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that wingman chat


Buck asks Eddie to be his wingman at a gay club, and neither of them are prepared for where the night leads...


Remember when I said we had another fic where we'd used the "will you be my wingman at a gay club" line. Yeah. This is it.

Eddie by Veronae, Buck by disasterbuck.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

are you doing anything tonight?
I am free as a bird, Chris got a last minute invite to a sleepover
the stars have aligned!
the universe wants me to get laid!
umm, does that actually need to include me?
no 😂
okay, good talk Buck
not the getting laid part anyway
I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my wingman tonight
sure, why not
I could use a night out
full disclosure though
I wanna go to a gay bar
........ to pick up?
would that be too weird for you?
not weird
Do you wanna target girls who go there so they DON'T get hit on by creepy guys, or what? 🤨
….. what?
you know
straight girls who go dancing in gay clubs so they don't get bothered by creepers
I wasn't planning on going to a gay bar to look at GIRLS
.... do you not know that I'm bi?
I didn’t realise that
right 😅
so, to be clear
I'm planning to go to a gay bar to flirt with men
and you want me to be your wingman?
sure, okay
yeah, of course
that’s awesome
thank you!!
no worries
how does 8 sound?
yeah, great
text me the place and I'll meet you there
I can pick you up on my way if you want
there's a wingman, and then there's a third wheel
You do not want me in your car if you're gonna take someone home with you
okay fair point 😅
so I'll meet you out the front of the club at 8
sounds good
have you been there before?
is there a dress code for this place I should know about?
I've only been there once
no dress code as far as I know
it's called Dorothy's Friends
😅of course it is
your phone should tell you how to get there
okay, I'll figure it out
see you tonight, Buck
yep, see you!
thanks again for agreeing to come! 😁
what’re friends for? 😉
hey, I'm sorry I ruined your plans for the night
hey don't worry about it!
I still had a good time anyway
hope you're okay after being hit on the whole night 😅
yeah, I'm fine, I think
but I feel like I'm more of a cock-block than a wingman 😅
guess you won't be asking me again
I mean, I can't blame them for finding you attractive
I should've guessed that would happen if I brought you
shut up
yes, you’re hot
I want to deny it, but I lost count of how many men approached me tonight
sooooo many men
I'm sorry you felt like you had to intervene
but I'm sooooo glad you did
it’s fine
you looked like you might've been about to have a panic attack a couple times
........ yeah, maybe
are you sure you're okay?
of course!
why wouldn't I be?
you just seemed really freaked out by all the attention
well, I guess I wasn't prepared for it
that’s okay
I won’t make you come next time
you didn't MAKE me this time
okay then I won't ASK you next time
you can ask me, Buck
at least next time I'll know what to expect
I mean, thanks, but I should probably try going on my own next time anyway
oh, right
of course
you were kinda distracting
I mean cause you kept needing help!
so I'm a liability?
why don't we just agree not to go to gay bars together anymore?
if that’s what you want
it is
okay then
… have I upset you?
no, it’s fine
I guess maybe this is just a piece of your life I can't be a part of
that's not what I want
I want you in every part of my life
look, I just don't think it'd be a good idea for you to come the next time I go to a gay bar cause I'd just spend the whole time looking at you
I appreciate you looking out for me, Buck
that’s not what I mean
what is it?
.... I've had a crush on you for ages, okay?
so when I say I'd only be looking at you, I mean.... I'd be checking you out
.......... what?
I didn't wanna tell you cause I knew it'd make things weird
I know you're straight, okay?
I promise I'm not gonna make any moves on you
I just think it'd be easier if you didn't come with me next time or I'd spend the whole night wishing I could take you home
I don't know what to say, buck
here's a suggestion: nothing
let's just forget it, okay?
I never should've asked you to come in the first place
I’m sorry
don’t be sorry
I wanted to be there for you
we can still be friends, right?
we'll always be friends, Buck
I should let you get some sleep
you don't have to
unless you wanna stop chatting now
I never wanna stop talking to you
but I think... maybe we should
alright then
goodnight, Eddie
goodnight, Buck
hey, can we talk?
of course
what’s up?
things feel weird
between us
do they?
you don’t feel it?
no..... I do .....
I was just kinda hoping if we ignored it for long enough it'd go away
I don't wanna ignore it, tbh
you're allowed to be yourself around me, Buck
you don't have to backtrack everytime you say something a bit flirty, okay?
I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable
I'm kinda uncomfortable with things they way they are now
I’m sorry
it feels like we're both trying to force ourselves to be normal
if I knew how to turn my feelings off I swear I would
you don't have to!
..... I just feel like this is all my fault
it’s not your fault
things wouldn't be awkward if I hadn't fallen for you
I'm not bothered by your feelings
are you sure?
…. okay
I don't want you to feel like you can't be yourself with me now that I know
okay… thanks
so things can be normal between us?
of course
I'll stop trying so hard 😅
I’d like that
you don't need to be anyone but you, Buck
exactly as you are
thanks, Eddie
what are you up to right now?
just chilling at home with Chris
feel like some company?
I’d love some
I’ll head over
see you soon
I can’t wait
hey man, how're you going?
I think I'm going insane
how do you know if you're going insane?
what’s wrong?
I keep having these confusing thoughts
are you hearing voices?
what? no
okay, go on
the thing is, I thought it started when we went to that club, but I realise I've ALWAYS had these thoughts
what started?
what thoughts are you having?
I just didn't KNOW I was having them
confusing ones
are you talking about Dorothy's Friends?
....... are you thinking about men?
I am
so you're..... not as straight as you thought?
How would I know???
How did YOU know?
I knew when I wanted to make out with the captain of the football team in high school
.... are you thinking about making out with someone?
does the thought make you feel good?
you know…
you mean …. sexy?
turned on
I .......
yeah, I guess it kinda does
well, I can't tell you how you feel or how to identify... but it sounds like you're not entirely straight
.............................. I don't know what to do with this
technically you don't have to do anything
you think I should just keep ignoring it?
I’m not saying ignore it
okay. what then?
I'm just saying... it doesn't really have to change anything?
you’re still you
but there's this whole new part of me
a part of me that wants to make out with men
well if you want you could go to a gay bar, or join grindr or something
I don't think I'm ready to do anything like that
..... sorry idk what to say
Idk either buck
it's not like you were actively looking for women to make out with before
so just because you know you like guys now too doesn't mean you have to go make out with one
it just means you have more options
and… you know
there’s always the internet
… the internet?
you know
if you wanted to find out more about what it would mean to be with a man…
the thing is, idk what I want right now
that’s okay
this is not a revelation I planned for
do you wanna have a coming out party?
okay, so what exactly has to change?
what is there to freak out about?
idk, Buck
I'm here for you no matter what
and if you wanna talk this through we can
just let me know what you need, yeah?
okay, I’ll try
I just feel really confused and kinda overwhelmed atm
I just dunno how I managed to believe I was straight, looking back
honestly that's pretty normal for a lot of guys
is it?
to grow up thinking they're straight when they're not
that's actually kind of a relief
the world assumes hetero until proven otherwise, so
not surprising you would too
so um
you said it kinda started ever since we went to that club?
not quite started then, but that's what brought it to the front of my mind, yeah
why do you ask?
just tryna figure it out
I mean
obviously being in that environment would make you start thinking about it again
sorta, yeah
but it was more explicit than that
one guy tried to kiss me, and I realised ...........
I wanted him to
so maybe I shouldn't've stepped in after all
No, I'm glad you did
Idk how I would've reacted at the time
but probably not in a good way
..... do you wanna go back there?
not yet, anyway
I need more time to be okay with this first
there’s no rush
.... was there anything else you wanted to talk about?
you texted me. did you want something?
I just wanted to talk
oh, sorry
I just steamrolled you
it’s fine
I get it
and I’m happy to help
thanks Buck
you’re the best
no worries
any time you wanna talk about any of this, let me know
I will
thank you
so, aside from that revelation... how are you?
yeah, good
I can't think of anything else to say now
I’m sorry
you have nothing to apologise for
I'm just being the world's biggest most self-centered jerk rn
no you aren’t
sorry, I shouldn't have said that
forget it
I don't want to forget it
what did you mean?
I should let you get back to whatever you were doing
what I was doing????
you mean PANICKING?
no, I don’t mean that!
I'm not going back to that 😅
tell me what you meant, Buck
it’s really selfish
I don't think you're being selfish
you've been helpful, and I appreciate it
I'm trying NOT to be selfish
I'm just really stuck in my head atm
don’t worry about it
join the club
let me help
you helped me
you can’t help
anyway it's not fair to ask you rn
you didn't ask, I offered
not when you've barely gotten over your freak out
I don't mean it's not fair to ask you for help, I mean....
it's not fair to ask you the question I wanna ask
what question?
I wanna know if you're attracted to me, okay?
… oh
but you don't have to answer
I get that it's totally the wrong time
um, but
you want to know?
yes and no
okay, I'm gonna be really honest with you right now, okay?
I am attracted to you. I think I always have been. But I'm not ready to act on it yet.
......................... omg
I’m sorry
that's probably not what you want to hear
are you kidding???
that's the most amazing thing I've ever heard
it is??
you just said you're attracted to me
that’s amazing
and I meant it
I am, Buck
I realise now that I have been forever
you have??
I always want us to touch, and I used to think "I wanna make out with Buck, too bad we're straight”
okay... um... I'm definitely not laughing at you…
that is so cute though
there’s no pressure, okay?
no pressure?
I was happy just being your best friend, so if you're not ready for more that's fine
take as long as you need
................... okay
but ... is more an option?
more is definitely an option when you're ready for it
fuck, okay
it's a bit early for us to fuck…. 😉
...... although that is also an option when you're ready for it
I feel dizzy
are you sitting down?
I'm gonna put my head on the table
do you feel any better?
I think I do, yeah
I’m glad
thanks Buck
of course
hey, Eddie?
can I tell you something, with no expectations and no pressure?
sure, of course
I just want you to know
I’m in love with you
… oh
wow, okay
I am completely 100% head over heels in love with you
anyway, that’s all
………… right
just know that if you're ever ready for more, if you ever want more... I'm here
I definitely feel something for you. I just need some more time to get my head around ... everything
yeah, of course
I get it
take as much time as you need
you're my favourite person, buck
right back at you
what are you up to?
I was doing dishes until I got distracted by my brain
right, so you should probably get back to them
I guess
what’re you doing?
staring at the ceiling
are you okay?
I’m great, actually
excellent, then
hey, listen
whatever you work out, it's fine
obviously I'm gonna be over the moon if you figure out you have serious feelings for me
but if you figure out you don't feel the same, that's okay too
I'm always gonna be your best friend, no matter what
yeah, you will be
so just focus on figuring it out for yourself, okay?
you’re the best, Buck
no, you 😉
okay, me then 😉
have fun with your dishes
yeah, thanks
have fun eyeballing the ceiling
thank you very much I will
Hey Buck, morning
hey 🙂
you got plans for today?
avoiding housework
are you about to help me out with that?
I can help with that
what’s the plan?
I got a favour to ask
I was gonna take Chris to the natural history museum for the day, but Tia's just called and needs me to help her with something
I was wondering if you'd like to take Chris out? So he doesn't have to miss out. I don't wanna disappoint him
of course!
I’d love to!
you’re the best
should I come over now?
If you can, that would be awesome
yeah, no worries
I’ll be there in 10
thanks Buck
see you soon
see you soon 😊
jsyk we’re having a blast
damn, I wish I was there
did your Tia actually need help this time or has she set you up on another blind date? 😬
She needed help this time
leaky pipes, the seals have wasted. I've been to the hardware store for new ones and just finished fitting them now
mm, picturing you fixing things…
idk why I said that 😅
it's fine, don't worry about it
Anyway, I was thinking I could come and join you two
that would be awesome!
I just need to check the pipes aren't leaking, and then Tia should let me go
let me know when you're heading over and I'll tell you where to meet us
I hope you've taken lots of pictures
sooooo many
I knew you would
you're gonna have to watch out for Chris after this, though 😅
he's obsessed with the gem and mineral hall
I wouldn't be surprised if he starts collecting rocks
so check his pockets
and here I thought the dinosaur skeletons would be his favourite
they might still be? we haven’t seen them yet 😅
have you made sure he takes breaks?
I told him he could touch a tree that's been turned to stone in the gem and mineral hall and he DEMANDED we got there AT ONCE
yeah, we’re taking it easy
you’re so good with him, Buck
thanks Eddie
okay, the pipes here are definitely fixed
in that case I think we're definitely still gonna be in the mineral hall when you get here
Tia's been chatting to me while I worked, so she's happy for me to leave
can’t wait
I'll probably be 20 - 30 mins, depending on traffic
why don't we have lunch when I get there?
sounds perfect
should I tell Chris you're gonna join us or let it be a surprise?
I’ll let you decide
surprise it is 😈
…. has he missed me?
he’s such a great kid
he keeps saying we have to take photos for you
I love him
and I've had to take notes on my phone of all the coolest things to tell you about
he's gonna be so excited when he sees you
I hope so
he seemed upset when I told him I couldn't take him today
although he perked RIGHT UP when I said you'd take him instead
he’s a great kid
the best kid
he's having so much fun but you're definitely on his mind
oh hold on, gotta take another note to tell you about later
I'm glad I can join you then
............ or you could tell me now?
I'm under strict instructions not to text you about the notes
of course you are 😅
I'm pretty sure he wants to be the one to tell you
he's just making me write it all down for him
okay, fair
alright, I'll see you soon then
drive safe!
hey, did you get home okay?
yeah! all good
yeah, safe and sound
I don't think I'm ever gonna forget Christopher's face when he saw you today
me neither
I've also NEVER seen him run so fast lol
I know!
I was so worried he'd fall 😬
me toooooo
don't tell him that, though
oh no, I would never
it was great seeing you with him today
I had the best time
so did Christopher
got any plans for this evening?
oh, uh. maybe
well, I wanted to talk to you about something actually
what’s up?
just ... today was really great, right? the three of us together.
yeah, I thought so
and then when you left, I …
I didn't want you to go
I had to make myself let you go when we hugged goodbye
I have to make myself let you go every time we touch
you know... you could ask me to come over
if you wanted
do you want to come over?
then please come over
and please don't ever leave
are you saying what I think you're saying?
If you think I'm saying that I'm in love with you and I want us to have a life together, then yes
If you don't think that, then probably not
omg 😭
you’re in love with me?
are you sure?
I am
I really am
have you had enough time?
idk, but I don't want to wait any longer
I want you, Buck
I want you too
I think I've been in love with you a really long time, and just didn't realise it
that’s amazing
I'm sorry I've been so fucking dumb
omg it’s okay 😅
but I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, okay?
I forgive you
yes please
the rest of our lives… fuck
if you want that
I do
I really do
me too
I've never felt this way about anyone else
neither have I
I’m gonna come over?
yes please
what am I allowed to do?
when I get there?
well, Christopher went to bed right after dinner
let's start with a kiss and see where it leads us
on my way
I can't wait to see you
me neither
I wanted to kiss you so bad today
you did?
although.... I guess it is kinda my default around you 😬
well, from now on you can do it
that’s amazing
I can’t WAIT to finally taste you
I want that so badly it makes me dizzy
I'll have to hold onto you then
please do
wrap my fingers around your... arms
my arms?
mhm 😏
why, are you thinking of something else?
I'm thinking about a lot of things
I've been thinking about them for weeks
only weeks?
that’s not too bad
well, I didn't realise I was queer until a few weeks ago 😅
I'd never LET myself think further than "I wanna touch Buck, too bad I can't”
oh you most definitely can
I can
in fact I insist
I will then
I love you
warn a guy!
I love you too
did you crash?
no 😅
swerved a bit
dropped my phone
had to pull over
sorry 😅
I'm on my way again now so watch what you say please
I'll try my best
I’m almost there
I can’t wait to see you
I'm gonna grab you and hold you hard, and I'm gonna kiss you til you see stars
Are you gonna stay tonight?
you told me never to leave
oh good, you were listening then
I’m a good boy 😊
you’re a very good boy
this good boy has just parked
get in here and touch me
coming baby
Hey - warning
I love you, Buck
and I'm gonna say it to your face in a second


Thanks so much for reading! If you enjoyed this, please check out our Buddie Text series!!

Series this work belongs to: