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Feel - Part 3


Part 3 of the “Feel” Series!

Emma and Snow (finally!) return to their Storybrooke but in usual fashion, the path of true love never runs completely smoothly for our fave Mayor and Sheriff - probably a good thing, otherwise this story wouldn't have got to a Part 3! Join Emma and Regina as they navigate magic, pregnancy, unexpected visits from people they thought they had left behind and the usual family drama (mainly courtesy of Zelena). Big thanks to those who have read Feel part 1 and 2 - goes without saying that this story will make a *lot* more sense if you read those parts first. I have tried to add them as a collection but have failed miserably! Happy Reading! ES~

** Now Complete - look out for Part 4 **


Welcome to Part 3! Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin...

Characters etc. not mine (the usual spiel!).

Chapter Text

“They’re coming home…”

The brunette's voice broke as Zelena slowly closed the mirror she had taken from her sisters shaking hands.

Regina felt a blend of emotions surge through her like a flood of water; stunned at what she had witnessed, exhilarated that finally Emma and Snow were coming home and relief, so much relief that they were both unharmed.

That Emma, who always seemed to find herself in hot water, was returning to her at this very moment, safe and well.

She and Zelena had bared witness to everything that had happened in the alternate Storybrooke, marveling at how the entire town had taken a stance against Cora and Regina knew Zelena felt as astounded as she did before they finally saw Emma and Snow give them a quick wave, the former adding a wink for good measure as their image shifted and they saw Rumple open up a portal.

A portal that would bring them both home.

“Sh-she’s coming home.” Regina whispered before suddenly jumping to her feet.

“We -  I… we have to go!”

Zelena chuckled to herself and placed a steadying hand on Regina’s arm.

“Darling, take a breath. We don’t know where-”

“We have to go!”

Before Zelena could finish, Regina had bolted from the room, almost knocking over a startled Mal as she entered carrying a basket of plums.

“I know Regina raves about her apples but honestly Zelena, I think I may have fallen in love a little with these plums!”

Zelena stood, still smiling to herself at her sisters obvious excitement at seeing Emma and even Snow again as she proceeded to follow her sister, pausing beside Mal.

Reaching out she took a plum and bit into the reddish purple flesh, the juices running along her throat.

“Mmm that is good.” She managed to respond as Mal’s finger swept along Zelena’s bottom lip before she reached forward, replacing her finger with her lips.

“Very good.” she growled into Zelena’s mouth. Content, Zelena was about to repay in kind when  Regina’s voice bellowed.

“Zelena! COME ON.”

Zelena stepped back and sighed as Mal let out a chuckle.

“Go with her. You know how much she’s missed her Sheriff.”

Zelena managed a hum as she attempted to reach forward, now more interested in tasting Mal’s lips again.

“And we both know you’ve missed Snow.”

Zelena hovered her lips over Mal’s, her eyes narrowing.

“I’ll never admit to such a thing.”

Mal took a step back.

“No more forbidden fruit for you then, my dear.”

Zelena sighed, taking another plum she bit down hard before offering Mal the rest.

“Maybe a smidgeon.”

Mal grinned and took the offered fruit as Zelena sidled up next to her.

“Perhaps we can continue this later? Only with strawberries and whipped cream?”

Mal smirked.

“When you’ve both finished with your lustful glances and sexual innuendo’s, perhaps we can finally go?” Regina huffed from the door as Mal let out a laugh and turned to face the blustered Mayor.

“Well you’d know all about prolonged eye sex wouldn’t you dear? Ruby isn’t the only one with a keen nose. The amount of phenylethylamine you and Emma released whenever you were in the same room was enough to make me take several cold showers!”

Zelena laughed before she paused.

“Phenyl-what now?!”

Regina actually blushed as Mal ignored the confused redhead, approaching Regina and pulling her into a hug.

“I’m glad she’d coming home my dear. Now, go get her.”

Emma took one last glance behind her before she stepped inside the portal. Regina and the other Emma were stood impossibly close together, the latter waving as the former pulled her into her side and whispered something in her ear.

The last thing Emma heard before the portal closed behind them was her own voice echoing around them.

“Holy shit I got you pregnant?!”

Emma smiled to herself as Snow’s hand found hers.

We’re going home.” Emma whispered as the familiar pull surrounded them as soon as they stepped inside the opening. Her vision became blurry, so Emma closed her eyes. 

I’m going home.” she thought, once more, as her heartbeat seemed to quicken at the prospect of seeing Regina - her Regina - again.

And Henry.

God she had missed them.  It may have been a few days but to Emma it had felt like a lifetime.

Her legs then began to wobble a little as some unknown energy pulled at both her and Snow, the action so sudden their hands fell apart.

Feeling heavy yet light at the same time, Emma realised she hadn’t experienced this feeling the last time Rumple had sent her home, probably because as soon as she had entered the portal she had fallen asleep almost immediately, the energy no doubt carrying her and Mulan through before pushing them tumbling to the ground on the other side.

Now as she continued to step forward, Snow still by her side, she saw a light approaching in the distance. Without warning they were lifted and thrown forwards.

Regina and Zelena stood beside Ruby, Mulan and David, the party gathering on Main Street waiting for the portal to appear.

Regina and Zelena had both sensed the portal’s location as soon as they had left the mansion, the former teleporting to David and the latter to Ruby and then Mulan so they could all be together when Emma and Snow finally reappeared.

Regina had momentarily contemplated getting Henry before deciding against it. He had already missed too much school and she wanted to surprise him with a dinner that would have every family member present once he got home from school.

Why is it taking so long? Is it taking so long? It kinda feels like it is?”

Mulan grabbed Ruby’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

“They’ll be here.”

Regina had overheard Ruby and was thinking the very same thing.

Where the hell were they?

As if her question had been heard from some higher being, the portal slowly began to appear, its opening shimmering and twisting below the clouds above that were tinged in dark. There was also a chill in the air as the clock in the tower began to chime, alerting the residents of Storybrooke that it was now Noon.

Regina stepped forward as the opening grew into a sizeable sphere.

Suddenly two figures appeared. 

One, landing on their feet, a look of shock and then relief on her face as she turned to see her family and friends all standing on the pavement, waiting.

The other seemed to tumble, before landing rather heavily… on their ass.

Emma was frowning, as she looked up at Snow.

Seriously? You land on your feet? Portals fucking hate me!”

Groggily she stood before another figure careered into her, knowing the wind out of her lungs.


Emma then felt the body leap up, arms folding around her.

“Emma… Emma…. Thank god!

Emma immediately relaxed, her eyes now closing as her arms surrounded Regina, pulling her impossibly close as she pecked quick, successive kisses all over her face.


Kiss to the forehead.

“My god I’ve missed you”

Kiss to both cheeks.

“So fucking much!”

Kiss to the tip of a nose.

“I’ve felt incomplete without you.”

Kiss to the chin. 

“I love you.”

Finally, a kiss to the lips.

Regina inhaled, trembling in Emma’s arms. The Sheriff's scent was teasing her nostrils, dancing around all of her senses before finally reaching out and wrapping around her, making her feel safe and needed.

And loved.

“I love you too.” she whispered into pale lips, her own now opening wider to allow Emma’s tongue entry to dance and tease against her own.

“Mmm” Emma managed, lowering a hand to grasp hold of Regina’s pert backside, giving it a squeeze, forgetting she was standing in Main Street under the watchful gaze of some of its residents. 

“Let’s try and keep this PG-13 ladies.”

Emma and Regina barely heard Zelena as Ruby began to laugh.

“Um, it’s not just them.” Mulan managed, her eyes flickering to Snow and David who were also engaged in tonsil tennis.

“Well fuck. It clearly runs in the family!” Zelena chuckled to herself before clearing her throat.

“Lovely to see you back safe and sound ladies. Not that you’ve noticed the rest of us standing here like spare parts.”

Emma groaned into Regina’s lips as the Mayors tongue began to move so explicitly against her own Emma could feel a wetness already pooling below.

“Need… you.” Emma managed to groan again as she felt Regina’s hands on her back, under her jacket and top, tickling featherlike touches along her spine.

Zelena's keen eyes moved to Ruby and Mulan.

“I don’t think they’ve noticed us. Perhaps we should just leave them to it? If you stick around much longer Mulan you’ll have to arrest them for indecent exposure.”

Regina was pressed up so close to the her, Emma could feel the brunettes erratic heartbeat thumping against her own as her breasts brushed against Emma’s. Emma's nipples immediately hardened, sending a jolt to her now swollen clit that was demanding attention.


“Yes. Now.” Regina rasped as she finally broke away from Emma, whose tousled hair framed a father flushed face.

“Oh, look at that. They do need air after all.” Zelena cackled as Emma’s cheeks blazed, her breathing irregular as thoughts of making love to her girlfriend overtook every other.

“We’re going.” Regina informed the small party, attempting to calm her now raging libido as she ran a hand though her disheveled hair thanks to Emma’s probing fingers.

God she’d missed those fingers.

“I think after that display, you’ve already gone.” Zelena replied caustically, now winking at Emma who temporarily missed the other, shyer, less sarcastic Zelena.

"Stay here for much longer and I suspect we'll see you coming too, especially you Sheriff. You're looking rather hot."

Yes, at that moment Emma definitely missed the more tactile Zelena.

“You can… that is we can… meet you back at Granny’s in an hour.” Regina managed to mumble, although her voice was hoarse and lacked her usual commanding tone. 

“Two.” Emma interrupted, her eyes gleaming with mischief as they dropped to Regina's ass.

God she had missed that ass.

“Two Hours.” Regina confirmed with a quick nod of her head as she felt Emma’s strong arms immediately wrap around her again. 

Ruby continued to laugh and Mulan nodded, a knowing expression on her face.

“And what about-“  Zelena turned to where Snow and David had been smooching, noticing the former was half way up the street dragging her husband behind her.

“Good to see you guys. Really. But… duty calls!” Emma replied cheekily, slapping Regina’s backside.

Regina simply grabbed her and poofed them to their bedroom, not caring about her ass being slapped for public display.

She’d scold Emma.


“Well, that was wonderful. I’ve always wanted to see my sister come undone in plain sight and after witnessing that I don't think I'm using that term loosely! Where’s Sidney when you need him? That display was worthy of front page news!”

Ruby laughed.

“Yeah I can see the headline now: Mayor Makes her Move in Main Street; a Storybrooke exclusive!”


Zelena walked back to the diner with Mulan and Ruby, asking Granny if she had any plum pies.

"Not today, but I can make you one for tomorrow?!

Zelena grinned.

"Perfect. Mal seems to have developed a penchant for plums."

Granny eyed Zelena.

"I think she's developed a penchant for redheads. Nice to see both Mill's heading towards their happily ever after."

Zelena's mouth opened. Then closed. Then opened again.

"I - "

Ruby looked at her, eyebrows raised before she turned to her Granny.

"Well shit - you've rendered her speechless!"

Granny waved a hand at nobody in particular.

"I have my skills. Now, get back to work missy. These dishes won't clean themselves!"

Zelena, still speechless had simply nodded at them all as she made her way slowly back to Mal's, Granny word's repeating over and over in her head.

Nice to see both Mill's heading towards their happily ever after...

Was it possible that she too was on course for a happy ending like Regina clearly was?

Did she even deserve one? She may be good now, or as good as she possibly could be, but she'd never really dreamed of her own happy ending before.

Now seated in the living room as Mal prepared lunch in the kitchen. Lily soon appeared, laughing as she entered the room.

"Do share the joke Lily."

She needed a diversion from her thoughts. She was starting to think like Regina once did, that she didn't deserve happiness.

Lily took a breath before pointing her finger to outside.

“Well, it’s not every day you see Snow White making out with Prince Charming outside a laundromat.”

Diversion achieved, Zelena smirked.

If only Sidney has caught that scene on camera.

“You should have seen-actually, no. It’s probably for the best you didn’t.”

Snow may have been kissing David but she suspected their make out session was Disney channel compared to Emma and Regina’s which was positively porn.

Mal entered carrying plates of sandwiches as Lily glanced over her shoulder and pinched one.

“They both made it back home alright then?” Lily asked, attempting to sound impassive although the red on her cheeks suggested otherwise.

“Yes. They did.” Zelena replied, biting into her sandwich as Mal took a seat.

“How were they both?”

Zelena chewed a while as if pondering her answer before she finally swallowed.

“Relieved to be home.”

Lily snorted. 

“I’ll say, looked like Snow was eating David’s face off!”

Mal laughed. “Well she missed him. It’s only natural. I’m sure Emma felt the same way when she saw Regina again.”

Zelena watched to see how Lily reacted, wondering why Mal was being so open and honest about Emma and Regina when she herself had hung back. She didn’t want to upset Lily but she also knew the young brunette really would have to come to terms with Emma and Regina at some point.

“You could say that, yes.” Zelena finally replied as Lily’s cheeks remained pink.

“I’m sure Regina was happy to see Emma again.” the young brunette replied, helping herself to another sandwich.

“The feeling was very mutual.” Zelena revealed as Mal laughed.

“Is that why you’re here? Avoiding the mansion for any particular reason dear?”

Zelena’s eyes narrowed. 

She wanted to tell the truth but she also didn’t feel now was the best time to possibly rile up a baby dragon. 

Then again, if that were likely surely Mal would be more careful with her words? Throwing caution to the wind Zelena nodded.

“I didn’t want to interrupt their… time together.”

Zelena gave herself a mental pat on the back for omitting the word "sexy".

Lily’s brows rose as she quickly swallowed the rest of her sandwich before excusing herself.

“Oh Lily? We’re all meeting Snow and Emma at the diner at two, for some welcome home drinks. I’m sure Emma would love to see you.”

Lily paused at the door.

“Maybe. I mean… yeah. Okay. Thanks.”

Mal watched her daughter leave before she stood, walking the short distance to Zelena she perched herself on the arm of her chair.

“You were rather… demure just then. Not like you at all.”

Zelena rolled her eyes.

“What did you want me to say? Emma fell through the portal, Regina jumped her and if they hadn’t poofed to their bedroom we would have all being subjected to x rated porn? Because that’s what it was turning into, they could have given Busty Barbara from Brooklyn or Debbie Does Dallas a run for their money!”

Mal started to laugh, swinging her legs around so she was soon straddling Zelena.

“We can’t treat Lily with kid gloves forever Zel. Emma and Regina are together, she knows that and she’s starting to accept it. We shouldn’t hide away from talking about them if she happens to be in the same room, although I do appreciate your gentle handling. I didn’t think you had it you!”

Maybe this was her happy ending... being with Mal...

Zelena’s hands found Mal’s hips.

“We both know you prefer my rough handling, Mallie. Now let’s forget Emma and Regina. I want to introduce you to this little movie I’ve titled ‘Zelena does Mal’

And with that she transported them both to Mal’s bedroom, thoughts purely on one particular happy ending she was about to give her lover 

As soon as they appeared in the bedroom, Regina began to sob. Her hands, still clasped around Emma’s shoulders were shaking, causing Emma to step back, her own hands still wrapped possessively around the brunettes waist.


Regina’s head immediately dipped as whimper now escaped her lips.

“Baby? What’s wrong?”

Emma suspected her girlfriend was simply over emotional; she herself was on the verge of tears now that she was finally home and had her Regina tucked up safely in her arms, but that wasn’t enough.

She needed more.

But as she watched the brunette sniffle, her whole body now shaking, all Emma wanted was for Regina to look up at her and tell her she was alright.

“I - I can’t. I just can’t believe you’re finally here.”

Regina’s voice was husky and a little broken, which made Emma’s breath catch.

“The emptiness I felt when you were gone, Emma it hurt so much! I’ve never felt a wrenching pain like that before and believe me, I’ve felt varying degrees of pain in my past!”

The thought of Regina being in any kind of pain upset and angered Emma at the same time; upset because her absence had caused the woman she loved to feel that way and angry that she had endured so much hell in her past. 

“I’m here, Gina. I’m right here. And I’m not going to leave you again. Ever.”

And she wasn’t, parallel universes be damned although she knew deep down if their counterparts ever needed help they’d both be there on the front line pledging their support and allegiance.

Regina took several deep breaths as if trying to steady herself before she stepped back and cupped Emma’s face, their eyes finally meeting.

“No, you won’t, because being without you was hell Emma. And I won’t go through that again. Not fully knowing what was happening or what you were doing or-“

Emma cupped Regina’s face back.

“Shhh. It’s okay. I understand honey. I promise. No more trips to parallel universes!”

Regina’s face broke out into a dazzling smile as her hands fell to Emma’s shoulders before moving to the back of her neck. There she began to stroke the frisson’s of tiny blonde hairs, each caress sending goosebumps across the Sheriffs body.

“Miss Swan, there will be no more trips to anywhere unless I am by your side!”

Emma grinned.

“Good, cause you know how much I hate grocery shopping alone.”

Regina’s fingers were now in Emma’s hair, moving through the curling strands in a comb like fashion, something Regina knew Emma loved.

“I love you, Gina. Now, please, let me show you how much because honestly these past few days have been hell and I’m horny as fuck.”

Regina laughed, her eyes darting to the bedside clock before she pulled her fingers free.

“You have exactly one hour and forty five minutes to show me exactly how much, Miss Swan.”

Emma beamed, picking Regina up who let out a squeal at the sudden movement.

“Jesus I’ve missed your voice.”

Emma then turned and gently placed Regina on top of the bed, her eyes dancing over the body below her as Regina stretched out like a cat.

“You heard my voice through her, Emma.” Regina replied, a slightly puzzled look now appearing across her flushed face.

Emma threw off her jacket as she peered down at Regina.

“I mean the noises you make when I do things like - this…”

And with that Emma quickly unzipped her boots, kicking them to the side before she jumped on the bed, her legs on either side of the Mayor as she began to slowly crawl up the length of her body.

Regina let out a small mewl as Emma paused and grinned.

“Yup, noises just like that, which I obviously didn’t pull from the other Regina.”

Emma then winked as Regina’s arms pulled her roughly on top of her.

“You better not have, Miss Swan. I’m rather possessive when it comes to you. I don’t share, even if it’s with myself.”

Her lips then tackled Emma’s, a strong tongue demanding entry and Emma obliged and opened her mouth to accept the strong, hot muscle as it flicked against the tip of her own before extending to brush against Emma’s lips.

Regina knew how sensitive Emma’s tongue was when her own pleasured it, she also knew the sounds Emma made when she pushed her tongue even deeper into the blondes mouth, inducing such an arousal it often made her shake.

She too had missed the noises only she could pull from Emma.

“Mmm. Hell yes Gina!”

Regina smirked and suddenly pushed Emma back. 

“Wh-what’d you do that for?!” Emma managed, looking rather sullen at the suddenly break in contact. “I was enjoying that.” she then whined as Regina sat upright and began to slowly unbutton her shirt.

“Ooo, okay.  I think I’m gonna enjoy this too.” Emma managed to rasp, as her eyes followed Regina’s agile fingertips as they slowly reached lower, and lower.

“Time is of the essence, dear. Perhaps you can do the same?”

Emma merely nodded, relieved she didn’t have buttons on her own top to remove because the way she felt, watching more and more of Regina's olive skin becoming exposed, the more she realised she wanted her fingers to be doing something else entirely.

Grabbing the hem of her top, she flung it upwards, not caring where it landed as Regina let out the most deep and husky laugh Emma had ever heard. It made her tingle.

“Someone’s keen.” Regina murmured as she finally got to the bottom of her shirt, her eyes now on Emma, pupils blown as she took in the sight before her.

Emma was exquisite, her pale skin scattered with freckles and pale silver scars of varying sizes that told a story of the hard life the Sheriff had. When Regina had first seen them Emma had mistaken her curiosity for pity. Regina had soon shown Emma how much she was truly loved, every part of her, as she softly brushed a fingertip over them before replacing her finger with light brushes of her lips.

Regina remembered the way Emma had shed tears of relief when Regina had whispered those words of encouragement in her ear.

“I know these make you feel vulnerable Emma but to me they are symbols of your own personal history. You have no idea how much I love the intimacy when you allow me to see them, to touch them.”

Emma’s chest was now moving in and out rapidly as her own emerald eyes focused on Regina’s chest.

“I love you in red.” She whispered as her hand gently lowered Regina back down before she fully removed Regina’s shirt from her shoulders.

“But I think I love you more naked.”

Emma’s fingers were then unclasping Regina’s red bra as the Mayor unhooked the tiny clap on the front of Emma’s black one.

Both were discarded, fingers working in tandem, as Emma’s then found the button on Regina’s trousers.

“And these… these really have to go.”

Regina nodded as her hands began to play with Emma’s pink and pert nipples, her thumbs brushing over the hard peaks as the rest of her hands cupped them lovingly.

“So sexy.” she whispered as Emma began to fumble with the zip.

“Jesus, you’re not helping.” Emma croaked as Regina’s thumb and forefinger then began to nip and squeeze the now pebbled nipples, just the way she knew Emma liked it.

“Nor should he be. Nobody touches you but me.”

The joke wasn’t lost on Emma as she finally pulled the zipper down, her hands moving under Regina to raise her ass.

“Shift up.” she commanded as Regina obliged, her hands now on Emma’s stomach, fingers running up and down the taught muscles that always made Regina tingle and her clit ache and twitch with need.

Emma paused again momentarily, her head tipping back as finger tips were replaced with finger nails.

“Holy fuck.” She garbled as Regina’s nails ran to the button on her jeans.

“I want these off. Now.”

Emma’s head slowly slipped back down, her eyes now the colour of obsidian as she pulled Regina’s trousers off, throwing them over her shoulder before quickly standing, removing her own pants.

“Just one sec!”

The pants seemed to be tighter than she remembered before she realised they were actually the other Emma’s and not hers. She didn’t remember having this much trouble putting them on.

Regina finally looked up at her.

“Time is a ticking Miss Swan.”

Emma pulled harder, finally releasing the jeans from her thighs and down past her knees.

Maybe the other Emma was slimmer? 

Had she put on weight?

Emma frowned. She’d go back to the gym. 

Regina, noticing the slight change in Emma’s demeanor frowned herself.


Emma immediately looked back down at the beauty who was laid before her wearing nothing but a pair of red silk panties.


Regina rolled her eyes.

“Regina will do just fine, although I admit I am rather heavenly.”

Now she just looked smug as Emma pulled her jeans and pants off, immediately straddling Regina, her hands now making quick work of the red panties which were pulled down long legs and tossed aside.

Emma returned to her previous position, eyes sweeping over a very naked Regina as the Mayors smug smile was immediately replaced with a look of hunger as her eyes moved down to Emma’s dark blonde and very wet curls.

“Come here.”

Emma peered down, her fingers finding Regina’s nipples immediately as they began to tug and rub over the hardened buds.

“I am here.” 

Regina’s hands found Emma’s waist and tugged her up her body, the wetness now leaving a trail over her stomach.

“Come.. Here..” Regina demanded again as her hands moved down and were now resting on Emma’s smooth ass cheeks.


Emma looked momentarily dazed as Regina’s hands hoisted her forward’s and upwards at the same time.

“I need to taste you.”

Emma swallowed and looked down.

“I thought I was showing you-“

Before she could finish, she felt a hot tongue against her clit.

“Oh fuck.”

Finally shifting Emma to a position of comfort that allowed her demanding tongue full access, Regina’s hands squeezed Emma’s ass before moving down to hold her strong thighs steady. She felt Emma’s muscles spasm under her touch which only made her more determined to completely undo the woman straddling her.


Emma almost came there and then at Regina’s enunciation along with her hot, probing tongue that was now running up and down her swollen folds. She wasn’t going to last very long as her body started to tremble.

Regina continued her exploration, drinking in everything Emma was offering her.

God she had missed this, missed being to close to Emma, touching her, feeling her, exploring her and tasting her.

“I’m… Fuck I’m… Gina I’m c lose…”

Emma’s hands had found their way to the back of Regina’s head as her fingers began to run across her scalp, her short blunt nails scraping just the way Regina liked it.

Together…” Emma managed to mewl as Regina continued her onslaught on her girlfriends clit, now adding a finger for good measure.

Emma, needing to feel the slickness of the woman who was making her see stars glided one hand behind her as the other remained on the top of Regina’s head wrapped in dark tresses. Her fingers explored momentarily, tickling across Regina’s stomach that had a small bump before finding what she was so desperately searching for, Regina’s sodden curls.

Oh…!” Regina cried into Emma’s clit causing a vibration which sent shock waves throughout Emma’s body, resulting in her arching her back, allowing her own fingers the freedom to enter Regina more deeply as Regina’s tongue and finger continued to pump in and out of Emma furiously.

Together they continued their passion fueled attack as both began to reach an unforgiving peak of pleasure.

Emmmaa…” Regina finally screamed out loud as Emma’s thumb found and pressed deep circles over her clit as her finger kinked, pummeling against Regina’s g-spot as her essence leaked and coated Emma’s fingers.

“Shit. Gina… Giinnnaaa…”

Emma’s own undoing came seconds later as her mind seemed to explode, all coherent thought leaving her as the pleasure began to build yet again as Regina pulled the blonde down, her lips capturing Emma’s as her fingers continued to play and push back inside Emma, wanting and craving more.

More from the woman she had been separated from for days.

More from the love of her life who had finally come home.

More from Emma, who had given her so much and continued to do so.

So much more.

Emma could taste herself on Regina’s lips and judging my the growl that escaped Regina she too could taste herself on Emma.

Emma needed to feel more, as she lifted up her own quaking body, placing her hand on Regina’s and lifting it up towards her own lips.

Regina, initially confused as to why Emma would be removing her hand when her fingers were deliciously deep inside her gave Emma a disapproving looked before Emma placed both of the brunettes fingers into her moth, sucking the tips gently before biting down on them.

“I need feel you another way.” Emma hummed into Regina’s fingers as she repositioned herself over the mayors glistening sweat covered body, lowering herself so their mutual cores touched.

“Ohhhhh god.” Regina puffed feeling Emma’s hot, wet and very sticky folds now brush against her own, as their clits bumped. The feeling was intense, causing her clit to throb, her heart to palpitate and her essence to freely escape, mingling with Emma’s own as the blonde continued to rock her pelvis into Regina, the latter lifting up to meet each and every thrust.

Lips locked and fingers tangled in damp hair as two body’s moved simultaneously with mutual accord and harmony. 

It didn’t take long for both to climax, both reaching their pinnacles before rapture ensued.

Emma didn’t know when she finally fell forward onto Regina, but as she felt strong fingers dance over her shoulder blades she finally looked up into dark brown orbs.


Regina laughed huskily as Emma shifted to she was now laying beside her lover and not on top of her.

“I like you on top.” Regina managed to croak, her voice sore from screaming Emma’s name as Emma snuggled into the crook of her neck.

“I’m heavy. I don’t want to squish you or nugget.”

Emma’s hand was then back on Regina’s stomach. Regina suddenly realised that throughout their entire lovemaking not once had Emma put any of her real weight onto Regina’s stomach. 

Her heart blossomed.

“Do we have to go to the diner.” 

Regina shifted and turned on her side, as Emma mimicked her position. 

“Yes my love. Everyone missed you and I was rather naughty in immediately monopolising you.”

Emma’s hand was back on her stomach as she placed a chaste kiss to the tip of Regina’s nose.

“I like you being naughty.”

Regina smirked as she returned the kiss, only her lips grazed Emma’s neck before her teeth nipped at the warm, soft skin below.

“In that case…”

Regina was immediately on top of Emma who let out a laugh, her hands now on Regina’s waist.

“I think it’s my turn, Madam Mayor.” Emma replied, her eyes darting to the clock before moving back to Regina.

“I have thirty minutes.”

And with that she pushed Regina up high above her head before she nudged the tip of her nose against Regina’s dark, dampened curls, inhaling deeply.

“God I love how you smell.” 

A pink tongue then peaked from paler lips, the tip nudging Regina’s clit, resulting in a guttural moan from the Mayor.

“And I love how you taste.”  

This was the last thing Regina heard before Emma brought her to a climax over and over again.

I should have said three hours, was the last thing Regina thought before her body detonated with carnal desire.


Emma and Regina entered the diner half an hour late because after two hours of exploring each other - everywhere - in great detail, Emma had insisted she needed a shower which of course Regina joined her for. 

Expecting to see certain faces when she entered she was shocked to see Hook who was perched on the barstool ripping into a bear claw with his hook.

“What the hell is he doing here?!” Regina spat as Ruby made her way over to them, an apologetic look on her face.

“I know what you’re thinking and honestly, I thought it too but he came in earlier and asked Granny for permission to enter because he wanted to say something to Emma before he leaves.”

Emma frowned, her mind going back to the other Hook and the things he had said to her.

Or, sang about her.

She felt her body shudder in repulsion.

“He’s leaving?” Regina enquired as Ruby shrugged her shoulders.

“All I know is he apologised to Granny and for once he’s sober. And I mean, stone cold sober. Hasn’t had a drink for days it seems, or that’s what our sense of smell is telling us.”

Emma remained skeptical.

“I’ll handle this.”

Regina pulled her back immediately.

“I don’t trust him.”

Emma sighed.

“After all the shit he put me through here, and there.” she motioned her hand towards Main Street where the portal had brought them back, “I don’t either. But I’m intrigued. I can handle him, Gina.”

Regina seemed to contemplate Emma’s response before nodding her head slightly.

“I’ll be watching.”

Emma grinned.

“Oh, I know. Now go rescue your sister. It looks like Snow is trying to hug her.”

Regina glanced back to Hook who was busily munching on his now shredded bear claw before she looked back at Emma.

“Don’t take too long. I may need rescuing from your mother too.”

Emma then found herself taking a seat beside Hook who glanced up and grinned.

“Swanny! Whet the devil have you been hiding? I’ve not seen you in days!”

Emma immediately noticed Granny hovering on the other side of the counter.

“Relax Nanny, I told you I’m here to make amends.”

Emma looked puzzled as Granny suddenly whipped out a tea towel and smacked Hook across the head with it.

“Hey! What the hell was that for?” Hook stammered, pieces of pastry now flying from his mouth.

Granny was seething.

“Only my friends call me GRANNY. I’m nobody’s nanny, especially yours! If I had of been you’d have grown up to become a respectable young man and not a ruffian who wears more eyeliner than my granddaughter. It’s Mrs Lucas to you!”

Hook, mouth full of pastry again, actually managed to look affronted.

“I… sorry. I’m not good with names.”

Emma nearly fell from the stool as Granny made a humph sound before leaving.

Hook, apologising?

Hook then turned back to Emma and shrugged.

“I always thought it highlighted my eyes.”

Granny handed Emma a hot chocolate before snorting, shaking her head and finally leaving.

Anyway, you were about to tell me where you’ve been hiding lass.”

Emma pondered over her drink before answering.

“Oh, nowhere special. Just a parallel universe to help another Regina find her wife, another version of me. Turns out she was abducted by Robin and Cora, you know, Regina and Zelena’s mom.”

Hook looked surprised as Emma continued.

“Also turns out you were involved too but I knocked you out cold and Regina sent your sorry ass to jail. Again. Seems as though you’ve a lot in common with your alter ego.”

Hook suddenly shoved his hand up.

“Hey. Now wait a minute. I don’t do kidnapping. Pirate code and all that. I may fancy the ass off you but I’d never abduct you! I rely on my natural charms with the ladies. Sometimes, with the men too if they catch my eye.”

Emma listened. That was a lot to take in.

Hook wasn't into kidnapping but he was apparently also into men?

Surely her lie detector was about to ping.

Strangely it didn’t.

“Besides, that’s why I’m here. I came to say sorry. For… stuff. I mean, I admit it. I was a bit of a pilchard.”


Hook jumped in his seat as Regina appeared at Emma's side.

“I believe the word you were looking for, is pillock.”

Hook seemed to consider Regina’s correction before shrugging again.

“Maybe that too. Anyway, sorry. I guess to you as well, even though you were a complete bitch as the Evil Queen.”

Emma stood immediately, her arm hovering, fist clenched.

Hook saw and stood too.

“Sorry! Shit. I’m no good at this apology crap. Sorry Queenie. And. Well. I’m happy for you both. I can’t and won’t stand in the way of true love. I mean, I didn’t really believe you were soulmates before but I was half drunk at the time.  That’s deep magic shit, true love. Closest I’ve come to feeling that was the day I pilfered the Jolly Roger.”

Regina continued to eye Hook with distaste and skepticism as the Pirate continued to ramble.

“I don’t often think things through when I’m merry.”

Emma and Regina both looked at each other as the latter actually sniffed the air.

“I haven’t had a drink today.” Hook muttered as he seated himself back on the stool. 

Emma had to concede that the Pirate didn’t smell of booze for once. Just sweat. And grime.

“And speaking of being merry, you’ll laugh at this. Guess who’s managed to convince a band of merry men to join him on his ship? Aye! Me!! I’ll be sailing the ocean blue this afternoon with all of Rodney’s merry men as my crew!”

Emma laughed as Regina looked part humored and part unconvinced.

“You mean Robin.” She finally managed to reply as Hook’s mouth gaped a little before he replied.

“The forest dweller? Richard. Riley? I don’t know. The one who showed us his tat? Looked like a dog that had died and was then stuffed?”

Now Emma did laugh as Regina sighed.

“Yes, Hook. His name is Robin Hood, as in Robin Hood and his Merry Men?”

Hook chuckled.

“Well he won’t be so merry when he realises he only has one bloke left!”

Now Emma was intrigued. Recalling how unhappy Will Scarlett had been in the alternate Stoeybrooke it didn’t surprise her that he, and the others, would jump ship to board another one entirely.

“Who’s staying?” she asked steadily. 

The pirate scratched the top of his head as his hook began to tap the diner table.

“I’m crap at remembering names” he muttered, his fingers now grazing across his cheek before he finally stopped, clicked his fingers together and rapt his hook against the counter.

“Triar Fuck!”

Emma snorted into her hot chocolate, causing the hot liquid to spill over the sides and down her chin.

“I beg your pardon?!” Regina bellowed as Hook looked up, the grin on his face replaced with a sheepish smile.

“Um… pretty sure that’s the guy? Bit on the heavy side? Short? Wears a dress. Has a bald head and carries a book? For all I know it’s a self help book or a guide on how to win over the ladies cause I’ve never seen him with one.”

Emma managed to grab some napkins from a nearby dispenser, mopping up the liquid from the counter before rubbing at her chin.

“Friar Tuck.”

Regina’s voice was crisp and clear as Hooks brows scrunched.


Regina sighed and took a quick glance at Emma. Noticing she still had some whipped cream on her chin she wiped it away with her finger before glancing back at the pirate.

“His name is Friar Tuck you idiot. He’s a monk, who wears robes and engages in tonsure - the practice of shaving some or all of ones hair on the scalp as a sign of religious devotion or humility.”

Hook scoffed.

“Well it looks ridiculous. He won’t get any woman interested with that hair do.”

Emma couldn’t help but grin at the scene that was playing out in front of her as Regina arched her manicured brow.

“He’s a devoted catholic who carries a bible you imbecile, of course you haven’t seen him with any ladies! He’s taken a vow of celibacy!”

Hook shuddered.

“Well I’m glad he ain’t coming then. There’s no room on my ship for someone who’s sworn themselves off women! He can take his vow of celebrity elsewhere!”

Celibacy.” Regina corrected as Hook stood.

“That too. Right, I’m off. The oceans await. I’ve been on land for far too long. Last chance Swanny, sure you don’t want to join me eh?”

In the past, Emma would have scoffed and thrown some sarcastic comment Hooks way, especially after meeting the other putrid version of him in the alternate Storybrooke but for some reason she noticed the slight twinkle in his eyes and immediately knew he was teasing. 

Probably to piss off Regina.

It worked.

“I suggest you take a walk to the docks and never look back, Hook before I give you that haircut you love so much, place you in robes, and attach a bible to your hook permanently.”

Hook actually shuddered as he ran his good hand though his mop of hair.

“Well on that note… see you around Madam Pissy Pants, don’t miss me too much Sheriff Heartbreaker.”

Regina growled as Hook blew Emma a kiss. Before reaching the door he stopped and turned, his face now serious.

“I am sorry for causing a little bit of mischief -“

Regina snorted.

“But I will say this, watch your back. That Forest dude is bad news and he still believes he’s your soulmate Queenie. Don’t trust him.”

And with that he was gone.

“I won’t be sorry to see that cretin go.” Regina growled as Emma pulled her to her side.

“And what about Hobin Rood?”

Regina rolled her eyes and shot Emma a pointed look.

“Relax, Madam PP.”

Regina growled again.

“Call me that again Miss Swan and you’ll be on the couch tonight and every other night this week.”

Emma look horrified.

Regina smirked.

Pissy pants indeed!


When Emma finally joined the small party, Zelena began to clap.

“I applause you both for arriving only half an hour late. Mal was convinced you’d take longer.”

Emma’s eyes shot towards Mal as Regina rolled her eyes and took a seat beside her sister. Mal was sitting opposite, a glint in her eye, beside Snow.

“I simply presumed you wanted to give Emma a little welcome home party of your own, Regina. Things like that shouldn’t be rushed.”

Emma didn’t fail to notice Mal’s eyes as they then flickered to Zelena.

Emma felt a smile tug on her own lips. 

Clearly the pair had been busy too.

“I’m so glad everyone is here!” Snow then squealed as a tired looking David stood behind her.

“You look positively knackered Charming.”

David managed a smile as he turned and walked towards the counter.

“Is he… limping?!” Zelena then cackled as Emma felt her cheeks blush.

She really didn’t want to know what they’d been doing. She’s walk in on them once before and it has scarred her for life.

“I think you’ve more stamina than your father, Sheriff. Does she Reggie?”

Emma shot a glare at Zelena.

“I think I preferred the other you.”

Zelena winked. “No you don't. You missed me too. I know you did. My alternate told me.”

Emma groaned as Zelena smiled.

“You have an affinity with the Mills’s Emma, don’t deny it.”

Emma, still standing, looked down at Regina who was looking back up at her with so much warmth in her eyes it made her feel fuzzy.

“I’d never deny it.”

And she leaned over the booth, placing a kiss to Regina’s lips.

“Um. Hi.”

Emma broke the kiss and turned to see an uncomfortable looking Lily standing behind her.


Emma wasn’t really sure what else to say at that moment as Mulan thankfully appeared behind Lily, with Belle.

“About time you showed your face Sheriff.”

Mulan grinned, and Emma was embracing her immediately.

"Well she did show her face before, Mulan. It was just attached to my sisters at the time."

Emma ignored the continued teasing as she beamed at Mulan.

“You can say you missed me you know.” she chuckled as Mulan rolled her eyes.

“What, and give you an even bigger head? Think I’ll pass.” But the look on her face told Emma that Mulan had, most definitely, missed her.

Zelena turned to face Regina.

"Speaking of heads, it's a good job Emma doesn't have a you know what between her legs, otherwise that thing would be permanently standing to attention."

Regina held her face in her hands, partly to ignore her sister but mainly to hide the blush she felt hit her face and her entire body as soon as those words had left her sisters lips, because the thought of Emma with - that appendage - was doing very strange things to her insides.

She was just thankful Zelena, for once in her life, had managed to whisper her statement and not broadcast it across the diner.

The Deputy then wandered across to where Ruby was standing behind the counter, Belle following behind.

Emma watched her friends go as Lily came back into view. She felt momentarily guilty for not engaging with Lily the same way she had Mulan.

But Mulan isn’t in love with you…

As if sensing her discomfort, Emma felt a hand appear on her lower arm. Turning she looked at Regina who simply smiled at her, nodding her head marginally.

Emma smiled as Regina basked in the dimples that always appeared when Emma gave her that particular smile. Slowly she removed her hand and began to talk to Mal and Snow who were discussing plum pie.

Emma nibbled on her bottom lip before finally looking back at Lily.

“Fancy a walk?”


Chapter Text

Regina watched Emma leave the diner as Lily followed closely behind her. Both seemed extremely tense and agitated, no doubt for very different reasons.

She recalled the first time Lily had arrived in Storybrooke, thanks to Emma retrieving her and reuniting her with her estranged mother, Mal.

Regina didn’t know the particulars, only that Emma had crossed the town line, determined to locate the woman despite the Mayors reservations. The Sheriff had assured her she would be back, but during the four days Emma had been absent, Regina had found herself snapping more than usual at everyone as her worry for Emma’s safety had intensified with each passing day.

”You do realise this was her job before, Regina? There really is no need to get your panties in a twist, Emma will be fine.”

Zelena’s attempt at placating her had failed spectacularly and Regina’s mood only managed to lighten the day she finally saw the Sheriff’s yellow monstrosity parked on Main Street again. In a No Parking Zone. The Mayor, simply glad Emma was finally home was about to forget the parking violation when she then spotted the blonde arm in arm with a younger brunette as they exited the diner, laughing. Relief turned to acute jealousy and then anger as Regina returned to her office and asked her Secretary to issue Miss Swan with a parking ticket.

It hadn’t taken long for the Storybrooke rumour mill to start speculating who this young woman was either, tale after tale circulating, each and everyone one proving to be wrong.

I think she’s come from the future to warn us about some impending doom! (Dr Whale).

She’s clearly from the Enchanted Forest -I bet she was cursed like the rest of us… (Grumpy).

What if she’s from an alternate reality that’s formed of pure evil! (Tinkerbell).

She might not be real! She could be a figment of our imaginations!! (Little Miss Muffet).

I’m sure whoever she turns out to be she will become part of our community, we really shouldn’t cast judgement (Dr Hopper).

Maybe she’s the Sheriffs ex girlfriend?! (Zelena).

Yeah, that last one had stung.

Regina had ignored everything relating to Lily at first, presuming the young brunette would meet Mal, make amends and then return to wherever the hell home was. She hadn’t expected the woman to move in with Mal almost immediately, or start to spend more and more of her time with Emma.

Because that’s exactly what had transpired. Regina found herself forgetting the time when Emma wasn’t with Lily somewhere close by.

Which enraged her because the more time Emma spent with Mal’s daughter the less time she spent randomly turning up in Regina’s life. They no longer argued as much because she barely saw the Sheriff.

And she had missed their spats.

She had missed Emma.

She had of course been intrigued but, refusing to actually ask Mal what was going on with her daughter and Emma, she’d resorted to lowering her high standards by posing a few questions Snow’s way one time they happened to be in the diner together.

Lily appears to have made a friend in Emma.” She had asked, attempting to remain nonchalant. It didn’t help that Emma had missed their usual Friday evening family gathering because, apparently, Lily was ‘going through’ something and needed a friend.

Regina had seen the way Lily looked at Emma; clearly her intention was to monopolise the Sheriff and make her more than just a friend, something that didn’t sit well with Regina at all. For her part, Emma appeared oblivious; but that didn’t make Regina feel any better.

Zelena had of course picked up on Regina’s change in attitude each time Lily was mentioned, declaring she was “simply jealous” and “perhaps this will give you the kick up your chuff you need to admit you like the Sheriff.”

Regina had snapped back immediately, not liking how much Zelena apparently knew her.

Too well.

Don’t be absurd. I barely tolerate her most days. She’s Henry’s birth mother, that’s the only thing we have in common.”

Unfortunately, Zelena knew next to nothing about Lily, only that she was “young, brunette, easy on the eye and seems like she knows how to have a good time.”

Which pissed Regina off more because Zelena was right on every account which had the Mayor constantly pondering how much of a good time new arrival was having with her Sheriff.

She didn’t want to resort to making polite chit chat with Snow but she really didn’t have any other option because her last valiant attempt was Ruby, whose response to ‘Lily and Emma’ had her (almost) throwing her kale salad across the diner at Sneezy who happened to be in her line of sight.

Oh? Lily? Yeah I can’t say I know much about her. Looks like Emma’s been hiding her away! You’d think she would have introduced us properly by now, I am her best friend but no - looks like she’s too enamoured with this new chick to think about that. Lily is definitely her type.”

What Regina didn’t realise at the time was how Ruby already knew Emma had a thing for the Mayor, who she was also convinced had a thing right back; they just needed a push, and this was an ideal opportunity to do a little nudging….

Snow had been very forthcoming when Regina began her line of questioning but then again, this was Snow. If she couldn’t talk about the things she knew freely then she’d somehow manage to blurt them out regardless so Regina didn’t feel an ounce of guilt probing Emma’s ‘mom’ for info.

Oh yes, Lily adores Emma! I mean, it makes sense when you think about it.”

It made absolutely no sense to Regina at all, and she’d said as much.

Why? Does Lily have feelings for Emma?’

That made Regina feel a little nauseous but thankfully Snow had frowned and then laughed.

Oh! Silly me. No, at least I don’t think so? I was simply referring to the fact that they have a history, before Storybrooke.”

This had left Regina positively reeling inside.

What kind of history?

One that involved coffee, cake and catch ups or one that centred around beer, benders and bed sharing that probably led to so much more….

It was round about that moment Regina broke the handle on her coffee mug as Snow cleared her throat before calmly asking Regina what was wrong.

Granny had appeared, replacing the coffee, removing the broken mug and wiping down the table before she glanced at Regina over her glasses for a moment before shaking her head and returning to the kitchen.

Nothing is wrong. Why would anything be wrong? Excuse me for taking an interest in the woman who’s come into Emma’s life and has already started to upset the status quo. Emma missed our family dinner because of her. Henry was very upset.”

Henry hadn’t been upset at all because apparently he had already seen Emma and Lily earlier that day and he’d made no qualms in telling Regina how cool the young brunette was.

She’s really nice mom. She joined me and Emma for breakfast then we went to the park and she pushed me on the swing!”

Regina envisaged herself pushing Lily too, only down a flight of stairs.

No. Henry hadn’t been upset but Regina had, which only managed to irk her more because she didn’t get upset. Queens didn’t get upset over silly little things like Sheriffs not being able to make family dinners but Emma’s telephone call to her, cancelling her presence had not only upset Regina but had angered her.

How dare that woman come between Emma and her son!

Which, roughy translated in Regina speak was, how dare that trollop come between Emma and her…

Snow had actually looked mortified, apologising profusely on Emma’s behalf immediately.

Oh! I’m so sorry Henry was upset! I’m sure Emma didn’t mean to make him sad by cancelling. I know Lily really needed a friend to lean on and you know Emma, she can’t see someone suffer.”

Regina had no doubts Lily wanted to lean on the Sheriff, probably whilst naked before Emma lifted her and carried her to a bed. It wasn’t as if Emma couldn’t take the weight. Her arms were proof enough she was strong. Regina had found herself marvelling at them on more than one occasion, wondering what it felt like to be held by Emma, lifted up by Emma, carried by Emma…

Regina has realised then that perhaps she did have ‘some’ feelings for the Sheriff.

A Sheriff who was too kind and understanding, always acting as someone’s saviour. Was that it? Was she destined to be Lily’s saviour and not...

Regina recalled actually snorting into her coffee cup at the thought of this woman supposedly ‘suffering’.

Like she had any idea at all what suffering was!

Yes well, I hope this supposed suffering doesn’t occur every Friday evening otherwise I may have to reevaluate how often I allow Emma to see Henry. Lily has a mother she can turn to. Henry needs his mother.”

Snow has actually beamed then.

Oh Regina it’s wonderful that you’ve finally accepted he has two moms! You coparent so well, don’t let your dislike of Lily stand in the way of all the good things you and Emma have achieved together!”

Regina had then muttered that she didn’t “dislike” Lily, she was merely cautious of her intentions.

No, she didn’t dislike her.

She hated her.

“Lily’s intentions? To who? Emma? They were best friends when they were younger. I don’t think Lily means Emma any harm, Regina.”

No, Lily meant Emma no harm at all it would seem but if she continued on the path she was on, demanding Emma’s exclusive attention then she was going to end up harming the balance she and Emma had painstakingly worked on for so long, which bothered Regina.

And upset her.

Regina had then left the diner feeling more out of sorts than she had when she entered, coming face to face with the woman she appeared to have missed a little too much over the past few days….and Lily.

Of course she was there too. Weren’t they joined at the proverbial hip these days?!

The hip and god knows where else.

Lily 1, Regina 0

Regina recalled how her fingers had twitched as she envisaged removing the young woman’s heart. Only Emma’s smile, Emma’s dimples and Emma’s sparkling eyes all directed at her had managed to tame her thoughts.

Lily 1, Regina 1

It’s not like she would have killed Lily, but there was no law that said she couldn’t imagine it.

Good afternoon Madam Mayor.”

Emma’s voice had been as chirpy as ever which would have normally annoyed her but seeing the blonde again after missing her a few nights earlier at the family dinner, she found herself smiling back.

Sheriff Swan.”

Lily had then shuffled behind her and nudged Emma with her elbow.

Oh, you’ve met Lily right? I wasn’t sure if anyone formally introduced you.

Lily had then stepped beside Emma and linked one arm through the blondes as she reached out with the other.

Pleased to meet you, Madam Mayor.”

Regina hadn’t missed Lily blatant possessive display over Emma as she took the hand and gave it a quick shake.

Lily 2, Regina 1

Indeed. I hope Storybrooke is treating you well?

Lily had then looked at Emma and beamed; which only fuelled Regina’s hatred of the woman further.

If only she still had her magic…

Oh yes. Emma’s been amazing, showing me around. We’ve had a lot of fun catching up.”

Regina attempted a smile which probably looked more like a grimace as her thoughts began to fly around the numerous ways they could possibly have had ‘fun’ together.

How quaint.”

Lily had apparently missed Regina’s sarcastic response as she rested her head on Emma’s shoulder.

I’m going to return the favour on Friday night.”

Lily 3, Regina 1

Regina had seethed at this. Not only had this woman taken Emma away the Friday gone but now she was expecting to monopolise her again the Friday coming?!

The audacity…

Before Regina could open her mouth to demand Emma keep her diary free for Henry, Emma had shifted, causing Lily to remove her head, her eyes now looking up at Emma.

Oh it’s not bother. I’m happy to show folk around the town. It’s the least I can do but I already have plans this Friday. Well, every Friday to be fair.”

Lily 3, Regina 2

Emma had started to mumble, her arm closest to Lily now waving around in the air which also caused Lily’s arm to fall from the Sheriff as she looked on dejectedly.

Oh? But we spent last Friday night together?”

Lily 4, Regina 2

Regina’s keen eyes didn’t miss how Emma then began to fidget, her hands now tucked in her jacket pocket as she began to nibble on her bottom lip.

Well it was more like, late afternoon early evening I would say?”

Emma had glanced at Regina then before quickly looking back at Lily.

So they hadn’t spent the night together…

Regina mentally removed Lily’s point for telling a blatant lie.

Lily 3, Regina 2

And Mal said you needed a friend because of the stuff you’d just found out about yourself so, I wanted to help but yeah, I cancelled plans to be with you.”

Ah! Emphasis placed on the word ‘friend!’.

Lily 3, Regina 3

Emma had then looked back at Regina and smiled.

“I’m sorry about that. I missed family time, it won’t happen again.”

Regina had never felt so relieved to hear this in all of her existence as she nodded back, her eyes than on Lily who looked rather devastated.

Lily 3, Regina 4

Yes well, you were missed Miss Swan. I’m glad to hear you’ll be present this week.”

Emma had grinned, seemingly missing Lily’s change in demeanour as the younger brunette had then nodded at Regina before entering the diner alone.

Lily 3, Regina 5

Nice try Lily….

Emma had remained behind, her eyes never leaving Regina.

“I really am sorry I missed it. I’m sure Mal has already told you, but Lily took it pretty hard finding out she was like, part dragon. I mean, shit. Of all the animals to shift into, a fucking dragon?!”

Regina hadn’t spoken to Mal, so she had no idea that Lily was also a shapeshifter; something she was going to correct very soon by paying Mal a visit.

Yes I can only imagine how she must be feeling but rather a dragon than an inanimate object - like Pinocchio. Although it seems they both have a penchant for telling fibs.”

Emma had laughed, her hand fleetingly gripping Regina’s shoulder before she nodded and followed Lily into the diner.

That had seemed like an age ago, as Regina continued to watch them both leave, a frisson of jealousy creeping through her before she mentally scolded herself.

Sometimes, no matter how hard she tried, fears and doubts would rise within her but then a slight nudge in her belly made her realise just how unneeded they were.

Emma was her true love.

Her soul mate.

The woman who had given birth to Henry and the woman who had given her the gift of another child.

“Thank you.”

Regina, lost in thought, turned to face Zelena who had placed a hand on her knee, giving it a quick squeeze.


Zelena looked across the table at Mal who was still in deep discussion with Snow about pastries.

“Giving Emma your approval. To talk to Lily I mean. I saw the look that transpired between you.”

Zelena was talking in a hushed tone, so Regina edged a little closer.

“Emma doesn’t need my approval, but I admit it looked like she was wavering somewhat with Lily so close. She… is a little angry at Lily for assuming she impregnated you.”

Zelena smirked.

“Yes well, I think we both know the only Mills sister Emma is likely to Inpregnant again is you, after this little one is born.”

Regina suddenly had a vision of Emma playing in the park surrounded by a gaggle of children as a much older Henry looked on, a wide smile on his face.

“You’re going to end up with a brood of Emma’s, I hope you’re prepared.”

Regina blushed.

There was nothing she would love more.

“Anyway, thank you. They need to kiss and make up so to speak.”

Regina growled.

Snow and Mal suddenly stopped talking and shot her mutual worried looks.

Rephrase.” Regina demanded as Zelena let out a laugh.

Mal, arching a brow, frowned and then shrugged.

“I rather fancy a pear and apple pie.”

Snow immediately forgot about Regina and turned back to Mal.

“I simply meant, they are friends. Or they were, if they make up it’ll make life a lot easier for you us all; I am dating Lily’s mother remember!”

Regina smirked.

“So it’s official then?”

For the first time ever, Zelena blushed.

Regina continued to smile as Mulan and Belle joined them.

“Where did Emma go?”

Zelena and Regina moved along the booth to allow room for Mulan as Belle sat beside Snow and Mal.

“Taking a walk with Lily. It’s about time they sorted out their friendship.

Mal’s response was firm as Mulan frowned.

“I didn’t realise there was a problem with it?”

The booth went silent as Mulan rolled her bottom lip between her teeth.

“I’ve totally ruined the atmosphere now haven’t I?”

Snow shifted, her eyes now on Regina.

“I don’t understand? I thought Emma and Lily were close?”

Regina felt the same bout of jealousy creep into her again as she tried to temper it with a sip of coffee.

Nobody spoke.

Regina began to fidget, wondering how Emma’s talk with Lily was going.

What if the younger brunette was making a move on Emma?

Why was she even thinking that way?

“I know they were close a long time ago.” Snow continued which only caused Regina to huff into her coffee mug.

Finally Mal broke the silence.

“Lily has feelings for Emma. Emma is with Regina. Lily knows this. They’re simply talking it all through.”

Snow gasped as Mulan’s mouth gaped.

“You forgot the part where she thought Emma had cheated on me and got Zelena pregnant.”

Regina wasn’t really certain why she felt the need to add that, but for some reason her nerves were starting to fray and all she wanted was for Emma to return from the woman who apparently loved her and probably had done for years.

“Emma got Zelena pregnant?!” Snow then squeeked as Ruby appeared.

“Oh Jesus not this again!”

And with that she returned to the cash register.

Thought, Snow. Lily thought your daughter got me pregnant. Obviously she didn’t because I still have a figure to die for and I’m sitting beside Regina with my heart still intact.”

Snow seemed to calm as a thought suddenly struck Regina.

“Did you meet Lily in the other Storybrooke?”

Regina wasn’t certain why that was suddenly important but she needed to know the answer. She was still waiting to find out who the illusive Neil was.

“Oh, no. We didn’t meet her. Although I’m fairly certain I saw two dragons in the distance before we left to come back home.”

Mal’s browns quirked at this.

“Interesting.” She almost whispered to herself as Regina turned to see if she could see Emma or Lily anywhere on the high street.

Soon the conversation fell to Operation Snow, as the knots in Regina’s stomach began to grow.

Emma should have been back by now.

What was going on?

Emma and Lily walked for a while before coming to a rest at the Park Henry loved so much. Not really wanting to be too far away from Regina, Emma decided to take a seat on the nearest bench. Lily hovered before finally joining her.

Neither spoke for a few minutes which only led to Emma getting more tense. Finally Lily broke the silence.

“Congratulations on the baby.”

Emma turned and looked at Lily, waiting for her lie detector to ping.

It didn’t.

Still Emma wasn’t sure how to proceed, as a sudden bubble of anger seemed to erupt within her.

“You mean the baby Regina is carrying, right? Not Zelena…”

Lily paled and brought her knees up, her arms now draped around them.

“So you heard about that.”

Emma rolled her eyes.

“Yeah. I head about it. News travels fast in Storybrooke, even reaching the one I was stuck in. What I don’t understand? How you could even think that would be possible. You think so little of me? That’d I’d hook up with Zelena behind the love of my life’s back?!”

Lily visibly flinched and Emma wasn’t certain if it were due to her tone or that she has referred to Regina as the love of her life.

Well tough shit.

“You’re angry.”

Emma snorted.

“Ya think?”

Lily sighed.

“Emma. I’m sorry. Really sorry. It was a misunderstanding but you’re right. I know you.”

Emma sighed, all of a sudden feeling extremely tired.

“I thought you knew me too.”

Lily looked a little stricken.

“I know you wouldn’t do that to Regina. I was just… fuck, I don’t know! I was just so envious of Regina and then that stupid pharmacist guy made out Zelena was pregnant by you and I just lost it because then I was envious of Zelena! I’m so tired of feeling so fucking jealous when it comes to you. I’m trying. I’m really trying -“

“Trying to do what exactly?” Emma then barked because all this was getting pretty heavy and all she wanted was to get back to her safe and happy place.

With Regina.

“I’m trying to get over you.”

Emma felt her heart plummet as she swallowed hard and closed her eyes.


“I know. You don’t have to say it.”

Emma opened her eyes and looked at the woman beside her who looked so sad and desolate she was struggling to navigate what she should say next.

“You know I used to struggle with feeling a part of something. I could blame my shitty childhood, it sure as hell didn’t help but I always thought I’d be that person who just drifted from one day to the next, never really fitting in or feeling like I belonged anywhere. Then I met you; and for the first time ever I actually felt like I had someone who understood me and I held onto that because you were my friend Lily. My best friend!”

Emma paused as Lily flinched. Emma continued.

“If I ever led you on, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry….”

Lily let out a laugh before she turned to look at Emma, her eyes full of unshed tears.

“You didn’t. I can promise you that. I threw so many hints your way back when we were teenagers, hoping you’d pick up on them and reciprocate but you never did.”

Emma had fleeting memories of the time she spent with Lily when she was younger. She had loved her, but as a friend. She had no idea Lily had deep feelings for her. She had sometimes noticed the brunette give her the odd intense look but she’d never given it much thought. Even Lily’s touches didn’t set off any warning signals. Especially when she had captured Emma’s hand in hers and drawn a fake tattoo on her wrist, her fingers lingering longer than was perhaps necessary, Emma had just presumed she was a tactile person.

Emma cleared her throat.

“I had no idea. I mean… I guess I sometimes wondered but you were my best friend. That’s all I wanted. I didn’t want to lose that.”

Lily rubbed at her eyes before replying.

“I fell in love with you the moment we met and that feeling has never left me. Maybe I’m just fooling myself, maybe it’s just the kid in me that loves you and adult Lily is confused as fuck but you have to trust me when I say you never led me on, not once. I knew you saw me as a friend back then. I guess when we met again as adults, I hoped you’d change your mind about me.”

Emma felt relieved that Lily didn’t think she had let her on in anyway, although the harsh reality of Lily’s feelings were stating to make Emma feel uncomfortable.

“When Henry brought me here, I didn’t expect I’d find everything I was looking for. Hell, I even found things I never knew I was searching for.”

Lily stilled and slowly nodded before a single word escapes her lips.


Despite the situation Emma felt a smile on her lips as she nodded.

“I found my son. Or, he found me. Which led me to find my parents and yes, Regina. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing between us but she’s it for me; I never believed in fairy tales but she is my happily ever after and after recent events I’ve realised she is my true love, she’s always going to be no matter what universe I exist in or what decisions I make. She’s the one.”

Lily smiled back.

“I know she’s the one for you. I’ve always known. I see it in your eyes when you talk about her. I see it in your smile whenever she’s near. For a long time I hoped I’d be the one you fell for but I know it’s her. It’s always going to be her. Hell I knew it was her before you did!”

Emma frowned.

“You… I don’t think you…..

Lily laughed.

“Yes, Emma. I knew. And you were clueless for a while. You both were. But I am happy for you, Emma. I really am.”

Emma nodded as Lily held out her hand.

“I know I avoided you before… I was a shitty friend. But, can we start over? I don’t want to lose your friendship Emma.”

Emma looked at the hand and moved to take it before pausing.

“Of all the people, you thought I’d got Zelena pregnant. Zelena! Jesus Christ Lily, you must know she scares the crap out of me!”

Emma then grinned and took Lily’s hand, giving it a shake.

Lily laughed, pulling her hand away.

“Yeah well…. Seems as though someone likes her scary ass side. You know she’s - dating - my mom? Or I think they’re dating. I did catch them making out horny like teenagers on the couch!”

Emma laughed and stood.

“Yeah I’m kinda glad that’s something I didn’t see. Last time I saw a couple have fun under the sheets I knocked myself out on a wardrobe.”

Lily shook her head in amusement.

“Yeah, only you Emma!”

Slowly they began to walk back to the diner before Lily stopped.

“So we’re ok?”

Emma nodded.

“Yeah, we’re ok. And… if you need some time away from me, to like… sort your head out, I get it. It’s cool.”

Lily shook her head.

“I’ll be fine but thanks for understanding”

Emma nodded as Lily began to fidget on her feet.

“Do you want a hug?”

Emma knew this side of Lily well, the side that needed reassurance just like she did when she was younger. Emma didn’t want to go ahead and instigate something that could make Lily feel uncomfortable. Nor she did want to indirectly lead Lily on in anyway but they were friends, they always had been.

“It’s alright Em, I won’t think you want to jump my bones by offering! Yes. I’d love a hug.”

Emma grinned as she pulled Lily in closer, arms surrounding one another quickly before they mutually stepped back.

“Thanks. I think I needed that. And thanks for listening.”

Emma nodded and motioned to the diner.

“Let’s go. I’m starving.”

Lily chuckled.

“Yeah right. For food or Regina?!”

Emma let out a smirk.

“Can’t I be hungry for both?!

Lily playfully rolled her eyes and pulled Emma forward.

“C’mon. Your bear claw and lady awaits!”

When Emma and Lily had finally returned to the diner, Emma had given Regina a smile before Mulan slid from the booth, motioning for her to take her seat.

“I have to get back to the station but maybe we can catch up properly tomorrow?”

Emma nodded, sliding into the booth, immediately relaxing once her shoulder bumped Regina’s.

“Yeah, I’ll be back at wor-“

“Not tomorrow you won’t.”

Emma turned to face Regina with a frown etched on her face.

“I won’t be?”

Belle, sensing some possible tension in the air gracefully exited the booth from the other side and tugged on Lily’s sleeve.

“Walk me back to the library?”

Lily also suspecting a possible confrontation nodded, “Absolutely!”

Mulan, wishing Ruby had chosen that moment to clear away their mugs, coughed and waved her hand behind her.

“I’m gonna…. Yeah I have to go. See you… later.”

Zelana chuckled.

“Well you both know how to clear a room!”

Regina turned.

“Clearly not. You’re still here.”

“Why aren’t I going back to work tomorrow?” Emma then asked as Regina’s face broke out into a smile.

“Tomorrow we have a doctors appointment my dear.”

Emma’s face beamed as Mal stood.

“Lovely to see you again Sheriff. I’ll have you and Regina over for dinner one evening, assuming the air is now cleaned between you and my daughter?”

Emma stood, and held out her hand to Regina who took it.

“Yes. Everything between us is fine now.Dinner sounds great.”

She then turned to Regina who was standing beside her.

“Let’s go collect Henry and have some family time at home. I’ve missed it.”

Henry had been ecstatic to find Emma standing beside his mom when he left school later that day. His usual dawdle had become a sprint, causing his backpack to swing from side to side like a pendulum.

“MA!! You’re back!!!”

Many hugs later they were all back home, seated around the table, eating Granny’s special - double bacon cheeseburger with fries and onion rings for Emma. Regina was the first to finish, as Emma finally caught up, popping the last onion ring in her mouth.

“Someone was hungry.

Regina huffed, “May I remind you I am eating for two! Unhealthy food at that, obviously your influence Miss Swan.”

Emma shrugged and shifted her chair so she was closer to Regina, placing a hand over the brunettes that was resting on her stomach.

“Which means the kid has taste when it comes to food. Non of this kale salad cra.. rubbish!”

Emma quickly corrected herself as Henry nodded in approval.

“Kale tastes funny.” He managed to reply, mouth full of burger.

“Henry, don’t speak with your mouthful please.”

Henry swallowed the food down and gave his mom a sheepish smile.

“So who else did you meet in the other Storybrooke? Was I there? Did you meet me?”

Regina was also intrigued. They hadn’t really spoken much about the alternate reality because she had been too focussed on reacquainting herself with every delicious inch of Emma’s body, and as she watched her girlfriend discard her top, leaving her in only a black tank, Regina suddenly realised she wouldn’t mind continuing their afternoons session, soon.

“Well, you know I met the other Zelena and Snow who turned out to be a great help. Mulan, Ruby and Granny were there too but I only really saw you, Henry just before we left. He had been staying with Snow and David; your mom, the other Regina, didn’t want to confuse you or scare you in anyway with everything that was happening.”

Henry had continued to ask questions and they’d finally made it to the living room before Regina turned to face Emma, both seated on the sofa as Henry read one of his comics.

“You still need to tell me about Rumples son.”

Emma paled.

“Yeah. I know. Just, not now. Maybe later?”

Much later when Henry was tucked up in bed asleep.

Regina nodded and snuggled beside the woman she had missed dearly, sleep soon overcoming her as Emma’s fingers ran through her hair and down her shoulder.

She awoke later, not quite knowing how long she had been asleep, shifting to find she was also now in bed in just her underwear.

No doubt Emma.

Removing herself from the blanket that had been covering her she slowly made her way to the bathroom as the door to the bedroom quietly opened.

“You’re awake? I thought you were down for the night.”

Emma then paused, looked at Regina who was standing in the bathroom doorway, and begin to cry.


Regina was by her side in minutes, pulling the blonde into her body.

“Sorry. I’m just, it’s just a lot…”

Emma’s tears continued to fall as Regina’s embrace tightened. Suddenly she felt her stomach contract.

“Emma… quick!”

Pulling back, she grabbed Emma’s hand and placed it over her stomach.

Emma’s tears were soon subsiding as her facial expression changed to one of wonder.

“Is that?”

Regina nodded.

“And they’re?”

Regina nodded again, as both her hand and Emma’s felt the baby kick.

“Oh my god I feel it Gina. I feel them!”

Regina couldn’t help but think the baby had excellent timing as Emma’s tears were now long gone, her smile wide as she crouched down on her knees and began to pepper kisses all over Regina’s stomach.

“I’m home nugget. Did you miss your baby mamma? Cause I sure missed you little one. So much. I love you.”

The kisses continued as Regina began to stroke her fingers through Emma’s rather unruly curls.

Emma finally stopped, making sure her last kiss was across Regina’s knuckles. She then looked up, eyes so bright, like pools of turquoise under a summer sky, to find Regina who was looking back down at her with so much love it made her entire body tilt on its axis.

Slowly she stood, cupping Regina’s face. Regina’s hands immediately fell to the blondes hips.

“I’m sorry for breaking down before. It’s silly really but for the last few days, this room hasn’t been my room. You were in it, obviously. But I wasn’t. And I missed it. I missed you. And now i’m finally back, and I can finally come back to our room.”

Regina understood as she nodded and turned her face into Emma’s left hand, her lips grazing the warm palm.

“I know what you mean. I ended up sharing our bed with Zelena one night I was so emotional. I wouldn’t recommend it. She’s a kicker.”

Emma moved her hands so they were around Regina’s neck.

“Really? Cause she never once kicked me when we shared a bed. You know, after I got her pregnant.”

Regina’s eyes narrowed before she playfully moved her hand from Emma’s waist and slapped her ass.

“Not funny Emma.”

Emma grinned, moving her own hands down the smooth body in front of her to rest on Regina’s ass.

“Clearly Mal isn’t complaining though. Lily caught them making out on the couch. Remind me to use that as ammunition the next time Zelena decides to joke about me having a penis.”

She then squeezed Regina’s ass cheeks before moving her lips to the brunettes ear.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice your reaction either.”

Slowly she pushed herself into Regina, as her mouth closed over an earlobe, sucking gently before being replaced with lips.

“Does madam mayor like the idea of me having a certain … appendage?”

Regina immediately felt her own hands squeeze Emma’s ass as she felt the familiar tugging sensation below.

Emma suddenly stood back.

“Duly noted. Now, we should get ready for bed. We have an early start tomorrow!”

Regina watched in horror as Emma walked into the bathroom, leaving her turned on and standing in her underwear in the bedroom.

Luckily for Regina, and her now raging libido, Emma poked her head from behind the bathroom door.

“You coming to join me in the shower for a horny hour?”

Regina rolled her eyes but followed Emma to the bathroom.

Damn right she was.

Entering she noticed Emma was already half undressed as she stepped into the shower.

“I feel kinda bad, I didn’t really get chance to talk to Mulan or Ruby today.”

Regina peeled off her bra and panties and watched as Emma gave her a detailed once over, her eyes taking in the woman before her.

“See something you like, Miss Swan?”

Emma grinned.

“You’ve topped my all time favourite thing list, bear claws are now number two.”

Regina shook her head before she bit down on her lip.

“Are you remembering the time you mistook me talking about bear claws for Ruby?”

Emma then let out a laugh as Regina blushed profusely.

She recalled the time she had been deliberately misled by Zelena into thinking Emma was dating Ruby.

She’d flounced into the diner with her usual air of authority before noticing the Sheriff perched on a barstool, laughing at something Ruby had said. Suddenly her confidence had wavered as Emma’s melodic laugh reached out to her, and Regina found herself wishing it was she who had teased that noise from Emma, and not Ruby.


Who had noticed Regina enter and had pushed a bear claw over to Emma.

Well, they did say the way into a Sheriffs heart was through her stomach and it was no secret that the blonde woman was always hungry.

Regina had then continued her way across the diner, standing beside the seated Sheriff who had turned, bear claw hovering towards her opened mouth.

News travels fast in Storybrook, Miss Swan although the way you’re acting it’s rather obvious, enjoy the relationship whilst it lasts.”

Regina hasn’t meant to immediately bring up Emma and Ruby but something had snapped inside, seeing them both so happy and carefree in each others company.

Emma had moved her hand, replacing the bear claw back to her plate as Regina’s eyes followed her movement with distaste.

Not being privy to Zelena’s white lie about her dating Ruby, Emma managed to draw the wrong conclusion entirely, presuming Regina was making yet another dig at her eating habits and love of bear claws.

Because only Madam Mayor would call Emma’s love of bear claws a relationship.

Emma had sighed and shrugged.

“Yeah well, thanks I guess? I’ll be sure to enjoy it for as long as I breathe. Cause it’s delicious and tastes amazing.”

Had Regina been holding a coffee, it would have surely fallen from her fingers. Luckily the only thing she was holding was the strap to her handbag, which did slip from her fingers as the bag landed with a thump into the floor.

Regina couldn’t believe the audacity of the woman who was now munching on her bear claw without a care in the world!

“Must you be so vulgar?

Emma smirked and licked her lips.

Regina couldn’t help herself.

I can’t believe you’re actually referring to Miss Lucas as ‘it’ although I suppose it’s better than calling her a mongrel.”

Emma’s smirk soon vanished as she shook her head before frowning.


Regina, reaching for her handbag had then edged closer to the Sheriff, her mouth inches away from an ear that was now tinged pink.

You don’t know what amazing tastes like, Em-ma, because you’ve never tasted me.”

With that she had turned and flounced back out of the diner, scolding herself for being so flirtatious.

She didn’t see Emma turn red as she began to choke on her own spit, nor did she see Ruby rush over asking her if she was alright.

“I don’t know. I just had the weirdest conversation with Regina. I… I think she was pissed off at me eating this -“ Emma pointed to her half eaten beat claw, “but then she started to talk about you and…. Oh shit.”

Emma had then darted from her seat, following Regina as a cackle floated across the diner.

Neither Emma or Regina has spotted Zelena in the corner of the room, hiding behind a newspaper.

Emma had finally managed to catch up to Regina who was regretting her blatant flirting. And her reaction to Emma declaring that Ruby tasted amazing.

Wait… Regina will you please stop.”

Regina had stopped and then turned to face a slightly out of breath Emma.

“Too many bear claws will do that to you, Miss Swan.”

Emma had managed to catch her breath before she pointed to the diner.

Back there… that’s exactly what I was talking about. Bear claws. Tasting amazing. What the hell did you think I was talking about?”

Regina then felt her body flush from head to toe as she realised the mix up that had taken place.

“I have no idea what you mean.”

Emma frowned again.

Why did you bring up Ruby then?”

Regina had never wished to be interrupted by someone or something so badly before.

I didn’t.”

Emma stepped closer.

Yeah Regina you kinda did. Do you think there’s something going on between us? Cause I’m pretty sure you thought I was talking about her when I said-“

Thankfully for Regina, her prayers had been answered because a flash of lightning in the sky had then brought torrential rain and winds that could easily toss them both flying through the air.

Seriously?” Emma had barked as the Mayor had breathed a sigh of relief.

“I suggest you get back to work Miss Swan. I, for one, have to.”

And with that she had turned and walked away from the Sheriff who was now wondering how the Mayor actually did taste.

“Well at least I got to finally find out how you tasted.” Emma murmured as she pulled Regina into the shower, “and you were right, in fact, amazing doesn’t even come close.”

And with that she fell to her knees, her desire to taste Regina again and again suddenly overpowering her.

Regina felt Emma’s hands on her ass as they pulled her forwards, one now moving to lift a leg over her shoulder as the shower beat down on her back.

“Taste away, Miss Swan.” She growled as Emma’s tongue found her aching clit.

The horny hour as Emma had coined it ended up lasting two, and Emma suspected it would have lasted a lot longer had Regina not started to complain that her fingers and toes were starting to look like dried prunes.

Thoroughly satisfied, both women had fallen into bed and were now snuggled under the covers.

“I suppose it’s too late now to tell me who this Neil was?”

Emma had expected the question.

Pulling the mayors warm and very naked body into her she sighed.

“I guess that depends on how tired you are? It’s a long story, one I had to share with mom and the other Regina first and for that I will always be sorry.”

Regina moved back a little so she could see Emma’s face.

“Don’t apologise for that my love. Circumstance dictated the decisions you had to make.”

Emma nodded but deep down she still felt guilty. Regina, this Regina, should have been the first to know who Neil was.

Emma sat up and motioned for Regina to do the same. As the brunette lifted up, the cover falling from her body, Emma immediately saw goose bumps appear across her smooth skin. Reaching to the side she pulled at her hoody that has been discarded earlier and handed it to Regina who immediately put it on.

“Do you know how sexy you look wearing my hoody?” Emma asked as Regina seemed to snuggle herself onto it.

”I’ll never tire of hearing you say that, Miss Swan.”

Emma reached forward and placed a chaste kiss on Regina’s lips before pulling back.

“I guess I should start at the beginning then?”

Regina nodded, her hands clasping Emma’s before she replied.

”Just don’t start with Once Upon a Time.”



Chapter 3


For SwanQueenForever who wanted appendage fun times!

Chapter Text

Only once Emma had finished speaking did she finally look up at Regina. Even though she had already told her story, in a manner of speaking, to the woman laid beside her somehow this time it had felt different and more important, because this time she was telling the woman she had fallen in love with, not a copy that existed in another realm even though they were one of the same.

For her part, Regina has remained quiet throughout Emma’s dialogue although the way her hands had gripped at Emma’s on occasion, Emma knew she was feeling as emotional at the other Regina had.

“So yeah. That’s Neil and my rather shitty history with him. I had no idea he was Rumples son or that he was from the Enchanted Forest. To be honest, I don’t even know what that Neil knew about his past. I didn’t get the chance to talk to him about it because I didn’t want to be anywhere near him.”

Regina’s eyes were still focussed on Emma’s face, her gaze hadn’t swayed once and she was relieved Emma was finally looking at her. Her hands felt clammy in Emma’s but that was her fault, the number of times she had found herself reacting to certain parts of Emma’s history with - Neil - had her squeezing Emma’s hand tightly because if she didn’t do that, she would have barked out loud exactly what she thought of him and how much she wished she could have been there in person to see Emma knock him to the floor.

“Are you going to say anything?”

Emma sounded hesitant and Regina immediately felt guilty. Pulling at Emma’s hand she immediately brought it to her lips, kissing across the knuckles before placing Emma’s palm on her heart.

“I imagine you’ve already heard what I have to say, darling. I’m just sorry, so sorry he put you through all of that. You never had a happy childhood, and to meet him as a teenager and have him treat you that way!”

Emma ran her fingertips up and down the warm skin above Regina’s breast.

“It’s not your fault, Gina. Please don’t think that.”

Regina sighed. How could she not?!

“I mean it. I’ve told you before and I’m telling you again, what happened in the past is exactly where it belongs. I’ve never hidden how I feel about that and not once have I blamed you for what happened to me.”

Regina shifted, suddenly feeling the need to stretch she swung her legs over the side of the bed but remained seated, her back now facing Emma.

“How can you not blame me, Emma? My threats caused your parents to do the unthinkable! They were scared for your life because of me. They hid you in that godforsaken wardrobe because of ME! Everything that transpired after that was because of me.”

Emma vaulted from the bed, kneeling in front of a shaken Regina in seconds as she reached out and took both of Regina’s trembling hands in hers.

“You’re partly right.”

Regina’s eyes shot up to meet Emma’s.

“Gina, if it wasn’t for you I would never have Henry. Who knows what kind of home and family he would have ended up with if not for you?”

Regina felt hot tears gather as Emma edged in closer.

“You may have threatened my parents but we both know they were idle threats. You would never harm an infant. How they reacted, putting a baby in a wardrobe, putting me in a wardrobe! Not knowing where I would end up, if I would even survive the journey… that’s messed up, Regina.”

Regina felt herself edge closer to Emma as green eyes continued to look up at her in earnest. 

“Do I blame them for how I ended up? Yes! I blame them because they had a choice. There is always a choice and they opted to save their kingdom before their own child.”

Emma’s grip on Regina’s hands tightened.

“Perhaps a part of me will always blame them for that but I’ve forgiven them too, because I realised a long time ago that the decision they made,  no matter how shitty, was how it all began, how we began.”

Regina’s tears were now free falling as Emma reached up and cupped her face, her thumbs rubbing gently across smooth, wet cheekbones.

“I hate to say it because I’ve always liked to think we make our own destiny but it seems neither of us can escape this, Gina.”

Regina tilted her face into Emma’s warm palm as she felt strong fingers diligently run back and forth across her cheeks.

“I was destined to become an orphan, to grow up in the system and meet Neil, who seemingly was also destined to leave the Enchanted Forest to grow up in a world without magic, my world, so we could have Henry.”

Regina disliked the thought of destiny choosing to link Emma in any way to Neil but she understood the undercurrent of what that link actually meant.

Emma continued, her voice low but steady.

”Did destiny deal me a shitty hand when I ended up in prison? Hell yes! And did it continue to deal me heartache? Of course it did, I had to give up the only thing I’ve ever loved but that one thing was then taken care of and loved by you, Regina. That one thing found me and brought me home, to you.”

Regina was now sobbing as Emma stood and sat beside her, pulling her into her side.

“Because of you, I got my son back. Because of you, I found out what true love really is.  Because of you I get to spend every day with my soulmate, the woman I’ve loved for so long who’s carrying my child.”

Emma’s hand immediately fell onto Regina’s stomach, moving under her hoody, her palm rubbing circular movements as Regina’s hand captured hers.

“Destiny ended up being pretty fucking amazing, Regina, because it put me on the pathway to Storybrooke, to you! It united us and has blessed us with another child. How could I ever blame you for that?”

Regina turned, her arms now circling the blonde as she buried her head into Emma’s neck.

“I love you so much.” she whispered as Emma ran her hands up and down her back.

“And I love you, so don’t ever blame yourself again because it hurts me when you do.”

Regina slowly pulled back, her eyes still glistening with tears.

“I just wish you didn’t have to go through so much to get to where you are now.”

Emma rested her forehead against Regina’s.

“It’s no more traumatic than all the crap you’ve been through.”

Regina swallowed hard.

“I always thought Daniel was my true love but I was just a child who was infatuated with someone who treated me well. I loved him but now I know I wasn’t in love with him.”

Regina looked tired and guilty as Emma kissed her nose before pulling Regina back into her neck.

“You didn’t know that then, though. Besides he was still important to you, what Cora did to him was unforgivable. What she continued to do to you was unforgivable. What Rumple turned you into was unforgivable and how your father stood back on the sidelines and watched? Regina that was I unforgivable too.”

“And then what I did was unforgivable… I killed him, Emma. I killed everything that I loved and held dearest in the name of revenge!”

Emma moved back and cupped Regina’s face again, needing to feel the closeness.

“We all have a cross the bear Regina, I can’t even begin to imagine the dark place you were in that led you to make those decisions but it wasn’t a place you went to freely nor willingly. You were directed there every step of the way by the evil that had taken over your life.”

Regina shuddered as her hands moved over Emma’s that were still holding her face gently.

“Not only did it direct you but it pushed and pushed at you until you felt like you had no other option nor control. You are not that person anymore. You haven’t been that person for decades. You’ve saved so many, Gina and I won’t ever let you forgot that.”

Regina still couldn’t believe how much this woman, her soulmate, loved her after all she had done.

“I love you Emma. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. And I’m scared. I’m so scared something will happen to pull us apart. What if my mother suddenly reappears? What if Rumple’s son turns up? I can’t lose you, or Henry. We can’t lose you.”

Her hand was now back on her stomach as Emma fell back to her knees, her lips ghosting over Regina’s belly button below the hoody she was still wearing.

“If Cora returns, we have the entire population of Storybrooke as back up. Believe me. You saw it too remember?”

Regina nodded feeling more calm now that Emma was rubbing her fingers over her stomach.

“And if Neil shows up, we’ll handle him together but nothing and nobody is taking me or Henry away from you, do you hear me?”

Emma looked up as Regina nodded and smiled.

Emma then kissed her stomach once more before whispering “and that goes for you too Nugget. Nothing will stand in the way of us becoming a family.”

Regina began to cry again but this time they were happy tears.

“All I do is cry these days.” She managed to whisper as the crying slowly subsided.

“You’re a pregannt hormonal woman who was separated from the love of her life for nearly a week. Of course you’re going to cry. I’m amazing. You missed me!”

Emma then winked as her lips met Regina’s before she pulled away.

“It’s late and you need to rest. C’mon, let’s get back into bed and I’ll let you be the little spoon.”

Regina nodded and climbed back under the sheets, relieved that once again she would have Emma beside her.

“Can you hold me instead?”

Emma climbed in after her and settled herself on her back.

“You don’t want to take off the hoody first?”

Regina shook her head. “No. It comforts me.”

Emma merely grinned and patted her chest which was covered with an old t shirt.

“Get comfy.”

Regina was immediately against her, head on her chest, arm across her waist.

“I still can’t believe you’re here.”

Emma sighed, wrapping one arm around the brunettes shoulder she placed the other one across the arm that was stretched across her stomach.

“We’ll never spend another night apart.”

“Mmm. Love you.” Regina mumbled, kissing Emma before she rested her head onto Emma’s chest as the blonde closed her eyes.

“Love you too Gina.”

“I thought you said you’d arranged someone else?”

Zelena actually managed to look a little sheepish as Dr Whale began to tap the top of his pen against his clipboard.

“She did. However, Dr Foster has called in sick and our only other obstetrician is currently on vacation with his six brothers.”

Emma inhaled sharply.

“No way? Doc really is a… Doc? I had no idea!”

Regina continued to scowl as Zelena shrugged.

“I tried Regina. It’s not my fault you didn’t think to add more folk to the hospital rota when you cast the curse! Belle would have made an excellent Doctor.”

Emma sensed the tension that was building as Dr Whale shifted his clipboard under his arm.

“I actually feel insulted. I’m good enough to constantly patch up the Sheriff  who we’ve named a bed after but you want someone else for your first antenatal appointment?”

Regina rolled her eyes as Emma decided to take charge.

“Firstly, I feel insulted that you think I’m constantly here. I haven’t been here for days, have I? Secondly you’re taking this far too personally. Regina would simply be more comfortable with a female doctor. When is Dr Foster likely to be back?”

Dr Whale rolled his eyes.

“You haven’t been here for days because you literally haven’t been here for days. News travels Sheriff, I know you entered a portal and left town for a week!”

Emma was beginning to wonder whether her mother really was the main cog in the ever turning Storybrooke rumour mill considering she had been with Emma the entire time.

Dr Whale continued, now firmly on his high horse.

“Secondly , I have no idea when Dr Foster will be back but I assure you todays appointment is more about me giving you information on nutrition, diet and food hygiene and lifestyle factors – such as smoking, drinking and recreational drug use. I’ll also go though antenatal screening tests and you can book one of those with Dr Foster when she returns.”

Emma the found herself focussed on Regina’s current diet which led her to think about cheeseburgers and onion rings when Regina gasped and pointed an accusing finger at Whale.

“I am the Mayor of this town! How dare you imply I have a drug problem!”

Zelena bit down on her lip to stop a laugh from escaping.


Regina ignored Emma and continued as her hormones, totally out of kilter, only added to her rage.

“Nor do I smoke! You make it sound like I’m on two packs a day! How dare you!”

Whale managed to look a little nervous as Regina’s finger began to prod at his chest.

Zelena sighed.

“Reggie, take a chill pill, and I don’t mean the recreational type. Though I’m loathed to say it, Doc here is just doing his job. I don’t think he really believes you’re a closet hippy who takes weed, downs shots at the Rabbit Holes ‘trebles for singles’ night while puffing on twenty cigs a day. Right Whale?”

Whale nodded.

“Forgive me Madam Mayor, I didn’t meant to imply any anything about you. I just have to go through a plan of care with you.”

Regina snorted as Whale then glanced from Emma to Zelena and back again before facing Regina.

“Will the father be joining us?”

Emma snorted.

“She’s standing right here dude .”

Whale’s brows scrunched.

“Who is?” He asked, glancing behind Emma as if expecting to see someone else.

“Emma is the father, well, mother… it’s all rather complicated Whale but Reggie is preggers thanks to Emma’s… magical swimmers?”

Whale’s mouth dropped a few feet before he nodded, his eyes now on Emma.

“Let’s hope you don’t pass on your clumsy genes.”

Now Emma prodded his chest.

“Watch it buddy.”

Whale took a step back and cleared his throat.

“You should definitely make an appointment for a scan considering how the baby was conceived. I suspect we will all need to be involved in this pregnancy, pool our expertise as it were. We’ve never seen this before.”

Regina finally seemed to calm as Emma stepped back from Whale and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“Lead the way Doc.”

Zelena smiled. “I’ll meet you at the diner later.”

Emma and Regina followed Whale into his office, each taking a seat opposite his desk.

“I’ll give you a handbook and plan of care once this is over but I’ll need to ask a few questions first.”

Regina and Emma nodded.

“I’ll also need to measure your height and weight, and calculate your body mass index.”

This was directed at Regina who began to scowl.

“I already know I’m short and fat I don’t need you to measure it!”

Emma sighed. This was going to be a long meeting.


Regina turned.

“Don’t you baby me, Miss Swan! It’s your fault I’m starting to feel like a beached whale! Non of my bras fit me anymore, Emma!”

Whale blushed and proceeded to flick through his clipboard as Emma took Regina’s hand in hers.

‘Gina. Your body, your beautiful body, is changing to support your pregnancy. The Doc has to take measurements for nuggets sake, it’s all normal and natural.”

Whale was now nodding even though he had no idea who or what nugget was.

“He’ll also measure your blood pressure and test your urine for protein, right Doc?”

Whale appeared stunned as he simply nodded again, a little in awe at the Sheriffs knowledge whilst also shocked that she actually knew anything considering the number of times she’d been admitted for a head trauma of some sort.

“I’ve been here before, Gina. I know this all sounds scary and maybe even intrusive but they run these tests for a reason.”

Regina felt her heartbeat steady, Emma’s words calming her.

“I’m sorry, Emma. I feel overwhelmed.”

Finally Whale spoke.

“Which is also natural, Madam Mayor. Do you know how far along you are? I can offer you an ultrasound scan between 11 and 14 weeks to estimate when your baby is due. You’ll also have an another scan at 18 to 21 weeks to check the physical development of your baby.”

Regina looked at Emma before answering.

“We’re not quite sure. We… we felt the baby kick and I can feel movement but I can’t be more than 8 weeks pregnant.”

Whale nodded.

“Well the normal pathway to pregnancy doesn’t apply here so I think it’s best we arrange a dating scan as soon as possible, this will allow us to check the physical development of your baby, and screen for possible conditions.”

Emma felt Regina stiffen beside her.

“It’s normal procedure, honey. I had the same screening done with Henry.”

Regina calmed again as Whale scribbled notes on his clipboard.

“Either Dr Foster or myself be in touch to diary your initial scan and then your 18 to 22 week scan. Can I also suggest you consider vitamin supplements.”

Regina nodded as Emma leaned into her side.

“I’ll get you some from the chemist. It’ll give me an opportunity to speak to Peter Piper and give him a peace of my mind for assuming I got your sister pregnant!”

Whale suddenly looked up from his notes.

“Please tell me she isn’t? I’m not sure I can cope with two Mill’s sisters pregnant at the same time!”

Once the appointment was over they made their way back to Emma’s car.

“I still can’t believe I allowed you to bring me here in this contraption.”

Emma chuckled as Regina attempted to delicately slip inside.

“Well how about you let me drive your car next week when we come for your first scan?”

Regina glared at Emma.

“Well you’re going to have to release the keys to me some day or I’ll be driving you to every appointment in the bug.”

Regina huffed and closed her eyes.

“I suppose I can allow you to drive my car next time but if you so much as get a scratch on her Miss Swan you’ll be relegated to the couch until the baby is born.”

Emma grinned, and started the engine.

“I mean it.”

Emma rolled her eyes.

“Yeah. Of course you do. We both know you can’t sleep without me. Who you gonna crawl over and latch onto if I’m not there, mmm?”

Regina smirked.

“I’ll ask Mal, she owes me a favour or two. From memory she’s not opposed to cuddling.”

Emma found her fingers were now gripping at the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles white.

“I’m sure she’d jump at the chance to hold me in her arms again, as a friend of course.”

“Like hell she will .” Emma managed to hiss through clenched teeth as Regina let out a deep laugh.

“So very easy to tease my darling. You know you’re the only one I’ll ever cuddle. In fact, before you, the thought of snuggling was abhorrent to me!”

Emma felt her grip loosen on the wheel as she moved her hand to clasp Regina’s.

“So only I get to call you my snuggle bunny then?!”

Emma chuckled to herself as Regina growled.

“That couch is still on your horizon Miss Swan!”

Emma laughed again. “Oh please, we both know you’d end up on the sofa right on top of me within minutes.”

Regina sighed and remained silent.

Emma was right.

She recalled the one and only time she had kicked Emma from their bedroom not that long after they had finally got their act together and were officially a couple.

If she were honest Regina couldn’t recall how the argument had started or what it was even about but neither had wanted to admit defeat and eventually Regina had demanded Emma leave the bedroom, the blonde finally skulking off to the sofa because for some reason the guest bedroom wasn’t a place she wanted to sleep.

That room was very much pre-Regina and despite the petty squabble Emma really didn’t want to feel as though she was moving backwards in her relationship with the brunette, choosing the sofa instead because that way it felt less like she had been kicked out of their bedroom and more like she was simply going to take a nap.

In Regina’s mind, kicking Emma from the room was the best possible course of action, a sensible approach where they would finally stop throwing words at each other, separate, go to sleep in different rooms and come back together the next morning feeling refreshed.

Going to bed separately would allow them both the chance to reflect, resulting in them both waking up in a better frame of mind allowing them to address whatever it was that kicked off the row in the first place.

This trail of thought lasted exactly 6 minutes as her hand had absently began to run up and down the side of Emma’s bed that was now cooling, no longer radiating Emma’s body heat. Whatever it was she had been cross about had started to pale in comparison to the emptiness she now felt since Emma had left.

Without a second thought she’d stormed into the guest bedroom assuming that’s where Emma would be, only to find the bed empty. Initial fear had ran though her as she took the stairs two at a time, coming to an almost skid at the bottom of the stairs that would rival Henry’s.

Almost running to the living room she’d finally come across Emma who was laid with her front pressed against the back of the couch, head on one cushion, a makeshift throw over her legs.

Seconds later Regina was behind her, pulling the blondes back into her front, arms tightening around the warm body she had immediately missed.

“I thought you were pissed at me.” Emma had mumbled into the cushion, as she pushed her back further into Regina with a sigh.

“I am. A little. But I love you more than a stupid argument. Now sleep my dear.”

Emma chuckled at the same memory before coming to a stop at an intersection.

“Where too? The Rabbit Hole perhaps so you can get your fill of booze, maybe swipe some weed from Dopey while you’re at it?”

Regina rolled her eyes. “Very funny, Emma but I think I’ll be a good girl and take a hot chocolate and some fries at Granny’s instead. I am rather hungry.”

Emma continued to drive as she shot Regina a sideways glance.

“Sure you wouldn’t rather be a bad girl, Madam Mayor? I’m hungry too, but not for food.”

Regina’s breath hitched in her throat as she placed a hand on Emma’s knee.

“Oh? And what are you hungry for my dear. Is it something I can help you with?”

Emma grinned, moving Regina’s hand slowly up her thigh.

“Oh, the thought of giving you pleasure with the help of a little toy, something I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since Zelena’s comment at the diner.”

Regina felt her throat go dry as her fingers edged closer to Emma’s crotch.

“Forget the toy my love. I have something much better in mind.” And with that she waved her hand over Emma’s crotch and smiled.

Emma glanced down, puzzled as she came to a stop sign.

“What did you-“

Regina continued to smile as her fingers came into contact with the zip on Emmas jeans, tapping it lightly.

Emma immediately felt - something - happen below.


Emma then gulped, her eyes on the zip of her jeans as a tingling sensation followed by a feeling of tightness began to radiate from her pants.

“Gina wh-what have you done…”

Regina removed her hand, placing it on Emma’s arm instead.

“Why can.. what the hell… what the…”

Emma shuffled in her seat and looked back down at the bump growing from her crotch that definitely hadn’t been there earlier.

“No way….”

Regina laughed again.

“Why do got think I moved my hand, darling? I don’t want you getting too excited before we get home.”

Emma had never felt so turned on yet freaked out as she felt the appendage swell at the sound of Regina’s voice.

“I didn’t think this was even possible.” She whispered more to herself, wishing her jeans weren’t quite so tight as her lower region began to feel a little uncomfortable.

Regina wriggled her eyebrows, her hand now back on her lap.

Anything is possible with magic my dear, now drive. I’m hungry to see you naked and deep inside me.”

Emma nearly chocked at Regina’s bluntness as her hand began to reach down before it was slapped away by the brunette.

“I get to touch little swan first my love.”

Emma began to tremble  as her - magic dick (?!) - began to stir in her pants even more.

“Fucking hell, how big did you make - it?! I don’t think I’ll be able to walk.”

Regina let out a throaty laugh.

“I made it the size you would have been had Snow and Charming had a son, Emma. I haven’t magicked you a ridiculous penis my dear. That -“

And she shot a hungry look at the bulge now clearly visible in Emma’s pants.

“That is as natural as they come.

Emma let out a trembled laugh as her erection was now standing to attention seemingly at Regina’s command, whether the brunette realised it or not.

“Natural? I’ve just grown a penis Regina, and it’s…. Jesus Christ it’s still growing! Can you please magic me some looser jeans before I explode!”

Regina rolled her eyes but gave Emma her wish as the Sheriff immediately felt her jeans loosen around her newly acquired appendage.

“Now take us home, Em-ma. I want to see your masterpiece in the flesh.”

Emma’s foot hit the gas as she accelerated past the speed limit.

“Careful you’ll get a ticket.”

Emma shook her head.

Fuck the ticket.”

Regina suddenly placed her hand on Emma’s erection.

“I’d rather you fuck me.”

“Oh Jesus.” Emma husked as her boner suddenly took on a life of its own.

“I need… fuck. I don’t th-think I can make it home.”

Regina was enjoying herself as Emma seemed to squirm more and more in her seat.

“Is little swan waiting to come out and play?”

Emma swallowed hard. Attempting to steer the car whilst Regina continued to tease her… little swan… was proving to be difficult.

“It’s not waiting. That’s the… problem.”

Regina finally took pity on the blonde who looked flushed and extremely uncomfortable.

“Pull over.”

Emma shot Regina a look before glancing round her.

“But… it’s a neighbourhood? Someone could…. We’re not…”

Regina grinned and placed her hand over the bulge that was now a tent shape in Emma’s pants.

It felt glorious.

“Pull over, Em-Ma. I have magic remember? I can shield us from… prying eyes. Unless you want to drive a further five minutes before we then have to park, walk to the front door, unlock it before-“

Emma pulled the car over hastily against the sidewalk, tyres screeching as she slammed hard on the brake, finally releasing her tight grip on the steering wheel.

“You’re evil.”

Regina smirked.

“You love me.” Regina purred as she glanced down at Emma’s lap.

Really love me. I’m glad to see you’re not struggling to get… hard… Miss Swan.”

Regina’s hand was now back on the zip of Emma’s jeans.

“Now put your seat back, close your eyes and let me take care of you’re little…”

Regina undid the button on Emma’s jeans and pulled the zip down, placing her hand inside, moving it under Emma’s pants, secretly happy Emma had asked for more room.

“Or should that be, big, problem…”

Emma looked at Regina whose eyes were black as coal as they twinkled back at her. She immediately felt herself harden even more as Regina opened her mouth and licked her bottom lip.

“Ohhh fuck.”

Emma felt lightheaded as Regina now started to bite on her bottom lip, her nimble fingers now stroking Emma’s newly established length.

“I… shit….”

Before Regina could respond, a loud tap sounded on Regina’s window.

“I th-thought you used magic!” Emma hissed as Regina, always prepared for any event, casually turned in her seat, her hand still very much on Emma as she tossed her handbag onto Emma’s lap with her free hand, hiding her exploring fingers and Emma’s very substantial erection from view.

“I was a little preoccupied.” Regina husked before adding, “Sit tight.” as she then wound down the window.

“Are you.. don’t do that! Gina…”

The window was barely down before a head popped into view.

“Mal.” Regina replied with a tight smile on her face. “Always a pleasure.” she continued as her exploring fingers stilled and then squeezed Emmas length as they continued on their own specific mission to provide Emma with as much pleasure as she could handle.

Emma gasped as Mal leaned into the car.

“Is everything alright my dear? You pulled up rather hurriedly, I could hear your tyres squeal from down the street! Not that I necessarily mind the smell of burnt rubber, takes me back to my days of setting things alight for the hell of it.”

Emma wasn’t paying any attention to Mal mainly because all she could hear was her heartbeat thudding in her ears as her blood not only bounced around her ear drums but also rushed downwards to find her very new, and very swollen, dick.

“Gi-na.” She managed to husk as Regina stopped squeezing, her fingers now gripping the shaft, slowly moving her hand up and then down and then…


Mal quirked a brow, her eyes now on Emma.

“I always put the fires out Miss Swan if that’s what got you so worked up.”

Emma gasped, the only thing that was up was her now raging erection which was literally throbbing in Regina’s hand.

“Is she alright Regina? She looks flushed.”

Regina nodded as her thumb came to the tip of the smooth shaft she had magicked Emma. Slowing her didgit she ran the pad of her thumb over the head as Emma took a deep intake of breath.

“The poor thing is extremely swollen, Mal.”

Emma was now quivering under her touch as Mal nodded back before she glanced at the now visibly shaking Sheriff.

“Glands, swollen glands.” Regina then added as Mal arched a brow.

Emma decided there and then that she would inflict revenge on the former evil queen at some stage as the current semi evil mayor continued her ministrations, her thumb now circling the head of Emma’s appendage.

Emma let out a low and guttural growl as Regina’s thumb paused, her own wetness now pooling below as Emma then moaned.

“You should get her home Regina. Take… care of that swelling.”

Emma was past caring what Mal did or didn’t know about her current predicament as her knuckles became white the more she gripped onto Regina’s handbag.

Regina was now starting to lose her own self control the more Emma groaned and the more her swollen cock began to twitch with need on the palm of her hand.

“Quite so. I’ll return for the car later. Nice seeing you Mal.”

Mal smirked and took a small step back from the car.

“Nice seeing you too.” she replied as her keen eyes took on the sight before her.

No doubt she’d unintentionally interrupted the Sheriff receiving her first blowjob but from the look on her face she was very much enjoying Regina’s hand job.

She watched as the now very flustered Mayor waved one hand in the air, the other clearly too busy to join in, as she and the Sheriff suddenly disappeared.

No doubt landing in their bedchamber.

Chapter 4


Can’t say I have written anything like this before so hope it doesn’t disappoint!
*warning* g!p Emma’

Chapter Text

As soon as they appeared in the bedroom, Regina was pulling down Emma’s jeans with a sense of newfound urgency.

The more she tugged, however, the more Emma’s shaft seemed to get caught.


Emma, still clutching Regina’s handbag for dear life finally dropped it to her side as her legs began to tremble.

“Hold still, Emma!”

Emma felt her cheeks redden.

“It’s a bit hard to hold still with a raging boner in my pants, Regina! You keep touching it with your knuckles and…. Oh hell….”

Regina smirked and deliberately ran her knuckles over it again.

“Not helping!” Emma mumbled as she suddenly realised where they were.

“My car-“

Regina paused before shooting Emma an unamused glare.

“Right. Forget the car.” Emma managed to splutter as Regina’s hands were now in her pants, her jeans half way down her legs.

“I love how you feel.” Regina purred as she tugged at Emma’s boy-shorts, pulling those down too, releasing a very erect penis.

Taking a step back she finally removed her hands and looked down in appreciation.

Emma was also looking down, flummoxed.

“That’s not… it can’t be… Jesus Regina you’ve given me balls too?!”

Regina’s hungry eyes continued to bore onto Emma as Emma finally looked up.

“Of course I did, it’s a fully functioning phallus my love. Now come here, I want to say hello…”

Emma gulped as her phallus twitched.

“I feel like I’m about to burst.”

Regina chuckled and beckoned Emma over to the bed as she slowly began to unbutton her shirt.

Emma watched, jeans and pants now wrapped around her ankles as the brunette quickly removed her shirt and pulled down the zipper to her skirt, letting it pool at her feet as she stepped from it, kicking her heels off towards Emma.

The more naked Regina got, the more her newly acquired penis began to twitch as Emma glance down again, her throat suddenly dry as the throbbing intensified.

“I can’t control this.” she muttered more to herself as her ‘little swan’ was now protruding so far out it was now blocking her view of the floor.

“I don’t want you to.” Regina replied, eyes sparkling with mischief which resulted in Emma letting out a small mewl.

“It’s tingling, Regina. There’s something wrong with it!”

Regina bit down on her bottom lip, attempting to stifle a laugh. Watching Emma, her proud penis standing to attention was doing warm and wonderful things to her. Emma’s confusion at the whole situation was also extremely adorable.

“It’s a living part of your body, Emma. At least for now. You’re turned on. It’s all perfectly normal.”

Again Emma looked back at her dick that seemed to have a mind of its own. This, Emma reasoned, was far from normal but a quick glance back at her girlfriend had her immediately forgetting any concerns she may have had.

“Turned on is an understatement.” she replied, kicking her jeans and pants off as she finally strode over to Regina, pausing at the side of the bed as Regina took a hold of her hands and pulled them towards a her.

“Take it off.”

Emma loved it when Regina made demands.

Little Swan apparently did too as the throbbing in her crotch began to burn.

Quickly removing her own top her fingers then reached behind the brunette, fingers unhooking the clasp as she felt her entire body stiffen as Regina took a hold of her dick, marvelling at its length and width.

“So responsive.” She murmured as Emma threw Regina’s bra across the room.

“If you keep doing that I’m going to come all over your hands.” Emma managed to rasp as Regina’s warm hand continued to rub up and down Emma’s length.

“I’d much prefer you to come somewhere else my dear.” Regina replied honestly as her hands found Emma’s cheeks.

Emma immediately cupped herself with shaking hands, squeezing, almost on the side of pain hoping the pressure would calm down her turbulent libido.

“I want you inside me, now.” Regina rasped as Emma pushed her onto the bed. Kissing her quickly she straddled the mayor before coming to a halt, hovering above her.

"What’s wrong?" Regina asked, her attention now on Emma’s outstretched, muscular arms on either side of her.

"Do I need a condom?” Emma replied almost blankly as Regina cupped her cheeks again. Arching a perfect brow she brought Emma’s face towards her lips.

“Good idea Sheriff, we wouldn't want you to get me pregnant now, would we?”

Emma stilled again before her concerned look turned into a sheepish one. As soon as the words left Emma’s mouth she inwardly groaned.

“Did you really just ask me that Emma?!” Regina asked, a glint in her eye as she her hands moved to Emma’s waist.

“Yeah I kinda didn’t think that one though.”

To be honest, Emma wasn’t really giving anything much though as the desire to pound into Regina was growing, a bit like her penis appeared to be now that Regina was unclasping Emma’s bra like the pro she was.

Regina’s eyes immediately fell on Emma’s taught nipples before she looked up, her chocolate orbs soft and full of love.

“I think we’ve already established you don’t need this -“ as she placed her hand back on Emma’s dick “to get me pregnant, Miss Swan.”

Her thumb was now caressing the tip which made Emma spasm.

“God that feels so good.”

Emma's felt her eyes close tightly as Regina began to touch her again, only opening them when she felt Regina move below her, pushing her sodden panties down her legs. Emma felt her breath catch as the brunette then laid back on the bed, her legs open wide as she placed her free hand on her dark curls, tapping a finger against her glistening centre.

“I need you here. Now.”

Regina pulled Emma hard against her as their mouths met, both battling for dominance as Regina purred into Emma’s mouth as soon as she felt the hard shaft rub against her stomach.

“This beats a fucking strap on.” Emma was mumbling into luscious lips as she felt Regina buck her hips upwards, each jolt hitting Emma’s ‘non strap on’ with such a force the blonde suddenly realised her tip was leaking.

Attempting to move her dick so she wouldn’t spill all over Regina she felt the brunette shake her head slightly.

“I want to feel it. All of it.” Regina husked into Emma’s parted lips as their kisses continued to crush together, the blondes pert nipples now pushing into Regina’s soft skin as the underside of her dick was now sliding through the brunettes very wet folds.

“I want your tip to rub against my clit, please Em-Ma.”

Which only caused Emma to immediately buck her hips, a whimper escaping her lips as Regina took charge and took hold of her throbbing cock, rubbing it against her engorged clit.

“Holy shit.”

Regina was now sweetly smiling up at her with so much love and devotion, whatever self control Emma had left was now null and void as she reached down between them and took a firm hold of herself, her eyes never leaving Regina’s, knowing this was an intimate moment they were experiencing together for the first time.

Slowly she ran her sticky tip through Regina's swollen lips once, twice as she felt Regina pull her down firmly against her, needing more contact.

The further Emma was engulfed by the brunettes throbbing walls the more excited she felt as Regina began to moan the deeper Emma entered her, her nails digging into the blondes hips as Emma gently continued to push forward until she was sheathed completely by her lovers quivering channel.

"Oh god!”

Emma began to grunt as Reginas moans got louder.

Eyes now open the brunette looked up at Emma who had started to move in and out, her cock hitting all the right places as Regina bucked her hips upwards again, needing to feel the throbbing shaft as it caressed her slick walls.

“Fuck. Yesss. Emma don’t stop.”

Slowly Emma leaned down and pressed her forehead against Regina’s, gently adjusting her position, as a low grown escaped her lips.

“Shit… this is so…”

Emma trailed off, unable to think of any words she could use to describe the most satisfying and fan-fucking-tastic new experience she was sharing with her true love.

“I feel you. I feel - all of you.”

“Mmm, I know, baby,” Regina husked into Emma’s neck as Emma bit down hard on her bottom lip hoping the slight pain would stop her from finishing inside Regina before they had truly begun.

Emma was now sweating and mumbling incoherent words into Regina’s mouth as she finally gasped and let out a ragged breath.

“Gina. I - fuck I just - give me a sec.”

Regina’s eyes slowly came into focus, as the pleasure pulling deep within her was sending a myriad of tingles all over her body.  Blinking, Emma’s face came into view above her. The blondes eyes were closed tightly, and her internal battle was obvious.

“Darling. Look at me.”

Emma grunted before slowly opening one eye.

Regina tangled her hands in Emma’s hair, pulling her closer as she deliberately squeezed her pelvic muscles around Emma.

“N-no… baby please.” Emma pleaded, her focus on not coming too soon all over the place as she felt, actually felt Regina’s glorious walls stroke and tease her.

“Emma, my sweet Emma. Relax.”

Emma gasped as Regina’s hands were now on her back, her nails no doubt leaving their mark as they ran along her spine.

“I can’t… I’m trying to hold on…”

Emma had no idea how the hell she was supposed to hold on, as Regina let out a moan as Emma accidentally shifted above her, driving into her even deeper.

“Relax, my love. You are meant to be enjoying this,” Regina chuckled as she quickly placed several kisses all over Emma’s chest, before resting between the valley of her breasts, nipping at the side on one before moving to the side of the other.

“Yeah… that’s kinda the issues Gina, I’m enjoying this too much.”

Regina moved her tongue to one nipple, as Emma began to rock against her with more urgency.

“Good.” Regina replied with a smile as she reached her hand out to loosen Emma’s firm grip on bedsheet. Taking Emma’s hand she brought it to her mouth and kissed her knuckles before slipping it between their slick, damp bodies until Emma could feel her fingertip touch Regina’s swollen bundle of nerves.

Emma didn’t need any further instruction as she began to rub tight circles around the nub with her thumb, her hips now starting to move as well, building into a rhythm that was clearly giving the brunette pleasure as the smile on her face was replaced with a loud moan, her orgasm now nearing as Emma continued to push inside of her, hitting that one particular spot that had Regina gasping out loud, her walls now clenching around Emma’s thick cock.

The feelings Emma was experiencing were beyond anything she had ever encountered before as her lips were back on Regina’s, her tongue dancing around swollen lips until they were granted entry.

“Ohhh Emmmaa.”

Emma felt her insides deliciously coil as her tongue was now being leisurely sucked by Regina as the same euphoric feeling was being replicated deep inside Emma as the brunette seemed to be pulling Emma’s hard shaft deeper inside as Emma continued to move her fingers on, around and all over Regina’s aching clit.

“Need… you…” Emma was now huffing as Regina’s grasped her waist.

“Don’t stop. Emma… please. I’m so fucking c-close!”

Regina’s words suddenly snapped Emma from her thoughts as realisation hit her how full and heavy her balls felt.

“Gina… I need to… do you want me to pull out when I…”

The fact that Regina was already pregnant was irrelevant. Emma needed to check what Regina wanted, because that was one thing that had been taken away from Regina in her past; Emma would always offer her love a choice.

“Don’t you dare.” Regina replied, her voice hoarse as she swallowed hard and looked into Emma’s ocean eyes.

“I want - I need - to feel you come inside me Emma. Please.”

Emma nodded as she then felt the brunettes legs lock around her waist.

Emma grinned at Regina’s non too subtle hint, realising the small act was all she needed as her thrusts became stronger, her thumb still caressing Regina’s clit with a newfound sense of purpose.

“Oh my god, Emma… Em-mmmmaa.”

Regina cried out, shaking uncontrollably under her as Emma felt her balls tighten before her own body tensed and she finally exploded inside Regina, her orgasm so powerful it left her breathless.

Moments later Emma found herself still slumped against Regina’s damp body, her now flaccid cock still buried deep inside the brunette who had slowly stopped shaking.

Emma finally lifted her head.

“Although pretty fucking spectacular, I will get my lady bits back, right? Cause other than sex, I really don’t want to have to walk around with this thing in my pants, straining at the seams each time you so much as look in my direction.”

Regina, truly sated and extremely exhausted ran her fingers through Emma’s hair, revelling in the softness. She could still feel Emma inside her, although she could feel the magic slowly starting to wear off.

“Pull out and you’ll see.” she managed to croak, not recognising her own voice as Emma did as was instructed, gasping as she finally disconnected herself from Regina.

“I guess little swan has gone.” she murmured as Regina pulled her up, lips now touching.

“Oh Emma, I think it’s safe to say there was nothing little about your swan my love. Nothing little at all.”

Emma grinned.

“Is it bad that I feel kinda cocky, excuse the pun, having a big dick? You did say it was natural. I wonder if I take after David….”

Regina sighed.

“Really Emma?”

Emma shuddered. “Way to ruin the moment Emma.”

Regina smiled as her fingers now danced along Emma’s back, feeling the scratches she had already left behind before skirting her fingers to Emma’s sides.

“I confess, for all I loved feeling you deep inside me, I have a very high regard for your lady bits and I wouldn’t change them permanently for anything, even your large swan.”

And with purpose, Regina’s fingers found Emma’s clit.

“Now be a dear and ride my fingers, Miss Swan.”

As Emma waited patiently for their take out order to arrive from the kitchen, her mind wandered back to what she was now coining the “mammoth sex marathon” she’s had with with Regina that afternoon.

All afternoon in fact.

Not that she’d ever share that particular term with Regina, knowing full well it would result in a sigh, an eye roll and a quirked brow.


It had been one hell of a session and Emma was pretty damn sure had Regina not already been pregnant she would have been after Emma’s magic appendage had entered the picture.

Or, rather, the bedroom.

“How are those swollen glands, Sheriff?”

Emma jumped as a voice she had heard now that long ago was now floating at her side.

Without realising it, she was looking down at her crotch.

“Not so swollen now, I presume?”

Emma swallowed and peered up at the blonde woman who was standing beside her wearing a smirk that could rival Zelena’s.

“Yeah it’s… I’m okay now. Thanks.”

Mal nodded as Ruby appeared from the kitchen.

“Won’t be much longer Em.”

Emma smiled as someone else suddenly appeared at her other side

“Goodness, are you sure you’re feeling alright?”

Emma inwardly groaned as a pair of hands were immediately wrapping themselves around Emma’s neck.

“What the -“

“I don’t think your glands are swollen Emma, at least not in your neck.”

Emma batted away Snows hands and shook her head, mainly at Mal who was chuckling to herself.

“My neck is fine, mom.”

Emma was immediately relieved she’d asked Regina to magic away the many love bites she had been given.

“You have a bruise!”

Clearly Regina had missed one. Probably on purpose.

“It’s nothing.” Emma mumbled, pulling her top up even though it was a v-neck.

“Emma was simply feeling a little flushed earlier, Snow. Nothing Regina couldn’t make better, I’m sure.”

There was a devilish twinkle in Mal’s eyes as Snow’s hand shot to her mouth before it moved to Emma’s shoulder. Emma attempted to ignore Mal’s connotation as she took a sip of her soda.

“We have many glands all over our body, Emma. Does under your arms hurt? Across your chest? In your groin?”

Emma spilt her soda.

All over her top.

“My - glands - are fine!” she spluttered, as a dish cloth hit her square in the face, courtesy of Ruby.

Emma stood and began to wipe at her top, getting as far as the top of her jeans when images of ‘not so little swan’ suddenly popped into her head. Emma flushed as her hand, holding the cloth, now hovered over her crotch.

“Emma! You just flinched. It’s your groin isn’t it? Have you pulled a muscle?l

Emma recalled the rather large muscle that had literally been pulled from her, courtesy of Regina’s magic.

“Yeah. I think maybe I have.”

Emma reasoned it was easier to play along with Snows assumption.

Which proved to be a mistake as Zelena’s voice suddenly boomed from behind.

“Pray do tell what you’ve been doing that resulted in you pulling a muscle… in your groin?”

Mal chuckled as Zelena appeared by her side, a grin on her face.

“And why is your car parked rather haphazardly on the sidewalk down the street?”

Snow gasped.

Emma groaned.

“I encountered some issues earlier, that’s all. Regina had to Poof us home. I’ll collect the bug once I’ve collected our dinner.”

Zelena looked puzzled.

“Issues as in a pulled muscle in your groin?”

Emma nodded as she handed back the dishcloth to Ruby who had finally appeared with her order.

“How does one pull a groin muscle whilst driving a car?”

Emma glanced at Zelena as Mal interrupted.

“Our dear sheriff was helping Regina put on her seat belt, a simple twist in the wrong direction whilst sitting can result in many things, especially when one then tries to drive.”

Emma wasn’t certain why Mal had suddenly come to her aid but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Yeah. That. Exactly that.”

Snow sighed.

“You really ought to be more careful Emma.”

Emma shrugged as she picked up the takeaway, nodding her head at the door.

“Yeah well, you know me! Clumsy is my middle name.”

Emma then proceeded to walk towards the door before Mal appeared by her side.

“Oh, Sheriff? Before you go? I wanted to let you know that soon after you left your car, due to your unforeseen pulled groin muscle, a man I didn’t recognise appeared and started to ask me very odd questions about your car. I pleaded ignorance but thought you’d want to know.”

Emma nodded. It didn’t suprise her. Most people asked strange questions when it came to her classic bug.

“Thanks. And… thanks for, you know….”

Mal grinned.

“Fixing you up with a bullshit lie? My pleasure Sheriff. I don’t think Snow would have completely underwood how you suddenly felt overcome thanks to your girlfriend magicking you a penis.”

Emma’s mouth dropped as Mal winked.

“Don’t worry your secret is safe with me. Unless I get terribly drunk of course in which case it’s likely I’ll tell Zelena…”

Emma paled.

Mal chuckled.

“I’m teasing you, Sheriff. I assure you my lips are as sealed as I’m sure Regina’s were when she took your p -“

“Yes. Okay. Right. We can’t stop there!” Emma squeaked as she stumbled out of the diner, Mal’s laugh floating behind her.

Chapter Text

Emma was relieved to hear the bell ring behind her as she exited the diner, the voices still discussing her pulled groin now disappearing. Glancing down at her now semi transparent top, thanks to the soda, she pulled her jacket closer to her chest with one hand as the other gripped the handles on the bag containing their takeaway.

They’d never had so much fast food since Regina fell pregnant. Her craving now centred on onions rings dipped in chocolate. Emma had gone as far as dipping her fries in a strawberry milkshake a few times, appreciating the sweet and savoury mix but she wasn’t sure she could stomach Regina’s latest craving. Which said a lot considering Emma would try most things and had a stomach of steel.

As she walked towards her car, she realised what Zelena had meant earlier when she’d said Emma had parked ‘haphazardly’. The Sheriff could park like a pro but as she reached the bug she realised three things simultaneously.

  1. Having a magic dick suddenly appear in her pants had clearly impacted her parking judgement.
  2. The underside of her car that had mounted the curb clearly needed a mechanics attention.
  3. Someone had clearly taken offence because they’d left her a note under her wiper which simply read; ‘Park Less Crappily next time!’

Emma took way too long debating if that was even a real word before placing the note in her pocket.

With a sigh she opened the door, thankful that Regina at least had the sense to poof the car keys with them when they had vacated the car rather abruptly earlier. Placing the bag of food on the passenger seat she was about to climb in when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

Emma jumped, hitting her head on the door frame.


Slowly she turned.

“Yes?” she asked, rubbing her hand over her head as Tinkerbell immediately began to apologise.

“Emma! I’m sorry! I didn’t meant to make you jump.”

Emma sighed.

She wasn’t in the mood for Tink.

“It’s fine. No harm done.”

Tink smiled before she glanced at the car.

Emma waved a hand before the fairy could say anything about her apparently ‘Parking Crappily’.

“I really need to get going, Tink. Foods getting cold.”

Tink nodded, before placing a small hand on Emma’s arm.

“I just wanted to apologise.”

Emma look at the hand gripping her bicep but said nothing.  When it came to Tink, she could be apologising for any number of reasons.

Slowly the fairy continued.

“I spoke to Will and he may have mentioned how Robin now thinks he’s Regina’s soul mate thanks to me revealing things about a certain tattoo.”

Emma pinched the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger before her eyes refocused on the fairy who had now moved her hand away.

“I drank far too much mead that evening! I’ve never had it before and it was so rich and smooth and… I think I was, perhaps, a little drunk.”

Emma rolled her eyes.

“Ya think?”

Tink bit her lip.

“I am sorry, Emma. All I’ve ever wanted was for Regina to find her happiness.”

The look on Tink’s face made Emma realise the fairy meant every word.

“Blue found out and she’s threatening to take away my wings. I suppose I deserve it. I didn’t meant to cause so many problems.”

Emma shook her head.

“Mother Superior can go kiss my ass. Nobody is losing their wings, Tink. It was an honest mistake to make. Yeah, I was pissed off but I’m over it and I’m pretty sure Regina is too.”

Emma had never particularly liked Blue and the fact that she was threatening Tink for an honest mistake only riled her even further. If she removed Tink’s wings, she would be taking away her position as a fairy. Nobody should have that much control.

Tink still looked downcast and Emma couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for the fairy.

“You haven’t caused any issues, I promise. Robin is a prat no matter what you said. Regina is happy. I’m happy. Forget about it. Just maybe lay off the mead next time?”

Tink nodded.

“I will! And I am so happy you found each other. You really are her soulmate. You know that, right? And I don’t mean just because you have a lion tattoo!”

Emma grinned.

“Yeah. I know. And she’s mine. She always was; it just took a few fucked up chapters to get us there that’s all.”

Tink smiled.

“Well, it was always written that good and evil would merge and create a new life.”

Emma cocked her head.

“Regina isn’t evil.”

Tink looked abashed as she attempted to correct herself.

“No but… she was or at least, that is how she used to be perceived back in the Enchanted Forest.”

Emma continued to go over Tinks previous statement before she stopped.

“Written where, exactly?”

Tink managed to look a little sheepish as she slowly shrugged.

“In the stars, Emma. You and Regina meeting the way you did was down to serendipity. What happens after is destiny.”

She paused before continuing, a smile appearing on her face.

“Archie tells me Regina is pregnant. Please know how truly elated I am for the both of you.”

Emma was about to reply when Tinks small body was hugging her close.

“Don’t let anyone or anything stand in the way of your happily ever after, Emma.”

Tinks words echoed in her ear before the fairy took a step back.

“Why do I feel like that’s some kind of warning?”

Emma suddenly forgot about the food or getting back to Regina and Henry as Tink shook her head.

“Just be mindful not everyone in Storybrooke wants you and Regina together.”

Emma slowly nodded. She already knew that although the only person she could think of was Robin. Hook was debatable but considering he’d apologised and she’d seen him set sail on the Jolly Roger it was unlikely he would return anytime soon.

Then there was Cora, but she hadn’t appeared here.


“And know, I am always here if you need me. For anything.”

Emma smiled.

“Maybe you should talk to Regina? Tell her you’re sorry. And tell her about Blue. It’s not my place too.”

Tink bobbed her head.

“I can do that. She won’t yell at me, right? The last time I tried to talk to her about her soulmate she blew me off.”

Emma took a step forward.

“Regina knew about the tattoo before?”

Tink shook her head.

“Oh no. Nothing about the tattoo. I mean, I knew, and I wanted to tell her but she refused to listen. This was back in the Enchanted Forest. She didn’t want to know; said she would find her soulmate on her own terms, and she was right. She did.”

Emma suddenly had a thought.

“Wait. You said you knew… what did you know, exactly? Just that they had a lion tattoo or that it was going to be me?”

Tink clasped a hand around Emma’s.

“Only that they had a lion tattoo and would be Regina’s saviour. I didn’t know it was you. I suppose that makes sense, considering you didn’t exist at that moment.”

Emma realised that fate, destiny and serendipity were all rather confusing and had no real rhyme or reason. She was also thankful that Regina had decided to go her own way when it came to embracing her fate.

“Regina won’t yell at you. At least, I don’t think she will. It depends how hormonal she’s feeling. Earlier I tried to swat a fly with a rolled up newspaper and she got mad because she’d not read the paper yet and then upset because the fly was harmless and shouldn’t be targeted. It’s like living with my mother at times.”

Tink started to laugh.

“Oh Emma. You really are perfect for one another. I’ll pay her a visit soon.”

Emma smiled and began to climb into her car when Tink waved her hand at the windscreen.

“Oh and… it was Blue who left the note.”

With that Tink winked at Emma and vanished.

Emma had finally returned home to a barrage of questions from an irate Mayor.

“Emma, what took you so long?”

Emma apologised and explained she had ran into Tink, who would be stopping by at some point to pay Regina a visit.

Regina took the bag of food from Emma who had shrugged off her jacket. Slowly her eyes dropped to Emma’s white top that was now sticking to her bra.

“I didn’t realise Granny was hosting a Wet T.Shirt contest Miss Swan.”

Emma glanced down before folding her arms across her chest.

“Thank your friend, your sister and my mother who were all keen to know why I pulled a muscle in my groin.”

Before Regina could begin to question that statement, Henry jogged into the kitchen and proceeded to tell both his mothers how starving he was and could they please eat.

So eat they did.

“So Maleficent knew I had a magic dodah.”

Emma had presumed, wrongly, that their son had left the dining room when he’d finished his burger and fries, jumping from his seat to go grab something from upstairs.

Emma didn’t realise that Henry had turned in the doorway and was on his way back into the room.

“What’s a dodah and how is it magical?”

Emma froze as Regina’s eyes narrowed at her, before Mayor Mode was engaged: fluffing her hair, squaring her shoulders and shaking her head ever so slightly at Emma she looked past the blonde and smiled at Henry.

“I thought you were going to meet us in the living room, Henry?”

Emma’s mouth was still open as Regina stood, collecting her plate before she walked past Emma, her finger tip edging towards the blondes jaw as she slowly lifted up to close pale lips together.

“Sorry.” Emma managed to mumble as she turned in her seat to face a confused looking Henry.

A look she wore well. Clearly the kid got all his confusion from her.

“How come Maleficent knows? I never knew you had a magic… what was it again?”

Emma blushed as she suddenly looked at Regina for help. The look on her girlfriends face told Emma she was about to receive non.



“Yes my dear, what IS a magic dodah?”

Emma ran one hand though her hair closely followed by the other as she then stood and waved a finger at Henry.

“Oh nothing important. So, what movie are we going to watch?”

Henry frowned as he took further steps into the room.

Wrong direction, Emma panicked as Regina collected her plate.

“Do you have one because you can do magic now?”

Emma realised that Henry’s persistence was definitely all Regina.

“Um… No. It’s just… like a magic instrument. Nothing interesting.”

Regina shook her head slightly, her smile widening as Henry all of a sudden seemed to be beside Emma.

“I didn’t know you could play an instrument. What is it? And how is it magical?”

Emma suddenly sat back down, Henry’s face far too close.

Emma looked up and found Regina standing behind Henry, trying and failing not to laugh.

Revenge may be a dish best served cold but right now Emma was ready to hurtle it right at the brunettes smug face.

“It’s a flute, Henry. I decided to learn because you mom always liked wind instruments. You know, those you blow into.”

Emma then smirked as Regina began to cough.

“That’s awesome! Can I hear you play?”

Regina immediately returned Emma’s smirk, adding a quirked eyebrow for good measure.

“Well I’m still pretty inexperienced Hen. In fact, I only started to tune my instrument earlier today. Your mom helped me a lot, actually. Didn’t you Gina.”

Regina was now rubbing her hands down the side of her skirt as Emma stood.

“You see, your mom is my number one fan. She loves it when I bring out my flute, isn’t that right babe?”

Henry was smiling as he turned to face his mom.

“Have you tried to blow ma’s magic flute?”

Now Emma started to laugh, her hand covering her lips as Regina calmly composed herself before bending down to Henry’s level.

“I tried a trumpet once at school but I couldn’t get any sound from it.” Henry huffed as Regina smiled.

“Yes my dear, in fact I gave Emma’s flute such a good blow I made it sing its own tune, hence how it’s magical. Now, be a good boy and go pick a movie whilst your mother and I tidy up.”

Henry nodded, bounding from the room for the second time that evening.

Emma swallowed as Regina watched him go before rounding on her.

“Miss Swan….”

Emma held up her hands.

“Hey! It could have been worse! I could have said Mal knew I had a magic dick!”

Regina paused before her hands found Emma’s waist.

“And you know, I only said it because you decided to give me one!”

Regina smiled, her lips immediately next to Emma’s ear.

“If my memory serves me well, you actually gave me one, or was it two?”

Emma shuddered as a tongue then began to dance around her ear lobe.

“More like three… three times….” Emma groaned as Regina suddenly stood back.

“Let’s hope Henry doesn’t ask you for a flute recital.”

Emma shrugged.

“He’ll soon forget all about it.”

Sadly for Emma, Henry didn’t.

The movie turned out to be a nature documentary.

Emma wasn’t certain Henry’s choice was such a good idea.

“You sure this is what you want, Henry?”

The last time they had sat together and watched a nature programme , Regina had ended up in tears.

“Yeah. Why? Don’t you want to watch it? I thought you loved David Attenborough?”

Emma smiled and nodded her head towards Regina whose face was behind a copy of the Storybrooke Gazette.

Henry frowned and shrugged his shoulders.

Emma sighed at her sons inability to catch her subtle hints.

Clearly he took after Snow in that department.

“Gina is this alright with you?”

Regina merely nodded, adding “Yes dear. I’m reading the paper anyway. Put whatever you wish on the television.”

So Henry did.

Ten minutes into the show, Regina’s paper was on the floor, her small body leaning into Emma’s side as she let out a sniffle.

Henry, too engrossed in the show as he laid on the floor on his stomach, missed the sniffle.

Emma didn’t.

“Are you alright?”

Regina nodded before both her and Henry let out a joint “shhh.”

Emma closed her mouth.

Five minutes later, the sniff became a sob.

“I don’t think-“

“Mom, be quiet! I can’t hear the….”

Suddenly all Emma could hear was the sound of a baby gazelle crying.

Or perhaps it was Regina crying. It was hard to tell.

“I can’t believe they haven’t done anything for that baby gazelle! They just watched her mother being murdered in cold blood!”

Emma wouldn’t have gone with murder per-say. Big cats needed to eat too but she valued her own life too much to contradict her upset, agitated girlfriend.

Henry finally looked back at his mom, his face scrunched as he looked at Emma. Finally his mouth opened a little before he turned, attempting to find the tv remote.

Emma sighed as she realised it had only taken the kid half an hour to realise her failed attempt at instigating “Operation Your Mom is Gonna Bawl the Moment an Animal is Killed.”

Regina then threw a pen at the tv screen. Emma watched as it bounced off the screen and hit Henry on the forehead.

“Baby are you alright?”

Regina turned, her face now mirroring thunder.

“Do I look alright? I’ve just seen a mother murdered by a cheetah and now her child has no one. The heard have left her! Alone. And the presenters are there filming it. Not attempting to help the baby in any way! Attenborough should be ashamed of himself and his dulcet tone at a time like this!”

Emma shifted and attempted to calm her - sobbing again - girlfriend.

“I don’t think they’re allowed to, baby. It’s the natural cycle of life and death. Pretty sure they can’t intervene, cause it can affect the ecosystem or something…”

Emma had no idea what she was actually saying but she knew for sure Snow had said the very same thing to her when they’d watched a baby penguin lose its mother on a nature show. Emma had teared up and demanded the show producers should do something.

“Fuck the ecosystem!” Regina then hollowed, and promptly started to sob again, this time into Emma’s chest.

“Henry switch the channel bud.”

Henry was now standing, gawping at his mother, tv remote in one hand, pen in the oh her.

“Yeah. Sure… um… I’ll just….”

Henry began to channel hop before finally resting on a show.

“Hey look! They’re playing musical instruments!”

Emma immediately looked up, as Regina’s sobs turned into gentle sniffles.

“Yeah we ain’t watching this kid. What the hell is it anyway?”

That my dear is The BBC Proms.”

Emma turned to see a smug looking Zelena standing behind the sofa.

“The what?”

Regina finally removed herself from Emma and looked up, her eyes red and puffy.

“Holy hell, don’t you like orchestral classical music concerts Reggie?”

Regina’s bottom lip began to tremble as Emma shot Zelena a warning look.

“Oh… is this baby hormones again?”

Regina muttered something before looking back at her sister.

“Why are you here?”

Zelena swept across the room and took a seat.

“Mal and Lily are having a mother-daughter evening. I didn’t want to interrupt.”

“So you’ve interrupted us instead.” Regina then hissed as she wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand, her eyes now falling back to the tv.

“Henry invited me.”

Emma looked at Henry who grinned.

“It’s an open invitation when it comes to Aunty Z.”

Emma signed as Regina shifted. Emma handed her a tissue.

“We were watching a nature show but-“

Emma paused, wondering how to finish.

Henry continued on her behalf.

“Mom got upset when a baby gazelle lost its mom and was angry the presenters didn’t help. Ma tried to tell her they aren’t allowed to, something about the ecosystem but mom thinks the ecosystem can go fu-“

“Regina is just a little emotional, is what Henry means.” Emma jumped in as Zelena’s eyes began to twinkle.

“Oh I’m so glad I stopped by.” Zelena finally replied as her eyes landed on Henry who was excitedly pointing at the tv.

“Ma, look!! A flute!!”

Emma already felt her insides clench a little as Zelena’s ever watchful gaze now landed on her.

“Why would a flute interest you?”

Henry, seemingly on a roll, replied for his ma.

Unfortunately for his ma.

“Ma has a magic flute! She only started playing with it today with mom who helped her tune it and mom even tried blowing down it too.”

Emma felt her face blaze.

Regina immediately sat upright.

“This isn’t what it sounds like…”

“Do you have to blow very hard to get it to work?” Henry then asked, his eyes on the lady on the tv screen who seemed to be blowing it with just the right amount of pressure.

“I don’t know Henry, ask your mother. She appears to be a pro at blowing your ma’s magic flute!”

Emma suddenly stood.

“I need a beer.”

Zelena chuckled.

“Oh wonderful. I’ll have one too, dear.”

Ruby was ready to close. The day had been a long one, with the only interesting event occurring what felt like hours ago when Emma had spilt soda all over herself in true Swan Style.

Looking up at the clock she was relieved to see there was only an hour left.

The bell chimed as Snow appeared, smile on her face as soon as she saw Ruby.

“It’s rather late for you isn’t it?” Ruby asked as she started to remove the menus from each table.

“Oh I’ve just come to see Granny. I need to borrow something and she said I could come on over.”

Snow then took a seat at the counter.

“Can I get a hot milk while I wait?”

Ruby nodded as the door opened again, Mal and Lily now entering. Both shot a smile Snow and Ruby’s way as they took a seat in the corner of the diner.

“I’ll let Granny know you’re here. And while you are here, do me a favour and back me up when I tell her we need another member of staff. I’ve worked a double today. I need a day off!”

Snow nodded in understanding before her face broke out into a smile.

“What about me? I can help! I mean, I’m not really doing a great deal at the moment?”

Ruby paused, her eyes scrunching slightly as she recalled the many (many) occasions Emma and Zelena had criticised Snows cooking. And baking.

That said, Granny was in charge of the kitchen. Snow could serve and clear tables.

“I think that’s a great idea. You should definitely suggest it!”

Ruby didn’t really care who took up the apron stings, as long as it meant she had some time off to spend with Mulan.

“Oh I will!” Snow beamed as Granny appeared holding a frying pan.

“You will what?” She asked as Ruby sauntered over to take Mal and Lily’s order.

The door chimed again as Ruby scribbled down their order, giving them both a smile before she walked back to the counter.

Snow had clearly offered her services as Granny slowly considered the possible drawbacks of employing the fairest of them all. The only thing she could think of was Snows inability to cook or indeed bake anything edible.

Not that she would be. Not in Granny’s kitchen!

“Well, I suppose we could give you a trial run. Though we do sometimes get some unsavoury individual’s you would have to deal with, Snow. Like an intoxicated Leroy. I don’t want your connection to the seven dwarfs to affect your ability to make clear cut decisions!”

Snow nodded.

“Okay then. You can work alternate afternoons, give Ruby some of the time off she’s been bellyaching about.”

Ruby grinned as Snow nodded enthusiastically.

“I won’t let you down! I can start tomorrow!”

Granny nodded as someone cleared their throat.

Snow and Granny turned.

“Hi. I don’t meant to interrupt but-“


Ruby, who was about to start on Snows milk looked up at Snows harsh interruption.

“I’m sorry?” the stranger replied, his brows now scrunched.

“Snow?” Granny asked as Snow suddenly stood.

“Y-you…. You don’t get to interrupt!”

Mal and Lily were now looking up as Ruby edged around the counter towards Snow.

“Snow? Are you alright?”

Snows face was red, her body now shaking.

“I... You!” She hissed, now pointing a finger at the man who appeared to be gathering his thoughts.

“I have no idea who you are, lady?”

Snow suddenly stood tall, or as tall as a petite woman could, both hands now clenched at her side.

“Get out.”

Granny actually gawped at Snow as the man shrugged his shoulders.

“Yeah, that’s not happening. I was just going to ask a question, no need to get so worked up about it!”

Ruby was having trouble understanding Snows attitude towards the stranger. After inspecting the man standing in the doorway further, Ruby realised she had no idea who he was.

“I guess I should have expected this kind treatment from a closed off, narrow minded small town like this one. Population 50, all with an attitude problem!”

Snow suddenly grabbed the frying pan Granny was holding, as she leapt across the room.

Ruby wasn’t entirely certain what Snow intended to do with said frying pan, so it came as a shock when the pixie haired brunette brought it up and swung it into the strangers face.

“Holy shit!”

Ruby definitely thought it but it was Lily who voiced it as Mal stood and Granny suddenly appeared beside Snow who was looking down at the body now sprawled on the floor, her own body still shaking.

“That…” Snow finally stammered down at the body, “THAT was for my daughter! And also… nobody criticises our town!”

Granny was smiling to herself as Mal and Lily appeared beside Snow, the former crouching over the body, the latter looking at Snow with a sense of new found admiration.

“Well I’ve no qualms with you handling yourself anymore, Snow! The job is definitely yours!”

Granny then laughed as Ruby hit the speed dial on her phone.

Emma picked up on the fifth ring.


Ruby was still looking at Snow in wonderment as Granny slowly removed the frying pan from her grip.

“Yeah… um…. I know you’re not on shift but… we’ve a slight situation at the diner…”

Emma sighed.

“Rubes, David and Mulan are on duty this evening. I’m sure they can handle a drunk Leroy.”

Ruby turned away from the scene as Mal stood and shrugged.

“He’s out cold.”

Ruby heard Emma in her ear immediately.

“Who’s out cold?”

Ruby shook her head before realising Emma couldn’t actually see her.

“We don’t know. Never seen him before but… Emma… Snow kinda, lost it. And… she may have hit him.”

There was a definite pause before Emma finally replied.

“My mom hit a guy you’ve never seen before? What the hell?”

Ruby swallowed hard.

“She used a frying pan.”

Emma exhaled.

“I’ll be right there.”

Emma retrieved a beer for Zelena and handed it to her.

“I have to go to the diner. There’s been an altercation.”

Zelena took the bottle and proceeded to open it against the top of Regina’s walnut coffee table. Regina glared at her sister before moving the same glare to Emma.

“You’re not on shift tonight. Send David or Mulan.”

Emma sighed.

“I have to go, it involves… Snow.”

Zelena suddenly looked up from the floor, her attempts at trying to locate the bottle top that had projected across the room now forgotten.


Emma nodded.

“She… well, according to Ruby she’s.. hit someone.”

Zelena dropped the beer bottle as Regina shot her another look before waving her hand, beer bottle and likely stain now gone.

“Are you sure Ruby isn’t seeing things? I don’t think I’ve ever seen your mother throw a punch before?” Zelena continued as Regina frowned.

“The only thing Snow is capable of throwing is a tantrum..”

Emma shrugged, jacket already on as she began to search for her car keys.

Regina sighed as Zelena stood.

“I can just imagine Snow as a bare knuckle boxer!”

Emma ran a hand over here face before facing Regina and Zelena.

“Well, she apparently used a frying pan.”

Zelena laughed.

Regina rolled her eyes. And then began to laugh.

“I’m coming with you.” Zelena finally stated once her laughing was over.

“I need to see this with my own eyes!”

“Who did she hit?” Regina asked, as she snuggled down further into the couch.

Emma looked at her girlfriend longingly, wishing she was curling up right beside her. Finally she replied.

“Ruby didn’t recognise him so no idea but I guess we’re about to find out.”

Emma parked her car outside the diner, careful not to mount the pavement.

“Your parking has improved.” Zelena joked as Emma turned to face her.

“There is nothing wrong with my parking. I had that - pulled muscle remember And I was in a lot of pain so, yeah.”

Zelena’s lips quirked into a smile as she patted Emma on the shoulder.

“Are you sure you don’t mean you had a flute that needed blowing? I mean really, Sheriff, how many undertones are there?”

Emma swallowed as she turned off the ignition, placing her keys in her pocket as the small piece of paper from earlier fell.

Into Zelena’s outstretched hand.

“Regina gave you a cock. I honestly don’t know why you can’t be honest about it.”

She then turned the paper over in her palm, reading the note.

“Oh my. You pissed someone off my dear!”

Emma huffed.

“The Blue Fairy according to Tink.”

“What a bitch. Although she was right. You did park -“

“Crappily! Yes, I know! Jesus. Let’s just get Snow and go. I’m too old for this shit!”

Emma strode towards the diner with Zelena close behind. The former was about to open the door before Zelena stopped her with a hand.

“You said Ruby didn’t recognise Snows victim?”

Emma nodded, peering back at the door whose blinds were unfortunately closed.

“Ruby knows everyone, Sheriff.”

Emma sighed.

“Yes Zelena. That thought also crossed my mind.”

Zelena beamed. Actually beamed.

“Look at us! Drawing the same conclusions. I’m wasted as a Teaching Assistant, Emma. Law enforcement is clearly in my blood. We could be partners. Can you imagine!”

Emma briefly imagined and chose not to continue with that particular trail of thought.

Working with Zelena as a partner would be… Hell personified.

“I watch Law and Order. Only the SVU one of course. Olivia Benson could arrest me any day of the week.”

Emma felt let cheeks blush a little.

She’d always had a small thing for Olivia.

“We’d need a name, of course.”

Zelena continued, so caught up in her own thoughts she had thankfully missed Emma’s blush.

Emma scrunched her eyebrows so much they almost joined in the middle.

“We already have names?”

Zelena cackled.

“Like a shipping name, Emma.”

Emma’s eyebrows now joined.

“A what?”

Zelena shook her head and then rolled her eyes.

“Remember Swan Queen? That was yours and Regina’s shipping name.”

Emma let out at “Ah” before she suddenly bit her lip.

“We’re not romantically involved though”

Zelena took a step forward and reached out a hand, fingers now lingering on Emma’s upper arm.

“But you got me pregnant, Sheriff…”

Zelena then proceeded to chuckle to herself as she removed her hand.

“I’m aware we’re not romantically or sexually involved, clearly you met Regina before me…” Zelena then wriggled her eyebrows before continuing “I mean we could have a shipping name as partners in crime; a friendship one!”

Emma shook her head.

“These shipping names are crazy. Nobody uses them.”

Zelena gasped.

“Are you serious, Sheriff? The entire population of Storybrooke has shipping names!! And when Hook arrived well, some even shipped you both as Captain Swan! He was a pirate my dear, you know what they say about cannons…. They damage ships….”

Emma was now totally lost although the thought of anyone shipping her with Hook made her feel a little queasy.

“Anyway. I’ll give it some thought. But right now I’m rather enamoured with Wicked Swan. Has a kick to it.”

Emma still couldn’t believe everyone had a shipping name.

“Alright then, what’s Snow and David’s?”

“Oh that’s too easy. Snowing.”

Emma snorted. “Their name is a weather front? Lame. What about… Rumple and Belle?”

Zelena paused, clearly for dramatic effect, before adding, “Rumbelle.”

“Sounds like a type of pasta. Or a dance. Also lame. You sure you’re not making this up?”

Zelena placed a hand over her heart.

“Guides Honor.”

Emma let out a laugh.

“They had guides in Oz? Actually forgoet I asked. Alright, one more… Ruby and Mulan?”

“Oh that’s my favourite. I actually named that one myself. MulanRouge!”

Emma begrudgingly nodded.

“Yeah okay. I’ll give you that one.

Emma then pulled the door to the diner open whilst tugging at Zelena.

“We’re still not having the name Wicked Swan. I sound like the Dark One!”

Both then stopped in the doorway as the former Dark One appeared in view, hovering over an unconscious body that was still sprawled on the tiled floor.

“Okay, can someone please tell me what the hell happened here?”

Emma shot her question to anyone as both her and Zelena stepped further into the diner, the view of the ‘victim’ still obscured by Rumple.

Rumple turned and finally took a step to the side.

The first thing Emma saw was her mother standing to one side, hand over her mouth, with Granny and Ruby on either side of her, the former holding a frying pan and the latter still holding her phone.

Mal and Lily were near the door.

“I wish I filmed it.” Lily was saying to Mal who slowly nodded before looking at Emma and Zelena.

“Did you have a nice mother daughter evening?” Zelena asked, passing Rumple and stepping over the body on the floor. Glancing down she tilted her head before looking back at Emma.

“I don’t recognise him either.”

Emma took several steps forward and looked down.

Finally she spoke. Her voice high pitched.

“You’ve got to be shitting me!”

Chapter 6


As always, thank you for reading ❤️

Chapter Text

Emma now understood Snow’s reaction.

Like mother, like daughter.

Emma never felt so proud.

“Emma, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

Snow was now sobbing into Granny as Lily let out a chuckle, pointing to the body, her voice laced with humour, “I don’t know what came over her either, but I know what came over him - a frying pan! Right to the face! It was epic!”

Zelena was once again mildly pissed off she’d missed the show.

“It really was a case of out of the frying pan into the fire for… him.” The redhead  snarked, her eyes falling on the unconscious man.

Mal cast her daughter and Zelena a small frown before she looked at Emma, who was looking back at an unconscious Neil.

Emma looked up and down the body. He appeared the same as the Neil she’d encountered in the alternate reality, although it was hard to be completely sure. He was, after all, currently comatose. Emma realised she preferred him this way.

Rumple suddenly cleared his throat as he pointed the tip of his cane towards Neil.

“I think this young man may need hospital attention.”

Emma blinked.

Young man?

Realisation suddenly dawned on Emma. Rumple had no idea who Neil was. Why would he? As far as he knew, his son was lost, possibly forever and couldn’t be this this stranger who was laid out on the diner floor, the indent of a pan now clearly visible across his cheek.

“Um. Zelena? Can you maybe... Poof him to the hospital?”

Zelena’s eyes squinted back at the body before moving back to Emma. The Sheriff was clearly agitated and Zelena had a suspicion Snow wasn’t the only one who knew who the stranger was.

“Take him there and meet me back at the mansion.”

Zelena immediately understood there was something Emma wasn’t telling her, something she would once Snow’s human punching bag was admitted to Storybrooke General Infirmary.

Zelena nodded.

“Sure thing, partner.”

Emma knew Zelena had questions. Probably a list of questions but she was thankful that Regina’s sister was willing to let them slide, for now.

Mal cleared her throat and quirked an eyebrow.

Zelena noticed Mal’s look which immediately demanded an explanation on how exactly Emma and Zelena were partners. The former wicked witch laughed at her girlfriends mild jealous streak.

Which was rather hot.

“Oooh, as in law enforcement partner my dear. Emma has realised what an asset I’d be.”

Mal’s eyes then seemed to dance all over Zelena as she grinned.

“Yes my dear. You have many - fine - assets.”

Lily coughed and muttered “get a room.” which wasn’t lost on Emma as she couldn’t help a small smile break across her face. Slowly she nudged Zelena.

“The hospital?”

Zelena nodded again.

“Of course.”

Rumple stood back as Zelena tapped her foot onto Neil’s chest. Within seconds they had both vanished.

Emma let out a sigh of relief as Rumple finally looked up.

“I suppose the Mayors Neighbourhood Watch Scheme wasn’t such a bad idea after all, although I didn’t realise you were a member Snow. I can only presume you were protecting yourself and this property?”

Emma wasn’t entirely certain if Rumple was asking a genuine question or he was being his usual sarcastic self. She also had no idea what the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme was, clearly something that had been discussed at a Town Council meeting she had either fallen asleep during (with no help whatsoever from a cursed apple pie) or her attention had been on Regina’s cleavage.

Probably moreso the latter.

Emma heard herself respond on her mothers behalf.

“You know Snow is all about fostering community spirit by reducing crime.”

Again Emma wasn’t certain what Neil had actually done to warrant a frying pan to the face but she don’t much care. Her eyes were now on Snow who was still shaking.

“Have I killed him? I haven’t killed him, have I?”

Granny let out a laugh.

“He was breathing Snow. My pan is only made from aluminium. Be thankful it wasn’t my cast iron one!”

Emma suddenly found herself wishing that it had been Granny’s cast iron one as she strode over to Snow, wrapping her in a firm embrace.

“He isn’t dead. It’s alright. He’s alright.”

Snow hiccuped.

“I’m so sorry, Emma.”

Emma hugged her even closer.

“Don’t apologise. You defended me and I love you for it.” Emma whispered into Snow’s ear as Rumple shrugged.

“Well, far be it from me to stand in the way of whatever this was. Can I order now please?”

Rumple was now walking across to the counter, the ‘click’ of his cane echoing each time it hit the tiled floor. Leaning on it for support he pointed to the pie that was on display.

“Belle’s favourite. I’ll take it all.”

Granny immediately moved to serve Rumple as Emma, still hugging Snow, peered over her head and looked towards Mal.

“Can you do me a favour?”

Mal stepped closer.

“What’s going on, Emma?”

Mal was a lot of things. Often indulgent. Seldom patient. Always mischievous. Never stupid. Something didn’t sit right with her the moment she had seen Snow react to the strange man nobody seemed to know or recognise.

Except Snow.

The realisation that had crossed her face as soon as he had made himself known was rather transparent and the way Emma had reacted when she’d seen his body on the floor…

Clearly they both knew exactly who he was.

Snow finally pulled back from Emma, a hand wiping at her face.

“And who’s the guy who got pummelled with a frying pan?” Lily asked as Snow began to shake, her eyes now on Emma.

“He…” Snow paused, waiting for Emma to continue.

Emma realised her mother was far too wound up and emotional to answer any questions.

“Ruby can you take Snow upstairs and get her a drink? I’ll call David”

Ruby nodded and linked her arm around Snows.

“C’mon Snow. You can take it easy upstairs and wait for David.”

Emma was grateful Ruby directed Snow to the back staircase, ignoring her temptation to throw the many questions she knew the waitress had her or Snows way.

Once the duo left, Emma turned to Mal and Lily.

“I need to speak to Rumple. Can you stop by and see Regina? Tell her I may be a little late back?”

Lily nodded as Mal took another step forwards.

“What do I tell Regina?”

Emma swallowed hard before answering quietly so as not to drawn a certain former dark ones attention her way.

“Tell her I’ll be home as soon as I’ve spoken to Rumple - about his son.”

Lily was about to say something when Mal brought a hand to her daughters shoulder.

Rumples son… Baelfire, if Mal’s memory served her correctly. Not that she knew a great deal about him, only that he had gone missing as a youngster.

Yet here he apparently was, much older.

“I can do that.” She replied, giving Emma a smile as Lily continued to look confused.

“Thanks, Mal. And - can you maybe stay with her until I get back? I don’t want…”

Emma paused.

What was she supposed to say? I don’t want Regina to poof herself to the hospital in her current emotional state so she can wait for Neil to wake up before she knocks him out again?

Probably with something a lot harder than a pan!

“I just don’t want her to be alone.”

Mal nodded.

“I’ll stay with her. Lily, you can head home if you so wish.”

Mal wasn’t sure if Lily would want to go to Regina’s, or whether her curiosity would get the better of her. Luckily her daughter merely nodded as she placed a tentative hand in Emma’s shoulder.

“I’m here if you or your mom need anything, Emma.”

On Mal and Lily’s departure, Granny handed Emma the frying pan.

“It’s alright. I don’t need to take this as evidence or anything.”

Emma had checked with Ruby to see if she had called David or Mulan about the very one sided fight. She hadn’t.

“Oh I know that Sheriff, but Snow needs it. That’s why she came over here in the first place.”

“To borrow a frying pan?” Emma asked as Rumple chuckled next to her, his pie now in a box.

“Good thing she didn’t want to borrow your shotgun.” He smirked as Emma turned to face him.

She suspected if he knew who Neil was, he wouldn’t be smirking or making that kind of joke.

“I didn’t ask, Emma. Anyway, here - tell her she can keep it as long as she needs it. Once I get it back I’m framing it - we need to remember this evening; the day Snow White took out a patronising, cocky out of towner with my Frying Pan.”

Granny looked extremely smug.

“I never thought I’d see the day.” Rumple acknowledged as he picked up his pie and began to walk from the diner.

“What did… the out of towner want, exactly?” Emma heard herself ask as Rumple paused. Clearly he was as intrigued as she was.

“No idea. He walked in, and Snow immediately told him to leave. Condescending little shit then took a pot shot about our town, so Snow used my pan as a tennis racket; his face the ball. He went down like a sack of spuds! That’ll teach him to berate our town!”

Rumple chuckled.

“Good evening ladies.” He continued as he turned to leave.

“Actually, Rumple I need to talk to you.”

Granny bade them both a good evening, adding she would call David for Emma.

Rumple made it as far as the door.

“Very well, what do you need to talk to me about?”

Emma shifted from one foot to the other before she sighed.

This wasn’t going to be easy.

“I know it’s late but can we talk at yours? I think you’re going to want Belle to hear what I have to say.”

If Rumple was perplexed by Emma’s request he didn’t show it.

Emma hoped having Belle’s calming influence would tame any potential flames Rumple may throw her way when he found out the body he had joked about earlier was, in fact, his son - a son her mother had just about flattened with granny’s frying pan.

Emma almost let out a chuckle at the madness of it all.

This really was the story of her life.

“Very well. Lead the way.”

Dr Whale almost groaned before he swallowed his frustration.

“I’m starting to think you and your family have shares in this hospital, the number of times you drop in unexpectedly!”

Zelena shrugged.

“Don’t thank me for doing your job for you. I could have easily rang for an ambulance.”

Whale signed and finally looked down.

Zelena’s foot was still resting on a body.

“What have you done this time?” he asked, a deep frown appearing on his face as he lowered himself to his knees to examine the body.

“Me? Why do people always assume it’s something I’ve done?”

Whale let out an exasperated sigh.

“Because if it isn’t you it’s more than likely the Sheriff. Is she going to suddenly appear too? No doubt with the same type of concussion this chap seems to have?”

Zelena let out a cackle.

“No. The Sheriff was not involved for once. Just her mother.”

Whale had finished examining the body and was now standing.

“Snow White?” he asked rather skeptically as Zelena nodded, four nurses now surrounding the body, lifting it onto a gurney.

“What did he do to her? Is she alright?”

Zelena rolled her eyes.

“You should be asking me what she did to him, Whale. But seen as you won’t, I’ll tell you. She hit him. Square in the face. With granny’s frying pan.”

Whales mouth dropped.

“Seems as thought she’s also the toughest of them all, I always wondered if she had passed anything onto Emma, now I know for sure she has.”

Whales mouth closed.

“Who is he? He must have provoked her in some way?”

Zelena loved how those deemed “good” were always given the benefit of the doubt whereas those who had a touch of evil shadowing their past were always presumed guilty in one way or another.

Though in this case she was rather proud of Snow.

“I don’t know who he is, but I’m going to find out. Toodle pip!”

And with that Zelena poofed away, leaving Whale scratching his head at the thought of Snow White attacking someone with a kitchen utensil.

“Regina darling? It’s Mal.”

Mal had knocked a couple of times before opening the door to 108 Mifflin Street.

Walking down the hallway she came across Henry first, who was about to walk upstairs, closely followed by Regina who turned to face Mal.

“Is everything alright?”

Mal noticed how tired Regina looked as she gave a small nod.

“Yes my dear. Emma sent me. See to Henry and I’ll wait for you in the living room.”

Regina nodded, wondering why Emma had sent Mal and not Zelena.

“And before you ask, Emma is fine. I met her in the diner.”

Regina was still puzzled but nodded again, taking Henry’s hand.

“Night Mal!” Henry shouted as he turned to jog up the stairs.

“Inside voice, Henry.” Regina warmly scolded as Mal smiled to herself.

Mal was waiting in the living room when she was joined by Zelena.

“Well, tonight was a hell of a night!” The redhead chuckled as she joined her girlfriend on the couch.

“What happened at the hospital?” Mal asked, taking Zelena’s hand in hers.

“Hospital?” Regina asked, as both seated women turned to look at the doorway.

“Take a seat, Reggie.”

Regina sighed, too tired to correct her sisters use of nickname. Again.

Slowly she walked and took a seat.

“So, what’s going on and where is Emma? Or Snow?”

Zelena looked at Mal.

“You first.”

Mal edged further back into the seat and placed her hands on her lap.

“Lily and I decided to go to the diner for a nightcap after the movie Lily chose, which by the way, was terrible.”

Zelena let out a laugh as Mal straightened her back and continued.

“Snow was already there when we arrived and Ruby took our order. I’m not really sure what happened next, all I do recall is a stranger entering. He interrupted Snow and Granny and the next thing I know, Snow is shouting at him from across the room, demanding he leave.”

Regina’s brows furrowed as Zelena tilted her head in thought.

“He, whoever he is, then decided it was a good idea to call Storybrooke and its residents, narrow minded. This appeared to be the proverbial red rag to a bull, because Snow reached for the frying pan Granny was holding, stormed across the room and hit him with it right across the side of his face.”

The room went quiet.

“So she really did hit him.” Regina mused more to herself as Zelena turned to face Mal.

“Is she cursed or something? I mean, this is so out of character for Snow. Yes she can get angry but the worst I’ve seen her react was when she missed the fabric sale at “Sew and Sews” which caused her to write a strongly worded letter. Pretty sure she also exclaimed “dangnabbit” as only Snow could.”

Mal shook her head.

“I sensed no curse. I do, however, think I know who was on the receiving end of Snow’s anger thanks to something Emma said.”

Regina and Zelena immediately edged closer to Mal.

Mal turned to Regina.

“She specifically asked for me to come here to tell you she needed to speak to Rumple - about his son - and would be home soon after.”

All of a sudden everything began to make sense to Regina.


Neil was the stranger.

Neil, who Snow knew from the alternate universe.

Neil, who Snow had the misfortune to meet after Emma told her about her past connection to him.

Neil, who Emma herself had punched the first time she had met him again, albeit with a fist and not a frying pan.

Only this wasn’t that Neil - no, this was their Neil.


Regina, lost in thought jumped as Zelena’s voice rang through the air.

“Are we to assume the man on the floor is Rumples son?” Zelena asked as Regina stood.

“Where is the asshole now?”

Mal stood.

“Which one? Rumple or his supposed son?” Zelena asked, also now standing.

“The asshole son….”

Regina couldn’t believe it.

Neil was here.

Henry’s father was here.

What was Emma telling Rumple?

“The asshole son was taken to the hospital, I poofed him there myself at Emma’s request.  I think her decision was more down to her wanting him out of the way so she could comfort Snow who was rather upset with her actions.”

“She shouldn’t be upset: she deserves a medal for knocking that bastard out.” Regina barked as Mal shifted.

“I’m sensing a lot of hostility Regina. What do you have against Rumples son?” Mal asked quietly.

It was a fair question and one Regina would answer once she had spoken to Emma.

“I - there are things I need to tell you both but not until I’ve spoken to Emma. Is she with Rumple now?”

Mal nodded as they all sat back down.

“She wanted me to stay here until she returned, she seemed a little agitated.”

Regina swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. Her immediate flare up at hearing Neil was in town made her forget how Emma must be feeling.

Emma, who Neil betrayed.

Emma, who Neil mentally abused for his own amusement.

Emma, who was cast aside and made to serve a prison sentence for a crime Neil committed whilst she was pregnant.

“How about I make us all some tea?” Mal suddenly suggested as she turned to face Zelena.

“Go to her.” She whispered as Zelena nodded. Standing, she gave Mal a peck on the lips before walking over to Regina, joining her sister on the couch.

“Talk to me sis. Why is Neil here and how come he’s managed to piss you and Snow off?”

Regina found herself burying her head into Zelena’s neck, appreciating the warmth.  She remained like that for a few minutes before lifting her head, her eyes now on her sister.

“Snow and Emma met Neil in the alternate universe, and found out he was Rumples son.”

Zelena nodded, waiting for Regina to continue.

Regina cleared her throat.

“He… that is, Emma knew him. Before.”

“Before Storybrooke?” Zelena probed gently as Regina nodded.


Regina couldn’t say it. It hurt too much to admit that Neil was Henry’s father. Without realising it, tears were falling down her cheeks as Zelena put two and two together.

“He’s Henry’s father.”

Regina buried her face in her hands as Zelen slowly ran her fingers through her sisters hair. Finally the brunette loooed up through tear stained lashes.


David wasn’t sure what to expect when he entered the diner and was ushered upstairs towards the small living room both Granny and Ruby shared.

He didn’t expect to see his wife, in the arms of Ruby, as she quietly sobbed.


Snow immediately jumped up and leapt across the room towards her husband.

“Let’s give them some privacy.” Granny mumbled to Ruby who nodded. Before they could leave, Snow’s raised voice sounded from across the toom.

“Are you sure you still want someone like me working here?”

Granny chuckled and patted Snow on the arm.

“The job is yours but maybe start in a few days? I have a feeling you’ll be - busy - with things tomorrow.”

Snow nodded as David cupped her cheeks.

“Let’s go home.”

Emma felt uncomfortable. Rumple was being eerily silent during the drive. She was still shocked he had actually accepted her offer to drive them back to his house in her bug.

“So… Belle likes pie?” She heard herself ask as Rumple nodded.

Emma felt a bead of sweat trickle down her neck.

“How did you get to the diner?”

Emma had often wondered how Rumple actually travelled around Storybrooke. It wasn’t as though he owned a car.

“Magic, dearie.”

Emma nodded again, suddenly wishing she had Zelena or Ruby on the car with her, missing their constant chatter which would have made the uncomfortable silence at least bearable.

“Interesting choice. Why yellow?” Rumple suddenly asked as Emma shot him a quick side glance.


Rumple waved his hand in the air.

“Your car.”

Emma felt her stomach lurch.

Oh. This car? The one I tried to steal only to find someone else had already managed to? That someone else being Neil, your son and yeah, I only have this yellow car because for some reason your son decided to leave me the keys after he fucked off to god knows where after making me take the fall for a crime he committed.

“I like yellow.”

Rumple merely nodded again as Emma finally pulled into the driveway that led up to the small house that was attached to the pawn shop.

Turning the keys in the ignition, Emma realised her hands were shaking, something Rumple didn’t fail to notice.

“Nervous, Sheriff?”

Emma shoved the keys into her pocket. It was futile to lie.


Rumple seemed to consider her response before finally reaching out a hand, placing it on her shoulder.

“There is no need.”

And with that he exited the car and limped towards the front door.

Emma watched, shocked at the gesture before Rumple turned.

“Are you coming Sheriff?”

David had finally managed to calm Snow down, driving them back home. Once inside, they made their way to the kitchen where Snow took a seat.

“I can’t believe I did what I did.” She whispered as David took her hands in his.

“Snow, what happened?”

Snow took a deep breath, her eyes still on her hands that were clasped in David’s.

“When Emma and I went to the alternate universe, we met someone called Neil.”

David nodded, waiting patiently for his wife to continue.

“Neil is Rumples son.”

David dipped his head before a thought struck him, a thought he immediately voiced.

“So that’s why our Rumple wanted to go there? He knew his alternates son was alive?”

Snow shook her head and then shrugged.

“I honestly don’t know what our Rumple thought. He lost his son in the Enchanted Forest and he desperately wants to find him again. The Rumple we met, I think he lost his son too the only difference was, his returned.”

David nodded, “And you and Emma met him?”

Snows bottom lip began to wobble.


Snow wasn’t sure how to continue. She may have hit Neil with a frying pan but once she told David who Neil was to Emma she had a feeling David would happily swap the pan for his sword.

“David… Emma knows Neil.”

David frowned, “I know? You said you both met him?”

Snow shook her head, swallowing.

“No, I mean, she knew him from before. When she was younger, before Storybrooke.”

David shifted, his face still confused.

How did she know him?”

Snow bit her lip to stop the wobble she could feel.

“They had a relationship. Of sorts. And from what Emma told me, it wasn’t a healthy one. He’s… David, Neil is Henry’s father.”

Emma found herself being ushered into the small living room by Belle, who had a smile on her face.

“It’s lovely to see you, Emma!”

Emma smiled, relieved that Belle was indeed here. Rumple was confusing, at least Belle was sincere.

“Miss Swan has something she wishes to speak to us about, Belle.”

Belle smiled and motioned for Emma to take a seat.

“Um, I can’t stay long, I’ll just stand if that’s alright…”

Belle immediately sensed the stiffness in Emma’s response. Gently she placed a reassuring hand on Emma’s back.

“Emma, is everything alright?”

Emma felt like throwing herself into Belle, knowing the young woman would be able to comfort her because no, things were n ot alright. Not by a long shot.


Rumple moved so he was now beside Belle.

“Is this something to do with the man Snow struck with a frying pan?”

Belle’s mouth parted.

“Snow did what?”

Emma sighed and finally took a seat. Rumple and Belle did the same, sitting opposite.

Finally Emma cleared her throat.

“When Snow and I went to the parallel universe, we met your son.”

Rumple immediately stood before Belle placed a hand on his hip, pulling him back down to her side.

“Go on, Emma.”

Belle’s voice was soft and calming.

“His name was Neil, and it appears he also grew up in a world without magic, my world.”

Emma had no intentions of going any further with that particular theme. She needed to speak to Regina first so they could decide how to explain Emma’s history with Neil to Rumple.

“Was the man on the floor my son?”

Rumples voice cracked as Belle took his hand in hers. Emma glanced from Belle to Rumple.


Rumple covered his face with his hands.

“The other Rumple also lost his son, it seems as though Neil had only just turned up recently when we met him. I suppose that’s now mirrored here too.”

Rumple removed his hands and Emma was shocked to see tears gathering in his eyes.

“Snow knew who - Neil - was, when he entered the diner?”

Rumples voice was now raspy as Emma nodded.

“Do I even want to know what made Snow White react the way she did towards - my son?”

Emma visibly gulped and stood.

“I think right now all you should focus on is your son who’s at the hospital. There is more but right now I can’t say anymore. I won’t say anymore.”

Belle and Rumple stood, the former nodding as the latter pulled Emma into a hug.

Finally the young brunette stepped back.

“Thank you for telling us, Emma.”

Emma ran a hand though her hair.

“I should have told you as soon as we arrived back, I just had a lot on my mind.”

Rumple was leaning on his cane, clearly lost in his thoughts. Finally he looked up.

“Better late than lever, dearie. And it is getting rather late, I think someone will be waiting at home for you.”

Emma nodded and walked towards the door.


Emma nearly fainted. Rumple had never called her by her first name before.

Emma peered at Rumple who looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

“You once said that former villains should write their own happy ending. I don’t know how or why this has happened now but - thank you.”

Emma didn’t know how to react.

“And I hope we can speak further about Neil.”

Emma nodded. She wasn’t certain that would happen anytime soon but she was thankful the evening had progressed better than she had expected.

“I Should get going.”

Belle and Rumple both nodded, the latter offering Emma a smile as the blonde made her way back to her car.

She just wanted to get home to her family.

Emma knew she’d parked her car rather haphazardly on the driveway but she didn’t care. All she cared about was getting inside as soon as possible so she could see Regina.

Glancing at the time on her phone she realised she had missed Henry’s bedtime.

She also spotted a text from David.

Emma. I’ve taken Snow home. I know about Neil; I only wish I could have been there to see my daughter knock him out with her fist and my wife knock him out with a frying pan! Get some rest. We’ll speak tomorrow. We love you.

Emma felt tears prick at her eyes at David’s text as the front door opened.

Emma looked up to find Mal and Zelena gently closing the door behind them.

“I see your decent parking was short lived.” Zelena mused as Emma turned to look at her car.

She had parked better.

“Nevertheless we’ll give you an out this evening.” Mal interrupted, her eyes softening at Emma before she continued. “Regina has fallen asleep on the sofa and Henry is in bed. Go be with your family, Emma.”

Emma smiled.

“I will. And thank you both for everything.”

Mal patted her arm as Zelena pulled her into a hug.

“We’ll speak tomorrow, Sheriff Swan.”

And with that she kissed Emma on the cheek before walking away arm in arm with Mal.

Chapter Text

Emma watched Mal and Zelena leave arm in arm before turning to enter their home.

Their home.

She still couldn’t believe she finally had a home.

Not just a place she resided, like her once tiny but snug room above the diner.

Not just some random apartment block in a big city where she slept.

And not just a roof over her head like she had when she lived with Mary Margaret,  before she knew who Mary Margaret was.

She had a home. And a family. A son who called her Ma and a… Regina. Her Regina. Her beloved, her crush, her passion, her soulmate… her love who was carrying their child.

Regina who would, one day, become her wife.

As Emma entered the hallway, quickly removing her jacket and boots she immediately recalled Mal tell her that Regina was asleep on the sofa. A part of her already knew, she could feel her, sense her, and walking quietly into the room she finally saw her, fast asleep, curled up tight.

Emma remembered one time she had found Regina in a similar state almost a year ago, before they were even a ‘thing’.

Back then Emma had used Henry’s key to let them into Regina’s home, presuming the Mayor was still at work. She’s got a call from Henry’s school saying Henry wasn’t feeling well and could she come and collect him because they were unable to get through to Regina. Emma had found that somewhat strange but had automatically driven to the school to find a pale looking Henry waiting for her at the school reception.

She’d walked over to him, nudging his arm with hers.

“Hey kid. You’re not looking too good buddy.”

Henry had looked up, his face looking even paler against his dark brown hair that had flopped over his forehead.

“I don’t feel good. Where’s mom?”

Ordinarily Emma would have felt a little slighted at Henry’s question, however the more she got to know Regina, albeit begrudgingly, the more she realised how much she had to learn from the stoic brunette about being a mom.

“She must be in a meeting. They couldn’t get through to her so you’re stuck with me.”

Henry had stood and nodded which caused him to flinch before he took Emma’s hand in his. It had felt clammy.

“Can you take me home? I don’t feel well and - I just want to go home.”

Normally Emma would have taken Henry to the diner.  Wednesday afternoons and evenings were her designated time with him as Regina always worked late, collecting him on her way home. This time, however, she noticed how unwell Henry really was, the poor kid probably wanted his own bed.

“Sure thing. Just let me call your mom to explain she won’t need to collect you from the diner later.”

So, like the school had done, Emma had called Regina and received no response. Instead she’d sent a quick text alerting her sons other mother that she’d collected him from school as he was unwell and would be taking him back to the mansion.

They’d finally got to the mansion, after Emma had stopped by the pharmacy. At the time she hadn’t known Peter Piper was the lead chemist but he’d given her medicine and told her to keep an eye on Henry’s temperature, adding there was a persistent flu bug currently making it’s way around Storybrooke.

Henry had immediately taken himself off to bed, a sure sigh that he really was feeling unwell. Emma, conscious that it had been a long time since she had dealt with a sick child had administered the medicine, checked his temperature and given him a glass of water, thankful his temperature wasn’t too high.

“Sleep for a few hours kid and I’ll make you some soup later.”

It was only three in the afternoon and Regina wasn’t due back for at least another five hours. Henry had pulled a face.

“I’d rather have moms chicken noodle soup, Emma.”

Emma hadn’t flinched. She would probably prefer Regina’s chicken noodle soup too.

“Well let me talk to her once she’s home and we can see.”

She’d then tucked him in, promising to return in half an hour to check on him before slowly making her way back downstairs.

It was only then she realised they were not alone once she’d poured herself a glass of water, wandering into the living room, phone in hand, ready to call Regina again.

Regina who she didn’t actually need to be call because she was laid, or rather, sprawled, across the sofa, fast asleep.

Emma had blinked a few times, even going so far as to wiping at her eyes to make sure she really was seeing the usual uptight mayor fast asleep on her couch during a work day.

Her eyes then moved to the table where Regina’s phone was placed. Picking it up she realised it had been put on silent, either deliberately or accidentally.

Emma had pondered what to do for all of five minutes before she came to a decision, because standing there looking down at the beautiful woman in front of her could be construed as being kinda creepy.

“Um…. Regina? It’s me. Emma.”

The mayor has shifted, a groan escaping her unusually pale lips which had resonated in the pit of Emma’s stomach, flip flopping its way around the rest of her body as the brunettes eyes slowly fluttered open.

Regina had then looked at Emma for what felt like a lifetime, a smile appearing on her beautiful but pale face momentarily before it was replaced with a deep frown.

“Wh-what.” Regina had then husked, her face now riddled with confusion as Emma took a step back.

“Hi” Emma had replied, noting that the brunettes face was rather ashen.

Regina had then sat bolt upright, the makeshift throw she’d had on her body falling to the ground.

“Miss Swan! What are you…”

Regina had then started to cough. Emma quickly handed her the glass of water she’d poured herself, relieved that the mayor actually took it from her, gulping the contents down in one go.

“I’m sorry I woke you. I didn’t expect to see you.”

Regina had then shaken her head, before standing.

Moments later she was sitting back down, her legs clearly incapable of supporting her.

“You didn’t expect to see me in my own home?” She had then barked, before her hand had shot to her throat.

Regina always sounded husky. Something Emma had always secretly adored and appreciated. However, the huskiness was replaced with a hoarseness.

Regina had the same bug Henry did.

“Regina, I’m sorry for disturbing you but I had to collect Henry from school, he’s not feeling well and by the look of it, neither are you.”

Regina had tried to stand again but immediately gave up.

“The school should have called me.” she now whispered, her hands in her hair trying to calm the tendrils she assumed were sticking up.

Emma wished she’d leave her hair alone. She kinda liked the dishevelled look and the mayor wore it well.

“They did. So did I. Your phones on silent so I collected him. He’s upstairs in bed.”

Regina’s eyes had shot up and Emma finally realised how bloodshot they looked.

“I went to the pharmacy and the chemist gave me some medicine for Henry, which he’s taken. Bed rest is the order of the day although the kid has demanded your chicken noodle soup for later.”

Emma’s voice had trailed off as Regina sighed and picked up her phone, noticing the missed calls she’d groaned again and dropped her phone to her side.

“I’m sorry you’ve been inconvenienced, Miss Swan.”

Emma found herself sitting beside Regina who immediately stiffened.

“It’s no inconvenience picking up our kid, Regina. I just assumed you were in a meeting. Are you alright? I think you may have the same bug Henry has.”

Regina has shifted away from Emma then, mumbling something under her breath that sounded like “I don’t get sick.”

Emma chuckled to herself.

“Regina, you were fast asleep on the sofa at three o’clock in the afternoon. You look as pale as Henry and your eyes are bloodshot and seriously, I can feel your heated body temperature from here.”

She wasn’t lying, although Emma also suspected she herself felt a little hot at seeing Regina this way. Her unbuttoned shirt sure as hell wasn’t helping. Emma was convinced she could see the top of the brunettes purple lace bra peeping up at her.

“I… I came home. I wasn’t feeling myself.” Regina admitted before she sheepishly looked up at Emma.

“I didn’t realise my phone was on silent though.”

Emma shrugged and stood.

“Are you leaving?” Regina had then asked, almost sounding disappointed as Emma pointed to the door.

“I’m going to the chemist for you and then I’m going to pick up something for us all to eat from granny’s. You need to keep your energy up.”

Regina had managed to stand, although she was clearly wavering on her feet.

“But first I’m taking you to bed.”

As soon as the words escaped Emma’s mouth she had inwardly groaned.

“I beg your pardon?” Regina rasped as Emma attempted to back peddle.

“You can barely stand. Can you make it upstairs?”

Regina huffed and began to walk to the door as if to prove a point.

She failed, wobbling, falling into Emma’s side.

“Yeah, just what I thought. Quit being difficult and come here.”

Before Emma could reconsider her actions, or allow Regina to move away from her, she scooped the mayor up into her arms bridal style.

“Don’t you… how dare you…. I can manage!” Regina had attempted to sound forbidding. Instead her voice had squeaked.

“No, you can’t so suck it up buttercup.”

And Emma had taken the stairs two at a time, Regina pulled tightly into her chest  as the mayor secretly marvelled at Emma’s strength. Not that she would ever let on.

As Emma looked down at Regina she remembered the first time she had carried her to bed; how it had felt holding the brunette so close. She had never wanted to let go, and now - now she would never have to.

“Regina baby, wake up.”

Regina stirred, eyes opening and unfocused as the same smile Emma had seen nearly a year ago spread across her face.


Emma was immediately scooping her girlfriend up into her arms as the brunette let out a sigh.

“I missed you.”

Emma grinned as she walked upstairs, pulling Regina into her body like she had before, only this time she would be joining her soulmate in their bedroom and not just depositing her on her bed like she had when Regina had finally given in and admitted to Emma that she ‘possibly, perhaps, maybe’ had a flu bug.

“I missed you too.”

Emma then nudged the door open with her elbow, walking them both into their bedroom.

“Neil’s here, isn’t he.”

Emma allowed Regina to stand as she nodded her head.

“Neil’s here.”

Regina sat down heavily on the bed, her hands now clasped tightly together on her lap, her eyes resting on them before she finally looked up at Emma.

“And your mother knocked him out with a frying pan.”

Emma rolled her bottom lip, and Regina watched as it vanished into her mouth.

“Yeah. She… yeah.”

Emma wasn’t certain how to continue and was relieved, so relieved, when Regina started to laugh.

“I think your mother is growing on me, my love.”

Emma joined in. She couldn’t help it.

Finally their laughter subsided as Emma sat down, her arm now around Regina’s shoulders.

“Ruby took her upstairs to their living room. I think mom was in shock. She thought she’d killed him at one point.”

Regina shrugged.

“Would it have been the end of the worldIf she had?”

Emma knew Regina wasn’t joking.

“Honestly? No. Not as far as I’m concerned but for Snow? She would never have forgiven herself.”

Regina brought her arm around Emma’s waist.

“No. That’s true. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

Emma knew Regina was now speaking from experience as she turned and rested her forehead into Regina’s neck.

“I had to speak to Rumple. He was there. Can you believe he was there? When the fuck does Rumple ever go into the diner alone at this time wanting a pie?!”

Regina could sense Emma’s anxiety as she began to run her finger tips up and down the blondes cheek.

“Mal said you needed to tell him, about his son.”

Emma nodded into Regina’s neck.

“I saw him, standing over - Neil. He even made a joke about Snow using Granny’s frying pan on him. I - I had to tell him. I didn’t say anything about Henry; he has no idea I even knew Neil before. He only knows we met in the parallel universe.”

Emma sat back at rubbed at her face.

“I’m sorry, I’m just tired. I’m so tired. And Neil showing up? I just… god I wish he’d just fuck off right back to wherever it was he came from.”

Regina pulled Emma back into her.

“I know, darling. I know. We’ll just take each day as it comes. If our alternates can manage as asswipe like Neil, we can.”

Emma chuckled.

“You just said asswipe? You did. Jesus. I’m rubbing off on you big time, you know that right?”

Regina chuckled.

“Yes my love. You rub off on me in the very best of ways.”

Emma’s breath hitched.

“I’m kinda glad I don’t have little swam right now, babe. Cause if I did….”

Regina pushed Emma back on the bed.

“Tomorrow, we talk about - him. Tonight? Tonight you let me rub off on you….”

Emma felt her entire body quake as Regina’s fingers began to pull the button on her jeans.

“Tonight I’ll make you forget….”

Regina’s warm lips were now on her neck, her teeth nibbling and circling around her pulse point.

“Tonight, I’ll make you scream out my name…”

Emma’s heart was now fluttering at break neck speed as Regina’s agile fingers slipped below, a thumb running semi circles over her briefs before they dipped under the material.

“Tonight, I’ll make you mine.”

Emma’s back arched as determined fingers located their goal.

“Oh, god….”

“Did gran really hit someone with granny’s toaster?”

It was the morning after the “Frying Pan” incident and seemingly Henry had overheard Emma telling Regina and Zelena the evening before about Snow and her unusual use of a kitchen utensil. 

Regina immediately spotted her blonde girlfriend attempt to stifle her laughter as her body began to shake.

“Only your Ma has problems with toasters, Henry.”

Emma raised a brow as Regina continued.

“Snow didn’t hit anyone with a - toaster.”

Henry was shovelling the last pieces of scrambled eggs into his mouth before he paused, fork hovering in mid air.

“What did she hit him with then?”

Emma began to play with her toast as she finally took a quick breath and looked up at her son.

“A frying pan.”

Henry’s fork continued to hover before he shrugged, shovelling the last bite into his open mouth.

“But resorting to that kind of behaviour is not the answer, Henry.”

Regina’s voice was stern even though, deep down, she would happily throw a toaster into Neil’s face.

Better still, a microwave.

Finally Henry finished his food before sighing and rubbing at his belly, something he had definitely got from Emma.

“He must’ve deserved it though. Gran is… good. Like, really, really good so I’m thinking he must’ve seriously pissed her off.”

Emma dropped her toast as Regina pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Hen, language.” Emma scolded half heartedly as Henry seemed to finally realise what he’s said.

“Aunty Z told me that pissed off wasn’t a bad word. It's a col… collo… colloq..” Henry paused, his brows scrunched before he shrugged, “It just basically means “very annoyed.”

Emma couldn’t help a grin escape her lips as Regina pinched the bridge of her nose again for the second time that morning.

Colloquial, Henry. And it’s still inappropriate. Isn’t it, Emma?”

Emma nodded, as she sheepishly glanced at Henry.

“Yes, Snow was extremely - annoyed - but she still shouldn’t have hit him with a frying pan.”

Henry edged towards her.

“So your fist is better? Like you and mom did to Robin?”

Regina groaned and threw a tea towel at Emma.

“I’m going to take a shower. You can handle this one.”

Emma’s mouth dropped as the brunette turned and left the room.

“Oh shit.” Henry chuckled to himself “Moms pissed.”

Emma looked at her son and rolled her eyes before grinning again.

“Let’s just pretend we’ve have a serious chat and you now know not to use yours fists or any type of kitchen implement on someone no matter how piss- angry you are. Ok?

Henry nodded.

“Take me to school?”

Emma smiled. She knew Henry could get the bus but him actually asking her to take him made her heart swell.

“Sure. Grab your things and meet me outside. I’ll go tell your mom we’re heading out.”

Emma bounded up the stairs, throwing open the bedroom door and skidding to a halt when she came upon a very naked Regina with her back turned.

“Damn.” Emma mumbled, now wishing she had told Henry he should take the bus.

Regina peered over her shoulder at Emma.

“See something you like, my dear?”

Emma was behind her in seconds, her hands resting on Regina’s hips as the brunette let out a small mewl.

“I don’t see something I like, Gina. I see everything I love.”

Emma’s lips were now on her neck as Regina turned to face her.

“I’m presuming you ran up here like lightening to tell me something?”

Emma mumbled into the hot neck as her lips lifted and crashed into Regina’s, her hands now ghosting over Regina’s stomach.

“Em-ma.” Regina whispered into Emma’s hot mouth as the blonde finally broke the kiss.

“Henry. School.”

And her lips were once more finding their favourite place as Regina let out a groan, her tongue now dancing in Emma’s warm mouth.

Finally Regina broke away.

“You should get going. You don’t want to keep our son waiting. Or be late for work.”

Emma groaned, pecking Regina’s lips once more before she bowed down and kissed Regina stomach.

“Mommy has spoken, little nugget.”

Emma then stood and slowly backed away, her eyes now travelling tantalisingly slowly down the mayors body.

“Miss Swan.” Regina scolded, even though her face was now tinged pink.

“Told you I see everything I love.” Emma replied with a smile on her face as Regina blushed again, turning to walk into the bathroom.

“Meet me at the diner for lunch?” Emma called out, wishing she had the ability to temporarily freeze time around them so she could join Regina in the bathroom.

In the shower.

On her knees….

“Twelve sharp Emma. Don’t be late.” came Regina’s muffled reply over the sound of the shower.

Emma had dropped Henry off and was now munching on a bear claw at the diner.

“In a few days you’ll be served by your mom.” Ruby nonchalantly commented, placing  a steaming mug of coffee in front of Emma, whose hand paused mid air.

“My -“



Ruby nodded as Emma felt someone behind her.

“Don’t forget to ask your amazingly, fantastic boss for the afternoon off later this week.”

Ruby then vanished as Emma turned to see Mulan standing behind her.

“You’re amazingly, fantastic boss?” Emma enquired with a smirk as Mulan swiped her tongue over her lips very quickly.

“Yeah… about that…”

Mulan took a seat beside Emma who had now finished her bear claw and was pondering whether she needed another.

“Want one more, Em? It’s on me?” Ruby interrupted her thoughts as Emma looked up.

“You trying to butter me up, Rubes? And what did you mean before about my mom serving me?”

Ruby moved a coffee over the counter towards her girlfriend.

“Granny has employed your mom to help out a few days a week, giving me some well deserved time off to spend with my other half.”

Emma turned to look at Mulan.

“Ah, and you’re hoping your amazingly fantastic boss will give you the afternoon off, mmm?”

Mulan shifted in her seat.

“Well, I was going to ask…”

Ruby snorted.

Mulan huffed.

“I was! I was just going to maybe leave it for today, after what happened last night. How is Snow?”

Emma sighed.

“Firstly, yes I’ll take that bear claw to go Rubes. Secondly, the afternoon is yours, you deserve it. Thirdly, I’ve no idea how Snow is, I’m going to meet her here at lunch so we can talk. David text me though, last night. I think she’s upset with herself, for the way she - handled - things.”

“The only handle she used was the one belonging to granny’s frying pan.” Ruby chuckled to herself as Emma let out a chuckle.

“You should have seen her, Emma. She was livid! I mean, he certainly didn’t do himself any favours when he interrupted Snow and Granny but if looks could kill, he’d have been flat out on his back before the underside of my granny’s pan reached anywhere near his face!”

Emma considered Ruby’s words, a part of her wishing she had witnessed her mothers temporary fall from grace.

And Neil’s face coming into contact with the pan.

“Do we even know who this guy is?” Mulan asked as Emma stood.

“Yeah. I know exactly who he is. Snow and I met him in the alternate universe. His name is Neil, although he was previously knows as Baelfire. He’s Rumples son, from the enchanted forest although he vanished though a portal as a kid.”

Mulan and Ruby wore identical astonished expressions on their faces as Ruby finally broke the silence.

“You’re shitting me?!”

Emma shook her head.

“There’s more but right now I need to gather my thoughts and speak to Regina. Can you both swing by ours this evening? Say eight? I’ll explain all then.”

Both nodded as Emma picked up her bear claw and coffee.

“See you at the station, Mulan. Thanks for the sweet treat Rubes.”

Mulan watched Emma leave before turning to face her girlfriend.

“One thing puzzles me.”

Ruby raised a brow.

“Only one?”

Mulan nodded, taking a sip from her cup.

“What the hell did this Neil do to Snow to make her act the way she did?”

Ruby pondered for a moment and shrugged.

“Good question, I guess we’ll find out tonight.”

Emma pulled out her phone before she entered the station, sending a quick text to Regina.

“Hi Gina, hope it’s ok but I’ve invited Mulan and Ruby over tonight, around 8. Think it’s time we told them everything about Neil. Can you invite Mal and Zelena?”

Emma heard her phone ping as soon as she sat down, her eyes landing in the paperwork she still had to do.

Of course it’s ok. I’ve spoken to Zelena and she’ll bring Mal (possibly Lily?). Can you ask David to collect Henry from school, and have him overnight. I don’t want our son around when we discuss Neil, at least not yet.”

Emma was replying within seconds.

Sure I’ll ask him when he arrives, they won’t mind - David already knows about Neil and I think Henry is just what Snow needs to take her mind off things. See you at 12, buttercup.”

Regina’s response was instant.

Buttercup, Miss Swan? Is that the best you can do?”

Emma grinned.

I’ll show you exactly what I can do, later.”

Over at the Mayors office, Regina felt her core clench at Emma’s text.

I’ll hold you to that, Miss Swan.”

Regina, Snow and David were seated at the diner waiting for Emma.

“Snow, you forgot this.”

Granny placed her frying pan onto the middle of the table.

Snow’s face reddened.

“Actually, I don’t think I need it anymore, thank you.” she whispered, her eyes moving from the pan to Granny who was smiling.

“I’ll have to wall mounted instead then.” she chuckled to herself before moving back to the kitchen, pan handle swinging from her fingers.

“I feel terrible. I’m normally so compassionate and kind, yet last night I became an animal!”

At that moment Ruby appeared.

“Hey! There’s nothing wrong with becoming an animal, Snow!”

Ruby then feigned a deep sigh which only made Snow worse.

“And now I’ve upset you! What’s wrong with me?!”

Regina had heard enough.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, Snow. For once in your life you grew a backbone and reacted the same way any normal mother would have if they came face to face with the monster who made their daughters teenage life a living nightmare. So stop wallowing in self pity and embrace the fact that you took control!”

Snows mouth was gaping as Regina finally finished, the latter now taking a delicate sip from her cup of tea as the former slowly nodded.

“He is a ruffian.”

Regina almost snorted into her tea, her lips pursed and ready to call Neil a lot worse when David interrupted.

“Calling him a ruffian is too polite, Snow. He’s a bastard and I for one am going to take great pleasure in driving him out of our town, and away from my family.”

He then reached out his hands, one clasping Snows and the other resting on Regina’s wrist. Snow beamed as Regina looked down at the hand.

Never, in a million turns of a page, would she have envisaged Prince Charming calling her, the former Evil Queen, family. The action brought a warmth throughout her body that felt like sunshine on a rainy day.

“Thank you, David.” she whispered as David nodded, removing his hands.

“However, running him out of town may not be as simple as you think. Rumple won’t let his son go again, without a fight.”

David sighed.

“Speaking of Rumple, what happened after Zelena took Neil to the hospital?”

Regina tapped her fingertips on the table, considering whether she should wait for Emma to arrive before she answered David’s question. A quick glance at the clock made her decision for her.

Emma was running late.

“Emma told him Neil was his son.”

Snow gasped as Regina quickly continued.

“That was all she told him. He has no idea… about the other things.”

Snow nodded as David grunted.

“Well he needs to know what his son did, perhaps then he won’t be as keen on keeping him here.”

Regina sighed, wishing Emma was here.

“There are many things we need to discuss, but right now I have no intention of telling Rumple about Emma’s history with his son. He’ll quickly put two and two together when it comes to Henry’s parentage. I refuse to acknowledge that… man… as Henry’s father.”

“He’s no father, he’s a sperm donor at best.”

Regina felt a warm hand on her shoulder.

“Now, shift up. I need food. I’m starving.”

Regina chuckled as she moved to the side, allowing Emma to join her.

“You’re late is what you are.” she reproached, placing a hand on Emma’s thigh she gave it a squeeze.

“Yeah. Sorry about that. I had an interesting encounter with Blue. I’m mentally exhausted. That woman could talk the leg off a chair!”

Emma then glanced at Snow, a grin suddenly appearing on her face.

“Or, the handle off a frying pan!”

Regina smirked as Davids face broke out into a grin.

And snow? Snow sighed.

And then laughed.

Chapter 8


Sorry for the delay in posting this chapter! I hope you’re all sticking with my story! Much love! ES~

Chapter Text

Regina knew Emma was nervous, her uneasiness increasing with each passing hour.

She’d seen Emma apprehensive before. Hell, she’d often projected that vibe every time she’d dropped Henry off before they had become a couple, especially on those occasions she was running late.

Regina couldn’t help a small smile from appearing on her lips when she realised Emma had always, always, dropped Henry off late.

“I know. I know. I’m twenty minutes late. I lost track of time. My watch broke and my phones broken.”

Emma didn’t own a watch as far as Regina recalled. She’d never seen the Saviour of Storybrooke wear one. Not that she always looked at the blondes strong arms or delicate wrists and long, supple fingers…

Breaking her phone however was very probable.

Please don’t give me that look, Regina. I’m barely ten minutes late, we got sidetracked playing a game.”

Regina had wondered what the game was. Highly unlikely to be something educational or strategic like scrabble or chess when Emma had recently bought Henry the latest Xbox and all the games that went with it. Henry was rather good at “gaming”. So was his other mother. Not that Regina had watched Emma play when they were at the mansion. No. She’d never let her attention wander from her book or newspaper towards Emma’s adorably focussed yet scrunched face or darting tongue when she was playing and losing against their son.

I couldn’t find my car keys. Seriously. Then I realised I was holding them the entire time!”

Which was extremely similar to the time Regina had entered the Sheriffs station to find a disgruntled looking Sheriff moving things around her desk in no particular order because she couldn’t find her glasses, the ones she seldom wore but when she did it made Regina’s heart speed up ridiculously. It had taken Regina exactly two seconds to find them, adding ‘you mean the glasses that are perched on the top of your head Miss Swan?’

Pongo escaped again. I roped Henry into helping me find him.”

This was the most believable excuse Emma had ever used. Pongo went missing.


One time he’d managed to make his way into Regina’s back garden where he’d began to dig around her apple tree. A swift call to the Sheriff had Emma appear almost immediately at the front door, panting for breath, her body arched as she rested her hands against the tops of her thighs.

Regina had momentarily wished her hands were the ones resting on Emma’s thighs before she’d quickly asked why Emma appeared tired, knowing full well how much Emma liked to exercise, not that she waited in her bedroom at 6am each morning to watch the sheriff run past her house in tight shorts and matching tank.


She had better things to do with her time than watch the younger woman sprint past, her feet pounding hard against the concrete pavement, sending tremors up her legs, onto her thighs, the sinew pulling as her ligaments stretched deliciously across her pale skin.

Emma explained that she had ran to Regina’s because her car wouldn’t start and Mulan had the cruiser. Of course, once Emma had come across Pongo she’d given out a frustrated sigh, turning her green eyes onto Regina, a look of frustration appearing across her face as she’d pointed out Regina’s message had been rather misleading when she said a wolf was in her garden looking to attack.

Regina had shrugged her shoulders and told Emma outright that she wouldn’t have got the attention she needed had she told the sheriffs department it was merely Pongo up to his usual tricks.

She had, however, felt a certain warmth spread throughout her body when Emma had shook her head and mumbled she had been worried about the Mayors safety as she retrieved the mischievous Pongo from Regina’s flowerbeds.

Snow called round and I didn’t have the heart to stop her from spending some time with Henry. It won’t happen again.”

This has made Regina feel marginally guilty because she knew deep down Henry really should be spending more time with his grandparents, if only for Emma’s sake, so she’d apologised quietly and agreed that Snow and David should see Henry whenever their diaries allowed.

So I promised the kid a chocolate milkshake at Granny’s before I dropped him off and the place was packed!”

Regina had felt miffed at first but had then realised her own mother had been so regimented in her upbringing, never allowing her any treats and scolding her for even asking, criticising her weight, which had made her withdrawn and sad. Thus, something like a chocolate milkshake wasn’t going to end the world. She’d even began to allow Henry some sweet treats since that moment.

Henry forgot he needed a book for school so I took him to the library and we got chatting to Belle, I forgot the time.”

Regina knew it had been Emma who had forgotten about the book. Henry was a lot of things but forgetful was not one of them. However, Belle was an intelligent, kind, caring young lady and having her in Henry’s life could only be a good thing. The only thing Regina had trouble comprehending was how she could have any feelings towards Rumple, the ex villain of villains.

Belle was pure light. Everything Rumple wasn’t. So very similar to her and Emma. Not that Emma had feelings for her and she certainly didn’t have any feelings for the sheriff. Non at all. Not really. Perhaps a minuscule fragment of her DNA found the sheriff pleasant to look at. But that was where it ended. Absolutely so.

Regina recalled one of the very last excuses Emma had given her, one of which had resonated deep within her heart.

“I know we’re late. I just… I miss him when he’s gone.”

That last excuse had made Regina’s hard heart soften inexplicably, and she’d found herself inviting the blonde inside to have dinner with them. She wasn’t certain who was more shocked at the time, Emma because Regina seldom invited her over for dinner unless it was their designated  ‘Family Friday’ which they’d finally agreed on because of Henry, or Regina for even offering an invitation to the blonde Sheriff on a Wednesday of all days!

This time, it was different. Emma wasn’t worried about what Regina would say or how she would react because Regina was the only one who truly knew and understood why Emma was so troubled and a little uptight.


Soon their home would be filled with close friends and family.

Soon, Neil’s identity and his past would be revealed to those closest to Emma and Regina.

Soon, they would all know how Emma was treated and who Neil was to Henry.

And that was clearly upsetting her. It was certainly upsetting Regina.

“Darling, we don’t have to tell them everything. They don’t need to know bygone days that involved - him.”

Regina was also struggling to even say the man’s name.

Emma finally stopped pacing around Regina’s study. She’d entered some time ago, firstly taking a seat, attempting to read through the newspaper as Regina finished some paperwork.

The newspaper had soon been discarded in favour of a comic book Henry had left on the side table. Regina suspected Emma would talk when she was ready to, simply wanting company for the time being.

Her patience with the comic had lasted a little longer before the blonde had dropped it to her side too, picking up a blood red apple from the nearby fruit bowl.

Tossing it up in the air a few times she’d only stopped when the apple missed her palm and fell to the floor, rolling under Regina’s mahogany desk. A sheepish look from the blonde had Regina magicking the apple away as the blonde chose instead to pace around the room.

“I think they need to know the truth, no matter how much it pains me to reveal it.”

Regina stood and made her way over to Emma, who was now looking at the fire.

“I’m proud of you, Emma. You know that, right?”

Emma didn’t turn, her eyes still on the flames, lost in thought. Regina gave her the time she knew she needed, edging closer but keeping her hands to herself.

She wanted to wrap them around the blonde and bring her in close, but Emma was preoccupied with her past, leaving her a little withdrawn. It hurt Regina to see her this way, but she understood the feeling of losing oneself in events of the past.

“I was a delinquent who tagged along with a manipulative asshole for too long. I had zero self respect and I ended up following his every whim, landing my pregnant self in prison. What’s to be proud of, Regina?”

Finally Emma looked up and what Regina saw flashing in those sea blue eyes devastated her.

Loathing. Disgust. Fear. Doubt. Trepidation.

Everything Regina had felt about herself, once upon a time. If she were brutally honest with herself, those negative thoughts still filtered into her subconscious now and again. She wasn’t entirely convinced they would truly ever lay quiet.


Emma had looked away again, her shoulders sagging as Regina placed a tentative hand on her arm.

Finally she was rewarded as Emma’s eyes focused back on her.

“I’m proud of you because of everything you overcame, despite the insurmountable obstacles that lay in your way. You and I, we are so much alike. Neither of us had any control over our younger years; manipulated by people, managed so skilfully we didn’t realise what was happening until it was too late. Look at who you became, darling. Look at what you’ve accomplished.”

Emma’s eyes began to water as Regina finally pulled her in close.

“Please believe me when I say I am so very, very proud of you Emma. You are a daughter, a mother, a sheriff, a fighter, a lover and a saviour.”

Emma snorted at the last word but Regina continued.

“You are a saviour. I know you dislike that title but recent events should make you realise just how much of a saviour you are! You went to a parallel universe for goodness sake, and saved true love - our true love!”

Emma seemed to relax then as Regina ran her hands up and down the blondes back, thankful that the shaking seemed to have subsided.

“You’re everything to me, Emma. Don’t you ever forget that.

Emma slowly nodded before pulling back, her eyes now level with Regina’s.

“You’re kind of a pro at these pep talks you know.”

Regina rolled her eyes.

“And, I’m proud of you too Regina.”

Regina was about to interrupted when Emma placed her thumb over ruby red lips.

“No. You don’t get to do that.”

Regina quirked a brow before Emma removed her thumb.

“Do what?”

This time Emma rolled her eyes.

“You were about to scoff at me, for saying I was proud of you.”

Regina opened her mouth partially before she closed it again.

Emma had her there.

“See! Well you don’t get to do that. Not anymore. I am proud of you and everything you’ve prevailed over to become the woman that’s standing before me now. You think I had it bad? Jesus, Regina. I can’t begin to list off all the shitty ways you were treated. Not to mention all of those people in your life who advised you wrongly and exploited and mistreated you for their own personal gain. Neil’s a bloody saint compared to them!”

Emma was wound up again and Regina suddenly found herself being held in strong arms.

“I love you so much, and it kills me to think about your past and how - they - treated you.”

Emma’s voice was shaking but Regina heard the message loud and clear.

They - so many people who harmed her in some way.

Notoriously her mother, of course. Forcing her to marry someone more than double her age. Not to mention the childhood trauma she had caused Regina.

Even her father, to a degree, who despite not wanting the marriage to go ahead did absolutely noting to prevent it from happening. He may not have abused her mentally and physically like her mother had but his deference and complaisance to what she had to endure hurt just as much.

And of course Leopold…

“I love you too darling. It pains me also, thinking about you as a child, and then a teenager… the life you had to lead, alone before - he - arrived but, we have each other now.”

Emma stepped back and cupped Regina’s  face.

“You are my anchor, Gina.”

Regina smiled brightly.

“And you are mine.”

The living room was full and as Emma entered she took a quick breath, her heart thrumming in her ears, before she turned and walked back into the kitchen.

“Is Emma alright?” Mulan asked lightly, noticing Emma’s quick entry and even  quicker exit first.

Regina nodded.

“She just needs a little bit of time.”

Mulan nodded as Ruby nudged her.

“Go after her.”

Mulan shook her head.

“She needs space, right? That’s what Regina just said.”

Regina overheard and took a seat on the other side of Mulan.

“Ruby is right. I think, you’re just the person she needs.”

Mulan had an almost tranquil calmness about her that was soothing to most who came into contact with her. Regina surmised that was something Emma needed right now.

“Okay, but if she sends me flying I know who to blame!”

Regina watched as Mulan edged from the room.

“It’s about Neil, isn’t it? She told us earlier he was Rumples son.”

Regina nodded at Ruby’s question as Zelena suddenly magicked a bottle of the mayors famous cider onto the table, with glasses. Moments later a carton of apple juice appeared next to the decanter.

“How thoughtful.” Regina mused as Mal shook her head.

“Subtle, Zelena.”

Zelena grinned.

“I’m thirsty! Besides, I think Emma may need a glass of the strong stuff.”

Regina nodded, picking up the carton of juice as her stomach began to twitch.

Clearly nugget wanted a drink too.

Emma didn’t realise she was no longer alone, her arms stretched out in front of her, resting on either side of the sink as her head dipped down.

“You look like you want to escape down the garbage disposal.”

Jumping slightly she turned to face Mulan.

“I wish I could escape to anywhere right now.”

Mulan was beside her in seconds, slowly pulling at one of the blondes outstretched arms.

“C’mon, take a seat and let’s talk.”

Emma followed as Mulan stepped towards the table and pulled out two chairs.

“It’s strange. The last time I saw you here in this kitchen, you couldn’t wait to get away from me.” Emma mused as Mulan frowned before realisation hit.

“Ah, the other me.” she chuckled as Emma nodded.

“You never did get round to telling me why we didn’t like each other, over there I mean.”

Mulan had wondered that every day Emma was in the parallel universe, as well as the days since she returned.

Emma was holding onto her hand before Mulan noticed her even reaching out for it.

“I was… I mean, the other me, she was so judgemental. Honestly, I had to take you into Regina’s study to talk to you alone because the atmosphere between us was so heavy. Not that Snow noticed.

Mulan chuckled, squeezing Emma’s hand back.

“Well your mom isn’t the best at picking up subtle cues, Emma. Although to be fair her use of a frying pan last night, well that wasn’t exactly subtle was it.”

Emma laughed.

“That’s just it! You could cut the air with a knife the tension between us was so think - and you weren’t exactly subtle about it either but mom? No clue. Was too busy unpacking our food to notice!”

Mulan grinned before her smile turned into a somber expression.

“Why didn’t we get along? It’s been bugging me. I mean, your friendship means the world to me. It hurts a little, not knowing.”

Emma suddenly felt some of the anxiety over Neil fade away. This she could talk about, and this she could put right.

Mulan was upset but once Emma explained, hopefully that feeling would dissipate.

So explain Emma did. About how a lot of their friendship, or lack of, was based on misunderstandings, presumptions and misinterpretation. How the other Emma was extremely protective over Ruby, more so when Aurora had turned up on the scene albeit temporarily. Once she had finished Mulan sighed.

“Wow. Sounds like we were both a little obstinate in our own ways, which didn’t help forge any kind of sold foundation for a friendship. Please tell me you fixed that?”

Somewhere during Emma’s explanation, their hands had separated but now Mulan was holding tightly onto Emma’s again.

“I fixed it, or as well as I could. Obviously the rest is down to the over me but yeah, those foundations you mentioned? I think I began to lay it down for them to build upon. I get the impression the other version of me was so tired of all the bullshit with Robin and Regina she kinda lashed out a lot. I mean, I know I can be headstrong-“

Mulan laughed.

“You can be as stubborn as a mule, Emma but your heart is always in the right place. That’s why we love you.”

Emma felt a solitary tear run down her cheek.

“I missed you, Mully.”

Mulan stood and pulled Emma up, giving her a hug.

“It’s been sometime since you called me that, Emma.”

Emma chuckled. “Well last time I thought you were going to hurl me across the diner!”

Mulan chuckled and tapped Emma lightly on the nose.

“I always kinda liked it. I mean, besides Ruby, you’re the only one who’s ever given me a nickname.”

Emma arched a brow.

“I don’t want to know the kind of nicknames Ruby gives you!”

Mulan smirked.

“Yeah, probably best I keep those to myself. I wouldn’t want you to run headlong into a kitchen cabinet.

Emma smiled then sighed.

“Thanks Mulan. I was feeling pretty fearful earlier but now-“

“Now?” Mulan asked quietly as Emma slowly nodded, more to herself.

“Now I feel like it’s time I told you all who Neil is.”

Mulan nodded and turned to walk towards the door when Emma held out a hand and stopped her.

“One last thing. In the alternate reality you and Regina were, well - really close.”

Mulan looked a little dazed

“Um… how close?”

Emma bit down on her lip.

“Sorry, I didn’t explain that too well did I.”

Emma couldn’t help a chuckle escape her lips as she nudged Mulan with her elbow.

“I meant, you were close friends. At least that’s what I picked up on. I just thought you should know.

Mulan nodded, apparently lost in thought as Emma nudged her again. Finally the deputy spoke.

“I guess we’ve never really had that, here I mean? Isn’t it strange how circumstance and the decisions we make can affect who we are friends with how we react around people?”

Emma nodded.

“Well, now you know she’s not likely to flay you alive Mully, you know if you ever need a confidant.”

Mulan chuckled.


Emma and Mulan walked back into the living room and Regina immediately sensed a calmness in Emma’s demeanour, no doubt thanks to Mulan.

As Mulan took her previous seat beside Ruby, Regina leaned over and whispered in her ear.

“Thank you. For calming her.”

Regina then smiled and Mulan found herself returning the gesture.

“No problem.”

“Before we continue, can I tell granny whatever we discuss here? She wanted to come but had a shit ton of baking to do for tomorrow.”

Emma briefly looked at Regina before nodding.

“Yeah. You can tell her everything, Ruby. She’s family.”

Ruby smiled and snuggled into Mulan.

Emma walked over to the fireplace, before turning. On one side of the room, Mulan sat in-between Ruby and Regina. On the opposite side Mal sat in-between Zelena and Lily. All eyes were on her, each person patiently waiting for her to continue.

Emma looked to Regina first, noticing her eyes watching her with understanding and warmth.

She could do this….

“Thanks for coming.”

Emma wasn’t certain how to proceed, as heads bobbed.

“I- I guess you all know what happened last night?”

Zelena cackled. Mal proceeded to elbow her in the ribs. For some reason this reaction settled Emma.

“Yeah I guess news travels fast, especially here. Mom knocked a guy out with a frying pan, even though for some reason Henry was under the impression it was a toaster.”

Zelena chuckled again, “Only you have issues with toasters, Emma.”

Emma smiled.

She could definitely do this.

She was surrounded by family. They all understood her. Hell, probably more than she sometimes understood herself.

And she had Regina.

“Yeah. Maybe using kitchen implements incorrectly runs in the family? Anyhow, Snow knocked him out and Zelena took him to the hospital.”

“Be thankful you didn’t have to. Whale was his usual insufferable self.” Zelena snarked as Emma nodded.

“What you all need to know is the fact that this guy, he was someone Snow and I met in the alternate reality. His name is Neil and he’s Rumples son.”

The room remained quiet. Emma suspected everyone in the room already knew this, what they didn’t know was how Emma knew him.

“I’ve told Rumple. He had a right to know. Belle was there too. I presume he’s been at the hospital today. I have no idea what state Neil is in.”

Mal cleared her throat.

“I hope it wasn’t overstepping, Sheriff but I had Lily drop by the hospital this afternoon on the pretence of visiting someone. Neil has yet to be discharged. It appears he is conscious but may be suffering from - memory issues?”

Regina stood and was beside Emma in seconds.

“Thanks Mal. It’s not overstepping. I appreciate you finding out, or - Lily finding out. Thanks Lil.” Emma voice was low as Lily nodded.

“I didn’t see Rumple but I did wander into Neil’s room ‘accidentally’. He was awake, I apologised when I feigned my mistake and he just shrugged and told me not to worry about it. He then asked me who I was and where he was. I could have found out more but a nurse came in so I made a quick exit. Last thing I heard was him asking the nurse why he couldn’t remember how he got injured or where he was staying.”

“Jesus. Did your mother hit him so hard she’s given him amnesia?” Zelena asked and for once she wasn’t joking.

Emma turned to face Regina.

“Is it bad that I hope that’s exactly what’s happened?” she whispered as Regina took her hand and gave it a squeeze as Emma turned back to the room.

“Well, no matter what he can or can’t remember it’s only fair I tell you everything I remember about Neil.”

So she did.

And she left nothing out.

When she had finally finished, Regina’s arm was firmly wrapped around her waist and Emma found herself leaning into the warm body beside her.

The silence was finally broken by Zelena.

“What a despicable piece of scrotum.”

Emma had presumed the atmosphere would be tense after everything she had just admitted. Thankfully, that one sentence courtesy of Zelena broke whatever strained ambience there may have been.

Because everyone, including Emma but excluding Zelena, laughed.

Only Zelena was being serious.

Deadly serious.

“I mean it. He - fucking hell. Had I known this about him I would have poofed his miserable ass to the docks where I would have nudged his body into the freezing depths with my foot.”

Regina opened her mouth and then closed it.

She couldn’t fault Zelena’s logic.

“So he has no idea he’s…. you know.” Ruby continued, looking a little sheepish.

He has no idea he’s Henry’s father….

“No. He doesn’t. And that’s how I want it to stay for now.”

Emma’s response was immediate and everyone nodded.

“What about Henry?”

Lily’s question was hesitant and as soon as she asked it she looked like she wished she could take it back.

“I’m sorry. That was intrusive.”

Emma was about to answer when Regina beat her to it.

“It’s not intrusive. It’s a valid question, Lily. Emma and I need to talk about it further but for now, Henry is non the wiser.”

Emma ran her hand though her hair.

“He thinks his father died. I told him he died. I lied to him.”

Emma felt her eyes begin to water as she suddenly turned back to the fireplace.

Regina ran a soothing hand up and down her back before facing everyone.

“It’s been a long night. Perhaps we can continue this tomorrow?”

Everyone immediately understood.

Ruby and Mulan were the first to stand. The former walking over to Emma, bringing her into a hug.

“We got you, Em. Always.”

Emma nodded into Ruby’s neck as Mulan gave her arm a squeeze.

“Take tomorrow off. I’ll cover for you.”

Emma looked up.

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

Mulan shook her head.

“You’re not asking. I’m volunteering. Stay home. I’m sure Madam Mayor can take the day off too?”

Mulan then winked at Regina who let out a deep chuckle.

“Yes dear. I’m sure I can arrange that.”

As Ruby and Mulan left, Lily and Mal made their way over.

“We’re here for you. Whatever you need.”

Mal’s voice was sincere.

“Thank you Mal, Lily. Emma and I appreciate it.”

Both nodded, the former giving Regina a hug as the latter pulled Emma to the side.

“I’m happy to do more covert shit for you, Em. Just say the word!”

Emma grinned and pulled Lily into an embrace.

“I think we’ll be okay for now but hey, I have your number!”

Lily grinned.

Zelena was still seated and Regina noticed her sister was definitely out of sorts.

“Is she alright?” Emma asked, noticing the redhead hadn’t made a move to leave with Mal and Lily as expected.

“No I’m not alright. I’m fucking pissed that cretin treated you so abysmally. You were just a kid, Emma and he left you alone, pregnant! Henry means the word to me. I can’t bare the thought of that… man… coming into his life and expecting liberties! He has no rights to Henry. No fucking right at all. We’re a family!”

Regina immediately understood. All her life, Zelena had been denied having a family and now she had one, she was loathed to lose it. Her bond with Henry was undeniable. And she was scared she was going to lose it.

“Zelena, we are a family. Will will always be a family and a dipshit like Neil won’t come in-between that. I won’t allow him to. I promise you that.”

Emmas voice was firm as Zelena looked up.

“You mean the world to me too, Emma.

Regina slowly edged from the room to allow her sister and girlfriend some time together. The last thing she noticed before she closed the door was the pair embracing.

It had been a long night and Regina was glad when they had both finally retired to the bedroom, her sister now tucked up in the guest bedroom. She hadn’t wanted to leave and neither Regina or Emma had wanted her to go.

Regina now watched as Emma undressed, her back towards the brunette. She couldn’t help but marvel at the expanse of milky white skin on display the more clothing Emma removed.

Regina couldn’t stop her eyes raking over the blondes shoulders and back and the sculptured muscle mass she had in all the right places. No doubt a result of the workout sessions she abided by, some of which the Mayor often found herself witnessing at the make shift gym Emma had created at the station.

Regina recalled the first time she had encountered Emma in the gym. They weren’t yet together. Regina didn’t even know that Emma and Mulan had created a gym and she was still trying to piece together exactly what it was that made her want to drop by the staton unannounced most days, ignoring the blatantly obvious answer: she wanted to see Emma.

She’d arrived on the pretence of asking Emma to drop the cruiser off at the local garage because it was due a service. The car didn’t need a service. In fact, she’d even gone as far as calling the garage to check and when Michael, the mechanic, had told her that the car wasn’t due for at least another 6 months, Regina had told him in no uncertain terms to change his records to reflect that the car did, indeed, need a service.

The Sheriff, despite her often clueless expression, wasn’t stupid and Regina was under no illusions that one of the first things Emma would do would be to call the garage to check.

So she’d arrived and flounced into the office and had been temporarily shocked to find it empty. She’s felt an initial twinge of concern in her stomach, which at the time she’d mistaken for indigestion.

The cruiser and Emma’s yellow peril were parked out the front and the doors to the office weren’t locked so in theory, Emma should have been present. She’d also checked the rota for that week so she knew exactly what shifts Emma had - so where was she?

Regina had prowled around the office before she heard the first grunt. Moving quickly from the office she had taken a few steps along the corridor before pausing, wondering if somehow the clumsy sheriff had tripped over her own feet and injured herself.

The indigestion came back tenfold and Regina decided at that moment she no longer wanted granny’s grilled chicken anywhere near her mouth.

Her conscience attempted to tell her it was in fact worry at Emma’s absence that was making her feel sick but Regina seldom listened to that inside voice which was, more often than not, overpowered by her former evil queen voice that was now telling her the Sheriff was, in fact, engaging in something sexual based off the groans Regina could now hear the closer she got to the closed door at the end of the corridor that led to the large interrogation room.

Wondering why Emma was there, making those kinds of noises had momentarily made Regina’s anger spike to an unforeseen height, livid at the prospect of the Sheriff engaging in - that kind of activity - with someone who wasn’t her.

That initial thought, thanks to her conscience, and the realisation of what it had meant had shocked the hell out of her before her evil queen voice took over as it always did, suggesting perhaps Emma had Lily under her at that very moment in time.

Before she could gather her thoughts, good and bad, she’d shoved the door open only to find the blonde hanging from a suspended bar, wearing the tiniest shorts she had ever seen.

And her signature white tank.

Which had clung to her in all the right places and had ridden so far up her body it had revealed her entire stomach and every perfectly formed ab.

For once both her conscience and her evil queen voice had both drawn the same conclusion at the same time - Emma Swan was unbelievably hot and Regina’s desire to jump the woman as she slowly pulled herself up one more time, grunting, before letting herself drop to the floor was making her shake rather visibly.

Regina’s eyes had darted over every piece of available skin on display, her eyes hungry and her throat dry. Emma had seen her shaking and had mistook her animalistic arousal for anger.

“Yeah so I kinda didn’t want you to find out about the gym this way.” Emma had mumbled, picking up a small towel from the table which she then threw around her neck.

Regina still couldn’t find her voice, although she had managed to avert her eyes from the trickles of sweat that were slowly making their way along the sheriffs collarbone and down between the valley of her breasts.

Regina had never wanted to be a bead of sweat before.

She had at that moment.

Emma, sensing something wasn’t quite right considering how vocal Regina normally was, had drawn the wrong conclusion again.

“So I think you’re pissed. Are you pissed? I mean, we thought it was a good idea? You know how quiet it gets, and I like to keep fit-“

No shit, Regina’s conscience had declared as the mayors former evil queen voice interrupted that thought with a very random one.

Imagine her pulling herself up against you….’

“And it’s not like we even need an interrogation room, not really. Who the hell am I going to interrogate? Pongo? Leroy? Besides we have kept a part of the room separate in case we do need to question a suspect…”

Regina hadn’t been listening, not really. All she could focus on was the tall, blonde goddess standing in front of her wearing next to nothing as the mayors eyes had moved to take in toned thighs.

God, imagine how they’d feel wrapped around you…

The evil queen voice was clearly on a roll as her conscience attempted to clear the air because at that point Emma had finally stopped talking and had started to look concerned.

“Are you alright, Regina?”

Regina’s attention had finally snapped back under her control and she muttered something that sounded like “Yes Miss Swan” before turning on her heels, ready to walk away from the woman who was enticing and teasing her libido too much.

“Um…. Cool. So… did you want me?”

Yes. Preferably in your current attire, as you bend me over your desk…

The evil queen voice was basking in her prolonged spell of success. Regina had nearly passed out at her own thought as her conscience attempted damage control.

“The car. Cruiser. Your cruiser. The police cruiser needs a service.” She had finally managed to mumble as her feet attempted to take her as far away from temptation as quickly as her four inch heels allowed.

She’d had many a sleepless night following that day, envisaging Emma in that attire and often without it and as she looked at her girlfriend now she realised she wanted her naked.

Very naked.

“No… don’t.” She heard herself whisper when Emma opened a drawer to retrieve her usual sleep attire; shorts and a t shirt.

Pausing with the shirt between her fingers, Emma turned and wriggled her eyebrows at Regina.

“Oh? And what is it that Madam Mayor desires me to wear this evening?”

Emma then dropped the t shirt and shirt back into the drawer and made her way over to the bed. Her eyes dropped to Regina who was laid on top of the cover, wearing a red neglige.

“I want you naked. The only thing you’ll be wearing tonight, Emma, is my essence. All over that gorgeous body of yours.”

Emma exhaled a shaky breath as she reached out and pulled Regina from the bed so she was level with her, slowly leaning her forehead against the brunettes.

Regina felt her eyes flutter close, suddenly overwhelmed at how close Emma was and how much her scent was invading her. Steadily Emma entwined her fingers around Regina’s and Regina basked in how they felt so right as Emma’s thumbs began to rub across hers, the pressure gentle against her skin.

Emma’s breath was puffing gently in quick hot bursts against Regina’s lips.

“You’re overdressed, Madam Mayor.”

Emma’s voice was husky as Regina slipped her neglige from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Clearly pleased, Emma grinned which made Regina swallow back a laugh, smiling instead as Emma began to shift down her body, holding her hips, slowly guiding her back to bed, placing featherlike kisses around her stomach, her tongue replacing her lips as she ran the tip around Regina’s belly button.

“So this is where you close your eyes little one. You really don’t need to see what I’m about to do to your momma.”

Regina let out a deep chuckle as Emma then looked up and winked at her before settling in between her legs. Regina’s hands were in immediately in Emma’s hair as she bit down on her bottom lip, Emma’s continuous feather-light kisses now focusing on he hip before moving torturously slowly down and down until her mouth was pressed to Regina’s swollen and slick folds, the pressure barely present as she darted her tongue out for a taste.

“Oh god.” Regina moaned out, the sound coming from the back of her throat as she unconsciously began to roll her hips up into Emma’s mouth, desperate for more.

“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Emma groaned, reaching between Regina’s legs with two fingers, steadily tracing along her outer lips with precision.

“Y-yes.” Regina stammered as Emma’s fingers continued to play and caress around her core, exploring and teasing at her entrance before dancing away, her thumb now pleasing her hot bundle of nerves as Regina’s hips bucked again.

“Mouth. Emma. Please.”

Emma wasted no time in latching her tongue over Regina’s quivering pussy, her fingers now leisurely pumping in and out as Regina’s fingers were now pushing the top of her head down further.

“God you taste so good, Gina. So, so good”

Regina swallowed hard.

“Less talking more fucking!” She almost snarled as Emma chucked into her clit, the vibration almost sending her sky high.

Every point of connection from Emma’s fingers and tongue pulled taut deep inside Regina as her orgasm exploded in a multitude of colours.

Slowly Emma ceased her ministrations, licking up the juices she left behind before Regina began to tug on her shoulders.

Emma finally moved upwards, Regina’s  breath stuttering at the soft press of Emma’s lips just shy of the corner of her mouth.  Shifting she turned her face towards Emma’s, heart pounding.

“I still can’t believe you’re mine. After all I did…”

Emma immediately pulled Regina into her arms as she replied, her voice calm and soft.

“I would do anything to take away the pain, the hurt, the damage and the trauma of the life you had to live before we met, and I know you would do the same for me; but what happened did so for a reason and I wouldn’t want to end up anywhere else, with anyone else.”

Regina felt Emma’s strong arms around her before she slowly moved away, her green eyes now searching Regina.

“Everything it took to get here, to get to you, was worth it and I would go through it a thousand times over to get here, to you, if I had too.”

Regina’s lips were covering Emma’s before the blonde could draw breath.

“I love you, Emma Swan.”

Emma grinned and finally pulled back from the scorching kiss, her head so full of love for the woman in front of her what she did next felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Slipping from the bed she stood beside it, looking down at Regina who had now shifted, sitting up.

“Is everything alright my dear?”

Emma swallowed and then dropped to one knee.

“It will be if you say yes.”

Regina’s brows scrunched before the woman in front of her swallowed hard before grasping out for Regina’s hand.

“I… I kinda didn’t plan on doing this naked as the day I was born but hey, this is me - when have I ever followed the rules, right?”

Regina merely nodded, her breath caught in her throat as the woman on her knee in front of her seemed to now be having a mini crises in confidence.

“I mean I don’t even have… shit! I don’t have…”

She didn’t have a ring!

Emma began to pale as Regina felt her heart spasm in her chest.

Quick as lightening she stood and was soon dropping to one knee beside Emma.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this naked either, Miss Swan but it appears you really do rub off on me in the best of ways.”

Emma grinned; taking Regina’s hand in hers again.

“I love you, Gina. And I want forever with you. You’re not just just my happy ever after you’re my happy beginning too.”

Regina managed to swallow down a slight sob as Emma ran her thumb across her knuckles.

“Since I met you my life’s changed for the better. You are my everything and I can’t envisage a life if you’re not beside me. I’m kneeling on my left knee, like a proper knight, because I will always love you, respect you, honour you and protect you as if I were a knight in your kingdom. You are my queen, Gina and all this knight wants is you. Will you marry me?”

Regina’s mouth opened and closed.

Emma began to fidget.

“I don’t have a ring. I’ve screwed this up already haven’t I? You deserve a ring. You deserve the very best. I haven’t even asked Henry for permission yet. I’m naked and mumbling and I have no-“

Emma felt Regina’s lips crash over hers again before she could continue.

Slowly lips parted as breaths continued to mingle.

“Emma Swan. Darling I love you. You saved me. From myself. From my demons. You’ve saved me a thousand times over, of course I’ll marry you, a thousand times yes! You’ve given me hope and a family. You make me feel so safe and so loved. If you weren’t going to propose I would have!  Despite our.. lack of clothing.”

Emma grinned before placing a chaste kiss on Regina’s warm, inviting lips. Finally she moved back only marginally.

“Oh thank god. Can we just pretend I’m about to put a ring on your finger with this hand?!” and Emma waved her hand in the air.

Regina smirked.

“Miss Swan. I’m not done with you yet my dear. You can put your hand on any part of me that pleases you. In fact, I demand you do.”

Emma pulled Regina up and lifted her gently, firm thighs now wrapped around her waist.

“Well we do have to celebrate somehow…”

Regina pushed her wet core further into Emma’s toned stomach.

“Ooo the wifey-to-be is so demanding!” Emma whispered as Regina’s hands found Emma cheeks, pulling her into a fevered kiss before her lips found Emma’s ear.

“You have no ideas how demanding I can be….”

Emma began to shake with anticipation as Regina bit down on her lobe, her tongue then darting out to sooth the sting.

“Take me to the bathroom Miss Swam. I believe I owe you a shower.”

Chapter 9


For SwanQueenForever who wanted some bathroom fun… although I suspect this wasn’t quite what she had in mind 🤣 ~ES

Chapter Text


Emma mumbled something, her lips still attached to Regina’s collarbone, her nose brushing lightly against the warm, soft skin.

There was something about Regina that always managed to heighten Emma’s senses; especially her sense of smell and taste although as her pale fingers gripped the Mayors slender waist she quickly acknowledged her sense of touch was also on fire, thanks to the brunette.


So lost in everything that was Regina, Emma missed the slightly panicked tone in Regina’s voice.

In fact, she was so mistaken she misinterpreted the panic for agitation.

“I’m getting… there…” Emma muttered, as her mouth moved down Regina’s chest, a tongue flickering over one hard nipple as her fingers skirted behind the brunette, finding the Mayors delicious ass.


Finally Emma broke away, her eyes now on Regina.


Regina’s face was pale.

“I thought you liked me -“

Regina was now shaking her head as an unsteady arm lifted up, an equally shaking finger pointing past Emma’s head.

Emma’s brows scrunched.

“Get. It. Out. Of. Here.”

Regina looked as though she was about to pass out as Emma turned.

“Get what-“

Emma stopped.

“Holy fuck.”

Quickly turning to face her fiancée, Emma realised two things.

  1. Clearly Regina had a fear of spiders.
  2. Clearly Regina was under the misapprehension that Emma didn’t.

Without a third thought, Emma jumped, barrelling into Regina as they both stumbled back towards the sink.

“Yeah. That’s a no. I’m not-“

Regina was now clinging onto Emma’s shoulders from behind, managing to place Emma between herself and the spider that had now slowly started to crawl along the wall towards the closed door.

“Emma. Get rid of it.”

Emma turned.

“Are you serious? That thing is so huge it probably has its own zip code. There’s no way in hell I’m touching… that.”

The spider, as if hearing every word, temporarily dropped from the door, resulting in a loud scream from Regina.

“It’s... Fuck.” Emma was now pushing Regina further backwards as the spider managed to right itself, no doubt casting a small web to stop itself from falling to the floor.

“Kill it.” Regina then screamed, reaching out blindly towards the shower, pulling at the first thing she could find, shoving it into Emma’s chest.

“You want me to kill it with your apple shower gel?” Emma shrieked as the spider began to speed up, now reaching the door handle where it paused.

Regina could feel every beat of her heart as she reached the other way, thankful their bathrobes were close by. Slowly she pulled on her red one, her eyes never leaving the spider.

Finally she replied.

“Just… I don’t know… oh my god.”

Emma thought Regina was about to cry.

“I can’t kill it, it’s cruel. Besides, what if that’s the baby? Can you imagine the wrath that mom and dad spider would inflict if we killed their first born?!”

Emma was babbling. She knew she was babbling but it was either that or join Regina who now had tears falling down her cheeks.

“Then capture it!” she almost shrieked as she threw Emma’s blue bathrobe at her.

“You’re worried it’ll see us naked? Seriously?!”

Regina slapped Emma’s behind as the Sheriff attempted to pull her robe on without losing eye contact with the spider.

Once again Regina’s hand then stretched out, pulling at the first thing her fingers came across before she held it up to Emma.

“Yeah, I’m not capturing it with your sponge Regina. How the hell do I capture it using that?”

Regina threw the sponge into the bath, still shaking as the spider moved an inch before pausing.

“The asshole is playing with us. It’s taken the door handle hostage. We can’t get out…” Emma gulped as she suddenly felt strong fingers on her shoulders.

“Emma. Please. You’re supposed to be our Saviour. For gods sake stop babbling and for the love of god get -“

The spider fell again, clearly toying with the fearful couple as Emma did something she never thought she would do.

She sidestepped and moved her pregnant fiancée in front of her, using her as a shield.

“What… seriously?!” Regina barked as Emma shuddered, her eyes on the spider that was now on the floor.

“Fuckers coming for us. He’s watching us with all six eyes.” She whispered into Regina’s ear as the spider began to sidle towards them.

“Eight eyes!” Regina squawked as she jumped. Literally jumped. Into Emma’s robed arms.

Thankful the blonde had good reflexes, Regina’s relief soon died when the spider paused, lifting one leg in the air before replacing it with another.

“Shit, are we on ‘So you think you can dance?!’ It’s like it wants a dance off….” Emma garbled as Regina buried her face into Emma’s neck.

Slowly Emma nodded towards the bathroom cabinet. “Open it Gina.”

Regina did as was instructed, as the mirror on the cabinet hit the light, casting a mini searchlight into the spider who seemed to turn from side to side.

“Some spiders have median eyes that can detect polarised light. They use this ability to navigate while hunting.”

Emma nearly dropped Regina there and then.

“That’s not helping, Regina. You trying to say Webster over there is hunting us?!”

Regina sighed.

“Darling. Please. It’s probably more fearful of us than we are of it.”

“You capture it then.” Emma muttered back as Regina seemed to mould into her even more.

“I can’t. They terrify me.”

Emma looked into the open cabinet realising there was nothing she could use - unless she threw some unopened bottles of pills it’s way - she glanced around the bathroom looking for anything else that could help them.

“Yeah well they don’t exactly give me a warm and fuzzy feeling either, Gina.”

Finally her eyes landed on a loofa.

Could she use that as a makeshift sword?

Was she seriously contemplating doing that?

What the fuck was wrong with her!

“Do you have any of those bath bombs I like?” Emma heard herself ask the woman who was still cowering in her arms. Finally the brunette lifted her head up, her eyes shooting back to the spider before looking back at Emma.

“Bath bombs? You want to take a bath at a time like this?!” She hissed as Emma rolled her eyes.

“What I want is to use them as a bowling ball. I could maybe… somehow… roll one towards it, you know? Try and make a path for us to run through?”

Regina couldn’t believe she was even contemplating Emma’s idea.

“There may be some…” Regina then stopped herself.

“What? No! That’s a terrible idea. It’ll make it more agitated and it could run right towards us! It’s a house spider. They can run up to half a meter per second!”

Emma wasn’t sure how far away the spider was so she didn’t even attempt to work out that math because equations were not her strong suit. A memory suddenly flashed into her mind, one of a math exam and the stupid questions they always asked…

“If Emma and Regina are standing six meters away from a spider, that can run up to half a meter per second, how long until the spider reaches Emma’s very bare toes?”

Emma felt nauseous at the thought of the furry eight legged demon reaching her toes as she shifted. The spider, mimicking her, began to sidestep.

“Fuck it’s copying me. Is this a real spider? Or a demon spider? Do they even exist? Cause normal spiders don’t act this way, right?!”

Regina was taking deep breaths as she finally managed to look up into green eyes.

“I don’t stick around long enough to watch them, my dear. People with arachnophobia don’t take their sweet ass time fucking analysing spiders, Emma.”

Emma gulped before she tilted her head.

“I can’t believe the former Evil Queen has arachnophobia. Jesus, all Snow had to do was throw a tarantula at you and-“

Regina shuddered, her grip on Emma’s shoulders now becoming rather painful.

“Yes well, who would have thought a former bailbonds person who tracked down dubious individuals for a living also happens to be afraid of an 8-legged fiend.”

Emma swallowed.

Regina had a point.

“You know I didn’t always have a fear. I don’t think I did anyway, but when I was nine years old I had to share a room with a brat called Angela who had an aquarium in her room that housed a tarantula called Trevor. He escaped. She didn’t tell me. I woke up to find the fucker on my face.”

Regina couldn’t help a small laugh escape her lips before the image of a tarantula on Emma’s face suddenly came into view.

Regina immediately felt sick.

“I can’t move. If I move, it moves. And the more it moves the closer it gets… oh god.”

Emma’s voice was now hoarse as the spider began to sidestep, darting towards the bathtub before it slowly began to creep up the side.

“I don’t want a shower anymore” Emma husked as she slowly stepped to the opposite side, Regina still in her arms.

“Emma, the door.”

Emma momentarily contemplated throwing Regina at the spider so she could make a run for it but then immediately felt guilty for even considering that as an option.

Get a grip, Swan!

All of a sudden the spider dropped from the side of the bath and began to edge towards Emma.

“It’s going for my feet! Fuck. Gina. Unlock the door. Reach out….”

Regina was reaching, Emma holding her securely to her front as the Mayors fingers began to scrape at the lock. Finally it unlatched as the spider began to run at full speed towards them across the tiled floor.

“It’s fucking Usain Bolt!” Emma shirked as Regina pulled at the door, finally opening it wide as Emma turned and ran through the open space into the sanctuary of their bedroom as Regina jumped from her shaking arms.

“What’s going on?”

Both turned to see a sleepy looking Henry in his Captain America PJs standing in the doorway, rubbing his hand across his face.

Regina pulled at her robe, so thankfull she had the mind to cover both her and Emma during the ordeal, because Henry seeing the both of them naked would have been one hell of an ordeal non of them would ever have gotten over.

“Henry! Thank god. Please come here.”

Henry began to wander across the carpet on his bare feet as Emma stuck out her arm.

“Gina are you for real? We can’t let Henry anywhere near that monster!”

Henry paused, suddenly more awake.

“You have a monster in your bathroom?” He asked, his face scrunched as Regina shook her head.

“It’s worse than that. It’s… a spider.”

Henry began to laugh as he shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the door.

“Kid! No! Regina?!”

Regina took a steps back and walked calmly towards the window, opening it slightly.


Emma watched as Henry vanished before quickly reappearing.

“You… Please tell me you aren’t - holding - it?!” Emma almost shrieked as Henry grinned, his hands clearly clasped around something.

“Wanna see?”

“The fuck I do!” Emma managed to rasp as she watched Henry calmly walk over to the window, letting the spider free.

Finally he turned.

“So you don’t like spiders either, Ma?”

Emma was still pale as she stepped from one foot to the other, her hands clasping her robe tightly to her body.

Thank god Regina had the sense to hand it to her!

“Um. Well… no. I mean… I’m kinda indifferent to them.”

Regina let out a laugh.

“Indifferent? Henry your Ma used me as a human shield.”

Henry began to laugh as Emma attempted to stand straight.

“Yeah well, I didn’t see you welcome it with open arms either.”

Regina shrugged.

“I’ve never hidden my… dislike of spiders. Henry has always been my knight in shining armour, haven’t you dear?”

Henry beamed, so did Emma.

“Nice one kid. Clearly it runs in the family!”

Regina couldn’t hide her snort.

“Yes, because you were such a brave and courageous knight back there.”

Emma huffed as she walked over to the still open window, peering outside before she turned.

“I held you didn’t I?”

Regina quirked a brow.

“I jumped on you. You didn’t really have much of a choice, Miss Swan.”

Emma shrugged attempting to look nonchalant as she finally pointed to the bathroom.

“It wasn’t so bad. Not really. I’ve seen bigger. I would have gotten around to it, I was just steeling myself.”

Regina took one small step forwards, a smirk appearing across her face.

“Oh really? Then you won’t mind that the spider is on your shoulder.”

Emma jumped six feet in the air and screamed.

Like the nine year old girl who’d found Trevor napping on her face all those years ago.

Regina and Henry let out a laugh as Emma sank to her knees before quickly righting herself, jumping back to her feet.

Before she could respond Henry’s voice filled the room.

“One thing I don’t get? You both have magic. Why didn’t you just poof into another room or make the spider disappear?”

Emma looked at Regina who seemed to contemplate Henry’s question before she steadily replied.

“Of course we considered it Henry. But all magic comes with a price, remember?”

Henry slowly nodded before shrugging, turning to the door he made his way out of the room back to his own bedroom.

“Night moms. Glad you were both wearing robes otherwise… yeah.”

Henry then let out a chuckle that slowly vanished as Emma stepped towards Regina.

“You didn’t consider magic at all, did you?”

Regina swallowed and turned to face the blonde.

“Did you?”

Emma bit on her bottom lip before sighing.

“No. Never crossed my mind once.”

Regina chuckled.

“Me neither.”

Emma pulled at the brunettes robe.

“I kinda really don’t want that shower now though. King Kong of spiders has totally ruined it for me.”

Regina nodded, her eyes moving instead to the bed.

Emma’s eyes followed. A grin appearing on her face.

Regina pulled at Emma before she waved her hand in the air, twice.

“Did you just use a silencing spell, Madam Mayor?”

Regina smirked.

“Why did you wave your hand twice?” the blonde then asked, as she quickly moved to close the open window.

“Because I also used a spell to keep out spiders.”

Emma’s mouth gaped.

Seriously? You can do that?”

Regina looked slightly insulted.

“Emma. I can use magic for whatever I wish.”

Emma pointed to the window.

“Just this room or the whole house?”

Regina beckoned Emma over with her finger as she slowly undid the belt around her robe.

“The entire house. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.”

She then pulled Emma into her, lips seeking their favourite place, her fingers opening Emma’s robe as Emma quickly leaned back.

“Can you do the station too? And maybe, don’t tell David or Mulan? Cause… well, I don’t want them to know.”

Regina chuckled, her lips hovering over Emma’s.

“My lips are sealed.”

Chapter Text

As soon as Emma and Regina entered the kitchen the morning after what Emma was now coining the “Spider Scandal” they immediately knew their beloved son had filled Zelena in on the evenings events.

Because Henry seemingly told his aunt everything.

For the second time, Regina found herself ridiculously relieved she’d had the sense to use the bathrobes the night before, because the teasing that would have likely ensued courtesy of Zelena would have been unbearable. That and the many, many naked puns that would have left her sisters lips.

“Good morning…. Family.” Zelena replied rather cheerfully.

“I trust you both slept well?” She then asked, a small smirk appearing on her face as she glanced at Henry who was finishing his orange juice.

“I hear your evening was crawling with fun?”

Emma actually shuddered which only propelled Zelena further.

“Be a dear, Henry and look at my phone? I appear to have lost connection to the World Wide Web.”

Henry grinned as Emma rolled her eyes.

World Wide Web?

And so it begins….

“And while you’re at it, can you favourite some websites for me? There’s one in particular about insect phobias I’m interested in.”

Regina frowned. A part of her wished for the naked jokes instead before Henry’s beaming face came into view and she mentally scolded herself. He would never forgive them for that.

“And maybe later you can show me how to do a webcast? I’d quite like to do a ‘Welcome to Storybrooke’ segment on residents and their unusual fears. Mal is afraid of heights, can you believe that? I wonder if she closes her eyes when she flies through the sky as a dragon?!”

Henry chuckled as Regina held up a hand.

“I think that’s enough, Zelena.”

Zelena shrugged, “I don’t have spider senses, like Peter whatshisface. I literally have no idea what you mean, Reggie.”

Emma then mumbled ‘Parker’ as the redhead pushed two plates towards the blonde and the brunette.

Emma looked down before a gasp escaped her lips.

Seriously?” she hissed as Regina’s eyes glanced down.

There, on both plates, were slices of toast and jam, only the jam had been stencilled rather delicately showing images of the symbol worn on Spider-Man’s chest.

“Amusing.” Regina retorted, slowly pushing the plate away from her.

“I thought so.” Zelena hummed as she glanced at Emma who was still staring at the toast.

“I knew about my sisters little… phobia… but you, Emma? I never knew you were such a pansy too! There’s me thinking you were infallible!”

Emma finally pushed the plate away before her eyes lifted to meet Zelena’s.

“I’d rather face an ogre with a hangover. Or all seven dwarfs and my mother as they do a rendition of ‘Some day my prince will come’” Emma muttered as Regina took her hand and gave it a squeeze before her gaze landed on her sister.

“Emma actually moved me away from the spider, picked me up and held me in her arms.”

Zelena tilted her head slightly before smiling.

“Of course she did, her Saviour complex didn’t totally let you down then!”

Emma beamed at her girl- fiancee! Her fiancee as she protected Emma’s reputation in front of her probing sister. Even though she had blatantly lied, which somehow made Emma feel even more loved.

Henry stood and stretched.

“I don’t get what the big deal is. I’ve always wanted a tarantula.”

Emma and Regina both shook their heads in unison as Zelena let out a cackle.

“Perhaps for your birthday, although you’ll have to keep it at mine. I can’t imagine your mothers wanting it anywhere near here if what happened last night is anything to go by!”

Henry smiled and picked up is backpack.

“Do tell me me how you spotted the spider in the first place?”

Emma was about to open her mouth when Regina’s hand suddenly covered it.

“I saw it and asked for Emma’s assistance.”

Zelena quirked a brow.

“Are you certain Emma wasn’t already assisting you, Regina? I believe the face off occurred in your bathroom?”

Emma recalled exactly what she had been doing at the time and had Regina not put a stop to her ministrations she would have definitely assisted the Mayor in reaching her first orgasm of the evening as her tongue had delighted in tasting Regina’s nipple before she’d made the decision to continue downwards.

Emma’s face was now blazing, Regina could feel the heat escape onto the palm of her hand as she slowly removed it from the blondes lips.

“I’d hardly call it a face of Zelena.” Regina finally replied as Emma nodded in agreement.

“No? So you didn’t have a confrontation with a teensy weeny housespider?”

Regina heard the snort escape Emma’s nose almost immediately as the blonde then added a huff for good measure.

“That thing was not fucking small. It was the size of my hand. Easily.”

Henry began to laugh as Regina shot Emma that look.

“Emma. Language. Henry, don’t laugh at your mother. Phobias are very real!”

Zelena was now cackling.

“Such a good thing you had Henry on hand to capture the spider that was bigger than your hand, Sheriff. Especially considering my nephews hands are ickle compared to yours.”

Henry, sensing the slight change in mood as his Ma began to turn a nice shade of scarlet decided now would be the prefect time to interrupt.

“Aunty Z is taking me to school today.”

Regina frowned.

“I haven’t made you your lunch.”

Zelena waved a hand.

“Don’t worry dear sister, I did.”

Regina immediately took Henry’s backpack from his hands, peeping inside to retrieve his Star Wars lunchbox.

“I’m offended, Reggie. Don’t you trust me to make Henry a nutritious lunch?!”

Regina removed the lid.

“Do I trust you?” she scoffed, as she retrieved two chocolate bars from the box, placing them on the table.

“Whatever gave you that idea?” she continued as her hand came across a bottle of full fat pop and a cheese string.

“I mean, you are my sister.” Regina’s voice was level as she removed a pop tart next, placing it next to the soda can and cheese string.

“One would like to think you share some of my common sense genes.”

Finally the brunette reached further and pulled out a packet of chips.

Really, Zelena? You think this-“ and Regina waved her hand across the table, “this is is a balanced, nutritious lunch?! Henry doesn’t drink pop, and where is the fruit? Or the wholemeal pittas? Where is the salad? Honestly…”

Zelena bit her lip and sighed, shooting an apologetic look at Henry before she reached for the pop tart.

“Blueberry - see? There’s your fruit.” she ventured as Emma stifled a giggle.

“And really Reggie, what child eats wholemeal pitta? They taste like crap.”

Zelena then pointed at the packet of chips.

“Those chips are cheese and onion, so there’s your salad. In a way.”

Zelena shrugged as she then nodded at the cheese string.

“I didn’t expect Henry to actually eat that, I told him to open it and throw it at Nick when the little miscreant decides to tease him about his crush on Violet again.”

Now Henry’s face turned scarlet as Zelena continued, unaware of Henry’s discomfort.

“And chocolate is actually good for you - it reduces blood pressure!”

Emma couldn’t help the laugh escape as Regina shot her a warning look before picking up the chocolate.

“Henry is a child. He certainly doesn’t have high blood pressure for heavens sake but I do, thanks to you and this!”

Because the thought of her darling little prince crushing on a girl would definitely give Regina high blood pressure. He was growing up way, way too fast.

“I don’t have a crush.” Henry was now muttering as Emma caught his eye and gave him a wink before she placed a hand on Regina’s shoulder.

“Gina, she was just trying to help.”

Emma’s voice was soft and calm and Regina immediately felt guilty. Looking back at her sister she sighed before her eyes landed on Henry who was now trying to smuggle the pop tart back into his backpack.

Regina removed it from his hands.

“Very well. You can keep one bar of chocolate and the chips but i’m making you a sandwich and you can take an apple! And no throwing cheese strings! I don’t even know why we have those in the fridge. They are unhealthy and-“

“And I like them?” Emma interjected as Regina rolled her eyes.

“You would!”

Emma picked up the cheese string.

“They contain calcium. See? Says so right here on the side of the packet!”

And Emma shoved the offending packaging under Regina’s nose as she motioned to the pop tart with her free hand. Grinning, Henry nodded and placed it in his rucksack quickly, Zelena stepping in front of him to shield him from the mayors view.

Regina snorted, her eyes back on Henry who had managed to extract the pop tart from the table and back into his backpack successfully.

Mission accomplished, Zelena grinned and high-fived Henry.

Regina chuckled to herself. She surmised one pop tart wouldn’t hurt.

Once the pair had left, Regina placed the now cold toast into the garbage before turning to face Emma.

“Eggs? Pancakes? Both?

Emma was about to say ‘both’ when her stomach suddenly lurched. Within seconds she was bolting towards the downstairs toilet.


Regina followed close by, pausing at the closed doorway as her fiancée seemingly emptied her stomach into the toilet.

Opening the door she saw Emma finally lift her head from the toilet, flushing as she did so.

“Are you feeling unwell?”

Regina was behind her now, rubbing her hand up and down Emma’s back in a similar way the blonde had done when Regina was the one being sick. Not that she’d had morning sickness for a while now.

“I feel alright. Just… queasy. I don’t think I want any breakfast baby. I can’t stomach it right now.

Regina frowned. Emma never said no to breakfast.


“Perhaps you could try some toast? Buttered toast calmed my stomach when I had morning sickness?”

Emma swallowed. Even the thought of toast made her feel sick.

“No, I think I’ll just have a tea if that’s okay? I mean, I appreciate it helped you but I don’t have morning sickness.”

Regina nodded and walked back into the kitchen, Emma closely following behind.

“My back hurts too.

Regina glanced up, a smirk appearing on her face.

“Well, we were rather - adventurous - between the sheets last night my love. Perhaps you pulled something?”

Emma couldn’t contain her grin, memories of some of the positions she had found herself in the night before flowing through her mind.

“Yeah. You’re probably right.”

Emma had decided she needed to pay Neil a visit at the hospital. Regina wasn’t too keen on the idea at first but Emma explained it was her job to follow up on Neil’s status considering he had, in essence, been put there by her own mother.

Of course the main reason she wanted to visit was to see exactly how much Neil did remember.

“I won’t tell him anything about Henry, Gina. You have my word, but I can’t dodge him forever.”

So here she was, waiting patiently for Dr. Whale to arrive before she entered Neil’s assigned room.

She’d stopped by the pharmacy that was housed in the hospital first, picking up something for her upset stomach, relieved Peter Piper didn’t also do shifts at the hospital as well as the local store. She’s taken a quick swig from the bottle, grimacing at not only the bright pink colour but the taste as the liquid coated her throat.

Whale finally appeared, immediately noticing the pink bottle she was holding in her hand.

“Please tell me you’re here officially, Sheriff? I have too many members of staff off sick with a flu bug, so I really can’t spare anyone to check you over.”

Emma held up her free hand.

“Hey, relax Doc. I’m here on police business. In a way. I want to see the guy who was admitted, the one Zelena brought in. His name is Neil.”

Whale nodded, flicking through his clipboard.

“Ah yes. Admitted with a concussion. Arrived in a rather catatonic state but is now awake, although we’ve decided to keep him under observation for a few days because he appears to be struggling with certain things.”

Emma squinted at Whales clipboard before looking back up.

“What kind of things?”

Whale tapped his pen against the paper clipped to his board.

“Well, his memory for one thing. He had no idea what his own name was until Mr Gold paid him a visit.”

Now Emma was intrigued.

“Oh? And what else did Mr. Gold tell him?”

Whale shrugged.

“I’ve no idea Sheriff. I don’t make it my business to hover when someone has a visitor. I do know the atmosphere appeared a little… tense… when I entered to check on the patients vitals not long after Mr Gold left.”

Emma nodded.

“So he doesn’t know what happened? How he came to be here I mean?”

Whale shook his head.

“He has no idea your mother put him here if that’s what you are referring to, Sheriff.”

Emma rolled her bottom lip into her mouth.

“And I certainly haven’t told him, either. Nobody here will. We have a very high regard for Snow. If she - did what Zelena said she did - then she clearly had good reason to.”

Emma wondered if Rumple had told Neil. For some reason she had feeling he hadn’t.

“Ok well, lead the way.”

Whale nodded as Emma followed him down the corridors, barely paying attention to her surroundings until she came across a closed door that had a shiny gold plaque.

“You’re having a laugh!” she spluttered as Whale stopped and turned.

“Oh, you saw that?”

Emma pointed her finger at the plaque.

Swan Suite? Is this a joke?”

Whale grinned.

“I told you I’d name a wing of this hospital after you, Sheriff. Sadly the Mayor threatened my budget if I did that so this was the next best thing. We keep this room free in case you ever need it, you know, with your track record.”

Emma snorted.

“Not funny, Whale. I want that plaque removing. Now.”

Whale appeared deep in thought before a smile appeared.

“Are you certain that’s what you want, Sheriff? Wouldn’t it be nice to have this room be the very one your girlfriend finally gives birth in?”

Emma was about to correct him when she realised nobody knew that Regina was actually now her fiancée. She was also about to disagree before Whales words finally resonated.

Regina could have this room, the Swan Suite, when she gave birth to their child.


Whale smirked.

“Excellent. Now, before I leave may I enquire about that.”

Whale looked at the bottle she was still holding.

“Just an upset stomach. Nothing to worry about.”

Whale nodded, “and how is the Mayor? Is she suffering from morning sickness?

Emma shook her head, “no, not anymore.”

Whale pondered Emma’s response before chuckling to himself.

“Perhaps you’re suffering from sympathy pains.”

As Emma finally walked towards the door to Neil’s room it suddenly opened and out walked a rather emotional looking Belle.

“Is everything alright, Belle?” Emma asked gently as the brunette paused before sitting down on one of the seats situated along the corridor.

“I honestly don’t know, Emma. I came here because Rumple saw Neil last night and things didn’t go exactly how he had imagined they would. I hoped I could perhaps talk to Neil but he’s very…”

Belle stopped and blushed.

“He’s very, what?” Emma asked immediately, not liking where this was possibly going.

Belle seemed nervous.

“Did he make you feel uncomfortable?” Emma asked, taking a seat beside Belle.

“A little. He…”

Belle stopped again before glancing back at the room she had just left.

“He can’t hear you, Belle. You can tell me. I won’t say anything to Rumple if that’s what you’re afraid of?”

Bella suddenly clasped Emma’s hand.

“Please don’t tell him. He may have wanted to reconnect with his son but if he found out… Neil propositioned me… I don’t think he would be too happy.”

Emma wasn’t happy.

How dare Neil make Belle feel this way!

Once an asshole. Always an asshole.

“He’s an asshole.” Emma muttered under her breath as Belle began to fidget.

“He didn’t know I was in a relationship with Rumple at first, but when I told him he laughed at me, said I was too young for an old man like Rumple and then had the nerve to grab my arm, trying to pull me over to him. I managed to break free but then he asked me out for drinks, said he could show me a better time. Honestly, Emma, I don’t know what to tell Rumple. I only came here to try and fix things.”

Emma was now seething. Clearly Neil hadn’t changed a great deal over the years and was still a lecherous dick.

“Belle, you need to tell Rumple the truth about what happened here today.”

Bella nodded.

“I know. It’s just difficult. Neil is his son! I can’t believe he would proposition me after knowing I was in a relationship with his father.”

Emma edged closer to Belle.

“So Rumple told him he was his father?”

Belle nodded.

“Yes, although I don’t really know what happened - only that Rumple came home in an anxious mood and said very little, only that Neil was having issues remembering things and that he didn’t react very well to the news that he was his father.”

Emma nodded. That explained the tense atmosphere Whale described earlier.

“You did a nice thing today, Belle. You came to try and help both Rumple and Neil, I’m only sorry the prodigal son treated you the way he did. Leave him to me.”

Bell looked a little stricken.

“Don’t worry, I come unarmed. I won’t be hitting him over the head with a frying pan like Snow did.”

Emma then grinned and was pleased to see Belle visibly relax, a small smile playing on her lips.

“There’s a lot more to Neil, isn’t there?”

Emma sighed. Belle was and would always be, extremely astute.

“Yes there is and I will tell both you and Rumple when the time is right.”

Emma had given it some thought although she was still uncertain what Regina wanted. Surprisingly she wasn’t worried about Rumple and Belle becoming a part of Henry’s life.

Neil was the issue.

She didn’t want him anywhere near Henry, and that was where the problem stemmed.

Belle nodded and stood.

“Thank you, Emma. Please be careful in there.” she motioned to the closed door with her head. “Neil is a very… perturbed young man.”

Emma snorted.

“Oh I can handle Neil. Believe me.”

Slowly Emma opened the door, a part of her hoping Neil had fallen asleep, giving her an excuse the close the door and retrace her steps. Unfortunately he was very much awake although his face was hidden behind a newspaper.

“Change your mind did you babe. Can’t say I’m surprised.”

His voice was the same. Emma wasn’t certain why she expected it to sound any different.

His head was still behind the newspaper. Emma could see the front page story looking back at her, and immediately noticed an old picture of Regina in the corner. The headline read “Re-election Approaches: is Storybrooke in the mood for more Mills?”

A smile tugged on Emma’s lips. Of course Regina would get re-elected. Although they hadn’t really discussed it, with Regina being pregnant Emma wasn’t even certain she would want to run again.

Finally the newspaper lowered and there he was: Neil, sporting a black eye and a very bruised cheek.

“You’re not Belle.”

Emma tried not to roll her eyes.

She failed.

“I see you haven’t lost your powers of observation.”

Neil folded the paper and placed it on his lap.

“No, I can see just fine.”

He then proceeded to look Emma up and down, clearly liking what he saw.

“I am blessed today. Two visits from two pretty ladies. Who might you be?”

Emma considered her answer. Was he toying with her or did he really not know who she was? Her lie detector was eerily quiet.

Well, if he was toying with her, two could play at the game.

“I’m the local Sheriff.”

Neil’s brows shot up as he did a mock whistle.

“No shit? You’re not what I expected a Sheriff to look like.” His eyes began to wander again, resting on her chest before his eyes looked back up.

“Nice wardrobe, Sheriff.”

Emma took another step closer to Neil then paused.

“Do you have a lot of experience with Sheriffs?” she asked calmly, wondering if Neil’s life of crime had continued after he vanished from her life.

Neil looked momentarily confused before he shrugged.

“Honestly? No idea. I have amnesia. Only just found out recently what my name was and that I have a pop who’s estranged. I met his girlfriend just before you came in. He’s one lucky bastard.”

Emma didn’t know what to make of Neil but one thing he hadn’t lost other the years was his cockiness.

“Your father and Belle are in a stable relationship. You’d do well to remember that.”

Emma’s tone was level and to the point

Neil shrugged.

“Is this the part where you tell me they’re deliriously in love? Cause I don’t buy it. Besides, if he is my father she can trade him in for a younger model.”

Emma felt like throttling Neil there and then and it took all her willpower to refrain.

Instead she decided to direct the conversation elsewhere.

If he is your father?

Neil picked the paper back up.

“I don’t remember shit, Sheriff. So who’s to say he is my father? I only have his word for it. Hell, I didn’t even know I was in Storybrooke until the nurse gave me this mornings paper.”

He then pointed to the “Storybrooke Gazette” title on the newspaper before his eyes fell on the photo of Regina.

“I will say this though. Your town is full of hot women. First my dads apparent girlfriend who’s the local librarian. Then you, a sexy Sheriff and now I see you have a lady Mayor.”

He pointed to the photo before continuing.

“I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers, if you catch my drift.”

He then smirked as Emma pulled the paper from his hands, rolling it into a tube.

“Talk about my fiancée like that again and I’ll give you another black eye to match the one you’ve already got.”

Neil’s smile immediately dropped.

“She… the Mayor is your fiancée?!”

Emma grinned.

“Well holy shit. There’s me thinking this small town was narrow minded. Although, seriously Sheriff… what’s wrong with the men here?”

Neil then pushed himself forwards.

”Clearly you haven’t had a good time with someone of the opposite sex cause if you did you wouldn’t be with her. I’m more than happy to volunteer my services.”

Emma suddenly felt sick.

“Thanks but it’s a hard pass. I wouldn’t  touch you with a ten foot pole.” and with that she smacked him square in the face with the rolled up newspaper before letting it drop to the floor.

Neil suddenly frowned.

“I was reading that. Jesus, relax. Can’t you take a joke?”

Emma edged closer to Neil, noticing how swollen his face was. She mentally thanked her mother and her actions again.

“So how did I get here anyway? Is that why you’re here? Cause if you want to take my statement you’re out of luck. I don’t even remember entering your town let alone the hospital.”

Emma watched Neil closely. She knew his facial tics, how his left eye would twitch whenever he felt anxious, how he nibbled on his bottom lip when he was contemplating telling a lie.

She knew him, knew his tells and right now he appeared sincere.

Emma considered her response. She could lie, but even with amnesia Neil would learn the truth sooner rather than later, there was no getting away from it and a part of her was intrigued to see how he reacted when faced with the truth.

No matter how obscure it would sound.

“Snow White smacked you in the face with a frying pan that belonged to Granny, you know, the old lady from Red Riding Hood?”

Emma continued to watched as Neil’s mouth began to slowly open.

“Little Red Riding Hood then called me, and I came to the diner to find you flat out on the floor with Rumplestiltskin and Maleficent hovering over your body.”

Neil cocked his head and rolled his eyes.

“I then asked the Wicked Witch of the West to transport you directly to the hospital and you’ve been under the care of Dr Whale, also known as Victor Frankenstein, ever since.”

Neil finally let out a laugh.

“I said I had amnesia, Sheriff. I’m not fucking crazy though I should thank you for making me laugh, I don’t recall the last time I did.”

Emma shrugged and relented.

“You took a nasty fall outside the local diner. Local residents found you and an ambulance was called.”

Neil closed his eyes. Was he trying to remember?

Slowly he opened them.

“Sounds like something I’d do. I think. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to get some rest. I slept like shit last night after the crazy old guy came in and told me he was my father.”

Emma shrugged.

“I’m more than happy to leave, but I’d like to know what your intentions are once you get released from here.”

Neil seemed momentarily lost in his own thoughts before he answered

“I suppose I should get to know my pop, right? Maybe some things will come back to me. I don’t live here apparently so maybe if I stick around long enough I’ll remember why I came here in the first place because I have a nagging feeling I came to find someone or something.”

Emma’s heart was beating fast as Neil shrugged again.

“Fuck if I know. I keep dreaming of a yellow car. I don’t even know if it’s my car or a figment of my imagination.”

Emma had heard enough, relieved she had driven to the hospital in the cruiser, the car she would be commandeering from now on. She would not hesitate in parking her own in the privacy of their garage as soon as she could.

“Anyway, nice talking to you Sheriff. Tell Belle she’s welcome to visit me again anytime.”

Emma had enough.

Slowly she moved so she was hovering over Neil, who actually looked a little worried.

Slowly she reached out one finger, tapping it on Neil’s forehead, taking pleasure in his slight wince.

“Listen to me very carefully. Belle is off limits, do you hear me? I hope that brain of yours is taking this in because this is the only warning I’m going to give you. Leave her the hell alone or suffer the consequences.”

Emma then removed her hand as Neil frowned.

“Are you threatening me?”

Emma smirked.

“Not at all, merely looking after my town and its residents.”

Neil shifted.

“What did you say your name was again?”

Emma pointed to the badge on her belt buckle before she turned to leave.

“I didn’t. Sheriff is just fine.”

Regina couldn’t concentrate on work, her mind drifting from one thing to another, notably Emma’s impromptu proposal the night before which sent a feeling of warmth, tenderness and love around her entire being before the feeling slowly ebbed away when the thought of Emma visiting Neil crashed into her, shattering the happiness.


For a moment she wished she could speak to her alternate self; she was the only one who would truly understand how she was feeling, the only one who was also having to put up with this part of Emma’s past that had decided to come back and haunt them both.

So focussed on her inner turmoil she didn’t notice the door open as her secretly poked her head around the door.

“Madam Mayor? I have Miss Page here to see you, if you can spare a moment before your eleven o’clock?”

Regina looked at the clock on the wall,  noticing it was a quarter too.

“Of course, show her in.”

Emma was back at the station, still trying to make some sense from her quick face to face with Neil. Not once did she detect that he was lying. He appeared to genuinely suffering from amnesia and she wasn’t entirely certain what she should do with that.

Rumple and Belle should be told the truth, of course, but that meant Neil would also likely find out and right now he didn’t even remember he had a past with her.

So lost in her thoughts she didn’t see the door open as a hesitant Snow appeared.

“Emma? Can we talk for a moment?”

Emma looked up and smiled, motioning to the chair that was opposite her.

Mulan had the day off and David was currently volunteering at the animal shelter for the day.

“Sure, is everything okay?” Emma asked as Snow took a seat.

“I should I be asking you that, Emma, what with - Neil - showing up.”

Emma nodded.

“Yeah I’m alright. I guess it would have been more of a shock to my system had we not come across him in the parallel universe first.”

Snow sighed.

“I keep seeing his face when I close my eyes.”

Emma couldn’t help a grin escape her lips.

“Is that before or after you knocked him out cold?!”

Snow sighed even louder.

“Emma! Really. It’s not funny.”

Emma shrugged.

“Afraid I’m going to have to disagree. The fact that you used a frying pan as a lethal weapon will forever be scorched in my brain, Mom. You were protecting me. Not only do I find it amusing but it also makes me feel incredibly loved that you did that for me.”

Snow blushed.

“Well, I still don’t condone what I did. I’m surprised he hasn’t brought charges against me!”

Emma shifted in her seat.

“He has no idea what happened. No idea how he got to the hospital or how you… you know.

Snow gasped.


Emma stood.

“It appears Neil has amnesia. He didn’t even know his name until Rumple told him. All he knows is, he’s here in Storybrooke but he has no idea why. And the only person who has any ties to him is Rumple, after I told both him and Belle who Neil was.”

Snow now stood, walking to Emma’s side.

“So he doesn’t know… you?”

Emma shook her head.

“Apparently not. I even went to see him earlier this morning, case him out. Don’t get me wrong, I know Neil - I know what he’s capable of and being a professional conman was definitely his thing but I honestly don’t think he’s fooling us. He would stare off into space now and again, genuinely looking puzzled. I don’t think he remembers much and I can’t say I’m particularly upset about it.”

Snow understood. If he didn’t know who Emma was, he didn’t have any memory of their time together in the past which meant any ties he had to Henry would be missed.

“Was it me who gave him amnesia?” Snow suddenly squeaked as Emma grinned again.

“I think it was more the frying pan, mom.”

Snow bit down on her lip before a small smile finally escaped her lips.

“Emma!” she scolded, even though her eyes were smiling.

“Look, don’t feel guilty. Neil has no idea how he ended up in hospital and the entire hospital staff aren’t planning on telling him, Dr Whale was very firm on that. I don’t even think Rumple has said anything.”

Snow nodded as Emma continued.

“Neil certainly didn’t say anything to me when i introduced myself as the local Sheriff although I admit I did tell him the truth myself. I needed to gauge his reaction. He laughed it off. I guess it is kinda unbelievable when you think about it. It’s not everyday Snow White engages in mild bodily harm.”

“So I’m not going to be arrested?”

Emma tilted her head.

“You seriously think I’m going to arrest you?!”

Snow shrugged.

“I just want it to be over.”

Emma pulled her mother in for a hug.

“Me too, mom. Me too.”

Lily stepped into Regina’s office looking a little unsure of herself as the door closed behind her.

“I’m afraid I only have fifteen minutes at best, Miss Page. I have a meeting at eleven.”

Lily nodded but remained standing near the door, still looking hesitant.

“You can come in my dear.” Regina finally broke the silence as Lily walked a few paces forwards and finally stopped by the seat in front of Regina.

“I won’t take up much of your time, Madam Mayor I just wanted to apologise.”

Regina smiled and motioned to the seat which Lily finally took.

“I… well, I had it all worked out in my head, what I wanted to say, but now I’m here…”

Lily seemed a little exasperated with herself as Regina smiled again.

“Miss Page, you sound a lot like Emma right now.”

Lily managed a smile, Regina’s statement  seeming to calm her a little.

“Yeah I guess we both struggle to be coherent at times. Maybe it’s a foster care thing? I don’t know…”

Regina observed the younger brunette. She had easily forgotten before that Lily, like Emma, had also gone through a system that had failed her on so many levels although she was still unsure to what degree Lily had suffered.

“You’ve both become exceptional women, Lily. I know Mal is very proud of you.”

Lily smiled. “Yeah, I believe she is. I didn’t think I’d ever find my birth mother. I have Emma to thank for that.”

Regina suddenly saw the paralleled in both Emma and Lily’s life. Henry had found Emma and brought her home. Emma had found Lily and done the same.

“Yes. Emma can be rather set in her ways when she wants to be.”

Lily smiled again. “Well, that’s partly why I came here - to apologise. When Emma first found me and brought me here I was under the impression something may happen between us.”

Regina nodded. That much she had worked out herself.

“You don’t owe me an apology. There was nothing going on between Emma and myself when you first came here.”

Regina chose he words carefully. She may have had feelings for the Sheriff but it was true they weren’t together. Not then.

“Yeah but I kinda knew she had a thing for you. She wasn’t the best at hiding it, or perhaps I just know her too well.”

Regina felt her heart flutter, hearing Lily say Emma had feelings for her so long ago.

“I don’t think either of us were as adept at hiding our feelings as we thought. Miss Lucas was very good at calling my bluff on many occasions.” Regina answered honestly as Lily smiled.

“I know I didn’t handle the two of you getting together very well, and I seriously fu- I mean, messed up the whole pregnancy thing. I just wanted to say I’m truly sorry. I apologised to Emma, we’ve cleared the air but I wanted to do the same with you.”

Regina smiled at the younger brunette.

“I appreciate that, Lily. I really do.”

Lily nodded and stood.

“Thank you for letting Emma and I be friends.”

Her voice wavered a little as Regina stood.

“Lily, if you know Emma as well as I think you do, you’ll know that she is one very determined woman who makes her own decisions. I would never make them for her, nor would she let me. You are friends because it’s what she wants; and if Emma wants that, then so do I.”

Lily was suddenly stepping around Regina’s desk before she paused.

“I… I just want her to be happy and I know she is, with you. Please take care of her? She may be determined but we both know that’s often a facade.”

Regina nodded.

“I will always take care of her. You have my word, Lily. I love her, so very much. I don’t know what I did to deserve her; sometimes I think I’m living a dream and one day I’ll wake up only to find all this is make believe.”

Lily immediately reached out and placed both her hands on Regina’s shoulders.

“You know, my mom’s told me a lot about you, and your past. I don’t think either of you were treated the way you should have been back then. You both deserve all the happiness in the world, don’t ever second guess why you have finally been given that, Regina.”

Lily’s eyes softened.

“Sometimes we don’t even realise what we are searching for until it’s standing there right in front of us. Embrace it and own it!”

Regina chuckled as Lily gave her shoulders a squeeze.

“Have you just put me in my place, Miss Page?” Regina smirked as Lily shrugged then winked.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, Madam Mayor.

Lily then stepped back and turned to walk towards the door before turning back.

“She loves you too. Fiercely so. Your baby is one lucky kid.”

Lily then left with a wave as the door closed behind her.

Regina reached for her phone and started to type a text:

To Mal:

I just had a visit from Lily. You have one very strong willed, passionate daughter, Mal. I see why you are so proud of her. Both come over for dinner tonight?

Finishing the first text she then started on net second.

To Emma:

Darling, how did it go seeing Neil? I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I have a meeting that will run over lunch. I’ll see you at home this evening. I’ve invited Mal and Lily over for dinner (which means we’re likely to have Zelena too). I love you. Always.

Before she replaced her phone in her top drawer she heard it ping.

From Mal:

Lily is a chip off the old block, Regina. I presume from your text that her visit didn’t end in fisticuffs?! We’d love to come over. What time?

To Mal:

Well she can turn into a dragon so you’re not wrong! She came to apologise and, give me her blessing I think? Anyway, it was a pleasant exchange. I appreciate her coming over. See you tonight at 7pm sharp.

Regina then spotted another response.

From Emma:

Neil has amnesia, and I don’t think he’s bullshitting. Asshole had the nerve to hit on Belle! I’ll fill you in tonight but he didn’t seem to recognise me (there is a god!). Working till 7 as David is at the shelter till then. Keep the food warm for me babe! Love you too. Always. Xxx

Regina smiled and typed a quick to Emma.

To Emma:

I’m seeing Belle this afternoon, I’ll check on her. I hope he didn’t hit on you? Otherwise I’ll be forced to hit him, and it won’t be with a flimsy frying pan. See you tonight darling. I’ll keep the food warm, and the bedsheets…. for later ;) xx

Regina felt her cheeks flush at the prospect of Emma in their bed. She was like a horny teenager.

A knock at the door brought her from her reverie.


Regina inwardly sighed as Sidney entered.

“Madam Mayor! So happy to see you. Thank you for seeing me.”

Regina nodded and motioned to the seat opposite for the second time that day.

“So, tell me Regina. Are you running for Mayor again?”

Mal, Lily and Zelena has arrived at 7pm sharp and we’re now all seated in the living room.

“Honestly? I haven’t really thought about it. Ordinarily I would have but with this little one on the way - “ Regina patted her stomach lightly, “I’m not sure I’ll have the time.”

Zelena swirled the cider around her glass, looking thoughtful. For once.

“Who else could possibly do the job as well as you, though? And please don’t suggest Snow. She’s too nice. We’d have her passing every law suggested by the dwarfs in seconds.”

Mal laughed as Regina glanced at the clock.

“I suppose I should speak to Emma about it.”

Lily looked up from her phone.

“Where is she?”

Regina heard the front door open.

“That’ll be her now. She worked over, David was at the shelter and Emma gave Mulan the day off.”

Zelena chuckled.

“That explains why I never saw Ruby in the diner this afternoon. Snow served me. Got my order wrong but I didn’t have the heart to tell her. I’m still in awe of what she did to Neil. She can serve me the wrong food all week for all I care.”

