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Reading 'It's Not Romantic, I Swear'


Some members of Toman read neoprimo's fanfic 'it's not romantic i swear'


For newprimo: if you do not want me to do anymore stories like this or you want me to delete please inform me and I will do it<3

Chapter Text

It had been a pretty normal day for everyone in Tokyo Revengers since there weren't any near deaths. Everyone was just enjoying this calm day that was pretty rare for those who are part of gangs or in some cases linked to some who were in one.


As I said everything was normal until some people simply disappeared from where they were only to find themselves in a somewhat big reading room.


"Welcome to this place and please just sit and read this short story" said a voice out of nowhere "I brought you here and no you can't leave until you have read it" it added before anyone could say anything


“Where?” asked Kazutora opening his eyes once he noticed it was cold despite him being buried in all the blankets that Aoi had in her house


“What the fuck? At least give a person time to dress up before bringing them wherever this his” grumbled Baji who was in just a towel and the moment he said this his towel changed into comfortable “That’s better”


“Kazutora-san are you okay?” asked Chifuyu seeing the other sleepy and pouting in the floor


“I was sleeping in Baji’s house” mumbled Kazutora slowly getting up and laying himself in one big sofa because fuck everyone else because he wanted to sleep


“I want more food” mumbled Mikey pouting while looking at the empty bad of dorayakis


“I’m not buying anymore food” growled Draken asking himself if everyone thought he was rich or some shit like that


“So what are we doing here?” asked Smiley with a dangerous smile


“As I said before you will be reading a story and after that you can go back to wherever you were” said the voice already thinking of changing its job seeing that most people didn’t even hear them “You can sit or lay anywhere and you can ask for any food or drink too” it added before becoming silent once more


“I want dorayakis!” said Mikey and more appeared inside the once empty bag


With that everyone, excet Kazutora who had already made a nest in the couch he was in, sat themselves in one of the many couches and chairs before asking for some food or drinks. Once done the little book appeared in Kazutora’s lap who glared at it before sighing and picking it up wishing this would go fast so he could go back to sleep.


“You two have been real chummy lately.” Nahoya points out, tilting his head to gesture at the chaotic first division who were arguing about the last cup of instant noodles. He didn’t specify who exactly he was talking about, but Souya knew anyway.


  “Wasn’t this during the time Angry was denying that he and Takemichi were dating?” asked Kazutora tired trying to remember


“I think so” said Chifuyu while the others nodded their heads in agreement


Hanagaki Takemichi, one of the first division’s vice captains. The boy who single handedly saved Draken and Baji’s life, and instantly rose up in the list of Mikey’s most precious people, despite that not being his intention.


  “And Mikey’s favoritism is easy to notice even by those who aren’t on our gang” said Draken thinking how some weak gangs thought that if they tried to take Takemichi they would win but they ended all ending in the hospital


“You are talking as if all of us don’t adore him” said Baji rolling his eyes because there was no one in Toman who didn’t adora their crybaby and this included the fifth division


Also the boy who’s trying to stop Baji from committing first degree murder over a cup ramen.


  “I think that is most of Takemichi’s job” mumbled Chifuyu remembering how many times Takemichi stopped Baji from trying to kill someone


“It’s nothing like what you’re thinking.” Souya mumbles, standing up from the bench to walk over to his bike. Nahoya follows, shit eating grin on his face.


  “As if I would have believed that” said Smiley a bit angry that his brother hadn’t told him about his relationship with Takemichi


“Oh? Then what is it?” Souya doesn’t rise up to his brother’s very obvious teasing, far too distracted with the blonde who was heading their way. He stiffened, creeped out by the curious stares that were thrown his way.


  “Shinichiro was right” mumbled Mikey eating a dorayaki “Delinquents are like that neighbors that spy you to know every little bit about your life” he added at Draken’s raised eyebrow at him and everyone laughed because even if they wanted to deny it was the truth


“You going somewhere?” Takemichi asks curiously, hands tugging his sleeves to warm himself up. He looked cute in that jacket, even if it didn’t fit him all that well. If Nahoya notices that it was Souya’s, he didn’t mention it. Probably to save his brother from being mauled.


  “I KNEW IT!” shouted Chifuyu and Baji that suspected that Takemichi had used Angry’s clothes more than once


“Don’t you fucking shout again” growled Kazutora and the ones who shouted smiled nervously at him and decided to be quiet for now


“Remind me to use a tired Kazutora to control them whenever they are being little shits” mumbled Draken


“Convenience store.” Takemichi’s eyes lighten up at that, grinning adorably when Souya wordlessly hands him a spare helmet. Nahoya watches them, eyes full of mirth as Souya tries to ignore Baji and Kazutora’s unnerving leers.


  “Really?” said Draken looking at the two first division’s captains


“It’s us, what were you expecting?” asked Kazutora with a deadpan look which made Draken sigh


“I wanted that with Mitchy” mumbled a pouting Mikey


“Takemichi, you can have the ramen, you know.” Chifuyu holds up the cup ramen, disregarding Baji’s protests.


  “Bitch it was mine” growled Baji at Chifuyu who showed his tongue as a kid would


“You talk as if whenever there is only one left somehow they are all yours when you are the one that eats more than the other” mumbled Kazutora going back to read before Baji could say anything but also ignoring Smiley’s laugh


“It’s fine! I’ll get you something too, Chifuyu.” The blonde seemed reluctant, squinting at Souya suspiciously before relenting with a sigh.


  “As if Souya could have done something perverted” said Smiley looking directly at Chifuyu who trembled before hiding behind Baji


“...You really like making me suffer, huh.” Souya sighs as he rides off, not even having to look back to know Mikey was staring at them.


  “I need to make sure he won’t hurt my Takemitchy” said Mikey at everyone’s questioning looks


“Technically he is Angry’s not yours” said Smiley


“If you want Mitchy you must know that you are sharing ownership with me” said Mikey serious and everyone gave up already in explaining that relationships weren’t like that


“They should man up, if they’re bothered by something as small as this, I’ll be genuinely concerned.” Takemichi giggles into his back, fully aware of the protective streak most of the Toman captains had over him. Sly little thing.


  “Tch” was heard from everyone


“I knew he wasn’t completely innocent and oblivious” said Kazutora because really no one could be so much like that


When they come back from the convenience store, Chifuyu snatches Takemichi away from Souya with wary eyes.

“Sometimes we really like overprotective parents” mumbled Chifuyu realizing how much he resembled one when it came to Takemichi



“It isn’t what I think it is, huh?” Nahoya snorts at Souya’s more annoyed than usual expression.


“It isn’t. Not like that.” Souya bites a pocky stick, staring at the ground.


“Sure.” Nahoya accepts it easily. For now, at least.


“As if I would give up so easily in that” said Smiley “Souya has never liked someone like this until Takemicho arrived” he added with a dangerous smile


“Is there anyone in this gang that isn’t overprotective or possessive?” asked Kazutora looking at the ceiling not waiting for any answer




“If you’re not dating him, stop hogging him all the time.” Hakkai complains, pointing his popsicle stick towards Souya accusingly. Chifuyu nods in agreement, slinging an arm around Takemichi.


  “Sometimes we are really…” Chifuyu started but didn’t really know how to end it since there were so many words that could be used to describe them when it comes to Takemichi


“I spend as much time with Souya as I do the rest of you.” Takemichi sighs, eyes glued to his phone, relying on Chifuyu to make sure he doesn’t get run over by a truck.


  “And this shows how much we are protective of him to the point he knows he can rely on us not to die by getting run over by a truck” said Draken still not believing how their crybaby had so much faith in them after so many dangerous situations they had involved him in


“Now that’s just a lie,” Hakkai ducks his head to frown at Takemichi, “you even call him Souya! Not even with ‘-kun’, just Souya!” Takemichi arches an eyebrow at Hakkai’s claim.


  “That is a bit childish” said Baji not believing that was what Hakkai was centering about


“We are kids, Baji-san, what were you expecting us to say?” said Chifuyu looking at his captain like he was an idiot


“We do forgot that we are still kids a lot” thought Kazutora outloud


“I call Chifuyu, Chifuyu. I don’t see what the problem is.” Takemichi gestures to the blonde next to him.


  “That’s true” said Draken not understanding why what Takemichi calls them is really important


“I’m different.” Chifuyu states, as if it were a fact.


  “Where?” asked Smiley “Even if they weren’t dating there is no different between that” he added and Chifuyu pouted


“He’s different,” Hakkai nods before poking Takemichi’s nose, “besides, he’s older than you!” Souya stays silent, hand coming up to move Takemichi’s hair away from his face. It’s gotten longer, he remembers Takemichi saying something about growing it out a little. He thinks a mullet would look great on him.


  “Souya tends to stay silent when he doesn’t know what to stay or simply doesn’t care about what they talking about” hummed Smiley


“Age doesn’t have anything to do with how you call your friends or lover” deadpanned Kazutora looking at Chifuyu who only looked to the side


But then again, he thinks Takemichi looks great in everything. Even that horrid, mustard hair he had in middle school.


  “I really prefer him with black hair. It makes his blue eyes stand out” said Mikey with a soft smile and the others agreed even if they were like Angry and think that Takemichi looks great in everything


“See what I mean?” Hakkai whispers dramatically, gesturing to the two.


Takemichi sighs for the nth time in the past hour before forcing Hakkai to meet his eyes by grabbing his chin.


  “Lucky!” mumbled Mikey pouting


“I think Takemitchy likes to tease us too much” said Baji because Takemichi did really tease them a lot of times(like that one time he and Angry came to a Toman meeting with a skirt)


“We’re not dating.” Souya nods silently, still focused on getting Takemichi’s hair out of his face.


  “I still don’t know why they denied it for so long” said Chifuyu “We would have accepted thom” he added pouting


“...Kay.” Hakkai meekly ducks his head, probably flustered with the close proximity.


  “Who doesn’t get like that whenever Takemitchydoes something we don’t expect” muttered Draken who didn’t know he was bi until Takemichi entered his life


Souya pays their indignant expressions no mind when Takemichi clings to him for the rest of the day. 


  “See they acted like a couple in front of us and have the nerve to deny it” complained Chifuyu before buffing because really they weren’t being discreet one bit




“You sure you two aren’t dating?” Haitani Ran tilts his head, making Takemichi smile wryly at him in response. 


What’s he even doing here, anyway?


  “I don’t know why but they are almost always present when there is a really good gossip that’s going to happen or want to know one” mumbled Kazutora remembering that they were watching the Toman vs Valhalla fight


“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Takemichi drawls, increasing his pace to make the older boys lose sight of them. It didn’t work, obviously. Damn their ridiculously long legs. “That’s not a no.”  Rindou muses, previously impassive expression turning into an interested one.


  “We really should stop those siblings for getting close to any of us” said Draken


“We can’t” said Mikey and Draken raised an eyebrow “Sanzu likes Rindou’s advances and it is the first time he hasn’t killed someone that tried to get him to date him” he added and the others nodded knowing how many times someone had to stop Sanzu from killing someone who flirted with him


“That’s also none of your business.” Souya blinks distractedly, eyes glued to Takemichi’s hand that was tugging his own. He had pretty hands, long, slender and lightly scarred, also fit perfectly with Souya’s slightly larger hands.


  “Why do they need to be this adorable? They shouldn’t be” muttered Baji “It is ruining my reputation of being a bad boy” he added


“I think you did that alone when you thought dressing like a nerd would make you smarter” said Kazutora and before Baji jumped on him to tickle him in vengeance he threw the book to Draken who just continued reading while ignoring both captains of the first division


“Come on, you’re no fun.” Takemichi would’ve been a little more terrified, had he not seen the way Souya completely folded the two during the whole battle with Tenjiku. He couldn’t take them seriously after that. 


  “Same. Ran tried to flirt with Hakkai once when we two were hanging out and Hakkai said directly to his face that he couldn’t take him seriously because of what happened in that fight and because of his hair” said Chifuyu with a smirk remembering that day


“It’s my impression or does Ran like flirting with the second division?” whispered Mikey to Draken who could only nod his head in answer because it was true


“Let us know if you’re ever interested in a four —” Ran was interrupted by a fist to the face, Nahoya grinning irritatedly. 


  “I do remember that” said Smiley with a smirk “It was an enormous pleasure for me to do that”


“Fuck off, piece of shit.” The older Kawata never fails to choose violence, sometimes Takemichi is grateful for it.


  “Oh I will make sure to remember this” said Smiley sure to use this against Takemichi when he decided to use violence instead of anything else


Rindou drags his brother away before he could embarrass himself further, not before the older Haitani yelling out a ‘call me!’ to the supposed couple. Takemichi flips him off, with the younger Kawata still staring at their intertwined hands.


“Angry is really a cutie” said Chifuyu “He basically ignores everything because his eyes are only on Takemitchy” he added


“I need someone like that on my life but sadly I have a cat lover and a pyromaniac idiot” mumbled Kazutora now in Baji’s lap ignoring Chifuyu’s glare and the push from Baji while the others laughed at this




Souya looks away from Mikey, the Toman commander’s eyes gleaming scarily. Mitsuya offers him a rueful smile, but Souya was expecting this to happen sooner or later.


  “I would have been surprised if Mikey didn’t do anything about this” said Draken before continuing to read


“You’re dating Takemitchy.” This one wasn’t even asking. Straight to the point. He’s got the spirit, but he’s way off. 


  “What does he mean by that? They were dating all this time he doesn’t need to deny it on his mind” said Baji rolling his eyes


“Maybe is to make it easy to lie to us” said Mikey


It’s surprising. He’s seen Mikey do more romantic things with Takemichi than he has, why the hell was everyone dead set on the assumption that they were dating?


  “Actually I do not have an answer for that but maybe because we are already used to Mikey being like that” said Draken surprised that they never gave two thoughts about the way Mikey acted around Takemichi


“Because everyone knows Mitchy doesn’t love me like that” said Mikey and the others decided to not say anything since the boy didn’t seem sad


“No, I’m not.”


“Yes, you are.” There’s no reasoning with him , Souya realises. Damn it. His phone buzzes with an incoming phone call, coming from Takemichi himself. What great timing. Mikey glances at his phone and Souya tries not to gape at how the Sano seemed to soften.


  “Mikey is a total softie when it comes to Takemitchy” said Baji with a smirk


“And you are one when it comes to your mother, pets and your two lovers” said Mikey back making the other boy blush to which his lovers kissed his cheeks making him even more red


“Someday we'll know why they were so decided to deny their relationship” said Smiley sighing because of his brother being like that


“Take care of him.” He doesn’t bother trying to correct them anymore, nodding and quickly leaving to pick up Takemichi’s call.


“That doesn’t really help him on that” mumbled Mikey and Draken nodded his head in agreement but then again if any of them received a call from Takemichi they would leave whatever they were doing to see what he wanted but no one wanted to say it outloud




“Are we dating?” Souya snaps his head to Takemichi, eyes wide in realisation as the blonde fixes Souya’s eyeliner. Takemichi was surprisingly unfazed by the question, cocking his head thoughtfully.


“Only if you want to.” Takemichi says easily, like they weren’t talking about something so important.


  “...” no one said anything trying to digest that actually those two were telling the truth before and just recently before telling them them did they truly probably start dating


“I wasn’t expecting this” mumbled Smiley surprised




“I’m not even surprised that he thought immediately about Mikey” whispered Draken because it was obvious how much Mikey adored their crybaby and even if Mikey had given them his approval before they hadn’t been together then


“I’m not asking Mikey-kun, I’m asking you, Souya.” Said boy feels a blush creeping up his neck, averting his gaze from the pouty vice captain. It was useless, since Hanagaki was sitting on his lap for better access.


  “Souya is too adorable for this world” said Smiley with soft smile


“Mitchy when he wants can be upfront” said Mikey because just this recents years did he came out of his shy and scared shell


“Well?” Takemichi places the eyeliner back on the desk, a patient smile that flustered Souya even more.




  “It’s adorable how Angry is being so shy when they already acted like a couple before” gushed Chifuyu since they made him think of the romance mangas he loved so much


“Yeah?” Takemichi giggles, resting his forehead against Souya’s, blue eyes the prettiest Souya’s ever seen. Takemichi is so pretty, it’s a wonder how he’s been single ever since Tachibana. Maybe because Baji and Kazutora scared any potential suitors away.


  “We aren’t going to agree or deny to anything” aid the two mentioned with smirks on their face making some sigh with smile on their faces


“I helped on that” added Mikey as if that was a secret to everyone


“ut I have to agree that Takemitchy is too pretty” said Draken because the boy shouldn’t look so pretty all the time even when he was beaten up or crying


“That’d be great.” Souya fumbles his words like an idiot, groaning and covering his face before he could embarrass himself any further in front of Takemichi. The blonde gently pries his hands off his face, face flushed and a breathtaking smile on his face.


  “Oh my god! What did Smiley do in his past life to have such an adorable thing as his younger brother” whined Kazutora because he was weak to cute things like his lovers


“Must have done something truly great” agreed Baji and Smiley showed them his middle finger


“Maybe I should try to date both of them” whispered Mikey knowing that Takemichi liked him but not as much as he did Angry but if he could have both he would be quite happy with it


“Great!” Takemichi proceeds to fluster Souya even more—if that’s even possible—by peppering kisses all over Souya’s face. He presses a kiss to Souya’s forehead, before grinning and grabbing the eyeliner to continue with his impromptu makeup session.


  “This is the type of boyfriend I should have” said Kazutora pointing at the book and looking at his lovers who pouted because it isn’t their fault that whenever they tried to do something cute or romantic something ended bad


Souya can’t stop looking at his lips. Would that be going too fast?


“Hey!” Takemichi yelps when Souya swiftly pecks his lips, laughing as Souya continues to travel from his lips, to his jaw then his neck.


  “Yep, I already made my decision!” mumbled Mikey with a smile and Draken looked at him in question but Mikey didn’t give him an answer


“Your eyeliner…” Souya looks up from under his lashes, a little sulky.


“Later.” Takemichi’s lips were soft and he tasted like strawberries. Souya thinks he might get addicted. It’s easy to forget about the dozen people who might actually mutilate him when they find out. He can think about that later.


“We wouldn’t do something that bad” said Chifuyu


“Talk for yourself” said Baji to which he received a glare from the boy


“Maybe we should try not to be so overprotective when it comes to Takemichi” winced Draken because maybe they abused it a bit


“I need to remember to give a shovel talk to Takemitchy” mumbled SMiley with a dangerous smile




“Some people are actually backing off because they think you two are dating.” Hakkai throws his hands up, disgruntled.


  “Well now they truly are” said Kazutora smirking


“Like they weren’t already. Baji-san’s a riot.” Chifuyu snorts, tilting his head innocently when said boy glares at him.


“So is Kazutora. What are you two? His parents?” Mitsuya scoffed, resulting in two middle fingers from the first division captains.


  “We may as well be with what happened that one time” said Baji laughing with Kazutora remembering that time that Takemichi’s teacher called to his house to talk about how hurt he came most days to class and it was both of them who answered the call and acted as Takemichi’s parents


“It’s good that they’re backing off though. Wouldn’t want my boyfriend to get jealous, do we?” Takemichi hums, hiding a laugh with the back of his palm when the whole group turns silent and looks at him, incredulous.


  “At least know we know we were wrong” said Chifuyu smiling nervous remembering how they acted that day


“So you—”


“You dirty little liar!”


  “The funniest part is that he wasn’t lying” said Baji solemnly


“Oi, Angry, you better fuckin’ explain.” Souya gawks at Takemichi, the damned traitor. His boyfriend ( boyfriend!! ) just smiles prettily and Souya tries not to melt when Takemichi holds his hand confidently. The younger Kawata tries not to brag too much, since the others are still trying to process the information.


  “I woudl have bragged and not give two fuck about everyone else” said Mikey and the others nodded their heads in agreement


“But really, why does Angry have to be so sweet? It makes me want to change my two boyfriend for him” pouted Kazutora ignoring the betrayed look from his boyfriends


But the thought, he chose me , can’t seem to leave his head. He spends the rest of dinner trying to ignore Kazutora and Baji interrogating him.


  “It really isn’t that difficult to ignore or questions taking in account that it was what we ask everyone when they start dating anyone” said Kazutora not minding that Angry had ignored him and Baji


“True” nodded Baji


“Sometimes I don’t understand you guys” said Chifuyu a bit surprised


“And you think we do?” asked Kazutora because he never understood himself imagine the others trying to do that


“It’s not what I think it is, huh?” Nahoya asks on their way back home.


“Shut up.”


“And it ends here” said Draken closing the book


“Well it seems I need to apologize to my brother”sighed Smiley who hated apologizing to anyone


“Our reaction could have been worse so there's always that” said Chifuyu


“I feel a bit like we invaded their privacy after reading this” sighed Draken


“Someday we would end up finding about this so we only found it sooner than the others” said Kazutora to their vice-commander


“I have a plan to prepare” said Mikey smiling


Before anyone could question their leader one by one started disappearing back to where they had been before being brought to read this story. Hopefully Angry and Takemichi are ready for whatever plan Mikey was preparing like the other should prepare themselves for whatever they end up observing when that plan starts.