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Things are in safe hands


Ahsoka was ecstatic, there was nothing else to say, and it was hard for her not to run through the halls of the Temple.

She finally had a Master!

She was a Padawan!

Work Text:

   Ahsoka was ecstatic, there was nothing else to say, and it was hard for her not to run through the halls of the Temple.

   She finally had a Master!

   She was a Padawan!

   Master Yoda had told her that the Youth Council had found her a Master who was "perfect for her", so of course Ahsoka had gone to this Jedi Knight to introduce herself, she was not one to waste time 

   She was so happy! She had not met anyone interested in being her future Master yet and she was starting to worry, she knew that her hot-headed temperament and stubbornness was really not to her advantage, but apparently that was normal, you should not just give a young person to anyone, their personalities had to be matched for them to make a good team.

   And her Master was apparently a fan of two lightsaber combat, a rarity! How fortunate for Ahsoka! She was in such a hurry and excited that she had barely been able to explain where she was going to Master Plo as she passed him, luckily the Kel Dor already knew what was going on and had sent her on her way fondly.

   She was glad she had not disappointed him, she would become a good Jedi!

   In the Masters' quarters, the little Togruta slowed down and checked each door until she stopped at the right one.

   With a deep breath, the newly appointed Padawan pressed the doorbell frankly to keep herself from changing her mind. A new life would begin for her today, she could not let her nerves slow her down.

   The door opened silently after a few anxious seconds and revealed a domestic scene where a blonde human Padawan looked at her curiously from a table, mimicked by a very pretty young Zabrak woman with short, shiny blonde hair sitting in an armchair.

     - Hi!

     - "Hi!" the guy instinctively replied, smiling at her as she entered. "Do you need anything?"

     - "I was just introducing myself." Ahsoka smiled at the Zabrak in front of her and continued cheerfully. "Hello, Master!"

   The woman gaped at her before frowning.

     - Don't dream, kid, I don't want a student.

     - "I'm still your Padawan, Master," the Togruta replied stubbornly, because she was not going to go down without a fight.

     - Do you even know who you're talking to, girl?

     - Of course, Master, you are Knight Asajj Ventress.

   A hysterical chuckle began to echo around the room, but Ahsoka and Master Asajj ignored it and remained focused on their staring match. Ahsoka was not going to lose, she wanted a Master and this one really did have two lightsabers on her belt. She could teach her so much!

     - "I said no," the Zabrak repeated before walking away without looking at her.

     - "Forget it, Snips, she's always in a bad mood," the young human man a few years older than her shouted from a table where he was tinkering with something with a relaxed air.

     - "I heard that!" Master Asajj grumbled from the kitchen.

     - I don't care!

     - Shut up, you brat!

     - Hey, you shut up! You're younger than me!

     - And yet I'm already a Knight, and I'm your Jedi Aunt, Pa-da-wan.

   Just as Ahsoka was about to try to draw attention to her situation again, a door opened violently – much more violently than was acceptable for Jedi – and a deep voice echoed through the living room.

     - Kids... I hope you're not planning to keep me from a peaceful, restful nap?

     - "No, Master Mace," the two young people replied together and also, to Ahsoka's surprise, a deep voice right behind her.

     - Good. If I hear one more word above the other, Padawan or not, Grand Padawan or not, I'm kicking you out. Except Jon.

     - "Blue-eyed boy," the blondie muttered.

     - Anakin?

     - I said, "yes, Master Mace".

   A grunt later, the door was closed, and Ahsoka slowly turned to look warily and carefully at the tall figure behind her.

     - "It's Jon," Master Asajj explained briefly. "Master Mace's second Padawan. I'm his third, Depa was his first student. Anakin behind you is Jon's Padawan."

    - "Anakin? You mean Skywalker?" Ahsoka asked, thinking quickly about the name that had been popular some time before. "I thought you were Master Jinn's Padawan?"

     - "I took him, I'm keeping him," the Jon whispered behind her. "I've decided to finish Anakin's training. Who are you?"

   With the Lek trembling and blushing in embarrassment, Ahsoka bowed:

     - I am Ahsoka Tano, my apologies for the disturbance.

     - You're not disturbing, Ahsoka, I'm delighted to meet Asajj's first Padawan. Call me Jon.

     - She's not my Padawan!

     - "Nice to meet you, Jon," Ahsoka replied with a smile.

     - Welcome to this crazy family, Snips.

   An answer, quickly, an answer!

     - Thanks, Skyguy!

   She would get on well with Anakin, and Jon seemed nice, though he also seemed like a weirdo. Really weird, in fact, because Ahsoka could only see the bottom of his face, yet no one else was wearing his hood.

     - "Jon is shy," Master Asajj added before turning away to pretend she was not watching Ahsoka.

   Shy... but they were family. Anyway, it was not her place to question the habits that made people feel comfortable in their homes.

     - "I love your haircut," she finally said to her new Master. "You look so badass! Are you good at fighting?"

   The answers were short and terse at first, but with more and more compliments, questions, and open admiration, Ahsoka managed to get more and more specific information, and Jon nodded with an approving smile.

   Master Plo was right, flattery could go a long way.