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Part 2 of Gymnast Star & Starry−Eyed Barista

We Are Stars ★⛾


Eren Jäger owns a café in the middle of Stohess, Sina.

Levi Ackerman is a retired gymnastics star who now coaches young gymnasts a couple blocks away.

A rain shower forces the star to enter the barista's café, and they become quick friends.

Levi has his own secret. Eren does too.

Levi is AFAB and trans male. Eren really, /really/ likes the shorter male.

They're both idiots, but they're idiots in love. Hanji knows it. Haruto knows it. Everyone knows it. (Though the duo in question might be oblivious idiots as well.)


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Match·a ⚿


Eren runs a café in a town called Karanese, Paradis in Stohess Square on Rose Street.

Levi is a gymnast coach for little girls in the same town on the same square on Sina Street.

Rain brings them both together.


⛾ chapters that have a teacup in the end of the name are in Levi's POV

⚿ chapters that have a key in the end of the name are in Eren's POV

⚔ chapters with both are either in third person or POV switch

Songs in the chapter: "People Watching" by Conan Grey and "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran

Chapter Text

Eren 🗝️ Morning 🗝️ "Cha·I Love You" Café


()  "—No, no, no! I'm talking about Floch! He—" Petra giggles insanely as she pulls her hair back and ties it with a scrunchy. "He was stoned out of his mind last night! The party was so friggin' loud and so friggin' boring, I even got a teeny bit buzzed. But I could still control myself."

  "Are you okay to come in, Pet?" Jean ties his apron as he looks to the girl worriedly.

  "Mn. Anyway, so we walked through Rose Park on the way home, and it's dark outside. A pretty full moon lights the park. This old woman, probably in her seventies, is sitting on a bench surrounded by red poppies and white tulips. Floch mistakes her for our dear friend Christa!" She cracks up, her ponytail swinging as she falls into a nearby counter. "The woman takes in his stoned appearance and goes along, telling him 'yes, I'm Christa. It's 2130 and you look 10 years older than you think you are'."

  Now I'm laughing, Jean and Sasha joining, Connie and Armin leaning on one another. That's so something I can see Christa doing. That old woman had her personality down to a T.

  "He begins – bawling – like a friggin' baby, and so I apologize to the lady and drag his sorry butt to my apartment — which, in mind, he's never seen — and I shove him onto my couch. This morning at, like, six, I heard him retching in the bathroom. Dis–gust–ing. He looks at me and moans, crying how it wasn't a dream, and we were never home again. I smacked his head and told him to wake up and clean my bathroom. Then I generously shoved some aspirin and water down his ungrateful throat. I swear to goodness mom should have left him on someone else's doorstep."

  I know, immediately, that she is joking with that comment. Her brother may be an ass and a partier, but she loves him more than she admits. I check my watch wristwatch, 0800, and I clap my hands. "All right, everyone! Opening time!"

  I appoint Sasha to flip the close sign to open while I have Petra ready the café for diners.

  Our day begins with our loyal regulars coming in first. Dozens of people, who come in every morning to order their preferred cup of joe or tea, come and go. We get a handful of new curious walk-ins, and they all try a few free samples before either choosing their favorite flavors and taking a cup of one to-go or leaving without a word. Some even take a bundle home with personal instructions to help them brew a cup while at home.

  When lunch comes, we make cold sandwiches and salads and pastries for our luncheons, serving half priced tea to those who get our special. The rush goes by fast, seats filling up faster than we can empty them. At 0300 lunch ends and at 0400 we serve soups and salads and desserts with hot sandwiches. Sasha and Jean and Connie leave at four, and Oluo and Gunther and Eld come in to fill in their positions in the kitchen and register.

  I serve and service the patrons as they come and go, making everyone feel comfortable and happy as they get their orders. Eventually they stop rolling in, so Petra and Eld clean the kitchen, dancing to The Cab's "Angel With A Shotgun" and "Her Love Is My Religion". Gunther sweeps and mops behind the registers and in front as well as the small bathrooms.

  I put the chairs up on the tables and sweep up the bigger trash and food crumbs under and around the various shaped tables. Just as I'm getting the vacuum cord unwound and ready to finish, the bell above the door chimes. At first I thought Jean or someone from before forgot something, so I turn to greet them as I usually do, but this face I don't recognize. At least, not yet I don't.

  "Uhh, hello. We close soon…" Hmm. Feminine figure but flat chest. They're wearing tight black tights and a black toddle t-shirt, masculine gray ballet slippers – y'know, the ones that the boy ballerinas wear? – and a pastel green rain jacket. 

  I was so cooped in my café, I didn't even realize it is raining now. 

  "I know. I read the sign." They have a deep voice. Maybe trans? Female to male transitioning? Obviously he went through top surgery. He waves a piece of paper in front of his own face, fanning it. "You still got any tea? Or sweets?"

  "Uhh, r-right!" I scramble behind the counter and check our stock. Luckily Gunther isn't back here to startle. He hates when I do that.

  "Berry Basket?" I look up to see him suddenly closer than before. "Actually, the Maté Mantra Chai. Yeah, that'll do me."

  I watch a look of nostalgia turn his face vulnerable. A diamond-shaped face, sharp, high cheekbones, almond-shaped bluish eyes, heterochromatic, pitch black hair, evenly and elegantly cut, masculine, a military styled undercut. He looks around five foot two or three.

  "I'll have a cinnamon roll, please."

  The kettle I just put down to boil screams, and I jump, startled. I nod and turn to finish the tea. I make myself one as well but serve him first since he was a paying customer. I have myself a Berry Basket tea after serving the man his cinnamon roll on a small rose patterned china platter.


  I thank Petra for not closing the registers as I ring up his order.

  "Who owns the place?" This question startles me. No one has asked me that before.

  "Uh, I do. Why?"

  "It's– not bad. I think I'll come by more often. Especially after work. It's quiet and close to home. I usually walk home, but I might have to call a friend. Fuck. I really don't want to call that bitch, but I guess I have no other choice." He mumbles the last few sentences under his breath as he pulls out his phone and taps on it for a few seconds before shoving it back in.

  I'm only mildly surprised by the potty mouth. I just leave him at the counter to finish my cleaning. When the seafoam green carpet is vacuumed, I store the machine away in the utility closet. I flip off a set of lights in the wait area, the remaining pale light pooling over the matching seafoam green walls and the dark spots a darker sea green color. The marble white floor and counters in the kitchen are shining perfectly when Petra clocks out.

  Oluo clocks out behind her, ready to escort his fiancée home.

  "Goodbye, Petra, honey! Love you too! See you Friday! You too, Oluo!" I wave as they make their way out of the employee's only back exit.

  I return to the counter to my tea sitting on the warmer. I let it cool off just a bit before I dare touch it with my bare hands.

  "My friend is on her way to pick me up. I can go ahead and pay, if that's alright with you–."

  I grin. "I'm Eren! Nice to meet you!"

  He pulls his wallet out and smirks my way, his beautiful eyes gleaming. "Eren. Well, I'm Levi. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." He purrs softly and sensually. It's just bordering flirtatious, and I can't say I don't like it.

()  Examining him – Levi, what a pretty name for a pretty man – closer, I see that he has a crescent shaped scar under his left bluish silvery eye. "What color are your eyes?"

  "Hmm? Oh, the left one is almost a perfect reflection of chromium silver, and the right one is closer to navy blue. What about yours, Eren?"

  He carefully traced the scar as I pull up a receipt. "Uh, emerald green. That'll be eighth forty-nine. My left eye is green, and my right eye is amber, the same color as my twin's own two eyes and my mother's. My younger sister has two emerald eyes."

  "Hm. Here." He places two bills on the counter. A ten and a five. "Keep the change."

  He smiles, a gentle, subtle lift of the right side of his pink lips. It is just was beautiful as I thought it would be. A hurk-hurk catches our attention, and I look up to see my twin's Range Rover outside.

  I step away from the country and head outside to greet her. I hear Levi follow, but right now I want to hug my twin. "Hanji!"

  She beams, stepping out of the vehicle. "Ere-bear! Come here, twinsie!"

  We embrace each other, and I bury my face into her shoulder, seeking out her comfort. I don't really need it, but I always soak it up when we meet up. I need my twin charge at least twice a week, thanks. It's also been a hectic week since we got to do this. She's been super busy. "I missed you. Please come by more often. I know the club doesn't open until nine, so you have a whole day to keep me sane in a kitchen full of morons – minus Petra, who is the only one who isn't completely crazy."

  "Sane? This slut is quite the opposite of sane." I turn from my sister to see a delicately raised brow.

  "Oh, you know each other? How has no one informed me of this?! Han-swan, you're my twin! We shared a womb together! Why?!"

  She squishes my cheeks, and I suddenly grow slightly uncomfortable.

  "Oh-mi-Shit! Please ask shorty out on a date! I want to see what adorable children you two can make!"

  I struggle from her suffocating grip, a hand pulling me away. "Thanks."

  I notice Levi is the hand that has helped me, and my face turns about fifty shades of red. "Wow. You're adorable. Hanji, I'm keeping your brother. Don't file a missing persons report. He belongs to me now."

  Okay, now I'm turning a hundred shades of red. "What the wha—?!"

  "Of course, sweetie! Don't do anything until after the wedding! I don't want dear old-fashioned dad to have a heart attack!"

  I facepalm. No one's paying attention, so if I can just get back inside and finish closing– welp, I tried.

  "Eren! Don't go without a goodbye hug!" Hanji wails dramatically as they squeeze me tightly.

  I finally escape her grasp, stepping back to catch my breath. Levi watches in amusement, and I give an embarrassed wave farewell to both of them as I step back inside.

  I sigh before going to the registers. Eld and Gunther clock out. "Goodbye, fellas! See you Friday!"

  They holler back and leave quickly.

  I close the registers and lock the doors, flipping the sign. Hanji's Rover is gone, so I clock out and double check the place. On a table in the diner, a folded slip of paper sits close. I unfold it and swear that my heart summersaults in my chest all over the place.



You're cute, brat. Call me?

417-057-0104 ~ Levi A. ;)


  I grin, knowing I was alone. My face warms, a subtle blush taking over. I take my phone out and add his contact into the device.


profile picture of a white dove, Name: Levi 💘, Nickname: L 🩰😍🍵

  Remembering the encounter with my sister and how Levi didn't attempt to help me from her last hug, I decide to make him wait for my text.

  I leave through the back door, clicking the unlock button on my electric key to my Honda. I climb into the car and start it, buckling up and backing out of the small parking lot. When I get home, I lock my car after I'm out and unlock the front door, slipping inside and immediately locking it behind me. Mail is sitting in a pile on the accent table of the entryway.

  I flip through it, tossing junk mail away and slicing the letter open from my mother.




       Hey, sweetie. How is everything? How's the café going? I'm calling with a wonder of when you're coming to visit. Hanji comes twice a week! It's rude to keep your mother waiting, you know?! And don't come until you have a date! I love you, darling. See you soon hopefully.

You're mother,

Carla ♡


  It's short and to the point, just like my mother. I fold it back and walk to my bedroom. I throw my dirty clothes and apron into the hamper and step into the master bath. I warm up the shower water to hot temps and step in to shower off the days filth and sweat.

  Once I'm clean, I step out and dry with a fluffy white towel as I return to my bedroom. I dress in plain black boxers and purple basketball shorts, place my wallet on my dresser, plug my phone into its charger, and set the note from Mom next to it on my nightstand. I tour the house to make sure all lights are off before I go to bed.


2189 word count

I love you! See you in the next chapter!

Omista sydämesi arvokkaalle asialle! (Dedicate your hearts to a worthy cause!)

{|°*`•·.🍵Lavi Dominik Hunter🗝️.·•`*°|}


Ten chapters might change to more. I don't know yet. We'll see as I post. Minä rakastan sinua! (I love you!)

Series this work belongs to: