY beaten up Dottore with a crazed grin on his face, Pantalone couldn’t help but to fully stiffen as his mind went on high alert.

He hadn’t even noticed that the Doctor had left to go outside.
Not to mention coming back with his clothes absolutely drenched.

In water…
And in his own blood.

What the hell did he get himself into??
A fucking fight with a shark??

“Dear Archons, Doctor! What happened??” Childe gasped, though almost looked like he was about to burst into laughter at any second.

And even though the man’s upper limbs were only barely hanging onto the bone by a few strips of muscle, the man didn’t react much other than an annoyed sigh.
“Nothing to be of concern.. I will be in my office getting fixed up…. Do not disturb me, please.” He spoke with a sweet smile before leaving the room, leaving the other two men in shocked silence.

What kind of fake display of manners was that-

“Soooo- um- oh! Where’s Signora? I haven’t seen her around for a while.”

Leave it to Tartaglia to be able to change a whole atmosphere so fast, changing the topic so quickly that Pantalone swore he mentally got whiplash.
But it was quite welcomed.

“Oh, her? That woman got angry about something again- talking about some Traveler beating her in a fight after they witnessed her doing one of our missions.” The older man shrugged, “but, I don’t really care. She’s alive so she is still worth some value I suppose.”

“Huh, so she met that Traveler already?”

The Regrator froze a bit as he slowly looked over to Tartaglia.
“Are you saying that you met this Traveler as well? If so, how much do you think that we should be worrying about them? Are they a threat to us?”

“Eh-“ Childe honestly shrugged, laying back comfortably against the couch as he sat back up.
“I mean, beating me compared to all you guys is child’s play. But considering that our members have been going down one by one by their hand, I’m not too sure.” He then suddenly laughed.
“But only the Archons know just how badly I want to fight them again! I can feel it in my bones! Even if I lose, just the thrill of it will be worth it!”

Pantalone hummed, “if you say so. I would rather stay out of it, too much of a costly expense.”

“Eh, your loss. Anyway, you wanna sneak out tonight and do something? You know, just to get out of here for a while . It’s been too long.”

A chuckle emitted from the older man’s throat.
“It is hardly considered sneaking out when we are full grown adults, but I suppose getting some more fresh air will do me some good.”
Fuck!! Fuck fuck fuck!!

Wriosthesley panted with adrenaline as he picked up Neuvillette, pulling the fellow Mermaid onto his back before swimming as fast as he could through the deep cave system.

Not even caring if everyone saw him with Neuvillette passed out in his arms, and honestly, he was using the attention to get help faster.

“Where’s Sigwinnie???” He asked panickedly to a Melusine who gasped and led him away quickly to the small recovery center they had managed to create.

Sigwinnie, upon hearing her name, quickly swam up to him.
Her heart visibly dropping just by how her eyes widened at her dear friend's condition.
Hell, Neuvillette was practically a father figure to her, of course she would be worried..
“Set him onto the table on his stomach! I’ll try to remove it!”

It didn’t even take a moment for Wriosthesley to do as ordered, wincing as Neuvillette, in his unconscious state still let out a pained cough, turning his head to the side to breathe.

“Do we still have any pain medication in our rations? At least something?? I-…”

The young nurse sighed, looking through the cabinets for their very limited amount of supplies.
“It may not be enough to put him under, but it will be enough to keep him from feeling pain until we can gather some more..”

“That’s alright, as long as he isn’t going to be screaming in pain then I don’t care what happens. It-… it can’t get any worse right..?”

The nurse sighed, looking at the device embedded into Neuvillette’s nape.

It was a small rectangular shape, about the size of her fist and had a small light emitting off of it, shining a brilliant green to mark its success of entering the skin. It often beeped and made an odd series of noises.

Was it trying to get deeper into the skin??
Burrowing itself in so that it wouldn’t be taken out??
Was that a tiny camera inside it??

No one knew, but Sigwinnie was already putting on her gloves, “I’m going to attempt to extract it before it does harm to his spine.”
Lyney smiled as he ate dinner next to his lover and family.

It would be a miracle if the younger children of the orphanage didn’t know something was going on between him and The Traveler-
His purple eyes only looking at them with a loving gaze, barely looking away even as they ate.

Aether’s hand still on his knee, moving up slightly before going back down again absentmindedly.

Though it did seem to sizzle Lyney’s brain at just feeling that hand being on him while he is supposed to be innocently eating dinner-
Closing his legs and crossing one over the other which gained Aether’s attention, giving him a look of slight apology and letting their hand rest against their side again.

“So Traveler.”

Only for Aether’s attention to be caught by the Knave once more, no doubt sensing what the hell they had been doing-

“I hear that you have been making quite a lot of friends-“ oh fuck- “around the areas that you have explored thus far, tell me, how are you fairing with being here instead of where you originally came from?”

“I am doing quite well, thank you.” They nodded, trying to hide the fact that they gulped nervously.
“How might you know that I am not from around here though? I haven’t met you before now and-“

“And that is precisely why.” Arlecchino interrupted with a sweet smile-
“Because if I had known that such a strong and.. resilient Traveler was roaming around here, I would have introduced you to the children sooner.. you see, they really could learn a lot from your sword techniques..”

So you can turn them into weapons?-
Aether thought, but they bit their tongue before the words could come out.

“Paimon has a question.” The small companion squeaked, and Aether could practically hug her right now because of how she stopped him from answering such a question-

“Yes Paimon?” The Knave nodded, turning her attention away from Aether.

“You say that… you want them to learn how to use weapons. Which, Paimon gets! It’s dangerous outside with everything going on but-“ she sighed, nervously fluttering around once more as she glanced at the youngest group of children who sat at the end of the table.

“Paimon doesn’t know how such.. small children can hold a sword like- what you would be able to hold! Paimon knows! She has tried to hold The Traveler’s sword but accidentally dropped it- hehe.. so, I don’t quite get it.. Shouldn’t you wait until they’re at least a bit taller? Or smaller weapons! Like knives!”

“If they do not gain the muscle to hold such a sword as they develop young then they cannot defend themselves if there was to be an attack on their family.” Arlecchino’s answer silenced the table quickly, watching Paimon gulp before slowly sinking down to sit onto her seat.

“…That is why they must be prepared, that is why I train them so hard.”

“… So that they can become weapons for you?” Aether whispered, their voice shocking the room.
The Magician’s eyes widening before he let out awkward laughs and stood up from the table, his chair screeching from how fast he stood.

“Haha… I think that me and The Traveler are ready for bed-“ his eyes looked to Father with panic and pleaded. “May we be-“

“You two are dismissed.” Her mask was back on as she coldly answered…

“Thank you Father..”
And watched as Lyney quickly gather his and Aether’s plate as they escaped back up the stairs, Paimon quickly following behind them.

Looks like The Knave and The Traveler still do not meet eye to eye…

Chapter 52: Never Knew That You Were So Protective..


Tw: sketchy Doctor behavior- references to death

Chapter Text

“Whatttt???” Tartaglia giggled as the night fell upon them, looking at Pantalone while he buttoned up a shirt that he had picked out for going to a bar tonight with the older man for some much needed stress relief.

And yet the Regrator looked at him with a bit of-

“Are you embarrassed??”


“I am no such thing!” Pantalone gasped, only to be laughed at by the eleventh member who finished getting ready and grabbed his wrist, pulling him into the younger man’s own room.

“Come onnnn..!! It’s way too hot to be wearing that giant coat outside! Why don’t you pick something out?? Oh! Hmmm, let’s see if something of mine can fit you. Though, you are quite a giant.” He teased, throwing various clothes around to find one that might fit the older man, who simply sat down on Tartaglia’s bed waiting for a decision.

“There is no need to find me something in your closet, I have my own for a reason.” He remarked, rolling his eyes.

“I know that, but your room is close to Dottore’s room and he’s creepy. So, we’re picking something from here, don’t worry, I’ll leave the room and lock the door while you get dressed.”

“I was not worried about that part.”

“Aww, does that mean that you trust me??? I knew it!-“ Tartaglia giggled before his face was covered by a shirt that The Regrator threw at his head, only making him laugh harder, taking the shirt and placing it back down before going to his door.

“Fine fine, I’ll leave you in here to come out when you pick something!” He smiled before closing the door behind him.

Childe pressing his back against the opposite side of the door as he had a.. awful feeling…

“What are you doing Tartaglia?”

Andddd that’s why-

The Doctor, in a new vessel as he likes to call them, walked up to Tartaglia with his hands clasped behind his back nonchalantly.

“Have you seen where Pantalone has head off to? I need to speak with him.”

Tartaglia’s fist clenched instinctively but tried to hide it.
“Nope! Think you just missed him! And Doctor… Can I speak with you for a second..?”

He didn’t quite know why he even asked that..
Was he trying to get killed???

No, he most certainly wasn’t because who else would be able to keep the Doctor from getting out of line..?
No one else seemed to care…

His eyes watching as the older man no doubtably was holding back a nasty glare.

“I suppose…” but he then smiled sweetly- “what is it that you want to talk with me about?”

Fake ass bitch-
“Traveler..!” Paimon squeaked softly as she put a small hand on their shoulder, looking at their face which was now hardened as they were led to sit down onto The Magician’s bed.

Said Magician giving a shared look of concern but also…

“Mon Amour..?” He asked, gaining Aether’s attention whose face softened just slightly as they looked over.

“I.. apologize for not being too friendly with The Knave, but she just.. she doesn’t- I-“

“What are you saying..?” Lyney frowned, trying so hard to understand something that his love was trying to convey, but.. it wouldn’t click.
It refused to..
Sure, Father was… strict. He didn’t quite understand why she had been acting so strangely in recent days but.. She was still deserving of the same respect from her children.

That was just how it was.
That was how it is.
That was how it had to be.

And he had never once questioned it.
Had never once asked Father for her reasons of why she trained them to the bone.
Because he trusted her.
Because she gave him a family. A life that he couldn’t simply refuse.

The Magician looked over to Paimon, who nervously gulped.
“W-well… Paimon isn’t quite sure yet of how to think about The Knave… she’s.. really scary..”

“Father does what she does because she.. she cares for us. Her children… you can’t possibly think that she just wants to-“ Lyney tried to reason with the two… but he was certainly falling short.

Aether meanwhile stayed silent before The Magician silenced himself as well, removing his hat to fiddle with it in his hands.

All the while he thought back to everything “Father” had ever said to him..
Everything she had ever done to train him to become a “King…”

He had never wanted to really be a king though..
Would he become just as cold as Arlecchino was…?
Would he have to betray his siblings.. his… love for her..?

“See?” Aether finally spoke, all the while looking at how The Magician’s eyes darkened as he thought long and hard about how Arlecchino would eventually use him to-…

Would she be so cruel…?
Would she be so heartless..?

The fact that he didn’t immediately think no..
Proved that she could…

“You don’t want this… You don’t want to be part of her plan. You want to be free. Free to live your own life with all of your siblings and-“

“But how would that become a possibility?” Lyney interrupted, fighting back the waves of sadness suddenly swarming in his head.

“I-… I won’t betray Father.. I-… I can’t. She gave me everything that-“

“Would you betray her if it was for your siblings' happiness..?”

Lyney’s eyes widened as he turned to look at Aether with an almost startled expression. Before… he really thought about it..

Would he..?

“Would you..” Aether continued, eyes pleading with Lyney to reconsider his view.
“If it was for your siblings' lives?”

Now that made the question easy…

“Yes. I would without hesitation…”
But neither of them knew that Arlecchino had been on the other side of the bedroom door to talk with The Traveler once more…

And no one, not even her, knew quite why her heart dropped…

Chapter 53: A Scale of Gold..


Tw: threats

Chapter Text

“Why don’t you step away from that door and we can talk on the couch..” Dottore smiled, no doubt sensing that something was off about Tartaglia’s insistence on being right in front of the door to his room.


“No no, I can talk from here! It’s no big deal. Hey, you got a new body?” He quickly changed the subject, something that he had been known for doing when he was nervous and looked at Dottore who was no doubt fighting the urge to roll his eyes.


“Yes. And I see that you are all dressed up, are you going somewhere?”


Shit- he’s getting suspicious!

Why did this bastard have to be so damn perceptive!-


“Eh, just going out on a walk around the town. You know, get some fresh air, maybe a snack or two. Just gotta stretch these legs out y’know?” He spoke quickly, but just because Doctor Dottore was perceptive didn’t mean that he wasn’t either…


Tartaglia could see the slight wobble in the man’s step..

The slight unfocusing of his eyes.


It was only natural…

The Doctor had only been in this new body for about thirty minutes at most..


And that was certainly not enough time for his mind to be accustomed to it yet, even though it was the same body that he had before.

He must be still disoriented…


And that was perfect news…

Utterly perfect news…


“Anyway, you okay there doc?” Childe then smiled innocently, his eyes darkening slightly as he stared down at the man.


Even if his mask covered his upper face, that didn’t mean that the Doctor was able to hide his slight expression of unease…


Or was that hesitation?


“Yes. I am quite alright.” 

But the Doctor recovered in record time, straightening up his clothes before returning to that neutral expression.

“Is there anything else you need?”


“Ah! I almost forgot! I just wanted to ask you why you seemed to be so focused on Pantalone of all people.” 


The eleventh Fatui Harbinger keeping his cool as he rested his elbow against his own door frame nonchalantly.

Meanwhile praying that Pantalone wouldn’t open the door at this moment.


Please tell me he’s still picking out clothes..!!!-


“Ah, that’s all you wanted to know?” Dottore chuckled, waving him off.

“It is merely because we have been made partners by The Tsaritsa herself! But, I suppose that’s only just the simple answer..”


“And the complex one..?” Tartaglia asked, though he didn’t know why he did…

His breath hitching slightly as Doctor Dottore leaned forward to whisper something into his ear..


“It’s quite simple.. I want to dissect him for all of the information that he is hiding from me… I know that you have knowledge of what I’ve been doing~ and let me tell you.. I will do anything that I need to do to get that information…”


Oh you crazy bastard-


But just before he was able to regain his bearings, the man walked back down the hallway and into his room..


Quietly shutting the door behind him…


Yeah- Tartaglia you are definitely going to be needing some drinks after this-


“Pantalone, you ready?” He peeked his head in after knocking and smiled.

“You look great!”














“Then why don’t you leave with them?” Aether asked.. watching as Lyney’s eyes widened, Paimon even chiming in with a “maybe that’s the only way Paimon can see you all save from.. turning into her…”


“I won’t turn into her though, you- you have to believe me, I would never- I-“ Lyney looked distressed, and confused.

And certainly desperate.


“I am not trying to say that really..” they sighed, searching for words that would hopefully comfort Lyney while also driving home the point that they wanted to make.


“I am not blaming you. But children lead by example, they have no other examples than their parents or siblings so.. With her being as strict as she is… Her grasp on you.. I-…”


Lyney’s heart clenched at the thought.

The thought that he would ever turn into someone as cold and unfeeling as his own “Father” was just too much to bear.. 


“I can’t leave.. I can’t leave them here while I go live my life somewhere else. They would never betray Father, they are too..”


“Obedient? Manipulated?-“ Aether asked only to get lightly swatted by Paimon for their last word.


They supposed that was a pretty harsh word.

What else could you call such a thing though..???


But… they relented with a sigh and wrapped their arms around The Magician who couldn’t figure out which words his Father said were lies.. or truths…

How could he know?


“I.. need to think this over.” Lyney decided, gaining a nod from Aether as they stood up.

“Then me and Paimon will leave you be to think alone.”


Without another word, they left the room. 

Trying to ignore the fact that they had known that Arlecchino had been waiting right outside the room..

Listening… and waiting…


“Betrayal is not welcomed in the House of Hearth.. you should know that.” She breathed into Aether’s ear, sending chills down their and Paimon’s spine.


But Aether didn’t back down.

No… no they couldn’t. Sending a glare her way.


“No… I do. I was merely offering a way for him to save himself from your rule..”








Lyney took in a shaky breath as his hands clenched to the fabric of his shorts, his eyes moving to stare helplessly in his lap before he noticed something shiny on his bed.


Shiny like gold…

Did he leave some piece of jewelry on the bed…?

Did his siblings?

He smiled softly at the thought.

His siblings could be so forgetful at times..


But when he grabbed what he thought would be a ring or perhaps a necklace, his eyes could only widen in shock as what he found was neither of those two things.

Instead… it was a scale that shined of gold…


A scale… of a Mermaid…

Chapter 54: Friendship…? Or maybe something a little more..


Tw: intense hunger for flesh

Chapter Text

Al-Haitham sighed as he cooked some late night dinner for himself, suddenly growing rather… ravenous after he had awoken from a nap that Cyno had instructed him to take not too long after he got back.


It was strange..


The hunger was something different than just wanting to make himself some dinner.


Instead of a dull ache, it seemed to claw its way into his body, dig itself into his throat and demand something much different than what he would’ve planned for a simple meal.


His body was screaming for something..

And he could barely believe what it was…


It wanted… no… He wanted flesh…


The man started to pant.

Half in panic and adrenaline..

And half in disbelief and shock.


His arms going to wrap around his stomach, clenching it tightly as his heart quickly went into overdrive.

No… no this wasn’t right..


Why did he…


“Haitham? You alright?” 


His head snapped up to look at the now concerned face of his friend. Cyno’s brown eyes that shined almost an orange, widened at the sight of him doubling over the kitchen counter, arms quickly going to wrap around Al-Haitham’s waist for support.


“Are you okay???” The Chef could hear his friend ask again, but for some odd reason his lips would just not cooperate..

He wanted to tell him about the odd feelings in his abdomen. About the strange hunger that suddenly seemed to claw at him so violently that he felt as if he couldn’t breathe.


But he couldn’t…

And that was the most frustrating thing he had ever felt.


The simple dish of Ideal Circumstance being forgotten on the stove as Cyno helped him sit up against the kitchen counter on the floor as his head spun relentlessly.


“Haitham! Haitham keep your eyes on me okay??! I’m calling the ambulance right now!”




Al-Haitham could hear his friend panicking as he barely held onto his last train of thought, the hunger… oh god the hunger…!


Could he perhaps… be turning into a Siren himself…?










Lyney was shocked as he looked down at the shiny gold scale in his hand now..

It being almost the size of a regular guitar pick and was firm, unable to bend much.


How did he get this..?

It certainly wasn’t there before, he would have noticed it pressing against his back when he was laying down with Aether who also did not complain about anything like that.


Did Aether leave it behind?

Why would they have such a valuable item just- on their person like that?


Did they leave it for him to find?

It was all so confusing..

But he wouldn’t have time to find out as a cold and firm knock on his door made his heart race.

Lyney definitely knew who that was from.


“Oh!- Father! You can come in! I um-“ he quickly hid the scale in the only place he could think of which was underneath the top of his shirt and practically ran to the door, opening it to greet The Knave with respect.


“Is there something that you need me for Father?”


“Yes.” Arlecchino said rather coldly, her mask unwavering this time which sent chills through the young man’s spine.


“Very well, Father. Please do come in.” Lyney, with a quickness, moved away from the doorway and held open the door for her, letting her walk in quietly before he shut the door behind her.

Trying his best not to look sick from stress, but it was certainly clear that he looked as if he’d pass out by how pale his face became.


The Knave moving to sit down on his bed, her legs crossed one over the other as her cold gaze remained.


“I’ll be quick to get to the point. I heard you with your little… “friend” saying something about betraying the family..”


If Lyney’s heart could stop at that moment then it certainly would have.

His lips sealing themselves so fast as Arlecchino sighed.


“And. I have figured out something that even you might not have figured out yet about The Traveler.”


Now that caught The Magician’s interest, his mouth finally opening to ask a quiet, “and that is..?”


She quickly responded, “That they are either a Mermaid, or a deceptive Siren..”


And the way that Lyney’s world crashed down exactly at those words made him want to burst into tears.


His lover.. his Boyfriend- his… Mon Amour… was the one thing that The Fatui was searching for.. 

The one thing that any other Fatui member would have killed instantly without hesitation.


No… no that couldn’t be true.

They were vicious creatures. That was what he had learned from day one of joining the Fatui.


Siren’s were masters of deception and lies AND lust. They didn’t care who or what their next meal came from.

Aether wasn’t like that. They couldn’t be like that.

They were kind. Asked for his consent with every move they make. Asked if he was okay..


But then if they were a Mermaid, it would be a much better option. Mermaid’s were kind creatures, known for their beautiful scales and songs which would attract audiences of many. 

That was like his Aether.

They were still hunted without remorse though..


As to his knowledge there was no difference between the two creatures.

But there had to be.. right…?


“Please Father.. please tell me that you know that Aether’s not a Siren! They can’t be! They aren’t like that! They-“


“I do not know.” Arlecchino this time answered with a sigh, putting her leg down to sit normally and look at her child.


“They have one quality of them. Sharp teeth, but it can be a coincidence that their fangs can just be naturally sharper than another person’s. They have scales, and gills if you look closer at their neck. For all I know, they could be a Hybrid..”


“A Hybrid..? That can happen…?”










“One fruity cocktail please! With whatever my friendddd wants!” Childe chuckled slightly as he teasingly said that title to Pantalone who rolled his eyes.


They had made it to the bar without any more trouble from The Doctor, the place quiet with only a few people drinking alone in the tables provided but Pantalone certainly didn’t mind the quiet, in fact it was preferable.


His black heeled boots clacking a bit against the floor as he took a seat at a bar stool.


Tartaglia quickly taking a seat next to him with that annoyingly giddy smile on his face.


“Are ya not going to order a drink?” The younger man pestered, having the man roll his eyes again.


“I would prefer not to get drunk and be speaking my mind right now after everything. Not yet at least.”


“Come onnnn..!! Why the hell would you go out to a bar then?? This place is literally made for you to have a drink and talk about feelings! Look- if you’re not going to order a drink then I am going to order one for you.”


“Is that so? Well then. What would you think I would like?”


“That’s the spirit!” Childe practically cheered and almost fell off his stool.

“Oh! And one Whiskey on the rocks for my buddy here!”


“If you call me buddy one more time we will be out of here so quick that you-“


“Yeah yeah, keep talking shit.” Ajax gave a shit eating grin before earning a light shove on his shoulder.

Only earning another laugh from the young man.


“I hope you choke on that cherry in your drink.”


“Not my fault that you have a problem with having friends that like you.”


“Oh you little-“


Pantalone was interrupted by his drink being placed in front of him by the bartender, offering a slight raise of a hand as thanks before taking a slow sip.


Before almost choking on it in laughter as Childe did in fact choke on a cherry as soon as he got his.


Maybe this could work out for the two of them after all..

Chapter 55: One Hug for Father!


Tw: unhinged Doctor Dottore thoughts- Memories of nonconsentual touches but doesn’t really go too far into it.
Talk about knives, thoughts of killing

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Doctor Dottore hummed in thought as he watched those two Harbingers head outside..


It wasn’t surprising that Tartaglia had lied to him. In fact, he expected it by now, especially how the young man had been getting in the way of his plans of manipulating Pantalone…


He had tried many things to unease the man.

To get him to react. To see fear. But nothing so far has worked.


Not “accidentally” almost throwing a scalpel into his eye. 


Not giving him eerie smiles that he gave no one else.


Not saying how good of a partner he was and how he wanted him to stay..


Hell, not even asking him about his past dozens of times in a few hours even coerced the quiet man into spilling anything.


But the most effective way he had found so far came by complete chance.

He had noticed the man’s reaction to him putting a simple hand on his shoulder.. how he would simply move away the moment just a single touch made contact. Or by brushing arms against one another while walking down the hallway he would increase the distance between them.


It did not matter where this fear of touch came from to the Doctor.

Why ask about something irrelevant?


But it certainly was something to exploit.


So he did.

He started simple at first. 

After all, you don’t want to scare your test subjects away with the first experiment..

Just a simple grabbing of hands or coat sleeve, something simple that certainly confused Pantalone but didn’t make him all too fearful.


When that didn’t seem to work either well,

He moved to much more.. drastic things.


For example..

He would simply have a hand on Pantalone’s hip while he was trying to work, smirking as he asked him questions into his ear.


And if that didn’t work then.. his hands would start moving up the other man’s body.

It’s not like he loved Pantalone.

Hell, it’s not like he really ever cared for him anyway.

But the absolute thrill of knowing that you have someone under your complete control, at least physically was.. enticing.


Though that was when a wrench by the name of Tartaglia was thrown into his plans..

The two had been talking together about him.

That much was clear.


If Pantalone was in the room, then Childe was close by.

If Pantalone was using the bathroom or something else private, Tartaglia would be standing outside the closed door glaring at him.


If he tried to get behind Pantalone to startle him then Tartaglia would position himself in between them and smile innocently.


“Did you need something Doc?”


And that was infuriating.


No matter though..

He could just stage a freak accident and kill Tartaglia himself.

It’s not like The Tsaritsa would be able to retort after not being seen for years now.


He did wonder how his Device with the Mermaids were going though..
















“Yes..” Arlecchino responded, “but it is rare. I personally have never seen one form.. but there are cases of hybrid Sirens in books and such.. I believe this Aether might just be one of them. A Siren falling in love with a human creates them..”


Lyney’s eyes widened, “so.. if they are a Hybrid.. do they still have that undying hunger?? Do they still have that lust?? That- That blood thirst??” 


Lyney was desperately hoping that The Knave would say no.

It was obvious in the way he spoke.

It made her feel almost glad that he hadn’t listened to her previous orders of leaving such feelings of concern and love behind..


Maybe he would really be able to give her an answer one day of what a family truly was.


That was just wishful thinking though.


“They might. But it’s unlikely. It is said that once a Human and Siren fall in love and produce offspring that the Human mind cannot comprehend what they had just done.

Forgetting the Siren completely and thus when The Hybrid is born it is simply left to fend for itself.. such a pity.”


Now that made The Magician frown.

Did Aether go through that? Being left behind along with their sister and having to fend for themselves? 

He still had so many questions..


“May I go follow them Father-“


“I will permit it. Yes.” The Knave interrupted, standing up from the bed and going towards Lyney, her mask falling once again..


“But do not hesitate to use your radio to call for me. You cannot hesitate in the situations of life and death.”


And Lyney nodded quickly, “I will not, Thank you Father-“


“If you do radio in for help though, if I so much as see a glance of That Traveler attacking you.. I will also not hesitate before killing them myself. Are we clear?”


Now that made The Magician hesitate, his breath catching his throat before he shakily nodded.

“Yes Father. I know that you would not hesitate in killing them if it kept the Future King of the House alive.”


Oh fuck-

Arlecchino bit her cheek a bit at those words.

Why had she felt the need to in the past tell Lyney that he was going to be the future King..?

She should have waited until he was much older..


“That is not the only reason you know.”


“It isn’t?”


“No.. It would be to keep you alive because I.. care about each and every child in this House.”


“I know Father.. you have said that before.”


“I have..” Arlecchino nodded, “but that was as a strict and unfeeling Father..” she moved close to Lyney, ignoring the fact that he took a step back from her.


Had she really been so terrifying in the past..?


She then reached out, placing a clawed hand on Lyney’s shoulder.

Not even realizing that the curse that had engulfed her arms all the way to her shoulders had gone down just slightly at touching one of her prized sons..


He almost reminded her of someone long forgotten by the past.


“I.. am simply not that type of Father anymore.. now, you may go and-“


She gasped.

She didn’t know why she was so startled by the sudden feeling.

The sudden feeling of two arms around her sides, hugging her tightly and burying his head against her chest and feeling her heartbeat.


What exactly was this feeling..?



Chapter 56: Who Is… That..?


Tw: blood, surgical cutting, implied panic attack

Chapter Text

Sigwinnie stuck her tongue out in concentration as she worked..

Her eyes keeping watch of the device that made small beeping noises every so often, signaling that it was still at work.


Her hands trying their hardest not to shake as she carefully cut around the rectangular device, knowing that Wriosthesley was watching her every move from behind.


What even was this device??

Was it supposed to be able to do this??

Was it trying to kill Neuvillette or was it merely trying to make it nearly impossible to get it out??


She wasn’t one to usually swear but- Shit-


“My Grace, I’m going to need you to grab a rag or anything to stop the bleeding when I make each incision. This device is not going to get out easily.”


“Of course.” Wriosthesley nodded, looking around before grabbing a simple towel that was in their pile of limited medical supplies, being right there beside the Melusine with each thing she did.


First, injecting an anesthetic to the area, wincing in sympathy as Neuvillette twitched a bit before waiting a few moments.


“Monsieur Neuvillette.. if you are conscious enough to hear me just know that I am numbing the area where the device is located at the base of your neck. Please try to keep still as I try to cut it out.”


A second passed before the other Mermaid nodded, keeping still as a sharp scalpel started its work as soon as the numbing took effect..


They would definitely have to study this device whenever it was out of the Mermaid’s skin..

And make everyone else in the network of caves acknowledge it too.


They cannot afford to be found out..

Not now. Not ever.

















The two men laughed as they drank to their heart's content.

The older man was finally able to let himself go after all the stress from the past few days, though he couldn’t help but still have that worrying feeling at the back of his mind..


What if he drank so much that.. when he went back to the Headquarters that- Dottore- 


“Hey.” Tartaglia interrupted his thoughts quickly, placing a hand on his clenched knuckles.


Which he surprisingly did not shy away from..

His head turned to look towards the younger man who offered a reassuring smile.


“You wanna sleep in my room tonight after this?-“



Pantalone looked over at Tartaglia with wide eyes.



Childe then gave him a look of confusion before-



Immediately realizing how bad that sounded.


Pantalone almost choked on his drink again as Tartaglia panicked, waving his hands about.

“No no no! That’s!- I!- that’s not what I meant! I was just!- saying that if you wanted to sleep in my room with me guarding the door in case Dottore decides to be a creep then you wouldn’t have to worry about being alone.”


It was honestly pretty amusing how fast Pantalone’s fellow Harbinger could change the topic again, letting out a soft chuckle.


“I suppose it’s fine. Sure. But do be wary of The Doctor’s strength if it ever comes to that.. He is number two in the ranks for a reason..”


“Yeah yeah.” Childe sighed, taking in another sip of his drink before his eyes caught onto something familiar in the crowd forming now that it was getting much later into the day.


Or was that.. some one…?




Oh shit-


Pantalone whipped around to see the man apparently named Zhongli, his eyes widening as the used to be mermaid-

Wasn’t he a mermaid????

Was now standing in front of them with two legs- human legs- about to order a drink it seems like.


Why the fuck- and how the fuck was he just- suddenly here???


“Ah, Tartaglia and… hmm Pantalone was it?” The freak of nature smiled, walking up to them as if it was no big deal.

“Is this seat taken?”


He gestured to the empty seat next to them and they were too stunned to even say anything as the man just- plopped himself right down!

What. The. Actual. Fuck.


Tartaglia couldn’t help but gulp nervously.

“Soooo- how- exactly are you here..?”


And Zhongli responded with a soft laugh, seemingly amused before getting his drink and taking a slow sip of it.

“I have my ways.


“Oh you have your ways now do you??” Pantalone scoffed in disbelief, sighing as he put his head in his hands.

“I’m going to need soooo many drinks during thiss-“ he groaned before burying his head in his arms on the table, earning a light pat on the back from Zhongli in what he would guess to be an attempt to apologize or comfort him??


Whatever it was certainly wasn’t doing any comforting at all-

But it did get him to raise his head to face the man once again.

“So, what do you-“


Though he was interrupted by a sudden wave of fear..


As he swore..

That in the crowd that had formed inside of the bar was Dottore…

Just standing there…

Watching as he was talking to this man.


His eyes fully wide paired with a crazed expression as he just.. stood there..

Pantalone’s face turning pale as his ears began to ring..


He couldn’t even really hear the voice that was asking him if he was alright before he just-









“Pantalone??!! Hey! Man snap out of it! Hey!!”



Chapter 57: Fight For Him..


Tw: death threat(?), talking about blood and panic attack

Chapter Text

“C-can I…? Just a taste..” Al-Haitham panted as in seconds he had pinned Cyno down with his back against the floor, his hot breath hitting the other man’s neck whose eyes were wide.


“H-Haitham.. what are you-“


“I need blood!” The sudden outburst from his friend caught him off guard, making him roughly shove Al-Haitham off before quickly standing, heaving before throwing himself to the ground as Al-Haitham lunged at him once more.


No.. no that wasn’t Al-Haitham..

That wasn’t his friend right now..

At least… he didn’t think so.

No. No, he just couldn’t be.

His friend wouldn’t pounce on him like this right..?


But- what the hell was going on then???


“I apologize for this.”


“Huh..?-“ Al-Haitham sounded confused before he was suddenly thrown off by Cyno twisting his body out from under him, only to be kicked-

Hopefully gently- 

At his lower jaw, knocking the poor man out cold while Cyno panted heavily.


Just what the hell was going on-














“Aether!!” Lyney called out as he ran outside, almost tripping over his own boots as he ran towards the beach..


Which the blonde Traveler was slowly heading towards..

Their shoes already submerged into the water below them.


“Aether!!” He tried again, almost falling over himself on their sand once more, his hand reflexively going to the scale still underneath his shirt, pulling it out to hold it tight.


It seeming to glow with a strange power as he got closer and closer to the ocean..


He couldn’t even wonder why that was until Aether looked back at him with a surprised gaze, their legs suddenly sprouting fins and even more scales as they kept watch of Lyney.

Seeing what their lover would do..


“That is enough Lyney..” they whispered, offering a slight smile to the poor Magician who just looked so confused.

“Please stop trying to follow me.. I don’t want-“


“No!” Lyney yelled, panting heavily as his fists clenched.

“Why do you always run?? Why are you so afraid of spending time with me??”


The lone scale glowed even brighter..

Aether’s eyes unable to be drawn away from the bright glow of his own scale that they had given to Lyney right before they left..


It was trying to fulfill a wish..

A wish for a power that Lyney so desperately wanted..

But what was it?

What was it that Lyney wanted..?

What was it that he wanted right at this moment that-


“I-…I want to love you!!”





And there it was.

His wish. His wish and desperate desire that he had right at this moment was blurted out.

The human’s eyes even teary as he stood there on the shore while Aether stayed in their place in the water..


“You can’t.. You can’t love me. It will only bring pain to you, Lyney. Please.. reconsider your wish.”


“My wish..?” Lyney sniffled, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I!-“


The scale suddenly shined so brightly that the two had to cover their eyes.

Aethers heart dropping to the pit of their stomachs…


“Take back your wish before it grants it!!! Please Lyney!!!” They begged, immediately beginning to swim back towards him, trying to snatch the scale out of his hands.













But how could you take back such a desperate attempt for salvation..?












Suddenly.. it all stopped.

Lyney’s eyes still brimming with tears which he blinked away moments later only to discover that the scale was not in his hand anymore..

It had not been able to take effect yet..

It hadn’t even had the opportunity to as his hands.. well, his wrists were painfully constricted and restrained by ten blackened clawed fingers..


Wait a second…

Oh no..


He slowly looked up, only to see Father glaring down at him, no doubt telling him how stupid and ignorant he was in just a single glance..


“Truly how foolish do you need to be???” She suddenly snapped, making Lyney flinch for a moment at just the amount of sharpness she had added to her tone.


Her mask was back on..

And it was as strong as ever..

And the scale.. the beautiful golden scale was now in her hands, between two claws as she now stared at Aether..


“So this was your plan all along hm??” She hissed between clenched teeth, looking as if she wanted to kill them right at that moment.


“What??” And Aether could only be confused, forming back into their human form quickly even if it was quite painful.


“That was never my plan!! I don’t even have a plan! Why would I do that if I love him???”


“Oh you love him do you?” Suddenly a sharp blade pressed against Lyney’s neck, his breath catching in his throat as his body freezes completely.




“Then you will protect him won’t you..?”





And nothing could prevent Aether from completely seeing red..
















“Pantalone!! Hey man! What’s wrong???” Tartaglia started to panic as his friend beside him shook intensely, his eyes wide as his breathing came out in quick gasps.


Was it a panic attack??

Here??? Of all places???

Why now?? Why here????


“Fuck!” The younger man swore to himself as he quickly moved to crouch in front of Pantalone’s bar stool, his hands gently gripping onto his shoulders.


“Pants..! Hey man..!” He tried to be quieter, noticing just how much the older man had started to spiral out of control.


Had someone somehow put something into Pantalone’s drink??? Or was something else wrong??

What the hell was going on???


“I’m going to go outside with him, it’s too loud here.” He spoke firmly to Zhongli who nodded and also stood up to assist.


“I’ll help make a clear path for you two then. Any extra physical contact could cause him to have an even worse of an episode.”


“Good idea.” Childe nodded before helping the trembling man up, letting the other’s hands cling onto his shirt tightly as they walked outside into the cool air.


Pantalone only began to calm down once Tartaglia had started gently rubbing his back, sitting him down onto the sidewalk.


Sure, it wasn’t the most sanitary place to sit down but when your legs are that wobbly, you need somewhere to sit for relief.


“There we go.. um..” Tartaglia gulped, keeping his hand on Pantalone’s back as he tried to awkwardly comfort the man.


How the hell was he going to ask about what the hell just happened without scaring the man once again..?


Chapter 58: No Father! Bad Father!


Part 2 of me continuing to forget to add Paimon- 😔✋😂


Tw: remnants of a panic attack, wanting to kill, suspicion of sexual assault

Chapter Text

Tartaglia bit his lip in thought as he tried to comfort the trembling man whose breaths came out in ragged gasps. 

It couldn’t have been something slipped into his drink…

The two men had been facing their beverages the whole time up until Zhongli arrived.


It also couldn’t be Dottore or someone creepy showing up right??

Dottore had still been giggling in his room since they had left for the bar!

Sure, he could have followed them or just randomly followed them after seeing them through the window of the place, but The Doctor was never a real fan of doing anything in public.

Much preferring to stay experimenting in his space alone-

Or with Pantalone-

And staying there the whole rest of the day.


So it was odd.

Could it have just been someone else who looked like The Doctor?

One of his clones perhaps?

No, that didn’t make sense either. Tartaglia would have seen him as well, or at least sensed him.


Once you know the dude, you definitely can tell the odd creepy atmosphere all around him-


So.. it could only be one thing.

A hallucination that spiraled Pantalone this bad must’ve been fucked up-

He couldn’t help but wonder what all The Doctor had done with Pantalone behind closed doors without him noticing…


He whispered, "Can you stand?" much like he would speak to one of his young siblings after a nightmare.

Earning a slight jerk of Pantalone’s head, which he assumed was supposed to be a nod.


“Okay, good. I am going to keep my arm around your shoulders though okay? Just to make sure you don’t fall.”


“That’s fine..” Pantalone whispered, honestly surprising his friend as he had assumed that The Older Man wouldn’t be able to talk for a while after such a sudden panic attack.

Either way, he nodded. Adjusting his grip on his friend before giving a nod to Zhongli, who took the hint and nodded back.


“It would be wise to get him back home. I’ll see you again soon enough my friend.”



And with that, Tartaglia headed off.

Back to the Headquarters.

Back to where Doctor Dottore should be still hunched over his desk working.


If he wasn’t, then Childe might just have to flip out-

Though, he bit his tongue at this thought.

Challenging the Doc would not be the best decision. Even he knew that.

And.. Pantalone had probably known that too..


Us lower Ranked Harbingers have to stick together…

That’s what he had said. And he meant it.


So, he gently and slowly walked the Older Man home. Frowning a bit in sympathy each time he heard a slight groan or felt a slight tremble in the man’s steps.


Maybe he should try to contact The Tsaritsa about this..

Sure, they haven’t heard a physical word from her in years but- he can’t just let this continue.

He would feel terrible about himself if he did.





So he walked.

Kept walking until he was finally back to the Headquarters.

Opening his room’s door before gently setting Pantalone down onto his bed.


Trying to ignore the slight shiver that came from The Regrator..


Maybe it brought back memories..


Just what did that disgusting Doctor do behind closed doors…


“Don’t worry..” he reassured, absentmindedly stroking the other man’s hair as Pantalone fought through his drowsiness, all too exhausted after his panic.


Meanwhile, Tartaglia grabbed his daggers and sat down on the floor, leaning his back against the bottom of the bed frame.

“He’s not coming in here tonight..”













“Wait wait wait!!” Lyney gulped, waving his hands about in a panic out in front of him as he watched Aether’s fangs sharpen.


Paimon even tried to grab ahold of Aether’s sleeve again, trying to get them away.

“P-Paimon thinks that we should go!”


"I'm okay, Paimon's right!" Lyney cracked a light smile, although he knew he looked pained at the moment. "Father wouldn't hurt me! Please calm down, Aether. I'm fine!" He was interrupted, however, as the air was knocked out of his lungs. His eyes watered slightly at the sudden loss of air as Arlecchino hit his side, causing him to crumble to the ground. He knew she was challenging him, as they had sparred together many times. And each time she had made him endure this move several times over.


But Aether didn’t know that..

Aether didn’t know that Father wasn’t going to cause any harm to him.


And Aether’s eyes…

Oh, Aether’s eyes were something that he wished he had never seen right then…


As they… were Blood Red.


“A-Aether it’s f-“ he coughed harshly, watching as Aether’s head snapped upward to face Arlecchino..


And for some odd reason, the glowing portion of their chest brightened even more, before a sword handle emerged from what seemed like the depths of their chest. Of their soul.

A sword of pure light..


Its handle was decorated with the very same scales they had on their legs.


O-oh Fuck-


Lyney could barely comprehend the moment his lover and Father clashed.


The horrible sound of metal against claws whistling and cutting through the breeze that Aether’s quick movements left behind them.

There was no time to talk.

No time for Aether to even let out an angered growl as their eyes only shined a glaring crimson..


And Arlecchino.. his Father was surprisingly having a bit of trouble keeping The Traveler back with her hands alone. 

Her arms shaking at the strain put on them as Aether’s goal was made clear..


They were to cut into her throat, chest, and anything they could get ahold of to kill her. Execute her in seconds without regret.

It would have been intriguing for the Knave if she hadn’t been caught off guard.


“You might just have it in you to have me see a future where you and Lyney get to be together..” but of course, Arlecchino would not let go of the original purpose of this challenge.


Her red X pupils staring right back at those blood-red eyes.


“But you will have to try harder than that..”

And with one motion, Aether was thrown off, tumbling to the ground with Paimon quickly fluttering over to them as Lyney gasped, trying to get up to go see if they were okay, but his wrist was grabbed by Father. Causing him to make out a slight wince as his body was raised by that limb.


“Father, stop it!! They have had enough..!” The Magician tried, flailing and kicking her hip and lower torso, trying to get a reaction from her.


But she had always been used to pain..

She never reacted to such things before, so why would she now..?


“No.” Arlecchino simply responded, her new mask not budging the slightest bit.

“If you want to betray The House and go off with this Hybrid then you both need to show me that you’re strong enough..”


“And if I don’t want to fight you..?”


“…then you will die right here and now.”


“Then I accept..”




Chapter 59: A Crime..


Tw: blood, references to manipulation and touching as a means to manipulate, tearing limbs, violence, attempted murder, a Dottore was harmed during the making of this and I don’t regret it-

Chapter Text

Tartaglia did not fall asleep that night..

Nor did he plan to.


His hands were always moving, twirling the two daggers between his fingers as he watched the door to his room like a hawk.

He hadn’t bothered to lock it.

That wouldn’t stop The Doctor if he wanted to come in, and any attempts to unlock the door from the outside would cause unnecessary noise that could potentially wake up Pantalone.


Which would then cause the older man unnecessary fear.

And that wouldn’t do.

That simply wouldn’t do..


I guess that you could say that he had grown rather attached towards Pantalone. Perhaps even accustomed to his presence by now.


So, if someone like the Doctor tried to hurt the one who he had called his friend, well..

He would for sure fight like hell to defend them.


It did not matter how strong or capable such an opponent was. He was always ready for a fight. It was just part of his character.

But the way he wanted to tear Dottore limb by limb himself once he heard what the fuck he had been doing- hell!- he didn’t even know half of what he was doing!! Pantalone sure as hell wouldn’t tell him about it yet, but if he heard that fucker had done anything more than just touch here and there-

Oh hoh oh… he would do anything he could to tear a limb off..


It was quiet.

As it should be in his room at midnight as the clock just above his door ticked on endlessly.


But then, breath left his lungs as soon as a flash of red eyes peeked into his room, barely able to hold himself back from slamming his dagger through that fuckers skull.


“Oh hey Doc..” he greeted, though it was nothing like his happy self, unable to hide a smirk on his face as soon as he noticed that he had caught Dottore off guard.


The man jumping a bit before giving back his own smile, quickly trying to walk away from the door as if he had been just walking down the hallway to get to his own room but Tartaglia only followed him. His blood feeling as if it was beginning to boil over with rage.


Did he think that he would be sleeping at this time of night…?

Sure, it would have been assumed but.. it wouldn’t happen.

Certainly not tonight.


So he followed him. Holding back the urge to slam Dottore’s door shut as he closed it behind them.


The two of them are now only in a room amongst themselves..

Tartaglia didn’t know if he was just stupid or ignorant but it didn’t matter.


And by the way his eyes latched onto the slight stumble in the other man’s step he knew that he still wasn’t accustomed to his new body yet.

That wasn’t surprising though.

He would expect it to take at least a few weeks for Dottore to get fully used to the body.


And that made him weak..


“So Doc-“


“You have really been getting on my nerves lately..” Dottore interrupted with a hiss, his hands holding onto his desk that was in the far corner of the room, one red eye glaring at Tartaglia with enough malice to fill the room..


“Don’t you know that it’s rude to intrude into others' personal business..? I think not.”


“Not if the other person is considered my friend and is uncomfortable with what you’re doing.” Childe only argued back, finally getting Dottore to turn around fully to look straight at him.

“I know that you two have been partnered up for decades before I ever joined this group.. but now that I’m here, I’m not just going to lay down and watch what the hell you do to him.”


“Do you not know your place??” 


The room suddenly dropped in temperature, drawing out a slight shiver down The Eleventh Harbinger’s spine as he instinctively pulled his arms into his body to conserve warmth.


“..I do.” Though he answered quite simply.

“But do you not know that if The Tsaritsa found out about this then she would execute you in not a moment's notice..?” He snapped back, not caring how The Doctor’s face and eyes darkened.


“She made it law for us to work together, for us! Her Beloved Harbinger’s to work alongside each other without malice! And yet everyone who has worked alongside you has met a terrible end. Hah! I almost bet that you murder them when you get bored so that you can just replace them with a new toy. Am I wro- Agh!-“ 


Tartaglia was interrupted by the Doctor's cold hand slamming him against the wall, pressing against his windpipe and lifting him up a couple feet while the psychopath leaned forward to whisper something in his ear.


“I bet Tonia and all of your siblings would be very sad if you were to go missing…”


And that was the moment.

The moment that all restraint in Tartaglia’s mind was shattered as his eyes filled with boiling hate.


And with one act fueled by pure adrenaline, he slammed his hand against The Doctor’s jaw, reveling in the sickening crunch that he heard before the man stumbled back away from him and passed out..















He then stood there, staring coldly down at the body before him with his knuckles bruised from connecting with the hard jaw bone of his practically coworker.

Everything was silent before..


“Tartaglia??! What the hell!?!”


La Signora walked in with her eyes wide, having probably woken up from the noise.


And Tartaglia knew that she would be the one who would report his crime to the Tsaritsa..

And if she was even willing to be seen, he would be sentenced by her..


A crime is a crime.

Especially if you do one strictly against a god’s rules..


But he couldn’t help but have a smile on his face as he watched the man he had just knocked out bleed from his mouth as his jaw had been broken..


“Ah… La Signora! Sorry for waking you up..”

Chapter 60: Snitches Get Stitches

Chapter Text

Lyney gulped as he prepared himself for an attack.

He didn’t have his bow. 

That would have been extremely helpful if he had grabbed it once he had ran outside to go get Aether..

But… He was much too ignorant at that moment to think that he would have needed it..


Since.. he had known what he had planned to do.

Though, at the time he hadn’t known about the scale's power.

Hell, he still knew jackshit about it.

But he had at least thought.. that he would be able to run away with his lover..


Keeping his siblings safe at the Orphanage and perhaps if Arlecchino allowed it.. he would send letters to them every so often..


But his dreams now had been dashed. Shattered.

But not his spirit.


No.. no not his spirit.

So, before Father could attempt to clash with Aether once more, he squirmed out of her grip, grabbing a handful of sand in one hand before throwing it right into her eyes.


“Agh!” This caused her to wince and cover her face, rubbing her eyes for a few seconds to get rid of the burning sensation only to realize that Lyney had practically dashed with Aether and Paimon, running as fast as they could.


And that.. was honestly impressive..

In fact, it almost made her laugh.

The Knave supposed that she could allow him this victory..


But she knew that gaining another one would not be so easy..


She was almost even tempted to let them get away.

That certainly wasn’t an option however..


And in an instant, she was in front of them again. Her eyes narrowed and slightly reddened from the irritation caused by the sudden sand attack.


“You really thought that you would get away that easily?? I thought I taught you better..”


The Knave watched as The Magician’s body stiffened. His grip tightening on his lover as if to try and hold them back as they most certainly wanted to attack her with full force.


“You did teach me better, Father..”


“Then what is this pitiful display??” Arlecchino scoffed, seeing Lyney’s face fill with shame.

“Hiding behind The Traveler as if this is their fight to win.. No…” she breathed, a scythe of blood red appearing in her hands as if from thin air.

“No… I want to see your power. The strength that you no doubt hold back.” She continued to taunt. To motivate. Circling the two like a tigress wanting a hunt.


“I want to see you beat me. And then.. I want an answer to my question.”


“Your question..?” Lyney asked, visibly searching in his mind to remember what she had asked him several times before once he was picked to be the next King..


“You want to know-“


“What a family is.” And Arlecchino finished his sentence, twirling the handle of her scythe in one hand.

“A true.. honest answer. And I want the answer no matter if you win or lose..”


“Does my life depend on that answer?”


That was a smart question..

It almost made Arlecchino laugh.

But no, she kept the mask on.



“It does.”


“I understand, Father..”


“Wait wait wait!-“ Paimon squeaked, flying to be in between The Knave and the two men, looking horrified.


“P-Paimon thinks that you should think this over! I mean!- fighting your own family?? That’s not- that’s not right!” She kicked her little foot in the air with frustration.

“That’s not what family does!”


“Only Lyney can give me an answer for that question.” The Knave snapped coldly, “you should know not to get into business that isn’t yours..”




“Paimon.” Aether growled, snapping the small girl out of it before she fluttered over to them quickly, being put behind their back before Lyney looked up at his Father..


He was half tempted to ask if he could run to grab his bow since he knew that The Knave wouldn’t kill him, but he knew that wasn’t very realistic..


But just as soon as he was going to attempt to lunge forward at her, his heart stopped by hearing someone running outside-

No.. two pairs of footsteps running down the sand.

Before they stopped, one next to him and one in front, facing Father.


Freminet and Lynette..















“Are you insane???” La Signora scoffed, looking a mixture between disgust and disbelief as she saw the lowest ranked Harbinger standing over the body of one of the highest ranked Harbingers..


“What is!-“ and suddenly someone else ran into the room, and like Childe guessed, it was Pantalone. The man’s eyes wide as he stumbled upon what the hell Tartaglia had just accomplished.


Childe then looked at them both, giving them a carefree smile as if he had done nothing wrong.


“I was just defending myself.”


“Against what??” La Signora asked, having probably been fooled by The Doctor’s usually quiet and reclusive nature..


Sure, to everyone else he had simply seemed to mind his own business, conducting his experiments on his own time.




“I won’t say that I saw anything.” Pantalone said coldly, gaining a smile from Tartaglia but a look of shock from La Signora.

“And I suggest that you don’t say anything either..”


“Oh right! Because you don’t care about anything other than your profit values and costs! I bet if The Doctor was gone then you would be happy to use the money he had been spending on whatever you need instead!-“


“Watch your tongue.” Pantalone snapped quickly back, “I have good reasons to.. be pleased if The Doctor vanished or was at least incapacitated for a little while.”


“Oh yeah??? And the reason is what??”


“We can take it up with The Tsaritsa.” Tartaglia interrupted their spat, “…didn’t we all agree not to go into each other’s personal lives?”


And with that, La Signora let out a huff, storming out of the room and slamming the door to her room closed.


Leaving the two.. were they friends?- alone.


Pantalone letting out a groan as he rubbed his temples and put on his glasses as well as adjusting his long black hair slightly.

“Just when I was getting some good sleep too.”


Childe laughed, “sorry ‘Lone. You can go back to sleep if you want.”


The older man sighed but smiled, “Thanks..”


And Tartaglia just smiled back.

“There’s no need for that. I never took you for the sappy type-“


“Oh fuck you-“


The younger man laughed.

“Oh please, you like me as a friend.”


“I never said that I didn’t.” Pantalone’s smile oddly softened, waving a dismissive hand.

“Though you are quite the asshole when you want to be.”


“Oh please!” Childe continued laughing, a hop even in his step as he placed a hand on Pantalone’s shoulder, noting how the man did not flinch at this.

“You can be an asshole as well.”


After that, the two men laughed as they went back to Childe’s room, their friendship growing oddly stronger despite their differences..

Chapter 61: I remember someone… someone important.

Chapter Text

The two men fell asleep in Childe’s bed together.

Not even thinking about how close they were to each other in the moment and how rather.. intimate it seemed to be.


It wasn’t like they loved each other.

It was almost like they were just two friends trying to comfort each other as the other slept, Tartaglia’s hand absentmindedly stroking Pantalone’s hair during his slumber.


Both their dreams were sweet that night, no Doctor to worry about, no noise to bother them, not even a beam of light that tempted to rouse them awake until they both awoke almost at the same exact time.

The two blinking away their grogginess as they stared into each other’s eyes.


“Mornin’ Lone.” Tartaglia greeted first with a soft grin that was beginning to get familiar in The Regrator’s mind, the older man letting out a slight groan as he sat up and pressed a hand against his forehead.


“I am not excited about hearing Dottore after last night.” He sighed, getting up to brush his long black hair and put it into a loose ponytail that clung around one shoulder, motivating Tartaglia to get up from the bed as well.


“Well if the asshole does something then-“


“I know, I know. You’ll act like a savage chihuahua-“


“Hey!” Tartaglia laughed, playfully punching Pantalone’s shoulder. “If I have to then I will fight dirty to win a battle. You should know that about me.”


“Ah yes, the eleventh Harbinger winning against a duel with the second in ranking. Oh how he’s so going to win that fight with no wounds.”


“You saying that I won’t be able to at least break a finger or two?”


“I’m only saying that you would get your ass handed to you if you were to ever challenge that man into a real fight. Yesterday was a fluke.” Pantalone spoke simply, applying eyeliner to his top lid.

“You won’t be able to get that chance again. You know how that man adapts his strategies.”


“Yeah, I know.. but I still won’t just stand back and watch while he’s- you know!”


“I do. And honestly.. I envy you for that.” A rare, genuine smile graced The Older man’s face..


Tartaglia’s brightened just a bit at those words, “why don’t we take the day off? Some more time outside might do you some good.”


“Oh yeah?” Pantalone groaned, rubbing at his eyes. “Last time I went outside I had a panic attack so maybe it’s not such a good ideA!!-“ he yelped as Tartaglia suddenly pulled him away from his dresser with a surprisingly strong hand, the young man laughing all the while.


“Oh come onnnn!! You old people are always such party poopers! Let’s go have fun! You can count your coins later-“


And without even another word, they were out of the door, Pantalone trying to keep up with the other man.

“You are so strange.”



















“Father! What’s going on here??” Freminet was the first to ask, his claymore being held strongly at his side.

Despite how small and light his body was, he surprisingly had a talent for using such a weapon.


“None of your concern..” Father only replied coldly to his question however, raising her Scythe to be pointing towards the children in front of her.

“This battle is only between me and Lyney.. I thought that I taught you rather well about not clumping together.” her words ended in a hiss, gaining an uncharacteristic worried gasp from Lynette who looked at her brother.


“Brother.. what is happening? What did you do??”


Ah, of course she would be asking that as if he had done something wrong.

Though technically, he supposed that she was correct..


“Get back inside.. please. Both of you need to go.” 


“No, we fight together. Don’t you remember that??” His twin retorted, her ears even flicking in agitation at him forgetting such an important promise that they had made to each other as kids..


“We can handle anything together. That’s what you said.” She repeated, before looking at the one that they called Father.


“Though I don’t understand why we are sparring right nOW!!!-“ she yelped as Lyney shoved her to the ground out of the way from Arlecchino’s spinning scythe that came back to her like a boomerang.


Her face even growing colder than a few seconds ago..


“And what have I told you about that childish idea??” She snapped, being in front of them once more in mere seconds, about to bring down her weapon but Freminet instead clashed with her.


He had never dared to raise his weapon against her before..

Not in an actual fight at least..


And that was intriguing..

Yes. That was certainly intriguing.


In fact she struggled to bring down her weapon, her hands shaking as Freminet’s resolve came even more clear in her mind.


But nevermind that.


She swiftly kicked Freminet’s side, hearing him yelp in surprise as he went flying before she next clashed with a very protective Lyney once more. 

Who even without his weapon held back her Scythe from clashing with his twin sister, and his eyes.. oh his eyes were giving her a look that she had never expected from him.


It was fierce.

No doubt angry with her for forcing his siblings to fight alongside him.


Even still, he didn’t have his bow.

So she drew back to hit him again, this time at full force. But she hadn’t expected something to fly up into her face, realizing too late that the flying companion Paimon had distracted her for a few valuable seconds.


A few seconds was enough for Aether to join back into the fight..

Slashing and moving skillfully across the sand, catching her momentarily off guard as she dodged and moved her head to watch their every movement.


Now this was getting interesting.










Tighnari sighed, putting a clawed hand up to rub at his temples while he thought of questions to ask the confused Siren.


“Why do you look so shocked?? Do you not understand that you just attacked someone who had been helping in taking care of us?? Do you not!-“


“I don’t remember..” Kaveh breathed, his eyes wide and noticeably less red than a few moments ago..


Making Tighnari sigh in thought.

“Well.. from what I know about Siren’s they are created either of two ways.. By a human making a dangerous deal with another Mermaid… Or a human being entranced by a Siren’s song and following them out into the sea where they are either drowned or bitten. Then it spreads..”


“But why don’t I remember??” Kaveh asked desperately, his hands fidgeting with his long blond hair.


“I was a human in both of those supposed scenarios! So why don’t I remember my life as a human?? I remember waking up in the ocean as a Siren and!-“


“Do you feel as though you know Al-Haitham..?” Tighnari interrupted, “Do you feel attracted towards him for some odd reason?”


Those red eyes of Kaveh widened slightly..

He hadn’t even tried to think about why he had become so close to Al-Haitham in such little time.


But a memory.. a voice came to mind at the moment of remembrance..


“Hey!! My Junior!!” Kaveh laughed as his arm wrapped around another boy’s back to pull him close.


“You wanna eat together at lunch??”


And it was his voice..

Chapter 62: Father…?


Tw: near death- teehee- description of wounds

Chapter Text

“Kaveh..? Kaveh.” Tighnari repeated the Siren’s name as he put a clawed hand gently on his shoulder.

“Kaveh are you alright? Hey.” He then gently shook his friend who quickly snapped out of it, his red eyes refocusing on Tighnari’s face.


He didn’t get it..

Kaveh just didn’t get it.


And how did he become a Siren in the first place??

He bit his tongue, not caring about the slight taste of iron in his mouth from his sharp teeth.


He would have to take time to get this all into his head..

And.. he would still have to think about what he did to Al-Haitham.

That human… The human who he oddly remembered from a time long gone..


Why couldn’t he have remembered all this right when the Chef had freed him from that damn tank in the restaurant??


That memory of the past.. he shouldn’t even remember it. He should remember nothing as a human because he never knew that he USED to be a human!!


How was that possible..?

Did his memories get erased after choosing to be such a creature?

Why had his past self chosen such drastic measures???

He couldn’t help but feel like his past self might have been ungrateful for the life that he had been given.


“Tighnari…” he breathed, seeing a slight look of relief on the Mermaid’s face from him having not been going crazy-

Even if he was-


“Yes? Are you alright? You seemed very lost in thought for a moment there. Maybe we should just leave these questions unanswered for now.”



Yeah maybe they should.















“My Grace.” Sigwinnie called as she swam slowly through the water, watching as Wriothesley sat beside Neuvillette who was recovering after the procedure.


It had been successful from what they could tell, the device had been removed before it had gotten a chance to attach to Neuvillette’s spine, which had been the entire purpose of having such a surgery right then and there.


Now, all Neuvillette had to do was rest and recover from the small amount of blood loss and hopefully come off the amount of pain meds he was given without getting any bad side effects.


Not that they were common or even really a problem, but it was always good to monitor a patient for a longer time if thought to be necessary.


She noticed Wriothesley quickly raise his head to look at her as she uttered his title, giving a light squeeze to Neuvillette’s clawed hand before getting up from the rock that he had been sitting on and swam to the nurse.


“Yes, Nurse Sigwinnie?” He asked, sounding exhausted just from the short amount of time worrying so much about the man who he had been protecting.


“Is he alright now? Should I take him back to our assigned quarters?”


“No.” Sigwinnie denied that quickly with a soft shake of her head.

“They have already found us there. And if you two return, I fear that this may only happen again. And if whoever created this device knows that it didn’t work or that it was taken out then… I fear that they may enhance the device to do much more harm.”


Her expression turned grim as she spoke, watching as the Shark Mermaid swam around back and forth as if pacing in thought.


“I understand. I will not allow this to happen again. But.. I still don’t understand anything about that human.. He-… survived my attack. He simply laughed as I tore through him, ripping off whatever I could… I don’t get it.” Wriothesley sounded almost desperate as he thought back to that human..


“How can a simple human not die from that..?”


The nurse sighed, “I believe asking such questions may do more harm than good, please return to Neuvillette’s side and tell me immediately when he feels good enough to move. I need to ask some questions.”


“Will do. Thank you Sigwinnie..”


“Of course, My Grace.”


















Lyney didn’t waste time.

He couldn’t waste time.

So with the valuable moments given to him by Aether and his siblings distracting Father, he ran back into the house and grabbed his bow.


Are you really going to go through with this..?

He thought to himself for a moment before firmly nodding.

He had to do this.

To show that Father didn’t raise a coward.

To show that Father raised someone who was strong enough to survive.


Without another thought, he ran back outside with his weapon and took aim while keeping himself in The Knave’s blind spot.


She was too busy countering Aether’s relentless attacks that she hadn’t even seen him leave.

And that was Perfect.


“Aether!! Move!!” He called, gaining Aether and his father’s attention, but The Traveler did as they were told before an arrow was shot..


Lyney hadn’t expected to even land a hit.

He honestly never expected to land a single hit on The Knave..

Hell, a smile had been on his and his siblings faces as they thought that they would win this.

That Arlecchino would merely surrender or dodge the attack..

It all dropped though when that noise..

When that noise..

The awful, hideous noise of metal shredding through skin and muscle cut through the air along with a soft cry, all three of the siblings' hearts stopped..


The arrow had hit its target.

Arlecchino looking down at her abdomen to see the sharp arrow that embedded itself deep into her flesh.

She was honestly surprised, shocked even that Lyney had the guts to shoot her while she was distracted.


Sure, she probably wouldn’t have dodged even if she knew it had been coming..

She wanted Lyney to beat her one day.

But.. like this?


Her vision blurred slightly as she heard the horrified screams of the-…her children..

Feeling three sets of hands, followed by two more sets immediately on her as she panted and fell back against the sand.

She had taught them well…

that made a sick smile stretch across her face.

They had seen a moment of weakness for when she had been the slightest bit tired.
And exploited it.

How… familiar this was.


She hadn’t even been able to get a word out before Lyney was screaming for someone to get help, one pair of hands leaving her body as if to go follow that command.


She wondered during her last moment before she fell unconscious if she would even get to hear what Lyney’s answer was…


Even without it being said though, she felt as if she guessed what it was..


“You.. will be a fine King, Lyney..”

No no no!! Father!!”


“Please don’t leave us!!”


“You gave us a home!”


Everything went black though..

And yet, a part of her mind knew that she would find some way to live after this, she just hadn’t known how desperate the children had been..


Chapter 63: A God..


Tw: mentioned near death, blood,

Chapter Text

Lyney was in tears as his hands desperately pressed down on the gushing wound that the arrow caused, not daring to take it out since he knew that if he did then it could pop another valuable blood vessel.


Where was the scale that Aether gave him now??


His hands desperately searched his pockets while his mind raced, getting blood onto his Magician outfit but he didn’t care right now!!

Where was it??!


Oh right!- Arlecchino had taken it from him to stop the wish he had tried to make! Maybe it was somewhere in her hand!!


“D-don’t worry, Father!! I’ll make this right! I promise!-“


“Lyney, what are you doing???” Lynette asked, tears streaming down her face along with Freminet’s.

The youngest of the three sitting there, knees buried in the sand as his hands shook violently, definitely in a state of shock.


“I-I have a way of saving Father..! I just need to find it!-“


“Find what???” Lynette choked back a sob, her ears completely pressed against her head as she curled up on herself.

“She’s dead Lyney!! Dead!!”


“No, she’s not. Not yet.” A new voice interrupted, Lyney’s head jerking up to watch as Aether stared down at them before removing another valuable scale from their half-transformed leg.

And the scale… the second Mermaid scale that Lyney had ever seen shined brilliantly in the light reflected off from the sun that was soon to rise.


“But there’s not a lot of time..” Aether continued to speak, pressing the scale into Lyney’s hands who looked at them before mouthing a silent, “Thank you.”


And in the sunlights reflection, Lyney swore that his love looked like that of a god…


“Now say your wish… it must be direct and to the point. Do not give any room for the wish to make decisions for you.” The Mermaid instructed as The Magician took a deep and shaken breath.


“I wish..”


“He wishes……?”


The air whispered around him, the sand that was once stationary below his feet started swirling below him with the wind in a perfect circle.


The magic giving him a rush of adrenaline that caused him to quickly close his eyes.

He could not afford to be distracted now..


“F-For Arlecchino, The Knave, to heal from this wound in its entirety..”


“He wishes for a woman of dark origins to be forgiven for her sins and be healed once more by the waters~?”


The sand swirling all around him stopped for a moment as if to ponder this very important question.

And yet he already knew the answer he would give..




“And you would give anything necessary to restart this woman’s heart..?”


Lyney didn’t even hesitate.. not that he could even really afford to.. “Yes..”


The voice let out a soft giggle, “Very well then.. I, the god Focalor, have heard your wishes loud and clear..”



















Aether winced as they were suddenly pushed back by an unknown force, the wind and sand slamming against them as well as the two other siblings while an unknown figure formed from the depths of the waves..


She was..



That was the first word that came to mind while looking at the woman who seemed to take shape from the waves themselves.


The woman-

No.. They could sense that she was different.

A different being all together..


A god..?

But how exactly would a god come at this exact moment just out of coincidence??


Lyney couldn’t even respond to her, Aether doubted that he could even see her, the sand was swirling stronger around The Magician, then suddenly-


Arlecchino let out a gasp as Focalor touched her chest, healing her abdomen from the arrow and restarting her heart.


What.. the fuck.. just happened?














Pantalone couldn’t really comprehend where exactly Tartaglia was taking him.

Though, he honestly didn’t really care. 

As long as The Doctor wasn’t going to be able to follow him, there was no reason to worry about such little things.

Besides, Tartaglia had made a promise to him..


And sure, promises with people you barely knew were usually bad ideas.

But for some reason he could sense that The Eleventh Harbinger didn’t mean any harm.


“May we be going to the bar again?”


Though he would still like to know exactly where he was being taken-

That wasn’t a very odd request was it?


“Nope! Just taking you out to the town!” The younger man smiled, now walking backwards to face Pantalone completely.


It would be pretty funny if he tripped over on a rock while doing that-

Such a childish man.

It made him rather envious..


“Well, if that is so then I hope that it will at least not be an expensive venture.”


“You worry too much!! Gahhh!” Childe groaned, though kept a crack of a smile on his face.

“You could literally buy this city if you wanted to! Yet you go crazy when I offer a night of fun.”


Pantalone rolled his eyes before adjusting his glasses, “That’s because-“


“Yeah yeah, just because of that I suppose it’ll be coming all out of my pocket okay? Don’t get your panties in a bunch~” 


“My WHAT??!” The older man then gasped in shock while Childe laughed so hard that he almost fell over.

“I beg your pardon!”


“You’re a really fun guy when you get to loosen up, ‘Lone.”

But Tartaglia only smiled at him, pulling him closer by wrapping an arm around his torso.


“And come on, let’s go buy some new clothes!”


“And what is the purpose of that when I have some back at the Headquarters?-“


“Shhhh!! Shush!- all you have are suits and formal attire, you need something else for being comfortable.”


This made the older man sigh but he understood the reasoning behind it as he relented, letting Tartaglia drag him halfway through the town.

Though as he looked up into the sky, he couldn’t help but feel a strange pang of hunger at seeing the moon set as the sun rose..


It had been getting closer to a full moon..

Was that something Siren related?


He should really stop skipping breakfast-

Chapter 64: My Dear Hydro Dragon..


Tw: references to surgery and death

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A crack.


There was a crack in the perfectly shaped ice sphere that had protected The Tsaritsa’s people for centuries.


A crack in the ice.


It was not too noticeable, only as big as the length of her index finger.

It was also shallow and hardly anything to worry about.


But it was still a crack.

A crack that could easily become a bigger crack and later become a hole for primordial water to pour inside, along with those… creatures.


No. No she couldn’t allow that to happen.

But how could she stop it?

Her body had remained frozen for as long as she had casted the spell to save her kingdom. 

There was nothing she could do to stop this..


Though she did wonder if her dear Harbingers were okay..



















Al-Haitham only woke back up once the sun was higher up into the sky.

His eyes blinking a few times as they felt oddly crusty.


It was much too bright in here for his liking, leading him to roll over on the couch with a small groan.

It was odd..

He didn’t feel hungry now as he did a few hours ago, in fact, he felt weirdly nauseated.


Like you ate too much of something you had been craving before it started tasting too strong.


“Haitham..? You alright?”


Ah, Cyno.. That was the voice he heard a few minutes ago..

The other man’s hand now hesitantly resting on his shoulder, being careful so as to not overstimulate him.

He was always cautious like that, and Al-Haitham knew that he would have to maybe take him out somewhere to thank him.


Maybe dinner?

Would that be considered weird?-

No- two grown men could have dinner at a nice place. What was the problem with that?


Totally nothing-


“Yes.. I am adequate.”


“Oh please, don’t give me that.” Cyno groaned, sitting on the floor by the couch to stare at The Chef with a face that in Al-Haitham’s mind read:


I am not dealing with your shit right now Al-Haitham and I am the one letting you stay here in my own damn house-


Which yes- yes he was.

But was he going to say that? No- no he wasn’t.


“I am merely answering your question-“


“And I am merely asking for an honest answer from you.” Cyno only retorted. “And an explanation. Can you tell me why you basically tried to attack me while in the middle of the night?? Or why were you suddenly making something on the stove at that time??”


Al-Haitham only sighed, about to speak once more but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

“Who the hell could be calling me-“ he mumbled under his breath before pulling his phone out, only to groan as he saw his bosses number displayed on the top of the screen.


“God dammit-“


















Neuvillette let out a soft groan as he woke up completely after the procedure, his eyes squinting at the bright light offered by the glowing coral all around him.

After all, the Merpeople had to see the way around their new homes somehow, even if their eyes were made to be able to see in such dark waters it was always good for extra light.


Though it did give him a slight headache-


Not to mention he was still a bit loopy by the small amount of pain medication that he had been given not too long ago.


“F-Furina…” he couldn’t help whispering her name, the one who he had been forced to leave behind, the girl who he thought of as a daughter..


He prayed for her safety..

Prayed that she hadn’t been turned into one of those savage creatures who only wanted blood.

Just as he was about to start worrying about her again though, a soft warmth touched his cheek, as if caressing it to offer comfort..


“Oh my poor Hydro Dragon.. She is fine..” the voice cooed, and he could almost swear that he saw her..

The Hydro Archon..


She was just as beautiful as he last remembered her.

The blurry figure moved closer to him, kissing him on the forehead as if she was a loving mother and he was her beloved child.


“Where have you been..?” He couldn’t help but whisper, coughing harshly as he lurched his head to the side.

“You left so suddenly-“


“I know..” Focalor frowned, her form becoming much clearer as he opened his eyes wider.

“But I am going to do something for both of us.. My Dear Dragon.. your power will be restored..” a sweet smile appeared on her face, but Neuvillette’s eyes only widened further.


“But- for that to happen you have to-“


“I know.” The god repeated, her smile turning a bit sad. 

“And I must admit that I am scared of that.. but with you regaining your power you will be able to lock the Primordial Sea back into where it belongs.. You are the one who will save my people.. not I.”


There was no arguing with her, he knew that.

But that didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt.

Because it did. It hurt a lot to hear her words.


Then, without another word, she simply disappeared. Fading into seafoam before Neuvillette could say anything to dissuade her from doing as she wished.


But at least he knew that Furina was safe.

Even if he didn’t know where she had escaped to, it was still comforting to know that the Mermaid had made it out with as much of her people as she could.






A smile tugged on his lips as his mind threatened to turn off again, wanting him to sleep.

But of course when a soft knock on the door interrupted him, he somewhat jolted up. 

“You may come in.”


“You’re awake already??” 

Wriothesley asked, looking surprised as he swam inside, his claws holding a tray that had various food items on top of it before he placed it down on Neuvillette’s bedside.


“Quite.” Neuvillette answered with a gentle chuckle.

“Are you alright? That human didn’t get you too did they?”


“No.” The Guard answered, shaking his head and watching the Hydro Dragon sigh in relief.


“Then he didn’t get into the hideout, good.. I am glad.”


“As am I.. are you feeling alright? I could probably sneak some more pain medication to you- Sigewinnie’s so tiny I could probably sneak right past her-“


Neuvillette laughed, “no no, no need. I am alright. I am just happy that everyone is safe.. Thank you.”


“You’re welcome.. Monsieur Neuvillette.”



Can you see me visibly fighting the urge to make Cyno, Al-Haitham, Tighnari, and Kaveh all poly?-

Chapter 65: A Wish To Forget..


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Lyney suddenly dropped to the sandy ground beneath him as the magic dissipated and left his body. Aether lurching their body forward to catch him before the man would undoubtedly thump his head against the ground.


The Mermaid knew what would happen now that Lyney had made a wish with one of his scales…

They knew the consequences of such a desperate action…


And yet, they couldn’t let themselves be sad…

The Magician had chosen this to save the only real parent figure he had, and that was unfortunate but understandable.

So why be upset?


“Arlecchino..” they whispered, gaining the woman’s attention who let out a soft groan as she sat up.


“You children are going to be the death of me-“


“Father!!” A sudden cry of two children sounded out as they flung themselves at the woman who let out a simple, “Oof!-“ as she was slammed down by the impact of the two.

The Knave then let out a sigh as she caressed Lynette’s and Freminet’s cheeks, wiping away their tears before looking forward to where Aether was stroking Lyney’s hair who they had propped up his head into their lap.


A look of confusion dawning her face as she looked around her, only remembering how she had… simply passed out.

That is what happened right…?

but if that was true then where was the wound…?


Still, she spoke up, “what happened here? Did something happen to Lyney?”


Only to then realize that particular look in Aether’s eyes now..

They were dark and saddened. As if they knew something that no one else could ever know.

They weren’t even gold anymore, at least not like before. She remembered how they had turned crimson red the moment she had gotten Lyney out of the fight by hitting his side though.


The way that they stared at her with no expression. 

Their eyes having done all the talking for them at that moment before she had been hit by one of Lyney’s arrows.


But nevermind that.

It wasn’t important at the moment.

She sighed before standing up, letting the other two siblings still cling on either side of her as she walked to where The Magician was laying.


“Did something happen to him? Do you have something to explain for yourself??” She asked the Mermaid who only kept stroking Lyney’s hair.


“He is okay.. just a little exhausted by the magic he just used..”




“What are you talking about??” Arlecchino hissed protectively, tempted to grab Aether by the collar of their shirt to demand an answer but Lynette and Freminet held her back.


“He saved you, Father..” Freminet was the first to whisper surprisingly, looking at her with a pleading gaze.


“I-it was like the stories you read to us when we were younger..” Lynette added, “the one where a Mermaid can give another person their scale to make a wish and-“


“And this wish was to save me..?” Arlecchino finally realized, thinking about how she would definitely have to reread that book again, even if it was such a childish picture book, to see if there were any other lasting effects with such a deal.


“It was..” Aether nodded before standing up as well, Lyney in their arms which they then outstretched to offer the boy to The Knave. Which she accepted.

“…Please do take care of him. I know what you do with children and I don’t want that to happen to him.” They looked at The Knave with an almost pleading expression.

“A good Father.. would want to keep innocence in their child for as long as possible.. right?”


And that one sentence almost made the air in The Knave’s lungs disappear completely, but even so, she still answered with a nod.

“You are saying this as if you are going to leave and never return. Is that true?”


Aether should have guessed how well she was able to make connections between their facial expressions and thoughts.

Because that was true..


“I have to.”


“And why is that?? You love him. I know that now. I knew it by how you fought with reckless abandon as he was seemingly hurt in your eyes by me.” She reasoned, “that was the reason why you didn’t force him to flee with you any chance you got because you knew that he loved his family. So why are you abandoning him now??” 


In that moment, Aether’s eyes darkened even further, turning into a more mudded brown color rather than gold or even crimson.

“Because he won’t remember.”


That was the sentence that made The Knave’s heart skip a beat. 

“And what in Archons name do you mean by that?”


There was no answer though.

No answer given as Aether kissed Lyney’s forehead one last time before standing up and walking towards the ocean..


Trying to hold back the tears that were no doubt about to fall.

They had known that a wish would eventually be made..

They just didn’t know that it would have been this soon.

They would forget about it soon enough though..















Kaveh couldn’t help but gulp nervously as Cyno finally came back into the bathroom to look at him and Tighnari.

The Mermaid and Siren have been still holding each other closely in the cramped tub with their tails closely coiled together.


The two just staring back at the human who sighed and rubbed his temples.


“It seems like Haitham is fine now- but can you two explain to me why the hell he just attacked me all of a sudden???” 


It was a good question.

Kaveh knew that it had been unexpected and even he didn't quite know why after having bitten the man that he had suddenly attacked another human.


“Well.. Does he.. Have any scales now?”


“Wha- no! No, I didn't see any scales!” Cyno was definitely frustrated, and it was certainly understandable. 

“All I know was that he must have gotten hungry and started cooking something only for me to be the one tackled to the floor when I was asking him what he was doing at midnight.”


“I have a feeling that you won’t like the answer-“ Tighnari spoke up, gulping in nervousness as well when Cyno looked up quickly to stare at him expectantly.


“Just tell me what the hell Kaveh has passed onto my friend..”


Oh boy..




They’ll be finnnnnnneee-

Chapter 66: A Hunger That Consumes You


Tw: blood, references to extreme hunger, blood sucking, thoughts of devouring someone-, thoughts about losing too much weight

Chapter Text

“This is Al-Haitham speaking-“ the human..? Spoke roughly, his foot tapping impatiently against the rug as he sat up on the couch.

He had not expected his boss to call him back again. Though, he honestly should have considered the possibility.


After all, he had just kind of left his boss high and dry with the promise of getting back to him about something.

So, it’s not like he could blame the guy.


But still-

Served him right for cutting his paycheck in half-


Yet he still had to respect the man at least a little. He was his boss after all.


Even if he honestly wanted to square up with the man without thought-

Maybe that was a bit too harsh though.


“Where have you been???? You are the lead Chef! I can’t run my business without you! I barely have managed just these past couple of weeks without you!! Finish up whatever you’re doing and quit doddeling!”


On second thought.. maybe those words hadn’t been harsh enough for this man-


“Look.” He sighed, “I… may have ended up in the hospital again after not listening to them and resting like I should’ve in the first place. It’s embarrassing so I tried to keep it under wraps.”

He lied.


Lied right through his damn teeth.

But hey-


“Damn, Al-Haitham… alright, call me back when you’re all better alright?”


His boss took it.


“Will do. See ya.”


“You be careful now, Haitham. But yeah, see you when you’re back at work.”


And that’s when the call ended, The Chef letting out a loud sigh of relief as he looked up towards the ceiling, thinking about the conversation he had just had before-


His stomach growled fiercely.


















“Hold on Tartaglia! I can only move so fast!-“ Pantalone groaned as he was practically dragged through town, the other man only offering a laugh and a sheepish grin as an apology.


It was hardly one at all-


“Sorry, ‘Lone! But it’s just so- lively in town at this time of day you know?? Plus I want to see how many options they have in clothes! Oo! Maybe we can get a matching outfit! What do you-“


“No.” Pantalone shut that down quickly, gaining a slight chuckle from Childe who stuck out his tongue playfully.


What could he possibly get out of acting like a complete child??


“I was just joking. Damn, not much of the Joker type are you? Eh, some people just aren’t cut out for being fun.”


“You sound as if you’re disappointed that I am not that type of person.” Pantalone couldn’t help but tease, noting how Tartaglia’s pace slowed to a normal walking speed now.


“Hah! Well, I kind of already knew that you weren’t really that type but eh, I don’t really care. You’re fun anyway.” 


“If you say so. I-” The older man shrugged before interrupting his words and stopping in place with a wince as his stomach growled, arms instinctively wrapping around his lower abdomen.

This in turn also caused the younger man to stop, a confused expression on his face.


“Hey, you alright? What has been going on with you these past few days??” Tartaglia asked but didn’t hesitate before going over to help Pantalone stand up straight, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as those glowing blue eyes of the man shined even brighter than normal.

Tears now starting to stream down his pale face as if his eyes were reacting to something that was in the air.


Now that was when Tartaglia started to freak out.


Patting the black haired man’s back as he looked around at the people in the small collection of markets outside, all looking at the two of them with confusion and concern.


Fuck!- what was happening now??


“Dude dude! What’s happening??” Tartaglia asked, trying to sit the man down but all Pantalone could hear was the heart of the younger man beating.. the one organ pumping immense amounts of blood through his chest.


He was so hungry at that thought.

Why was he so hungry at that thought..?

And why was he only having such sick thoughts now?


“I-I’m fine. Let’s keep going.” He tried to convince himself as well as Tartaglia.


He was fine. He would eat something when he got back to the Headquarters. He’s fine.


“No.” But the other Harbinger only shook his head at his sad reply, “there’s something wrong and I want to know.”


It was like time slowed down in Pantalone’s mind at that one moment..

Not even wincing as his teeth sharpened in an instant and accidentally cut his tongue before he lunged..


Have you ever felt the thrill of finally being stronger than someone in the first time of your life..?


Ever felt the adrenaline rush that was caused by you finally getting rid of the fear that plagued your whole being every day?


Or have you ever felt the unknown hunger in your system that you just now realized as you tasted sweet sweet blood has been going on for your whole life and existence…?


Maybe not..

Maybe you had a normal existence. An existence that was more than just pain and worry of losing more and more weight so you just kept wearing your oversized Harbinger jacket and-



But now that fear was gone.

He could almost laugh.

He hadn’t even needed to lure Childe in with a song for the boy to come close enough to him that he could finally feel that sensation of just being full.


There wasn’t even much fight coming from the boy, at least not that mattered.

He was the Ninth..

Tartaglia was below him in everything..


Even as tears ran down his face at what he was doing, he didn’t stop. Not until he heard a laugh..

A sickening.. dreadful laugh that made him freeze up completely and let go of the boy who looked at him with confusion, shock, and maybe a hint of anger.


Where did that laugh come from..?


Who was-


“I suppose my experiment was a success...”


Oh no..

Pantalone’s heart dropped to the deepest depths of his stomach as he heard those words only to realize that Tartaglia hadn’t been looking at him with hate. He had been looking at someone behind him…


And it was all too clear who now.


The Doctor laughed, putting a hand on the Human and Siren Hybrid's shoulder…


“I guess it’s only fitting that a human with Siren genes in their blood would latch onto the one person that they had begun to get close to.. poor thing.. And now everyone has left this street screaming..

I wonder what you will do if they decide to call the police on you.. Pantalone.”


And the older man couldn’t even question the other man’s words about an experiment being successful before he suddenly passed out..


Tartaglia’s hands pulling him closer before glaring at Dottore with all the hate left in his being.


“What did you do to him...?”

You sick bastard…


Chapter 67: The Lost Twin..


There is artwork at the end of how I imagine the Tsaritsa! :D

Chapter Text

“What are you doing..?” A Mermaid with a patch of hardened scales covering their right eye asked The Siren who sat comfortably on a throne made of sea coral.


“Are you not going to look for your sibling? You have been calling out for them yes?- so why-“


“It is simple, Dainsleif.” A cold reply came from The Siren who wore a sharp grin. Her hands that wore metal claw attachments tapping lightly against her throne armrests.

“It is just not time yet. My dear Sibling has been fooled by this world and all of its charms.. I simply have to wait until the wool over their eyes is uncovered.”


“And yet you just stay here..? With no plan or reason?? No-“


“I would recommend that you hush.” Lumine, the lost sibling, snapped as she got up from her throne to be in front of Dainsleif in mere seconds..

“Unless you want to admit to me that you are betraying your homelands for my siblings safety..”


At the mere idea Dainsleif scoffed, only to wince as Lumine’s clawed finger tip lifted his chin up to face her.

“You should know that I would never-“


“And you should know that I am the one who is in control now.” The girl merely interrupted, leaning down to look at Dainsleif’s face with no kindness to give..


“And I won’t let my sibling think that they are on the right side.. I will not allow it. Do you understand that, Dain?”


“… no, because I have been traveling this world as well, for years before you came! There are good people here. Good people that were never part of my home being destroyed. And I will fight whatever you say that contradicts that..”


“Oh Dainsleif..” Lumine couldn’t help but laugh, twirling a piece of his blonde hair between two metal claws.

“You are not supposed to be my enemy.. We were meant to share the same goal, to get revenge on the gods who dared to kill an entire nation and bury it underneath the ocean just because they didn’t share the same worship values.. But here you are.. trying to stop me from eliminating every human I come across and-“


She was suddenly interrupted by a noise above the water.

Letting go of Dainsleif’s chin in favor of swimming up to the surface and poking her head out into the open air.


And that’s when she let out a sharp gasp as hands immediately tangled in her hair, yanking her free from the ocean waters to see a man with a cruel grin smirking at her.

“Well well.. What do we have here? The Doctor is certainly going to be pleased with you..”


















Tartaglia winced with a sharp gasp as Pantalone yanked himself away from his neck, one of his  gloved hands immediately pressing now onto the open wounds as he sat up to glare at Dottore..


“What did you do to him?? Let him go!” He then stood, only to then feel that all too familiar chill running down his spine..

This time feeling as if it ran through his whole entire being..

No..why did this feeling always come when he was at odds with the Doctor of all people..?


Sure, he was creepy and his actions proved that. But he had faced much scarier things in his past..


Why was this the only man that caused him to feel like this?


No matter..

For it did not matter in the slightest to him at this very moment in time.

All that mattered in this exact moment was him getting the answer out of Dottore and getting his friend out of the man’s clutches..

No matter the cost.


“You look a bit angry Tartaglia…” The Doctor cooed, smirking as his hand suddenly grabbed a handful of Pantalone’s hair, startling the man slightly as he was basically pulled into a choke hold.

“Do you have something to say to me and my assistant..?”


Silence filled the air between them after that, even getting colder as the seconds passed.


Fuck- if Tartaglia didn’t get the older man away from that sick Doctor then he could get hurt or something else terrible-


Everyone who has worked alongside the Doctor suffered a most terrible fate..


So, as Dottore looked away for a second to stare at Pantalone menacingly he grabbed one of his daggers from his pocket, twirling the blade as he readied his aim..


It had to be perfect..

If he missed then The Doctor would draw out his own weapon and that would be a battle he wouldn’t win..

He was smart enough to know that.




“Dottore.” A new voice snapped suddenly, causing both Pantalone and Tartaglia to jump in surprise, his dagger dropping to the floor as he looked up to see Pierro..


The Jester’s one visible eye glaring down at Dottore with a look almost akin to disdain..


“What do you think you are doing with a fellow Harbinger in your clutches..?”
















Lyney didn’t quite understand what was happening when he woke up, letting out a slight groan as one of his hands instinctively went to his forehead to rub at his temples.


There was just- so much going on around him.

And it was too bright.. Much too bright..

What was he doing outside? Had he been sparring with Father again? Maybe Lynette and Freminet..?


Damn- they must have kicked his ass then- His whole body felt like one big bruise.


“L-Lynette..?” Was the first name he asked about, “Freminet..? F-Father?-“ came soon after. His voice meek and scratchy as his vision slightly blurred before refocusing onto Arlecchino herself.


“F-Father.” He repeated, this time in complete relief.

“You’re okay..”


What exactly did he mean by that..? Father was always okay. Nothing happened recently to his knowledge, so why was his first words to her that..?


“That I am.. Do you remember what happened..?”


And it was odd.. Because..

“No.. No I don’t.. What happened..?”










Presenting a drawing of how I imagine the Tsaritsa!

And one with her veil and crown!

Chapter 68: A meeting will be called.


Part one of: Let Scaramouche swear-


Tw: reference to unwanted touches, attempts of manipulation, wants of killing

Chapter Text

Neuvillette smiled softly as he was finally able to sit up from the makeshift bed Sigwinnie had put him on, now able to look more attentive to his friend.

“Your Grace, it is quite an honor to have you at my bedside so worried about such a simple thing like this.” The Dragon couldn’t help but tease, gaining a light smile from the Shark Mermaid.
But Neuvillette knew his friend well enough to know that in that smile was a look of guilt.. maybe even a little bit of shame.

Oh, Wriothesley, you never do change, do you?

Even so, the black-tailed Mermaid gave a soft smile back, trying to show an air of arrogance or toughness that would make his next words sound much more credible.
“Am I not supposed to be even if I was assigned to protect the higher-ranked Mermaids? Honestly Monsieur, you act like I am above you sometimes in ranking.”

“Do I?” Neuvillette chuckled, “I merely treat you like an equal.”

“And I respect you deeply for that.”
Wriothesley smiled back, moving even closer to Neuvillette’s bedside to hold his clawed hand.
“I promise you that this will never happen again..”

“You can’t possibly promise that.. come now, Wriothesley. You truly tried your hardest even if I hadn’t personally seen it. The blood of covering your scales for Celestial’s sake. You can’t possibly-“

“I will strike twice as hard.” The guard interrupted with a slight growl as he looked ahead at something The Dragon couldn’t see.
“I can promise you that..”
Scaramouche laughed as his hands tangled themselves into the blonde Siren’s hair.. watching as she flailed and tried with all her might to free herself from his cold mechanical joints while the air left her gills.

“My my… Your kind truly is a thing of beauty… it’s truly a damn shame that The Doc wants you all dead~”

The Puppet couldn’t help but tease, starting to pull the Siren out of the water with no sense of remorse. He was not made to feel empathy so why should he even try to put the effort into learning to?

Such a feeling was useless in the long run.

So when Lumine drew in a sharp breath to let out a Siren cry, he quickly covered her mouth with a hand.
“Now now, I can’t let you try to break my eardrums with that, can I? And I of course can’t afford to let you call for backup.” He had anticipated this.

What he didn’t anticipate however was another Mermaid already there, a Captain Guard jumping out of the water to cling onto his back, their claws digging into his skin.

“Oh you little fucking pest-

“Let go of her.” Dainsleif only growled, digging his claws deeper into the artificial material that Scaramouche had for skin and muscle.

The Puppet let out an annoyed huff as he tried to get the Royal Guard Captain off of him so that he could start heading back.
But that damned Mermaid only then wrapped their tail around his legs, effectively tripping him.

This little bastard-

Lumine let out a sharp gasp as she filled her gills once more after having been dropped, now clinging onto Dainsleif as if trying to hide behind him.

And that only made Scaramouche laugh and wipe his mouth as he stood up, jerking his head back to crack his neck joint like a human who was preparing for a fight.
“Alright… You two want to play this game huh? Well alright… Let’s fight.”
“P-Pierro..” Pantalone couldn’t help but gasp in relief before his neck got completely released by The Doctor.
Whose face seemed to turn into a slight scowl of… Disappointment?

That bastard-
Tartaglia should have kept punching him while he was down the first time.

But of course that wasn’t really a possibility at the moment. What was a possibility however was that Pierro would handle The Doctor while Tartaglia would try to keep Pantalone from having another panic attack.

Good going Dottore.
Now you’re an even more insufferable asshole than Tartaglia thought-
How was that even possible? Childe didn’t know.

What he did know was that now he probably wouldn’t be taking his eyes off of The Regrator who shakily got up after being released.
Pierro’s one displayed eye still glaring down at Dottore as if he wanted to stomp him into the cement right then and there.

“Dottore, you should know one of the first rules that The Tsaritsa ordered to be followed, yes?”

“How long were you here?” Dottore smiled sweetly, almost making Tartaglia roll his eyes as he moved to be in front of Pantalone who looked as if he was ready to explode, cry, or maybe both.

And that was a very rare thing to see from the older man..

“Does that really matter?”
Though Pantalone seemed to calm down slightly as Pierro responded with an even harsher glare, “all I know was that you were choking out a fellow Harbinger and that is strictly against the first rule of being such.”
The air only growing cold yet again..
And this time Tartaglia didn’t know if it was coming from Pierro or Dottore..
Maybe both?
Why would they be trying to intimidate each other?

“I was doing no such thing. You see I was only trying to hug him from behind and you know I have gotten a new body recently after the latest incident and I can’t really-“

“That is enough.” Pierro effectively silenced the whole street swiftly, not even moving to show just how much emotion had come out of his mouth.
“You should not even be out here and-“ Pierro interrupted himself with a sigh before rubbing his temples.
“We will be going back to the Headquarters and I will be calling a meeting with everyone. We will talk about your recent behavior..”
The Highest Ranked Harbinger’s tone went quiet before he turned around, facing his back towards all of them before they quietly followed..

Dottore’s eyes however did not move away from Pantalone for a single second..
The Regrator trying to ignore the other’s slight chuckles before they made it back to the Headquarters..

The heavy door loudly shutting behind them…
The man was now praying that he could win an argument against a man who had manipulating people as a full on hobby.

Even if he was scared though, he relaxed slightly as Childe’s hand placed itself against his lower back, the youngest Harbinger giving him a nod of reassurance as if to say:

We’ll get him. I promise…

And that was all he needed..

Chapter 69: Thump-

Chapter Text

The Knave couldn’t answer…

Actually, she just couldn’t bring herself to answer despite how pathetic that idea sounded.

But how could she even begin to explain to the Magician that his lover- who he probably had no memories of now, had disappeared back into the ocean after trying to kill her and later giving him magic for a few moments to save HER life after she had been shot by his arrows???


Yeah- there was no real way of explaining that-

Not without immense amounts of confusion.


So she lied…

“You simply couldn’t handle today's sparring and got knocked out by Freminet’s attack. You should be more watchful of your opponent's movements.”


Lyney simply responded with a sheepish expression, laughing as he rubbed the back of his neck before grabbing the offered hand from The Knave to get up.

“Guess I was slacking a bit today then, right Father?”


“You merely couldn’t hear him as he snuck up on you. Don’t beat yourself up on a simple mistake and instead get better with the next try..”


“Oh right!” Lyney’s body straightened up, making Arlecchino’s eyes widen slightly as she had only seen the boy act like that when she had been just now starting to act less strict.

“I apologize, Father. I won’t put myself down again.”


Just how far did the spell make Lyney’s memories go back in time..?

Could Lyney’s memories have gone all the way back to before he had even met the Traveler…?


Oh, my Archons- this was going to be a mess-


“Never mind that..” she sighed, putting a hand up to rub at her temples, hearing the slight skid across the sand as Freminet and Lynette ran to her and Lyney. Both of them practically burst into tears simultaneously.




And of course, The Magician was confused by this, but he didn’t question anything that his siblings babbled out.


Arlecchino would have to tell the children not to mention anything about Aether later…

If they were truly leaving for good for the sake of not making Lyney have a complete mental breakdown then she would honor such a request.


Though it was rather hard to watch..

Hard to watch how Lyney looked so confused and disoriented after such an event took place..

But that was how it would have to be.

At least that’s what she thought.















Then the odd questions from The Magician started while days passed..


Lyney would look at her, still respectful and bowing his head but his eyes began to look duller than usual..

Though, he did seem to be getting less sleep as the nights flew by.


She had tried to fix that.

Not answering him when he would inquire why she had been sending him to bed earlier and earlier throughout the day. 


“Don’t I still have work to do, Father?”


No. He didn’t.


“I look and feel fine, Father! See?? Please, I can help with cooking!”


No.. he didn’t.


His eyes started to sink into his face more, heavy bags accompanying them as he looked up at her.


Could it be a side effect of him using magic??

Damn that Mermaid for not telling her that!-


Yet the boy acted completely fine. Energetic, happy, and eager to perform a show just for his siblings.


She had even put an end to the shows that he would do every week in an effort to get him to sleep. But nothing.


His siblings were worried.

Hell, she was DEFINITELY worried.


But he acted as if he had all the sleep he could ever need.

And that was certainly confusing when she thought about it.

So, she came up with a simple plan…










She sat wordlessly on the sofa by the fireplace in their home..

Watching the flame that was starting to burn out, flicker and pop as she kept her ears open for any sign of Lyney getting up.


She honestly couldn’t believe that she hadn’t thought of this idea before.

Maybe Lyney was having nightmares, or perhaps just wasn’t going to bed at all. 


So she watched. Fighting back her own urges of falling asleep by the hypnotic flame.

Her body almost succeeded in the idea before-




She suddenly sprang back up, looking backward to the staircase where up was Lyney’s room.


Was he-






“Lyney?” She called, getting up slowly from her seat and moving towards the stairwell, trying her best not to raise her voice so as to not wake the other children.


But this was.. odd.

Was something wrong?

She didn’t know, but by the time she was halfway up the stairs she found him. 


The Magician was stumbling around, almost falling over his own two feet as he walked down and up the hallway to all the bedrooms again and again as if in a trance.


“Lyney- Lyney..!” She tried to call with a slight hiss to her tone, all the while trying not to wake up any of the other children.


When he didn’t respond, the answer to her questions came when he turned around.


His eyes were still completely closed.



He… never sleep walked before in his life..

Why would he only start the habit right now??


Sure, she had dealt with some children who had it before. Whether due to trauma of their past or just simply being scared in a new place to live.

But Lyney had never done it before..

Not even as a smaller child..


But alas, what else could she do at the moment except put him back to bed and watch to make sure he couldn’t fall down the stairs?


At that thought, she let out a small sigh before putting a gentle hand on his shoulder and leading him back to his room.


That’s when Lyney started talking..

Talking to her as if he was completely conscious and not about to fall down to pass out.


“Do you hear that song as well, Father..? It’s so… Familiar.. I like it..”


Before she could ask him about it though, he went fully unconscious in bed once more.


Okay??? What the fuck????

Chapter 70: Got emmmmm! HAH!


Tw: attempts of manipulation, references to past murders

Chapter Text

Kaveh sighed as he thought about what he had done to the Chef that had gotten him out of what would’ve been certain death for him.
Thinking back to how and why exactly he had attacked the man instead of just asking him for more food, maybe raw meat would have eased his hunger as well.

But for some reason… for some sick and dark reason, he knew that his hunger would only be filled by the blood of a human.

And instead of asking like a normal person- which either way he was not- to have maybe just a few drops of the man’s blood he had latched onto him like a fucking snake!
Who does that??
Apparently him now!!
Ughh!! Why did this all have to happen to him??

“Tigh…?” He couldn’t help but whine, gaining a soft sigh from the Mermaid who pulled him closer and put a clawed hand on his back.

“It is… Alright.. you didn’t know.”
The hand started to then rub circles over his spine, slowly soothing the area over time as Kaveh’s eyes fluttered from the exhaustion of worrying about that- human.
That strange human who he swore that he had seen before and just didn’t have a vital piece of the puzzle.

And it almost brought tears to his eyes when he thought back to it.
He had forgotten something important…
He knew that.
And it was so frustrating that he couldn’t even remember a single part of what it was!

Just as he was about to speak again though, he was interrupted by the bathroom door opening again, and this time, Al-Haitham was the one on the other side.

And oh…
Oh, shit-

“Um- Al-Haitham..?” Kaveh carefully asked, gulping slightly as he saw just how red the other man’s eyes were..

That’s when it hit him though.
A feeling of complete and utter surrender.
And he didn’t know why.
He didn’t know why he tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck as his red eyes stared at The Chef with resolution.

He also didn’t know why his lips moved to speak, to say “drink.” In such an odd tone.

But when Al-Haitham’s stomach suddenly growled, the man looked at him like he was the last meal that he would ever have. The Chef lunged…
Sharp teeth sank into his neck, and with that, a burst of memories was also shared between them…

Memories, long forgotten in time..
“Haha! Come onnnn..! You know you love being around me you bonehead! Cyno and Tighnari are already waiting for us!”

They were… holding hands..
Al-Haitham with a book in one of course while he tried to keep up with his senior's pace.

“They can wait until I finish the last page of this chapter- can you slow down??? You’re going to make me fall!”

Of course Kaveh only laughed at that, sticking his tongue out playfully.
“Well, I don’t want to leave my Junior behind! So, pick up the pace or I will!”

“Ughhh- fine fine..”
What song could The Magician possibly be talking about..? She hadn’t heard any songs throughout the night, nor had she seen anyone else complaining about a song keeping them up.

Maybe it had just been a part of Lyney’s dream while he was sleepwalking…
Yes, that had to be it.
But there still was the problem of why he was even sleepwalking in the first place.

She would have to do more research than she thought…
She slept on the couch that night.
Not wanting to be unaware if Lyney were to get up again only to walk farther and fall down the stairs.
That would be a nightmare to deal with.
Though luckily at least the first night she had discovered his sleepwalking habit he didn’t get up after she had led him back to bed.

Which was certainly a score in her book.

But the following nights it only seemed to get worse.
He would walk farther and farther down the hallway that connected to everyone's rooms, mumbling about some odd song that she couldn’t even hear herself.

And each night he would get closer and closer to the staircase, which of course worried her to death.
But she hadn’t thought that he would actually just start going down the stairs, albeit a little wobbly before opening the front door and just-…


“Lyney…?” She of course followed him, trying to grab his arm or shoulder before he could manage to keep going forward.

But of course, he was pulling away with any touch she gave, humming along to some tune that she couldn’t quite grasp.

And that was before she had realized that the boy was heading straight for the ocean..
Tartaglia sat down at the table all the Harbingers would usually meet at, choosing his regular spot at the end but made sure that Pantalone chose to sit beside him.
This of course displaced a Harbinger, particularly the Knave, but for some odd reason it didn’t seem like she was coming to this meeting.

Maybe she was just busy.

But Dottore did. Then Pulcinella, La Signora, Capitano, Sandrone, Columbina and lastly The Jester, Pierro sat in all of their respective seats.

“May I ask what this meeting is about and why you called us here so quickly? I was about to get some sleep.” Columbina said sweetly, though had a noticeable frown marking her features.

“I would like to know about this as well.” Pulcinella nodded, clearing his throat before looking over at Tartaglia.
“I sense some hostility in the younger one.”

“Well he is always looking for a fight. Maybe you can satisfy that craving of his yourself if you’re worried.” Sandrone giggled, gaining a look of what looked almost like embarrassment from the man.

“I was merely-“

“I called you all down here today, even if there are a few of us missing, to discuss a problem that I have begun to see..” Pierro interrupted, silencing everyone in attendance.
“There is one among us who has been harassing another and as you know that according to the rules laid out by The Tsaritsa herself, that is not to be tolerated.”

“Harassment in our ranks?” La Signora scoffed, “well I recall a certain incident where Tart-“

“Dottore was threatening to kill me.” Tartaglia interrupted the Crimson Witch, daring to glare at her while her expression changed to confusion.
“I merely defended myself.”

“He must have misunderstood my words.” Dottore’s voice joined, the man giving a light shrug before he glanced over at Pantalone who had been staying rather quiet.
“He has even manipulated my own assistant to be against me. Poor man can’t even look at my face anymore. Don’t you wonder why that is-“

“Because you’re a fucking manipulative liar!” Tartaglia snapped, slamming his hands against the table and causing Pierro to speak up.

“Calm down, Tartaglia. Remember the second rule that The Tsaritsa has given to us.”

With that, Tartaglia sat with a huff once more, his leg bouncing excessively before the leader began to speak again.

“I must admit that I am also suspicious of The Doctors actions.. Everyone who has worked with him has ended up going missing..”

“It’s really quite a shame..” Columbina added, looking as if she was about to fall asleep in her seat.
“But our dear Pantalone seems fine~”

“Even if so, we need to investigate further.. Dottore.” Pierro called, “I will be personally supervising your work until this matter is resolved and-“

Everything else seemed to fade out after Pantalone heard that. A genuine smile appearing on his face as he felt a light nudge beside him from Tartaglia who smiled at him as if they had just won the lottery.

Was it.. really over…?

No… by the look that Dottore gave him he knew for certain that it wasn’t over yet…
That was a fact.

Chapter 71: The Song…


Tw: references to drugging and assumed rape but later disproven

Chapter Text

“So, are you going back to your room to sleep now that the situation has been handled or…?”
Tartaglia asked nonchalantly, yawning softly as they had finished the meeting soon after.

In response, Pantalone shook his head.
“If I may stay in your room a little while longer I would prefer it. Just because The Doctor will now be watched during his work hours doesn’t necessarily mean that-“

“That he won’t go sneaking around looking for you. Got it.” Tartaglia finished the other man’s sentence with a nod.
“Yeah, that makes complete sense. Just tell me if he is still being creepy alright?” The younger man then smiled, “we’ll get Pierro on his ass.”

And with that the older man surprisingly let out a rare chuckle, though they had been getting much more frequent as of late with his developing friendship with the weakest Harbinger in their ranks.
“I do not doubt that.. But I do hope that he won’t be able to get in a room alone with me again.. I do not believe that he would do something rash enough like killing me but…”

“You can’t know that..” Childe sighed, his eyes looking down to the ground as he thought.
“Hey, ‘Lone? Can you.. tell me more about your past experiences with him..? It’s alright if not I’m just curious.”

At that, Pantalone seemed to frown deeply, causing Tartaglia to quickly take back his words.
“Nevermind! It’s really none of my business. You obviously don’t want to talk about it and-“

“He… Would give me these strange.. pills after he discovered that my ancestors were of Siren heritage..”
The older man started to speak, not caring about the fact that he had no reason to.

“Strange… pills?”

“Yes. They just looked like normal red pills. The size of just a small pebble.. He told me that they were just supposed to keep my cravings for blood down to the bare minimum..”

“Wow..” Childe’s eyes widened in surprise, “did it really work..? Did it help? I could steal some from his office if he has more-“

“No.” At the other’s look of surprise, Pantalone sighed, “well… they did for a while.. But there’s only so much that a simple pill can do to satisfy a Siren’s hunger…”

“Hey! Don’t say that. You’re certainly no Siren that anyone has faced. Don’t say that about yourself or… or I will have to challenge you to a duel!”

Wait- what?-

Those were the words that caused him to laugh. A hearty, good laugh.
“You really are an odd person..”

But that’s why I am starting to care deeply about you..
No… that I do care deeply about you…

Pantalone couldn’t help but to think. Though the smile on his face faded a little as he recalled the experience with the pills.
“They would… Always make me dizzy.. And…”

That was all he had to say before Tartaglia’s eyes stared at him as if he had just gotten shot.
Not even speaking as he watched  Pantalone put a hand to his throat as if he was about to vomit, wrapping his arms around him tightly.
And in his eyes was a rage so cold that it even sent chills through Pantalone's spine…

How could a human person be so cruel…?
What they didn’t know was Dottore was still watching from afar at their little interaction, almost laughing his head off at the face Pantalone made.

The face of pure terror as his mind ran wild with assumptions.
As that was the only thing they were.
It was only a mind game. As he hardly touched Pantalone physically. But the other man didn’t know that.
The Regrator in fact only knew that he would take the pill, and wake up in his bed with no other memories.

It was the perfect breeding ground for fear. For assumptions..
and that was what Dottore was especially good at…
During those next few nights The Knave watched each and every night as The Magician simply got out of bed, walked slowly down the stairs and left the house.
Lyney didn’t stop moving.
Not even as Arlecchino’s hand gripped tightly onto his shoulder to distract him.
It was as if he couldn’t stop moving. Not even if he tried.

Was he even trying though?-

Even if he didn’t remember who The Traveler was- who they had been…
Was he… could he be mourning for someone’s death even if he couldn’t possibly remember them…?

Oh now that thought just broke her heart..

So this time, instead of trying to stop him from going wherever his mind was taking him..
She followed.
Followed as he opened his door, stumbled his way down the Orphanage’s stairs, went through the door, and went towards the beach.

She never could have guessed what he was about to do though.
Not in his sleeping state.

All she could do was make sure that he was safe through it as he walked through the night, stopping to stand right in front of the ocean where in a single step the tips of his boots would be making contact with the cool blue water below.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it, Father..?” The Magician spoke. But she knew that he wasn’t talking to her by now. At least not directly.
Hell, he probably didn’t know that she was standing right beside him.

Completely in silence with only the waves giving them company…

Yet she still felt obligated to give him an answer to his question.
“Yes.. it is quite a beautiful sight to visit, Lyney..”

“I can always hear a song coming from the waves too.. especially at night. Do you hear it too, Father..? It’s such a peaceful song, I could fall asleep to such a song…”

Just about as she was to say that she heard of no such song though, she froze..
A tune…
A soft, sweet tune..
Made its way to her ears from the depths of the waves..

And along with it, a dark silhouette emerged from such waters.
Their chest glowing a deep, deep blue…
Oh no…

Their long blonde hair that was braided, flowing in the wind that seemed to pick up.

They had been humming to themselves, facing turned away with their back completely towards them only to turn around in mere seconds as soon as they heard Lyney’s footsteps..

Their red eyes glowing as they stared right at The Boy with a sharp toothed grin…

“Why aren’t you cute~?”

Chapter 72: A First Kiss. (Maybe After A Bite Or Two)


Tw: biting, blood, a detached limb from scaramouche-

Chapter Text

The Knave couldn’t help but freeze a bit in place, her hand tightening itself around Lyney’s shoulder so as to prevent him from wandering any closer to the water.


That same color of red eyes that she had seen while fighting Aether being the ones that stared right back at her through the darkness of night.


She should have brought a flashlight. That would certainly have been helpful with being able to guess where exactly Aether was and where the water began.

The glaring moonlight’s reflection off the water could only do so much…


It was difficult to speak.

She didn’t know if that corresponded with powers Sirens have or if she was just caught off guard but the lump in her throat refused to budge.


Eventually though, she could at least get out a few words. A Scythe that glowed blood red appearing in her hands as protectiveness came to her mind.


Having to use more strength than usual to push Lyney back to stand behind her, the boy’s body noticeably resistant against her urge to stay behind her.


“Aether..? If that is you then do you know this boy?” She couldn’t help but to ask.

A dim hope running over her mind of if they did, then maybe Lyney’s condition would improve.


But that hope quickly turned into a fleeting thought as those red eyes only stared more blankly at her.

Like a predator analyzing their prey..


So she tried another approach. A different approach. Holding Lyney back again as he tried again to move towards the water.

“Where is that… Flying Companion that followed you around earlier?”


Maybe if she tried to stir up another emotion into the conversation then that could draw some sort of memory out of The Traveler.


But again, those eyes only seemed to stare right at them.

Signaling nothing about if they could even comprehend this current conversation.


And that’s when she noticed something odd…

The Sirens hair was not in a long braid, not like she had thought and assumed earlier, no…

It was short.

Very short compared to Aether’s usual style.


A couple of flowers even interlaced with strands of their small braids at the side of their head.

This wasn’t Aether…

Could it be-


“You have mistaken me for my sibling I see?” The Siren giggled, her eyes glowing even brighter as if she was filled with glee at the misunderstanding…


“It seems like you just missed them…”


And next to her on the rock she was sitting on was a piece of… broken porcelain…?



Oh shit-

That wasn’t just a broken off piece…

That was a full limb-


“What is that object you’re holding..? That can’t be-“


“Oh yeah!” The Siren smiled sweetly before tossing it over to The Knave nonchalantly, “this odd Puppet just tried to drag me over to your guy’s leader. Though.. Dain of course didn’t let him get too far..”


Oh shit-















Al-Haitham couldn’t help himself…

The hunger was too much..

Just too much for him to handle on his own.


His teeth sinking deeper into the Sirens neck, whose hand held his head closer to them as if encouraging him to drink even more.


Why was he doing this…?

What was he doing??

And why was it helping his hunger???

Fuck- this wasn’t supposed to be happening and yet here he was- sucking the blood off the neck of a damn Siren!


He couldn’t help but feel comforted though..

With each sip of the warm blood, his eyes closed more and more as blood filled his hunger, eventually filling it enough that he drew back, panting as blood dripped from his newly grown fangs and dispersed into the bath water below.



Memories that had seemingly been long forgotten flowing into his head one by one as he backed off of Kaveh.


He… Knew him before..

He could almost remember… 

School.. right before he had left for the College where he learned Culinary Arts..


That boy..

That man…

Blonde hair..

And… Brown eyes…

What was missing..?

Why couldn’t he-


He snapped out of his thoughts with his first vision being of the green tailed Mermaid, Tighnari, looking at him with a look akin to horror.

On the contrary, Kaveh looked at him with a soft smile, his clawed hand still on Al-Haitham’s head and stroking his hair.


“M-My Junior..” The Siren’s grin widened as his eyes sparkled, “I can’t believe that I didn’t recognize you after all this time.. You’re as tall as me now…”


And Al-Haitham didn’t know why..

His memories, at least some of them, were blocked from resurfacing for now. And yet his eyes filled with tears at the small nickname.

And suddenly, their lips made contact in a desperate kiss…
















“Okay??? What is going on here??” Cyno asked, his jaw completely dropped as he watched The Siren and Al-Haitham share a heated first kiss.

“Al-Haitham are you okay???”


“Forget about him for a moment, Kaveh are you okay?? You’re bleeding!” Tighnari exclaimed, practically ripping Kaveh away from the Chef and pulling him by his hair to look at his shoulder, making him whine.


“Ow! Tigh! I am fine! It’s just a little bite!”


“Little??” Tighnari scoffed with a sassy flick of his tail that sprayed water at Al-Haitham who blinked in surprise.

“Do you know how dangerous and fatal any human bite can be?? You don’t know where their mouths have been!”


“Well I don’t think My Junior has a Virus or anything! Right???”


Before Al-Haitham could even think to answer, Cyno stepped in, placing an arm around his shoulders.


“Let’s just calm down before we get out of hand- or fin-“


A loud symphony of groans followed that sentence as Cyno chuckled, “what??? Don’t you Sea what I did there??”


“Cyno. Don’t make me lock you out of your own house.” 


“Aw come on Al-Haitham! Don’t be a-fin-ded- hey!- Al-Haitham wait!- I didn’t mean it!-“


That was the moment that both Tighnari and Kaveh let out little chirps and giggles as The Chef practically dragged the man out by an arm, taking him out of the room.


“Good riddance-“ Tighnari chuckled, smiling back at Kaveh before laying his head down on the other's chest, hearing his heartbeat.

“No more pointless jokes.”


And Kaveh smiled back, wrapping an arm around Tighnari’s shoulders to pull him closer as their tails coiled together once more.

“Tigh..? Do you.. ever have the feeling that you know Cyno from somewhere as well…? I just.. can’t shake it. The feeling I mean…” 


At his words, Tighnari looked up at him with a confused expression that turned more into a look of surprise.

“Now that you mention it.. he is quite… Familiar isn’t he..? Along with Al-Haitham.”


“Yeah… Familiar..”


Chapter 73: I am so killing him- (no you’re not.)


Tw: a desire to kill Dottore-

Chapter Text

“So.. Where is he now? I would prefer to take him off your hands before this escalates.” Arlecchino reasoned, her stone-cold mask back on for now as she crossed her arms.

“He is important to our Organization.”


“I assumed so.. But I couldn’t tell you.” The Siren shrugged her shoulders, her golden tail suddenly turning into a set of legs that allowed her to walk up to the both of them.

“My Guard is usually very good with obeying orders and fighting opponents. He might have killed him for as far as I know..”


At those words, Arlecchino bit her cheek in thought.

“I see.. I will have to inform the other Harbingers quickly then of this odd situation and-“

The Knave silenced herself quickly when the Siren giggled and walked up to The Magician behind her, the poor boy still seemingly still in a daze and swaying slightly by her past song.


“I forgot just how susceptible humans could be to our kinds songs.. it’s what makes your species so weak.. Poor thing..”


And before Arlecchino could retort about that sentence, Lumine merely tapped the boy's head with a measly claw, which caused Lyney’s eyes to flutter closed before-




He passed out.

Fainted right into Arlecchino’s arms which quickly wrapped around his head and neck so he would not accidentally harm himself on one of the sharp-edged rocks below them before she looked back at the golden eyes of the other twin.


“What did you-“


“I reversed his wish.”


“You did what???” 


How could she reverse a spell- a whole goddamn wish that apparently The God Focalor granted????

It didn’t make sense! It couldn’t make any sense in her mind!

Her thoughts were silenced though by Lumine’s next coming words, as cold as ice..


“The Gods have no right to grant such wishes that affect Mortal kind… So I reversed it. He will remember my Sibling and their attempted sacrifice for Lyney’s sake..”


“Alright..” that was understandable.. even if it was kind of unnerving to know that this Siren had that kind of power..

The Knave nodded, “and I am to assume that you want me to discourage him from pursuing Aether any further?” She asked, keeping her cold and strict mask on. “If it will get him into less trouble with your… kind then be assured that I will have him stay in my sight every day.”


“That would be your decision.” Lumine answered nonchalantly with a sigh, her voice turning a bit softer than just a few moments ago.

“If Lyney were to still go after the love he has for Aether, then it would disregard everything My dear Sibling has tried to sacrifice.. but, on the other hand, it would allow them to be with each other again without consequence.. I do hope that you will make the right decision though. You see, I am unhappy when my twin is unhappy.. And they seem quite distressed at the moment without this human chasing after them..”


A huff of a laugh from Arlecchino responded to Lumine’s words, her blackened hands gently picking up Lyney who was now completely drenched.

“Then I do hope that our sides have not and will not come to disagreements.”


“As do I..” Lumine nodded before starting to walk back toward the ocean..

Her body seemed to dissolve into the ocean waves as she disappeared..


Now, where the hell did Aether run off to-
















“That’s it!! I am killing him!-“ Tartaglia declared, his hands somehow immediately twirling his duel daggers in the air before he started to walk to Dottore’s lab where the man would be heading towards or would be already there and ready for the taking-


But of course, Pantalone foiled that plan completely by grabbing his hands by the wrists, only to then twist them so that they would be behind his back and hissed right into his ear, 

“Are you trying to get yourself killed??”


Which- would have discouraged him slightly if he was in a clear headspace, butttt-

He was in fact not in such a mind.


“If I let this bastard just go unpunished then he will do it again! And even if he didn’t do what we think he did he still could do it if he really wanted to!”


“And if you go attack him now then you would be leaving your siblings behind with no idea where you went!”



Oh, now that was something that easily snapped Tartaglia out of his boiling rage.

His blue eyes looking over at Pantalone who gave him a worried glance with his glowing pair.


His body slowly slumping against Pantalone’s whose hands quickly went up to hold his head.


The tenderness of the action almost made Tartaglia wonder if, in another life where Pantalone hadn’t gotten himself into this mess, if he could have had a family with someone who he loved..


Maybe even have a child or two of whom The Regrator would make sure that they would never grow up in the conditions he had been under when The Older Man was a small child…

But in this world, right now, that wasn’t an option.


And that was almost tragic.


“Let’s just… say something to Pierro about this..? If you’re comfortable with that.”


“I… Know that I would never be truly comfortable with such a topic but… I suppose that it would ease my mind knowing that my words may restrict Dottore’s actions even more, I won’t lie.” Pantalone couldn’t help but joke slightly, only to then frown softly at looking back on the mark now embedded into The Younger Man’s neck.


The mark that had been created by sharpened teeth that he had never thought that he could possess.


Such a thought made him instinctively close his bright blue eyes again.

Tartaglia soon noticed his slight reaction, giving a soft chuckle.


“Hey, what’s that face for? I thought that you were less bothered than how you turned out to be. I would even dare to say that you are more of a wimp than you make it out to be-“


Those words only caused a soft huff to come from Pantalone though who turned up his nose at such an idea.

“I was merely concerned that you could perhaps get an infection from when I bit you. But I suppose you will be fine on your own if you’re going to be so snobby.”


“Oh really?? Hmph! Then I suppose I should just leave you be to do as you wish. Shouldn’t I??”


“If you would be so kind-“ Pantalone teased, “excuse me while I am going to go count the Mora we have leftover in our funds-“ The Older Man scoffed, causing Tartaglia to laugh as he marched away from him with a determined look in his face.


“Alright then. Call me down if you get too bored!”


















Wriothesley smiled as he stayed by Neuvillette, helping him sit up every so often so that Sigewinnie could apply some medicine to the exit hole that she had left behind on The Dragon Sovereign's back to remove the odd device.


“How are you feeling now? Better?” He asked, gaining a smile from Neuvillette who nodded softly.


“I am. But… I can’t help but worry.. Do you think any other Mermaids- our people have been caught by such a horrible contraption? If it turns out to be just a tracker do you believe that our location has already been found out??? What about-“


“Monsieur, you have to relax..” The other Mermaid sighed in exasperation, his clawed hands gently pushing Neuvillette back onto the bed to lie down. His expression turned into a wary grin.

“You’re only going to worry yourself sick if you keep your thoughts on the matter.. I will take care of it. As a guard.. it is quite literally my job. Now please.. just-“


“Your Grace!!” 


The Shark Mermaid was suddenly interrupted by a squeaky voice, a Melusine moving so fast through the water that she slammed right into his back, causing him to turn around in mere seconds.


“Is there something wrong??”


“I apologize for interrupting your moment with Monsieur Neuvillette my Grace but we just got word of The Archon’s whereabouts! Furina!! She’s safe and!-“


“Where is she?” Neuvillette quickly asked as if he hadn’t been bedridden for days now, moving so quickly that his Guard didn’t get a chance to stop him.


“We must go to her at once!”



Chapter 74: Reunited..


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Alright- he’s officially pouting in the living room-“ Al-Haitham hummed, wiping his clothes off with his hands as if he had done a lot of work, hearing as the Mermaid and Siren pair giggled.


“Good. If I was about to hear another pun I am afraid that I would have to pull a Kaveh-“


“Hey!” The blonde blushed in embarrassment at the mention, “I didn’t mean to bite him! I was hungry!-“


“Uh huh- so that’s why not even two hours later you started sucking each other’s tongues- I see what you two are-“


Now that caused both Al-Haitham and Kaveh to blush. 



Both of them cried out in unison, making Tighnari chuckle once more, even snorting a bit as his ears pressed down flat against his head.


“Am I wrong???” Tighnari asked, laying back more against the tub to relax, raising an eyebrow at Kaveh’s groan as he used a hand to rub at his temples.

“I am just saying that you two are not slick in the slightest. In fact, I could have guessed this outcome from the beginning.”


As that only caused Kaveh to blush harder, Tighnari ceased his words, seeing Cyno come back into the room moments later.

Trying to keep his blush from appearing on his face and alerting the two who he had just teased to his growing feelings towards the other human..


It was a usual thing to feel such a way for someone who had saved you from a near-death experience….


















Lyney didn’t quite know his whereabouts when he first came back to consciousness.

His once limp body stiffened up as he felt someone’s hands holding onto him, one of their arms underneath the bend of his legs and one to support underneath his shoulders.


He couldn’t quite tell who it was exactly though until he blinked a few times, almost falling over in surprise.

“Father?? I- where are we going?? Are you hurt?? I remember that I!-“


“Hush up now.” Arlecchino hummed gently, her facial expression odd in Lyney’s perspective for someone who he last remembered seeing practically bleeding to death on the sandy ground beneath them.

“We are headed out to find Aether. You remember who that is correct? That strange Siren told me that you would remember now-“ she said as she walked, whispering that last sentence more to herself than Lyney but the boy still perked up at such odd words.


“Strange Siren..? Whatever do you mean..? I- ughh..” he winced as he pressed a hand to his forehead before nuzzling his face into Arlecchino’s shoulder to block out any unnecessary noises caused by the loud waves.

“I have a bad headache..”


“I think you can manage a bad headache. Compared to how you were a couple of days ago I am sorry to say but I would much prefer you have a terrible headache and remember what happened.”


At that, Lyney couldn’t help but to let out a small chuckle that was soon followed by a soft groan as such a vibration from his throat made his headache flare up once more.



What was she going to do with this boy?

Arlecchino thought to herself with a sigh, adjusting her grip on the Magician momentarily before she perked up at spotting something… Familiar.. even in the darkness of the night sky.


















“Travelerrrr…! Where are you going???? You’re straying too far away from Paimon! It’s too dark out here!” Paimon, the floating companion, complained with a loud whine, trying her best even when the darkness of night certainly wasn’t helping her.


She didn’t quite understand what was happening with them..

She hadn’t even been able to hear anything about the deal that had been struck to heal The Knave, nor did she understand the consequences of such a deal made between a human and Mermaid scale.


Aether had never told her about such things..

In fact, Aether hadn’t really told her that much at all of their past.

Only able to think about the conversation they had when they first found her and fished her out of the ocean to save her from drowning.


They had simply said that.. they had been separated from their sibling by an unknown force, sent to this place where they would look for any more clues about their long-lost twin.


And they had..

They had been so close…

So close to seeing her and asking more questions..

But… like usual, that was destroyed.

And again, Paimon had watched The Travelers' hopes become crushed by this world.

Then that’s when The Traveler had met Lyney..


Paimon had noticed the two quickly become friends, meeting up secretly after finding out Lyney’s… Father would not like him coming out late.

Paimon had even promised them that she wouldn’t say anything.

And a Paimon promise was the best promise!

At least that’s what she said.


As she finally caught up to The Traveler, she noticed that they had frozen quite suddenly, the sun finally blaring across the sky as it slowly rose, giving her more sight.


“A-Aether..? Are you okay? Paimon… Paimon apologizes if she made you mad at her or-“


“Lyney..” The Traveler spoke as they whipped around, memories that had been erasing themselves slowly as they could do nothing to stop them, suddenly came rushing back.


What did he do???

How did he break the spell??? There shouldn’t be someone able to do that unless they had a direct tie to them!

And the only one who had a direct tie to them was..



They went practically flying across the sand, tripping over rocks and sticks that they couldn’t see yet from the early sun rising but they didn’t care.

Their eyes tearing up as the final memory locked back into place, watching as The Knave had been walking in their direction, holding their beloved in her arms.


Paimon being the first one to get there with her tiny arms wrapping around Lyney’s arm and not letting go.

“P-Paimon thought that we would be fully separated now!” She started to sob, Lyney giving a soft smile before patting her head gently and looking over at Aether.


“Mon Amour… Y-you remember me.. right..?”


And that was the moment Aether seemingly broke, sniffling softly as tears silently ran down their face.

“Y-yeah- I do..”


Arlecchino couldn’t help herself from smiling, setting down Lyney who quickly ran to Aether and tackled them to the ground in an embrace.


“Mon amour, j'avais tellement peur que toi et moi soyons perdus pour toujours…” Lyney sobbed, going full french on Aether which made them laugh before kissing him deeply, holding the back of Lyney’s head with gentle hands.


“Well now we are certainly not going to be lost forever.. see? I’m alright now..”

Though even as they said that, tears freely flowed down their cheeks. Paimon still clinging onto Aether and Lyney as tears ran down her little face.


This made Arlecchino sigh before laughing, shaking her head in disbelief at what has happened throughout the span of just one day.

“What am I going to do with all of you-“


Before watching as suddenly Lyney fell asleep completely in Aether’s arms, giving her a wave of relief.


Let’s just hope he doesn’t start sleep walking again-



Lyney Translation to english: “My love, I was so worried that you and I would be lost forever...”

Chapter 75: Oh Le Great Magician


Tw: mentioned killing of clones- dammit dottore-

Chapter Text

Doctor Dottore couldn’t help but grumble to himself as he watched out of the corner of his eye to see Pierro looking at him from the corner of his lab with crossed arms and a glare that would kill the normal man.

Tartaglia being on his ass was hard enough to deal with.
But Pierro???
Now that was a nuisance.

He could have gotten rid of Childe easily enough, but to attempt getting rid of the highest ranked Harbinger was a whole other matter that even he did not dare to even entertain.
Everyone would notice if their leader suddenly just went missing.
And that was the tricky part.

Everyone was now on his ass from how Tartaglia had accused him of such things.
Which, he did do.
But he didn’t need the youngest member of their little group to pick up on it.

He should have killed him the moment he joined the Harbingers..
That boy is nothing more than a child.
And children get into everything that they shouldn’t.
He should know. He has dealt with too many failed clones that acted in such ways.

And that was clearly unacceptable.
They were supposed to be perfect. To his image.
Not babbling children that break everything they touch.
He had no need for them.

No need for such things that would only hinder his progress of finding the Mermaid’s location..
It was coming along well though..
The Tracker had seemingly made it inside their cave system..
At least, that’s what he could guess from the tiny cameras view..
Lyney slept peacefully that night..
Unable to be separated from the Mermaid who laughed and encouraged his clinginess with a gentle pat on his back.

“We won’t be separated again..” and that was a promise that Aether was going to be sure to keep as they placed a gentle kiss to the humans forehead, their smile only widening as The Magician smiled in their sleep at the delicate touch.

They would definitely have to make sure to give Lyney lots of attention as well as affection after the days of them being apart..
Sure, it hadn’t been long at all, but so much had happened..
So much that… Aether couldn’t take back.

They were now in The Magician’s room, Arlecchino having snuck them up there before the little children woke up to the racket that they had undoubtedly caused-

It almost made them laugh, but of course they held it in.
They did not need any more lectures today about minding their own business.
They have had enough of that for a lifetime.

They couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment while they stroked through Lyney’s light brown hair, their eyes downcast as they stared mindlessly at the sheets beneath them.

Had their sister really been there..?
Had their twin really made sure that Lyney and everyone was safe even if she didn’t seem to believe in their innocence?
It was so confusing.

She was so confusing.
But she was their sister.. They couldn’t give up on her now could they??
No! That would be crazy talk!
They had gone on this whole trip- all these meaningless missions for her and she hadn’t even once wanted to see them!
What the hell was that about???

They couldn’t help but feel rage at that thought, thinking about how long they had been dragging Paimon along with them while only chasing after crumbs- hell, not even crumbs, whiffs of where their sister might be! And nothing! Not a damn thing.
Just before they were about to start crying out of frustration though, Lyney stirred, those beautiful purple eyes opening up, fluttering with confusion before a frown adorned his face.

“Mon Amour..? What ever could be upsetting you in the middle of the night?” He asked, his hands going up to wipe across Aether’s cheeks with a tenderness that almost caused The Traveler to shed more tears.
“N-Nothing. Nothing you need to worry about-“

“Well it absolutely is.” Lyney scoffed softly before sitting up, almost bonking his head on the bottom of the top bunk where he and Lynette slept.
Though she didn’t seem to be up there at this very moment, Thank the Archon’s for that.

“You’re crying and I want to know what made you cry so that I can get rid of it. I want to help.”

“It’s really nothing-“

Lyney suddenly got up, smiling cutely as he went out of the room for a moment. “Hold on one moment!”

And so Aether did, looking quite confused as Lyney came back with his hand behind his back, the sweet smell of florals filling the room as soon as he came back in.

“How many flowers do you randomly keep in your h-“

“Shush!” Lyney chuckled, pressing a finger to Aether’s lips who smiled and played along.

“Oh le great Magician, what are you hiding so discreetly behind your waist?”

And said Magician smiled brightly at that, “I don’t know what you are talking about my special audience member, but I do see something behind your ear, hmmm-“

“Oh really? And that is?” Aether couldn’t help but to giggle as Lyney reached behind their ear, humming for a moment as if struggling to pull something out before showing them the bouquet of rainbow roses that he had brought in with him.

Though of course Aether knew not to mention it, it would ruin the trick. And doing that when their lover was doing this to make them feel just a bit better was unthinkable.

“Wow, that all fit in just my ear??” They asked as they were handed the flowers, gaining a small kiss on the forehead.

“Yup! Only The Great Magician Lyney had the power to rid your ear of such beauty!”

“How impressive, oh great Magician!” Aether teased, holding the flowers closer to their chest as they gazed lovingly at Lyney who climbed back into bed and cuddled them tightly, not leaving any room for protest.

This Magician was going to be the death of them if he kept being so romantic..
Aether sighed lovingly before falling back asleep, smelling the sweet smell of florals that clung to Lyney’s shirt of which they buried their face against.

“You’re much too cute..”

Chapter 76: Pain.


Tw: pain- overwhelming hunger- suffering-

Chapter Text

Furina nervously looked around as she swam forward, following one of her guards who had requested a meeting with her.

“So… what is this about?? My time is precious, don't you know???” She huffed, sounding annoyed but it was definitely just a cover to hide her unease.


She had been keeping a brave face for centuries..

Ever since Neuvillette and half her people were assumed to be lost during the evacuation.


Things have been hard.

But she had to keep going. 

For the prophecy to not come to pass.


That was not an option.

It was not even thinkable.

Not in a million years.

If she had to keep playing her role for millions of years just to keep her people safe and not have to live alone for the rest of time, then she would do this act without hesitation.


It wasn’t like it never cracked though…

It was always there.

The looming storm that was threatening to take over her mind. Threatening to send her into a fit of hysteria.

But right now, she kept it back with a confused glance at the guard who led her farther and farther away from their new makeshift kingdom.


“Speak! Wha- Where are you taking me?? You better have a good reason to lead me away from my beloved subjects at the most!-”


That was when she saw him.


And… to be honest she didn’t know what to feel..


She felt sad at first.. 

Then angry..

Then so relieved and happy that she felt like she was going to burst.



He was alive..

Of course he was..

But seeing him there, with a soft smile and his arms open, just caused everything to collapse in her mind.


“N-Neuvillette..” she whispered, swimming up a few feet forward to stare at him in disbelief.

Was she finally becoming so distraught and lonely that she had started hallucinating…?


At least that was what her gut told her as soon as the other’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer into a tight hug as if he was a loving father.


O-oh fuck..


She sniffled.

She knew that she probably shouldn’t have but she still did.

She was the Archon for goodness sake, she shouldn’t have bursted into tears like a mere child.

But.. The Archon couldn’t help herself from starting to wail softly.


The two finally reunited after centuries of being split apart..

















Legends say that Siren’s become much more active on a full moon..

Their humanity lost while their hunger grows…

The deep hunger unwavering despite just how much they ever eat on that one night every month..


Human stories tell of Siren’s rampaging a whole Mermaid Kingdom long ago on such nights..


Causing the Archon to flee before she was consumed by one as well.


But she had a little secret..

She had been caught in the Primordial Water that would have turned any normal Mermaid into a hunger raging Siren..

And yet she didn’t.

Furina survived…

Whether it be the work of a god that saved her or not, she survived with no damage..

That was her secret.


At least..

That’s what the book that Al-Haitham was currently reading said.


It was really hard to find, buried in the back of one of the libraries he went to when he was trying to research about how to care for a Siren as well as.. at least trying to figure out what exactly was happening to his own body.


It was changing..

Everyday that was closer to this said full moon, everything was changing.


His taste in food was the first thing to change, no longer able to stomach even a single piece of toast and instead found himself chowing down on a raw fish which before he absolutely hated the texture of.


But now..

Now the urge, the absolute craving of feeling a piece of meat squirming in his mouth filled every part of his consciousness.

He couldn’t let anyone see him like this.

That was his first thought when noticing this at first.


His memories of the past are still being fuzzy, but they lingered far longer than he thought they would.

It was as if his mind begged him not to remember exactly what happened.

Exactly how was Kaveh and him lost to time?

One a Siren, and one a human with no memories of the whole past relationship he had with him.


It made him mad.

So mad that he wanted to throw something.



….Kaveh had been singing more recently.


















“Agh!-“ Pantalone suddenly winced and covered his eyes as a searing pain went through them, dropping the bag of Mora he had been counting in favor of pressing against his eyes with shed tears down his face.


“F-fuck!” He couldn’t stop his voice from cracking as he stumbled back to sit on his chair, hissing and trembling from the pain that surged through his whole head.

His blue eyes glowing as they burned fiercely.


What was happening??

Was this a Siren thing???



Before he knew it he was on the floor.

His body writhing and wriggling on the floor as pain continued to be his only sense.

Blood pouring from his mouth as he teeth sharpened, accidentally biting his tongue as the pain continued.


“Pantalone??! What’s happening??” 


Tartaglia’s hands were on him moments later, trying to hold down his body, as from his point it almost looked like Pantalone was having a seizure.

His body instinctively flinched away though, painfully twisting as he choked on a pained cry.


“I’m going to go get someone!! Okay???” Tartaglia’s panicked voice said before The Regrator heard his hurried footsteps rushing away for help.


It wasn’t okay, he wasn’t okay.

But all he could do was last through the waves of pain as he laid there on the floor..


What.. was happening to him..?

Chapter 77: How.. Odd…


Tw: bones snapping, light gore(?)

Chapter Text

Pantalone couldn’t help but scream as he covered his head, feeling the way his leg bones seemed to snap and lock back into an odd position…


Resembling a tail..


O-oh fuck-


And scales..

Scales that were appearing and spreading on his skin so fast that it was as if his body was undergoing an allergic reaction and popping up with even more scales that itched.


The pain had dulled down a few minutes later..

But the horror of watching his body change was enough to give him nightmares for the rest of his life..

His own blood covering the floor underneath him as he stared in a sick fascination with his new body..


He must have spaced out, because the next thing he heard was a horrified shout from Tartaglia who ran back in, holding a towel and practically dragging Pierro who had been the first one who he could get to come into the room.

His hearing went rather hazy as the shock and adrenaline in his body ended, leaving him feeling dizzy and disoriented.


The few words he was able to get, echoed through his mind..


“The Tsaritsa spoke of such a horrifying transformation before… and that was because the Siren’s were forced to transform more quickly than most..”


And that couldn’t help but get him to wonder..


Just what had The Doctor been putting into those pills…?

Before he finally fainted…


















La Signora gasped as she awoke from her sleep covered in sweat.

Her eyes were wide and frantic for a few moments while she looked around her room, collecting herself before letting out a big sigh of relief.


It was.. just a dream.

She had been having those a lot lately.

Dreams of Sirens crawling out of the sea, hungry for their next meal.


Just like how…

They had killed her husband years ago..

This dream was different though..

It had a rather odd ending compared to the ones that she had been getting before.


After her husband had been… Eaten by the Siren, the dream cut oddly to her getting a chat with The Tsaritsa.


Their Queen..


“I always quite enjoyed the flames you have.. The flames that derive themselves from passion and protection can do incredible things..”


“Really?” She had scoffed, “Most would be screaming in terror by them. I had to keep them hidden when they first unleashed themselves..”


“I see no need for that. In fact, they could help me immensely at the moment.”


“Is that so? Whatever do you need me for, my queen..?”


The Tsaritsa then went oddly silent, her heels clicking as she walked towards her throne. Guards on either side of the walkway saluted her each time she passed one.


“…Find me.. My Crimson Witch with your beautiful flames. Find me..”


And that was how the dream came to an end.

Leaving her in complete confusion and silence as she adjusted her hair for a moment.


Find her…?

How exactly was she supposed to-


And that’s when she heard a song..

It was quiet.. Quiet enough that she didn’t even really know if it had any lyrics. As it sounded more like a hum than anything.


But.. That voice..

That tone of singing..

It reminded her of the moment she had broken down in front of her Queen. Sobbing while talking to her about a topic that struck deeply in her. Though oddly she couldn’t remember what such a topic had been.


But that hum..

She had cried in The Tsaritsa’s arms who started to hum that exact tune..

That exact song..


Find me..


And that was when she immediately sat up.

Because yes. She was going to find her.


















Lyney yawned softly as he awoke, smiling as he found Aether nuzzled up against his chest, probably having subconsciously smelled the scent of roses on the piece of clothing and found comfort in it.


The bouquet of roses still in Aether’s arms was a little wilted compared to last night, probably because Lyney had freshly picked them a few days ago from the little garden they had in the Orphanage backyard. 

Which, Arlecchino had said, was to teach the younger children responsibly and gentleness.


But… recently Lyney had begun to notice her going out by herself to water them and pull weeds.

An odd patch of Lumidouce Bells had begun to grow from the garden as well, however..


Lyney had tried to pull them out, thinking that they had suddenly crossbred with the Rainbow Roses next to them in the flower bed and would cause problems.


But he was quickly yelled at suddenly by The Knave.

Startling him enough that he never tried to fix up the garden again.


The once full garden beds of only Rainbow Roses turned into a bed of Rainbow Roses, Lumidouce Bells, and a few crossbreeds of the two where they met.


And since then.. He noticed how Arlecchino had been smiling every time she watered the Lumidouce Bells. Maybe they reminded her of someone..


He would never dare to ask anything about it though.


Not when she had looked so pleased caring for the flowers.

He smiled at that thought before hearing a small hum from his lover, Aether shifting their head slightly to look up at The Magician with half-lidded eyes.


“Morning..” The Traveler yawned, rubbing at their eyes momentarily before smiling at Lyney who kissed their forehead.


“Did you sleep better?”


Aether nodded at the question, putting the flowers down onto the nightstand beside the bed before pulling Lyney closer, letting out a slight rumble from their throat as they tightened their grip on him.

And this of course amused Lyney, who let out a small chuckle before absentmindedly running his hands through Aether’s long hair, getting out any tangles he found.


Of course, Aether let him, tilting their head slightly to make it easier for The Magician’s hands.

However.. it made The Traveler remember things from long ago..

How their hair had only really been touched by their own hands and… their sister’s before.


It was a bittersweet thought, but that didn’t really matter.

Their sister did not want to see them. And they would not force her to see them anyway.

They were just.. Sad that they didn’t accept that fact sooner. 


Then again, they had a new life now. A new… family if they would dare say it.


Paimon.. Lyney, Lynette, Freminet.. and everyone else who had helped them in their journey.


“Are you thinking sad thoughts again??” Lyney suddenly interrupted, his hands stopping the stroking of their hair.

“I’m going to need a lot more flowers if you are-“


“No no-“ Aether laughed, wiping their eyes gently.

“I already have plenty-“


“Those are wilting! You need a fresh batch potted and soiled!” Lyney retorted, making Aether laugh more as the boy tried to get up to get on his mission of bringing them even more flowers only to be stopped by The Traveler grabbing his hand.


Leading The Magician to huff before sitting back down, his determination softening as Aether kissed his cheek and held him from behind.

“You’re too warm to leave the bed.”


“Oh, Mon Amour..” Lyney breathed, a defeated smile staying on his face as he leaned back to rest against Aether’s torso.

“Now you’re the clingy one.”


“I will not deny that..” Aether then hummed before snuggling their head to rest on the crook of the other’s neck.

“But I am not ashamed of it.”


“Neither am I…”



Chapter 78: A new tail and fins


Tw: mention of blood

Chapter Text

Arlecchino hummed as she finally awoke after a long night of chasing Lyney’s sleeping body around, groaning as she rubbed at her temples to hopefully adjust to the light that now filtered through her room through the curtains.


She would’ve preferred to wake a bit later than usual, after all that worrying and running around last night, The Archons knew that she needed the rest.

But alas, she did need to make sure that the youngest children were fed and not crying. That would be… troublesome to deal with.


So she stood up, adjusting her hair while looking in her mirror before putting on her shoes and clothes for the day before heading out of her room.

Her pointed heels clicking on every step she took as she walked down from her room and across the hallway towards all of the children’s rooms.


Before being mildly interrupted by Lynette being the one coming out of one of the spare rooms even though she had an empty bunk bed in her usual one.


“Good morning, Lynette.. is there a reason why you slept in a different room than usual? A nightmare perhaps?”


Arlecchino knew that Lynette had a lot of those regarding to her past, watching Lynette yawn with sleepy eyes. Her ears and tail flicking lazily as they started to wake up as well.


“No, Father.” The girl gave a simple reply, a thing that The Knave always praised her for. Straight and to the point is always welcomed in her mind.


“I see.. then, did Lyney and The Traveler….” She grimaced slightly, “make you.. uncomfortable during any activity they were doing?”


“No, Father.” Lynette repeated again, “I was just up late and I didn’t want to bother anyone from not sleeping. I apologize for not saying anything.”


“Ah, is it your nocturnal nature getting to you again? I will have to see if I can get something to help combat that… Sleeping during the whole day is not very practical for our schedule..” The Knave hummed in thought, watching as Lynette blushed, seemingly embarrassed by this.


“I shall try to stay up for training today, Father. We are going to be training today, correct?”


“I was planning on it…” Arlecchino hummed to herself in thought, one of her claws tapping her chin as she did so. “But it won’t be very educational if you fall asleep halfway during the lesson.”


“I apologize again for the inconvenience, Father..”


“Quit that.” Arlecchino groaned, sighing as she put a hand on Lynette’s head, feeling the girl jump slightly before her ears tilting back to press against her head as if wanting to be patted.


The Knave had always thought cats were more adorable than dogs..

Sure, spiders were better than both options, easy to take care of and you couldn’t hurt their feelings. But cats came to a close second..


She couldn’t stop herself, it seems, from patting Lynette’s head as if praising her.

“Go back to the bedroom and take some more rest. I will wake you for breakfast.”


“Y-yes Father. Thank you Father.” Lynette bowed before quickly hurrying away, having a light bounce in her step as if having a small cat like prance.


That was kind of adorable-

But of course, Arlecchino kept her cold mask on. It was too early in the morning after all, she certainly needed some coffee before smiling any time soon..





















Pantalone gasped as he next awoke, guessing that it had been a few hours from how high the sun in the sky looked compared to what it had been when it was still early in the morning.


The first thing he noticed being that he was submerged in water, his newly grown claws immediately panicking and grabbing onto the nearest object that could support him and keep him from sinking and drowning.


“Ow!- sss-“ and by the hiss of pain that slowly registered in his mind, he discovered that he was not in fact being held by an inanimate object, but rather Tartaglia who let out a slight chuckle as soon as Pantalone quickly let go.


“It’s alright. Do you not know how to swim?”


And that question made Pantalone blush instantly with embarrassment, “I don’t feel the need to answer that question at this very moment- why am I submerged in the shoreline?” So he changed the subject rather quickly, looking down at himself only for his stomach to drop as he realized how much blood was covering his newly grown tail…


What the hell…?


He felt as if he was going to have a panic attack at that moment, his eyes widening further as he looked up his torso to see the newly formed patches of scales all up his body.




“Hey. Don’t panic, okay?” Tartaglia suddenly spoke with a harshness that almost startled the older man, looking at him with those horrified blue eyes that glowed even brighter after his transformation.


“How can I not panic?! I have  fucking tail and fins!! Those weren’t there before!- I- they’re not supposed to be there! Why!-“


“‘Lone!” The youngest harbinger finally yelled, snapping the older man out of his panic for a moment to look back at him with a look that turned into that of bewilderment.

His breath coming out in harsh pants as his new foreign tail squirmed and splashed water in different directions in his slight panic.


“Don’t you dare fucking drop me!”


“Chill old man- you’re going to be fine- I’ll do cpr on you if you drown-“




Pierro couldn’t help but chuckle from a distance as he watched the two splash water at each other playfully before he headed back inside.


His gaze narrowing as he walked through the hallway and towards Dottore’s room..

Now.. What all was Dottore hiding…?


Chapter 79: A Trapped God..


Tw: a torn apart puppet- sorry not sorry scaramouche-

Chapter Text

La Signora didn’t care about the consequences of her actions on taking the Fatui’s ship in search of The Tsaritsa..

Her eyes looking straight ahead as she lined the sail, flames threatening to burn and singe the wood beneath her feet.


But that didn’t matter at this very moment..

The Tsaritsa wanted to see and feel her flames?

Then she would allow them to burn through everything in her way and fuel her vengeance for her husband and old life.


That humming of the goddess.. of the Queen only seeming to get louder the farther she got into the sea, her head jerking upward to see that raging storm was forming just above her, rumbling hungrily beyond the clouds.


It did nothing to her flames though. Nothing could fully douse them.. not even The Queen could just by herself..

It was the one thing she had, and she was going to use them to her full advantage..


“My beautiful Crimson Witch…”

The humming suddenly stopped before those words were spoken, making La Signora quickly throw the anchor of the ship out into the water to stop it.


“Your Majesty, where are you??”


And instead of getting an answer to her question, something appeared in her hand..

A light blue.. glittering scale…


She had never thought of those fairy tales to be real..

She couldn’t help but to freeze for a moment, the rain starting to drench her hair slightly as it pattered against the wood of the ship.


But it wasn’t a dream..

It was real..

A light blue scale that matched perfectly with The Tsaritsa’s…

When had she been given this..?

How was she possibly given this..?


“Come now my dear Crimson Witch.. down below is where you’ll find me..”

















The Tsaritsa gasped as soon as the small crack from earlier splintered off deeper as soon as the witch’s flames hit the ice barrier, her freezing body feeling the slightest bit of warmth from the fire..


“Y-yes..” she whispered, smiling as soon as she was freed and swam shakily forward before passing out against La Signora’s chest.


“My beloved Harbinger… I am ready to go back to the headquarters..”
















Today.. Al-Haitham was doing something different. Something rather strange-


He was in the middle of the nearest town, pushing a wooden cart/wagon. Pushing it through the town and trying not to let anyone notice the water threatening to splash and run down the sides of it. A blue tarp covering the top of the wagon that hid a very odd creature-


Spoiler alert, it was Tighnari. The Mermaid having been almost physically itching to get out of that cramped space with Kaveh for a few days now. So The Chef offered to take him shopping.


Of course the Mermaid couldn’t talk however..

As anyone that could hear the conversation would probably alert the guards to a “dangerous” creature being let into the town by a strange man-


Which was bullshit. But he digressed.


Though he did smile as from a small opening in the tarp from his point of view he watched the Mermaid peek out in wonder at the busy town traffic. As well as a few stalls that sold goods like Mushrooms, Bell peppers, and Harra Fruits.


So, of course since he never was quite told what the Mermaid would or even could eat, he walked over to the stalls Tighnari seemed interested in. Tossing a few Mora coins onto each table of the  stalls to buy a small bag of each separate fruit and vegetable that he stared at.


“Huh.. it’s getting dark already..?” Al-Haitham asked himself as soon as he finished picking the vegetables and fruits safely into a little compartment of the Wagon before turning around.


It wouldn’t be wise to stay outside for long like this..

Especially not with a Mermaid just barely concealed by a simple plastic tarp.

He should leave quickly before-


“Ah! Yes, thank you, good sir. These old bones can’t carry things like they used to!” A voice let out a slight chuckle, his body turning around instinctively to see if he was in the man’s way before-


He froze.

As the man that now stood at the side of the food stand that he was just at was now staring right back at him, and on the man’s very oversized jacket was the same symbol that the two people emerging from the Fatui’s ship all that time ago..


But.. Pulcinella did not seem too interested in them..

The older man giving him a light nod with a raised eyebrow.


“Are you alright there, young man…?”




















Fuck!! Fuck fuck fuck!!


Scaramouche hissed out curses as his body (which was in several pieces by the way) was getting washed away back towards the deepest parts of the ocean.

His parts scattered across the waves as his head continued getting submerged, causing him to choke and gag on water before gasping for breath.


Don’t ask how he can breathe, that’s rude.


He was in about five pieces from what he could tell, his head, his torso and one arm, then his two separate legs with one still attached to his artificial pelvis.


That damn Siren!!

That bitch didn’t even need to produce a call for a guard to come right up and tear him into pieces before throwing him, without one of his arms, down the ocean stream!

How the hell was going to find his way back now???


That fucking bastard!!

Because of them he would probably just be a floating head forever!!

Oh he was so killing them as soon as he reached some kind of land and!!-




He winced slightly as he hit something hard, looking over to see a rather strange sight..


It was a huge glowing green sphere, ancient text circling around it as if it was some type of magical force field.

And something was inside it..

Actually no, it was a someone.


A girl.

A very.. very small girl.

White hair, short small frame.

She looked rather weak.

Hah! Is that why she was trapped in a bubble??

Such weak people shouldn’t even be in society..

Though.. there was this odd aura about her..


And yet, she was drawing him closer and closer in.

Why did she feel so comforting..?



His eyes widened, only to scoff in bitter disbelief.

She felt like the first night Raiden created him..

How he felt safe and loved.

Only to be abandoned and betrayed..


Just who was this girl?

And why did she dare to give him such feelings..?

Chapter 80: Oui


Tw: references to past death, fear of discovery which would result to death

Random piece of art at end because im actually proud of it for once- 😂

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A Vision..

Ah yes…

A so-called “gift” given to certain people by the Mermaids themselves..

At least that’s what the stories tell.

A culmination of your entire being in one item.

Whether it be displaying your fiery passion, your gentleness, or your urge to find justice in a vital situation.


In this world.. no… in this universe,

Visions have become almost entirely lost to time.

The Mermaids have been in hiding for so long now..

Not wanting to be hunted to extinction.

So.. the stories of newly given visions died out rather quickly. 


Arlecchino thought back to the bitter day where she attained her own..

That day with “Mother”…

That day where her… friend died in order for her to win and become King..


That same day she vowed that the children put under her care would not know her as “Mother” but instead as a unloving “Father”…


Well that worked out well for you didn’t it?

Because she definitely wasn’t stroking Lynette’s hair as the girl fell back asleep-

Nooo- certainly not-


While that was on her mind she should probably go check on Freminet next..

She had a gift for the boy that he would hopefully appreciate.


She knew how much he liked mechanical parts..

It was admittedly pretty impressive and… endearing how he could piece together machines by just a few metal pieces and some simple welding.


It was also kind of adorable how the boy would usually turn the useless pieces into little animal figurines. 


She would have to start praising him more..

Actually, she should start praising all of the children more.

She thought as she got up from Lynette’s bed after the girl had fallen asleep, adjusting the covers over her more which made the girl snuggle further into them.



Before kissing the top of her forehead and leaving the room..


She was going to make everything right.

















“Yes.. I am quite alright, I apologize I was just staring off.” Al-Haitham spoke quickly, trying his best to sound actually sincere and not blunt like he usually would.

“I do not believe that I have seen you around here before, did you just come back from somewhere?” 


“Yes, I did.” Pulcinella nodded, taking the bagged items that the seller helped him carry.

“I just chose to stop here to get a couple things instead of going all the way back to my home first.”


“I see.” Al-Haitham nodded before gulping as he felt the wagon that he was still holding on by the handle shake slightly, as if Tighnari was moving around to tell him something before-




Oh fuck!!-


He lurched forward to grab hold of the wagon tighter as well as hold up one of its sides. Trying to act subtle enough so that Pulcinella didn’t notice that the wagon didn’t just lose a wheel and dump a bit of water as it tried to tip over. The poor Mermaid inside it definitely panicking about being thrown out and into view before The Chef used his pure strength to hold the heavy wagon up, making up for the lost wheel.


It was just their luck though that Pulcinella noticed and quickly grabbed the runaway wheel, chuckling softly in amusement.

“Well this one almost got away from ya! Hold on, I believe that I can fix it.” 


“There’s really no need-“ Al-Haitham said as he mentally panicked, knowing that if the man crouched down to fix the said wheel that broke off the wagon then he would be able to see underneath the tarp and therefore witness a whole ass Mermaid in the light.


Despite his efforts though, the older man did crouch down to fix the wheel, and Al-Haitham could tell that his body immediately stiffened when he saw the creature that he was so desperately trying to hide.


“I can explain-“


“Ah, you have some really interesting things in your cart.”


Wait- what?-


Al-Haitham stood there. Completely fucking speechless as he watched the man in complete silence put the wheel back onto the carts wheel stubs before tightening the wheel log nubs. Standing back up with a simple smile on his face.


“There you go. Wheel’s good as new.”


What the fuccccckkkkk……..?-


















Aether smiled as they helped Lyney with weeding the garden of the Orphanage. The Magician’s eyes practically glowing with happiness and joy as he watched his lover help him.


Even though Lyney had thought of never coming back to the Garden after he had been so swiftly scolded by Arlecchino, he couldn’t help but feel happy that Aether had encouraged him to try again.


All he had to do was pull weeds and water whatever flowers were there. Father couldn’t possibly be mad at him for doing that, could she?

No. Because that wasn’t very reasonable.


Either way, it gave him even more time to spend with his beloved.


Not even mentioning how hot they looked while pulling out stubborn weeds that tested their muscles, causing them to show them more prominently.


But he didn’t mention that-

Dear Archons they’re so hot!-


“Est-ce que tu aimes les fleurs, mon amour?” Lyney asked with a smile, gently picking one and gently weaving it into Aether’s long braided hair, causing them to also smile.


“O-Oui?” They tried, making Lyney’s heart almost burst from the seams.


“Are you trying to learn French for this Magician??” He teased, gaining a slight blush from the Traveler.




“Oh my Archons, you’re adorable!” Lyney practically squealed before the flustered Aether buried their face into Lyney’s shoulder, causing him to laugh even more before their expression softened.


“I love you..”




this is pretty random but here’s an artwork that I just finished that im actually proud of-


Lyney Translation: “do you like these flowers, my love?”

Aether both times: Y-Yes

Chapter 81: What the fuck??

Chapter Text

“Why hello Pierro..” Dottore greeted, smiling fakely as his eyes wandered after Pierro’s every move. “Is there something that you need from me? I am rather busy at the moment..”


“You know why I am here.” The Jester merely interrupted as he folded his arms, leaning against The Doctor’s desk that had all sorts of tools and materials neatly organized by shape and quality.

“I have to keep watch of you now until I know for certain that you’re not planning on hurting, killing, or even taunting a fellow Harbinger.. The Tsaritsa’s laws still stand. And just because you are the second, you are not above them.” The man’s words ended on a hiss, moving to be behind Dottore to whisper in his ear.


Trying to ignore the utter disgust he had with The Doctor.

“Is this not how you tried to get information out of Ninth…?”


He watched as Dottore’s hands clenched slightly, only to relax as a smile carved its way into his face.

“If you would be so kind, I would rather you let that go. I already told you after all. I was merely hugging him from behind and lost control because of this new body. That is all.”


“And so you have said.” Pierro nodded, but did not move an inch. Not even as Dottore started working again.

“But your fellow Harbingers did bring up an interesting point.. everyone that you have worked closely with has died a gruesome death.. I must admit that I have thought about that… What did you call it? Ah yes, coincidence before now. But you reassured me that was not the case.”


“I don’t quite see what you’re getting to.” 


“Instead of fighting against that one accusation like you did against Pantalone.. you went quiet.” 


That was it.  

Those were the words that caused a small reaction within The Doctor.

The Jester watching as Dottore’s eyes widened just slightly.

He knew that he had caught him, and Pierro could barely keep a straight face on.


“I started to catch on the moment I saw Tartaglia start to hang out with Pantalone.. you would think that those two would never get along but now I see..” he continued, his presence overbearing as he placed a tight grip onto Dottore’s shoulder.


“Tartaglia is quite a fierce presence.. a protector if you would.. I wonder if Pantalone sensed that and was drawn to him.. you may think that you are above everyone in the power scale but let me remind you that I am still above you..” a cold chill filled the room at that. So cold that it almost could make any normal person feel as if they are losing air.

“And I hate you…”


















“U-uhm..” Al-Haitham gulped, uncharacteristically stumbling over his words as he looked around as if to see if the other people around them had also gotten a very special glimpse at the Mermaid in the now fixed wagon but..

Nothing. People were just going on about their days, shopping and chatting with each other like nothing happened.


Seriously, what the fuck?!


“I’ll be seeing you around then, young man?” The older man nodded with a soft smile before walking past him..

But before he did, he whispered something to Al-Haitham that almost made his heart stop beating.


“It is very dangerous to have that… creature around such a busy area, young man.. Be careful would you?”


And before The Chef could even reply the older man was gone- 

Just- lost within the crowd of people that started to gather as soon as it hit evening.

Fuck! He should probably head back home right away to gather himself again and make sure that Tighnari was okay..


“Tigh, you okay?” He asked as soon as he was away from most of the crowd, going towards the pathway to Cyno’s place.

“Did he actually see you?”


“Y-yeah..” The Mermaid replied breathlessly, his ears pressed flat against his head as he fought the urge to flick his tail back and forth to show just how much adrenaline had run through him.

But of course that would make too much noise, and that was not what they needed right now..


But he smiled up at Al-Haitham as soon as the other man lifted him up and out of the wagon, those slightly dulled talons of Tighnari’s slightly indenting his skin as the Mermaid’s arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace. 

Only to then pull away upon realizing how awkward this situation looked, blushes dusting both of their cheeks for an unknown reason as green eyes stared right back into those heterochromia eyes that Tighnari possessed..


And sure, in Mermaid and even Siren culture it was normal to have polyamorous relationships with others in your chosen pod. But then why was Al-Haitham feeling something??


First with Kaveh..

Then Cyno..

Then… Tighnari..

What the hell was this feeling..?

And why..

Was he enjoying this feeling..?























“What… The fuck..?” The puppet breathed before groaning as he thought about his options.

He was literally in pieces.

That damn Doc wasn’t going to go looking for him out here and probably would enjoy not having him curse his name out every time he saw him.


He couldn’t exactly move. Hell, his hands and arms were several meters away while his head just stared at them helplessly.

Life just had to be so fucking cruel didn’t it?

He would laugh at this stupid position he was in, but he really would prefer that he didn’t choke on sea water.

Too salty-


Bet you love watching me suffer up from the heavens, don’t you, mother..?

That thought made Scaramouche let out a loud sigh, the slow waves turning his head up to where he could see the sky.

A sky that was.. surprisingly bright and beautiful…


What right did it have to look like that..?


His eyes began to close..

If this was going to be the sight that he would see until the end of his days then.. he supposed that it wasn’t that bad.

It was rather peaceful. And oddly painless…

He hadn’t felt painless in a long time…


That thought echoed through his mind as his eyes slipped shut.

Yes.. This was better than what he deserved..


“A puppet..?”

Suddenly a voice, soft and sweet.. like melted caramel on a hot day made him freeze.

He wasn’t in the water anymore..

Hell, he doubted that he was even in Teyvat anymore by how.. Dark it seemed to be around him.


A dream maybe?

A vision?


“Who’s there? Get out of hiding.” He instinctively snapped, looking around before his eyes widened at seeing the same.. girl..

The girl who had been in a magical.. cage…? Was in front of him with a soft frown.

Her eyes softened as tiny hands picked up one of his arms that, in this vision, was haphazardly tossed away a few meters from them. But of course, at the moment he couldn’t really move.

Heads can’t really do all that much in that department-


“You’re hurt..” the girl spoke again, one of her small fingers tracing along a particularly large crack that ran down from the elbow joint to the wrist.

That damn Dainsleif-


“Why do you care?” He hissed, rolling his eyes before trying to turn his head away.

It didn’t really work out-


“I…” the girl hesitated, maybe from the tone he used. “I may not know how to build a complex machine like you back up but.. it can’t be that hard, right? It’s like.. a doll. I remember fixing up dolls. It can’t be that different.” The girl then smiled before looking around for the rest of his missing limbs..


That didn’t really answer his question-



Just what the hell was this.. girl..?

And why did she want to help someone like him..?

Most importantly.. why had she been imprisoned in the first place…?


Chapter 82: The Full Blood Moon..


Tw: blood, feeling of intense hunger

Chapter Text

“If you dare let go of me and I end up being swept away by this current I swear to-“


“Fine finneeee-“ Tartaglia teased before starting to splash water on Pantalone’s newly formed tail, running off the blood which turned the water underneath them into a brownish red to reveal the almost completely black scale’s underneath. 

Though even when thought to be completely jet black, the younger Harbinger let out an amazed chuckle as the scales in the right lighting glowed a brilliant blue.


“Damn ‘Lone! This is actually pretty fucking cool! Wouldn’t you say so?? I mean yeah- sure, scared the hell out of me and Pierro, don’t do that again, but still, you have a whole ass tail now!”


Though the man’s fascination was interrupted by a loud groan coming from the older man who put his head into his now clawed hands, rubbing at his temples.

“This is going to be a complete mess, I can just feel it-“


“Sure, it could be.” Childe shrugged before sitting down into the water, not caring about the edges of his shorts getting wet as he held Pantalone’s hands securely.

“But as long as The Doc is being watched over then there’s really no need hiding this part of yourself right? Maybe that’s why it chose to have you transform now! You feel safe with me right??”


The Siren laughed, unable to stop his eyes from softening as he watched The Young Harbinger try to teach him how to swim.

“As safe as I can feel around a suicidal maniac I suppose-“ he replied with a shrug, gaining a shocked gasp and water sprayed into his face.


“Sparring is not deadly! You take that back!”


Laughter continued to come from the two men before Pantalone suddenly went silent..

Dead Silent.

The Siren raising his head upwards to stare at the moon that slowly rose…

His eyes.. such a brilliant blue glow they shone… Their pupils turned into mere slits as tears suddenly slid down his cheeks once again.

A Full Moon, ever climbing, cleaved a blood red shade amidst the starry sky that reflected off of the ocean waves…




















Tighnari suddenly winced as he heard a song.

A loud, screaming song that made him fold his ears down quickly.

They had been mere meters from the front door to Cyno’s place but-


Al-Haitham froze.

Standing there as if he had seen a ghost as his eyes widened.

His stomach growling certainly didn’t help him either..

In fact it made him double over slightly as his arms let go of the Mermaid to wrap around his torso.


What was happening…?

Why couldn’t he- why was he so hungry again all of a sudden???

Was it because he had gone out of the house or-


The Moon…

Why.. why did it look like that…?


It was so beautiful..

The color of blood had always been so-


No. You can’t think like that.


He was smiling, and yet he didn’t know why. He shouldn’t be smiling, not at the blood moon.

What did that book say about it..?

Had there actually been a page that he missed??

Blood moon blood moon..

No, he had only read about the full moon affecting Sirens! Not this! 


But why would you care to know the dangers of something so beautiful…?

Let go of the Memories you gained and be granted a new chance of life as something that can take back what humans took from those beautiful creatures..

What they took from YOU.


He couldn’t stop himself from taking a step away from the house as if entranced by a spell, his feet completely stable under his weight despite the racing thoughts of his mind.


But one voice silenced all the rest…


Come join us in the waters…

Let your dreams come true..


“Al-Haitham, no!!” Tighnari tried, dragging himself forward with his claws to grab the man’s ankles.

“I know this song!! It’s the Sirens!! The Sirens are trying to lure you in!! Promising that all your dreams will be granted but they’re lying! You can’t!”


His voice was no match for The Sirens call though..

Not when Al-Haitham had begun to lose his humanity..


Don’t you want to figure out what all has happened to get you where you are now…?


The Sirens knew what they were doing…

Stimulating his need for knowledge.. Knowledge of what happened to him and the people he cared for.


So he took another step forward, earning a grunt from Tighnari who was dragged a little bit forward.


Keep going..


















Wriothesley shouted to the guards who were stationed with him as they guarded all sides of the cave systems.

Baring his sharp teeth as a Siren’s claws gripped the sharp edge of his sword, using their unnatural strength to pin him against one of the rock walls and snap at him with their teeth.


His heart racing full of adrenaline as he dodged each and every bite by swaying his head back and forth, not daring to even let one of their claws graze his skin before he pushed back hard against his sword, causing the Siren to tumble backward.


Raising up the sword before killing the Siren right then before rushing to go help his fellow guards.

The screams and cries of his fellow Mermaid’s only encouraging him to cut through the water faster.


This wasn’t a normal attack..

Why were they all coming so close together???

What- who was orchestrating this???


At least Neuvillette was out of the area for the time being to meet again with Furina..

That was a good call.

He didn’t even think as he continued killing Sirens in his way, the scent of blood being a cold reminder..


What was bringing these creatures here and why were they trying to get the rest of the Mermaid population killed…?

Chapter 83: So Hungry…


Tw: Blood- in a cup-, self harm

Chapter Text

Kaveh’s heart felt as if it was going to pound out of his chest as soon as nightfall was upon them..


He didn’t know why, maybe he was just hungry again, but this time, the hunger was almost blinding. And it was mixed with another odd feeling that he couldn’t really understand.


Was it lust?

It would make sense to him if it was..

This whole thing started right around the time that The Tsaritsa imprisoned herself and her own Kingdom in a sphere of solid ice, at least, that was what the stories said.

Though he didn’t quite remember where he had first heard of such stories.

His Mother..? His Father maybe…?


It didn’t matter. All that he knew was The God of Love and Ice was one of the major reasons that The Siren Outbreak happened, so lust wouldn’t be part of it.


Was he feeling love?

Love for who at this moment?

He did feel the same feelings while around Al-Haitham, he would admit that much.


But the Chef wasn’t here at the very moment so who-


He gulped as he looked over at Cyno, who only looked back at him with a look of apprehension.


“Are.. you okay? Hungry…? I can um-“ The man seemed to hesitate as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“I can try and get you some fresh fish. It’s not like human blood but-“


“That won’t work.” Kaveh breathed, leaning his weight forward for just his head and part of his chest to hang over the side.

“I need… something more..”


“And that is..?” Cyno’s voice died out quickly as he looked into those red eyes of a True Siren..

His body going on autopilot as he knelt down beside the tub, pushing down his shirt collar to reveal his neck while his mind screamed at him to stop it.


And so was Kaveh’s…


Their inner voices screaming at the both of them to stop what they were doing.



But he was so hungry again..

He didn’t know why. Was it because of the moon?? Was that why he was so desperate for blood once more???


He didn’t know. Not even as his lips opened to reveal his sharp teeth, quivering slightly as he tried his damndest to close his jaws.

Not now. He didn’t have permission! He wasn’t going to turn another person into a monster!!


Suddenly though, one of Cyno’s hands gently held the back of Kaveh’s head, lightly tangling in his hair as he pulled him more towards him.

“…you can’t fight it either can you..?”


And with that question Kaveh shakily shook his head as unwanted tears fell from his red eyes.

He was trying so hard.. And yet he couldn’t resist as the red moonlight shone brightly through the bathroom window, painting them both in a red light.


His red eyes only getting brighter as the raging flames of starvation spread throughout his whole body.

“No..” he eventually spoke in pure defeat, lip’s almost touching the man’s neck as he sighed.


“Well.. We don’t want you starving on us now, so.. You can do it. Bite me.”


At those simple words it was almost too much to resist…

Hell, it had been too much to resist either way..


But Kaveh used all the strength he had to bite his tongue and turn his head away.

Not even seeing the slight look of surprise on the other man’s face who seemingly broke out of Kaveh’s spell and practically shoved The Siren away, panting harshly as he placed a hand over his chest.


“I-… I don’t know what I was saying..” Cyno gulped, as if trying to understand why he had just told a Siren to bite him!




As that thought exited his mind, he let out a loud sigh at seeing how the Siren had taken such an unexpected experience.


Those red eyes were flooding with tears as his clawed hands ran through his blond hair almost painfully, trying to repress more urges no doubt.


“…you’re hungry, right?”




Cyno sighed, looking to the side as if lost in thought before nodding in acceptance.

“Then.. hold on a moment.”

The usually joking and smiling human left and headed towards the kitchen and out of The Siren’s sight.


What was he-


Only to come back with a glass and a pocket knife which the human twirled expertly before putting it to the meat of his palm.

“You probably turn people by your saliva on open wounds, right?”


“W-wait!! What are you!-“ Kaveh winced as he heard the sharp whizz of the knife cutting through the skin, only for his pupils to dilate at the sight of Cyno’s blood dripping from his cut and into the cup that he held.

His orangish-brown eyes looking fierce as they stared right into those of red.


“I’m making sure that I don’t turn, and that you don’t starve.”

Were the simple words he said to answer the other’s question before handing the half full glass to The Siren who immediately tipped it back.

A soft happy trill being heard from Kaveh as in only a few minutes the cup had been completely cleaned of any residue.


Leaving Cyno half in shock-

“Well, weren't you rather hungry..?”


















“We’re almost there my queen..” La Signora whispered as she helped The Tsaritsa walk. 


Being practically frozen in time had its benefits, but of course without walking nor even swimming for a century, there was sure to be at least some drawbacks.


“This Queen apologizes for having you help her walk, My Crimson Witch..”


“Don’t apologize. Besides, one would much rather prefer to hear why you were in such an odd predicament in the first place.”


“Oh it is quite a simple answer, I’m afraid.” The Queen sighed, “but the explanation must be saved for another time, now how are the other Harbingers?”


At the mention, La Signora cringed.

“Well, you see-“


Before they walked into the Headquarters, a bitter cold immediately piercing through Signira’s whole body as her body practically spasmed.

“What the f-“


The two culprits, Dottore and Pierro being the ones to emit such bitterness. The two glaring at each other while holding their respective weapons.

The Jester holding his spell book while Dottore wielded his hefty sword, before almost dropping it at seeing the Queen setting her eyes on them.


The bitter cold room being nothing compared to what feeling she gave off at that exact moment. Stopping the two men in the middle of a full on brawl. Her tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth in pure displeasure..

“Indeed… what the fuck is going on here..?”

Chapter 84: Where is our queen?


Tw: dottore trying to manipulate, fear of being touched (poor Scaramouche)

Chapter Text

“Ah! My Queen! I did not expect you to bestow us with your wonderful presence this very night!” Dottore quickly said before starting to move to The Tsaritsa’s side, as if he hadn’t just been in the middle of attacking who was supposed to be the Harbingers Leader..


As if he wasn’t the one in the wrong.

But the moment that the Queen’s eyes locked onto him, he froze in place suddenly.


Only to then hear words with a tone that threatened to kill him where he stood if he were to object.


“Pierro.. What exactly were you and Second doing just before I walked in? Please do be truthful, I wouldn’t want to get the wrong idea…”


At those cold words, The Jester straightened up his posture immediately, looking at The God with a look of respect.


“Of course, I will be truthful, your Majesty. Me and Second were having a rather-“


“Civil conversation.” Dottore interrupted, gaining a look of shock from Pierro.


“Civil??? You have been!-“


“Pierro.” The Tsaritsa said, her voice firm and collected despite what she was thinking. Watching as the man’s head immediately looked up to see her.


He had always seemed to respect her to no fault on day one of meeting him..

“You are my dear friend. And so I will be asking you and only you this next question..”


“Of course.” Pierro nodded, an almost sly grin on his face as The Doctor fell silent.

“I always will answer truthfully to you about anything. You have my word.”


The Queen smiled at those words before stepping forward, though her intuition was telling her that something was definitely wrong..

“Then come follow me while we discuss. You do still fancy tea over coffee, do you not?”


And just like that the tension in Pierro’s shoulders and expression released. His hurried footsteps quickly followed after the Queen with urgency to tell her what all hell had been happening around here with her gone.


And The Doctor was left fuming… 


Yet another wrench had been thrown into his plans.

But no matter.. It would take more than just a simple talk for him to be convicted guilty and banished from the Harbinger’s rankings.

And that was plenty of time for his plan to finish..

Now where was Pantalone…?



























Furina gasped sharply as Neuvillette quickly pushed her with a gentle clawed hand over to be behind him. The two had been swimming together back to where Wriothesley, Neuvillette, and all the others that were still alive were hiding out.

Only for The Hydro Dragon to sense something that made him swim forward faster and faster until-

They saw their hideout being attacked and destroyed piece by piece..


“Why are they here?!” The… Archon shrieked before hiding her head in the other Mermaid’s shoulder, Neuvillette letting out a slight, almost embarrassing, growl of protectiveness.


“Stay behind me. Don’t get out of my sight.”

He ordered, only getting a slight nod from the girl who, for an Archon, seemed awfully terrified and close to tears.

“O-okay..” her voice also oddly meek and quiet..


Had these centuries apart really been that damaging..?

He honestly wouldn’t doubt it. But he also would have thought that maybe she would grow into her role as an Archon by now after she was chosen.

Maybe he had just been hoping for something impossible.


It didn’t matter.

Not at this moment.


Where was Wriothesley??

He should be fighting out here with his guards!-


“Where… is our queen……?”


A rough, raspy voice suddenly whispered right into his ear, causing him to jump and reflexively fling an arm out to keep Furina from wandering as they looked straight ahead.


It was dark in the waters at this time of night..

Even though Mermaids had eyes that could see well beyond the depths of the ocean that they lived in, this night was odd..


When Neuvillette turned to face the Siren who had said such an odd thing, all that was visible to them were their eyes. 


Eyes that shone Blood Red…

Only staring at him with hunger as they smiled…

Smiled so wide that their cheeks looked to be ready to split open for their lower jaw to hang loose..


“Stay back!” He shouted an order that went unheard as the Siren began to laugh as their irises glowed brighter..


“We are not leaving without our Archon..”


Right after that, Neuvillette gasped as a shout tore through the air, a shout of pain and anger ripping through the water just mere meters away.


“Wriothesley..” he whispered…



















When Scaramouche awoke again, he wasn’t in multiple pieces.

Nor was he floating down the Ocean helplessly until someone found him.


He was created with much too light material that would make him unable to really swim properly.

Another thing he could add to the list of why he thought his… Creator was an incompetent God..


She didn’t deserve the right to even hold that title..


But she did. She did and he hated her even more for it.

He should be the God that ruled over everyone in Inazuma!

He should have been the one who was created first!

Not her. 

He couldn’t really stop that now though, could he?



No, he couldn’t. No matter how much he wanted to.


He sighed at that thought before turning his head in every direction to see where exactly he was.

Did he somehow wash up on an island?


How long had he-


“You’re awake!” 

A girl's soft voice shocked him enough that he flinched back, almost jumping to his feet before he had seen that it had come from the small girl from before..

And this time she wasn’t in a cage. Far from it actually.


She already seemed to be halfway through cooking something over a fire. A rabbit perhaps?


Was this some kind of sick twisted joke??


“Where am I??? Where did you take me?!” Was of course the first two questions he asked as he shakily stood, almost falling down with a wince as he saw the large crack that fractured and splintered off from his left knee joint to his ankle.

But the little girl quickly went to help him, her green eyes glowing in a way that almost made him want to listen to her without question…


“you shouldn’t stand with that wound! Here! Sit back down!” 


But he was quite stubborn-


“I’m fine. Don’t touch me!-“ The Puppet tried to hide a flinch as he let out a shout, his body tensing up as if preparing itself for pain.


Doctor Dottore had given him plenty of that..


This girl seemed different.


“Oh, alright. I won’t touch you.” Nahida nodded, her eyes scanning his chest of all places..


Very Different..


Why was he breathing so fast? Was his chest heaving?

He shouldn’t be this afraid, not while he’s here with no one else in sight except for a little girl but..

This was odd.


“But can you at least sit down for me, Hat Guy?”

The little girl continued, making Scaramouche freeze.


What the hell did she just call him-

Chapter 85: The Red Blood Moon’s Light..


Tw: blood, references to wounds, dark thoughts

Chapter Text

Hat guy..?



Wow- how creative-

That nickname made him want to bury his head into the sand beneath him and hide from everything going on at the moment.


Here he was, on a random… island??

In the middle of nowhere with a little girl who looked no older than six!

How the hell did he even end up here??


The Celestial Realm knows that he wasn’t able to fucking swim here. Not after everything that happened. And now he was in one piece!

How the hell was he in one piece????


Did the little girl literally swim back to this island with his pieces in hand only to rebuild him completely and wake him up??

Pshh- that can’t be right-


He doubted that she could even swim at her age-


“Hey.” So he gained her attention with a simple word, turning his head to the side to avoid seeing just how bright the girl's smile was.


“Is there something you need, Hat Guy?” She then proceeded to giggle as she called him that nickname again, pleased with herself much to The Puppet’s displeasure.


“Do you have to keep calling me that ridiculous name?? It’s childish.”


“Oh come onnn!!” The girl giggled, adjusting the still-cooking rabbit over the flames to cook the other side thoroughly.

“You’re the one who hasn’t given me any name to associate you with, so-“ she shrugged, “I made one up based on your most prominent feature.”


Scaramouche’s face deadpanned.

“And that would be…. My hat.”


“Correct!” Another giggle erupted from the girl who moved closer to be right beside him, her giggles stopping as her gaze traveled down The Puppet’s body. Which, despite having tried to hide away any weaknesses, had many cracks and minor scratches all along the porcelain surface.


“You.. were hurt bad. Weren’t you?”

And just like that, a hand gently hovered over his left arm where the deepest crack he had was. Causing him to take a deep breath.


She wasn’t even touching it and he felt pain that had come years before this point.

This girl had honored his fearful request to not touch him and he couldn’t help but feel shock at that.


Why would she listen…?

Why would she care enough about how he felt?

He didn’t understand..

But looking at her face, he was starting to believe that maybe… in the future he could learn to…

















“Aether no!!” Was the shout that was heard throughout the Orphanage that night by a Magician chasing after his beloved after their eyes had turned half-red. Yet still strangely had a bit of their golden glow.


Maybe because they were presumably a hybrid?


Either way- they were trying to smell out any of the younger children and even attempting to sing to them as a means to lure them closer-


And that was a big no-no.


So, here Lyney was, chasing after Aether and trying to figure out what had happened to cause them to become so… odd.


The Magician’s arms quickly wrapped around the other’s chest to hug them from behind, trying to use as much strength as necessary without physically hurting them to keep them in place.


“Aether, what’s wrong..? Did something upset you? A dream perhaps?” Lyney asked, not even noticing the moon that shone crimson through the window just above the fireplace. Bathing the two in a beautiful red light that only seemed to make The Traveler more agitated.



Lyney winced momentarily as Aether thrashed powerfully from where they were captured in his arms. Their body twisting and pulling almost unnaturally based on their bone structure.


It almost reminded Lyney of how a snake moved and twisted around its prey..


He needed to distract The Traveler before they hurt themselves or another person, that was for certain..


“Mon Amour Mon Amour please calm down..!” He tried, keeping his voice in a hushed whisper to avoid waking up anyone else in the Orphanage, though he knew that Father was probably already awake from the ruckus they were currently causing.


“Let’s go back to bed. I can help you fall back asleep and then we’ll do some more gardening tomorrow. I noticed that you seem calmer when you and I do that.” The Magician reasoned while gently grabbing Aether’s hand, not even paying attention to the now newly grown claws they possessed.



When he tried to lead The Traveler back to his room, Aether started talking.


“The moon is so beautiful tonight.. don’t you think…?”


And Lyney smiled softly before looking at the moon through the mentioned window.

“Yeah.. it really does seem like a perfect night. We can go look at it from outside if you want-“


“I can hear her..”

Were the words that interrupted Lyney’s offer, the Magician’s eyes widening as he knew what they meant.


“You can hear your sister? What is she doing?”



Aether’s voice was quiet, but… their tone was strange.

“She has been singing for a while now.. don’t you hear her?”


“No, I haven’t realized-“ 

Maybe a hybrid can hear better than a regular human???

Lyney definitely wouldn’t doubt it but it was still very eerie to hear such words from his lover’s mouth.


“What is she singing about..?”





















Lumine couldn’t help but hum in interest as Dainsleif returned to her while covered in an odd purple substance that the Puppet seemed to have in his body.


“Did you kill him?”


“No,” Dainsleif answered simply, washing himself off in the water and ridding himself of the odd purple substance.

“I don’t believe I even could, but you don’t care for the small details do you?”


“No.” Lumine nodded, resting her head on where her knees would be if she was in her human form; instead, her cheek touched her scaley cold skin on the bend of her tail from how she sat on a rock.


The two sat in silence for a long moment, staring at the shoreline while the night was still young.


“What was Halfdan’s current condition today?”


“He was..” Dainsleif frowned in thought, “still unable to recognize me.”


“The Quarantine method isn’t working then..” Lumine simply sighed, looking at Dainsleif now by turning her head.


“And your infection seems to be growing.”



Dainsleif quickly covered the right side of his face with a clawed hand, the eye’s pupil on that side of his face turning into a slit.

Wanting to cave against the moon’s influence.


But he couldn’t allow that to happen.


“I can still fight.” He assured firmly, leaving no room for doubt. But Lumine didn’t seem convinced..


“If you cannot resist the blood moon in its weakest state then you should Quarantine yourself with your men. We do not need you turning ravenous on us now.”


“I will handle it. Do not tell me what I can or can’t handle..”


Despite the seriousness of the Twilight Sword’s tone, Lumine couldn’t help but to scoff.


“I suppose that is true..” she then thought for a long while before sliding off the rock she had been sitting on.

“Let us go back now before the moon reaches its strongest point in the sky. Your men will grow rowdy.”



Chapter 86: Everything’s wrong…


Tw: blood- killing- massacre(?)

Chapter Text

Pantalone panted as he looked over at Tartaglia, the blaring red glow of the moon covering his backside which gave him an almost sinister glow..


What the hell was going on..?


“‘Lone..? Are you alright…?” The younger man asked, his expression turning from a look of amusement to pure confusion.

“You’re not acting like yourself..”


As soon as The Siren’s sweet nickname fell from Tartaglia’s lips..

Pantalone’s facial expression grew to a terrifying grin…


His eyes glowing ever more..

A piercing blue that could lead anyone to their deaths if such a person dared to look at their gaze..


This.. was the power of a Siren..

The power of a Siren… made up of thousands of generations before it…

And Childe was wise enough to know, just by the way Pantalone looked at him.. that he didn’t stand a chance…


His shock only being met with a sickeningly happy trill..

“Oh Tartaglia my dear Friend… would you please come over..? I need your help..”


The said man gulped, adams apple bobbing nervously as he looked at the man who he usually would tease and have friendly banters with.

But now…?

That wasn’t his friend..

That couldn’t be his friend, the one who he had defended and supported through this hard time.



His friend was gone for a moment.

And what was left of him, was a monster..


For the first time in his life, he wanted to run from a challenge.

Run far far away from the creature now crawling towards him, using their newly grown claws to scratch and pull themselves along the slippery rocks and sand below them on the shore.


Stopping as soon as they grabbed onto The Eleventh Harbingers ankles, soaking the bottom legs of his pants while he stood there..

His heart racing.


“Won’t you help a friend..?”


“N-no..” he whispered, barely able to resist looking away from those beautiful blue eyes that enchanted him. But he did. He did. And now, Pantalone seemed to be growing agitated..


If this was even Pantalone anymore..

“I can’t.. I can’t let you turn me too. My siblings-“


The younger man’s words were caught in his throat as Pantalone let out a tantalizing hum…

Dear Archons.. if just his hum could make him lose all control over himself then what could the Siren do with a!-


A deep hum emanated from The Siren’s throat..

As if preparing a tune that had been long forgotten to time..


















“Al-Haitham!” Tighnari yelped before getting dragged forward again as the man took another step towards his goal. The Mermaid biting back curses while he tried to distract the other by weighing down his ankles, but as you can guess-


“Would you quit moving???”


That simply was not working.

And he would rather not offer up his own blood to try and distract the hungry… Siren. Would Al-Haitham technically be considered a Siren now?-


It was the only title that fit at this point-

Dammit! How could he get this man to quit moving!-






The Mermaid quickly looked behind him just soon enough to see Cyno staring at them with a look of confusion which then changed into a look of surprise as he looked up at the Blood Moon that was getting closer and closer to being in the middle of the sky..


Midnight was when it would become its strongest..

And they were running out of time.

“He’s being affected by the Blood Moon??”


“Oh really??” Tighnari couldn’t help but sass, voice verbally strained as he struggled with holding Al-Haitham off from just running towards the nearest shoreline.


It also did not help that he had started to dry out. 

His lungs working overtime to make up for it but that only caused him to let out short gasps.


Shit! How long had he been out of water?? A few minutes now??


Technically he should be able to last ten minutes without a constant flow of water entering his gills, but….

That wasn’t really a good thing for him to do-

And he certainly didn’t have practice doing such a dangerous thing.


In fact he felt as if he was blacking out-


Just before he could though, hands grabbed him and practically threw him into the cart still full of water, making him gasp sharply as water re-entered his gills.


What?? who- what??!


The next moment he opened his eyes to see Al-Haitham looking down at him, a flash of concern on his face which quickly flipped back into a trance like state.


Had he broken free from the moon’s control specifically to save Tighnari from asphyxiating?? 

Well fuck-

That certainly made Tighnari’s heart do somersaults-


Only to then see Cyno full on tackle Al-Haitham from behind, causing both men to fall.


This idiot-

Fuck he was cute too though-



















Wriothesley heard the worried shouts of his name from The Hydro Dragon..


His eyes threatening to slide shut as a couple Sirens got the upper hand on him, one slamming his head in with a fairly big rock broken off from a cave wall of their home.


He was probably going to be eaten.

If they could figure out how to bring him down that is…


As even in this state, he was clawing through a crowd of them, the scent of blood and mangled meat making his stomach growl demandingly..


He was not going to die today, at least not easily.

Barreling through multiple Sirens at a time who all seemed to panic, knowing that they should have knocked him out earlier if they had wanted a chance at living..


And now that he was half disoriented but not dead, he would be sure to kill anything getting into the cave system as the Mermaids evacuated…


His heart pounding as warm blood rushed through his ears, not caring about what injuries he got from The Sirens now attempting to defend themselves instead of attacking.


One Shark Mermaid had flipped the odds around..

Not even saying any orders to his guards still left alive as he worked through the rest of the offending creatures..


That was until he stumbled upon one… smaller than the rest.

The last one in his way…


It was attempting to curl up its body to hide, it not even breaking through to Wriothesley’s mind that this had to be a child..

Not even as he raised his claws to produce a killing strike at the creature's head.

Their tears of fear unnoticed by his half conscious mind.


It was a Siren, and all Siren’s were going to kill everyone that he cared about and-


Something grabbed his wrist, pulling it down and making him snap out of it.


“Wriothesley.. I think you have done quite enough..” Neuvillette whispered, his hands clenching gently over Wriothesley’s hand that was shaking as he realized just what he had been about to do.

Shakily looking around at the crowd of Sirens that now surrounded them, all looking as though they all had been holding their breaths.


They looked terrified of him..

But shouldn’t it be the other way around…?


He gulped, staring down at the Child who was quickly defended by another Siren who put themselves in between Wriosthesley and her.


Why… is a Child of their kind here..?


Did this mean that Sirens could reproduce…? That they could love and care for each other just like other Mermaids??


Oh Fuck…

That made Wriothesley’s heart sink down to the pit of his stomach.


Everything that they knew about Sirens was wrong..

Chapter 87: It’s… So Cold..


Tw: suspect of self harm from dark thoughts but later disproved, description of wound, a very angry Tsaritsa-, refrencing to non consensual touching

Chapter Text

“Speak the truth to me my Friend..” The Tsaritsa whispered, her eyes softening and yet still grew cold as she looked over to Pierro who oddly seemed to hesitate.


That certainly wasn’t like him..

She had to get down to the bottom of this..

And fast.


“If you want to hear that I will not be angry at you then there you go. I will not be angry or upset with you if you tell me what is troubling you so.. I know that it would not be your fault.”


As soon as the Queen of Ice said those words Pierro opened his mouth to speak, his voice awfully meek and quiet compared to previous conversations he has had with her present.

Just what all had happened since she had been gone…?


“I.. apologize, your Majesty.” The Jester quickly bowed at the waist, shocking his friend who went speechless for a good few seconds.

It takes a lot to render a God speechless..


Before she straightened back up, regaining her composure before placing a cold hand on the man’s shoulder.

Ignoring the way the man’s body shivered.


“Whatever for, my dear Jester? Don’t tell me that you of all people have made a great mistake. That is the only reason why the one I chose personally to lead the other Ten would ever be bowing to me.”

One of the Tsaritsa’s blue faded fingertips then raised the chin of Pierro, having him look into her eyes before he nodded.

He knew what she wanted. It was a rather straightforward thing. An explanation.


But how do you explain to a Queen that you have been simply too occupied with your own work that you haven’t noticed that harassment and cruelty had made it towards the highest ranks of her own specialty picked Harbingers?


He almost couldn’t bear the thought.

But she deserved to know.

Pantalone, even if he was not too close with the man, deserved to have The Doctor’s sick secret spilled to the one who could eliminate him.


Yes… He deserved that.


“My Queen..” he started, an obvious lump in his throat that he ignored and gulped down to continue his words as those cold eyes of The Ruler stared down at him with a look akin to concern.

“The Doctor…” he started, still hesitating despite what he knew had to be done. 


“For an indeterminate amount of time now, has been secretly performing unnecessary and unconsentual advances on one of the lower ranking Harbingers and- hugh!-“ he choked on his words as The Tsaritsa’s hand grew colder as it grabbed his lower jaw. Not roughly. In fact, she was rather gentle with her manhandling.


But the temperature in the hall that they had chosen to chat in was the thing that choked him out of oxygen.

His body falling onto his knees as his hand gripped onto his throat, desperate to get a breath in.


All while The Tsaritsa’s eyes locked onto his crumpled form now on the ground just beside her sharp glass heel..


“Would you care to repeat that…?”


















Somehow, some way, Tighnari, Al-Haitham, and Cyno made it back inside together in one piece. 


How they managed that, not even Tighnari knows-

He did know however that Al-Haitham was trying to snap out of the trance that he had been under. Cyno making his friend sit on the couch while trying to talk to him.


The Mermaid suspected though that it might have to do with Cyno’s palm oddly bleeding..

And with Al-Haitham’s new… tastes, he probably gravitated toward it automatically.


It was oddly convenient-


Though the Mermaid did ask about the oddly placed wound, being wheeled into the house while still in the wagon, instinctively stretching his arms and back as he finally had enough space to do so.


“Did you hurt yourself on something sharp? You know how reckless that can be, you shouldn’t leave such stuff out that could do that-“


“Nah, I actually did it on purpose-“ Cyno shrugged, as if it was no big deal that he had a literal gash in his palm that he had created!

What the hell?!?


Tighnari was shocked, a rather harsh scolding on the tip of his tongue that he bit back.

“Well!- why would you do that?? Do you have those kinds of thoughts?? Why didn’t you let someone help you before it got bad enough for you to-“


“Hey. Calm down.” Cyno smiled, placing a hand on Tighnari’s head which made his sea bunny ears fold down.

Finding odd comfort from the touch..


The Mermaid though still looked up at Cyno expectantly.

“I am still waiting for an answer.”


“Well to answer you, no. I do not have those thoughts, not for a long time. It was merely to feed Kaveh.”




Tighnari nodded quickly, “I am sorry for the misunderstanding then. I was quite worried.”


“Don’t be, thank you for caring.” Cyno smiled back before being surprised as Al-Haitham suddenly hugged him from behind and buried his face into his neck.


“Um… Haitham..? You alright there? If you’re hungry too I think-“


A soft groan interrupted Cyno’s words, The Chef rubbing his temples as if in pain.

“It’s so cold..”




“It’s so… Cold..”


Chapter 88: Eat…

Chapter Text

Lyney gulped nervously at their lovers reply, placing a gloved hand on Aether’s back in order to lead them into the bedroom again without being thrown off course.



Why the hell would Aether’s sister be singing about such a horrible topic..?


Could it be signaling to another thing like a deck of Tarot cards?? He could handle a big change, but death was such a shaky topic. 

Especially with how he had almost witnessed his parent figure’s death right in front of him just days prior.


Come on Lyney, don’t think negative.

As Father always said, “thinking negative can only cause you to stress out more and potentially cause something bad to happen.”


Just breathe, and go back to bed.


At the slight bit of reassurance he thought of, he led Aether back to bed with a smile.

“Everything will be okay, Mon Amour.. I promise.. and you know how this Magician never breaks a promise.”


To his surprise though, Aether’s eyes returned to pure gold, the crimson red receding until nothing was there. 

And if The Magician hadn’t seen it earlier, he would have thought that he was just delirious from lack of sleep.


Though by the looks of it, the moon did seem to be setting back down for the sun to lift into the sky once more, so The Magician guessed that the red gleam that had been in the Traveler’s eyes had been an effect from such a strange moon.


He wondered if it truly was over now..



Though deep down.. he knew that it wasn’t. Not yet..

He knew that as soon as he woke up the next morning to feel Aether’s presence directly above him..

Those hungry red eyes staring right back..














“M-my Queen I-I-“ Pierro eventually choked out, not even looking into The Tsaritsa’s eyes in order to show her the complete devotion he had for her. 

He had stuck to her rules. Had kept her laws in place. Not changing a single one. Not a word.

He had even tried to locate her himself countless times, ignoring previous letters she supposedly sent to him saying to not look for her.


That she had been doing something important..


And now here she was, her face perfectly unmoving. She had even lifted up her veil and removed her crown just to stare down at him with those dark blue eyes of hers.


She was definitely not pleased. And yet she gracefully hid the anger she must’ve felt behind those eyes.

And in that instant, the coldest abruptly cleared. A sharp gasp emitting from Pierro as pure relief flooded through him.


Even so, he stayed in that kneeling position, but turned his head up to see the God’s full reaction.


And dear god was it beautiful..

He couldn’t even speak, he had lost his words far before she spoke once more.


“Which Harbinger is being harassed?” Her cold voice practically sliced through the man, causing him to shiver one more time.

“Don’t tell me it is Tartaglia.. He is a good man, and if he is being hurt then I will be dealing out heavy consequences..”


“No.. It is not him being harassed, my Queen.. but he is getting really close with the victim who I would have never believed would like or even enjoy his company.” 


“And that is?”


“Pantalone.. the second has been harassing the ninth..”


“…I see..” 

Her face remained untouched and unchanged as she said those words, but Pierro knew that the cold rage still remained…

The thought that one of her beloved Harbingers, who she had come to think of like her children, was harassing one of their own…. And that fact made her blood boil..


“I will be speaking to The Doctor immediately.. Stand by for the moment.” She ordered as the atmosphere finally completely released, causing Pierro to let out another sharp gasp as he stood shakily, still bowing at the waist.


“Yes, My Queen.. Should I go ahead and gather Pantalone for his testimony as well?”


“Yes please.. that would be very helpful.”

















Tartaglia hesitated as his mind fought for ideas to get Pantalone back in control before he was able to get a song free from his lips. But that wasn’t going to be possible at the moment it seems as the hum emitting from the Sirens throat grew in volume and frequency…


As if something was connecting to the Siren instincts of the man’s heritage…


Childe had tried saying his name. Screaming it. But nope. Not a single damn reaction before a sudden screech of hell erupted from Pantalone, making Tartaglia wince with a stumble before he fell backwards.


The Siren’s claws still digging into his ankles to keep him from running away.


He couldn’t run without hurting Pantalone..

And he couldn’t hurt Pantalone without fearing that the older man might not understand and think that Tartaglia was hurting him on purpose..




What could fix this???

Would it help if he gave Pantalone more blood???

Would it help him gain back control over his senses???


Now with that idea, he didn’t try struggling anymore out from under the Sirens weight..

His friend now on top of him, the humming falling completely silent as those blue eyes stared back at him with a desperation that caused the human to hesitate before loosening the collar around his neck, revealing where Pantalone had bit him a couple days ago..


It had healed up almost completely now, and oddly nothing had changed about him other than the newly added mark..


It was strange but..




It worked out..

For both of them.





Chapter 89: A Meeting…


Tw: references to blood and wounds

Chapter Text

“I…” Wriothesley stared down at the small… very small Siren in front of him who was now being covered and protected by other Siren’s who rushed over. Even some of the Siren’s who he had gravely injured being one of the first ones to offer protection.


What.. was this…?

Nothing had said or even insinuated that the “Blood Hungry Sirens” could even have children and mate with each other.


He had foolishly assumed that other Mermaid’s had just continued being found and turned into the beasts. Not that the “beasts” were probably trying to find a new place to hide and have children.


And that idea made him wonder who exactly attacked first…


Did his guards just send an attack on a Siren who was just trying to find food or shelter for her family and that’s what caused other Siren’s to come and defend her?

Or were the Sirens in the wrong..?


He didn’t know, and that was very frustrating to think about.

Just whose blood was covering his claws…?


He swam backwards and away from the Siren child quickly, his back pressing against Neuvillette’s chest who had been staying in his exact position while Wriothesley went through his shock.


“Is your head alright, Wriothesley?” The Hydro Dragon then whispered into The Shark Mermaid's ear, the latter not even really noticing that yes, his head was still bleeding from one of the attacks that occurred when he was defending one of his guards.

But that wasn’t what he was worried about at the moment.


“It’s fine, Monsieur. Please get Sigewinnie down to take care of all of their wounds.. I need to have a talk with them afterwards.”


“Of course.. Furina, could you help me?”


The “Archon” gulped nervously before nodding, “of course, t-The Hydro Archon will not let anyone else fall due to heavy wounds!” She proclaimed before going to the most wounded first.

Not even feeling the pressure from Focalor’s spirit hugging her from behind to gift her with the healing power necessary for such grave injuries..


“Let the waters wash away all Malice and heal those less fortunate..”























Why was Al-Haitham cold..?

It felt fine for Cyno.

Hell, even in cold water from the wagon, Tighnari felt fine as well.


But something wasn’t right.

It wasn’t just a feeling like waking up on a cold winter morning.

It was deeper than that.

And with it, came a deep.. almost ravenous anger that threatened to take over his entire body as well as his mind.


Did other Sirens feel this way?

Was it just the case for him?

He certainly hoped not.

Because just feeling this way was not something that he looked forward to his whole life.


But knowing his luck- it probably would last the entire rest of his life-

Yaaaayyy…. Not.


This was going to be a doozy that he was not happy about going through..

















Zhongli hummed from where he sat on top of the clouds right above the ocean he had been camping out in as he waited for any other interesting news to gain his attention.


That news coming in a rather odd form.

He had been summoned. As well as any other Archon available to the spot they were in above the clouds.


No one, except from the one who had called for this sudden meeting, knew what it was about.

Sure, there had been a Siren outbreak recently and it was The Tsaritsa’s responsibility to deal with it.


But that could have been dealt with alone, especially by the God of Ice and Snow..




“May I ask why a sudden meeting was called?” A quiet, new voice asked. Every Archon attending looking over ro the small girl.

Ah yes, the youngest Archon amongst them.


And with her, rather curiously, was a boy.

Well.. technically not a human boy, but.. 


“May I ask how and why you have brought him here?” Raiden, The Electro Archon spoke up, her voice oddly soft and almost choked.

“…i thought-“


“I have no need to say anything to you.” The Puppet interrupted harshly only to be pushed back slightly against Nahida, silencing him abruptly while his artificial eyes couldn’t help but scan his late Mother’s expression..


It was an odd expression. He didn’t really know what to make of it.

But he sat down, letting Nahida who he had only known for a little while now, braid his hair absentmindedly through her small fingers.


“Okay…” Venti spoke up now awkwardly, sitting with his legs crossed while levitating a good foot off the ground.

“So… what are we here for?”


And with that, The Tsaritsa cleared her throat, the woman who had been turning her back towards them instead turning now to face them with an unusually cold expression.

The Prized Leader of her Harbingers standing right beside her, keeping his gaze down towards the floor.

“I needed to have a few words with you all about what has been happening recently on my end..”


Chapter 90: A meal for two!


Tw: blood, mentions of scars

Chapter Text

“A-Aether…?” Lyney yawned as he opened his eyes early in the morning, blinking them a few times to get rid of the initial drowsiness that came with being awakened by someone.


His purple eyes looking rather perplexed as soon as they fully comprehended the fact that their lover was in fact on top of him, their eyes still the same familiar bronze gold that they always had. But.. they looked rather odd even so.

They looked almost.. hungry…?


“Is something wrong? Why did you wake me up? Do we need to get Father?” He couldn’t help himself from asking multiple questions all at once, sitting up which surprised him slightly when Aether backed off a little.

When he got no answer from the Hybrid though, he couldn’t help but to let out a slight irritated sigh.

His lover just.. staying there now, staring at him from the end of his bed.



He tried again, this time reaching a hand out to touch The Traveler’s shoulder, only to jolt in surprise when Aether flung themselves backwards while covering their mouth, their head almost slamming to the ground and fell off the bed-


“Aether! What’s wrong??” Which Lyney reacted to by quickly hopping up, wincing in sympathy as he heard Aether groan and rub the back of their head with a hand. 

Their eyes returning back to their regular shade of copper.


How strange-


He gulped as Aether sat back up, looking at him with bewilderment.


“Did something happen, Lyney..? Why are-“ they winced with a slight hiss as they accidentally bit their tongue, not expecting their fangs to be out in the open, a look of realization coming across their face as they took a few moments to think.

“Oh.. Last night must be still affecting me, maybe you should leave me be for a bit, I can sleep it off.”


“Are you sure?” Lyney seemed concerned, bringing his hands up to carefully caress the Travelers cheeks who smiled and leaned into the gentle touch.

“Yes.. I wouldn’t want you to accidentally get hurt now, besides, Paimon is sleeping on the top bunk, she can keep me company for a bit.”


“Alright..” Lyney nodded, “if you’re sure.” He offered a gentle smile before he got up from the floor and straightened up his outfit.

“I can still go get you something to eat however, are pancakes alright?”


“Those would be wonderful, and if Paimon can have a few too that would be great.”


“Alright!” Lyney’s smile brightened, “two stacks of pancakes coming up!”

Though, to make such pancakes, he would have to convince Father of the idea that he can cook using the stovetop.. without burning the food to a crisp-




















Tartaglia smiled before hissing a little in discomfort as The Siren in front of him sunk their fangs into the soft vulnerable flesh of his nape. 

His arms quickly wrapping around Pantalone as he tried to take slow deep breaths during the Sirens meal.


If this was how The Older man.. his friend, could gain back control over himself and become better again, then so be it.


“You’re okay..” The younger man whispered in a hushed tone, not knowing if he was saying such a thing to comfort himself or the man currently sucking out his precious life fluids.

He couldn’t help but to think it was the second option though..


As he also couldn’t help but to notice that Pantalone’s body was shaking during it, seemingly not wanting to have anything to do with this. But they didn’t really have a choice here..

Did they?


The freshly healed skin from Pantalone’s earlier attack mere days ago now reopened, offering blood and resources to the no doubt drained Siren.

Whose fins that had replaced his human ears drooped slightly in satisfaction with every sip.


For Childe, it felt like an eternity before Pantalone let go.


And for Pantalone, it felt as if he could never get enough to satisfy his hunger. Even so, he fought it. Almost ripping himself away from the others tight grip while he panted through the immense cravings the surged through him.


And after a few good moments, “thank you.. Tartaglia..” finally fell from the older man’s lips which dripped a few drops of fresh blood and hit the water below them, dissipating into it.

The man-… Siren, quickly closing his eyes again so that he could look in his young friend’s direction once more without the risk of hypnotizing him again.


“It seems that I was.. quite…” he took a moment to find the right words, all while the lowest ranking Harbinger shakily pulled himself together and stood back up, pressing a hand to his still bleeding neck.


“Hungry..” was the word that Pantalone decided upon, hearing the man stand up, the gentle waves splashing slightly as he did so and the older man couldn’t help but just.. stay in place. Unable to move his body or do anything with it. 

Would he ever be able to turn back into a human again??

Have human legs and feet to walk and enjoy life AS a human???

He didn’t know, and that truly scared him.


He would rather die than crawl back to The Doctor though..

Begging him for help was not something he would be caught doing even if his life depended on it.


“Well… are you still hungry?” Tartaglia asked much to the surprise of his friend, “It’s not like I feel woozy or anything so-“ 


But just as he was going to unbutton his shirt collar to offer up more, Pantalone quickly shook his head, even splashing Childe with his tail.


“Are you absolutely ignorant?? For all I know this could be spread and you could be the next one sprouting a damn tail!”


“But I didn’t.” Childe argued with a dismissive shrug, “and it’s been a while since you first bit me that time you were hungry in town, sooo-“ Tartaglia then gave a sly grin, “maybe I am just immune?”


And honestly..

That was a good point…

A really.. really good point..


But he knew that there was more to it as soon as he realized the Vision buckled to Childe’s waist kept glowing a bright blue..

Had it always glowed like that?


Chapter 91: Feelings are blossoming


Tw: fear of punishment, poor freminet-, blood from siren bites, biting, tasting blood-, making out with said blood-, don’t question me-

Steamy thoughts and actions between kaveh and alhaitham but no smut. Yet-

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Freminet smiled as he looked through a box of parts in his room, having gotten them from Father after one of her missions.


“Here, it’s a box of parts from some clockwork creatures that I had to destroy on the way back here. It is quite a shame such technology had to be destroyed but I figured that you might have a use for them.”


Had been the only words she said regarding the matter before just handing the box off to him.

Of course he replied with a soft thank you before quickly going to his room to see what was all in such a box.


One man’s trash is another man’s treasure he supposed.

Not that it mattered to him though, all these parts he was given were bound to be able to make something.

Then maybe he’ll even get praised by The Knave and the rest of his siblings if he made something interesting out of broken parts.


They would see him as resourceful..

And then maybe they would give him even more parts to renew and piece together to be new things!


He smiled at that thought before hooking up some stray wires together to act almost like a firm thread to hold each and every piece together.

Yes, yes this was going well.


He hadn’t even realized that he had been subconsciously building up a mechanical penguin before he hooked up the last wire, seeing the big bright blue eyes of the mechanical creature looking back at him.


And he smiled..

He smiled before he was suddenly startled by-


“So that’s what you chose to create from those pieces I gave you?”


Father’s voice.

Was he in trouble..?


Like a guilty child he quickly hid the penguin behind his back, shyly looking to the side as if he had done nothing wrong.


“I… Did not hear you coming in, Father.. Are you back from-“


“Quite.” Arlecchino nodded, “and I see that you were working quite diligently over that box of parts I gave you. May I see what it is that has you so occupied?”


The Knave had meant this to be a friendly question..

Though, with her stern look and tone, it definitely did not sound like that.

And it certainly did not help with quelling the fears of the boy in front of her who thought that she would have wanted him to make something useful to her instead from the parts he was given.

Not just… a penguin-


But, it’s not like he could hide it forever either.

Freminet knew that the second that The Knave had taken over this Orphanage just by her gaze.


So, with shaky hands he presented the quite large mechanical penguin, bringing it to his chest while he looked up at her and waited.

He knew that she wasn’t like the previous… Mother. 

She was colder, yes.

But was never one for physical punishment despite how hard she had them work on defending themselves in small sparring matches.


Which she even got the winners of such matches prizes like candy or other small luxuries not usually given.

Freminet liked that about her, but there was still-


“What a peculiar little thing..” Arlecchino hummed, silencing Freminet’s thoughts as he watched her crouch down to inspect it.


“And you didn’t even sketch out a design before creating it? That’s rather fascinating..”


Freminet couldn’t resist blushing and getting flustered at the praise.

It was the equivalent of a parent putting their kids' artwork on the fridge after all.


“You really think so, Father..?”


“Yes.” The Knave confirmed before standing back up, her face oddly softening before placing a clawed hand on the boy’s shoulder.

“If I were to get you more spare parts in the future would you like to make some more for the littler kids to play with?”


At the question, Freminet’s eyes widened before he nodded quickly.

“Yes Father.”





















Al-Haitham didn’t exactly know how, but all he knew was the next moment he somehow found himself in the bathtub next to Kaveh who snuggled up at his side.

Cyno and Tighnari out of sight while that beautiful crimson red tail wrapped around his legs as if the Siren was keeping him from floating away. Which was a fascinating thing to think about if you really thought about it.


Didn’t seahorses do the same thing? Or was that only for breeding season?

Wait-… was there a breeding season for Sirens and Mermaids too?


He would have to ask about that one day, but for now his thoughts were interrupted by Kaveh’s teeth nibbling on him gently as if trying to savor a snack.

Maybe Sirens did that to comfort their mates?


Why did he think that was hot-

Oh dear god-


He has issues-


But oh well.

He thought as he lifted a hand up to gently stroke Kaveh’s hair, not caring really about the blood that had started to drip into the bath water from The Siren’s sharp teeth before he gently pulled himself away so that Kaveh’s lips were free and kissed him deeply.


If you had told him that he would be turned on by tasting his own blood on someone’s lips then he would have recommended you to see a psychiatrist.


But now that he was living such a truth, he didn’t really care.

He didn’t care even as Kaveh’s claws dug into his shoulders as The Siren got on top of him.


He didn’t care when he heard Kaveh’s deep trill and hum to signal that The Siren was indeed also turned on.


The two break from their passionate kiss to stare at each other for a few moments as they breathe together.

Those red eyes staring into those of deep turquoise as if to question him over whether or not he wanted to continue.


And Al-Haitham only had one answer for him.






Might be some smut next chapter for an early warning

Chapter 92: Such Beautiful Scales…



Chapter Text

Oh… Oh fuck..


As soon as Al-Haitham consented to moving further, Kaveh’s face turned just as bright as his tail.

Which, in response wrapped around Al-Haitham’s calves almost in a possessive manner, feeling the man’s arms wrap around the back of his neck to pull him closer as a new type of hunger fluttered through Kaveh’s abdomen and rib cage..


Was this a usual thing?

It couldn’t be right?

But that didn’t really matter, did it?

The Chef was staring up at him with an odd look of.. acceptance? Resolve? 

And was waiting for him to do what he wanted.


And that made Kaveh’s chest do somersaults.

Because deep down, he knew what Al-Haitham was consenting to, and that was perfect..


No more words had to be said.

Kaveh knew that.

So, he smiled and kissed Al-Haitham more deeply than before, the metallic taste of blood engraving itself into their minds as both the men’s hearts pounded.


No more words had to be said.

But Kaveh just wanted to make sure.


Pulling away from the man now below him as they panted in unison, The Chef’s eyes half lidded where his gaze only locked on Kaveh.


It was an odd thing, really.

How he could possibly think, after all he had been through with other humans, that he could fall for one so easily..


Though he did guess that this human had been someone he knew dearly..

His Junior..

His Friend..


Those thoughts made it easier as he gently opened the man’s legs, getting in between them and watching The Chef turn his face away to the side almost as if he was embarrassed.


“Are you sure that-“


“I am, Kaveh.” Al-Haitham answered before Kaveh could even figure out exactly what to say.

“I…” the man went silent for a mere moment before looking right at The Siren.

“I want you to be the one to do it.”


“Alright, if you’re sure..” Kaveh then smiled, taking a deep breath before letting Al-Haitham’s hands wander around his sensitive tail and fins.


“These seem more sensitive than your skin, is that correct?” Al-Haitham asked, sounding almost breathless while his hands traced along the area where Kaveh’s torso ended and his tail began.

There was no need for The Siren to answer after The Siren gave a slight whimper as a reaction, though he did let out a slight huff afterwards as Al-Haitham gave him a smug look.


Those calculated, almost tender fingers of his trailing along the Siren’s pelvis only to notice a slight bulge rising slightly from where he would think Kaveh’s genitalia would be.


But surprisingly no, he could not see anything that resembled such a thing, which confused him.


He hadn’t even thought to consider that Mermaids and Sirens simply don’t have-


“Will you quit gawking?” Kaveh scoffed before laughing at the look on the man’s face.

“I know you humans are curious but I never thought you to be curious in that way-“


At those words, Al-Haitham couldn’t help but blush. His hands moving to hesitantly press on the odd bulge only to blush a bit more from The Siren practically keening at the attention.

Happy trills and odd growls of arousal coming from the back of Kaveh’s throat as he let the human explore to his heart’s content.


Such a curious mind..

They both prayed though that Cyno and Tighnari weren’t able to hear them-… now that would be mortifying.


But for now, The Chef allowed his mind to wander.


Kaveh didn’t seem to have a protruding penis..

But what he did seem to have was an odd.. pocket just under his abdomen that scales mostly covered, probably for a defense.


“Hey Kaveh, how do-“ his words were choked abruptly as from the odd slit, a length… Kaveh’s odd replacement of a regular dick, lulled out and replaced the bulge that used to be under the pocket of skin and scales.


Al-Haitham… why the hell are you actually turned on by that???

The Human’s mind raced while The Siren’s breath catched as soon as his length came in contact with the air around them.


“Oh shit-“ Al-Haitham couldn’t help but to curse, wondering for just a second just what the hell he had gotten himself into as Kaveh’s red crimson eyes brightened lustfully.


Things were just about to get interesting..


















“Tartaglia… your vision is-“ Pantalone silenced himself in favor of looking astonishingly at the Hydro Vision that continued glowing steadily as Childe laughed at The Older man’s expression.


“Oh yeah! It’s been doing that a ton! It’s fine though, now let’s get you back to the headquarters!”


“But I- TARTAGLIA!!-“ Pantalone yelped as he was picked up rather swiftly by the young man, soaking the other’s clothes as his claws instinctively dug into Tartaglia’s clothes while he laughed.


“Hey hey, chill. You’re fine, I’m just going to carry you back to the Tsaritsa and she’ll fix you up right away!”


And with that, The younger man briskly carried away a groaning and embarrassed Pantalone back to the Harbingers Headquarters, trying not to get any human in sight while he did.


That would make this even more embarrassing and potentially dangerous.


He would be back to his work of counting Mora and organizing funds across Teyvat in no time..

At least that’s what he had to keep telling himself to not freak out-



Chapter 93: You think you’re so tough hm?


Tw: wounds, attempted killing by The Tsaritsa- we love her tho-

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Tsaritsa did not speak as she returned from the meeting.

The Harbinger Headquarters growing much colder as her eyes narrowed.


She had just finished what she had to say to the other Archons, leaving them to do as they pleased while she searched for The Doctor, and no surprise, he was in his assigned room that he used as a small lab, tinkering away at some object he had on his desk.


It was hard to not immediately kill him where he stood.

Biting her own tongue to keep from screaming so loud that she probably would make the Headquarters explode.

And that wouldn’t be very useful or helpful now would it?


Breathe… he is right there and there is no reason to shout.


Just as she opened her lips however, Dottore looked at her with a light smile.

Probably sensing the temperature drop that happened immediately when she entered the room.

She did need to work on concealing her emotions when they got out of hand, but now was not the time…


No, now was not the time.


“Ah, My Queen!” Dottore spoke as he stood up from his seat, “you’re just in time to see what I have been working on! Those Mermaids are quite fascinating you know? I managed to get a camera into one of their many cave systems! I never could have imagined that their ecosystems are so complex and-“


“You did what now..?” The Tsaritsa asked with her eyes widening slightly, an odd feeling swirling around in her abdomen.

Her eyes… 

Oh dear those beautiful cold eyes glared at him as if he had destroyed something so dear to her.


And he could hardly hold in a laugh-

But that was before his chest was suddenly impaled by a sharp cold blade…

His still healing jaw gaping open in surprise as he watched the woman give him a look of full hatred..


“I know that didn’t kill you.. summon your blade…”




















Wriothesley sighed as he practically hid himself away into part of the cave while Furina, Neuvillette, and Sigwinnie healed the wounded Sirens and Mermaids alike.


The.. odd creatures, instead of trying to attack him for wounding their own people just moments beforehand, parting a path for him in the crowd of them that soon formed to hold their loved ones while magic soothed their pains and worries.


And even now he couldn’t understand.

He had attempted to attack a child. One of their children right in front of them and they weren’t even threatening to tear him apart???


What the hell???


He sighed as he raised his head up from his arms, only to then feel a shiver run down his spine randomly as if he sensed something dangerous.

But there wasn’t anything dangerous around here.

So why were his instincts telling him otherwise??


He was about to just continue sulking, but something else, something deep in his soul, told him to inspect the device that had been taken out of Neuvillette’s neck a few days prior.


So, he rose from where he had been sitting. 

Looking around momentarily to make sure Sigewinnie didn’t notice that he was about to just go snooping in her bag where she had put the unknown sample to research it later.


When he saw that the coast was clear, he carefully opened her bag and took out the bottle where she had put the still blood-covered device into.

Holding back a slight cringe as he did so.

He may be used to seeing blood, sure, but this was a whole other thing where you get to see something that had been forcibly and carefully removed from another’s body.


“What the hell is this thing…?” He couldn’t help but mutter as he turned the bottle, every which way, not knowing that the blinking from the camera lens saw his every move..

















Lyney smiled as he had surprisingly gotten permission from Father herself to make some pancakes on the stove, although he had to have her standing practically right behind him watching him as if he was going to actually try to burn the house down-


Which he wasn’t planning on thank you very much.


He was just trying to make something that would fill his lover’s stomach while they tried to calm down.


And sure, The Magician didn’t exactly understand this whole Siren thing yet, but it was a good idea to try and learn wasn’t it?

The books provided in the orphanage weren’t exactly very informative on such topics, which didn’t come really as a shock to him.


Were there even books specifically on the topic of why Siren’s were hungry? Did some people even know that Hybrids existed??

Father did. So there was bound to be a few more right?




Eventually he succeeded in making two stacks of pancakes, his face practically sparkling as he showed Father his success.


“Father, look! Do these look good?”


“Hm..” The woman simply replied with a hum before nodding, “they seem adequate, but do not forget to come back down stairs after you’re done. We really need to get you all back into training.”


“Alright!” Lyney smiled before running upstairs, “Thank you, Father!”


And The Knave couldn’t help but smile..

Maybe those two together really were something to be appreciative of.


Thanks for reading! For my birthday i will probably not post for the rest of the week, sorry, but will be back next Monday or Tuesday with a new chapter!

Chapter 94: Why is this attractive?-



Chapter Text

Oh fucking hell-


Al-Haitham covered his mouth quickly, not knowing if he was trying to hide the way his mouth salivated or how his jaw literally went slack in shock.




“Are you… just going to stare at it?” Kaveh chuckled, though it was more like a teasing chirp.

“Are you alright?”


The end of the Siren’s tail then teasingly moved to trace up Al-Haitham’s thigh, causing the man to blush even more as he thought of everything that this creature on top of him at the moment could do.

And that excited him for the oddest reasons.


Oh he certainly had problems if this was the thing to get him actually turned on-


The warm swirling in his lower abdomen only confirming that fact.

“Yeah..” his answer was breathless when he gave it, his hands moving downward to trace every single scale that was in his reach.

Not paying attention to every single beautiful scale would simply be a crime in itself.


“I just- wow-“ Al-Haitham then laughed, hearing another giggle from Kaveh who at his astonishment silenced him even more by kissing him deeply.


The lingering taste of blood still present on both of the men’s lips as they do so, but neither cared for such little things.

Their hands unable to keep off each other as they moved almost simultaneously together, both getting heated up for what was to come next.


“Then what would you want me t-“


“You know what I want.” Al-Haitham replied quickly, silencing The Siren who nodded but still looked a bit hesitant.


“I just don’t want you to regret it, I.. am so different now and-“


“If I hear you pity yourself one more time I will leave this tub-“ The Chef retorted, pulling Kaveh even closer with a sly smirk and stroked his blonde hair soothingly.

“Just do it, unless I was wrong about you being bold-“


“Oh you little-“


“I am waiting, Kave-“ he was silenced quickly with another deep kiss, only for then to be a muffled moan sliding out of his mouth as Kaveh’s hips pressed against him, and with that, the rather slimy appendage that was in place of the Siren’s manhood entered.


And oh fuck-


The human’s body couldn’t help but tense up in surprise, and yet it wasn’t at all painful like what you would expect.

The… rather odd slimy texture of the dick easily slipping deeper inside of him without any needless pain or friction.


And sure, Al-Haitham would have been grossed out greatly by the texture and feel.

Sure, he would have.


But it felt so damn good…


“Kaveh~… fuck K-Kav-“ he moaned, grabbing on tighter to the Siren’s shoulders who looked half in shock and half in pure amusement by his reaction as Kaveh’s lips silenced him once more.

He certainly wasn’t complaining about that.

That glorious tail of his constricting slightly more as if trying to hold him still, which he did not mind.


He did not mind as Kaveh’s manhood seemed to move around as an individual part of him and he certainly didn’t mind having to keep still so that it would keep touching him.

Yes.. yes he needed more of it. More of him.


It didn’t matter if someone walked in on them.

It didn’t matter if their noises were causing unnecessary unease in the house.


Yes.. yes..

All he needed was more..


More of Kaveh’s kisses.

More of Kaveh’s nibbles and bites.

More of whatever they were doing..

He didn’t even care about how loud he had started to be.

He had blocked that out of his mind the moment they had began.


All the while the warm water beneath their bodies cradled them gently in its warm embrace, washing away any remaining excess blood from the bite marks on the human's neck.


“Can I start moving..?” Kaveh asked, panting softly from the sheer heat of their two bodies connecting. Drawing Al-Haitham out of his slight daze before he nodded.


“Don’t go easy on me now.” He then teased with a slight grin, laying back completely against the tub as nonchalantly as he could just so that he could earn the flustered expression that appeared on Kaveh’s face moments later.


“I wasn’t planning on it-“ being his only reply before he started to thrust his hips back and forth, slow at first all while lightly kissing Al-Haitham’s neck and cheeks while the human tried his best to keep quiet and still.


That soon failed however after one spot deep.. deep inside him sang as it was hit. Causing him to jerk upwards slightly while his lower half pounded with arousal. Crying out with a moan that probably filled Cyno’s whole house.


He would definitely have to repay him later for this-

He should write that down as soon as this was over with so that he would remember- but dear god this felt so good that he may not be able to remember anything afterwards.


He didn’t even have the thought to be embarrassed by the needy sounds that his mouth started making, because why should he be?

He felt so good.. so much better than his years of stressful cooking under a boss that couldn’t give a shit about him.


“R-right there- yes-“ he breathed, repeating that word as his body trembled as it tried harder to pull Kaveh even closer towards him while the other moved just a bit faster to keep up with his demands all while kissing and nibbling his neck and collarbone.


Yes, yes, yes…


Yes.. this is what he had been missing from life.

Pure and uninterrupted peace..


At least, he thought they would stay uninterrupted.

But no, life wasn’t that simple now was it?


A quiet and quick knock on the door interrupting them-


“Haitham..? I am hearing a lot of groaning in there- did you hit your head trying to get out of the tub?-“


Oh dear god-

That made him more embarrassed than anything else.

The Siren above him abruptly stopping which almost caused him to whine but he quickly covered his mouth before he regained his composure.


“Y-yeah- yeah I’m fine-“


“Hmm… I’m not so sure- I’m coming in alright?-“




Before he could even say no, before he could even attempt to assure the man that he was fine, the door opened. 

And soon, very soon a very flustered and red Cyno and Tighnari still in his wagon stared back at the two of them with an unreadable gaze.


All four of their hearts fluttering rapidly.


“Did I… interrupt something..?


Yes Cyno, yes you did-

Chapter 95: Discovery


Tw: references to scaramouche’s detached limb-, spiteful thoughts, gore, blood, threats

Chapter Text

Scaramouche grumbled to himself as they were teleported back to the mortal realm as soon as the meeting was over and finished with.

Nahida staying by him as they were actually not teleported back to their little island again, instead, they just suddenly appeared in what appeared to be a dessert-


Great- now they’re going to wander aimlessly and pray that they at least find a town where they could stay and not get sand everywhere on their clothes-


But, despite Scaramouche letting out a loud groan at their current predicament, the girl- apparently god- smiled in familiarity with such an awful place.


Was this where she was from?-

What a shit wreck-


Before he could even question her about it though, he was already being dragged through slippery sand by his hand, trying his best not to fall over.

The thing about being pretty weightless and having a hollow body was not really having the best center of gravity on rather tough terrain. 


Another thing he just so happened to spite Raiden for.


But even so, he ignored that thought as they walked.

The girl, Nahida if he remembered correctly by how she was addressed during that meeting, smiling back at him every so often.


“Come on Hat Guy! We have to find civilization before the sun sets again! I can feel that we are close.”


“Yeah yeah-“ Scaramouche huffed, gaining a light smile from the God as she held the one hand he had at the moment.


Damn that Dainsleif who stole one of his arms to give to that bitch-

If he ever finds them again he’s so gonna tear them apart limb by limb.


Yes. Yes that was what he was going to do-

But, as soon as he thought that, Nahida looked at him with a sad smile as she sighed.


“Are you thinking bad thoughts again? About the ones who hurt you?”


And that made The Puppet’s eyes widen slightly.

As he realized just by her saying that, that she could somehow guess- or maybe even really hear what he was thinking about.


Well- it made sense now that he knew that the small girl was somehow a god. 

The Goddess of Dendro..

Are they letting just anyone become Gods now??

Because she seemed much too tiny for all that responsibility.

Regardless, he just sighed.


Answering the girl’s question with a grumbling, “maybe.”

Which in turn made the girl frown.

Her tiny hand tightening slightly on his artificial one.


“Then let’s continue on! And don’t worry, those mean people won’t hurt you again.”






















A Challenge from The Tsaritsa is nothing to laugh at..

Dottore knew this as he felt the cold blade puncture straight through his chest, obviously aiming for his heart.

But he had long since modified all of his clones bodies to.. get rid of such a pathetic weakness.


So, he just couldn’t help himself but to laugh, his hands moving up to trace along the part of the blade that poked out. 

His laughter and giggles never stopping even as blood ran down his mouth, unable to stop himself from coughing up blood and yet is felt so refreshing just to feel that yes, he was in fact alive.


You tend to forget that when you become nearly immortal and unmatched..


“My Queen… Just as cold as ever- hugh!-“ he was interrupted by his body forcing him to deeply inhale suddenly after the blade retracted from his chest, making him stumble forward while The Tsaritsa stayed in place..

Such a beautiful sight she was to behold.

The coldness to her gaze only adding to her beauty as the bottom of her dress became shiny as shimmering snowflakes danced behind every step she took.


To any normal person, the woman’s expression would have caused them to run for their lives.

Her once graceful smile when Dottore saw her asking about Pierro’s preferences for tea or coffee now gone and replaced by a mask that barely had any indications that she had ever smiled in her life.


“I heard that you have been doing rather.. heinous acts while I was away.”

She spoke, a sharp click of her heel echoing through the whole room as she stepped closer to where Dottore was now bleeding on the floor.


Her now blood soaked sword’s tipped edge lifting The Doctor’s chin up to look at her completely.

“One of such crimes involving another one of my Beloved Harbingers.. the one who I heard you were looking for earlier..” she tsked, finally gaining a soft frown from the man who grumbled. 


“I am guessing our Queen knows where he is?”


“Why of course I do.. Tartaglia made sure of that..”



Oh Tartaglia…


He should have killed that man when he had the chance and-


“My Queen.” Another voice suddenly interrupted the two’s spat, La Signora standing in the hallway that lead to every one of the Harbinger’s rooms and-


“We found The Doctor's underground lab.. You need to witness this..”


Underground lab…

























Lyney smiled softly as he walked back up the grand staircase with a slight bounce in his step, trying to be careful enough to where he wouldn’t trip and drop the pancakes that he had put so much work into.


Hearing the happy chatter of Paimon from outside the door who was currently giggling and flying around Aether like a persistent butterfly around a flower, The Traveler groaning softly as they were woken up once more, The Magician giving a quiet knock before entering the room again.


“Lyneyyy!!” Paimon was the first to squeal happily before she gasped, and of course, “you brought us food?? Thank you!” That was her second thought as soon as she saw him balancing three plates of pancakes on his arms.


Her excitement gaining a small laugh from Lyney who then placed the plates down on the small bedside table.

“This Great Magician would like to present his special homemade pancakes for all to enjoy!”


He then bowed, gaining a laugh from Aether who yawned before clapping. Their eyes now completely back to their original golden hue.


“Oh my great Magician, do you ever rest from being so great?” They teased, gaining a smile from Lyney who took off his hat and bowed in front of them at the waist, gaining a light kiss on the forehead.


“I will never stop trying to be great for you, Mon Amour. Now, let us enjoy this new day?”


“I for one am already enjoying it.” Aether teased, helping Lyney with distributing the pancakes before laying back down onto the bed, cuddling up against him while Paimon happily babbled away while eating.

What a great morning..

Chapter 96: Some light teasing and cuddles.


Just one more chapter of fluff before i tackle the huge smut chapter coming up- 😂

Chapter Text

Lyney smiled as he laid his head against Aether’s who returned the small gesture in kind. Their bodies warm as they practically melted together as they both breathed in the other's scent. 

It appeared to be a sunny morning for the time being.


The window to the left side of them beaming with light which would possibly prevent them from falling asleep once again even if one of them yawned, that being Aether.


“Did you still not sleep enough?” Lyney chuckled, humming as he pressed a palm to the other’s forehead as if checking for a fever which Aether grumbled at.


“I am not sick if that’s what you’re checking for, I am merely tired from holding myself back last night.”


“Holding yourself back?” Lyney inquired, looking a little confused. “Holding yourself back from what? I knew that something had to be wrong, your eyes were red but-“


Aether visibly shifted their body on the bed, but still offered a smile to The Magician whose eyes softened in worry.

“It’s nothing really, I was just.. hungry. That’s all, and the moon looked appetizing-“ they chuckled as they added a small joke, gaining a confused and albeit amused look on their lover’s face.


“What in celestia’s name do you mean by the moon looked appetizing??” Lyney giggled, “are you sure you’re not sick? You’re sounding pretty delirious-“ The Magician joked back, patting a hand multiple times against Aether’s face which made them laugh as well and almost fall over.


“Maybe that’s not the right word for it but-“


“Ohhh! Paimon gets what you mean!” The flying companion giggled as she finished her breakfast and kicked her little feet in the air. “You mean when the moon looks like cheese right?? Paimon had always thought that!”


Now those words only made the two laugh harder, looking at each other with near tears in their eyes.


All the while Paimon gasped and pouted childishly, “what?? Paimon demands to be taken seriously! Are you even listening to Paimon???”


The two then looked back at her with their shared smiles, pulling Paimon into their arms which earned them a tiny squeal.

Those golden eyes looking lovingly into the pair of purple..

“I love you..”


And with a blush, Lyney chuckled before returning the phrase.

“You have no idea, Mon Amour..”


“Wait??? Is that what Paimon was missing??? Wait!- What?!”


And by that, the small travel guide’s mind was thoroughly blown-


















A few hours later, Arlecchino knocked respectfully on the door, not wanting to interrupt the two if they were having… intimate relations.

Though she couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of walking in while they were doing that.


But of course, Lyney was an adult and he could make his own calls and decisions, after all that is what she had been encouraging them to do all this time.


Her past words echoing through her head.

“You must learn how to fight for yourselves and protect each other no matter what. Do not think about anything else but the fact that you all need to come back alive.

You can not afford to forget that.”


It was a bit too stern, thinking about the choice of words she had used now. But it simply was not able to be ignored.

They were a Family. 

An odd one.

But a Family no less.

So when she had walked into Lyney’s room only to find him curled up in The Traveler’s arms with the rather.. 

Noisy flying creature, she was surprised.



But not mad or upset.

Not like how she would have been in the past.


In fact, she even smiled softly as she walked in. 

Examining the quite amusing sight of Lyney being completely relaxed in the arms of a Traveler almost completely covered in scars.


She could almost dare to call it cute.


It almost made her think that if Clervie-

No.. Don’t think about that.

Don’t think about Her.


She kept on a small smile before her blackened hands gently lifted and pulled up the blanket that had been haphazardly kicked off the bed and draped it over the three. 

About to turn away and leave the room before she noticed Aether had cracked open their eyes to stare at her.


Ah, they were probably wondering if she was going to yell at them weren’t they?

“You do not have to worry, I was just about to l-“


“Thank you.” Aether spoke, almost startling The Knave who had just been about to leave the room with her back turned, but now as she turned around, she saw a smile that reminded her of someone..


But she quickly shook her head to rid herself of such thoughts before stiffly nodding, “I will be expecting him to be in ready shape for training tomorrow. He has a lot to catch up on with his siblings.”


And with that, she heard a quiet laugh, “I suppose I could let him train tomorrow, he’s just too warm and comfy though, like a cat.”


“Well, I hear cats each have their own perfect person.” Arlecchino teased back, about to leave the doorway.

“Maybe you should also come to training. He may need some motivation.”


“Deal.” Aether smiled, before slowly falling asleep again..

Feeling the soft rumble of Lyney’s body as the boy purrs filled the small room..


Can he quit being so cute??

It’s going to kill them one day!



Chapter 97: We’re Ready..


Okay- so i split the smut into parts since it was getting so long- so- this chapter is basically them just getting ready for it.
Inappropriate references, blah blah blah-

Chapter Text

Oh fuck-


Al-Haitham’s voice caught in his throat as he looked at Cyno and The Mermaid who now stared at them with wide eyes. Though, what was odd was that their faces didn’t show a hint of disgust or anger, no.. they looked almost aroused if you could believe it.


In fact, they couldn’t even seem to tear their eyes off the two in the tub.


Much to Al-Haitham and Kaveh’s mortification-

And… perhaps also a tad bit of arousal..?



The Chef didn’t have time to gasp as Kaveh quickly pulled out, his own look of shame consuming his face as his red eyes stared at the doorway.


“I-it’s not what it looks like!-“


Ah, of course he would say that.

Of course. Even if he was LITERALLY balls deep into him just a few seconds ago-


And, of course Tighnari raised an eyebrow sassily. 

A clawed hand moving to rest on what would be his hip and stared at them.


“You two couldn’t even have the decency to wait and call for us to join?-“


And that made Al-Haitham’s mind as well as Kaveh’s short circuit as they wondered why the hell the two would have wanted to join in the first place.

But then it hit them.

The memories of all four of them running around each other and blushing as if they hadn’t seen anything.


The moment Kaveh had attacked Al-Haitham but was still allowed to stay in Cyno’s house, a look of confusion and confliction having been on the man’s face instead of full blown anger.


The four of them had loved each other from the start.

They just had forgotten about it until now..

Their school days…

Their pasts..

They had all clashed before.

And they had all in the past been in love so…


Why couldn’t they be in love again?



Why couldn’t this work..?


“You.. want to join us?” Kaveh was the first one to dare ask, gaining a light chuckle from Cyno who nodded before Al-Haitham hummed in thought.


Pressing a hand to his chin while his lower abdomen hummed strongly with arousal at the prospect, but there was one bigger problem..


“We won’t all fit in the tub. And I am assuming that Kaveh and Tighnari don’t want to dry out and suffocate. Though that is just my guess-“ he teased lightly, laughing as he gained a light slap from Kaveh’s tail on his leg.


“Of course we wouldn’t! But- how would this-“


“I could quickly run over and buy a small kiddie pool?-“


And that was it. 

Their solution, although it be rather humiliating and humbling being suggested by Cyno who was still blushing.




“I think that would be the best course of action here.” Al-Haitham nodded, still blushing lightly and looking over at the other two who quickly nodded.


“Just- be quick!-“ Kaveh hissed, his blush darkening.

“I am so close right now that it is not even the least bit funny-“


“You could have finished by now you know-“ Al-Haitham added with a laugh, pulling the blonde closer to whisper into his ear.

“Unless you are going easy on me~…”


And that seemed to snap Kaveh out of his thoughts before he-

Quite rudely and roughly- 

Pinned Al-Haitham down against the tub.


A slight bonk noise filling the room as the younger man’s head hit the porcelain before he started to laugh harder from looking at how horrified Kaveh’s facial expression turned as he quickly started apologizing-


Oh my god are you okay????-“


“Well aren’t you eager?” Al-Haitham only wheezed, earning more laughs around the room while the Siren quickly held his head in his claws, searching for any bumps before slapping his leg with his tail and huffing.

“I thought you were actually hurt! Stop it!”

Kaveh tried to scold, but only earned more laughter from Al-Haitham and surprisingly Tighnari.


Cyno having snuck away to complete his mission of procuring a kiddie pool that could fit into the living room space as well as fit all of them AND the amount of water needed for the two to not dry out.


“I am fine!” Al-Haitham assured, still laughing. “Quite adequate actually, I think you actually hurt the porcelain tub more than me.”


“Well fuck the porcelain!!- concussions are way more serious than just a wounded bath tub!” He then looked over at Tighnari with a pleading gaze, “Tigh! Help me out here!!”


And after Tighnari was also done laughing, he quickly put a serious face on.

“Well yes, I do agree that if Al-Haitham had gotten seriously physically injured then his health is all the more important. But if there is no harm done, I see nothing to worry about. Now, seriously, are you feeling dizzy or disoriented, Al-Haitham?”


“No I am not.” The human answered, chuckling as Kaveh grumbled before nuzzling against his neck. His hand automatically moving to brush Kaveh’s beautiful blonde hair.

“So you two can stop worrying, alright?”


“You’re still an idiot, Al-Haitham.” Kaveh huffed once more before gently kissing the human’s neck who bit his lip and tilted his head back in invitation.


“Well then I suppose you fell in love with one.” The human just teased back, letting out a soft moan as Kaveh’s teeth nibbled against his neck again. His eyes closing just to focus on the sensations around him. 


“Fuck Kaveh…” he breathed, opening his eyes to look at those of pure red, only to then see Tighnari’s also staring at them which made Al-Haitham chuckle once more before the bathroom door opened again to reveal Cyno returning.


“I set the inflatable pool up in the living room, now, let’s do this?” He chuckled before gaining nods all around the room. 

Al-Haitham’s legs being slightly shaky as he stood and stepped out of the tub to grab Kaveh who smiled and let him carry him out. Cyno doing the same with Tighnari as they headed to the living space.


They then gently placed Tighnari and Kaveh down into the water before the two men stared at each other.


“Are you ready to do this?” Cyno asked first, gaining a slight smile from Al-Haitham who pulled the shorter man close by his waist. Gaining a blush at his sudden actions before he kissed him deeply.


Answering his question silently with each breath..


Yes. They were finally ready to do this. To be together..

Chapter 98: Sparring Match, Ready, Set, Go!


Tw: a desire of killing Dottore-

Chapter Text

The next thing Pantalone knew was that he was brought back to the Harbinger Headquarters.

Childe carrying him to one of the bathrooms near the eleventh’s room before filling the bathtub with water and putting him in. 

And he must admit, it was rather comfortable-




“We really couldn’t just wait out on the shore until The Tsaritsa had time to come see us?”


And Tartaglia laughed at that, almost acting like he completely blanked on it.

“Well when you say it like that I guess we could have. But earlier she advised me to stay away from her for the day to deal with Dottore.”


Pantalone’s eyes widened slightly at that, “really? She’s doing that at this moment? Huh..” Pantalone then hummed, “I would’ve thought she would have called in another meeting for us to discuss. Perhaps she has grown rather..” he then thought for a long moment, searching for the right word.

“Impatient over these last decades.”


“Maybe.” Tartaglia agreed, “but I know our Queen only gets impatient with someone who did wrong! You know this.” The man then smiled, showing the utmost faith and respect for the Cryo God. And The Older man must admit, it was refreshing to see that sort of devotion after experiencing so much heartache during these past weeks.


“I suppose you’re right.. but what is she about to do? She can’t possibly kill him- she’s not like that-“


“Oh you should have seen her!” Tartaglia laughed, “she was so beautiful, oh i wish I could’ve watched her break Dottore’s face in-“ Childe then sighed reminiscently.

“I saw a glimpse of her while bringing you inside, you kept talking on and on about getting back to work-“


“Well I do need to get back to work- you seemed to have become a bad influence for me-“ he decided to joke with a shrug, gaining a smile from the younger man who gave him a playful shove.

“Hey! I am the one that saved your starving ass- Hey! I can be your bigger brother from that fact!”


“What- no- you’re literally half my age-“


“Come on little bro! Bring it in!” Tartaglia then suddenly hugged the sopping wet Siren who groaned but eventually relented.


“You’re so stupid.” But even so, there was a smile on his face..

















Zhongli hummed, raising an eyebrow of interest at the words he had read from the book in his hands.


After The Tsaritsa’s meeting he had been sent back to the mortal realm of course, only for his interest in what humans knew about Mermaids and Sirens to spark up. 

The man currently back in his human form to research without interruption.


Though, he must admit that humans didn’t seem to know all that much. 


The best he could get was a couple of child picture books which- although were short and very cartoonish, had the most accurate information and images among them.


That was almost amusing.


Who knew that the most simple books for children would be more accurate than a whole encyclopedia made to describe Mermaids and Sirens?


It was fascinating.


It was a simple story, a boy who met a Siren while going to the beach shore to create a sand castle. The two becoming fast friends and playing together alone outside.


Then it skipped until they were much older, the pages in much bleaker colors than the previous ones.

Was this really just a kids book?


It then spoke of the Siren not being safe in the waters anymore, unable to live without being hunted. So in desperation, offered one of their own shiny scales to their friend for them to make a wish..


A wish to be together forever..




















“Posture is lacking in your shoulders, Lyney.” The Knave advised from where she watched the children’s training on the sidelines, the boy currently sparring with Lynette who seemed to have gained faster reflexes than him over the time he had been taking breaks.


“Yes, Father!” He answered, straightening his shoulders to then block a swing from Lynette’s sheathed sword, making it far less dangerous than it would have been.


“Well, well, my sœur is not taking it easy on her poor brother now is she?” Lyney couldn’t help but to joke afterwards before dodging one of Lynette’s light jabs with the sheathed sword with a small yelp. Almost falling onto his ass only to then roll as Lynette tried to swing again.


And it certainly wasn’t even more embarrassing that Lyney’s love, Aether, was watching this too. Their face no doubt holding back chuckles.


They were glad that the other was enjoying this-

But come on!- now he looked like he had never been trained at all at this point!


“You have grown rather soft, Brother.” Lynette hummed, her tail and ears flicking as she stopped her assault for a moment, letting Lyney adjust his position.


“Well- it has been a while-“


“I seem to remember telling you all not to make excuses for yourselves, especially about training.” Arlecchino hummed, calling out Lyney’s words which made the man sigh.


“Sorry, Father.”


She then responded with a nod, “all you can do is train yourself harder to become as strong as you were before. I will not allow you to give up so easily.”


Lyney nodded again, straightening up even more as his voice became firmer. “Yes, Father.”


“Good. Now, I would like to try something different.” Arlecchino’s gaze shifted to Lynette who she nodded at, the girl understanding the signal and backing up only for the Knave to push Aether to stand in front of Lyney instead. 

This surprising both of them.


“Father..?” Lyney asked, looking at Arlecchino who hummed.


“Do not fret. I asked for Aether’s permission earlier, they will be the ones sparring with you for the rest of today. I hoped that it would give you more motivation.”


And as those words left Arlecchino’s lips, Aether shifted their position, their heels digging into the sand beneath them before their gaze hardened ever so slightly.


That made Lyney gulp.

Why did they have to look so attractive before they were probably going to kick his ass??-


Nevermind that thought, he raised his wooden sword that he had been given for this training, which made it ever the more harder.

He would have much rather preferred a bow, but Father was right. He had to know how to use any weapon to his disposal.


“Okay..” he nodded, shifting his position again to be more steady on his feet as his purple eyes looked into those of gold.


“I’m ready..”


And soon, the trained hero lunged at him, a soft smile on Aether’s face.

“Don’t go easy on me, alright?”


“I wasn’t planning on it, Mon Amour~”

Chapter 99: Come Together..



This smut was planned to be longer and more detailed but sadly midway writing it my mental health took a bit of a plummet so sorry about that, hope you all enjoy it regardless. :D

Chapter Text

Cyno smiled as he slowly undressed before stepping into the giant inflatable pool, shivering a little at the water being a bit cold but it was good enough for their purposes.


His eyes looking over to see Kaveh and Tighnari already snuggling up together, bodies pressed against one another as if hugging each other warmly. Kaveh being on top of Tighnari in this instance.


Now- how exactly would they start this..?

Cyno gulped as he didn’t even think about this before, gaining a slight chuckle from Al-Haitham who seemed to notice his buffering as he got into the pool. 


“You’re thinking way too hard about this. Just settle in.”


And before Cyno knew it-

He was almost in the inflatable pool completely flat along with everyone else, and on top of that, he gained a small kiss on the cheek from The Chef which made his face redden softly.


“Don’t try to think about how all this works.” Al-Haitham then advised, smirking as he ran a hand down from Cyno’s chest to his abdomen, feeling him shudder slightly. Though, he didn’t know exactly if it was from the cold water that they were submerged in or by the suggestive touch.


“Hah…” but Cyno laughed, though it sounded oddly hoarse. “And here I thought you were the one who always needed a straight forward plan. I didn’t know that I could learn more about you.”


“Well if you would-“


“Sorry to remind you but I am barely holding back from finishing right now.” Kaveh interrupted with a huff, making Al-Haitham remember how the Siren hadn’t been able to finish earlier after being rudely interrupted.


“Ah, I suppose that I could remedy that.” The Chef nodded, about to pull Kaveh closer to him only to be interrupted by Tighnari who, with a gentle tug on one of Kaveh’s fins on his shoulder blade. Which made the other practically keen over with a slight whine and whimper.


“Tighnariiii..!!- that is sensitive!-“


“Oh hush-“ Tighnari rolled his eyes before sighing, that annoyance soon turning into smugness.

“Now let us officially begin~?” 


No one, not even Tighnari really, thought that he would be the one to start the four off.

Cyno and Al-Haitham watching in pure arousal and… odd fascination as Tighnari made out with the Siren deeply, only allowing Kaveh’s whimpers and pants to fill the space around them. 

The Mermaid’s hand gliding down the other's torso, only to then trace down a claw to his pelvis which thrusted instinctively with need and wants that had been unfulfilled thus far.


“Well aren’t you impatient?” Tighnari teased only to then snake his hand down to gently grab at the slimy appendage that was apparently a Siren’s reproductive organ, stroking it gently just to hear the Sirens whines and with just the right stimulation it so desperately craved, Kaveh’s body spasmed slightly at the touch. 

The odd appendage then slightly wrapping around Tighnari’s finger, begging for more attention.




And before Kaveh could even get the Mermaid’s name out of his mouth, his name was choked down as the other kissed him again.

Those claws of his oddly gentle as he kept stroking Kaveh’s needy dick.

And god how delicious it felt..

The Siren finished seconds later with  a cry, blushing in mild embarrassment and excitement as he looked over at the two humans who were barely able to even break eye contact with the scene happening right next to them, but eventually they looked back over at each other and nodded at the same time.


They knew what they both wanted, it wasn’t that hard to tell. 

Especially not when all their lips would do the talking for them, Al-Haitham being the first to pull the other man into a deep kiss.

The younger man grabbing a fistful of Cyno’s light silvery white hair which he then tugged slightly to make Cyno groan with arousal into his lips.


“You like your hair being pulled, hm?” The younger man then smirked, gaining a slight shiver from Cyno’s body as well as a slight nervous smile.


“I guess so, just be easy on it though alright? Don’t want clumps coming out now.”


“Oh hush you really think I would yank your hair hard enough for that to happen?” He asked as he pulled the other closer, arms wrapping around his back as they kissed once more.

“I have more self restraint than that~”


“Is that so?” Cyno then replied back with a smirk, kissing down the man’s neck in a rather sloppy manner.

“Then let’s see how long that lasts~…”


It didn’t take long.

It also didn’t take much for the quiet moans and whimpering to fill the room. 

First coming from Kaveh, and the next coming from Cyno, before Tighnari’s and Al-Haitham’s own sounds joined the chorus.


All of them taking care of each other that night..

Switching every so often to satisfy one of the other two until they finally all found themselves drained and satisfied.

So satisfied that they all fell asleep in the inflatable pool until the morning..











And guess how Al-Haitham woke up in the morning, that’s right, sore as hell fuck-


“Hey, you should let me help you.” Cyno said, quickly standing to support Al-Haitham’s body in order to keep him from falling and injuring himself.


And he certainly did not need to do that, as it would be so damn embarrassing-


He sighed with a slight wince, stepping out of the pool before looking over at Tighnari and Kaveh, who were basically one on top of the other while peacefully resting.

Kaveh’s beautiful crimson red tail coiled together with an exact opposite greenish teal tail that also seemed to instinctively tighten around his.


Well wasn’t that just adorable?


“We should probably begin on the aftercare shouldn’t we?” Cyno teased with a grin only to gain a light swat from the other man which led him to giggle.


“Hey- I am not the one who basically offered himself to those two- apparently a Siren and Mermaid’s stamina are unmatched~”


“Yeah yeah-“ Al-Haitham groaned.

It was going to take a while to even feel his legs normally again-


Chapter 100: Oops, you got me


Tw: references to experiments on children clones- dammit dottore-, mentions of blood

Chapter Text

“Underground lab…?” The Tsaritsa asked, her voice almost making a slight hiss as she let go of Dottore’s now limp body that laughed and stayed down.


“Whatever do you mean by that..? I never signed off on any kind of permission slip for building something else attached to the Headquarters.. Please do enlighten me..”

Her tone sent chills down even The Crimson Witch’s spine who quickly nodded at her Queen.

“Right this way, your highness.. the entrance to it was hidden behind a removable bookcase. I do not know how or when he could have made this..”


“Neither do I…” The Queen hissed, her glass heels mercilessly clacking against the wooden ground as she made her way to follow the Harbinger out of the room and down the hall that led to each one of Her Harbinger’s work rooms.


And there, in Dottore’s room/lab, was the accused bookcase, moved off of the wall from where it sat on a board with wheels for easier access.

And behind it, was a now open trap door going down into the floor.


And from such a trap door was the sound of..

Chattering children…?

No.. no that couldn’t be right…


“My queen..” Pulcinella bowed gently before offering a hand, which she took to descend down the steep steps of the latter.

Down to the depths below..


Only to then greet a sight that no one could anticipate..



Tiny, little children, each and every one of them in Dottore’s likeness, and in makeshift rooms being tested and prodded by no one other than more grown Dottore clones.

Was this where his clones came from…?

Was this-


“My Queen!” One such clone..

A tiny, much too tiny clone ran to her and giggled. 

Their hands, tiny.. delicate hands and fingers grabbing at her dress and smiling up at her as if she had raised the stars and moon themselves..


She had explicitly told Dottore to stop this horrifying research and experimentation!- what the hell was he thinking???!




“Yes my Queen…?”


“See to it that all of the children are taken out of her and placed away from Dottore as soon as possible..

I need to have another word with him..”


With that, her cold tone resurfaced from the back of her throat and spat out her tongue. 

The Queen ignoring each one of her Harbingers who shivered as she walked past them, no doubt trying to snoop around and see exactly what was making the whole building freeze up so suddenly.


She was certainly not pleased…
























Pierro groaned as he finally set sights on the two- men he was ordered to find. 

His eye brow raising as he watched the two laughing and carrying on as if one of them hadn’t just turned into a Siren that could eat them.


Did the two not realize just how close to death they may have gotten just from being outside during the Blood Moon???



Well- technically neither did Pierro before The Tsaritsa had informed him.

Now, it was only an annoyance though-


Just what the hell had these two men been thinking??


He sighed, opening the door to the Bathroom in the Harbinger Headquarters downstairs only after a stern knock on the door.

Being led in by none other than Tartaglia, the Tsaritsa’s faithful (and rather naive at times) right hand blade.


The smile on the boy’s face almost sending his blood to a steady boil that festered and popped as it molded into a tense irritation as it made its way throughout his limbs.


It had been half an evening that he had spent trying to track the lowest Harbingers locations, one half an evening that which he would have much rather spent being beside The Queen to hear her valuable input.


And yet, he held back another sigh as he stepped into the bathroom to fully witness The Siren that now sat in the tub before him.


And sure, he had seen half of the transformation that took place a couple hours before the blood moon had risen, but now that the blood that had almost completely covered the man now drained away into their plumbing, he inhaled deeply in an odd sense of fascination..


“The Tsaritsa will surely have to witness this..”



















And so the Duel-…. Fight?-… Sparring Match began with the spring of The Traveler’s step, their face hardened as they quickly clashed with Lyney who in his efforts, winced slightly at the impact. 


Both The Traveler’s and The Magician’s swords clashing together where they met face to face.


And oh dear Celestial Realms above, if this wasn’t a sparring match Lyney would be making out with The Traveler so deeply that he would lose his damn mind.


But, sadly that wasn’t an option at the moment-


Though he still entertained the thought for a few moments as his arms shook under the force and pressure of both of their blades.


There was no time for talking, he knew that. 

That was one of the first lessons The Knave had ever taught him, and he had taken it to heart.


So without another second of doddling, he kicked out harshly, sweeping Aether off their feet.

But they had anticipated that, of course they did. They seemed to have much more training with swords than him, which was definitely fair.


So before they hit the ground, they slammed their elbow down first to gain momentum before swinging their legs powerfully out, kicking up sand and seashells which to avoid, Lyney covered his eyes quickly with an arm.




“I taught you to be faster than that. You would have anticipated their moves quicker if you did.”


“Right Father!-“


He almost cringed at his mistake but snapped out of it rather quickly, he could not afford to feel the least bit bad.

So, he quickly uncovered his eyes and swung the wooden blade out in the direction of which he could hear Aether’s feet sliding against the sand. 


The sudden movement forcing Aether to dodge and just before they could try to attack again, the wooden blade hung just above their neck.

Lightly brazing it as the Magician couldn’t help but smirk.


“Do you surrender Mon Amour?”


And with that, Aether’s face broke out into a rather soft triumphant grin as Arlecchino called for the sparring to come to a halt. Their hands raising above their head in mock surrender before dropping the weapon.


“Looks like you got me, oh Le Great Magician~…”



Chapter 101: A Forgotten Tune..


Tw: mention of death

Chapter Text

“An excellent recovery, Lyney.” Arlecchino  nodded, making The Magician practically beam as her praise, smiling as he looked over at Aether who kept a proud smile on their lips. 

The Traveler reaching out a hand to gently grasp Lyney’s shoulder and shook it a bit.


“You did better than last time.”


“I did?” Lyney only seemed surprised, gaining a laugh from Aether who pulled him into a tight embrace, choosing to ignore just how flustered the man’s face got at such a sudden action.


Paimon, the flying companion, giggled as she flew over to them after having been waiting and watching on the sidelines.

“That was amazing Lyney!! Paimon was so scared! But then you went boosh!! And Aether went wham!- and then!- and then!-“


“Paimonnnn-“ Aether couldn’t help but groan in embarrassment as they ran a hand up to run it through their bangs, halfway hiding their face from view.


Only making Paimon whine childishly as she tried to pull their hands away from their face.

“Whaaaattt??? I had to make it as accurate to the story as possible- hmph!”

She then pouted as she relented, crossing her arms.


That just made the two look over each other’s shoulders and laugh however, causing Paimon to huff and jokingly pull on Aether’s braid, making them attempt to muffle their laughter with a hand while pulling Paimon closer.

“Now now-“ they wheezed, “we’re done teasing okay? I bet we are really sorry, right, Oh Great Magician?”


Lyney choked back another laugh before nodding in agreement, “that is very much correct, oh fearless Traveler.”


Were they trying to crack themselves up with the teasing nicknames now??


Oh well, it seemed to work anyway from how Paimon smiled smugly with crossed arms.

“That’s right! Paimon will not be teased and made fun of without consequences!”


“Is that so?-“


“Alright you three.” Arlecchino interrupted, though a smile barely teased her lips. “Why don’t we head back inside to rest. There are still many chores to do around the House, you know.”


“Right, Father!” Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet all said in unison, smiling at her with eyes full of devotion and what could be happiness..

Pure joy..

Yes, that is what she had secretly wanted right from the beginning…

She knew that from the fact her heart physically stuttered upon hearing such a tone from them.


That was when a rather odd fact clouded her head in that moment.

She had never gotten Lyney’s answer..

The answer to the question of “what is a true family?”


But, even without asking it..

It was almost like she could predict what his answer would be.

And that… was oddly heartwarming..


It was definitely much different from her thought of what a family was and could be.

And that was almost refreshing in a way.


Ah, these children really are going to be the death of her…



















That night, Arlecchino gasped sharply as her torso bolted up, a hand reflexively going to her chest to feel just how hard and fast her heart was racing.


What was going on??

Where was she??

Was she safe??


Being the first thoughts that raced through her head, unable to choke down the feeling of pure anguish and dread that flooded through her after she had seen something- someone- in her sleep that should have been dead long ago..


And yet her voice-

Mother’s voice flooded through her senses as blurry circles danced across her vision from just how fast she had woken up, disorienting her for the time being as she took heaving breaths.


She wouldn’t be surprised if her sharp claw-like nails penetrated the blanket that she was gripping on so tightly to, her red X pupils flittering around frantically for a few moments before she finally relaxed.


Because she wasn’t there.


She was not there in that damned arena.

And no, she was not back at that damned battle between her and Mother..


And that thought was almost enough to calm her nerves down completely.

But.. there was something else.

Something else about this night that urged her to get out of bed and hurry outside as quickly as possible so as to not miss something important that she had to see..


And despite her mind fully focused on not letting her do such a thing, she got up and put on some black slippers..

Why are you following this random thought and urge you just happened to have??


She didn’t know.

And she almost did not care.

She made it down the spiraling staircase..


As quickly and as quietly as she could.

No one needed to wake up to witness her odd behavior, she would simply go outside, check around for a few minutes before heading straight back in and try to fall asleep again without worrying anymore about this topic.


Yes, that is what she would do.

That is all she would have to do.


But why were her hands shaking..?

“Calm yourself, Arlecchino..” she hissed at herself, almost cursing under her breath as her fingers clenched into a fist.


“What has you so-“


And then she saw it..

No, right as she got outside to look out onto the shore, she saw… her..


“C-Clervie..?” Her voice practically trembled as she stumbled out of the door before breaking into a full sprint.


There the girl-… Siren was.. all grown as her beautiful pink hair flew gently against the wind as her matching tail curled around the rock she sat on top of.


And from her lips, came a song..

A song that her mother had sung long ago..


A song that Arlecchino wished she had forgotten…


Chapter 102: Calling up big man-


Tw: references to slicing and killing- blood-

Chapter Text

Arlecchino felt as if she couldn’t breathe.

Her eyes staring right at the Siren whose body was turned to the side, her head looking away from her with that beautiful pink hair draping down her back.


Another step forward and she could see that Clervie was holding something in her clawed hands, and that something was a single Lumidouce Bell that was twirled between two of her fingertips.


Another step forward…

And The Knave could see that Clervie was smiling..

Looking up into the sky that shimmered with stars that in the past they could only see out of a mere window.

But now here they were, outside in the open..



And yet, Arlecchino knew that Clervie wasn’t free..

All this time, she had thought she had ended her with her own blade, her own cursed hands..

But no…

She was here.


She was right here.

Right outside of the orphanage's walls as if she was bound to them and singing a song that Arlecchino wanted to be lost in time.


That damned song that witch of a woman would sing every time they were having trouble falling asleep.

She hadn’t despised it back then..


But now, now she despised everything that had come around that woman.

And yet the only thing she couldn’t bring herself to despise was..



And she grew up to look so much like her mother..

Even if she couldn’t see her face for a moment she knew that it would probably look almost identical..


She almost couldn’t bring herself to speak.

But she knew that she would hate herself if she couldn’t talk to her once more.


So unclench your jaw, and-




There it was..

Her friend's name falling from her lips.


And at that, Clervie’s body flipped around, her green eyes staring at her with a look akin to surprise, maybe a bit of fear..


You really have to work on your tone, Arlecchino-


“Hello..?” The Siren called out to the darkness that shrouded Arlecchino for the moment. The only thing recognizable being those bright red X shaped pupils of hers that made The Siren gasp.

Maybe in recognition, or maybe in the past mentioned terror.


“Those eyes are familiar..”


Ah, so it was the first one.


Arlecchino stayed silent as The Siren moved closer to her, and she moved closer to her as well.


“Clervie..” she couldn’t help but whisper again before the Siren’s face broke out into a soft smile. 






















Al-Haitham groaned as he rubbed his temples, going to the bathroom for a much needed warm shower to rest his absolutely destroyed muscles-




Cyno had offered to help him if he needed help standing, but apparently his pride wouldn’t let him accept such things.


Even if he did hiss once he started lathering his body up with soap and tried his best to rub deeply into at least his arm muscles.


He was shocked when he found out just how much stamina Mermaids and apparently Sirens both had. 

They practically went on the whole night.


But he certainly wasn’t complaining.

Everything had been consensual and that was all that mattered.


Though he would have to complain about the soreness for a while-

He chuckled at that thought before stepping out of the tub and drying himself off.


He then searched through the pockets of his old pants, making sure that he took out his phone, any change, or whatever else could get damaged or lost in the wash.


But then as he stared at his phone..

He suddenly realized that it had been a while since he had even looked at it.

And when he tried to turn it on, it simply remained on its black screen.


So that’s why his boss hadn’t called him again to annoy him more-


He basically gasped in realization before laughing at himself and putting his phone down while he redressed in new clothes.


He would definitely have to ask Cyno about potentially using his phone charger today-

And he could only imagine how many calls and texts he had gotten during this time.


But again.


“Serves him right for halfing my pay-“


















“Has anyone heard where Al-Haitham is yet??” Al-Haitham’s boss groaned as he helped prepare the food set for today’s service.

He was just about at the end of his rope with that man-


It was as if he just up and died!-


Which could not have happened right??

Last thing he knew was that Al-Haitham had been hospitalized and has been there ever since.


But again..

Al-Haitham could be lying. 

Sure, the man was known to be rather truthful and trustworthy with friends, just with an added blunt tone that he couldn't seem to control.


Hell, he had even let the man leave with a priceless Mermaid whose meat was supposed to end up served to the highest bidder and cooked by Al-Haitham.


But that plan was basically all up in smoke at this point wasn’t it?

The Boss groaned again before his phone suddenly started to ring-


“Hey Boss.”

Chapter 103: Execution..


Sorry for the short chapter! 😅 about to go on a two week trip to my moms after i took my math exam yesterday that’ll last for about two weeks, i will hopefully keep uploading consistently but if i don’t then a new chapter should be uploaded at the end of this month!

Chapter Text



Said Mermaid jumped a bit at the stern tone of a rather stressed Sigewinnie.

That light blue tail with pink splotches of hers swinging back and forth with what he could guess was agitation.


He had been looking through her bag just seconds ago though- so it was quite understandable-


But still, damn the tiny mermaid could be scary when she wanted to be-


“Ah Winnie!” He laughed awkwardly before putting his clawed hands up as if he had been a child stealing candy.

“Are the Siren’s alright?”


And the Nurse sighed as her expression softened somewhat.

“Everyone lived. And currently are being treated by our Archon, though I may have to step in soon, she is getting exhausted rather quickly. It’s almost as if healing is draining her own soul.”


“She was probably just caught off guard.” Wriothesley reasoned, gaining a nod from the nurse in understanding.

“It is rather a lot to suddenly come back to such a crowd. But they are seeming to enjoy her company now, but…” her gaze sharpened slightly.

“I am certainly not forgetting that you were practically searching through my bag mister Wriothesley! What were you trying to find huh??”


And with one quick motion the bag was back in its owner's clutches, said owner giving a “mighty” pout as the other Mermaid laughed.


“Why the down face Winnie?-“


“You know exactly why!” The nurse huffed once more, before sighing in defeat and rubbing her temples.

“You could have injured yourself along with everyone else by accidentally stabbing yourself with a blade in here.”


“Oh come now, I am more careful than that-“


With another sigh, Nurse Sigewinnie nodded before her eyes squinted to see what Wriothesley was looking at closer.


She put her small hand out, “may i?”

Wriothesley nodded before simply giving it to her.


But suddenly before she could inspect the tiny device any further, it started to screech.


“Ah!-“ she yelped in surprise, dropping the small piece of meat that such a device was embedded in and covered her ears, wincing in pain as it screamed as if it were going to explode.


The whole cave even starting to shake with such a powerful radiating force-


She couldn’t think.

She couldn’t even hear herself as she yelled out for any backup.


This device..

Unknowingly to her.. this device…

Immediately triggered off the hundreds of Sirens still surrounding their “fortress”….


And they were certainly not pleased..



















The Tsaritsa did not stop her movements.

The clacks of her heels echoing down the now empty hallway while she moved.

Barely holding herself back from destroying this whole building with everything and everyone inside it just to watch it collapse and burn.


Because no.

If these Allegations against the Second Harbinger were true then he did not deserve an easy end.

No one dared to stand in her way..

And that was exactly how it should be.


Well… no one except for Tartaglia..

The man found her after exiting the Fatui bathroom and immediately seemed like he was caught off guard just by how cold her expression had become.


Pierro, the man who had  practically been right beside her every move she made, being right behind Tartaglia before bowing at his waist shortly upon seeing her.


“I found them both, your Highness.”


“I see.. thank you.” She responded, and yet it sounded distant as she brandished her sword.

A beautiful sword that shimmered and sparkled like an icicle on the first snow of a winter night..

And if she had it her way, Doctor Dottore would never witness another such beautiful winter morning..


And everything goes her way…

Doesn’t it?


“…I hereby call another meeting..”


The air stood still at her voice that rang through the halls.

Dottore’s body still laying there, right in view of the living room with a sick smile on his face..


“Or rather…” she coldly continued, walking forward with the tip of her blade lifting up the man’s chin.

“An Execution…”


Chapter 104: “How are you here?”


Refrences to thoughts of being butchered, mentions of death/harm

Chapter Text

“Clervie..” Arlecchino couldn’t help but to repeat her old friend’s name.

A name that had never been forgotten by her, a name that she remembered speaking so coldly before.

But now, her tone softened almost into a dying whisper as she stumbled forward on the slippery sand below.


And Clervie… Clervie sat there, as still as the stone that she rested on, staring at The Knave with familiarity.

“Where… have you been?”


The girl asked, her voice soft and innocent as if she was still a child, and yet The Knave could not bring herself to answer.


Another step closer and she could see the tears falling from Clervie’s own cheeks, spilling over her eyelids and dropping into the water below.

“I have searched for you for so long..” she continued, her smile never quite falling from her lips as she adjusted herself slightly to now be fully turned towards Arlecchino.

Her pink hair flowing out as the wind around them picked up.


And the words she spoke honestly made Arlecchino a bit confused.

“How.. long have you been here on this rock?”


“Not long.” A simple answer, much too simple..

Let’s try a different question then.


“How long have you been.. alive? I-I thought-“ The Knave swallowed, steadying herself. “No, I know that I killed you. So how.. how exactly are you sitting here right now without any wounds?”

She tried to reason with herself, tried exactly to remember how that day had gone.


They had fought..

They had fought and it ended with the pink haired girl being skewered by Arlecchino’s own blade.


There had been nothing more.

And nothing less.

And yet here the girl was, with.. a tail.

And fins that replaced her human ears.


Just what the hell was going on here?-
















Al-Haitham’s voice answered the phone..





The Boss’s eyes widened as soon as he heard the younger man’s voice, unable to think for a few moments before taking a big breath which ended with a groan as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.


“Haitham… you are on a very thin line right now with me, did you lie to me about injuring yourself more??? Or are you really this terrible at keeping in touch with me??- are you even-”


“Yes yes I hear you.” Al-Haitham sighed, rubbing his own temples in annoyance, “I will be over today, but I will have to talk to you about lessening some time on my schedule.”


Now that was when his boss seemed to snap, and honestly, it was rather entertaining to hear the man practically choke on words that he wanted to say, but because he was on his work phone, everything could be recorded.

And that was wonderful.

Well, for Al-Haitham-


Even the man’s tone was hard to mistake for a kind one, his boss seemingly holding back from yelling at him just like he had done so many times before to his face.


“Just get over here now, Al-Haitham.. and all will be… forgiven. Alright..?”


“No.” Al-Haitham chose to stand his ground, smirking as he walked outside to start heading for the location, all while practically hearing the threads of his boss’s sanity snapping one by one.

“I don’t need your forgiveness.” He continued bluntly, “nor do I need to give you any notice. According to our agreement, I work and I get paid, nothing more… and yet, that hasn’t been happening for the past month I have worked.”


He got him, he knew that he did.

And he couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of it.


But then, his boss did… admittedly bring up a good point-

“You stole that godforsaken creature from my restaurant after I had bought it. If you had really wanted the money then you would have been with me and auctioned off the creature piece by piece. Unless, you did that just to spite me.”


“I never said that I would sell him, nor if I would eat him.” Al-Haitham reasoned, “he is intelligent and-“


“It is a delicacy for the rich.” The other man interrupted, making Al-Haitham seethe as he thought about Kaveh or Tighnari being butchered just because they happened to not be human anymore.


They have names-“




Oh shit-

Al-Haitham froze as he had misspoken, his breath catching as he had been thinking too much of the two that he had defended them both in one sentence but-


“Haitham.. have you found another one of these creatures without telling anyone…?”




One more step forward and he was in front of the restaurant…

And in just a couple more steps he would see those greedy eyes of a man that he had once respected..


He hung up the phone, and entered the building..



Chapter 105: The Start of the End..?


Tw: mentions of death/decay, violence, blood, sacrifice

Chapter Text

“Wriothesley!!!-“ Sigewinnie yelped as her tiny body dived to hide underneath one of the rock overhangs they had that acted like a shelf.

Her eyes wide as she had dropped the strange device that still shrilled in alarm at being inspected.


And outside their cave..

Was utter chaos..


Wriothesley’s eyes widened as he watched as the once oddly peaceful Sirens started to snap their jaws.. 


Odd noises seeming to be coming from the back of their throats as a sick tune..


That led Wriothesley to quickly look out into the open to where he had left Furina and Neuvillette to care for the injured Sirens, only to discover that the creatures acted strangely now..


Their clawed hands moving to cover their heads and ears while his guards and fellow merpeople quickly swam away from them almost as if on instinct.

And the Sirens teeth grew ever sharper.. almost as if their bodies were going through a drastic weathering..


Their bones..

Almost all of their bones in their bodies becoming clearly visible to the naked eye as their skin seemed more fragile.

More delicate-

Almost as if they were going through some odd withering at this very specific moment..


Was it because of the noise that the device was emitting??

Was that why???-


Shit!- he had to get rid of it then!!-


He could barely move from the noise that threatened to burst his ear drums, falling with a slight grunt on the ocean floor before starting to crawl, his claws digging into the sand beneath his weight.


“S-Sigewinnie..! K-kick it! Closer!”


“G-got it!” She answered back, her poor ears folded down in discomfort as she used her small tail to swing the device closer to him before finally he slammed his fist into it, crushing it to bits.


You could practically hear everyone in a fifty meter radius take a unified breath of relief, but now..

They had a thousand, angry Sirens around them who probably thought that Wriothesley had tried to kill them again-























But.. when everyone thought that hope was lost..

When everyone thought that the Sirens would continue this rampage..

Ah, si je pouvais vivre dans l'eau…


A song..

A familiar, beautiful song began to emerge from what seemed to be the very depths- the heart of the ocean.. 


le monde serait-il plus beau ?


Neuvillette’s breath caught the second he heard the voice..

Her voice..

The God of Hydro..


Nous pardonneras-tu, ô chère mère ?



Was here..


L'eau dans son courant

fait danser nos vies.


And she was singing a tune..

A tune, meant to soothe.


Et la cité, elle nourrit.

Ainsi que toi, mon doux amour.


A tune..

That the Sirens noticed..


Non, le grand amour ne suffit pas.

Seul un adieu fleurira.


And there she was, right behind Furina as if protecting her body from behind.


C'est notre histoire de vie,

douce et amère.


Singing her a lullaby that…


Moi, je suis et serai toujours là,

à voir le monde et sa beauté.


Oddly seemed to calm down the Sirens as well..


Et ça ne changera jamais, jamais...


The God looking behind her to see Neuvillette.. Giving him a soft smile.


“It is time..”





















Tartaglia’s gaze hardened as he stood right behind the Tsaritsa..

The sharp coldness in the air threatening to make him tremble, but he did not dare to even entertain that urge.


Even if it was not from fear, he would not be seen trembling in front of this man..


And Pantalone, he saw just in front of him, still behind the Tsaritsa as his usually closed eyes opened to watch just what all would happen to the Second Harbinger..


Tartaglia’s hand moving forward to rest on the older man’s shoulder, who looked behind himself to see The Eleventh Harbinger giving him a reassuring nod.


Meanwhile Pierro stood right beside The Tsaritsa now, clearing his throat which made Doctor Dottore glare up at him but keep that smirk on his face.


“Doctor IL Dottore.” He started, clearing his throat while looking straight into those red eyes the Doctor had. 

“You have been convicted of various serious offenses and crimes against Humanity, Fellow Harbingers, innocent lives, and therefore betrayed The Tsaritsa herself. Because of these reasons, you have been charged with Treason against the Cryo Archon herself… and you must pay for it…”


There did not have to be any more words said.

Hell, they all probably couldn’t even come up with anything more interesting or meaningful to say anyway.


Half of the Harbinger’s shivering even through their giant white coats as the air felt as if it physically solidified from just how cold the magic The Tsaritsa was letting out was.


Her beautiful blade raising high in the air, ready to strike before-


Her eyes widened..

“Hhk!-“ and choked..?


“My Queen!!!” Tartaglia was the first to cry out, barely fast enough to catch her as she stumbled on her heels, softening her fall.


Something was wrong-

Something was wrong!!!-

What was wrong?!-


“Your Highness, please calm down your breathing.” Pulcinella spoke, almost like a grandfather comforting his daughter. His hand resting on her forearm as her breathing went ragged.


Something was wrong…

Something was wrong…


Who could have known that The Hydro Archon and The Cryo Archon were connected due to a deal…?


And with one bound to sacrifice herself..

What happens to the other…?


Chapter 106: Who is this Father..?


Tw: refrences to being murdered, cut, a gun, anxious/intrusive thoughts

Chapter Text

Al-Haitham took a deep breath, letting the air fill his lungs before he opened the door of The Restaurant that he worked at. 

A part of him secretly hoping that his boss would just fire him right there and then so that he wouldn’t have to look at the older man’s face for too long.


But of course, that wouldn’t be happening. 

At least not before he explained exactly what the hell he meant by his words earlier.


Was he really so stupid that he slipped up on the most simple conversation??



Now, his new lovers would be in trouble despite all of his efforts from day one to keep them from such danger.




Okay Haitham, it’s fine, relax.

Another deep breath, a quick adjustment of his hair and clothes, and he was heading towards the kitchen of the building.

Only for his legs to instinctively lock up as soon as his eyes locked on the man who he had just been talking with on the phone.


Oh he looked PISSED…

He didn’t know what would be better, running right now and risk his Boss following him home to witness Kaveh and Tighnari or potentially die by the man who looked about ready to chop his head off-


And it certainly did not help that his boss had gotten a license at the beginning of the year to start carrying a gun on his person at all times.

But would he really resort to causing that much damage and trouble to himself and others?


Al-Haitham honestly didn’t know.

And that being a real possibility did not calm his nerves in the slightest.


Calm down Al-Haitham.

It’s not like he can kill you or anything, the police would be after his ass and business in a heartbeat.


With that thought in mind, he went closer to greet the man.

“Hey Boss.. it’s um- been a while hasn’t it?-“



Such a good start-

Goddamnit Al-Haitham-


The man who he once thought of as his cool older boss.. maybe even friend.. looked at him as if he was in the way of his entire existence.


And maybe he was. 

A Mermaid probably sold for billions at a black market..

He couldn’t even imagine the price of a Siren..

That could set someone’s whole generation up for life.


And yet he had both creatures just- at home, well technically Cyno’s house- in a kiddie pool.

Just- hanging around for him to get back.


It was stupid to come here.

Why did he come here exactly??

To hope that he could snap some sense into his greedy boss??


And that had been a stupid idea to begin with.


“Al-Haitham… you cannot be serious.” His boss spat, not much to his surprise.

He probably deserved that to be honest, just randomly running out with a Siren who would have been butchered up for meat and putting their restaurant on the highest ratings. 

But he could not do such a thing, he found that out rather quickly at the beginning of this whole thing.


“I am.” He replied, voice cold and devoid of respect.

“And I think I have changed my mind about you just cutting my hours down.. you see, you can cut them out completely.. I quit.”


Now that was apparently something that his boss had not expected.

The man looking like a stone statue as his whole body froze.


Before the rage took hold of the man..

“What did you just say…?” 


























No one in the Orphanage quite seemed to know the reason for why, in the late morning hours, The Knave carried in a rather odd looking girl.


Said girl being gently carried inside, covered by what looked like Arlecchino’s Harbinger Jacket.


Huh.. Arlecchino had never been one to just- give someone her Harbinger cloak on a whim, it was her highest honor after all, she even cleaned it by hand  completely separate from the other laundry.

So why had this girl that they had never seen before wearing such a precious thing?


Everyone wanted to ask as soon as they came down from their rooms, seeing the girl-… woman??

She seemed so small and frail..

Chowing down on some freshly caught fish right in the kitchen.


Her eyes, green eyes… staring only at Arlecchino with a look that could only be described as wonder.



Freminet was the first to even ask, having gained more trust in the Knave as of late when she would give him gifts of broken parts. 

His rather small body hiding itself behind her as the stranger continued to eat, not noticing him, or at least pretending not to.


She must be really hungry then..




“I will explain later, Freminet.” Arlecchino spoke quickly, almost in a hiss but was able to bite it back just in time.

“Go gather up your siblings for me, alright?”


And Freminet quickly nodded, bowing his head softly before hurrying away.

“Yes, Father. Of course.”


All the while, Clervie watched the boy practically run away, her mind feeling all jumbled up and spat out into her head where she had to pick up the pieces and try to piece them back together.


“F-Father…?” She asked, looking at who she recognized to be her friend from old times.

“Why.. did that little boy just call you Father…?”

Chapter 107: A Dance…


Tw: thoughts about past death

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Well shit-


Arlecchino sighed to herself while she thought of the easiest way to explain this.


You see, while talking with Clervie before bringing her here, the Mermaid-… Siren??- didn’t seem to remember quite everything that had happened while she was alive.

Nor was she really aware enough at this moment to figure out exactly where she even was.


The girl knew who Arlecchino was.

That was certainly a start.

She knew that she had a mother and friends in an Orphanage.

She just didn’t quite know that this Orphanage was the very same one.


Did she perhaps think that this was just Arlecchino’s house??


Oh dear..

If that was true then she would only be more confused.

She slowly put down the rag that she had been using to dry the clean dishes with and turned her body to give the other her full attention.


That was the least she could do.


“Clervie.. Do you remember when Mother would have everyone spar against each other every so often?”


The girl smiled at her, “I think so.. but.. the last round was between us Perrie..”

That smile of hers soon dropped as she thought of something.



So she did remember most of what happened, she is just a little confused about everything in between.

That’s good.


But.. The Knave couldn’t help but sigh, placing a blackened hand on top of hers.


Would it have just been easier for the girl to have forgotten everything that happened?


And if she had, the girl would have been more free and happy..


But now, memories no doubt flowed through her head as she tried to piece them together.

Arlecchino could see it in those green eyes.


“Yes.” Arlecchino chose to reassure, squeezing the other girl's hand gently. “Yes, that is exactly right. Do you remember anything else..?”


You have to remember…


“I..” Clervie hesitated, while her free hand went to press almost experimentally on her abdomen.



And oh, did those words burn…


But The Knave didn’t let her gaze harden.

Not again.

Instead she kept a soft smile on her lips as she looked at her once dear friend.


“You did.. but now.. you’re back home…”




















“Mrs. Focalor?” The Tsaritsa hummed as she entered the fellow God’s domain..

Watching the woman dance above the Ocean of her home.

Of her Kingdom..


Centuries ago…


Memories being completely unscathed and untouched from time itself.


“Ah, what pleasure do I have to see The Tsaritsa herself in my Kingdom borders?” The Hydro Goddess smiled, twirling and twisting her body fluidly. Momentarily looking at The Tsaritsa before going back to her dancing.


“It’s not usual to see you out of your Primordial waters.”


“Yes, well there seems to be a problem. A matter that I need to discuss with you.”


Focalor hummed, looking up before opening her arms out to the Tsaritsa.

As if beckoning her to dance as well.


And how could you possibly refuse?

You couldn’t. That would be rather rude, wouldn’t you think?


So, The Tsaritsa nodded, her heel stepping on the water below that Focalor was currently dancing around on, and hardened it instantly.

Trusting her new pathway and putting her full weight down on it before doing it again, and again, and again.


Moving with the fellow Goddess as she spoke.


“Your people have been moving much too close to my own borders.” A step, step, twirl.

“You know how dangerous Primordial water can be to them.”


“Ah…” Focalor sighed, nodding as she gently pulled The Tsaritsa closer, letting the Queen of Ice dip her backward, an arm around her waist before twirling her back a few steps.

“And you’re worried that they may blame you if they get hurt, correct?”


“Correct.” The Tsaritsa nodded, walking around Focalor in a circle before they connected, their hands linking together as one of their arms simply stayed by their sides.

Fitting together as if they had been simply made that way…

Lovers.. friends… whatever you would call them it would make perfect sense.

“I was hoping that you or I could speak to them about this.”


“I understand.” Focalor answered simply, “but we mustn’t make drastic decisions so quickly.”


“I know.”


They went silent as they danced together now, the cold ice below The Tsaritsa’s movements making the Hydro Goddess shiver slightly but she did not complain. 

Her mismatched pupils keeping their gaze on The Tsaritsa’s veil.


“It is a shame that I cannot see your eyes, my dear friend… I bet they are just as beautiful.”


“Quit your praise.” The Cryo Goddess chuckled before dipping Focalor again.

“And you know exactly why I keep them hidden. Do you not?”


“I do.” A nod, twirl, and step.

“That doesn’t mean that I cannot complain.”


“Are you trying to change the topic of this discussion?”


“Why would I?” She chuckled, “it is a difficult decision however.. my people may clash with yours if you let them see why they cannot go past your borders.”




“But what if we could halt the prophecy…? Halt it for centuries while you and your people are safe from harm? Sleeping until one hero can break our chains.”


“I am listening.”


“But you should know that a deal like this between gods links their souls together until it is fulfilled or broken.”


The Tsaritsa nodded, her movements stopping as the two stood together.

“I know.. but it would save our people.. our peace..”


“I knew you would say that…” Focalor giggled, “and I know exactly how to break The Celestial’s silence…”


“Do tell…”


Now that college semester is starting back up for me it may limit my uploads to about one a week, sorry if that upsets some readers! :D

Chapter 108: A Final Dance…?


Tw: reference to death, fuck you dottore-

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dainsleif hissed in pain once more as his own clawed and partially scaly hand covered his right eye, the scales surrounding the delicate organ that gave him sight, flaring up in mild agitation that had plagued him ever since that blood moon.


And yet he did not turn.

He didn’t have any plans to.

He wanted to help his guards, the people that had been turned into flesh hungry Sirens after the first Outbreak.


And yet even that seemed to be becoming impossible to achieve.


He was slowly turning into one of them.

That, he knew for certain.

And he couldn’t help but feel defeated by that fact. 

Yet, he couldn’t let it drag him down. 

He needed to get through this, he was one of the last Mermaids in his kingdom.

Without him, his people would be lost to cruel time, and he simply could not let that happen.


Not without a fight.

So even as Lumine sat beside him, her gaze cold and almost lifeless, he didn’t give in.


He couldn’t give in..


“How are Halfdan and the others doing?”

He still made sure to ask, gaining a hum from Lumine.


“They still give no signals of having their normal minds, Halfdan is acting rather strangely though, he is simply floating in one of the corners of the cell, maybe you should be the one talking to him.”


Dainsleif sighed at that, “I do not particularly think that my presence would be any help. Besides, I may be in the cell as well soon enough.”


“Are you implying that you are giving up on this mission that you were so determined to finish?” Lumine practically mocked, though her voice as usual was completely monotone.


Leading Dainsleif to sigh, “no. I still hope to stop the Sirens from taking control of these waters entirely.”


“And yet, you are turning into one at this very moment.” The twin reasoned, relaxing against the stone ocean floor, the cave they were in overshadowing most if not all of her face.

“You said before that gods should control this world, that it was in peace under their rule, but have you never stopped to think about how two such gods allowed Sirens to even be created?”


“I do not want to argue with you. That is enough.” Dainsleif snapped rather weakly, wincing as another searing pain slammed into half of his face.

“We cannot afford to become them..”


“And yet you didn’t kill Halfdan or any of your guards that were turned.”


Dainsleif went silent at that…

His goal not once wavering still after all this time..




















The Tsaritsa took in a sharp gasp, her eyes wide beneath her veil as she heard her Harbingers rushing around her, Pantalone, who she had seen just minutes before going to execute Dottore, now back on two legs crouching beside her.


His hand gently touching her forehead as if to check for a fever, but she quickly shifted away from the touch before weakly offering her sword to him.


The room barely withstanding the bitter cold gust that passed through each Harbinger as their sights now locked on The Traiter in front of them..


“..I order my most loyal Harbingers.. my children… To carry out this execution in my stead. Do not hesitate.” She ordered coldly, calm even though it felt as if her soul was shaking.


Focalor was making good on their deal..

She would have to meet her for one Last Dance soon enough..

She just.. needed a little rest…

















The next time she gained some sort of consciousness she realized quite quickly that she was being carried.

By who?

She could not really guess nor comprehend.


What she could comprehend though, were the voices all around her.

Having her guess that Pierro was the man carrying her and where was he carrying her?

To the shoreline..


“Is she alright???” Tartaglia.


“Why would the queen just collapse??” Pulcinella.


“Where are you taking her??” Sandrone.


“We must find help at once!” Capitano.


“I know what I am doing!” Pierro.


Oh yeah..

That’s right…

She sluggishly moved her head the tiniest bit to look at the beautiful water.


She had informed Pierro, the man who stood by her side for so long.. about the deal that she had to fulfill with the Goddess of Water..


She had thought that she had been ready for it.

But the moment she saw Focalor emerging from the Ocean depths to greet her and her beloved Harbinger’s.. she felt almost afraid..


The Goddess of Love and Ice was going to lose one of the things that she had held most dear…

And that was absolutely devastating.


Yet Focalor smiled at her, bowing her head as Pierro put her on her own shaking legs.

The weight of the deal almost crushing her beneath it.


And yet she eventually stood strongly, taking a deep breath that let off cold condensation into the air and releasing fog from her lips. 

“Focalor..” she breathed, but her words were cut off by the God offering one of her hands.


Which.. she took.

How could she not?


It… would be rude to deny such an offer.


She dared to not look back at her Harbingers as she made this decision, not even noticing that Pantalone was practically covered in blood.


Karma works in rather funny ways, huh Dottore?


No matter.


The two gods picked up their dance where they had left off all those centuries ago..

Coming together as their bodies embraced.


They danced around each other slowly, 

The Tsaritsa’s veil and mask being eventually discarded to reveal her beautiful Siren eyes..


A twirl, twirl, step.


A gasp coming from Focalor who smiled at the Ice God’s eyes.

“I never could imagine them being so perfect.. I would have never stopped looking at them if I'd known..”


Their bodies met together, The Tsaritsa’s hands gently holding the other’s back while Focalor held around the back of her neck.


“Don’t flatter me..” The Tsaritsa’s voice threatened to tremble as she repeated her own words.

“Are you trying to change the subject?”


And Focalor laughed weakly as The Ice Goddess bent her back gently.

“My blood will fill the Sirens, your children’s hunger.. and your power along with the Hydro Dragons will be returned..”


“I know..” 


The Tsaritsa didn’t even dare to look at the giant sword that now began to form and loom above their necks.

It only wanting one thing, and The Tsaritsa’s blood was not that.


The unforgiving edge of the blade would not hurt her, she knew that, Focalor knew that.

And that’s why The Hydro Goddess smiled up at her even if she found herself scared.


“My dear..”




The Tsaritsa did not even have time to reply before the blade came down in moments..

But something happened that she did not expect at all..


My thoughts while making this chapter included: “NOT THE DOOMED LESBIANS!!!-“


“Last dance??” 🥺🥺🥺

Chapter 109: Andddd I’m dead-


Tw: near death- like- veryyyy near death-, descriptions of injuries, guns

Chapter Text



The sword hit.

It hit, and here she was now collapsing weakly into the other’s arms..

Puncturing through the Hydro Goddess’s torso whose eyes widened in reflex, her dear friend and companion still holding up her body to look up towards the sky.


It was a beautiful sunset today..

She couldn’t help but think to herself as she smiled weakly..


It was odd.

An odd feeling that took over her body as soon as the deadly blow took hold.


Almost as if she was seconds from returning into the waters themselves.

Her physical form wavering slightly but even so, The Tsaritsa’s eyes still stayed in their locked position on her soon to be corpse.


And if she dared to assume, she would guess that the water droplets falling onto her face were not that of actual water, but of salty lipids.

Emerging from The Tsaritsa’s beautiful blue eyes themselves.


Those same eyes watching as blood poured down from Focalor’s body and into the water beneath their own feet where they stood still on The Tsaritsa’s ice..

The blood that would revert a Siren’s transformation..

Such a valuable liquid…

And yet it would all be gone in mere moments in order to save the rest of the Mermaids left..

Was this your plan all along..?

Was this how you chose to break the heavens and our deal in one swing..?




What have you done..?


The Tsaritsa thought, her breath hitching as the other Goddess lifted a hand to her cheek, blood smearing across on the otherwise perfect skin…


The Goddess below her was still breathing, but it was more of helpless gasping now, her mismatched eyes staring up at her own.


“The Hydro Dragon, Neuvillette will deal with the rest..” she breathed as her last words, letting out a weak chuckle as that only made another tear roll down The Ice Queen’s cheek..

“Please.. don’t cry.”


She didn’t have much time.

The Tsaritsa knew that.

She knew that as soon as she watched magical power that sparked and popped, drain from Focalor’s body and into the air. 

A heavy stream of it heading down into the depths below, The Tsaritsa assuming that it was for Neuvillette.


Another heavy stream heading towards her..

Ah yes..

She remembered that she had practically depleted her own magic supply while creating this deal with Focalor.


Pairing that with making sure her ice barrier had stayed together for centuries and she was pretty weak at the moment.


But now-

Now she sharply inhaled as magic flooded her body.

The gnosis.. deep inside her practically preening at the power that flooded through her veins once more.




She couldn’t stop herself from smiling at the power that belonged to her return once more..


And just as Focalor’s eyes were about to close, a voice, her voice in her mind screamed at this to not be the end.


This will not be our last dance..



And her teeth..

Her beautiful white Siren fangs sunk deeply into the fellow goddess’s neck.. 

feeling the way Focalor’s body jerked weakly in reflex.


Blood now pouring out from a new bite, mingling itself with the tears still flowing down from The Tsaritsa’s now red eyes.


She couldn’t even hear her Harbingers behind her all gasp and wait in pure shock as power tore from her body, making the ice beneath them crack as even her own ice could not handle the amount of pure energy she was putting off.


“I hereby declare that the Goddess Focalor will not die this day..!”


How could a god challenge such a prophecy made thousands of years before this day..?


She couldn’t..

At least not with the Celestial Realm watching over them every second.

But now with them in shambles after everything they had done to fool them..


It was quite simple.

That was easy to know as The Hydro Dragon also bursted through the waters, The Tsaritsa’s voice mingling with his.


“We hereby forgive the Fountaine Peoples sins.. and revoke the Prophecy..”




















The next thing Al-Haitham knew was that his old boss pointed his gun at him and ordered him to tell him where the two sea creatures were-


Dammit Al-Haitham!!!- how could you possibly forget that this man was an ex military member???



“Are you really threatening to end my life after this?” Al-Haitham couldn’t stop himself from asking bluntly, raising his arms up in surrender and half shock while he stared down the man whose eyes narrowed.

Stepping around him like a cornered beast ready to do the worst thing in his life..

With no hesitation.


“You clearly don’t know the price tag on them, Al-Haitham.. are you going to tell me what I want to know or are you going to stay quiet..?”


At those words, the previous Chef was practically speechless. His throat felt as if it closed itself off.

He almost had enough pride in himself to scoff at the man’s words, but his own self preservation prevented that from happening.


There were only two ways out, either fight back and hope that he had enough damn experience with knives to grab one from his own kitchen and use it, or..

His eyes shifted slowly to the door to the side of him about twenty feet away to the walk-in freezer where they kept all of their freshly caught fish in preparation for dinner service.


He didn’t have time to think right now though about which option would have been better, as his boss fired a warning shot that grazed just past Al-Haitham’s ear, which made the younger man’s body shoot across the room and into the freezer, locking the metal door behind him just in time to hear his boss roar in anger.

Adrenaline pumping through the man’s system as his chest heaved up and down, his ribs probably barely able to hold his lungs back from popping out of his chest cavity.



He was not about to die right now..

Al-Haitham thought as his eyes wandered up to look at the sharp metal meat hooks that hung from the ceiling above him..

That could be a good weapo-


He almost yelped as he suddenly heard a noise from right beside him, almost like a weak cry or squeak from a-


His heart felt as if it physically stopped when his eyes landed on a girl..

No, not a girl persay, but a Mermaid..

Her hair was green..

Her eyes, an odd pink shade..

And she was in a small fish tank, almost crammed inside it with water that threatened to freeze with her in it.


Well this just got more complicated..

Didn’t it?-

Chapter 110: I’m alive..?


Tw: blood, after effects of a near death hit, still missing scaramouche arm and bitter thoughts from him

Chapter Text

Scaramouche didn’t know why exactly he stayed right by this Goddess’s side.

He didn’t even know how he was able to just.. walk alongside her like nothing.


They had found civilization.

In some place called.. Sumeru..?

All Scaramouche knew was that it had a dreadful amount of sand and bandits.

Who he would have taken care of by himself but the little girl insisted that they avoided them instead.


It was rather annoying.

But this girl did seem to know her way around here..

Even pulling him and his limbs out of quicksand a good few times.


He still didn’t have his missing arm though-

Maybe they would be able to get him a new one somehow.

He highly doubted it, but there was a possibility he supposed.


“So..” The Puppet began to speak, breathing out through his artificial lungs.

“You are an Archon. Correct?”


That question oddly seemed to stump the supposed “God of Wisdom”, the girl placing a finger almost playfully to her chin.

“I know that doesn’t sound very believable, does it?” She instead asked, gaining a soft shake of a head from Scaramouche.


“No.. it doesn’t. Because Gods don’t help people like me.”


“Is that so?”


“Yes.” The Puppet nodded, “I am not even a person. So I do not know why you would do such a thing. It’s rather stupid seeing as you’re the ‘oh mighty God of Wisdom- here to save the people from their own ignorance.’”

He decided to mock with a slight forced chuckle after it, kicking the sand, not even caring if it got into his ankle joint.


“What a joke..” he then added in a slight hiss, only to silence himself as he felt two tiny hands grabbing the one that he had left.


The small girl looking at him with those green eyes that he both wanted to hate and admire.

“I guess you’re right.” She admitted, not even glancing over to see the look of complete and utter shock she received.


“I am not the Dendro goddess everyone knew from before.. but, I’ll try my best to live up to her!” Instead of frowning, she oddly smiled at him after Scaramouche had reminded her of such a key detail.


Because no, she wasn’t the Goddess that everyone knew from before…

But that didn’t matter.

That Goddess was no more, reborn into a much smaller, and daresay naive form.


This Goddess was apparently here to stay, and Scaramouche honestly didn’t care either way.

“Just don’t expect me to bow down to you. I am not a worshiper.”


“I never said you were.” Nahida giggled, “you’re a strange person Hat Guy! I think I’ll stay beside you, if that’s okay.”


“Alright, fine.” The Puppet rolled his eyes, but couldn’t stop himself from thinking that there was something here..


She will be the one to care for you now.. 

as the mother you deserved so long ago..

…My Son.


















Rain showered down mercilessly on the earth as The Hydro Dragon made that declare, his teeth growing into much prominent fangs as the power that was once stored away in The God Focalor returned to him moments before their hideout was going to be attacked.


He knew what Focalor had done..

In fact he could see her from where he was levitating in the sky at this very moment.

Her eyes threatening to close as she looked at The Tsaritsa with a gaze he could not really understand..


And The Tsaritsa stared back.. 

Neuvillette’s own tears were covered by the rain that suddenly wailed on them from above.


A Dragon’s powers were returned..

Everyone could practically hear the world croon at that fact.

And thus, power surged from Neuvillette’s form and into the skies themselves..

Ripping apart the clouds and stars with it.

As if The Dragon was challenging The Celestial Realm itself..


“…I hereby include that The Hydro Archon’s sins are also Forgiven…”














The next thing Focalor knew was that she was gasping for air, coughing up blood that had attempted to fill her lungs but now.. now something strange was happening..


She tried to speak, tried to ask the Goddess still holding her now delicate body a question but quickly silenced herself as those fangs of The Tsaritsa’s dug deeper into her own neck, causing her to shiver intensely.

Or maybe that was from The Ice Queen’s magic finally returning to its original owner..


Was she-

Saving her..? 

No.. no this wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.. 

The Hydro Archon’s blood was supposed to be spilled and given to Tsaritsa’s people who have turned into bloodthirsty beasts after The First Outbreak..

Saving both societies in the process.


But now..

Now she still breathed..

Her once different blue hued eyes turning into deep crimson..


The Goddess couldn’t help tear up, whether it be from disappointment or happiness, both could be an answer.

She laughed.

Laughed weakly with newly grown fangs as The Tsaritsa finally drew back her own, the usual cold expression she would have worn changing into a much softer one. 


They had fooled the Celestial Realm with a smile on their faces.

And neither one regretted it..











“W-what is-“

Wriothesley gasped as everything else stopped for a moment.

No noise, no movement, no baring of fangs..

After the goddess of hydro had left from her spot in front of them to do what she quoted in her earlier words, everyone stopped.


The hungry, angry Sirens quieting down as a rush of pure magical power sent shivers through damn near a eighty mile radius in the ocean.


The Shark Mermaid gasping softly as a dense stream of what he could only imagine to be what caused such a thing, immediately flowing into Neuvillette, who after a moment, with saddened eyes, practically shot out of the waters and towards the skies.


This whole prophecy thing is weird-

Chapter 111: A Bitter Cold Battle..


Tw: blood, fighting

Chapter Text

As Pantalone watched the Goddess’s from afar, Tartaglia wrapping an arm around his shoulders which smeared the blood on his clothes around slightly.

Dottore’s blood.

The blood of the man who had attempted and failed to manipulate him for so long.


He could still remember the rush of power he felt when he ended that sick man’s life.


How it felt piercing a blade crafted for a Goddess into the person who had dared to take advantage of others.


He could almost smile…

















“Get up.”

Those were the first words that came from Pantalone’s throat after Pierro and the other Harbingers left hurriedly to do whatever it was they thought of to save The Ice Archon.

Tartaglia’s eyes giving him one last glance before the lowest ranked Harbinger joined the others.


Leaving him alone..

With… This Monster.

The man’s face now splitting into a sharp smile at his command.

“You are ordering me to stand…? I never took you to be so commanding..”


And Pantalone could only open up his eyes..

Glaring down at the man with a gaze that would have killed a normal man.


But Dottore was not a normal man.

Far from it.

Yet he was going to kill him..

That, he would make sure…


“Are you saying that you are just too weak to stand after The Tsaritsa put a hole in you? That’s understandable..” Pantalone sneered, unable to keep back the attitude that he apparently had been learning from Tartaglia as soon as they had gotten closer.

He twirled the sword in his hands, ignoring the bitter cold handle of the blade that made his hands partially numb.


“I just thought that the Second Harbinger in ranking was stronger than that… it makes me wonder what I was so afraid of..”


In a moment, Dottore was back on his feet, his mask having been torn off long ago to reveal his red eyes that glowed in the darkness of the room, showing just how much he didn’t care about the outcome of this battle..

And his smile, long since turned into an odd snarl.


He was the one being challenged?!


He laughed bitterly. “No matter.. I will win either way..”


In seconds, Dottore’s cryo delusion glowed, summoning a sword of his own..

Pantalone had seen this weapon before of course.

A Claymore..

Expertly crafted and designed by the crazed man himself to make his work go… “smoother” as he said.


Pantalone had not really understood the man’s words fully back then..

But now he knew.

You killed all the other Assistants you had before him, didn’t you, Doctor…?


“I never thought that you would be one to betray me, ‘Lone… I thought you were different.” The Doctor almost pouted, watching the other man back up a slight step as those blue eyes still geared towards him.


“You never quite liked me, did you?” Pantalone asked back, scoffing at the nickname before brandishing the blade with a tighter grip as Dottore started to circle around him.

“You just wanted answers. Hah…” he could almost laugh.. “You saw exactly what I didn’t like and tried to use it.”


“I was merely testing out your resolve. I am impressed.” The other grinned before finally lunging forward, making Pantalone grunt at the impact as their swords connected.

Sending The Regrator back a few feet, catching himself on one of the wooden tables that stood a vase.


He had to admit that he was never too strong in the brute strength category, which proved to be a hassle at the moment.


“I don’t need your pointless praise.” 

What he was good at though, was making little remarks that caused the Doctor to roll his eyes-


So that had to count for something right?


“I just need you to die.”


“If a goddess couldn’t kill me in one blow, how do you think you could?” The man laughed, lunging forward again and slamming into the table that Pantalone was in front of, the Regrator clashing The Tsaritsa’s sword with the Claymore, the two of them surprisingly struggling for a good few seconds before Pantalone knocked Dottore backward.


“I know I can’t. At least not usually..” A blast of bitter cold air filled the room as soon as Pantalone lifted up his left hand that wielded the blade.


Knowing that right now..

Right at this moment..

He was as strong as the Gods themselves..


A God without their perfect weapon is weak.

But a mortal with a weapon crafted for a God..?

Was as powerful as one themselves..


All he didn’t have was the physical durability of one.

But that didn’t matter.

He laughed. He laughed at the pure adrenaline he felt from this power.

It was an even bigger, an even grander rush than the one that he got when biting Tartaglia, and that was certainly hard to beat.


“Come…” he beckoned, the very same smile Dottore would wear, cutting across his own cheeks.

“I will be the one to devour you whole…”




“Mind… and body..”











So hungry…

You have been starving for decades, my poor child..


Eat him like the meal you so desperately craved..

Devour him.



At the words, no.. the command that suddenly slammed into his mind, Pantalone’s grin stretched..

His eyes glowing brighter as he suddenly started to claw his way into the offensive position.

The Doctor is barely able to keep up with this new pace however as blood is sprayed from Dottore’s body.

His human inspired clone body being unable to dodge such malicious attacks, at least not all of them at once.


The meat of his cheeks, his shoulder blade, his ribs… were all a victim to the blade that shined brilliantly.


And yet he did not fear it.

How could he?

He was barely using any of his actual power.

He was merely playing with Pantalone.


Let’s see how this fight truly ends~…


Chapter 112: A breath of life..?


Tw: mentions of death/decay

Chapter Text

“Is there a problem, Father?” Lynette was the first to ask as she faced The Knave after Freminet had come to get her and her brother, her tail flicking back and forth slightly in a familiar bout of anxiousness.


“Who.. is she?” She then asked, looking over at the woman with pink hair, getting a rather odd feeling that she couldn’t really explain or place…

Hiding herself slightly behind her twin, who gave a more curious look.


“Yeah, she.. is not a child, is she, Father?” He then tilted his head like a puppy to the side.

“Is she just a second caretaker for the littler children? We could have helped out more, Father.”


“No no.” The Knave denied with a shake of her head, “she is…” she took a moment to look at the girl-… now woman, now breathing her physical appearance in.


Nothing much had changed.

At least not in her face.

Sure, her eyes got a bit smaller as she aged, but kept the same hopeful green hue that Arlecchino remembered.


“A friend.” Were the words she decided to use, smiling softly as she placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder who smiled in unison before looking at the children in front of her.


“Ah… I get it now.. Peruere, these are your children right?”



Awkward, uneasy silence filled the kitchen as the three siblings looked at each other before looking back up at “Father”.




“Hmm… I suppose that you could call them that.” Arlecchino nodded, which shocked the three where they stood.




What was Father saying?!-


“Ah! So you adopted them then?” Clervie smiled brightly, patting Lyney’s head who let out a sort of awkward chuckle.


“Yes, I suppose I did.” The Knave agreed, looking at the three who looked as though they could faint-


Lyney being about to speak up before the stranger promptly squealed and pulled him into a tight hug, almost picking him of his feet-


“You all are so cute!” The woman smiled even brighter somehow before setting the boy back down with an awkward chuckle.

“Sorry, I just have the feeling that I haven’t seen a human for a long time.. so it is very nice to meet you.”


That was… an odd way to word it..



“Well then, I suppose an introduction is long overdue!” Lyney spoke with his usual flare, smiling as he bowed his head before standing back up almost proudly.


He then extended an arm first to Freminet, pulling the smaller boy closer to him.

“This is our beloved little brother Freminet! Do not be fooled by his shy nature however,” he leaned in, almost as if to whisper. “He can build and fix dozens of mechanical parts in one day!”


“Uhm, I only created six yesterday for-“




“Lyneyy-“ a blush quickly covered Freminet’s face, the small boy trying his best to shield it with his own hair, smoothing out a couple strands.


This made The Magician laugh, ruffling the boy's hair before looking back at Clervie whose smile softened even more as she crouched.

“You three seem to be so close, it reminds me of how I was when I was a child..”


“Really?” Lynette asked, scanning Arlecchino who seemed almost embarrassed by those words, turning her head just slightly away to avoid the topic all together.


But Lynette didn’t let that go, raising an eyebrow before turning back to the stranger.

“How long have you two known each other exactly?”


“Oh for a long time.” The woman smiled, standing back up to look towards The Knave.

“What is it now? About ten years?”


“Twenty one.” Arlecchino begrudgingly admitted, gaining a laugh from the girl, but then.. the smile then turned into a look of confusion.


“Twenty one..? But.. Peruere…” the woman went silent for a moment, the four around her swearing that they could physically hear the gears turning in the woman’s head.


“Arlecchino.” The Knave corrected, shocking her old friend out of her thoughts as those green eyes locked onto her.

“…that is the new name that was given to me. And that is what I shall be called.”




And just like that..

A burst of memories slammed themselves into Clervie..

Clawing their way through the surface of her mind..





















Ten years prior..


“Deep breaths, child..”


A month after Clervie’s supposed death from Arlecchino’s own blade..

Her dear friend's old blade..


She had awoken, seemingly from death itself..


A woman above her with a hand pressed to her chest, metal claws adorning the woman’s fingertips like that of precious jewelry.


“W-who-“ she coughed on her own blood, her body practically spasming from just how cold death had felt.

And when her eyes landed on the woman above her, she was certainly confused..


She had half expected it to be her own mother.

But.. that hope, that sickening hope died in that exact moment when she saw the woman’s pearly white hair, a mask covering her eyes from view.


“You are lucky that the dead can pass through the ice barrier my dear..” the woman continued to speak.

Jumbled nonsense that consumed Clervie’s entire mind as she reflexively grabbed onto the woman’s dress, tears flowing from her eyes as her body, having been deprived from oxygen for so long, suddenly flooded with it.


“M-Mother..” the girl couldn’t help but sob, gaining a soft smile from the woman.


“You may call me that, dear child. But you are running out of time.. Even I have my limits of reviving people from death.”


“W-what do you mean??” Clervie desperately asked, she was certainly alive, right??

This woman- this.. this entity had saved her!

Her mother must have dumped her body into the ocean and now she was saved!- so why?!-


“I can only freeze time for so long my dear.” The Tsaritsa spoke…

“You are not breathing, not any more.. in fact you barely have lungs to breathe out of. The body decays quickly you know.. but cold water does slow this process..”


“N-no… no no please!” Clervie couldn’t help but sob, she had thought that she had been prepared for death..

She thought that it would be better if her dear friend won the fight..


But now..

She wept like a child.

Like a baby..


She wanted her Mother…

She wanted to hear her Mother sing her lullabies one more time just like the old days..


She just wanted..


“I can save you..” The Tsaritsa smiled softly, “but.. you will not return as a human…”


“I don’t care..” Clervie sniffled, grabbing onto the woman’s wrist.

“…please.. save me..”

Chapter 113: Cold chills..


Tw: injuries, death threats

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Al-Haitham sighed as he looked over at the young looking Mermaid, sharing a look of sympathy to her before wincing at feeling a loud thud from his boss trying to kick the walk in freezer door down.



He did not have the time to be surprised right now!


He winced again as he felt another thud against his spine, his eyes quickly moving to look at the Mermaid to the side of him as he heard the poor thing chirping in what he assumed to be fear.


Which was very understandable, he was a stranger after all and he was currently trying to keep back an apparently murderous psychopath from entering the room!

Great! Just perfect!-


So this is what it means by “money changes people!” 

Because mister stern and desperate boss clearly didn’t seem so desperate to have him back at the moment!!-




His hand reflexively went to his ear which felt oddly wet, only to later find out with a slight pained hiss that the damn “warning shot” had cut past his damn earlobe!!


Great!!!- wonderful!-


He growled, looking around him before resorting to ripping a piece of his shirt off, covering the wound with it to hopefully stop more blood from squirting out of his body, using his left hand to keep pressing on it while his right went fishing for his phone in his pocket.


“Al-Haitham!! Get out of there now!!” His crazed boss slammed harder against the door, making the used to be chef flinch when the firearm the man carried tried to shoot the door open.


The man had never typed a number in his phone so fast in his life, barely able to feel himself think as his ears rang painfully, pressing the phone to his uninjuried ear.


Please pick up- please please please!-


















“Haitham?” Cyno sounded confused as soon as he answered the phone before huffing out a joking laugh.

“Don’t tell me you ran off to hide from Kaveh and Tigh, but I wouldn’t blame you, they really did a number on us last night and-“


“My workplace.. now.” The man interrupted bluntly, not even trying to bite back his tone which would have sounded much ruder to other people.

“I-I need you here now.”

He ordered, sending Cyno into a bout of confusion.


“Haitham? Did something happen?” He was standing in mere moments, pulling on a jacket to cover his shirtless body to be able to go out in public. 

“You sound.. strange..”


“Ah, might be from the blood loss.”


“The blood what now? ” Cyno’s tone immediately turned cold, almost slamming his front door open as he rushed outside, leaving the other two still in the pool to give each other looks of concern.


When his question was not answered, Cyno went even faster.

“Haitham!! Answer me!”


“My boss- you remember him right?” Al-Haitham coughed, wincing as that simple jerk of his head caused pain to radiate down almost to his neck.



Getting your ear almost blown off by a gun was certainly not a thing he expected to be able to check off his bucket list but here we go-


“The one who keeps taking money out of your paychecks?? Of course I do, you complained about him for weeks- sure you weren’t very loud about it but you were quite grumpy-“


“ Yes, well- I messed up. I told him about the two at our house and now the man has gone completely off the rails.”




“Well- are you hiding?? Please tell me that you are not speaking to me while currently facing off with him!”


“I am. But there’s something in here that also needs to come out with me uninjuried.”


Cyno could almost roll his eyes, “Al-Haitham I swear to the archons above if you are talking about some damn meat in that damn freezer-“


“It’s another mermaid.”


Cyno almost choked-

But he dare not question it, practically sprinting down to Al-Haitham’s old workplace now without any more plans.



He hadn’t even grabbed his own firearm from the house!-



“What type of gun is it??”


Al-Haitham almost dared to ask why the hell that even mattered but bit his tongue before he could do so.

“Just a pistol. Is there a reason??”


“How many times has he used it??”


Al-Haitham immediately caught on. “Three times. He has shot three times.”


If it was a standard pistol than the crazed man only had three more shots left..

Cyno’s mind raced, fighting back the urge to just charge inside the place as soon as he stumbled upon the sign of the restaurant that almost made his stomach churn sickly.


“I’m getting you out of there..”


















Arlecchino almost gasped as Clervie suddenly stumbled backwards, almost flat out falling down onto the hard wooden floor that connected the living room space to the kitchen while tears suddenly poured down her face.


The three children alarmed by this as well, the twins moving to stabilize her back while Freminet covered his eyes as if to spare himself from watching the woman fall.


“Clervie, Clervie are you alright?” The Knave asked, snapping with two clawed fingers inches from the girls face.


When she got no response, she quickly picked the woman up, setting her by the couch where she then started to shiver..


Almost convulsing as if she was in the middle of a blizzard..


What was happening???


“Go get some firewood. I’ll stay here.” The Knave’s tone bordering on frantic…


The three children not even responding with their usual, “yes father!” As they hurried off to gather such supplies.


What is this???



Sorry for updating later than usual! College papers have been taking up most of my time. 😅

Chapter 114: A Cold Battle… part two


Tw: death threats, near death, the want to steal an eye dammit dottore-

Chapter Text

Pantalone was no God..

Nor was he a stranger to the horrors of humanity.


He would have felt sickened to his own core if he could even comprehend what he was thinking about doing at this moment..


But he wasn’t going to back down.

Wasn’t going to ask The Doctor to stop whatever they were doing.


No, there was no option for that, nor an opening.


He wanted to kill him.

Mangle his body from all that he had done until not even bones remained…

Carve that sickly sweet smile clean off his face…



Yes, that's exactly what he wanted to do.


He almost started to salivate at the mere thought…

But it wasn’t going to be easy.

He wasn’t foolish enough to believe that it would be.


Killing a mortal man was easy enough.

Snapping their neck or shattering their skull would yield the same results, even if it was a rather messy clean up..


But again, The Doctor was not just a regular man..


“You look different than before, ‘Lone…” the man almost practically crooned, that smile never leaving his face as he took a few moments to drag his fingers across his own claymores blade, watching the reflection of his face change..

His body started to glow a sick blue shade..

Cryo power was always so troublesome..


“I must say, you look rather beautiful with those red eyes..”


The crazed man then stepped forward, brandishing his blade right by his side while he spoke.

“I do have to finish this game quickly..” The Doctor sighed, a frown replacing his smile for a split second before it returned, a gloved hand moving to caress his own cheek. “You see, I have lots of work to still do, but I would however love to take one of your eyes back with me to study…” 


“I bet you would..” Pantalone let out a forced laugh, only to wince as Dottore clashed into him with much more force than before, leading his heels to skid back across the tiled floor, aching for some friction to catch onto.


“But you’re going to have to kill me first…”


Of course the other man laughed, he never really did take Pantalone seriously.


“I don’t think that will be too much of a pain. I’ll finish this up quickly..”


In an instant, Dottore gained the upper hand in a single movement, slamming his Claymore sword’s face directly at Pantalone’s head, disorienting the other man who quickly stumbled back, the blunt force causing The Regrator’s vision to blur.


A pained hiss coming out from behind his clenched jaw.

“You fucking bastar-“


He was interrupted by his own choked roar of anger. 

Dottore once again, using the weight of his own body plus the combined weight of his heavy claymore to pin the other man down to the floor, Dottore’s heeled shoe slamming down onto Pantalone’s wrist.




Pantalone hissed in pain that followed with a wince as that action forced him to drop the Cryo God's beloved blade, his body meanwhile skidding across the ground slightly as he threatened to lose consciousness while he was kicked back harshly.


No no no..!!-

This was not how it was supposed to be ending for him!!!

Think!! You’re smart aren’t you??? Think a way out of this situation!!-


He took a sharp inhale as he looked at those red eyes that almost glowed in the darkness of the building.


The sick man was a couple meters away from him now, dragging his claymore behind him as he walked, acting as if it was the heaviest thing in the moment that he could be carrying.


“It was a rather good fight, ‘Lone..” the Doctor’s voice was oddly numb now, not sick and filled with glee as The Regrator would have anticipated.

“It really is quite a shame… I would have kept you for longer…” His hands then raised his sword, the blade's tip barely grazing Pantalone’s neck as he panted in pure exhortation and panic.


And yet, he did not speak.

He need not cry or beg for his life. 

If this was it..

Then he would accept it willingly.


His head lulled back, exposing his neck to the other man.

He was ready..

He was..


Are you really accepting defeat from a man that made you suffer for years…?



His now red eyes opened again, looking around momentarily before..


He saw it..


Encased in gold and silver..

Tied with a light blue ribbon..


A random amulet..?


A Hydro Vision, encased in a film of ice, traveled down gently, as if it was as weightless of a feather..


Landing in his open hand..


The Gods had finally answered his call…


Chapter 115: Warmth by the fire…


Tw: guns, thoughts of getting shot, stated previous injury, stated previous abuse/neglect

Chapter Text

Cyno panted as he finally reached Al-Haitham’s workplace. 

Almost collapsing to the ground as his adrenaline shook him to his very core, but still, he swung open the door to the restaurant and charged inside, immediately ducking his head in surprise as another shot rang out.


Two bullets left.

That was good.

If he was able to get the man to waste his last few shots then they would be on an even field.


Besides, Cyno remembered enough from his work days of how to properly defend himself at least well enough to fend another man off.

He had done it before, and he could theoretically do it again.



All he had to do was not get distracted.


Though he couldn’t help but hiss in slight pain as that one bullet had shot close enough to him that it had made his ears ring.


No matter.

Keep going.


He somehow silently moved into the kitchen area, hiding underneath the big metal table used to prepare and cut the produce for service.

It was big enough to hide underneath, and provided him an ample line of sight so that he could anticipate anyone coming close, though the one thing this hiding place lacked was that he couldn’t exactly see what was above him.


“Who are you? We are closed at the moment.” A rough voice snapped from somewhere further in the building.


Had that been the direction that the bullet was shot from?

Ahh, so it was Al-Haitham’s boss..


Just fucking great…

He could almost groan but held it in.

As the next thing he definitely had to figure out was how he could either dissuade the man from shooting him right after coming out of his hiding spot, or option b, disarm the man by facing him.


Those two options could theoretically work.

But that didn’t mean that they were pleasant things to consider..


They both had their bad outcomes.

But one certainly had more than the other and that was facing the man head on.

Cyno has had his fair share of calming down people who in the moment reacted unstable..


But those people usually had weak motives in their actions..


And he could not lie and say that the boss was doing something wrong in order to set up his entire families lives for generations with the money he would receive for a whole Mermaid.


The fact that he had a hostage now though..

Was a hole in that plan…


“My name is Cyno, previous retiree from the police force.” He started firmly, loudly stating his previous occupation.

What he did not add though, was the fact that he had retired early due to being shot in the shoulder by a offender.


He fought back a smile at the memory of Al-Haitham helping him out back then before standing up and moving away from the table.


His sharp, almost orange eyes locking with the man who had come down the hallway, away from the freezer door and now stood to stare harshly at Cyno.

Only for that gaze to widen at Cyno saying his occupation.


“I am sure you have heard of me, I don’t mean to brag but I was on the news for a little while.” He let out a chuckle, “you know, cops really are the best at traffic control; they really know how to stop and go.


At the joke, the boss looked rather confused, his grip loosening on the gun for one mere moment. And just that mere moment was enough for Cyno who quickly tackled the man down, slamming his knuckles into the ground and making him drop the gun.


“And I believe that you’re under arrest…”


















“Is she alright, father?” Freminet asked the Knave quietly, looking at the woman who now laid her head onto Arlecchino’s lap.

Arlecchino‘s claws gently pressing a warm rag over Clervie’s forehead which gained a small smile from the girl From where they laid on the floor, closest to the fireplace.


“I believe so. You may go off to bed, your siblings have already headed up-”


“Father..” Freminet’s soft voice interrupted, his hands clenching the penguin toy he had nestled in his arms.

Though, he did not seem to have the strength to finish his thought once “Father” looked at him.


“Come sit..” she surprisingly whispered, patting a clawed hand on a spot on the rug, motioning the boy to join her on the floor.


And of course, you cannot really say no to that, can you?


So, he sat down quietly, not daring to say anything more, nor did he reach out to touch her.


Arlecchino was one of the only ones who knew why he did this..

Mother was not kind.

Mother was not loving.

“Mother”… was everything she never wanted to be…


A blackened clawed hand reached out to the boy, noting his slight jump before pulling his head closer to rest on her shoulder, gaining a small gasp from the boy whose whole body stiffened.


What are you doing..?


She didn’t know, nor did she really care.

The boy was scared breathless and yet, all she did was gently run her nails through his light blonde hair as her eyes stared into the flames in front of them.


There was no need for words.

There was nothing to say..


And yet, Freminet understood the action, the offer of warmth and comfort.

“Mother” had died cold and heartless..


But “Father” was thawing slowly but surely as the flames crackled and burned..


“Thank you, Father..”

He hadn’t meant the words to be heard.

He hadn’t even meant to say them in the first place.



“You’re welcome.. My Child..”


There was something that just made him say it in the first place, and that, he thanked the gods for…

Chapter 116: Interesting…


Tw: a bit of blood, injuries

Chapter Text

Dainsleif held back a slight hiss as his hand covered the mark of hardened scales again, his unaffected eye looking forward at the containment area where they had gathered all the affected Khaenr’ah Soldiers that they could get their hands on.


Lumine had been right it seems.


Halfdan was acting strangely docile despite his soldiers growls and snarls at The Twilight Sword.


He had been that way ever since the moon had turned a blood red all those days ago.


Dain has simply lost track of time..

And they were running out of it rather quickly.


Lumine had been acting strangely.

They were supposed to be sort of allies in this, and yet with the more time that passed, the colder she had gotten.


Could she be getting affected as well?

No, no it couldn’t be that.

She had no signs of pain or discomfort, no hallucinations, no disorientation.


And yet the way that she looked at him was..



And yet she looked as if she was planning something.


And Dainslief almost didn’t want to figure out exactly what it was.

Now that he thought more about it, it could almost be put into the category of mischievous..


She had never been the type to feel that way though, right..?


“Lumine.” He beckoned, eyes still staring at the soldiers- his soldiers in the cage that he himself had locked them into as a means to keep himself and them safe.

“What do you believe our next plan of action should be?”


Just what is her goal here??


“You’re the Captain.. are you not?” The girl hummed, oddly infuriating Dainsleif as he whipped around to look at her.


”I don’t want to play any games. What is your goal here??- I-“


“I believe that we should join the Sirens side..”


One moment the air had been filled with Dain’s rage, his unease..

The next?

Confusion and shock..


“You can’t possibly mean that..”


“Oh dain…” the Mermaid sighed, moving forward to circle around him.

“Do you remember that Siren that broke into our cave and led to you getting infected?”


The eye..

Dainsleif’s infected, wounded eye.. widened at those words.

“You.. can’t possibly be saying that-”


Lumine’s head slightly dropped, as if to look the slightest bit guilty.

“I.. Had let that Siren inside..”





















Cyno panted as he kept the man pinned to the ground below him, the other man’s arms bent behind his back almost painfully in order to keep him from getting up and on his feet, causing the Manager to groan in slight pain.


“What are you!-“


“My friend Al-Haitham.” Cyno snapped, his grip only growing stronger which led to the man letting out a small hiss before relaxing back down onto the ground and relenting his struggle.

“Where is he?” 


“Is this why you suddenly barged in h-“


The man choked on his words as soon as the past Police Officer pressed his face further down and into the floor.


“Answer the question..” now came out as a harsh growl, causing the immobilized man to sigh.


“In the walk-in freezer on your left. Look, he was trying to steal from me so I simply-“


“So you immediately went to shoot him, yeah.” Cyno huffed, finally releasing pressure off the man’s back as he stood, still holding the man’s gun in his hand as a warning.

“Don’t move while I go to help him, okay?”


And he didn’t even wait for an answer before quickly banging on the large metal door of which he guessed was what opened to the freezer, hearing a soft groan from his boyfriend which almost sounded playful.


“My ears are ringing, quit banging the doorrr-“


“Then unlock it.” Cyno fought back a smile, his shoulders releasing most of the tension they had as The Chef did just that, allowing Cyno to wrap his arms around him.


The two men sighing in unison as they held each other, Cyno quickly scanning for injuries.


“Damn, Haitham..” Cyno hissed in sympathy as he reached a hand up to tilt the other man’s head, looking at the ear that was still dripping blood down the other’s neck, the remaining piece of ear having a rather big gash in it now.


“I’m fine.” Al-Haitham reassured as his eyes returned back to stare at the Mermaid trapped in the small cage that was scooted back to the far right side of him.

“We need to get her out of this freezer, I still don't know if her kind is much like fish, but fish at least are very sensitive to water temperature change.”


At this information Cyno sighed, looking over and looking at the poor Mermaid who stared at them with her pink eyes. 

“Do you think you can help me out here?” He asked, standing up with Al-Haitham who nodded with understanding.


The tank that the Mermaid in was quite large, yet still cramped for a Mermaid’s standard, and with Cyno’s previous shoulder injury, even with all the therapy in the world there would be no way with the shot nerves and affected muscles that he would be able to lift at least a hundred pound weight all on his own.


“Ready?” Haitham asked, looking over at his boyfriend who nodded and gripped the edge of the tank harder.


Three, two, one.. lift!-


Both men grunted as they pushed off with their hips to raise the tank up to get it out of the freezer doorway, turning their positions to be able to make it through the rather narrow hallway.


Al-Haitham took the brunt of the weight, muttering small curses under his breath as he tried to keep most of the weight off Cyno’s left side, which promptly earned him a glare.


And this glare clearly said, 

“You know that I can still handle lifting weight right?”


And to that, Haitham would act clueless.


The two men kept going, The Chef being rather shocked when he saw his boss now sitting in one of the chairs in the dining room, accompanied by a rather frantic girl named Xiangling..


She was one of the newest hires..

Currently trying to get answers from the older man about what happened when she heard a rather large thud in the Kitchen.


Which caused Al-Haitham to sigh as he looked at Cyno and raised an eyebrow.


The older man gave them a quick glance before turning back to the worried girl so as to not look suspicious.

“I just.. slipped on the newly mopped floors..”



















“Excuse me?” Zhongli smiled at the closest Library assistant who quickly looked over to him, the man still holding the book which he had been reading earlier.


“There seems to be a few pages missing of this book, do you happen to know what happened to it?” Zhongli held up the book, gaining an odd look from the assistant who gently took the book from his hands and scanned through it before smiling apologetically.


“I apologize sir, but I don’t believe I have even seen this book before, so I am afraid that any pages lost may be gone for good. You are welcome to see if there are any more books on this topic-“


“No no, it is quite fine.” Zhongli smiled, standing up and adjusting his clothes.

“Have a good day..”


And simply left the library…


That book..

That book was strange..


And yet it was the closest thing that could have given him answers of how a Siren could possibly be changed back into a human…





Very interesting…