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Come, Kitty (You're So Pretty)


Fondly, Soonyoung wraps his arms around Jihoon, kissing the top of his boyfriend’s head when Jihoon nudges him with his head softly. Jihoon isn’t usually this cuddly unless there was something bothering him, so Soonyoung takes extra care in giving Jihoon his affection. They don’t speak for a long while, and Soonyoung sways idly while Jihoon holds him close.


this is an extra smut scene and i guess a little peek into their relationship from my twt au (All For the 'Gram)! it shows a little more on how they currently are in their relationship and their dynamics.

but it's really just some smut and fluff so it can be read alone hahahaha.

hope you guys enjoy!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Their place was quiet when Soonyoung finally gets home at the reasonable hour of six o’ clock. It usually is, anyways, unless Jihoon had fancied watching something in their living room instead of their bedroom. Humming to himself, Soonyoung kicks his shoes off before lining them up neatly in their shoe rack, just the way Jihoon nagged him to do a few months ago when he first moved in. 


Eased into their home, Soonyoung places the things he bought last minute into their proper place. He’s in the middle of placing new cans of cola in their fridge when he hears the soft thuds of footsteps. Soonyoung smiles softly when he gets an arm-full of Lee Jihoon, hugging him tightly. Now this was unusual, though welcome. 


Fondly, Soonyoung wraps his arms around Jihoon, kissing the top of his boyfriend’s head when   Jihoon nudges him with his head softly. Jihoon isn’t usually this cuddly unless there was something bothering him, so Soonyoung takes extra care in giving Jihoon his affection. They don’t speak for a long while, and Soonyoung sways idly while Jihoon holds him close. 


“Bad day, Jagiya?” 


Jihoon nods into Soonyoung’s chest and mumbles. “More like bad week. Drained from work since the company messed up scheduling and had to make the group’s comeback a week earlier, so of course I had to work my ass off again to meet their deadline. Struggled too since the group doesn’t have their own vision, so I had to conceptualize most of… well, everything.” 


Soonyoung frowns and combs his fingers through Jihoon’s soft hair. He hates that they tend to overwork Jihoon, but this is what Jihoon loves doing. He knows Jihoon wouldn’t replace this for the world. It’s just that sometimes, Soonyoung wishes Jihoon would slow down a bit. “That sucks balls. Is there anything you wanna do so you feel better? I’m assuming you’ll at least take a break for awhile, hm?”


“Can we…” Jihoon finally distances himself just enough to be able to look Soonyoung in the eye. He shifts nervously, cheeks already dusted pink. “Can we play? You know…”


It’s really cute how Jihoon still shies away from verbally mentioning their more kinky adventures, even after two years of being intimate with each other. Which Soonyoung finds endearing, since Jihoon is actually quite filthy when it came to it— it was just a different story when it came to asking Jihoon what he wants. But they’re working on it and Soonyoung thinks they’re doing very well. 


“Of course, jagi. Anything you want.”


“You’re not tired? You just finished work.” Jihoon’s tone lilts in guilt, which makes Soonyoung click his tongue and shake his head. 


“Hey, hey. None of that. I’ll never be tired for you, okay? And we didn’t do much, just polish choreo. Filming doesn’t start until next week, so I’m not tired at all, Jihoonie.” He gives Jihoon a reassuring squeeze, then smiles. “So tell me, what did you want? Do you have something in particular you wanna do or try?” 


Jihoon bites his lip, cheeks turning a darker tinge of pink, spreading to the tips of his ears. “I wanna be your… your kitten. I like how it makes me feel blank. And that I can trust you to make me feel good.” 


Before, Soonyoung would’ve teased Jihoon for this. But relearning how to love properly has made Soonyoung all soft again, and all he could ever feel when Jihoon admits to something is pure endearment, enough to make his heart beat fast enough that Soonyoung feels that he might combust. 


“Of course. Do you want it soft, hard? Do you want to go all the way today?” 


“I want it— but it doesn’t matter how. Jus’ want to let everything go and feel good. I trust you, Soonyoung.”


It’s like Soonyoung’s entire body melts. He loves Jihoon. He knows he does. But they’ve talked about making sure of everything first, of going as slow as possible so that Soonyoung doesn’t end up giving more than Jihoon thinks he can return. But Soonyoung has felt nothing but love for the man he knows loves him back. 


It felt so different to be loved back. Soonyoung can now look back at his ex and laugh at how oblivious he’s been from the start. Even when Jihoon didn’t quite like PDA or tended to still be shy with his affection, he tried. God, Jihoon always tries his best in his own little ways. Soonyoung has never known the feeling of being thought about and remembered as much as he did with Jihoon. 


Jihoon who asked him to move in since he had the extra space, and Soonyoung’s condo was more of a glorified closet than it was a home. Jihoon who learned his vitamin schedules by heart and reminds him to take them, even handing Soonyoung his morning vitamins the moment they wake up together. Jihoon who cooks Soonyoung’s favourite dishes when Soonyoung says he’s had a bad day, even going as far as asking Soonyoung’s mom for her recipe. Jihoon who helped him get more jobs as a choreographer as that had always been Soonyoung’s dream, but had modeled more because it was the only opportunity he had at the time. 


And now, the Jihoon who learned to be vulnerable and open to him, even when Jihoon admitted that it was hard for him to do so. Soonyoung loves Jihoon so, so much. 


“Alright, kitten. Let’s go to our room, okay? Pick what you wanna wear, and if you want help wearing it, I’ll be by the bed.” 



Jihoon didn’t opt for help dressing up, so Soonyoung patiently waits for Jihoon to come out of their bathroom after changing into his own house clothes. He hums softly to himself while waiting, using the free moment to glance around their room. What was once just Jihoon’s room had become theirs— a great mix of both Soonyoung and Jihoon. It made Soonyoung feel so warm. 


Just then, the door to their bathroom finally swings open, and Soonyoung coos sweetly when Jihoon makes his way towards him. His boyfriend was wearing a loose hoodie, one Soonyoung thinks might’ve been his at one point. Cute, custom made white kitten ears were clipped on top of Jihoon’s soft, black hair, and Soonyoung sees the matching tail peak from between Jihoon’s legs. Which could only mean that Jihoon was wearing the panties with the heart cutout by his ass. 


It makes Soonyoung’s blood start to flow south, a slow and steady way to arousal. 


“Hi, kitten.” Soonyoung smiles softly when Jihoon straddles him, the fur of the tail plug tickling his leg. Carefully, Soonyoung wraps his arms around Jihoon’s waist, heart skipping a beat when Jihoon snuggles close, skin already warm. 


“‘Youngie,” Jihoon says under his breath, nosing up at Soonyoung’s neck. Soonyoung tilts his head back slightly to give Jihoon more room to do as he pleases. The sharp tips of Jihoon’s teeth graze against his neck, and Soonyoung’s lips part to let out a sigh when Jihoon starts to suck hickeys onto his skin.


There are times when they do this where Soonyoung would scold or punish Jihoon for touching without permission, but Soonyoung knows that isn’t something Jihoon would want right now. No. Jihoon simply wanted to feel like Soonyoung’s spoiled little kitten— and god will Soonyoung give just that. There’s nothing more he enjoys in the world aside from spoiling Jihoon as much as the man will allow him. 


Soonyoung lets his hands slip under Jihoon’s hoodie, reveling in the way Jihoon shivers yet arches closer to his touch. He pulls Jihoon closer, humming as he notices Jihoon’s pale, bare neck. Leisurely, Soonyoung asks. “Where’s your collar, kitten?” 


Jihoon whines like he’s guilty, even if he has no real reason to be. “Couldn’t pick… wanted ‘Youngie to pick one for me.”


“You’re so cute like this, Jihoonie,” Soonyoung coos, cuteness aggression practically overcoming his body— he always has the time of his life ruining Jihoon when he looks this adorable. “Soonyoungie will pick a nice collar that’ll match for you, okay?” 


He pats Jihoon’s thighs, and Jihoon seemed almost pained to have to move off of Soonyoung’s lap, brows furrowed grumpily. So, so endearing, and all Soonyoung’s to love. Giggling at Jihoon’s petulant behavior, Soonyoung makes his way towards the closet. He gets to the very back, where most of their bedroom related items are stashed, crouching down to a mid-level drawer. Soonyoung opens it and scans the collars inside. Some of those were his, given by the darker leather that Jihoon preferred. However, most of them were definitely Jihoon’s, pretty, custom made collars in light colors and lined with lace— some of them with bell charms attached. 


Soonyoung lets his imagination run free, thinking of what collar he wants on Jihoon right now. The first thing he wants is a bell, definitely. He loves the little noises they make when he fucks Jihoon hard enough, harmonizing well with Jihoon’s airy moans. With his selection narrowed down, Soonyoung settles for a simple, thiner collar. The leather strap itself was a pastel pink with thin lace trim and a cute white bow. Dangling from the center of the bow was a small silver bell, one that makes a light crinkle when moved, but not loud enough to be annoying over time. 


Pleased with the collar, Soonyoung walks back towards their bed, smiling fondly at Jihoon who was sitting on his hands by the edge, very still as he usually is. Gently, Soonyoung secures the collar around Jihoon’s neck with practiced ease. He adjusts it so the ribbon is neatly centered. As Soonyoung thought, the collar fit well with the things Jihoon had picked out for himself. 


“There we go,” Soonyoung croons, tugging on Jihoon’s collar lightly. “My pretty kitten.” 


Jihoon smiles too, mellow and soft, eyes already a bit dazed. He doesn’t say anything, simply smiling up at Soonyoung, and it makes Soonyoung want to give him the entire world. Thoroughly endeared, Soonyoung makes his way onto the bed after throwing a bottle of lube by the pillows, settling comfortably against the headboard. He pats his thigh twice, and Jihoon settles on his lap again. 


Like this, they’re pressed close, and Jihoon’s back arches gracefully. Soonyoung wastes no time and places his hands by Jihoon’s ass to haul his boyfriend up a bit higher, exposing his ass just a bit more. He starts to play with Jihoon’s tail plug, just teasing tugs to make Jihoon squirm. “I love this set on you. Matches you so well. Kinda want to fuck you with the tail still in— what do you think, Kitten?” 


Jihoon shivers and nods softly. “If ‘Youngie thinks it’ll feel good, I don’t mind.” 


Soonyoung pecks Jihoon on the cheek, slowly making his way down til their lips meet in a slow, languid kiss. He licks into Jihoon’s willing mouth, pace indulgent. Soonyoung could kiss Jihoon forever, like this, when the atmosphere just felt warm and Jihoon was pressed against his chest. But Jihoon needs and wants more than just kisses right now, so Soonyoung reels himself in and pulls back, giggling when Jihoon whines, trying to follow. 


“Shh, kitten, calm down. I’m just gonna grab the lube, fuck your cute little hole on my fingers, then we can kiss all we want, hm? I like this position a lot.” 


Glazed over eyes watch as Soonyoung pats around for the lube he threw onto the bed earlier, lips curling up in amusement. Jihoon doesn’t help Soonyoung even if he can see where exactly the lube ended up landing. “Yeah? You like me on top a lot,” he drawls out slowly, arms looping over Soonyoung’s shoulders loosely. 


“Can’t help it. I like looking up at you— you’re so pretty. But I also find it cute when your hair bounces while I fuck you.” Once his fingers finally grasp the familiar shape of the lube, Soonyoung wastes on time and uncaps it, squeezing a generous amount of lube on his fingers, as much as he could without spilling onto Jihoon’s hoodie. 


With his other hand, Soonyoung takes the tail and makes sure that it’s pushed up, the fluffy fur placed by the curve of Jihoon’s back. It’s to make sure he doesn’t get too much lube on the fur, remembering how Jihoon disliked the feeling of it when he isn’t fucked out enough to ignore it. After making sure that the tail won’t fall back down to cover Jihoon’s ass, Soonyoung grips one of Jihoon’s asscheeks through the cutout of Jihoon’s panties, pulling it to the side and effectively exposing how Jihoon’s hole twitches around the tail plug. 


Lube-slick fingers trace around Jihoon’s rim, and Soonyoung’s cock twitches with how Jihoon shivers, lips parted. He knows for a fact that the white tail is attached to a thinner plug with an even thinner base— he bought it specifically to try fucking Jihoon with a tail on, but they’ve haven’t gotten into trying it out until tonight.


Soonyoung teasingly presses down on the space below the plug. He gradually adds more pressure against the give of Jihoon’s hole, but doesn’t push it in just yet. “Relax for me, kitten. Yeah, that’s good. You’re always so good, jagiya.” Soonyoung coos as he slips his finger inside carefully. His finger slides against the smooth texture of the plug, and Jihoon tenses against him for a moment, breath shaky. 


A finger and a plug is nothing compared to the girth of Soonyoung’s cock— which Jihoon is used to taking —but it still feels good, enough to make Jihoon’s entire body feel even warmer. Soonyoung takes it slow, working Jihoon up with his finger. He tilts his head up slightly to press kiss down Jihoon’s jawline, humming contently when Jihoon bares his neck for him, all pliant and trusting. He sucks a hickey onto Jihoon’s pale skin the same moment he slowly pushes a second finger in, his own cock twitching at the lewd little noise Jihoon lets out. 


“‘Youngie… kiss,” Jihoon asks softly, voice already breathless. Soonyoung could never deny Jihoon anything when he gets like this. Their lips meet, all to familiar with each other. Playfully, Soonyoung teases his teeth over Jihoon’s plumper bottom lip, taking every little noise Jihoon makes and keeping it in their kiss. 


With Jihoon completely lax against him, both their bodies pressed close, Soonyoung fucks Jihoon with his fingers faster, curling his fingers down onto Jihoon’s prostate even when the angle strains his wrist. His efforts are rewarded with Jihoon’s heavenly moans, which makes his hard cock a little bit harder to ignore. 


Urged by his own need to get himself off soon, Soonyoung presses in a third finger, own cheeks starting to warm up at Jihoon’s resulting moan. Jihoon’s back arches, head tipped back and breaking off from their kiss. Soonyoung doesn’t mind all too much, half-lidded eyes watching Jihoon’s face, all pretty and flushed. Jihoon was so, so pretty. Soonyoung is lucky to be able to call Jihoon his. “You’re so pretty, kitten,” Soonyoung says, practically out of instinct, terribly enamoured.


They’re familiar with each other’s bodies given the amount of time they’ve spent in bed together, knowing each other inside and out, so Soonyoung fucks Jihoon open steadily, pace constant. Jihoon drops his head forward, panting and whining against Soonyoung’s neck. The fur of the cat ears tickle, but Soonyoung tries his best to ignore it, focusing on making Jihoon feel good, focusing on stretching him open. 


Jihoon tenses, thigh jerking, and Soonyoung doubles his efforts, ignoring the burn that starts to spread through his wrist. Pitched, airy whines are loud right by Soonyoung’s ear, and god— he’s so fucking hard right now, straining against his own underwear. Above him, Jihoon shivers, reaching behind him to weakly grasp Soonyoung’s hand. “W-Wait, ‘Youngie, ‘m gonna cum if you keep it up.” 


Curious, Soonyoung slows his fingers, curling them leisurely. He tilts his head to the side. “Hm? You don’t wanna cum yet?”  


“No. Wanna cum on your c-cock.” 


“You can do that. I know I can make you cum more than once,” Soonyoung purrs, nosing Jihoon’s soft cheek affectionately, giggling when Jihoon whines. 


Shaking his head, Jihoon tries to prop himself up against Soonyoung’s chest. “‘M tired right now. Don’t wanna cum more than once.” A look of worry flashes across Jihoon’s face, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he scans Soonyoung’s face. “S-Sorry.” 


Even with the heated atmosphere, Soonyoung’s gaze softens, and peppers Jihoon’s flushed face with kisses. “Hey. None of that. Anything kitten wants, okay? I’ll give you whatever you want or need from me, okay, Hoonie?” Wordlessly, Jihoon nods, and Soonyoung pulls him in for another kiss, softer and slower than previous. When they part, Soonyoung carefully pulls his fingers out too, shushing Jihoon when he whines. 


“I know, I know, kitten. You don’t like feeling empty. Just wait a bit, okay? You’re so cute when you’re needy.” Soonyoung coos and pats Jihoon’s bare thigh with his dry hand, signaling for Jihoon to get up and off his lap. Jihoon follows, albeit sluggishly. Soonyoung gets up as well, using the opportunity to slip his own shorts and boxer briefs off. He sighs in relief, hard cock finally free, already pearling pre at the tip. 


Without being prompted, Jihoon shifts towards the edge of the bed on all fours, looking up at Soonyoung wantonly. “Wanna suck ‘Youngie off,” Jihoon says sweetly, and who was Soonyoung to say no? 


“Go ahead, kitten. Get me nice and wet.” 


Jihoon is good at sucking dick. Or, maybe, he’s gotten really good at sucking Soonyoung’s dick. But it’s always a bit different when Jihoon sucks him off when they’re playing like this. Jihoon likes to do it a bit slower, giving him almost shy kitten licks, kissing messily along his shaft. It was cute in an incredibly obscene way, the pure white of the cat ears contrasting with how dirty Jihoon is being. 


Soonyoung feels a bit guilty that he likes it this much— why he likes dressing Jihoon up cutely at times, why he enjoys fucking Jihoon in nothing but oversized hoodies, why he loves the white kitten set the most. He always found Jihoon really cute. Something about his features made Jihoon painfully adorable to Soonyoung’s eyes sometimes, and further amplifying it with cuter clothes or the color of innocence? It always makes Soonyoung want to ruin him, a carnal urge that he’s never been able to shake off since the day they first met. 


(Not that he wants to shake it off, not when Jihoon is pretty into it too, despite the front he likes to keep up sometimes.)


He’s snapped out of his daydream by Jihoon’s lips pressing a kiss to the tip of his cock, swiping his tongue across the slit and Soonyoung’s breath hitches when Jihoon slowly takes his cock inside his mouth. It’s hot and wet, making Soonyoung hiss as he looks down. His eyes meet with Jihoon’s own hazy ones, expression downright filthy. It always amazes him, how Jihoon’s pretty lips spread and wrap around the girth of his cock. 


Jihoon takes him deeper and Soonyoung groans, reaching down to weave his fingers through the hairs by Jihoon’s nape. He tugs harshly, just to have Jihoon moan around his cock. “Still so pretty even when your mouth is stuffed full with my cock.” Soonyoung pulls Jihoon’s head closer, breathing shakily when he feels Jihoon’s throat swallow around him. He keeps pulling Jihoon closer until the tip of Jihoon’s nose presses against his barely there happy trail. Jihoon splutters, spit running down the corners of his mouth— so cute, already looking ruined. 


“F-Fuck, so good, Jihoon-ah. My good kitten.” Soonyoung loosens his grip and Jihoon starts to bob his head slowly. Jihoon is messy with it, laving at the underside with his tongue, leaving Soonyoung’s cock spit-slick. He’s practically drooling around Soonyoung’s cock, just the way Soonyoung likes it. 


When Jihoon is stressed or tired and specifically asks to be kitten, Soonyoung knows Jihoon could keep this up for a long time. Jihoon had a bit of an oral fixation, liked having something in his mouth. It was good, and at times, they made a game out of it, but Jihoon had said he was tired, so it was Soonyoung’s responsibility to remember that for Jihoon’s own comfort. 


Soonyoung tightens his grasp on Jihoon’s hair once more, tugging Jihoon off his cock with a moan. There’s a sound of a wet pop, followed by Jihoon’s whining. “That’s enough, kitten. ‘M gonna give you something better now. Ass up on the bed for me.” Breathing heavily, Soonyoung recollects himself while Jihoon follows his orders. 


The bed dips and Soonyoung gets back on it, moving up on his knees to where Jihoon has settled, ass in the air and back arched deeply, chest pressed against the bed and cheek resting on his folded arms. The tail falls perfectly between Jihoon’s smooth, milky thighs. Soonyoung’s cock throbs, so utterly turned on it’s ridiculous— he sees Jihoon like this pretty often, yet he never really gets used to it. 


Unable to resist, Soonyoung drags his nails up Jihoon’s thighs. Jihoon whimpers while Soonyoung watches red streaks show up against Jihoon’s pale skin. So, so easy to mark, practically a blank canvas that always invites Soonyoung to paint on. Marking Jihoon up is always tempting, a temptation that Soonyoung almost always gives in to. Craving to mark his boyfriend up even more, Soonyoung raises his arm and lands a sharp hit to Jihoon’s ass. The spank echoes around their room, in synch with Jihoon’s surprised squeak. 


“Sorry, Cutie. You know I can’t help it.” Giggling, Soonyoung soothes the already blooming handprint mark with his thumb. Jihoon only mumbles something Soonyoung can’t quite pick up, hips twitching impatiently. Jihoon wiggles his ass a bit, the tail swinging slightly from the motion. It brings Soonyoung’s gaze back towards Jihoon’s hole. 


Soonyoung pulls Jihoon’s asscheek to the side, once again exposing Jihoon’s twitching hole. He moves the tail again to get better access, tracing along the rim. It was still a bit pink, most likely from Soonyoung’s fingers from earlier. Humming, Soonyoung tugs at the tail plug. It’s enough to jostle the toy, but not enough to pull it out of Jihoon’s clenching hole. He repeats it, again and again, teasing Jihoon with the barely-there pleasure, until his boyfriend is trembling from the frustration, whining pathetically against the sleeve of his hoodie. 


“‘Youngie!” Jihoon’s tone is almost petulant, pitched and delirious. “E-Enough. Want your cock now. C’mon.” Jihoon wiggles his hips again, an enticing display, but Soonyoung wants to play with Jihoon just a bit more. Not too much since it wasn’t what Jihoon wants at the moment, but just enough to get Jihoon all the more worked up. 


“What’s that? Ask me again nicely, kitten.” 


Jihoon holds himself up with shaky arms, looking back and staring at Soonyoung with glassy eyes, lips parted. “Pl-please!” 


“You can do better than that, kitten,” Soonyoung coos, rubbing the head of his cock against Jihoon’s ass just to be even more of a tease. “Please what?”


“Please give me your cock— fuck me, please, please I want it—“ 


Soonyoung can’t stop the moan that slips out of his own lips. “Shit, Jihoonie, good boy.” He takes his cock in his own hand, guiding the tip towards Jihoon’s hole. With his other hand, Soonyoung pulls the tail plug upwards with just enough force to give way for his cock, but not enough for it to completely slip out. 


His own fingers tremble as he slowly sinks inside Jihoon, warm, wet, and tight— tighter than usual because of the plug, which he feels slide against the topside of his cock, hard and unrelenting. “F-Fuck,” Soonyoung hisses, hands settling on Jihoon’s hips, tugging Jihoon close until he’s balls deep inside. Beneath him, Jihoon’s eyes roll back from the burn of the stretch, whimpering softly. “So tight, kitten. So good. Do you like it? You’re clenching so hard around me.” 


With a shaky breath, Soonyoung starts to move. It’s experimental, slow but deep, just to test how much give Jihoon’s hole will allow. The plug is thin, thinner than normal plugs, but it’s still something. Paired with Soonyoung’s cock, this has been the most Jihoon has taken so far, and it feels good to Soonyoung. He only hopes Jihoon likes it too, but judging from all the soft noises Jihoon keeps letting out… Soonyoung thinks Jihoon is enjoying it. 


Maybe he can work Jihoon up to real double penetration someday. 


“’S a lot,” Jihoon slurs out, hips twitching every time Soonyoung bottoms out. He squeals when Soonyoung tugs at the plug again, with more force this time, but Soonyoung’s own cock keeps the plug inside. Jihoon’s clenching pulls the toy back in, synched up when Soonyoung pulls back, and it’s driving Jihoon insane. 


It feels good to Soonyoung too, the toy dragging against his cock, adding more pressure to Jihoon’s tightness. They’re both pretty loud, moaning unabashedly just for each other. “You look so cute like this… so innocent with the white ears and cute panties. But you’re really just a slut for my cock, right? Bet you’d look even cuter split open on two,” Soonyoung pants out. He starts to amp his pace, fucking Jihoon a bit faster. 


Jihoon can’t quite piece together any words to reply, nodding onto the sheets instead while he moans, pretty little staccato noises that Soonyoung loves hearing. The bell on Jihoon’s collar starts to jingle lightly, and it just adds to how obscene everything is. 


Soonyoung clicks his tongue and stops thrusting, letting go of the tail plug. He chuckles when Jihoon whines and looks back up at him. “I asked you something, kitten.” 




Whatever Jihoon was saying gets cut off by his own broken moan as Soonyoung gathers his hair into a little ponytail— and tugs him up harshly, forcing him to hold himself up. Soonyoung Uses both his grip on Jihoon’s hair on on his hip to pull Jihoon back every time he bucks his hips forward, fucking into Jihoon fast and rough, hipbones bouncing off of Jihoon’s plump ass. Even the little bell on Jihoon’s collar starts to ring louder, creating a melody with Jihoon’s airy moans and pitched whines. 


“I asked you, k-kitten, if you were a slut for my cock.” Jihoon tries his best to nod even with Soonyoung’s tight grip on his hair, but Soonyoung only fucks into him harsher. “Words, kitten. I want to hear you.” 


“Yes! Love it! L-Love your cock. ‘M a slut for ‘Youngie’s cock!” Jihoon barely manages to talk in between his cries, eyes rolling back every time Soonyoung’s cock drags against his prostate. The stress of everything combined with the need for release makes Jihoon easily wanton and shameless, moaning out filthy praises with ease when it usually takes him a bit longer to get this loose-tongued. 


The way Soonyoung fucks is often rough and unforgiving, jostling Jihoon around like he’s nothing more than just a toy. Jihoon loves it. It was the opposite of how Soonyoung actually is, which was sweet and soft, infinitely caring. Jihoon likes that his same, cute boyfriend is also so wonderfully cruel in bed. It makes sex between them so satisfying and still so interesting, even if they’ve fucked more times than Jihoon could be bothered to count. 


Soonyoung likes how submissive Jihoon can get too, docile and trusting beneath his touch. It’s different from the front Jihoon unconsciously presents to others— he loves how this is a side of Jihoon specifically reserved for him and him alone. 


Jihoon’s back arches even further, thighs starting to tremble. “F-Fuck. Close— ‘m so close, ‘Youngie—“ Jihoon whimpers brokenly, a pitiful sound, but Soonyoung doesn’t relent. The sound of their fucking rings in Soonyoung’s ears and urges him to look down. He pulls Jihoon’s ass to the side with his thumb, moaning at the sight that greets him. Jihoon’s hole is all pink and puffy, fluttering around his cock and the plug desperately. 


Just when Jihoon feels like he’s about to cum, Soonyoung stops abruptly, hips going completely still. Jihoon squirms helplessly, sniffling when Soonyoung lets go of his hair, head lolling down uselessly. “Hm… I wanna see your face when you cum, kitten. Roll over for me.” 


Whining and complaining incoherently, Jihoon rolls over onto his back, legs automatically spreading without being asked to. Soonyoung easily makes his way back between Jihoon’s spread legs, guiding his cock back towards Jihoon’s twitching hole. This time, his cock slides inside easier with Jihoon already fucked loose. Soonyoung’s head tips back and his lips fall open as he moans right with Jihoon’s mewls. 


Soonyoung continues right where they left off, fucking Jihoon with harsh snaps of his hips, pace well practiced and smooth. Jihoon is a mess underneath Soonyoung, drool dripping down his lips as he’s unable to close his mouth, practically one long broken moan at this point. His toes curl and he starts to claw at Soonyoung’s hands from where they were pressing welts onto his waist. 


Hissing, Soonyoung takes Jihoon’s wrists, holding them tightly. Just like that, he pulls Jihoon’s entire body down onto his cock using his hold on his boyfriend’s arms, giggling breathlessly when it makes Jihoon practically scream. Jihoon’s body moves against the mattress, the bell on his collar jingling rhythmically. Thank god they lived at the very top floor. 


Jihoon being jostled around like this makes the cat ears slip down just a tad, and it’s so sinfully cute— how they look like folded ears, submissive looking. Perfect for Jihoon’s lewd, fucked out expression, eyes far gone. “You gonna c-cum for me, kitten? Gonna make a mess over that hoodie you stole from me?” 


Frantically, Jihoon nods, fingers scratching at Soonyoung’s abs from beneath Soonyoung’s shirt. “G-Gonna cum,” Jihoon chants ’til his words slur into something indecipherable, eyes fluttering shut as he tenses, back arching up as his thighs tremble. Soonyoung slows his pace just to slam into Jihoon harder, deeper, pressing up against all the right spot he knows drives Jihoon crazy. 


“‘Youngie,” Jihoon cries out shakily, voice breaking as he finally cums, perfectly untouched, right onto the panties he was still wearing, some spilling onto his hoodie. He’ll probably complain about cum stains later, but right now, Jihoon is wonderfully blissed out, mind void of anything but Soonyoung. 


Soonyoung lets Jihoon ride his high, slowing his pace until Jihoon’s body finally relaxes, a bone-deep satisfaction spreading throughout. Afterwards, Soonyoung pulls out gingerly, taking his own cock in his hand and pumping his cock desperately. He lets himself stare at Jihoon’s spent body, from the flush to his cheeks and the light sheen of his sweat, down to Jihoon’s soiled panties and wrecked hole. 


When Soonyoung cums, he cums with a breathless moan of Jihoon’s name, spilling white all over his fist, some landing over Jihoon’s thighs. In a last spurt of Soonyoung’s own delirium, Soonyoung takes his cum-covered hand and wipes it over Jihoon’s lips like it’s gloss. Jihoon’s eyes flutter open sluggishly, and like second instinct, Jihoon wraps his lips around Soonyoung’s fingers, sucking the cum clean off. “Hm… I guess kittens really like milk,” Soonyoung mumbles with a lopsided grin, also a lot more relaxed now that he also came. 


Jihoon doesn’t say anything, still tired. Soonyoung lets him rest. By routine, he takes out Jihoon’s plug and shimmies down his ruined panties. He cleans Jihoon up the best he can with a washcloth while his boyfriend takes a short nap. Soonyoung starts a warm bath too, with the bubbles and the lemon scented bath-bomb he loves so much. When everything is ready, he goes to wake Jihoon up. 



“Bowie! C’mere buddy!” Soonyoung babytalks Jihoon’s cat— or should he say their cat? The chunky British Shorthair meows at him and slowly walks over to the door. Soonyoung picks Bowie up, grinning when the cat stares at him grumpily. He knows Bowie isn’t really grumpy. It was just his face. 


He gives Bowie some scritches, giggling when the cat leans against his touch. “Sorry we locked you in your room when I just got home, but we don’t want you being even more traumatized.” Laughing to himself, Soonyoung walks towards their living room, where Jihoon was sat on the couch, watching Spy x Family. 


Soonyoung settles and lays his head on Jihoon’s lap, hugging Bowie to his chest. The cat doesn’t complain one bit, curling and snuggling on him. Jihoon starts to play with his hair and a deep contentment washes over Soonyoung’s body. 


“Jihoon-ah, I love you,” Soonyoung says suddenly, eyes closed. Jihoon’s fingers still. A brief silence fills the room despite the anime playing in the background. 


“Love you too, Soonyoung.”


A smile spreads across Soonyoung’s lips. He opens his eyes once more, met by Jihoon’s face which was filled with sincerity. Soonyoung knows he wants to marry Jihoon in the future. 


hmu on twt: @junsmoonsoon ;3c