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Assassinating an Oversized Octopus and Other Thing I Didn't Want to do Today

Chapter 2: "Sugino, why are you like this?"-Nagisa Shiota, literally every fucking day


Or, the mental corruption of Nagisa by his stupid fucking friends

Chapter Text

(Nagisa POV)


“Hey, Akatani?”


Sometimes, Sugino made Nagisa want to kill something that wasn’t their teacher.


Those times are like right now.


What, what would you possibly need to ask an assassin that obviously doesn’t want anything to do with any of us. He knows that this is something that Karma would definitely do, but Sugino, when did he lose his sensibility?


“What?” the other kid asked.


You know what, maybe he does have a sensible reason for talking to him. Maybe he wants to be friendly, maybe invite him to eat with us, not the most sensible but better than what I was imagining, Nagisa thought to himself.


“Why did you become an assassin?”


And there goes that bit of optimism.


“I’m not going to tell you that,” Mikumo said with no sign of changing his mind in this century.


“Why not?” Sugino asked, apparently looking for an easy way to die.


Akatani stared at him, Nagisa and Kayano, who appeared randomly, with annoyance before spitting, “I didn’t even tell you my real name, why would I ever tell you my past?”


“Wait, is Akatani Mikumo not your real name?” Kaede asked.


What, Kayano no, you're supposed to be the other reasonable one now that Sugino somehow went off the rails, why do you do this to me? Nagisa thought, losing confidence that he was going to survive this situation.


At least it can’t get worse.


“Yeah, is that not your real name?” Karma, apparently knowing that Nagisa’s optimism needed a little bit more of a beating, which now barely hangs on for dear life.


“No, and why in a thousand years would I tell you my real name?” he asked, now twirling a real knife that he pulled out of nowhere, absolutely murdering Nagisa’s optimism without him even using the knife the way it’s intended to be used for.


Karma, who definitely had a death wish with that assassination attempt he did in his first week and now this, retorted with, “Why wouldn’t you?”


“I have my reasons.”


There was an awkward silence between the five of them where no one said anything for a couple of minutes, just looking at each other.


“Well, that was… fun, but how about we just start eating, class starts again in about ten minutes,” Nagisa said, desperately trying to ease the tension around them before pulling out his own lunch, the others following soon after, all barely finishing their lunches before class started.




(Izuku’s POV)


“Okay kids, I know you got a new student only a couple of days ago, but today we introduce you to your new physical education teacher,” Karasuma threw at them like they weren’t already tense around their new classmate, the only student to go near him even now being Nagisa, but that was probably because the rest were using him as a buffer due to his calming quirk.


“Wait, why do we need a new PE teacher? What was wrong with you teaching it,” someone in the crowd of students asked.


“The Ministry of Defense has found most of your guy’s progress insufficient compared to the deadline we have, so they thought it would be better to hire someone else who was trained for this type of stuff.”


“And that would be me,” a stranger coming up the hill called out, who when he showed his face, made Izuku tense up. It wasn’t terribly noticeable, but was obvious enough that both Nagisa and Karasuma noticed.


“Hi, I’m Akira Takaoka, but you can just call me Dad.”


Some parent you’d be, Izuku thought to himself. That may be worse than my actual dad.


Though he was tense, Izuku calmed himself into his anxious persona he puts on for anyone he either doesn’t trust or he doesn’t know, and he unfortunately knows that fucker.



(Nagisa POV)


It didn’t take much for him to notice how tense Akatani had gotten, which was weird given how nice the new teacher had shown he was by bringing all these treats.


“Sure, it’s weird how he calls himself our dad, but I don’t really mind if this is how PE is going to be from now on,” he heard Rio say from where she sat.


He then heard Maehara growl out something about ‘missing being able to beat us fuckers up’, but it was hard to tell given how many sweets the lion mutant was stuffing his face.


“Hey, Mikumo, why are you so tense, relax a little buddy!” Karma said with half a mocking tone and the other half also sounding very mocking.


“First off, I’m not your buddy, second off, whatever you do, don’t trust that asshole,”

He said with an out of character happy tone, combating karma’s mocks.


“Why not, he seems very nice and friendly,” Nagisa asked, having lost his will to live after his friends lost their sensibility. “Also, why didn’t you comment on him calling you Mikumo?”


“Well, since it’s a fake name, it doesn’t matter either way, and it would actually be better if you called me Mikumo right now. To answer your first question, I met Takaoka before on a different job where I had to work with the military, a job kind of like this one, a villain with a destructive quirk threatening to blow up the entirety of Japan before I dealt with him, but anyways, he came off as nice at first but turned out a total piece of shit.


“One time he annoyed me so much I put him in his place, but he only got worse after that, even tried to kill me a couple of times. He obviously didn’t succeed but he’s come close enough for me to know he really wanted me dead. He is also the reason you should call me Mikumo, at least for now, since he already knows my fake last name.”


“Geez, he seems like a swell guy,” Nagisa said sarcastically, surprising everyone including himself.


“Well, putting aside the corruption of Nagisa, what do you think we should do about the apparent asshole of a teacher,” Karma asked, a small smirk lining his face at his line about corrupting the blue headed boy.


“Hey, how do we know he hasn’t changed? For all we know he could be a completely different person from when you met him before?” Sugino asked.


Mikumo looked at him like that was the dumbest thing he has ever heard, scrutinizing eyes making Sugino shift uncomfortably before answering. “Because I can read people, and the title, storyline, and review you find on the back are all saying ‘I’m a major bitch’. Trust me, if he were to change, he would actually be having us do some exercise worse than all of Karasuma and not trying to butter us up.”


“Wait, so if that’s what he would do if he changed, and he wants us to be on his side, wouldn’t that be good for us?” Kaede asked, being less confident with her thought process as Mikumo’s fake happy face started to get more bored with her words. “Wouldn’t that just mean we sit through easy gym classes if we go with his manipulation?”


“How are you all so stupid, if we go with what he wants, he’ll manipulate us into doing whatever he wants with us, and if the rumors of what he did after retiring, he was a brutal drill sergeant. If he was anything like what I heard he was, we probably won’t be going to any classes anytime soon.”


Nagisa tilted his head before asking, “What do you mean by that?”


“Not really helping my view on your guys' intelligence,” Mikumo mocked. “Anyways, while he was a drill sergeant, the few people that made it through his entire training, most falling over and dying before the end, have described it as worse than hell. They were given two hours sleep minimum every night, and a single 10 minute break during the day. Worst of all, he kept this happy and nice personality, making it hard for the people to hate him.”


They all sat in contemplative silence before Kayano spoke out. “He can’t really be that bad, right?”


(Spoiler alert, he very much can be.)


All chapters after this one will be longer.