
Work Header

And the soulmates shall find each other


San smiled and leaned over the documents to pull his fiance into a hug, placing a kiss on his forehead. Wooyoung snuggled his face into San’s neck as they hugged, inhaling his scent.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. So much.”


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Wooyoung was nervous as he sat down in a fancy restaurant waiting for his date that was quite late. 

Last week, his best friend and childhood friend Kang Yeosang, set him up on a blind date. Wooyoung had broken up with his now ex-boyfriend almost a year ago and wanted to start dating again but he had no luck so he asked Yeosang if he could help. Said male agreed and told him that he'll set him up with someone. Yeosang knew his dating preferences anyway and Wooyoung trusted him with his whole life. If his blind date was a douche he'll just leave the restaurant, go home and have a movie marathon with his childhood friend and try again a bit later. 

While he waited for his date to arrive, Wooyoung called for a waiter and asked for a glass of water. The waiter was really nice and bought him the said glass. Wooyoung thanked him with a soft smile and said he'll call again soon. 

Time had passed and Wooyoung's nerves were all over the place. The guy was over 2 hours late! Almost 3! Did he forget about it or something? Confused and nervous, Wooyoung pulled out his phone and texted Yeosang who immediately replied back. 

Sangie, are you sure he's on his way?  



Is he not there? 


It's been almost three hours, Sang! 

Where is this guy?  



I'll text him and see


Looking up from his phone, Wooyoung took a glance around the restaurant. Maybe the guy was inside and waiting for him already? Or is he traveling from another city? 



Fucking hell

I'm sorry, Young-ah

He's not answering my messages but he has seen them


So the fucker stood him up? He's not even worth it anymore. Sighing softly, Wooyoung considered calling in the waiter to pay for the bill and leave this damn place. 


I'll pay the bill and get a bus home. 

I'll see you tomorrow?  




Let me know when you get home safe 


Will do, Sangie




San took in a deep breath as he read the last message from Seonghwa. 



He's not coming apparently… 

Idk why though

He sounded pretty…distant???

I'm so sorry San-ah


It's okay hyung

Thanks for helping out

I'll pay the bill and get going 



Get home safe, okay? You know Joong and I worry 


Will do, hyung-nim! 💜


Setting his phone down on the table, San took a quick look around the restaurant before his eyes landed on a guy with striking bright hair and the most gorgeous face on the planet. His plump pink lips were settled into a pout and eyebrows furrowed in a frown as he texted someone. He looked pretty sad sitting there all alone for almost three hours by himself. The waiter had come twice, first to get him a glass of water and then coming back a few minutes later to check on him. The male only shook his head and said that he'll wait for a bit and call. 

San called for the same waiter and waited patiently for him to arrive.

“Hi, can I help you?” 

“Yes. This may be an odd question, but has that man with bright red hair been alone the whole time he’s been here?” San kindly asked.

The waiter glanced back at the mentioned male and nodded. “Yes. He said he was waiting for someone but I think he got stood up.”

San nodded. “So he’s not the only one.”

The waiter raised an eyebrow and shook his head. “Two in one night, wow.”

San chuckled softly. “Thank you anyways.”

“You’re welcome.” The waiter replied kindly and scurried off to take another order.

San glanced back at the male and frowned. He watched as the man’s face fell apart, his head slumping in between his shoulders as he gripped his phone tightly. The man was absolutely gorgeous and had a kind smile, how could anyone stood him up? Maybe a bad boyfriend? First date perhaps?

Keeping his gaze on the male, San had a sudden thought. What if he just moved from his place and went to talk to the guy? Strike a conversation and make him feel better?

What if, huh?




Sighing softly, Wooyoung placed his phone down and slumped his head in between his shoulders. Should he just screw it, order some food and leave after paying? It seemed like the only choice when everyone else around him had someone sitting with them.

Just as he was about to call the waiter from earlier, the seat in front of him was being moved and someone sat across from him. Wooyoung glanced up from the table cloth and was met with a guy.

He was deadly gorgeous, with sharp feline features and onyx hair, a few strands falling across his face. He had some light makeup on his lips and eyelids, accentuating his cat-like eyes. He was dressed in a black dress shirt with the collar opened and the first two buttons left open, showing some of his sculpted chest (from what Wooyoung could see).

“Uhm…?” Wooyoung muttered out.

San lifted his hands in a defensive manner and chuckled. “I know you’re confused but I’ll explain.”

Wooyoung raised a challenging eyebrow. “I’m waiting.”

“I’ve been waiting over there—” San gestured to his now empty table with his left hand. “For my date who decided to never show up. I’ve noticed that you’ve been alone the whole time and I was wondering if the same thing happened to you too.”

Wooyoung smiled and nodded. “Yah, he ghosted me. I think…? My friend had to apologize for the asshole as he set us up.”

San winced and hissed slightly. “Mine did the same thing. My close friend had to apologize too.”

Wooyoung chuckled a bit, finding the situation quite amusing. “So you saw me sitting here alone for three hours, guessed I was going through the same thing and decided to…?”

“Save us both from the embarrassment of eating alone at Seoul’s most romantic and expensive restaurant?” San added in with a laugh and Wooyoung couldn’t help but laugh too.

“It was very nice of you…?”

“Choi San. You?”

“Jung Wooyoung.”

“Pretty name for a gorgeous man.” San complimented him.

Wooyoung blushed to the tips of his ears and looked away. Turning his head slightly he saw his waiter come up to the table for the third (or forth?) time tonight. Wooyoung wondered what he was going to think before he smiled at San.

“I was wondering where you went.” He chuckled before grinning and glancing at Wooyoung. “Would you like to order now?”

“Uh,” Wooyoung glanced at San and the man just nodded. “Sure. I’m hungry anyway.”

San ordered some food from the menu and the waiter left, leaving them alone for a moment. Wooyoung glanced at San and tilted his head. “How come you ordered my favorite food?”

San raised an eyebrow. “It is? No way.”

“Yes way.”

San placed his elbows on the table and leaned in, the posture change exposing his sculpted chest even more. Wooyoung just noticed a thick black letter ‘A’ hanging from a silver chain that was wrapped around San’s neck.

“What music are you into?” San asked.

“K-Pop. You?”

“Mhm, same. I listen to pop and rock too.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the waiter bringing their food over, the strong delicious smell making Wooyoung’s stomach grumble angrily. Thanking the waiter, the two men dug into their food, happily scarfing it down.

While they ate, they talked a lot. They shared quite similar hobbies and interests. Their friends apparently knew each other from high school. He’ll have to ask Yeosang about it some other time.

They finished the food under an hour. When it came to paying the bill, Wooyoung let San pay as the older man insisted. With the food paid, the two thanked the waiter and exited through the front, cold air hitting their faces.

“So, it was really nice meeting you.” Wooyoung said as he wrapped the coat around his body tighter. 

San smiled softly. “You too. It was a nice date.”

Wooyoung felt his cheeks warm up. Did he just went on a date with a gorgeous man who looked like a Greek god?

“It was. Next Friday?” Wooyoung suggested shyly, not sure if San would agree.

San chuckled softly. “Sure. 1 pm at Django Studios?”

Wooyoung’s eyes light up. “Mhm. I’m supposed to go there anyway.” 

“Good. I’ll get going. See you soon?”

“You too.” 

Just as he was about to turn around to head to the nearest bus station and wait for his bus, a hand around his arm stopped him.

“Wait, how are you going to get home safe?” San asked, concerned.

“I’ll wait for my bus.” Wooyoung replied.

“For how long?”

“Possibly a few hours? It’s almost 9 pm.”

San licked his lips before a thought appeared in his mind. “Do you mind if I drive you home? You’ll freeze to death.”

Wooyoung glanced at the bus station and then back to San. “Sure.”

San smiled softly and pulled his hand away. Glancing at their hands, Wooyoung wrapped his hand around San’s and squeezed it. San looked down and chuckled before pulling him to the restaurant's parking lot where his car was. The car was dark as the night itself, perfectly blending into the shadows.

“What brand is it?” Wooyoung asked out of nowhere.

“A Bugatti La Voiture Noire .” San replied. “It was a gift from my parents to me, back in 2019 when it first came. They commissioned it especially for me.” 

“Are your parents rich or something?”

San glanced at him. “Ever heard of Django Enterprises?” 

Wooyoung’s eyes widened. “Holy shit! Choi Donghyun and Kim Seohyun are your parents?”

San nodded. “Mhm.”

“Oh wow. Wait —”

Wooyoung stopped his sentence as they approached the car and got in. The seats were so comfortable and he could smell San’s cologne now. God, he smelt so good…

“No wonder you guys look alike.” Wooyoung added in.

San, with his seat belt wrapped around his broad shoulders, smirked. “They are my parents after all.”

“Eh, makes sense.”

San laughed and started the engine. “You can punch in the address into the GPS system.” 

Wooyoung looked at him then down before releasing a small sound. He punched in the address and made sure the address was saved into the system. “There. You don’t have to ask me for my address constantly. “

San smirked to himself. “What if I want to ask for your phone number?” He flirted.

Wooyoung blushed to the tips of his ears. “Gimme your phone, pabo.”

San chuckled and pulled his phone out of his leather jacket and gave it to Wooyoung. Said male took it and unlocked the phone, noticing that San didn’t have a password. Shrugging his shoulders, Wooyoung punched in his phone number and sent a text to his phone. Pulling his own phone out, he unlocked it and checked his messages, noticing that he had some messages from Yeosang and now Seonghwa (who apparently knew San too). He decided that he’ll reply to them when he gets home and screams into his pillow.

He saved San’s contact as ‘Jagiya⛰️’ in his phone and saved his own contact in San’s phone as ‘Young-ah🦊’.

“What did you save yourself as?” San asked after they passed a third (Wooyoung thinks) traffic light. 

“‘Young-ah’ with a fox emoji.” Wooyoung replied cheekily.

“And me?”

Wooyoung smirked and showed San’s phone screen to him. San took a quick glance at the name and laughed.

“‘Jagiya’ with a mountain?”

“Your name literally means ‘mountain’, San-ah.” Woooyung retorted. 

“I like you even more now.” 

“Suuure.” Wooyoung replied before he saw the familiar building. “There. That one.” He pointed with his finger and watched as San parked into the parking lot. 

“Next Friday, 1 pm, Django Studios?” San recalled.

Wooyoung nodded. “Mhm. Don’t be late, jagiya .”

“I won’t, Young-ah .”

Wooyoung laughed to himself and leaned in across the panel, placing a soft kiss on San’s sharp cheek. “See you.”

“You too. Rest well!”

“I will!”

Getting out of the car, Wooyoung sprinted to the building and pulled the door handle open. Turning around, he waved to San who was still waiting in the car. San waved back happily and only lowered his head arm down when he saw Wooyoung enter the building. 

Happily sprinting up the stairs, Wooyoung took out his apartment keys and unlocked the front door. He stepped in and closed the door and locked it. Taking his coat off, he pulled out his phone and called Yeosang, putting him on the speaker as he walked to his bedroom. He turned on the lights in his bedroom and threw his coat on a random chair.


“Sooooo, I got some news for you.” Wooyoung said as he heard Yeosang’s voice. 

“You got kidnapped?” 

Wooyoung laughed as he took off his dress shirt and tossed it into the bathroom’s humper. “No. Turns out there was a guy who also got stood up and he decided to talk to me. We ordered some food, talked, he paid the bill and he even drove me home.”

“And that means…?”

“I got a date next Friday at Django Studios. He owns it.” Wooyoung added in as he pulled on his pajamas and started to take off his makeup. 

“Do we know him?” Yeosang asked. 

Wooyoung quickly switched the call to a video call, glancing to see Yeosang’s face staring at him. “His parents are Choi Donghyun and Kim Seohyun. His dad is the CEO of Django Enterprises. Seonghwa knows San too.”

“He does?!” Yeosang exclaimed. “Oh my God, I’m going to kill Seonghwa tomorrow when I see him.” 

"What a small world we live in." Wooyoung said as he took off his makeup and cleaned his face. 

"So you like him?" Yeosang asked. 

"Yeah. He's a nice and attractive man. Sweet too." 

"Does he check off all of your boxes?" 

"Hm, let me see." Wooyoung took his phone with him from the bathroom and sat down at his work desk. He pulled out a random paper and quickly wrote everything down. 

"Nice — check, attractive — check, sweet and kind — check, goofy — check." He told Yeosang. 

"You haven't kissed or humped each other like dogs?" Yeosang wondered. 

"Sangie!" Wooyoung exclaimed loudly. 

"What? You like big dicks. I bet he'll fuck you next Friday." 

"I'm going to kill you on Monday." Wooyoung threatened. 

"Mhm. Thank me when you guys get married."

"Alright! I'm going to bed. I'm tired and need some beauty sleep." Wooyoung complained. 

Yeosang was silent for a bite before he spoke again. "I'm sorry he didn't show up, Youngie." 

Wooyoung tilted his head and glanced at the phone screen. Yeosang's face showed sadness but also disappointment as he realized that he couldn't help his best friend. 

"Hey, it's okay, Sangie." Wooyoung explained softly. "At least I met San, yeah? Not a total failure if you ask me."

"I guess so." 

"Tell Jongho to give you all of the cuddles you deserve, okay?" 


Wooyoung nodded. "Good. Sleep well." 

"You too."

Ending the call, Wooyoung got up from his desk and plugged the phone into its charger at the bedside table. Stripping his clothes off he threw them on the edge of the bed and grabbed a large towel from the bathroom and placed it in the middle of the bed. Opening his closet doors, he took out his favorite box and placed it on a chair. He took out the toys and gave them a quick wash before grabbing the lube and setting up the camera at the end of the bed. He zoomed in and made sure his bottom half was only seen. Wooyoung decided to stretch himself out before the recording, wanting to enjoy it before he uploads. 

Actually, what if he…? Sitting up, Wooyoung turned on the camera and let it roll as he laid back down and spread his legs wide. Grabbing the bottle of lube, he poured some on his fingers and pushed them in, a loud moan escaping his lips as he felt his own fingers penetrate his hole. Bucking his hips slightly, he pushed in his fingers as much as the angle allowed him to, his cock red and left hanging in between his legs as he stretched himself out. 

Deciding he was loose enough, he grabbed a thick dildo with a large girth and length before pouring lube on it and pushing it inside. His back arched off of the bed as he fucked himself on his favorite toy, loud moans and whimpers escaping him. 

His brain suddenly thought of San's gorgeous face and those sharp feline eyes, the sculpted chest, broad shoulders, tiny waist and the big hands that were adorned by long fingers. A whine escaped him as he picked up his pace, wanting to feel the older man around him and fucking him instead. 

God, was his cock big like Yeosang said? Would he even fit? Perhaps split him open and fill him up all nice and good for him? Use him like a fuck toy for his own pleasure? 

With those thoughts and images stuck in his mind, Wooyoung came all over himself, a high pitched moan leaving him. Panting softly, he sat up on his knees and balanced himself on his palms, riding the toy with all of his might. His cock was an angry red color at the head and pre-cum leaking despite already coming untouched. Picking up the pace, he moaned loudly as he fucked himself on the toy, wanting to come already so he could upload the video.

With San still present in his mind, he came pretty quickly, thigh muscles clenching and body shaking from the second orgasm. His camera stopped rolling there as he only set it to record for five minutes anyway. Removing the toy from his sensitive and stretched hole, he got up from the bed and set up his computer. With the file now sent to his phone and computer, he used the desktop to quickly log in his account and upload the video. He filled in all of the blanks and let the video upload itself while he cleaned up. He threw the towel into the washing machine and washed the toys and placed everything back in the closet. He had a quick shower to clean himself up and placed his favorite plug in his hole, his thighs clenching together as the toy shifted whenever he moved. Glancing at his computer, he saw the video got uploaded and logged out before shutting it down. He placed his phone back into its charger and turned off the lights before snuggling into his warm blankets. 

Wooyoung hoped that his fans liked the new video. With those thoughts in mind, he drifted off to sleep. 




Just as he expected, his fans liked the video and sent him a lot of money. They even praised him for fucking himself so well and gave him some extra cash. With new money present in his bank account Wooyoung decided to treat himself and went out shopping. He bought some clothes that were specifically meant for his future dates with San while the other clothes were mostly for dance practices or going out with friends. 

It was Friday currently, 8 am as he showered. He didn't have that much to prepare so he took a quick shower and threw on light cargo pants with a tank top and a long sleeve hoodie over it. Instead of combat boots, he pulled on his favorite Nikes and grabbed his bag that consisted of fresh clothes. He's gonna need them after dancing anyway. Checking that he has everything, Wooyoung nodded to himself and exited the apartment. Walking out of the building, he went to the nearest bus station and waited for a bus. He knew there was one that went to the center of Seoul and decided to take it.

When the bus arrived, he quickly hopped in and took a seat. He checked his messages and saw the group chat that consisted of himself, Yeosang, Seonghwa and Hongjoong. The three men were arguing and Wooyoung found it amusing as he read the messages. Time passed quickly. 

Looking up he saw that the bus stopped so he quickly got off and took a deep breath. Django Studios wasn't that far so he walked to it, noticing the big letters spelt on the center of the building, just above the main entrance. The doors automatically slid open and his jaw dropped as he looked around. Everything was shiny and clean, made from expensive material. There was a reception desk near him so he went to it. A lady was typing something on a keyboard, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. 

"Hello." He spoke loudly, making sure to gather her attention. 

Her head snapped up and she smiled as she took in his appearance. 

"Hello. How can I help you?" 

"My name's Jung Wooyoung. I'm supposed to meet San here at 1 pm. Do you know where he is?"

The lady let out a sound and nodded. "Just a moment." Turning her chair around, she grabbed the classic black office phone and punched in a number. It rang for a few seconds before a voice answered. 


"San, Wooyoung is here. He's waiting at the front desk." 

"Ah. Right. Thank you, Soojin. Please bring him over." 

"Yes sir." 

Soojin replied before the line was cut. "Follow me please." 

Wooyoung followed her as she made her way through the building with ease. They stopped at the elevator and waited before it rang. Getting in, Soojin pushed the button for the 3rd floor before the doors closed. The two waited in silence until the elevator rang, the doors opening. Soojin led him through multiple hallways until they were facing an office door. 

"Choi-ssi is waiting for you inside, Jung-ssi." 

"Thank you, Soojin-ah." 

The lady smiled and bowed before she left. Wooyoung knocked on the door and waited until he heard a 'come in'. Pushing the door open he was met with San's office. The male sat in the center of the office at his desk, onyx hair slicked back and sculpted chest in view. 

"Lock the door, Young-ah." San said and Wooyoung did so. He placed his bag on the nearest couch and approached San's desk, finding the male signing some documents. 

"You're quite early." San commented with a soft smile. "It's barely 10 am." 

Wooyoung shrugged his shoulders and sat down in a chair that was opposite of San. It was quite comfy and he loved the softness of it. "Better early than late. Don't need a repeat of last Friday again." 

San glanced up from his documents and chuckled. "Even if you were late, I would've picked you up." 

"You're spoiling me, San-ah." Wooyoung whined. 

San smirked. "I gotta spoil my future husband." 

"Ha ha. You haven't proposed to me yet."  Wooyoung retorted.

"Well I could." San replied confidently. 

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Where's the ring then, hm? It has to have real diamonds and our names on it." 

San's lips curled into a sly grin. "That's a secret, jagiya ." 

Wooyoung returned the sky grin. "You already have it, don't you?"

Sa leaned into his chair and relaxed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Come and find out, Youngie." 

Enjoying the game they're currently playing, Wooyoung got up from his seat and circled around the table, his legs now in between San's spread ones. The older male was looking at him with a playful glint in his eyes, indicating that he too was enjoying the game they were playing. 

San patted his lap with playful hands and Wooyoung just snorted before sitting down on San’s strong thighs, his legs swinging on each side of San’s chair.

“You look like you just won a battle, sitting at his throne.” San commented as he placed his hands on Wooyoung’s hips, thumbs inserting themselves into the belt loops.

Wooyoung chuckled and placed his arms on the older man’s shoulders, keeping them there. “My throne is quite comfy at the moment.”

San laughed and leaned in until their foreheads were pressed together, noses bumping. Wooyoung just giggled and pressed a soft peck on San’s cheek before pulling away from his lap.

San snorted and got up from his chair. “I’ll have to change so if you don’t mind we’ll stop by the changing rooms.”

“They aren’t connected to the practice room?” Wooyoung asked as San unlocked the office and took his bag from the couch.

“This one is specifically made for me. The other ones are for the public.”

“Ah, using your power for your own room?” Wooyoung piped in.

“I’m the boss.” San added in as they made their way to the changing rooms. This one was on the same floor as his office and no one was allowed to go in besides him or the cleaners he sent. San quickly got in and changed into light sweatpants and a tank top, throwing his formal wear into his locker. 

“Young-ah, you can leave the bag here if you want.” San said.

Wooyoung peaked his head inside and looked around. “Are you sure?”

“Mhm. There are keys for the locks too.” San reassured him gently.

Wooyoung stepped in the changing room and saw all of San’s stuff in there, just resting on random shelves. Trusting the man, he placed his bag on a shelf nearest to the door and removed his hoodie, tossing it over the bag. 

“Is it always this warm?” Wooyoung asked as they walked out of the changing room and made their way to the practice room.

“It’s March silly.” San reminded him with a soft smile. “I don’t want my employees to get sick.” 

“So you’re a softie for his employees.” Wooyoung retorted.

San rolled his eyes and opened a door to their right, flicking the lights on and letting him step inside . The light wood panels made the room look much bigger than it already was. An entire wall was covered in floor-to-ceiling mirrors, all sparkly clean and shiny. 

“Oh wow.” Wooyoung said as they fully stepped inside.

San locked the room so that no one would interrupt them and made his way to the left wing where a table was placed in the center, computers, laptops, speakers and much more surrounding it. There was a fridge too with a kitchen sink and a few cupboards.  

“Did you decorate everything here by yourself?” Wooyoung asked curiously.

San nodded. “Yeah. Took me like, a month or two with barely any breaks but I’m glad I did it. It turned out exactly like I wanted it to look like.”

“You did a great job.” Wooyoung complimented him.

San smiled softly. It was a genuine compliment from Wooyoung and it made his heart all warm and fuzzy. Others fake complimented it like they were expecting a huge studio with tons of lighting and sitting areas but Wooyoung just complimented him on his amazing work.

“Thanks, Young-ah .”

“You’re welcome, jagiya .”

San opened the laptop and immediately went to YouTube, searching for a song they can dance to.

“Is there a song you want to dance to?” San asked.

“Seventeen’s Super.” Wooyoung replied and San immediately searched for the dance practice video. “I still need to go over some details however.”

San nodded. “Show me then. We’ll take turns and then practice together.”

“Yes, jagiya ~” Wooyoung teased playfully and went to the center of the room.

San played the song and watched as Wooyoung lost himself to the music, his eyes following each step and angle with a sharp gaze. He could see some details that Wooyoung missed but even the smallest detail mattered. 

Once the song finished the two switched positions and San let himself go, his entire being dancing to the song like he choreographed it on his own. As he finished the last verse he glanced at Wooyoung who smiled softly at him and nodded. 

“I can see that you missed some details but I’m pretty sure they’re exactly the same as mine.” Wooyoung said as San approached him and sat down next to him on the floor. 

“Same goes for you too.”

Wooyoung just giggled and slowed down the speed of the video before playing it again, stopping at some parts and explaining them to San. The older man did the same thing although he was a bit stricter (on himself) on some minor details.

Through most of the day they played random songs (either k-pop or pop) and danced to them either separately or in pair, complimenting each other on the dance and pointing out some mistakes and details that they missed. 

Out of all of the dates he went to, Wooyoung preferred this one over them. This is a kind of fun he enjoyed doing, no matter how tiring it could get sometimes.

With their last song finished, the two sat down on the floor and rested, limbs everywhere as they took in deep breaths. San’s head ended up laying on Wooyoung’s chest as they somehow snuggled together, chests heaving.

“So where should our third date be?” San asked after a while.

“Maybe at home?” Wooyoung suggested.

“Home cooked meal and wine?” 

Wooyoung laughed. “You can cook?”

“I live on my own so yes.”

“Okay, so your place then?”

“If you want.” 

“Your place it is.” 

San smiled and switched his position so that he was on top of Wooyoung, hands resting on each side of Wooyoung’s head. Wooyoung’s red hair was spread on the floor like a halo, a few strands falling across his forehead. He looked absolutely stunning like this — hair wild, lips shiny and pink, chest heaving and underneath him.

Wooyoung’s breath was stuck in his throat as he looked at San, thighs clenching together. The position right now reminded him of last Friday when San dropped him off at his building and he came over his sheets like a horny teenager just at the thought of San fucking him like a fuck toy and for his own pleasure. 

What if San fucked him right here? In a public area?

“You’re twitching a lot, jagiya .” San teased him with his own nickname for the older male. “Excited, hm?”

“Sannie.” He begged softly, bucking his hips up and whimpering under his breath as San pressed him down with his hips, knees digging into the wooden floor.

“Aw, do you want me to fuck you right here?” San pressed further, his nose bumping against Wooyoung’s.

“Please.” He begged with the sweetest eyes ever, lips plump and pink.

San ducked his head down and their lips met in a fierce battle, moaning into each other’s mouths as they pressed their bodies together as close as possible. Wooyoung’s hands found their home in San’s onyx hair as they made out. 

San pulled away from the kiss and made his way down from his jaw to his neck, kissing the soft skin and sucking bruises into it. Wooyoung moaned softly as San marked him, their lower halves pressed together as they humped each other.

“Fuck, can you come like this?” San grunted out as he pressed his hips just a bit firmer against Wooyoung’s, his cock hard and leaking in his pants.

“Oh fuck — Yes, jagiya .” Wooyoung whimpered.

“Good boy.” San praised him softly and Wooyoung whined at the praise, back arching off slightly as pleasure buzzed in his veins.

They humped against each other for a few more minutes before Wooyoung released a loud moan, his cargo pants feeling sticky, wet and uncomfortable. San followed just a minute later, moaning loudly into Wooyoung’s neck. 

“Fuck baby. You did good.” San said as they came down from their highs.

“You too.” 

San smiled softly and removed himself from Wooyoung, wincing at how uncomfortable his pants felt. 

“Let's hit the showers before anyone else does.” San said and Wooyoung nodded, following the older man to the showers.

They washed quickly in separate showers and changed into fresh clothes. San told him that he could leave his clothes here in the washing machine but Wooyoung protested and packed them in his bag. With a few kisses and some more humping against a wall, the two soon-to-be-lovers said goodbye. 




For their third date, Wooyoung dressed in black slacks that fitted nicely around his waist and legs and a white dress shirt, leaving the top three buttons open along with the collar. He grabbed a light dark blazer and put it on. He took his wallet, phone and apartment keys before exiting the building.

San had sent a ride for him so that he didn’t have to wait for a bus and freeze his ass off in the chilly air of March. Seeing the car parked in the parking lot, Wooyoung broke into a light jog and entered the vehicle before they were off. The driver was San’s personal driver that he trusted with his life and he was a nice man with many stories. Wooyoung enjoyed conversing with him so the time passed very quickly.

“Here we are, Young Master San is waiting for you inside.” The driver, Mr. Kim, said with a soft smile.

“Thank you.” Wooyoung thanked him with a smile and exited the vehicle.

His jaw dropped as he looked around at the huge mansion in front of him. There were even lion statues in the front along with a huge green garden! 


San’s voice broke him out of his thoughts, the older man standing at the front porch with the double large glass doors being opened. 

“Do you seriously live all alone in this thing?” Wooyoung asked as he climbed the stairs and stood in front of San.

“It’s mostly me, the servants and the driver — Mr. Kim.” San replied. “Come, I’ll show you around.”

San showed him an aerial view of the entire place and Wooyoung’s mind short-circuited. Right away he could tell it was built in the Neoclassical Block style along with European-style gardens. He explained it to San who just smiled softly and nodded, telling him that was the intention from his parents.

“What else is there?” Wooyoung asked as they crossed the bridge over the pond.

San took in a deep breath. “Well, there’s the garden in the front, the bridge and the pond we just crossed and a walkway that we’re walking on right now. There’s a stained glass dome pavilion near the pool, a tennis court and the pool has a spa too. We have 16 bedrooms and 19 bathrooms and it’s a two story mansion.”

Wooyoung nodded. Geez, that was a lot. “What about the interior?”

“There’s a ballroom, a library and an art gallery, wine cellar, home gym, massage and steam rooms, an indoor pool with a spa. T he well-manicured grounds are cut by pathways and boast a variety of topiaries, stained glass-domed pavilions, a pond with a bridge and waterfall, and statues. Three security gates, a guardhouse and a subterranean eight-car garage are among its highlights.”

“God, it’s a castle.” Wooyoung said and San laughed. 

“Yeah but there are a lot of activities to do so they keep me busy.”


“Come, I’ll show you the interior.” 

Wooyoung followed San inside and his jaw dropped at the entryway , his eyes wide as saucers.

“Wow, it’s like it came from a famous tv show.” Wooyoung said, amazed.

San giggled from beside him. “Mom and dad wanted my opinions on designs for each area so when they asked for the entryway I immediately told them.”

“Where did the inspiration come from?” Wooyoung curiously asked.

“The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.” San answered. “Some historical shows too.”

“You did a great job, San-ah.”

“Thank you.”

San then led him to the living room that was sparkly clean and quite huge for just one man. There was kitchen A , kitchen B and kitchen C , all three rooms had arches that lead to other areas. The dining room looked like the royal family was coming here and was going to eat. San showed him his bedroom which looked like a royal suite with its own breakfast area . A lot of areas were quite similar but San still showed him as he himself spent a lot of time there.

“Anyway, that concludes the house tour.” 

“A very tiring one.” Wooyoung said. “So is there a reason why your parents built such a building for you?”

“Mom said that she wanted a big house when I give her grandkids and get married.” San said as they walked back inside San’s bedroom where food was set in the breakfast area. “I didn’t think much of it while I was young but as I got older I started to think about what family life would be like.”

“Ah,” Wooyoung nodded. Would that be possible for San since they’re ‘dating’ now, right?

“I’m not forcing you into this, Young-ah.” San added in quickly, placing his fork down. “Those were and are my thoughts but we’re still at a dating stage. We’ve only known each other for 3 weeks.”

“Would you marry me in, let’s say, 5 years?” Wooyoung proposed. 

Someone would tell him that would be too quick but Wooyoung didn’t care. This was his relationship and no one else’s. This is between him and San. No one should get in between their relationship and tell them what to do. Wooyoung felt a deep connection with the man across from him and he knew San felt it too. They’re already attached to the hip despite knowing each other for under a month. 

Wooyoung felt like San was the one. The soulmate he was looking for. His other half that was searching for him.

“I would.” San replied instantly, confident in his choice. “This relationship is between us two and no one else. If we wanna get married next week, I don’t give a damn what others think.”

They even have the same thought process for bloody sake!

“How would you propose to me?” Wooyoung asked curiously, popping a piece of toast in his mouth.

“Hm. At a beach, under the stars with the beach waves singing in the background. It’s just us two dressed casually, pressed body to body as we walk on the soft sand.” San described the thought.

Wooyoung chuckled softly. “Hm, classy. But I like it. It sounds like something you would do.”

San smiled softly. “I’m glad.”

Their conversation spiraled into other topics as they ate, taking their time and not caring about the world at all. Wooyoung had told Yeosang that he would be with San all day and not to worry about him and that he’ll call the next day. 

Somehow they moved their positions to the bed where Wooyoung made himself comfortable on San’s incredible soft and silky sheets, blankets and pillows. His head ended up laying on San’s chest as they talked, their hands eventually intertwining.

“Yeosang knows you’re here, right?” San asked after a while, concern clear in his voice.

Wooyoung nodded. “Mhm. I’ll call him tomorrow. Why?”

“Remember last week at Django Studios?” 

Wooyoung blushed to the tips of his ears. Yeah, he clearly remembered kissing San and humping each other until they came. And he obviously fucked himself on his favorite toy when he came back home, recording it and saving the video on his phone (not before uploading it online for this fans).

“Yeah. Why?”

“I asked you if you wanted me to fuck you and you said yes."

“It’s still a yes, jagiya .” Wooyoung teased him.

San’s eyes seemed to darken before he flipped their positions, pinning the younger man underneath him just like last time. 

“You don’t know the things you do to me.” San breathed out as their foreheads pressed together, nosing bumping and lips slightly touching. 

“I want to.” Wooyoung whispered softly, arms wrapping around San’s and pulling him even further, their chests pressed together. “I want to know them. All of them.”

“You will.” San promised with a soft smile, letting Wooyoung’s hands grip his dress shirt and pop the buttons open, revealing his sculpted chest. There were multiple tattoos drawn on the skin, each one telling a story. 

“When did you get these?” Wooyoung curiously asked.

“Since my first year of high school.” San replied, shrugging the shirt off and letting it drop on the floor. 

He let Wooyoung explore all of them, telling him when and why he got it in as much detail as possible. Wooyoung pressed a kiss to all of them, his hands gently running down San’s back and sending shivers down his spine.

With a gentle bump to San’s nose, Wooyoung sat up and let San take the dress shirt off, the hairs on his arms standing up from the slightly chilly air. San ducked his head down and pressed soft kisses on the skin, leaving his marks everywhere. 

“Sannie,” Wooyoung sighed softly as San’s kisses moved to his neck, his hands gripping his thighs and thumbs digging into the skin. 

Pulling his head away from Wooyoung’s neck, San met Wooyoung’s gaze with a soft smile, letting the younger male press their foreheads together. It was a cute habit for both of them, San noticed, and he didn’t mind returning it. 


“Take care of me.” Wooyoung whispered softly. 

“I will, love.” San promised.

And so they danced with the stars all night.


“Young-ah, love, woke up.” San gently nudged his boyfriend of 5 years awake.

Wooyoung mumbled something in his sleep before his eyes opened, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It was around 8 pm and San is still awake?


San smiled at his boyfriend’s cuteness and pressed a kiss to his forehead, letting Wooyoung snuggle his smaller body into his. Wooyoung still had the bright red hair San first met him with but it was starting to fade as Wooyoung decided to dye it black and let it grow out. 

“I have a surprise for you and it’s the perfect time for it.” San said softly, his hand running through Wooyoung’s fading red locks.

“Where is it?”

“Outside. Dress comfortably.” San replied and pressed a kiss to the top of Wooyoung’s head before the younger male got up from the fluffy and warm blankets. 

San helped him dress up in a light shirt with no sleeves (it was July), shorts and sandals before they intertwined their hands together and San walked them to the back of the mansion that Wooyoung moved in some time later when they got much serious and officially called each other boyfriends.

“Is it just us two?” Wooyoung asked as San led them to another path that Wooyoung didn’t know existed. 

“Mhm. It’s a surprise for you and I didn’t want anyone to ruin it.”

Wooyoung smiled softly. “You’re too sweet sometimes.”

“But you love me.” San retorted with a sly grin.

“I do.” Wooyoung answered honestly.

San walked into another area and let Wooyoung go in first, closing the door and grabbing his hand again. Wooyoung gasped softly as he saw what San prepared. It looked like the perfect beach date for them. Something that San would definitely do.

“Oh Sannie.” 

San smiled softly and let him explore the area as he went and checked if the food was still warm. Thankfully it was so he called Wooyoung over who happily skipped over to him and placed a kiss on his nose. 

“When did you prepare this?” Wooyoung asked as they sat down and made themselves comfortable.

“While you were sleeping.” San replied before he took his fork and stabbed a piece of strawberry and held it in front of his Wooyoung who opened his mouth and let him feed him. 

Wooyoung hummed as he happily ate the strawberry, returning the gesture and smiling softly as San let out a happy noise.

“Is there a reason why?”

“The stars are out and the beach waves are singing.” San said and the words rang familiar in Wooyoung’s ears.

Was San going to…?

“Actually, come here.” San said and gestured for him to get up. Confused, Wooyoung got up from his seat and let San turn him around.

San’s hands wrapped around his waist and his chin rested on his shoulder, his hair tickling Wooyoung’s face. The two stood in silence as the wind blew over the ocean, the waves singing and the stars shining brightly.

“Do you remember what you asked me 5 years ago in my bedroom when you first came to my house on our 3rd date?” San asked, placing a soft kiss on his boyfriend’s exposed shoulder.

Wooyoung turned his head around and faced San who looked at him with love in his eyes, the corners of his mouth twitching. He smiled softly and nodded.

“Mhm. You said yes right away.”

“Then,” San pulled away from the hug and went on one knee, pulling the box out of his pocket. 

Wooyoung gasped softly as he saw the box being opened, his heart beating fast in his chest as he’s processing what is just happening.

“Jung Wooyoung, will you do me the utmost pleasure and marry me?”

“YES!” Wooyoung almost screamed happily and let San put the ring on before pulling him into a deep kiss, their hands automatically finding each other as they kissed.

They pulled away from the kiss and Wooyoung placed a soft kiss on his fiance's cheek. “I have a surprise for you too.”

“What is it?”

“It’s in our room.” Wooyoung cheekily said and San laughed before they made their way back to the mansion and walked upstairs to their bedroom. Wooyoung went to their walk-in-closet and pulled out a binder that was in a purple color. 

“I only found out recently.” Wooyoung said as they sat down on the bed.


“Like, a few days ago, I think?”

Wooyoung opened the binder and sat it down on the bed in the center, pulling the contents out and letting San see them. San’s eyes widened as he immediately looked at the ultrasound from a few days ago, along with his and Wooyoung’s medical IDs and other documents. 


Wooyoung smiled softly. “You’re going to be a dad, jagiya .”

San smiled and leaned over the documents to pull his fiance into a hug, placing a kiss on his forehead. Wooyoung snuggled his face into San’s neck as they hugged, inhaling his scent.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. So much.” 

They decided to tell their friends in the morning as it was quite late in the evening and they were pretty tired, mostly Wooyoung who’s 17 weeks pregnant (4 months). 

They snuggled under the covers and fell asleep like that — Wooyoung’s head on San’s chest and San keeping both of his worlds as close as possible. 

He was truly the luckiest man ever. 


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