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Hinata Shouyou, the MIRACLE


𝗜𝗡 𝗪𝗛𝗜𝗖𝗛 Hinata Shouyou moves to Tokyo after he finishes elementary school, sees the 'Little Giant' on TV and ends up going to Teiko Junior High where he meets a couple of interesting individuals who make him grow into a... 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿.

"I want to keep on winning and stay
on the court."

"Then do it. Prove your worth."




Hey- So this is a crossover fanfiction where Hinata became a Basketball player instead of a Volleyball player. The little giant is also a basketball player which caused Hinata to want to become a basketball player instead. Lol idk if this made sense but I'm pretty sure ya get the gist of it xD

Anyways, Hinata will still play volleyball, but that'll come later in the story... (most likely will be a sequel tho)

This story is also posted on my wattpad and quotev (mangoezoh) accounts.. Go check it out there if you prefer those reading sites instead!

His mother's name is going to be Hinata Fuka and i will be referring Hinata here as "Shouyou" rather than Hinata.

+ This story is highly inspired by 'The Orange Miracle' by kurokonobaskue & 'Streaks of Orange' by Huntress of Eclipse (all on

This is my first fanfiction, so please be nice and enjoy :)

Chapter 1: The Start of Something New


The Hinata family moves to Tokyo... Shouyou finds a new interest~


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text



Hinata Shouyou currently sat in the car as his mother drove to the outskirts of Tokyo. He was pretty frustrated on the move since he was going to miss hanging out with his two best friends, Izumin and Koji. They had been by his side since almost forever.

His younger sister, Natsu cried the whole ride as he comforted her like the amazing older brother he is.

His mother shook her head, sighing softly, "I'm going to be stopping soon to take a break, we'll eat before we continue down the road..."

Shouyou grumbled a response, he was still mourning over the fact that they had to move to Tokyo. He wasn't sure if he could even fit in when he arrived at his new school. After all, Shouyou was a country boy through and through.

His mom parked the car into the parking lot and turned off the engine.

"We're here," she started, "Go wake up Natsu."

Shouyou shook his head indicating his disagreement when his mother glared at him, causing him to freeze.

"Oi, Natsu," Shouyou shook her shoulders.

"Go away Nii-chan!" she murmured, half awake.

"Come on, Okaa-san said we're going to go eat..."

Glaring at her older brother, she quickly got up and exited the car to stand by their mother's side. Shouyou guffawed, "PFFT- RUDE!"




The little family of 3 finally finished eating when Shouyou suddenly felt the need to release the waste from his body.

Turning to his mother, Shouyou made a look to his mother to indicate he was going to the restroom. Shouyou's mother nodded her head and told him to be careful.

Standing up from his seat, he quickly made his way to the restroom.

"Ahhhh... The feeling of relief~" Shouyou hummed to himself softly, flushing the toilet and exiting the small cubicle to wash his hands.

Going out of the toilet, Shouyou paused in his steps when he found something calling out to him.

Shouyou felt his eyes stuck to the television where he saw a dark-haired boy dribbling the ball past people twice his size.

His eyes stayed on the back of the young teenager's jersey, the number '10'.

"AND HE SCORES AGAIN!!! 'THE LITTLE GIANT' ALSO KNOWN AS UDAI TENMA IS ON A ROLL TODAY!!!" the announcer spoke excitedly behind his microphone, "Karasuno sure does have what it takes to win the Winter Cup this year! I bet we're all looking forward to their future games!"

The announcer continued to talk whilst explaining the moves of each player.

"I wanna be just like him..." Shouyou said, still in daze, "I will be the next 'Little Giant'"




Shouyou snapped out of his dazed look and turned to the sound of his mother jogging towards him with Natsu trailing from behind while holding her mother's hand.

"O-okaa-san!" Shouyou stammered nervously after seeing the furious look on her face.

"SHOUYOU! WE'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU- WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?! LET'S GO-" His mother rambled anxiously grabbing his arm along with her.

She was worried he might've gotten lost since this was 'Tokyo' we're talking about. Her kids have lived in Miyagi their whole life, so going to Tokyo was like going to a whole new environment. They knew basically no one, so she was afraid something bad could happen to him.

"Next time, be more alert!" Fuka sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

"OKAA-SAN GOMENASAI!" Shouyou looked down, but his eyes still looked behind at the television screen showcasing the high school match.

Entering the car and buckling up his seatbelt, Shouyou started to daydream.

'I'm going to be a basketball player... The Little Giant, here I come!' he thought aimlessly.




The family finally arrived in their new home.

Shouyou looked around the new house.

"It looks better than our old house..." Hinata murmured to himself.

His mother smiled, "Apparently this house was offered by my company. We don't have to pay for the rent here, it's all free! Isn't that great? Living in the city can be quite expensive, so I'm glad we won't have to pay for the rent here..."

Shouyou looked at her with his head tilted slightly, "I didn't understand a word you said Okaa-san..." he said, confused.

"Don't worry your little head about it, Shouyou. I'm just glad we're finally here..." she smiled at him fondly.


Shouyou went to his room to unpack his things. Finding a photo frame of him and his other two friends caused him to frown, “I already miss you guys…” Shouyou said to himself as a stray tear fell down his cheeks. 

Quickly wiping the tears on his face, he quickly unpacked. 

“I’ll be the best basketball player you’ll ever see!” He declared in the empty room, “IZUMIN! KOJI! WAIT FOR IT!”


SHOUYOU! BE QUIET” His mother yelled from below.


“AHH!!! GOMENASAI OKAA-SAN!!!” He replied on instinct. 




The next day came by as the family finally finished unpacking. Hinata Fuka entered her oldest child’s room and inspected it, “I see you’re all done packing. We’re going to your new school to get you all registered before the new year starts.”

Shouyou nodded his head and headed towards the bathroom to take a brisk shower.


Having brunch before leaving their home, they all entered the car as Fuka drove towards Shouyou’s new school. 

Seeing the building of his potential new school left Shouyou’s jaw dropping. “Okaa-san, is this my new school?” He started, “It’s HUGE!”

Fuka laughed fondly at her son’s awe, “It is, Shouyou… I heard they have a good basketball team as well- I saw you looking at that basketball tournament yesterday and I’m certain you’ll definitely love this school!”

Shouyou immediately bounced in excitement, he couldn’t wait to start playing basketball. He was brimming with energy and he just wanted to start playing right now. 

“Calm down, Shouyou! You’re making the car shake!” His mother chastised him firmly. 

Shouyou immediately tried to calm himself down, but the excitement could still be seen in his eyes as he kept looking everywhere.

Natsu grumbled, “You’re annoying, Nii-san!”

She closed her eyes and continued to doze off to erase all the hyperactive excitement caused from her older brother.

Fuka parked the car and they all exited the vehicle. She told her children to follow her as they finally entered the huge school.

Finding the receptionist, she quickly handed all the necessary files to her for Shouyou's registration. They then went to the uniform shop. 

"I'd say your son is a size 'S', ma'am." The staff said after looking at Shouyou's form. Fuka nodded her head agreeing with her statement, "My son is quite small for his age-"

"OKAA-SAN! I AM NOT THAT SMALL!?!?" Shouyou stared at his mother in disbelief. His mother laughed at his face showcasing his disgruntled expression and nodded at the worker to get the size. 

After trying out his new uniform, they quickly went back to the car to go home. 


The family finally arrived home. Shouyou, feeling restless, immediately asked his mother whether he could go to the park to make some new friends.

Walking to the park near the house, he instantly spotted a stray basketball court with a lone ball. Thinking he could start practicing on basketball early, he promptly went to grab the ball when a dark-skinned hand halted his movements. 

Shouyou squeaked in surprise. The dude was tall, 'he must be a high schooler- HE'S SO TALL! THAT'S SO UNFAIR-' were the thoughts that went through his mind. 

"Who are you?" he spoke, "I've never seen you here before… Oh, are ya the new peeps that just moved in?"

Shouyou straightened up once he heard the voice talking to him, "Y-YES! I'M HINATA SHOUYOU- I'LL BE ENTERING TEIKO JUNIOR HIGH SOON-! YOROSHIKU ONEGAISHIMASU!!" 

"HAHA! No need to be so nervous dude- I'm Aomine Daiki! I'll be entering Teiko soon too. Guess we'll be schoolmates from now on, huh," he wheezed at Shouyou's antics. 

Upon hearing he was around the same age, Shouyou felt his jaw drop, "You're in Junior High?! B-but you're SO TALL!" he screeched at the unfairness. 

"HAH! SUCKS TO BE YOU SHORT STUFF!" the male identified as Aomine instantly cackled at Shouyou's despair. 

"Hey… Wanna play?" Seeing Shouyou's look of confusion, he gestured to the basketball. 

Shouyou instantly nodded his head, "YESSS!"

"You defend first, ‘kay?" Aomine started dribbling past him as Shouyou tried to block his advances. 

Aomine smirked, easily going through Shouyou's terrible try at being on defense. "TRY HARDER, SHORTY HAHAHA" as he said that, the ball instantly went into the hoop, shocking Shouyou. 

"THAT WAS SO COOL! THE BALL JUST WENT IN THE HOOP LIKE A WHLISH AND THEN A A WHOOSH- YOU HAVE TO TEACH ME!!" Shouyou looked at him like an eager puppy. Aomine could even see the imaginary tail wagging from behind him as his eyes were all sparkly. 

Aomine blushed, embarrassed at the praises he got from him, "Sure I guess… I'll teach you after we play a bit.. I guess…"

It was now Shouyou's turn to be on offense. Aomine cackled, he was pretty sure this was going to be easy when Shouyou suddenly buzzed past him at lightning speed.

"W-what-" Aomine stammered, shocked at the speed he showed. Shouyou smirked, happy that he got the tall intimidating boy to become shocked at his speed. He immediately tried to throw the ball in the hoop when it bounced off the rim. 

Breaking out of his stupor, Aomine wheezed, "HAHAHA- YOU HAVE THE SPEED I'LL GIVE YA THAT, BUT YOUR BALL CONTROL SUCKS-!" 

Shouyou felt his face burn from embarrassment, "S-SHUT U-UP! YOU'RE TEACHING ME RIGHT? SO OF COURSE I'LL GET BETTER CAUSE YOU'RE AMAZING!" 

Aomine, not expecting the compliment just scratched the back of his head whilst smirking, "I'm the best. With you learning from me, you'll be able to beat those extras in no time AHAHAHA-" 

They both continued playing some one-on-one sessions. Aomine, although disgruntled at his new friend's lack of skills, still had fun playing with Shouyou due to his fast reflexes and endless stamina. He could definitely work with that.


And this was the start of a new friendship as the basketball newbie starts to progress into a monster player. 






this chapter is basically like a prologue and most chapters will most likely have 1k words ++

updates will also probably be slow due to me still being busy with assignments