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The Rose Prince and the Gardener

Chapter 3: First day at work


It's Thoma's official first day at work and for his surprise he meets the young Lady Ayaka during so.
He once more is able to see how kind she and the people in the Estate are

Chapter Text

Thoma still can't believe, that The King and Queen of the Kamisato family, offered him to stay in their Castle and work for them.

That's something that kept him awake the whole night.

Not just that but the following events that lead to this moment.

Thoma just wanted to visit his father, he hasn't seen for years, and brought him some wine from Mondstadt. 

It was his favourite wine, some Thoma thought to surprise him, since it would be his 50th birthday.

Even though his father and mother divorced and left each other on good terms, there isn't much contact between Thoma and his father.

That this little present led him to crash on open see is something Thoma finds quite amusing. That he was so stupid to cross the sea by such an unstable boat. How silly he was.

Now that such a near death experience led him into the care of the royal family, of the country's Kingdom.

How funny such a simple gesture of bringing wine to another country can lead to such a chain reaction. Thoma isn't even sure how things will turn out in the future.

He definitely has no idea what the future has in plan for him.

All Thoma could do is to hope that neither he or the King and Queen would regret the decision of keeping him here in the Estate.

From thinking about all of this, he barely got to sleep and wakes up pretty tired. This shouldn't hinder him to work, especially since it's his official first day as a worker under the Kingdom.

Thoma has to give off a good impression on everyone.

That's why he takes a fresh morning shower and wears the spare clothes, the maids gave him. They are quite unfamiliar, compared to the ones he had in Mondstadt. 

Of course, there he was just a normal citizen and no real association to the royal families besides being with their children. Now he actually works under the ruling Kingdom of a foreign country.

This makes him actually feel very nervous. Thoma feels his heart beat fast as he looks in the mirror. Yet he has to keep going, Thoma hopes that this feeling will go away, the moment he starts to work.

As Thoma leaves the door and heads to the kitchen, he already sees the cooks, maidens and servants already prepare the breakfast. 

Everyone of them, is focused and does not really notice Thoma's presence in the room. 

Now Thoma isn't so sure how to help at best. He thought to ask the servants, if Thoma could place some of the already finished food in the dining hall.

"Oh good morning Thoma, if you want to, help transport the baskets full of bread on the serving tables." The maid points her finger in the direction where the baskets are. "I hope you remember where they are supposed to be." 

Of course Thoma knows where they are. The breakfasts and Dinners are like buffets with different foods you can choose from. This especially comes in favour of Thoma, since he isn't familiar with Inazumas Kitchen yet.

While looking at the various options of food, he wonders what Ayato and his family get served. Probably the most delicious meals to ever taste. 

Maybe it's served like the meals back in Mondstadt. Of course Thoma often ate breakfast, Lunch and dinner with his mother (and father) but sometimes he stayed for dinner with his friends Diluc, Kaeya and Jean, who are also part of Mondstadts royal families. 

They were all pretty humble and kind but the food was served with Style. The Servants plated the meals down with freshly warm cooked food, that had sometimes foreign ingredients.

Thinking of these fond memories made Thoma smile and a bit homesick? He even remembers that besides these platings, they often Cooked for themselves. At least that's what Diluc and his father did.

Now Thoma feels like he kinda misses his home. Yet these thoughts can't be spared for long, since Thoma has to go back to work.

Soon the other Servants and knights would arrive in the dining hall, ready to eat their breakfast. 

"Hey Good morning Thoma, how are you doing bro? Hope you slept well." Itto waves at Thoma as he walks towards him. Just like Thoma has seen the energetic man, Itto feels wide awake.

"Good morning Itto." Thoma smiles kindly at Itto, who sits down next to him with the plate of food in his hands. "I'm doing good. I already helped the other servants to prepare everything here, so you guys can have a proper meal. As a knight you shouldn't work with an empty stomach."

Ittos plate even suggests how much food he needs to survive the day. One of the Knights, allows Itto to join him on patrol today. That's something Itto is really excited for, he can't stop talking about it to Thoma. 

"So do you want to be a knight that works outside of the Castle?" Thoma asks while eating his own food.

Itto has to think for a second and stares into the room before answering. "Honestly don't know. Going out seeing the City is always pretty cool. The last time I did was with Ayato. It was actually the day he-we found you at the coast." He mumbles to himself not recognising Thoma's baffled face.

Thoma of course knows that someone found and saved him but that's his friend Itto and...and the prince is really shocking.

Now that Thoma knows who his saviours are, he could thank them properly. "I- my apologies Itto that I just could thank you now for saving me. Without you...two I would for sure be dead by now." Thoma bows down with his head.

These sincere words come truly surprised for Itto. Seeing his friend being guilty? It's kinda weird and he doesn't like it. 

From what he could learn about Thoma is, that he has lots of pride, loyalty and wants to please everyone. The way Thoma thanked him like this, in such a way, Itto is afraid that Thoma will feel eternally guilty and has to owe us something.

Itto would never ask for Thoma to repay him in any way. This would most likely put friendship unevenly and Itto doesn't want this to happen with his bro.

So Itto explains Thoma, that he doesn't need to feel guilty in any way. They didn't tell him who saved him because neither Itto nor Ayato thought it would be necessary.

Thoma frowns at this answer, it isn't what he expected. It's weird to leave this like that. He scratches his head trying to think of something else and turn the conversation into another direction. 

"I think we should hurry up and finish eating. We still have lots of things planned for today." Thoma turns to smile again at his white haired friend, who returns it.

They both wave each other goodbye as Itto leaves with the other knights and Thoma returns to the Servants. 

Just like the prior days, the dining room gets cleaned and afterwards everyone goes to their assigned chores.

Thoma should help to transport, the newly delivered groceries into the storage and these boxes are quite heavy but nothing Thoma couldn't carry right?

This process takes some time and Thoma feels relieved and exhausted, when he puts the last box near the storage. 

Before Thoma could even open up the box one of the maids approached him. "Oh Thoma these Boxes don't belong here, they have to be brought upstairs." Koharu points up as she explains, that the boxes with a special sticker on it are meant for the Kamisatos. 

As Thoma listens to this explanation, he wonders how special or different the things inside the box are compared to the 'normal' Boxes. 

He allows himself to deliver the box upstairs to see if and how much his thoughts would be true. These few steps on the stairs won't make a difference for him.

Now that he was upstairs, Thoma looks around trying to find the kitchen? Storage room? or whatever he's searching for.

With the heavy box Thoma then walks around to find someone to help him and to his surprise the one he found is the princess.

She, the princess, even sees him and turns towards Thoma's direction. "Hey you are uhm...Thoma? Right?" 

"Yes-yes princess Kamisato Ayaka. My name is Thoma" He then bows down to her.

"Okay, my apologies that I forgot about that. I will try to remember it." Ayaka smiles at Thoma, which makes him ease up a bit. "Besides that, Thoma is there something you're searching for or what reason do you carry this box?" 

Thoma explains to Ayaka, that he doesn't know where to store the box and even asks if she could help him.

To his luck, the princess does know where Thoma needs to go and even insists, to show him the way directly.

"Thoma, the things inside the box comes here." Ayaka opens the door for Thoma. "Let me help you to store them."

Thoma waves this off, since he doesn't want to waste the princess time. She must've surely had something better to do than this. 

In fact Ayaka has some free time before her classes will start, so she doesn't mind helping Thoma. 

During this time, Ayaka could also get to know, the young blond man, her brother was worried about, a bit better.

She already heard and saw how kind and helpful Thoma is and now Ayaka should see it for herself. It's Ayaka who asks him questions, while Thoma hummingly answers.

At first Thoma stutters a bit because he wasn't prepared, for the princess asking him about his life. 

He for himself didn't dare to ask Ayaka any questions.

"I think we are finished." Thoma says proudly to himself and Ayaka is also happy that they are done. "Thank you, for your help Lady Ayaka. The maidens weren't wrong when they mentioned your kindness."

Such words leave the princess blushing. "No-no need to thank me Thoma. Ah Furuta will return from the city soon with some sweets, would you like to try them? I can give you a few of mine."

Thoma isn't sure, if he should accept her offering. Still it makes him curious how Inazuman sweets would taste like and how much different they are from the ones of his homeland.

With a bit of hesitation, Thoma thanks Ayaka. "Uhm... Well if you really don't mind sharing your sweets with me, why should I deny it. Also just one tiny thing is enough, I don't want to take all of them away from you, lady Ayaka."

Ayaka is fine with Thoma's decision. He seems like a shy person but also sweet and humble at the same time  

Thoma is even hesitant what sweets he should choose from. His father bought Thoma and his mother, sometimes candy and shipped them to Mondstadt. So he knows what they all taste like, yet he can't decide.

In the end it's the Tricoloured Dango, which kind of looks similar to the Chicken-Mushroom skewer from his homeland. Just that this one in his hand is way sweeter.

For Ayaka it's easy what she chooses. A Rainbow Aster for herself and a Boba tea for Ayato. "Furuta would you be so nice and give this to my brother once his classes are done. He must be pretty tired afterwards and could need it." 

How could Furuta deny the wishes of the young princess? She would do everything to see the young lady happy and that's outside of her status as a princess.

"And you get all of these things from the city?" Thoma asks curiously while biting in his dango.

"Yes, I regularly buy such things for the young Lady Ayaka and her brother Lord Ayato. Would you like to come with me, the next time I go to the city?"

Thoma hesitates on how to answer but Ayaka goes straight forward. She for herself, would love to see Thoma visit the beautiful city of Inazuma.

Right, he hasn't seen the city for himself yet. So after all he accepts Furutas offer and Ayaka is visible happy with his answer.

Before the three would part their ways, to continue their tasks and upcoming lessons, Furuta and Thoma discuss, when she would visit the city again.

Listening to this discussion makes Ayaka even happier. Even though Thoma chose to work under the Kamisato Kingdom, it doesn't mean he should be 'trapped' in the castle all the time. She would like to let Thoma know, that there is more in Inazuma than just this Estate.

With these thoughts, Ayaka leaves the two behind, while wearing a bright smile on her face. 

"The princess is surely a kind-hearted lady." Thoma says to Furuta while they watch the young lady leave.

"Oh she truly is, she comes after her mother -the Queen- they both are very kind people. Of course so are the King and his son.

"Yes I noticed."

Even though they would love to talk a bit more, work calls for them. So they aren't allowed to slack off. 

Thoma finishes eating the Dango and makes his way to the big washroom. There the clothes, bed sheets, curtains and what else getting cleaned. For these things, it takes some while and is pretty exhausting to do. 

After everything is done, Thoma feels even more tired than he felt before. He's longing for his bed but sadly the day hasn't ended yet. 

They still have to store the freshly cleaned stuff properly. As for him he picks up a red tablecloth and is ready to follow the other maidens but gets stopped as one of the ladies tips him on the shoulder to get his attention.

She tells him that certain tablecloths are needed in the dining hall of the Kamisato Family.

Knowing this, Thoma isn't sure, if he should give the tablecloths to the other maids, that are closer to the family, or go there by himself. Thinking about it the second one sounds stupid and ridiculous.

But it's just work right? It's just another job Thoma has to do. So after glaring at the neatly folded cloth in his hands, for a few seconds, he decides to do this. 

Thoma navigates his way to the dining room and just as he expected, it looks really luxurious and nothing compared where he eats.

While he neatly lays down the tablecloth, Thoma's eyes are fixated on certain table. The family sitting there must probably have a good time talking to eachother and enjoying their meals.

This reminds Thoma of home, him and his mother preparing food together, smiling and talking during so. 

These thoughts makes him frown as he closes the doors of the dining hall behind him.

Thoma's mood didn't really change over the rest of the evening. Even though he smiled and talked to Itto, Thoma couldn't stop feeling a bit sad or rather homesick.

Meanwhile, just as Thoma thought, the Kamisato Family is having a good time.

Ayaka and Ayato telling their parents about their day while eating.

During so Ayaka mentions the newest member of the Kamisato Estate.

Hearing his Name makes The Prince, Ayato, focus and listens closely to his sister's words.

"Oh seems like Thoma had quite the productive day." The Queen hums.

Ayaka could only agree to it and continues with every other thing she did, while they continue their meals.