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better than fireworks


Kim Namjoon is hired on as idol Kim Taehyung's new bodyguard and they quickly develop a close relationship that blurs the lines between professional and personal.

Taehyung worries his crush is one-sided until...


hi friends!!! around the time when Tae posted his cute little Disney adventure pictures, I saw a lovely little prompt on the timeline that said: pls someone write a fic with babyboyidol th who just wants to be held and pampered, the industry is so rough, he's too soft. no matter what people think of him always looking so perfect, never losing composure...enter bodyguard nj

soooo here you go. hopefully I did the prompt justice!

Let me know if I forgot any tags.

follow me on twitter <3 @sugaskookie613

Work Text:

“You have a new head of security starting this morning,” Chul, Taehyung’s manager, said after closing the van door behind himself. “His name is Kim Namjoon and he’s been in security for over a decade. We shouldn’t have any problems with him like we did with Sungwoo.”

Taehyung sighed against the cool glass of the window and closed his eyes to better listen to the roadway speeding beneath them. 

“We’ll have a quick meeting with him this afternoon and then he’ll be with you for the entire trip from Tokyo, through Europe, and LA,” his manager continued, not paying much attention to the fact that Taehyung really did not care about the change in guard. 

They were all the same, security. Polite and professional at all times. Never all that chatty. Only ever making physical contact when absolutely necessary to protect Taehyung or to clear a path for him in crowded spaces. He appreciated them, he really did. 

Except Sungwoo. 

Sungwoo had tipped off a handful of fansites about Taehyung’s schedule for an extra bit of cash on the side and it had recently been discovered that he’d been doing it for the entirety of Taehyung’s career. Which explained how his fans always managed to show up at every single event he ever went to. 

In truth, it had helped Taehyung’s career immensely at first. It was free publicity and love and praise and his fans quickly catapulted him from a small following to a massive, worldwide sensation. However, it was the principle of the matter, and with Taehyung’s increasing popularity, Sungwoo’s “side hustle” had become a massive invasion of privacy as well as severe risk to Taehyung’s wellbeing. Not to mention how much of a betrayal it was that Sungwoo had continued to drop the idol’s information every chance he got. 

Thankfully, Taehyung had never been one to allow himself the pleasure of latching onto another person, even a number of his own staff members. His schedule was too intense and most days were filled with him running from one practice to the next. Which meant that Sungwoo’s choices, while horrible and invasive, didn’t make Taehyung as paranoid as it probably could have because Sungwoo’s actions didn’t feel personal. Then again, Chul had said, maybe it was because Taehyung was too burnt out to care. Frankly, that wasn’t far off. 

The driver dropped them off at the private entrance to the company building and Taehyung shuffled his way into his first vocal warm-ups and then dove head first into tour rehearsals. Being around his team helped him forget about his empty apartment and cold bed and unused couch. They helped him forget that he had to leave his puppy, Yeontan, with his parents while he was away and that he was getting ready to spend the next two months going from one hotel to the next, one show to the next, one country to the next. 

By the time his meeting with security rolled around, Taehyung was in desperate need of a break and an iced mocha. Chul, the saint he was, handed him the drink right before he stepped into the conference room. 

Taehyung absolutely regretted taking that first sip of his drink. 

There, standing at the far end of the conference room, was the most handsome man Taehyung had ever seen. Tall, broad, biceps probably the size of Taehyung’s thighs, the buttons of his white shirt barely hanging on by a thread. Worse still, was when the man turned his eyes to Taehyung while the idol choked and sputtered and hacked on the drink that had gone down the wrong tube. His eyes were sharp, exacting, cold if not for the wonderfully plush lips that bloomed into a smile as Chul cackled and smacked Taehyung on the back, teasing him for being a doofus. But what took Taehyung down into the pits of need were the dimples. Dimples that were damn near perfectly symmetrical and Taehyung used the opportunity of recovering from his choking to moan aloud in what he hoped sounded more like embarrassment than lust. 

“Tae, this is Kim Namjoon,” Chul introduced once the idol had fully recovered and patted his tears dry. “Namjoon-ssi, this is our Tae Tae who, as you can see, is a complete mess all of the time.”

“Shush, hyung,” Taehyung whined, his face heated up with true embarrassment and he hid a shy smile behind his hand. 

“Pleasure to meet you, Taehyung-nim,” Namjoon bowed generously, having crossed the room for a proper greeting. “If you ever need anything, please don’t be afraid to let me know. I’ll do my best.”

Taehyung simply nodded, unable to find any semblance of language left in his brain. He returned the bow and shifted all of his weight onto his left foot while scratching the back of his ankle with his right foot. He lost his balance just enough where his left hand flew out to try and find something to lean on, only for Namjoon to step close enough to catch him by the forearm. 

Namjoon’s grip was firm and grounding and the rush of warmth that flooded Taehyung’s body sent his brain into a tailspin. It shouldn’t have ruffled his feathers. People gripped onto him day in and day out in the choreography of a number of his songs and every single one of those touches were professional, exactly how Namjoon’s had been. It was only courteous to assist another person to prevent them from falling. 

But it wasn’t the touch that spread like wildfire. It was the look, the concern, the warmth of the smile that Namjoon projected into the room when he helped Taehyung catch his balance. It was the assertiveness with which Namjoon spoke to the team and how he listened to each of their concerns, making adjustments as necessary. Taehyung was enraptured by Namjoon’s quiet sense of humor and vast knowledge and experience, having served various members of government throughout his career. What consumed Taehyung the most was Namjoon’s soft goodbye and the gentle way Namjoon told him he’d see the idol bright and early for their flight the next morning.

Namjoon kept Taehyung up all night that night. Every time he closed his eyes, Namjoon was right there. Any time he managed to slip into a light snooze, Namjoon smiled at him. When his alarm went off, it was Namjoon who gently called to him from the bedroom door. 

Unfortunately for Taehyung, it was Chul who shook him awake. Chul with his toothy grin and his lighthearted giggle when Taehyung managed a sleepy pout and quiet mumbling as he burrowed deeper into the sheets. 

“Come on, Tae,” Chul said, pulling the duvet off the bed. Taehyung had learned early on to never go to bed naked because Chul had zero qualms about ripping the blankets off at any cost to wake the reluctant idol. “We’re already running late. I took your luggage down to the car and set out some clothes. Hop in the shower now before I toss you in there myself.”

Taehyung groaned and mumbled, stretching his long limbs, shivering from the cold air and the stiffness of his body from having been curled into a tight ball. What he wouldn’t give for a deep tissue massage and a good chiropractic session. 

Thirty minutes later, Taehyung sat in the back of a van listening to Chul and Namjoon discuss their plan of action. Apparently, Sungwoo had tipped off multiple media sites one final time about Taehyung’s schedule and reports claimed that the lobby of Incheon Airport was flooded with fans. Chul exited the vehicle before Taehyung and Namjoon stepped in front of the van door to stop the idol before he climbed out. 

“The crowd is restless,” Namjoon said softly. “We have everyone ready like we always do but I will stick right behind you, okay?”

Taehyung nodded.

“Are you okay with me touching you to help guide you through the crowd should that end up being necessary?”

Taehyung nodded again. 

“Alright,” Namjoon stepped aside. “You look very cute this morning, by the way. Everyone will love you.”

Taehyung smiled and whispered a quiet thank you before making his way toward the automatic doors. He took his time bowing and waving to the various media sites that he recognized and he threw out finger hearts to a couple of fans he’d known from the earliest days of his career. 

Once he made it into the lobby, however, all hell broke loose. Airport security had assembled metal barricades to keep people out of the general walkway but a fair number of people had hopped or circumvented them. Namjoon’s team kept them all at bay but the crowd beyond the barricades pressed in closer and closer and anxiety replaced all of Taehyung’s sleepiness. His shoulders raised, his heart raced, his vision blurred, and then a warm hand found its way to the middle of his back, and another hand laced with his. 

Taehyung didn’t need to turn around to see who it was. He had smelled Namjoon’s soft cologne in the van and he could smell it in that moment too. He closed his eyes and pressed his back into Namjoon’s chest. The warm hand slid from his back to his waist and Taehyung knew the crowd was too loud for anyone to hear the sigh that bubbled in his lungs but he was aware that Namjoon could probably feel it. 

On the plane, Taehyung settled into his seat and struggled with the extra blanket he’d been given when he’d boarded. Chul was messing with his own seat belt so he couldn’t exactly help Taehyung either. The crowds had agitated Taehyung more than normal and his whole body buzzed with nerves and he couldn’t seem to get anything to cooperate with him. 

As he wrestled with the blanket, Taehyung thought about how Namjoon had loosened his grip the second they’d had more space and how he’d held himself back from clinging to Namjoon’s arm for continued support. What he wouldn’t give for…

“Let me help,” Namjoon said, startling Taehyung from his thoughts. The man gently took the blanket from him and shook it to unfold the mess Taehyung had made. He then held one corner in each hand, offering it for however the idol wanted to use it. 

“Thank you,” Taehyung hummed. He took the opened blanket and draped it across his shoulders so that it covered his entire front. 

“You okay?” Namjoon asked, sitting in the seat across from Taehyung. 

“I’ll be okay,” Taehyung said, feigning confidence. 

“Well, I know that,” Namjoon smiled. “What I don’t know is if you’re okay right now.” 

Taehyung blinked slowly. He’d never been asked that before. His ‘I will be’ had always been sufficient. His lungs still rattled with anxiety, his heart had only just begun to slow down, the instant chill he’d felt shivering through his body once they’d stepped onto the quiet of the plane finally calming down. 

“I’m cold,” he opted to say and Namjoon nodded his head, lips turned into a slight frown. 

“Chul said you have a sweatshirt in your bag if you want me to go dig it out for you,” Namjoon offered. “Just let me know.”

Taehyung nodded and brought one leg up to tuck under the other. He wrapped the blanket tighter around his body and leaned against the wall to try and rest. 

The welcoming crowd in Japan wasn’t quite as chaotic as their departure from Seoul, but Taehyung’s nerves had only slightly recovered and he found himself seeking Namjoon’s attention almost immediately. Without question, he extended his hand to Taehyung and the idol threaded their fingers together and clasped on for dear life. 

“Take deep breaths,” Namjoon said in a low voice. “I’ll stay a little ahead of you so you can keep your eyes on my shoulder, yes?”

“Okay,” Taehyung said. 

Namjoon turned to the rest of the guards and gave out a few instructions regarding their perimeter and everyone fell into place. Taehyung released their hands periodically to wave and bow and throw finger hearts but he’d quickly cling to Namjoon’s arm right after. He faked a smile beneath his mask and hours later when he caught a glimpse of the media photos online, even he believed that he looked fresh-faced and happy. 

A few days later, in the rush of a crowd at a fan meet, Taehyung looped his arm into Namjoon’s and refused to let go. They’d spent a fair amount of time going from one venue to the next and Taehyung had worked up enough bravery to initiate physical contact whenever he felt completely overwhelmed. He’d never once done that before with Sungwoo but something about Namjoon’s presence soothed his tumultuous mind and quieted the noise of the crowds. 

Maybe it was how Namjoon let Taehyung do whatever he wanted. He could tug on the man’s arm and he wouldn’t budge unless it was necessary. He could grip onto his biceps and dig in his nails and Namjoon wouldn’t even flinch. He could bury his nose into Namjoon’s shoulder as they walked through a crowd and the other never responded to Taehyung’s obvious inhales other than to look down at the idol with a knowing chuckle.

In Osaka, Taehyung spent a handful of days shopping and exploring the city, something he hadn't been able to do on his previous tours. Namjoon and Chul stuck close by his side but Taehyung found himself consistently looking to Namjoon for his opinion or reaction to his purchases or items that caught his eye. He bought a few gifts for his team members, including a handsomely priced watch for Namjoon that Taehyung argued he could wear to more formal events instead of that silly apple watch. The idol secretly prided himself on the slight blush that crept up Namjoon’s neck when he opened the box. 

“Taehyung-ah,” Namjoon had said in the quiet of the hotel hallway. “I can’t–”

“You can and you will,” Taehyung placed his hand underneath Namjoon’s. “I can’t have my boy-b-bodyguard looking dapper only for a digital watch face to light up every time he moves his arm.” He scurried away into his room, kicking himself internally for almost calling Namjoon his boyfriend. Not that Namjoon had ever once treated him that way but…

His silly little crush had grown out of control and it was completely his own fault. Taehyung had most certainly imagined scenarios where it was possible that they could be together. Where it wouldn’t be frowned upon because of his sexuality or his career as an idol. Where it wouldn’t conflict with the fact that technically Taehyung was Namjoon’s employer. Where it was even remotely possible that Namjoon could ever possibly feel anything other than professional obligation towards Taehyung. 

The increase in physical contact between Taehyung and his bodyguard hadn't gone unnoticed by the media, nor had the change in personnel of Taehyung’s team. However, because the timing of both things coincided perfectly, media outlets and fansites assumed that the change happened in order to help Taehyung’s crowd anxiety. He’d made the mistake once of mentioning that sometimes large crowds scared him and everyone had seemed to run with it, saying things about how his company should hire a better security team.

It seemed as if people were none the wiser about the uptick in Taehyung’s behavior because to them, it made perfect sense. In fact, people were openly relieved by the change. Would it be that easy for him to conceal a relationship, if he were to have one, with his own bodyguard? Nobody would know the difference unless they were caught together off schedule. He felt silly allowing his little mind to wander into such dangerous territory when it was just a crush of epic proportions on someone who probably very much shouldn’t be his boyfriend. Yet he couldn’t keep himself from imagining what it would be like to have a boyfriend, even a secret one.

After he nearly called Namjoon his boyfriend, he worked himself into a nervous frenzy and drew himself a hot bath to try and calm himself down. Part of him hated how easily he slipped up but the other part wondered if maybe he’d inadvertently planted a good seed. Namjoon hadn’t exactly protested either. Rather, Taehyung was pretty sure he saw the man’s eyes widen in unexpected surprise. All of his little delusions, combined with Namjoon’s surprise, quickly developed into Taehyung feverishly chasing an orgasm until he came into his own fist with a small shout and a long, needy whine. And then later, tucked into bed, he fell asleep to thoughts of Namjoon pulling Taehyung onto his broad chest and running warm hands along chilled skin. 

“Hyung, I don’t feel good,” Taehyung said a few days later when he could finally bring himself to make eye contact with Namjoon again. He’d taken to calling the bodyguard ‘hyung’ without being given explicit permission but Namjoon had yet to correct him. They were on a flight to London after completing his shows in Japan. Taehyung had quietly asked Chul if it’d be okay if Namjoon sat next to him for the flight. He’d innocently argued that because they weren’t flying private, he felt more exposed despite being in first class. Chul smirked in a way that left Taehyung blushing but he didn’t back down from his request and Chul silently rearranged their seating. 

“I’m sorry, Tae-yah,” Namjoon said softly. “What’s wrong?”

“Tummy hurts,” Taehyung pouted, placing his sweatshirt-covered hands against his stomach and groaning. 

“Be right back,” Namjoon unbuckled himself and wandered to the front of their section where the attendants were busy cleaning up from dinner service. Taehyung watched as the man smiled and chatted with the pretty woman assisting him and his stomach soured a tad more when he saw the way Namjoon didn’t back off when she flirted with him. He’d never stand a chance against her in a lineup of pretty people. 

His mood lightened when Namjoon came back to their seats with antacids and a strawberry flavored seltzer water in hand. Normally, Taehyung didn’t appreciate it when people watched him eat but Namjoon’s eyes melted him to his core and he sank back into his seat with a tiny humph after he’d chewed the chalky tablets. 

“I can go get more if you need,” Namjoon said, taking the empty packaging from Taehyung. 

“So you can flirt with the attendant again?” Taehyung teased with an exaggerated pout. He tried not to lace it with too much spite.

“What’s that now?” Namjoon’s low chuckle resonated in Taehyung’s chest. 

Taehyung shrugged casually and tried not to let his lips turn up into an impish smile. 

“I tried it once,” Namjoon fiddled with the empty packaging and Taehyung adjusted himself in his seat to face him directly. “Turns out he had different guys in different places, which, I should have assumed, I guess. Would’ve been nice to know ahead of time though.”

“And that, my friend, is why you always wrap it up,” Taehyung giggled and Namjoon tilted his head back and barked a laugh. “That does suck though. I’m sorry.” It didn’t go unnoticed by Taehyung that Namjoon had clearly mentioned the attendant was he and not she and the idol’s heart raced with the idea that maybe he could have a chance. He risked reaching across the short dividing wall between their seats to rest a hand on Namjoon’s forearm before quickly pulling away, avoiding eye contact by closing his eyes in an attempt to rest. 

The only thing Taehyung didn’t like about sitting in first class that day was the distance between seats. What Taehyung wanted at that moment was to be closer to someone he knew. He wanted to snuggle up next to someone, rest his head on their shoulder, breathe in their cologne, listen to their breaths and heart. What Taehyung wanted was Namjoon and that dividing wall prevented him from doing exactly that. (Well, the wall and his own courage.)

He’d managed to fall asleep but woke up when his whole body twitched. His eyes shot open and he noticed that he hadn’t moved much other than having tucked his legs up to his chest. Namjoon, on the other hand, appeared fully knocked out. Plush lips barely parted, chest rising and falling with long breaths. 

Hours later, the late night silence and liminal spaces of Heathrow Airport made Taehyung wistful. He attached himself to Namjoon’s arm, their mismatched strides causing them to bump into one another. Taehyung giggled when Namjoon playfully stepped one foot in front of Taehyung’s and they ended up playing and laughing softly with each other all the way out to the van. 

A couple weeks later, they had three free days in Paris and Taehyung begged Chul to go to Disneyland. After much consideration and working with a few park representatives, they were able to secure an exclusive VIP tour experience that allowed Taehyung and his group to explore the park around fewer people. 

The first morning of their two-day experience, Taehyung was up and ready long before he’d needed to be. The hotel itself still slumbered in the early morning hours and Taehyung, dressed in his oversized Disney hoodie and loose pants, crept down the hallway to knock on the door of the one person he knew would be awake. 

“Hyung,” he said, breathless at the sight of Namjoon standing shirtless, hair still wet from the shower, water droplets on his shoulders and chest and abs, sweatpants hung low on his hips. 

“Everything okay?” Namjoon asked, eyes trailing Taehyung’s body. 

“Is there any way you can enjoy the day today?” Taehyung chewed on his bottom lip. “As in, don't do your job but just be there…with me?”

Namjoon hesitated. 

“I just feel bad that you’re always working. You deserve days off too.” Taehyung leaned against the doorframe and fluttered his lashes. He could tell by the way Namjoon shifted that his puppy eyes were working. 


“Please, hyung,” Taehyung insisted, taking half a step into Namjoon’s room. When Namjoon didn’t back away, Taehyung took another step closer, heart fluttering. 

“Okay,” Namjoon stopped him with a gentle hand to his arm to prevent Taehyung from entering further. “I’ll see who wants to take point today and we’ll go from there.”

Taehyung smiled brightly and despite Namjoon stopping him from his tentative advances, he got the feeling that the rebuff wasn’t a complete rejection. He practically skipped back to his room. 

During the hour he waited for everyone else to be ready, Taehyung dolled himself up. He’d asked one of the stylists to get him an extra pair of green contacts and when she couldn’t find any, she gave him a blue set instead. He kept the look fairly simple, sticking to light purple hues and a soft, shimmery highlighter over his cheeks. Taking one last glance at himself before heading down to their meeting spot, Taehyung smiled at his handiwork. 

He felt cute for the first time in ages. The label had pushed him to appear more mature and masculine during his third album and tour. They wanted him to leave behind his boyish charm to cater to the much larger, more mature sector of listeners, especially considering he’d attracted a new circle of fans with his acting roles. His music was still youthful and poppy to suit all ages but the goal was to give him a chance to be more of a ‘man’. He couldn’t count the number of times he rolled his eyes during the initial concept discussions. 

Duality was certainly one of his strong suits. He enjoyed playing up multiple sides to his persona, giving his fans any variety of themes to enjoy. If he’d had to admit though, he preferred the softer looks. Everything was more comfortable, more relatable, more him. So for at least the two days he was able to explore Disney, he’d do exactly that. 

Entering the crowded room, Taehyung snuck in along the wall and elbowed Chul. 

“Where’s hyung?” Taehyung asked, scanning the room and not seeing Namjoon.

“The fact that I know exactly who you mean without you telling me,” Chul raised his eyebrows and Taehyung poked his tongue out. “He’s already there. Said something about wanting to work with their team before we got there.”

Taehyung’s heart sank. He thought Namjoon had agreed to take the day off and he felt his mouth go dry at the thought that his bodyguard had lied to him just to appease him temporarily. 

“Ah, why the frown?” Chul pushed the idol along towards the two mini-buses the park had sent as transportation. 

“Nothing,” Taehyung mumbled. 

The ride to the park was bumpy, the bus not nearly as smooth of a ride as their vans. The excited whispers escaping his team member’s lips slowly lightened his heart and Chul rubbed his back in soothing circles, assuming Taehyung’s grumpiness was simply due to him being tired. 

They were dropped off at a private entrance on the side of the park and given a quick tour of one of the back work areas before finding themselves at one of the cutest breakfast tables Taehyung had ever seen. It was princess themed through and through and he should have been overjoyed but there was still no sight of Namjoon. The chocolate croissant he munched on while he waited for his omelet didn’t taste half as sweet as it should have. 

Partway through their meal, Taehyung had nearly lost his appetite and was ready to use the excuse that he was saving up for a heavier lunch when he felt a warm hand at the nape of his neck and soft breath fanning his left temple. 

“Not hungry?” Namjoon said, sitting down in the empty seat next to the idol. 

“Hyung!” Taehyung’s entire mood shifted and he opted to ignore the chuckle coming from Chul on his other side. 

A waiter immediately placed a large plate of scrambled eggs and a selection of meats in front of Namjoon and he winked at Taehyung before taking his first bite.

“Thought you’d lied to me, hyung,” Taehyung said in a quiet pout. 

“I would never,” Namjoon swallowed his bite. “Said I’d take the day. Didn’t say I wouldn’t make sure the park didn’t take care of you.” 

Taehyung slumped ever so slightly in his chair and brought a sweatshirt covered hand to his face. 

“Don’t wipe your face on that, baby,” Namjoon reached out and pulled Taehyung’s hand from his face and it made the idol blush an even brighter shade of pink, eyes wide. Namjoon let go of him and Taehyung felt the firm press of a hand on his thigh. An involuntary hum escaped his throat and he shifted closer, feeling Namjoon’s hand slip to his inner thigh and squeezing. 

As they left the restaurant, Chul pulled Taehyung to the side. 

“We already know that everyone in our group works under an NDA. It’s Joon’s day off so, technically, he can do whatever he wants. However, because this is a public park, none of the other park goers have signed an NDA. So just…be aware.” Chul nodded his head in the direction everyone else was walking and they followed their guide out onto the main walkway. 

At first, Namjoon stuck with his guards whom he’d also given the day off to. They all wore matching hoodies and took playful pictures of one other and with the rest of the group. Taehyung enjoyed watching everyone enjoy themselves; he enjoyed himself. They flew through rides, wandered shops, ate too many snacks, ate even more at lunch, toured the back stages and crew areas. 

Through the course of the day, Namjoon slowly spent more and more time by Taehyung’s side. He cracked jokes with the stylists and debated over best villain songs with members of the dance crew. Taehyung himself stayed relatively quiet, finally able to enjoy things without the pressure of being the center of attention. 

At some point, Taehyung felt the need to separate himself from the group to get a bit of peace and quiet. It was a Tuesday which meant the park was considerably less crowded so he could wander a short distance away and not lose the rest of the group. Sitting himself down on a nearby bench, he pulled out his phone and took a few pictures of the castle in the distance. 

“The clouds are pretty,” Namjoon said, sitting close enough that their thighs touched from hip to knee. When Taehyung brought his arm down, he realized it had nowhere to go except against Namjoon’s body so he leaned into the man’s side. Namjoon’s arm rested along the back of the bench and a hand gently squeezed Taehyung’s left shoulder. It took everything within the idol not to fully tuck himself into Namjoon and lay his head down. 

A family with three excited children passed by, each of the kids wearing mouse ear hats. 

“Their little hats are so cute,” Taehyung pouted his lips. 

“Why don’t you go get one, then?” 

“I kinda want to get the Winnie ones I saw earlier,” Taehyung admitted. “But they’re all the way back there and everyone’s moved on.”

“I’ll go back with you,” Namjoon offered and Taehyung turned to look up at him. Their faces were so close that he could feel Namjoon’s breath on his cheek. He could almost imagine their lips touching. 

“Okay,” he said shyly. 

Linking their hands together, Namjoon stood with a small smile and tilted his head towards the rest of the group. The pair found Chul to let him know they’d catch up and the idol’s manager smirked and shooed them away. 

“If I were anyone else, Chul would insist on tagging along,” Namjoon joked. 

“If you were anyone else,” Taehyung leaned into Namjoon. “I wouldn’t be tagging along.”

“Very funny,” Namjoon blushed.

“I mean it, hyung,” Taehyung looped his arm through Namjoon’s and matched their strides. It was so easy how they fell together and Taehyung noted how similar it was to his growing feelings for Namjoon. A part of him warned that allowing himself the luxury of bonding with his own bodyguard, let alone harboring a crush that he desperately wanted to act upon, was probably a terrible idea. The other part, however, told him that at some point he would need to take a leap of faith and somehow that leap, while a risk, felt more promising with Namjoon than anyone else before. 

Taehyung pulled Namjoon into the shop where he’d seen the ears and bought himself a pair as well as a pair of Tigger ears for Namjoon. Namjoon proudly straightened his shoulders when Taehyung placed the headband on him that made the idol want to close the gap between them. Their breaths mingled for a half second before he pulled away, a bashfulness washing over him and making him second guess his own behavior. 

Taehyung’s blood raced in his ears when Namjoon smirked and let his hand slip down to Taehyung’s waist to pull him back into his chest.

“You’re cute, you know that?” Namjoon said, only audible to Taehyung. The idol let out a tiny exhale when lips pressed gently against his cheek. “The shimmer you used is very pretty, by the way.” He stepped back and waited for a stunned Taehyung to catch his breath. 

