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The Stranger in the Rain


While the Kahuna's of Alola are in a meeting with their champion Ash, a stranger appears in the rain. The stranger asks for the champion himself.

Nanu recognises him, Kukui is skeptical and Ash has no idea what the heck is going on.

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It was a rainy day in Alola. Despite the region being known for sun shine, it rains. And when it rains, it rains hard. So hard that the hall the Kahuna's and their champion are supposed to meet has a broken roof, water damage. So they meet in the house of the Professors. Nanu's place is full with Meowths – what a cat grandpa – Olivia's doesn't give much privacy, Hapu doesn't know what cleanliness is, Hala simply doesn't want then in his home and Ash doesn't have a place of his own. Their champion stays at the Professors, when he's in Alola.

So it happens, they discuss the matters of the league in Kukui's kitchen.

“Should we establish an elite four?”, asked Olivia. “Maybe Rose won't get off our backs about using trials if we fulfill more traditions.”

“While I think we shouldn't appease Rose, I think elites would be a good idea anyway.”, said Ash. “Especially since Lance and Diantha want to hold a region comparison, main focus being on the elite four. They don't know as what to count you, guys.”

“We stay kahuna's, kahuna's are meant to be equal to gym leaders.”, said Hala. “Do you know anyone who is stronger than us?”

“I won't mind becoming an elite.”, chimed Olivia in.

“But who would take over for you as a kahuna?”, asked Hapu.

“I... don't know.”, admitted Olivia. “I haven't considered that, Hapu.”

Professor Kaina Burnet wanted to chime in that her husband could beat them all, when someone knocked on the door. So instead she opened it.

Standing in the rain was a rather tall man. He wore a dark purple coat with red accents. Red as his long hair and eyes. His skin was pretty pale.

“I am sorry for the interruption, but I am looking for Ash Ketchum. I was told he is here.”, explained the man. “I thought Alola's sunny.”

Kaina smiled, “Well, it is most of the time. Our champion is here, but he is in a meeting with the kahuna's.”

Said trainers looked to the man. Ash had a weird feeling about the man. As if he knew the guy. Nanu on the other hand knew very well who that man is. He has no idea why he is in Alola or what he wants from Ash, though.

“Oh well, in that case I come back tomorrow.”, said the man. “Again, sorry for bothering you, professor.”

“It is okay! Hey, it rains very hard. Why don't you come in and talk to Ash after they are done?”, offered Kaina. She looked to Kukui, “Would you mind?” Kukui just shook his hand. What is one person more at this point?

Nanu continued to look at the man. He paid more attention to the red head than to the meeting. He also noted that Ash looked to their guest a few times, as well as his confused mood. Kaina told the mystery man to sit down on the couch and offered him a coffee.

“If you don't mind, I would prefer a tea or just water.”, said the man. “My doctor banned me from caffeine.”

“I make you a warm tea.”, said Kaina. “You're probably cold.”

“How come you can't drink caffeine?”, asked Kukui. “I don't know if I could survive without.”

“I just woke up from a coma, well, a few weeks ago.”, explained the guy. “Doc said until I'm still weak, no caffeine.”

“A coma?”, asked Kaina surprised. “How terrible!” Now Nanu wasn't hiding that he paid more attention to him than to the meeting.

“At least I am not dead. Albeit, I missed fourteen years of...”, he said sadly. He then peaked up. “I think I should introduce myself. My name is Silver Sakaki.”

Nanu walked to Silver. Olivia wanted to hold him back, but Nanu slapped her hand away.

“Silver? Is that you?”, asked Nanu.

Sakaki looked up and froze. “Yeah, it is me, uncle Nanu.”

“Uncle Nanu?”, whispered Ash. “I didn't knew Nanu has relatives.”

Nanu looked to Ash, “I am sure you met my brother, Silver's father. He's the gym leader in Viridian City, a gym you challenged, right?”


Nanu looked back to Silver. “Where have you been, Silver? Your parents have been worried!”

“Didn't he say he was in a coma?”, chimed Hapu in.

“Silver ran off sixteen years ago, so the there were two years in between.”, said Nanu.

“Uncle, I eloped with my girlfriend. Remember Delia?”, explained Silver. The name got Kukui's attention.

Kukui whispered to his wife with skepticism, “Is he...”

“I remember her shouting match with your mother.”, replied Nanu. “Why did you elope? And how did you end up in a coma for nearly fifteen years? Why didn't you contact me or your parents after you woke up?”

“Uncle! Let me answer one question before asking the rest! I... got Delia pregnant, so I eloped with her-”

“Silver! Why didn't you tell Ariana and Giovanni that you have a baby?”, interrupted him Nanu. “I doubt they would have rejected them. If anything, Ari would probably have tried to take the baby and raise them themselves.”

“That is admittedly part of the reason why I left and didn't tell you.”, said Silver. “But in comparison to what had happened instead, that would have been better.”

“What happened?”, asked Nanu.

“You know it already, uncle. I was comatose for fourteen years. I missed pretty much everything from my son's life, he probably doesn't even recognize me at this point.”, explained Silver, “You see, I was working multiple jobs to provide for them. While driving to Delia's sleep deprived, I was in an accident. Now I'm here. I'm an idiot, I should just have told mom and dad about my son.”

“Yes, you should have.”, agreed his uncle. “This is why I am going to call them now. Everyone, the meeting's over. Familial issues!”

“Wait! Your nephew said he is here for Ash.”, said Hala. “May we get to know why?”

“Like I wanted to say, I missed fourteen years of my son's life.”, said Silver.


Ash walked up to Silver, slowly. “D-Dad?”

“Yes. Sorry for failing you, Ashy.”, said Silver, sanding up from the couch.

“Mom said you abandoned us.”, said Ash.

“Hm, maybe she thought that. Or that I died. A fourteen year coma... If I think about it, did Delia even know that I was comatose?”, muttered Silver. “Considering that massive medical bill I have now... Either way that was not the case. I am sorry. D-Did Delia remarry?”

“Not yet, but she is in a relationship with Professor Oak, friends with benefits or something.”, said Ash.

“Wait, really?”, asked Kaina.

“Unless you have a different reasoning why they travel a lot together.”, said Ash. “And that one time I walked into them kissing.”

“Ew.”, said Silver.

“You said you woke up a couple of weeks ago.”, chimed Kukui in. “How do we know you're not just now bothering with Ash now that he is a champion?”

“Are you seriously accusing me of being some kind of dead beat stage dad?”, asked Silver angrily. “I am not! I am not choosing when to be a father. I didn't choose to be comatose for over a decade.”

“You choose to let Ash live in poverty because your pride won't allow you to call your parents for help.”, countered Kukui.

“Kukui, stop picking a fight with my nephew!”, yelled Nanu, stepping between the two men. “Now if you two excuse me.”

“Wait, does that mean Nanu is my great uncle or something?”, asked Ash.

“It does.”, confirmed Hala. “Wait, where is Nanu?”

“Giovanni! Get Ariana! I found Silver! The kid eloped with Delia Ketchum – Yes, Ash's mother. - got her pregnant. Two years after this, he had a car crash -He isn't dead! - just comatose for fourteen years.” Nanu was on call with his brother. “He woke up and was tracking down Ash. He's here in Alola!” He ended the call.

“Uncle Nanu! Why did you call them?”

“Why not? You said yourself you have a massive bill.”, argued Nanu.

“I don't want to appear like I only call them for money.”, said Silver. “Hence why not telling them about Ash to begin with.”

“I don't know why you left or why you want to keep ash away from Ari and Giovanni, but please.”, said Nanu, “I think it would be best for Ash to meet his grandparents. And everyone's sanity.”

“Fine... It's not like I have a choice.”, said Silver. “Maybe it would be best.”

Nanu did expect that Giovanni and Ariana would come to Alola as soon as they could. He did not expect for his sister-in-law - Lorelei, the ice elite four of Kanto and Ariana's younger sister – as well as his mother Maria, to come as well. Okay, he should have Maria seen coming – partly because Maria said she wanted to see here other son again for a while now – but Lorelei was a surprise.

While waiting for them, he and Kaina – and Hala until he left to give Ash's family space – tried to keep Kukui and Silver apart. Kukui still was very not highly thinking of Silver.

“Professor! I know dad's timing isn't the best, but I think he is sincere.”, said Ash, somewhat ending their fighting. “I want to give him a chance.” After that, Kukui and Silver were just passive aggressive to each other. Which in turn was very annoying for Ash and Kaina.

“Bryan, please stop accusing Silver.”, she said.

“Your name is Bryan?!”, asked Ash, laughing his butt of besides Silver.

Kukui sighed. He really hates his given name. Not as much as his middle name – thanks Kukui's mom – but he would like that as few people know about it as possible. “Yes, it is. Don't laugh, it is just a name.”, he said.

When family Sakaki came, the first one to tackle-hug was not Giovanni or Ariana, not even Maria, but Lorelei. While Silver and Lorelei are aunt and nephew, they have more of a sibling relationship.

While Mr. and Mrs. Kenna, Lorelei and Ariana's parents, had Ariana very early, they had Lorelei very late. Late as in Lorelei and Silver have the same age. This was why Ariana was more of a mother for Lorelei. Even before taking custody of her little sister. Lorelei and Silver are more like siblings.

“Lorelei, I can't breath!”, complained Silver, “And your nails!”

“I am sorry, I am just so happy to see you again!”, said his sister in everything but blood.

After Lorelei, Ariana was hugging him, then Maria - “Grandmother! You still smell like smoke!” - and last but not least his father Giovanni. Unlike the women in the family, his hug was short and followed by, “Silver! I m happy to see you again, but I am disappointed in you! You abandoned your son!”

“I didn't-”

“Not physically but you neglected your financial responsibility.”, said Giovanni. “Why didn't you just call me and Ariana? Did you think we would have rejected your son because of Delia?”


“Apropos your son.”, said Ariana. Ash had been standing behind the professors, but Ariana dragged him away from them and was hugging him. “You're so cute!”

“Ariana, let me cuddle my great grand son as well.”, chimed Maria in. Ash then knew why Silver complained about the smell of smoke.

“And me!”, said Lorelei. When she was hugging Ash, she said, “Isn't if weird that I am your great aunt?”

“We may look not like it, but Lorelei is my aunt.”, admitted Silver, “So your great aunt.”


“Ash?”, asked Kaina.

“It's just, I never expected to have so many relatives.”, said Ash. The truth is, he didn't expect to be related to the leader of Team Rocket, or the kantonian Elite Four or to Nanu. Especially Giovanni. “it's a bit surreal... no, overwhelming.”

“Understandable.”, said Giovanni. He then hugged Ash as well, said child freezing by Giovanni's touch. Giovanni whispered in his ear, “Relax, I'm not harming you now, sonny.”

Maria clapped her hands, “Silver, I'm not even angry for running away with that whore,-” “What did you call my mother?!” “-because you gave me a great grand son!”

Giovanni rolled his eyes, of course his mother would say that. “Now, Silver, would you explain what happened to you? More detailed as what Nanu told me over the phone?” Silver not and explained the car crash, him working three jobs. After his tale, Giovanni sighed and said, “Again, I am disappointed. You didn't tell us because you didn't want to call for money?”

“Well... yes?” Nanu and Ash had a feeling this isn't Silver's full reasoning.

Nanu also noted Silver was sitting a lot. “Silver, are you okay?”

“Yes, I'm just not back to full health. A fourteen year long coma takes its toll on one.”, said Silver, “I mean, I woke up a few times in between, hence why no one pulled the plug.” He was the only one laughing at his bad joke. Ash then hugged him, he hugged his son back. “W-What now?”

“I say you move back with us, mister. We will help you build up your life again.', demanded his mother. Ariana won't let him a choice. “We will pay your bills and we will help you with Ash.”

“Of course, mom.”

Delia wasn't that excited that her boyfriend was back and claiming his rights to Ash. Apparently she wanted -whoever she ends up marrying- to adopt Ash. Pretty sure that doesn't work without Ash agreeing, lady!

The court split custody fifty-fifty between the two. It was discovered that Ash had two surnames. Ketchum-Sakaki. But Delia silently dropped the Sakaki, assuming the name was useless. Nanu was surprised Delia didn't try to go to his brother for money for Ash as Silver vanished. Turns out Delia didn't knew he was comatose. She assumed he hit the road and abandoned them.

He then knew why. As soon as Ariana and Delia see each other, another shouting match starts. No wonder Delia didn't approach them.

Silver and Ash moved into the Sakaki mansion. Silver moved into a bigger room right besides his old room while Ash took over his old room. Walking into the mansion for the first time, Silver noted his son's Pikachu was very skeptical. Even of him, too.

“Does he know?”, muttered Silver.

“Who knows what?”, asked Giovanni, walking into his sons room.

“Team Rocket. Ash's Pikachu, two of your idiots tried to kidnap it, Ash told me.”, said Silver. “Do Ash and Pikachu know-”

“That I run Team Rocket?”, ended Giovanni the sentence, “They do. Why do you think did Ash pick a room so close to you? Like you, he doesn't agree with the team.”

Silver sighed with relieve. His father hadn't corrupted his son. Of course he didn't, they didn't knew to be related until a few days ago.

“Good. I don't want that you ruin Ash.”

“I won't say that I ruin the boy.”, argued Giovanni. “And you, you'll change your mind... Apropos the idiot brigade, I have an idea.” He left the room, leaving his son confused.

“The what?”

Ash was putting the last touches in his new room, namely a handful of his badges and trophies he won. While trying to arrange then, his grandmother came in. Ariana was still very excited about the fact that not only does she have her son back, but she has now a grandchild as well. (She gave up that Lorelei would have children, at least any time soon that is.) She pulled Ash into a hug.

He just rolls with it when Lorelei, Ariana and Maria (despite her smelling like smoke) hug him. He is still jumpy when Giovanni does it, though.

“Ash, your grandfather is looking for you.”, she said, “Please go to his office.”

“Oh, okay.” Ash is irritated by what Giovanni could ask from him. Pikachu felt the same and decided to follow his trainer on his own accord. Walking to his grandfathers office, Ash saw the Idiot brigade. Jessie, James and Meowth looked scared.

“Ah, Ash! You remember these three idiots?”, said Giovanni.

“Well, yes.” Pikachu sure does, he started to spark.

“To make you more comfortable with our family and the team as a whole-” “About that...” “-I'll give you the chance for a bit of payback on these three.”, explained Giovanni, “Just no physical violence against them.”

“I... have an idea.”, said his grandson. The trio was worried. What is their enemy turned future boss (according to Giovanni) planning for them.

“Really?”, asked Giovanni, “And what?”

“Jessie and James will be Pikachu's personal servants. Oh, and of my other Pokemon.”, said Ash. Pikachu chirped, he liked the idea. “Meowth will act as a translator for them.”

“Oh, I did not get the worst job.”, said Meowth relieved.

“Hm, okay.”, said Giovanni. He was a bit disappointed Ash didn't test the waters how much pain he could cause these three. Unless Ash's Pokemon are a bigger pain in the ass than Giovanni assumes. He'll see how this ends. “You three, leave now!”

“Yes, sir!” The trio left, leaving their boss and second heir alone.


“Yes, Ash?”

“Does dad know about Team Rocket?”

“Yes. Like you, he is against it.”, explained Giovanni, “That's why he ran.”


Giovanni rolled his eyes. Being against the family business isn't good, not for Giovanni.

Series this work belongs to: