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The Skeleton in the Closet


Juka has been married to Naomi(OC) for a couple of years now, but their marriage wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. It was the last drop for Juka as he stormed out of the house with a bag of clothes, not knowing he would meet the love of his life somewhere along the way.


Posted to LJ August 11th, 2013.

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Every family has a skeleton in their closet, and we're no different. On the outside, my wife and I looked happily married, but nothing was further from the truth...

“Naomi, can’t you for once clean up your shit in the bedroom. There are clothes everywhere and you know I hate having a mess around me!” I yelled at her. She never listened anyway, and this time it wouldn’t be any different.
“Oh, well, boo-hoo... There are a few clothes lying on the floor... SO WHAT?! Mister OCD... you really are so ridiculous... I really wonder how I ended up marrying you... You’re an absolute disaster! You only care about yourself, you prick!” She yelled back and tossed a bunch of clothes in my face.
“Oh, so I’m a disaster... Then you’re an apocalypse!” I grit my teeth and grabbed some stuff together, shoving it into a bag.

“What are you doing now? Finally making the right decision?” She taunted and I looked at her, glaring daggers. If looks could kill, she’d be vaporized already.
“I’m going out for a few hours... By the time I’m back, you better have packed your crap because you’re out!” I yelled. She just laughed.
“Well, Juka... I got bad news for you... I’ll pack your bags for you, and leave them by the door...”

At that point, I really didn’t care anymore, and just laughed as I left the house. I slung my bag over my shoulder and went to my favourite cafe that wasn’t too far from my place. I got myself a nice seat and ordered a cup of their strongest coffee, because I was going to need it.

This had been going on for a long time now. Three years ago, Naomi and I got married. I asked her to marry me after dating for one and a half year. Back then, we were the best of mates. A match made in heaven, like my friends used to say. She was gentle and had a good sense of humour. That’s what I loved about her.

A month before we got married, she moved in with me. It went well during that month. We were still lovey-dovey from the proposal, but after we got married, that’s where it went wrong. Soon enough, we started to annoy each other. She became all sloppy with the household tasks, she left her junk everywhere and stopped cooking. Every time I would say something about it, she just wouldn’t listen and yell at me again instead. This went on till this very day three years later.

Why didn’t I divorce her yet, you ask? Well, it’s just not that simple. She doesn’t have a job, and she can hardly take care of herself or so it seems most of the time. I would have to pay her money, and now that I am unemployed as well because of the crisis, I would have to find another apartment to live in just because she needs to be paid. This is what’s stopping me from getting a divorce. I need financial security before I do anything else...

I soon forgot about that particular train of thought however, when my coffee was served by this cute waiter. It was hard for me to distinguish what gender this person was, having such a delicate face and hands, nails neatly done and long hair pinned up. Even their voice didn’t tell me much since it could go either way.
“Here is your coffee, Sir.” The person spoke and smiled gently. “Did you want to order anything for lunch?” The raven haired spoke again. I didn’t realize I was staring until I snapped out of my reverie over this person’s exquisite androgynous looks. I gasped and smiled.
“I’m sorry... uuhm, I’d like an egg sandwich.” I scrambled for words and looked at the raven haired with a curious gaze.

I guess he already figured me out as he chuckled and spoke softly.
“I am a man.” He offered at the silent question and wrote down my order. He bit his lip cutely and giggled before scribbling something else on the note. He ripped it off the pad and put it under the saucer of my cup before leaving. I took the note and flipped it. On it was his name and a phone number. I chuckled as I stared at it.
“Kaya...” I whispered softly and put the note in my wallet. I guess any other married man would have tossed it and, I guess, if I was happily married, I would have as well. I looked at my wedding band and shook my head. This was too good to pass up...

Who said Naomi wasn’t doing the same thing? Even if she didn’t, I honestly didn’t care anymore. It was time to get my life back together and live it my way. With that, I took off my ring and stuffed it in my pocket. For some reason, it felt liberating, like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I smiled and sipped my coffee. I couldn’t wait to see Kaya again. I suppose that was the only reason I ordered something extra seeing I wasn’t particularly hungry in the first place, but to see his smile again, it was worth it...


I had enjoyed myself at the cafe, perhaps more than I usually do. I looked at the phone number in my wallet as I sat with my laptop. I set the device aside and grabbed my phone instead. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say but, I guess, it would come to me when I actually spoke to him. I decided to go with a text message in the end.
“Hey, Kaya. Would you like to go out with me some time? Juka.” Was what I sent. As I did that, my so-called wife came back, immediately raging as I hadn’t left the house yet.

“Juka, what the hell are you still doing here? I thought you were leaving...” She grumbled and tossed her bag aside.
“Well, last time I checked, I lived here first and graciously let you live with me.” I threw back at her. She bit her lip, not quite knowing how to react to that. “So, I took the liberty of packing some of your stuff for you. You can pick up the rest sometime later, after making an appointment. You have my number; your bags are over there.” I got up and pointed it all out to her. She was completely baffled as I already beat her to it.
“You can’t do this!” She yelled and I started laughing.
“Why can’t I? I already did it...” I stated matter of fact and grabbed her bags, walking over to the door, opening it. I put the bags outside in the hallway and waved at a way to curious neighbour before going back in to pull Naomi by her arm. “So, since you’re having so much trouble finding my door... I’ll guide you, it’s right here...” I spoke pointedly and promptly pushed her out. “You can call me when you have a place and want to pick up the rest of your stuff...” I finished and closed the door in her face. Only then, when I closed the door, she started yelling and screaming, banging her fists on the poor piece of wood, followed by vicious kicking. I opened the door again and looked at the damage done to it. “Could you please stop doing that? Thanks...” I promptly closed it again.

That was the end of it... The first measures were taken. I had already contacted our lawyer and filed for a divorce. It was only a matter of time now...


It was a week later. During this week I had received 3 letters that told me to die and go to hell, followed by about 200 texts and an equal number of emails... I suppose she ran out of post stamps...

During this week, I also took Kaya on a first date. Since I didn’t really know what he liked, we went to the park to have lunch, and that is where were at right now...

“You really had a hard time deciding if I was a boy or girl, huh?” He giggled, holding his hand in front of his mouth as he did so. I chuckled and nodded.
“I was really confused, I guess~ but you’re not any less pretty, knowing full well you’re a guy...” I smiled and leaned back a little. Kaya leaned over and fed me an octopus wiener. He smiled and bit his lip a little.
“Well... I get that a lot~ but most of the people I tell end up being disgusted, which is a crying shame, since I only tell the people I think are sexy.” He pouted a little.
“Oh~ So you think I’m sexy then?” I purred and winked at him. He nodded and gently slid his hand over my chest.
“I do think you’re sexy~ You’re very sexy even... So, I’m glad you were one of the exceptions~” He mewled and picked another snack from the box, eating it slowly. “And you’re a surprisingly good cook too...” He added and blushed a little, which I thought was really cute. The girly man had a nice personality, was well mannered and had a sense of humour.
“I like cooking... I like eating healthy and I work out.” I told him and he looked up at me again.
“You have a sixpack?” He asked and I snorted a little.
“Why don’t you find out?” I told him a little suggestively. Kaya looked at the tank top I was wearing and giggled softly before lifting it up a slightly to get a peek.
“Oh my~” He gasped and bit his lip in such an erotic way. I guess this was one of the things he could really appreciate. A tuned body.
“Like what you see?” I winked and he nodded.
“It only makes me more curious to see the rest of it...” He purred and put the fabric back in place before sitting up again. I laughed and moved to lie down, looking up at the cute man.
“Maybe one day.” I chuckled and gently poked his nose. He blushed and giggled cutely, hiding his smile again. I rolled over to lie on my stomach and took the hand away. “Let me see you smile... It’s so beautiful when you do.” I smiled gently at him, but the comment only made him blush even more. I chuckled a little and slid my hand over his waist, making him sit closer before I fed him one of the sweet egg rolls. He mewled and giggled a little, kissing my cheek as he ate it. I smiled and hugged him gently.

“So, what do you generally do on your days off?” I asked and he smiled.
“I date~ a lot... and I go shopping and watch movies. That kind of stuff.” I snorted a little at the first part.
“Well, I guess, I could have expected that.” I chuckled and he prodded my stomach.
“Don’t be mean about it~” He pouted a little. “I can’t help it that people always ask me out.” He mewled and moved to lie on his side and ate some more. I did the same, moving to face Kaya.
“I’m not like that, so don’t worry about it. There are worse things in life after all.” I muttered and sighed a little. Kaya frowned and tilted his head.
“Is there something wrong?” He questioned and reached out to me, cupping my cheek. I smiled gently up at him and shrugged a little.
“Ah, it’s complicated... To make a long story short, my marriage went sideways and last week I kicked my wife out of my apartment.” I groaned and he bit his lip.
“You’re married?” He asked and I nodded.
“But not for long though, because I’m filing for divorce...” I explained and he moved a little closer, hugging me gently.
“It must be hard for you... I mean like, you must have really loved her before to even marry her and then this happens.” He mused. I chuckled softly.
“Hmmm... I learned long ago that life is full of disappointments...” I looked at him and kissed his cheek. “At least you’re not disappointing~ you’re cheering me up just fine.” I giggled and he smiled brightly before hiding his face in my neck. I felt his cheeks heat up and heard him giggle softly. I chuckled and moved to lie on my back and pulled him on top of me, hugging him tight.

“I’m quite enjoying myself with you, Kaya.” I whispered into his ear, and I felt his fingers curl into the fabric of my clothing.
“Me too...” He whispered softly and just lay here on top of me, resting. This nice moment seemed to last forever as we were both comfortable like that. I closed my eyes and smiled as I never wanted it to end, but unfortunately Kaya’s phone started to ring. He pouted and picked up.

“Kaya here~” He chimed and his face dropped as he heard what the other said. “Can’t you ask someone else? I’m in the middle of something.” He sighed and I smiled, moving to hug him gently. He then groaned and bit his lip. “I’ll be on my way then...” He answered and hung up.
“What’s wrong?” I asked and he pouted.
“Someone called in sick and the usual replacement isn’t picking up his phone, so they called me... I have to go to work.” He mewled and bowed his head a little. “I wanted to spend more time with you...” He whispered and I smiled.
“How about next time I take you on a date to another city where you can’t flee from~” I smirked and he giggled.
“Promise?” He looked at me with hopeful eyes and held out his pinky to me. Normally, this was something kids did, but I humoured him nonetheless and linked mine with his.
“I promise.” I smiled at him, and he bit his lip and blushed a little. Something was definitely on his mind, but he was somehow shy about it. I saw him hesitate a little, but before I could even think more about it, he quickly kissed my lips and got up. The blush was still staining his cheeks, it was so cute. I got up as he wanted to go, but I grabbed his wrist on time and pulled him against my body and kissed him properly instead. He melted against my chest, one hand firmly planted on my peck. I slowly cradled his head and kissed him a little firmer. He let out a soft noise of approval and pressed his body closer to mine.
“You better take me far away because you’re so worth it...” He whispered breathlessly as we parted. I grinned a little and nodded.
“I’ll take you as far as I can...” I purred and let go of him. He grabbed his bag that he dropped during the kiss and left, waving at me as he ran to the restaurant.

I was quite happy with this successful date. I finished the last bits of the bento and packed it away. It was time to go home again...


Ever since I kicked Naomi out, it had been quiet in the apartment, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing... I liked peace and quiet after all. Kaya seemed like a very lively person, but at least he was lively in a good way and not in a bad way like Naomi had been the last few years after our wedding vows.

I went to sort through some of our stuff. On my way home from the date, I went to pick up some moving boxes and I was now putting them together, packing whatever belonged to Naomi so she could take it with her when she needed it. I looked at our wedding picture and sighed. She looked so beautiful that day... But it no longer mattered. I put the picture in the box, along with some other things I found strewn about in the living room.

As I was packing, I heard the doorbell. I got up and answered it and saw my mother standing there.
“Mom... What are you doing here?” I asked and frowned a little.
“I haven’t heard from you in a while so I was worried...” She said and smiled. “Honey, can I come in?” She then asked as I was just standing there pretty much looking like some kind of statue.
“Ah, sorry... come in.” I moved aside, letting my mother in. She looked around the place and frowned.
“Where is Naomi?” She asked and I chuckled mirthlessly.
“Out.” I stated and went back to the living room to move the box aside. “Tea?” I asked and she nodded as she sat down.
“Why are you packing? Are you moving?” She questioned and I went to prepare the tea in the kitchen. Since this was an open plan apartment we could just keep talking.
“Ah, no... Naomi is moving.” I declared and turned on the water cooker. “I’m packing her stuff because I kicked her out. I’m not gonna sit around and be yelled at every day.” I added and went back to sit with my mother. “I’m getting a divorce and be done with it.”

I guess the news didn’t come as much of a surprise to her as I thought it would since she just chuckled and shook her head.
“Finally.” She sighed and put her hand on my knee and gently squeezed it. “She wasn’t a great daughter in law anyway.” She added and I just chuckled.
“You never liked her, ever since we started dating basically...” I noted and she lifted a brow.
“And I was right about it, wasn’t I...?” She quipped and I nodded.
“Fine, fine... you’re right.” I snorted and shook my head a little.
“How about I help you pack her things?” She offered.
“No, this is something I have to do on my own.” I sighed and got up, pouring us both a cup with hot water and took the box of tea along with me.

“So, how is my boy doing?” She asked and chose a flavour of tea from the box. I shrugged a little.
“I’m fine, I guess.” I smiled a little as I thought about the date I had earlier. “It’s not all sorrow in my life.” I explained and she nodded.
“Well, that’s good.” She tried to sip the hot tea. “How is your hearing lately?” She then asked and I grabbed the report for her that I got from the doctor some time ago.
“Since it’s chronic, I’ll be deaf at some point, but at the moment it’s ok. I hear enough to not need hearing aids, but they did recommend learning to lip read and brush up on my sign language...”
“How long until you’re completely deaf?” She looked at me a bit more worried and I shrugged.
“It could be in a year, it could be in a few years. It depends on how fast it degrades.” I sighed and picked a flavour for my tea and sipped it after a while.
“I see.” My mother spoke softly and bit her lip. I moved to gently hug her.
“Don’t blame yourself, okay? We knew this from the beginning, and I have made peace with it already.” I said and smiled gently at her. “I don’t blame you for anything...” I spoke softly and she nodded.

It ran in mother’s side of the family, people with hearing problems. We all got raised with sign language and to lip read at least a bit, because you could be next.

My mother quickly finished her tea even though it was pretty hot and sighed. “I’ll be on my way again. If you need anything just let me know, okay?” She gently squeezed my arm and I nodded.
“I’ll let you know...” I showed my mom out. She hugged me one last time and went on her way. I sighed a little. She always found this subject quite hard even though I have already accepted my fate...

I went back to packing once again. It went pretty fast, and I sipped my tea from time to time. Out of nowhere, I got a text message from Kaya saying he was really bored and that he would rather still be with me instead. It made me smile. I texted back that next time we would get our revenge and be together all day.

I enjoyed myself like this. Luckily, Naomi didn’t have a bunch of stuff as she mostly used mine, so packing it went fast. I put it in a room I stored other junk so she could pick it up whenever she felt like it.


After a few months, it was almost done now. I had filed for the divorce some time ago and we had both signed the paperwork. She had accepted it more easily than I would have expected, but that wasn’t at all a bad thing.

During this time, Kaya and I also went on more dates. I took him to Kyoto and also took him to the beach one time where we enjoyed ourselves. I also went home with him after one of his shift at the cafe. Today, he was here in my apartment. I handed him a glass of soda since it was one of those hot days where you just didn’t want to have anything warm to drink. He looked around my apartment curiously and chuckled.

“You surely like modern, don’t you?” He concluded and I nodded.
“Ah, I guess, yeah~ I like neat and clean.” I affirmed and he giggled a little.
“So different from me.” He chuckled softly and I nodded.
“Yes, very different, but I don’t mind either, I just prefer this.” Kaya looked at me as I said that and nodded slowly.
“So, what did you want to show me?” He asked softly. I smiled a little and went to sit down with him, pulling the man into my lap.
“Well, it’s not really a happy subject. But if you want to continue dating me, you at least need to know this.” I clarified and showed the man an x-ray of the inside of my ear.
“What’s this?” He asked and I pointed at a bone.
“This is my ear." I began. "It’s the same on both sides, but this little bone is growing stuck to the rest very slowly, meaning, in a few years, I will be completely deaf.” I explained. The man slowly turned to look at me after a while as he let the information sink in.
“How long have you known?” He asked carefully.
“Since I was a kid... This has been going on for a long time already.” I told him and Kaya bit his lip.
“I’m so sorry...” He apologized softly and I shook my head.
“Don’t worry about it, it's not your fault after all. And I’m ok with it now. I’ve known it all my life that I won’t be able to hear anymore at some point.” I gently smiled at him, and he nodded.
“I guess it’s easier to accept then, yes...” He leaned in and kissed my lips softly. “But this won’t scare me away, Juka... I can live with that.” He whispered softly and moved to hug me tightly. I put the x-ray aside and held the man closer.
“Thank you...” I whispered back and Kaya smiled gently.
“Uhm... How do I communicate with you if you’re deaf?” He asked and I chuckled.
“If you don’t talk too fast, I can read lips... But you will have to learn sign language if you want to properly communicate.” I explained and told him the same thing in sign language. He laughed a little.
“Ok, that is a little Abra Cadabra to me... But I guess I can do that...” He spoke confidently and I smiled.
“While I can still hear, I’ll teach you.” I offered and Kaya nodded.
“I’d like that.” He smiled brightly and sipped his soda before going back to hugging me.

Kaya sighed and just rested here in my lap. I smiled and moved to lie on the couch, pulling him on top of me. He cuddled with me slowly and moved to kiss my lips softly.
“Hey, Juka...” He started and I smiled gently.
“Yes?” I asked and he bit his lip.
“Will you make love to me?” He asked all of a sudden while he blushed deeply. I nodded and held him tightly.
“I’d love to...” I whispered and kissed him softly. The man slid his hands under my shirt and pushed it up slowly. I felt him tease my nipples a little which made my body react in a way I thought wasn’t possible. I never did it with a man before but, surely, this wasn’t a bad experience so far.

Before I knew it, he got us both naked. He was lying on top of me, between my legs and rubbed our members together slowly. He moaned softly and kissed over my neck gently.
“Hmm... Juka... Maybe we should do this on a bed instead~ Where we have more space and will be more comfortable.” He mewled and kissed my lips. I chuckled and agreed to it. He got up and moved in a sexy manner, swaying his lips a little as he walked over to my bedroom. I purred and got up, moving over to the man and wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing up against his back. I kissed his neck and purred deeply as I guided him to my bed and pushed him down on it. He rubbed his ass over my member and giggled a little.
“My, my... look at how hard you’ve become~” He moaned softly, and I bit my lip as I felt him tease me like that.
“Ngh~ Kaya~” I groaned as he slowly turned around under me. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. He was so beautiful like this. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled the man on top of me slowly. He giggled and put his hands on either side of my head.
“So, Juka, have you done something like this before?” He asked. I slowly shook my head and smiled.
“No, this is my first time doing it with another man.” I said honestly and he smiled.
“Well, it’s a good thing then that you get turned on just fine~” He giggled and started to stroke our members together again slowly. I groaned low and licked my lips.
“How could I not get turned on by someone as sexy as yourself?” I purred and rubbed my hands over his sides and hips. He leaned down and started to suck on my nipple. No one had ever done that before, and it felt surprisingly good when he did that. I slid my hands in his raven hair and gently tugged it as I arched under him.
“Ah... that feels good...” I moaned softly and slowly slid my hands over his back and down to his ass. He slowly arched into my touches and gently bit my other nipple teasingly. I gasped and let my head fall back as he did that. Kaya slowly looked up at me mischievously, a wide grin plastered on his face. I bit my lip as I watched him. What was he up to now? It made me shiver in anticipation.

Before I knew it, Kaya had crawled down my body and started stroking my member slowly with his hand while he leaned down and started to lick over the head of my cock. It was by now leaking with pre-cum and I could feel it twitch as the man licked over the head ever so slowly. I moaned and started panting as this was starting to get me really excited. The man knew it did and, because of that, he started to tease me even more. He rubbed the tip of his tongue over the small hole in the tip, making my hips buck up into his mouth. He giggled and then rubbed his tongue over the small bundle of veins on the underside of my rock-hard arousal. I was squirming under him by now. His tongue was driving me utterly crazy and it showed. My cock was leaking profusely, and the tip was all wet with pre-cum. The man blew hot air over my dick before suddenly taking it into his mouth and started to suck on my member hard. This man was so good at giving a blowjob, it was insane. I was a moaning pile of lust under the man. I grabbed his hair and guided him up and down as he sucked me so deliciously. Before I knew it, it drove me over the edge, cumming hard and violently. I unloaded my cum into his mouth, making him moan as I did so. It started to leak from the sides of his mouth as he pulled back slowly. He smiled happily and swallowed my cum.
"You really came a lot huh~" He giggled as he teased me and I looked at him, panting harshly.
"You really know how to make a man feel good..." I panted and he laughed softly.
"Well, it's not surprising. Most of all because I am a man as well." He chuckled and crawled up, sitting on my stomach. He slowly started to sway his hips a little and play with his own manhood. He was such an erotic creature... normally, he was kind of shy and a little flirty but now, he was more of a sex god.
"Will you play with me?" He purred the question and bit his lip cutely.
"You don’t have to ask me twice..." I purred and moved to roll us over. I kissed down his neck and bit it gently while I started stroking the man carefully. He moaned softly and spread his legs. He wrapped them around my waist gently and pulled me in closer.
"Juka, do you want to be inside me?" He asked and looked into my eyes deeply. I nodded slowly as my answer and the man started smiling cutely.
"You have something we can use as lube?" He then asked and I started to think a little.
"I have body oil..." I reasoned and the man nodded. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the body oil, returning with it and went to sit between the man’s legs. He spread them some more and lifted his legs to offer me his ass.
"Put the oil on there and rub it gently." He mewled. I nodded and carefully applied some oil. The man started to squirm as I did that. I then started to rub my fingers over the small, puckered hole, the man moaning softly in reaction.
"Ah~ keep doing that..." He moaned and I nodded. I slowly kept rubbing my fingers over his entrance and bit my lip as the man looked so hot when he squirmed under me like that. I then experimentally slipped a finger inside of him, making the man moan even louder when I wriggled it gently inside of his amazingly hot body. I couldn't believe that inside of this place, it felt so good for him. He moaned my name and looked at me with eyes wet of pleasure.
"More..." He breathed hotly. I nodded and slowly started to thrust the finger inside of the man. What commenced was a symphony of hot moans the more I thrusted my finger and the more fingers I added. Eventually, I was thrusting three inside of him, making him beg me for even more.
"Please, Juka... put your cock inside of me." He moaned and reached out to me. I nodded and pulled my fingers back. I put some of the oil on my member and stroked it to make sure it was all slick. I moaned softly at the sight the man made under me. His entrance was clenching erotically, obviously missing something inside of it and begging me to fill it up again. I would give it exactly what it wanted, right now. I positioned myself in front of the man's entrance and slowly pushed inside of his incredibly hot body.
"Oh my god~ this is amazing!" I moaned while Kaya cried out for me as I slid deeper and deeper inside of his begging body.
"Jukaaaaa~ so big..." He panted and clutched the bed sheets. "Please... fuck me..." He begged hotly and looked at me with a lusty gaze. I wasn't about to say no to such a request. I grinned a little and nodded.
"Here I go." I purred and started to set a pace of slow thrusts. The man under me wrapped his legs around me and drew me in deeper and deeper as I kept thrusting. We were both moaning piles of lust as we had sex like this.

What I didn't notice was that Naomi had let herself into my apartment using a spare key, in order to pick up the last of her stuff and was now standing in the bedroom.
"Juka, you bastard! So, you were gay after all..." She screamed and then slammed the door of the bedroom shut. Kaya looked at me amazingly embarrassed and I just chuckled.
"Meet my ex-wife, and forget about her immediately." I chuckled softly as I kept thrusting into him and kissed him deeply. I kept in order to make him forget about what had just happened. I succeeded because not much later we were both so far gone and absorbed in our pleasure, we came together at the same time. We held onto each other tightly and never once let go...

Ever since that day, we grew a lot closer and decided to live together the moment my divorce was finalized. My hearing unfortunately degraded faster than we ever expected, but he never once left my side. We were happier than ever. My mother surprisingly agreed to this relationship without any hesitation, though I think the fact that Kaya had learned enough sign language to hold decent conversation with me made the real lasting impression on her. If we could get married, she would have given us her blessing, but I no longer cared about being married. I only wanted to spend time with Kaya in any capacity. At least, I no longer had a skeleton in my closet.