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Te Presto Mis Besos


Tom finagles an additional day in Neiva. The team continues to take advantage of the opportunity. Some teasing + drinking = tipsy challenges accepted.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Besos

Chapter Text



The entire team met up the next morning for breakfast at the nearby Juan Valdez Cafe (that reminded Ben of Starbucks back in the States). They all sipped at their coffees and worked through the platter of pastries they ordered. There was almost no conversation for the first 15 minutes. The second round of coffee was ordered. That was when Santiago felt alive enough to break the silence between them.


“Care to tell us why we didn’t check out this morning, Tom?” The Spook asked as he munched on a croissant. 


Tom leaned back in his seat with a pleased smile. "Good news, boys. I negotiated for us to stay in Neiva another day and night." 


Santi shot their leader an amused, knowing look. "Found yourself a pretty little prostitute, huh?"


Tom shrugged. "That's neither here nor there…” He looked up and waved. The rest of them looked over. A lovely young woman with wavy dark brown hair and DSL lips was waving back from where she stood by the fountain. Tom stood up with a smirk. “But if you all need me, you got my number. Don't call me unless you're kidnapped or bleeding out somewhere. Enjoy your short vacation, gentlemen. I know I will be." He walked out to meet the woman, who smiled sweetly at him. 


"And he wonders why Molly is pissed at him all the time," Will remarked as he sipped at his coffee.


"She's the one who agreed to an open marriage," Ben pointed out. "Why's she so pissy about Tom actually taking advantage of that?"


"It's only open for her," Pope replied with a roll of his eyes. 


"Ah, double standards and hypocrisy," Fish sighed in mock appreciation. 


Pope hummed in agreement. "That's their problem. None of our business. What're our plans now?"


“I wanna hit the casino!” Ben grinned.


“Definitely would like to tour the city,” Fish put in.


“We need to find a gift shop or something. We gotta find some stuff for our family. The last time we visited empty-handed was a nightmare,“ Will sighed.


“Well, then, c’mon,” Santi threw down a few bills for breakfast. “Daylight’s wasting…”




The day spent in Neiva had been a fun one. It was probably the most enjoyable off day they’d had in weeks. Sightseeing, shopping, and a few hours in the casino with Ben losing money while the rest came out on top. The end of the day found them back at GHL hotel in The Barcino for dinner. They wandered out of there over to Beer Station - San Pedro, aptly named as they had every intention of spending the rest of the evening enjoying some drinks. 


Will lost the rock, paper, scissors contest and was forced to go buy the first round of beers. The line at the bar was a little long. 


“So did you two enjoy your night all alone with your king-sized bed?” Ben asked his two Latino teammates with a lascivious smile.


Fish rolled his eyes. “Yes, we did. It was a lovely evening. Thank you for asking.”


“I’m sure you enjoyed your alone time with your brother,” Pope propped his chin up on his hand. He gave Ben a knowing smirk.


“I did, yeah,” The Marine bit his bottom lip with a grin. He wagged his eyebrows suggestively.


Pope hummed. “I gotta know–”


“Because you’re so goddamn nosy,” Fish interrupted.


“It’s literally my job,” Pope cut his eyes over at his lover. Fish snorted in response. The Spook turned his attention back on the Marine. Ben arched an eyebrow as he waited for the question. “Who tops?”


Ben burst out laughing. “Who do you think?”


“Will,” both Latinos said together decisively. 


Ben scoffed in offense. “You don’t think I top?”


Fish shook his head. “Not between you two.”


“I bet Will's a power top, isn't he?” Pope wagered a guess.


Ben leaned back in his seat with a smirk. “What makes you think that?” 


“It's Will. C'mon. He likes to be in control of everything. He's Mr. Put Together,” Pope answered easily.


Will plunked four beers down onto the table. “I am not,” Will frowned in annoyance. He sat down, pulling a beer towards himself. The others grabbed a glass.  


“Salud!” They raised their glasses and clinked them together.


“Why are we discussing our sex lives?” Will asked after they all took their first deep gulp of beer.


Fish scoffed. “Will, if you ever let go of the reins to anything I would be shocked.”


“And we discuss our sex lives whenever there’s beer and boredom,” Ben pointed out.  


“You should know that by now. It’s practically a given no matter what branch you serve in,” Santiago snarked then took a gulp of beer. “Alcohol and sex go hand in hand.”


“Just seems like an excuse to be fucking nosy,” Will grumbled.


“No shit, Will,” Fish laughed.


“So then who tops between you two?” Ben asked curiously.


Santi smirked over his beer bottle. “We’re switches, thank you very much.”


Ben shrugged then gestured between him and his brother. “Well, so are we.”


“You’re a damn lie,” Catfish remarked in flat disbelief. “I can’t picture Will taking dick.”


“Well, he does–.”


Will glared at his brother. “Benny shut the fuck up.” 


“Dude, it’s just Pope and Fish. You know this shit stays between all of us,” Ben reassured his brother.


“This still isn’t exactly the safest place to be having this conversation,” Will glanced around. 


No one was paying any attention to them. Nearly every other conversation was being held in Spanish. That did not entirely ease Will’s mind. He’d grown up in a small, conservative farming town. This kind of shit just wasn’t discussed right out in the open. It made him severely uncomfortable.


Pope shrugged. “Well, hell, then let’s move to one of our rooms. Because this conversation is piquing my interest.”


Will glared at Pope. “God, you fucking nosy Spook.”


“Can’t stop, won’t stop. Frankie, buy two bottles of tequila from the bar. Let’s take this discussion upstairs,” Pope slapped the tabletop.


Frankie rolled his eyes but got up nonetheless. He downed the rest of his beer quickly before heading towards the bar. The other three chugged their beers down too. Pope gathered up their beer glasses. He slapped a couple of bills on the counter as they passed to cover the cost of them. Ben grinned at his brother as he followed their teammates out into the hotel towards the elevator. Will didn’t know why he was going along with any of this. The whole conversation was well outside his comfort zone, but he wasn’t about to leave these three alone. God knows what Benny would say about their sex life. He didn’t exactly want all of their business out in the open. He trusted FIsh and Pope with his life. But what he and Ben had…


It was taboo. It was fucked up and wrong. Arguably incest depending on who you talked to in the States. It most definitely could get them kicked out of the service if it ever got out. And just the thought of that made Will break out in a cold sweat. So it was up to him to keep them all reined in…


Well as much as he could when tequila got involved.


This was most likely about to go completely off the rails...




Santiago poured generous shots of tequila into each beer glass. They were all grouped around the small round table provided in the room. Pope and Fish had taken the two chairs while the brothers sat side by side on the edge of the bed. It was a little tight since the room wasn’t exactly designed for hosting four men. Not that it mattered to them. They had been in closer quarters more than once.


“Never have I ever bottomed?” Pope winked.


Fish burst out laughing. “We are too old to play that game.”


“You’re never too old,” Pope grinned. “Now bottoms up!”


Will sighed. All of them reached for their shot and knocked it back. Grimaces and hisses followed the smooth burn of the alcohol.


“So you have bottomed!” Pope crowed, pointing at Will. 


Ben coughed a laugh.


Will rolled his eyes. “I never said I didn’t.”


Fish nodded. “He’s right. The discussion was about him bottoming for Ben.” He poured another round of shots.


“Well, then, never have I ever bottomed for Benny,” Ben grinned at them since it was his turn anyway.


The other three picked up their shot glasses and bombed the liquor. Ben grinned like a Cheshire cat. They slammed their shot glasses down to glare at Benny.


“You fuckin’ slut,” Will growled. “You never told me you fucked them.”


Benny shrugged with an innocent smile. “You never asked. And we’re not exclusive.”


“I didn’t think you were going to sleep with our teammates!”


“Are we going to have to break up a fight?” Fish asked, eyeballing the brothers.


“No,” Will snapped. He eyed the two Latinos. “You both really fucked Ben?”


Both nodded. Ben arched his eyebrow at his brother. Will was annoyed but also intrigued. 


“When and where?” Will demanded to know.


Ben looked over at his teammates. They shrugged. Pope gave him a go-ahead wave of his hand.


“During downtime in Florida a few months back. We all went to the club. You were dating that one chick. Coupla drinks. Talk came back to sex like it always does. Pope mentioned seeing my cock in the shower at the gym and wanting to get his mouth on it…” Ben put his hands up in a “what can you do” gesture. “Things just went from there.”


“And you fucked them both,” Will stared at his brother.




“I mean, I’m not gonna turn down a free ride on that dick,” Fish casually remarked. 


Pope nodded emphatically. “It’s one fine piece of meat.” Ben preened with a smug smile. Pope poured more shots. He looked up from under his lashes. “Which clearly you also know and have appreciated…”


Will flushed and glared. All of them bombed their shot in unspoken mutual agreement. The conversation seemed to need the fortifying effect of the alcohol. 


“I’m still finding that hard to believe though,” Pope remarked.


Fish nodded in agreement. 


Will frowned in disgruntlement. “So you can believe that I bottom but not for Ben. Why?”


“The dynamic just feels like you wouldn’t allow it. You are so overprotective about Ben. I just can’t picture you letting Benny have control like that,” Pope spread his hands in surrender as Will’s scowl deepened with each word. 


"It looks like they're never gonna believe us, Will," Ben raised his eyebrows, "I think we might need to show them."


“No,” Will scoffed. "I am not drunk enough for that."


"How many shots would it take?" Fish smirked.


Will rolled his eyes. "No."


"I don't need to get you drunk," Ben grinned at his brother. "I know exactly what it takes to get you to surrender."


Will gave his brother a flat, unamused look. "Knock it off, Benny."


Ben leaned into his brother's space. He paused an inch from Will's month. "I don't think you want me to."


Will's eyes flicked from Ben's aquamarine blue eyes, which were sparkling with teasing amusement, to his brother's mouth. The heat of the alcohol was nothing compared to the want that bloomed hot in his chest. He had never admitted out loud that he loved Ben's teasing intensity. Right now he had all of Ben's attention. Will always felt caught when all of Ben’s arresting carnal energy was turned on him.


Ben took advantage of his brother’s momentary pause to close the distance between them. He kissed Will, soft and gentle, just the way he knew derailed Will. The blond's eyes slipped shut. His whirling thoughts dissipated. His whole world stopped. Every ounce of his being was focused on Ben's mouth sliding against his. Will’s breath hitched. Arousal spread through him like the suffusing heat of the shots of tequila they'd been drinking. Ben's hands came up to frame Will's face. A moan slipped out of Will before he could stop it.


Ben drew back. "Let me take you apart, Will. Show them how you let your little brother fuck you just how you like."


Lust exploded through Will. "Fuck, Ben..." he groaned. His half-hard cock was already pressing uncomfortably against the zipper of his jeans.


"Yeah, Will," Ben crooned. He rasped his thumbs over Will’s beard. His brother’s eyelashes fluttered at the touch. “Let me have you.”


Maybe Will was more tipsy than he realized. Otherwise, he’d have to admit that just a few simple touches were all it took for Ben to seduce him. “Yeah,” he breathed against Ben’s mouth.


Ben pressed into Will, gently guiding him down onto his back. Will went down easily. He toed his sneakers off as he went. Ben pushed Will up the bed to give them more room to move. Will's thighs parted to let Ben settle between them. Ben leaned down, kissing Will slowly, licking into his brother's mouth. Will wound his arms around Ben's neck and shoulders. Ben let his brother draw him into a messier, tongue-sucking kiss. He pushed up Will's knees and urged him to hook his heels on the back of Ben's thighs. Will groaned as Ben's clothed cock lined up with his. Ben ground their hips together. The friction was delicious and so good but it was a frustrating tease. One that Ben greatly enjoyed. He set up a steady rhythm of rolling his hips down into Will’s. His brother cursed and clutched at Ben’s shirt.


Ben slipped his hands underneath Will's shirt. He petted over Will's abs. Ben scrubbed his fingers through the soft hair on Will's belly with a hum. He dragged Will's shirt up as he worked his hands up his brother’s body. He hiked Will's shirt up to his armpits. Ben rubbed his thumbs over Will’s nipples until they were hard and peaked. Increasingly urgent moans slipped out of Will at the teasing. Ben worked Will’s shirt off then winged it somewhere to the side. He caught Will's arms, urging them over Will's head onto the bed. Ben trailed kisses and nips from Will's mouth across his jaw to just under his ear. Will arched and moaned just like Ben knew he would. Ben nipped and sucked at the sensitive skin of Will's throat.


"Fuck... Ben," Will panted as their hips bucked against each other.


"Fuck, I love how you sound," Ben purred against Will's throat. Ben raised up and grinned down at his brother's flushed face.


"Shut up, Ben," Will growled, cheeks flushed. He froze when he heard a zipper being dragged down. He turned his head to see Pope's hand sliding into his jeans.


"Oh don't stop on our accounts," Pope smirked. "I'm still not entirely convinced."


Fish chuckled, pouring him and Pope another shot. "Nope. I'm enjoying the show thus far though. By all means, carry on ..."


Ben laughed. "I appreciate the permission to fuck my brother."


Will's cock pulsed at that. Ben's grin gained teeth. He reached down to grind the heel of his palm over the length of Will's jeans trapped cock. Will's hips bucked up into the touch with a needy moan.


Ben pushed himself back. He quickly stripped off his shirt, shed his pants and boxers, and snatched the lube off the nightstand. Pope whistled in appreciation at the sight of Ben's pert ass. Ben turned around to arch an eyebrow. Both Latinos' gazes dropped to his cock in open lust and appreciation.


"Damn," Fish sighed, pressing his palm to his crotch. "That is a fuckin' fine piece of meat."


"I bet you remember exactly how good it feels too," Ben winked.


"Fuck," Fish groaned. 


"Hard not to. Game to go again any time, Benny. But I think you were in the middle of proving a point. And Will looks like he's having second thoughts." Pope nodded towards Will.


Will glared at the Spook. He'd propped himself up on his elbows. He looked like he was contemplating getting up. Ben's hand dropped to his cock to stroke it from root to tip. Every other man's eyes dropped to watch Ben touch himself. Ben smirked.


"I think I have very little point to prove," Ben stated confidently.


Will snorted in disbelief at his brother's arrogance. Ben turned his attention back on his brother. Will went still. Ben crawled back over to his brother. Ben mouthed over his clothed cock. Will licked his bottom lip. Ben dragged Will's zipper down. The Marine smiled at his brother. Ben hooked his fingers in Will's jeans and unders then patiently worked then down and then off. The Marine chucked them away with no regard for where they landed.


Ben palmed Will's calves. Slipping his hands up and around to the top of Will's calves, got Ben a shuddering sigh. He leaned in to nip and kiss Will's inner thighs. Will dropped down on his back with a groan. Will's thighs trembled as Ben mouthed his way toward Will's cock. Will cursed vehemently as Ben nuzzled his balls. 


The Marine popped the cap on the lube. Goosebumps immediately broke out on Will's thighs. Ben pressed a slick finger into Will's clutching whorl of muscle.


"Ungh... Ben!" Will whimpered. 


Pope shot Fish a surprised, delighted look. They'd never heard a sound like that come out of Will. Watching Will give into Ben's ministrations was sexy and arousing as hell. Pope squeezed his fist around his cock. He smirked when he noticed Fish had finally given in and pulled his cock out. It was tempting to want to invite Frankie onto his lap. He didn’t want to disturb the brothers. Will seemed liable to bail out if he was reminded of their presence again.


Will reached down to grab at his brother's hair. Ben raised up. He caught hold of Will's right wrist. Gentle urging had Will drop his arm onto the bed above his head.


"Keep it there, Will," Ben warned.


Will's breath hitched. Ben grabbed Will's other wrist. He dragged Will’s left wrist up to cross over his right. The Marine stared down at the sight his brother made. Will’s wrists crossed above his head, cheeks flushed, chest gleaming with sweat, and abs tightening in pleasure as Ben slipped in another finger.


"Fuck, you are so damn fine," Ben sighed in appreciation.


Will's flush deepened and spread down his throat. "Shut up, Ben."


"Never. You deserve to hear it," Ben kissed the hollow of Will's throat.


Will's breath caught. His hips jerked as Ben pressed in a third finger. Ben rubbed hard over his sweet spot. Will’s mouth fell open with a gasp.


"B-Ben," he stuttered, hips squirming.


"Yeah, Will," Ben crooned. He worked his fingers into Will's tight, wet heat. He loved the clutch of his brother's inner walls around his hand. He pressed over that perfect spot again. 


Will cried out sharply. His fingers curled into fists. "Ben, please!"


Pope had to grip the bottom of his dick to keep from cumming. "Goddamn,” he groaned. The sight of Will begging on his brother's fingers was mind-melting. Fish's groan of want sounded just as strained. Frankie’s next stroke down sounded sloppy. Pope cut his eyes over to see his lover’s fist frothy with precum. The Spook licked his bottom lip.  Pope turned his attention back to the Millers at a sharp moan from Will.


Ben bit his bottom lip. His cock ached to be inside his brother. Will's surrender never failed to make him nearly cum right then. He closed his eyes and forced himself to breathe through the overwhelming arousal. He slipped his fingers out of Will. He opened his eyes and caught Will's lust-glazed gaze. He fumbled for the lube. He slicked his cock as quickly as possible.


He hooked Will's knee into the crook of his right elbow. He lined up his cock and pressed into his brother’s tight heat. Will threw his head back with a moan. His body struggled to give way to the driving intrusion of Ben's cock. The stinging stretch always took Will's breath away.


"Ahhh... Benny, " Will moaned. Today, it felt like so much more. Ben eased back. He worked his cock into Will with gentle rocks of his hips. Will groaned as Ben finally bottomed out. "Oh fuck..." His fingers dug into his palms until his knuckles turned white.


"I got you, Will," Ben slipped his hands into Will's.


Their fingers curled together. Will shuddered and whimpered as Ben rolled his hips.


"You take me so well, big brother. Just open right up for me," Ben praised.


Will gasped. He squeezed his eyes shut to hide from Ben’s appreciative gaze.


Ben pulled his cock halfway out and drove back in slow. Will's back arched as his fingers dug into Ben's. The slide of that big cock inside Will had him panting and shivering. It felt like he could feel each thrust in his lungs. His cock was pulsing, aching, trapped between their bellies. His precum smeared between their bellies as Will’s cock drooled pre. Ben fucked into Will, watching his brother’s pleasured expression. The Marine slipped his hands out of Will's. Ben pushed up to sit back on his heels. He hooked the back of Will's knees into the crooks of his elbows. He fucked into Will in long, deep, hard strokes. Will fell apart. Each thrust had him crying out loudly. Ben’s aim was perfect, pressing hard past Will’s sweet spot. 


The slick sound of masturbation had Ben glancing over. He smirked at the Latinos jerking their cocks. Their eyes are glued to Will, who is beginning to shake with the urgent need to cum. They hadn't seen Will truly lose it just yet.


"Look at you, big brother," Ben croons. He petted over Will's belly deliberately avoiding his cock. "Fuck, you're so beautiful like this. You shine."


Will's face went red. "Ben... don't."


"Why? You're beautiful..." He pressed a kiss against Will's jaw. He whispered into Will's ear. Because some things were only just for them. "You always take such good care of me. I love that you let me take care of you like this. That I can show you how you make me feel. And I'm the only one who can make you feel like this."


Will shook his head. He melted beneath Ben, heart warm and aching in his chest. He surrendered completely to Ben. It didn't matter how many times Ben said things like this to him. He can't take the love and the admiration in Ben's eyes. Ben's hands on him are gentle. Each touch tells Will how much his little brother cares for him. And he was just never going to get used to being cared for like this. Not by Ben. To have Benny touch him like this, tell him how much he appreciated Will, and how beautiful he thought Will was… 


Fuck, it just breaks Will apart. 


He can't handle it because Ben saw too much. He made Will feel cracked open and vulnerable. It was so raw and terrifying as much as it was exhilarating to know that Ben has seen all of him. Knew him better than anyone. And he still loved Will anyways. He wanted to hide from it. It's too much…


He flung his forearm over his face. Ben fucked into him so perfectly that he sobbed from it. Ben pushed Will's arm off his face.


"Benny..." Will protested.


As much as Ben loved when Will got overcome with shy vulnerability, he was proving a point. "Uh uh. Let us see your face."


Will suddenly remembered Pope and Fish were in the room. His gaze shot over to see both men stroking their cocks with lust blatant on their faces. He flushed deeper still. He tried to hide his face against his bicep.


Ben coaxed gently. "C'mon, Will. Let them see. Show ‘em how beautiful you are taking my cock."


Will flung his head back and sobbed as Ben fucked into him hard. "Oh fuck... Ben!"


"Yeah, Will. There you are. Fuck, look at you... " Ben moaned, "God, I love you.”


Will came with a shout. He arched and writhed, cumming so hard his vision goes fuzzy. His senses were swamped by the ecstasy that flooded through him. His only points of reality were Ben's big, hot palms on his body and his driving cock deep inside Will. His cum shot up his chest, clinging to the hollow of his throat and across his clavicle. Ben leaned over to lick it up. His tongue was hot and his breath panted humidly across Will's skin. Will's cock spurted from another short, sharp wave of stunning pleasure. He jerked and sobbed. Ben came hard, clinging to Will's hips. He leaned down to kiss Will. Ben sucked his brother’s tongue and panted into Will’s mouth. He fucked Will through the last few waves of his orgasm.


Pope moaned in appreciation, cumming all over his fist. Fish was only a few seconds behind. His groan of completion sound relieved.


"Jesus Christ...." Pope sighed, collapsing back in his chair. "That... that was hot as fuck..."


"Dios mio." Fish sighed. "Beautiful, Will."


Will covered his face in embarrassed disbelief. Ben chuckled as he kissed the back of his brother’s hands. 


“I think we got ‘em convinced,” Ben teased.


“Shut UP, Benny,” Will grumbled into his palms. 


“Never,” The Marine snickered. “You love it.”


Will squirmed as his ass started to get over-sensitive. Ben carefully pulled out. He thanked Pope as the Spook chucked a discarded shirt at them. He wiped his cock off then swiped the mess up between Will’s legs. Ben looked meaningfully over at the Latino men.


“So...we showed you ours,” Ben remarked. A slow, lewd smile spread across his lips. “Now it’s your turn…”



Kudos and comments feed the muse! And she is a ravenous bitch that craves validation. Feed me, Seymour!