Chapter Text
Dream was speed-running Minecraft one day, on a dark and stormy night.
And then, his beloved Vriska from Homestuck walked into the room. Megalovania started playing.
“I am streaming!” Dream reminded, quickly, so that the fans would not hear her, draw their own conclusions (that they were together, when Dream only had a crush on the troll lady) and cry because their ship was ruined forever.
The chat began spamming that he was warning Gogy. Vriska caught the chat with her eagle eye vision and smirked evilly. The fucking idiots didn’t even know.
Vriska snuck over, making sure her footsteps were as loud as possible.
“It’s just patches, guys,” said Dream, in damage control mode (AN: sorry if this is OOC!!), sweating profusely because his troll roommate was very near and he has never seen a woman in his life.
Vriska muted the stream because she wanted to.
“Sapnap, our roommate, wanted to know if you want to watch Shrek 3 or Sharknado for our movie night later,” informed Vriska. “I want to watch Paul Mart Mall Cop, so I’m telling him you also want to watch that.”
“Okay,” said Dream, like the simp he is.
Vriska was struck with an idea, suddenly. Her Homestuck troll blood makes her have very devious ideas that no mere human would ever think of, or something, I don’t know.
“Give me Minecraft for one moment,” she said.
“Okay,” said Dre, dutifully standing up and walking over to the other side of the room. He gazed out of the window like an anime protagonist.
Vriska nodded approvingly, and then did something very simple: she turned on a certain plugin.
“Done!” she said.
“What did you do?” asked Dream, hoping she had proposed to him in Minecraft.
“I fixed that pearl thing you won’t shut the fuck up about, using my epic troll powers,” said Vriska.
“Oh, okay,” Dream started tearing up.
“Why are you crying?” gasped Vriska, suddenly. “Was it Gogy? I will kill him for you, king.”
“No, it wasn’t Georgie-worgie,” sad Dream, a said tear slipping down his tanned freckled green-eyed cheek. “It’s… never-mind, thank you, Vriska.”
“It’s okay, I will kill george now,” said Vriska, opening the window and flying off into the sunset.
Dream curled up on the floor and cried forever.
Tommy Innit entered the room and kicked him.
The End.