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The Wind Hero: Wanderer

Chapter 43


World Heroes Mission START!


This was a long one, I hope you al enjoy it... I'm gonna take a small break before going onto the next chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In a military aircraft that was flying over Othyon, over the suspected base of Humarise:

"The group claiming responsibility for the terrorist attack the other day is Humaris." Wanderer listened as the director of the World Heroes Association spoke. "It's an ideological group founded by Flect Turn, who advocates for Humanity's salvation."

Wanderer snorted as everyone else in the aircraft listened. An organization that is against quirks… They have an organization for everything, don’t they?

"The device that has been used conjectured to strengthen the quirk factor triggering substance, Ideotrigger. The device will be hereafter called the Trigger Bomb." The Director explained.

"The mission of our all-star hero teams is to search all 25 Humarise Branches around the world, at once. After restraining their members, collect the trigger bombs held at that location as soon as possible." Wanderer looked at the Otheon heroes who were joining him and his team.

"We expect the members at their facilities to resist. There is also the danger that they will use the Trigger Bomb." The director continued to speak. "So we must refrain from asking for help from local law enforcement. I would like you to carry out this mission promptly and with care." 

All Might spoke through the coms next. "Heroes, the success or failure of this mission rests on your shoulders. Let's get back the smiles of those who are forced to live in fear of terrorism!"

Ever the motivator...

“Get ready,” Wanderer ordered as he walked to the cargo doors of the aircraft, his sidekicks, interns, and other heroes standing and waiting, his normal costume was replaced with an all black version of his original costume with the W.H.A logo plated on his shoulder.

He wasn’t the only one with a costume change, all the interns had black versions of their costumes with the W.H.A. logo plated on their shoulders.

Carmine hummed happily as she twirled her knives in her hands.

Creati adjusted the parachute she had on her back.

Deku took a deep breath, preparing himself for the mission ahead.

Bakugo adjusted his new compressed gauntlets, clicking with each movement.

Shoto clenched his fist *in anticipation(?).

They all flipped their respective hoods up, some pulling up a mask, covering their mouths.

Lady Nagant hummed as she checked her boots. 

Burnin was grinning, ready to go.

The cargo doors opened and Carmine was the first to step forward.

“... Where’s your parachute?” Wanderer asked her when he noticed her lack of a parachute.

Carmine turned to face him, pulled her eyelid down, and blew a raspberry before turning on her earphones.

Start playing Devil Trigger - Casey Edwards - 00:50

“Don’t need one; I know one of you will catch me.” Carmine teased and then took a step back.

“Carmine, I really think you need a -” Deku started reaching out but Carmine leaned back, free-falling off the aircraft.

“... That idiotic girl.” Fujin sighed before he turned to the other heroes. “Remember the mission, let’s move out!” He shouted.

Carmine free fell without a care in the world, the feeling was amazing! Was this how Uncle Fujin felt when he flew? Probably not since he could fly.

She saw the other heroes free-falling and smirked as she saw Shoto racing towards her. Shoto grabbed her and used his flames to slow their landing. “My hero~” Carmine teased, to which Shoto rolled his eyes.

When they reached the ground. Carmine jumped out of Shoto’s arms and ran with the other heroes into the large manor that Humarise was occupying.

Carmine ran fast, making it to the front as the grunts with guns started shooting, she started dodging the gunfire with relative ease. *That hell-scape Uncle Fujin called an obstacle course was actually coming in handy”

“Be careful! Most of their members are quirkless!” Shoto called out.

“Don’t tell me what to do!” Bakugo shouted as he blasted forward and started to take down the lackeys.

Carmine took out her tasers from the holsters on her hips and she started zapping! She took down the grunts as she passed, electrocuting them with a grin.

This was fun!

Carmine flipped over some goons and stabbed them with her tasers, shocking them to submission.

Uncle Fujin’s training was paying off!

She twisted her body and flipped, dodging more gunfire and rushed to attack.

She blitzed through the soldiers and tasered them. “Sorry Boys, I have places to be!” Carmine smirked as she ran past them and caught up with Deku.

“Clair! Search for the trigger bombs!” Wanderer ordered Clair Voyance, one of the Otheon heroes who joined him.

“On it!” Clair responded and used her quirk to search for the bomb.

Wanderer raced through the halls of the mansion, dispatching the thugs with ease, his eyes narrowing as he went deeper into the manor.

“Flect Turn isn’t here!” The puppet heard over the coms.

Damn it… This was a decoy.

Wanderer landed. He had suspected as much… But this was just troublesome…

Fujin was in the hotel that the W.H.A. had paid for the next day, he was on the computer, video calling. “The mansion was a bust… Things won’t be wrapped up as quickly as they should.” Fujin spoke softly.

On the screen was Fuyumi, all the way back in Japan. “I’m sorry to hear that… But do you have a lead at least?” Fuyumi asked him, worry etched on her face.

“Not right now, we’re on standby. Shoto and his friends are currently out getting some groceries.” Fujin rubbed his face. “I have had a feeling that Humarise would use those locations as Decoys to lead us on a wild goose chase… But I feel like there’s something more we’re missing...”

Fuyumi hummed. “... Did you do something like this back when you were part of the Fatui?”

Fujin nodded. “Yeah, to throw people off… Or bait them.” Fujin narrowed his eyes.

“You think they’re trying to trap the heroes?” Fuyumi asked, surprised.

“It’s too early to tell, we need to wait till they make the next move.” Fujin crossed his arms.

“Okay… Please watch over Shoto.” Fuyumi pleaded.

“I will, how’s Eri?” Fujin asked her.

“She’s fine, with my mom, they’re learning to make some food to surprise you with.” Fuyumi couldn’t help but smile.

Fujin snorted. “I’ll be sure to be prepared… And your father?” He asked.

Fuyumi hummed and she typed something on the computer. “He’s been patrolling non-stop, other heroes have been stepping up when you left, it’s surprising.”

“I would be disappointed if they didn’t make the effort to keep up.” Fujin snorted. “I have to go, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, I love you.” Fuyumi smiled.

“I love you too.” Fujin ended the call and got up, walking out of his room to the lounge.

He saw Nagant all by herself in a corner, which was kinda expected…

Burnin was interacting with some of the international heroes.

He didn’t see the interns…

“Must still be out,” Fujin muttered. He looked down at his hero costume, it was a costume specifically tailored for this operation.

His interns were also wearing W.H.A. variations of their costumes, he made sure they had those instead of their regular costumes, the W.H.A. variations had more armor.

“What’s taking them so long?” Fujin muttered.

Deku was so thankful for the obstacle course training.

The hero in training chased the thief who was climbing up the fire escape with the case of stolen goods.

Rewind a bit, the interns were tasked to get groceries, much to Bakugo’s displeasure.

Then, a robbery happened right in front of them!

The group split up, Himiko and Momo went back to the hotel while Deku, Shoto, and Bakugo chased after the robbers.

Deku chased after a lone thief who had gotten the case. The thief was skilled and knew the environment, but Deku’s reaction and agility was able to match him.

As Deku was chasing the thief, an explosion averted his attention. “What?” Deku whispered.

“Deku!” Deku jerked his head to the side to see Shoto, “I’ll take care of that, keep going after the thief!” Shoto told him.

“Understood!” They split up and Deku kept up the chase. 

He saw the thief run into the subway and dashed in after him just in time to see the thief enter the train.

“Oh no you don’t!” Deku chased after the train as it left, using blackwhip to pull himself towards the end of the train. “STOP THIS TRAIN!” He shouted at the conductor as the thief and a small familiar, the thief’s quirk screamed in shock.

As Deku escorted the Thief out of the train, the thief leaned against the wall. “Why did you come after me?” The thief asked.

“Why did you run?” Deku asked in return.

“I was in a hurry because of work.” The thief looked away.

“What kind of work?” Deku asked with a raised eyebrow, 

“Business discussions.” The thief gave a smirk. “Despite my looks, I’m a salesperson.” He pulled on his jacket. “So please don't get in the way of my work.” The thief started to walk away.

Deku narrowed his eyes. “If you’re innocent, show me the contents of the case.”

The thief stopped and looked over his shoulder. “If you want something, you have to pay for it.” He shrugged.

“I just want to see the contents, if you’re a salesperson, you shouldn’t have an issue with it.” Deku walked towards him, channeling Wanderer’s glare.

“You’re not a hero from this country aren’t you?” The thief smirked. “Is it okay for you to do hero work in a foreign country?” He asked.

Deku paused.

… Wanderer wouldn’t care and would probably chew out any law enforcement who tried to give Deku or anyone in his position a hard time.

“No, but my supervisor isn’t one to care.” Deku immediately took the case out of the thief’s hand with black whip, shocking the thief.

Deku opened the case and blinked. 

“No stolen jewelry…” Deku spoke softly, 

“HUH!?” The thief rushed forward and looked at the case, his quirk familiar looking just as panicked. “But… HOW?!

Deku immediately frowned. “... So you were the one who took the jewelry,” Deku said and the thief froze.

“N-no?” The thief smiled nervously as Deku’s stare turned into a glare, black whip leaking out of his hands.

“You let Deku go alone?” Fujin asked the other interns as they returned to the hotel.

“We couldn’t find him,” Momo muttered while looking down. “And he’s not answering his phone.”

Shoto’s phone started to ring, he picked up. “Hello… Midoriya, where are you?”

“Speak of the devil.” Himiko smiled a bit.

Fujin then heard a few gasps, he turned and his eyes widened when he saw the TV screen.

A reporter was explaining how Deku murdered 12 people.

“What? They just started shooting at you?” Shoto asked, Wanderer immediately took the phone and started talking.

“Deku, you’ve been framed for murder.” Wanderer told him.

“WHAT?!” Deku screeched on the other end.

“Quiet and listen to me carefully. You have to go on the run while we get this resolved, go to the neighboring country, Klayd. Once we finish talking, disconnect your phone, take out the battery, and find a disguise.” Wanderer listed out. “Examine your actions, find out why you were framed, do you understand?” 

“I- Yes Sir! Wait! We were also targeted by an unknown person!” Deku spoke up. “They shot arrows, so it’s someone who uses a bow!”

“Is that so… I’ll look into it, get going.” Deku then hung up.

Wanderer growled as he tossed the phone back to Shoto. “I have a mission for you 4.” He told the interns.

“Going after Deku right?” Bakugo asked with narrowed eyes.

“Correct, you’re interns, not many will notice if you leave, head to the border in Klayd and wait for Deku there and help him.” Wanderer turned away. “I’ll do my own investigations and update you on what I find, and keep a line of communication open.”

“We won’t let you down.” Himiko nodded and they left to pack some of their stuff.

“You work fast.” Nagant walked up to him, a hand on her hip.

“I have a feeling Deku came into contact with something related to Humarise,” Wanderer informed her. “And the police are involved.”

Nagant scowled. “Dirty cops… What are you gonna do?”

Wanderer walked to the elevator, he pressed the button. “I’m gonna go to the police station and make that pig squeal.” He responded with a scowl.

Nagant smirked. “Good luck boss.” She nodded her head.

Wanderer wasn't like the HPSC, he made sure that justice was truly served.

Izuku put his W.H.A. hero uniform into a bag and made sure his disguise was in place.

On the run from the law… He examined the situation and he was almost certain that the Otheon police had a rat in a high position to allow this to happen, Wanderer would have come to the same conclusion.

Izuku pressed the thief until he revealed his name, Rody Soul.

Rody went to make an important call, Izuku imagined that it must’ve been family… He knew he would do the same.

Rody came back. “Okay, there’s a bus leaving town in a bit, we have to get going.” 

“Right.” Izuku nodded as the two boys rushed down the alley.

After getting on top of the bus and Izuku using Air Force to pay for the fee, the two were on their way.

Izuku sighed as he sat on the roof, the suitcase was important, but there was nothing in it… Why go after it?

The bus rumbled a bit, making Izuku and Rody clench the roof.

“Hang on.” Izuku told Rody.

“Not my first time doing this!” Rody responded while gritting his teeth.

Just who was Rody?

“You expect me to believe that you have evidence against Deku, who isn’t even a pro?” Wanderer growled as he glared at the Otheon police commissioner who sat behind his desk with a passive look on his face.

“We cannot disclose the case of Izuku Midoriya, which is still pending, especially not to a fellow Japanese hero.” The Commissioner said in a passive-aggressive tone.

Wanderer burst forward and slammed his hands on the desk, making some items fall over, the guards behind him, tensed. “You better pray I don’t find anything.” Wanderer scowled as the Commissioner kept his passive stare.

“I would appreciate it if you left.” The Commissioner narrowed his eyes.

Wanderer glared and stood up, he reached out and put some of the items on the desk back in place, as well as straightening the laptop on the desk. “Very well.” Wanderer turned and walked out,

As he was escorted out, his earpiece came to life. “Wow, this guy is dirty, dirty, dirty.” Oracle (Manami Aiba) tsked.

Once the guards left him alone, he answered. “What did you find?” 

“The commissioner has been in contact with Flec Turn, he’s actually talking to him right now, the wonders of technology, I can’t triangulate Flect’s location though,” Oracle responded.

“They’re not that stupid.” Wanderer scowled. “Send anything incriminating to me, I’ll send it to the W.H.A. and get that commissioner fired and clear Deku’s name.” 

“On it boss.” Oracle chirped.

His earpiece beeped. 

“Have another call.” Wanderer pressed his earpiece. “Hello?”

“Wanderer, it’s Clair.” Clair Voyance spoke through the earpiece.

“What do you have?” Wanderer flew into the sky and raced back to the hotel.

“The incident that Shoto resolved, apparently the driver who crashed is part of Humarise,” Clair explained.

Wanderer narrowed his eyes. “Is that so…” 

“The vehicle he was driving was attacked by what we can assume was a sniper. According to Lady Nagant, the holes in the car were from arrows.” Clair continued to explain.

The wind hero recalled what Deku told him, arrows.

“Thank you for the information, I’ll be back soon.” Wanderer hung up, took out his phone, and sent the information as well as some instructions to Himiko.

Wanderer made another call, he waited until he heard the line connect. “H.Q. This is Wanderer, I have reason to believe that the Otheon police Commissioner is with Humarise.”

In the room of a train heading to Klayd, Himiko read the message her uncle sent her. “Okay… Now that’s interesting.”

“What is it?” Momo asked, looking up from her book, Bakugo and Todoroki were leaning against the wall.

“Uncle Wan just told me that Izu’s in possession of a case that’s related to Humarise and the Commissioner of the Otheon police is connected to them.” Himiko looked up from her phone.

“Fucking knew it.” Bakugo scowled.

“Did Wanderer say what to do next?” Shoto asked Himiko.

“Yeah, maintain our heading, meet up with Izu and secure the case,” Himiko then frowned. “And prepare for anyone who’s hunting for the case.”

“Deku better get there soon.” Bakugo looked out the window to the passing countryside.

“He’ll be there.” Momo assured him. “We know that Midoriya is smart and resourceful.”

Himiko sighed. “Yeah… But he tends to have bad luck with this stuff.”

“No shit.” Bakugo snorted.

Izuku woke up from his slumber to Rody’s quirk, chirping at him and looking distressed.

He rubbed his eyes as he sat up. “What’s going-” His eyes shot open as he didn’t feel the case in his hands.


Izuku got up and looked at the quirk, still chirping. ”Where is he?” Izuku asked, the quirk chirped louder and rushed out of the barn. 

Taking his bag and giving chase, Izuku wondered why Rody was doing this, he needed more information.

But he’ll ask once he finds Rody again.

The quirk led him to a helicopter and Rody who was on his back with a hulking figure looming over him.

Deku rushed forward and used black whip to restrain the villain. “Get away from him!” Deku pulled hard, pulling the villain towards him and delivering an OFA-powered right hook, sending the villain flying, crashing into the helicopter.

Deku let go and noticed an arrow heading for Rody, Deku grabbed Rody with Black Whip and pulled him back, away from the arrow.

Catching Rody, Deku felt danger sense spike, whipping his head around, he saw a woman wearing a cloak and hood, her hand, transformed into a bow, taking an arrow from her quiver to shoot it.

“We have to go!” Deku shouted. ‘Smokescreen!’ Smoke exploded out of his body, obscuring the archer’s sight, Deku grabbed Rody and rushed in the opposite direction.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Rody apologized over and over.

“It’s alright! Calm down!” Deku told Rody as he ran through the forest and cut off smokescreen.

They stopped at a cave to catch their breath.

“I’m sorry.” Rody looked shaken as Izuku started a campfire. “I just… I just need to go home.” The boy curled up.

“Why?” Izuku asked after putting more sticks into the fire. “I don’t really have a right to know but, It’ll help me understand.” Izuku looks at Rody.

Rody looked down. “... I have a little brother and sister.” Rody explained. “They’re just kids… 6 and 7.” 

Izuku frowned. That’s why… “And… Your parents?”

Rody sighed. “Mom died when I was younger and my siblings were just born and my dad… My dad just left us… For Humarise.” 

Izuku’s eyes widened at that.

“Yup, things weren’t so good after that, we lost our house and now live in a trailer park… I take care of my siblings…”

“Who’s watching them now?” Izuku asked.

“A friend…” Rody muttered and then sighed. “Okay, I spilled my guts… What about you?” Rody looks at Izuku. “Why did you save me? I almost gave the case away.”

Izuku let out a small laugh. “I couldn’t let you die… You were thinking about your family.”

“You could have left me with them and run off with the case.” Rody retorted. 

“That wouldn’t have been right.” Izuku shook his head. “I know that family comes first and you were only doing what you were doing because you were thinking of them… Even that jewelry robbery, that was for your siblings?” Izuku inquired.

Rody nodded. “Some money to support us… I want to watch my siblings grow up with good lives.” 

Izuku looked at the campfire. “It’s a good goal.” 

“... You’re not like any of the heroes I met,” Rody commented. “Though, there aren’t any close to where I live.” 

“I guess I’m just different, my dream is to be a hero who saves people with a smile.” Izuku thought back to All Might. “Like All Might does.” 

Rody couldn’t help but snort at that. “It’s kinda creepy if you smile all the time.”

“It’s comforting!”

The two boys continued to talk throughout the night until the exhaustion set in.

“Hmmm, I think that can be done.” Wanderer heard through the receiver. “But why do you need it?” Asked the Director of the W.H.A.

“I have some… Personal issues that need to be sorted.” Wanderer explained. “It’s important.”

“... Considering what you told me… I’ll have to think about it.”

“That’s all I ask.” Wanderer sighed and then hung up.

Wanderer sat on the bed of his hotel room and unhooked the vision from its resting place on his chest.

He looked at the anemo side, then the electro side.

Fujin stared at the vision, thoughts swirling around his head.

A knock at the door brought him out of his thoughts. “Come in.”

Burnin and Nagant came in. “Boss, any word on the interns?” Burnin asked him.

“They’re on a train to the Klayd border but nothing else besides that, I gave them information on what Deku could be carrying and what to do when they meet up with him,” Wanderer told her.

“And the dirty cops?” Nagant crossed her arms. “Will that be handled?”

“You know how the justice system works, Nagant.” Wanderer gave her a look.

The former assassin’s face scrunched up. 

“I don’t like it any more than you do, but if things aren’t handled correctly, things will spiral out of control.” Wanderer got up from his bed and clipped his vision back in its original spot.

“Yeah yeah, I know how it goes.” Nagant sighed. “Just irks me.” 

“Any word on Deku?” Burnin looked at him worried.

“Nothing, he’s still radio silent.” Wanderer shook his head. “We have to focus on the mission at hand, wait for Humarise to make their move, and then mobilize.”

“Is that all we can do?” Burnin scowled.

“Yes.” Wanderer rubbed his face. “We have no information, no leads, if we were to go looking, it would be like a needle in a haystack.” 

“Ugh…” Burnin threw her head back. “This sucks!”

Nagant rolled her eyes. “I’m having a picnic here either, some of the local heroes are giving me looks.”

Burnin looked at her fellow sidekick. “Not really surprising…” 

Wanderer looked out the window to Otheon City.

The conversation with the Director lingering in his mind.

“Here we are!” Himiko hopped out of the train and looked up at the large cliffs. “The border!”

Momo stepped out. “How will we get in contact with Deku?” She asked.

“Knowing the nerd, he’ll send us a signal,” Bakugo responded as he got off the train with his bag.

A large explosion occurred overhead.

“... Like that?” Shoto asked, pointing at the explosion.

“FUCKING NERD!” Bakugo shouted in exasperation.

Deku was dodging arrows from the helicopter above them, the archer then started shooting black spheres at them which grew as they came closer. “Rody! Get out of here!” Deku shouted as he dodged more of the projectiles.

“The case!” Rody noticed the case slipping down the cliffside.

“No! Run away!”

A new villain slammed onto the ground behind Rody, heaving a large black sphere over his head.

Deku rushed to catch up to Rody but more projectiles got in his way. “Damn it!”

Rody was able to grab the case but the ground beneath him collapsed, he grabbed a hold of a rock to keep himself from falling. 

“Hand over the case!” The villain stomped over to the cliffside.

“RODY!” Deku shouted in desperation.

“AHHHH!!!” Rody clutched the case as he fell, suddenly, a large ice ramp saved him from his fall, and he slid to an ice platform, shaking from the adrenaline. “Huh?” Rody stared at the sky in shock.

“That ice! Todoroki!” Deku grinned as he looked to the source and saw Todoroki kneeling. 

“Why is it that we always find you in battle with villains?” Todoroki gave a small smirk as Bakugo flew through the sky with his explosions. 

“AP SHOT: AUTO CANNON!” Bakugo shot focused explosions at the helicopter, the archer tried to retaliate but the helicopter shaking didn’t help her in any way.

The sphere villain felt something grab his leg and he was pulled back, the sphere crashing where he was standing moments before.

The villain groaned before he screamed in pain as he felt a powerful electric shock run up his body.

“Zap Zap!” Himiko smirked as she stabbed the villain with her taser.

Bakugo maneuvered through the arrows the archer shot from her helicopter, growling as he grabbed a handhold of the helicopter, smirking as he noticed the archer running out of arrows. “Come quietly!” Bakugo ordered. 

The archer collapsed her bow hand and put her hand on her chest. “For the salvation of humanity.” She stepped off the helicopter and plunged to the ground, shocking everyone who was watching.

Bakugo grabbed the pilot from inside and jumped off using his explosion to fly away as the helicopter crashed.

Bakugo landed and took the handcuffs that Creati made and slapped them on the pilot… Who passed out from the ride.


Deku rushed over to Rody. “Rody! Are you okay?”

“Yeah… My heart is pounding like crazy.” Rody muttered and then noticed something. “The case!”

“Right here!” The boys turned to see Himiko holding the case in her hand. “Good to see you Izu.” Himiko grinned. “How’s criminal life treating you?”

Deku sighed. “Not good…” He responded. “Haven’t had a bath in a few days.”

“You’ll be able to bathe once we finish our mission.” Momo walked up to them with Todoroki by her side. “We tried to wake up the other villain but Himiko overdid it with the tasing.” Momo gave Himiko a look.

“Whoops…” Himiko looked sheepish. “Anyway, at least I secured the Humarise case!” 

Izuku’s eyes widened. “Wait! That case is related to Humarise!?”

Bakugo then noticed something. “Something is sticking out from the bottom.”

They all looked and saw a hidden compartment.

In the Otheon Hotel, the large TV mounted on the wall held the hero’s attention.

“We, Humarise, will rise to action to protect the pure humans called ‘quirkless’ against those attacked by the disease of quirks.” Flec Turn spoke in the broadcast.

"The humanity salvation devices which we developed have been set in 25 countries around the world," Flec explained. "Humanity's salvation will come two hours from now."

Wanderer clenched his fist in anger.

"However, we are not merciless." Flec's tone was mocking. "If you wish to prevent the plan from going through, we will tell you the countries where the humanity salvation devices have been deployed."

Fujin could tell this was a trap…. It was so obvious, yet they couldn’t afford to ignore it.

The risk was too great.

"Even if you do not believe in what we do, you should have an equal chance." With that, the broadcast showed the locations of the bombs.

That fucking bastard!

Wanderer spun around and addressed every hero in the room. “LISTEN UP! I want everyone to move out! Heroes with quirks suited for searching! Look for the bombs! Those who are good at crowd control! Evacuate the civilians! We can’t afford any mistakes, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” 

“YES!” The heroes shouted as one.

“Move out!” Wanderer waved his hand, the heroes rushed to get started, Burnin and Nagant ran up to him. 

“What about the interns?” Nagant asked with a frown.

“I have a feeling that they’re ahead of us,” Wanderer responded. “Whatever is in that case is the key to stopping this.” Wanderer walked up to a nearby window. “I’m gonna start searching, you two start evac, we need to trust them.” 

“Right.” The two women nodded and ran out.

Wanderer flew out of the window and rocketed through the sky.

He needed to trust Himiko and her friends…

Rody went through the motions of starting the plane, his quirk Pino chirping as he was sitting on Rody’s head. “No time to be chirping now…” Rody mumbled.

After finding the secret compartment in the case, they found a small SD card and what is apparently the disarming key for the Trigger Bombs.

They were able to see the contents of the card and found out a lot of information, more importantly, where Humarise’s base was.

And then a voice record of the person who had the case before, explaining how Rody’s father was forced to work for Humarise, turning Rody’s world upside down.

But that didn’t matter, not when his siblings’ lives were in danger! One of the Trigger Bombs was located in the area where his house was! 

Rody took a deep breath to calm himself, behind him, the plane doors opened.

“I’m getting ready to take off,” Rody turned and was surprised to see all of the interns wearing black hero costumes. “I thought heroes were supposed to wear colorful costumes?” Rody commented.

“It’s what Wanderer told us to wear on the mission, I can understand why, we’re dealing with a large force and these uniforms have more armor,” Momo commented as she took a seat and took out some heavy-calorie food bars. 

Bakugo was adjusting his costume, it was heavier than his normal one for … certain reasons. “Get us in the air!” Bakugo barked, snapping Rody out of his staring and went back to his task.

As the plane took off, Shoto finished sending the email to the W.H.A. “Sent.” Shoto spoke up.

“But we’re still on our own,” Himiko responded as she took out a small vial and looked at the label, before putting it back. “Heroes around the world will be too busy looking for those bombs to help us, they’ll come after the job is done.” 

“... How long will it take for us to get there?” Izuku asked Rody.

“Umm…” Rody blanked at that, he looked at the built-in nav system. “An hour if we don’t encounter any turbulence.”

“FUCK!” Bakugo shouted in annoyance as he started to rapidly tap his foot in frustration. “ICY HOT SIT NEXT TO ME! USE YOUR HEAT! I NEED TO BUILD UP SWEAT!” 

Rody sweatdropped. “This is gonna be a long flight…”

The Police Commissioner of Otheon was watching as his officers got ready to assist the heroes in evacuating, he made his way back to his office before he was stopped by men in suits and guns pointed at him. “James Cavir! You are under arrest for conspiring with the terrorist group known as Humarise!”

“What!?” James’s eyes widened as they rushed him before he could react, the next thing he knew, he was in cuffs.

“I’m not with them!” James tried to deny it but they didn’t listen.

In Otheon’s skyline, Wanderer smirked. “They found a way to disable the bombs, good.” Burnin flew up to him.

“But shouldn’t we go and assist?” Burnin asked him.

“No, they have their mission, we have ours, we can’t afford to mess up if they fail,” Wanderer countered.

“Wanderer! I found the bomb!” Clair spoke through coms. “It’s located in front of the north gate of Otheon tower, in a large semi truck!”

Wanderer and Burnin made a swift turn and raced towards the tower. “All nearby heroes! Get to the tower and remove it!” Wanderer ordered before he heard Clair scream through the coms. “Clair? What’s going on?” Wanderer demanded before he had green tendrils wrapped around his body, binding him. “THE HELL!?”

Burnin was also bound, she noticed the source of the green tendrils. “Boss! They have members with quirks!” Burnin shouted.

“I can see that,” Wanderer growled before he let out a sharp whistle,

In an instant, two bullets pierced through the tendrils, setting them free.

Miles away, on top of a building, Lady Nagant had her rifle arm out, already making new bullets with her hair. “No need to whistle, I see ya,” Nagant took aim and kept shooting.

Wanderer flew towards the streets. “They preach that they want to cure the disease known as quirks, yet they have people with quirks in their ranks?” This reminded him of the Shie Hassaikai all over again. “Hypocrites!” Wanderer snarled.

“Hypocrites!” Himiko snarled as the plane rumbled from the incoming fire.

They were close to the base but then the fireworks started and Himiko soon realized that this wasn’t just gunfire, but attacks from quirks. “They preach about curing quirks but they have quirks also!?” 

“For once I agree…” Bakugo growled as he got up from his seat, as did the others.

“We’re coming in for a bumpy landing!” Rody called out over the sound of explosions. 

“No, Rody, once we leave, turn around,” Deku ordered as he walked up to the door of the plane.

“It’s not safe for you,” Creati added as she loaded her weapon.

“Civies like you should stay out of the way.” Bakugo cracked his neck.

Carmine pulled her hood up. “It’s best to leave this to us,”

“After all--” Shoto started.

“This is a Job For Heroes!” The 5 teen heroes said in unison before they jumped out of the plane and dived into battle.

Deku grabbed Creati and Carmine with Black Whip before using Air Force to slow their descent, Creati aimed her grenade launcher and fired rounds filled with tear gas.

As the shots landed, smoke started to fill the area.

“Bakugo! Handle the rest!” Creati ordered as they neared the ground, Deku used Float to keep himself from touching the ground and shot Black Whip at Shoto, who used his flames to soften his landing and started to use his ice to race towards the entrance with the other three right behind him.

“Don’t tell me what to do!” Bakugo shouted but got to work, taking down the Humarise goons with his explosions, he made quick work of them.

Bakugo landed and scoffed. “Just a bunch of small fry-- Huh?” Bakugo suddenly blasted into the air, dodging some blade whips, Bakugo maneuvered around them and then landed again, he saw his new opponent.

“Why are you helping Humarise? You got quirks?” Bakugo asked with a scowl.

His opponent gave a short crazed laughed. “We’ve been chosen by Humarise!” 

Bakugo narrowed his eyes, he then noticed a look-alike come out from behind.

“We will work with them and live in a new world!” The other villain grinned madly.

Bakugo glared. “So you’re only saving your own asses huh? Damn villains!” Bakugo blasted towards the two villains, who were laughing like hyenas.

The twins’ arms transformed into extendable blades and rushed to meet Bakugo head-on.

Bakugo used his explosions to dodge most of the incoming blades, some got close but thanks to the uniform, the blades weren’t able to cut through.

“TIME TO TAKE YOU VILLAINS DOWN!” Bakugo grinned savagely as he aimed his palms at the twins. “AP SHOT: MACHINE GUN!” Rapid shots fired out of his palms towards the twins who blitzed up the cliff while laughing.

“STAND STILL!” Bakugo shouted as he launched after them.

The remaining four were racing down the hallway on Shoto’s ice path. “The room shouldn’t be too far,” Momo commented as she held onto her grenade launcher.

“More coming up to us!” Himiko shouted as she noticed the reinforcements.

“Go! I’ll hold them off.” Shoto froze the path behind, trapping the reinforcements, but they were breaking free quickly because of their quirks.

“Hang on!” Deku shot out Black Whip and used it to pull himself, Creati, and Carmine down the hall, far enough for Shoto to use his flames.

Shoto ignited his hand and shot a fireball. “Flash Freeze: Heatwave!” The cold air in the hallway rapidly heated up and expanded, causing an explosion that sent the Humarise agents flying.

All but one.

A hulking figure rushed towards him, red tendrils coming out of his head and fingertips, the behemoth roared as he shot the tendrils at Shoto, who tried to block it with his ice, but the tendrils broke through it with ease.

Shoto switched to his flames and tried to use Flash Freeze once more but the flames seemed to be absorbed by the tendrils and the behemoth raised his fist, Shoto crossed his arms to block the attack, but it sent him through a wall with a pained grunt.

This wasn’t gonna be easy…

Deku, Creati and Carmine finally made it to a large room with books covering most of the walls.

“If I’m correct,” Creati looked around and then noticed the door on the other side of the room. “That’s our goal.” She pointed out.

“Let’s go.” The group rushed to get to the door but suddenly, the walls came apart, showing turrets that shot lasers at them, stopping them in their tracks.

“Go away,” A voice caught their attention. “This is not a place where someone gravely afflicted like you three can enter.” Flect Turn showed himself, dressed in holy garbs, his blue skin glowing faintly.

“Flect Turn.” Carmine narrowed her eyes as she took out her tasers.

“This is a holy place that will bring about humanity’s salvation.” Flect Turn announced, shutters started to rise, covering the books from the impending battle.

“You’re going to commit genocide,” Carmine snarked. “I don’t see any salvation anywhere.”

“And the Quirk Doomsday Theory hasn’t been scientifically verified!” Creati argued. “It’s simply a belief!” 

Deku growled. How can you accept something so uncertain without questioning it?” Deku demanded. “And commit such terrible crimes to innocent people!”

“Pure humans are being threatened by the disease of quirks,” Flect said as he walked down the stairs. “As time passes, they mix, evolve, and go out of control, driving humanity to destruction.” 

The three heroes’ minds were thrown back to Overhaul’s beliefs.

“So what? Are you going to get rid of all quirks?” Carmine asked, her eyes darting around, trying to find a way around him. “What about you? What about the members of Humarise that have quirks? If you truly believe that quirks are the issue… You should look at curing yourself first.” 

Flect Turn narrowed his eyes. “I’m the only one who can see the truth, I will lead the new world once the dust settles.”

Deku heard enough, he dashed forward and performed a St. Louis Smash, but some unseen force stopped him. 

The force of the encounter pushed Creati and Carmine back, Deku was sent flying towards the wall.

“DEKU!” Creati and Carmine rushed over to help him up.

“That… That felt like a Smash.” Deku muttered in shock, staring at his own curled fist.

“I’ve been cursed with the disease.” Flect started to speak once more. “A disease that won’t go away, that reflects everything,” The villain looked at his hand. “Because of this disease, I was never held by my parents, even my closest friends and those who I gave my heart to, left me, who reflected even their feelings.”

Creati blinks. Flect Turn… Reflect Return.

Attacks are useless then!

“Since I reflected everything, I couldn’t even choose death for myself, a quirk that cannot be controlled only leads to pain and people’s bodies and hearts are crushed by the evolving quirks.”

Carmine on the other hand. “So… Is that why you’re doing this?” Her tone was sharp, and her eyes narrowed. “Because you reflect everything? No wonder you’re miserable.”

Flect’s eyes narrowed in anger at her words, turrets popped out of the walls and started to shoot more lasers, prompting the heroes to take cover behind the pillars.

Deku used Black Whip to grab some debris to throw at Flect, but his quirk reflected it.

Creati closed her eyes, the time was nigh to enact a plan.

Outside the base, a large explosion rippled through the air, and parts of the cliff collapsed.

Bakugo landed, catching his breath as he smirked. “Too easy.” He looked at the large mountain of rubble where the twins were buried.

The twins were fast, but Wanderer was faster during training, sure he got sliced but it was nothing compared to the wind blades he endured.

The mountain of rubble suddenly exploded with the twins now looking monstrous and laughing that annoying laugh.


Bakugo knew his limits, he could keep up with them, but he had tricks up his sleeves too.

Slapping his chest, his costume sprouted two guns on his shoulders that were connected to his costume.

It was a prototype that the tech heads had a name for, but Wanderer named it something badass!

“War Machine: Prototype!” Bakugo smirked as the two guns lined up with the Trigger Twins.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The Twins had more blades sprouting out of their bodies, Bakugo blasted off and started firing, same with the support items. 

“DODGE THIS YOU LAUGHING MANIACS!” Bakugo shouted as he bombarded the twins with explosives.

The twins moved faster than before, but Bakugo kept up.

With the support item, he was able to focus on flying while the guns were trained on the twins, it wasn’t accurate but it gave him enough breathing room.

The only downside was the ammo, his sweat.

He built up sweat on the plane and during the fight, but now it was being used up quickly. 

Bakugo crossed his arms and gritted his teeth as the blades tried to cut through his arms but he blasted back before that could happen.


“SHUT UP!!!” Bakugo screamed as he blasted towards the twins who shot more of their blade whips at him.

With a crazed grin, Bakugo maneuvered around the blades, until they were all close together, then he used his gauntlets to grab the blade whips and hurl the twins to a large stalactite, the whips also wrapped around them, trapping them in place.

“Laugh at this!” Bakugo started to spin, using his explosion to build up more speed until he was a tornado of fire, his support items adding more to his attack.

“YOU’RE NOT GETTING UP!! HOWITZER IMPACT!!!!!” The attack made contact, causing a massive blast, destroying most of the surrounding area.

Bakugo landed, breathing heavily, cuts all over his face and his costume roughed up, but he was the last one standing. “Fuck… You…” Bakugo sat on the floor, his hands sore and his support items now broken.

Shoto was struggling against the behemoth of a man, the villain’s quirk was able to use the flames Shoto used against him and break through any ice that was made.

The villain roared and tackled Shoto off the cliffside into an underground river, Shoto struggled against the villain, trying to freeze the villain in place but the ice kept getting destroyed.

‘Ice won’t work,’ Shoto thought while holding his breath. ‘There has to be a limit to his tolerance.’

Shoto looked up, he saw light at the end of the tunnel. ‘Light… This is my chance.’ Shoto started to raise his internal temperature.

‘One attack, all I need is one attack!’ The water around them started to boil. ‘Hotter! Hotter!’ Shoto could feel the villain’s grip coming loose.

Shoto and the villain emerged from the opening, Shoto grabbed onto the villain’s tendril as his left side burst into flames. “Let’s see you take this on! This is the most powerful move I’ve got!” The flames around Shoto’s fist started to condense and the flames went from orange to blue.

“FLASHFIRE FIST!” Shoto slammed his flaming fist into the villain’s chest. “JETFIRE!” In a burst, the villain was engulfed in orange and blue flames. Shoto growled in pain as his hand started to suffer from the intense heat.

The villain was blown away and embedded into the wall, his body covered in severe burns, Shoto let out a breath as his right side started to cool his whole body down, his body toppling to the river below.

“5 minutes remaining,” Carmine scowled at the watch before she looked back at the battle between Flect Turn and Deku. “This isn’t getting us anywhere…”

“No it’s not, but he has no blind spots.” Creati frowned as she watched the battle.

Carmine suddenly realized. “His nose!” 

Creati blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

“If he can reflect everything, how can he smell?” Carmine smirked, Creati’s eyes widened as she took her grenade launcher and created ammo. “Carmine, you’re a genius!”

Deku flew back as his attacks were reflected once again. “You just gave up! The more force I use, the closer I get! Quirks have limits but you gave up!” 

Flect Turn growled and clenched his fists in anger. ”Shut up…”

“You could have lived a normal life if you just kept pushing! Instead, you blame the world for your problems, you want the world to suffer for your mistakes! If you really believed everything you said! You wouldn’t even have quirked soldiers!” Deku kept talking as he swung around using Black Whip.

“SHUT UP!!!” Flect yelled in a rage, using his quirk to launch up to Deku’s level and try to attack but Deku pulled himself away.

“DEKU! MASK!” Creati shouted before shooting her grenade launcher.

Deku immediately put on his mask and landed on the floor, the canisters exploding with gas. Deku’s eyes widened in realization before he released smoke from his body.

Flect descended with a scoff. “Smoke? Is that all?” He asked but suddenly his vision became blurry and he began to feel lightheaded.

Carmine got out of cover, wearing a gas mask, and rushed through the smoke and into the door that led to the disarming mechanism.

Creati walked out and shouldered her grenade launcher, wearing a mask of her own, watching Flect collapsing. “Villain neutralized.”

“I didn’t think he would have such a weakness,” Deku spoke up as he walked up next to her, looking down at Flect.

“Carmine pointed out that his sense of smell wasn't reflecting everything, if that were the case, he wouldn't be able to breathe, he could still smell,” Creati explained as she looked at the downed villain. “Hence, the gas.” 

Carmine made it to the mechanism and placed the disarming key into the slot, finally stopping this madness.

Creati and Deku heard a thump and the two turned to see Rody, unconscious.

“Oops…” Creati muttered.

Carmine came back up. “Contact HQ! Mission accomplished!” Carmine told them, she looked at Flect, took something out of her pocket, and walked up to Flect. “And to tie up loose ends.” 

Deku and Creati saw this. “Carmine, what are you-” Creati started but stopped when she saw Carmine pouring the contents of a vial down Flect’s mouth, his blue skin started to flicker before it went to his natural skin color.

Deku was shocked. “How… How do you have that?” He asked Carmine, horror evident on his face.

“Wanderer was able to replicate it with only the sample Overhaul took from Eri, he didn’t take blood from her,” Carmine assured him.

“... I’ll admit, this is a good use for it.” Creati hesitantly said and then made some handcuffs. “How will we explain this?”

“He used Trigger and then it burnt out his quirk factor?” Carmine suggested.

“... We’ll tell Bakugo and Shoto.” Deku sighed.

The Humarise threat had ended and thanks to Carmine investigating the base, she was able to uncover all of Humarise’s accomplices.

The interns plus Rody were picked up from the base and taken back to Otheon. Bakugo and Todoroki were taken to the hospital to get their injuries treated, with Izuku, Himiko and Momo going with them to get their own injuries checked out.

When they landed back in Otheon, Rody was about to go home to check on his siblings, Wanderer pulled Rody aside and handed the boy an envelope, telling Rody that it was compensation and a reward for helping keep the case safe.

Rody reluctantly took it, as he was making his way home, Rody opened the envelope and looked at the contents before his jaw dropped.

“EHHHHH?!?!?!?!?!?!?” Rody screamed at the papers, it was legal documents that said that he was now the owner of a bank account with a rather absurd amount of money in the account and a trust fund meant for education for him and his siblings, even a chance to go to an aviation academy!

Rody felt his knees go weak at the sight and saw a letter, he looked at it with teary eyes.

“Life can be cruel, Heroes don’t just save people, they help them get back on their feet and walk. I'm giving you this chance for a better life for you and your siblings, keep in touch. Sincerely, Wanderer.” 

Rody sniffed before letting out a big smile and he pocketed the papers and ran home, he had lives to rebuild!

Wanderer was on the roof of the hospital, on call with the Director of the W.H.A. “Now that the Humarise threat has been dealt with, have you given thought to my request?”

“I have… It will be granted, we contacted the respective branches and they will grant you clearance, just remember, you have two weeks.” The Director told Wanderer.

“Thank you… and the issues in Japan?”

“We will wait for your signal, thank you for bringing this to our attention.” The Director then hung up.

Wanderer sighed as he pocketed his phone and walked back inside.

He made his way to the hospital room where his sidekicks and interns were, once he found the room and opened the door, he saw them all conversing with each other. 

“Good, you’re all awake,” Wanderer called out, gaining their attention.

“Uncle Wan!” Himiko grinned. “The doctors here are great! Bakugo and Todoroki will be out in a few days!”

“Yeah, when will we be going home?” Izuku asked from his chair.

“Probably a few days after those two get to leave,” Burnin answered. “Right boss?”

Wanderer crossed his arms. “Correct, you’ll be heading home in roughly 5 days' time.”

Himiko and Nagant noticed his choice of wording. “What do you mean, us?” Himiko asked with a small frown. “Aren’t you coming with us?” 

Wanderer sighed softly. “... No… I have matters to attend to… Elsewhere.”

“And what exactly is that?” Nagant asked him.

“Personal.” Wanderer responded.

Himiko then got up. “You’re going to another country, aren’t you?” She asked him. “It’s about … That.”

Wanderer scowled. “And how do you know about it?”

Himiko stiffened and rubbed her neck. “I… Listen.” She answered.

Wanderer glared. “... Fine, yes, I’m going to another country.” He answered.

Burnin looked at Wanderer. “The hell boss? Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked with a frown. “I could go with you to help.”

“It’s a personal mission,” Wanderer answered. “Something I have to handle on my own.”

Izuku, finally understanding, stood up. “Sir, I think it would be best if Carmine and I went with you.” He stared Wanderer down. “I think going as a group would be better.”

“The hell?! I’m not sitting this out!” Bakugo sat up with a shout as he stayed quiet long enough. “Whatever this mission is, I’m not just gonna leave you guys to it!”

“I would prefer to be in the loop as well sir.” Momo frowned.

“I’m going with you as well.” Nagant added.

Wanderer glared at Himiko, who looked smug.

“I could always order you to go back.” Wanderer gritted out through his teeth.

“I’ll call mom and tell her,” Himiko smirked. “And I can imagine how she’ll react.”

Wanderer’s eyebrow twitched. He could already imagine Faruzan telling him to take backup with Nahida giving support. 

What would be worse is if- “I’ll bring my sister into this.” Shoto piped up.

“I hate you… All of you.” Wanderer growled.

“Love you too! Now where are we going next?” Himiko grinned.

The puppet face palmed before sighing. “... Two locations… First is Egypt.” 

“Oh, Kaminari and Sero are there, perhaps we can meet up with them before they leave for Japan!” Momo suggested.

“Great Idea! I’ll text them and tell them to let the lurkers know.” Himiko smirked as Wanderer wanted to bang his head against the wall.

“... The last place is Paris.” 

“Uraraka and Tsu are there with Ryukyu!” Izuku smiled. “I’ll let them know in advance!”

“DO I EVEN GET A SAY IN THIS!?” Wanderer finally snapped.

“Nope! Sorry Uncle Wan! You’re stuck with us!” Himiko laughed.

Fujin was really starting to regret this…


Oh no, World Heroes Mission doesn't end here, it's a whole arc! I you can imagine how Fujin and his team will handle getting to the targets. First location! EGYPT!

Now things have been slow, It was hard to write this out and I want to make sure that it's well written, I have someone to read it over to make sure that there aren't any mistakes.

Genshin Impact has been awesome and can't wait to get to the next update next month... I can't WAIT!

I've seen the other stories inspired by this and it makes me happy that others are inspired to write their own variation, keep at it!

If you wish to join my discord server, you'll find it right here!:

Leave a comment with your thoughts, I love reading them, see you all next time!


This has nothing to do with my 4 other stories, especially MHAR, COO and RR, It's completely separate.