Walking back out onto the main thoroughfare, a softness blanketed Taehyung’s body and he nuzzled himself under Namjoon’s arm seeking a closeness and warmth he hadn’t experienced in a long time. Namjoon didn’t back off, instead, he pulled the idol closer. 

They walked like that for a short while until Taehyung saw a cotton candy trolley and he broke free, skipping up to the attendant and requesting one of the mouse eared sugar wisps. 

“Share with me, hyung?” Taehyung beamed a smile as he skipped back over, pulling off a large piece and shoving part of it into his own mouth, relishing the way it dissolved on his tongue. Without hesitating, Namjoon bit down on the piece still hanging from Taehyung’s mouth pulling the candy floss further and further into his own mouth until their lips met. Soft, sweet, plush. Hands gripped Taehyung’s waist and the idol sighed into their kiss, his left hand wrapped around the nape of Namjoon’s neck, tightening as the seconds went by. 

Taehyung sunk into the pleasure thrumming in his mind, chests touching, desperation building in his stomach, longing for more. He sighed shamelessly when Namjoon’s tongue swiped his bottom lip. Sugar-sweet, fake-fruity, sticky-hot lips and breath and tongues and Taehyung’s mind grew fuzzier while his lungs emptied of all the oxygen he swore he no longer needed. 

“Fuck,” Namjoon said, stepping away, shocking Taehyung from his thoughts. “I’m so sorry, I–”

“Hyung,” Taehyung loosened his grip on the other man’s neck but didn’t let go.

“No, Taehyung. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“But I wanted you to, hyung.” Taehyung tugged lightly to bring Namjoon close again. “Please, hyung. I like you. A lot. I–”

Namjoon tore off a small piece of cotton candy and began balling it up between his fingers.

“Ew,” Taehyung wrinkled his nose and giggled when Namjoon popped the piece into the idol’s mouth. It wasn’t as hardened as Taehyung had expected to be and it crumbled oddly on his tongue before dissolving completely. “Ok, that wasn’t as bad as I thought.”

Namjoon tore off another piece but ate it normally and Taehyung whined when he wasn’t fed the new piece. He took a large bite directly from the sugary pillow, maintaining eye contact the whole time as if to challenge Namjoon.

“Taehyung,” Namjoon paused and Taehyung focused all of his attention on Namjoon’s pretty blue-stained-candy lips, licking his own because he couldn’t help himself. “Taehyung, look at me, baby.” 

Taehyung’s stomach flipped once and then again when his eyes met Namjoon’s.

“I like you too. But we,” Namjoon paused again and glanced over Taehyung’s shoulder. “We have to be careful if you want to do this, okay?”

“Do what?” Taehyung lisped, hips swaying into Namjoon’s space ever so slightly.

“Whatever this is that you’re wanting. I don’t…I’ve never done this before.” Namjoon’s voice dropped to a pleasant whisper and Taehyung had stepped so close he could smell candy on Namjoon’s breath.

“Never done what?” Taehyung’s heart rabbitted in its cage.

“Gotten this close with a client,” Namjoon said. “Specifically one I’m directly in charge of.”

“I like you being in charge,” Taehyung said delicately and Namjoon smirked. 

“Yeah, you do, don’t you? Always hanging off of me, asking for help when you’re grown enough to do it on your own. Wanting attention and praise for the smallest things.” One of Namjoon’s hands found its way to Taehyung’s lower back and the idol hummed happily from the press of their bodies. “That’s all you want, isn’t it? Someone to baby you, praise you. The world is so harsh to you every day, all you want is to lay back, soft and pliant, yeah?”

Taehyung’s breaths stuttered in his throat, his bottom lip trembled, his eyelids fluttered. Had he been that clingy? That needy? That obvious? Namjoon wasn’t wrong though. All Taehyung wanted was someone to take care of him, break him down, let him cry and beg and spend the night softly whimpering into their affections. 

“Nah, don’t get all shy on me, pretty,” Namjoon said, gliding his hand up from Taehyung’s back and looping his arm around his shoulders. He pointed them back in the direction of the group they’d left behind and Taehyung groaned quietly. “We do have to go back,” Namjoon scolded. 

“I don’t really want to though,” Taehyung said shyly. “Kinda like it when it’s just us.”

“Me too,” Namjoon replied, dimples growing deeper with each step they took.

They walked in companionable silence for a short way until they both spotted Chul walking towards them. Namjoon's hold on Taehyung’s shoulders tightened quickly before dropping down to his side. 

“Oh, well, look at you two cuties with your ears,” Chul greeted, saddling up to Taehyung’s other side and tearing off a piece of cotton candy for himself. “Listen,” he said seriously, stopping them in the middle of the boardwalk. “I don’t know what was taking you two so long but whatever it is, keep it on the downlow. Security made mention of a group of people claiming they knew you as they walked through the entrance gates. Your business is your business. I, frankly, don’t care as long as it doesn’t fuck shit up down the road.” Chul poked a finger into Namjoon’s chest. “If you do this, and it falls apart, all blame will be placed squarely on you, Namjoon-ssi, regardless of how it falls apart. Understood?”


“And you,” Chul turned to Taehyung, eyes sharp but kind. “Don’t squander this time out or your time together.”

“Hyung, what–”

“Yes, I’m pointing out what’s obvious to both me and the rest of the crew,” Chul said with an exasperated smile. “None of us are fans of the whole idiots-in-love, slow-burn kind of shit.”


“What!” Chul linked his arm through Taehyung’s and dragged the idol onward with Namjoon jogging to catch up. Taehyung smiled and tilted his head towards the sky when Namjoon linked their arms as well, leaving a soft kiss on Taehyung’s temple. The idol hummed to himself while the other two debated loudly over cotton candy colors correlating with flavors. 

The rest of the day was spent on rides and tours and more food and by the time they made it back to the mini-buses, Taehyung’s feet and stomach and back hurt so badly he was afraid that if he sat down, he’d never stand up again. But oh, how the day had been entirely worth it. Namjoon stayed by his side the entire rest of the time, always touching some part of Taehyung’s body to let him know he was there.  He shared bites of his food, carried Taehyung’s drinks, and never once complained about Taehyung wanting to hang towards the back of the group. They chatted and teased one another and something pleasant settled in Taehyung’s stomach.

Namjoon stayed behind to debrief with the park’s security but promised Taehyung he’d come see him as soon as he made it back to the hotel. And Taehyung would’ve been happy with just that simple promise except that Namjoon immediately sent him a text telling him to run himself a hot bath while he waited. 

Once he got to his room, he called down to the front desk and requested some extra bath oils and a couple of bath bombs, no glitter. While he waited, he made tea and placed both hotel-provided bathrobes onto the heating rack. He’d just begun to run water into the jetted tub when housekeeping dropped off a pretty gift basket filled with all sorts of bath care items. 

“No glitter,” the woman said when she handed him the basket. 

“No glitter,” Namjoon said from behind her, startling her. He apologized and she said it was no problem and then excused herself, running to attend to her other duties. “Can I come in?” Namjoon asked once she was out of sight. 

“Please,” Taehyung said, stepping aside to let him in. 

The door closed softly behind them and Taehyung carried the basket over to the bed.

“Is everything okay?” Taehyung asked while he dug through the items, glancing up to see Namjoon answering a text. 

“Yeah,” he replied, placing the device on the side table. “They kicked that girl and her friends out before they made it very far.”

“That’s too bad,” Taehyung said, genuinely feeling bad that they didn’t get to enjoy the park. 

“How come you’re so sweet about everything?” Namjoon asked, laying down on the bed to observe the idol reading the product labels and sniffing each item. The idol offered the guard to sniff one of the bath bombs and he giggled at the way Namjoon’s nose wrinkled in disgust. He tossed it in the trash when he went into the bathroom to turn off the running water. 

Taehyung decided he didn’t care which bath bomb he used, so he stripped himself of his clothing, tossing it into the doorway for Namjoon to see, and lowered himself into the tub. 

“Are you gonna join or are you gonna nap?” He called playfully while he messed with the water jet controls. He heard rustling plastic and watched Namjoon’s shadow grow closer until he stepped into the large bathroom, hand crumpling up the wrapping for a bath bomb. 

“How’s this?” Namjoon walked up to the tub and held the bomb to Taehyung’s nose. The idol loved it and hummed happily, lowering himself further into the water until his chin slipped below the surface. 

“Want you to choose which one you like,” Taehyung said, careful to avoid getting any water in his mouth. 

Namjoon plopped the bomb into the water and it instantly fizzed and bubbled, the scent of jasmine and rose dispersing through the air. Taehyung ran his hand through the fizzing substance, breaking apart smaller pieces with his thumb and forefinger. He was too preoccupied watching the water to notice that Namjoon had shucked off his shirt and pants. He’d turned his eyes up just in time to see Namjoon hook his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer briefs and tug down. 

At the sight of Namjoon completely naked, Taehyung fully immersed himself underwater and exhaled all of the air from his lungs, air bubbles rushed to the surface. He remained there for a handful of seconds before a hand dipped into the water, found his chin, and coaxed him back up to the surface where lips immediately met his. 

He kept his eyes closed as Namjoon continued to kiss him, slow and deep, tongue seeking permission, lips parting, mouth begging with a breathy moan. Eventually, Namjoon released his chin to get into the tub and lowered himself at the other end. Taehyung crawled onto his lap, chasing his lips without question, water sloshed around them and spilled over the edge.. 

“You never answered my question,” Namjoon nipped gently on Taehyung’s bottom lip. 

“Because I’m not sweet about everything,” Taehyung admitted. 


Taehyung shook his head.

“Okay, give me some examples,” Namjoon leaned back and Taehyung slouched in thought.

“I get jealous when Wooshik and Seojoon hang out without me,” Taehyung huffed. “I got really petty when Sunghwan said he couldn’t help on my OST even though I knew it’s because he already had a lot on his plate. I worry that Hyungsik only hangs out with me because the other guys do…”

Namjoon chuckled, “Sounds to me like you just miss your friends.” 

“Doesn’t mean I’m allowed to be mean to them,” Taehyung argued, eyes wide and sad.

At this, Namjoon’s full laugh echoed through the bathroom. “Sweetheart, if being a little jealous and a little petty, and a bit concerned about your friends’ activities without you, is considered being mean, then I guess I’m an asshole.”

Taehyung frowned. 

“I completely cut off my best friend because he enlisted without me when we’d explicitly agreed we’d go at the same time. That was ten years ago and we’re just now reconnecting. I’ve missed out on everything because of it. He met his husband in the service, they moved to the States, got married, and adopted two kids. Whereas, I spent a majority of those years checking doors, windows, escape routes, high places, and a bunch of other shit to keep some very high profile people safe. I wasted my days off with people I hardly knew just to get my dick wet because I was too afraid to settle down. And I was mad at him the whole time.”

“Is it because you were in love with him?” Taehyung brushed his hands through Namjoon’s hair, heart thumping loudly that Namjoon was finally opening up to him on a more personal level. 

“I think back then, I misconstrued it as love. But now that I see him with his husband and kids, I think I just had an inability to form well-adjusted bonds with people.”

“What made you realize you needed to form well-adjusted bonds?” Taehyung leaned forward and briefly connected their lips.

“Well, not hooking up with people I didn’t have genuine feelings for,” Namjoon ran his hands from where they’d been resting at Taehyung’s hips, up his side and down his back before gripping Taehyung’s ass and making the idol gasp. 

“Are you saying you have genuine feelings for me, Kim Namjoon?” Taehyung smirked into their next few kisses, breaths quickening with each time Namjoon’s hands squeezed his ass or hips or lower back. The sounds of the water sloshing echoed through the bathroom.

“Yes, I do. I shouldn’t, probably. But I do.”

“And why shouldn’t you?” Taehyung sat back and crossed his arms in mock displeasure.

“Because it’s my job to look out for your safety and best interests.”

“And you can’t do that and have feelings for me?”

“Might make me a little bit biased.”

“Well, maybe I’d like you to be a bit biased,” he uncrossed his arms and wrapped them around Namjoon’s neck, grinding his hips slowly. “Maybe a lot biased.” 

“Fuck, I wish I could mark you up,” Namjoon whispered into Taehyung’s flushed skin. 

“That’s what stylists are for,” Taehyung rolled his hips again and felt the press of Namjoon’s hardening cock against his. 

“But I want to be able to see my work when I’m done.”

Taehyung gasped when Namjoon left a singular bite on his collarbone, the dull pain flickering through his body like electricity. 

“More, please.”

“Not now, baby,” Namjoon licked over the bite and blew on it to cool it. “Let’s get you rinsed off and tucked into bed and maybe we’ll think about it, yeah?”

“M’not tired,” Taehyung protested. 

“Never said you were. But you’re pruning up like a little raisin and I don’t want you getting sick.”

“What else don’t you want me getting?” Taehyung said, standing up. He was starting to feel more playful as the water drained from the tub and he trailed his pruney fingers across the plains of Namjoon’s chest and abs, appreciating how his muscles flexed and quivered with the light touches. Namjoon desperately tried to focus while using the detachable shower head to rinse both of them but the idol could tell he was struggling.

“Someone else’s attention,” Namjoon pressed their lips together, breath shaking slightly while Taehyung kept petting him. He turned off the water before letting the shower head drop to the bottom of the tub.

Taehyung raised onto his toes and snaked one arm around Namjoon’s shoulders while his other hand threaded through his hair. The added height allowed for him to deepen their kiss and Namjoon let out a soft groan when Taehyung gripped his hair and pulled. Namjoon carefully stepped out of the tub, not breaking their kiss until he’d helped Taehyung out as well. 

“We’ll get you cleaned up properly later,” Namjoon said, grunting softly and lifting Taehyung into his arms. 

Surprised by the ease with which he was picked up, Taehyung wrapped his legs around the other’s waist, cursing softly against Namjoon’s lips. 

“You okay?” Namjoon asked when he laid Taehyung out on the bed. 

“Yeah, I just…nobody’s ever picked me up like that.” 

Namjoon chuckled and gave Taehyung a quick peck on the lips before leaving an open mouthed kiss over one of his nipples. The idol gasped, knees raising off the bed slightly, hands flying to Namjoon’s hair. 

“So sensitive,” Namjoon smiled and Taehyung groaned. “Why the face?” He asked when Taehyung’s brows furrowed with apprehension. 

“Just nervous,” he admitted. “P-past partners have said I’m t-too much sometimes but it kinda just feels like they don’t want to take their t-time.” His breath stuttered with each kiss Namjoon laid across his chest and stomach. 

“Let me take my time, then,” Namjoon propped himself up on his forearms around Taehyung’s waist, chin resting gently at his navel. “Tell me what you need, hmm,” he kissed Taehyung's belly button, tonguing it and making him giggle. The tension in Taehyung’s shoulders relaxed despite his sudden self-consciousness at being laid out and vulnerable. Not that he wasn’t completely naked and at Namjoon’s mercy before, but something about the quiet of the bedroom and the softness of the sheets and the sharpness of Namjoon’s eyes made Taehyung feel like the center of the universe. 

“Just want you. S’all I want,” Taehyung gasped when Namjoon’s plush lips kissed his cockhead. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back into the pillows, allowing the wetness of Namjoon’s tongue licking from base to tip to fully engulf his mind. Heat pooled in his stomach the deeper Namjoon took him into his mouth. His moans grew louder and louder with each bob and hum and swallow and his heart raced the closer his orgasm built. He ached even though he was being touched exactly how he wanted. He writhed even though Namjoon kept his hips thoroughly in place with his strong hands wrapped around his thighs. Tears escaped between his lashes while he was sucked dry, every last bit of him swallowed with a pleased sigh. 

Namjoon released his thighs and kissed along them, down to his knees, down his calves to his ankles and back up again. Taehyung was still helplessly floating down from the best orgasm he’d had in months when Namjoon finally settled in his arms. He wrapped a leg around the other’s waist and whined when he felt Namjoon’s hard cock rub against his softening one, breaths stuttering from overstimulation. Namjoon eventually laid on his back, encouraging Taehyung to snuggle against him, and the idol continued whining when he was instructed to rest instead of reciprocate. 

“But hyung,” he said, cupping Namjoon’s cock and squeezing gently, loving how the man bucked slightly into his hand. “Wanna make you feel good too.”

“You always make me feel good,” Namjoon kissed him gently. “When you smile. When you laugh. When you ask me to hand you a bottle of water even though you already have one. When you get jealous of someone else flirting with me but you pretend like you don’t care.”

“I do not,” Taehyung huffed and rolled away. 

“You do,” Namjoon pulled Taehyung back to face him. “It’s cute.” He guided the idol’s hand to wrap around his body and Taehyung dug his fingers into Namjoon’s side when the latter looped the idol’s leg up around his waist. 

Taehyung sighed into their kisses with each squeeze to his thigh, hips pushing ever closer as Namjoon squeezed his ass and the pad of a finger traced his hole. 

“Hyung,” he whispered, desperate and whiny. He didn’t care that his body was still reeling from his first orgasm nor did he care that he was shivering from the light touches caressing his chilled skin. His hair was still wet from when he’d submerged himself underwater, the nape of his neck felt humid with sweat from being laid against the pillows. “Need you to fuck me, hyung.”

At that, Namjoon’s kisses turned bruising and Taehyung’s heart thundered. He felt trapped under the other man’s spell. Captivated by plush lips, strong hands, hot mouth. Taehyung broke their kiss and opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out. Namjoon seemed to understand and inserted two fingers. He sucked and licked and coated them with spit as best he could and the string of saliva that stretched and snapped when Namjoon pulled them out, made Taehyung feel happily obscene. 

Namjoon nibbled on Taehyung’s bottom lip. “So pretty when you look so fucked out. Sucking my fingers in one hole before sucking them into the other.” 

Taehyung’s moans filled the room as Namjoon slowly worked spit soaked fingers into his ass. The glide wasn’t as slick as he wanted, but he begged for more anyway. After a few more thrusts, Namjoon removed his fingers and sat up to search through the basket from the front desk. Finding what he was looking for, he dropped the basket onto the floor and climbed between Taehyung’s spread legs. 

“Seems like they knew what you wanted,” Namjoon said, a small bottle of lube and a condom in hand. Taehyung blushed and covered his face. “No, don’t hide from me, princess.” 

With one hand, Namjoon gently pinned both of Taehyung’s thin wrists above his head. He bit and sucked at Taehyung’s lips before letting go and sitting back onto his knees. Tearing open the packet of lube, he squeezed it out onto Taehyung’s stomach a little at a time, letting it pool in and around his belly button. He spread it around with two fingers, tracing small designs that glistened against Taehyung’s honey skin. It wasn’t until Taehyung begged, that Namjoon finally pressed two fingers into his hole.

“Ah, fuck, Tae-yah,” Namjoon breathed out. “Wish you knew how good you felt right now. Can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”

“Please, hyung,” Taehyung pushed his hips downward, searching for more. He’d finally made it past the dip of his first orgasm and his cock was filling out again, body needing more, hole needing filled. 

“Please, what, baby?” Namjoon smirked and added a third finger. Taehyung’s mouth dropped open in a silent gasp and Namjoon pushed both of his legs to his chest with one forearm. The new angle forced Taehyung’s hips to adjust on his three fingers and he cried out when Namjoon found his prostate. “There we go,” he said, voice like a predator who’s finally cornered his prey. 

Taehyung felt so small curled up like that with three fingers up his ass by a man kissing his ankles and calling him princess. The need to be good pulsed through his body and he wrapped his hands around each of the backs of his thighs but it still didn’t feel like enough. 

“Hyung,” he said, air hardly making it out of his lungs. “Let me…” he released his thighs and Namjoon’s fingers slowly pulled out, a slick sucking sound making Taehyung want to be fucked hard and fast and wet. It had been so long since he’d heard the sound of skin slapping against his. So long since he’d felt someone’s bruising hands on his hips, balls smacking against him. He needed it. Desperately.

Turning over onto his stomach and raising himself onto his knees to present himself, he smiled when Namjoon cursed aloud. He didn’t care that the pool of remaining lube dripped onto the bed. Namjoon swiped his hand through it, smearing it across Taehyung’s stomach and cock before gripping his ass and pushing both thumbs into Taehyung’s hole. 

“Shit,” Taehyung cried when Namjoon bit his ass hard. 

“Sorry,” Namjoon left a few soothing apology kisses. “Couldn’t help myself.”

Taehyung felt the bed shifting behind him, heard the tear of the condom wrapper, and a couple of quick pumps of Namjoon’s hand on his cock to add more lube. 

“You ready, princess?” Namjoon asked and Taehyung whimpered at the feeling of Namjoon’s blunt tip teasing his entrance. 

“M’ready,” he whispered. As Namjoon’s thick cock slowly split him in two, Taehyung couldn’t do anything but shift forward and exhale loudly. “So full, hyung,” he groaned into the sheets. With each careful roll of Namjoon’s hips, Taehyung tried to breathe but the stretch had him dizzy and listless and moaning. 

Namjoon pulled all the way out to the tip and shoved back in, punching the air out of him.

“Again, hyung,” he begged. “Again. Again. Again.” He chanted with each thrust, Namjoon pausing until he heard the word as if waiting for permission. Taehyung supported himself up onto his hands again and he was ready to brace himself for the force of Namjoon’s hips. Instead, he felt a strong arm pull him up until his back pressed up against Namjoon’s chest. 

“Gonna fuck you like this. That okay?” Namjoon’s breath tickled the soft spot below Taehyung’s ear and he felt a rush of heat in his groin. 

“Yes,” Taehyung ground his own ass down against Namjoon, feeling his cock so deep in his guts he thought he might choke. 

Namjoon adjusted his hold and then fucked up into him with a force that had Taehyung shouting within a matter of seconds. Namjoon held him still, strong arms slipping against his skin from the leftover lube. 

“You’re so messy,” Namjoon kissed him repeatedly, littering small, harmless bites along the nape of his neck and shoulders. “Baby is so messy.” Lube covered fingers played with Taehyung’s nipples, rolling, pinching, pulling. His head dropped onto Namjoon’s shoulder and his nose pressed against his neck, breaths puncturing the air. 

At some point, Taehyung could no longer hold himself upright, even with Namjoon holding him. He tapped on Namjoon’s arms to let him go and he folded forward into a sloppy child’s pose, body jolting with each thrust. Strong hands gripped his hips to keep him in place and he sobbed as Namjoon hit his prostate over and over again. His knees slid into frog pose and Namjoon pulled out to adjust himself before pushing back in. Hands dropped onto either side of his shoulders and Namjoon rested his forehead on the side of Taehyung’s head, nose buried in his hair. 

“Fucking hell, baby,” Namjoon said, stilling to catch his breath. “Is that even comfortable?” 

“Feels so good,” Taehyung gasped when Namjoon picked up the pace again. “Don’t stop. Keep. Yah, right there. Please. Fuck. Oh god. Fuck. So good. Ugh. Ah, ah, ah.” 

He came hard against the sheets. Cock rubbed raw against the material and mixture of lube and cum. His moans grew weaker and weaker as he grew more and more sensitive while Namjoon kept thrusting. He hardly noticed when Namjoon’s hips faltered, hardly noticed when he barely caught himself before collapsing on top of Taehyung, hardly noticed the slow grind of hips milking an orgasm as Taehyung’s hole clenched over and over again. 

Namjoon pulled out, both of them hissing from sensitivity and Taehyung relaxed his legs into a more comfortable position. Namjoon draped half of his body over the idol, and rubbed a warm hand up and down Taehyung’s back. 

“Hyung,” Taehyung turned his face to meet Namjoon’s, kissing him deeply despite the awkward angle. They breathed each other’s air for a few moments, exchanging small kisses and soft smiles. Despite all of Taehyung’s exhaustion, the last thing he wanted to do was sleep. He wanted to stay in Namjoon’s gaze, held in his arms, and called pretty.

“Let’s get you properly cleaned up,” Namjoon said, ambling out of bed and scooping Taehyung up bridal style once he’d laid on his back. “Pouty thing,” he teased when Taehyung complained about having to stand in the shower. “Hold on to me, yeah? I’ll get you cleaned up.”

Namjoon did just that. He reattached the shower head and positioned them so that Taehyung was standing under the warm water. He took his time shampooing and conditioning Taehyung’s hair. Massaging deep when rinsing out the product. Taking special care around his temples and behind Taehyung’s ears. He made the loofa extra foamy before rubbing circles across Taehyung’s sensitive body, suds slipping down his shoulders and chest to his back and belly, down his thighs where Namjoon left kiss after kiss as the bubbles revealed clean, peony petal soft skin. His hands fondled slowly while cleaning his soft cock and balls, even more so when he dutifully cleaned Taehyung’s hole of excess lube, making him bend forward just a bit, baby so he could use his tongue to taste and make sure it was clean. 

“Thank you, hyung,” Taehyung said sleepily as he leaned against the tiles while Namjoon quickly washed himself. He’d tried to convince Taehyung to get out and dry off but the idol refused to be anywhere but next to him. “You are my bodyguard, you know. There could be someone scary out there.” He batted his lashes playfully and Namjoon pressed him hard against the tile and kissed him like a man starved, taking Taehyung’s breath away yet again. 

When they finally exited the bathroom in their warm robes, Taehyung grumbled about the dirty sheets. Namjoon threaded their fingers together and said, “We can always sleep in my room. I need to get clothes anyway.” 

“You mean to tell me you don’t sleep naked?” Taehyung widened his eyes in faux shock and stepped into Namjoon’s willing embrace. “Such a shame.” 

“If it makes you happy, I will,” Namjoon smiled into their kiss. “But I still need clothes for tomorrow and I know I won’t want to roll out of bed in the morning to get them.”

“Your room then,” Taehyung went to grab a few items but Namjoon threw out the suggestion that maybe he could just move all of his stuff over. At that, Taehyung hurriedly shoved everything into his luggage with Namjoon’s help.

Settled into Namjoon’s room, Taehyung tucked himself underneath the duvet and watched while Namjoon texted Chul and updated his own guards. 

“You’re taking tomorrow off to be with us again, right?” Taehyung asked after snuggling into Namjoon’s chest. 

“Of course,” Namjoon replied and Taehyung nuzzled closer. “You really are just a soft kitten aren’t you?” He chuckled when the idol rubbed his face against him. “Here I was thinking I got hired to guard the most famous idol in South Korea, notoriously kind but extremely standoffish. When all you really want is to eat cotton candy, have a hot bath, and snuggle.”

“And get fucked,” Taehyung cackled when Namjoon choked on his own spit. 

“My pretty pillow princess.”

“I’m not a pillow princess!” Taehyung said, outraged but humored.

“No?” Namjoon raised himself up onto an elbow to better face Taehyung. “Well you just let me know when that pretty little ass of yours is ready to top me and I’ll gladly let you.” He laid back with a satisfied look when Taehyung protested loudly, arguing that he wouldn’t go that far. 

“I’ll suck you off though,” he whispered, sucking on one of Namjoon’s earlobes. “Or eat you out.” He traced his fingertips across Namjoon’s chest and felt the man’s heart beating like crazy. “Worship you, mark you up, cast a spell on you.”

Without warning, Namjoon flipped Taehyung onto his back, forcing a gasp from the idol. 

“I said you were a princess, not a witch,” Namjoon’s dark chuckle sucked all the remaining sanity from Taehyung’s mind. He was sore, he was spent, but that didn’t stop him from wrapping his legs around Namjoon’s waist. Everything about it felt natural, felt like home, felt like his only purpose in life was to be trapped like that forever, in Namjoon’s bed never to see the light of day. “You’re insatiable.”

“My therapist prefers I use the term touch starved,” Taehyung sassed back with a glint in his eye. 

“Starved, huh?” Namjoon licked his own lips while his hand cupped Taehyung’s chin. “Didn’t anyone teach you that a starved man shouldn’t eat too much on that first round otherwise he’ll get sick? We don’t want you to get sick, do we?”

“Hyung,” Taehyung whined, body and mind needy. 

“Sleep, sweetheart.”

They kissed for a while longer and the idol let his legs relax as Namjoon brushed his hair off his face. It was fluffy and tangled from when he’d let Namjoon blow dry it and he thought about how skilled the tips of his fingers were against this scalp, and skin, and limbs, and hole. 

“Hyung, let me cockwarm you,” he whispered. “I’ll be good, I promise.” 

“Fuck. What?” Namjoon huffed as Taehyung rolled onto his other side and pressed his ass against him. 

“Please, hyung,” Taehyung hummed when Namjoon’s hand gripped his hip. “I can lay still the whole night, promise.”

“Baby, you don’t–”

“Want to. Please,” Taehyung pressed back again, feeling Namjoon hardening against him. 

The bed shifted behind him and Taehyung looked over his shoulder to see Namjoon shuffling around in the darkness of the room. A rustling bag and the tearing of a condom wrapper made him smile and he turned to face away again. The bed dipped and the warmth of Namjoon’s body against his own filled him with a peace he hadn’t known in quite some time. 

Namjoon rutted his hips against Taehyung, half-hard cock sliding between his ass cheeks. Taehyung reached around and wrapped his hand around Namjoon. He stroked nice and slow, enough to get him hard but not send him into a frenzy. He canted his hips and held himself open when Namjoon said he was ready. The lube from the condom and the looseness of his already used hole made the glide just easy enough to satisfy them both. 

Taehyung exhaled, sated, full, and happy, and snuggled back into Namjoon’s tight embrace while the other pressed kisses into his hair. 

“Feel so good, Taehyung-ah,” Namjoon whispered. “Go to sleep, pretty.” 

At some point, Taehyung woke from his light dozing to feel Namjoon slowly pull out so as not to disturb him and then he was pulled back against his chest and he finally fell into a deep slumber. 

The following morning, he woke to a soft knock at the door and Namjoon’s gravely morning voice thanked whoever it was for whatever it was. The sound of ice rattling and the smell of coffee forced his eyes open and he saw Namjoon setting down two different drinks onto the bedside table before sitting next to Taehyung. He caged him in and leaned down to kiss the rest of Taehyung’s mind awake and then he spent the next hour helping Taehyung get ready. Showering, dressing, helping him choose what color palate to use for his eyeshadow, never once making Taehyung feel silly or rushed (even though they were horribly late).

He noticed the shift in Namjoon’s demeanor the second they stepped out of the hotel to get into their transportation to the park because a handful of fans had gathered just outside the doors. It suddenly made sense why Namjoon had quietly suggested that Taehyung pack his bags before they headed to the park so that they wouldn’t have to do it in the morning.

The park was more crowded than the day before but he never once felt on edge with Namjoon by his side. Their private group tour of the studios park probably shouldn’t have felt romantic, but he couldn’t get over Namjoon playing with his fingers, rubbing his lower back, and consistently checking in to see if he was okay. Taehyung had even felt comfortable enough to lean into his natural shyness. He’d whisper questions into Namjoon’s ear and then Namjoon would repeat them aloud to the guide while Taehyung ducked quietly behind him. 

It was behavior very few of Taehyung’s circle had ever witnessed before and he’d feared perhaps he’d be mocked for it. What he discovered was the exact opposite. They didn’t baby him by any means, but they did give him his space and he felt less crowded and less expected to be the center of everyone’s attention. 

“You tired, baby?” Namjoon asked when they sat down to their fancy dinner. Taehyung felt silly sitting in jeans and a sweatshirt when the silverware was gold plated, the cups gold rimmed, the food Michelin starred. Self-conscious of his smudged makeup and chipped nail polish from when he’d banged it against a door earlier. 

“No,” Taehyung said. And he wasn’t, not really. “I’m just kinda ready to be home,” he smiled up at Namjoon and smiled even bigger when Namjoon pulled him into a tight side hug. 

“Want to go back to the hotel after this instead of sticking around? We can go just by ourselves,” Namjoon offered. Taehyung took a look around the room to see the smiling faces and boisterous laughter of his crew. Even Chul looked like he’d finally loosened up. 

“Don’t you wanna see the fireworks?” Taehyung asked. 

“I’m lucky enough to watch fireworks every night after each of your shows. I don’t need to see these ones unless you want to.” Namjoon laced their hands together underneath the table and squeezed. 

Between dinner and dessert, Namjoon went over to speak with Chul. He squatted down next to his chair and engaged in a rather heated back and forth until Chul relented, shoulders drooping, and a coy smile grew on his face as Namjoon stood up and sauntered over to one of the park security guards to chat for a few moments. When Namjoon walked back to the table he had a triumphant look on his face.

“They’re getting a car ready for whenever you want to leave,” Namjoon said and Taehyung kissed him on the cheek with a shy thank you, hyung.

At some point during the day, Namjoon and his team had separated from the group for an hour or so. During that time, Taehyung knew they were moving everyone’s belongings from one hotel to another so he wasn’t at all surprised when their car took them on a different route away from the park. They’d been able to sneak out unnoticed and it afforded them the luxury of making a quick stop at the Eiffel Tower. 

He immediately knew he wouldn’t remember anything of that small detour because all his brain could focus on was how handsome Namjoon looked under the glow of the lights. High cheekbones, deep dimples, eyebrows raising slightly before the rest of his smile bloomed. Taehyung knew he shouldn’t kiss him so openly in public, but he snuck one anyway and it earned him a pinch to the hip. 

In their hotel, Taehyung assumed he’d receive a separate keycard to his own room but Namjoon quietly led them up to the top floor and unlocked the door to their shared suite. Taehyung floated from room to room in awe of just how massive the suite was. He’d grown accustomed to certain levels of luxury but nothing as exuberant as that. When he finally made his way back out to the main living area, Namjoon beckoned him to step out onto the terrace where a lovely little infinity pool sparkled in the evening light. 

Without a care in the world, Taehyung took off his clothes, sat on the edge of the pool, and dropped in. The water was perfectly warm and came up to the middle of his chest. He waded to the metal wall and lifted himself just enough to look over the end before stepping back to shiver over the height. He scanned the Parisian cityscape, smiling when he noticed that the Eiffel Tower stood clearly in the distance.

“Look, hyung,” he pointed. “We didn’t even need to make a stop.” 

“I suppose we didn’t,” Namjoon lowered himself into the pool and Taehyung turned to face him completely. 

“This place is stunning.”

“It is. Chul found it.”

“When you say Chul found it, do you mean we’re the only ones staying here?” The thought of just the two of them being in the hotel rushed through Taehyung’s brain like a man on fire. 

“No, but we’re the only ones on this floor and there’s no one directly below us,” Namjoon smirked. 

Taehyung looked up at the cloudless sky. It was chilly and the waning moon shone beautifully next to the shimmering stars. He wanted to be loved in the same way people loved the moon. He wanted to be held in the same way people held the stars to their hearts. Namjoon gazed at him as if he were an ever changing sky, as if he could handle each and every one of Taehyung’s stormy days and wandering suns. 

For the second time that day, Namjoon caged him in and it was something Taehyung desperately wanted to experience every single day for the rest of his life. To feel small despite the enormity of his world. Small but not insignificant. Small but cherished. 

He brought his hands to Namjoon’s forearms and slid them up his strong arms, taking in just how much bigger Namjoon was compared to him. It’s not that Namjoon was that much taller, but everything about him was big. Broad shoulders, large biceps, broad chest, big thighs…

Hard cock pressed against him as Namjoon latched onto Taehyung’s neck, sending the idol’s body spiraling with lust. He tilted his head away to allow for Namjoon to explore however he wanted. His own hands sank beneath the water and gripped onto Namjoon’s hips to keep himself from feeling like he was going to float away. 

Water sloshed around them and Taehyung giggled at the thought of water splashing down onto the people below and suddenly he realized they were very much making out in public…naked…in an infinity pool…

“Oh my god,” he panicked, placing a hand on Namjoon’s chest, pushing him away, head swiveling to take in their surroundings. For someone in security, Namjoon’s nonchalance to the whole series of events up until that point, sent fear down Taehyung’s spine. 

“Baby,” Namjoon said, not even trying to prevent Taehyung from checking their surroundings. “Nobody can see us from here and, unless you shout to the high heavens, the people two floors down won’t hear us either.” 

Taehyung, seeing that they were, in fact, the highest floor in the neighborhood and he couldn’t even see into anyone’s windows unless he lifted himself high above the edge of the pool, finally let out the huge breath he’d sucked in. 

“I’m sorry,” Namjoon released one hand from the edge and Taehyung appreciated the attempt at giving him space. “I should’ve said something before even showing you the terrace. I’m so sorry, Taehyung.”

“It’s okay,” Taehyung gulped down over the lump of anxiety lodged in his throat. “I should’ve trusted that you’d done your job.”

“No, well, I mean that’d be nice in theory, but I should never give you a reason to doubt me,” Namjoon backed away and Taehyung immediately recognized the crestfallen look on his face. He reached for Namjoon’s wrist and pulled him back. 

“Joonie,” Taehyung whispered. “It’s okay, I promise. Come here.” He slid his hands up Namjoon’s back, muscles shifting until he settled in Taehyung’s hold. The idol brought his wet hands up to cup Namjoon’s face, a smile forming on both their lips. 

They met halfway, lips parting for one another with ease. Taehyung bit and nibbled and pulled on the other’s bottom lip, a growl of playful frustration rumbled deep in Namjoon’s chest and Taehyung felt the shift back into a shared heat. 

Grinding his hips into Namjoon’s, Taehyung knew it wouldn’t be enough but he kept a pace as best he could, eventually lifting his legs to wrap around Namjoon. 

“You seem to love doing that,” Namjoon said, hands gripping Taehyung’s ass and taking over completely by matching the idol’s pace with his. “Wrapped around me so tight.”

It wasn’t long before Taehyung’s body began to tighten as his arousal built. It wasn’t nearly what he wanted. He begged and whined and moaned. Namjoon gave what he wanted and took everything else. Taehyung’s breath, his tears, his need. 

“D’you think you can do it for me?” Namjoon’s voice was airy and desperate, chasing his own pleasure with the slide of their cocks against one another. “Think you can cum with so little?”

“Please,” Taehyung begged, leaning over the edge, head thrown back, water sloshing and slapping against their skin and cascading down to the concrete drain on the other side of the stainless steel wall. 

A wicked chuckle escaped Namjoon’s lips and he pulled away completely, walking towards the far edge of the pool. Taehyung’s legs dropped, feet lowering slowly to the pool floor. 

“What the fuck,” Taehyung straightened himself and watched as Namjoon lifted himself out of the pool and sauntered into their room, leaving the door wide open. 

Taehyung gathered what he could of his senses, breaths heaving in his chest, and swam to the steps of the pool. If that was how Namjoon wanted to play, Taehyung knew he could win. 

His legs wobbled when he got out of the pool but he didn’t let it deter him from his mission. Walking into their shared bedroom as if he were entirely alone, ignoring how Namjoon sat against the headboard lazily fondling himself, Taehyung searched his luggage until he found a bottle of lube and his dildo. 

He climbed onto the center of the bed, paying no mind to Namjoon’s quiet curses and stilled hand. He barely acknowledged the dark gaze directed at him while he lubed up two fingers and pushed both in at once. Never one to truly take much time for himself when he was viciously horny, Taehyung panted at the abrupt intrusion. His hole was still sore from the night before but he enjoyed the dull pain. 

Rocking himself down onto his own fingers, it didn’t take him long to add a third. His cock ached, red and leaking precum but he refused to touch himself in any way other than filling himself up. He wanted Namjoon to watch, maybe beg, maybe try and take over. But he wouldn’t let him. He told himself he wouldn’t. 

Three fingers quickly led to not enough so he drenched the dildo with lube, making a mess of the toy and himself. He didn’t care that he ruined the duvet, but he did care that Namjoon had sat himself forward, legs tucking underneath, trying to crawl towards Taehyung. 

He loved that his lube slicked hand was what pushed Namjoon’s face away while he sunk down on the toy, loud and lewd, head dropping forward as he bottomed out. His hips stuttered on his first rise up and he cried out when he dropped back down. He’d gotten very good at holding the toy between his feet so he could ride the toy hands free and the moan Namjoon let out fueled his pace further. 

“Baby,” Namjoon tried approaching again, but Taehyung pressed a single finger to the man’s forehead, stopping him. “Princess, please.”

“N-no,” Taehyung said, voice far more resolute than his will. “You abandoned me.” Both of his hands dropped to his thighs and he rocked back harder onto the toy. “Left me right as I was gonna cum.” His breaths were labored and uneven, his thighs burned and he dropped to his hands, face level with Namjoon’s. 

He turned his face to the side when Namjoon tried to kiss him, a smirk forming because he could hear how desperate the other man sounded. 

“Let me help you, p-please,” Namjoon begged, breaths labored. “I can see you’re tired.”

“No! I can do it myself,” Taehyung moaned, finally hitting his prostate at the right angle. 

“M’sorry I left you,” Namjoon’s mouth was at Taehyung’s throat. He felt cum dribbling out of his cock and he wanted to touch himself but he reminded himself that he got into this to torture Namjoon and it was working. “Hyung is so sorry, baby. Just wanted to tease you a bit. Please, let me help you.”

“Can do it…m-myself,” the heat in Taehyung’s belly built exponentially every time Namjoon opened his mouth. He whined louder to egg him on. 

“Sweetheart, please.” Namjoon scooted even closer and Taehyung opened his eyes to watch as Namjoon slid his feet and legs between Taehyung’s arms. He spread them in a v-shape so they were on either side of Taehyung’s body. His chest pressed up against Taehyung’s head and he kissed the crown of it. Hands cupped the idol’s face and he crouched enough to finally kiss him. Taehyung moaned into it, high and loud. 

“Condom, please,” Taehyung said, breaking his own resolution. “Hurry.” He let the toy slip from his hole and he cried from the emptiness and the coolness of lube dripping down his perineum and balls. Namjoon ripped open the condom and rolled it down as quickly as he could and Taehyung straddled him. He didn’t wait to catch his own breath before sinking all the way down onto Namjoon’s cock, rolling his hips, and setting a pace that he knew he wouldn’t be able to maintain. Not that it really mattered because Namjoon was bigger than his dildo and the additional stretch felt so damn good he came within seconds. 

“Holy shit, baby,” Namjoon exhaled as Taehyung’s cum painted both of their chests and stomachs. “Fuck, let me…” he laid back, gripped Taehyung’s hips, and began thrusting upwards. 

“Hyung!” Taehyung shouted, falling forward and barely catching himself before landing his full weight onto Namjoon. “F-fuck, k-keep g-going.” He panted. He wasn’t sure if he was hit with a second wave or if his first orgasm was still going but his hole clenched and his vision blurred and all of his remaining strength left his body. Namjoon hugged him close while he kept thrusting. Cursing into Taehyung’s neck and cumming with a series of breathy grunts that vibrated through Taehyung’s entire body. 

Their hearts pounded in their rib cages and their breaths were short and stunted for a few moments before either of them were able to regain any semblance of consciousness. 

“Baby,” Namjoon finally managed to say. “Remind me to both never do that again and also definitely do that again.”

Taehyung giggled softly and sucked a small hickey beneath Namjoon’s ear that he frantically kissed when the other lazily protested. 

“That’s what you get,” Taehyung said, slowly pulling off Namjoon, lube and sweat and salty pool water making their skin tacky. “Be thankful I even let you get off.” He huffed. 

“Ah, I’m so thankful,” Namjoon pinned him down to the bed in one swift move. “So thankful my pretty princess let me cum after being so mean to him.” He kissed Taehyung's collarbones, sucked on a nipple, kissed and licked his belly and hips and slowly returned back to Taehyung’s arms. “See, better than fireworks though, right?”

“Much better than fireworks.”