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[Art] Photogenicity | Фотогеничность
fandom Kylux and Co 2022 (Our_Own_Star_Wars)
"I'm fat for pictures!" Ren was angry.А
"You're handsome... dummy", said Hux.
"You're one to talk". |— Я жирный для фото! — злился Рен.
— Ты красивый... болван — сказал Хакс.
— Сам ты красивый!
- Inspired by Принц и волшебная лягушка by fandom SW IX - Duel of the Fates 2020 (Our_Own_Star_Wars), sexmalvina
Вдохновлено фиком Принц и волшебная лягушка от sexmalvina.
Series this work belongs to:
Yamiai44, rosamundwatson, startrasherbase, Lenuchka, Kyluxshipismyfav, Neri_smile, User_with_no_name, AtlinMerrick, BastardlyOctoberSon, Eleonora_Alva, Magdalena_sylar, discokonomi, Shavambaku, diesnefasti, Melidira, Asexualbutterfly544, Levitation, MaudeZbornak, LillithBby, MsModernity, squire, Treffy_Ot, FO_special_agent, Izverg, PriestSat, TheWitcher, Lomvi, Gardulla_the_Hutt, Anoosha, Efah, and sexmalvina as well as 22 guests left kudos on this work!
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