Regina smiled as she left the room, walking towards the hallway.  Spotting Emma’s jacket and boots she briefly paused and called up the stairs.

“Henry, come down and set the table please. Emma, got have ten minutes.”

Emma’s head peered over the bannister upstairs.

“So not enough time for you to scrub my back?”

Regina’s eyes twinkled.

“Perhaps later, Em-ma.”

Because really, she did still owe Emma that shower.

“Yes ma’am” Emma called back as her head disappeared, only for Henry’s to come into view.

“How many people am I setting it for?” He asked as he jogged down the stairs, stopping at the bottom.

“Six please.”

Dinner had gone well, the guests complimenting Regina on her honey garlic chicken. Even Emma had managed to eat her portion although Regina was a little shocked the blonde didn’t help herself to seconds as she usually would have done.

Mal, Lily and Zelena then made their way into the living room whilst Henry and Emma cleared the table.

“How are you feeling now?” Regina asked, as Emma handed her a plate. Emma watched as the brunette dutifully rinsed the plate before placing it in the dishwasher.

“Better. My stomach isn’t as upset. Dinner was lovely.”

Henry soon finished handing Emma the plates , making his way back to his bedroom to finish his homework as Regina placed the last of the dishes into the dishwasher.

“You didn’t have seconds.”

Emma ran her hand over her stomach.

“I still feel a little tender.”

Regina nodded, her own hand now on her stomach as a smile appeared across her face. Emma’s hand immediately moved and covered Regina’s.

Nugget was kicking again.

“I feel it.” she whispered as Regina moved her free hand, taking a hold of Emma’s to place it on her stomach.

“I still can’t believe I’m pregnant.” she whispered as Emma looked up and grinned.

“We’re going to be parents again. I can’t wait.”

Regina sighed, moving into Emma she moved her hands so they were now around the blondes waist, tugging at her slightly. Emma winced.

“What’s wrong?”

Emma stretched her torso, before shrugging.

“It’s my lower back. I must’ve pulled something last night, like you said. It just keeps twinging.”

Regina immediately moved around Emma so she was now facing her back. Strong Fingers reached out, gently probing the blondes lower back muscles.

“Oh shit. Right there. Can you feel anything? Am i tense?”

Regina continued to massage Emma’s lower back as someone cleared their throat from behind.

“Would you like us to leave you both… to it?” Zelena asked with a smirk on her face as both Emma and Regina turned.

“I’ve pulled a muscle in my back.”

Zelena looked at Emma.

“I won’t ask how. Actually, who am I trying to kid? How did you pull that muscle, Emma? Engaging in extra curricular activities were we?”

Emma attempted to stretch again before her face contorted.

“It actually really hurts. I don’t know what I’ve done.”

Regina ran her hand over Emmas lower back again before pausing.

“That’s exactly where I had pain a couple of weeks ago. It’s eased off now though.”

Emma shrugged.

“Maybe I’ve just picked up a bug. Whale did say there was a flu bug hanging around. It could explain why I felt sick this morning too.”

Zelena approached slowly.

“You felt sick this morning?”

Emma nodded.

“Do you still feel sick, Regina?”

Regina, removing a bottle of wine from the fridge turned and shook her head.

“Not anymore.”

Emma reached to remove the glasses from the shelf when she winced again 

“Zelena can you?”

Zelena stepped closer and removed the glasses as instructed before she turned to face her sister again.

“And you’ve had no more back pain?”

Regina looked contemplative before answering.

“No. I’ve not had any further muscle pain anywhere. Nugget is finally taking to easy on me.”

Zelena nodded as Emma handed Regina a bottle of water from the fridge.

“What’s with the twenty questions?” Emma enquired as Zelena opened the bottle of wine and began to pour. Once she had filled three glasses she stopped, her eyes now on Emma.

“Just considering a theory.”

And with that Zelena strutted from the room, glasses and wine bottle hovering in the air as they then followed her from the room.

“Theory about what?” Emma asked and Regina rolled her eyes.

“Who knows wihen it comes to Zelena. I think it’s best we don’t ask.”


Chapter 11


Just some lightheartedness before things get serious (dun, dun, duuuun!)

Chapter Text

Emma strode into the station feeling a little lightheaded. Her stomach had been doing strange somersaults since the early hours of the morning. She had attempted to skip breakfast until Regina entered the kitchen and promptly made her eat something before she left the house.

“I’m not letting you go until you eat something, Emma.”

“I’m really not hungry. My stomach is upset.”

“Yes, well I’m getting upset - eat this. Please.”

So Emma had nibbled on a piece of toast, wondering when her stomach flu was going to pass.

Now seated at her desk she was about to flick through the paperwork she still hadn’t caught up with since returning from the parallel universe when Mulan entered holding two steaming cups of coffee and a paper bag under her left arm.

“One bear claw.” she smiled, placing the paper bag on Emma’s desk.

Ordinarily Emma would have jumped at the sweet treat but her stomach began to grumble, and not in the way she was used to.

“Um… not today. Thanks though.”

Mulan immediately tensed, her eyes dramatically sweeping around the room before they finally landed back on her boss.

“Ooookay. Who are you and what have you done with Emma?” She finally chuckled as Emma pushed herself away from her desk.

“I’ve got the stomach flu. I think.”

Mulan shrugged and picked up the treat.

“Remind me to tell Ruby you turned down a bear claw. Not that she’ll believe me. Remember when Snow gave you food poisoning?”

Emma nodded, almost feeling nauseous again at the memory of her mothers chicken fajitas which has tasted a hell of a lot better going down than they had coming back up.

“Yeah well, that didn’t stop you for devouring bear claws, Emma. You must be feeling really rotten.”

Emma pondered this for a second before another voice floated across the room.

“Oh I wouldn’t say it was that drastic. Emma merely has pregnancy aches and pains instead of Reggie. I guess that’s what happens when you have a true love child. You really do share everything!”

Mulan looked puzzled as Emma held up a hand at Zelena who was now standing in front of her desk.

“Hang on. You’re telling me Regina is no longer suffering because I am instead? That’s crazy. I’m not the one who’s pregnant?!”

Zelena couldn’t help a smirk escape her lips.

“My dear Emma, as I said, this is a magical pregnancy. You’ll be having cravings next because I suspect Regina’s have suddenly subsided?”

Emma frowned, realising Regina hadn’t craved anything out of the ordinary for a couple of days.

All of a sudden Emma paled.

“Shit. Onion rings dipped in chocolate sauce sound like heaven right now, even though that thought also makes me feel kinda sick. This can’t be happening.”

Emma seemed a little panicked as Mulan let out a soft chuckle.

“Zelena is right. This is a true love child, anything is possible. I think it’s kind of nice that you’re taking away some of Regina’s discomfort.”

Emma calmed.

“Well I guess it’s the least I can do considering she’s the one carrying and giving birth to our child.”

Emma then had a thought, as her eyes shot to Zelena.

“Does this mean I’m going to feel it when she gives birth too??”

Zelena appeared to consider Emma’s question before she shrugged.

“Who knows? I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough!” And with that she took the seat opposite Emma.

Emma suddenly looked down at her very flat stomach.

“I’m not going to get a bump too, right?”

Zelena rolled her eyes.

“Emma dear you’re overthinking things. Regina is the one carrying. It will be her stomach that’s growing. She already has the cutest bump which I’m sure you’ve noticed.”

Emma smiled. She had noticed. She’d spent at least half an hour the night before reading the bump a bedtime story when Regina had fallen fast asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Emma finally broke away from her thoughts.

“I hope this means my feet won’t swell because they did when I was pregnant with Henry.”

Mulan chuckled and moved to her desk, as Emma’s eyes followed her.

“Um… you know how much you love doing paperwork….”

Mulan gave Emma that look.

“I know how much I hate doing your paperwork.” she finally replied, knowing what was coming next.

“Mulan. Please. Help a girl out? Especially one that’s suffering from pregnancy symptoms even though she’s not the one who’s pregnant?”

Zelena cackled as Mulan sighed.

“Hand it over. But you owe me. Perhaps another afternoon off? Ruby and I had a great time yesterday.”

Mulan was now beaming as Zelena shifted in her seat, eyes now firmly on the deputy.

“Oh? And what made it great, Deputy?”

Mulan cleared her throat and mumbled something under her breath.

“I’m sorry my dear, I didn’t quite catch that?”

Emma balled up a piece of paper and threw it at Zelena who caught it without even looking at her.

“Holy shit how did you do that?” Emma cried out, ridiculously impressed as Zelena suddenly tossed it back, the ball hitting Emma square in the face.

Turning back to face Emma, Zelena shook her head.

“Reflexes my dear. Now I know who Henry takes after. I tossed a baseball at him the other day, he said he needed the practice. He wasn’t wrong. Had I not used magic to steer the ball away it would have broken his nose. Possibly chipped a tooth.”

Emma grumbled, picking up the ball of paper she aimed and threw it at the trash can near Mulan.

And missed.

“Case in point.” Zelena murmured as the door opened and in walked David.

“Good morning ladies.” He cheerfully exclaimed as he strode towards the filing cabinet.

“Isn’t it your day off?” Emma asked as David nodded, pulling open the cabinet.

“It is. I just remembered I needed something signing.”

He flicked through various files for a while before retrieving one.

“Can you ask Regina to sign this?”

David handed Emma the paper who took it, her face scrunched.

“What’s it for?”

Before David could answer Emma, Zelena reached out and removed the paper from Emma’s hand before Emma could blink.

“What the-“

“Reflexes, Emma. We’ve already discussed this.”

Zelena then began to read through the paper, a small smirk now on her lips.

“Well, I’m sure my sister would love to sign off on closing down Main Street for an entire weekend so you can have a winter Festival.”

David shrugged.

“She did for the Spring fair?”

Zelana handed the paper back to Emma.

“My sister is getting incredibly soft. I have you all to thank for that.”

Zelena then waved her hand around the room before settling it back on her lap.

“I don’t know if you’re being kind or sarcastic.” Mulan muttered as Zelena shot her a wink from across the room.

“Oh, you’d know if I was being sarcastic my dear. Honestly, it’s nice to see her so…”

Zelena then looked at Emma.

“So incredibly happy.”

Emma blushed as David smiled, waving the party farewell as left.

“Now who’s soft?” Emma asked as Zelena dramatically placed her hand over heart.

Mulan shook her head and began sorting through Emma’s paperwork as the blonde, noticing Zelena was still seated, leaned across her desk.

“So, remind me again why you’re here?”

Zelena smiled.

“I’m turning up for duty, Sheriff.”

Emma hesitated before answering.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at the school. You know, teaching. Or whatever it was you did there?”

Zelena leaned back on her chair.

“I did all I could for the children. Really I did. I even changed the curriculum but my work there is done. As we agreed, I’m much better suited to law enforcement.”

Mulan nearly choked on the bear claw she had now commandeered as her own.

“I don’t recall agreeing to-“

Zelena waved a hand at Emma.

“We discussed this moments before we found an ex con sprawled out on the floor thanks to being clobbered by your mother.”

“Zelena, you discussed it with yourself. I don’t think-“

Zelena stood.

“You need me, Sheriff. May I remind you it was I who kept my eye on the forest hobo and smelly pirate when you had to dash off to check on Regina?”

Emma opened her mouth but Zelena continued.

“Besides this place needs a little va-va-voom.”

Zelena then waved her hand and a dart board appeared on the wall, followed by a brand new vending machine that seemingly housed every type of chocolate imaginable.

“Now you’re just trying to bribe me.” Emma retorted, as her eyes took on the dart board.

They used to have one, back when Graham was Sheriff but then the curse had broken and he’d decided he wanted a fresh start, taking not only himself over the townline but his dart board too.

“Is it working, partner?”

Emma sighed as Mulan strode towards the vending machine.

“Um…. We don’t use pound coins in this country?”

Zelena raised a brow before waving her hand again.

“My mistake.”

Mulan looked back and smiled, reaching into her pocket she pulled out some coins and placed them in the machine.

“So I guess we’re keeping it then?”

Emma asked as Mulan nodded, her concentration now on the endless rows of sweet treats on offer.

“Give me a go.” Zelena pushed as Emma ran a hand though her hair.

“Look, Zelena, the truth is we don’t even have a budget for an extra person, it took me ages to get the position Mulan holds signed off by Regina and really, we don’t need another body. Things are so quiet here…”

“I don’t need paying, Emma, so Regina doesn’t need to budget. Think of me as someone undertaking a work experience project. And things may be quiet until the day they aren’t… this is Storybrooke after-all, anything is possible.”

Emma felt her resolve slowly start to break.

Zelena had a point.

“I’ll follow your lead, Sheriff. Despite what you may think I can take instruction.”

Emma attempted to stifle a laugh from escaping.

Zelena? Taking instruction?

“I can! And do I need to remind you that I have magic? I’ll be very useful to have around if we get attacked by magical beings from another realm. And really, this can only help Regina’s re-election campaign, her signing off on an ex villain joining the local police, showing good faith, you know us former villains have a vote too, right?”

Emma was lost for words.

Finally Mulan spoke, mouth semi full of chocolate.

“It can’t hurt giving her a trial run?”

Emma felt her head drop to her desk, her cheek now against the hard and cold surface.

“Fine. But I’m asking Regina first.”

Zelena beamed.

“Oooo Wicked Swan is a go! I repeat, Wicked Swan is a go!”

Emma groaned.

What had she done?

Lifting her head she gave Zelena a pointed look.

“I told you before. No Wicked Swan. Nobody uses ship-“

“I like it, has a ring to it. Are you going to add it to the Storybrooke Ships Facebook Group?”

Emma’s head snapped towards Mulan who was now back at her desk, opening a second chocolate bar Emma has never set eyes on before.

“What Facebook group? Zelena? Did you set up a Facebook group?”

Zelena let out a low chuckle.

“No, I didn’t. I believe you have Granny to thank for that.”

Emma pulled out her phone attempted to access her Facebook.

“Shit. I’ve forgotten my password.”

She then proceeded to reset said password before rolling her eyes at the screen.

“What the hell is a Captcha? Why is it asking me to select all the squares with dwarfs in them??”

Mulan held a hand over her mouth, attempting to hide her laughter as Zelena rubbed her hands together.

“Ooo marvellous! It worked!! I was so tired of selecting traffic lights and motorcycles! This is much more fun!”

Mulan removed her hand.

“How did you manage to even do that?”

Zelena grinned. “Magic by dear.”

Emma was now punching her screen with her index finger, brows scrunched in frustration.

“It’s not working? I clearly selected all the boxes; I could only see Happy, Bashful and Doc so why isn’t it….”

Emma brought her phone closer to her face and groaned before she looked up at Zelena.

“Let me guess, this is your doing also?”

Zelena peered at the phone that was now thrust in her face.

“Perhaps….” She replied with a slight shrug as Emma sighed again and began punching at the squares.

“What’s it say?” Mulan asked as Emma finished tapping, finally hitting the ‘I am not a robot’ option.

“Oh just to select all the squares that showed Regina’s cleavage.” Zelena replied as Emma scowled.

“She won’t like that. Hell, I don’t like that.”

Zelena winked.

“Don’t worry dear. That captcha was designed especially for you. Nobody else. Pinkie promise.” And Zelena held out her finger which Emma grudgingly took.

Finally she accessed her page and began flick through her Facebook, probably for the first time in months.

“How come I don’t see this group?”

Now Mulan laughed as she finally finished her second chocolate bar.

“Emma, you’re never on Facebook. Ruby invited you months ago. The invite is probably still sitting in your-“

Emma immediately interrupted.

“No way. There is no way this is a thing…”

Only it was a thing because she’d found the invite and had hit join, the page now appearing on her small screen.

“What the… who the hell took this photo of me and Regina in the street with Robin on his hands and knees? With the hashtag #SwanQueen at its best?!”

Zelena stood and took a small bow.

“That would be me. Henry kindly showed me how it was done.”

Emma immediately trawled through the group members, noticing Henry’s name.

“Henry doesn’t even have a phone? How can he be a member?!”

Zelena grinned.

“He has an account on my phone. Honestly Emma, all the kids have one.”

Emma continued to scroll through the members, frowning when she came across her parents names.

“I can’t believe Snow and David are members… Jesus, does my mother post in this chat?!”

Mulan was now beside her, peering over her shoulder.

“Oh yes. Frequently. Although she hasn’t quite grasped what the groups for. I mean, it’s designed to talk about shipping names and stuff related to those names. Your mom keeps posting recipes and random facts about birds.”

Mulan then pulled her own phone from her pocket, accessing the group she scrolled before showing Emma the screen.

SnowWhite: for those interested in my chicken fajita recipe please DM me!


Charming1: and a lovely recipe it is too!

Dragon_Mal: I think your wife is struggling to comprehend what this group is for?

GrumpyL: leave her alone sista! 👊

Dragon_Mal: oh? And if I don’t what will you do? Tap on my knees in anger?

SnowWhite: I can send you the recipe Mal?

Dragon_Mal: I’m lost for words 🙄

WickedZelena: Your recipe gave Emma food poisoning. 🤮

SnowWhite: What? When?? Omg!!!!

Emma’s mouth was open as Mulan proceeded to scroll.

“Oh it gets better - check this one out.”

And there Emma spotted a photo of a Blue Jay with the text ‘this beautiful bird will take more seeds than it needs from feeders, storing them in its crop before flying off to bury them somewhere else as a means of stocking food so PLEASE PLEAE keep your feeders full for other birds to enjoy!

Emma was lost for words. Her mother really didn’t understand Storybrooke Ships at all.

She couldn’t help but laugh at the comments.

RubyRed: Um, Snow? I thought you were going to set up your own Facebook group for this?

SnowWhite: I don’t know how to?

DocWhale: I find your posts interesting.

WickedZelena: that’s cause you still want to get in her pants 👙

SnowWhite: Zelena!

Dragon_Mal: I don’t even have a bird feeder.

SnowWhite: I can make you one!

SnowWhite: I’ve made you one!

“Fucking hell she’s clueless.” Emma muttered as she then spotted something else.

“Aww. That’s a lovely photo of you and Ruby!”

Mulan blushed.

“Yeah. She posted it when we finally … you know….”

Emma nodded, spotting the #MulanRouge hashtag under the photo and the comment from Zelena ‘about fucking time’ before Mulan smiled and placed her phone back in her pocket.

Emma was now scrolling through her phone at the posts made by various townsfolk.

“#dragonqueen for the win?! Why the hell would Sneezy post that?!”

Emma was indignant and Zelena’s eyes narrowed.

“Mmm. I missed that one.”

Emma was just thankful there was no image to go with the text.

“Oh my god… this one… this is priceless!”

Emma then turned her phone to show Zelena and Mulan an image of Hook and Robin standing side by side in the diner with the text: “#OutlawHook or my personal favourite, #MerryHookers.”

“Holy shit, Granny posted that!!”

Emma was now laughing uncontrollably as Mulan tipped her head towards the phone.

“Read the comments, Emma.”

So Emma did…

CaptHook: I don’t understand?

SherwoodRobin: this is preposterous! I demand you take this down, immediately.

Granny: No.

CaptHook: still don’t understand.

SherwoodRobin: that’s because you’re an idiot. I’d never associate myself with you, romantically or otherwise.

CaptHook: romantically? Yeah I don’t think so, mate. My soulmate doesn’t have a shitty tattoo for starters 💩

Tink: oh dear - this is all my fault! Regina isn’t your soulmate, Robin.

SherwoodRobin: she is! And I have the tattoo to prove it!

Robin had then added an image of his tattoo which only led to further comments.

ArchieH: I don’t think it’s healthy to fixate on things like soulmate tattoos. We all have free will.

GrumpyL: what am I looking at?

MaidMarian: good question. I’ve been asking myself the very same thing for years.

Tink: Sheriff Swan has the soulmate tattoo.

GrumpyL: oh? Where is it? Somewhere naughty I bet 😏

CaptHook: this is a tattoo! ⚓️🌊

Hook had then added a photo of his tattoo, an anchor whose chain was wrapped around a cannon.

Granny: oooo look at the MerryHookers sharing intimate photos of their tattoos!

SherwoodRobin: I’m blocking you, Granny!

Granny: go ahead and block me in this electronic world but consider yourself barred from the diner in the real one.

KatMidas: boom! That was the ultimate metaphorical mic drop - I applause you Granny 🎤👏🏻 🤣🤣

Emma realised she was unlikely to get any work done as she continued to scroll.

“Who the fuck posted this?!”

Emma’s eyes were now on an image of her standing in the street, drenched, with an equally looking wet Regina standing in front of her. She recalled that day, the day she had charged after Regina when the brunette was under the impression Emma was dating Ruby.

Emma then felt her cheeks redden as she read the text under the image.

“SwanQueen getting wet before they get wet #soon.”

Zelena cackled.

“Ohhh yes. That is one of my favourites. Ruby’s handywork I believe.”

Emma paled.

“And Henry’s seen this?!”

Zelena shook her head.

“No. He only sees what I allow him to. Keep scrolling.”

Emma did as was instructed when she came across a photo of her and Regina on the sofa, side by side, watching a move with the comment “SwanQueen relaxing with their son #gomoms.”

Emma wipes away a tear.


Zelena smiled and Mulan nudged her with elbow, also smiling.

Emma continued to scroll before she came across an image of Robin beside an image of Regina that had clearly been taken from the Storybrooke Mayors website, shoddily attached together. A crude looking heart had been sketched poorly between the two images.

“Jesus. Who the fuck posts a photo of themselves and adds a hashtag #bullseye #outlawqueen

Zelena tapped her finger on the image.

“Robin finally figured out how to use social media but look at the comments.”

So Emma did.

MaidMarian: In your dreams you cheating asshole.

KatMidas: pretty sure you need permission to use the Mayors image? @Regina Mills

ScarletWill: stick to archery, that’s the only way you’ll ever hit a bullseye.

Henry Mills: Eugh. That’s a no.

WickedZelena: there are pills you can take to relieve yourself of that constipated face, you fuckwit.

Regina Mills: use an image of me again and I’ll set your Forest on fire. With you in it. #longliveswanqueen

Emma couldn’t believe it.

“Holy shit, Regina has a Facebook account?? And she’s a member?! What the hell…. She never said anything?!”

Emma read the comment again, and once more for good measure, loving the warm feeling it provoked within her.

“God he’s such an asshole.”

Emma then added her own comment.

Emma Swan: plot twist - I got the girl. Oh wait, you were never in the running…

Emma then sent Regina a friend request feeling a little put out that Regina hadn’t sent her one first.

“Emma, Regina uses Facebook less than you do, she only commented because I told her to check the page.”

Emma was a little unnerved that Zelena seemed to be able to read her mind as she casually flicked through Regina’s page, which seemed to be open. True enough, Emma realised Regina’s profile was as empty as hers although there were a few photos of Henry. Scrolling through she almost jumped when her phone pinged.

“Regina Mills has accepted your friend request.”

Emma’s smile filled her face.

“Honestly, Sheriff. You live with the woman. She’s pregnant with your child. Did you really think she was going to decline your request?!”

Emma felt like an idiot as she sheepishly looked up at Zelena.

“No. I just… no.”

Emma was about to put her phone away when her phone pinged again.

Regina Mills is in a relationship with Emma Swan.”

The smile on Emma’a face was now impossibly wide as Zelena shook her head.

“Told you! She’s softer than a gummy bear!”

Emma ignored Zelena and hearted the post. Within seconds more hearts and likes appeared.

“I bet Robin doesn’t like it.” Mulan chuckled to herself as Emma noticed comments suddenly appear.

SnowWhite: Ohhhh this makes me so HAPPY!!!

RubyRed: You know they’ve been in a relationship for ages, right?

SnowWhite: yes but now official!!

Regina Mills: because being pregnant isn’t official enough?

Zelena laughed as she moved Emma’s hand away from her face, moving her phone with it.

“Scroll later Sheriff. We have important work to do. Now stand next to me so I can take a selfie and post it in that group…. #WickedSwan reporting for duty!”

Emma obliged, no longer considering the fact that she hadn’t actually spoken to Regina yet about Zelena joining the sheriffs office.

Her true love had just posted on Facebook that they were in a relationship and yeah, maybe that was trivial in the grand scheme of things but it still made her unbelievably happy and nothing was going to ruin that for her.


“Ah. Perhaps we should have spoken to Regina before I posted that selfie.”

Emmas eyes shot up as Zelena handed her phone back to her.

Under the image Zelena had just posted was one comment.

Regina Mills: Seriously?! My office, Miss Swan. Now.

Chapter 12


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Oh shit. You’re in trouble now.”

Mulan was trying not to laugh as she scrolled through the Storybrooke Ships Facebook page.

“Though you have got six likes so far….” Mulan’s voice trailed off as she clicked the like button herself.

“Peter Piper thinks it’s fantastic.” Mulan continued as Emma snorted.

“Of course he does. He still feels guilty as  hell for assuming I got Zelena pregnant.”

Emma watched as Mulan chuckled to herself.

“You’re still in trouble.”

“Who’s in trouble? Me or Zelena? Cause she was the one posting the selfie!” Emma exclaimed rather indignantly as she watched Zelena saunter across the room, now standing by the new vending machine that could feed the sweet tooth of five thousand.

“I think we need something for drinks too? I’m thinking of a superlative fully automatic coffee specialty machine that breaks through and redefines all previous limits of performance and enjoyment!”

Emma was wondering if she could somehow remove the photo before sending a quick message to the Facebook Group chief administrator asking if they could remove the image for her.

Zelena continued, now clearly getting excited at the prospect of a new coffee machine gracing their presence.

“Preferably one with two bean containers - each with its own grinder and revolutionary cold extraction process, a machine that turns coffee enjoyment into a unique barista moment!”

Emma was shocked to see that the administrator has replied already. Opening up the response her heart dropped.

No, Sheriff. Zelena hasn’t broken any rules. I think it’s a great photo although you could have smiled more. Granny.

Emma muttered under her breath before her focus was back on Zelena.

”It has to look extremely sexy too because this -“ Zelena pointed to their current off white machine “This coffee machine is… old. I mean really, what the hell is a Phillips Teasmade coffee maker? It needs recycling.”

Mulan was nodding in agreement as Emma let out a loud sigh.

“Zelena! Forget about the fucking coffee machine! You sound like a voiceover for a cheesy TV commercial on the shopping channel. This is a Police Station not a coffee shop plus we’ve never used that coffee maker. Why do you think we get coffee from Granny’s all the time? I tried to make a coffee once and it tasted like raw funky potatoes and smelt rancid-“

“I thought we were moving on from the coffee machine?” Mulan interjected as Emma stopped her ranting.

“What? Oh. Right. Yeah. We’ve bigger fish to fry! Your sister is clearly pissed at this-“

Emma shoved her phone in Zelena’s face.

”Granny won’t remove it!”

Zelena shrugged as she pointed her finger at the outdated machine. It vanished.

”I’m insulted you even asked her to. It’s a good photo. I look divine although you could have tried to smile.”

“I didn’t know you were taking a photo! Zelena, we need to talk about Regina. She’s clearly peeved!”

Zelena had managed to magic a tape measure and was now measuring the gap between the photocopier and the vending machine, with Mulan’s help. 

“You’re the Sheriff, Emma. All decisions made are made by you and you alone, so-“

Emma looked astonished as Zelena then scribbled something down on a pad of paper she had somehow managed to pull from her pocket.

My decision? You forced your idea on me!”

Zelena shifted one shoulder and tilted her head.

“I suggested I join your team, Emma, after I listed the many, many benefits of having me around permanently.”

Emma shuddered at the thought of having Zelena around permanently, already deciding that Mulan would be put in charge of training Zelena.

It would serve her right for siding with the redhead! 

“And you jumped at the chance of having me on board so really, Regina is your problem.”

Emma slowly shook her head.

Jumped at the chance?!

“Look. If I have to go and convince Regina that hiring you is a good idea, you’re coming with me. Solidarity and all that crap. So come with me now or forget the whole thing.”

“But don’t forget about the state of the art coffee machine.” Mulan quickly added as Zelena followed Emma from the room, turning partially to wave her hand in the air.

“This machine can make four espresso shots at once or a ludicrous 350 shots an hour with an extraction time of 23 seconds!” Zelena’s voice floated from behind as Mulan finally picked her jaw from the floor.

There in between the photocopier and vending machine stood the most magnificent coffee machine Mulan had even seen.

“Welcome to the team!” she whistled to herself, picking up a mug with a huge smile on her face.

Emma and Zelena finally appeared outside Regina’s office after walking extremely slowly along Main Street.

Zelena could have ‘poofed’ them.

Emma knew this.

Zelena knew this.

Yet both had decided to walk instead, any excuse to prolong the inevitable bollocking that awaited them.

Along the way they had been stopped by Belle who congratulated Zelena on her new job. This had left Zelena beaming and Emma wondering whether she was the only one who hadn’t been a member of the Facebook group until now.

Once Belle had waved goodbye, they  came across a disgruntled Merida who seemed extremely pissed off at Emma. Emma had stood and listened to the woman rant; although she didn’t fully understand a single word of what was said. Once her rave was over, the fireary redhead had skulked off leaving Emma extremely confused.

“What the hell was that about?”

Zelena smiled.

“She seemed to be under the impression that any vacancy at your station should have been filled by her. You know what these warrior women are like.”

Emma still looked puzzled.

“You understood her?”

Zelena snorted.

“She’s Scottish Emma, not Russian! Although I also speak that language.”

Emma rolled her eyes as Zelena suddenly began to speak.

“Моя сестра собирается убить тебя.”

Emma nearly fainted.

“What the actual hell…..”

Zelena smirked.

“I sound like a total badass don’t I? Like a typical Bond Villain!”

Emma had tugged at Zelena’s arm.

“What did you say?”

Emma still had no idea what Zelena had said as they finally reached their destination.

“After you.” Zelena insisted, as the squabbling over who should be the first to enter Regina’s office began.

“It was your idea. You should go first. I’ll follow you.”

Zelena snorted.

“You’re the Sheriff! Plus, she asked for you. Specifically. I still don’t know how I allowed you to convince me to join you.”

“Because we’re partners. Right?”

Emma had to throw that into the mix considering it was that very thing that had caused this mess in the first place.

Emma continued, exasperated.

“And you were the one who posted the picture! I mean c’mon Zelena, how did you expect Regina to react?!”

Zelena sniffled before she shrugged.

“Perhaps with a like? I don’t know. I mean, is it really that difficult to imagine me working with you?”

Emma was lost for words as her eyes scanned the post on her phone, the one she had asked Zelena and Granny to remove.

The one that was still very present.

“Ruby has just commented with a line of laughing emojis followed by ‘is this legit?” and Ursula has asked if she can join too because she can multitask.”

Zelena peered over Emmas shoulder and nodded.

“Well it makes sense. She does have eight tentacles at her disposal.”

“Zelena this isn’t funny! Regina is pissed!”

Zelena stretched her arms above her head before turning to face Regina’s Secretary who was peering up at them both from her desk.

“Is she pissed?” The redhead asked as the secretary bit down on her bottom lip.

“I heard banging noises and she’s made me cancel her ten o’clock with the Festival committee so…. Possibly yes?”

Emma sighed before she looked back at the receptionist.

“Can we go in?”

One nod later and Emma was walking into the office, pulling Zelena in behind her.

Finally they both entered, the door closing rather heavily behind them.

“Good morning sister.” Zelena chirped as Emma rolled her eyes.

As if this was going to change anything. Regina could see right through-

“Zelena. A pleasure, although I don’t really need you for this meeting my dear.”

Emmas mouth dropped open as Zelena momentarily looked shocked before her features quickly recovered.

“Well, on that note I’ll wish you a pleasant day! Toodle-oo!”

Zelena then turned to face Emma.

“You’ve got this, partner. Remember to sell my strong points and don’t let her coerce you into thinking I’m a liability. I’m an asset who has amazing assets. Just ask Mal!”

And Zelena vanished.

Emma stood feeling a little flummoxed. Clearly Regina was going to take all her irritability out on one person only…

“Miss Swan.”

Emma blinked a few times.

It has been a while since she had found herself standing in this particular position, as an annoyed mayor looked back at her from behind her desk.

“Hey babe.”

Which was clearly the wrong thing to say as Regina’s eyes narrowed before she nodded to the seat opposite her.


Regina watched, secretly amused, at how much her girlfriend seemed to be squirming since she’d dismissed Zelena.

She was under no illusions that her sister had railroaded the Sheriff into taking her onboard, although in what capacity Regina was yet to determine.

Zelena was a force to be reckoned with when she wanted something badly enough and Emma? Well, Emma was extremely soft around those she cared for. A trait Regina adored, although right now she was rather enjoying watching Emma writhe a little.

“Is there anything in particular you wanted to tell me?” Regina continued as Emma finally took a seat, her body still fidgeting.

Finally the blonde spoke, holding her phone out to Regina.

“Is this about what Zelena posted?”

Regina eyes briefly moved to the phone before moving back to Emma.

It was a nice photo. Emma looked a little startled in it, almost as thought she wasn’t quite ready for the image to be taken but her eyes were sparkling, the colour so vivid and intense Regina had immediately saved the photo.

Not that she intended to share that with Emma.

Emma’s hand had dropped, the phone now shoved back unceremoniously into her jacket pocket.

“I didn’t know she was going to post it. I mean, I don’t always looked that bewildered in photos but she took the selfie before I realised and before I had the opportunity to speak to you about it.”

Regina nodded, her eyes still focussed on the blonde.

“I don’t even know where this came from! Honestly. One minute we’re talking about Law and Order SVU and the next minute your sister presumes it’s an invitation to join the department!”

Regina bit back a smile before finally answering.

“Give my sister an inch, Miss Swan and she will undoubtedly take a mile.”

Emma felt guilty.

“She’s persuasive.” she finally mumbled as Regina suddently stood, making Emma jump.

“Her post has caused quite a stir, Emma. One I will now have to clean up…”

Regina sounded miffed. Emma suddenly wished she had decided to take a sick day.

Regina continued steadily.

“Albert Spencer seems to think the Sheriffs Department now engages in nepotism….”

“Well that’s bullshit!” Emma exclaimed as Regina moved around her desk,  now standing beside Emma.

Albert Spencer was a leech, and Regina honestly didn’t give a crap what he thought or what he posted although she would definitely have a comeback for him.

Once she’d had her fun with Emma.

“Oh? So you didn’t employ Zelena because she just so happens to be the sister of the woman you’re going to marry?”

Now Emma stood, hands on hips.

“No! Jesus Christ Regina, you really think-“

Whatever Emma was about to say was lost as Regina grabbed the collar of her jacket and pulled her in for a scorching kiss.

Emma, momentarily baffled by Regina’s behaviour soon recovered, her own lips moving in sync with the Mayors.

Sometime later lips unlocked as Emma took a deep breath.

“So you’re not pissed at me?”

Regina smirked.

“Emma. You’d know if I was my dear. I simply needed a reason to get you over here; we are after all officially in a Facebook relationship now - we had to celebrate.”

And Regina pulled Emma back for more kisses before the blonde suddenly pulled away.

“Wait, does this mean you don’t mind Zelena working at the station? Because if you did I would totally, totally understand-“

Regina let out a soft chuckle.

“Oh Emma. You’re not going to use me as an excuse not to work with my sister. You’d made your bed, now you must lie in it.”

Emma cringed.

“But she’s disorganised and forgetful and impulsive and-“

Regina placed a finger on Emmas lips.

“You do realise you’ve just deceived yourself, Sheriff?”

Emma visibly shuddered as Regina moved her hand to cup Emma’s cheek.

“Give it a month and I’m sure she will tire and move onto something else.”

Emma hoped Regina was right. A thought suddenly crossed her mind.

“This won’t affect your re-election campaign will it? I mean, Spencer is a sneaky bastard and he could use this against you?”

Emma was well aware that Albert Spencer had two desires in life; one, to be a total asshole to those who didn’t benefit him in sone way and two, to become Mayor.

“I mean, are you even wanting to stand again? We haven’t really discussed it but you know you have my support whatever you decide to do.”

Regina pulled Emma close, kissing her forehead before placing her lips on Emma’s cheek.

This was Emma. Always protecting, shielding and supporting her no matter what the situation was. Regina often wondered how she had actually managed before Emma came along. Carrying the burden alone, she was now so relieved and happy that she had someone she could share decisions like these with.

“I haven’t decided yet. You, Henry and the baby are what’s important to me. My focus is my family, not running for Mayor. I still have a few months left, I’m sure together we can come up with a decision before then.”

Emma smiled.

“I love that you said we.”

Regina tapped the tip of Emma’s nose playfully.

“Well, considering we are engaged albeit unofficially, I would definitely say we are very much a ‘we’, Emma.”

Emma beamed before Regina’s words regimented.

She still need a ring!

And Henry….

“Are we going to tell Henry yet?”

Regina kissed Emma quickly before moving back to her desk.

“We can tell him this evening. I don’t want to hide this from him. Then perhaps we can share the news with everyone else over the weekend?”

Emma slowly nodded before she retrieved her phone from her pocket, a grin on her face

“Or we could just post in Storybrooke Ships? I’d love to tag Robin…”

Regina rolled her eyes before replying.

“Very well, bit after we’ve told our family and close friends.”

Emma beamed. She was starting to like this Facebook Group.

The rest of the morning had been uneventful. Emma had been mildly suprised not to find Zelena at the station once she has returned. No doubt she had decided to give Emma some space, presuming her meeting with Regina had been a tetchy subject. Instead the blonde had come back to a deputy who seemed to be suffering from a caffeine high, thanks to the new coffee machine that was standing proudly on display.

One look at the silver “sexy” machine and Emma was secretly impressed.

“It looks like something from Star Trek. Pretty sure this thing could navigate the Starship Enterprise through strange new worlds as it seeks out new life and new civilisations!”

Mulan drained her fourth coffee, this one a cappuccino as she glanced at Emma.

“Yeah so I have no idea what you just said but it’s got not one but two steam wands to froth milk with!”

Mulan was clearly easily impressed.

Emma still preferred her Star Trek analogy.

“May I have a moment of your time, Miss Swan?”

Emma looked up from her hot chocolate, seemingly the only hot drink she could now stomach. She’s tried a latte and an americano courtesy of Zelena’s coffee machine earlier and both had made her stomach turn, and not in a good way.

“I won’t take up your lunch break.” Rumple continued as his eyes moved over the table, expecting to find the Sheriffs usual grilled cheese and onion ring combination.

“Sure, take a seat. I haven’t actually ordered lunch.”

Rumple tilted his head, his brows furrowing slightly as he took the seat opposite Emma.

“Everything alright?” Emma asked, noticing Rumples look.

“Yes, dearie. I suppose the image of you not eating is just a little… worrying.”

Emma’s mouth gaped.

“Seriously? The former dark one is worried about my eating habits?”

Rumple chuckled to himself. “I suppose it’s Belle’s influence.”

Emma watched Rumples face as a small smile appeared on his lips.

“You really do think the world of her.”

Rumple knew it was a statement, not a question but he answered non the less.

“I do, Sheriff. Which is why I would like to speak to you about my son.”

Emma drained her hot chocolate and stood.

“I think I’d rather discuss – him – elsewhere.”

Rumple stood, his eyes moving around diner quickly before he nodded.

Emma wasn’t sure how long they had been walking but the park suddenly came into view, along with the bench she had found herself sitting upon not that long ago when she had cleared the air with Lily.

They both took a seat, Rumple resting his cane against the side of his leg as Emma stretched her jean clad legs out in front of her.

“What would you like to talk about?” she asked quietly, already knowing deep down what the answer would be.


Emma nodded as the palm of her hands began to rub up and down her thighs unconsciously.

“You do that when you’re nervous.”

Emma’s hands stilled as her eyes met Rumples.

“The environments I grew up in were not pleasant. I suppose it became a coping mechanism. If I gave my hands something to do and concentrated on their movement, it took away some of the fear I experienced whenever a foster sibling got too close, or my supposed carers decided to teach me a lesson for not complying with rules a four year old would never understand let alone follow.”

Rumple was watching her intently before he replied.

“I apologise. I didn’t mean to sound judgemental. It was merely an observation. I often wondered what happened to my son when he vanished ino the portal, whether he grew up in a similar environment to the one you just described. No child should ever have to face that. I’m sorry you had to, and for the part I played in sealing your fate.”

Emma shrugged.

“I forgive you.”

Rumple seemed startled.

“You didn’t expect me to say that?” Emma asked as Rumple now shrugged.

“You are an anomaly, Miss Swan. Sometimes I think I know you and then… well, perhaps you will always be somewhat of an enigma to me.”

Emma grinned, “Have to keep you on your toes, Rumple. Besides, it would be rather hypocritical of me to forgive my parents for placing me in a wardrobe and Regina for casting the curse but not you?”

“But it was my curse!” Rumple interrupted, puzzlement still on his face.

“Yeah. I know. But you’re the one who keeps talking about fate and destiny, so I figured you creating the curse in the first place is what led to me being here, now, finding my son, my parents and my soulmate so I guess I should be thanking you.”

Rumple appeared deep in thought.

“You have a very intriguing outlook on life, Miss Swan.”

Emma shoved her hands in her pockets, still conscious she was rubbing at her thighs.

“I had to, otherwise I would never have survived.”

Dr Hopper walked by at the moment, Pongo pulling on his lead, his cold nose now nudging at Emma’s arm.

“Good afternoon!” Archie cheerfully exclaimed as he strode by, tugging at the lead. Finally Pongo relented and trotted off behind his owner.

“I knew Neil. Not just from the parallel universe but from before.”

Emma wasn’t certain why she suddenly blurted that out but as soon as the words left her lips she felt strangely calm.

“I know.”

Emma turned.

“Well, I suspected.” Rumple continued, as he now turned to face Emma, his hands still gripping his came. Emma looked at the cane, momentarily fearful that the former imp was about to use it on her.  Rumple immediately sensed her discomfort and chuckled, slowly placing the cane on the floor.

“I come in peace, isn’t that the saying? No matter what you tell me, the cane will remain in the floor Miss Swan.”

Emma was looking at the cane before she mumbled her reply.

“Maybe don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

Rumple chucked again.

“Your mother knocked my son out with a frying pan, do you really think I am ignorant enough to forget that? Clearly she reacted to seeing him again and clearly my son did something to warrant a face full of iron so….”

Emma held up he hand.

“Aluminium, it wasn’t iron it was aluminium.”

Not that it really mattered…

“Very well, a face full of aluminium. What on earth did he do to her?”

Rumple now seemed concerned as Emma sighed.

“It wasn’t what he did to her, it’s what he did to me.”

And Emma explained.

She was so used to telling the story now, it fell from her lips easily. Once she had finished, her eyes finally looked up.

Rumpel was staring off into the distance, and a part of her wondered if he had actually taken in anything she had just told him.

“Henry is my grandson?”

Emma nodded, her hands now back on her thighs.

“Does he know?”

Rumple then turned to look at Emma, his eyes searching over her face.

“Who? Neil or Henry?”

Rumple answered immediately.


Emma shook her head.

“No, not yet. Regina and I will tell him but at the moment he has no idea you are his grandfather and that – Neil – is his father.”

Rumples eyes narrowed.

“Well from what I have seen thus far, I would hardly call Neil father material.”

Emma’s mouth parted.

“Um… not that I’m going to disagree with you but… what’s caused that response?”

Now she was intrigued.

“Neil has amnesia. Losing memories and experiences is one thing but making sexual overtures and unwelcomed advances to Belle is quite another!”

Clearly Belle had told him and clearly Rumple was pissed.

“And after hearing about the improper way he treated you…” Rumple shook his head, almost in defeat.

“I blame myself. He clearly needed a parental figure in his life.”

Emma’s hand was on Rumples shoulder before she realsied what she had done.

“You can’t do that, blame yourself. I didn’t have any parental guidance and I think I came out pretty well?”

Rumple swallowed.

“Indeed you did, Miss swan.”

Silence ensued for a while before Rumple finally spoke.

“Thank you for telling me. Did the other Rumple know?”

“He figured it out before we left. I don’t know what happened after that. The other Regina and Emma vowed to handle Neil; whether they told him or not remains a mystery but I do know they were going to work with the other you so you could build a relationship with Henry.”

Rumple looked hesitant before he replied.

“Do you think – in time – that would be possible for me? And for Belle?”

Emma nodded immediately.

“You and Belle are a part of Henry’s life now. Regina and I both accept that, and we would love for you to be involved in his life. Neil however…”

Rumple finally picked up his cane.

“Neil doesn’t remember anything, there is little point in even considering what part he may or may not play in Henry’s life until his memories return and even then, that choice is yours. You have my word I will not speak of this to him, not now and not when he remembers. I suppose I need to focus on rebuilding my relationship with him, although at present I am loathed to even see him again after what Belle told me.”

Emma stood.

“Your son has always been a bit of a dic-“

Emma managed to stop herself but the notion was not lost on Rumple.

“A bit of a dick, yes, I can see that for myself.”

Rumple and Emma then let out a chuckle as rumple turned the cane in his hand.

“Thank you for taking the time to speak to me. I’m still not certain I deserve your forgiveness.”

They turned to walk back in the direction they had come from.

Emma considered Rumples statement before finally responding.

“I think you need to forgive yourself first, maybe then accepting other peoples forgiveness will be easier.”

Emma was relieved when the day was finally over and she was walking through the front door.

Shrugging off her faithful red leather jacket, the one she knew Regina secretly liked, she placed it on the hook besides Regina’s long, dark trench coat which was next to Henry’s small jacket.

She’d need to add another hook soon, for Nugget even though she knew it would be a while before an additional small coat would be added to that hook.

Smiling to herself she wondered if it was worthwhile adding names above the hooks as Regina walked into the hallway and paused.

Emma was looking at the wall intently, a wide beam on her face. She looked radiant and the smile was contagious as Regina found herself smiling too.

“What’s so interesting about the hallway wall, Emma?”

Emma jumped, spinning on the heels of her boots.

“Shit you made me jump.”

Regina stepped forwards and arched a brow.

“I can’t say I noticed.”

Emma merely grinned as she stepped towards the brunette, suddenly pulling her onto her chest before steady, strong hands turned her so the Mayors back was flush against her chest, her eyes now also facing the wall.

“So I was thinking….”

Emmas breath was warm against Regina’s neck, a soft caress that made the brunette tingle.

“Not too hard I hope. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.” Regina replied huskily as Emma’s fingers suddenly found that particular spot on the brunettes sides that made her giggle, her nimble digits now slowly tickling.

“Hey, watch it.” Emma replied with a chuckle as Regina squirmed, finally placing her hands over Emma’s.

“I apologise. Please continue Miss Swan.”

“Thank you, Madam Mayor. So as I was saying…. I was thinking, I need to add another hook. For Nugget.”

Regina felt her heart beat and pulse with so much love at that very moment she began to cry.

Blasted hormones!

Emma turned Regina around so their noses were touching.

“So I’m hoping they’re happy tears, right?”

Even though the blonde was joking Regina didn’t miss the slight hesitation in Emma’s voice.

“Happy tears, my love. You say the sweetest things and my hormonal self simply melts.”

Regina then cupped Emmas cheek, noticing she too was now crying.


Emma sniffled.

“It’s your fault. Zelena thinks you’re unintentionally projecting your hormones and your pregnancy symptoms onto me!”

Regina’s thumbs that had been rubbing up and down Emma’s cheeks suddenly paused.

“That actually makes sense.”

Her thumbs then continued, wiping away Emma’s tears.

“You really are my saviour aren’t you? I haven’t had back ache for a few days now and my sickness has totally subsided!”

“Yeah, right onto me.” Emma muttered even though her eyes were sparkling.

“I’ll gladly take on all your symptoms if it means you get to rest and enjoy being pregnant with Nugget.”

Regina was crying again as this time  Emma kissed her cheek, before placing quick kisses over the tears that were falling.

“I always wanted and dreamed of having this. A family. Someone to love and be loved by, whilst being surrounded by our kids. Then I met you and we eventually got our shit together,  admitting how we felt and I realised, finally, that my reality was better than all of my dreams.”

Regina let out a sob as she burrowed her face into Emma’s warm neck.

“You need to stop, otherwise I won’t have the energy to cook dinner.” She mumbled into Emma as Henry suddenly appeared from around the corner.

“Is it nearly ready mom? I’m starving.”

Regina moved back, quickly wiping away her tears before she looked at Henry.

“Set the table dear. It’ll be ready in no time.”

Henry’s brows furrowed.

“Were you crying?”

Emma linked her arm though Regina’s.

“Allergies, Henry. That’s all. Now go set the table, you’re not the only one who’s starving!”

Henry nodded and turned, jogging back to the kitchen as Regina turned and kissed Emma.

“Thank you.”

Emma winked, then proceded to look puzzled.

“For what?”

Regina smiled.

“For being you.”


Like Emma, I can’t speak or understand Russian but luckily for me, Google translate does! So this is what Zelena said:

Моя сестра собирается убить тебя

My sister is going to kill you.

Chapter Text

“Henry. You know I love your mom, right?”

“Yup.” He replied casually, eyes still glued to the tv screen.

“And she loves you too.” he continued, still engrossed in the cartoon he was watching.

Regina watched as Emma’s eyes slowly moved from Henry to the tv screen.

“I love Leonardo. He was always my favourite. Of course, Ruby prefers Raphael - I can’t imagine why…”

Regina sighed and poked Emma, hoping the prod would get the blonde back on topic.

It didn’t work.

Henry was grinning, his eyes finally flicking from his ma to his mom.

“Mom likes Donatello. Probably cause he’s purple. I’m surprised Michelangelo isn’t your fave turtle though Ma, he’s goofy just like you.”

Emma seemed to ponder Henry’s statement before she heard Regina clear her throat.

“Yeah… anyway… back to what I was about to ask you…”

Emma and Regina had decided the best way to approach Emma’s proposal was by asking for Henry’s permission first because the last thing they wanted was for their son to feel out of the loop, especially now Regina was pregnant.

“Shit! Shredders arrived!”

Regina’s eyes narrowed.

“Henry. Language!”

Emma had suddenly left her side and was now sat on the carpet next to Henry, legs crossed, pointing a finger at the screen.

“Where the hell is Splinter? Don’t tell me he’s too busy doing Sensei shit in the sewers?”

“Emma! Language! Honestly…”

Emma looked up apologetically.

“Sorry Gina. I just haven’t seen this episode.”

Regina shook her head.

“Fine! I’ll go make dinner and we can have that talk after we’ve eaten, does that meet with your approval Miss Swan?”

Emma smiled and nodded as Henry reached a hand out and pulled on Emma’s arm.

“You were right about the 87 animated series being the best!”

Emma grinned. “Wait till you see Bebop and Rocksteady!”

Regina wandered into the kitchen wondering what language her son and fiancee were using before she jumped slightly as their shared voices rang throughout the house..

Heroes in a half shell… Turtle Power!”

Regina watched Emma closely as the blonde moved the food around her plate a few times before taking an odd bite here and there.

Emma loved her ravioli.

This evening Emma seemed to be having problems eating it.

Henry on the other hand was shovelling pieces into his mouth like someone was about to move the dinner plate away from him.

“Henry. Don’t bolt down your food. You’ll make  yourself ill!”

Henry slowed as he sheepishly looked up. His mouth opened slightly before Regina shot him a pointed look.

“Finish what’s in your mouth first young man.”

Henry nodded and swallowed.

“Sorry, mom. I just love your mushroom ravioli.”

Regina’s heart skipped a beat at the compliment as Henry went back to eating, albeit at a slightly slower pace than before.

“Are you enjoying it my dear?”

Emma was still moving pieces around her plate before she looked up.

Regina’s eyes searched her face.

Emma looked…

“I’m so miserable, Gina.”

Regina reached out her hand and placed it on Emma’s arm.

“We can watch more Turtles when we finish eating?”

Emma sighed and attempted a smile at Henry who had misunderstood her melancholy but was still focussed on his food.

“It’s not that, Hen. I’m just… I love food! Especially your food, Gina but at the moment I either don’t know what I want to eat or I feel sick every time I try eat anything. And this -“

Emma waved her fork that was holding a piece of ravioli in the air.

“I love your ravioli! So why can’t I stomach it? I’m so miserable.”

Regina couldn’t help a small chuckle escape her lips. Only Emma could get so emotional over food.

“It’s not funny.”

And Emma started to cry.

Henry finally looked up from his now finished plate.


Emma placed her fork down and began to furiously wipe at her face.

“Don’t ask me why I’m crying because I don’t know why!” Emma managed to whimper as Henry slowly nodded.

“So… can I have your ravioli then?”

“Henry!” Regina scolded as Henry shrugged his shoulders.

“You don’t like food going to waste.”

Emma sniffed and pushed her plate towards her son.

“Knock yourself out, kid.”

And Henry did.

“Emma, darling. You should eat something. What are you craving?”

Emma had been more than generous pandering to her whims when it came to food cravings. The least she could do was reciprocate, especially considering Emma now seemed to be suffering from all of her previous pregnancy symptoms.

“Pickles. Dipped in peanut butter.”

Retina almost blanched as Henry’s face scrunched.

“That’s gross, Ma.”

Emma shrugged.

“Blame your mom. Or nugget. Or both. I’m only channeling their cravings.” Emma replied casually as Regina finished her ravioli.

“How about you both clear away the table and the dishes whilst I go to the store. We don’t have any pickles or peanut butter.”

Henry nodded as Emma reached her hand out.

“Poof yourself there and back? I don’t want you to leave me - I mean us - for too long.”

Regina leaned over and placed a small kiss to Emma’s pale lips.

“Emma, I’m not using magic to take me to and from the store. I won’t be long. Get a movie ready once you’re done?”

Emma stuck her bottom lip out, similar to how Henry did when he was feeling petulant.

“And then we can speak to Henry.” Regina finished as finally Emma smiled.

“Alright. Just be quick. And can you get me some mint choc chip ice cream and chocolate sauce?”

As soon as Regina left, Emma and Henry worked in collaboration to get the kitchen clean and tidy.

“Mom rinses the plates before putting them in the dishwasher, remember?”

Emma nodded.

She did remember. She was just kinda hoping Henry didn’t. Emma wasn’t sure why they even had to rinse first, wasn’t the whole point in having a dishwasher to - well - wash the dishes?

“You know, the whole rinsing first? It’s a total appliance myth.”

Henry seemed to ponder this for a few minutes before answering.

“Mom says it stops debris from building up inside. She doesn’t like it when the dishwasher gets blocked.”

Emma raised a brow.

“I think your mom worries way too much about white goods, Henry.”

Emma added the final plate to the dishwasher when Henry suddenly stopped.

“You don’t load a dishwasher like that, Ma.”

Emma crouched down, her eyes peering inside the dishwasher she had just loaded.

“You’ve not left any gaps between the plates.”

Emma was flummoxed.

“Don’t tell me. Your mom taught you how to load a dishwasher correctly too? Why do I need to leave gaps?!”

Non of this made much sense to Emma, but then Emma never really had much experiences with dishwashers before she moved in with Regina and Henry. Snow didn’t have one. She never needed one when she lived above the diner and her apartment in Boston had been too small to home one. The only dishwasher she was familiar with growing up was her own hands, a kitchen sink and a sponge

“Gaps let the water and detergent flush through, reaching all the surfaces.”

Henry was now waving his hands in various directions as if that would assist Emma in understanding his explanation.

“And you should always load the bottom first.”

He was now crouching beside her, his tiny hand pointing to the bottom shelf, which was empty.

“Plates should be loaded into these slots facing inwards so the dirty sides face the water. And you should have put the pan facing downwards.”

Or sideways, right into Neil’s face…

Emma stood.

Seriously kid? You’re lecturing me on the do’s and dont’s of dishwasher-ing?!”

Henry began to giggle.

“Sorry Ma but I’ve been living with mom for longer than you have. Trust me. If you want to get on her good side and stay there you’ll pay attention.”

Emma felt like she was back at school having just received a small lecture from a teacher, although she did acknowledge that being on Regina’s good side was never a bad thing. Especially considering how she was feeling at the moment, where any negativity from Regina no matter how small or trivial (You stacked the dishwasher incorrectly, Miss Swan!) was likely to have her breaking down in floods of tears.

Damn these pregnancy hormones!

“Alright kid. Help me re-stack.”

Regina couldn’t believe how many different types of ice cream flavours there were. She also couldn’t believe they didn’t have a single carton of mint choc chip.

Closing the refrigerator door she realised she would have to magic a carton on her way home. The way Emma’s emotions were fluctuating at the moment, the slightest thing like no ice cream was likely to tip her soulmate over the edge.


Regina jumped slightly as she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning slowly she suddenly found herself engulfed in a hug.

“Tinkerbell.” Regina managed to reply, even though her body was being squeezed tightly by the small but clearly sturdy woman.

“I’m so glad I’ve found you!”

Tink finally let go as Regina took a small step back.

“You were looking for me?”

Regina looked at the fairy whose eyes suddenly began to tear up.


Tink rubbed the back of her hand over her face before she turned, glancing behind her.

“No. Well, not really. But I am glad I bumped into you. I - I don’t know what to do.”

Regina reached out her hand and placed it reassuringly on Tink’s arm.

“Tell me what happened.”

Henry was flicking through the tv channel.

“So I guess a wildlife documentary is out?”

Emma threw herself onto the sofa, her blonde hair in waves around her face.

“Hen, I may be suffering from odd cravings and my back hurts like a motherfu- it hurts a lot, and okay I may have got upset over food but I am not going to bawl my eyes out over a nature show like your mom did.”

Ten minutes later, Henry was wishing he had skipped the nature show about the North Pole because his ma was sobbing over how cute the baby penguins were.

Contemplating how he could switch the channel before one of said baby penguins got injured or, worse, died, Henry was relieved when the front door opened.

“Moms back!”

Emma wiped the back of her hand over her face as she took a few quick breaths, motioning to the tv remote Henry was holding in his hands.

“Turn it off.”

Henry obliged.

They both turned from the sofa  as Regina entered, Tink following closely behind.

“Is everything alright?” Emma asked, standing as Regina nodded.

“Tink needs to talk to us both about - something. Henry be a dear and get ready for bed? We’ll be up shortly to tuck you in.”

Henry stood.

“Mom. I don’t need tucking in, I’m nearly eleven!”

Emma and Regina watched as Henry then blushed a little, his eyes now on Tink.

“Alright kid. You can read for half an hour but then light outs, okay? And don’t forget to brush your teeth.”

Henry nodded and wished them all goodnight as Regina motioned to the sofa.

Tink followed Regina’s gaze before finally taking a seat.

“Tink found me at the store, Emma. She said she needed to talk to me and clearly the store wasn’t the place to have that conversation so I brought her here.”

Emma nodded, wondering if the talk had anything to do with Blue.

“Of course I explained that you would be here but-“

Tink interrupted.

“I don’t mind you being here for this, Emma. In fact I’d prefer it.”

Emma smiled as Regina took the seat beside Tink, Emma choosing to sit on the chair opposite them both.

“Is this about Blue?” Emma finally asked as Tink visibly shuddered.

“I think I should tell you my story from the start.” Tink replied, her voice wavering a little as she turned to face Regina.

“It starts back when you were… married to the king.”

Regina swallowed hard and nodded, her eyes falling on Emma who looked perturbed.

“You can speak freely in front of Emma, Tink. Don’t feel as though you need to hold anything back.”

Emma was relieved that Regina was giving Tink the go ahead to speak without restraint,  although a part of her felt physically sick at the prospect of hearing about her grandfather.

“A long time ago when we all lived in the Enchanted Forest, I worked for the Blue Fairy.”

Tink stopped, suddenly looking up at Emma.

“I mean, when most of us lived there. I know… well you…”

Emma let out a chuckle.

“I never lived there. It’s cool, Tink. Can’t say I’m upset about that to be honest. I love my modern comforts too much!”

Tink smiled and nodded.

“Well, working for Blue…  some days I found myself incredibly bored or frustrated. I wanted to do so much more so one night I sneaked out and - well, that was the first time I met you, Regina.”

Regina smiled, turning to face Emma.

“What Tink means, Emma, is that was the time she saved my life.”

Emma’s brows scrunched as Regina took one of Tink’s hands in hers.

“Saved your life?” Emma asked, her words catching on her throat as Regina nodded.

“Yes. I was standing on my favourite balcony in the castle when it gave way. I fell, and Tink saved me.”

Emma couldn’t believe it as she found herself moving across the room, now crouching beside Tink.

“You saved her! My god. How can I ever thank you?!”

Emma was now hugging Tink close as the fairy let out a laugh.

“You weren’t wrong about her being emotional, Regina!” Tink squeaked as Regina let out a deep chuckle.

Finally Emma let go and returned to her  seat, a sheepish look on her face.

“Sorry for interrupting. Please continue.”

Tink nodded.

“Well, once I Introduced myself, Regina and I spent a lot of time together.” Regina nodded in agreement as the Fairy looked at her.  “You told me about your marriage to Leopold.”

Emma felt her insides twist, knowing full well what Regina probably told Tink.

“I did.” Regina confirmed as Tink frowned.

“All I wanted was to help you find true happiness. I never told you but one evening when I returned home, Blue caught me. She was angry that I’d been sneaking away so I tried to explain to her where I was going and that I simply wanted to help you. She didn’t like that I had broken rules or that my desire was to help you.”

Tink looked downcast as Emma huffed.

“Has she always been a self righteous bitch?”

Regina raised a brow at Emma before turning to Tink.

“Blue and I have always had a rather tenuous relationship.” Regina admitted as Tink looked up, tears in her eyes.

“I tried to explain to her that not helping you wasn’t very fairy-like but she ignored my plight and ordered me to stay in the cavern where we all lived, demanding I undertake more training under strict supervision.”

Regina bowed her head a little.

“That explains the weeks that past where I didn’t see you. I often wondered what had happened. I missed you. Things with the King were getting progressively worse and…. you were my only friend.”

Emma’s hands were twitching on her lap, her desire to take Regina into her arms so overwhelming but she paused as Tink let out a small sob before embracing Regina herself.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I missed you too. I know you didn’t see me but I was thinking about you, that’s why I asked another fairy to help me cast a spell - a soulmate spell - I couldn’t do it alone and she was happy to help me. Once cast, we saw an image like a mirage float in the air around us. An image of a lion, a strong lion with a yellow mane and emerald eyes. We didn’t know what it meant until Blue appeared. She’d sensed what we had done and I remember her voice so clearly; “you must never tell Regina about her soulmate and this lion tattoo.” She didn’t realise she told me what I needed to know. What I wanted you to know.”

Tink paused as Emma noticed Regina’s eyes blazing at her from across the room.

A lion with a yellow mane and emerald eyes…

“That’s why I had to sneak out again. So I could find you and tell you but….”

Regina closed her eyes and sighed.

“I refused to listen to you and you called me a coward.”

Tink flinched.

“I didn’t mean it, Regina. I was just so frustrated because all I wanted was for you to listen to me.”

Regina nodded.

“I was scared, Tink. All my life I felt as though my destiny was something I couldn’t control and that’s all I wanted, to be in control. When you told me you knew something pivotal about my soulmate I just couldn’t listen. I wanted to find them on my own terms.”

Regina then looked at Emma and smiled.

Tink was now nodding enthusiastically.

“I know that now, I suppose at the time I was just so upset with you which is why I didn’t really care when you sent me away. The Blue Fairy knew I’d been to see you again. I begged for another chance to make up for my mistakes but she said she had given me far too many chances already and… well, she threatened to take away my wings.”

Emma was scowling at Blues answer as Regina voice suddenly broke the silence.

“She didn’t though?”

Tink shook her head.

“You cast the curse before she could. And then she forgot because we all forgot. That was until the curse was broken and then all this happened with Robin and me blurting out about the lion tattoo. I’m so sorry I did that. I really am. I’ve tried to placate Blue but she’s… well, she wants to take my wings away again and this time I think she will succeed. I fled this evening after I overheard her talking to the others. I can’t lose my wings. They’re all I have.”

Tink then started to sob as Emma stood.

“Nobody is taking your wings, Tink.”

“I’m so afraid though. She has so much power-“

Suddenly Regina stood.

“Nothing compared to what Emma and I have, especially when we pool our magic together. You’ll stay here tonight, and tomorrow Emma and I are going to pay Blue a little visit. As Emma said, nobody is going to take your wings, least of all Blue.”

Tink looked overwhelmed.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose.”

Emma reached out her hand and Tink took it.

“You’re not imposing, Tink. Forgot about Blue this evening. Regina and I will handle the supposed fairy godmother although how the hell she can use the title is beyond me. She’s nothing but a pain in the ass-“

Regina placed an arm around Emma’a waist.

“Yes my love. She is. Now - let’s get you settled in for the evening, Tink.”

Tink nodded.

“Thank you for being so understanding and I’m sorry, for pushing you back in the enchanted forest. I should have respected your wishes and not pushed you about your soulmate.”

Regina’s eyes softened.

“I think it’s a safe assumption that things turned out for the best, Tink. Especially when it came to finally finding my soulmate.”

Retina then looked at Emma with so much love, warmth and deep affection Emma felt her cheeks blaze.

Tinks smile widened.

“Yes, Regina. They certainly did.”

Regina tiptoed into the bedroom, assuming her fiancée was fast asleep. Emma had taken herself to bed an hour earlier, citing an aching and tired body. Tink had looked worried until Regina explained Zelena’s theory to her.

“My goodness! I think your sister may be correct! Poor Emma!”

Regina had frowned.

“Poor Emma? What about poor me? Pregnancy was tuning me into a crazy, hormonal she-beast!”

Tink had let out a high pitched giggle.

“Well, really Regina. Rather that than the Evil Queen?!”

Regina had then made them both some tea before showing Tink to the guest bedroom finally making her way to the master bedroom.

“You don’t need to be quiet, Gina. I’m not asleep.”

Emma then switched the bedside light on, her eyes temporarily adjusting to the brightness as Regina walked over to her.

“How are you feeling?”

Emma pushed herself up, the cover falling to her waist.

“Well, physically I feel like I’ve fallen from the top mast of the Jolly Roger. Mentally I feel like I could burst into tears at any given moment for no reason at all. So yeah. All good in Swanland.”

Regina waved her hand and was immediately dressed in a deep purple neglige.

“Oh? So it’s okay to use magic to change but you can’t use it to go to the store?” Emma asked almost indignantly as Regina rolled her eyes, climbing into bed.

“Was my presumption inorrect that you wanted me beside you immediately?”

Emma answered by shuffling closer to her body, her arm now reaching out.

“I always want you beside me.” She mumbled into Regina’s neck before she turned, swinging a leg over the brunette slowly and carefully, ensuring her weight was below Regina’s baby bump.

“I thought you weren’t feeling well my dear?” Regina asked, her face now flushed as she felt Emma’s warm body above her.

“And what happened to your pants?”

Emma grinned. Regina hadn’t realised the only item of clothing Emma was wearing was a black tank top.

“I wanted to surprise you.”

Regina’s hands were clasping Emma’s hips immediately.

“Consider me delightfully surprised.” Regina husked as Emma slowly peeled up her neglige, her hands pausing once it was pushed above her stomach.

“You’re so beautiful, Regina. All of you. So stunningly beautiful and this-“

One of Emma’s hands brushed slowly over Regina’s stomach.

This is a new life, growing inside you… our baby-“

Emma has tears falling down her cheeks as she leaned forward and gave the bump a kiss.

“I love you so much, little one.”

Regina felt the tears fall onto her stomach as her hands moved to Emma’s head.

“And I love your momma so much too, nugget.”

Emma then lifted her head, her eyes meeting Regina’s. Regina felt her breath hitch as the turquoise pools seemed to call out to her.

“I love you, Emma.”

Emma brought her hands up to cup Regina’s cheeks.

“I’m sorry you went through so much back in the Enchanted fucked up Forest.”

Regina smiled as Emma’s lips ghosted over hers.

“Perhaps it’s wise to not call it that whenever your mother is in the vicinity my love.”

Emma grinned, her hands now playing with Regina’s hair as the brunettes began to rub her fingers up and down the blondes back.

“Now, can we forget about the fucked up forest? I’d much rather you move up a little further my dear and show me what you intend to do with those enchanting fingers of yours.”

And with that Regina pulled Emma up, their warm cores now touching.

“Fuck.” Emma gasped as Regina pushed her hips up.

“I do hope so Miss Swan.”

Emma was lost. Lost in Regina. Lost as the brunettes plump lips ghosted over her face, down her neck, across her chest, finding a deep contentment as they drifted over her erect nipples before moving down across her stomach.

Emma was lost. Lost in Regina’s moans and mewls as she reciprocated each and every one of Regina’s actions, her own pale lips now dipping across the brunettes navel, excitement shifting several gears in Emma’a mind as Regina seemed to purr each time she dipped the tip of her tongue around and inside her navel, before slowly moving lower and lower…

Emma was lost. Lost in the taste and flavour of Regina. The sweet tang that invaded and enveloped her taste buds as her inquiring and demanding tongue pushed deeper and deeper into the brunette, examining every inch of the wet, silken folds available to her, and those intimate areas she probed further to explore which only made the brunette arch and curl her spine, allowing Emma entry to her forbidden fruit.

Emma was lost. Lost in the love she felt when Regina finally climaxed, her entire body shuddering and quivering as she came down slowly from her peak, her breathing ragged, her voice raspy as she called out Emma’s name before warm arms pulled her down, holding her close so all Emma could hear was the fast and erratic beating of Regina’s heart.

“I’m lost in you, Gina.”

Regina placed her hands on Emma’s cheeks and brought her face close.

“Please tell me that’s a good thing?” The brunette whispered, her voice still hoarse.

“It’s the best thing. You move me in ways I cannot define. Ways I don’t want to define. I love you.”

And Emma showed Regina over and over again just how much.

Chapter Text

Emma knew she was dreaming, because standing in front of her was Cora Mills.

More worryingly was the fact that this Cora was smiling.

And it appeared genuine.

There was also the fact that she was standing in the vest and shorts she’d pulled on before slumber, always conscious Henry would stumble into their bedroom at any given moment. Although Regina had fallen fast asleep as naked as the day she was born and Emma hadn’t had the heart to wake her.

Shifting from one bare foot to the other she finally gave Cora eye contact. 

Cora who was standing, back straight, in a flawless black dress and matching heels. She looked refined as hell.

Something Regina definitely got from her mother.

“Um. Not sure why you’ve decided to pop up into my dream.” Emma mumbled to herself as she looked around, trying to navigate where it was she was standing because it was all rather hazy.

Not that long ago she’d made love to Regina over and over again and the way the brunette had responded had been more than enough to sate Emma’s hunger.

She’d fallen asleep with Regina tucked into her side, their legs tangled. Emma could hear Regina’s steady breathing, see how content the brunette looked in slumber, feel how soft her fiancées hair felt against her chest and as the blonde inhaled deeply she could smell Regina’s essence still lingering in the air, on her skin, inside her soul.

Sleep had come easy, once she had dimmed the lights and pulled Regina even tighter into her body. She had felt relaxed, calm and happy. So so happy, knowing that Regina’s cries of pleasure followed by mewls of delight and finally the shy smile she offered Emma were all down to her dedicated hands,  tongue,  lips, teeth…

So really, having this dream right now made absolutely no sense to Emma.


Cora’s voice finally broke into Emma’s daydream.

“Don’t blame me, my dear. You thought of me, so here I am.”

Emma frowned.

Why the hell would she be dreaming of Cora of all people? The last time she had come face to face with the woman she’d abducted her alter ego in the hopes of wiping her memory so she could push her to set sail on the Jolly Roger with Hook, leaving Regina behind.

“Pretty sure I didn’t think of you.”

Cora shrugged.

“Unintentionally, perhaps.”

Emma frowned again.

She’d just had the most wonderfully sweet, intoxicating and amazingly beautiful evening with Regina, her mother was the last person on Emma’s mind.

“What do you want?”

Cora was looking around, as if also trying to fathom where it was they were both standing.

“I don’t want anything from you. Like I said, you called, I came. Believe me, this is not the location I would have chosen. It’s cold. And damp. And smells funny.”

Emma wasn’t convinced.

“You’re the last person I’d call, Cora, after everything you did - everything you’ve done.”

Cora actually seemed a little taken aback.

“I haven’t done anything my dear. Unless you’re referring to the past. Before my daughter cast the curse. Before she sent me away.”

Cora’s previous words echoed around her brain; cold, damp, wet… she suddenly realised where they were.

The docks.

“Then where would you have us meet, Cora? A palace? Where you’d no doubt seat yourself at the head of the table or on a jewel encrusted throne with your servants surrounding you, catering to your every whim?!”

Cora appeared to reflect on what Emma had said before she merely  shrugged.

Emma rolled her eyes.

“I never had a mother growing up. I used to be so unhappy, not having someone I could love and confide in. Then your daughters told me all about you and you know something? I’d rather be that orphan than have you as a mother.”

Cora visibly flinched before she took a seat on the bench Emma was so familiar with. It was her and Regina’s bench. The mere sight of Cora sitting on it made Emma feel sick. 

“Aren’t you going to say anything? Deny it? Try to tell me why you were such an evil, controlling bitch?”

Emma was now angry, as she began to pace in front of the bench waiting for Cora to respond. She finally did.

“I can’t deny what is true. I was all of those things, and so much more.”

Emma paused. This wasn’t how she expected the conversation to go.

“You ruined Zelena’s life by casting her aside, taking away her memories, sending her to Oz where she had nothing and nobody. You manipulated Regina since the day she was born!! Trying to turn her into something she was never meant to be!”

Cora merely watched Emma unravel, her face stoic.

Emma continued, her voice now laced with emotion.

“You killed Daniel for fucks sake, right in front of her then made her marry that….man. Knowing what he was like. Knowing how she felt about it. I should kick your ass right across this realm-“

Finally Cora’s face broke.

“Then please do, Sheriff Swan. I know what I did. I was there, remember? I know the games I played and the plotting I undertook with absolutely no regard  whatsoever for anyone but myself. I didn’t deserve a child, let alone two. So please, kick my ass as you so eloquently put it. I won’t stop you.”

Emma laughed.

“Of course you won’t! This is a fucking dream. My dream, apparently. I can wish for and probably do anything I want. If this were real you’d have me tied up in vines as you attempt to take out my heart.”

Cora immediately stood.

“This isn’t just your dream Miss Swan. It appears to also be mine. I won’t pretend to understand what’s happening, all I know is we are sharing the same dream and everything I am telling you is how I feel.”

Emma snorted.

“Feel? How do you feel then, Cora? Knowing what you did to your own children. Tell me how that makes you feel?”

Cora’s head dipped.

“It makes me feel…. remorseful for all that I have done. I regret the past. I  admit I didn’t always feel this way. For years after I was banished by Regina I felt such a hatred deep inside for what happened to me but then… I began to change. I don’t understand why. Or how. I only know that something made me repent. I can only apologise for my actions back then.”

Emma was waiting for her lie detector to ping.

It didn’t.

Then again, maybe it didn’t work quite so well in her dreams.

Cora was looking at her cautiously before she continued.

“I even found Zelena and under the guise of another I told her how she could find Regina again.”

Emma recalled how Zelena had located Regina again after so long apart. A fairy had found her and told her where Regina was and how she could reach her. Was that memory merely something Emma had now morphed into this scenario? Or had Cora really helped Zelena find her younger sister again.

Was she somehow talking to the real Cora right now?

“I’m sorry.” Cora finished as Emma finally broke from her reverie, shaking her head slightly.

“No. You don’t get to apologise, at least not to me. I wasn’t the one you fucked over.”

Cora’s head moved back up, a small smile appearing on her lips.

“You’re extremely straightforward with yours words aren’t you my dear.”

Emma dipped her head before her eyes met Cora’s.

“Yeah well, being blunt has got me this far.”

Cora arched a brow and for a moment the action threw Emma. Regina arched her brow in the exact same way. The resemblance was uncanny and a little unnerving.

“It wasn’t a criticism Miss Swan. In some ways you remind me of Daniel yet in others you are so very different. Daniel was calm and could easily pacify Regina. You on the other hand often provoked her in the past, infuriating her yet-,” Cora paused momentarily before smiling.

“Well they do say the course of true love never did run smooth.”

“Don’t quote Shakespeare to me. I’ve had it with authors and story telling.”

Cora let out a deep chuckle.

“I see why Regina likes you.”

Emma’s eyes narrowed.

“Regina loves me.”

Cora blinked a few times and nodded.

“Yes. I believe she does. Fiercely so.”

Emma paused before answering.

“And what do you know of Regina and I?”

Emma still couldn’t believe she was having this conversation with a figment of her imagination, one that had popped up in her dream state masking as Regina’s mother of all people.

Yet somehow it felt real.

“I know everything my dear. I may not have been involved in Regina or Zelena’s life but I still have the ability to keep tabs on them over the years. I am happy they both seem content and loved.”

Cora paused and screwed up her nose. Clearly the smell of the docks was not one she appreciated.

Emma remained silent, somehow knowing Cora still had something left to say.

Finally Cora waved a hand over her nose before continuing.

”I’m especially happy for Regina. After Daniel… well. Now I see she has met her true love, not that it detracts from how she felt about him, selfishly I am relieved he wasn’t her true love or her soulmate.”

Emmas eyes narrowed.

“Relieved you didn’t kill her one true love you mean.” She almost spat as Cora flinched.

“Exactly that.” she whispered back as she then sighed. “I mean no harm to you, any of you.”

Emma couldn’t help a snort escape from her nose again.

“Well I’m still calling bullshit. I met you not that long ago in a parallel universe and the last thing that concerned you was Regina’s happiness. Or Zelena’s for that matter. You wanted to keep us apart. All of us. I don’t trust you.”

Cora shrugged.

“I don’t expect you to, nor have I asked you to. All I can say is, there are plenty of Cora’s out there just as there are multiple versions of you and Regina. Not all of us are the same my dear and some are capable of change.”

Emma raised a brow.

“Well I’m kinda looking at the epitome of evil although you’re trying extremely hard to convince me you are a different Cora now.”

Cora ran a hand across her forehead and Emma noticed she was shaking.

“As I said. I cannot change the past. I can only live in the present and hope for a better future. Besides, the things I did - no matter how evil they may have been - they were the very start of what was to become. Everything that happened did so for a reason and even though I regret a lot of those things I can’t regret how things finally transpired. Zelena found her sister again. Regina found you, through Henry. You found your parents. You are a family, now. I am happy my daughters found their happy ending despite their terrible Once Upon a Time.”

Emma didn’t know what to say, mainly because everything Cora had just said made sense to her. She would never have wished the shitty childhood Regina and Zelena had on anyone but apparently everything had come full circle. She hated that they had all gone through so much heartache to get to their happy ending but Emma couldn’t envisage her life now without Regina in it.

“And soon, the new addition will make you even stronger. I am truly happy for you and My daughter, Emma.”

Now Emma sat as Cora continued to look at her.

“Non of this makes any sense. Why the hell would I dream about a version of you who is showing nothing but penitence when I don’t even believe it myself? Why would I even think of you in the first place? It’s been weeks since I returned from the parallel universe, I haven’t thought about you once since then yet here you are now, chatting to me in a place I hold dear to my heart.”

Cora looked around her, her gaze drifting from the docks to the sea before she looked back at Emma.

“If it’s any conciliation I’m not entirely sure why I am here either, with you. If anything it was my deepest wish to see Regina and Zelena again, even if it were only in a dream, so that I could apologise. I suspect they wouldn’t have believed me either but to have that chance… instead I come across you.”

Emma turned.

“Don’t sound so happy.”

Cora let out a chuckle.

“I’m sorry my dear you’re just rather… blunt. A little rough around the edges? Although I do appreciate your honesty.”

Emma sighed, resting her elbows on her knees.

“Is this where you ask me to tell Regina how sorry you are once I wake up? Because she’ll think I’ve gone mad. I mean, I think I’ve gone mad.”

Cora shook her head, her hair moving in a way so similar to how Regina’s did when she made the same movement.

“I don’t expect you to tell her anything. Whatever you tell her will be your choice. I’m simply here for the ride.”

Emma felt torn. Like this, Cora was almost… nice?

She was about to reply when a loud bang appeared from somewhere, making them both jump.

“What the hell?” Emma muttered as she stood, her head turning, eyes darting all around her.

The bang appeared again.

“What have you done?” she threw at Cora accusingly as the older woman now stood.

“I haven’t done anything but our connection.” she waved her hand around “is fading.”

Emma looked back at Cora who seemed to be slowly vanishing from her view.

The banging persisted.

“Boil red raspberry leaves and drink the liquid once it has cooled. They are rich in iron and will decrease your nausea, Miss Swan.”

Emma blinked.

“You know I’ve been feeling sick?!”

Cora smiled.

“My daughter is pregnant with your child, Emma. An extraordinary event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. A true love child - a miracle so to speak. This brings certain consequences, one of which appears to be you suffering from Regina’spregnancy symptoms. Use the leaves. They will help.”

The banging suddenly returned.

“And please be careful Miss Swan. Protect those you love, at all cost.”

Emma opened her mouth to reply when Cora suddenly disappeared.

What the actual fuck….

Emma awoke to the sound of heavy ponding, seemingly coming from downstairs.

“What the-“

She was still hazy from the dream when the door to the master bedroom swung open.

“Ma! Mom! Someone’s knocking on the front door!”

Emma immediately sprung out of bed, thankful she’d placed her vest and shorts back on hours earlier due to feeling a little chilly. Regina on the other hand was, as far as Emma could recall, still totally naked.

She turned as Regina stirred, her eyes slowly opening.

“What’s going on?” she rasped, her voice quavering a little from the deep sleep she had clearly been under.

Emma momentarily thoughts back to her dream and Cora before she backed up towards the bed as the banging continued.

Protect those you lose at all cost….

“Gina, babe. Stay here. Henry’s behind me and… you’re - you know…”

Regina blushed heavily, her eyes darting to Henry.

“Mom are you alright?”

Regina nodded, thankful the blanket was still covering her as Emma placed a quick kiss to her temple.

“I’m fine Henry. Go back to bed.”

Emma winked at her red faced fiancee before turning back to Henry.

“Hen, go back to your room and stay there until I come back upstairs, okay kid?”

“But what if you need me?”

Emma and Henry stepped out into the corridor, the banging now louder.

“I’ll be fine Henry. Promise. Now go-“

Before Emma could finish, the door to the guest bedroom opened.

“Where is that noise coming from?!”

Emma almost jumped, her heartbeat rocketing before it slowly started to calm. She had totally forgotten that Tink was staying in the guest bedroom. Now she really was thankful Regina had cast a silencing spell earlier.

“Tink. You scared the crap out of me!”

Tink looked sheepish.

“I’m sorry, Emma. I’m normally a heavy sleeper but that noise…. What is it?!”

Emma began to walk down the stairs, the knocking still persistent as the door to the master bedroom opened again and out stepped Regina, this time wearing a long robe.

“I want you all to stay upstairs okay? I’ll go see who’s knocking. It could be an emergency.”

Regina stepped next to Tink, both of them peering down the stairs as Emma slowly descended.

“Emma, please be careful.” Regina pleaded, an unsettling feeling now present in the pit of her stomach.

“I’m coming down too.” She decided, taking a few steps before Emma halted half way and turned.

“Gina. I need you to stay where you are. I need you to protect nugget and Henry. You too, Tink. Can you please do that for me?”

Tink nodded as Regina wavered.

“And who will protect you?”

Emma grinned.

“I know you have my back baby. Even from up there.”

She then turned and walked towards the front door, the hammering now slowing as she reached forward to turn the key in the lock.

“Can you see who it is?”

Regina and Tink both turned to see Henry standing behind them, the baseball bat that Zelena had given him grasped firmly in his hands.

“Henry! I told you to go back to your-“

“You came out and ma told you to stay in your room!” Henry moaned as Tink lowered herself to his level.

“Your moms are just worried, Henry.”

Henry nodded, his gaze moving from Tink to Regina.

“I can protect you all.” he whispered as Regina pulled him into her.

“We know you can my love but it’s not your place to. Now please go back to your room and only open the door if we ask you to, can you do that for me my little prince?”

Henry sighed, nodding into Regina’s side he slowly took a step back and handed her the bat.

“I know you have magic mom but this - well - you should take this too. Just in case. Aunt Z showed me a couple of ways this bat could be used as a tool to fight back against an armed assailant. You need to move fast to get out of the way, and then hit the intruder hard right between the legs if it’s a guy!”

Regina was about to comment on her sisters self defence lesson and choice of anatomy as a target when Tink suddenly jumped on the spot.

“Or you can easily use the bat like a spear or battering ram!”

Regina inwardly groaned as Henry nodded in agreement, slowly removing the bat from Henry she kissed his forehead.

“I’ll bear it in mind, my love.  Now - bedroom”

Henry nodded as he slipped his hand into Regina’s, giving it a small squeeze before he walked back towards his room.

“Should I go with him?” Tink asked hesitantly as Regina contemplated her options. Tink had magic, although it was somewhat erratic and not always stable. Perhaps the best place for her was beside Henry though - the added protection wouldn’t harm.

“Yes. Yes please.”

Tink smiled and followed Henry as Regina slowly began to ascend the stairs. She would always have Emma’s back but in order to do that she needed to be closer.

Downstairs Emma was opening the door, her fingers itching at her sides as wisps of white began to wind itself around her finger tips. The magic was building. Readying itself for whatever was on the other side of the door, just in case.

The banging had stopped as the door finally swung open.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Emma bellowed as the person who had caused so much noise finally looked at her from the other side.

Regina was beside her in seconds, one hand resting on Emma’s shoulder as the other lifted into the air, a fireball now circling above her outstretched palm.

“Start talking. Now.” Regina hissed as Emma slipped one arm around her waist, hoping to ground her fiancée whose face now resembled thunder.

The person remained silent which only angered Emma further. Taking a step forward she peered at the figure who momentarily took a step back too.

Emma’s eyes narrowed as she finally found her voice.

“You heard us. What the fuck do you want.”

Chapter 15


Hi everyone! Sorry for the gap in posting this next chapter - work got in the way (how rude) - without further ado… let’s see who the mystery visitor is!

Chapter Text

“I know she’s staying with you.”

Emma’s eyes narrowed as Regina took a step forward, bringing Emma with her. Slowly she edged the door behind them closed with her elbow.

“And you thought it was perfectly acceptable to have this conversation at three o’clock in the morning?” Regina hissed as Blue swallowed, the muscles in her throat visibly contacting.

“This information has only just come to my attention.” the Fairy finally replied, her eyes now boring into Regina.

“She’s hiding and I demand you return inside and retrieve her for me.”

Emma snorted loudly and shook her head.

“Seriously? Listen lady, I don’t give a shit what time you found out Tink was here, that doesn’t give you the right to start hammering on our door at this ungodly hour! We have a kid, or has that escaped your notice? I should arrest you for disturbing the peace!”

Blues face immediately paled.

“I didn’t…” pausing she frowned before continuing. “I didn’t mean to scare Henry, if that’s what you’re suggesting. I need you to hand over Tinkerbell at once and we will be on our way.”

Emma took several steps forward, her reaction so quick Regina remained standing with her back to the door. Blue, also shocked by the sudden movement remained glued to the spot as Emma leaned into her personal space.

“Tink is staying right where she is, and nothing you can say or do will change that. So, get the fuck off our property before I throw your ass in jail.”

Regina reached out and pulled Emma back a little, her eyes still focussed on Blue who looked momentarily startled and a little overwhelmed before she finally broke the jarred trance she appeared to be under.

“How dare you speak to me this way!”

Now it was Regina turn to reply.

“And how dare you presume we will happily hand over a dear friend to someone like you who has every intention of removing the very thing that makes her who she is!”

Blue looked surprised before the meaning of Regina’s words finally dawned on her.

“What I do with Tinkerbell has nothing to do with you. She is disobedient, unruly and far too headstrong to be a fairy!”

Regina let out a throaty laugh before she felt Emma’s soft hand and long fingers wrap around hers.

“Yeah? Well you’re pompous and priggish and your holier-than-thou attitude stinks. You’re not exactly the embodiment of a perfect fairy either, are you?”

Emma’s question was blunt and to the point. Regina couldn’t help but smirk at the look of horror that was now showing on Blues face.

“How dare you! Back in the Enchanted Forest-“

Emma held up her free hand, the other still gripping Regina’s. Blue immediately paused.

“Take a good, long hard look around you. We’re not in the Enchanted Forest anymore, lady. I don’t know what influence or powers you held back there but they mean jack shit in Storybrooke. Here we are all equals, so take your sorry, interfering ass and get the hell away from me, my family and my friends.”

Emma finally took a deep breath as Blue sneered, her bottom lip curling.

“You’re right, Sheriff. We are no longer in the Enchanted Forest and we all know who’s to blame for that don’t we! The Evil Queen who cares about nothing but her own pleasure!”

Blue took several steps forward towards Regina but suddenly stilled as Emma, eyes narrowing angrily, stepped in between them.

“Call Regina that again and I’ll happily take my car and park it so far up your ass you won’t be able to move for days. Yeah, I know it was you who left that note on my windscreen.”

“I didn’t… I mean I was simply… I couldn’t…”

Blue was stammering as Emma’s lip curled.

“Leave. Now. Don’t test my patience, Blue.”

Blue attempted to stand taller, and failed miserably.

“I’m not leaving without Tinkerbell.” She finally hissed.

Regina watched as Emma’s eyebrow’s scrunched together, a crease appearing across her forehead.

“Darling.” the brunette whispered as Emma’s jaw became visibly tense, her lips tightening.

“I said leave, now.”

The blondes voice was dangerously low as Blue finally took several steps back.

“Non of this concerns you, Sheriff.”

Regina was quick to interrupt, now stepping beside Emma, who seemingly couldn’t disengage Saviour mode if her life depended on it.

“And Tink staying with us doesn’t concern you. She is our friend and guest, and she won’t be going anywhere with you unless she chooses to. Now leave. I’ve had enough of your self righteous snobbery for one evening.”

Blue shook her head.

“You can’t hide her forever. She will have to leave one day and when she does ill find her and she will be punished for what she has done.”

“And what exactly has she done that’s so terrible?” Emma spat, her free hand now waving in the air.

“Is showing compassion a crime in your book, Blue? Is caring for a friend frowned upon in the land of fairies? Because if the answer is yes that’s the biggest pile of bullshit going.”

Blue flinched as Emma continued, spurred on by Regina squeezing her hand reassuringly.

“So she made an error by telling some people about a soulmate tattoo. Does it look like we care? It affected us directly but you don’t see us on knocking on doors at stupid o’clock in the morning demanding some fucked up justice that only makes sense to you.”

Blues mouth gaped as Emma rolled her eyes.

“I should demand your fucking wings for this.” Emma finally finished as Blue began to shake.

“You can’t do that!” she proclaimed as Emma rolled her shoulders.

“No. You’re right. I can’t. And neither can you. Tinks wings remain or so help me god I’ll find you, Blue, and the outcome won’t be pretty.”

Blue almost stumbled as she took several steps away from the Sheriff.

“But you’re the saviour! You can’t harm me!”

Emma shrugged. “Can’t say I’ve ever seen my job description but this I can tell you; I protect and look out for my own so do me a favour and leave Tink the hell alone or you’ll have me to answer to and believe me, there will be no Saviour gracing your presence on that particular day.”

Blue finally seemed to understand the true meaning of Emma’s words as her eyes fell to Regina.

“And you feel the same way, about Tinkerbell? You don’t care that she’s caused this mess about your soulmate?! And what about poor Robin Hood? He’s now under the impression he is your happy ending, Regina. Tinkerbell gave him false hope.”

Emma let out a throaty laugh before Regina could respond.

“He’s a fucking idiot who can’t accept he will never, ever be with Regina. Having a lion tattoo has nothing to do with it - he’s latched onto that ideal and continues to run with it. Next he’ll be telling anyone whose daft enough to listens that fairy dust told him he was Regina’s soulmate!”

Blue looked a little stricken as Emma pulled Regina in close to her.

“He isn’t the only one who has a lion tattoo, and he sure as hell didn’t share true loves kiss with Regina like I did so he can take his false hope and shove it where the sun don’t shine. I’m through with him and I’m through with you.”

Blue shook her head, “I wasn’t saying he was Regina’s true love. Merely that Tinkerbells loose lips have ended up with his wishful thinking, and that was cruel.”

Emma’s patience was wearing thin as Regina turned to open the front door before she paused, glancing around her shoulder at the Fairy.

“Tink was the closest thing I had to a friend back when my life was miserable. When I felt tethered to someone who caused me more pain than I can ever explain. She was the only one who brought me sunshine, who made me feel as though I could actually breathe.”

Emma was now looking at Regina, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she heard once more just how much of a shitty hand Regina has been dealt.

Regina swallowed, her breath catching as she steadily continued.

You didn’t try to help me, not once. But she did. You tried to stop her from seeing me. You could have done so much more yet you remained in the shadows, casting judgement.”

Blues eyes dropped, her head bowing slightly as Regina slowly continued, her voice now an octave lower and more threatening.

“Yes I care - about her and what happens to her. Try and remove her wings, Blue and I will revert back to my Evil Queen ways. It will take weeks if not months to find all of the places I have scattered your remains. And that is not a threat, Mother Superior. It’s a promise.”

Blue now looked like she was about to be sick in Regina’s rose bushes when Regina suddenly found herself nose to nose with the shaking Fairy.

“Now leave, don’t come back and don’t ever speak to me about Robin Hood; he’s a cheating asshole who would rather play with sticks and mud than actually care for his own flesh and blood. Marian is both a mother and father figure to their little boy! So don’t talk to me about cruelty. Whatever hardships he laments about are his own doing. He is a miserable, pathetic creep and I don’t give a fuck what Tink told him, he alone is responsible for his actions and if he continues to pursue me I’ll happily scatter his remains with yours!”

Regina then turned, stalked towards the door and entered, pulling Emma in behind her, finally slamming the doors shut behind them.

“Holy Christ Gina, that was kinda hot.”

Emma’s face was flushed as Regina took a few steadying breaths before turning to face Emma.

“Well you going all anti Saviour on her ass was rather endearing too, my love.”

Emma chuckled.

“Endearing? It was hot as well. Admit it.”

Regina  rolled her eyes as Emma moved to peak from behind the curtain that was closed beside the front door.

“She’s gone.”

Regina nodded and looked upstairs.

“We should go to Tinkerbell and explain what happened.”

Before either began to climb the staircase, a hesitant Tinkerbell and an equally uncertain Henry poked their heads around the top of the stairs.

Regina looked at Emma.

“I’ll go make us all some cocoa.”

The brunette was about to step away after motioning to Henry and Tink to join them downstairs when Emma reached out, her arm extending around Regina’s waist.

“Gina, before we go back to bed I need to speak to you about something.”

Regina slowly nodded, her eyes darting to the two bodies that had raced down the stairs before turning back to Emma.

“Is everything alright my love?”

Emma dipped her head then shrugged.

“Yeah. I mean, I think so?  I just had a really weird dream before all this happened. It was… surreal. It’s left me feeling a bit strange.”

Regina smiled and cupped Emma’s cheek as Tink and Henry made their way into the living room, both apparently having a small race with each other on who could get to the sofa first.

“Oh darling I wouldn’t dwell on it too much. Our subconscious has a way of portraying things in very odd ways, notably in our dreams but if it helps we can of course talk about it later.”

Emma smiled, kissing the back of Regina’s hands, her lips ghosting over each knuckle.

“Don’t forget the cinnamon.” she cheekily added before letting go of Regina’s hand as the brunette turned with a smirk on her face.

“Have I ever forgotten the cinnamon, Miss Swan?”

Emma chuckled as her hand dropped, inching towards the brunettes ass.

“Don’t even think about it Em-ma.” Regina husked as Emma grinned.

“I have no idea what you mean, Madam Mayor.”

And with that she quickly slapped Regina’s butt playfully before dating off to the living room.

“You’ll pay for that later my dear!” Regina chuckled as she felt her cheeks flame at the touch.

Oh yes, she would definitely make Emma suffer later.

In the most pleasurable of ways, of course.

Tink was perched on the end of the sofa when Regina finally made it into the living room carrying a tray full of steaming mugs of hot cocoa.

“Awesome. I love cocoa.” Henry beamed as he jumped from the arm of the chair he had been perched on.

“Hen be careful.” Emma scolded playfully as Henry scoffed.

“I’m nearly eleven. I can carry a mug of cocoa, Ma.”

Emma sighed.

“Sorry Hen but when it comes to the clumsy gene you’re definitely my kid. We’re awkward and uncoordinated. The sooner we accept that the better.”

Henry began to giggle as Emma wriggled her eyebrows at him, reaching out for her own mug of cocoa.

“Emma, pay attention!” Regina hissed as the mug slipped in Emma’s hands. Luckily the blonde quickly righted her hold on the mug before it slipped from the tray.

“See? What did I tell ya? We’re klutzy!”

Regina watched as Emma then took a sip from the mug, dark cocoa now all around her lips and on the tip of her nose. Henry began to chuckle and even Tink let out a snigger as Emma quirked a brow before sticking out her tongue, running it around her lips.

“It’s still on your nose Ma!” Henry tittered as Regina immediately realised what Emma was doing.

Because yes, Emma was a klutz but she was also extremely attentive and mindful on what had recently happened with Blue. Not wanting to scare Henry or worry Tink, Emma had deployed her secret weapon - her ability to make fun of herself to calm others. Regina found herself falling in love with the blonde all over again at how concerned she was over those she loved and cared for.

“How about we go finish our cocoas upstairs Hen? I’ll even read you a story.”

Emma then looked at Regina as her eyes quickly flickered to Tink who was now eyeing her cocoa with a somewhat puzzled face.

Regina understood - Emma was giving her the space to speak to Tinkerbell without Henry’s endless list of questions on what happened outside and why.

“Just make sure you use a coaster please Henry. That goes for you too, Emma.”

Emma grinned and nudged Henry.

“C’mon kid. Let’s go.”

Henry nodded, taking a large gulp of cocoa before turning to face Tink.

“Thanks for saying with me Tink. See you tomorrow!”

He then turned to face Regina who couldn’t  help but smile at the cocoa stain that was now gracing the tip of her sons nose, similar to the one Emma still had.

“And please wash your faces before bed!”

Regina scolded although her voice was entwined with humour.

Emma and Henry both grinned as they took turns to kiss Regina on the cheek.

“See you upstairs later.” Emma whispered in her ear as her hand reached out and her fingers began to stoke over Regina’s stomach.

“Nighy little one.” Emma murmured as she steadily patted the small bump with her fingertips before she quickly reached down and kissed the baby bump over Regina’s silk pyjama top.

Regina blushed, aware they were not alone although when her eyes fell back on Tinkerbell she soon realised the young fairy was looking in the opposite direction, her gaze missing the immediate scene as it focussed on the fireplace instead, a worried look on her face.

“She needs you.”

Regina looked back at Emma and smiled.

“And later I’ll need you.” Regina promised as Emma wriggled her eyebrows and blew her a kiss before sauntering from the room after Henry.

Chapter Text

Emma followed Henry upstairs and once inside his bedroom immediately saw the window was slightly open.

“Want to explain that, Hen?”

Henry, now back under his covers changed his position slightly so he was facing the open window.

“Oh. Well. Tink and I just needed some fresh air.” He replied casually, now sipping from his mug of cocoa.

“I see. And your window just happens to be directly above the front door, fancy that.”

Henry placed his now finished mug onto his bedside table and flopped back as Emma closed the window.

“So how was Operation Eavesdrop?” she asked, a smile tugging on her lips as Henry blushed a little.

“We didn’t hear everything. Just bits. Tink was just worried and I - well, I used to sometimes open my window when you and Mom were talking about me and other stuff at the front door. You know, back then.”

Emma did know. She’d often seen him peeking behind his curtains when she walked away from Regina, often in a mood because their conversation had turned into a quarrel, their verbal contention turning rather heated and strained.

“You really shouldn’t listen in on other people’s conversations, Henry. I understand why you did, but it can be intrusive.”

Henry nodded, his smile rather sheepish.

“I’m sorry. I only did it for Tink tonight because she was concerned Blue was telling you lies. I don’t like Blue.”

Emma nudged Henry with her arm, joining him on the bed as the youngster settled down beside her, his head resting on her arm.

“Yeah well, honestly, she isn’t my favourite person either although I should be telling you the best thing to do is to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.”

Henry snorted and the sound was so Regina, Emma started to chuckle.

“Yeah okay kid. That’s bolloc- rubbish! I mean, always go with your gut instinct. I don’t like her either.”

Henry grinned and nodded his head towards the door.

“Mom doesn’t like her. She said some really nasty things about you once and mom flipped out!”

Emma looked down.

“Oh? Care to share?”

She knew Regina and Blue were far from close, and had probably had many arguments in the past but she didn’t know one concerned her.

“We were in the library. The curse was broken and I was staying with mom again so she took me there to get some books for school.”

Emma felt a tug of guilt in the pit of her stomach when she remembered taking Henry away from Regina immediately after the curse had broken.

It had been for his own safety, not knowing what was going to happen especially to the Mayor whose life had seemed to be in danger as soon as everyone remembered who they were.

Still, it had only lasted a couple of weeks and Henry was soon back with the brunette. He missed her and it was apparent the feeling was mutual so Emma had relented, to the dismay of many who couldn’t understand why she would allow someone so “evil” to have access to Henry.

How quickly they all forgot it was the Mayor who had nurtured and cared for Henry for the past ten years, being his mother in every sense of the word.

Emma nodded as Henry looked up.

“Blue was there but she didn’t see us arrive. She was taking about you to someone, I don’t know who they were but she was saying how much of a failure you were not only as a Saviour but as a mother for letting me go back to mom so easily.”

Emma felt bile rise in the back of her throat. She should have punched Blue while she had the chance!

“She then said you were probably acting that way because you were an orphan who didn’t experience love, that you didn’t have anyone to care for and protect so everything was confusing you which is why you were messing it all up. 

Didn’t experience love? Well no shit. Being hidden in a wardrobe as a newborn  in the hope you would grow up to become a Saviour kinda had that effect…

Emma felt rigid. Henry reached out and took her hand in his.

“It’s okay Ma. Nobody thought that except Blue.”

Henry smiled.

”Anyway mom stormed over, told Belle to look after me and told Blue she was a patronising and arrogant excuse for a fairy and that you had more love in your little finger then she did her entire body. She then whispered something in her ear but I couldn’t hear what she said. Whatever it was must’ve scared Blue because she turned white and ran from the library.”

Emma gripped Henry’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

“I think she loved you, even then.” He continued, as he shifted and rested his head against Emma’s stomach.

“I think you loved her too.” He finished, as his eyes slowly began to close.

Emma ran her fingers through Henry’s hair as she slowly nodded to herself.

“I think you’re right, Hen. I did.”

Regina watched as Tinkerbell remained seated, her gaze still on the fire, hot, chocolate still in hand. Before she could speak, Tink looked up with small grimace.

“We heard, I mean, Henry and I overheard what happened outside.“

Regina narrowed her eyes before taking the seat beside Tink.

“How did you over hear?”

Tink looked a little guilty before shifting, her knees knocking together slightly not dissimilar to the way Emma would often fidget.

“Henry… he opened the window. He said it was somenting he used to do, in the past, when you and Emma were - talking - outside.”

Regina couldn’t help a smile escape her lips.

“I think he means when we were arguing. Henry is a bright boy, he’s also an expectionally inquisitive one. Something he definitely gets from Emma.”

Tink nodded before she brought the cup of cocoa to her mouth.

“I’ve never had this concoction before.” she mumbled as she tilted the liquid forward. Judging by the look of awe that then passed over the fairies face, Regina suspected the drink was something Tink would would happily have again.

“This is wondrous! What is it?” She almost squeaked as Regina, happy for the brief interlude, let out a laugh.

“Hot cocoa, or drinking chocolate. It’s Henry and Emma’s favourite especially when I garnish it with whipped cream and cinnamon. Sadly I didn’t have any marshmallows, perhaps next time.”

Tink was nodding her head with vigour.

“This is much better than mead!”

Regina almost rolled her eyes.

“Yes and unlike mead, this isn’t likely to give you a headache tomorrow morning or make you say things you regret the next day.”

Regina has said the last statement in jest but Tink still managed to look guilty.

“I am so sorry about all of that, Regina. And now I have Blue following my every move - she had no right to disturb you and your family tonight. I should probably go. I don’t want to put you or Emma in an uncomfortable position.”

Regina shook her head.

“Tink, you are welcome to stay for as long as you wish. Blue doesn’t scare me, and she sure as hell doesn’t scare Emma.”

Tink grinned, chocolate now smeared around her lips.

“Yes I overheard Emma. She doesn’t hold back does she?”

Regina smiled.

“No. She doesn’t. She never has. Not even against me when I was… less than civil.”

Regina recalled their turbulent past; and was so very thankful they had both moved beyond that now.

“Yes, but even back then, even when you were clawing at each other like kittens she always had your back. I remember when she totally went off at Blue because she wanted her to arrest you.”

Regina turned and found herself leaning closer to Tink who was now using the tip of her finger to gather stray whipped cream from the inside of her cup.

“I didn’t know about this?” she enquired softly as Tink popped her fingertip in her mouth, a look of delight on her face. Regina waited patiently for the finger to be removed.

“Oh I presumed you heard about it? It was all rather epic.”

Regina watched as Tink proceeded to tilt the cup to her lips, her head now tipping backwards.

“And I thought Emma was the adult-child in Storybrooke!” Regina laughed as Tink gingerly removed the cup from her lips.

“Sorry, Regina. This is just so magical!”

Regina let out a snort.

“I think I can safely say there is absolutely no magic involved in my hot cocoa. Now, tell me this epic tale about Emma confronting Blue and perhaps I’ll make you another before we return back to our sleeping quarters?”

Tinkerbell beamed.

“Well, it happened not that long after the curse was broken. Some people were rather… unhappy that the Sheriff seemingly took your side.”

Regina recalled the days and weeks that followed once the curse broke.

“I’d hardly say she took my side.” Regina retorted as Tink tilted her head.

“Regina, she stopped a mob of angry townsfolk from trying to lynch you. If that’s not taking your side, what is?”

“She was the appointed Sheriff, not to mention the designated Saviour - what else was she supposed to do?”

Regina’s question was rather blunt but Tink still grinned.

“You didn’t see how emotionally charged she was when she realised where half the town were, Regina. She’d strolled into the diner and a rather anxious Ruby immediately ran over to her to tell her what she’d heard. I was sitting in the corner, I think I was the only one in the diner bar Archie and Granny. She bolted from there like a cat out of hell!”

Regina bit down on her bottom lip.

Bat, my dear. A bat out of hell.”

Tink seemed oblivious to the correction and continued.

“Well she turned on her heel and ran! Straight to you. We both know she stopped what could have been a rather nasty scene from unfolding, even going as far as disobeying her parents in the process.”

Regina remembered that afternoon as if it had happened only moments ago. How Emma had come hurtling through the crowd, blonde hair flowing, red leather jacket flapping open as she tugged at people, shoving them aside until she was face to face with a rather disgruntled Whale who had managed to pin Regina with a vice grip on her shoulder.

She wasn’t certain who was more shocked at Emma’s reaction; Whale or Snow who had been watching at the side with David.

“Anyway, it was a tenuous time for you once everyone realised what had happened.”

Regina snorted.

“It was! You can’t deny the situation was very unstable and extremely fragile! But she had your back and was always in your corner even if she tried to be discreet about it.”

Regina couldn’t help but smile.

“Emma was far from discreet but I did appreciate the attempt.”

She recalled when she had spotted a tired looking Sheriff patrolling around Mifflin Street every night for weeks after the initial confrontation with the townsfolk had taken place.

How she had finally questioned the Sheriffs motives, presuming initially that she had been tasked to watch Regina by Snow and David and the rest of the old council. Instead she had been shocked to find the Sheriff had been watching the mansion to make sure Regina and Henry were safe and well.

“Well she wasn’t discreet when Blue confronted her in the diner, it must’ve been a month or so after the curse broke. Emma was having a coffee with Mulan when Blue and I entered the diner, I tried to keep Blue back but she stormed over to Emma and began to chastise her for being your own personal saviour, that the role wasn’t designed for that, that she had been specifically chosen to save good and not evil.”

Regina felt her insides twist and for once it wasn’t the baby kicking.

“Tink, since my magic returned I’ve been able to do things I couldn’t before - may I take your hand? With enough concentration, if you focus on what happened, I should be able to see it with my own eyes?”

Because for some reason this felt important to Regina. She knew what Blue was capable of and her vendetta against her wasn’t a secret but since the altercation earlier and now Tink’s involvement the more Regina knew the better.

“Only if you do treat me to another hot coco after?” Tink asked rather shyly as Regina nodded.

“You have my word.”

Minutes later, after a few hazy attempts, Regina finally saw what Tink was remembering…


“Please, leave them be. They’re busy.”

Tinks voice wavered as Blue turned, her dark eyes boring into the small fairy who looked a little petrified.

“You forget your place, Tinkerbell.”

And with that the Blue Fairy stormed across the diner towards the booth where Emma and Mulan were deep in discussion.

Sheriff Swan.”

Emma looked up, blinking a few times before she appeared to finally realise who was speaking to her.

Yeah, um…. Sorry, I’m not sure who you are - now…?”

Blue seemed to recoil as Emma swallowed.

“I mean I know you were Mother Superior before but for all I know you’re actually Baba Yaga.”

Blues eyes narrowed.

“You see me as a witch? That’s rather interesting.”

Now Emma’s eyes narrowed.

“Well it was a joke but now I’d like to know how you find that interesting?”

Mulan’s eyes were now darting back and forth between Emma and Mother Superior before they landed on Tinkerbell who was hovering behind.

You seem to be fixated on witches, is all. You also seem determined to protect them.”

Emma pushed her coffee cup back and stood.

Regina is not a witch.”

“She mixes potions and cast a curse. In my book, that is very much witch like behaviour not to mention the fact that she is evil.

Emma tilted her head.

“You forgot Queen.”

This seemed to anger Blue who took a step towards the blonde, her hands now lifting.

You don’t scare me lady, so say whatever the hell it is you came over here to say then leave.”

Blue seemed a little taken aback before she readied her thoughts.

The evil Queen does not deserve penitence. She has caused harm to everyone in the town, your parents included and yet you refuse to allow us to inflict punishment - she deserves death for all the havoc she has caused yet you refuse to even imprison her.”

Emma took a step towards Blue.

“And what about you? What is it you deserve because I’m under no illusions you caused your fair share of havoc and destruction back in the Enchanted Forest with little or no regard for others. So tell me, Almighty Superior, what do YOU deserve?”

Blue began to shake.

I’m not here to talk about me! You are the Saviour, when will you start to act like it?! She could be doing absolutely anything right now, and what about your son? I know you’re allowing her to see him again, he could be in danger but you don’t care-“

Emma’s face was now so close to Blue’s they almost seemed as one.

Don’t you dare bring the son I share with Regina into this. Our son! She cares more about that little boy than you will ever comprehend because unlike Regina you are incapable of loving anyone but yourself. Now take your fairy posse and get the hell away from me and my family, and by family I do mean Regina.”

Blue was still shaking as she took several steps back, knocking into Tinkerbell who was looking at Emma in wonder.

And don’t tell me how to live my life; I’ve never been a part of this shitty, one sided story until now but believe me, I’ve read Henry’s book and I know full well what Regina went though. Funny how you never once stepped in to help her before she was driven to become the Evil Queen. So focussed on yourself, exactly like you are now.”

Emma began to walk away, Mulan closely behind before she turned.

“I give everyone a second chance who deserves it. You on the other hand seem intent on causing depredation with every breath you take. Move the fuck on already. I’ve no time for your idle threats.”

Tinks memory then began to fade and the last thing Regina saw was Granny as she pointed a finger at Blue.

Get the hell out and don’t come back until your tittle tattle ceases.”

<End of Flashback>

Tink was rubbing her free hand against her forehead as Regina finally let go of her other hand.

She couldn’t believe how Emma had stood up for her even back then, long before they had finally become civil and courteous to one another.

“Are you alright?” The brunette asked lightly as Tink nodded and removed her hand.

“I should be asking you that.”

Regina sighed.

“Blue will never be my biggest advocate but I am more concerned with her grudge against you.”

Tink stood.

“I’ll be alright Regina. I’m made of stronger stuff than you might think.”

Regina stood and motioned to the kitchen.

“Would your stronger stuff like one more hot cocoa?”

Tink jumped as her hands clasped together.

“Ooooo yes!!”

Tink had devoured her second hot cocoa of the evening and had taken herself back to bed as Regina did a quick check that all the doors were locked. She didn’t expect Blue would return, at least not tonight but her cautious side was ever alert.

Stepping into the master bedroom she smiled at the sight in front of her.

Emma was sprawled on the bed on her front, above the covers, like a starfish. The top she had thrown on at some point during the evening had ridden up, exposing the soft planes of her back. As Regina stepped closer she found the dark blue boy shorts had also inched further up Emma’s body, leaving a rather fine view of her ass cheeks.

Quickly removing her robe, Regina switched off the light and walked across the carpeted floor towards the bed, kneeling beside Emma who was now mumbling something into her pillow.

Without preamble, Regina’s fingertips immediately began to run up the back of Emma’s left leg, pausing momentarily behind her kneecap. Emma was extremely ticklish here, and as Regina began to circle the pad of her thumb across the soft skin, the blonde immediately started to wriggle.


Regina removed her thumb, glancing up at Emma who had now turned her face to the side, one eye watching her.

“Stop me now, Emma, or else I won’t be able to soon.”

Emma blinked and merely nodded as Regina brought her other hand to rest on Emma’s lower back.

“Let me love you, Emma.”

Emma had now turned her face completely to the side, green eyes almost translucent focusing on Regina as she smiled.

“Let me make love to you, my darling.” Regina now hummed as both her hands moved towards Emma’s pert ass, her thumbs circling again this time over the dimples above the Sheriffs buttocks.

Emma watched in wonder as Regina seemed to almost be in a trance as her eyes and fingers remained focused on their task.

“Please.” Emma managed to whisper as Regina’s ever lithe fingers continued to stroke and massage, causing Emma’s stomach muscles to clench.

“I’ve always found your body extremely attractive, Emma.”

Emma began to turn on her side, wanting a better view of the brunette as Regina looked back up at her.

“Nuh-uh. Not yet my love.”

Regina then placed her hand on Emma’s shoulder and slowly pushed down.

“But I want to see you.” Emma mumbled into the cushion before she felt acrobatic fingers reach under the elastic of her shorts.

“You can feel instead.”

Emma shivered as Regina now seemed to be straddling her, one hand edging lower and lower under her shorts as the other slowly moved Emma’s mane of hair to one side, allowing her lips to claim an ear lobe.

“Oh shit.” Emma sighed, enjoying the feeling of Regina’s hot tongue as it caressed her ear as her nose nuzzled the top.

“I like you on top.” Emma then choked out as expert fingers managed to pull down her shorts, leaving them tangled around her knees.

“What do you want, Em-ma?”

Emma was momentarily lost for words as Regina’s tongue was now mapping a trail from her ear along her jaw and down the side of her neck, as the hand that was in her hair now moved downwards under her vest, travelling further, seeking a nipple that was very, very erect.

“Y-you.” Emma managed, her teeth now biting into the pillow as Regina cupped the breast, her thumb and forefinger rolling the hardened peak slowly.

“Don’t stop. Please don’t s-stop.” Emma managed to cry out as Regina suddenly moved backwards.

“W-whats happening?” Emma ask rather hazily as her head turned to see Regina looking down at her with so much love and devotion it made Emma’s heart ache in the very best of ways.

“I want you to feel me, too.”

Emma watched as Regina removed her silk slip, before she motioned for Emma to turn over.

Emma obliged, quickly kicking off her shorts and pulling off her vest.

“You’re so unbelievably gorgeous, so beautiful.” Emma cooed as she reached out and pulled a naked Regina down on top of her.

“Now let me feel you.” the blonde demanded as Regina suddenly dipped her head and bit Emma’s bottom lip.

“So demanding.” she murmured as she straddled Emma again, Emma’s hands immediately moving to her hips, following Regina’s motion as she slid up and down Emma’s stomach at a deliciously slow pace, a look of ecstasy on her face.

“I feel you.” Emma moaned, Regina’s  wetness coating her stomach muscles as Regina’s hands moved to cup both of her breasts.

“I love you, Emma Swan. And I love… how you protect me. How you’ve always protected me.”

Emma opened her eyes and looked up into dark brown orbs, the coffee coloured optics staring so intently at her she shuddered.

“I always will.” She whispered as Regina’s lips claimed hers with so much force Emma felt her toes tingle.

“And I, you.” Regina mumbled into her lips as Emma’s hand moved from her hip, traversing her skin down and down until they reached their final destination.

Love me, Emma.”

Emma moved her free hand to Regina’s cheek, her palm warm against the hot flesh.

“Together?” Emma asked, as Regina’s right hand moved down, following a similar path Emma’s had done, finally reaching what she was searching for.

Hands danced simultaneously, fingers exploring and surveying each other with finesse, finding each others weak spots before probing deeper and deeper into chasms of pleasure.

“Together.” Regina affirmed as rapture exploded around them both.

Chapter Text

“You’re absolutely sure I can take the afternoon off?”

Emma aimed and let go of the small sponge ball, watching as it glided through the air, landing in the net on the other side of the room.

“Get in!”

Mulan picked up the ball and threw it back to Emma.

“That was three for three. My aim is improving! And yes, take it off. You deserve some quality time with Ruby.”

Mulan grinned as she walked over to Emma.

“Your aim has improved. You should probably be thanking Regina for that.”

Emma’s concentration moved from the small, sponge ball to Mulan.


Mulan pointed to the ball.

“Your fingers are more dexterous, since you finally got your shit together and told Regina now you felt.”

Emma looked momentarily confused.


Mulan rolled her eyes.

“Jesus, Emma. Yes! Dexterous. You know. For obvious reasons.”

Mulan was hoping she wouldn’t have to spell it out when Emma clearly had a lightbulb moment, her fingers twitching around the ball as her face suddenly went red.

“Mulan! Seriously!”

Mulan shrugged and took a seat at her desk.

“I say it how I see it. Maybe you should try darts next, just not when I’m standing near the board. I still haven’t forgiven you for the stab to my left cheek.”

Emma stood and threw the ball at Mulan, marvelling when the former warrior caught it without even looking up.

“I was never a fan of darts, the board belonged to the former Sheriff, Graham.”

Mulan finally looked up, tossing the ball behind her. Emma watched in amazement as it landed in the net.

“Fucking hell that was impressive! Should we be thanking Ruby for your amazing hand coordination?”

Mulan chuckled.

“I thank the many years of yielding a sword, Emma. Although I would be remiss in not thanking Ruby for teaching me a thing or two.” And with that Mulan wriggled her fingers at Emma, a gleam in her eye.

“Tell me about him? Nobody really talks about the former Sheriff and by the time I arrived he had gone.”

Emma sauntered across the room to retrieve the ball.

“There isn’t really a lot to tell. Graham was a quiet soul. He was a pretty genuine guy, or as genuine as one can be without a heart.”

Walking back to her desk, Emma perched on the side, ball now rolling between her fingers.

“So it’s true then? Regina did have his heart?”

Emma slowly nodded before taking a seat behind her desk.

“But she gave it back. She actually gave it back to him before the curse broke. He started to get pretty intense as his memories flooded back.”

Mulan began to sort through her paperwork before pausing.

”Why did his memories return? Nobody else’s did from what Ruby told me.”

Emma blushed again.

“Well, I can’t be completely certain but - one evening - he may have kissed me outside the diner.”

Emma then shuddered a little at the memory. How Graham had seemed tense and confused, muttering things to her whilst she had tried to sit back and enjoy her grilled cheese. How he had began to shake and sweat profusely before rushing from the diner. Emma had of course followed, concerned he was going to do something stupid.

“Okay so that wasn’t something Ruby told me.” Mulan's voice interrupted her thoughts as Emma blinked, her eyes finally refocusing on Mulan.

”That's because I never told anyone. Although Regina saw. She was walking towards the diner when he decided to exit rather hastily. I ran after him because he didn’t seem to be completely lucid. Anyway I managed to grab a hold of his shoulder and as soon as he turned he lunged at me and kissed me.”

Emma now had Mulan's full attention.

“What happened next?!”

Emma threw the sponge ball in the air a few times before she finally replied.

“I shoved him back, obviously. I had no idea Regina was behind me until she cleared her throat. Honestly I was a little dazed at his reaction and when I turned to look back at him after I’d given Regina a sheepish smile I realised he looked just as dazed.”

And he had, immediately stumbling over an apology as he had then pointed at Regina, demanding she return his heart.

“When he asked Regina to give him back his heart, I thought he’d finally lost it. I mean, it wasn’t as though he was in a high pressure job, this is Storybrooke after all but I didn’t know what other shit he had going on. The way he was acting made me think he’d had a nervous breakdown and of course Regina merely sneered at him, and me, before she waved us both off with a flick of her wrist, entering the diner without a backward glance.”

Mulan was now fully engaged in Emma’s tale.

“So what happened next? I mean, how do you know she gave him back his heart before the curse broke?”

Emma opened her top drawer and threw the ball inside, slowly closing it.

“A week or so passed. Graham seemed a little more present but he would still sometimes appear a million miles away. One afternoon he came back from patrolling and he seemed different. More like the Graham I had initially met. He told me Regina had given him back his heart, that he could finally feel again. I laughed it off, what else was I supposed to do? He just shrugged and told me to be careful, to follow my gut and to let love in when it found me again.”

Mulan quirked her brow.

“I’m surprised she did that? Give his heart back I mean. If he was getting his memories back wasn’t she worried he would tell others what he remembered?”

Emma shrugged.

“I think a part of her accepted that her curse was on its way out although nobody could have envisaged how it would be broken . I sure has hell didn’t! Anyways, Graham left soon after. Crossed the town line. Nobody has seen or heard from him since.”

Mulan nodded before she handed Emma paperwork that needed a signature.

“Imagine if you had of been the one who ate the pie? Though I guess one kiss from Henry and you would have awoken. And I guess a kiss from Regina too!”

Emma took the papers and signed them before handing them back, a small snort escaping her nose.

“Like Regina would have kissed me back then! I mean sure, we had chemistry but it wasn’t exactly your typical attraction!”

Emma remembered the very first time she had seen Regina. Yes, she had felt a pull. One that grew stronger and stronger and had Regina propositioned Emma, she sure has hell wouldn’t have said no.

“Well things worked out in the end.” Mulan finished as she settled back behind her desk. “Just one last question. Graham and Regina, was that even a thing?”

Emma couldn’t help a scowl from appearing across her face.

”Let me guess, Ruby told you?”

Mulan noticed the scowl and grinned.

“Well she also told me that as soon as you entered the scene, Regina stopped meeting the then Sheriff above granny’s diner for… their business meetings…”

Emma’s scowl remained intact.

”Business meetings my ass. I try not to think about it, Mulan.”

Mulan took pity on the now seething Sheriff.

“Well at least when she has her ‘business meetings’ with the new Sheriff she doesn’t mind having them at home.” 

Emma finally smiled and nodded, glancing at the clock to see how long she would have to wait before she could escape to the diner to meet Regina for lunch.

“Um… what happened to the clock we used to have on the wall?”

Emma was pretty sure their old clock didn’t look anything like the new clock that was slightly larger, the green face almost sparkling.

“And why the hell do we have two identical clocks side by side?”

Mulan glanced back at the clocks.

“How did you not notice this before? Thank Zelena. The old clock apparently offended her so she switched it out with a new one - and we have two because the one of the right is the local time in London.”

Emma squinted up at both clocks.

“That’s just confusing though. And there was nothing wrong with the old clock!”

Mulan sighed.

“It wasn’t green. Nor did it chime on the hour. Trust me, you’re in for a treat when both hands land on twelve… which will be in a matter of seconds…”

Emma waited with bated breath as both hands suddenly moved together, resting on twelve.

“You’ve got to be joking me.”

Mulan began to laugh as the clock suddenly began to chime.

“Follow the yellow brick road? Seriously? It’s chimed that every hour? How did I miss it earlier?”

Mulan chuckled. “Emma, you arrived late and you’ve only just got back from patrolling. It also chimes ‘somewhere over the rainbow’ every half hour.”

Emma groaned.

“It should chime ding, dong the witch is dead!”

Emma had soon left her office, the sound of the new clock still ringing in her ears. Regina was already seated as she entered the diner. With a smile she  jogged over to the brunette.

Their order had been taken, the food served and Emma remembered her previous conversation with Mulan.

“So, did you really want to jump my bones the moment I turned up on your doorstep?”

Regina quirked a brow. Emma was clearly in a mischievous mood this lunchtime as she wriggled her eyebrows before taking a sip from the steaming hot coffee Ruby handed her minutes earlier.

“I don’t think I will ever get accustomed to your use of slang, Emma.”

Emma grinned as Regina began to cut up her grilled cheese using a knife and fork. The blonde still couldn’t believe how regal the Mayor looked whilst chewing on pieces of melted cheese.

Regina paused, waiting for Emma to reply.

Shaking her head slightly, removing the image of the brunettes pink tongue as it ran over her bottom lip, Emma finally recalled her earlier question.

“Sex, Regina. Did you want to have sex with me the first time you saw me?”

Regina placed her knife and fork down on her now empty plate, dabbing at her lips with a napkin. Finally she replied.

“That would be telling, Miss Swan.”

Emma humphed, taking a final sip from her mug.

“You know I won’t let this go until you tell me.”

Regina watched with interest as Emma attempted to engage her puppy dog eyes. Like this, she looked so unbelievably innocent and a little naive. And extremely adorable.

“If I wanted to jump your bones?” Regina replied huskily, recalling the first time her eyes had landed on the blonde Sheriff.

Emma nodded as Regina pushed her plate to one side, reaching out a hand she rubbed her thumb over Emma’s pale knuckles.

“Emma, the first thing I wanted to do was close my eyes and hope your were a figment of my imagination.”

Emma wasn’t deterred as she turned her hand over, palms now touching.

“A sexy figment you had a thing for, right? I remember the way you looked at me. Like you needed a sweet release only I could provide.”

Emma was still grinning as Regina rolled her eyes.

“Emma, your presence scared me. I was standing face to face with someone I was supposed to hate. Someone who was going to be my downfall, someone-.”

“You wanted to sleep with.” Emma interrupted with a cheeky wink as Regina couldn’t help a deep chuckle escape her lips.

“You’re incorrigible.”

Emma shrugged.

“Gina. You do realise you petrified and intimidated me too, right?”

Regina felt Emma’s thumb run over her palm.

“Well, I was the Evil Queen, my dear. Fear came with the territory.”

Emma snorted.

“Bullshit. You were no Evil Queen. I was referring to you being a shit hot Mayor and unbelievable mom to Henry.”

Now Regina snorted as Emma reached  out and took Regina’s other hand.

“I came face to face with the woman I never thought I’d meet. The women who was everything I could never be. The woman who had raised my kid with so much care and love. I was intimidated as hell by you but I was also extremely turned on as soon as the front door opened and you came stumbling out.”

Regina would always recollect that evening. How Graham had tried and failed to calm her down as they’d both finally heard a car pulling up outside

How she had pushed him aside, grabbing the handle to yank the door open, running towards Henry who was standing beside someone she hadn’t immediately taken notice of.

Steadily Emma continued.

“You can be both, Gina. You can feel both. A part of me wanted to bolt as soon as Henry ran past you to get inside, yet another part of me wanted to stroll up to you, run my fingers over your scrunched brow and scarred lip and kiss the hell out of you. Especially when you physically recoiled after Henry’s harsh words to you.”

I’ve found my real mom….”

Regina almost recoiled again, remembering now Henry’s words had cut through her like a knife. Swallowing hard she continued to watch Emma closely.

Once Henry had pushed past her she finally had the sense to look up where she had temporarily been dazed by blue-green eyes as they looked upon her almost imploringly.

She still saw Emma standing in front of her after the quiet “hi” had escaped her lips. She had seemed anxious but her eyes had also displayed a hunger that had scared Regina yet spurred her on to invite the blonde inside for a drink.

“And there was me thinking you were merely intrigued by my offer of the best apple cider you would ever taste.”

Emma looked wistful.

“When I asked you if you had anything stronger I wasn’t referring to alcohol, Regina. That kinda slipped out.”

Regina looked puzzled as Emma began to fidget in her seat. She’d never admitted this to Regina before.

“What were you referring to?” Regina asked, her voice now lower as Emma smiled broadly, accepting the truth was definitely long overdue.

“The fact that all I wanted  to do was kiss you, taste your amazing lips not a glass of alcoholic apple juice! And I wanted to get to know you better. I was enraptured by you. I always have been.”

Emma then reached out and ran her finger along Regina’s bottom lip.

“When I invited you in I did surprise myself.” Regina admitted, as Emma’s finger continued to run along her lip.

“My head was telling me to lay down the law, as it were. Tell you how you weren’t welcome in my town, yet I invited you inside my home. I know I appeared a little cold towards you but deep inside I felt nothing but intense heat.”

Emma moved her hand and placed it on Regina’s arm. Her eyes were an intense sea green, similar to how they had been that very night.

Regina swallowed and steadily continued. 

“The way you perched on my sofa, your fingers gripping the glass I handed to you. I couldn’t stop imagining those fingers touching me instead. A part of me knew at that very moment I was done for.”

Emma removed her hand and Regina immediately missed the contact, moving closer towards Emma who was smiling back at her from across the table.

“I guess we were both done for the moment you asked me if I was Henry’s birth mother.”

Regina nodded as Emma suddenly stood and reached out her hand, pulling Regina up slowly. Moving closer, no longer caring that they were in the diner, Regina’s lips hovered over Emma’s.

“I couldn’t take my eyes off you, Miss Swan. If I looked at you lasciviously it’s because I did want you; in whatever capacity I could have you… it simply took me a while to act upon my feelings.”

Emma grinned and pulled Regina in closer, warm breaths now mingling.

“I knew you wanted to jump my bones.” She whispered as Regina chuckled.

“Yes, Emma. I wanted to jump your bones just be thankful I didn’t otherwise I’m not sure how our… dynamic would have ended up.”

Lips then met, tongues danced and hot breath mingled as both contemplated Regina’s words before Emma broke the kiss first.

“You’re probably right. I mean, it was hard that night - and every other night after - but we finally got to a place of mutual understanding. I won’t lie though, I do miss the year and a bit we wasted. Especially now that I do know what you are capable of, Madam Mayor.”

Regina’s mouth was immediately back on Emma’s, her teeth nibbling at the blondes top lip before moving effortlessly to the bottom.

“I realised exactly what you were capable of the day you took a chainsaw to my apple tree.” Regina finally replied, her lips now peppering  Emma’s cheeks  with small kisses.

Emma groaned as someone behind cleared their throat.

“Perhaps you two love birds should take this somewhere a little more… private?”

Emma blushed as Regina let out a chuckle, nodding at Granny she pulled Emma from the diner. Once outside, she continued to pull on the Sheriff’s sleeve before they finally came to an alleyway.

“So… you were saying?” Emma managed to mumble, remembering the apple tree incident, how she had  placed her left hand on the front handle and her right foot on the rear handle to secure the chainsaw before pulling the starter rope quickly and smoothly until she could hear the engine fire. It had felt powerful, she had felt powerful as she reached out and began her task of pissing Regina off.

Regina’s eyes were now blazing.

“The way you yielded that piece of equipment. You do realise the moment I finally got to you, my panties were soaked Miss Swan?”

Emma gasped at Regina’s admission as plump lips began to navigate her collarbone.

“I wanted you to take me there and then against what was left of my apple tree and I didn’t care who could possibly see us.” Regina purred as Emma leaned back against a cold wall, her hands on Regina’s shoulders. Clearly Regina didn’t care who saw them now, either.

“I thought you were pissed at me!” Emma exclaimed as her she slowly shook her head.

“Christ Regina, watching you come hurtling across the grass towards me in your heels with that look on your face made me so incredibly wet I had to cut the conversation short and leave because I was afraid I was going to push you down to the ground and jump your bones!”

Regina’s tongue was back on Emma’s neck before she moved her lips to Emma’s ear.

“I wish you had of done.”

Emma squirmed as Regina looked deep into her eyes.

“How about you jump my bones now, darling?”

Before Emma could respond, Regina had poofed them both to their bedroom.

Emma, still not completely accustomed to the whole travelling from one spot to another in seconds, felt a little unsteady before she suddenly turned white.


Before Regina could further enquire if Emma was alright, the blonde covered her mouth and bolted to the bathroom.

Seconds later Regina heard a familiar sound, only normally it was coming from her.

Strolling into the bathroom she found Emma on her knees, one shaking hand attempting to hold back her hair whilst the other gripped the rim of the toilet for dear life.

“Oh Emma.”

Regina immediately crouched behind the shaking blonde, one hand now covering the one Emma was using as a makeshift hair tie whilst the other ran up and down her spine.

Finally Emma stopped her convulsions as she flushed the toilet, the hand that had been gripping the seat now running over her forehead.

“You don’t need to be in here.” she finally choked out as Reginas hand now ran soothing circles over her back.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” she chastised as Emma slowly stood, Regina following her lead.

“Well you sure as hell won’t won’t to jump my bones now. I’m a mess. A sticky, smelly mess.”

Emma refused to look at Regina as she quickly turned and rinsed her mouth over the sink, making a grab for the mouthwash that was always kept on the second shelf.

“Darling. Stop moping. You know what you do to me. A bout of sickness isn’t going to stop me.”

Emma rinsed her mouth again as her stomach began to tense.

“I’m tired of feeling so nauseous of all the time. How did you manage? I mean, I wasn’t exactly sick free with Henry but it was never like this and I’m not even the one who’s pregnant this time!”

Now she was looking at Regina who shrugged.

“I suppose my body got accustomed to it, or it was well on its way to when all of a sudden the sickness stopped.”

Emma sighed, reaching out to take Regina’s hands in hers.

“I suppose that was when my body decided to take the sickness on your behalf huh? Well, I can’t say I’m loving it but - I wouldn’t change it - not if it means you’re sick free.”

Regina smiled, her heart impossibly expanding inside her chest.

“When you say things like that Miss Swan, I want to jump your bones even more.”

Emma grinned before a frown appeared across her face.

“I want you to. Jesus I really do but-“ Emma paused as her hand fell to her stomach.

“You still feel sick?” Regina asked gently already knowing the answer.


Regina pulled Emma from the bathroom.

“Strip into something comfortable and get into bed. It’s my turn to look after you, Miss Swan.”

Emma bit on her lip.

“And what about you?”

She knew they only had an hour together for lunch, and that hour was now practically over which meant Regina was likely to make her some tea and then leave for the office again.

“And I can’t just take the afternoon off. I’ve already given Mulan a free afternoon to spend with Ruby.”

Regina paused in the doorway before she retrieved her phone from jacket pocket.

“Hello dear. Can you divert my calls to my cellphone this afternoon? Emma isn’t feeling too well so I’ll be staying home, and once you've done that you may as well head home yourself. Take the afternoon off Miss Spencer.”

Emma watched in awe. Not that long ago Regina would never have worked from home, nor would she have given her dedicated Secretary the afternoon off.

Ending the call, Regina then looked at Emma, a slight sparkle in her eye.

“I think it’s time you put your latest addition to the team to work, don’t you Miss Swan? And I know exactly what she can do….”

Regina then dialled the station.

“David, it’s Regina. Emma won’t be coming in this afternoon, the poor thing is feeling rather tired and a little nauseous. A drawback of being half responsible for a true love child.”

Regina then began to laugh at whatever David had replied with before she cleared her throat.

“I’ll be sending Zelena over. I presume you heard she’s now a member of your team? In a junior role of course. She has a lot to learn and that may as well start today…”

Emma watched as Regina now bit down on her bottom lip, her eyes twinkling.

“Oh don’t be silly, David. I’m sure she will be an excellent student. Besides, if all else fails, charm her - you’re supposedly good at that.”

Emma started to laugh as Regina threw her a wink before finally ending the call.

“So that was kinda harsh, subjecting my dad to an entire afternoon with your sister.”

Regina placed her phone on the table and walked over to Emma, who was now standing beside the bed in her bra and a pair of Cookie Monster boxers.

“Well, I could always assist David with paperwork at the station and send Zelena here to look after you? Although I must warn you, her bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired and she can’t stomach sick. The one night she was here and I was honouring the toilet bowl with my presence she bolted!”

Emma chuckled and patted the bed beside her as she slowly crawled into it.

“David can manage.” she simply replied as Regina smiled.

“Exactly. Now, can I make you a tea? Peppermint perhaps? To settle your stomach?”

Emma appeared to consider Regina’s suggestion before her eyes found Regina’s again.

“Um… so this may sound a little out there but… can you maybe boil some red raspberry leaves so I can drink the liquid once it’s cooled?”

Regina’s brown scrunched a little before she tilted her head, her eyes never leaving Emma’s.

“I mean it’s cool if you think peppermint would be better. It’s just… I think thats supposed to help with-“

“Nausea.” Regina finished as Emma nodded.

Regina slowly nodded.

“I forgot about raspberry leaves, that was something we used back in the Enchanted Forest.”

Emma watched Regina closely. The brunette now appeared to be lost in thought so Emma shifted forward and pulled on Regina’s arm so she was sitting beside her on the bed.

“Gina, this is going to sound a little crazy but… your mom told me about the leaves, in a dream I had last night before Blue woke us all up. A really strange and surreal dream I kinda haven’t been able to forget.”

Regina’s eyes shot up.

“You had a dream about Cora?!”

Emma nodded, pulling Regina in closer.

“Tell me everything you remember, Emma.mPlease. Don’t leave anything out.”

Emma’s brows furrowed.

“It was just a dream baby. I mean, yeah it felt odd but isn’t that the point of dreams? I probably read about the raspberry leaves somewhere else and-“

Regina placed her hands on Emma’s cheeks.

“Darling, please. Tell me everything. We can’t leave anything to chance where my mother is concerned.”

Regina recalled the dreams she had involving Cora whilst Emma was in the alternate universe with Snow. She still wasn’t certain if they were real, a figment of her imagination or a combination of both nor did she know if it was her mother trying to infiltrate her dreams or the version who had kidnapped Emma in the parallel Storybrooke, but if Emma was suddenly having dreams too…

Emma looked confused and concerned as Regina slowly kissed her temple.

“I’ve had two very distinct dreams about Cora recently, and in both she was focussed on separating us… hurting you, hurting us and what we have. They were oppressive and dark and they scared me. I don’t want you to feel the way I did.”

Emma pulled Regina into her side, her arms enveloping her whole.

“Well they sound more like nightmares to be baby, which makes me think mine was just your average, slightly fucked up cause-I’ve-eaten-too-much-cheese- before-bed kinda dream because Cora was a ray of sunshine in comparison!”

Emma told Regina everything she could remember which ironically seemed to be everything which was most unusual for the blonde who seldom recalled dreams, unless they involved Regina in a state of undress.

“So yeah, she kinda seemed sorry? I mean she didn’t go out of her way to apologise but she seemed sincere and then she mentioned the regrets she had and finally the baby and the raspberry leaves.”

Regina was more confused now than ever before. One thing was certain, though. If Emma’s dream had been real, if Cora really had been pulled into it somehow it was definitely her mother and not an alternate version based on the glimpse of history Cora had provided Emma.

“She must have an ulterior motive. My mother doesn’t know the meaning of remorse or regret and she certainly wouldn’t accept us being together! You’re the daughter of Snow White who may have been my nemesis once upon a time but where do you think that initial hatred came from? My mother!”

Emma knew Regina was now getting worked up and she mentally chastised herself for even bringing up the dream to begin with.

“Gina, let’s just forget about it for now. I don’t want you to feel stressed out. It’s not good for you or the baby. Maybe it was just a dream?”

Retina sighed.


Even though she had a feeling it was anything but.

“Come on, let’s just snuggle for a while. I do feel tired and you definitely look it, let’s rest and then when we wake up who knows what mischief we can get upto hmm?”

Emma then winked before kissing Regina soundly on the lips.

Minutes later they broke apart, Emma now wishing she hadn’t suggested they wait until later when Regina shifted before waving her hand in the air.

“Here, drink this first. It will help.”

Emma looked at the cup.

“Is this?”

Regina nodded.

“Whether the dream was real or not, Cora was right about the leaves.”

Emma nodded and took a sip.

“Eugh. She didn’t say it would taste like vinegar!”

Regina laughed and waved her hand again.

“I’ve added sweetener. Honestly Emma.”

Emma bumped her shoulder against Regina as she took another sip.

“Much better. Thanks snookums.”

Regina glared at the blonde who was now finishing the tea with gusto.

“Snookums? Absolutely not.”

Emma placed the cup on the bedside table before turning back to the brunette, pulling her down beside her, her legs immediately coming in to contact with Regina’s smooth skin.

“When did you strip? Wait. Are you?”

Emma then peeped under the cover and let out a satisfied growl.

“You are! How am I supposed to sleep with you all nakey and glorious and smooth beside me huh? Not fair babe.”

Regina chuckled as she burrowed down further into the sheets, her head now on Emma’s chest.

“Wait… did you just…”

Emma was peering under the blanket again as she let out a deep chuckle.

“Holy shit Gina, I didn’t even feel you remove my boxers!”

Emma then jumped when she realised her too had been removed, no doubt thanks to a spot of magic.

Regina let out a contented sigh as her hand began to circle Emma’s stomach, her finger tips dipping across the muscles that were defined so heavily below.

“I’ve always admired your stomach, Emma.”

Emma felt the fingertips against her skin, making her stomach twitch each time the pads of Regina’s fingers reached lower and lower.

“We’re not going to sleep, are we?” Emma husked, edging up a little to give Regina’s explorative fingers the room to move down a little lower.

“That depends, has the tea helped, Snookums?”

Emma sighed, reaching for Regina’s face she turned it upwards, her lips now ghosting Regina’s.

“I feel fanfuckingtastic.”

Regina’s eyes were twinkling as she ran her tongue over Emma’s top lip, before moving across to the bottom.

“Then make me feel the same, Miss Swan.”

Chapter Text

Zelena looked up from the magazine she was reading. Or trying to read. Her attention was wandering somewhat each time Mal entered the living room.

“What do you think to this one?”

Zelena gave Mal an appreciative once over.

“You’re drooling my love.”

Zelena’s mouth snapped shut.

“Well that do you expect? You’re wearing very little.”

Mal smirked and turned on her heel so her girlfriend could catch a glimpse of the back of the deep green silk slip she was wearing.

“I approve. I definitely approve.” Zelena finally managed to vocalise as Mal turned again.


Zelena was about to stand and reach out for her blonde girlfriend when her phone began to ring.


“You can ignore it.” Mal suggested as she began to leave the room, a definite swagger in her step.

“It’s Regina. I should take it.”

Mal stopped and nodded. With everything that was currently happening, the call could easily be about the baby. Or Neil. Either way, it wasn’t one that should be ignored.

“Don’t worry Zel, you can experience my new nighttime attire tonight. Lily is going to the movies with Tink.”

Blowing the redhead a kiss she then sauntered from the room as Zelena answered the call.

“This had better be important, Reggie…”

“Former Wicked Witch of the West reporting for duty!”

David jumped from his spot under the desk, hitting his head with a loud thud as Zelena flounced into the room.


“Why on Oz are you on your hands and knees under a desk, David? I know you appear to have an affinity with wooden objects but please tell me you aren’t hiding another baby under there!”

David scrambled back still on his knees as he rubbed at the back of his head with gusto.

“I dropped my handcuffs. They keep falling off my belt.”

Zelena shrugged and perched herself against the desk, legs crossing at the ankle as the former shepherd slowly stood, handcuffs clasped in one hand as the other seemed to be fixed to his head.

“Maybe you need a new belt.” She suggested, her eyes darting around the room, a smile appearing on her face when she noticed her new clock was still proudly mounted on the wall above the door beside its companion.

She had wondered if Emma, easily irritated, would remove it the moment it started to chime. A part of her had considered a cuckoo clock at first, replacing the cuckoo with a figurine of herself riding a broomstick but suspected that would have been a step too far.

Besides, that could easily be a her Christmas gift to Emma instead…

David finally stopped rubbing the back of his head as he clasped the handcuffs to his side.

“Out of interest and mild curiosity, when do I get a pair of those?”

Zelena was now pointing to the shiny handcuffs. Not that she was interested in apprehending delinquents with them. She had magic for that. However, using them on Mal in the bedroom was certainly something she could get behind. And in front of. And on top of…

David tugged on the handcuffs to make sure they were secure before he looked up.

“Not until you’ve passed your probationary period, although I should have a uniform around here somewhere for you.”

“Absolutely not.”

David’s brows furrowed.


Zelena immediately interrupted, pointing to David’s uniform.

“Don’t get me wrong I appreciate the khaki, although it’s a little more brown than green…but I’m not wearing that.”

“But we all have to-“

“Leadership comes from the top my dear. Emma doesn’t wear a uniform so neither am I.”

David was now back to rubbing his head. Zelena wasn’t sure if it were merely a habit as he did appear a little flummoxed. Either that or he really had hit his head rather hard.

“But Emma is the Sheriff and-“

“And she knows a dire uniform when she sees one. It’s made from synthetic fibres that look itchy.”

Right on cue David began to pull at his shirt collar unconsciously.

“I’ve already met one version of me that wore the most horrendous clothing, David. I have no intentions of going down that same rabbit hole.”

David shifted from one booted foot to the other. A trait he had clearly passed onto his daughter.

“I don’t know what Emma will say about this.” He finally admitted, already realising he had lost this particular argument.

“Oh, I’ll happily wear the uniform David, when Emma does the same.”

David let out a sigh.

Clearly Zelena would never be wearing the uniform.

An hour had passed.

Zelena’s eyes moved from the stack of paperwork David handed her within seconds.

What do you want me to do with these, exactly?”

She’d already been given a handbook of policing procedures which she’d pretended to read for all of five minutes before tossing the manual to one side.

It was clearly written in the 1980s if the fashion worn by the “victims” was anything to go by. She was still chuckling at the photograph of the woman who was supposedly being mugged by a man wearing a balaclava.

Nobody would be smiling like that if they were having their handbag stolen. Clearly the woman was overjoyed to have her face used in promotional material although she probably had higher hopes for her career.

Poor bugger.

David tried to hide a groan as the tall redhead shot him a quizzical look.

“File them.”

He still couldn’t believe he had been tasked with training Zelena on her first official day at the Station. Nor could he quite believe Zelena had joined the Sheriffs Department. He had nothing against the former wicked witch but associating her with law enforcement was the last thing he would have done. Then again, Emma had told him Grumpy was her Deputy in the Parallel Universe so stranger things had happened.

And even David had to admit that in the face of potential danger or conflict he would prefer to have Zelena by his side than the easily aggravated and often intoxicated dwarf.

Zelena picked up the first sheet of paper, her eyes scanning over the scrawl that clearly belonged to Emma before she waved it at David, who was now standing in front of the new coffee machine, contemplating what drink to get.

“You seriously want me to file a one page document about Pongo going missing, and subsequently being located?”

Zelena looked back at the paper, her keen eyes scanning over the small paragraph clearly written by the Sheriff.

So Archie reported Pongo missing. Again. Clearly he should have been named Harry Houdini cause this canine can escape like nobody’s business. Anyway I located at the Old Orchard. Again. We should start billing Archie for wasting police time.

David wanted her to file - this?!

Slowly he nodded, his attention still on the new coffee machine.

“Where did this even come from? And what happened to the old machine? I knew how to work that one.”

Zelena snorted.

“I sent it to Percolator heaven.”

David chuckled as he began to hit random buttons.

Zelena dropped the piece of paper back on the pile and rolled her eyes.

“Well, now I know where Emma gets her patience from. Look at the small images, David. They represent all the different drinks this masterpiece can make.”

David still appeared confused.

Steadily Zelena continued.

”What exactly do you want? A Macchiato? An Italian iced coffee? A cookie crumble Frappe? Or are you more of a caramel Frappuccino type of guy? Mulan’s favourite is the Maple Pecan Latte and obviously Emma has used up all of the hot chocolate…”

David turned.

“Zelena, I just want a black coffee.”

Zelena sighed and waved her hand, a steaming mug of black coffee appearing on David’s desk.

“Boring choice, David. Your taste in hot beverages is far from charming. You’re losing your touch.”

David frowned as he picked up the mug and took a long sip before placing it back down.

“Once you’ve filed those, let me know and I’ll go through some policies with you.”

David then took a seat and began to write up what Zelena could only assume was another boring report about absolutely nothing worth writing about.

Glancing through the reports again she quickly discerned which were Emma’s and which belonged to Mulan.

For one thing, she could actually read Mulan’s small yet neat script. Emma’s writing was slanted at a very awkward angle, always appeared to be rushed and was rather nonsensical.

She also suspected Emma hated writing them as much as Zelena hated having to file them, as she slowly read another report in Emma’s scrawl, comparing it to one that Mulan had written.



Report 007 - E. Swan

Incident location:

Seriously? Why do I have to keep writing down Storybrooke. It’s not like we go outside of this town. We literally have no jurisdiction anywhere else Ffs!


Report 008 - M. Hua

Incident location:

Storybrooke Library, 132 Main Street, Storybrooke.


Report 007 - E. Swan

Nature of Incident:

Clearly Leroy doesn’t need an excuse to get drunk despite him trying to convince me it was the free booze on offer at his brothers birthday party (I don’t know which brother, he couldn’t remember, so take your pick from 6!).

He said he went to the restroom to pee, so how he then ended up on a pontoon boat on a lake in the middle of the forest is beyond me although he clearly continued to drink and if my sense of smell isn’t wrong, he was also smoking weed.

He then said he went for dinner at Gold’s cabin, after breaking into the cabin because he couldn’t find the key he never had to begin with. After dinner, which apparently consisted of stale crackers and a wedge of cheese (because the cabin’s been empty for months) he said he continued to drink after he found a bottle of vodka under the floorboards.

A stripper then appeared. Yeah. You read that correctly. Storybrooke has a stripper! Christ knows who the stripper was, or how she even knew to go there (Grumpy doesn’t own a cellphone). Anyway, she refused to give Leroy a lap dance (can’t imagine why), Leroy gets “handsy” so the stripper grabs the vodka bottle and knocks Leroy out cold and takes his wallet.

Gold decides not to press charges (no doubt Belle’s influence) and Leroy refuses to press charges against the stripper for bodily harm and theft because he doesn’t recall who she is. I arrested Leroy anyway for breaking and entering and thew his ass in jail for the night so he could sober up. These bloody reports are a waste of my time although I’m still intrigued as to who this stripper is….


Report 008 - M. Hua

Nature of incident:

Graffiti reported on the side of the library, along the wall adjacent to Muffets Treats. Graffiti removed and CCTV installed on inside of library, facing problem area. Footage to be reviewed if graffiti reappears.


Zelena chuckled at the difference in the style of writing. Mulan was to the point and factual. Emma was… telling a story she had absolutely no interest in. Except for the strippers identity which Zelena had to admit also had her intrigued.

She found herself grinning, realising these reports were the same ones her sister would often have to read and sign if deemed necessary. No wonder Regina often pulled her hair out as Emma’s report writing antics.

Glancing at the filing cabinet, the former wicked witch felt her grin widen. She wasn’t wicked anymore, but sometime (just sometimes) the trait would rear its attractive head.

Eyes now on the trash can near the spare desk she was borrowing, Zelena hovered the paperwork over it before letting it drop. Nudging the trash can further under the desk with the toe of her shoe, she slowly stood and walked to the cabinet. There she gently opened a couple of drawers before closing them with a resounding thud.

“All done. So what’s next? And please tell me it’s more engaging than reading manuals about apprehending criminals or filing paperwork.”

David glanced up.

“That was quick! I’m impressed Zelena.”

Zelena gave a small shrug of her shoulders.

“Where is the Sheriff anyway? I thought she would be the one training me. I haven’t come up with a shipping name for us, David. Although now I think about it, Charmingly Wicked has a nice ring to it!”

Zelena then edged beside David.

“Say cheese, Deputy.”

She then posed beside a shocked David as her camera flashed on her phone.

“Is this going on the Storybrooke Ships Facebook Group?”

Zelena smiled.

“You bet your charming ass it is!”

David mumbled something before his cheeks began to pink.

“Don’t tag me. Please. Whenever Snow sees my name she comments and she really doesn’t understand what that group page is for.”

Zelena chucked as she added the image, adding the text “First Official Day with this Charming Deputy #CharminglyWicked #dreamteam #filingsucks

“I’m sure Snow comments on everyone’s updates. Take a look at this one for example.”

Zelena turned her phone and handed it to David who glanced at the screen.

“Clearly Ruby and Mulan are having a pleasant little picnic in the woods - look at Snows comments.”

David inwardly groaned.

“I’m not sure I want to.”

Still he scrolled past the selfie Ruby had taken of her and Mulan, both smiling at the camera with the hashtag #MulanRough #picnictime #trulove!

KatMidas: Adorable!!! You both look soooo happy!!

MaidMarian: Looking gorgeous ladies!

RubyRed: Thanks @KatMidas - we really are!! And @MaidMarian - Awww you’ve made us blush!!

MaidMarian: ❤️❤️

SnowWhite: Ruby! Where are you? Please tell me you’re no where near the lake?!

KatMidas: Why? What’s wrong with the lake?! #puzzled

SnowWhite: I can’t see the lake in the photograph so perhaps they’re somewhere else….

MaidMarian: Are you ok, Snow?!

SnowWhite: I’m fine! I just don’t want them taking a paddle so soon after eating! Swimming can interfere with digestion and lead to cramps or even drowning!

KatMidas: Well shit, this pleasant exchange went downhill fast… pretty sure that’s a pile of crap? 💩

SnowWhite: Katherine!!!

RubyRed: Um. Chill out? We are near the lake and we have no plans to go skinny dipping. Or we didn’t until now, thanks Snow! 🏊♂️🌊👩❤️💋👩

MaidMarian: 🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

SnowWhite: RUBY!!! 😳😳

David was relieved when the telephone rang.

“Oh! May I?!”

David seemed to ponder Zelena’s request before finally nodding.

“Storybrooke Sheriffs Department. Zelena speaking, what wonderfully wicked things would you like to report today my dear?”

David’s mouth gaped.

“I think that needs a little work.” He mumbled, handing Zelena her phone back as the redhead  shot him a wink.

“Oooo! Really? Well that is interesting! Thanks Granny, we’ll be right over!”

Zelena replaced the phone and sauntered over to the door.

“Looks like we’re needed at the diner. Neil has turned up and… well, it appears some of his memories may be returning because he’s just spotted Snow and he’s making a scene.”

David immediately jumped up.

“Wait here.”

Zelena scoffed.

“Like hell I’m waiting here. I always miss the good stuff! Besides, magic remember? You may need me, to - oh I don’t know - banish Neil’s butt to the other side of town!”

David sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair before he winced, no doubt coming into contact with the bump courtesy of his desk.

“Fine! Just don’t use any magic unless absolutely necessary. He isn’t from around here remember. I don’t want to have to explain to Emma why all of a sudden Neil knows magic exists, especially if he is getting some memories back.”

Zelena smiled sweetly.

“I promise!”

David missed her crossing her fingers behind her back.

“Coffee. White. And don’t forget the sugar, darlin’.”

Snow was still hovering behind the counter as Neil continued to stare at her.

“Did you hear me?”

Snow nodded as Granny appeared at her side.

“Is there a problem here?” she asked lightly, her gaze firmly on Snow who shook her head.

“N-no. One coffee please, Granny.”

Neil took a seat at the counter and picked up a menu, his eyes never leaving Snow.

Slowly he replaced the menu and rested both elbows on the counter top, head tilting to the side.

“You look a little familiar.”

Snow managed to gather her senses, picking up an empty salt shaker she steadily removed the top. Granny was relieved it was only a salt shaker and not a frying pan.

“Like, really familiar. Do I know you?”

Snow continued her task, adding more salt as she finally met Neil’s gaze.


Neil picked up the menu again and scanned the items before replacing it, one coffee now sitting on the counter in front of him.

Adding three sugars he began to stir the hot liquid before he paused.

“Are you sure? I never forget a pretty face.”

Granny watched Snow visibly tense as she reached around her, one hand tapping on menu.

“What would you like to eat?” she asked, hoping the persistent asshole would say nothing, drink his coffee and leave.

“Oh. Um. What’s good?”

Granny nudged Snow to one side, cocking her head towards a recently vacated table. Snow immediately understood and nodded her silent thanks, removing herself away from Neil to clean the table.

“Everything. Now choose. I don’t have all day.”

Neil smirked over his coffee.

“What is it with this town? Is it because I’m not local? Do you only look out for your own?”

Granny edged closer as Neil moved back in his seat.

“I mean, no offence but everyone I’ve come into contact with so far has been rather rude.”

Granny snorted.


“Well you’d know all about rudeness wouldn’t you.”

Neil’s mouth gaped a little as he shifted on his seat.

“Well I kinda don’t know shit at the moment old lady, I’ve lost my memory although….”

Neil suddenly turned, his cheeks now darker than before.

“She looks so familiar somehow… I know I know her…”

Neil was staring at Snow again who was thankfully unaware as she chatted to Tinkerbell.

Turning back to Granny he shrugged.

“I’ll have cheeseburger with fries. No salad.”

Granny nodded, walking back to the kitchen she managed to motion to Snow to follow.

“Take a five minute break, Snow. I’m calling the Station. I’m getting a bad feeling about him. He’s convinced he knows you. Perhaps his memories are returning?”

Snow paled.

“Don’t worry Snow. You’re safe back here.  Just avoid him until Emma comes okay?”

Snow nodded.

Granny gave her a gentle pat on her shoulder as she moved to the front of the diner. For a moment she wished it was Ruby with her and not Snow, the former able to cope with creeps like Neil far better than Snow ever could.

“This place is kinda strange. I mean, why the hell do you have a frying pan hanging from the wall with a frame around it?”

Granny smirked at Neil, the urge to take the pan down from its frame so she could use it again rather overwhelming.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

Granny heard the bell above the diner ring as David entered, closely followed by Zelena who was now eyeing Neil with a look of utter distaste.

Neil also heard the bell, turning in his seat he took one look at the tall redhead and let out a low whistle.

“Well hello. Where have you been all my life?” he smirked, taking a bite from his burger before frowning, his mouth still chewing before he swallowed hard, looking back at Granny.

“Hey! I said hold the salad, what are you deaf?”

Zelena immediately placed a hand on David’s arm to stop him from charging over to the self righteous asshole who seemed hell bent on insulting the owner of the diner.

“Possibly. I mean, I am old - according to you - so really, anything is possible.”

Granny then edged around the counter and walked towards Neil, now leaning over him.

“I’m not too old to box your ears, though.” she smiled as Neil cleared his throat.

“It was just a joke. This town is far too serious.”

“Then feel free to leave it.” Zelena spoke quietly, now standing closer to Neil.

David appeared to be looking for Snow as Granny motioned to the back.

“Snows taking a stock count for me.”

David nodded and proceeded to walk to the back room as Neil let out a laugh.

“Snow? Is that some kind of nickname?” He then turned to look at Zelena.

“Any why would I leave when all of the ladies I’ve met so far resemble something from my deepest fantasy? You should see my dads supposed girlfriend. I mean, I’d ring her bell literally any day of the week.”

Zelena’s eyes narrowed, a part of her wishing Rumple was present to wipe the smug smile off his sons face, preferably with a fireball.

“And then there was the hot young brunette who stumbled into my hospital room by accident. Or maybe it wasn’t an accident, know what I mean?”

Neil then wriggled his eyebrows as Zelena felt her magic swirling deep within her.

He was referring to Lily…

Thank god Mal wasn’t here otherwise Neil would soon find himself back in the same hospital room with multiple injuries…

“But the hottest of all is definitely the sexy blonde sheriff. She could arrest me any day of the week and do wicked things to me.”

Zelena nearly snapped.

“Oh no my dear, if you want wicked things doing to you, I’m the one you should be asking”

She then edged even closer as Neil’s mouth gaped a little before be righted himself.

“Oh? Things are looking up for me in Shittybrooke all of a sudden.”

Neil then grinned as he winked.

Zelena watched him carefully.

Oh, this was going to be so much fun….

“I’ve always liked redheads.”

Zelena glanced up to see David and Snow leave the back room as they both began to walk towards the exit.

“And where are you going sunshine? I was only joking around earlier. Clearly I don’t know you if you say we’ve never met.”

Snow tripped as David reached out to steady her.

Neil seemed momentarily puzzled as he nodded his head towards David.

“Aren’t you taking this protect and serve shit a little too far? I was just messing around. No need to escort her away from me, Jesus this place is narrow minded!”

Zelena tapped Neil’s shoulder before David could reply, the Deputy’s face now resembling thunder.

“The Deputy is taking his wife home, do you have a problem with that?”

Zelena’s voice was clear as Neil turned back on his seat.

“Wife? Are all the hot ladies here taken? The sheriff told me she was engaged to the Mayor although I’m not sure I believe that. There’s no way a woman like the one I saw in the newspaper could satisfy that bundle of blonde hotness.”

Zelena quirked her brow.

Seemingly Neil kept going back to Emma at every opportunity. Probably a good thing Regina wasn’t here either, otherwise they’d be picking up pieces of this sexist fuckwit from all over town.

“Oh they’re definitely engaged. Now enough about them, I’m more interested in us.”

Zelena then ran a finger along Neil’s arm. Neil, for his part, looked momentarily fearful at Zelena’s forwardness which only spurred Zelena on further.

She was extremely familiar with men like Neil. Those who toyed and manipulated. Those who were out for all they could get at the expense of others, consequences be damned.

Well two could play that game, and Zelena was under no illusions that she could play it better. She was wicked, after all.

“Besides, you have to personally thank me for taking you to the hospital after your little… fall outside.”

Zelena omitted how she took him, that could wait until later.

“Well, I know a few ways I can say thanks.” Neil attempted to look suave, failing miserably.

“How about we take this somewhere else?”

Zelena bit back a smile. He had no idea she worked for the Sheriffs department and that was how she wanted it to remain.

“I’m a little busy this afternoon but how about we meet for a drink or two this evening at the Rabbit Hole? It’s a few doors down that way.” Zelena then pointed in the direction of the drinking establishment.

“It’s a date. What time?”

Zelena pretended to contemplate the question before answering.

“How about 9pm? I believe that’s when Happy hour begins and believe me, I intend to make the evening an extremely happy one.”

Neil gulped and nodded.

“Fuck yeah. See you then sexy.”

Zelena watched as he rummaged through his pocket, placing some notes beside his plate before he stood, nodded and left.

Granny sidled up beside her, collecting the notes.

“You sure you know what you’re doing Zelena?”

Zelena chuckled.

“Oh I know exactly what I’m doing, Granny. I’m going to give Neil a night he will never forget.”

Zelena’s eyes were gleaming as Granny let out a laugh.

“Maybe run it by Mal first mmm?”

Zelena grinned.

“Oh I’ll be doing more than that my dear. I’ll be taking her with me.”

“We should tell Emma. I don’t like this, David. He makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.”

David was walking Snow towards the cruiser, deep in thought.

“We should tell her but maybe later. Regina called earlier. Emma didn’t come back to work this afternoon, she’s wasn’t feeling well. Side effects of Regina’s pregnancy.”

Snow suddenly stopped, a smile now appearing across her face.

“I still can’t believe we’re going to be grandparents again! Nobody could ever have written this, David. Who would have thought Regina and Emma would end up being true loves! With a baby on the way! We’re so blessed.”

David grinned and pulled Snow into his chest.

“Unbelievably blessed. We lost Emma for such a long time but now we have her back again and ironically it’s all thanks to the woman who was the reason we lost her to begin with.”

Snow nodded before pulling back.

“I never thought we would be where we are with Regina. Sometimes I have to pinch myself. There was so much bad blood between us yet… I wouldn’t change a single thing because otherwise we wouldn’t never have got to where we are now. Does that make me a bad person?”

David understood where Snow was coming from. Opening the car door he motioned her inside as he walked around to the other side, joining her.

“It doesn’t make you a bad person, Snow. It’s a lot to unload and sometimes I do struggle with our past but when I look at Regina now, I don’t see the Evil Queen, I haven’t done so for a very long time.  She’s the reason Emma is so happy and I could never take that away from either of them.”

Snow appeared lost in thought.

“Are you okay honey?”

Snow snapped out of her daze.

“Yes. I’m just worried about Neil and the repercussions of him being here.”

David sighed.

“Me too.”

Mulan watched in awe as Ruby dipped her head under the water before she came back up for air.

“I can’t believe we’re skinny dipping” the Deputy mused as Ruby swam over to her, arms enveloping around her girlfriends waist.

“Thank Snow. It was her idea.”

Ruby was grinning as Mulan pulled her wet body in closer, her finger tips circling over the waitresses wet skin.

“I’ve never done anything like this before.” Mulan admitted as Ruby’s lips brushed against her cheek.

“I have. Back in the Enchanted Forest, although it was more for bathing purposes and not… this…”

Ruby then moved her lips downwards, landing on Mulan’s pulse point which was rather erratic.

“Mmm” Mulan replied which a smirk on her face as Ruby’s lips continued to move downwards.

“This is much more fun.” Ruby mumbled against Mulan’s chest, resulting in a tremor.

“Affirmative” Mulan agreed as she suddenly moved her arms downwards, cupping Ruby’s pert backside, lifting her up.

“Mulan!” Ruby squealed as her legs wrapped around the former warrior.

“Oh don’t mind me, I think you just need a little help… bathing.”

Emma had fallen asleep immediately after reaching her final orgasm, her body shaking hard against Regina’s.

They had dedicated most of the afternoon in pleasuring each other, their mutual need to give all they had a primal one. The last spasm of pleasure had erupted from Emma so violently she had arched off the bed, collapsing back onto Regina with a deep, contented sigh. Emma’s green eyes had sparkled, her gaze lingering on Regina as if she were in vivid 3D.

“You’re so beautiful.” She had whispered into Regina’s ear, her breath catching in her throat as her tongue caressed her lobe before she moved back, her eyes searching Regina’s.

“You make me complete.”

Regina could still hear Emma’s last statement before she had fallen into a deep slumber, a smile never leaving her lips.

Watching the young blonde sleep, Regina couldn’t help but smile herself. Before Emma she had been so one dimensional. Ever since the blur of blonde had come rocketing into her life, she had become so much more. Multidimensional didn’t even come close. Emma had given her so much,  had made her look at life so differently.

Intentional or not, she had shaped Regina’s heart and soul and Regina would be forever thankful for that.

Slowly she traced her finger tip along Emma’s spine,  smiling as her blonde lover twitched beneath her touch. Her free hand moved unconsciously over her stomach as it also twitched. She could feel her small bump. Emma had caressed it earlier and commented that the bump was getting larger before she had spent over ten minutes skirting around Regina’s belly button with featherlike kisses.

“Someone’s active.” Regina husked to herself as she felt a small kick below.

Nugget hadn’t been the only active one, as Regina felt her cheeks redden at the memory of Emma’s expert tongue and how it has made her feel.

With practiced ease Emma had spread her wide with her pale fingers, exposing Regina’s twitching clit. Within seconds the tip of Emma’s tongue was circling the bundle of nerves, never moving from it, constant licks up and down, up and down, multiple strokes every second in such a steady rhythm Regina still felt the throbbing from deep within.

Finally the blonde had given her a final hard suck before sliding down to enter her, again with that amazing muscle she used so, so well. Pushing deep inside, tasting Regina fully she had then began to lick and suck Regina’s extremely engorged lips into her mouth with a groan, one breaking from Emma whilst one escaped Regina in tandem.

It wasn’t long before Emma moved back to Regina’s clit, her tongue so relentless as her finger steadily entered Regina’s wet chasm closely followed by another, causing Regina to moan loudly again as Emma mumbled how wet and tight she was.

And the licking. God the licking had been torturous and pleasurable at the same time, as Emma’s fingers continued to probe deeper and deeper, searching for that one spot she knew would drive Regina wild.

Her muscles had contracted deliciously against every probe of Emma’s fingers, two becoming three, as they had massaged Regina into a state of complete ecstasy.

She’d wanted to come so bad… needed to come as she begged Emma, pleaded with her lover as her hips buckled under the Sheriff.

Emma had happily obliged,understanding the wanting, the needing, the begging and the pleading as her lips surrounded Regina’s clit once more before she moved upwards, her lips now on Regina’s as her fingers continued to worship her.

Finally she has succumbed, screaming out Emma’s name against pale lips as wave after wave of pleasure washed through her, toes and fingertips tingling, body shaking, wetness pooling against Emma’s fingers. Emma had then moved her tongue to Regina’s hard nipples, licking each one before she had turned Regina over so quickly yet gently the brunette had let out a primal groan.

Without preamble Emma had then rubbed herself against the brunettes buttocks, her fingers reaching forward and linking with Regina’s as she has continued to rock hard against her.

Regina had felt Emma’s wetness immediately as soft skin and pink walls had glided up and down over her ass.

She could feel her entire body begin to burn, her cheeks flushing as she felt Emma twitch above her, the Sheriff squirming with delight as her own engorged clit continued to brush against Regina’s skin.

She heard Emma, her voice a hoarse whisper as she moaned she was about to come…

Emma stirred as Regina’s phone sounded, notifying her a text message has arrived.

Smiling at the memories of their lovemaking, Regina reached out and opened her phone to read the message.

Replacing the phone back on the table she sighed and slowly nudged Emma.

“Darling, you need to wake up.”

Chapter Text

Emma had begrudgingly agreed to return to the station after Zelena’s phone call to Regina, informing her that David was taking a rather shaken Snow back home due to her confrontation with Neil.

Although she felt better, no doubt thanks to the raspberry tea and Regina’s dedicated and skilful love making, she wanted to stay and find out what happened at the diner.

“He needs to get the fuck out of Storybrooke. In fact, I think I’m going to pay him a little visit.”

Regina sighed.

“Although I fully concur that he does, indeed, need to get the fuck out of our town, going after him now when you’re tense and emotional isn’t the answer, Emma. Besides, we don’t even know where he’s staying.”

Emma grumbled. Regina was right of course, although she was having an issue concentrating as soon as the word ‘fuck’ had escaped the brunettes lips. Somehow it sounded amazingly filthy coming from Regina’s mouth.


Emma ran a hand through her tousled locks.

“I guess locating him when all I want to do is pulverise him isn’t the right answer huh?”

Regina smiled, “No my darling, it really isn’t although I admit, pulverising him is extremely tempting.”

A small fire ball then appeared, hovering above Regina’s palm.

Emma nodded, her eyes flickering in the fire, a grin appearing on her face as she sighed and slipped from the bed, walking around to Regina’s side.

“At least I don’t feel sick anymore. Well, I do, but only because of Neil. Asshole.”

Regina watched Emma, her eyes raking over the pale beauty, her complexion as soft as moonlight glinting across a veil of silken snow. Emma Swan was the truest, fairest of them all and Regina felt her pulse quicken as the blonde now lifted her lithe arms above her head, stretching and shaking her main of sunshine curls at the same times.

Emma was oblivious to her audience, as Regina’s heart thumped her chest, the scene in front of her so calm and serene as the blonde finally dropped her arms, her eyes falling on Regina.

“You sure I can’t stay?” she asked hopefully, eyebrows wriggling as Regina stood, the fingertip of her right index finger running across Emma’s cheek, down her neck, across her shoulder blade, moving sideways to circle a very pert and rosy nipple.

“Cause you’re kinda making it real hard for me to leave.” Emma groaned as Regina paused her finger, her thumb now brushing over the bud as it stiffened further under her touch.

“You’re so receptive to my touches.”

Emma swallowed, her eyes falling to Regina’s thumb.


Regina brought her other hand up casually resting her fingers on Emma’s hip, her eyes never leaving Emma as turquoise eyes became hooded.

“Lower” Emma moaned as Regina now grasped both of Emma’s hips, dropping to her knees, the carpet burning against her skin.

“We can’t have the station unmanned, Emma.”

Emma shuddered, her head dropping, body already aching in anticipation of what was to come.

“Finish your afternoon shift and come back when Mulan returns for the evening.”

Emma’s fingers found Regina’s shoulders as the mayors hot breath hit her stomach. All of a sudden Emma felt Regina’s aura surround her; the brunettes magic pushing at her consciousness, seeking its companion as hot lips placed chaste kisses on her hipbone causing her to jerk, the now hot breath on her skin creating a fire deep within.

Don’t stop. Just… Jesus don’t stop. You’re setting me on fire.”

Regina looked up at Emma, a smirk on her lips.

“Are you burning my love?”

Without waiting for answer, Regina’s eyes drifted down, now feasting on the trimmed, soft blonde curls in front of her as she inhaled deeply.

“You always smell like sunshine.” Regina murmured, her nose edging closer to temptation as Emma’s hands immediately raked through raven hair, tugging at the roots just the way the blonde knew she liked it.

Please.” the blonde pleaded as Regina’s hot breath now whispered over her core, almost probing. Emma’s breath hitched, quivers of need now dominating her entire being.

Regina’s hands dropped from Emma’s hips, her thumbs now rubbing over the soft curls, slowly opening Emma up to her impatient tongue as Emma silently edged her legs further apart. Regina’s right hand clasped her calf, tugging it over her right shoulder.

“Oh…. Shit….”

Emma almost stumbled, immediately regaining her stance as Regina chuckled, her thumbs continuing to pull Emma’s folds apart slowly, her tongue easily finding and sucking on the blondes swollen clit with a newfound purpose.

“You’ve… got….” Emma hissed as Regina continued to lick around the bundle in circular motions, one hand now clasping Emma’s thigh, revelling in the soft skin and toned muscles that seemed to twitch each time her tongue moved.

“I’ve got?” Regina asked as her hot breath whispered over Emma’s clit, causing her to momentarily lose her trail of thought as her stomach muscles clenched, a coil slowly twisting deep within her.

“A fucking talented tongue.” Emma rushed out, swaying a little as Regina’s hold on her moved upwards, now grasping her ass cheeks with strong fingers.

“Jesus… Christ….”

Shivers were now running up and down Regina’s spine as she tilted her head back, blown pupils looking up at Emma who appeared dazed and extremely turned on.

“I smell your excitement, Emma. I smell your sex…”

Without warning she moved her tongue back to Emma’s clit, her tongue then darted downwards, entering Emma so quickly the blonde gasped out loud.

“So good… so, so… fu-cking…good….”

Emma’s vision became blurry, her breathing ragged and her temperature spiking as Regina continued to push deeper whilst still licking, up and down, up and down, multiple strokes a second in a steady rhythm that made Emma’s core throb and pulsate.

Regina smirked, her tongue now dancing to its own tune, Emma’s groans literal music to her ears as her tongue bowed and thrust deep inside her, each moan spurring her on like a conductor directing an orchestra.

Emma was her instrument, one she would never tire of playing and as a deep growl escaped Emma’s lips,  Regina felt her own core spasm, wetness bathing the insides of her thighs as Emma’s own essence spilled onto her waiting lips.

Wanting to prolong the pleasure, Regina began to rub the pad of her thumb against  Emma’s throbbing clit as her tongue continued to dance deep inside Emma’s pussy, tasting and revelling at the juice that was building up inside.

“I’ll never tire of tasting you.”

Emma trembled at Regina’s words as she felt that skilled tongue continue to caress over her, around her, inside her as Regina felt the blondes contractions.

Wanting her to come…

Needing her to come…

“Come for me darling.”

Emma finally let go as the brunette felt her muscles spasm and contract around her tongue.

Regina wasted no time in drinking the tangy sweetness, not moving until every last drop was consumed, her tongue doing one last pirouette as Emma moaned and then sighed deeply, body still shaking, arms flailing to pull Regina up against her.

Smiling to herself, Regina gently moved Emma’s leg back down, placing kisses across her thighs and stomach, up towards her breasts, her tongue quickly licking each hardened bud as she slowly stood, one hand moving to Emma’s ass, giving it a quick squeeze.

“My heart was working overtime to keep up with you baby.”

Regina licked her lips before crashing them down against Emma’s, each one breathing deeply with every kiss, stealing oxygen until they finally broke apart.

“That was intense.” Emma husked, her pupils still blown as Regina ran her finger over her cheek.

“Speaking about that asshole makes me feel rather possessive.”

Emma nodded, cupping Regina’s face with both hands.

“Not that i’m complaining if that’s the reaction I’m going to get each time that prick is mentioned, but…”

Regina looked down as Emma’s fingers brushed against her cheeks, tilting her head up.

Steadily she continued, eyes full of so much love it took Regina’s breath away.

But… Neil won’t ever be an issue, baby. I promise. It’s you, me, Henry and nugget.  Neil can fall through a portal to bucktown nowhere for all I care. He will never be a part of this family. He lost that right a long time ago.”

Regina felt tears fall, each one captured by Emma’s waiting thumbs.

Finally Regina gathered her emotions as Emma pulled her in close.

“You and me, Gina. It’s how it’s written. It’s how it was always going to be.”

After a few more chaste kisses Regina turned Emma and patted her ass.

“Back to work, Sheriff!”

Emma had mumbled a ‘fine’, turning swiftly and kissing Regina soundly all over her body before quickly dressing and making her way back to the station.

Soon after Zelena appeared in her usual fashion, teleporting directly into the kitchen. Thankfully Regina had the sense to get dressed, her heart missing a few beats at the thought of Zelena suddenly appearing in their bedroom a half hour earlier.

“Put the kettle on Reggie, I’m absolutely parched.”

Regina was about to correct her sisters irritating use of nickname when the doorbell sounded.

“Did you hear that?” Regina asked casually as she began to move towards the hallway.

“Yes?” Zelena replied.

“So you know where the sound comes from?” she asked again as she moved to open the door, Zelena now standing behind her.

“Regina are you feeling alright?”

Regina sighed as she pulled the door open 

“You never, ever use the doorbell! You either barge right in or suddenly appear in a poof of green smoke!”

Zelena cackled.

“Afraid I’ll walk in on you and the Savior, savouring each others body parts on the staircase my dear? Oh - hello again Snow. David!”

Zelena was now grinning like a Cheshire Cat at Emma’s parents who held mutual looks of horror on their faces as they stood looking in from outside.

Regina felt her cheeks blush as she finally managed to usher them both inside,  Snow’s eyes falling on the staircase, her cheeks now multiple shades darker than Regina’s.

Noticing Snow’s reaction and how David was now swallowing, his eyes trying to focus on anything but the staircase caused Zelena to sigh. Dramatically.

“Oh calm down you two! Your daughter isn’t actually naked on the stairs! I mean, she may have been a little earlier. No doubt she’d back upstairs applying lotion to the carpet burns on her ass.”

Regina recalled the small carpet burns that had appeared on her kneecaps, now extremely thankful she had put on pants instead of a skirt.

“Oh my goodness.” Snow squeaked as David ran a hand through his hair, winching again.

“You really did a number on the back of your head didn’t you, dear? That’s what happens when you’re on your hands and knees in my vicinity, David.”

Zelena then winked at David as Snows eyes shot to her side.

Hands and knees?!”

Regina felt her entire body flush at the memory of her being on her own hands and knees not that long ago as Zelena chuckled, David’s face now a delightful shade of Snow and Regina’s added together.

“My cuffs fell from my belt.”

“Or that’s the story he’s telling everyone.”

Zelena then smirked as she threw another wink David’s way.

“I wasn’t quite expecting to be greeted that way David, was rather charming, if you’ll excuse the pun.”

Just as it was rather charming, making Emma scream and writhe under her exploring tongue as she came all over her mouth…

Regina shook her head.

She needed to focus!

Zelena was still chuckling as Regina finally sighed and elbowed her in the ribs.

“Hey, I was just-!”

“Teasing. Yes. We know.” Regina interrupted, walking with a determined purpose towards the kitchen.

She really needed that cup of tea now.

“Want me to heal that nasty bump on your head?” Zelena asked casually over her shoulder as she followed her sister to the kitchen.

Snows brows scrunched as her hand immediately went to the back of David’s head.

“Ouch! Snow!” David hissed, moving her hand away.

“It’s so big!” Snow shrieked as she pulled David to the kitchen.

“I hope you’re referring to the bump, Snow and not what David keeps in his pants.”

Regina suddenly recalled what Emma had in her pants not that long ago before it had vanished after their intense sexual encounter.

That had been rather big….

David looked like he was about to pass out as Snow physically squirmed, a hand going to her mouth.

“I didn’t… I wasn’t….”

Regina also squirmed as the image of not so little Swan made her insides burn.

She needed to get a grip…

Thankfully oblivious to Regina’s sudden flushed face and trembling hands, Zelena held up her hand, reaching over Snow, momentarily placing her palm on the David’s head before moving it back to her side.

“Better?” she asked with a raised brow as David nodded.

“Yes. Much better. Um, thank you.”

Zelena shrugged, adding water to the kettle.

“What are partners for?”

David smiled as Snows eyes darted from her husband back to Zelena.

“We even have a shipping name, don’t we David.”

David groaned and took a seat at the table, attempting to ignore Zelena. Snow on the other hand looked mildly affronted.

“Why don’t we have a shipping name?”

The room was silent as Regina considered how long it would possibly take for her guests to realise she’d poofed herself to Emma, before mentally scolding herself for using the term ‘Poof’ to begin with.

“You do, it’s Snowing.” Zelena replied now adding hot water to each mug.

“But it’s only Autumn!”

Snow was now trotting over to the window as Regina momentarily considered pushing her out of it.

Calm down, Regina. You’re better than that.


Zelena glanced up, her eyes meeting Regina’s.

“You do realise you’re going to marry that one’s daughter?”

Regina rolled her eyes.

“It’s not snowing?”

Zelena handed David a mug.

“Snowing, my dear, is yours and David’s shipping name.”

Snow turned.

“Oh! I thought you meant that it was actually-“

“Yes. We know.” Regina interrupted, graciously taking the offered mug from Zelena, wishing it contained 100% pure apple cider instead.

“I wasn’t referring to a shipping name with David. Of course we have one. I’d be rather upset if we didn’t considering who we are-“

Snow took a sip from her tea before eyeing Zelena.

“This isn’t camomile?”

Zelena took a sip from her own before bringing the cup back down.

“I didn’t say it was my dear.”

Snow frowned as David motioned for her to take the seat beside him.

“Oh it’s alright. I just tend to drink camomile between the hours of two and four.”

Zelena looked puzzled as she turned to face her sister again.

“Is Emma like this?”

Regina found herself smiling into her mug.

“No. Emma doesn’t have specific times of the day set aside for certain drinks.”

“I bet she has specific times of the day set aside for - other - more pleasurable things, though?” Zelena smirked into her mug as Snow suddenly blushed.

“I suppose I’m just set in my ways.” Snow mumbled as her eyes then moved to Zelena.

“For drinking tea I mean. Not other things. Anyway I was referring to our shipping name, Zelena.”

Zelena almost choked on her tea as Regina slowly patted her back.

“We don’t have one.” She finally managed to rasp, the hot liquid burning her throat as Snow, looking a little dejected, nodded.

“Yes. I know. And that’s upsets me.”

Zelena’s mouth dropped open as Regina let out a chuckle.

“I think she’s right, Zelena. You need a shipping name. I mean, we know how close you both were in the parallel universe, it only makes sense that the same will happen here. Isn’t that right, Snow?”

Snow’s head was nodding vigorously to every word Regina said as the former wicked witch felt her top lip twitch.

Snow then pulled out her phone.

“We can add it to the Spacebook page!”


Snow turned to David.

“It’s called Facebook, honey. Not Spacebook.”

Snow looked momentarily confused as Zelena snorted.

“Why the hell would it be called Spacebook? We’re in Storybrooke, Snow. We don’t all live on a space station or rocket. Honestly!”

Snows bottom lip jutted out slightly and Regina immediately saw an image of Emma do the very same, which made her heart feel impossibly warm. It also made her feel a little compassion for the short haired brunette who now looked as though she was about to cry.

“It’s an easy mistake to make.” Regina interjected as Zelena’s head snapped to her.

“I thought it was Spacebook because it gave everyone a safe space to write what they wished.” Snow was mumbling as Zelena felt her own heart spasm.

Just a little.

“And I know before I thought it was InstantGran - how was I to know it wasn’t a site where you could hire a granny for a day?”

Now Regina began to choke.

“I still have no idea what’s it’s called.”

Instagram.” David replied, now finishing his tea.

“How the hell did you know that?!” Zelena almost barked as David shrugged.

“I work with Emma and Mulan. I hear things.”

Regina finally managed to stop coughing as Zelena tilted her head.

“You know, Snow. That InstantGran isn’t such a bad idea. Granny would rake it in…”

“Absolutely, categorically, no.” Regina interrupted, “she already has far too much control over the Storybrooke Ships Page!”

Zelena sighed, now rummaging around the kitchen for biscuits.

“So, should I presume you are both here for the same reason Zelena is?”

Snow nodded at Regina before a smile appeared across her face.

“What about White Compass?”

Regina’s brows scrunched as Zelena snorted again.

“That’s crap Snow. Just because you have a complexion as white as snow doesn’t mean we get to use your colour in our shipping name. Where’s my colour, mmm? And ‘compass’?! Really? I may be from the West but I don’t need a sodding compass to find my way to the East!”

For the second time that day Regina nearly poofed herself to Emma.

“I prefer Pure Wicked. You know, because you’re apparently as pure as snow and I’m.. well, I was, wicked… before….”

Regina groaned.

It was going to be a long afternoon.

“Are you serious?”

Zelena gave an unconcerned shrug of her shoulder.

“Why the hell would you want to meet - him - of all people for a drink?!”

Regina was livid, her fist now crashing down on the coffee table.

“Reggie. Calm your tits. I know what I’m doing. I’m going to make that pathetic, sexist little shit regret the day he crossed over our townline.”

Regina was still shaking as she slowly moved her hand back to her lap.

“How are you going to do that?” Snow squeaked, her eyes still on Regina’s clasped hand.

“I’m going to treat him the exact same way he’s been treating every single woman he’s come into contact with thus far in Storybrooke.”

“And Mal is onboard with this?” Regina asked quietly, her anger now subsided as she watched her sister carefully.

“Oh yes. We’ve already spoken. She’s absolutely chomping at the bit to assist me.”

Regina nodded, a smile appearing on her face. Finally she replied, her voice laced with humour and a little venom.

“He won’t know hit him.”

Snow and David soon left, the former determined to go back and finish her shift at the diner whilst the latter agreed to take over from Emma so Regina could update her on the afternoons activities.

As the door closed behind them, Regina returned to the living room to find Zelena bent over, squinting at the coffee table.

“What in the Enchanted Forest are you doing?”

Zelena looked up.

“Just checking for any possible cracks. You did hit it with some force. I’m surprised it’s not split down the middle!”

Letting out a ‘humph’ Regina sat back down, rubbing her hands through her hair.

“Are you sure you want to meet him at the Rabbit Hole? It’s not somewhere you normally frequent.”

Zelena kicked off her shoes and proceeded to rest her feet on the table, resulting in a glare from her sister.

“I’ve only been there the once, I’m sure you remember that night Regina.”

Regina began to rub her thumbs over her skirt, a telltale sign she was feeling uncomfortable.

“That was the night I actually thought you and Emma were finally going to get your shit together!”

Regina continued her ministrations, memories of that faithful evening returning steadily…

*** Storybrooke - somewhere the past, post curse ***

We can have a perfectly respectable evening here. I don’t see why we need to go to that dump to have drinks when my own personal bar is fully stocked and equipped to handle any alcoholic request.

Zelena scrunched her nose up.

“Reggie. It’s Mal’s evening, not yours. She’s the one who wants to go out with friends for some drinks to celebrate her daughter returning. Thanks to your other half.”

Regina’s brows furrowed.

“My other half?”

Zelena shrugged.

“Well I could have said better half but you’re both as bad as each other so.”

Regina pushed her finished coffee cup away.

“If you are referring to Miss Swan, I-“

“Of course I’m referring to Emma. Who else do you lust over twenty-four-seven?! Honestly. You both need to get a room and get each other out of your systems before one of you has a coronary and the other develops a hernia.”

Regina snorted.

“Keep your voice down! You are mistaken. Miss Swan and I are acquaintances at best. We are finally in a position of civility due to Henry.”

Zelena forked a piece of pie into her mouth and appeared thoughtful for all of ten seconds before she replied.

“Yes. I suppose you only tear into each other three days a week now instead of seven. That’s a huge accomplishment.”

Feeling irate, Regina began to move from her seat at the diner when Zelena tugged at her arm.

8pm, the Rabbit Hole. And don’t be late.”

Regina began to fidget with the sleeve of her jacket before she looked back up into prying blue eyes.

“Who else is going?”

Zelena smiled.

“Well, so far it’s you, me, Mal and Kathryn.”

Regina nodded, head marginally tilting to one side.

And no Lily?”

Zelena finished her pie, moving the plate to one side.

“No. Apparently Emma is taking her out for  dinner somewhere.

Regina felt her insides begin to boil.

“Well of course she is. They can’t keep away from one another.”

Zelena edged closer, one hand moving towards her coffee cup.

Are you jealous? You sound jealous. Or perhaps envious. It’s a good thing you don’t go a certain colour each time I mention Emma and Lily, Regina, because you’d be a permanent viridescent green-“

Of course I’m not jealous! Why would I be? Emma has dinner every Friday with me - and Henry - why would I be envious of her having a meal this evening with Lily?”

Oh I don’t think you’re envious of Emma, my dear. It’s Lily you’re envious of. Which is ridiculous. Didn’t Emma tell you last week at the diner that they were merely friends?!”

Regina swallows hard, her fingers still tingling at the prospect of Lily and Emma spending time together.

Yes. But Lily… she clearly hasn’t got the message. Who knows what the little harlot has planned.”

Zelena let out a chuckle.

Perhaps refrain from calling Lily that tonight, mmm? I don’t think Maleficent would appreciate that particular name for her daughter.”

Regina was still determined to give the Rabbit Hole a wide berth until she’d received a call from Zelena later that evening.

I’m giving you an hour to get ready, Regina. It’s already 8pm”

“I’m not going, this is a wasted call Zelena. I have no desire to spend my evening at an establishment that has sticky flooring, loud music, broken pool cues, flickering lights and mismatched tables that probably has a mould problem and will be overcrowded, full of obnoxious, drunk men who think it’s perfectly acceptable to leer at me whilst sweating profusely.

“Oh? Okay. I just presumed you’d be interested to know that Lily’s just turned up with Emma.”

It was then Regina found herself walking into the Rabbit Hole at 8:30pm after quickly arranging for Belle to look after Henry for a few hours.

Placing a hand over her nose, she walked towards her sister with purpose, her eyes darting around the room which didn’t look quite as bad as she had imagined, although there were definitely cracks along the main wall and the smell of stale beer wasn’t a particularly pleasant one.

Looking for anything in particular my dear? Or… anyone?”

Regina removed her hand, flicking her fingers through her hair as she contemplated removing the small black leather jacket she was wearing over her favourite blue dress.

Emma’s favourite blue dress, if Emma’s reaction to it the last time she has worn it was anything to go by.

Not that she had worn it for the Sheriff.

I was merely seeing what kind of clientele were here.”

Zelena rolled her eyes, pushing a drink towards her sister, the ripped beer mat underneath moving with it across the stained table.

We’re here, surely that’s all that matters?!”

Regina eyed the drink, picking it up gingerly immediately noticing the joking “Bar Rules” inscribed on the beer mat that had  seen better days. Quickly she placed her drink back down, hoping Zelena hadn’t spotted it. Her sisters jokes were far from funny. The last thing she needed was for her to be reciting beer mat puns for the rest of the evening.

Another drink suddenly appeared, the glass landing rather heavily on the table as a rather tipsy looking Kathryn suddenly loomed into Regina’s peripheral view.

Regina!! You made it!! Here you need to catch up….”

Kathryn then picked up both glasses and handed them to Regina, a large smile appearing across her face.

Drink!!! Oh my god we need shots!”

Kathryn then turned and stumbled back to the bar as Zelena let out a chuckle.

How much has she had to drink? It’s not even 9pm!” Regina snorted as Zelena shrugged and drained her drink; noticing the beer mat.

I’ve no idea my love. We haven’t been here long. I think she started earlier at home. Who knows. Frederick was rather sheepish when he dropped her off at Mal’s.”

Regina glanced around the room again.

“Oh, if you’re looking for our esteemed Sheriff she isn’t here.”

Regina felt her heart sink, quickly gulping down one of the drinks, hoping the burn would eradicate the empty feeling that had suddenly appeared in her gut.

I wasn’t looking for anyone.” Regina managed to gasp, the liquid now burning her throat.

“What the hell was in that drink?”

Zelena eyed the empty glass, picking it up she took a quick sniff before replacing it back on the table.

“Gin and tonic. Minus the tonic. And I think it may have been a treble.”

Regina momentarily felt her vision blur before she blinked, taking a seat on a rather rickety barstool to steady the slight swaying motion in her brain.

She was made of stronger stuff than a treble gin!

“Madam Mayor! You’re looking rather ravishing.”

Regina turned and came face to face with Dr. Whale.

“Oh piss off. This is a fun ladies night. Last time I checked you were neither!”

Regina was thankful her sister often forgot her manners as Whale floundered at Zelena’s rebuke before stepping away.

Groaning, and wishing she has remained at home, Regina ran a hand over her face before grimacing. She’d taken her time with her makeup, and now she had probably ruined it.

As if reading her sisters mind, Zelena stood and walked to her side.

“I’ll go get us another drink, but you may want to visit the ladies room Reggie. You’re lipstick is all smudged, looks like you been necking with someone and we wouldn’t want to make Emma jealous now, would we?”

Regina immediately looked up.

“You said she wasn’t here?”

Heartbeat now quickening, Regina found herself also standing, her eyes taking in the room around her so that she could locate the bathroom.

Yet. She isn’t here, yet. But she’s coming. Lily just called Mal. They’ve stopped to pick up Ruby, Mulan and Marian and will be here soon.”

Regina didn’t hear the rest of the sentence  as her legs carried her to the restroom, her grimace still very much in place with every step she took. Her louboutin’s were probably going to permanently ruined after gracing the sticky, icky floor with their presence.

Finally locating the restroom, she stood in front of the mirror, thankful that they actually had one. There was no way she was going to look frazzled in front of Emma Swan. She needed to collect her thoughts, freshen up and reapply her lipstick.

*** Meanwhile across town, Lily and Emma has just finished eating at the diner ***

We could go see a movie?” Lily suggested as Emma nodded, her thoughts elsewhere, mainly on her sons other mother.

Or watch something at mine? Moms out painting the town red can you believe.”

Emma finished spooning the last of the ice cream into her mouth as Ruby sauntered over.

Did someone say my name?” She chucked to herself as Lily grinned.

“Sorry Ruby. I meant, mom is having a few drinks tonight at the Rabbit Hole with Zelena, Kathryn and Regina.”

Ruby glanced at Emma, noticing the spoon was now hovering near her mouth.

“Regina has gone to the Rabbit Hole?!”

Lily looked at Emma and nodded.

“Yeah. Is that so hard to believe?”

Emma snorted.

“Pretty sure hell would have to freeze over multiple times before our esteemed mayor sets foot in that place.”

Lily shrugged.

“Well she’s probably going for my mom. She wanted to celebrate having me back or something.”

Emma felt her teeth grind at the mention of Mal and Regina in the same sentence.

“I get off at 9, maybe we should head to the rabbit hole and join them?” Ruby suggested, her eyes still on Emma.

Join my mom for drinks? Isn’t that a little lame?” Lily interjected as Emma considered Ruby’s suggestion.

It’s trebles for singles night, I’d hardly call that lame plus Mulan and Marian are going for a few drinks this evening, we can join them if you think your reputation is gonna be tarnished drinking with your mom.

Lily chuckled at Ruby and nodded.

“Yeah okay, why not. Besides, I’ve heard Zelena can be a scream after a few drinks.”

Emma shuddered. Zelena didn’t need alcohol to be that.

“So, you up for drinks and dancing, Swan?” Ruby asked, as Emma appeared to fidget in her seat.

Was she?

On one hand, her desire to see Regina in that particular setting was rather overwhelming. Honestly, her desire to see the Mayor in any setting was becoming rather constant which scared Emma somewhat. They’d managed to get to a place of semi comfort insofar as they no longer threw punches at one another.


I mean, I for one can’t wait to see if our Mayor knows how to let loose-“

Emma glanced at Ruby.

“I’m sure she-“

Lily spoke at the same time as Emma.

“Oh I’m sure she’ll be doing just that especially if my mom has anything to do with it! A few drinks and they’ll be slipping away together!”

Emma’s mind was immediately made up.

“Let’s go.”

Ruby let out a chuckle.

Hey, slow your roll Sheriff! I text Mulan, she’s on her way here now with Marian so we can all go together.”

Emma nodded as a Lily threw her a wink.

“Twenty dollars says my mom and Regina leave together.”

Emma swallowed, her throat resembling the Gobi desert.

“Unlikely, Lily. Regina has Henry tonight.”

Lily shrugged.

And Henry has grandparents.”


Emma stood and stretched.

Just going out for some fresh air, be right back.”

Before Lily or Ruby could reply, Emma was striding to the door, escaping into the street as she took a deep breath, exhaling steadily. Within seconds she was on the phone.

“Hey Snow.. it’s me. Yeah. Listen… are you looking after Henry tonight?”

*** Back at the Rabbit Hole ***

I can’t stomach another one of those drinks, Kathryn. I’m pretty sure they’re radioactive.”

Kathryn either didn’t hear Regina or chose not to as she pushed another glass into Regina’s hands.

Regina managed to move the glass to one side, steadying Kathryn with the other.

“I think you need to slow down-“


Regina shuddered, her eardrums almost shattering as Kathryn leapt, stumbling over her own feet before righting herself.

Marian is here.” She continued with a sheepish smile as Regina rolled her eyes.

“Really dear? I had no idea.”

Ooo look who’s turned up in all her skinny jean glory. Although I haven’t seen that jacket before!”

Regina turned on her seat at Zelena’s comment as the group entered, Marian now chatting to Kathryn as Mulan and Lily walked over to the bar. Another group then appeared, blocking Regina’s view for a moment until they finally moved towards the side of the room and the pool table, leaving Regina’s viewpoint clear.

And there she was, in all her blonde, towering glory.

Regina shifted, attempting to move her stool slightly so she didn’t have to keep looking behind her. Why didn’t she pick the opportune seat?!

Emma was standing near the entrance with a rather animated Ruby who seemed to be tugging at Emma’s jacket sleeve. Neither of them had noticed Regina’s watchful gaze as Emma seemed to relent, pulling off her black leather jacket which was soon removed from Emma’s grip by Ruby who threw it across the room to a waiting Mulan who seemed to be on a first name basis with the bartender who took the jacket with a smile.

She has guns. Honest to god, guns! And I don’t meant the type that shoot bullets although she also has those too… she’s quite the package, Regina.”

Regina’s heartbeat was thumping against her chest as she took in Emma’s arms, the black tank top she was wearing highlighting them deliciously.

“I wouldn’t say no to squeezing those babies.”

Regina shot a disapproving look at her sister.

“Must you be so crass?”

Zelena shrugged.

Like you’re not having delightfully crass thoughts about those forearms Reggie? Imagine the things they could do.”

Regina swallowed a few times, hoping the motion would steady her nerves which seemed to be shot, literally courtesy of Emma’s guns…

And face.

And hair.

And smile.

And body.


Regina blinked. And blinked again, hoping the anxious and edgy feeling that had developed in the pit of her stomach would leave. And soon.

“Hey, Regina.”

Regina shuddered.

Miss Swan.”

Eyes finally meeting, Regina wondered when Emma had walked across the room. Slowly the brunette nodded her head, hoping the movement would settle the rest of her now aching insides as Emma raised a brow and rolled her eyes.

Which did absolutely nothing to steady  Regina’s nerves.

“Miss Swan? Really? That’s what you’re working on using tonight?”

Regina watched as Emma then shrugged her shoulders, her muscles flexing across her shoulders as she turned and stalked over to the bar.

“Well, that was….”

Regina practically shoved her drink in Zelena’s face.

I don’t want to hear it.” she spat, eyes immediately finding Emma again, heartbeat now thumping so fast Regina was certain she was going to pass out.

Zelena took Regina’s drink and downed it in one, noticing her sisters gaze was now burning as Lily’s arm went around Emma.

I’m going home.”

“Like hell you are! The fun has just begun!”

Regina turned to see a slightly intoxicated Mal standing behind her, eyes gleaming.

Besides, you can’t leave now my daughter and her friends have just arrived, that would be rude Regina. Twenty dollars says Emma leaves with my daughter tonight!”

Zelena chuckled as Regina muttered under her breath, which now caught in her throat when Emma suddenly seemed to be back by her side, handing her a drink.

Tequila. Is this doesn’t loosen you up, nothing will.”

Emma then grinned and waited for Regina who reached our for the drink.

“I don’t… I haven’t had this before.”

Regina managed to mumble, her eyes never leaving Emma’s baby blues.

Zelena handed Emma a salt shaker.

Mal handed Regina a slice of lime.

“Lick the salt off of your hand first, drink the shot swiftly, and finish by sucking on a wedge of lime.” Emma replied with a grin, as she then licked the back of her hand.

Her pink tongue swirled across her skin effortlessly, causing Regina to twitch in places she really shouldn’t. Swallowing down her nerves, she watched as Emma then added salt before handing Regina the shaker.

Your turn.”

Regina nodded, mimicking Emma whose eyes seemed to darken at the image of Regina copying her move.

Ready?” Emma asked as Regina shifted on the stool, the dampness that had gathered below now a little uncomfortable as she tried to forget the image of Emma’s tongue tracing patterns across her skin.

What would that tongue feel like on her skin?


Regina blinked again, warmth surrounding her at the nickname Emma had used and was seemingly unaware of.

I was born ready, Miss Swan.” she husked, as they both followed suit and downed the shot of tequila.

Regina’s memory went a little fuzzy after that although she did recall having a few more shots, one with Mal and Marian and another with Ruby.

The evening had steadily progressed under flashing lights and thumping music.

Kathryn had got more pissed, never once wondering why her deep and meaningful conversation with the coat stand was very much one sided.

Lily and Mal were clearly at the emotional stage of intoxication, crying and hugging each other close as Ruby, Mulan and Zelena were dominating the dance floor.

Marian had been chatting to Regina for a while before she pulled at the Mayors arm, demanding she join her for a dance.

Emma watched as Marian then circled her arms around Regina’s waist as the mayor chuckled and placed her hands on Marian’s hips.

Emma immediately felt resentment towards Marian before she quickly looked away, shaking her head. She liked Marian. She knew there was nothing in their friendly dance but still.

It hurt.

Because that would never be her.

Focusing on her now empty shot glass, she sighed, rubbing at her eyes.

Regina’s deep laugh broke through her reverie as Emma’a gut clenched.

Time to go.

Before she could ask for her coat from the friendly bartender, Ruby grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor.

“Dance with me Swaaaaaannn!”

Yeah. Ruby was drunk. And when Ruby was drunk, she became a terrible flirt.

Emma reached out to steady Ruby who pulled Emma into her.

Um. Little room Rubes. I kinda can’t breath…”

Ruby chuckled, knowing Emma’s face was now resting firmly in between her breasts.

Glancing over at Marian and Regina, Ruby couldn’t help but smirk as she came into direct eye contact with a rather pissed off looking Mayor.

Marian, noticing her dancing partner had suddenly stopped moving looked at her before her eyes found Ruby and Emma, the former chucking to herself as the latter appeared to be struggling against Ruby’s bosom.

Catching Ruby’s eye, Marian let out a smirk of her own as she manoeuvred her body around Regina, moving the irate Mayor closer to Emma and Ruby.

Jesus Christ Ruby, I need to breathe!” Emma had finally hissed as Ruby finally let her take a step back, right into Regina.

“Shit. S-sorry…”

Emma stammered, cheeks flushed as Ruby pulled at Marian’s arm.

“Dance with me!!!” She hollowed as Marian let out a laugh, nodding to Regina as she grabbed Ruby’s waist and they both disappeared into the crowd.

Emma sidestepped as Regina rounded her shoulders, both avoiding eye contact as the song changed from the upbeat pop track to a slower, more romantic tune.

Emma paled.


Regina seemed to stiffen, her eyes looking everywhere before they finally landed on Emma.

“I think we’ve been set up.” Emma managed to squeak as Regina nodded, wondering how Marian had been so stealthy in moving her close to Emma without her even realising it.

It would appear that way.” Regina finished, wishing her sister would suddenly appear like she always did, breaking the tension that was becoming a little unbearable.

“Um. So, we can? If you want to, I mean.”

Emma’s voice was shaking as her fingertips began to tug on the bottom of her tank.

“Can do what?” Regina managed to reply, her voice so scratchy she almost didn’t recognise it.

“Dance. I mean, we can dance, together. If you want to.”

Regina’s eyes suddenly locked on Emma’s and she immediately noticed the hopeful look on the blondes face.

She also looked a little terrified.

Without answering, Regina shifted forward and placed her hands on Emma’s shoulders, marvelling at her toned sculpture, the desire to then run them down along her arms so intense the brunette found herself biting down hard on her tongue.

Emma shuddered, causing Regina’s core to clench as she steadily pulled the blonde in closer. She could smell Emma, the wafts of vanilla and coconut infiltrating her senses.

Emma, taking several deep breaths brought up her arms and then hovered them, her face puzzled as she contemplated where she should put them.

“My waist, Em-ma.”

Emma blinked, as liquid chocolate caramel orbs gazed at her intently, willing her to move her hands.

Yup.” Emma mumbled as her hands found their way to Regina’s slim waist. As soon as her fingertips brushed the fabric of Regina’s deep blue dress, Regina felt her breath hitch again before a thousand tingles began to play around her spine, darting downwards to her ass as they circled and twisted towards her core.

It was too much.

This was too much.

The tingles intensified as Emma’s thumbs began to rub against her hipbones, tingles now becoming stings of arousal, not only invading every nerve and fibre of her being but also accumulating in Regina’s brain, making everything so foggy… and amazing…. and scary as hell…

Regina immediately jumped back, her hands swinging from Emma’s shoulders, the movement pulling away from Emma’s hands that were now hovering back at her sides.

What… did I do something wrong?” Emma whispered, fear and concern now crossing her face as Regina took another step back.

I can’t do this. We can’t… I’m sorry. This was a mistake.”

Regina rubbed at her face, hoping to dislodge the look of hurt that Emma  clearly now wore as she shook her head.

“I’m sorry Miss Swan.”

And with that, Regina turned and ran to the restroom, leaving Emma standing alone in the middle of the dance floor.

*** Present day ***

“Why did you leave her? I’ve always wondered. Did she get too handsy? What happened once you came back from restroom? All I remember is Emma talking quickly to Ruby before she grabbed her coat and left.”

Regina sighed.

“I left her because I was afraid. Of how she made me feel. A small touch of her hands on my waist left me reeling, and breathless and afraid. So I ran.”

Retina shifted, her eyes now glazed over as she recalled the look of confusion on Emma’s beautiful face.

“I immediately regretted my actions, and returned to apologise but she had already left. Thankfully Ruby told me where she was, after berating the hell out of me for leaving Emma the way I did.”

*** Back then ***

Regina recalled how she had grabbed her coat, walking briskly from the Rabbit Hole hoping she could catch up to Emma on the sidewalk. Emma clearly walked fast or had a long stride because she only managed to find her again at the diner.

*** Present day ***

“Well either she walks fast or you walk slow, you do have little legs.” Zelena interrupted as Regina threw a cushion at her face.

“Do you want to know what happened or not?!”

Zelena smiled.


*** Back then ***

Regina recalled waiting outside the diner for a few moments, gathering her courage before a text had sounded on her phone.

Are you going to stand out there all night or would you like to come in?!”

Regina chuckled at Granny’s text as she nodded and entered, walking slowly towards the booth where Emma was sitting.

May I join you?”

Emma jumped, nearly knocking over her hot chocolate as her brows scrunched.

“I don’t know, Regina. I wouldn’t want you to make another mistake.”

Regina took a seat as silence ensued, Emma’s attention firmly on the hot chocolate. Thankfully Granny appeared, handing Regina a coffee before she cleared her throat.

Sheriff. I don’t know what’s happened this evening but you’ve someone sitting opposite you who clearly wants to talk.”

Emma looked sheepishly as she nodded at Granny before finally looking at Regina.


Regina felt her heart spasm as she reached out to Emma before pulling her hand back, resting it on the table instead.

“I’m the one who is sorry, Emma. I shouldn’t have left the way I did.”

“Then why did you?”

Regina sighed.

The room was met with more silence as Emma sat up a little straighter in her seat before she threw some notes onto the table.

“You know what? It’s fine. Forget I asked-“

“You make me feel anxious.”

Emma looked a little shaken as Regina scolded herself for being so blunt.

“You’re afraid of me?”

Emma then looked upset as Regina shook her head vehemently.

“Goodness Emma, of course not. I just mean, when we were - close - before - I felt a little shaky and restless, I suppose.”

Regina stopped as Emma looked down before finally looking back up.

“I felt a little wired too.”

Regina noticed Emma was now intertwining her fingers, her breath a little ragged as she slowly continued.

But you left me standing there like a total idiot all alone, Regina. People leave me. You’d think I’d get used to that by now.”

Emma’s voice was raspy as she let out a sigh.

” I’ve always been someone’s mistake but I didn’t expect that from you.”

Regina felt her eyes water as she finally took a leap of faith, both hands crashing over Emma’s.

Emma… I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to distress you. I was overcome with emotion, and I… acted badly.”

Emma nodded, her fingers slowly wrapping around Regina’s. She was feeling mildly tipsy but was thankful her slight intoxication was giving her the kick up the ass she needed when it came to Regina. Clearly it was also giving Regina a shift in the right direction too.

Regina knew at that moment the only thing that mattered was Emma. Taking a deep breath she attempted to construct her next sentence which was proving a little difficult thanks to the numerous shots she had consumed. Slowly the walls that surrounded her head and her heart began to crumble.

Just tell her you have feelings for her…

Emma, I-“


Both Emma and Regina jumped, hands unfolding as Kathryn appeared, falling onto Regina’s lap.

Regina felt her heart drop at the interruption; Kathryn really did have the Midas touch only nothing was about to turn gold as walls that had crumbled were immediately erected again.

Emma looked from Kathryn to Regina, her smile fading a little as if she already knew whatever Regina was about to say would not be spoken this evening.

Or, possibly, ever.

“So I can’t find my thingie. The thing that you make calls on.”

Regina sighed.

You’ve lost your phone.”

Kathryn nodded as her eyes then found Emma.

“Sheriff!! I need to report a lost phone!”

Emma stood.

And I can’t find my way home either.” Kathryn was now mumbling into Regina’s neck as the Mayor stood, pulling the older blonde up beside her.

“I’ll take you home.”

Emma shook her head.

It’s been a… long night. Get home to a Henry, I can take Kathryn home. It’s no problem.”

Regina blinked away the tears she knew were forming.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind?”

Emma smiled and pulled her arm around Kathryn who fell into her side.

“Once on duty, always on duty, right? It’s no bother.

Emma then began to walk Kathryn from the diner as Regina suddenly placed her hand on the sheriffs shoulder.

“Thank you for listening to me.”

Emma nodded, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.

“Thanks for the almost dance.”

*** Present day ***

“Oh fucking awesome timing Midas!” Zelena spat as Regina rolled her eyes.

“Seriously though! You could have both been together so much sooner if the Golden Girl hadn’t totally fucked up your evening!”

Regina shook her head.

“I messed it up by walking away from Emma.”

Zelena bit her lip before slowly standing.

“Well, you’re together now and that’s all that matters. Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to get ready for this evening, Mal and I need to make plans.”

Zelena all of a sudden appeared rather wicked as she grinned down at Regina.

“Neil won’t know what bloody hit him!”

Regina smiled as the front door opened, the noise so instinctively Emma it made Regina smile.

“I’m going to tell her what I should have told her that night.”

Zelena looked puzzled.

“You’re carrying her baby, Reggie. I think she already knows you have a thing for her.”

Regina smiled again as she heard her sheriff kicking off her boots.

“Yes, but somehow I think it’s important I get to tell her again.”

Chapter 20


I’m back! So sorry for the delay. I guess I had a mini crises in confidence with my writing but here we finally go with the next chapter. I sincerely hope you all enjoy!

Chapter Text

The last thing Emma remembered was sitting on the plush sofa, channel hopping whilst the soft purr of Regina’s silky voice had floated though from the kitchen. She was humming along to the radio, the thrum vibrating around Emma in the all the right ways.

She felt content.

So unbelievably content, probably because as soon as she had set foot inside their home Regina had swept towards her, pulling her in close as she whispered how much she loved her, how much she wished she had the courage to admit it sooner and how much she had  hated Katherine for interrupting what could have been a “moment” they shared over a year ago.

Emma recalled ‘that’ moment. As her memories of Regina dressed in her blue, tight fitted dress sprang to the foremost of her mind she felt her eyelids slowly close…

“So we meet again, Miss Swan.”

Emma blinked before wiping the back of her hand over her eyes, Cora’s face coming into view.

“Oh shit.”

Emma wiped at her face again as Cora let out a deep chuckle.

“Expressive as ever, Miss Swan.”

Emma blinked again.

“And no, you’re not dreaming. Well, actually, I suppose you are but yes, I am here. Again.”

Emma couldn’t believe it. The last thing she remembered was steadily drifting off to sleep as Regina’s voice caressed all around her.

Now she was with Cora.


“I suppose I should thank you for choosing somewhere a little more…”

Cora paused, dark eyes glancing round the diner before she continued.


Emma swallowed, her throat suddenly dry.  Peering over Cora’s shoulder she looked to see if Ruby was behind the counter; she could murder a milkshake right now.

Cora watched the direction of Emma’s gaze, turning around herself.

“I suppose you’re looking for Miss Lucas?”

Emma’s eyes shot back to Cora.

“How do you know Ruby?!”

Cora sighed and motioned to a booth next to the window, taking a seat without waiting for Emma to join her.

“She finally speaks.” Cora muttered, picking up a menu.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

Emma finally took a seat opposite, wondering if this was indeed a dream, why she hadn’t conjured a grilled cheese. 

“I’ve seen her. I’ve seen most people you and my daughters interact with, through a magic mirror. And as for Miss Lucas, I knew of her back in the Enchanted Forest.”

Emma pondered Cora’s reply.

“How well did you know her? I didn’t realise you knew anyone except Rumple?”

Cora waved a hand and a dainty tea cup appeared in front of her. Slowly lifting the fine China to her lips she took a sip before delicately placing it back down.

“I didn’t know her very well. I suppose it was Regina who brought her to my attention. You see my daughter always sympathised with Ruby’s type.”

Emma’s eyes narrowed.

“By type you mean-“

Cora nodded. “Yes, those who could transform into an animal, in Ruby’s case, a wolf. They were - condemned - in the Enchanted Forest. Regina hated how they were treated so she asked me to enchant a red, hooded cloak that would stop Ruby from turning into a wolf. I’m sure she would have done it herself if she could, but her magic was still very new to her back then so I obliged.”

Emma found herself leaning in towards Cora.

“I didn’t know this? Regina never said anything and neither did Ruby?”

Cora took a final sip from her teacup before placing it back down, waving her hand as the cup vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

“I suspect Ruby doesn’t know the cloak came from us. I arranged for it to be taken to her grandmother by a mutual friend who explained the enchantment to her.”

Emma slowly nodded.

“And as for my daughter, she never wanted Ruby to know. A part of her was torn; she felt sympathy for Ruby’s plight but she was also conscious that Ruby was close to your mother. In the end her concern for Ruby outweighed her loathing for Snow White.”

Emma couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She also knew that as soon as she could she would ask Regina about the cloak; for one thing she wanted to hear Regina’s side of the story but it would also prove that she really was seeing Cora, somehow in her dreams if Regina confirmed the story to be true.

“So, you see us in a magic mirror?!”

A sudden thought then crossed Emma’s mind.

Cora could see who they interacted with?

Did that means she’d seen her and Regina in the bedroom?

Or the shower?

Or in the study?!

Immediately blushing at those thoughts she suddenly began to fidget in her seat.

As if sensing her discomfort Cora raised a brow before a smile played on her lips.

“Don’t worry Miss Swan, I assure you I am no peeping tom; I see mere flashes, and sometimes I can go weeks without seeing anything at all. And if I do begin to see - something -  I would consider a private moment, I cease looking.”

“Does this mirror have like an off switch then?!”

Emma didn’t quite know what to make of Cora’s response but for some reason she believed the older woman when she said she didn’t… peep.

“No my dear. The mirror isn’t a television. There is no remote control. I simply turn it around or walk away.”

“So… you don’t sit down and watch us like a reality TV show??”

Because holy hell, throw in Zelena and her new role in the Sheriffs department, Snow hitting Neil in the face with a frying pan and Maleficent possibly morphing into a dragon for early morning exercise, Emma wasn’t sure there was a better reality TV show out there.

Cora chuckled.

“I’m not even sure what the means, Miss Swan but no, I do not “sit and watch”; some things may appear that pique my interest but the images seldom last longer than a few moments and then they are no more, until the next time and when that next time is, I do not know.”

Emma nodded.

“What piques your interest?”

She couldn’t help but ask. She still wasn’t even certain if this was a dream or she was somehow visiting a parallel universe each time she closed her eyes and fell asleep but whatever it was, she was keen to know more.

Cora tapped a finger tip against her cheek before she answered.

“Well, there was that one time you ended up in hospital after your unfortunate encounter with the forcefield around the mine. I’ve never seen my daughter so distraught when your deputy told her you were hospitalised.”

Emma found herself leaning forward.

“You saw me get thrown across the forest floor?”

Cora nodded. “I saw the forcefield before you did.”

Emma balked.

“Why the hell didn’t you warn me?!”

Cora rolled her eyes, a reaction that was so Regina, Emma’s breath caught in her throat.

Cora actually looked a little sheepish.

“I… well, truthfully, I found myself calling out to warn you but… well, you couldn’t hear me.”

Emma watched for any signs that Cora was twisting the truth, finding non.

“It’s silly really. I knew you wouldn’t be able to and yet….” Cora looked down and then shrugged.

“Did you see me in the alternate Storybrooke?”

Emma’s question was sharp, her memories now taking her back to the alternate Cora.

Cora shook her head.

“I saw you enter, but no - the only thing I saw was Regina, struggling with your absence. I didn’t see you in the alternate reality, I suspect the mirror is only able to show me this town.” Cora waved her hand in the air before replacing it back on her lap.

“Be thankful you didn’t see your alternate. She was a total bit-“

“Yes my dear. I can imagine.”

Once again Cora looked sheepish as she looked around the room.

“Why do we keep meeting like this?” Emma finally asked as Cora’s eyes found hers again.

“I have no idea.”

Emma stood.

“Non of this makes sense. I mean, there are other things and people I’d rather be dreaming about instead I’m back with you, the woman who made Regina’s life a living hell… um… no offense.”

Cora stood, her head bowing slightly before she spoke.

“Non taken, Miss Swan. I on the other hand don’t mind these short meetings quite as much as you. It’s nice to talk to someone for a change.”

Emma looked confused.

“You don’t talk to others where you’re from? I mean, where are you from? Regina told me she banished you before she cast the curse.”

Cora looked torn, her mouth opening and then closing. Finally she seemed to accept whatever inner conflict she was faced with.

“I never truly believed Regina was capable of banishing me. Misjudging her was my biggest mistake, although I suppose it set the wheels in motion for her to cast the curse, resulting in her finding Henry who found you, her true love.”

Emma waited for the older brunette to continue.

“Yes, she banished me. Her magic was far greater than I envisaged. I was pushed into a mirror and I ended up in Wonderland, with said mirror.”

Emma’s mouth gaped.

Wonderland? As in… Alice in Wonderland? That place exists?!”

Cora chuckled again.

“You really have to ask, after everything and everyone you’ve encountered in Storybrooke, Miss Swan?”

Emma still couldn’t believe it.

“But… that was a weird ass story written by someone who was, real? I mean yeah, they said he was a little… crazy but-”

Cora waved a hand.

“Have you ever contemplated that the author himself was from Wonderland? Where being weird, as you put it, is actually being normal?”

Emma shook her head slowly.

“You mean…”

Cora grinned.

“Yes, Miss Swan. Perhaps the author was the one who fell through a rabbit hole, leaving his hallucinogenic world populated by talking animals who own pocket watches to come across your world, another realm entirely, where he decided to stay and write stories about where he came from.”

Emma’s mouth dropped open again.

“You’re shitting me?”

Cora shrugged.

Anything is possible, Miss Swan.”

“What, even talking packs of playing cards and a freaky as fuck cat that gave me nightmares for years? Yeah, I’ve seen the cartoon!”

Emma felt herself shudder as Cora let out a laugh.

“The playing cards are a phalicy. Believe me, as the Queen of Hearts, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the knaves are real, and are not playing cards. The cat however….”

Her eyes were gleaming as Emma’s brain finally registered what Cora had said.

“Wait. You… you’re the Queen of Hearts?”

Cora nodded.

“I became that person the day I landed in Wonderland. I had no choice, it just happened, like it was predestined.”

Emma felt a little uncomfortable, her memory of the Queen from the cartoon coming back to her tenfold because she’d never actually read the book.

“She was… I mean… didn’t she like, hand out death sentences for the slightest thing?!”

Cora slowly shook her head.

“You’re basing your opinion of me from a cartoon that was based on a book, written by someone who used artistic licencing Miss Swan. I assure you, nobody lost or loses their head under my rule. I may be quick tempered but I’ve changed.”

Emma began to feel dizzy.

“This is so much to take it. I mean… you’re the Queen of Fucking hearts which is kinda ironic considering you could literally pull a beating heart from a persons chest…” Emma paused before a further shiver ran down her spine.

“You killed Daniel that way.”

Cora’s eyes dropped.

“Not could, Miss Swan.”

Emma took a single step backwards.


Cora finally looked up.

“You said I could pull a heart from someone’s chest. You should have said, I can.”

Emma realised now would be the perfect time to wake up.

“Just because I can, doesn’t mean I have, or want to. I haven’t done that since… Daniel.”

Emma wondered how quickly she could make it to the diner exit before Cora possibly followed her.

“Relax Miss Swan. Nobody is taking anyone’s heart out today. Or tomorrow. I have changed. I don’t do that anymore.”

Emma wasn’t sure what to believe.

“You do realise my daughter is guilty of the same crime? You’ve forgiven her for her past transgressions, Miss Swan. Rumplestilskin, too.  Are you able to do the same for me?”

Emma ran a hand through her hair.

Could she?

“I - I don’t know.”

Cora smiled although it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Well, it wasn’t an immediate no. I live in hope.”

Emma sighed.

“I don’t know what the fuck to think anymore, I don’t know why I keep seeing you like this, whether it means something or I’m just imaging the whole thing because I’m still struggling to believe Lewis Carroll was an actual resident of Wondeland.”

Suddenly a phone began to ring as Emma’s eyes darted to the red telephone that was located on the wall behind the diner counter.

“That’s… my ringtone…” Emma said to herself more than Cora who was now looking back at the telephone too.

“I suppose this is where we say our farewells.” Cora acknowledged as Emma suddenly held out her hand.

“Two things, before I wake up…”

Cora nodded.


Emma bit her bottom lip.

“The raspberry leaves? They helped. With my sickness. So… yeah, thanks.”

Cora smiled before she slowly started to vanish from Emma’s view.

Emma quickly continued.

“If we see each other again? Please don’t bring the Cheshire Cat. He’s evil. Seriously!“

The last thing Emma heard was Cora’s deep laughter before her eyes opened.

Reaching out for her phone which was on the table, she clicked the accept button and held it to her ear.

“Emma, I was just checking on you.”

It was Snow.

After a few minutes the call ended and Emma began to ponder the dream she had, before further thoughts interrupted her brain.

She was torn.

On one hand, she wanted nothing more than to spend the night watching a movie with Regina and Henry, once she finally got around to asking him for his permission to marry Regina.

On the other hand, now she knew what Zelena’s plans for the evening were, a part of her felt like she should be present at the Rabbit Hole or at the very least be in the vicinity on the off chance something went wrong.

Because where Zelena was involved, things seldom ran smoothly - throw in an amnesiac Neil and who the hell knew what could transpire.


Emma turned her head, noticing Henry was now standing beside the sofa.

“When did you get home?” she asked, wondering where the last hour had gone since she’d arrived back from the Station.

“Just now. Can you help me with my homework?”

Emma stood, stretching her upper body, eyes now looking over Henry.

“Sure. Go set up on the dining room table. Where’s your mom?”

Henry smiled and picked up his backpack.

“She dropped me off and said something about seeing Mal and that she’d be back soon to start dinner.”

Emma nodded as she followed Henry into the dining room. She’d briefly spoken to Regina who informed her of Zelena’s plan for the evening before she’d taken a seat on the sofa.

The last thing she had heard was Regina’s tuneful hums.

She hadn’t heard Regina leave.

“Maybe we should make dinner for once? I mean, how hard can it be?”

Henry was unpacking his rucksack before he stopped, eyes looking up, a deep frown suddenly crossing his face.

“We could - but… I’m kinda hungry.”

Emma picked up one of Henry’s text books and inwardly groaned when she noticed it was math.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Emma placed the textbook back on the table and looked down at her son who was now seated, a pencil rolling between his fingers.

“It means I’d rather mom cook. No offence, Ma.”

Now Emma frowned.

“I’ll have you know I make an exceptional mac and cheese!”

Henry had the grace to smile and nod slightly before he stopped rolling the pencil, now pointing it directly at his ma.

“True. But… mom was making steak with potato’s and all the trimmings. Can you do that?”

Emma rolled her eyes and snorted.

“Can I do that?” She mimicked, letting out a chuckle before a shiver ran along her spine.

Her subconscious was rather persistent when it reasoned immediately; no, Emma. You can’t.

Exactly” Henry replied although he appeared to be lost in his own thoughts before he tapped the pencil against his cheek.

“We can prepare the food though? I mean, even you can’t mess that up, right?”

Emma wasn’t sure whether to be offended at her sons lack of trust in her cooking skills or relieved he’d actually come up with a good alternative.

“Yes Hen, even I can peel potatoes. Honestly.”

Some time later it appeared that Emma actually couldn’t peel potatoes. At least, not very well.

“Mom can peel a single potato all in one go.”

Emma sighed.

“Yeah well, your Ma can’t.”

Henry gave her a look that said “clearly” before he pointed to the potato she was holding over the sink.

“You’re peeling too deeply and wasting the potato!”

Emma momentarily felt like throwing said potato firmly in her sons face before her subconscious scolded her.

Instead she smiled sweetly before changing the subject entirely.

“Have you washed the vegetables yet?”

Henry rolled his eyes, in true Regina style before he opened the fridge, removing a bottle of water.

“I washed them and I peeled and cut the carrots. Ages ago.”

Emma looked down at the potato she was still peeling.

“Don’t forget you need to dice them and put them in the pan on the stove to boil.”

Emma realised this was likely to be the very first and definitely the last time she would ever prepare a meal with Henry who was clearly a mini Regina in the kitchen.

“Ouch. Fuck.”

Henry was by her side in seconds, peering around her.

“You’re supposed to peel the potatoes not your thumb.”

“Thanks for the lesson, Henry. Seriously I’d rather run a kitchen with Gordon Ramsey.”

Shoving her thumb in her mouth, Emma began to suck as she began to open random cabinet doors hoping to find a first aid kit.

Henry, meanwhile, continued to peel the potatoes.

“Can’t you magic the cut away?” He asked, already peeling more potatoes than Emma had.

“No. Well, maybe. It’s not something I’ve learned yet. Your mom can though. I just need a bandaid for now.”

Wrapping her thumb in a paper towel she considered Henry’s question again.

Couldn’t she just use magic to prepare all this crap?

“Henry, stand back from the sink. I’m going to magic the potatoes into a pan of water.”

Henry frowned.

“Maybe we should wait for mom to come back? I mean, you just said you’re still learning?”

Emma sighed.

“Henry. A little faith? How hard is it to magic a pan full of water, huh?”

Henry shrugged.

After concentrating, Emma realised it was harder than she had first imagined when all of a sudden a large bathtub of water appeared in the kitchen, full of potatoes.

“That’s way too many potatoes.” Henry volunteered, as Emma paled.


“I was just… never mind. I’ll magic it away.”

Emma concentrated again as the bathtub suddenly tripled in size, almost blocking her view of Henry.

“Oh fuck.”

Indeed, Miss Swan.”

Emma and Henry turned to find an amused looking Regina staring back at them in the doorway.

“Totally her idea.” Henry mumbled as Emma gave a sheepish smile and a little wave, the paper towel falling from her hand.


Regina prepared and cooked supper, magicking the bathtub away but not before she made both Emma and Henry remove each and every potato from said tub, exclaiming they would not waste food.

“But aren’t they magic potatoes? I mean, are they even safe to eat?”

Regina had rolled her eyes before Henry huffed rather dramatically, muttering that he didn’t see why he had to help when it was all ‘ma’s idea.’

“Sheesh thanks for throwing me under the bus, kid!”

Henry shrugged.

“You said you liked Gordon Ramsey.” He retorted with a glint in his eye that scarily resembled the look Regina was a pro at shooting. Mainly at Emma.

“We’re not feeding the five thousand, baby. We don’t need all these potatoes.” Emma had tried to reason as she dutifully picked them up from the now waterless bathtub.

“Thank heavens it’s not the five thousand my dear. With your cooking skills you can barely feed the three of us!”

Emma had huffed, finishing the task quietly and sullenly before escaping to the study to make a quick call to Mulan.

“Listen, I need you to do me a huge favour. Zelena is going to be at the Rabbit Hole tonight from nine - and she’s arranged to meet Neil.”

Mulan immediately interrupted.


Emma sighed down the phone.

“Honestly? No idea. Something about teaching him a lesson.”

Mulan chuckled down the line.

“You don’t have to ask, Emma. I volunteer to swing by and… keep an eye on things. I’m not missing this for anything!”

Emma now felt relieved to have someone present at the Rabbit Hole that wouldn’t be either intoxicated, suffering from amnesia or wicked.

Dinner was then served and Regina was happy to see Emma’s usual appetite was back.

“This tastes amazing.” The blonde mumbled, cutting another slice of steak that ended up in her mouth within nanoseconds.

“Last time I had steak it was….”

Emma paused.

Regina found herself edging closer towards an Emma.

“Well, Snow made it. Before she was Snow. I mean yeah, she’s always been Snow but this was during her Mary Margaret days. And yeah. She made a steak stew.”

Regina was smirking as Henry pushed a piece of potato into his mouth.

“So what happened?” He mumbled around each chew as Emma chucked.

“Well, she invited David over too and she took so much pride in telling us both how she’d carefully selected this grass fed meat, allowing it to rest at room temperature or some crap like that before she seasoned it. Then her mouth dropped open because she suddenly realised she’d forgotten to season it.”

Now Regina let out a chuckle as Emma nodded.

“We didn’t care. I mean, we were just hungry and David told her there was nothing wrong with us seasoning our own food once it was served. Snow was so apologetic, blaming a squirrel that had invited itself into the loft before she’d spent the following thirty minutes trying to chase it out.”

Henry began to giggle as Regina raised her brow.

Seriously, Emma?!”

Emma nodded.

“I’m not shi- joking. Honest. Clearly the animals in Storybrooke knew who the residents were, they probably wanted to stop by for a cuppa.”

Emma was now grinning as Henry continued to chuckle.

“Then what happened?” Regina asked, far too engrossed in the story than she should be.

“Well she overcooked it. And I mean, seriously overcooked it. David turned green and I almost got lock jaw from all the chewing. When she wasn’t looking I spooned half the stew into my empty coffee cup, only problem was I forgot and later I went to take a swig from said cup and ended up with her stew all over my face and down my chest. It was all rather embarrassing.”

Now Regina and Henry were laughing loudly as Emma grinned.

“Let’s just say this meat is amazing. You could seriously knight this steak, baby. I mean you are a Queen! You could call it Sir Loin!”

Henry snorted.

Regina rolled her eyes although they remained twinkling at Emma.

“Don’t give up your day job, Sheriff.”

“So what did you go and see Mal about?”

Regina handed Emma a beer before she settled down onto the sofa beside her, humming as Emma pulled her legs up onto her lap, the fingers on her free hand immediately dancing up her trouser leg,  massaging her aching calf muscles.

“Let’s just say I needed a little reassurance that she would indeed be present this evening should Zelena find herself in a pickle.”

Henry, sprawled on her stomach in front of the television let out a laugh before he turned.

“Pickles are green.”

Regina smiled down at him as Emma took a swig from her bottle.

“They’re also apparently the main ingredient in everything the local pharmacy has to offer. Remind me again why you made Peter Piper a chemist?!”

Regina glanced at Emma. Realising her fiancées fingers had paused on her leg she gave it a small jolt as Emma smiled and continued her ministrations.

“I didn’t make him a chemist, my dear. The curse did.”

Regina quickly looked back at Henry, a slight trepidation in her voice as she slowly continued.

“I didn’t… I wasn’t really certain what would happen once it was cast.”

Emma gave her calf a gentle squeeze as Henry jumped up and wriggled his way onto the sofa, laying half on Regina’s legs, his back now against the side of Emma.

“It’s okay to talk about it, mom. I know you’re not the same person anymore.” and with that he reached forward and pulled Regina into a hug.

“I love you, mom. And I love ma. And I love my little brother or sister.”

Emma placed her beer bottle on the table, wiping at her face quickly before she heard a small sob escape Regina’s lips.

“We love you too, my little Prince.”

Emma found herself joining the hug, enveloping her family into her as her arms were thrown around both Henry and Regina.

“And we love our little family.” Emma continued as Henry slowly pulled back, smiling up at Regina before he turned to face Emma.

“Which is why I kinda need to ask you something, Hen.”

Regina’s smile widened as Henry nodded before he opened his mouth, a slight grimace on his face.

“No. I haven’t done my math homework yet.”

Emma looked confused.

“Ok? Um. Well I’m sure you can do it tomorrow? Unless it’s due tomorrow. Henry, is it due tomorrow?”

Regina bit her tongue. She still couldn’t believe how easily both her son and fiancée were so easily sidetracked.

“I asked you for help remember but then you decided you wanted to cook!”

Emma sighed.

“Okay. Right. Well, we’ll do it in a moment then, or rather your mom will help you with it in a moment because I can’t do math to save my life, Henry.”

Henry nodded.

“So that wasn’t your question?” He asked, now leaning against Regina who was idly running her fingers through his hair, something she knew Henry loved - just like Emma did.

“No. No, I wanted to ask you for something.”

Henry edged further into Regina, his legs now sprawled in front of him on top of Regina’s.


Emma looked at a Henry and Regina, her family, before her eyes moved to Regina’s stomach and their nugget.

“Well, Hen, the thing is - I love you guys so, so much and I’m so happy that we all live together but there’s one more thing I want, one more thing I need.”

Henry was nodding into Regina’s fingertips as the brunette continued to look at Emma, noticing the blondes cheeks were now tinged  pink.

“What do you need?” Henry asked a little hesitantly as Emma reached out, taking one tiny hand in her left hand, the other grasping at Regina’s free hand.

“Well, I want to spend the rest of my life being this happy with you both, and the baby when it’s born, so I’d like to ask for your permission to marry your mom.”

Henry’s mouth gaped, closed and gaped again before he turned to look at his mom, his head then darting back to Emma.

“You want to get married?”

Henry’s voice squeaked a little as Emma began to fidget, her hands now feeling sweaty.

Didn’t he want this for them?

“Um. Yeah, kid. I really want to marry your mom and you’re the man of this house so… yeah, I want your permission to ask.”

Regina felt her heart speed up at Emma’s words as she gently squeezed Emma’s hand, feeling the slight tremble between her fingertips.

All of a sudden Henry leapt from sofa, both arms waving in the air as he gave a small jump.

“Ask!!!” He yelled, smile on her face as he then reached out and pulled both his moms up from the sofa.

“You need to ask!! Like, right now!!”

Henry’s voice was now booming across the room as Emma smiled, one hand ruffling through Henry’s hair as she nodded.

“So, that’s a yes?” She asked a little breathlessly as Henry jumped up again.

“Yes! YES!!! Of course I give you permission, Ma! Did you really think I’d say no?!”

Emma beamed as Regina cleared her throat.

“Well, on that note Miss Swan….”

Emma looked up at Regina and smiled a smile so radiant it almost took Regina’s breath away.

Emma dropped to one knee, again, as Henry clapped his tiny hands together.

“Regina…. I want to spend the rest of my life being happy with you, with Henry, with Nugget and who knows how many more kids…”

Regina chuckled as Emma winked and Henry jumped on his feet again.

“Enough for a five aside soccer team!” He interrupted as Emma now wiggled her eyebrows at Henry before her focus was back on the woman standing in front of her.

“The day I met you, you cast a spell on me… I mean, figuratively speaking.. not literally….” Emma then turned to Henry, worried she’d said the wrong thing.

“It wasn’t literally, Henry.”

Henry rolled his eyes in tandem with Regina.

“Ma! I know. I’m not stupid.”

Emma nodded and chuckled to herself, realising her first proposal had been a hell of a lot smoother.

“Yeah… anyway… the look you gave me that night, it blinded me Regina. And every day after, despite our - issues - well things just grew deeper you know? And by things I mean love….”

Emma paused and wiped her hands across her knees which were starting to hurt from kneeling on them.

This proposal was going to shit….

Regina continued to look down on her with an amused expression as Henry quickly nudged her with his foot.

Emma cleared her throat.

“I feel like my soul has been walking forever and has only now stopped because it’s found where it’s supposed to be - beside you.

Regina swallowed hard as Emma continued.

“Our hearts share the same beat and things have never been the same since you both came into my life and I now know the day has finally come when I need you as my wife.”

Emma stopped as Regina’s eyes began to water. The moment was soon interrupted by Henry who was now on his knees beside Emma.

“Ma, that rhymed. Was it supposed to? That was pretty cool.”

Emma now swallowed as she began to push her hand into her back pocket, finally finding the small purple plush box she’d got the day before, unbeknown to Regina. In fact, the only person to know was Belle who had been looking after Golds shop for him.

Slowly opening the ring lid, she held the ring up to Regina whose mouth opened.

“Oh, Em-ma.”

The ring was perfect, an art deco purple sapphire and diamond three stone platinum engagement ring that sparkled under the light of the living room.

“Oh my god it’s beautiful!”

Emma was relieved as she took the ring from the box, quickly showing Henry who nodded enthusiastically as she reached for Regina’s hand, slowly placing the ring on her finger.

It fit perfectly. That heavens for Belle.

Regina began to cry as she lifted her hand, inspecting the ring more closely before she pulled Emma up into a tight embrace, placing loving kisses all over her face.

“You like it then?” Emma asked, momentarily forgetting Henry was still beside her as she placed a deep kiss on Regina’s plump lips.

“I love it. I love you. God I love you.”

Regina began to cry again as Henry now stood, edging into the hug.

“I love you, moms.”

Neil orderer a beer, taking in the scene around him. He’d visited enough bars to know this one was no different, even if he couldn’t fully recall what those bars were like. Still, it served cold beer and that was all he was interested in. That and the fiery redhead he’d met earlier.

Taking a long swig from the bottle the bartender pushed his way, Neil wondered if the blonde Sheriff ever visited the bar to let her hair down. Sure, she may have said she was engaged to the Mayor but Neil didn’t need his memories to know he was more than capable of turning on the charm; she wouldn’t know what hit her….

“Is this seat taken?”

Neil turned to his side.

“Not right now it’s not, but I am expecting a lady in about half an hour.”

Neil then took another swig as the man by his side motioned for the bar tender.

“Are you new around here? I don’t recognise you?”

Neil sighed, face scrunching slightly before he flinched a little, forgetting he still had a shiner of a black eye.

This town was full of nosey assholes.

“And what happened to your face?”

Neil waved his hand and was relieved when another beer appeared in front of him.

“What’s your name?” The man continued as Neil placed his finished beer down on the table with a thud.

“You ask a lot of questions.” he almost hissed, regarding the man properly for the first time.

Clearly the dude had an affinity with green.

“I’m Robin.”

Robin then placed a pile of notes on the table before he offered his hand to Neil.

“Consider tonight’s drinks on me.”

He replied rather joyfully as Neil found his eyes looking up and down the man before he finally took his hand, giving it a firm shake.

If he was going to buy the drinks then maybe he could be tolerated…


Robin grinned, nodded and picked up his beer.

“So, have you just come from work or something? Are you like - some kind of outdoor pursuits instructor?”

Robin frowned.

“I don’t understand?”

Now Neil frowned.

“What don’t you understand?”

Robin noticed Neil’s eyes were now firmly on his clothing.

“Oh! Outdoors! I see. Well yes. I suppose you could say I love the outdoors. Especially the woodland.”

Neil noticed Robins face was now rather animated.

“Are you a lumberjack?”

That would maybe make sense….

Robin shook his head.

Neil shrugged. He didn’t much care what Robin did as long as he continued to pay for the drinks.

“I suppose you could say I was a thief. Back in the day. Before I came here. But I only ever robbed from the rich!”

Robin chuckled to himself as Neil contemplated the man happily drinking his beer beside him.

This town was crazy.

“Let me guess, you gave all your spoils to the poor?!”

Neil chuckled to himself. The dude was crazy. Probably likened himself to Robin Hood.

“I did! So you have heard of me!”

Neil considered drinking his beer before making a hasty escape. Clearly the guy kitted out from head to toe in every shade of green imaginable had issued.

Deep, crazy ass, fucking issues.

Then he remembered the redhead.

Probably best to play along, so long as the beers kept coming.

“Yeah, course I’ve heard of you buddy. Robin, like Robin Hood, right? So where are your band of merry men? And what do you say to a shot of whisky?”

Robin motioned to the bartender for two whisky’s before he turned back to Neil.

“Well, I did have my merry men before they decided to leave me and join Hook on his ship.”

Neil briefly wondered if the beer they were serving was dosed with magic mushrooms.

“Hook? Like….”

Neil paused.

Was this dude off his rocket? Was he off his rocket for even asking?

“Captain Hook. Filthy pirate. Should have taken the Sheriff with him instead.”

Neil felt his mouth gape a little before the bartender pushed two shots of whisky his way. Pushing past Robins outstretched hand, he downed the content of one before quickly picking up the second glass, doing the same.

“Oh? They were both for you….” Robin paused and then shrugged, simply happy that he now had someone to drink with since his merry men fucked off to god knows where.

The liquid burned Neil’s throat and the room became a little hazy before he found himself rubbing the back of his hand across his face.

“This is one crazy fucking town.” He mumbled before something Robin said came back to him.

“Wait, you said something about the Sheriff? You mean the tall blonde, figure to die for, legs that go on for miles? That sheriff?”

Robin seemed to snarl into his beer before he finally finished it, quickly picking up a second bottle.

“She’s despicable.” He finally hissed as Neil raised a brow.

“I’d sure love her to do despicable things to me.” Neil then grinned as Robin rolled his eyes before pulling up the sleeve to his dark green shirt.

“See this?”

Neil blinked, eyes trying to focus on the image Robin was now pointing to with his free hand.

“Um…. Yeah?”

Neil looked again, assuming the tattoo would be a lot easier to see if they weren’t sitting in a bar that had little light. Oh, and he hadn’t consumed two beers and two shots of whisky in quick succession.

Robin nodded.

“My lion tattoo. It’s a soulmate tattoo and you want to know what happened to my soulmate? She’s been mentally manipulated by the Sheriff. She’s probably used magic. Well I’m not going to accept it.”

Neil edged a little closer to man who was now pulling his shirt sleeve back down, his brain attempting to understand what the forest loving dweller had just said.

Firstly, how that could ever be perceived as a lion was beyond Neil. He didn’t have any tattoos himself but he could appreciate the artwork on others but that… was no lion. Unless said lion had been shot, skinned, re stuffed and placed in the most ridiculous pouncing position he had ever seen.

Secondly…… what the hell was a soulmate tattoo?

Thirdly…. The sheriff did what now?

“So, the Sheriff…. has done what exactly to your… um, soulmate? I mean, last I heard the Sheriff was engaged to the hot Mayor although I’m still convinced I can turn her head. The sheriffs I mean. Not the mayors. Although… she did look pretty hot in the newspaper.

Robin suddently stood.

“The lady you are referring to is Mayor Regina Mills, and she - she - is my soulmate!”

Neil began to laugh.


You couldn’t make this shit up.

He’d had enough. It was time to finish his third beer and make his way to the tables at the back of the room. He couldn’t cope with Robin anymore.

Slowly Neil stood, head cocked to one side as she finally replied.

“So let me get this right. You think you’re Robin Hood, minus the band of merry men, because they’ve all fucked off to god knows where with Captain Hook?”

Robin opened his mouth to speak before Neil held up his hand to silence him.

“You dislike Sheriff Hotstuff because she’s taken away your soulmate who also happens to be Mayor - tell me, Prince of Thieves, who’s she supposed to be? Besides the Mayor I mean?”

Neil began to chuckle to himself as Robin finally spoke.

“The former Evil Queen.”

Neil was glad he’d finished his beer, the possibility of him choking on the last mouthful very likely.

“Yeah, course she is.”

“Was!” Robin hissed as Neil shrugged.

“Yeah well, I guess as soul mates go you could have done a lot worse, right? I mean, she could have been Cruella Deville or Malificent?” Neil then began to laugh as a deep, rich voice floated from behind him.

“You called?”

Chapter Text

Neil’s eyes narrowed momentarily.

Taking in the tall blonde who was now standing in front of him he suddenly realised this odd little town may be full of fruitcakes but it was also full of hot women.

Very hot women.

Holding out a hand he offered it to the blonde, waiting for her to respond as he took another swig from his beer bottle, appreciating the cold liquid as it graced his throat. Finally he wiped at his mouth.

“I’m Neil. As far as I’m aware, there’s no fairytale connotation linked to my name but who the hell knows in this town, right?”

And really, who the hell did know - it wasn’t like he could remember a great deal about himself and the alcohol he had consumed in quick succession was starting to make him feel a little spaced out.

Mal slowly took the outstretched hand and gave it a small shake before letting go, her face a mask of indifference.

“I see you started without us.” Zelena  interjected, a fake pout on her lips as she motioned for the bartender who slowly made his way over to the party.

“Mowgli my love, a Vodka Martini for me, and a Gin and Tonic for my lady.” Zelena asked with a glint in her eye as Neil looked from the blonde back to the redhead.

A part of his brain was very much focussed on the bartenders name, which seemed to sound awfully familiar to him.


He pondered whether the name was simply a nickname and not a direct reference to…

The Jungle Book! God he loved reading that book as a kid!

Neil suddenly felt his heart speed up.

Was he remembering something from his childhood?

“Here you go ladies.” Mowgli suddenly appeared in Neil’s peripheral as the young man grinned and handed the drinks over.

“One VK, emphasis on the vodka.” He replied cheerily, as he then handed the other drink to the blonde, his smile still on Zelena.

“And one G&T, with a slice of lemon for your lady.”

Your Lady…

Suddenly Neil forgot about his possible favourite childhood activity, his interest now firmly on his favourite adult activity.


Your lady?”

Mal smirked, placing an arm around Zelena’s waist as she took a long sip from her glass.

“Oh yes. Definitely my lady.” Zelena replied, graciously lifting her drink to her painted lips.

Mowgli certainly made one hell of a Vodka Martini.

Neil looked disappointed before quickly shaking his head, a smile now back on his lips.

“Do you like to share?”

Zelena watched as the cretin in front of her then wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, his gaze now back on Mal.

An appreciative gaze that made Zelena want to turn him into a flying monkey. Swallowing slowly she gathered her anger, attempting to quash it.

“Well, they do say sharing is caring.” she finally replied, as Mal squeezed her hand on her girlfriends hip, sensing her discomfort.

She knew Zelena was playing a role; she also knew her girlfriend was struggling to keep up the appearance of that role as the smug bastard in front of her almost began to drool.

This man, Mal reasoned, was an asshole.

All of a sudden she had an image of him with Emma, demanding, manipulating, coercing and verbally abusing the blonde in flashes of broken images that made her blood boil.

This was the man who had pushed and pulled the Sheriff in so many different directions the poor woman had ended up giving herself to him before he left her high and dry in a prison serving time for a crime he had committed.

Pregnant with Henry. 

The anger bubbled as Mal attempted to swallow down the burning sensation that was currently corrupting her throat and tickling at her nostrils.

All she had to do was take a deep breath, open her mouth and…

“Yeah, well I don’t share - and one day soon the Sheriff will realise that and give me back what is rightfully mine!”

Neil and Zelena turned to look at a rather red faced Robin who had momentarily been forgotten as Mal quickly shook her head, hoping the slight movement would dislodge her fantasy that involved the jackass in front of her being held down by claws as leaping flames curled and somersaulted from her mouth above him.

Before Mal’s fantasy got out of hand and  Zelena could snap at the forest green fuckwit, Neil thankfully replied, breaking the tension only he appeared to be unaware of.

“Jesus, you do have it bad for the Mayor huh? Seriously buddy, look around you. This town is crawling with hot pieces of ass. Take my advice and find someone else.”

He then turned and looked at both Mal and Zelena before turning back to Robin.

Not these two though. They’re spoken for.”

Zelena could feel Mal’s fingers clench on her hipbone. She had seen the yellow flash in Mal’s eyes moments ago, her posture more rigid as her nostrils flared.

Clearly Mal was imaging Neil flamed grilled.

Throwing a wink her way, Mal seemed to relax but unfortunately someone else was still tense and clearly wasn’t done.

Because Robin had a point to make.

“You seriously want to be associated with those two? Do you have any idea who they are?!” Robin now spluttered as Neil shrugged.

“Well, apparently blondie here is Malificent.” Neil then let out a deep chuckle before nodding his head towards Zelena.

“And she’s… actually, I’ve no idea who she is…”

He then turned and eyed Zelena with a grin.

“She’s the Wicked Witch of the West!” Robin almost shrieked as Neil rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, and I’m the Mad Hatter whose fed up of tea and prefers beer.” He replied dryly as Robin’s eyes scrunched.

“I… really? I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

Neil’s mouth gaped before he shook his head, bringing his beer bottle to his lips.

“Former Wicked Witch, I hasten to add. I am now rehabilitated. To a certain degree.” Zelena interrupted indignantly as Mal quickly gave her a peck on the cheek.

Neil finished his beer and gave a small nod to Zelena, presuming she was also playing along to Robins rather odd whim he lifted his hand and began to twirl his index finger in a circular motion at the side of his head as if to indicate Robin had lost the plot.

Or was crazy.

Or was quite possibly both.

Before anyone could react, the door to the bar opened and Lily and Belle entered wearing a smile that soon faded when they spotted Neil.

Zelena quickly looked at Mal with a quirked brow. The latter shook her head as if to say no; she didn’t invite the pair nor was she expecting them to appear.

“Well this party just got a hell of a lot more interesting.” Neil exclaimed as his eyes fell on his supposed fathers girlfriend and the young brunette who had mistakingly entered his hospital room a couple of days ago.

“I need to find Regina.” Robin was now muttering as he ran a hand though his dishevelled hair.

“I need to make her understand that I am the one who bares the mark of her soulmate. I am the one she loves; she just doesn’t realise it yet but I’ll make her see. My god I’ll make her see if it’s the last thing I do-“

“You leave my sister the hell alone.”

Zelena may have been keeping up a pretence with Neil but she sure as hell didn’t have to with Robin.

Mal released her hold as Zelena walked purposefully closer to Robin who seemed to shrink back a little.

“Wait. Hold up. Sister? She’s the Mayors sister?!”

Neil’s question was directed at Mal who simply nodded, her attention on her daughter and Belle who had thankfully moved to a booth at the far side of the room.

Neil whistled between his teeth.

“So let me get this straight, if you’ll excuse the pun. Redhead over there is - what - dating you? And she’s the Mayors sister who’s with the sheriff… even though the Robin Hood wannabe over there thinks he’s the Mayors soulmate, or some shit like that?”

Mal looked back at Neil who seemed to be struggling to fully comprehend his own statement.

“Correct.” Mal replied, her gaze now on Zelena who had lifted Robin at least six feet in the air with magic and was now peering up ah him with a scowl on her face.

Neil, oblivious with his back turned, chuckled to himself.

“Well, I know for sure the cute brunette over there is as straight as a ruler considering she’s apparently dating my father… what about the chick she’s with? The other brunette? She’s easy on the eye.”

Mal’s focus was now purly on Neil as Zelena waved her hand, making Robin vanish quite literally into thin air.

“I suggest you refrain from making any further comments about my daughter.”

Neil’s eyes widened as Zelena sauntered back to Mal’s side.

Neil now appeared deep in thought before he finally replied, a smile playing on his lips.

Daughter eh? So you’re not totally batting for the other team?”

Mal imagined herself hauling the asshole in front of her up and over the bar before incinerating him with a few determined flames before Zelena thankfully interrupted, throwing a quick wink her way.

“Oh, we don’t specify what team we bat for my dear. Where’s the fun in that? Now be a good boy and get yourself another drink. The night has just begun.”

Neil grinned and waved at the bartender.

This was his lucky night!

Emma was fidgeting.

At first it was small movements which Regina noticed immediately as she finished reading Henry a bedtime story.

Initially Emma had left them both once they had walked their still excitable son upstairs, explaining she needed to make a very quick call to Mulan.

Regina had settled beside Henry, attempting to read through the story he had chosen before he began to interrupt every other minute with probing questions about a certain wedding.

When are you actually going to get married?

Does anyone else know?

Can I walk you both down the aisle?

Where are you getting married? Will it be inside or outdoors?

Is Gran going to help you choose a wedding dress?

Will Ma wear a dress too?

Will you get married before or after the baby is born?

Regina had attempted to field each question, a little miffed that Emma had chosen that particular moment to be absent although as soon as the blonde re-entered the room Regina immediately sensed something wasn’t quite right.

So here they all were, Henry finally listening to the story he had asked for half an hour earlier, his little body fitting snugly between both his mothers, one who was reading the story, changing her voice to suit each character she was portraying whilst the other only appeared to be half listening, her eyes focussed on her phone screen.

Regina finally got to the last page as Henry let out small snore.

“Emma, outside please.”

Emma finally looked up from her phone and managed to appear a little sheepish as she nodded, placing a quick kiss to Henry’s forehead as she moved from the room closely followed by Regina.

“Don’t go all nuclear on me, babe.”

Emma’s voice seemed a little hesitant as soon as the door to Henry’s room closed behind them. Regina raised a brow.

Nuclear? Really, Emma? I’m a queen and a bit more refined!”

Emma shuffled on her feet.

“What’s going on?” Regina finally asked, linking a hand with the blondes who seemed to dissolve at the touch, her nerves vanishing immediately.

“I haven’t heard from Mulan. And I really should have by now. I’ve sent her six texts!”

Regina sighed, immediately understanding Emma’s lack of concentration and uneasy movements.

“Darling, have you ever considered that she hasn’t read the messages? Or perhaps she hasn’t even arrived at the Rabbit Hole yet? Who knows, perhaps Neil hasn’t turned up or my sister is being… well, pleasant?”

Emma snorted.

“Gina, it’s an establishment that sells beer, of course Neil is going to show up. And do you really think Zelena will pleasant to the man she despises ever since I told her what happened to me?”

Regina nodded. Emma had a point.

“I just don’t know what she has planned for him.”

Regina pulled Emma into her, placing successive kisses over her forehead, cheeks and nose before finally pulling back.

“Be thankful it’s not me at the Rabbit Hole with him, my dear. Believe me, whatever Zelena has planned would pale in comparison to anything i would do to that…imbecile.”

Emma shuddered at the deep tone before answering.

“I just want him gone. For good.”

It was then her phone began to ring.

“Jesus Christ, how much has he had to drink?”

Zelena’s question came after Neil had downed yet another bottle of beer before staggering towards the restroom. Mowgli appeared to be totting up the numbers in his head before he finally shrugged.

“I’ve lost count to be honest. A fair few. Hence the staggering. I’m surprised he can still walk!”

Mal smirked as Zelena rolled her eyes and retrieved a small vial of gleaming green liquid from her pocket.

“Do me a favour and mix this in with his next drink. And before you ask, no. It won’t kill him. Mores the pity. It’ll just… loosen his inhibitions a little more.”

Mowgli took the vial and chuckled.

“He is a bit of a creep isn’t he?” And with that he added the liquid into a small glass of whisky, giving it a stir as he began to hum the “Bare Necessities” under his breath.

Zelena turned to face Mal and noticed Mulan was now standing behind the blonde with an arched brow.

“Do I want to know what was in that vial?” she asked carefully as another body loomed into view beside the Deputy.

“Hey! Have we missed it?!” Ruby appeared rather animated as she looked around the room.

“Missed what my dear? And no. You really don’t, Mulan.”

Mulan sighed and nodded. Ordinarily she would have followed up her line of questioning but this was no doubt linked to Neil in some way and, despite promising Emma she would keep an eye on Zelena, she realised she didn’t much care what happened to the man who had made her best friends life a living hell in the past and could easily do so in the present.

“The fun? The retribution on Neil? He is here, right?”

Mal pointed towards the restroom. “I’m sure he will be back soon. Unfortunately.”

“Did you know Lily would be coming here tonight?”

Mulan spotted Lily and Belle and was wondering if that was a piece of information Emma had forgotten to tell her.

The pair were still at the booth, deep in conversation, letting out a laugh now and then as they sipped on their drinks.

“Absolutely no idea, Mulan. I didn’t think it was Belle’s kind of place to be honest although she seems to be enjoying herself.”

Zelena nodded as Mowgli handed Zelena the whisky, the bartender throwing a smile at Mulan and Ruby.

“Ladies. What can I get you? Presuming you don’t want a Wicked Whisky like the one I’ve just made?”

He grinned as Zelena smiled and took the glass.

“Marvellous. Thank you Mowgli.”

Both women then began to ask the bartender where Baloo was, the large but incredibly soft security guard who was normally found hovering around the bar area. Ruby and Mulan joined in, all now deep in conservation, missing a slightly intoxicated Neil as he stumble back into the bar area, making his way across to Lily and Belle.

“Ladies. Mind if I join you?”

Neil didn’t wait for an answer as he attempted to throw himself into the seat opposite, missing it completely, and landing rather unceremoniously on top of Belle.

At the same time the door to the bar opened as one figure slowly entered, his eyes flickering around the room before landing on Belle a nd Neil.

Gold immediately flexed his fingers in anger, but before be could storm across the room another body pushed past, shoving him to the side as the second figure ran towards the bar, holding up his bow and arrow which was aimed directly at Zelena.

“You’re going to pay you fucking bitch!”

All four women turned to face a furious looking Robin as the second commotion of the evening continued across the room.

“What the hell?!” Lily managed to yelp out, attempting to shove Neil’s cumbersome body off Belle who appeared dazed and very confused under Neil who seemed to be having way too much fun gyrating his hips over Belle.

Gold steadied himself, his blood now at boiling point as he threw a hand in the air, dark smoke now leaving his fingertips as it made a pathway towards Neil.

Robin, still seething, pulled back his bow and let his arrow go.

Zelena immediately pushed Mal out of the way as Mulan pulled Ruby towards her with one hand, the other reaching for her gun.

Before the arrow could hit its intended target, and before Zelena could pause the speed at which it was careering towards her, the air between her and Robin began to throb and waver, as a shadow appeared slowly morphing into a figure which, in seconds, appeared more solid.

Mowgli dropped the glass he was holding.

Mal’s mouth gaped.

Ruby began to shake her head, not quite believing what she was seeing as Mulans grip on her and her gun tightened.

Zelena, eyes wide and wearing what could only be described as a shocked expression looked on as the figure shot out their arm and caught the arrow in their hand before it could hit her.

At the same time the darkness that had left Golds hands reached its intended target, as Neil let out a blood curdling scream.

It was then all hell broke loose.

Chapter Text


“Emma. You need to get to the Rabbit Hole. Now!”

Emma felt her heartbeat thump before it began to pound in her chest like a military drum, the palpitations increasing so much she brought her free hand to her chest as if the action would contain the pounding.

What the hell had Neil done?!

Regina watched as Emma’s face paled, the phone still held to her ear with one hand as the other seemed to be rubbing at her chest.

Reaching out she placed a hand over Emma’s, fingertips brushing against white knuckles. “Emma?”

“And we need Regina too.” Mulan’s voice was firm yet Emma sensed something wasn’t quite right with the tone.

“We’ll be right there.”

Bringing the phone down and placing it in her pocket, Emma looked at Regina who looked worried, a deep frown etched across her face, the scar on her lip even more apparent than normal.

“Mulan needs us both at the Rabbit Hole, now.”

“What about Henry? We can’t leave him alone.”

Emma felt her heartbeat slow as she grasped her free hand over Regina’s before giving it a small squeeze.

“I’ll call Snow.”

Regina nodded as Emma removed the phone from her pocket and dialled Snow.

Clearly something had gone wrong. Very wrong, if Mulan needed both her and Emma as the Rabbit Hole. She knew her sister was capable of a great many things, but she also knew she was firmly on the road to redemption, much like Regina herself was. She wouldn’t have done anything to Neil unless it was absolutely necessary, which made Regina wonder what the hell had transpired and, more importantly, what Neil had done.

Emma finally lowered the phone, her ever watchful eyes back on Regina who looked confused, worried and angry all at the same time. Replacing the phone in her pocket she stepped towards the brunette whose hands were now resting on her stomach.

“Gina? Are you a alright? Is the baby okay?”

Emma’s hands were covering Regina’s immediately, her thumbs brushing across clenched knuckles.

“We’re fine. I promise my love. I’m just… tense. I think the baby can feel it because she’s moving.”

Emma moved her hands and slid them around Regina’s waist, marvelling at the change in shape. Things seemed to be happening rather quickly since Emma began to feel Regina’s pregnancy symptoms, and she hadn’t missed the ‘baby bump’ Regina was now showing.

Emma smiled to herself. Regina looked radiant.

“She?” Emma murmured, a smile playing on her lips as Regina suddenly looked up, a blush appearing across her cheekbones.

“I - I can’t explain it, Emma. I just - I feel her.”

Emma nodded, one hand firmly on Regina’s back as the other moved back to caresses the brunettes stomach.

“Be nice to mommy, okay little one? I know you feel how tense she is, but everything is going to be alright.”

Regina watched in awe as Emma, head now lowered so she was closer to her, whispered into her stomach which was definitely getting larger with each passing day. Steadily she felt the motions inside her calm, as if the baby was listening to Emma.

“You have a way with her.” Regina whispered,  not wanting to interrupt the moment which was soon interrupted by a sharp knock at the door.

Emma looked up.

“No matter what we find, everything will be alright Regina. We go into this together.”

Regina looked down an and cupped Emma’s face between her hands.


Mulan placed her phone in her pocket and crouched back down so she was level with Ruby who was sitting on a chair looking rather stunned. Slowly she placed both hands on Ruby’s thighs.

“Are you alright my love?”

Ruby merely nodded, her face still pale as she ran a hand through her hair, winching a little when her fingers came into contact with a medium sized cut.

Mulan grimaced. “Yeah, so we need to get that looked at.”

She had already noticed the cut and began to search around the room hoping Mal could come take a look at Ruby’s injury, knowing full well that the other alternative was currently very much engaged in conversation at the other side of the room with-


Lily appeared by their side looking extremely shaken.

“I can’t believe what just happened… happened!”

Like Ruby, Lily was also pale but thankfully had no apparent injuries although she was shaking.

“Can you go check on Mowgli?” Mulan asked gently, hoping the diversion would allow Lily time to gather her thoughts and steady her nerves.

“Emma will be here soon.” Mulan continued, hoping the mention of Lily’s friend would also assist in calming her.

Lily nodded, “Yes. Of course.”

Throwing a smile at Ruby, followed by a quick arm squeeze, Lily made her way over to the bartender who also seemed physically unharmed although Mulan wondered what potential mental scars he would have following what had happened.

Mulan looked around the bar and inwardly shuddered a little. Nobody had known what tonight had in store but it was a fair guess nobody would have ever imagined… this.

Tables were upturned.

Chairs scattered, many broken.

Various bottles and glasses lay on the floor, most smashed.

The pool table at the corner of the room seemed intact although some of the balls were rolling across the floor and all the cues were strain haphazardly across the room. One had managed to get caught in the ceiling fan.

Mulan was still wondering how that happened when she glanced across the room to where they had all been standing not that long ago.

She’d already called David and requested his help along with Dr Whales. She wasn’t certain how the whole “pronouncing someone dead at the scene” worked but a quick call to Dr Whale had him immediately agreeing to come.

“I can’t believe this has happened.”

Mulan glanced back at Ruby whose eyes were now on the body laid on the floor.

“He had it coming.”

Ruby and Mulan looked up, both now standing to face Mal who seemed… indifferent.

“Oh! I know… I didn’t mean….” Ruby paused, her head now thrumming as a small trickle of blood ran down the side of her face.

“I just didn’t think it would happen quite like this.” She finally finished as Mal stepped closer, holding out her hand.

“Ruby, let me heal you my dear.”

Mulan nodded her thanks and stepped aside, allowing Mal to get closer to her girlfriend who was clearly suffering from shock.

“Please stay with her for a moment. I need to… check on them.”

Mal nodded as Ruby reached out her hand, squeezing Mulan’s hand.

“Don’t be long.”

Mulan smiled and covered Ruby’s hand with her own before squeezing back.

“We’ll leave soon. Promise.”

Stepping over broken glass and nudging the eight ball with her foot, Mulan glanced again at Zelena, contemplating her next move.

The redhead was still occupied, but Mulan didn’t like the idea of leaving her like that for too long. As if sensing Mulans penetrating gaze, Zelena lifted her eyes and caught Mulan. Managing a small smile she nodded and then motioned over to where Belle was still sitting.

Nodding back, Mulan shifted on he feet and made her way over the the young brunette.


Belle slowly moved her hands from her face and looked up at Mulan, quickly wiping away at the tears that had gathered in her eyes before rubbing at her cheeks hoping to dry the wetness that had gathered.


Belle then shuddered and Mulan found herself quickly taking a seat beside the young brunette, placing her arm around shaking shoulders.

“I’m sorry. So-sorry…” Belle hiccuped as a fresh trickle began to cascade down her cheek.

“Hey. Don’t apologise. It’s a lot to take in. But we’re here, Belle. We’re all here for you.”

Mulan began to rub her fingers up and down Belle’s shoulders. It was true, everyone was here with the exception of Rumple.

And Neil.

“I can’t go out there because I’m afraid of what I will find.”

Belle’s words were but a whisper as Mulan glanced towards the exit. Moments earlier a most chaotic and frenzied scene had unfolded in front of everyone as two different sequences of events had played out simultaneously.

Mulan, gifted with the power to see what was not evident to most, had watched both events unravel at the same time, her perception moving from one to the other in an almost synchronised manner.

Neil had no doubt decided to up the ante by attempting to involve Belle and Lily in whatever his plan for the evening was; staggering over to the booth before tripping over his own feet, landing on an unsuspecting Belle who had let out a shriek.

No amount of shoving on Lily’s part had dislodged the drunken idiot who seemed rather happy to have Belle under him.


Sadly for Neil, he hadn’t banked on his father entering the Rabbit Hole at the exact same time.

Mulan shifted slightly as Belle somehow seemed to fold up into her side, her quiet sobs now steadying as she grasped at Mulan’s free hand, holding it to her chest.

Mulan continued to hold Belle as her eyes moved back to Mal who was still hovering over Ruby, holding her hand to her head.

Mulan swallowed hard. She was thankful that the gash wasn’t too deep but she also couldn’t seem to forget how it had happened.

Robin, clearly on a death wish had come careering back into the bar, only this time instead of holding a beer bottle the supposedly reformed thief had been holding his bow, a small brown bag strapped to his hip holding a set of arrows.

Perhaps they had been slow to react, but the truth was they’d all seen Robin act like a petulant child on more than one occasion; him turning up where he clearly wasn’t wanted seemed to be the norm these days - until he quickly withdrew one of the arrows from his pouch and took aim, at Zelena.

Mulan was under no illusion that Zelena couldn’t handle Robin. That said, the bowman did seem to have the element of surprise, especially the speed at which he placed the arrow on his bowstring, clearly getting ready to engage in spot of archery.

Zelena or possibly Mal appearing to be his target.

Mulan shook her head to clear the hazy memories that then seemed to combine.

To her left she noticed Rumple shooting out - something - from his hands towards his son who then began to scream in apparent agony as Lily finally managed to pull Belle from under him.

The newcomer was then lifted into the air, as Belle and Lily both scrambled out from under him, the former rushing to Rumples side as the latter began to edge towards her mother who was then shoved out of the way by Zelena.

Mal had fallen against Ruby, and Mulans attention had snapped back to her side when something even more out of the ordinary began to transpire in front of her.

The entire room seemed to pause, the probable quiet before the storm, when all of a sudden a loud blast seemed to explode and then implode all at once in front of Zelena as Robin aimed the arrow at her heart and set it free.

Time seemed to slow as the previous eruption was amplified, this time causing chairs to fly in all directions as glasses fell from upturned tables.

One bottle that had been sitting on the bar suddenly flew through the air and hit Ruby on the forehead as a dark shadow appeared in between a shocked Zelena and a still smug Robin who seemed that focussed on harming Zelena the chaos that was surrounding them all was totally missed by him.

Mulan had pulled a dazed Ruby to her side, as a still floating Neil was then tossed towards the exit, his body hitting the door with so much force the small glass window at the top shattered.

Rumple had then glanced down at his son, rage in his eyes before he waved a hand and they both vanished.

Ruby had almost fainted, as Mal had grasped at Zelena’s arm, not noticing her daughter who was pulling at her from behind, trying to move her mother away from another possible arrow.

But the first arrow-

It never hit its intended target.

Mulan swallowed again as she watched Lily help Mowgli start to clear up the broken glass that was littering the bar before she looked back at Zelena.

Zelena who was still standing like a statue, arms on her hips, looking directly at the woman she had pulled to the side after everything had happened.

Looking directly at Cora.

Mulan would never have expected the woman to appear quite like she did. She wasn’t completely certain where she came from, or why she had been banished to begin with but from what Emma had said the older woman didn’t have any form of relationship with her daughters. Hell, in the alternate universe she was the one trying to toy and manipulate their lives so this…

Her appearing, her catching the arrow in mid air and her then throwing the arrow back at Robin with so much force the archer had no time to move…

It just didn’t make sense.

Emma was imagining a plethora of scenarios in her mind as she motioned for Snow to enter, quickly explaining why her presence was needed before holding firmly onto Regina.    

“No time to drive, can you - you know - “

Regina nodded and within seconds they were standing inside the Rabbit Hole.

Emma looked around her, realising nothing she had imagined would rival what she was seeing.

The place was… a mess.

“Holy hell, was there a tornado we didn’t know about it?!”

Regina’s mouth gaped as her eyes quickly took in the room, understanding Emma’s question immediately.

“Where the fuck is he?” Emma was now shouting as she ran towards Mulan who was still holding Belle into her side.

“Mulan? Seriously, what the actual fuck happened?!”

Emma’s eyes dropped to Belle who was pulling away from Mulan, her eyes red and swollen.

“Christ, Belle are you alright? What are you doing here?”

Meanwhile Regina had immediately noticed Mal, her senses picking up the older blondes magic as it weaved around Ruby. Striding across to the pair she paused, waiting for the magic to complete its task before Mal finally turned.

“What the hell happened?!” Regina’s question mimicked Emma’s, as Ruby stood, her eyes falling to the floor.

Regina watched and followed Ruby’s line of sight, a gasp leaving her lips when she came across the lifeless body she had managed to completely miss before.


Emma was immediately beside Regina as her eyes fell to the same spot Regina was looking at.

“He’s dead. And good fucking riddance.”

Emma and Regina both looked up at the eerily familiar voice.

“Sorry for being so crass but he deserved it.”

Emma wondered for a split second if she was dreaming again as her eyes rested on Cora.

Cora. Who was here. In their Storybrooke! 

Zelena appeared, her face pale but a small smile playing on her lips.

Emma immediately pulled Regina into her side, a movement which didn’t go unnoticed by the older woman.

“Miss Swan. We meet again. I wish I could say it was under better circumstances.”

Regina couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“I’m still trying to work out what these circumstances are.” she heard Emma reply, her arm still wrapped around Regina’s waist protectively.

Regina looked at her sister, mentally praying the redhead would say something.


Finally she did.

“Robin tried to hurt me and…. Mother stopped him.”

Everyone’s eyes fell back to the lifeless body of Robin Hood, an arrow sticking firmly in his chest.

Emma looked back up, expecting to see a pleased looking Cora looking back at everyone. What she didn’t expect to see was the flash of guilt that ran across the older woman’s face.

“You killed Robin?” Regina asked rather hesitantly as Cora cleared her throat before she glanced down at her hands.

They were shaking.

“I… I didn’t wish to. I just - I saw what he was going to do to Zelena and I… reacted. I don’t even know how I got here. All I recall is seeing the scene play out in my mirror…”

Emma recalled the last conversation she’d had with Cora and the fact that the woman could watch them through her mirror. She was about to speak when a loud humming noise began to echo around the room.

“I think… I must take my leave.”

Zelena and Regina watched as the image of their mother then began to shimmer, parts of her vanishing and then reappearing in quick succession.

“Mother, I….”

Regina paused as Zelena’s hand found hers, giving it a squeeze.

“Thank you.” Regina finally replied as Cora let out a small smile before vanishing completely.

“She saved your life.”

Mal’s words were thick with emotion as the blonde appeared in front of Zelena, her arms engulfing the redhead in an embrace.

“I know.” Zelena mumbled back as Regina turned to face Emma.

“Have you had another dream about her?” she asked quietly as Emma slowly nodded.

“Earlier. Not that long ago actually while I was napping on the sofa. I just… I didn’t expect this.”

Emma waved her hand around the room before it rested on Robin. Quickly engaging Sheriff mode, Emma pulled Regina to one side.

“Are you alright? I mean… I know he was a persistent asshole… but-“

Emma stopped before she felt a wave of guilt wash though her. She wasn’t sorry Robin was dead at all. As if reading her mind, Regina placed a kiss to her cheek before moving her mouth to Emma’s ear.

“He tried to kill my sister, and I don’t doubt for a moment that he wouldn’t have tried to kill you too. Did I expect his demise in such a way? Certainly not. Am I shocked? Absolutely so but the decision he made led to his death. Had I been here I would have reacted the same way that - she - did.”

Emma nodded as she ran her fingers though the brunettes soft locks.

“Take Zelena, Mal and Lily back to ours. They can all stay the night. I think it’s for the best. I’ll speak to Mulan and Ruby about what happened because we still seem to be missing Neil and something has clearly upset Belle. I also need to - clean up - this mess.”

Emma waved around the room again before she nodded back to Robin.

Seconds later, Dr Whale and David entered through the broken door, an amazed look on both their faces.

“What the hell happened?!” David exclaimed as Emma placed a chaste kiss to Regina’s lips before moving across to the new arrivals, nearly tripping over a stray pool ball on her way.

Standing in front of Dr. Whale and David, Emma was thankful when Mulan also appeared by her side, Belle now tucked firmly in-between Mal and Zelena.

Taking a deep breath she looked at Mulan expectantly who nodded before she began.

“Yeah, so….”

Chapter 23


Sincere thanks for all the kudos and comments ❤️ ES~

Chapter Text

Lily had graciously declined Regina’s offer to accompany Mal and Zelena back to the mansion.

“I’m going to help Mowgli clear up and I think someone needs to make sure Belle gets home okay.”

Regina nodded to indicate her understanding. Not that long ago the atmosphere between the two brunettes had been frosty at best, but ever since they had spoken about the ‘blonde elephant in the room’ and had made amends, Regina realised just how caring the younger brunette was.

Yes, she may have harboured feelings for Emma at some stage but they had both moved on from that and now that Regina no longer saw Lily as a threat she realised she actually saw her as a friend.

“Yes, I think Belle certainly needs a friend. What actually happened to make her so emotional?”

Lily almost grimaced as Mowgli handed her a broom.

“Um… let’s just say Neil clearly had one too many and as soon as he spotted Belle and I having a quiet drink in the corner he decided to come over.”

Lily paused as Mowgli shook his head.

“I should have cut him off.”

Lily smiled at the bartender.

“Mowgli, it isn’t your fault. Clearly the asswipe couldn’t handle his booze.”

Mowgli shrugged although Regina suspected the young bartender was still harbouring guilt for Neil’s actions.

Whatever those actions turned out to be.

Then what happened?”

Regina needed to know, mainly to satisfy her curiosity but also to curb the feeling of dread which had built up inside her; that any moment now Neil was going to swagger back into the bar.

One Storybrooke citizen had come to a demise and Regina couldn’t say for certain that if Neil attempted anything, especially towards Emma, there wouldn’t be another body laying on the floor.

As if sensing Regina’s discomfort on that particular subject Lily found herself reaching out to Regina, giving her hand a quick squeeze. The action would have shocked Regina in the past; now she found it comforting.

“He won’t be coming back here - or, I seriously doubt he will. Rumple kinda entered the bar just as Neil took a stumble and fell on top of Belle. Had he excused himself and got up, I doubt Rumple would have reacted the way he did but… yeah. He didn’t do himself any favours.”

Mowgli then snarled which made both brunettes look at him with raised brows.

“He deserved everything he got. Seriously. I may have grown up in a jungle but even I have better manners than that asshole. The way he was gyrating all over that poor girl… made me wish Shere Khan was here!”

Lily’s mouth dropped.

“Shere Khan? Like… the tiger? He’s… real?”

Regina let out a chuckle.

“My dear, now you sound like Emma. Of course he’s real. Mowgli is real, why wouldn’t Shere Khan be?”

Mowgli grinned and winked at Lily who still looked startled by the revelation.

“But he’s… a tiger? I mean, Mowgli is… human….” Lily paused, still looking astounded as she fumbled with how to continue.

“Yes, and your mother is a dragon and Ruby can turn into a wolf?” Regina finished as Lily looked sheepish.

“And aren’t you a baby dragon?!” Mowgli continued with a grin on his face.

“Yeah well, when you put it that way.” Lily finally mumbled as Mowgli took pity on his helper, running a reassuring hand up her arm.

“Well if it’s any consolation, Shere Khan was exactly that - a tiger - he didn’t morph into a human. Perhaps if he could have, he wouldn’t have got trampled by a stampede of buffalo’s!”

“I wish Neil had.” Lily continued as Regina nodded. She felt much the same.

“So, Rumple saw what Neil was doing to Belle, and?” Regina prompted as Lily looked at Mowgli before she looked back at Regina.

“He used magic on him, I don’t know what exactly but Neil looked to be in pain before he was lifted into the air and thrown against the door, hence the broken glass window. Then he vanished, along with Rumple.”

So that explained why Belle was left alone.

The question now playing on Regina’s mind?

Where were Neil and Rumple now?

Emma watched as Regina left the Rabbit Hole, closely followed by Mal and Zelena.

It looked as though Lily had opted to stay behind. Emma watched for a moment as the brunette started to lift the upturned chairs and tables, assisted by Mulan.

Dr. Whale was hovering over Robins body as Emma glanced at David.

“So… we have a murder on our hands and we can’t even bring the culprit to justice because she’s what, transported herself back to god knows where?!”

David seemed exasperated as Emma arched a brow.

“Firstly, it was self defence. Had Cora not stepped in, we could be looking down at Zelena’s body right now. Forgive me for being so blunt, but he had it coming.”

Dr. Whale looked up. Emma suspected this was the moment she would be chastised for her response regarding Robin’s death.

She was happily mistaken.

“Inflicting pain in another may be morally wrong but… well, the Sheriff is correct. Cause and effect play an important part in the universe. Robin sealed his fate by attempting to harm another. Such a sad waste of a life.”

And with that the doctor shook his head before covering Robins body with a blanket he clearly brought with him.

“I have people on their way to remove the body, Sheriff. There isn’t much more I can do.”

Whale stood and nodded at the Sheriff who returned the nod.

“Thanks Doc.”

Whale nodded again and turned to leave as Emma quickly reached out and placed a hand in his shoulder.

“Um… Regina is due another scan and - I know we requested Dr. Foster before but it’s cool if you’re the one who, you know… does the wand thing.”

David chuckled as Whale tilted his head.

“Do the wand thing?” He asked, clearly confused as Emma nodded.

“Yeah. You know, the wand thing - over Regina’s stomach so we can see the baby.”

Whales face broke into a smile.

“Ah you mean the transducer?”

Emma blushed.

Whale immediately cleared his throat.

“Well, it would be my honour Sheriff. Stop by tomorrow and we can make the arrangements. Tell Madam Mayor to eat as normal, no fasting is needed and for her to drink lots of water. A full bladder is highly recommended because it improves the quality of the transmission of the sound waves. Oh, and she needs to wear two-piece clothing to allow easy access to her stomach.

David smiled as Emma began to type out everything Whale was saying on her phone.

“Can you repeat that last part, Doc?”

Whale chuckled.

“How about I call tomorrow morning and I’ll go through all of this with Regina?”

Emma smiled, replacing her phone in her pocket.

“Yeah. I think that’s for the best. Thank you again.”

Whale nodded and walked towards the exit as Emma glanced back at the body that was now laying beneath the green blanket. Emma wondered if the colour was intentional or whether the green blanket was the first thing Whale could find.

“So we’re saying this was self defence and the person responsible is unable to provide a statement because she’s vanished?”

Emma looked back at David who was clearly having difficulty grasping what had happened.

“She’s gone back to Wonderland.”

David began to blink rapidly.

“Did you just say-“

“Yes, dad. Wonderland. As in, the place Alice visited when she decided it would be an awesome idea to follow a talking white rabbit who wore a waistcoat and held a pocket watch.”

David’s brows were now scrunched.

“I didn’t realise that place was even real. I mean, yes, there are countless realms out there but this sounds rather crazy-“

Emma snorted.

Seriously? You’re from the Enchanted Forest, dad. You’re married to Snow White! We have a town full of fairytale characters. The bartender is from the Jungle Book! Regina’s sister is from Oz and her girlfriend can turn into a dragon. Let’s not forget our own Deputy is Mulan! Warrior extreme! Yet you find Wonderland hard to believe?!”

Emma failed to mention that she’d also had a similar thought not that long ago but that didn’t seem to matter, not now she had literally been given the low down on Wonderland by the Queen of Hearts herself!

“I suppose you have a point.” David mumbled back as Ruby appeared at their side.

“Who has a point?” she asked, fingers now brushing over the wound Mal had recently healed.

“Emma was telling me that Cora is in Wonderland.”

Ruby raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

“I suppose it makes sense. She was always going to be the Queen of Hearts, if you’ll excuse the pun. What better place to be that than Wonderland?!”

David slowly nodded as Emma watched Ruby’s fingers dance across her forehead.

“Are you okay?”

Ruby sighed and nodded.

“Yeah. Tonight was just - a lot. And I ended up getting up close and personal with a beer bottle but I’m fine now, Mal healed me.  I think Mulan was going to wait for Zelena too but she was kinda… otherwise engaged.”

Emma immediately understood.

“How long was Zelena with Cora before we arrived?”

Ruby shrugged.

“Sorry Em, can’t say I know for certain. My head was pretty bad and I felt faint and nauseous for a bit, I wasn’t really focusing on much but I’d say at least five minutes? Mulan may be able to tell you more. She was totally alert for everything.”

Emma smiled, placing an arm around Ruby.

“Yeah. She told us what happened in great detail. She’s the best.”

And she was. Emma knew she could concentrate when needed but the detailed account Mulan had provided was exceptional.

Mulan and Belle appeared by Ruby’s side.

“I think you should get Ruby home, Mully. You’ve done enough tonight, I can take over.”

Mulan looked relieved but also hesitant.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind? There seems to be a lot to clean up?”

Emma pulled Mulan to her side.

“I’m absolutely sure. Take Ruby home and get some rest. We can write up the report tomorrow when we’re on shift together.”

Mulan smiled before she briefly glanced down.

“I’m sorry I didn’t stop this from happening.”

Emma could feel the tension radiate from Mulan. Quickly glancing at David and Ruby she motioned to Belle who seemed to be staring at the exit, possibly wondering when Rumple was going to return. They immediately understood and linked their arm through Belle’s.

“How about we sit down and I ask Mowgli to make you a hot drink?”

Belle nodded at Ruby’s suggestion as David walked her towards the bar, closely followed by Ruby.

Emma watched them leave and then turned to face Mulan.

“There was no way you could have stopped all this from happening, Mulan. You’re one person, and you were faced with something that was totally out of the ordinary.”

Mulan didn’t seem convinced.

“I should have known Robin was going to cause trouble the moment he returned holding his bow.”

Emma couldn’t help her eyes drift back to the body laying on the floor.

“You couldn’t have known that Cora would suddenly appear, though. Or that Rumple would go all Dark One on his sons ass. The chain of events were totally out of your control. I’m just glad you were here to take note of everything that happened.

It was true. Mulan’s depiction was so thorough, Emma felt like she had been there the entire time.

“I’m just glad Zelena is alright.” Mulan finally replied before she sighed. “That said, I don’t know how alright she can be, coming face to face with her estranged mother. And Regina too. She looked like she’d seen a ghost.”

Emma ran a hand through her hair as she recalled the look Regina gave when she had come face to face with her mother, calling out for Emma mere seconds later.

“Yeah. I don’t expect either of them will be getting over this anytime soon. But like I said before, you couldn’t have stopped Robin if you tried, nor could you have envisaged how Cora reacted. As for Rumple-“

Emma stopped, her gaze moving to Belle who was now being comforted by Lily as she sipped at a hot drink Mowgli had no doubt made for her.

“I think it’s fair to say nobody saw that coming. Not even Belle. Neil’s biggest mistake was thinking he could get away with treating Belle the way he did. Rumple loves her. I know he wanted to find his son son, but the person who walked into Storybrooke is not what he was expecting. At all.”

Mulan nodded as Ruby returned.

“Let’s go. I need to tell Granny what happened. She’s already tried to call me twice. I guess news really does travel fast in Storybrooke!”

Emma sighed. No doubt Snow was the culprit.

“News travels at a phenomenal rate thanks to my mom, I suspect.” Emma almost groaned as Ruby suddenly pulled her into a hug, the movement knocking the breath from Emma’s lungs.

“Hey, not that I don’t appreciate a good hug but - what was that for?!” Emma asked lightly as Ruby finally pulled back.

“I’m just glad you’re safe. Robin could have tried to pull that shit on you! We all know how jealous he was of your relationship with Regina.”

Ruby then bit down hard on her lip as she turned to face Mulan.

“That arrow could have easily hit you, too. Shit, I’m such a mess!”

“No, you’re not a mess, you’re tired. C‘mon let’s get you back to the diner and we can tell granny everything.”

Ruby nodded as Mulan pulled her to her side.

“I’ll see you at the station tomorrow afternoon.”

Emma smiled and pulled both her friends into a group hug.

“Yeah. See you tomorrow and don’t rush in. Take some time for yourselves okay?”

Ruby and Mulan nodded at Emma as they turned to leave.

Emma followed, joining David and Belle at the bar. Mowgli had disappeared to the back, no doubt taking the broken tables and chairs away.

“Where did Lily go?” Emma asked, noticing the brunettes absence.

“Oh, she went outside to make a phone call. She was checking Mal got to Regina’s okay.”

Emma smiled at David before looking aground the room. It was still a mess although a lot of the cleaning up had started thanks to Lily and Mowgli.

“Okay, let’s join the clean up crew.”

David nodded.

“You’re the boss!”

As soon as they had entered the mansion, Snow had almost jumped at them, question after question barrelling from her lips. Luckily Henry was still sleeping. Regina had promised to meet Snow at the diner for breakfast where she would fill her in on the events that had transpired at the Rabbit Hole.

“I honestly don’t have the energy to tell you now, Snow. Can you respect that and wait for the morning?”

Regina suspected she would meet some push back, Snow wasn’t known for being patient but she had taken one look at all three ladies standing in front of her and immediately nodded.

“Yes! Yes, of course. You should all get some rest. We can speak tomorrow.”

Regina had smiled before Snow pulled her into a hug, something Regina was till trying to accept was seemingly the norm these days.

Sometime later Regina and Zelena were both sitting on the comfortable couch in the brunettes study when Mal reappeared.

“That was a Lily, checking we all made it here okay.”

Both sisters nodded, only part paying attention as both began to go over the evenings events, albeit with different scenes playing out out in their heads.

Finally Regina spoke.

“How long was she there for?”

Zelena seemed lost in her thoughts as Mal joined her on the couch.

“Zel honey, did you hear what Regina asked?”

Zelena nodded slightly, her eyes still fixed on nothing in particular as Regina stood and paced towards the fireplace.

She still couldn’t believe she had seen her - seen Cora - after all these years.

“Perhaps no more than five minutes before you arrived.”

Regina turned and was thankful Zelena was now looking at her, although her eyes still seemed glazed over.

“It all happened so suddenly. One moment Robin is letting go of his arrow and the next moment the very same arrow is stuck in his chest. She - Cora…. she just appeared, and before I knew it she was hurtling the arrow back at him. Then he fell. And she-. Well, she seemed momentarily shocked at her actions because she was then pulling me to the side of the room, apologising for the outcome.

Regina was listening intently as Mal snorted.

“She didn’t need to apologise for the outcome. Robin was an issue and he would have continued to be an issue until something like this happened.”

Zelena finally broke her gaze and looked fondly at Mal.

“I told her she didn’t owe me an apology, at least, not for what happened to Robin. However we have a past and a part of me wonders if she was also apologising for that, apologising for banishing me and taking away the only family I had ever known.”

Regina found herself sitting back on the couch rather heavily as Zelena ran her hand over her sisters back.

“Will we see her again?” Regina asked hesitantly as Zelena shrugged, tiredness finally hitting her as she slouched back against the couch, her eyes now closed.

“What did Cora mean when she said it was a pleasure to see Emma again?”

Mal’s question hung in the air as Zelena’s eyes finally opened. Regina sighed.

“Honestly, I can’t say for certain but it would appear Emma has seen Cora in a dream, or two. I need to speak to Emma about it but once I have you will both be the first to know about the dreams. For now I think it’s best we all get some sleep. I’ve made up the guest bedroom for you. I’ll stay down here a little longer, I need to see Emma.”

Mal and Zelena nodded as they both stood, holding hands they quickly pecked Regina on the cheek before moving towards the door.

Regina wasn’t certain how long she had been waiting for Emma to arrive back home.

At some point she had discarded the book she had no interest in, opting to flick through the channels on the television before settling on a nature documentary. Luckily her hormones were now more in balance and the prospect of seeing wild baby animals meet an untimely death didn’t cause her to sob hysterically like before. However her focus had wavered, until she had felt her eyes close.

Sleep had come quickly. She didn’t hear the front door gently open or close as Emma pulled off her coat and boots, shuffling into the lounge before making her way to the study.

“Gina, baby, wake up.”

Emma immediately spotted her fiancée fast asleep on one of the couches. Walking quietly into the room she flicked off the television and crouched down so she was level with the brunette.

Gently moving a lock of hair from her eyes, Emma caressed the side of Regina’s face.

“Regina my love, you need to wake up.”

Regina finally stirred, her legs stretching out before a hand moved to cup Emma’s.

Slowly her eyes opened.


Regina smiled, placing her lips to Emma’s soft palm before replying.


Emma slowly stood, reaching out her free hand.

“Do you need help getting up or should I carry you to our bedroom?”

Emma was grinning, which proved to be infectious as Regina found herself grinning right back.

Our bedroom…

She would never tire of that.

“Oh, I think I can manage Miss Swan, although I do appreciate the kind offer.”

Emma chuckled as she did a mock bow.

“I am happy to oblige m’lady in any way that she pleases.”

Regina felt her stomach flutter.

Oh the ways Emma could please her….

As if reading Regina’s mind, Emma took a fake gasp before wriggling her eyebrows.

For a brief moment, both forgot about the nights events before Regina noticed how tired Emma looked.

“What time is it?”

Instead of taking Emma’s hand and standing, Regina pulled at the blondes hand, tugging Emma down beside her.

“Nearly three.”

Regina gasped.

“I didn’t realise it was that late! Or, well, that early. I’m so sorry it took that long, Emma. You should have called. I could have helped!”

Emma leaned into Regina, her arm snaking around the brunettes waist, as the  other rested across her stomach, her hand now lightly brushing against the baby bump.

“There really wasn’t anything you could have done, Gina. Most of my time was spent helping Mowgli and Lily clean up the place. David helped too. Then I had to wait - for the body to be removed.”

Regina nodded, her head now resting on Emma’s shoulder.

“Lily then took Belle home. Rumple didn’t reappear. I have no idea where he’s taken Neil and to be honest, I don’t care. Once the bar was secure, David drove Mowgli home and I… well, I had to call Marian.”

Regina looked up. Marian! Of course she would have to be notified.

“Was she listed as his next of kin?”

“She was.”

Regina placed a hand in Emma’s thigh.

“I could have told her. I’m so sorry you had to do that, Emma. How was she?”

Emma moved her hand from Regina’s stomach and placed it over the hand that was warm and welcoming on her thigh.

“She said she had already mourned Robin. That the man she had married died a long time ago. She didn’t recognise who he became.”

Emma shifted before she turned to face Regina.

“Did you know he cheated on her multiple times before she finally left him and demanded a divorce? The asshole stalled too, said she had no right to demand such a thing. They were separated and she ended up spending the night with Will. Robin found out and said he would use it against her to get full custody of Roland, the child he barely paid any attention to. Honestly, once I told her that Robin had died she seemed relieved. Her only worry was telling Roland.”

Regina grimaced. She had known Robin had turned into the proverbial ladies man but she had no idea his infidelity has been quite so far reaching.

“He was no father to that little boy, just as he was no husband to Marian. She is better off without him although I understand how hard it will be for her to tell Roland that his father has passed away.”

Emma flinched.

“That’s exactly what I told Henry about Neil. Will he ever forgive me?”

Regina placed both her hands on either side of Emma’s face, her thumbs rubbing across delicate cheekbones.

“When the time is right we will both tell Henry about Neil, and we will be honest with him. He won’t hold it against you my love. You did what you thought was best. He loves you and he may not immediately understand why you lied but he will come to accept it.”

Emma sighed and nodded into Regina warm palms.

“We should get some sleep. Dr. Whale is going to call you in a few hours. I spoke to him this evening and I kinda asked if we could schedule your scan, and I may have inferred we were okay if he did it.”

Emma looked sheepish as she quickly held up a hand.

“I know I should have asked you first but Gina… tonight he was so understanding about what happened to Robin. I mean, David was having problems comprehending what Cora did but when I said it was a form of self defence, granted on Zelena’s behalf and that Robin had it coming… well, Whale seemed to agree.”

Regina quirked a brow.

“Emma darling, you’re rambling. There really is no need to explain yourself. I trust your judgement and honestly, all of the information Dr. Whale has provided me with over the weeks by email has been most useful. He’s also taken to calling me every few days to check how I am doing so I have no qualms if he is the one undertaking the scan.”

Emma grinned.

“Excellent! So tomorrow we’ll finally get to see her… them! I mean, them….”

Regina nodded as Emma gasped. Her hand had found itself back to Regina’s stomach and the blonde was now staring down at Reginas belly in awe.

“They kicked!”

Retina chuckled before replying.

She kicked…”

Regina slowly lifted her head and smiled. Emma was holding her tightly into her side, her arms wrapped around Regina’s body, protecting and shielding her. The blonde had known instinctively when they’d fallen into bed earlier that morning that Regina was feeling apprehensive.

A culmination of seeing her mother again and the prospect of losing Zelena to an arrow through the heart had played heavily on her mind and without preamble, Emma had stripped them both before redressing Regina in an old T shirt of hers, one she knew the mayor loved.

Tucking her under the duvet carefully she had quickly thrown on her own PJs and slipped in beside Regina, immediately enveloping her in strong arms.

They’d both fallen asleep almost immediately and Regina was loathed to move from the warm cocoon that was Emma Swan, however a quick glance at the clock and the sound of voices downstairs had Regina slowly untangle herself from pale, toned arms and long slender legs.

Quickly changing into a comfortable pair of slacks but keeping on the t shirt, Regina made her way down the stairs. A shower could wait.

“Well finally look who’s decided to join us!” Zelena smirked as she pushed a plate of what looked like scrambled eggs towards Henry who scrunched up his nose.

“Are these eggs?” He asked, lifting a fork to his nose where he sniffed gently.

“Eggs don’t have a small, Henry.” Zelena replied as she pushed a similar plate towards Regina.

“Moms do. Cheese and peppers and sometimes mushrooms… these… are lumpy.”

Regina couldn’t hide her own smirk as she glanced down at the plate.

Henry was right.

“Did you use the microwave for these eggs?” Regina asked, already deciding they would not be entering her system this morning.

“Isn’t that what a microwave is for?” Zelena asked rather puzzled as she poured herself an orange juice.

“Well that explains the consistency.” Regina mumbled as she pounded herself a coffee.

“Hey! We can’t all be shit hot in the kitchen, Reggie!”

Regina felt a little guilty as she gathered a lump onto her fork and brought it to her lips, her eyes now on Henry who grimaced but nodded,  now also bringing some of the rubbery eggs to his mouth.

“I guess they’re better than ma’s” he managed to mumble before he took a bite. The subsequent look on his face told Regina immediately that perhaps Emma’s attempt was better.

And that was saying something.

“So what are your plans for today?” Regina asked, moving the eggs back to her plate. She was glad to see that her sister seemed her usual chirpy self despite what had happened the evening before.

“And where is Mal?”

Zelena finished her juice and turned to wash her glass. Without a second thought, Regina waved her hand over Henry’s plate and smiled as the youngster sighed in relief, all traces of egg now gone from his plate.

“Thanks mom.” he mouthed as Regina threw him a wink.

Henry had come such a long way from the little boy who hated her using magic. Well, dark magic, her brain corrected. Thankfully Henry didn’t have an issue with Regina using light magic, especially since it also became apparent that Emma also had the ability to.

And especially in situations such as these!

Zelena turned and eyed Regina before her gaze fell to her still full plate. Glancing across at Henry’s now very empty plate, Regina was relieved to see her son theatrically wave his fork around before wiping at his mouth with a grin.

“They were actually really good, Aunt Zee. Thanks!”

Zelena beamed before shooting daggers ag her sister.

“At least your son has some manners and has good taste!”

Regina sighed. The things she did for Henry.

“Yes well, I’m hopefully having a scan later and I’m waiting for  Dr. Whale to call. I’m not sure I’m hungry enough for eggs or whether I can even eat before I go.”

Zelena’s eyes narrowed before she shrugged.

“”Well, to answer your question, Mal left an hour ago to pick up a lily from Belle’s. She stayed the night. I don’t think Rumple came back.”

Henry, ever alert, reached out for an apple before pausing.

“Where did Rumple go?”

Regina attempted a smile as she poured Henry a glass of juice.

Good question…

“Oh. He simply had things to do. People to see. Places to go.” Zelena offered before looking at Regina, a ‘sorry’ escaping her lips, unbeknown to Henry who was now munching happily on said apple.

“That was nice of Lily.”  Regina replied, as her phone started to ring.

“I’m going to the station. David and I are on shift this morning so I’ll swing by and see you later today.” Zelena quickly replied as she watched Regina fumble in her pocket for her phone.

Regina accepted the call, adding “one moment please.” before she turned to face Zelena.

“Are you okay?” she asked gently, and quietly so as not to get Henry’s attention.

Zelena nodded.

“Yes. I promise I am. We have a lot to talk about but we can do so tonight. Let me know how it goes at the hospital.”

Regina smiled as Zelena then pulled her into a hug, her lips hovering over her ear.

“And we both know you don’t need to fast before you get a scan, Reggie. Now be a dear and eat your eggs, like Henry... Didn’t….”

Regina gasped as Zelena then let out a chuckle.

“Nothing gets past me my dear!”

“Ultrasound scans use sound waves that build a picture of a baby in the womb”.

Emma looked up from the leaflet she was holding, making sure she had Regina’s full attention. Satisfied that brown orbs were focussed on her she nodded, more to herself, before she continued.

“The scans are painless.”

She looked back up.

“They really are baby. There’s no need to worry about it.”

Regina couldn’t help a smile reaching her lips.

“Emma my love. I’m not worried. You on the other hand - you appear a little anxious?

And Emma really did. As soon as they had entered the hospital the first thing Emma had done was pull at a wheelchair that was standing behind the reception area. Regina has watched in horror as she then wheeled it towards her, motioning her hand to seat.

“Absolutely not! I haven’t broken my legs, Emma. I can walk. I will walk!”

Emma had huffed before the nurse, whose name tag read “Wendy Darling” grinned, handing Regina a clipboard.

“A little protective isn’t she.” The nurse then whispered to Regina who groaned, nodded and took the clipboard.

“Dr Whale is expecting you. If you can compete this form and make your way to the Antenatal Department on junction four. It’s right that way.”

Regina smiled and turned to face Emma who was now standing, both hands full of leaflets.

And here they now were. Seated at the waiting area of junction four waiting to be called by Dr Whale.

“I’m fine! Why wouldn’t I be fine?”

Clearly Emma was far from fine, as her eyes immediately flew back to the leaflet she was holding.

“They have no known side effects on mothers or babies, and can be carried out at any stage of pregnancy.”

Regina slowly removed the leaflet from Emma’s hands.

“Darling, although I really do appreciate the run down on ultrasounds and what to expect, I’m far more interested in you. Something is wrong. Please, talk to me?”

Emma began to worry her bottom lip against her teeth before she finally signed.

“I’m just a bit worried. That’s all. This pregnancy is - different. I can’t wait to see nugget but what if-“

Emma then stopped and shrugged.

“Oh, Emma. Come here.”

Emma immediately shuffled closer to Regina who pulled her in close, the blonde now resting her head on Regina’s shoulder as her left palm began to rub over the baby bump.

Regina had noticed that was something Emma did a lot; rub her bump. It felt both secure and comforting and Regina suspected it made Emma feel much the same way.

“I’m being silly. I know I am. I just don’t want anything to - you know.”

Anything to be wrong…

Regina knew what Emma was thinking without her voicing her thoughts.

“Emma my love, I’m sure everything will be perfectly fine but if it isn’t, we are in the best place with the best Doctors here to help us and assists us. Let’s focus on seeing our little nugget for the first time, mmm?”

Regina was thankful when Emma nodded and skirted back, her arm now around Regina’s shoulder.

“Regina? Emma? Dr Whale will see you now.”

Both stood, legs shaking slightly as they grasped each others hands, fingers now linked.

“Let’s do this.” Emma finally whispered as she grinned at Regina.

Regina nodded, butterflies now appearing in her stomach seemingly from nowhere.

She could do this.

They could do this.

“Let’s do this.” Regina finally replied with a similar smile as the followed the nurse along the corridor.

“I can’t wait to see our baby, Gina.”

Regina felt the butterflies subside.

Neither could she…


Chapter Text

Emma watched the young nurse, a friendly looking lady who had handed Regina the clipboard on their arrival, as she slowly and methodically began to spread a clear gel across Regina’s stomach and pelvis area.

Regina flinched and chuckled.

“That’s rather cold.” She murmured, her hand clasped in Emma’s.

The nurse, Wendy, smiled.

“You’re not the first person to say that Madam Mayor and I doubt you’ll be the last.”

Regina returned the smile as she looked up at Emma.

“Did you feel the same, with Henry?”

She asked gently, not quite knowing how Emma would respond. A part of her was intrigued but then she suddenly realised that this was possibly something Emma wouldn’t want to discuss in front of strangers.

Luckily Emma smiled, although it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Yeah, I mean - it was a long time ago and… they didn’t really explain it all to me. I suppose they had better things to do with their time than spend it on a con who was pregnant at eighteen and incarcerated but yeah, I remember the gel was cold.”

Regina gripped Emma’s hand, her thumb caressing over pale knuckles as the nurse finished applying the gel. Looking up at Emma she smiled, no hint of judgement preset.

“I can imagine the joy you felt when you first saw your baby.” Wendy continued with a beam on her face.

This time, Emma flinched.

“I - I didn’t get to see him.”

Wendy frowned.

“But…” She paused, glancing at Regina and then back to Emma, “I’m sorry, I just assumed.” she finally stopped as Dr. Whale appeared, holding a handheld probe.

Emma still preferred wand.

“It’s alright. Honestly.” Emma smiled at the nurse but Regina could sense the turmoil that was raging around inside the blonde.

Emma hadn’t seen Henry on an ultrasound?

“Are we ready?” Whale then asked as the nurse bobbed her head and took a step back, moving a screen towards both Regina and Emma.

Emma was more than ready. She had never got the chance to see Henry like this. She hadn’t exaggerated when she told the nurse this. The hospital staff at the prison almost seemed reluctant to even provide an ultrasound and the nurses had looked at her with a mixture of pity and loathing when they found out her age and the fact that she was giving her baby up for adoption.

She recalled being asked to dress into a loose robe, one of the nurses had taken pity on her and helped because only one handcuff has been unlocked, the ratchet pulled free. Her right wrist still had the cuff clasped tightly around it, the chain dangling to the side, the cheek plate knocking against her each time she tried to move.

The scan had lasted what felt like seconds. The gel had been applied, the nurse hadn’t uttered a word and the doctor had soon appeared, almost dropping the probe onto her stomach with little care. She didn’t recall seeing a screen like this one, although the doctor was clearly looking at something before he grunted, nodded and left the room, ignoring the only question Emma had managed to whisper.

Is my baby okay?”

Another nurse had then appeared, glancing at Emma’s wrist that had been handcuffed to the guard rail on the side of the bed she was laying on.

“Why do you care? You’re getting rid of him aren’t you?”


That was the first time Emma had heard she was having a little boy.

Dr Whales voice interrupted her thoughts, something she was thankful for.

“I’m just going to move this - wand - over your stomach, Madam Mayor. The gel will help the probe to transmit sound waves.”

Regina nodded as Emma found herself smile at Dr. Whale’s use of the term ‘wand’. As if reading her mind, Whale looked up at Emma.

“It seemed appropriate; this is a magic baby after all.”

Emma now grinned, thoughts of her past vanishing as Regina looked on. The brunette was thankful for Whale’s intervention, even if he wasn’t aware on what he’d just done.

“These waves will bounce off your body structure, including your developing baby, and hopefully we will see a picture on this ultrasound machine.”

Nurse Wendy pointed to the screen which was currently dark, as Whale began to move the wand over Regina’s stomach.

All eyes were watching the screen dutifully as an image began to form. Whale paused, and looked from the screen to Regina.

“I presumed wrongly this would be an early pregnancy scan but judging by this“ he nodded at the screen, “well, it would seem you are further along than we first thought.”

Emma and Regina were only half paying attention as their eyes were fixed on the image slowly forming on the screen.

“Is that… holy crap… it is… that’s nugget!” Emma exclaimed, a finger pointing at the small image of the baby on the screen.

“They have all their fingers and toes, right Doc?” Emma then asked, her face scrunched up as she found herself learning closer to the monitor.

“Emma, dearest. You’re blocking my view!”

Emma immediately moved back.

“Sorry Gina it’s just…. Wow….”

Emma then looked down at Regina, quickly kissing her lips as a tear rolled down the brunettes face.

She couldn’t believe they were finally seeing their baby… seeing nugget… who appeared to be shifting slightly, the image flickering and refocusing as Whale continued to move the probe.

They were having a baby…. A true love baby, a miracle in the making… it was all rather overwhelming.

“Happy tears.” Regina husked noticing Emma’s look of concern as the blonde wiped her cheek.

“As you can see, the baby is fully formed and if you look closely you can see all of their internal and external organs… do you want to know the baby’s gender?

Emma’s eyes has been roaming all over the image in front of her, trying to see if she could depict the gender but nugget appeared to be covering that part of their anatomy with a tiny fist.

“And yes, Sheriff. All fingers and toes account for.” Whale chuckled as he motioned for the nurse to click a button on the side of the screen.

“We can take photographs of the images, I presume this is something you both want?”

“Hell yes!” Emma squeaked as Regina looked at her one, true love, overjoyed that she could give this experience to Emma when she had been denied it with Henry.

“Yes, thank you Dr Whale we would. And-“

She looked at Emma quickly,  her smile widening as the blonde nodded in approval.

And, we would love to know the gender.” Regina finished, her eyes now back on the screen.

Whale smiled and continued to move the probe as the nurse turned the screen away from Emma and Regina.

“Hey! What gives! We were watching that!” Emma questioned as Regina let out a laugh.

Wendy, still feeling guilty for potentially opening up an old wound for the Sheriff quickly interjected.

“Oh we do this so we can tell you both the gender, almost as a surprise? If you continue to watch you’ll see it for yourself. This way the Doctor can move the probe accordingly until we get a clearer picture….”

The nurse then glanced at the screen.

“There! Right there…..”

Both Whale and Wendy then turned to face the screen that was hidden from Emma and Regina, a smile appearing on both their faces.

“Indeed.” Whale replied, as he turned to face the Mayor and the Sheriff.

“Congratulations ladies, you’re having a little girl and you’re approximately twenty weeks along.”

Emma gasped as Regina’s grip on her hand increased.

Twenty? That’s five months! Shouldn’t I be showing more? I thought I was only around three months? I don’t understand.”

Regina had seemingly missed the gender part, her mind focusing on how far along she was as Emma cupped her cheek.

“Baby, this is a magical pregnancy. Anything is possible. I mean, I’m getting your pregnancy cravings remember? She’s developing at a faster rate but - she’s okay isn’t she, Doc?”

Emma looked at Whale who nodded reassuringly.

“She certainly is.”


Finally it hit Regina.

They were having a girl…. A baby girl

It was sometime later Emma found herself back at work, showing Mulan the ultrasound photo. Regina had decided to catch up on paperwork at home after she paid Marian a visit.

“Tonight I’ll make lasagna and we can celebrate today, Emma. I wish we could tell Henry the news but I already promised he could have a sleepover at your grandparents - David is taking him horse riding tomorrow.”

Emma had nodded, walking Regina back out to her car as the brunette climbed into the passenger seat without a fuss.

“So you’re really alright with me driving this beast?”

Regina had rolled her eyes before Emma clambered into the drivers seat, her eyes darting around the dashboard.

“I’m so unbelievably happy that everything is alright with the baby… with our daugher… I would even let you drive me home in your yellow peril. However, as luck would have it I drove us here in my car instead…”

Emma had chuckled before she turned and leaned towards Regina, grasping both hands in hers.

“We’re having a daughter, Gina.”

Regina was beaming.

“Yes my love, we are.”

Emma was still smiling to herself as Mulan looked puzzled.

“Is that… the head? I mean… What am I looking at?

Emma frowned, her eyes immediately back on the photo.

“Well it looked crystal clear on the screen…”

She took the photo from Mulan, eyes looking over the somewhat grainy image before she turned it around.

“There! You had it upside down!”

Mulan peered over her shoulder and finally smiled.

“Okay, so I admit… I now definitely see the head and…”

Mulan stepped back, a hand waving over her face to cover her eyes.

“What the hell are you doing?” Emma asked, frowning again at her best friend who was now peering between her open fingers.

“I promise I didn’t see. I mean… okay I may have seen… or rather, I really didn’t see so yeah….”

Emma reached out and tugged at Mulan’s fingers.

“What didn’t you see?!”

Mulan swallows hard.

“Emma… are you wanting to share the gender of the baby or do you want it to be a surprise because I certainly didn’t see a… you know…”

Mulan pointed to her crotch.

Emma paled.

She had been that excited the first thing she had done when Mulan joined her on shift was show her the photo. She hadn’t spoken to Regina about how they would share the news about nugget.

“Yeah - that look right there? I’m guessing not….”

Emma looked sheepish before she took a deep breath, a smile returning.

“Okay. I admit Regina and I didn’t speak about how we would break the news and honestly Henry should be the first one to know I just got overexcited…. Can you maybe just… Pretend you don’t know?”

Had this been anyone else, Emma would have had reservations they could keep a secret, but this was Mulan.

And thankfully not Snow.

“Of course Emma but let me just say - even though I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what the gender of the little one is - congratulations, your little girl will be a heartbreaker.”

Emma beamed as Mulan pulled her into a hug.

The afternoon had seemed endless, both Emma and Mulan writing up the report of the events that had accumulated at the Rabbit Hole.

“Do you think anyone will miss Robin considering most of his Merry Men escaped to Hooks ship, preferring the company of a pirate with questionable taste in pleather?”

Emma grinned at Mulan.

“Well, Marian didn’t seem overly upset although I did have to call Friar Tuck earlier. He’s making the arrangements for Robin’s funeral. I can’t see many people attending.”

Mulan nodded.

“It’s a shame, really. I mean, he could have been a good guy?”

Emma slowly stood from her desk and stretched her legs, walking over to the coffee machine she hit the ‘hot chocolate’ option before turning.

“You know what really pisses me off? How he was never termed a villain. I mean, he sure has hell acted like one in the alternate universe and he wasn’t that far behind from being the same in this one, but no. He was always seen as the great Robin Hood, prince of thrives - or maybe I’m just getting him mixed up with the Kevin Costner film?”

Mulan frowned.

“Kevin who?”

Emma chuckled.

“It doesn’t matter. I just don’t get it. I’ve always said things are not black and white yet so many folk in the fairytale world can’t seem to accept that. There are soo many shades of grey! I mean, look at Regina, Zelena and Mal!”

Mulan nodded in agreement.

“I guess it’s a good thing the Storybrooke Sheriffs department appreciates and accepts the shades of grey.” Mulan replied as she finally signed off the report.

Emma nodded. “Yeah. It really is.”

Regina knocked gently on the door to Marian’s house. Finally it opened only it wasn’t Marian standing in front of Regina.


Kathryn smiled and ushered Regina inside, slowly closing the door behind them.

“Marian called earlier. I think she just needed a friend after - everything.”

Regina nodded, her heart aching for the loss Marian was no doubt feeling. However, as she entered the kitchen she found Marian sipping what looked like a cocktail.

“Oh, Regina! Your timing is perfect. Join us. I was just about to make a toast!”

Regina looked at Kathryn who had joined Marian’s side and was now also holding a glass.

Was Marian in shock?!

What are we toasting?” Regina asked, although a part of her already knew deep down what the answer would be.

“Oh, my dear Regina. We are toasting the end of a controlling, mentally abusive and psychologically manipulating piece of shit, otherwise known as Robin Hood!”

Kathryn let out a chuckle at Marian’s statement before she covered her mouth, looking sheepishly at Regina.

“Sorry, but he really was an awful man who attempted to sow so much self doubt and confusion in Marian’s mind. well, it was heartbreaking to see.”

Kathryn then reached out and patted Marian’s shoulder before she pushed another drink towards Regina who slowly nodded before looking down at the glass.

“I’m afraid I can’t drink alcohol.”

Marian gasped.

“Oh my goodness! Of course your can’t!! You’re pregnant!! Kathryn make her a mocktail!”

Regina was about to decline but found herself thanking Marian instead.

“I am sorry about what happened, Marian. I don’t know how much Emma told you but-“

Marian held up a hand.

“Regina. You don’t need to tell me you are sorry nor do you have to apologise on behalf of your mother. I know what happened. I asked Emma to tell me everything which she graciously did.”

Kathryn, seemingly a part time bartender, pushed another drink towards Regina.

“It’s a virgin mojito, enjoy!”

Regina took the drink, bringing it to her nose.

“Don’t worry, I’ve skipped the rum!” Kathryn continued as Regina gave the liquid a quick sniff.

She could definitely smell lime and mint.

“I added honey syrup, fresh lime juice, fresh mint leaves, sparkling water and ice!”

Regina took a sip and was pleasantly surprised.

“This is really good!”

Kathryn smiled.

“It’s been way too long since we had a ladies night!” Kathryn continued as Marian let out a loud laugh.

“Kat, have you forgotten what happened the last time we did all go out drinking? You got extremely - tipsy - lost your phone, and your coat as you then staggered to the diner where luckily you found Emma and Regina!”

Kathryn smiled wistfully.

“Oh I do recall that evening… or rather, parts of that evening. Thank heavens the Sheriff was there to take me home! Although it turned out to be an interesting walk back!”

Regina took another sip of her mocktail as she listening carefully to Kathryn. Of course she recalled that evening. She had nearly kissed Emma on the dance floor before fleeing like a coward to the restroom. Thankfully she had found the young blonde at the diner once Ruby had chewed her ear off for being a “bitch”.

Regina was convinced had Kathryn not showed up in her drunken state at the diner, she would have pulled Emma close and definitely kissed her that time round.

“What happened on the walk back?” Marian asked, now intrigued where the story was going. Regina snapped to attention. She too was wondering the very same.

“Well, Regina’s poor girlfriend didn’t have a clue which house I lived in, only the street and of course I was a little - or a lot - tipsy so I may have forgotten also.”

Marian laughed as Regina found herself imagining Emma dutifully holding up a very drunk Kathryn as she tried to work out where she lived.

“I decided the best plan of action would be to call out for Frederick. Which I did. Emma tried to hush me because I think I managed to upset some neighbours who shouted from their windows that they were going to call the Sheriffs office, that was until one person saw who I was with… I think poor Emma wanted to disappear on the spot!”

Marian was now in tears of laughter as Regina heard a loud chuckle leave her throat.

”Old Mother Hubbard actually opened her front door and stormed over to us both, jabbing Emma in the chest with her bony finger, demanding to know why the Sheriff of Storybrooke was out at that time of night with a ‘married woman’.”

Marian gasped.

“She didn’t?!”

Kathryn chuckled into her glass before she took another sip, slowly lowering it back to the table.

“She did! Emma was rather embarrassed I think, kept saying she was merely escorting me home but you know what Hubbard is like when she forgets to put in her hearing aids. She though Emma said she was an escort who was taking me home, you should have seen Hubbards face! Actually, you should have seen the Sheriffs face when the old woman asked her how long she has been a ‘call girl’ on the side!”  

Regina’s mouth now gaped as Kathryn continued.

“Luckily Hubbards dog began to bark so she had to go back inside to see to him and Frederick finally opened our door just as I turned and threw up all over poor Emma’s boots.”

Marian looked at Regina.

“Did you know about this?”

Regina shook her head. Emma had never told her about what happened. She would certainly be teasing her about it later!

“Well, as I am currently extremely sober unlike the last time.” Kathryn cleared her throat. “I’d like to make a toast, if I may?”

Marian nodded in approval and held up her own glass. Regina followed suit.

Firstly, a toast to Marian who has lived for far too long under the control of another. No longer will she be forced to question her own judgement and intuition now that Robin has gone.”

“I’ll drink to that!” Marian chuckled as Regina found herself smiling at the carefree woman in front of her. Robin had definitely been a gaslighter, she just hadn’t realised how much.

“And here’s to Madam Mayor who finally got her ass in gear and snared the Sheriff!”

Marian chuckled as Regina quirked a brow.

“Excuse me, I didn’t snare-“

Both women began to laugh as Regina rolled her eyes.

“I was only joking, Regina. But, seriously - here’s to Storybrookes power couple and Henry and the little one! We’re so happy for you Regina.”

Regina began to feel rather emotional as both women walked to her side.

“We really are, Regina.” Marian continued as they both pulled her into a group hug.

Regina began to cry.

“Oh shit, was it too much?” Kathryn almost shrieked as Regina shook her head.

“No. no. It’s just… I can’t believe how lovely you both are to me! Me of all people, the Evil Queen.”

Ex Evil Queen, my friend.” Kathryn quickly interjected as she nudged Regina’s arm.

“Everyone is capable of change. You embraced it for the better, look how far you have come!”

Marian nodded.

“There is more good in your heart than Robin ever had, and people had the audacity to call him  a brave, great man! Words means nothing, actions mean everything. You are no more a villain than Robin was a hero.”

Regina swallowed back a sob.

“Thank you. Both. Thank you so much.”

“What are friends for?” Kathryn grinned before handing Regina another mocktail.

“I’m not sure why we’re all here?”

Emma wasn’t sure either. She was still on shift with Mulan, so why Zelena had appeared, pulling a confused looking David in behind her was a puzzle.

“I decided it was time we held our first “Station Helps its Town” meeting. The only downside is the acronym but I can work on that.”

Emma stood, hands now planted firmly on her hips.

“You want us to have a what?!”

Mulan chuckled.

“A SHIT meeting, apparently.”

David wandered over to the coffee machine, seemingly unaware on the slight tension in the room.

“Does it make tea or just coffee?” He asked, turning to look at Zelena.

“Dad can you please focus?” Emma snapped, not wanting any kind of meeting if it meant she would have to stay behind longer than was necessary. Her shift was due to finish in exactly fifteen minutes.

All of a sudden David seemed extremely focussed, his eyes now twinkling at Emma.

“You called me dad.”

Emma frowned and waved a hand, suddenly feeling a little claustrophobic.

Yes, he was her dad but he was also what, like two years older than her? Something she was still trying to wrap her head around it, only calling Snow ‘mom’ when it slipped out.

David however looked overjoyed and Emma suddenly realised she couldn’t and wouldn’t take that away from him.

“Well yeah. I mean. I’m not lying, right? It’s just - you know - hard sometimes.”

David nodded, still smiling as Zelena suddenly clapped her hands together.

“See! My SHIT meeting has already helped the Sheriff and her Deputy!”

Mulan groaned as she walked to the coffee machine, selecting a button before nodding at David.

“One tea coming up.”

David was still smiling at Emma who began to feel a little edgy.

“How long is this meeting going to last? I get off in ten minutes, Zelena. Can it take place without me?”

Zelena sighed.

Really, Emma. I thought better of you. You’re the Sheriff, you set the standard so yes - you are needed, although I’ve already chosen the Chair, that will be me.”

“Why you?” Emma found herself asking, before mentally kicking herself. She didn’t even want this meeting but it was nice to see Zelena being her usual flamboyant self after what happened the night before.

“Because it was my superb idea, Sheriff. It shows the residents of our town that the Sheriffs Station is listening and that we take their plights seriously and are willing to sit down as a team to discuss things.”

Emma found herself nodding. Could this have something to do with what happened at the Rabbit Hole?

Mulan pondered her coffee choices before finally hitting the latte option.

“What type of things are we discussing exactly?” she asked once her drink was ready, turning to face her ‘team.”

“Well, the first thing on my agenda? The environment. Do you have any idea how many trees we can save by not writing up reports on things like arresting Grumpy or finding Pongo?”

Emma was, all of a sudden, interested.

“I hate writing up those things.”

Zelena smirked.

“Yes. I know. I had the unfortunate task of reading those written by your fair hand before I filed them. A total waste of police time, if you ask me.”

David frowned.

“We can’t suddenly stop writing up police reports. Regina would kill us.”

Zelena shrugged.

“What Regina doesn’t know won’t hurt her.  And I’m not advocating we stop writing them completely. Just the dull, boring as fuck ones. Nobody cares that a lost boy failed to return a library book for a month. Nobody cares that Pongo escaped his leash and went wandering around town and I honestly couldn’t give a rats arse if Jack held Jill up against the wall to the flower shop as they engaged in tonsil tennis.”

Zelena was now waving both her hands in the air as Emma bit on her lip.

“I give zero fucks that Leroy got pissed again.” The blonde finally admitted as Zelena slapped her hand on Emma’s back.

That’s the spirit Sheriff! I’m not saying we don’t stop these things from happening, or that we choose to ignore them when they occur, I’m merely suggesting we don’t have to bloody write about them when they do!”

Emma felt her shoulders relax.

This I can get behind.” She admitted.

“I mean, we would still have to write up serious crimes… but Pongo eating apples at the old orchard….”

Emma paused, now looking at Mulan to gage het reaction.

Mulan shrugged.

“I’m happy to go with the majority vote. Just bear in mind one thing, Emma. Regina ever finds out you’re kinda toast.”

Emma physically flinched.

“Well, she can only read through what we give her, right?”

Emma now looked at David who seemed to be pondering the scenario in front of him.

“Well, I suppose it could be seen as a waste of the Mayors time reading about stray dogs and delinquent, horny teenagers?” He finally replied, eyes darting around the room before finally resrinh on Emma.

“And she is… very busy.” Emma continued, a slight smile now playing on her lips.

“I mean, really, we’d be doing it for Regina when you think about it?” The blonde finished, now finding the idea not so risqué if they were doing it for the Mayor.

“We absolutely would be.” Zelena ended, a  similar smile now on her lips.

“So, it’s settled then? No more reporting writing for uneventful… events?”

Everyone in the room nodded at Zelena who was now beaming.

“Where would you all be without me, mmm? I’ve been here what, a couple of days and I’ve already written up a new policy! You’re all welcome by the way!”

Emma inwardly groaned before she began to walk towards the door, recalling Regina’s warning about Zelena.

Give her an inch, and she will undoubtedly take a mile…

Still. Less report writing. That was a bonus.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Zelena asked, hand out, now blocking Emma’s path to the door.

“My shift is over? I’m heading home for lasagna.”

And to celebrate.

Zelena shook her head.

“Emma, that was agenda item one of four.”

Emma laughed nervously.

If she was late home, Regina wouldn’t be happy.

“How long will agenda items two to four be? I leave in an hour.” Mulan was now asking, as Emma attempted to sidestep Zelena’s arm.

“Ohh not long, Deputy although item four had six segments.”

“Absolutely not. My shift is over, Regina is expecting me home!”

Zelena finally let her arm drop before she quirked a brow.

“Well, I honestly didn’t see that coming.”

Emma was about to make her hasty exit before she paused.

“See what coming?!”

Mulan sighed and shook her head at Emma as if to say; “you really had to ask!”

“Oh nothing serious, just the local Sheriff come Saviour being incredibly whipped!”

Emma’s mouth opened and promptly closed as Mulan turned, attempting to hide the smirk on her face.

“I’m… I’m not…. I don’t even…”

Emma stopped and looked at David helplessly who let out a chuckle.

“Like father like daughter.” He finally replied giving Emma a grin.

Seriously dad? That’s not helping me at all! I am not whipped!”

Zelena now let out a laugh.

“You know, I suspect there was a time in my sisters life where whipping another into submission was normal. Of course I don’t mean she literally does that to you… who am I to presume what you ladies get up to in the bedroom.”

Emma knew her face was likely the colour of beetroot as a hot flush passed through her.

“That said, my sister is preggers so I suppose it’s rather telling what you do get upto, Sheriff! How did the scan go,  by the way?”

“I am not whipped!” Emma snapped, her fists now clenched as a small voice echoed around her head.

Maybe you are. Just a little bit.

“And the scan was perfect. The baby is developing great, a little faster than we envisaged but yeah, she’s absolutely perfect.”

Mulan’s mouth opened and closed, her eyes boring into Emma who seemed completely oblivious at her faux pas.


Emma’s brows almost joined in the middle as she glanced at Mulan, immediately realising her error. Clearing her throat she attempted to look casual as she replied to Zelena.

“What, now?”

Zelena looked at Mulan whose eyes immediately moved to the floor.

“Emma. You said ‘she’.

Emma felt sick.

First Mulan and now Zelena -

She’s absolutely perfect. That’s what you said.”

Emma’s head snapped towards David.

Oh shit, David too…

“I - no. I think you misheard. I said they’re absolutely perfect. They.”

David slowly nodded, his eyes moving from Emma to Zelena as if waiting for her response. The redhead was looking intently at Emma before she finally shrugged.

“My mistake, then. Let’s  proceed to agenda item two.”

Emma felt a flood of relief flow through her as Zelena was apparently happy to move on, even though she suspected, deep down, Regina’s sister now knew she was going to be an Aunt to a little girl.

Emma managed to catch up with agenda item two as Zelena continued, her eyes glinting.

“Technology. We need a computer. And a printer. And a scanner. Then we can remove all of these filing cabinets and replace them with a couple of soft, plush, sofas.”

Emma groaned.

“Which leads me nicely onto agenda item three - fundraising.”

Mulan, empty coffee cup in one hand, slowly raised her other before she spoke.

“What are we fundraising for?”

Emma found herself seated once more, her eyes on Zelena’s horrendous clock.

She was already ten minutes past her shift. Regina was going to be pissed. Retrieving her phone from her pocket she sent a quick text.

Running a little late. Got held up. Home soon. X

Finally she looked back up, noticing Zelena’s steel blue eyes were firmly gazing at her.

“Now I have the Sheriffs attention, I’ll answer your very valid question, Mulan. We need to raise funds for the technology outlined in agenda item two.”

Emma immediately sat upright.

“Didn’t you like, conjure a brand new coffee machine days ago? We didn’t have to raise funds for that so why do we need to start now?”

Zelena crossed her arms and sighed.

“Emma. Dearest Emma. There is only so much I can do before Regina’s opposition for Mayor get wind of me using magic to improve the Sheriffs office. We need to be seen to be doing things the right way.  Fostering a community spirit so to speak. So, we fundraise. And I have the perfect idea.”

Emma suddenly felt a little nauseous. Whatever Zelena’s idea was, wouldn’t be good.

Now slouching back in her seat, Emma felt her phone vibrate.

How late is a little late, Miss Swan?

Emma was about to reply when Zelena’s voice echoed around the office.

“Inspiration, creativity and a little style is all it takes to create a great charity calendar. Luckily for you, I have experience in all three.”

Her eyes were back on Emma.

“All we need is a photo of you in a bikini and you’d make an excellent Miss July.”

Emma inhaled so sharply she began to choke on air.

“Or perhaps you could just wear a white tank and some cut off denim shorts, hold a chainsaw and pretend to cut down a tree? I’ve heard you’re exceptional at that, would make a fantastic Miss October.”

Emma was till gasping for air as Mulan appeared at her sides, slapping her back a few times.

“We can dress Mulan up in warrior clothing. I think that could easily be a Miss November right there!”

Emma finally caught her breath.

“How come she gets to wear clothing?!”

Zelena appeared to contemplate the question.

“Mmm. You make a valid point, Sheriff. More skin on display would probably lead to more sales. A skirt with an armoured vest would work!”

Mulan shook her head.

“No way am I being photographed for some calendar. No. Way.”

Emma breathed a sigh of relief. At least Mulan was on the same page.

“Oh, don’t look so smug Emma. Less of Mulan means more of you. I’m sure I can get Regina to bake an apple pie, which she’d place strategically on a very naked you; Hello Miss May!”

Emma had a sudden vision of standing  in Regina’s kitchen wearing nothing but an apple pie…

“No way in hell.” she muttered suddenly recalling Regina’s text which she quickly replied to.

Almost done! Xx

“What about me?”

Emma and Mulan’s heads both turned towards David.

“I mean, I’d like to support this endeavour. I’m a Deputy in this department too.”

Zelena smiled.

“That, right there, is the spirit I was looking for. The spirit you two are sadly lacking.”

Zelena then shook her head with disapproval making both Emma and Mulan feel marginally guilty.

“Well are you going to pose?” Mulan asked, a slight squeak in her voice as Zelena bit on her bottom lip.

“Well, there are four of us so I don’t see why we can’t each do three months each. I’d think you’d look fantastic yielding your sword in one photo, David and it would appeal to both sexes in Storybrooke although I have to say, Emma posing in just her read leather jacket, strategically placed of course, would rocket sales!”

Emma suddenly stood, hands on hips.

“You seriously want me to look half naked for a calendar?! This isn’t porn, Zelena! Jesus Christ!”

Zelena let out a chuckle before she shrugged.

“Well, I suppose if you’re that bothered about posing more than once I could rope in some others to assist? Such a shame Elsa left; she would have made an exceptional Miss December - no special effects needed!”

Emma groaned as her phone pinged again.

I was hoping to become reacquainted with Little Swan again before serving supper but it appears you would rather stay at work….

Emma groaned again at the thought of being inside Regina once more, literally, thanks to Little Swan.

The Mayor wasn’t playing fair.

“I’m sure Ruby would jump at the chance to model for the calendar. She definitely has a model look about her.”

Mulan blushed and pushed her empty coffee cup across the table before she finally answered.

“No, she isn’t just going to wear her Red cloak before you ask-“

Zelena rolled her eyes.

“I suppose I’ll have to rely on Regina then. If I can persuade her to wear her evil queen get up the sales would definitely rocket sky high, I suspect we can attribute that to the amount of cleavage on display-“

“Absolutely, categorically, no.”

Emma’s voice cut through the air in a similar fashion to the chainsaw she had once held.

Now all Emma could think about was Regina’s alter ego, dropping to her knees as she slowly unbuckled Emma’s jeans, insistent fingers searching for Little Swan.

“I have to go.” The blonde managed to mumble before Zelena shook her head.

“All I ask for is a further five minutes so we can discuss one more thing.”

Emma felt her heart deflate, before suddently somewhere else began to inflate.

At a rather uncomfortable rate.

Regina was frustrated.

Henry had left earlier that day which meant she had the house all to herself.

Preparing the table for dinner, she’d placed the lasagna in the oven and was dutifully waiting for the front door to swing open when she’s received Emma’s text.

Walking to her study, she’s taken a seat, attempting to do some paperwork in the hope that it would take her mind off the slight burning sensation she had developed in the pit of her stomach.

She wanted Emma home.

She wanted Emma’s soft lips on hers.

She wanted to run her fingers through the blondes unruly locks, scratching at her scalp before she peppered the Sheriffs neck with kisses.

And bites.


She quite fancied giving Emma a few love nips before she dropped to her knees and unbuttoned the blondes jeans.

Swallowing hard, Regina gave up on the paperwork as another text appeared.

Emma was still running late.

Letting out a growl she opened her top drawer hoping to find the small photo album Snow had given her. If she couldn’t see Emma in person she would have to settle for images instead, as her hand began to wander along her stomach towards a the small button on her slacks.

Instead of the album, Regina’s free hand came across a small origami swan Emma had made her. The sheriff had entered her office pre-curse, and noticing she was absent had written a small note which she then folded into a swan, leaving it on Regina’s desk. Regina had treasure the small swan and had taken it home with her. Not that Emma knew.

Regina smiled at the small folded swan as her mind suddenly went to another small swan that had made her smile.

One that hadn’t actually been that little once it had sprung free from the confines of Emmas pants.

Emma’s not so little swan that had immediately sprung to attention before Regina could even touch it.

And touching it was something Regina desperately wanted to do again, this time with her tongue as she imagined Emma standing in front of her wearing nothing but a smile and a very erect dick…

“Are you okay Emma?”


She wasn’t okay.

Far from fucking okay as the familiar pull began to caress her from below. Thankful she was sitting behind her desk, Emma shifted and placed a hand on her crotch.


Not again.

What the hell.

“You’re flushed.”

Emma’s eyes shot to Zelena who actually looked mildly concerned.

“If it’s about Regina posing for the calendar it was simply a joke my dear.  Do you really think my sister would pose for the citizens of Storybrooke?”

Emma gulped, flashing images of Regina posing in general was having a strong effect on her… nether regions….

“Can we just finish the meeting. Please Zelena. I need to-“

Emma felt her cheeks redden even more as her little swam began to nudge at the seams of her jeans.

She needed Regina.

She needed this not so little problem to vanish or at the very least her jeans needed to expand.

Had she been that focussed on getting home to Regina she’d magicked herself a dick?!

“You need to what, Sheriff?”

Zelena was now looking at her curiously as her eyes moved to Mulan.

“I n-need to, to…”

Fuck Regina senseless.

Oh shit.


Now Mulan seemed concerned as she got up and move closer to Emma.

“No! Stay there. Don’t come any closer.”

Because at this stage Emma was convinced of Mulan did get any closer the first thing she would see was Emma’s newly acquired penis pushing upwards like a ships mast.

“You’re kinda freaking me out a bit.” Mulan continued, still walking towards Emma who held up one hand whilst the other attempted to hide her… little swan.

“I just mean… I’m leaving soon. So there’s no need to come over here as I’ll be over there soon, you know - when I leave…”

Emma was rambling. She knew she was rambling but the pressure of her new appendage as it pushed at her jeans was making her confused, hot and extremely uncomfortable.

Regina couldn’t quite believe how vivid her imagination was as another image of Emma drifted in front of her.

Emma and her little swan.

Waving her hand, Regina immediately transported herself to their bedroom and promptly fell onto the bed.

What the hell was wrong with her?

Closing her eyes, she attempted to steady her breathing and failed miserably as more images floated around her subconscious.

Emma answering the door that one time wearing only a tank top and a pair of red panties, her eyes searching Regina as her arm reached up and casually leaned against the door, her bicep rippling nicely under the pressure.

Emma, standing so close to her as they both argued over who would recuse Henry from the mine, the blonde edging closer as Regina echoed her movement, now standing so close she could feel Emma’s breath whisper across her face.

Emma crawling over her as her little swan twitched and pulsated against Regina’s stomach before she directed the throbbing member deep inside her.

“I need you, now!” Regina husked.

“Emma, stand up.”

Emma shook her her violently.

Like hell she was going to stand up.

Zelena quirked a brow.

“I thought you wanted to leave? One has to stand up in order to achieve that, Sheriff.”

Emma grimaced, both her hands now pushing down on her crotch.

“I - I can stay. For a little while.”

Or at least until she got her raging dick under control.

So engrossed in keeping Zelena at bay, Emma didn’t realise Mulan was now standing by her side, her eyes looking down as she mouthed “Oh. Shit.”

Emma looked up and groaned.

Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck…

Mulan turned and pointed at the clock.

“It’s way past Emma’s shift and I’m due to finish in half an hour so let’s just bring this meeting to a close, mmm?”

Mulan then glanced back at Emma’s crotch before looking up into green eyes. Winking at the Sheriff, Mulan then walked towards Zelena before she continued.

“Besides, I need your help with my police report about last night.”

Zelena was watching both Mulan and Emma like a hawk.

Something was definitely going on….

Regina wasn’t quite certain when her hand had slipped downwards, but as soon as her finger tip ran through her trimmed curls, meeting the hood of her clit, a deep guttural moan escaped her lips.

“Oh… Emmaaa….”

Emma watched as Mulan walked past Zelena, mentally thanking her deputy for her assistance.

She wasn’t quite sure how she was going to explain her extra appendage to Mulan but figured that was a talk for another time. Right now she needed to get home to Regina so she could sort out Emma’s issue.

Maybe she could make use of the issue first before making it disappear!

Emma then jolted in her seat as Regina’s husky voice floated around her ears.

“Oh… Emmaa….”

Seconds later Emma found herself standing at the foot of their bed, her eyes immediately falling on Regina who was laid before her, eyes closed, her hand moving below her pants.


Zelena watched as Emma suddently vanished from behind her desk in a puff of white smoke.

“Well someone really was eager to leave my meeting.”

Mulan chuckled to herself before patting Zelena on the arm.

“I think she was simply eager to get home to Regina.”

Especially a if the tent in her jeans was anything to go by!

Chapter 25


I should apologise - this chapter is pure, unadulterated smut. Enjoy!

Chapter Text

Regina’s eyes shot open.


Shifting a little, the brunette began to pull her hand from her throbbing core, her cheeks blazing when Emma’s voice echoed around the room.

Show me.”

Regina’s breath hitched as she slowly pulled her hand upwards, skirting across her now engorged clit she gasped as Emma’s eyes darkened.

“Show you?”

Regina paused before Emma nodded her head, her eyes now resting firmly on Regina’s wet fingertips.


Show Emma… her arousal.

As Regina lifted her hand closer to Emma for inspection, a low growl seemed to emanate from deep within the blonde, a sound that managed to make Regina more wet.

If that were possible…

“What was Madam Mayor thinking, to get that wet, mmm?”

Emma’s voice was laced with arousal as she slowly moved her hand downwards, stopping at the button on her jeans.

“Was it, perhaps, this?”

And without further preamble the blonde unbuttoned her jeans, pulling them down slightly along with her boy shorts allowing a certain erect penis to spring into Regina’s view.

Little Swan.

Regina felt her cheeks burn as her clit twitched in appreciation and anticipation, a further flood of wetness gathering below where her fingers had just been.


Regina was struggling to say anything further as her fingers, still damp, suddenly began to reach forward towards Emma.

“Oh, indeed. Tell me Gina, did you do this to me?”

Emma then looked down at her phallus which seemed to be straining towards Regina’s outstretched fingers.

“Because I know I sure as hell didn’t.”

Regina’s fingers hovered as her eyes looked up, finding stormy green orbs flash back at her.

“I didn’t… I mean, yes… I thought about it but I didn’t magic you a penis if that’s what you’re implying Miss Swan.”

Emma raised a brow.

“Are you certain, Madam Mayor? Because it appears as though I interrupted a fantasy of yours, one which definitely included me if groaning my name between those gorgeous lips of yours is anything to go by.”

Regina growled as her fingers finally found what they were looking for. Emma hissed as they suddenly wrapped around her shaft, tugging her close. Jolts of electricity seemed to flow through Emma as Regina’s thumb skirted over her tip.

“Let’s make that fantasy a reality, Sheriff.”

Emma groaned. She could smell Regina’s essence that was still on her fingertips, the same fingertips that were now rubbing up and down the blondes erection in a leisurely manner.

“I love how you feel. I love how you twitch under my fingers.”

Regina then edged forwards on her knees, her eyes devouring Emma’s ‘little swan’ as if she just saw her favourite food and she was hungry. Before Regina could get any closer, Emma quickly moved backwards, as Regina lost her grip, a moan of displeasure leaving her ruby red lips.

“Strip for me. Now.” Emma husked as she quickly began to discard her own clothing. It didn’t take long for her to be totally naked, standing in front of an equally naked Regina who had magicked her attire off with one simple flick of her wrist.

Regina couldn’t quite believe that Emma was finally here. Naked. Standing with her hands on her hips, legs slightly apart, biceps rippling, stomach taught and…

Her magnificent penis standing to attention.

Emma on the other hand was peering down at Regina who was aesthetically spread on black satin sheets, her naked body alluring as it writhed below her.

Green eyes immediately fell on the brunettes heaving breasts which were definitely more fuller than ever before, the dusky nipples pert and inviting.

Regina shuddered as Emma’s eyes moved across her chest before dropping to her stomach, the look of love so apparent on the blondes face it made Regina burn, her stomach fluttering as her heartbeat began to speed up.

“Gods, you’re stunning.” Emma whispered, her eyes raking over the baby bump.

“This is mine. All mine.” Emma heard herself choke out as Regina sat up, now resting on her elbows, her legs edging further apart.

The possessiveness in Emma’s tone was doing wonderful things to her as she nodded.

All yours my love.”

This seemed to spur Emma on further as her hungry eyes dropped to the thatch of dark, wet curls that hid the treasure she so desperately wanted to taste.

To fill.

To possess.

“Open your legs wider.”

Regina’s heart sped up, her arousal multiplying at Emma’s demand as the blonde nodded her head and as Regina obliged she felt a further wave of wetness pool below as Emma took a hold of her dick with one hand, as the other reached out and began to caress Regina’s knee.


Regina wasn’t certain what she was going to say, as Emma edged closer, both her hands now on Regina’s knees, fingers circling the soft skin, thumbs brushing in a circular motion as her penis continued to twitch, still erect… waiting….

“See what you do to me, Gina.”

Regina was mesmerised as a hand reached out to touch Emma again, a moan leaving her lips as the blonde shook her head.

“Nu-uh. Hands off. Not yet…”

Regina pouted as Emma smirked above her, her hands now moving up Regina’s legs, along her sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

One hand was then placed on her chest, as Emma slowly pushed the brunette back onto the sheets.

“Are you ready for me, my Queen?”

Regina growled, her hands now on Emma’s shoulders, pulling the blonde down as their lips collided.

A light peck soon turned into deep kissing as lips parted and tongues clashed, both domineering the other as Emma felt her dick harden even more.

She wasn’t going to last very long-

“I want you. In my mouth. Now.”

Emma hadn’t realised the kissing had stopped as Regina’s lips quickly latched onto a nipple, sucking before she finally let the rosebud go with a resounding ‘pop’.

“You had me in your mouth.” Emma mused out loud as Regina looked up her her, pupils blown.

“I think you know which part of you I want in my mouth, dear.”

Emma shuddered as Regina placed both her hands on Emma’s hips, pulling her upwards.

As Emma willingly shifted, her stomach moved across Regina’s core, the wetness now so immense it made Emma groan.

“Oh god.” She mumbled as she pushed herself up onto her knees, one hand skirting back, fingers immediately finding Regina’s whirlpool of wetness as they began to probe deeper.

“Yesss” Regina hissed at the welcomed intrusion as Emma pushed her hips forward, Regina immediately welcoming the view of Little Swan.

“Come here, baby.” She husked, one hands resting on Emma’s hip, the other moving to cup a breast as her mouth hovered over the tip of Emma’s penis.

“Let me taste you.” she continued, her mouth now covering the tip.

Emma moaned at the sensation of warm lips and a hot tongue as it danced over her tip before Regina took her inside her mouth, her tongue doing wonderful things as she continued to suck and lick.

Up and down.

Up and down…

“Oh fuck.”

Emma momentarily forgot her fingers were deep inside Regina as the brunette began to move her mouth up and down Emma’s shaft. The sensation it was causing deep inside her belly was making her tremble all over. Finally her head cleared as her fingers continued to pump in and out of Regina’s wetness, her thumb finding and pleasing the brunettes clit.

“I love how you taste.”

Regina moaned, the vibration causing the sensations to multiply as she continued to suck, her lips finally releasing Emma’s cock, one hand now cupping Emma’s balls before her mouth returned, taking one and then the other into her mouth, licking and sucking on them gently before finally letting them go.

“God you taste so good… so good….”

Emma wasn’t paying much attention, her desire to make Regina come so strong she doubled her efforts as the brunette began to shake and quiver below her.

“I’m so close.”

Emma looked down, her cock now raging against Regina’s breasts. Quickly she repositioned herself, moving her fingers she shifted back, sliding her length effortlessly inside Regina who was more than wet and ready for her, as she brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked at Regina’s essence.

“Ohhh.. Emmaaa…”

Emma quickly moved her lips down, her mouth finding a nipple. Enticed by its stiffness she began to pleasurably torture one and then the other with flicks and twirls of her tongue, before nibbling and sucking hard on each peak.

Regina’s moans became louder as Emma withdrew her mouth, moving it to blood red lips, steadily continuing their torture on Regina’s mouth instead, her tongue pushing for entry as she mimicked the movement below, pushing deeper inside Regina’s walls as their tongues collided, sensually dancing with one another once again.

Finally their lips separated as Regina moved her breath towards Emma’s ear, whispering sweet serenades of love. The slight touch of Regina’s tongue on Emma’s lobe gave the Sheriff goosebumps, making her body arch as the Mayor let out a deep chuckle.

“The things you do to me Gina-“ Emma managed to moan as Regina’s mouth latched onto Emma’s neck, biting before sucking and finally licking.

“Harder, Emma. I need to feel you deeper.”

Emma felt her heartbeat thrum as she pulled out and pushed back in, her thrust so deep it made Regina moan in ecstasy.

“Yes…yes… oh…. fuck…”

Regina suddenly felt Emma’s teeth sinking into her neck which sent a mixture of painful yet euphoric sensations throughout her entire body as her stomach continued to flutter, her core clenching and welcoming every powerful thrust Emma gave down below.

“Oh god I’m close.”

Emma released her hold on Regina’s neck immediately noticing the blue tinge she had left behind. Feeling monetarily guilty the thought soon passed as Regina’s moist tongue ran over Emma’s jaw before finding her lips again.

Emma could get lost in the pleasurable torture that Regina’s tongue swirls were providing as she probed deeper into Emma’s mouth, caressing her tongue with a fevered need.

The tantalising feel of Regina’s tongue in her mouth and her core as it caressed and pulled Emma’s penis in even further was about to send Emma off the edge of the precipice.

The kiss finally broke, each needing oxygen as Regina seemed to part her thighs even more, her eyes looking up at Emma with so much desire and need, her bottom lip disappearing into her mouth it only made Emma succumb further as she grappled Regina’s hips, her thrusts now more demanding, making the brunettes eyes more lustful as they rolled back.

“D-don’t stop. Please. Don’t ever fucking stop!”

Emma had no intentions of stopping as her entire being shuddered at Regina’s use of an expletive as she began to crave all that her fiancée had to offer, more and more as Emma felt Regina’s hands now gripping her shoulders.

Emma continued to slam deeper and deeper, the pleasure rippling and coiling in her belly, the heat radiating and burning.

It was time…

“Are you ready, my Queen?” Emma managed to whisper against Regina’s ear as the brunette nodded, lips locking once more as Emma felt Regina moan, their kisses serving as a suppressor as Emma withdrew her shaft almost entirely before making one final entrance. Not even their lips could deter Regina’s screams of pleasure now.

“Should I stop, my love?”

Emma almost smirked at Regina’s reaction as the brunette clenched her thighs, shaking her head rapidly as her hip movements started to match Emma’s, both impossibly synchronised.

With each thrust, Regina’s grip became tighter and tighter as Emma felt her walls clench around her dick, bringing her in deeper and deeper. The blonde felt herself succumbing to the wetness and tightness of Regina’s grip as her cunt clenched and held on tight.

The spasm of pleasure that rocketed through their entwined bodied was intense, making them both cry out in mutual pleasure, both lost in a word of euphoria and relief.

Finally Emma lifted her head, which had been resting against Regina’s rapid heartbeat. Eyes locked as Regina glanced down, her trembling hands now in Emma’s messy hair.

“Did that surpass your fantasy, Madam Mayor?” Emma asked, her voice raspy as Regina smiled, pulling Emma up her body so their foreheads were now touching.

Emma shifted to the side, always conscious she was too heavy on Regina, her fingers splaying over Regina’s stomach.

Regina chuckled, her hand reaching lower, fingertips moving over taught muscles as she suddenly pouted.

“Little Swan has gone without saying goodbye.”

Emma grinned and shook her head.

“You say that like I have any control over what - little swan - does! I wasn’t joking before when I asked if you magicked it back again. I was in the middle of a meeting with your sister, Mulan and David when all of a sudden my crotch started to twitch and hey presto - hello penis!”

Regina let out a deep laugh, the vibrations moving against Emma’s skin making her shiver.

“Oh Emma. If I did it was unconsciously done. I missed you. And I was getting a little - tetchy - when you said you were running late so I decided to take matters into my own hands.”

Emma began to kiss Regina’s cheek before she lifted her head back up.

“Literally into your own hands, if my memory serves me well.”

Regina blushed, recalling how her fingers had deliberately sought out her aching core as images of Emma, naked and aroused, floated around her head once more.

Perhaps I did conjure your little swan, but it was worth it.”

Emma grinned as her tongue began to dance around Regina’s bottom lip before she pulled back again.

“You do realise I left the office rather suddenly? Your sister won’t let me live this down though thankfully it was only Mulan who spotted by - you know…”

Regina moved so she was now laid on her side, facing Emma, her fingers playing with the fine hairs on the back of Emma’s neck.

“Mulan spotted what, Emma. Use your words my dear.”

Emma huffed.

“You know damn well what she saw. All I could think about was getting home to you. Zelena was so descriptive about you wearing your evil queen gear that’s all I could focus on which didn’t help my raging boner.”

Regina stopped her ministrations and cocked her head, her eyes gleaming.

Why would my sister be talking about me wearing my old attire?”

Emma sighed, her arm now moving over Regina’s hip, pulling her in closer.

“She wanted to start these meetings, something about giving back to the community and showing the townsfolk that the sheriffs department cares for their well-being.”

Regina nodded, her thumb now rubbing Emma’s ear lobe.

“That’s why I was late. She decided to hold the first one right before my shift ended and you know how she gets. I tried to leave but she’s awfully persuasive at times and a part of me felt like she somehow needed this meeting as an outlet to what happened last night.”

Regina nodded again, her thumb now caressing Emma’s cheek, resting on the dimple she adored.

“This still doesn’t explain why she was discussing my wardrobe as the Queen.”

Emma’s hand was still on her stomach, her fingers splayed protectively over the bump which seemed to be getting larger day by day.

“She wants to fundraise for some new IT equipment for the office. Her idea is to have a charity calendar, with the Sheriffs Office posing for each month.”

Regina sat up.

“Posing, how exactly?”

Emma reached out and pulled Regina back down, moving them so the brunettes head was now on her chest.

“Well she seemed to think I would be perfectly happy posing, wearing as little clothing as possible because-“

“Like hell you are.”

Emma chuckled.

“Gina. Do you really think I’d day say yes to posing in a bikini? Or just my tank and a pair of undies whilst I yield a chainsaw?”

Regina turned, her eyes blazing.

“She honestly expected you to say yes to that?”

Emma shrugged.

“I’ve no idea what your sister expects most of the time but she got push back from both Mulan and myself although David seemed awfully keen to pose with his sword!”

Regina laughed, the tension easing away as she nuzzled her face into Emma’s warm and inviting neck.

“You’re not posing for anyone but me.” she murmured as Emma shuddered.

“Yeah well, she then got talking about roping in you and Ruby which then led to her mentioning your Evil Queen get up which, seriously babe, got me up - literally. My magic penis clearly loves all of you because I had trouble taming it in my pants which is when Mulan saw it. Thank fuck Zelena didn’t! Before I knew that was happening I’d poofed myself to you.”

Regina literally purred in Emma’s ear before she lifted herself up, now hovering over Emma.

“I think it’s only fair you let me apologise for pulling you away from what sounds like an awfully fascinating meeting.”

Regina’s voice had dropped as her eyes looked down, appreciating Emma’s toned muscles and perky breasts which were now heaving with every breath the blonde took.

“I’m going to make you come so hard, Miss Swan, preferably all over my lips and face.”

Emma shuddered at the words and the predatory look on the brunettes face as she ran a single finger tip down her cheek, along her neck, pausing at her collarbone.

“I’m going to make you scream out my name, as you beg me for your release.”

The fingertip continued lower now, moving over one rosy nipple before it crossed to the other, as a thumb now came into play.

“I love you naked in our bed, below me. Waiting for me. Tell me, Em-ma… what do you want?”

Emma forgot her own name as Regina’s thumbs began to rub circular motions over her hardened nipples.


Regina paused, “I’d prefer not to involve him in the deliciously naughty things I’m going to do to you, Emma….”

Emma gulped, her chest lifting and dropping in quick succession which caused Regina’s thumbs to continue their caress.

“Y-you… I just n-need you…”

Regina moved one thumb, her lips now ghosting over the bud as Emma’s hands found the back of Regina’s neck.

“So delicate and ripe, like fruit waiting to be picked.”

Regina was mumbling as she licked Emma’s nipple, finally growling at the peak, a smiling forming on her lips as goosebumps broke out all over Emma’s chest.


Regina looked up at Emma, the blondes green eyes now several shades darker as her hands stilled in Regina’s hair.

“I can smell you, Emma. Your scent… it makes me so incredibly wet, knowing that scent is only for me. It makes me want to dive right in and taste-“

“Hell yes. Yes! Jesus Regina you’re driving me crazy…”

Regina ran the pad of her thumb down between the valley of Emma’s breasts, pausing at her bellybutton, before she continued to move around the cute button, marvelling at how Emma’s stomach muscles twitched and contracted with every movement.

“Everything about you…. God you arouse me, Emma. You always have…. You always will….”

Emma was now squirming below Regina, her hips canting upwards as Regina’s hands began to caress Emma’s milky white thighs.

“Someone is impatient.”

Emma cantered her hips again, desperate to be touched hoping the movement would cause some friction where she needed it the most.

“Stop teasing me woman!”

Regina chuckled.

“Emma, what do you want….”

Emma’s hands found Regina’s hips.

“I need you inside me, now.”

Regina bit her bottom lip as she began to slowly descend her head, her lips now planting firm yet delicate kisses along each thigh, her tongue tracing the curves of her love.

“Yes…. Keep going. Please…”

Emma’s voice was raw as Regina nuzzled her nose in Emma’s short blonde curls, inhaling her intoxicating essence as she slowly began to run her tongue along the dripping cavern below her.

“So sweet. So slick. So spicy!”

Regina’s thirst was ignited as she enveloped Emma between her lips, her tongue finding the swollen pearl which was throbbing and twitching.

“I can’t resist…” Regina finally whispered as Emma pulled at her hair, sending a bolt of arousal throughout her body.

“I don’t want you to!” Emma almost moaned as Regina’s mouth began to water, her need to consume Emma’s nectar so desperate her hands grabbed Emma’s hips, stilling the blonde in a vice like grip.

Tongue now probing deeper, Emma began to growl as her moans and cries echoed around the room, her body thrashing and hands now gripping at the bedcovers as Regina finally pushed and sucked that one place she knew would drive her love wild.

Emma came with a shudder of moans and gasps as Regina sucked, before finally lifting her head.

Emma was gazing down at her, pupils blown, cheeks flushed, sweat causing her hair to stick to her forehead.

Emma looked glorious and when she smiled up at Regina, her eyes so warm and so trusting, filled with love and awe Regina felt entire body float.

“I love you Emma. Unconditionally.”

Emma reached up,  both hands cupping Regina’s face.

“You complete me, Gina. I felt nothing before you and Henry came into my life. I lived each day barely surviving, I certainly wasn’t living and then I came to Storybrooke and everything changed. I changed. Henry opened up my heart to love and you -“

Emma rubbed her thumbs across Regina’s cheekbones, noticing the wetness that had gathered from tears which had slowly began to fall.

You, my love. My soulmate. My everything. You taught me how to love without even knowing it.”

Regina sniffled against Emma’s hands as Emma smiled, her mouth opening slightly.

“I’m totally head over heels for you, Madam Mayor and I’m so glad you said yes to my proposal. I’m so glad we’re a family, and that soon we will be welcoming our little girl into the world.”

Emma then moved one hand down the side of Regina’s neck, along her arm before finally resting on Regina’s stomach, her eyes moving downwards.

“And I love you too, nugget. So very much.”

Emma then kissed Regina’s soft stomach, marvelling at the baby bump as Regina shuddered.

“Keep that up Miss Swan and you wont be getting lasagna for dinner….”

Emma grinned, placing a few more kisses against Regina’s stomach before she looked up.

“I could eat….. you….”

Regina felt a flood of sexual excitement as blood began to rush around her body, pulsating against the vessels in her pelvis, vulva and clit.


Emma winked, slowly moving her hands to Regina’s hips, pulling her up towards parted lips.

Slowly she moved a finger, parting Regina’s labia which was wet, warm and welcoming.

My turn.” Emma husked as her tongue ran across the clear fluid making Regina’s muscles tighten throughout her body, her breath catching as Emma nudged at her throbbing clit with the tip of her nose.

The stimulation immediately made Regina groan as she positioned herself directly over Emma’s face.

With every nudge and every lick, Regina felt the muscles around her opening grow tighter and tighter as her nipples began to harden.

“Emma… oh….. please…. Inside, I need to feel you inside….”

So Emma obliged.

Chapter Text

Much later Emma found herself seated at the table opposite Zelena as Regina served her lasagna.

The redhead had called Regina earlier, initially enquiring where Emma had “poofed to” in such a hurry before she invited herself over for dinner. Neither Emma or Regina minded, both wanting to address the whole Cora situation with Zelena sooner rather than later.

“I have to say, Emma, I was a little insulted you felt the need to leave my meeting the way you did. Was it really that bad?”

Emma began to play with the silverware, her eyes darting to the placemat as she shook her head, finally looking up.

“ It was a good meeting, I think we need to address those things I just… I needed to get home. That’s all.”

Zelena tilted her head, her eyes boring into Emma.

“Was it the calendar? I was only teasing you, Sheriff. I mean, it’s not like I asked you to pose topless!”

Emma blushed as Regina placed a steaming plate of lasagna down heavily in front of her sister.

“Oh chill, Reggie! We all know you’re the only one who gets to see the Sheriffs knockers! Honestly you’d think I’d commissioned Emma to pose for all twelve months in her birthday suit!”

Regina glared down at her sister before rolling her eyes and stalking back to the kitchen.

“It had nothing to do with the calendar, Zelena. I’m happy to pose providing I’m wearing clothes. Regina was just waiting for me, that’s all.”

Zelena picked up a fork and waved it theatrically in the air as the brunette returned with two plates, serving Emma before she placed her own plate down, taking her seat at the head of the table.

“Presumably she was waiting for you and your todger then?”

Regina almost spat out the water she had just taken a sip of as Emma’s brows scrunched up, rather adoringly.

“My what?”

Regina was shaking her head as Zelena took a bite of the lasagna, an “ooo” escaping her lips as she looked at Regina.

“Lovely lasagna, sis.”

Her eyes then moved to Emma and without missing a beat she continued, a smirk now on her face.

“Your penis, Emma. The one you tried and failed to hide.  I’m rather impressed with your use of magic if truth be told. I only mentioned your cleavage once, Regina and immediately our little saviour here managed to magic herself a dick at the thought. Bravo Swan!”

Emma dropped her fork.

“Hey now… I didn’t magic anything! It just - appeared - on its own. I wouldn’t have a clue how to give myself a raging erection! I didn’t… Jesus. Can we please just move onto another topic?”

Regina swallowed, her cheeks also red. She knew how raging Emma’s erection had been, having being on the receiving end.   

Literally and pleasurably so.

Zelena chuckled and took another bite of lasagna before she turned her face back to Regina.

“I suppose it was your doing then? I love that you still have an incy wincy bit of evil in you, my dear. Keeps things interesting!”

Regina felt her cheeks flush, memories of Emma calling her ‘My Queen’ and ‘My Majesty’ still very fresh in her mind.

Emma groaned, which only heightened those memories as Regina felt her thighs immediately clamp together.

It was going to be a long evening.

“Anyway, you didn’t miss a great deal after you and your raging boner left the building, Sheriff.”

Emma dropped her fork on the table, muttering an apology as she quickly picked it back up, almost knocking over her glass of water.

Regina watched as the blonde fumbled in her seat.

God she was adorable.

Zelena continued, undeterred.

“Mulan suggested a few other ways we could fundraise before she too dashed off, although I don’t think she had an erection the size of Storybrooke to contend with, mores the pity for Ruby.”

Emma continued to fork the lasagna into her mouth in quick succession, marvelling at the flavour as she tried to tune out Zelena when she suddenly felt a nudge on her leg. Glancing up she saw Regina smile, although her eyes were on Zelena. The nudge continued, as the Mayors toes now ran up Emma’s jean clad calf, making her shudder.

“Fucking hell, now you’re playing footsy under the table?! Wasn’t the slow comfortable screw Emma no doubt provided earlier enough for you, Reggie?!”

Regina’s foot immediately left it’s warm place, landing heavily back on the floor as she mentally scolded herself for being so careless and obvious in front of her sister who clearly had eyes in the back of her head and under the table!

Finally the conversation settled after Zelena finished her with her parting shot.

“I know I’m a total bitch at times Emma, when I tease you mercilessly but really I do it with love. You’re my family and I adore you.”

Suddenly Emma found herself beaming back at the redhead as Regina felt her heart thump louder in her chest.


Emma and Regina would never tire of hearing that.

Emma handed Zelena a beer.

“So, I guess we should talk about what happened last night.”

Zelena sighed and slowly nodded as Regina entered the living room holding a cup of tea.

“I guess I should start? Considering I’ve been having some pretty surreal dreams involving Cora.”

Zelena and Regina nodded in unison as they both took a seat. Emma remained standing, her hands shoved into the back pockets of her jeans.

“Well at first I presumed it was just a really odd dream. I mean, I met your mo-“

Emma stopped.

“Um. Cora. I saw Cora at the docks in my first dream. She didn’t really say much, only to complain about the smell and the cold.”

Both Zelena and Regina laughed.

“That sounds like mother.” Regina then volunteered as Emma shrugged.

“She was different to the Cora I met in the parallel universe. I mean that Cora was just downright evi- bad. Yeah. She wasn’t nice.”

Emma was tripping all over her own tongue as she looked at Regina sheepishly.

“Sorry, I didn’t meant to say - that -“

Now Regina shrugged as she stood, crossing the small space between them she cupped Emma’s cheek.

“You can say it, Emma. Mother was evil. Just like I was. Once upon a time.”

Emma placed her hand over Regina’s.

“Yeah I just…. She was crazy and controlling and hellbent on keeping us apart in that reality. That wasn’t the same Cora I saw at the docks or at the diner.”

Now Zelena stood.

“You saw her at the diner?!”

Regina pulled at Emma and retook her seat, motioning for both her sister and Emma to sit beside her.

“Sorry, not literally at the diner. It was a dream diner. The second time I saw her. She commented that the location was a vast improvement to the docks, as if I had any control over where we met!”

Zelena and Regina gave a slight nod, both now lost in their own thoughts before Zelena finally spoke.

“What did she say to you, the second time you met? At the diner?”

Emma’s thumb found its way to Emma’s mouth as the blonde subconsciously began to nibble on her nail.

“Well, she asked me if I was looking for Ruby because for a moment it actually felt like we really were sitting in the diner. And I may have been a little peckish.”

Regina chuckled. “Only you would be hungry in your dreams my love.”

Emma grinned.

“Turns out Cora knew Ruby, which I guess makes sense but I’d never really given it much thought before. She told me that she saw a lot of people we, as in us three, interacted with through a magic mirror although she also confirmed that she knew Ruby from the Enchanted Forest days.”

Regina seemed to ponder Emma’s statement before nodding head head.

“I told mother about Ruby. I knew she was a shapeshifter and it bothered me that those with the ability to transform into an animal were frowned upon by the majority of people who lived in the Enchanted Forest. I didn’t often ask mother for her aid but when I saw how badly Ruby was treated, I had to.”

Emma recalled what Cora had told her.

“So that’s when you asked her to enchant the red cloak, right? That would stop Ruby from turning into a wolf if she wore it?”

Regina nodded.

“I hated owing mother a favour but the truth was my own magic back then wasn’t as strong nor powerful as hers was. I knew she would do it for me without hesitation if I promised her something in return.”

Emma reached out and clasped Regina’s hand in hers.

“Yeah so your mother didn’t actually divulge that part of the story. What did you promise her?”

Regina seemed to inwardly shudder as her eyes momentarily glazed over. Both Zelena and Emma waited patiently for the brunette to reply.

“She wanted me to marry the person of her choice. I simply agreed because really, I would never have had a say in who that person would be and I knew my father wouldn’t intervene on my behalf. My fate was already sealed on that front so it was a price I was willing to pay if it meant Ruby would be safe.”

“Does Ruby know? What you did for her I mean?”

Zelena’s question was one Emma had also had on her mind as Regina leaned back, resting her head on Emma’s shoulder.

“Goodness no. Telling her wouldn’t have achieved anything. For one thing, Ruby was always firmly on the side of Snow. A part of me suspected had she known the cloak got its magic from me, or my mother, she would have refused to wear it. There was also the possibility she would have told Snow.”

Emma shifted and placed her arm around Regina as Zelena stood, waking across the room to the mirror me that was on the wall.

“So, she really can see us through a magic mirror. I wonder if she can see us all now?”

Emma and Regina both looked past Zelena who was standing with her back to them, their eyes instead focusing on the redheads reflection.

“I did ask her about that. I tried to be tactful but that’s never really been my strong point. She assured me she wasn’t a crazy stalker who peeped on us constantly through the mirror.”

Zelena turned and began to cackle.

“That’s probably a good thing for the both of you considering you spent all afternoon shagging in a room that has a mirror! I can’t imagine mother would have quite understood how you managed to butter my sisters biscuit with your knife, Emma…”

Emma groaned as Regina shot her a disproving look.

“Must you be so vulgar?”

Zelena smirked and shrugged.

“All I’m saying is, watching you both provide the other with horizontal refreshments probably isn’t mothers idea of fun!”

Regina blushed as Emma sighed.

“She doesn’t - do that. Besides, she told me categorically that she only really sees flashes of images and she can go days if not weeks without seeing anything at all.”

Zelena chuckled as Emma pointed to the mirror.

“She promised me if she saw anything that was, well, private, she would cease to look!”

Regina turned on the sofa, so she was now facing Emma.

“And you believed her?”

Emma bit her bottom lip.

“It may sound crazy but yeah. I did.”

Regina merely nodded, her hand now resting across Emma’s stomach as Zelena turned back to the mirror, her eyes taking in her own reflection.

“She did see me get thrown across the forest though, when I touched the barrier at the mine.”

Regina seemed to tense beside her at Zelena turned again.

“Interesting. Did she have much else to say? About the mine or the barrier?”

Emma shook her head.

“No. Only that Gina was pretty upset when she found out I was in hospital…”

Regina began to fidget as Emma’s hand began to rub her arm.

“It’s okay baby, you can admit it. I know we weren’t together then but you clearly wanted to be…”

Emma was now smirking as Regina let out a small huff, moving back from Emma.

“I’ll admit no such thing! Of course I was concerned in my capacity of Mayor when one of my workers is taken ill…”

Now Zelena began to smirk.

“Oh cut the crap, Reggie. You wanted to get into Emma’s pants and before you look smug, blondie, we all know you had the hots right back for Madam Pissy Pants! It’s crazy how long it took for you both to finally admit it!  And even then it only transpired thanks to Emma’s encounter with the parallel universe!”

Emma attempted to look nonchalant as Regina suddenly stood.

“Wait. Does this mean she could also see what happened to you in the parallel universe?”

She was now looking down at Emma who finally shook her head.

“No. I asked her if she saw the alternate Storybrooke and she said the only thing she did see was me enter. She couldn’t see any of the alternate reality. She thinks her mirror is only able to show her our Storybrooke.”

“Non of this makes any sense, though. I mean, no offence Sheriff but why is mother choosing to meet you in your dreams?”

Emma stood, her gaze now on Zelena.

“She isn’t choosing to meet me. I asked her outright why we kept meeting the way we were and she has no idea, and yeah, I believe her. My lie detector hasn’t pinged once with her.”

Zelena sighed and took a seat opposite as Regina returned to the sofa.

“We don’t even know where she came from or how she even managed to get here.”

Emma shifted on her feet.

“Well. Actually Zelena, I kinda know where she is.”

Zelena arched a brow.

Emma steadily continued.

“She may have told me that when you banished her, Regina, she ended up kinda falling into Wonderland along with the mirror you pushed her though. I guess that’s the same mirror she can see us through now.”

“Well bloody nora! I would never have guessed that realm of all places!” Zelena almost shrieked as Regina looked momentarily dazed at Emma’s statement.

“I thought it was just a book.” Emma mumbled as Regina looked up. Before she could reply, Zelena interrupted.

Really, Emma? Please tell me you’re shitting with us? Just a book?!? Have you forgotten Henry’s book already?! You know, the one we’re all in? Just a book….. Jesus, Mary and Joseph!”

Emma actually humphed.

“Yeah well. Whatever. It’s not like I grew up in the Enchanted Forest is it? Excuse me for taking a while to catch up with all this Fairytale bollocks! Besides, not every book out there is linked to some real life realm! Take Naria!”

Regina covered her face as Zelena arched her brow.

“What about Narnia?”

Emma waved her hand in the air.

“I know you joke, Zelena but we all know that place was just a story.”

Zelena looked at Regina momentarily before she sighed.

“Oh, Emma. You have so much to learn. You seriously have no idea who the local postman is, do you?”

Emma frowned.

“I… what?!”

Regina finally moved her hand and reached out, pulling at Emma’s arm.

“Emma, darling. Mr Tumnus is the postman.”

Emma’s mouth literally gaped.

Alan? What?! No! I spoke to Alan a few days ago and he…. No.”

Zelena was sniggering.

“Emma, Alan Tumnus is the postman.”

Emma groaned and burrowed her head in Regina’s arm before finally looking back up.

“Alright then. Moby dick!”

Very real and thankfully very alive. Last I head, Captain Ahab came a cropper and drowned.”

Emma was watching Zelena closely.

“Gulliver’s travels?!”

Zelena actually snorted.

“Oh that’s far too easy, Emma. Haven’t you visited the local travel agency, owned and run solely by Mr G. Ulliver? I think he’s called Gerald. He asked me out for coffee once. I declined.”

Emma ran her hands through her hair before they were rescued by Regina’s warm fingers.

“It’s best not to think about to too much, dear. All I will say is, most fantasy novels came from some form of reality.”

“Like your mom being the Queen of Hearts in Wonderland.” Emma muttered as Regina nodded and sighed.

“Yes well, I suppose it’s rather ironic that of all the places I could have vanished her too, she’d end up there with that title. It I s rather fitting.”

“She told me she’s changed.”

Zelena and Regina looked at each other before turning their gaze back to Emma who merely shrugged.

“Look. I know I don’t have the same experiences with her as you both do, but she seems to regret her past actions. Twice now she’s told me she’s changed. I just don’t know what to believe.”

Neither did Zelena or Regina.

“Well, bottom line is she did randomly appear in person at the Rabbit Hole last night and she did save my life. What I’d like to know? How the hell did she get here and does this mean she can return?”

Regina pondered Zelena’s question before answering.

“I suppose we wait and see? But you’re correct. She did save you; and for that I will be forever in her debt.”

“Who the fuck are you, really?”

Rumple watched his - son - as he finally came to. The magic he had used on him the night before had been rather intense. Perhaps a little too intense but the way he had treated Belle…

He deserved everything he got. And more.

“Excuse the pun, but - I’m your father.”

Rumple watched Neil flinch as he slowly began to stand from the sofa he had previously been sprawled on. Rumple knew his magic had ripped through Neil, projecting an intense pain before it literally knocked him out cold. All he wanted to do was remove Neil from the vicinity of Belle. Without a great deal of thought he had transpired them both direct to his cabin in the woods, one which now had a new set of locks since Grumpy decided to break inside and steal Rumples stash of high end alcohol.

He’d remained at the cabin all night and most of the day, watching his son, waiting patiently got him to finally come round from the high dose of magic he’d barrelled Neil’s way at the Rabbit Hole.

He should feel guilty for giving his son that particular brand of treatment.

Unfortunate for Neil, Rumple didn’t.

“What kind of fucking father throws some shit at his son, knocking him out cold eh? I mean, c’mon dude, what the hell was that your threw at me? A beer bottle? A fucking chair?”

Rumple couldn’t help a smile escape his lips. Of course the idiot now standing in front of him presumed it was an inanimate object that hit him. He wouldn’t believe it was magic. Why would he? Plus he was inebriated. Rumple shook his head.

How had his son become such an unpleasant scoundrel?

“Yes. I threw a chair at you.” He muttered more to himself as he felt his hand twitch. The same hand he had projected dark magic from.

“You’re crazy. This whole town is fucking crazy. Why the hell did you throw a chair at me?”

Rumples patience was wearing thin.  For a split second he wished he had Belle close by. She was one of the very few who could calm him. Make him see sense. He had called her earlier, explained where he was and that he didn’t want to be disturbed. He recalled how hesitant she had been on the phone when she finally asked him how Neil was.

“He’s alive, Belle. I just honestly don’t know what to do about him.”

And he still didn’t.

He may have wanted nothing more than to find his son again, but this man standing in front of Rumple was nothing like the small boy he’d lost. Although Rumple realised he was as much to blame for Neil turning out the way he apparently had, he also realised a lot was down to Neil’s personality.

Which Rumple realised, stunk.

“You are a pest. A tormentor who doesn’t know the meaning of the word, no.”

Neil smirked.

“Is this about Belle? Listen up old man. She’s upgraded, okay? Let her have some fun for fucks sake. Cause you… well, you can’t really give her that, can you?”

Rumple began to clench his teeth.

“Besides, Belle isn’t the only woman who’s piqued my interest. I rather fancy my luck with the Sheriff. Now she looks like she knows how to have fun.”

Rumple took a measured step closer to Neil who slowly took a small step back.

“You seem to have a desire to chase women who are already in an established relationship-“

Neil began to laugh.

“Look buddy, I don’t know what the hell you think you have with Belle but she’s too young for you and as for the Sheriff? You seriously think I believe she’s dating the mayor of this shitty town? I haven’t had a chance to sway her yet but I will. There’s something about her that makes me - I dunno - tingle? I want her so you can chill the fuck out over Belle. That was just a bit of harmless fun.”

Rumple felt a wave of protectiveness wash through him. Not fully knowing what had happened beteeen Neil and Emma in the past, he had a pretty good idea.

There really was only one thing left to do.

Neil, oblivious to Rumples deep frown continued to talk.

“Besides, that nutjob who thinks he’s Robin Hood told me the Sheriff has a kid, so she clearly likes this-“

Neil then grabbed his crotch and tugged, a smirk appearing across his face.

A smirk Rumple was ready to remove.


“No idea who the kids dad is but I’m sure I could slip him a few bucks to keep his sprog entertained so I can keep mom entertained, behind the Mayors back of course!”

No. Neil couldn’t stay here. Especially with Henry around.

Rumple accepted he had failed miserably with his son, but he sure as hell wouldn’t fail his grandson.

“You need to leave.”

Neil chuckled.

“You think I want to stay in this cabin?”

Rumple rolled his eyes.

Town, you need to leave town.”

Neil shook his head.

“Nah. Think I’ll stay. I kinda like the view, if you catch my drift.”

Rumple sighed.

“I didn’t want it to come to this but fine.”

Neil looked monetarily puzzled before Rumple lifted his cane.

The sands of time,

Each grain so fine,

Will slowly fall,

And through it all,

The sun will set,

And you’ll forget….”

Neil frowned at Rumples words and as he opened his mouth to speak, a cloud of dark began to swirl around him, seemingly coming from Rumples mouth.

“What the-“

Rumple closed his eyes, projecting all his power into his words as he continued to chant, focusing on one thing and one thing only.

Returning Neil, his pre Storybrooke memories intact, back to wherever the hell it was he came from, with no memories of the town, why he came here, who he met and what had transpired over the last few days of his visit.

Finally he stopped as the dark fog seemed to envelop Neil whole.

“Goodbye Bae.”

“Holy crap, are you serious right now?!”

Mulan finished the slice of cake Ruby had passed her moments earlier, wiping the crumbs away from her mouth she nodded.

“Totally serious. Emma looked - uncomfortable.”

Ruby snorted.

“I’d feel uncomfortable too with a stiffy!”

It was at the moment Granny realised she’d left her glasses on the coffee table, ambling back down the corridor to retrieve them.

“Ruby! Language!”

Ruby visibly shuddered as Granny entered the small living room and picked up her glasses before taking a seat.

“Now, who had a stiffy?”

Mulan immediately felt guilty. It was one thing telling her girlfriend about Emma’s boner but to tell her girlfriends grandmother too?

Well. At least it wasn’t Snow.

“Emma.” Ruby replied, a grin still plastered on her face as Granny’s brows raised.

“Emma? Emma had a twig and berries?”

Mulan wondered if Granny’s hearing was going. Or, more worryingly, her marbles.

“Um…. Twig and what?” Ruby immediately asked, puzzlement on her face as she then looked at Mulan.

“That sounds more like a dessert than a hard-on?”

Mulan actually blushed, not feeling at all comfortable talking about erect dicks in front of Granny.

Granny who was rolling her eyes rather comically at her granddaughter.

“Perhaps you’d prefer me to say tent pole? Or custard slinger? I subscribe to Reddit, Ruby. I’m down with the kids.”

Ruby let out a laugh.

“Well Gran, I’m impressed!”

Granny smiled as she picked up a ball of yarn.

“I wonder if Madam Mayor was impressed with Emma’s throbbing whistle?”

Mulan began to choke on her own spit.

“Oh come my dear. I may be old but I’m no nun! Those ladies have been through hell, they deserve to have some fun even if it means Emma develops her own pocket rocket.”

Ruby was still smirking.

“Well, based on what Mulan just told me it’s not pocket sized if you catch my drift, Granny.”

Granny chuckled as she placed her knitting down, searching through her cardigan pocket for her phone.

All of a sudden Mulan began to worry.

“Um… you’re not going to, oh I don’t know, post about this on the Storybrooke Ships Facebook page, right?”

Because if Granny decided to do just that, Mulan suspected she would be looking for another job and fast.

“Oh good heavens, no! I was merely wondering if anyone said anything about Robin kicking the bucket.”

Mulan found herself opening up her own phone as Ruby joined her on the sofa, her eyes peering over her girlfriends shoulder.

Mulan scrolled a little before finally finding what she was looking for.

“Jesus is that a eulogy?”

Mulan nodded.

“Yup. Looks like Friar Tuck wrote it.”

Granny snorted.

“Read it out loud, Mulan. I need a laugh.”

Mulan clicked on the text to make it a little bigger and began to read.

It is with great sadness I announce the passing of Robin Hood, the Merriest of Men. Robin worked hard to provide for his family, always ensuring they felt loved and safe. He overcame so many milestones to become the honourable man you all knew him to be and I for one am going to miss his smile and dedication for all things good. Rest in peace Robin, you shall be missed by all.”

Granny rolled her eyes.

“Well that’s the biggest pile of codswallop I’ve ever heard.”

Ruby nudged Mulan who handed her the phone, watching with interest as the waitress began to scroll through the comments.

“Shit - Marian didn’t hold back!”

With that she held up the phone to Mulan and Granny who began to read.


MaidMarian : Was there 2 Robin Hoods? 🤷🏽♀️ Because the one I knew worked hard alright but on his dick for the countless women be screwed behind my back.

Friendly_Friar_44 : Marian! I understand your grief but please don’t use Robins name in vain. He was such a good man.

KatMidas : He was a 🍆

GrumpyL : why was Robin an aubergine?

Dragon_Mal: @GrumpyL - Kat was calling him a dick. Sadly there are no dick emojis.

KatMidas: I find it strange that there is an emoji for feet 🦶👣 and not a dick. But Robin was one. And a large one at that.

🌊Mermaid-Ariel🌊: what milestones did he overcome, exactly?! Because taking no for an answer sure as hell wasn’t one #nomeansno

Baby 🐉 Lil: he was a creepy ass stalker with a dodgy tattoo. I don’t wish ill on the dead but yeah… he tried to kill my moms girlfriend so forgive me for saying “f*ck you Robin.”

Friendly_Friar_44: there is so much misunderstanding behind Robin’s death.

WickedZelena: oh? He aimed an arrow at my heart. What is there to misunderstand, exactly? #karmaisabitch

MaidMarian: he was a shitty husband. A shitty father and a shitty friend. Take a look around you, Friar. Where *are* the rest of Robin’s merry men, mmm?

Friendly_Friar_44: I t hink I may have had the proverbial wool pulled over my eyes.

MaidMarian: No 💩


Emma excused herself, somehow knowing Regina and Zelena needed some time along to digest Cora, and what her sudden appearance meant.

“I really should talk to David and Snow about what happened and also show them the scan photo, if that’s alright with you babe?”

Regina smiled and nodded her approval before Emma seemed to stall at the doorway. Zelena was back in the kitchen getting ice cream.

“What’s wrong?”

Emma fidgeting was a sure fire sign she had something on her mind.

“Promise you won’t get mad.”

Regina cocked her head.

“Emma. What have you done?”

Emma pulled one hand from her back pocket, resting it on her hip as her booted toe began to circle the floor.


Finally the blonde looked up with what could only be described as an uncomfortable look.

“Well. It’s like this. I was super excited about the baby. Like, so excited I couldn’t stop myself from showing Mulan the scan photo.”

Regina nodded, wondering why this would cause Emma so much discomfort.


Emma brought her other hand from its previous resting place and ran it through unruly locks before she stopped and gingerly brought it back to her other hip, hands now grasped together.

“Gina. Mulan saw the photo.”

Regina took a step forward.

“Yes, I imagine she did if you gave it to her to look at? I’m not sure what the issue is.”

Emma began to twist her fingers around each other, a grimace appearing on her face which made Regina step forward even closer, her own fingers now brushing over Emma’s.

“I didn’t think. At all. And she noticed, or rather she didn’t notice, something which obviously led her to put two and two together and bam, she knows.”

Regina realised Emma’s thought process was an enigma, one she definitely had problems solving.

“Darling. Can you perhaps tell me that again in plain English? She didn’t notice what?”

Emma sighed.

“A penis! Mulan didn’t see a penis so yeah….”

Just at the moment, Zelena appeared holding two tubs of ice cream, a spoon dangling from her mouth which quickly dropped to the hardwood floor with a resounding clatter as her mouth continued to gape.

“Um… Is there any particular reason why Mulan would have seen your penis, Emma? Unless you’re that proud of it you wanted her to?”

Emma pulled her hands free from Regina and promptly covered her face as she shook her head.

“Emma wasn’t talking about her penis, Zelena.” Regina now barked, feeling Emma’s uneasiness as Zelena retrieved the a spoon with a flick of her wrist.

“Then whose penis didn’t Mulan see? And does Ruby know because I have a feeling if some guy is trying to expose himself to our Deputy it’s very likely Ruby will cut off his balls with a rusty saw!”

“Oh my god.” Emma moaned as she removed her hands.

“Zelena. Please.” Regina urged as Emma began to fidget again, her face now red.

“I’m talking about our baby and her lack of a penis!” Emma suddenly exclaimed before bringing her hand over her mouth.

“Oh shit.”

This time Zelena dropped both tubs of ice cream as Emma immediately grabbed hold of Regina’s hands.

“I’ve fucked up again. Clearly. I’m so sorry Gina. I know we didn’t get chance to discuss the baby’s gender… and now Mulan and Zelena know…. Fuck.”

“I’m going to have a niece.” Was the only thing Zelena could say, her face breaking out into a huge smile as Emma continued to gaze at Regina.

“Gina. Please say something.”

Regina didn’t say anything, instead she nodded at Zelena before pulling Emma into an embrace.

“I’m not mad, you idiot. I think it’s charming how excited you got over the scan photo; of course you’re going to show it to your best friend! Perhaps it’s best if we arrange a little get together at the diner tomorrow evening and we can share the news with everyone?”

Emma nodded and smiled, relieved Regina hadn’t gone all Evil Queen on her ass.

“I hope Mulan can keep a secret, Emma because if Ruby finds out that two thirds of the tremendous trio knew about the babies gender and she didn’t… well…. I wouldn’t want to be nearby when there’s a full moon is all I’m saying….”

Emma suddenly felt a little sick.

Not helping, Zelena. Now get that mess cleared up and….”

Regina placed one had on her stomach, reaching out for Zelena’s free hand, placing it on her stomach too.

“Say hello to your niece.”

Zelena beamed before she glanced at Emma, her eyes then moving to Regina.

“I’m going to spoil her rotten.”

Emma decided against seeing her mother and father until the get together Zelena had promised to arrange at the diner the following afternoon. She couldn’t promise with any real conviction that her mouth wouldn’t run away with her again and she’d end up telling them the sex of the baby too, although Regina told her multiple times that she didn’t mind them knowing.

“Yeah, I know but I really wanted Henry to be the first to know. Now he’s going to be the third to know but rather that then finding out when everyone else does at the diner tomorrow. As soon as David drops him off in the morning we will tell him.”

Regina nodded and watched as Emma placed her hand to her neck, a flash of pain appearing across her face.

“Are you stiff?”

Zelena, finishing off the final scoop of ice cream looked up from the tub before pointing the spoon at Emma.

“Has she conjured herself another dick?”

It was then both Emma and Regina decided it was time for Zelena to go home.

“Oh fine. Fine. You’re both no fun! I’ll go home, but first I’ll stop by Belle and see how she is.”

Regina nodded. “I did call her earlier. She said she finally heard from Rumple, although he didn’t tell her a great deal.”

Zelena flicked her wrist, a dark green trench coat now covering her body.

“So the wayward son is still breathing then?”

Emma nodded.

“Yes but we still don’t know where Rumple took him. Can’t say I’m giving it that much thought. Neil isn’t my concern but please tell Belle we are here if she needs us.”

Zelena smiled.

“I will. Now I’ll bid you both Goodnight. Remember to cover any mirrors before your genitalia engage in any physical union-“

It was then Regina shoved her sister out of the front door, slamming it shut behind her with a responding thump.

“So tetchy.” Zelena smirked as she trotted along the pathway.

Regina couldn’t help it. She had to know more about this supposed charity calendar her sister seemed hellbent on making the Sheriffs office pose for.

She could hear Emma move around the bathroom, humming softly to herself as Regina got ready for bed.

Satisfied with a royal blue slip that covered very little, Regina settled herself on top of the cover and waited.

“So, are you going to pose for this calendar?” she asked lightly as Emma finally poked her head out from the side of the door, toothbrush dangling from her mouth.


The toothbrush fell, thankfully into Emma’s outstretched hand as the blonde moved her entire body around the door, her eyes lingering over every inch of skin on display before her.

Jesus, Regina was the epitome if hotness.

Regina shifted, her back against the headboard, the movement causing one spaghetti strap to fall from her shoulder. Emma watched the material fall with hungry eyes.

“So - this is new.” Emma finally managed to murmur, seemingly throwing the toothbrush somewhere behind her as she raised one brow, her hands now resting on her hips.

“I got it for you.”

Regina was going to say more but the way Emma was standing and what Emma was wearing short circuited her brain function.

Because Emma’s arms had never looked so delicious, her muscles flexing unintentionally as she grinned back at Regina.

And because all Emma wore was a pair of black, tiny exercise shorts and a matching sports bra, her chest, stomach, thighs and shins fully on display.

Along with those arms….

“See something you like, Madam Mayor? Perhaps I should pose in this for the calendar?”

Reginas eyes narrowed as she began to crawl on her hands and knees down the bed, finally stopping on the edge as she sat upright, balancing her bottom on her heels.

Two could play Emma’s little game…

“And perhaps I should invest in this charitable endeavour and pose in, this?”

Regina began to run her hands down her sides, pausing at her breasts, her thumbs now rubbing across hardened peaks.

Emma’s face hardened, “like hell you are. Nobody gets to see-“

Emma paused, swallowed and bit down on her tongue.

Regina had set a trap and she’d just fallen head first into it.

Cleaning her throat Emma attempted a smile before she moved her hands from her hips, brushing her fingertips over her stomach.

“I suppose, with our positions in the community we need to support charitable work. I’m happy to pose in just my leather jacket, I mean, it was your sisters first suggestion…

Reginas hands stilled before they reached out, grabbing a hold of Emma’s hips, her thumbs immediately rubbing up and down Emma’s hipbone, pausing just above the material of her boy-shorts.

“I think it’s fair to say the only people we will be posing for are each other, Emma.”

Emma grinned, her hands now playing with Regina’s hair as the brunette leaned forward and began to run the tip of her tongue over the material of Emma’s shorts, her nose nudging at Emma’s abdomen, making her muscles twitch in delight.


Regina looked up, her eyes dark.

“Pose for me, Miss Swan.”

Her finger tips then hooked over the top of Emma’s shorts.

“Preferably, naked.”

Emma moaned.

“Whatever you need, Madam Mayor.”

Reaching behind her, Emma unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor, her eyes never leaving the gorgeous brunette who was now kneeling in front of her, fingers still hooked over the black material that covered Emma’s pussy.

Regina was mesmerised by Emma’s smooth and pale skin, by Emma’s perky breasts and toned stomach. By the Angel kisses and freckles that graced Emma’s body. By the small, thin stretch marks that she almost had to squint to see.

Moving her fingers from the material she began to trace each mark, gently, barely touching Emma’s skin which made the blonde sigh.

“I’m so sorry you never got to fully experience - Henry.”

Regina’s head dipped. Emma, preferring to see her fiancées amazing coffee coloured orbs gently placed her thumb and forefinger under her chin and gently lifted it up.

“I have amazing experiences with Henry now, Gina. Thanks to you.”

Regina felt a single, solitary tear slide down her cheek before it was caught my Emma’s tongue, the blonde moving down so quickly it momentarily startled Regina. Shuddering at the touch, Regina’s hands immediately found Emma’s hips again as the blonde moved her tongue lower, finally capturing Regina’s lips with her own.

The kiss was leisurely and delicate before it became more heated and desperate, possibly thanks to Regina’s fingers which had pulled down Emma’s shorts, exposing the Sheriffs wiry, blonde curls to Regina, whose thumb immediately found what it was looking for as it began to circle Emma’s pulsating clit.

“Allow me to give you another amazing experience.” Regina mumbled into Emma’s lips as the blonde broke away, shuddering against Regina’s thumb which was now joined by her agile fingers.

“Inside. Now.” Emma demanded, arching her back, pushing her aroused core further into Regina’s hand.

Regina’s eyes were blazing as she suddenly removed her hand, grabbinpg Emma again, pulling her towards her face. Inhaling Emma’s scent, the brunette took one, long leisurely lick over Emma’s pussy, causing the blonde to let out such an animalistic growl Regina could feel her g-string dampen.

“With pleasure.” Regina growled back, delving her tongue inside Emma’s sweetness.

“Ohhhh fuuuck…..”

Regina was relieved Henry was staying over at his grandparents that evening.

Chapter Text

The following morning Emma was secretly relieved she was now able to eat Regina’s apple pancakes without feeling sick.

“It’s like she’s taken pity on me too.” Emma was mumbling into her third pancake as Regina poured them both a coffee.

Who’s taken pity on you?”

Emma manoeuvred the final piece of pancake around her plate, expertly mopping up the remaining syrup before she looked up.

“Nugget. She’s taken pity on me. She must’ve known how much it was destroying me not being able to eat! Especially your food!”

Regina shook her head, an amused smile playing on her lips.

“Yes. That must be it my darling.” She replied dryly as Emma finally finished eating her pancakes.

Regina had to admit she was relieved Emma seemingly did have her appetite back.

“I can’t believe we can now say ‘she’.”

The blonde carried on as she stood and walked over to the kitchen sink, rinsing her plate before she turned.

“What time are we due at the diner again?”

Regina took a sip from her mug before pulling out her phone from her jacket pocket.

“Noon. Apparently Zelena has invited a few people over to celebrate.”

Regina then frowned.

“What’s up, buttercup.” Emma asked with a grin on her face as she sidled up to Regina.

“Emma. What have I told you about using that term?”

Emma threw a wink, undeterred.

”Well, you discounted snookums immediately.”

Regina nodded, her eyes still on her phone as Emma continued.

“And you didn’t like lovebug, although that was my absolute favourite!”

Regina nodded again, her focus still on her phone.

“Alright. What has Zelena sent you, pumpkin?”

Regina finally looked up.

”Pumpkin? Really Emma. You’re calling me after Cinderella’s method of transport?”

Emma paled.

”Well, I kinda didn’t think of that. Anyway… the phone?”

Emma hoped she had managed to throw Regina off by asking about whatever it was Zelena had sent her.

“Mmm? Oh. Here. Take a look.”

Regina handed Emma her phone, and Emma felt her heart blossom when she saw the image the brunette was using as her screensaver; an image of them both cuddling Henry who was in-between them, Emma’s arm also around Regina as they all smiled into the camera. Snow has taken the picture. For once it has come out amazing.

Unlocking the phone using Henry’s birth year, Emma peered down expecting to see a text. What she saw instead was a post in the Storybrooke Ships page.

“So this is how she’s invited people?” Emma asked a little incredulously as Regina began to load up the dishwasher.

”Read on.” was Regina’s short reply as Emma did just that.


*** NEWSFLASH 📣***

Citizens of Storybrooke, it is with great pleasure that I, Zelena Mills, newly appointed Deputy at the local Sheriffs Office and dear sister to our esteemed Mayor, Regina Mills, offer you all the privilege of attending Granny’s Diner tomorrow at 12 noon to celebrate!

❓What are we celebrating❓

Come and you will find out - suffice to say it involves our Storybrooke Power Couple #SwanQueen 🦢👑


“Newly appointed Deputy? When the hell did that happen??” Emma exclaimed as Regina forcefully exhaled through her nose.

“That’s all you’ve taken from that?” she finally asked, now refilling her coffee mug.

Emma was too engrossed in the comments to reply to Regina.

RubyRed: Um. Does Granny know about this?

MaidMarian: Yay! If it’s #SwanQueen consider me there!!

KatMidas: Ohhhh me too, me toooo #SoExcited!

GrumpyL: At the diner? Does that mean there will be free food?!? 🥪🍔🍗 @Doc, @Sneezy, @Bashful, @Dopey, @Happy

Dragon_Mal: So proud of you Zel! #Deputy #Sexy #Handcuffs Oh! And yes. Lily and I will be there! 

Friendly_Friar_44: Such a sad, sad shame poor Robin can’t attend. He truly loved the Mayor 😞 I have a heavy heart 💔

Mermaid-Ariel: @Friendly_Friar_44 - SERIOUSLY?! #ReadTheRoom!

Baby 🐉 Lil: Well said @Mermaid-Ariel! 

SnowWhite: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Granny: @WickedZelena - Call me!

ArchieH:I’d be delighted to attend!

Miss Deville 🐾 Is this an open invitation, darling?

🐙Urs: I, and all my tentacles, shall attend 😈


Before Emma could finally reply to Regina, the front door swung open, an excited Henry hurtling across the kitchen, backpack swinging from side to side as David quietly followed from behind.

“Mom! Ma! I did it! I rode all on my own for the very first time!”

Regina beamed, forgetting the Facebook post immediately.

“I’m so proud of you my little Prince. I hope you behaved yourself for your grandfather?”

Regina then looked at David who smiled.

“He was as good as gold.”

Emma snorted, now also forgetting the unlikely group of people who would be attending the soirée later.

“So he was a little terror then?”

David and Regina looked at Emma, both puzzled as Henry seated himself at the table.

“I wasn’t!” Henry interrupted as he began to pour himself a glass of milk.

“It was a joke, kid. Clearly one that’s lost on you all.”

Regina still looked confused as David tilted his head.

“How is that a joke?” He asked as Emma rolled her eyes.

“You said he was as good as gold?”

David nodded as Regina stood.

“It’s a saying, Emma. It means Henry was well behaved.”

Emma began to chuckle to herself as Henry nodded in earnest.

“I was well behaved. Right gramps?”

Emma sighed.

“I know what the saying means, Gina but the only Gold I know isn’t the most well behaved now, is he?”

Regina seemed to contemplate Emma’s response before she finally sighed and rolled her eyes.

“You’ve been spending too long with Zelena.”

David and a Henry remained puzzled.

“I’ll explain it when you’re older, Kid. As for you…”

Emma looked at David.

“There’s no hope.”

David  soon left, promising he would see them both at the diner later as he had managed to swap his shift with Mulan.

Emma and Regina had finally finished breakfast after Henry had requested pancakes for his breakfast. Emma had decided it would be rude not to join her son, and had polished off a further batch.

Regina watched in awe as her fiancée continued to put away a further four pancakes, wondering how she managed to keep so fit and trim.

Not that she was complaining…

They’d finally moved to the front room where they’d told their son about nugget.

Henry was smiling.

“So I’m going to have a sister?”

Regina and Emma nodded as Emma showed their son the scan photo.

The former felt herself chuckle at the concentrated look on Henrys face as the latter crouched down.

“I don’t see her. I mean…”

Emma retrieved the image and turned it around, handing it back to Henry.

“You’re as bad as Mulan!”

Henry shrugged as he brought the image closer to his face.

“Is that… her head?”

Emma was now beaming as she gathered Henry up into her arms.

“That’s her head.” She murmured as Henry returned the hug.

Regina watched, her heart full of so much joy and happiness as she suddenly felt a kick.

“Henry, here.”

Regina reached for Henry’s small hand, placing it on her stomach as Henry’s eyes widened.

“Holy shit she’s kicking!”

Emma and Regina didn’t have the heart to scold him as they both nodded, Regina now looking at Emma with misty eyes.

“I love you, sis.” Henry whispered before he burrowed his face into Regina’s side, his arms circling her waist.

Both Emma and Regina began to cry.

The diner was full. Emma couldn’t quite believe how many people had turned up at such short notice. Nor could she believe how many people Zelena had actually invited. Then again, she had posted the invite on Facebook. 

“So, I honestly don’t know who half of these people are.” Emma mumbled to Regina as the door swung shut behind them, the tiny bell ringing above the door as it usually did.

Henry was rushing across the room towards Zelena, a wide smile on his face.

Regina’s eyes swept around the room.

“I do. I’m just surprised they’re here.”

Emma nodded. It made sense Regina knew everyone considering she was the Mayor but Regina’s last sentence made Emma pause.

“They’re here because at least fifty percent of this town are nosy, busybody’s - especially when it comes to us. We are the Storybrooke power couple, remember!”

Regina nodded but she remained quiet, her eyes darting from one person to the next.

“I made their lives a living hell, yet here they are. Of their own free will-“

“Gina. Things have changed. People change. Attitudes alter. You’re no longer the Evil Queen. You’re just Regina. Kick ass Mayor and amazing Mom.”

Emma tapped her chin with the tip of her finger before she continued, eyes gleaming

“And a sexy as fuck fiancee. My fiancée! Perhaps now would be a good time to spill those beans too?!”

Regina was listening intently.

“What if they don’t approve?”

Emma shrugged, reaching out for Regina’s hand.

“I don’t care what anyone thinks. We’re engaged. I’m going to marry the love of my life. Who cares if they don’t approve.”

Regina smiled, lifting Emma’s hand hand to her lips she quickly kissed each knuckle.

“They’re here for the free food.” Granny chuckled as she pulled at Emma’s arm.

“Can I have a quick word with you before we celebrate… actually, what are we celebrating? Zelena didn’t say?”

Regina rolled her eyes, spotting her sister in deep conversation with Henry and Mal at the back of the room.

Emma, suspecting Regina was going to join her sister gave the mayor a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I’ll be right over.”

Regina nodded at Emma, returning the kiss before she moved over to her sister and son.

Emma turned to face Granny.

“Thanks for hosting this - thing. It was supposed to be a small gathering, we wanted to tell you all the sex of our baby.”

Emma then jumped as Granny pulled her into her arms before drawing back.

“Emma. Sweet Emma. I’m so happy for you and Regina. This little girl is going to be truly loved and adored by all.”

Emma’s mouth dropped open.

“Wh- how’d you know?! Did Mulan tell Ruby? Oh my god. Gina will kill me!”

Granny began to chuckle as she handed Emma a small, wrapped package which she instructed Emma to open later that evening.

“How easily you forget about my sense of smell, Sheriff.”

Granny then tapped the side of her nose.

“I’ve know it was a little girl for a while.”

Emma’s mouth was still open. Finally she gathered her thoughts.

“So… Ruby knows too?”

Granny nodded.

“Shit, at this rate I’m wondering who doesn’t know.”

“Doesn’t know what?” Archie asked, now beside Emma as he handed Granny an empty tea cup.

“The sex of the little one” Granny replied as Archie smiled.

“Oh! Congratulations Sheriff. You and the Mayor will make excellent parents. You only have to look at young Henry! Your little girl will grow up to be a wonderful young lady, I’m sure.”

Emma almost dropped the parcel Granny had handed her earlier.

“Seriously?! You know too? How the hell?”

Archie’s brows scrunched before he shrugged.

“Well, I - that is to say - I presumed? Females have two X chromosomes. Since you and Regina are the parents, I suppose I just assumed…”

Archie then looked uncomfortable before he leaned in a little closer.

Was I correct?”

Emma sighed.

“Yes, Archie. You’re correct. Just please, try to look pleasantly shocked when we finally tell everyone officially?”

Archie nodded, patting Emma’s arm as Pongo stuck his cold nose against Emma’s leg. Peering down she noticed the canine Houdini was wearing a pink bow on his collar.

Real subtle, Archie…

Archie grinned as Marco appeared by his side holding a slice of cake.

“I’m rather impressed with the design of this cake, Granny! Very intricate! And I love the pink frosting. Is that strawberry or raspberry?”

Emma glanced at the cake before looking at Granny who was pushing her spectacles back up her nose.

“Don’t worry, Sheriff. There is blue icing too! I didn’t want to completely rain on your parade, hence I didn’t ice ‘Congratulations on your baby girl’ across the top!”

Marco, fork now hovering near his mouth looked at Emma curiously.

“Pink and blue icing? I thought Regina was expecting a little girl? Have I misunderstood? Are you having one of each?? Oh my! Are there going to be twins!!”

Emma practically yanked Marcos arm down, pulling him closer to her side as Granny and Archie sidled away.

“Marco! Do you have any idea how loud you just were?!”

Marco frowned a little before shrugging his shoulders.

“My apologies Emma. My hearing isn’t what it used to be, working with such loud noises in my woodwork room.”

Emma immediately felt guilty.

“Sorry, Marco. I just wanted the baby’s gender to be a surprise, but it feels like everyone knows already. We’re not having twins, but you are correct - Regina is carrying a little girl. Our little girl.”

Emma then let out a joyful sigh as her smile widened.

“Thank goodness for that! The crib I have made you wouldn’t have room for two babies!”

Emma tilted her head.


“I hope it wasn’t too presumptuous of me, Emma but I’ve carved you and Regina a Crib for your baby girl. I’d love to show it to you later?”

Emma was hugging Marco immediately.

A crib!

“Thank you. You have no idea how kind and thoughtful that is, Marco.”

Marco was beaming.

“It my my pleasure, Emma. Really it was. I just hope you and Regina like it.”

Emma had seen many pieces Marco had carved.

“It’s going to be beautiful.” she whispered as she spotted David making his way across the room, a determined look on his face.

Marco bid farewell, after requesting Emma meet him at his workshop later that afternoon as David finally made his way to her.

“I haven’t told your mother it’s a girl.”

Emma felt her palm cover her face.


“No, Emma. I swear I haven’t said anything!”

Emma finally let her hand drop.

“So you definitely caught my slip earlier then, when I said ‘she’?”

David nodded.

“But I haven’t-“

“Told mom. Okay. I got it. Thank you.”

David then pulled Emma into his arms.

“I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become, Emma. So strong, courageous, loving, caring and, dare I say it, charming?”

David then wriggled his eyebrows before continuing.

“Both you and Regina have so many admirable traits, your daughter will have the very best genes.”

Emma felt her eyes water.


David held up a hand.

“I love you, Emma. And I love my family. I can’t wait to welcome the little one into the words with open arms.”

Now Emma was crying as Ruby appeared at her side.

Finally wiping at her face, Emma felt David’s lips brush her cheek before he stepped back and gave her a wink.

“Now I need to find Snow because I have a feeling she’s going to be badgering Regina about the sex of the baby!”

Ruby snorted as David vanished into the crowd.

“Is she the only one who doesn’t know?”

Emma groaned.

“Well this was this worst kept secret in Storybrooke.” She mumbled to herself as Ruby pulled her into her side.

“Hey. Not my fault I can smell these things!”

Emma nodded.

“Nor is it my fault you showed Mulan the scan photo!”

Emma looked stunned.

“Mulan promised me she wouldn’t say anything!”

Ruby chuckled.

“She didn’t. Well, not about the babies sex. Just that she’d never seen you so happy when you were showing her the photo. I put two and two together when I asked her what the sex of the baby was. Even though I already knew. She’s terrible at lieing. Told me she didn’t know. That she only saw a very blurry image. Then she made a pretty hasty exit from the diner. I didn’t even get a farewell kiss!”

Emma grinned as Ruby chuckled to herself, recalling how quickly her girlfriend had scarpered from the diner without even taking her bagel.

“Ruby! These food trays won’t serve people on their own! Unless someone with magic enchants them too!”

Granny then looked at Emma from the top of her glasses which had slipped down her nose, again.

“Yeah that’s a definite no from me. My magic is still varying degrees of wonky. If I try and enchant that tray of sandwiches it’ll probably grow arms, legs and a freakish head, turn into a demon and start throwing sandwiches at everyone!”

Ruby snorted as Granny pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose with her forefinger.

“Well. I would still serve its purpose. People want sandwiches.” She muttered as Ruby placed both her hands on Emma’s shoulders, giving them a squeeze.

“I’m so happy for you guys, you know that right? And I can’t wait to meet her. I hope Mulan and I get to babysit!”

Emma manoeuvred Ruby closer.

“Keep your voice down, Rubes. Snow doesn’t know the sex of the baby. I want someone to be surprised when we finally announce it!”

Ruby nodded.

“And the babysitting?” she asked, a hopeful look on her face.

Emma smiled.

“Of course you can babysit although you may want to consider taking a childcare related qualification first. I won’t need to do an enhanced background check-“

Ruby snorted again.

“Emma. All we’ll be doing is watching the babe who’ll probably spend most of her time sleeping! What kinda qualification do I need to take to do that?!”

Emma seemed lost in thought as she continued, missing what Ruby said entirely.

“You’ll need first aid skills too. I mean, children are prone to injuring themselves and unfortunately for Nugget, she will be getting half her genes from me. I’m hardly the most coordinated so yeah. You’ll have to acquire your first aid certificate. Mulan too.”

Ruby cupped Emma’s face.

“Emma. Dear, sweet, adorable, Emma. Do you have any idea how many kids I watched over in the Enchanted Forest? Kids get bumps and scrapes. It’s normal. I don’t need a certificate to tell me what to do. However, if you really want me and Mulan to get certified we will because I know how much it means to you.”

Emma placed her hands over Ruby’s.

“I’m turning into one of those overprotective moms aren’t I? And the kid hasn’t even been born yet!”

Ruby chuckled and kissed the tip of Emma’s nose.

“I think it’s cute.”

Ruby then threw Emma a wink as she finally sauntered towards the trays that Granny had now piled high with sandwiches.

Smiling to herself, Emma was about to finally walk to Regina when a hand on her shoulder stopped her.


Emma turned, smile still intact.


The redhead was beaming as she pulled Emma into a hug.

“Where have you been hiding? I feel like I haven’t seen you around for ages!”

Ariel stepped back.

“Oh, I had to visit the family. You know how it is. I may be fascinated with land but I still have to drop into the ocean every now and then.”

Emma nodded, her eyes immediately falling to Ariel’s legs.

Ariel chuckled.

“Obviously I have my legs back now, though. I came home a couple of days ago, Eric was missing me too much.”

Emma smiled at the love that was clearly apparent on the younger woman’s face as she waved her hand towards her husband who was standing at the back of the room in deep discussion with another man with bright red hair.

“Err, who’s the dude Eric’s talking to? I don’t recognise him?”

Ariel was now beaming.

“Oh, that’s Sebastian. He used to serve as my fathers advisor and court composer.”

Emma recalled the cartoon.

“That’s Sebastian? The… crab?”

Ariel nodded.

“He still is, when he wants to be although I think he prefers his human form. Ursula has given him the ability to transform into a human whenever he wishes.”

“I can do nice things, after all.” A deep voice interrupted as Emma jumped, t urning to face the former sea witch.

“Jesus, Ursula! Don’t do that!”

Ursula chuckled as a tentacle appeared from - somewhere - reaching out to grab hold of a drink.

“Would you like one?” she asked Emma who shook her head.

“No thanks. I need to get to Regina.”

Ursula deposited the drink into Ariel’s hand, the same tentacle now whipping out behind her. Emma watched as the tip seemed to rub across Regina back, making the former Evil Queen also jump before her head snapped round.

“Sorry, sorry. I don’t always have total control over my limbs.” Ursula chuckled as Regina rolled her eyes, quickly looking at Emma before she smiled. Emma’s cheeks blushed as she returned the smile.

“Well, well, well. Would you look at that Ariel. A true love if ever I saw one. No wonder Robin was so downcast. Poor unfortunate soul…”

Emma wasnt paying attention as Regina’s tongue flicked over her bottom lip.

“He was a sleazy bastard, that’s what he was.”

Regina winked and then turned her head back to Zelena as Ariel’s harsh tone piqued Emma’s interest.

“He tried it on with you too?” she asked gently as Ariel snorted and then nodded.

“I kicked him in his pinenuts.”

Ursula let out a deep laugh as Emma found herself joining in.

“I know we shouldn’t speak ill of the dead but… good fucking riddance.”

Ariel smiled at Ursula’s statement, holding up the glass she had been given.

“Good fucking riddance!” She echoed as Sebastian appeared by her side.

“Ariel! Really. Your father would not approve of you using such language!

Ariel shrugged.

“Father isn’t here.”

Sebastian sighed as Ursula's gaze landed back on Emma who had finally taken a drink from a passing tray.

“Congratulations on your little girl, Emma.” the former sea witch smiled as Ariel squealed. Sebastian’s face broke into a smile.

“Ooo! I suppose you ladies really do think it’s better, where it is wetter, mmm”!?

At that very moment, Emma was about to swallow her soda. Instead it sprayed from her mouth as she began to choke.


“Slap her on the back Ariel!” Sebastian was now screeching as Ariel began to thump her palm across Emma’s back.

“I… I…”

Ursula thankfully removed the glass from Emma’s hand as the Sheriff doubled over, still coughing.


Regina was immediately by her side, leaning over as Ursula cleared her throat.

“Sebastian didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. Presumably you were both extremely - wet - at the time of conception not that I know how it works exactly, obviously magic was involved…”

Emma slowly began to straighten up as Regina quirked a brow.

“What on earth are you taking about?”

Emma paled.

“Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. I think Zelena wants you, babe.”

Regina looked at her sister who was eyeing the exchange with interest.

“So yeah, I’ll join you in a minute?

Regina slowly nodded.

Suspecting there was a reason her fiancée wanted her away from the rather interesting conversation they’d been having she simply shrugged, kissed Emma’s cheek and returned to Zelena.

Emma immediately looked at Sebastian.

“I’ve heard the cartoon soundtrack, Sebastian. I really don’t think that’s what they were getting at when they said wet!”

She then turned to face Ursula.

“And how the hell did you know we’re having a girl?!”

Ursula grinned.

“Oh it was my tentacle. I couldn’t help it. As soon as I brushed against the Mayor I could sense the sex of the baby.”

Emma groaned.

“Well can you all please keep it quiet? Honestly I feel like at this stage the only people who don’t know is my mom and her dwarfs!”

At that moment Doc walked by.

“Congratulations on the babe, Emma. Whale has filled me in. Such happy times for you and the little lass ahead!”

Emma closed her eyes and groaned again.

“You know, Sheriff. Had I known you had a thing for former villains I would have definitely tossed my name into the hat.”

Emma’s eyes flew open, landing on one very tall, very slim half blonde half brunette who clearly had a thing for black and white.

“Cruella, darling. Are you trying to make me jealous?”

Ariel placed a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle before she tugged on Sebastian’s arm.

“Come on, Seb. I think Eric is missing us.”

Waving at Emma, the former mermaid and crab turned and skipped towards Eric who was now in deep conversation with Peter Piper.

“Now would I do such a thing, Urse? I’m merely telling the truth. It’s all part of the five step programme. Belle is my sponsor, she’s such a darling.”

Emma was momentarily flummoxed as Ursula turned to face her, one tentacle now curling around Cruella waist.

“Cru is trying to become a model citizen, Sheriff. Maleficent told us about the Former Villain Rehab Programme Belle and Lily recently started, so we both joined although it’s fair to say I’m not struggling quite as much as poor Cruella.”

Cruella sighed.

“I just find it so difficult being nice - all of the time. Anyway. Enough about my struggles. I was delighted when Zelena invited me, Sheriff. You’re quite the eye candy, as is our esteemed Mayor. Your offspring will be gorgeous. You’re having a girl, correct?”

Emma felt like Poofing away to anywhere.

“Let me guess. Ursula told you.”

Cruella shook her head.

“Peter Piper told me.”

Of course he did.

“Yeah well, he needs to mind his own business.”

Emma was getting fed up.

“Oh come now, Sheriff Hot Buns. Take my advice, and learn to forgive - that’s step two in my five step programme.”

Emma rolled her eyes.

“Anyway. Congratulations. Now Ursula, be a dear and give me a massage with a tentacle or two? I’m rather stressed; Pongo is lurking and you know how much I want to-“

“Yes. Yes!” Ursula interrupted, throwing a sheepish smile Emma’s way before she cleared her throat.

“Thank you for giving us former villains hope, Emma.”

And with that she pulled her girlfriend away.

“Sheriff Swan!”

Emma balked.

“Nope. Not taking to you. I want to have a good time, so please walk away…”

“But I wanted to apologise! It was all such a silly misunderstanding. I have a reputation to uphold and I fear I got myself into a bit of a pickle, excuse the pun.”

Emma sighed and turned to face Peter Piper who was holding out his hand.

Taking it in hers she gave it a quick shake before releasing it.

“Fine! Apology accepted. Now go grab a drink and some food or something.”

Peter smiled.

“Thank you Sheriff! I don’t suppose you know whether Granny made any cheese and pickle pepper sandwiches do you?”

They finally shared their news.

Emma watched as everyone whooped and cheered, hands clapping and hugs appearing all round as she secretly admired everyone for engaging in the pretence that they had no idea the baby was a little girl.

One person in particular was ecstatic, as she began to cry, hugging the both of them before she began to pivot on the spot, hands covering her face as the sobs began again.

“A baby girl! I’m going to be a grandmother to a baby girl…”

Emma was certain Snow really was the only one who didn’t know when an equally elated Tinkerbell began to hug Regina, tears also poring down her cheeks.

“Ohhh I’m so so sooooo happy!!” The fairy was singing as she then turned and began to hug Emma who was still trying to detach herself from her mother.

“Hold it right there, Emma. This is going to make an excellent photo for the Storybrooke Ships page!” Zelena then exclaimed as Tink and Snow enveloped her from each side.

“Smile dears!”

An hour later Regina found herself walking into Snows home after Emma explained she had an errand to run with Marco. The brunette had momentarily wondered what the errand was before she felt Snow link her arm through hers.

“Come with me? There’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”

Regina had nodded, dutifully following Snow as she thanked everyone for coming.

They were now seated in Snows kitchen.

“We’ve come such a long way, haven’t we.”

Snow was looking at Regina with a smile on her face, her eyes crinkling a little at the sides, dimples now visible.

So Emma…

“Yes. I suppose we have. It’s not like I want to kill you anymore-“

Snow held up a hand before she cocked her head, her smile faltering a little.

“Please, don’t do that Regina.”

Regina swallowed, momentarily missing the dimples that had now also vanished from view.

“I - I don’t know what you mean?”

Regina felt her heartbeat quicken as Snow slowly dropped her hand. Steadily she stood and before Regina could continue, Snow took a seat beside her, nudging her side gently with her elbow.

“Regina. You’re a warm, kind and giving person who seems to think it’s weak to show affection or even accept a compliment. Well, at least from me! You don’t need to hide behind snarky comments. Not with me. Not anymore. I see you.”

Regina’s head dropped a little, her eyes now focusing on her lap because if she were to look at Snow right now she was worried the floodgates would open.

And she wasn’t certain she could stop them.

“I don’t know - how to love - very well.”

Regina’s voice was hoarse, her eyes still looking down as Snow nodded before she linked her arm through Regina’s. The action made Regina jump a little, her eyes now back on Snow.

“Forgive me if I call bullshit on that particular statement, Regina.”

Regina almost choked.

“Bull- wait, did you just swear?!”

Snow began to chuckle to herself as she shrugged, her arm still linked through Regina’s.

“Regina. I may have been the fairest of them all back in the Enchanted Forest but I am not that brand of Snow White anymore. Are you forgetting who my daughter is? She doesn’t just get her personality from David you know.”

Regina couldn’t help a smile escape her lips.

“Besides. One of my closest friends is a dwarf called Grumpy. He seriously pushes my buttons at times. I’ve called him a few choice words before. Luckily he’s been too tipsy to recall!”

Regina couldn’t help it. She laughed, her arm pulling Snow a little closer.

“I’m sorry, Snow. I know we’ve moved on from the past but it’s sometimes difficult for me, to truly accept that you have forgive me for all I did-“

“Oh no. We are not going back there. Not today, not ever Regina. We’ve all done things we regret. I was a bandit remember?”

Regina smirked.

“I suspect that’s where Emma also gets some of her traits from.”

Snow smirked. Actually smirked.

“Yes well, I’ve always been rather dexterous with my hands.”

It was then Regina began to choke on thin air.

“Snow!” she finally managed to hiss as Snow shrugged.

“What? I had to pick the odd pocket at times. That’s all I meant. What did you think I was referring to?”

Regina’s cheeks coloured as she recalled very clearly how dexterous Emma’s fingers were, and it had nothing at all to do with picking pockets.

“Nothing. Nothing at all.”

Snow nodded, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

“I just… I can’t believe how - accommodating - you are of us, of Emma and I. I tried to ruin your life. Hell, I didn’t even want Emma here when she first arrived in Storeybrook!”

Snow pulled her arm free and stood.

“Come with me?”

Regina stood, wondering where it was Snow was taking her.

“I want to show you something.” Snow continued, as she slowly walked towards the lounge before taking the stairs. Regina followed as they finally entered what Regina presumed was Snow and David’s bedroom.

“Um… should I perhaps wait outside?” Regina asked cautiously as Snow turned.

“What? Oh no. No need. Please, come in. David isn’t laying on the bed stark naked if that’s what concerns you.”

Regina found her cheeks blaze again for the second time that day as Snow chuckled at her own joke, moving over to her beside table she began to rummage through the drawer. Finally she found what she was looking for.

“Here it is.”

She turned and reached out, taking Regina’s left hand in hers she gently placed a green felt ringbox on the palm of her hand.

“What’s this?”

Snow nodded at the ring box, removing her hand from Regina’s.

“Open it”

Regina felt her heart flutter as she slowly and cautiously opened the box.

What she saw, sparkling back up at her was one of the most beautiful and unassuming rings she had ever seen.

“The gemstone is peridot. It symbolises love, truth, faithfulness and loyalty.”

Snows voice was soft and almost rhythmic as Regina remained looking at the ring. The beautiful green hues of the stone reminded her so much of Emma’s eyes.

“It’s beautiful.”

Snow smiled as Regina finally found her voice.

“And now it belongs to you.”

Regina almost dropped the box as her head snapped upwards.

“Wh- what do you mean?

Regina would have mentally scolded her stammer had she not been so overwhelmed by Snows simple statement

“This ring was owned by someone very important to David and I, a very long time ago. Her name was Ruth. She didn’t own a great deal, by all accounts she was a simple farmer but she worked hard and she loved hard.”

Snow sat down on the edge of her bed and motioned for Regina to join her, pointing to the chair that was facing the bed, somehow knowing Regina would feel uncomfortable sitting beside her on the bed.

Regina dutifully sat, the small box still in her hand.

“Ruth had a son. A simple shepherd. My David.”

Regina felt her throat go dry as she continued to watch Snow.

“I’m not sure what you know of David’s past; honestly that isn’t important right now, but I want you to know that the ring you are holding was given to David by his mother, to bestow to his one true love.”

Regina looked back at the ring, a part of her wondering what it had with witnessed back in the Enchanted Forest.

Snow steadily continued, her voice level and her tone dulcet.

“I confess, with my dexterous hands I did steal that very ring. A series of unfortunate events then transpired and I was forced to help David retrieve it.”

Snow chuckled, her eyes now gazing off into the distance as the memories came flooding back to her.

“Well, David and I - we fell in love although that is another story entirely. The course of true love really doesn’t run smoothly, although I am sure you know that more than most.”

Regina found herself nodding, transfixed. It only by the ring in her hand but by Snows story.

“I wore that ring after David proposed to me. Ruth’s last wish was to see her son marry, and she told me of a myth that was passed down about that very ring, and the power is had to predict the gender of a woman's first born child.”

Regina stood, hand clasped around the box she took a seat beside Snow, her free hand now covering Snows own hand that was resting on her lap.

“I believed I was destined to never have children. King George poisoned me and made me barren. That said, I was healed by drinking a chalice of water from Lake Nostos.”

Regina gasped. She couldn’t quite believe the similarities between herself and Snow.

“I thought I was barren.” She finally whispered, her head dropping as Snows hand clasped hers.

“We were healed, thanks to true love.”

Snows reply was simple as Regina looked up at her, a single tear now falling down her cheek. Snow reached forward with her free hand and wiped it away.

“True love follows this ring wherever it goes, Regina. I want you to take it because you’ve found exactly that, with Emma. I know you’ll be happy. So very, very happy. So please. When the time comes, will you do David and I the honour of proposing to our daughter with this ring?”

To say Regina was shellshocked would be an understatement. Snow was giving her the engagement ring that had been passed down to David. She couldn’t quite believe it.

Regina began to cry.

“Oh my goodness! Please tell me these are tears of joy? I haven’t overstepped have I? I mean, David and I have spoken about this and he did say you may have your own ring in mind, or that you and Emma may not even want to get married as some do think it’s an outdated institution and I swear this isn’t me pushing for you to marry, I just saw your wedding photo in the parallel universe  and you both looked so beautiful and happy and blissful….”

Snow finally ceased her rambling as Regina engulfed her in a hug.

“So you’re not mad then? I mean, you wouldn’t be hugging me if you were?”

Regina chuckled into Snows neck before she finally leaned back.

“Snow White. It would be my absolute honour, pleasure and privilege to propose to Emma with this ring.”

And she would do exactly that. Again. And this time she would present the ring to her beloved just as Emma had done days previous to her under the watchful gaze of Henry.

“I love her, Snow. She makes me feel safe, so very safe and I’ve never had that before. Not even with Daniel. I can’t imagine her not being beside me. I honestly don’t know how I managed to function all these years without her.”

Snow smiled as Regina slowly closed the lid to the box.

“I can be myself with her. She accepts me whole heartedly. Sometimes I think I need to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. She prioritises my needs above all else and the emotional connection we have just keeps getting stronger and stronger.”

Regina closed her eyes momentarily before slowly opening them.

“I promise with all my heart to love her, protect her, honour her and make her happy, Snow.”

Snow chuckled.

“Regina, you do that already! You make her complete. She’s always been searching for something, something even her father and I couldn’t give her. Yes, we are a family now but you - you and Henry, and your little girl - you are her family and I thank the heavens you found each other.”

Regina felt the tears fall down her cheeks as she witnessed the same tears fall down Snows face.

“You and David are our family, too.” Regina finally whispered as they embraced.

Chapter 28


I hope you all had a wonderful Xmas!

Chapter Text

Emma stayed behind to help Ruby and Granny clear up. Snow had asked to speak to Regina alone, ushering her from the diner as Regina threw her fiancée an apologetic look before shrugging and dutifully following Snow.

“Well, it’s not often you see my sister speechless!”

Emma merely nodded as Zelena a continued.

“Nor have I ever seen her follow Snow without question. She must really love you.”

Emma rolled her eyes before Zelena pointed to the small parcel she held under her arm.

“What’s that? I didn’t know we were handing over gifts! Had I known I would I would have inundated my little niece to be!”

Ruby appeared, after finally closing the door to the last guest.

“Open it, Emma.”

Emma looked at Ruby.

“You know what it is?”

Ruby nodded as Granny appeared from the back room.

“Stop hounding the poor Sheriff. She can open it when she’s good and ready!”

With that the older woman gave a final grunt before returning to the back room.

Emma removed the small packaged and looked down at it.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Another curse to be cast? Open it dear. The suspense is killing me!”

Ruby chuckled at Zelena’s impatience as Emma shrugged, opening the package.

“I can’t believe she’s done this” Emma finally managed to whisper as her fingers finally came into contact with the ivory, knitted blanket.

“It’s made from lambs wool.” Ruby offered as Emma’s fingers now opened up the blanket. Zelena, intrigued, edged forward.

“A baby blanket?” The redhead asked lightly as Emma nodded, her thumbs running over the yellow edging before they finally paused, coming into contact with elegant script in the very corner.

Emma laughed.

“Oh, Granny.”

Zelena now peered over Emma's boulder.

“Share the joke?” she whispered into Emma’s ear as Emma held up the blanket.


Ruby and Zelena both looked at the script and let out a chuckle.

“Nugget.” Emma whispered, her eyes tearing.

“Consider it a nickname. I know she won’t be called that!” Granny’s voice bellowed from the very back room as Zelena chuckled again.

“It’s beautiful, Emma”

Emma nodded as she slowly held the soft blanket into her chest.

It was just like hers. The one granny had knitted for Snow. The one she had been wrapped in before being placed in the magical wardrobe. The one she had held onto as if her life depended on it throughout the years. The one she had always, always kept with her. One of the very few things she could call her own.

“I still have mine.” she whispered as Ruby nodded in understanding.

“And now you have two to keep the baby warm.”

Emma smiled.

“Granny? Do you take orders? I’d love one of those, obviously larger. Perhaps in a nice, mint green? I get awfully chilly in the winter months!”

Granny muttered something from the back room before her answer finally filtered through.

“Fine! But I’m not scribing Zelena on the corner. You’re an adult.  Not a child.”

Zelena looked momentarily put out before she shrugged her shoulders.

“Fine! I’ll take what I can get!”

Emma was on her way to her bug, baby blanket held securely in her hands when she suddenly stopped.


She’d almost forgotten about his recent absence. It was nice not having to worry about her ex and where he was. Now that she saw Rumple slowly walking up the street towards her in the distance she suddently wondered why he was alone.

Not knowing whether to stride towards the man, or wait she was finally jolted from her reverie when he suddenly appeared in front of her, his face pale and eyes ringed with tiredness.

“Sorry. I didn’t t mean to startle you.”

Emma swallows hard.

“Yeah - I guess I still have a lot to learn and accept where magic is conceded.” she finally admitted as Rumple seemed to lean rather heavily on his stick.

“Have you seen Belle?” he finally asked as Emma nodded.

“We had a small gathering at the diner, to celebrate some news. Belle was there, only she had to leave. I think she went to the library with Lily. Something about setting up for a group meeting for former villains.”

Rumple finally smiled although it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Always so thoughtful. She really does believe that villains can turn a leaf, leading to them turning a page in their own story, for the good of all.”

Emma shifted on her feet.

“She isn’t the only one who believes that, Rumple. You know how I feel about that subject. We all deserve a happy ending.”

Rumple sighed but nodded.

“Where’s Neil?”

She asked out of curiosity and not concern.

“I took my son - actually, no. I can’t even call him that. Not anymore. I took - him - to my cabin. Everyone deserves a second chance.”

Emma edged a little closer.

“And what did he do, with that second chance?”

Rumple shook his head.

“Neil isn’t the man I hoped he would be. I am disappointed with him on so many levels. The way he treated you. The way he treated Belle. The way he treated women in general. It disgusted me. Memory or no, he didn’t deserve another moment of our time.”

Emma frowned.

Surely he didn’t…

“No, Miss Swan. I may be a former villain but I can assure you that Neil is still living and breathing, he just isn’t doing either of those things here. Nor will he ever.”

Emma felt her jaw drop open.

“Where is he?” she finally asked as Rumple attempted to stand tall, his cane now clicking against the pavement.

“Magic, dearie, comes with a price. This time it was my price to pay. I’ve sent him back home. To wherever it was he came from. His memory will return, in a few days. He will have no recollection of visiting here and whatever reason he had to come in the first place has now been permanently removed from his memory. He doesn’t even remember his past with you, Miss Swan so any fear you may have that he will return, that he will find out about Henry, can be put to rest once and for all.”

Emma couldn’t believe it.

“So, he’s really gone? For good?”

Rumple nodded as Emma let out a sigh of relief before she realised what this meant for Rumple.

“He won’t know you, either.”

It was a statement, not a question and Rumple merely shrugged.

“As I said. I’ve paid the price this time. I will no longer know my son, or have the chance to but honestly, it’s a price I’m willing to pay providing I get the opportunity to know my grandson one day.”

Emma nodded.

“You and Belle are a part of Henry’s life now. He will know who you are, I can promise you that. It’s just a conversation Regina and I need to have with him.”

Rumple smiled and this time it was reflected in his eyes.

“Thank you, Miss Swan.”

Emma shook her head.

“I should be the one thanking you. I’m truly sorry you’ve lost your son again but I can’t say I’m sorry to see him go.”

Rumple tilted his head and began to walk slowly towards the library before he stopped and turned.

“I saw her, at the Rabbit Hole. I saw Cora.”

Emma swallowed, her breath hitching in her throat.

“Yeah she… kinda appeared and stopped Robin from hurting Zelena.”

Rumple seemed to deflate a little before he finally replied.

“Isn’t it ironic how the feared Queen of Hearts came to her daughters defence whilst I, the former Dark One was too busy battling with my own son.”

Emma didn’t know what to say as Rumple finally nodded.

“Perhaps villains really can change.” He mumbled as he turned and continued walking towards the library.

Emma considered the statement as she finally got to her car.

Could Cora really have changed too?

Emma Finally got to Marco’s. Slowly exiting her car she entered the woodwork room at the side of the small house and what she came across literally took her breath away.

She was in awe.

“You - you made this for our baby?”

Marco was beaming as Emma’s pale fingers ran along the top of the crib, taking in the smoothness of the wood and intricate patterns that adorned it.

The rocking crib was made of solid oak, and was beautifully hand carved. An intricate floral pattern adorned the top with vines crisscrossing around each delicate petal.

“It also rocks. In my experience, babies love the rocking motion.”

Emma looked up to see Marco’s eyes glistening.

“I don’t know how to thank you.” she whispered, her eyes back on the wooden crib as her hand moved across the edge, now moving towards the small hood section which covered a quarter of the crib.

“Emma. You broke the curse. You’ve done so much for us all. It’s my pleasure to give something back to you.”

Emma smiled, her fingers still grading the carvings.

“Regina will love this.”

Marco joined her side, his calloused hand covering hers.

“She loves you very much, Emma. Perhaps out of everyone, it’s her own personal curse you broke through more than anything else.”

Emma looked up.

“There are still some who blame her for casting the curse to begin with.”

Marco merely nodded.

“Some people find it hard to accept she has changed, but she has. You removed her walls, brick by brick allowing her to became the woman she was always destined to be, before the curse. Before her mother. Before her marriage and before Rumple. You never gave up on her, did you?”

Emma rubbed at her face with her free hand, attempting to wipe away the tears she could feel forming.

“I always knew there was more to Regina than that book.” she finally managed to whisper as Marco gripped her hand.

“Emma, the book only tells parts of stories from questionable perspectives. For example It never told the reader what Jiminy did to my parents.”

Emma turned.

“What did he do to them? You mean Archie, right?”

Marco nodded as he moved his hand from Emma’s, motioning to the small table and chairs in the corner of his woodwork room. Emma nodded and took a seat, waiting for Marco to join her.

“He turned them into puppets.  As penance for his offense he was turned into a cricket and was charged to become my conscience, guiding me as I grew up.”

Emma felt her mouth gape.

Archie Hopper turned your folks into puppets before he was turned into a cricket?!”

Marco nodded.

“So you see, stories really aren’t black and white.”

Emma bit down on her bottom lip, deep in thought before she finally answered.

“How did you meet Regina? Or, her Enchanted Forest persona?”

Regina had never told her how she knew of Marco, but Regina wasn’t always forthcoming in how she knew the residents of Storybrooke from before, mainly because she was probably worried what Emma would think of her and how she had potentially treated them.

“Ah. Now that is a story!”

Now Emma was intrigued.

“As you know, I carved a wooden puppet out of an enchanted tree.”

Emma smiled.

Pinocchio, otherwise known as August.

“I grew to love Pinocchio like he was my own son. One day, Pinocchio and I were among the crowd in the village when the Queen approached, searching for Snow. I admit, I confronted her and told her that nobody knew of Snows whereabouts. I was suprised when she believed me.”

“So you did know where Snow was?” Emma found herself interrupting as Marco chuckled.

“No, I told the Queen the truth. She seemed to seize me up for a moment before she finally nodded and went back to her carriage.”

“Wow. I half expected you to tell me she didn’t believe you.”

Marco seemed lost in thought.

“I mean, Regina doesn’t trust easily. I suspect she was even more that way when she was the Queen.”

Marco finally gathered his thoughts before he stood and poured them both a whisky.

“Perhaps she saw the truth reflected in my eyes. I had nothing to gain by lieing and everything to lose. I was relieved she took me at my word.”

Emma took a sip of the whisky, liking the feel of the burn as the liquid coated her throat.

“Time past. I didn’t see much of the Queen. Rumours were rampant that she was going around setting villages a flame, trying to locate Snow. One such village Pinocchio and I visited after the supposed aftermath. The village was as it were before. If anything, it seemed more bright and welcoming. I spoke to a barkeep who told me the Queen had paid them a visit but after a short amount of time she left. There were no fireballs thrown. No villagers were murdered. The crops were left alone. It made me realise that rumours can be a very dangerous thing indeed.”

Marco took a sip from his own glass before he continued steadily.

“I’m not saying she didn’t inflict pain but a part of me wonders if that was in retaliation to the pain she felt herself. Not that I condone such actions. It just made me think.”

Emma found herself nodding. She suspected the same.

“Months later, I forget how many, I was in a serious accident accident with a ferocious whale.”

Emma paused mid drink.

“You don’t literally mean, Dr Whale?”

Marco let out a deep chuckle.

“No, Emma. An actual whale. Like Moby Dick. Pinocchio sacrificed the only life jacket aboard for me. The next day, we both washed onto shore, and I survived but Pinocchio was not so fortunate”.

Emma detected the break in Marco’s voice as he began to wipe his eyes, his hands shaking slightly.

“Marco, I’m so sorry.”

Marco cleared his throat.

“He reverted back to being a wooden puppet. I pleaded for help from the only person I knew - the Blue Fairy. She turned him into a real human boy but there was a catch, one she didn’t tell me about until he was real.”

Emma finished her drink and pushed the glass to one side.

“It was good of her to help but it doesn’t surprise me that there was a catch. May I ask what it was?”

Marco retrieved the bottle of whisky and poured them both another generous helping.

“She stressed that Pinocchio would only stay as a real boy if he remained brave, truthful and unselfish.”

Emma began to connect the dots as Marco sighed, his hand now rubbing the back of his neck.

“On the night Snow and Charming learned about the prophecy concerning their unborn daughter, about you Emma, and the Queen's dark curse. Snow made a wish to help you have a happy ending, which the Blue Fairy granted.”

Emma was enthralled. She only knew parts of this particular story from Henry’s book; having it told to her firsthand from someone who was actually there was more enlightening.

Marco steadily continued.

”The next morning, I was in my woodwork shop with Pinocchio working on a new toy when the Blue Fairy paid me a visit and asked me to build a wardrobe from a magical tree, which could protect two people from the Evil Queen's curse.”

Emma frowned. She obviously knew about the wardrobe but up until this point she had no idea it was Blue who had made the request to Marco.

Marco sighed again and shook his head a little.

“I am not proud of what I did next, Emma. When I realised the curse would affect everyone in the Enchanted Forest I made a demand to Blue, that my son be the one to accompany you through the wardrobe into safety. She agreed, although she was reluctant to do so.”

Emma waited patiently for Marco to continue. She knew, of course, that Pinocchio was the one who has travelled with her into the real world but why that has been the case has been rather hazy in Henry’s book.

Marco finally gathered himself, his voice low and steady.

“At the war council meeting with Snow, Charming and various other party members Blue lied and told everyone that the wardrobe could only protect one person. They agreed they would thus send a pregnant Snow White through the wardrobe but on the day the curse was cast, she went into labor and birthed you, just as I finished the wardrobe.”

Emma continued to listen, placing the puzzle pieces of her past together as Marco continued his tale, his hand now reaching out for Emma’s.

“The Blue Fairy rushed to ask me to tell Snow White the truth, to allow mother and daughter to go into the wardrobe. Out of concern for my son, I did not follow her request, but instead made Pinocchio promise me that he would take care of you, before sending him into the wardrobe. Not long after you were placed into the wardrobe by your father, so that you could grow up in another land far, far away and be unaffected by the curse.”

Marco gripped at Emma’s hand.

“Shortly after, the curse engulfed us all.”

Emma let out a shakey breath.

“Wow. That’s a lot to take in!”

Marco looked fragile as he let out a sigh.

“There is so much more to tell you, Emma but please know, I am so very sorry for separating you from your mother. Had I allowed her to go into the wardrobe you-“

Emma held up her hand.

“If you did that, we wouldn’t be here having this conversation now, Marco. It’s likely the curse would never have been broken if Snow was the one to accompany me in that wardrobe.”

Emma paused, watching Marco nod slowly before she continued.

“Yes, my childhood wouldn’t have been so shitty if I had my mom but that’s the point isn’t it? I had to live a life without a mother or a father, follow that path and do the things I did in order for me to have Henry and for Henry to find me ten years later. It was meant to be this way. You owe me no apology, Marco. You were worried about your son. I would have done the same for Henry and I would do the same for the baby.”

Marco closed his eyes momentarily before he opened them again.

“Do you remember the first time we met?”

Emma almost grimaced.

“Yeah. You came intro the Sheriffs department to repair something and that’s when you found me in one of the cells after I crashed my car.”

Marco nodded.

“I congratulated you on finding your biological son.”

Emma nodded. She remembered how sincere Marco had been, despite having Leroy in the cell beside her throw caustic comments their way about how children were brats.

“You were upset with Leroy, what he said.” Emma continued as Marco shifted in his seat.

“I disagreed with his opinion. I spent years trying to have a child but I was not so lucky. Until I remembered August.”

Emma sat back in her chair.

“It must have been hard for him, knowing who you were but also knowing you had no idea who he was.”

Marco nodded.

“At least that changed when you broke the curse. My son had completely turned back to being wooden and then he became well again, and I got my memories back. I can never thank you enough.”

Emma smiled and stood.

“Where is August these days? I haven’t seen him for a while?”

Marco stood as Emma moved back to the crib, still in awe of the gift.

“Travelling. Again. Once a writer, always a writer!  He should be home soon though. I miss him.”

Emma smiled as Marco walked to her side.

“August was always selfless, brave and true. He may have made some decisions he regrets but he was only a child at the time and whatever decision he then continued to make were done so for a reason. We’ve all made mistakes. I’m just happy you found each other again.”

Marco pulled Emma into a hug.

“As am I, Emma.”

Regina wasn’t certain how long the embraced has lasted but she took a small step back when Snow finally released her hold.

“You’re starting to show.” the younger woman whispered as Regina’s hand immediately fell to her stomach.

“Yes. Emma said the same. It’s strange, in a way, how quickly the bump has appeared although I suppose this whole pregnancy is a little…”

Regina paused, wanting to find the right word, the one word that would sufficiently suit the situation without sounding like it wasn’t normal, even though it really wasn’t.

“Magical.” Snow finished for her, a wide smile on her face as she motioned to the full length mirror in the corner of the room.

“You really are blooming, Regina. Go see for yourself!”

Snow all but pushed Regina towards the mirror as the Mayor let out a chuckle.

“I have a feeling this bump is going to treble in size soon, I’ll definitely be blooming then. I won’t be able to wear my usual pants or skirts!”

Snow rolled her eyes, now standing beside Regina as they both looked at the corner queens reflection.

“That’s what maternity clothing is for, Regina. I’m happy to go shopping with you for some maternity wear. I don’t really think that’s Emma’s cup of tea.”

Regina smirked.

“You’re probably right although she has informed me rather clearly that any maternity underwear required will be purchased under her watchful gaze…”

Snow blushed.


Snow cleared her throat.

“Yes I’m sure Emma would be more useful for - those - than I would be.”

Regina chuckled at Snows discomfit before taking pity on her.

“I was only teasing, Snow. Emma hates shopping for clothing. If you wouldn’t mind assisting me, it would be appreciated.”

Snow smiled. They really had come so far! As the pixie haired brunette considered how her relationship with Regina had improved she didn’t notice the misty haze that seemed to be coming from the mirror, nor did she hear the distinct humming noise that seemed to accompany it.

Regina, however, noticed both immediately as she took a small step back.

“Snow - you should-“

Before the Mayor could finish, the hum seemed to intensify as the white mist reached out, surrounding her.

“Oh my goodness!” Snow screeched, finally being pulled form her thoughts as she felt Regina’s hand on her elbow, pulling her further away from the mirror.

“What is happening? Regina?”

Snows eyes darted to her side as the mist seemed to leap, covering Regina from head to toe, obscuring Snows view of her completely.


Snow felt Regina’s hand drop from her elbow as the younger woman reached out blindly for her.


Almost immediately the noise vanished, along with the mist, leaving Snow with a final view of Regina being pulled into the mirror.

“Oh my god, no!” She cried, scrambling towards Regina before her body came into contact with the smooth surface of the mirror.


Snow reached out a hand, tracing the outline of her friend who seemed to be on the opposite side of the mirror now, her expression almost unreadable before she vanished from view completely, leaving Snows reflection looking back at her.

Snow began to tremble, her eyes now watering as her hand began to thump against the mirror.

“Regina. Are you there? Regina, please….”

All Snow could see looking back at her was her own image, shaking as she fell to her knees.

“Oh Regina. What the hell do I tell my daughter….”

Chapter 29


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Emma couldn’t believe how lucky she was. Not only was she holding another baby blanket in her hands, but she had just seen the most wonderful, beautiful crib she had ever laid her eyes on.

And they were both for Nugget.

Their baby.

Hers and Regina’s baby.

The baby made from true love.

Emma beamed as she closed the door to her car, wincing at the creak as she threw a quick final wave at Marco before he entered his house.

“Okay bug. Time to go home.”

Slowly Emma pushed the key into the ignition, about to turn the slightly rusted object before her phone began to ring. Rummaging through her pockets she finally found it.

“Hey Rubes. All okay?”

“Sure is! Just wanted to let you know that we still have Henry. I’ve tried to call Regina but it’s gone through to voicemail.”

Emma nodded before rolling her eyes.

Ruby couldn’t see her!

“Okay. She probably got held up somewhere with Snow. I’ll collect Henry.”

Ruby thanked her as Emma hung up, finally turning the key in the ignition as her phone began to bleep before shutting down completely.

No battery.

Emma sighed and inwardly chastised herself for being so unbelievably crap at plugging her phone in overnight to charge it.

Reversing from the driveway she smiled to herself, Regina’s voice echoing in her head.

”Phones don’t just charge themselves, Emma.”

Moments later she pulled up outside the diner, entering to find Granny and Ruby waiting for her as soon as she opened the door and walked inside.

“Hey! So where’s the kid?”

Emma looked around the room, noticing it was empty save for Ruby and her grandmother.

“Granny? Can you go check on Henry upstairs? I gave him some DVDs to choose from.”

Granny nodded, a small grimace appearing on her face as Emma watched the old lady slowly leave the room.

“Okay, what’s going on?”

Emma felt a prickle of anxiety wash over her as Ruby stepped forward, her hands reaching for Emma’s.

“I tried to call you again but it went to voicemail.”

Emma nodded.

“My battery died.”

Ruby visibly swallowed before she turned and picked up her coat that was laying on the counter top.

“We need to drive to yours moms, now.”

Emma held out her arm, blocking Ruby’s pathway to the door.

“We move once you tell me what the hell is going on.”

Ruby seemed to falter before she took a deep breath.

“Is it my mom? Has something happened to Snow?!”

Emma’s voice was now laced with concern as she looked at Ruby, her hands now gripping the brunettes biceps as Ruby shook her head.

“Emma. I swear I don’t know fully what’s happened but your mom took Regina to her house. She called me before you arrived. Something has happened. She was trying to call you as well but-“

“Yeah, my battery died. We’ve gone over this already. What’s happened? Did you speak to Regina too?”

Ruby shook her head, compassion now falling across her face as she placed both hands on Emma’s cheeks.

After taking a deep breath she finally spoke.

“Snow called me because she couldn’t locate you. All she said was something happened at the house… something happened to Regina and we need to get there as soon as-“

Before she could finish, Emma was running towards the door and out to her car.

“What do you mean she vanished through the mirror? Is this some crappy joke because I sure as hell ain’t laughing!”

Emma couldn’t believe the story her mother has just told her, in between sobs and pauses to gather her breath.

She had driven to Snows, ignoring Ruby’s request to slow down, a scoff leaving her throat.

“What’s going to happen Ruby? Will the Sheriff arrest me? Oh no - that’s right - I am the Sheriff!”

Seconds later Emma had apologised to Ruby for her outburst before exiting her car, running up the forecourt to her parents house before pushing the door open and rushing upstairs to where Ruby told her Snow was waiting.

“Emma. I swear it’s the truth. One moment we were standing side by side in front of the mirror, the next thing I saw was a mist surround her before she was pulled through.”

Emma began to pace back and forth in front of the mirror before moving around to the back, quickly returning to her original position.

“And you didn’t stop this from happening?”

Emma felt physically sick as Snow paled even further, her arms now wrapping around her body as if to shield herself from Emma’s verbal blow.

“Of course I tried! I reached out… I tried… it all happened so quickly! I don’t understand.”

Emma was barely focusing on Snows response as her fingers began to run across the surface of the mirror, her eyes taking in her simple reflection before it moved to see Snow and the look of torment and pain on her face.

Slowly Emma turned.

“I’m sorry. I’m just… I just don’t know what to think….”

Emma watched as Ruby pulled Snow onto her side, the door behind them swinging open as David strode into the room with purpose.

She was still holding the baby blanket in one hand.


Regina and nugget has been taken, pulled through the mirror.

But why?

And where too?

Emma suddenly became overwhelmed as she dropped the blanket and fell to her knees.


David was behind her immediately as he also dropped to his knees, his arms wrapping around her securely from behind.


Emma began to shake, her arm now reaching towards the mirror again, fingers splayed on the cool surface as her vision blurred, tears rapidly falling down her face.

“Snow. Call Zelena. Now!”

David’s instruction was clear and forthright leaving no doubt for interpretation.

They needed Regina’s sister, and they needed her now.

David watched as Snow bobbed her head, tears also streaming down her cheeks as she turned and fled from the room closely followed by Ruby.

“This c-can’t be hap-happening.”

Emma’s voice was low and hoarse as her fingers attempted to push into the mirror.

“N-not now. Not after… not after everything we’ve been t-through…”

The tears continued to fall as David’s hold became tighter, his own heart hammering in his chest as he felt his daughter slowly crumble in front of his very eyes, her dejected reflection staring back at them both.

“Gina. Baby. Please….”

Emma shuddered as her heart began to beat erratically in her chest, each thrash painfully thumping as her fingers did the same, her tips now forcefully tapping the glass before they retracted and her fist began to pound against the glass.


Emmas voice was barely audible as David quickly reached out, his own hands clasping at Emma’s, pulling them back to her sides.

“Emma, darling you need to stop. We don’t know what powers the mirror has and we need to keep it intact if we…”

Emma twisted in her fathers embrace, her green eyes fierce as she swallowed hard.

“If we want Regina back? Is that what you were going to say? Because there is no ‘if’, dad. There is only when. When we get her back. When…”

Emma began to visibly shake again as her face burrowed into David’s chest, sobs now escaping freely as tears fell more rapidly.


Emma finally looked up.

“Emma dear, Snow told me what happened.”

Emma slowly stood as David helped, her legs trembling.

“She’s gone…”

It was but a whisper as Zelena frowned, her gaze falling from Emma to the mirror before her eyes landed back on the Sheriff.

“Where the fuck did you get this thing.” Emma suddenly hissed, her finger now pointing to the mirror as David looked to Snow who was standing in the doorway.

“I honestly don’t know? It’s always been here, as far as I can remember.”

Snow hiccuped, fresh tears now falling as she watched her daughter turn and storm over to the mirror, her nose now pushing up against it.

“Don’t you dare harm a hair on her head, do you hear me? If you so much as fucking breath on her I’ll make you pay, whoever the hell you are, you don’t want to cross me…”

Emma’s voice trailed off as Zelena’s hand suddently reached out and pulled Emma back.

“Emma. You need to calm down-“

Calm down? How the hell am I supposed to calm down when Regina is in there, somewhere, all alone? Who took her? Why was she taken? Why now?”

Emma’s breath caught in her throat as her vision began to blur. Her body beginning to feel uncomfortably hot.

“Emma. You need to steady your breathing and your magic.”

Zelena’s voice was firm as the redhead reached out again and placed a cool hand on Emma’s forehead. Emma felt the tingle of Zelena’s magic as it poured through her fingertips, wave of calm now crashing over her.

“I can’t do this. I can’t stand here whilst she’s in there….”

Emma began to feel nauseous as her entire body began to tingle, white strands of energy now leaving her hands which began to shake uncontrollably.

“Emma. Listen to my voice. You need to calm down. You are no help to Regina like this. Slow your breathing. Gather your senses. Listen to my voice. We will find Regina. Together. I swear to god I will not lose my sister now that I have found her again. Do you hear me? I will not let you lose the love of your life. Please Emma. Try and relax.”

Emma slowly felt the tingling sensation leave her body as Zelena’s magic continued to infiltrate her nerves.

“I… I should have been here.”

Zelena placed her free hand on Emma’s shoulder, slowly coaxing the blonde, turning her around and away from the mirror.

“Look at me, Emma.”

Emma’s eyes finally found Zelena’s and she immediately saw the anguish they held.

“We will find her. We’re Wicked Swan, remember? Nothing and nobody fucks with Wicked Swan.”

Emma felt the last dredges of her magic evaporate as she fell into Zelena’s embrace.

It was a few moments before Emma finally pulled back, her eyes back on Zelena.

“Thank you.”

Zelena shook her head, her eyes now blazing with determination.

“No need to thank me my dear. It’s what family does for one another. Now, David? Please call Mal and get her here as soon as possible. Ruby? Call Granny and ask her to look after Henry for a few more hours and then take Snow downstairs and make sure she has a hot tea.”

Ruby and David nodded, leaving the room with Snow as Emma wiped at her face.

“What do I need to do?” she asked, her entire body feeling on edge, her nerve endings still raw and in turmoil.

Zelena’s eyes twinkled.

You, my dear, need to prepare yourself for a little adventure - right into that mirror!”


Dun, dun, duuuuuuun!!!


To Be Continued…

So, I guess there will be a ‘Feel, Part 4’ after all! Assuming you guys want the story to continue?! 😉

Series this work belongs to: