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Mourning Dove

Chapter 9: Chapter 9


This is the end!
Thank you so much to everyone for commenting and supporting me through this story. This is the first multi-chaptered fanfic I have finished! Even if it is a pretty short story it has everything I wanted it to. I hope you all enjoyed it.

I appreciate all of you so much and I swear I read all of your comments!
If you want to talk to me check out my discord : (MusicalSurge's Server):


*EDITED 6/2024*


UPDATE: A FB Group has now been created as well for those who prefer it over the Discord Server
The FB Group (MusicalSurge FanFic Stories):

Chapter Text

The Battle of Hogwarts would be forever etched in the pages of wizarding history, a tragic and violent event that would haunt the memories of all who witnessed it. As the protective wards around the castle crumbled, chaos erupted in a matter of seconds. The once peaceful grounds were now a battleground, stained with blood and littered with lifeless bodies.

In those agonizing seventeen minutes, before reinforcements arrived from the War Crime Division of Aurors and the ICW, an unimaginable amount of death and destruction had already taken place, leaving behind a trail of broken and mutilated wizards and witches from both sides. The smell of burning magic and flesh hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the sweet scent of honeysuckle that usually graced the castle walls. 

In the span of 60 seconds, the newest arrivals took in the chaotic scene before them and readied themselves for battle. As spells flew and swords clashed all around, a sudden shift in energy on the school grounds drew everyone's attention to Severus Snape: Spy, Professor, and Unofficial Adopted Father of young Harry Potter. He stood alone, facing off against the Dark Lord himself. They had been locked in a fierce duel since the wards had first broken. But now, as their spells clashed and their movements blurred, something unexpected caught everyone's eye--Severus Snape being struck by an Avada Kedavra curse that he could not dodge.

For a moment, everything seemed to stand still. The world held its breath as Severus fell to the ground, his wand slipping from his grasp. A triumphant sneer began to spread across Voldemort's face at finally defeating the traitor. But before anyone could react or return to their own bloody battles, a powerful shockwave rippled through the air. It was as if the very earth itself was shaking beneath them.

With a fierce explosion of energy and rage, Harry Potter - Spirit Guide, Poltergeist, Forever Age Seven, Ex-Boy-Who-Lived, and adopted son of Severus Snape - witnessed the horrific sight of Severus, HIS beloved Severus, being struck down by Voldemort. The sheer force of Harry's emotions created a shockwave that rippled through the air, knocking anyone within a kilometer of the school off their feet. Weaker individuals were even rendered unconscious by the intense power radiating from Harry, as he transformed into a crackling ball of furious energy and magic. Even the all-powerful Dark Lord stumbled and nearly fell under the force of Harry's wrath before turning his attention to the formidable young ghost standing before him.

There were no grand speeches, no gloating, no snide comments. There was only a deadly silence before the force of energy known as Harry Potter slammed itself into the Dark Lord's chest with a deafening impact. The air crackled and sizzled as the power surged through Voldemort's body, causing his eyes to widen in shock and agony before he was thrown to the ground. His screams echoed through the air as he writhed in pain, his fingers clawing desperately at his now pale skin. It was a horrifying sight - the once-proud Dark Lord reduced to a quivering, broken mess before everyone's eyes.

But the worst was yet to come. As quickly as it had started, Voldemort's screams abruptly fell silent. In their place was a blinding white light that engulfed his body, burning and scorching him until he was unrecognizable. When the light finally faded, leaving spots dancing in everyone's vision, all that remained of the once-mighty wizard was a charred corpse.

The powerful wizard had been reduced to nothing more than a pile of ash and memories, leaving behind a scene that would forever haunt those who witnessed it and would undoubtedly go down in history textbooks as one of the most gruesome displays of defeat.

The chaos of the battle had settled, and the Death Eaters and their allies were easily subdued. The casualties were gathered and tended to with urgency, but amidst the loud celebrations, one person was noticeably absent – Harry Potter.

Filius Flitwick, with his sharp eyes and perceptive mind, took notice of this absence, wondering if perhaps killing Voldemort had drained all energy from Harry's being. But then he remembered that Harry had just lost Severus Snape. Filius knew that for Harry, losing Severus meant losing yet another parental figure, his only source of love and family that he could fully remember. At that moment, he quietly mourned for both of them - lives cut too short and destroyed by a war that could have been prevented.

In that moment and with a heavy heart, Filius made a promise to himself and to Hogwarts. Despite what may be written in history books or said by the Ministry or reporters, he would ensure that the true stories of Severus Snape and Harry Potter were told to every new generation of students at Hogwarts. The school would become a memorial for them, honoring their bravery and sacrifice even when the rest of the world forgot. For they deserved to be remembered for who they truly were, not just as casualties of a great battle. Hogwarts would keep their memory alive, even when the rest of the world forgot. It was the least they could do to honor their fallen heroes.



On a somber Friday, April 1st in the year 1994, eleven days after the devastating Bloody Battle of Hogwarts, a memorial was erected on the grounds of the esteemed school. The sun shone down on the Hogwarts grounds, casting a golden glow over the iron gates that now led to a place of remembrance.

The new memorial now stood where Severus Snape had bravely given his life and Harry Potter had finally vanquished the Dark Lord for good. The structure was made of stark white marble pillars, each one bearing the names of over two thousand fallen individuals who had lost their lives during Voldemort's tyrannical reign. Wizards, witches, house elves, giants, goblins, centaurs - all were represented among the rows of names etched into the pristine stone. Even one ghost, who had fought valiantly alongside their living comrades, was given a place of honor on the memorial. It was a haunting reminder of the price paid for freedom and justice.

After the somber memorial service had concluded, the remaining staff of Hogwarts gathered in a mostly intact staff room to mourn, finding solace in each other's company and shared grief. Bottles of firewhiskey were passed around, their contents serving as a temporary numbing agent for the pain and loss they all felt. As they discussed plans for repairing and restarting the beloved school, their voices were hushed and filled with determination.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted in the corridors outside. Most of the refugees had already left Hogwarts, but there were still some who had nowhere else to go and remained within its walls, helping with reconstruction efforts and seeking shelter within its walls, protected by hastily reconstructed wards.

"A teacher's duty is never truly done," Filius lamented with a heavy sigh, before rising from his seat to investigate the source of the disturbance. Despite the weight of their sorrow, they all knew that their duty to protect and guide their students would never end, even in times of tragedy. With heavy footsteps, he made his way toward the source of the disturbance, wondering what trouble could be brewing on such a solemn day. 

Pomona and Poppy, their feet shuffling against the cold stones of the castle hallway, followed Filius with a mix of curiosity and concern. But once they turned the corner and entered the long corridor, Filius seemed to have frozen in place. His gaze was fixed down the hall, his eyes wide with shock.

Poppy's first thought was that someone had hexed Filius, her wand already in hand as she rushed forward to check on him. But then Pomona let out a gasp from behind her, and Poppy looked up to see what had caught her attention.

In the middle of the corridor hovered two translucent figures, one larger than the other. The sound of scolding filled the air, spoken in achingly familiar dulcet tones. Both apparitions floated a few centimeters above the floor, their hazy forms flickering with each word spoken.

“What were you thinking?! You know the immense danger of completely burning out what little magic you have,” Ghostly Severus Snape lectured a guilty-looking 7-year-old Harry Potter. His voice was laced with concern and fear, for he knew the consequences of such reckless actions. But as Harry stared up at him with his big, innocent puppy dog eyes and trembling lip, Severus seemed to visibly soften, his resolve crumbling to dust. Severus pulled Harry into a firm hug, filled with worry and love.

Filius, who had been watching the exchange with a mixture of sadness and admiration, regained his composure and cleared his throat, drawing the attention of Severus and Harry. “It is so wonderful to see you both,” he said quietly, though there was a hint of sadness in his tone.

Unexpectedly, Severus smiled - a genuine smile that Filius couldn't remember ever seeing on his face before. It was a smile free of burden and duty, open and unreserved. It lit up his features and softened the lines of worry that usually etched themselves onto his face. For a moment, Filius saw the carefree boy that Severus once was, before the weight of the wizarding world came crashing down on him. It was a smile that brought warmth to Filius' heart.

“Do not mourn me, my dear friends. I am exactly where I am meant to be,” Severus said with a gentle smile, his eyes glinting with mischief as he ruffled Harry's hair. The little boy beamed up at him, filled with joy and warmth in the presence of his father figure.

Pomona nodded sagely, her wise gaze taking in the scene before her. "I expect this is how it was always meant to be," she said softly.

A happy sigh escaped Poppy's lips as she watched the tender interaction between Severus and Harry. "Even ghost kids need their parents, I suspect," she observed with a smile.

Severus rolled his eyes playfully at the teasing from his colleagues. "You don't want to know what Lily threatened to do to me if I didn't return," he joked, making the professors chuckle.

"Welcome home, dear Severus and Harry," Filius greeted them both with a warm nod, his eyes shining with genuine joy. They were finally home and most importantly, they had each other.



After a year of repair and rebuilding, Hogwarts finally reopened its doors to students in September of 1995. The once grand castle now stood tall and proud, ready to welcome back its eager young learners. However, for many students, it was their first time setting foot inside the magnificent walls as they had missed almost three years of schooling due to the darkness that plagued the wizarding world. To make up for lost time, an extravagant opening feast was held, with sorting delayed until every student could be tested and placed in their appropriate year.

The Great Hall was buzzing with chatter and excitement, but among the sea of unfamiliar faces sat one well-known figure - Harry Potter, smiling and chatting with his friends as if the war never happened. At the staff table, one ghostly figure could be seen - Severus Snape, who had adamantly refused to join the ranks of Hogwarts' ghostly professors. Instead, he remained the steadfast Head of Slytherin House, determined to protect his beloved snakes from anyone else's misguided influence. As the night wore on and the festivities continued, the future seemed bright for Hogwarts once again.

It was chaos. It was wonderful.

Severus felt his heart swell with joy and contentment, a feeling he had never experienced before. And beside him, Harry wore a similar expression - one of pure happiness and peace. As they gazed at each other, they both knew that this was where they belonged: Hogwarts, with each other. 

Even as the oldest ghosts finally found peace and moved on, Harry and Severus remained at Hogwarts, basking in the happiness that enveloped them. They had found their purpose in helping these lost souls find peace and closure.

Filius, true to his word, made sure that their story was told every year on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. But for Harry and Severus, it didn't matter much. They were too busy living in the present, in their eternal bond as father and son.

The halls of Hogwarts became a sanctuary for them - a place filled with love and memories of their shared journey. The fragrant scent of old books mingled with the comforting aroma of brewing potions, creating an atmosphere that felt like home. And even as time passed and new students came and went, Harry and Severus remained constant figures, dedicated to their duty of guiding lost spirits to their final rest.

For Harry, having Severus by his side meant more than just having an immortal father figure. It meant having someone who loved him unconditionally and taught him valuable lessons about life, even beyond death. Together, they found solace in their role as keepers of Hogwarts' past, present, and future - always grateful for the chaos and heartache that had led them to this wonderful bond.

It was a beautiful life, full of love and purpose. 

Death and Fate weren’t completely cruel. 

Most of the time anyway. 

The End