
Work Header

Got my heart racing


Seungcheol knew this was a bad idea. He knew he wouldn’t be able to do it. Sadly, this flight was work related so he couldn’t exactly say no.


Meet cute prompt: sitting by each other on the plane

Work Text:

Seungcheol knew this was a bad idea. He’d told Jisoo over and over that he wouldn’t be able to do it, but the other insisted over and over that he’ll be fine and it’ll just be a short ride.

Well he is absolutely not fine and it feels like his heart is about to beat out of his chest. He kept bouncing his leg, unable to keep still. He’s a little thankful that he didn’t have a seat mate yet on his row and was hoping it would stay that way.

He shot Jisoo a glare when he saw the other man wave at him from two rows down. They could’ve sat together but no, Jisoo’s boyfriend Seokmin was with them so of course they were going to sit together.

He couldn’t really blame them all that much. Despite this being a work related travel, Jisoo was free to bring whoever he liked, and to be honest this was more of a him, not a them problem. Seungcheol sat there, looking out the window too engrossed in his thoughts and nerves to notice someone sitting beside him.

And he didn’t think he’d ever notice them, if it weren’t for someone suddenly tapping him on the back.

“Gosh!” Seungcheol shouted in surprise, turning around to face an equally shocked man, who still had his hand close to him mid-tap.

“Uhh sorry, the flight attendant was calling you but it seems you didn’t hear.” The other man pointed at the stewardess standing by.

Embarrassed he clears his throat before glancing towards the stewardess.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you sir, I just want to ask that you temporarily turn off your electronic devices and strap in please. We’re close to taking off. Thank you.” After saying that, she immediately walked away to check the other passengers.

Seungcheol cleared his throat again before facing the man beside him. Trying to apologize but he found his mouth wouldn’t connect to his brain, and he found himself focusing on the line of his face, and the curl of his hair. He knows he’s staring and finds he couldn’t stop not until he looks him over again and meets a pair of bright eyes.

“I’m sorry.” Seungcheol suddenly blurts out. Taking them both again by surprise. He blinks rapidly before speaking again. “I’m sorry about earlier. I… just got lost in thought.”

The other man smiles brightly before responding. “It’s alright, you didn’t mean to.”

He watched as the other man’s trail from his face down to his fiddling fingers, and bouncing leg. Seungcheol knows he should stop looking but he can’t help but watch, transfixed as the other man’s smile turns into genuine concern.

“Are you nervous?”

With that one question, Seungcheol snapped back to reality and remembered where he was just as the plane began to move.

“Is it that obvious?” Seungcheol chuckled awkwardly before sitting down properly, back ramrod straight, hands tightly gripping the arm rests.

“Well.. either you’re nervous, or had a ton of coffee before boarding. My name’s Jeonghan by the way.”

Before Seungcheol could even think, his mouth was already open saying the words. “Nice to have a name for a pretty face.”

Seungcheol found his eyes widening, his embarrassment temporarily overcoming his fear as he let go of the arm rests to cover his mouth. He could feel the heat in his cheeks spread to his whole face.

Jeonghan only laughed, “Who knew you can be a charmer when you’re scared.”

“I’m Seungcheol.” He suddenly said, wanting to move on from the topic of his lack of brain to mouth filter.

He watched as Jeonghan’s lips form into a smirk, “Great to finally have a name for a handsome face.”

Seungcheol felt his face burst into flames again. He could feel Jeonghan chuckling beside him.

Seungcheol turned to face the window and was surprised to see them already up in the clouds, but then with the realization of how high up they are, he felt his stomach churn and faced forward again, gripping the seats tight.

“So…” Jeonghan hesitantly started, “is it a fear of flying?”

Seungcheol nervously bit his lip, facing him, pushing his thoughts away that they were a thousand miles up. “A fear of heights.”

Jeonghan nodded in understanding, and when Seungcheol was about to turn and face the window he felt a soft touch on his chin that slowly guided him to face Jeonghan again.

“Hey, just focus on me, yeah?”

Seungcheol was startled with how close he was.

“It’s a 2 hour flight.” He weakly replied.

“Well lucky for you, I’m a very interesting guy.” Jeonghan responded with a wink.

Seungcheol laughed even as he felt himself blushing again. And with that Jeonghan began to talk, and talk, and talk. Seungcheol didn’t know if even half of what he was sharing was true, or just a story. He talked so much thru the whole flight that Seungcheol found himself unable to think of anything else but him.

Jeonghan smiled brightly again when the captain made the announcement that they’re about to land soon.

“See.” He said, full of confidence. “I told you to just focus on me.”

“Careful, I might not be able to fly again without you by my side.” Seungcheol didn’t know what to feel about that.

Jeonghan hummed.

“Who says you have to?”

Seungcheol felt his jaw drop after his words registered in his head. He felt himself blush again as Jeonghan slowly leaned in.

“I quite like you Seungcheol, and I’m not about to let you go.”

Series this work belongs to: