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Harsh Silence


Bakugo doesn't seem able to separate the place where you are his Little, and the place where he is your teammate. This can have tragic consequences.

Chapter Text

“Get away from her!” Dynamight roared, kicking the creep that was coming towards you. You had your mask up, and gave him a confused look. This wasn't part of the plan. The four of you had come up with it before going on this little mission. Dynamight was supposed to take them down, you were tying them up. Chargebolt was supporting you in that, while Dynamight and Izuku were taking down the group of villains.

“Dynamight, come on!” Izuku said over his shoulder. “They got it, come help me!” there were three heading towards Deku. The air around him was crackling. You quickly tied up the villain that Dynamight had kicked down.

“You can handle it, dipshit!” Dynamight spat back.

“Dude, look, Deku--,” Chargebolt began. The largest of the villains, with sickly colored skin and yellowed teeth, leered. He opened his hands, and you knew in an instant that he could crush Deku with them. They were growing, and you could see the strength there.

You didn't think about it, you simply screamed, your voice crippling the villain. He groaned and clapped his big hands over his ears. You kept up the scream, drawing on your voice therapy to keep up with breath support.

The villain was down on his knees, crumbling, but it left you open and vulnerable. You couldn't get focus your scream on three of them, not without damaging everyone, and that wasn't the goal. There were three more heroes here, you thought, they could take down the other two.

You felt the jolt to your body then, crying out. You saw the cut in your uniform, saw the spear that one of them had manifested. Your scream was cut off as the red trailed down your body. Of course one of them could manifest weapons. And you hadn't realized to duck.

As you had stopped screaming, the big guy was getting up, dizzy and disoriented. He stumbled a few steps, crashing down on top of you, pinning your legs down. You squirmed, wriggling to get away, feeling the hot stickiness of your blood and the pain in your legs. His hand smashed down on you, and things went dark.


“You're okay.” Recovery Girl hummed. “Don't jostle, dear, you'll make it worse.” you groaned and turned to look at her. Your whole body ached. She had kissed your legs, repairing the bones there, although she could not cure the burning pain of bones reknitting.

“Daddy,” you mumbled out. She seemed to be expecting this and just patted your hand.

“He's coming,”

“Hurts,” you squirmed a little bit.

“I know, I know.” she tried to calm you. It was silly, she knew that. You had slipped into head space, as anyone would have. You needed your caregivers to help settle you down, and you wouldn't be able to do so without them. All she could do now was keep you from getting overly worked up.

“Hey, baby sister.” Denki was coming over. He had both arms wrapped and looked exhausted. He had gotten better at not shocking himself stupid, but it took a lot out of him. He sat on your bed, taking your hand and stroking it.
“Daddy and Kacchan will be right here.”

“What happened?” you demanded.

“Ah, well...” he trailed off. “The big guy fell on you and you went unconcious, and Bakugo and Midoriya had to get him off you and we fought off the others and got them tied up.” there was something there that he wasn't saying, but you knew you weren't going to get it out of him. He just kept stroking your hand, brushing tears from your face.
“Does it hurt?”

“Want Daddy,” you shook your head. Just then, the door flew open. Denki climbed off the bed, happy to run over to his Mama, who cuddled him into her body, whispering to him as she steered him out.

“Are you okay? Of course you're not okay. What hurts the most?” Daddy was babbling. “Oh, sweetness, it all just happened so fast.”

“I've fixed her leg, mostly. She'll have to heal the rest on her own. She's very tired, as you well know.” Recovery Girl was giving them both a long look. “So I suggest you get her to bed to rest.”

“Of course,” another voice. You looked over at Aizawa. “They're going to put her right to bed, and then we're going to have a long discussion.”

“They have to go to bed with me.” you insisted. Aizawa just pushed your hair back from your face, kissed your forehead.

“Not this time, trouble. But you can go with Yamada, if you'd like.”

You were too worn out to fight. You hadn't even noticed your mentor coming into the room, for all that he was such a big favorite of yours. You smiled sleepily and held out your arms to him. He picked you up so carefully, mindful of your leg.

“Come on, song bird. Let's go and get you laid down. You need a drink and some sleep, don't you?”

“Wait just a fucking minute, where are you going with my kid?” Katsuki cut in. Aizawa seemed to block him and Izuku in the room as Yamada carried you so carefully. You had thought that you'd be taken back to the dorms. Instead, you were taken to the apartment he shared with Aizawa.

He laid you out on the couch, propping you legs up on a few pillows. He appeared with a sippy cup. Why did he have that, you wondered. It was new, anyway. He filled it with some nice cold water, which felt like heaven on your dried out throat.

He draped a blanket over you, put some pillows behind your head. You sighed, comfortable for the first time in hours. You were so tired, you knew that. But you wanted to wait for Daddy and Kacchan. You'd sleep better snuggled between the two of them.

“You can close your eyes.” Yamada encouraged. “You did so well today. I'm so proud of you. You showed impressive focus with your quirk, and you had some quick thinking.” he praised. He was rubbing your forehead with his thumb, and your eyes were drooping down.
“There it is. Just close your eyes, baby girl. You're okay. You're safe, and you're tired. You can sleep here. You'll feel so much better when you wake up, huh?”

Between him crooning niceties to you and your exhaust, you were falling asleep. One of your hands reached out to him, tangling in his shirt. You wanted to make sure that someone would stay close to you. He seemed to be comfortable enough on the floor.

“I'm staying here with you.” he assured, untangling your hand and kissing the knuckles. “Just sleep, honey bee.” you were asleep then. True to his word, he stayed next to you, holding onto your hand and scrolling through his phone with the other.

The door opened quietly, Aizawa peeking in. He spotted you asleep and stepped in closing the door as quietly as possible behind him. He changed out of his shoes into slippers before tip toeing to his husband.

“You don't have to be so careful.” Yamada yawned. “She lost too much blood to wake up. We'll have to talk to Recovery Girl about putting her on an iron supplement. She probably needs a work up anyway with the specialist since she's been out in the field and I know things can change...”

“Hush,” Shouta put his hand on Hizashi's head, smiling when he cut off his string of babble.

“How'd that talk with Midoriya and Bakugo go?”

“As well as you'd expect. They're not pleased to be separated for her from the night, but they really do need time to think things over. It's dangerous to anyone involved if they can't separate their feelings for her as their Little and girlfriend and as their teammate.”

“But we want them all to care about their teammates, don't we?” Hizashi was finally undoing his hand from yours. His husband helped him up off the floor. He adjusted the blanket on you, watching your face. Your eyes moved under your eyelids, you were clearly in REM. You'd be fine just for a little bit, at least.

“We do, but not to the detriment of them.” Shouta sighed. “They're not the first ones to have this problem. Remember when Tamaki had to be removed for awhile? Until Mirio could get it together?”

“Yeah, I remember.” Hizashi went to make some tea, taking your sippy cup with him to rinse out. “His Little space was more biological than trauma induced, though.”

“She always would have been a Little.” Shouta shook his head. “She just might have been an older Little if it wasn't for the trauma.”

“I just worry that we're going to retraumatize her.” he admitted.

“If it hurts her for a little while to keep everyone safer overall, then I'm willing to do that. I think she'd agree with me in her big headspace. She did consider breaking the contract with them at one point. She was afraid they couldn't be the heroes they were capable of with her around.” Shouta gathered the cups for tea, poured it when it was ready.

You remained in the same position on the couch, unmoving. They'd have to wake you soon to take you to an actual bed, get you fed and out of those infirmary clothes into something more comfortable. Shouta would have been lying if he didn't say that he was hoping you'd wake in a big headspace to have things explained rationally to you.

“I just... don't like putting her in a painful place.” Hizashi sighed.

“I know. It's always that way with personal favorites. All Might feels the same way about Midoriya.” he kissed his husband on the cheek and finished his tea. “I'm going to wake her up so we can move her.”

But once he approached you on the couch, looking so small and frail there on the couch, he didn't have the heart to do it. He scooped you up bridal style, carrying you to the bedroom he shared with his husband. A small bed had been pulled up right against the side Hizashi slept on. He eased you down onto it, pulling up the covers again.

You only gave a little sigh, making yourself comfortable again. You were a precious sight. He turned on the humidifier and air purifier that Hizashi himself needed. At least they could keep you comfortable that way. Maybe it was easier if you slept through the night, he thought. That way they could start explaining things when you were fresh in the morning.

“Heading to bed already?” Shouta was surprised to see his husband dressing in pajamas.

“I don't want her to wake up alone and scared.” he said sheepishly. “And it was a long day, and I'm tired, too.”

“We can just go to bed early then.” he offered. He had a feeling that you might stir in the night, confused or in pain or both. And he did want some rest for that. The two of them rushed through their evening routine, eager to get into bed.

Hizashi usually laid on Shouta's chest to sleep. Tonight, he curled on his side, his arm reaching out towards you. He played with your hair, watching the rise and fall of your chest. Shouta watched him for a moment before he burrowed into the pillows.

“You ever think we should have one?”

“A child or a Little?” he asked thoughtfully.

“Yes. Both. One or the other. I don't know.”

“I've thought about it. And then I remember that we have classrooms full of kids that need us in all kinds of ways.” he rolled over and wrapped his arm around his husband's waist. Hizashi relaxed into the hold. They fit together so well, always had. Hopefully always would.

“You're right.” Hizashi murmured. “You always are.” he squeezed his arm.

“Go to sleep, 'Zashi. Tomorrow is going to be just as exciting as today.”