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Even More Stories of Thedas

Chapter 31: Beloved


Serena is very affectionate when she's drunk


Serena is another Warden who Brennus travels with during the Blight!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It always amused Tristan just how much of a lightweight Serena was. Sometimes it felt like it was pretty much impossible for him to get drunk, no matter how hard he tried, but after just a few drinks, Serena was already clearly feeling the effects of the alcohol.

She walked over to him - although “stumbled” might have been a more accurate term - and pointed at Tristan’s lap. ‘Is this seat taken?’

He chuckled. ‘If anyone else said that to me, I’d assume they were flirting.’

‘Flirting? With you? As if,’ she teased, grinning and sat on his lap without waiting for an invitation.

He forced a laugh. ‘I’m not that ugly and unlovable, am I?’

‘No!’ Serena said quickly. ‘You’re a very, very handsome man. I’m sure there are lots of women who would love to be with you.’

‘Just not you,’ he said. He didn’t know why he was pushing the conversation when he already knew how it would end. Perhaps he was a masochist.

She shook her head, looking like she was holding back a laugh. ‘Maker, can you imagine? That would be hilarious. No, you’re my best friend, that would be weird.’

‘I know,’ Tristan said, ‘you don’t need to justify it. Really.’

‘I’m gonna be so hungover tomorrow,’ she groaned.

‘You always are,’ he pointed out, ‘I’ll make sure you have a glass of water waiting for you when you wake up.’

She rested her head on his shoulder. ‘You’re the best. I love you.’

Tristan tried to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat at that. Everyone knew Serena was just extremely affectionate when she was drunk - the complete opposite to how she normally acted - she said things like that to everybody. It didn’t mean anything. Still, he knew the words would echo in his head for days. He cleared his throat. ‘You should sleep.’

‘Noooo,’ she pouted, ‘I want another drink.’

He laughed at that. ‘Not a chance. Come on,’ he said, trying to get her to stand up. She had to lean on him to steady herself before they could finally start making their way to her room.

‘You know what I like about you?’ Serena said as they walked.


‘I can say shit to you like “I love you” or “can I sit on your lap” and you don’t get weird about it.’

Tristan sighed; he really didn’t want to be having this conversation. ‘Of course. I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable,’ he told her.

‘Exactly! You’re so sweet and lovely and you’re my best friend in the entire world.’

He didn’t know what to say to that. Serena’s friendship was enough for him - honestly, it was more than he deserved - but he couldn’t pretend it didn’t hurt when she said things like that, as if she was trying to make it clear just how much she wasn’t interested in him romantically.

‘You’re my best friend,’ she said again as he helped her into bed, ‘I love you.’

Tristan managed a smile. ‘I love you, too,’ he said, even though he knew that to her it didn’t mean anything. Not like it did to him. She probably wouldn’t even remember the conversation in the morning, but at least he had the chance to say it. ‘Get some sleep.’


I ship these two so hard and I am suffering so much

Series this work belongs to: